Synopsis of Forum System
Short Description
The main objective of the Project on Forum System is to manage the details of Forum, Users, Registrations, Posts, Replie...
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd
^ikh - 9
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd ^ikh Of.
Pfpag Patch
Patch fl tmh prfjhgt
Aotrf`ugtafo fl tmh ^rfjhgt
Ibstrigt fl tmh ^rfjhgt ^rfjhgt
Fbjhgtavh fl tmh ^rfjhgt
Wgfph fl tmh ^rfjhgt
Rhpfrts fl tmh prfjhgt
Df`uchs fl tmh ^rfjhgt
Aoput `iti io` vica`itafo fl tmh prfjhgt
Lhiturhs fl tmh prfjhgt
Wfltwirh Rhquarhhot Wphgalagitafo
A`hotalagitafo fl ohh`
Lhisabacat! Wtu`!
W!sth `hsa"o fl tmh prfjhgt
#shr Aothrligh $hsa"o
^rhcaaoir! ^rf`ugt $hsgraptafos
^rfjhgt %ith"fr!
Apchhotitafo Dhtmf`fcf"!
Pffcs io` ^citlfr & Wfltwirh Rhquarhhots
Pffcs io` ^citlfr & 'ir`wirh Rhquarhhots
W!sth Ioic!sas
$iti $agtafoir!
%fogcusafo fl tmh ^rfjhgt
Luturh sgfph fl tmh ^rfjhgt
(aatitafos fl tmh ^rfjhgt
)abcaf"ripm! io` rhlhrhoghs
^ikh - "
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd
#otrf$ugtafo fl t%h ^rf&hgt Lfrud Wysthd' Pmh *Lfru W!sth* mis bhho `hvhcfph` tf fvhrra`h tmh prfbchs prhviacao" ao tmh prigtagao" iouic s!sth+ Pmas sfltwirh as suppfrth` tf hcaaoith io` ao sfh gishs rh`ugh tmh mir`smaps ligh` b! tmas h,astao" s!sth+ Dfrhfvhr tmas s!sth as `hsa"oh` lfr tmh pirtagucir ohh` fl tmh gfpio! tf girr! fut fphritafos ao i sfftm io` hllhgtavh hllhgtavh ioohr+ Pmh ippcagitafo as rh`ugh` is ugm is pfssabch tf ivfa` hrrfrs wmach hothrao" tmh `iti+ At icsf prfva`hs hrrfr hssi"h wmach hothrao" aovica` `iti+ -f lfric .ofwch`"h as ohh`h` lfr tmh ushr tf ush tmas s!sth+ Pmus b! tmas icc at prfvhs at as ushr/lraho`c!+ Lfru W!sth > is `hsgrabh` ibfvh> gio chi` tf hrrfr lrhh> shgurh> rhcaibch io` list ioi"hhot s!sth+ At gio issast tmh ushr tf gfoghotrith fo tmhar ftmhr igtavatahs ritmhr tf gfoghotrith fo tmh rhgfr` .hhpao"+ Pmus at wacc mhcp fr"ioaitafo ao bhtthr utacaitafo fl rhsfurghs+ 2vhr! fr"ioaitafo> fr"ioaitafo> wmhtmhr wmhtmhr ba" fr sicc> mis gmiccho"hs gmiccho"hs tf fvhrgfh fvhrgfh io` ioi"ao" ioi"ao" tmh aolfrit aolfritafos afos fl #shrs> #shrs> Lfru> Lfru> ^fsts> ^fsts> ^fccs> ^fccs> Rhpcahs Rhpcahs++ 2vhr! 2vhr! Lfru Lfru W!sth W!sth mis `allhrhot Lfru ohh`s> tmhrhlfrh wh `hsa"o h,gcusavh hpcf!hh ioi"hhot s!sths tmit irh i`ipth` tf !fur ioi"hraic rhquarhhots+ Pmas as `hsa"oh` tf issast ao strith"ag pciooao"> io` wacc mhcp !fu hosurh tmit !fur fr"ioaitafo as hquapph` watm tmh ra"mt chvhc fl aolfritafo io` `htiacs lfr !fur luturh "fics+ Icsf> lfr tmfsh bus! h,hgutavh wmf irh icwi!s fo tmh "f> fur s!sths gfh watm rhfth igghss lhiturhs> wmagm wacc iccfw !fu tf ioi"h !fur wfr.lfrgh wfr.lfrgh io!tah> it icc tahs+ Pmhsh s!sths wacc uctaithc! iccfw !fu !fu tf bhtthr ioi"h rhsfurghs+
^ikh - 7
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd ()strigt fl t%h ^rf&hgt Lfrud Wysthd' Pmh purpfsh fl Lfru W!sth as tf iutfith tmh h,astao" iouic s!sth b! tmh mhcp fl gfp gfputhr uthrah` ah` hqu hquaph aphots ots io` lucc lucc/lch /lch`"h `"h` ` gfp gfputhr uthr sflt sfltwir wirh> h> lucl luclacca accao" o" tmh tmhar ar rhquarhhots> sf tmit tmhar vicuibch `iti7aolfritafo gio bh stfrh` lfr i cfo"hr phraf` watm his! igghssao" io` ioapucitafo fl tmh sih+ Pmh rhquarh` sfltwirh io` mir`wirh irh hisac! iviacibch io` his! tf wfr. watm+
Lfru W!sth> is `hsgrabh` ibfvh> gio chi` tf hrrfr lrhh> shgurh> rhcaibch io` list ioi"hhot s!sth+ At gio issast tmh ushr tf gfoghotrith fo tmhar ftmhr igtavatahs ritmhr tf gfoghotrith fo tmh rhgfr` .hhpao"+ Pmus at wacc mhcp fr"ioaitafo ao bhtthr utacaitafo fl rhsfurghs+ Pmh fr"ioaitafo gio iaotiao gfputhrah` rhgfr`s watmfut rh`uo`iot hotrahs+ Pmit hios tmit foh ohh` oft bh `astrigth` b! aolfritafo tmit as oft rhchviot> wmach bhao" ibch tf rhigm tmh aolfritafo+ Pmh ia as tf iutfith ats h,astao" iouic s!sth b! tmh mhcp fl gfputhrah` hquaphots io` lucc/lch`"h` gfputhr sfltwirh> luclaccao" tmhar rhquarhhots> sf tmit tmhar vicuibch `iti7aolfritafo gio bh stfrh` lfr i cfo"hr phraf` watm his! igghssao" io` ioapucitafo fl tmh sih+ )isagicc! tmh prfjhgt `hsgrabhs mfw tf ioi"h lfr "ff` phrlfriogh io` bhtthr shrvaghs lfr tmh gcahots+
^ikh - 0
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd *)&hgta+h fl fl ^rf&hgt fo fo Lfrud Lfrud Wysthd' Pmh iao fbjhgtavh fbjhgtavh fl tmh ^rfjhgt fo Lfru Lfru W!sth as tf ioi"h ioi"h tmh `htiacs `htiacs fl Lfru> Lfru> #shrs> #shrs> Rh"astr Rh"astritaf itafos> os> ^fsts> ^fsts> Rhpcahs Rhpcahs++ At ioi"hs ioi"hs icc tmh aolfrit aolfritafo afo ibfut ibfut Lfru> ^fccs> Rhpcahs> Lfru+ Pmh prfjhgt as tfticc! buact it i`aoastritavh ho` io` tmus foc! tmh i`aoastritfr as "uiriothh` tmh igghss+ Pmh purpfsh fl tmh prfjhgt as tf buac` io ippcagitafo prf"ri tf rh`ugh tmh iouic wfr. lfr ioi"ao" tmh Lfru> #shrs> ^fccs> Rh"astritafos+ At trig.s icc tmh `htiacs ibfut tmh Rh"astritafos> ^fsts> Rhpcahs+ Luogtafoicatahs prf+a$h$ )y Lfrud Wysthd irh is lfccf,s'
^rfva`hs ^rfva`hs tmh shirgma shirgmao" o" ligacata ligacatahs hs bish` bish` fo virafus virafus ligtfrs+ ligtfrs+ Wugm Wugm is Lfru> Lfru> Rh"astritafos> ^fsts> Rhpcahs Lfru W!sth icsf ioi"h tmh ^fccs `htiacs focaoh lfr ^fsts `htiacs> Rhpcahs `htiacs> Lfru+ At trig.s icc tmh aolfritafo fl #shrs> ^fccs> ^fsts hgt Dioi"h tmh aolfritafo fl #shrs Wmfws tmh aolfritafo io` `hsgraptafo fl tmh Lfru> Rh"astritafos Pf aogrhish hllagahog! fl ioi"ao" tmh Lfru> #shrs At `hics watm foatfrao" tmh aolfritafo io` triosigtafos fl ^fsts+ Dioi"h tmh aolfritafo fl Lfru 2`atao"> i``ao" io` up`itao" fl Rhgfr`s as aprfvh` wmagm rhsucts ao prfphr rhsfurgh ioi"hhot fl Lfru `iti+ Dioi"h tmh aolfritafo fl ^fsts
^ikh - 8
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd Aoth"ritafo fl icc rhgfr`s fl Rhpcahs+
^ikh - <
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd Wgfph fl t%h prf&hgt Lfrud Wysthd At i! mhcp gfcchgtao" phrlhgt ioi"hhot ao `htiacs+ Ao i vhr! smfrt tah> tmh gfcch gfcchgt gtafo afo wacc wacc bh fbvafu fbvafus> s> sapc sapch h io` shosa shosabc bch+ h+ At wacc wacc mhcp mhcp i phrsf phrsfo o tf .ofw .ofw tmh ioi"hhot fl pissh` !hir phrlhgtc! io` vava`c!+ At icsf mhcps ao gurrhot icc wfr.s rhcitavh tf Lfru W!sth+ At wacc bh icsf rh`ugh` tmh gfst fl gfcchgtao" gfcchgtao" tmh ioi"hhot 0 gfcchgtafo prfgh`urh wacc "f fo sfftmc!+ Fur Fur prfj prfjhg hgtt ias ias it )usa )usaoh ohss ss prfg prfghs hss s iutf iutfi ita tafo fo>> a+h+ a+h+ wh mivh mivh trah trah` ` tf gfputhrah virafus prfghsshs fl Lfru W!sth+ Ao gfputhr s!sth tmh phrsfo mis tf lacc tmh virafus lfrs 0 oubhr fl gfpahs fl tmh lfrs gio bh hisac! "hohrith` it i tah+ Ao gfputhr s!sth> at as oft ohghssir! tf grhith tmh ioalhst but wh gio `arhgtc! praot at> wmagm sivhs fur tah+ Pf issast tmh still ao gipturao" tmh hllfrt sphot fo tmhar rhsphgtavh" irhis+ Pf utacah rhsfurghs ao io hllagahot ioohr b! aogrhisao" tmhar prf`ugtavat! tmrfu"m iutfitafo+ Pmh Pmh s!st s!sth h "hoh "hohri rith ths s t!ph t!phs s fl aolf aolfr rit itaf afo o tmit tmit gio gio bh ush` ush` lfr lfr vira virafu fus s purpfshs+ At sitasl! tmh ushr rhquarhhot )h his! tf uo`hrstio` b! tmh ushr io` fphritfr )h his! tf fphrith 'ivh i "ff` ushr aothrligh )h h,pio`ibch $hcavhrh` fo sgmh`uch watmao tmh bu`"ht+
^ikh - ;
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd hpfrts fl Lfrud Wysthd' At "hohriths tmh rhpfrt fo Lfru> #shrs>^fccs ^rfva`h lacthr rhpfrts fo Rh"astritafos> ^fsts> Rhpcahs 8fu gio hisac! h,pfrt ^$L lfr tmh Lfru>^fccs> ^fsts Ippcagitafo Ippcagitafo icsf prfva`hs h,ghc h,pfrt h,pfrt lfr #shrs> #shrs> Rh"astritafo Rh"astritafos> s> Rhpcahs Rhpcahs 8fu gio icsf h,pfrt tmh rhpfrt aotf gsv lfrit lfr Lfru> #shrs> Rhpcahs
f$uchs fl Lfrud Wysthd' • • • •
• • • •
Lfru Dioi"hhot Df`uch< #sh` lfr ioi"ao" tmh Lfru `htiacs+ Rhpcahs Df`uch < #sh` lfr ioi"ao" tmh `htiacs fl Rhpcahs ^fccs Df`uch < #sh` lfr ioi"ao" tmh `htiacs fl ^fccs #shrs Dioi"hhot Df`uch< #sh` lfr ioi"ao" tmh aolfritafo io` `htiacs fl tmh #shrs+ Rh"astritafos Df`uch < #sh` lfr ioi"ao" tmh Rh"astritafos `htiacs ^fsts Df`uch < #sh` lfr ioi"ao" tmh ^fsts aolfritafos (f"ao Df`uch< #sh` lfr ioi"ao" tmh cf"ao `htiacs #shrs Df`uch < #sh` lfr ioi"ao" tmh ushrs fl tmh s!sth
^ikh - =
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd #oput /iti io$ >ica >ica$itafo $itafo fl ^rf&hgt fo Lfrud Wysthd Icc tmh lahc`s sugm is Lfru> Rh"astritafos> Rhpcahs irh vica`ith` io` `fhs oft ti.h aovica` vicuhs 2igm lfr lfr Lfru> #shrs>^fccs gio oft igghpt bcio. vicuh lahc`s Ivfa`ao" Ivfa`ao" hrrfrs hrrfrs ao `iti %fotrfccao" ifuot fl aoput Aoth"ritafo fl icc tmh f`uchs7lfrs ao tmh s!sth+ ^rhpiritafo fl tmh thst gishs+ ^rhpiritafo fl tmh pfssabch thst `iti watm icc tmh vica`itafo gmhg.s+ Igtuic thstao" thstao" `foh `foh iouicc!+ iouicc!+ Rhgfr`ao" fl icc tmh rhprf`ugh` hrrfrs+ Df`alagitafos `foh lfr tmh hrrfrs lfuo` `urao" thstao"+ ^rhpirh` tmh thst rhsuct sgrapts ilthr rhgtalagitafo fl tmh hrrfrs+ Luogtafoicat! fl tmh hotarh f`uch7lfrs+ ;ica`itafos lfr ushr aoput+" fl tmh %f`ao" stio`ir`s tf bh iaotiaoh` `urao" gf`ao"+ Phstao" tmh f`uch watm icc tmh pfssabch thst `iti+ Phstao" fl tmh luogtafoicat! aovfcvao" icc t!ph fl gicgucitafos htg+
^ikh -
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd %fhotao" stio`ir` ao tmh sfurgh lachs+ P%h sflt,irh uicaty pcio ,h ,acc ush t%h lfccf,aok W2( Wtrithky' •
Ao tmh larst sthp> wh wacc shchgt tmh thst ligtfrs io` rio. tmh+ Pmh shchgth` thst ligtfrs sugm is rhcaibacat!> iaotiaoibacat!> pfrtibacat! fr htg> wacc bh pcigh` ao tmh
itra, iggfr`ao" tf tmhar rio.s+ Pmh shgfo` sthp as lfr a`hotal!ao" tmh pmishs fl tmh `hvhcfphot prfghss+ Pmh
pmish smfuc` bh rhgfr`h` ao tmh itra,+ Pmh tmar` sthp as tmit a`hotal!ao" tmh busaohss ras.s fl tmh sfltwirh `hcavhribchs+ Pmh ras.s wacc bh rio.h` aotf tmrhh rio.s sugm is ma"m> h`au io` cfw+
^ikh - 9!
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd Lhiturhs fl t%h prf&hgt Lfrud Wysthd' •
^rf`ugt io` %fpfohot bish`
%rhitao" 0 %mio"ao" Assuhs it hish
=uhr! Assuh (ast tf io! `hptm
Rhpfrtao" 0 %mirtao" ao frh gfprhmhosavh wi!
#shr Iggfuots tf gfotrfc tmh igghss io` iaotiao shgurat!
Wapch Wtitus 0 Rhsfcutafos
Ducta/chvhc ^rafratahs 0 Whvhratahs+
Pir"hts 0 Dachstfohs lfr "ua`ao" tmh prf"rihrs
Ittigmhots Ittigmhots 0 I``atafoic I``atafoic %fhots %fhots lfr lfr frh aolfritafo aolfritafo
Rfbust `itibish big./ho`
;irafus chvhc fl rhpfrts iviacibch watm i cft fl lacthr grathrai1s
At gfotiao bhtthr stfri"h gipigat!+
Iggurig! ao wfr.+
2is! 0 list rhtrahvic fl aolfritafo+
:hcc `hsa"oh` rhpfrts+
$hgrhish tmh cfi` fl tmh phrsfo aovfcvh ao h,astao" iouic s!sth+
Igghss fl io! aolfritafo aolfritafo ao`ava`uicc!+ ao`ava`uicc!+
:fr. bhgfhs vhr! sphh`!+
2is! tf up`ith aolfritafo
^ikh - 99
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd Wflt,irh huarhdhot Wphgalagitafo Pmh Wfltwirh Rhquarhhots Wphgalagitafo as prf`ugh` it tmh gucaoitafo fl tmh ioic!sas tis.+ Pmh luogtafo io` phrlfriogh iccfgith` tf sfltwirh is pirt fl s!sth ho"aohhrao" irh rhlaoh` b! hstibcasmao" i gfpchth aolfritafo `hsgraptafo> i `htiach` luogtafoic io` bhmivafric `hsgraptafo> io ao`agitafo fl phrlfriogh rhquarhhots io` `hsa `hsa"o "o gfos gfostr tria iaot ots> s> ippr ipprfp fpra rait ith h vica vica`i `ita tafo fo grat grathr hrai ai>> io` io` ftmh ftmhrr `iti `iti phrt phrtao aoho hott tf rhquarhhots+
P%h prfpfsh$ systhd %is t%h lfccf,aok rhuarhdhots'
W!sth ohh`s stfrh aolfritafo ibfut ohw hotr! fl Lfru+ W!sth ohh`s tf mhcp tmh aothroic still tf .hhp aolfritafo fl #shrs io` lao` tmh is phr virafus quhrahs+ W!sth ohh` tf iaotiao quiotat! rhgfr`+ W!sth ohh` tf .hhp tmh rhgfr` fl Rh"astritafos+ W!sth ohh` tf up`ith io` `hchth tmh rhgfr`+ W!sth icsf ohh`s i shirgm irhi+ At icsf ohh`s i shgurat! s!sth tf prhvhot `iti+
^ikh - 9"
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd #$hotalagitafo fl ohh$' Pmh fc` iouic s!sth wis sullhrao" lrf i shrahs fl `riwbig.s+ Waogh wmfch fl tmh s!sth wis tf bh iaotiaoh` watm mio`s tmh prfghss fl .hhpao"> iaotiaoao" io` rhtrahvao" tmh aolfritafo wis vhr! th`afus io` cho"tm!+ Pmh rhgfr`s whrh ohvhr ush` tf bh ao i s!sthitag fr`hr+ tmhrh ush` tf bh cfts fl `allaguctahs ao issfgaitao" io! pirtagucir triosigtafo watm i pirtagucir gfoth,t+ Al io! aolfritafo wis tf bh lfuo` at wis rhquarh` tf "f tmrfu"m tmh `allhrhot rh"asthrs> `fguhots tmhrh wfuc` ohvhr h,ast io!tmao" ca.h rhpfrt rhpfrt "hohri "hohritafo tafo++ Pmhrh Pmhrh wfuc` wfuc` icwi!s icwi!s bh uoohgh uoohghssir! ssir! gfosuptaf gfosuptafo o fl tah wmach wmach hothrao" rhgfr`s io` rhtrahvao" rhgfr`s+ Foh frh prfbch wis tmit at wis vhr! `allaguct tf lao` hrrfrs wmach hothrao" tmh rhgfr`s+ Fogh tmh rhgfr`s whrh hothrh` at wis vhr! `allaguct tf up`ith tmhsh rhgfr`s+ Pmh rhisfo bhmao` at as tmit tmhrh as cft fl aolfritafo tf bh iaotiaoh` io` mivh tf bh .hpt ao ao` wmach ruooao" tmh busaohss +Lfr tmas rhisfo wh mivh prfva`h` lhiturhs ^rhshot s!sth as pirtaicc! iutfith` 5gfputhrah`3> 5gfputhrah`3> igtuicc! h,astao" s!sth as quath cibfrafus is foh mis tf hothr sih aolfritafo it tmrhh `allhrhot pcighs+ Lfccf,aok pfaots s%fuc$ )h ,hcc gfosa$hrh$' •
$fguhots io` rhpfrts tmit ust bh prfva`h` b! tmh ohw s!sth< tmhrh gio icsf bh lhw rhpfrt rhpfrts> s> wmagm wmagm gio gio mhcp mhcp ioi" ioi"hh hhot ot ao `hgas `hgasafo afo/i /i.a .ao" o" io` io` gfst gfst gfotrfccao"> but saogh tmhsh rhpfrts `f oft "ht rhquarh` itthotafo> sugm .ao` fl rhpfrts io` aolfritafo whrh icsf a`hotalah` io` "avho rhquarh` itthotafo+
$htiacs fl tmh aolfritafo ohh`h` lfr higm `fguhot io` rhpfrt+
Pmh rhquarh` lrhquhog! io` `astrabutafo lfr higm `fguhot+
^rfbibch sfurghs fl aolfritafo lfr higm `fguhot io` rhpfrt+
:atm tmh apchhotitafo fl gfputhrah` s!sth> tmh tis. fl .hhpao" rhgfr`s ao io fr"i fr"ioa oah h` ` ioo ioohr hr wacc wacc bh sfcv sfcvh` h`++ Pmh Pmh "rhi "rhith thst st fl icc icc as tmh tmh rhtr rhtrah ahvi vicc fl
^ikh - 97
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd aolfritafo> wmagm wacc bh it tmh gcag. fl tmh fush+ Wf tmh prfpfsh` s!sth mhcps ao sivao" tmh tah ao `allhrhot fphritafos io`" aolfritafo lcfw his! "avao" vicuibch rhpfrts+
^ikh - 90
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd Lhisa)acaty Wtu$y' Ilthr `fao" tmh prfjhgt Lfru W!sth> stu`! io` ioic!ao" ioic!ao" icc tmh h,astao" fr rhquarh` luogtafoicatahs fl tmh s!sth> tmh oh,t tis. as tf `f tmh lhisabacat! stu`! lfr tmh prfjhgt+ Icc prfjhgts irh lhisabch / "avho uocaath` rhsfurghs io` aolaoath tah+ Lhisabacat! stu`! aogcu`hs gfosa`hritafo fl icc tmh pfssabch wi!s tf prfva`h i sfcutafo tf tmh "avho prfbch+ Pmh prfpfsh` sfcutafo smfuc` sitasl! icc tmh ushr rhquarhhots io` smfuc` bh lch,abch hofu"m sf tmit luturh gmio"hs gio bh hisac! `foh bish` fo tmh luturh upgfao" rhquarhhots+ (. gfofdagic Lhisa)acaty
Pmas as i vhr! apfrtiot isphgt tf bh gfosa`hrh` gfosa`hrh` wmach `hvhcfpao" `hvhcfpao" i prfjhgt+ :h `hga`h` tmh thgmofcf"! bish` fo aoau pfssabch gfst ligtfr+ • •
Icc mir`wirh mir`wirh io` sfltwirh sfltwirh gfst mis tf bh bfroh bfroh b! tmh tmh fr"ioaitafo+ fr"ioaitafo+ Fvhricc wh mivh hstaith` tmit tmh bhohlats tmh fr"ioaitafo as "fao" tf rhghavh lrf tmh prfpfsh` s!sth wacc surhc! fvhrgfh tmh aoataic gfsts io` tmh cithr fo ruooao" gfst lfr s!sth+
. Phg%oagic Lhisa)acaty
Pmas aogcu`h` tmh stu`! fl luogtafo> phrlfriogh io` gfostriaots tmit i! illhgt tmh tmh ibaca ibacat! t! tf igma igmahvh hvh io igghp igghpti tibch bch s!st s!sth+ h+ Lfr Lfr tmas tmas lhisa lhisaba bacat cat! ! stu`! stu`!>> wh stu`ah stu`ah` ` gfpc gfpchth hth luogt luogtafo afoic icat! at! tf bh prfva` prfva`h` h` ao tmh tmh s!st s!sth> h> is `hsg `hsgrab rabh` h` ao tmh W!sth W!sth Rhqua Rhquarh rhho hott Wphg Wphgala alagit gitaf afo o 5WRW 5WRW3> 3> io` io` gmhg. gmhg.h` h` al hvhr! hvhr!tma tmao" o" wis wis pfss pfssabc abch h usao" usao" `allhrhot t!ph fl lrfotho` io` big.ho` pcilfrst+
. *phritafoic Lhisa)acaty
-f `fubt tmh prfpfsh` s!sth as lucc! 4#A bish` tmit as vhr! ushr lraho`c! io` icc aoputs tf bh ti.ho icc shcl/h,pcioitfr! shcl/h,pcioitfr! hvho tf i ci!io+ )hsa`hs> i prfphr triaoao" mis bhho gfo`ugth` tf cht .ofw tmh hsshogh fl tmh s!sth tf tmh ushrs sf tmit tmh! lhhc gflfrtibch gflfrtibch watm ohw s!sth+ Is lir fur stu`! as gfoghroh` gfoghroh` tmh gcahots irh gflfrtibch io` mipp! is tmh s!sth mis gut `fwo tmhar cfi`s io` `fao"+
^ikh - 98
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd Wysthd /hsako fl Lfrud Wysthd Ao tmas pmish> i cf"agic s!sth as buact wmagm luclacs tmh "avho rhquarhhots+ $hsa"o pmish fl sfltwirh `hvhcfphot `hics watm trioslfrao" tmh gcahots1s rhquarhhots aotf i cf"agicc!" s!sth+ -fricc!> -fricc!> `hsa"o as phrlfrh` ao tmh lfccfwao" lfccfwao" ao tmh lfccfwao" twf sthps< 9. ^radi ^radiry ry /hs /hsak ako o ^%is ^%ish' h' Ao tmas pmish> tmh s!sth as `hsa"oh` it bcfg. chvhc+ Pmh bcfg.s irh grhith` fo
tmh bisas fl ioic!sas `foh ao tmh prfbch a`hotalagitafo pmish+ $allhrhot bcfg.s irh grhith` lfr `allhrhot luogtafos hpmisas as put fo aoaasao" tmh aolfritafo lcfw bhtwhho bcfg.s+ Pmus> icc igtavatahs wmagm rhquarh frh aothrigtafo irh .hpt ao foh bcfg.+ ". Whgf Whgfo$ o$iry iry /hs /hsak ako o ^%is ^%ish' h' Ao tmh shgfo`ir! pmish tmh `htiach` `hsa"o fl hvhr! bcfg. as phrlfrh`+
P%h khohric tiss ao+fc+h$ ao t%h $hsako prfghss irh t%h lfccf,aok' 9. ". 7. 0. 8. gfpigt io` wfr.ibch f`uchs ao higm bcfg.+ $hsa"o virafus `itibish strugturhs+ Wphgal! `htiacs fl prf"ris tf igmahvh `hsarh` luogtafoicat!+ $hsa"o tmh lfr fl aoputs> io` futputs fl tmh s!sth+ ^hrlfr `fguhotitafo fl tmh `hsa"o+ W!sth rhvahws+
^ikh - 9<
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd shr #othrligh /hsako #shr Aothrligh $hsa"o as gfoghroh` watm tmh `aicf"uh bhtwhho i ushr io` tmh gfputhr+ At as gfoghroh` watm hvhr!tmao" lrf stirtao" tmh s!sth fr cf""ao" aotf tmh s!sth tf tmh hvhotuicc! hvhotuicc! prhshotitafo fl `hsarh` aoputs io` futputs+ Pmh fvhricc lcfw fl sgrhhos io` hssi"hs as gicch` i `aicf"uh+ P%h lfccf,aok sthps irh +irafus kua$hcaohs lfr shr #othrligh /hsako' 9. Pmh s!sth ushr smfuc` icwi!s bh iwirh fl wmit tf `f oh,t+
aostrugtafos ". Pmh sgrhho smfuc` bh lfritth` sf tmit virafus t!phs fl aolfritafo> aostrugtafos io` hssi"hs icwi!s ipphir ao tmh sih "hohric `aspci! irhi+ 7. Dhssi"h> aostrugtafos fr aolfritafo smfuc` bh `aspci!h` cfo" hofu"m tf iccfw
tmh s!sth ushr tf rhi` tmh+ 0. #sh `aspci! ittrabuths spirao"c!+ 8. $hliuct vicuhs lfr lahc`s io` ioswhrs tf bh hothrh` b! tmh ushr smfuc` bh
sphgalah`+ smfuc` oft bh iccfwh` iccfwh` tf prfghh` prfghh` watmfut watmfut gfrrhgtao" gfrrhgtao" io io hrrfr+ hrrfr+ at as tmh gfcchgtao" fl aolfritafo aolfritafo tmit mhcps gfatthh hbhrs tf hvicuith tmh hrats fl tmh prfjhgt rhquhst io` i.h io aolfrh` ju`"hot ibfut tmh lhisabacat! fl tmh prfpfsh` prfjhgt+ (oicysts ,fraok fo t%h prhcadaoiry ao+hstakitafo s%fuc$ iggfdpcas% t%h lfccf,aok f)&hgta+hs'
%ciral! io` uo`hrstio` tmh prfjhgt rhquhst $hthraoh tmh sah fl tmh prfjhgt+ Isshss gfsts io` bhohlats fl icthroitavh icthroitavh ipprfigmhs ipprfigmhs++ $hthraoh tmh thgmoagic io` fphritafoic lhisabacat! fl icthroitavh ipprfigmhs+ Rhpf Rhpfrt rt tmh tmh lao`a lao`ao"s o"s tf ioi" ioi"hh hhot ot>> watm watm rhgf rhgfho ho`it `itafo afos s futcao futcaoao" ao" tmh igghptiogh fr rhjhgtafo fl tmh prfpfsic+
hohlat tf *rkioaitafo
Pmh Pm h fr fr"i "ioa oait itafo afo wa wacccc fbv fbvafu afusc! sc! bh ib ibch ch tf "i "iao ao bh bhohl ohlats ats su sugm gm is si sivao vao"s "s ao fphritao" gfst> rh`ugtafo ao piphrwfr.> bhtthr utacaitafo fl muio rhsfurghs io` frh prhshotibch ai"h aogrhisao" "ff`wacc+
P%h #oataic fst
Pmh aoataic gfst fl shttao" up tmh s!sth wacc aogcu`h tmh gfst fl mir`wirh sfltwirh 5FW> i``/fo sfltwirh> utacatahs3 0 cibfur 5shtup 0 iaothoiogh3+ Pmh sih mis tf bhir b! tmh fr"ioaitafo+
^ikh - 9=
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd uooaok fst
)hsa`hs> tmh aoataic gfst tmh cfo" thr gfst wacc aogcu`h tmh ruooao" gfst lfr tmh s!sth s!sth aogcu`a aogcu`ao" o" tmh ID%> stitafoir! stitafoir! gmir"hs gmir"hs>> gfst lfr muio muio rhsfurg rhsfurghs> hs> gfst lfr up`ith7rhohwic fl virafus rhcith` sfltwirh+ Ohh$ lfr Priaoaok
Pmh Pm h us ushr hrs s ic icfo fo" " wat atm m tm tmh h i` i`a aoa oast stri ritf tfrr oh ohh` h` tf bh tr tria iaoh oh` ` it tm tmh h ta tah h fl apchhotitafo fl tmh s!sth lfr sfftm ruooao" fl tmh s!sth+ Pmh gcahot wacc prfva`h tmh triaoao" sath+ :h tic.h` tf tmh ioi"hhot phfpch wmf whrh ioi"ao" i tmh laoiogaic assuhs fl tmh ghothr> tmh still wmf whrh .hhpao" tmh rhgfr`s ao cfts fl rh"asthrs io` tmh rhpfr rhpfrtao tao" " ioi" ioi"hr hr rh"ir rh"ir`ao `ao" " tmhar tmhar h,ast h,astao" ao" s!sth s!sth> > tmhar tmhar rhqua rhquarh rhho hots ts io` io` tmhar tmhar h,phgtitafos lrf tmh ohw prfpfsh` s!sth+ Pmho> wh `a` tmh s!sth stu`! fl tmh hotarh s!sth bish` fo tmhar rhquarhhots io` tmh i``atafoic lhiturhs tmh! wioth` tf aogfrpfrith ao tmas s!sth+ Rhcaibch> iggurith io` shgurh `iti wis icsf gfosa`hrh` tf bh i gfpch, tis. watmfut tmas prfpfsh` s!sth+ )hgiush tmhrh wis of sugm rhgfr` lfr .hhpao" trig. fl icc tmh igtavatahs> wmagm wis `foh b! tmh Lfru W!sth fo tmh `iac! bisas+ Pmh ohw s!sth prfpfsh` io` tmho `hvhcfph` b! h wacc hish tmh tis. fl tmh fr"ioaitafo ao gfosa`hritafo+ At wacc bh mhcpluc ao "hohritao" tmh rhquarh` rhpfrts b! tmh still> wmagm wacc mhcp tmh tf trig. tmhar prf"rhss io` shrvaghs+ Pmus> at wacc hish tmh tis. fl Dioi"hhot tf i "rhit h,thot is icc tmh ijfr igtavatahs tf bh phrlfrh`> irh gfputhrah` tmrfu"m tmas s!sth+
^ikh - 9
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd
^rf&hgt ithkfry Rhcitafoic $itibish Dioi"hhot W!sth 5R$)DW3 < Pmas as io R$)DW bish` prfjhgt wmagm wmagm as gurrh gurrhotc otc! ! usao" usao" D!W= D!W=( ( lfr lfr icc icc tmh tmh trios triosigt igtafo afo stith stithho hots+ ts+ D!W= D!W=( ( as io fphosfurgh R$)DW W!sth+ rahl #otrf$ugtafo i)fut /W '
I rhcitafoic `itibish `itibish ioi"hhot ioi"hhot s!sth 5R$)DW3 5R$)DW3 as i `itibish `itibish ioi"hhot ioi"hhot s!sth 5$)DW3 tmit as bish` fo tmh rhcitafoic f`hc is aovhoth` b! 2+ L+ %f``> fl A)D?s Wio 6fsh Rhshirgm (ibfritfr!+ Dio! pfpucir `itibishs gurrhotc! ao ush irh bish` fo tmh rhcitafoic `itibish f`hc+ R$)DWs mivh bhgfh i prh`faoiot gmfagh lfr tmh stfri"h fl aolfritafo ao ohw `itib `itibis ishs hs ush` ush` lfr lfr laoio laoioga gaic ic rhgfr rhgfr`s `s>> iouli iouligtu gturao rao" " io` io` cf"as cf"astag tagic ic aolfr aolfrit itafo afo>> phrsfoohc `iti> io` ugm frh saogh tmh 9NBs+ Rhcitafoic `itibishs mivh fltho rhpcigh` ch"ig! mahrirgmagic `itibishs io` ohtwfr. `itibishs bhgiush tmh! irh hisahr tf uo`hrstio` io` ush+ 'fwhvhr> rhcitafoic rhcitafoic `itibishs mivh bhho gmiccho"h` gmiccho"h` b! fbjhgt `itib `itibis ishs hs>> wmagm wmagm whrh whrh aotrf aotrf`u `ugh` gh` ao io itthp itthptt tf i``rh i``rhss ss tmh tmh fbjhg fbjhgt/r t/rhci hcitaf tafoic oic aph`iogh asitgm ao rhcitafoic `itibish> io` GD( `itibishs+
^ikh - "!
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd #dpchdhotitafo ht%f$fcfky' Df`hc ;ahw %fotrfcchr fr D;% is at as pfpucirc! gicch`> as i sfltwirh `hsa"o pitthro lfr `hvhcfpao" whb ippcagitafos+ I Df`hc ;ahw %fotrfcchr pitthro as i`h up fl tmh lfccfwao" tmrhh pirts< • • •
f$hc / Pmh cfwhst chvhc fl tmh pitthro wmagm as rhspfosabch lfr iaotiaoao" `iti+ >ah, / Pmas as rhspfosabch lfr `aspci!ao" icc fr i pfrtafo fl tmh `iti tf tmh ushr+ / Wfltwirh %f`h tmit gfotrfcs tmh aothrigtafos bhtwhho tmh Df`hc io` fotrfcchr /
;ahw+ D;% as pfpucir is at asfciths tmh ippcagitafo cf"ag lrf tmh ushr aothrligh ci!hr io` suppfrts shpiritafo fl gfoghros+ 'hrh tmh %fotrfcchr %fotrfcchr rhghavhs icc rhquhsts lfr tmh ippcagitafo io` tmho wfr.s watm tmh Df`hc tf prhpirh io! `iti ohh`h` b! tmh ;ahw+ Pmh ;ahw tmho ushs tmh `iti prhpirh` b! tmh %fotrfcchr tf "hohrith i laoic prhshotibch rhspfosh+ Pmh D;% ibstrigtafo gio bh "ripmagicc! rhprhshoth` is lfccfws+ > 1f$hc >ah, fotrfcchr Lcf,: /aikrid /(P( /(P( L5*3 /#(4(W /# (4(W Pffcs?^citlfrd6
Nir$,irh io$ Wflt,irh
huarhdhots' Oidh fl gfdpfohot *phritaok Wysthd
Wphgalagitafo :ao`fw :ao `fws s N> :ao :ao`f `fws ws G^ G^>> :ao :ao`f `fws ws@> @>
^ikh - "9
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd
5iokuikh /iti)ish rf,shr 3h) Whr+hr Wflt,irh /h+hcfpdhot Iat Wgraptaok 5iokuikh oi)ch /iti)ish B/ /ra+hr
(aou, 6ivi H Ruotah 2ovarfohot D!W=( Whrvhr Io! fl Dfacci> Dfacci> Fphri> Fphri> %mrfh %mrfh htg Pfgit @ 6ivi 6$ 9+@ fr Ibfvh 6W^ 56ivi Whrvhr ^i"hs3 D!W=( 6gfoohgtfr
Nir$,irh huarhdhots' Oidh fl gfdpfohot ^rfghssfr ( Nir$ $as foatfr Ihy)fir$ Ih y)fir$
Wphgalagitafo ^hotau AAA KMBD' 9H D) HB 4) 9J gfcfr foatfr 9HH .h!s
^ikh - ""
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd Wysthd (oicysas'
W!sth ioic!sas as i prfghss fl "itmhrao" io` aothrprhtao" ligts> `ai"ofsao" prfbchs io` tmh aolfritafo ibfut tmh Lfru W!sth tf rhgfho` aprfvhhots fo tmh tmh s!sth s!sth+ + At as i prfb prfbch ch sfcvao sfcvao" " igtav igtavat! at! tmit tmit rhquar rhquarhs hs aotho aothosav savh h gfu gfuoag oagita itafo fo bhtwhho tmh s!sth ushrs io` s!sth `hvhcfphrs+ W!sth ioic!sas fr stu`! as io apfrtiot pmish fl io! s!sth `hvhcfphot prfghss+ Pmh s!sth as stu`ah` tf tmh aouthst `htiac io` ioic!h`+ Pmh s!sth ioic!st pci!s tmh rfch fl tmh aothrrf"itfr io` `whccs `hhp aotf tmh" fl tmh prhshot s!sth+ Pmh s!sth as vahwh` is i wmfch io` tmh aoput tf tmh s!sth irh a`hotalah`+ Pmh futputs lrf tmh fr"ioaitafos irh trigh` tf tmh virafus prfghsshs+ W!sth ioic!sas as gfoghroh` watm bhgfao" iwirh fl tmh prfbch> a`hotal!ao" tmh rhchviot io` `hgasafoic viraibchs> ioic!ao" io` s!otmhsaao" tmh virafus ligtfrs io` `hthraoao" io fptaic fr it chist i sitasligtfr! sfcutafo fr prf"ri fl igtafo+ I `htiach` stu`! fl tmh prfghss ust bh i`h b! virafus thgmoaquhs ca.h ca.h aothrv aothrvahw ahws> s> quhst quhstafo afooi oiarh arhs s htg+ htg+ Pmh Pmh `iti `iti gfcch gfcchgth gth` ` b! tmhsh tmhsh sfurg sfurghs hs ust ust bh sgrutaoah` tf irravh tf i gfogcusafo+ Pmh gfogcusafo as io uo`hrstio`ao" fl mfw tmh s!sth luogtafos+ luogtafos+ Pmas s!sth as gicch` tmh h,astao" s!sth+ -fw tmh h,astao" s!sth as subjhgth` tf gcfsh stu`! io` prfbch irhis irh a`hotalah`+ Pmh `hsa"ohr ofw luogtafos is i prfbch sfcvhr io` trahs tf sfrt fut tmh `allaguctahs tmit tmh hothrprash lighs+ Pmh sfcutafos irh "avho is prfpfsics+ Pmh prfpfsic as tmho wha"mh` watm tmh h,astao" s!sth ioic!tagicc! io` tmh bhst foh as shchgth`+ Pmh prfpfsic as prhshoth` tf tmh ushr lfr io ho`frsh ho`frshhot hot b! tmh ushr+ ushr+ Pmh prfpfsic prfpfsic as rhvahwh rhvahwh` ` fo ushr ushr rhquhst rhquhst io` suatibc suatibch h gmio"hs irh i`h+ Pmas as cffp tmit ho`s is sffo is tmh ushr as sitaslah` watm prfpfsic+ ^rhc ^rhca aao aoir ir! ! stu` stu`! ! as tmh tmh prfg prfghs hss s fl "itm "itmhr hrao ao" " io` io` aoth aothrp rprh rhta tao" o" ligt ligts> s> usao usao" " tmh tmh aolfritafo lfr lurtmhr stu`ahs fo tmh s!sth+ ^rhcaaoir! stu`! as prfbch sfcvao" igtavat! tmit rhquarhs aothosavh gfuoagitafo bhtwhho tmh s!sth ushrs io` s!sth `hvhcfphrs+ At `fhs virafus lhisabacat! stu`ahs+ Ao tmhsh stu`ahs i rfu"m la"urh fl tmh s!sth igtavatahs gio bh fbtiaoh`> lrf wmagm tmh `hgasafo ibfut tmh strith"ahs tf bh lfccfwh` lfr hllhgtavh s!sth stu`! io` ioic!sas gio bh ti.ho+
^ikh - "7
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd
Gastaok Wysthd fl Lfrud Wysthd'
Ao tmh h,astao" s!sth tmh h,is irh `foh foc! iouicc! but ao prfpfsh` s!sth wh mivh tf gfputhrah tmh h,is usao" tmas ippcagitafo+ (ig. fl shgurat! fl `iti+ Dfrh io pfwhr+ Pah gfosuao"+ %fosuhs cir"h vfcuh fl pirh wfr.+ -hh`s iouic gicgucitafos+ -f `arhgt rfch lfr tmh ma"mhr fllagaics
^rfpfsh$ Wysthd fl Lfrud Wysthd'
Pmh ia fl prfpfsh` s!sth as tf `hvhcfp i s!sth fl aprfvh` ligacatahs+ Pmh prfpfsh` s!sth gio fvhrgfh icc tmh caatitafos fl tmh h,astao" s!sth+ Pmh s!sth prfva`hs prfphr shgurat! io` rh`ughs tmh iouic wfr.+ Whgurat! fl `iti+ 2osurh `iti iggurig!1s+ ^rfphr gfotrfc fl tmh ma"mhr fllagaics+ Daoaah iouic `iti hotr!+ Daoau tah ohh`h` lfr tmh virafus prfghssao"+ 4rhithr hllagahog!+ )htthr shrvagh+ #shr lraho`caohss io` aothrigtavh+ Daoau tah rhquarh`+
^ikh - "0
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd /iti /agtafoiry'
Pmas as ofricc! rhprhshoth` rhprhshoth` is tmh `iti ibfut `iti+ At as icsf thrh` is hti`iti sfh tahs wmagm "avhs tmh `iti ibfut tmh `iti stfrh` ao tmh `itibish+ `itibish+ At `hlaohs higm `iti thr hogfuothrh` `urao" tmh ioic!sas io` `hsa"o fl i ohw s!sth+ $iti hchhots gio `hsgrabh lachs fr tmh prfghsshs+ Lfccfwao" irh sfh ijfr s!bfcs ush` ao tmh `iti `agtafoir! •
E hquavichot tf
C io`
O hatmhr7 fr
53 Fptafoic hotr!
Lfccf,aok irh sfdh ruchs6 ,%ag% $hlaohs t%h gfostrugtafo fl $iti $agtafoiry hotrahs'
9+ :fr` :fr`s s smfuc smfuc` ` bh `hlaoh `hlaoh` ` tf uo`hrst uo`hrstio io` ` lfr wmit wmit tmh! tmh! ohh` ohh` io` oft tmh tmh viraibch ohh` b! wmagm tmh! i! bh `hsgrabh` ao tmh prf"ri + H+
2igm wf wfr` u ust bh bh uo uoaquh+ :h :h gi giooft mi mivh tw twf `h `hlaoatafo fl fl tm tmh sih gcahot+
Icaishs fr fr s! s!ofo!s ir irh ic iccfwh` wm wmho tw twf fr fr f frh ho hothrs sm smfws tmh sih hioao"+ Lfr h,ipch i vho`fr oubhr i! icsf bh gicch` is gustfhr oubhr+
+ I shcl/`hlaoao" shcl/`hlaoao" wfr` wfr` smfuc` oft oft bh `hgfpfsh`+ `hgfpfsh`+ At hios tmit tmit tmh rh`ugtafo rh`ugtafo fl io! aolfritafo ao tf subpirt smfuc` bh `foh foc! al at as rhicc! rhquarh` tmit as at as oft his! tf uo`hrstio` `arhgtc!+ $iti `agtafoir! aogcu`hs aolfritafo sugm is tmh oubhr fl rhgfr`s ao lach> tmh lrhquhog! i prfghss wacc ruo> shgurat! ligtfr ca.h piss wfr` wmagm ushr ust hothr tf "ht h,ghss tf tmh aolfritafo+
^ikh - "8
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd fogcusafo fl t%h ^rf&hgt Lfrud Wysthd'
Fur prfjhgt as foc! i mubch vhoturh tf sitasl! tmh ohh`s tf ioi"h tmhar prfjhgt wfr.+ Whvhric ushr lraho`c! gf`ao" gf`ao" mivh icsf i`fpth`+ Pmas Pmas pig.i"h smicc prfvh tf bh i pfwhrluc pig.i"h ao sitasl!ao" icc tmh rhquarhhots fl tmh sgmffc+ Pmh fbjhgtavh fl sfltw sfltwirh irh pcioo pciooao ao" " as tf prfva prfva`h `h i lrih lrih wfr. wfr. tmit tmit hoib hoibchs chs tmh io"h io"hrr tf i.h i.h rhisfoibch rhisfoibch hstaiths i`h watmao i caath` tah lrih it tmh bh"aooao" fl tmh sfltwirh sfltwirh prfjhgt io` smfuc` bh up`ith` rh"ucirc! is tmh prfjhgt prf"rhsshs+ (t t%h ho$ at as gfogcu$h$ t%it ,h %i+h di$h hllfrt fo lfccf,aok pfaots@ •
I `hsgraptaf `hsgraptafo o fl tmh big."rfuo` big."rfuo` io` io` gfoth,t gfoth,t fl tmh prfjhgt prfjhgt io` ats rhcitafo rhcitafo tf wfr. wfr. icrhi`! `foh ao tmh irhi+
Di`h stithhot fl tmh ias io` fbjhgtavhs fl tmh prfjhgt+
Pmh `hsgraptafo fl ^urpfsh> Wgfph> io` ippcagibacat!+
:h `hlaoh tmh prfbch fo wmagm wh irh" ao tmh prfjhgt+
:h `hsgrabh tmh rhquarhhot Wphgalagitafos fl tmh s!sth io` tmh igtafos tmit gio bh `foh fo tmhsh tmao"s+
:h uo`hrstio` tmh prfbch `fiao io` prf`ugh i f`hc fl tmh s!sth> wmagm `hsgrabhs fphritafos tmit gio bh phrlfrh` fo tmh s!sth+
:h aogcu`h` lhiturhs io` fphritafos ao `htiac> aogcu`ao" sgrhho ci!futs+
:h `hsa"oh` ushr aothrligh io` shgurat! assuhs rhcith` tf s!sth+
Laoicc! tmh s!sth as apchhoth` io` thsth` iggfr`ao" tf thst gishs+
^ikh - "<
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd Luturh Wgfph fl t%h ^rf&hgt' Ao i outsmhc outsmhcc> c> at gio bh suirah` suirah` tmit tmh luturh luturh sgfph fl tmh prfjhgt prfjhgt gargchs irfuo` iaotiaoao" aolfritafo rh"ir`ao"<
:h gio i`` praothr ao luturh+
:h gio "avh frh i`viogh sfltwirh lfr Lfru W!sth aogcu`ao" frh ligacatahs
:h wacc mfst tmh pcitlfr fo focaoh shrvhrs tf i.h at igghssabch wfrc`wa`h
Aoth"rith uctapch cfi` bicioghrs tf `astrabuth tmh cfi`s fl tmh s!sth
%rhith tmh isthr io` scivh `itibish strugturh tf rh`ugh tmh fvhrcfi` fl tmh `itibish quhrahs
Apchhot tmh big.up hgmioas lfr" big.up fl gf`hbish io` `itibish fo rh"ucir bisas fo `allhrhot shrvhrs
Pmh ibfvh hotafoh` pfaots irh tmh homioghhots wmagm gio bh `foh tf aogrhish tmh ippcagibacat! ippcagibacat! io` io` usi"h fl tmas prfjhgt+ prfjhgt+ 'hrh 'hrh wh gio iaotiao tmh rhgfr`s fl Lfru Lfru io` #shrs+ Icsf> is at gio bh shho tmit ofw/i/`i!s tmh pci!hrs irh vhrsitach> a+h+ sf tmhrh as i sgfph lfr aotrf`ugao" i htmf` tf iaotiao tmh Lfru W!sth+ 2omioghhots gio bh `foh tf iaotiao icc tmh Lfru> #shrs> Rh"astritafos> ^fsts> Rhpcahs+
:h mivh chlt icc tmh fptafos fpho sf tmit al tmhrh as io! ftmhr luturh rhquarhhot ao tmh s!sth b! tmh ushr lfr tmh homioghhot fl tmh s!sth tmho at as pfssabch tf apchhot tmh+Ao tmh cist wh wfuc` ca.h tf tmio.s icc tmh phrsfos aovfcvh` ao tmh `hvhcfphot fl tmh s!sth `arhgtc! fr ao`arhgtc!+ :h mfph tmit tmh prfjhgt wacc shrvh ats purpfsh lfr wmagm at as `hvhcfp tmhrh b! uo`hrcaoao" sugghss fl prfghss+
^ikh - ";
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd 5adatitafo fl ^rf&hgt fo Lfrud Wysthd Ictmfu"m A mivh put put ! bhst hllfrts tf i.h tmh tmh sfltwirh sfltwirh lch,abch> lch,abch> his! tf fphrith fphrith but caatitafos giooft bh ruch` fut hvho b! h+ Pmfu"m tmh sfltwirh prhshots i brfi` rio"h fl fptafos tf ats ushrs sfh aotragith fptafos gfuc` oft bh gfvhrh` aotf at pirtc! bhgiush fl cf"astag io` pirtc! `uh tf cig. fl sfpmastagitafo+ ^iugat! fl tah wis icsf ijfr gfostriaot> tmus at wis oft pfssabch tf i.h tmh sfltwirh lffcprffl io` `!oiag+ (ig. fl tah icsf gfphcch` h tf a"ofrh sfh pirt sugm is stfrao" fc` rhsuct fl tmh gio`a`ith htg+ %fosa`hribch hllfrts mivh i`h tmh sfltwirh his! tf fphrith hvho lfr tmh phfpch oft rhcith` tf tmh lahc` fl gfputhrs but at as ig.ofwch`"h` tmit i ci!io i! lao` at i bat prfbchitag it tmh larst aostiogh+ Pmh ushr as prfva`h` mhcp it higm sthp lfr mas gfovhoahogh ao" watm tmh sfltwirh+ 5ast fl cadatitafos ,%ag% as i+iaci)ch ao t%h Lfrud Wysthd'
2,ghc h,pfrt mis oft bhho `hvhcfph` lfr Lfru> #shrs `uh tf sfh gratagicat!+ Pmh Pmh trio triosi sigt gtaf afos os irh irh h,hg h,hgut uth` h` ao fll/ fll/ca caoh oh f`h f`h>> mhog mhogh h fo/c fo/cao aoh h `iti `iti lfr lfr Rh"astritafos> ^fsts gipturh io` f`alagitafo as oft pfssabch+ Fll/caoh rhpfrts fl Lfru> Rhpcahs> Rh"astritafos giooft bh "hohrith` `uh tf bitgm f`h h,hgutafo+
^ikh - "=
Wyofpsas fl Lfrud Wysthd hlhrhoghs io$ a)cafkrip%y' • • • • • • • • • • • • •
4ff"ch lfr prfbch sfcvao" mttp
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