Synopsi of Telephone Billing Payment System

May 3, 2018 | Author: | Category: Relational Database, Model–View–Controller, Databases, Software Engineering, Computing
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Short Description

The main objective of the Telephone Billing Payment System is to manage the details of Connections, Customers, Tarrifs, ...


Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef fdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi

Smaf - =

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi Smaf Eb.

Zbpog Zotdf


Zotdf bl t`f prbkfgt


Oetrbjugtobe bl t`f Srbkfgt


 Mhstrmgt bl t`f Srbkfgt Srbkfgt


Bhkfgtovf bl t`f Srbkfgt


Wgbpf bl t`f Srbkfgt


Xfpbrts bl t`f prbkfgt


Ibjudfs bl t`f Srbkfgt


Oeput jmtm mej vmdojmtobe bl t`f prbkfgt


Lfmturfs bl t`f prbkfgt


Wbltwmrf Xfquorffet Wpfgologmtobe


Ojfetologmtobe bl effj


Lfmsohodot! Wtuj!


W!stf jfso"e bl t`f prbkfgt


#sfr Oetfrlmgf $fso"e


Srfdooemr! Srbjugt $fsgroptobes


Srbkfgt %mtf"br!


Opdffetmtobe Ift`bjbdb"!


Zbbds mej Sdmtlbr & Wbltwmrf Xfquorffets


Zbbds mej Sdmtlbr & 'mrjwmrf Xfquorffets


W!stf Memd!sos


$mtm $ogtobemr!


%begdusobe bl t`f Srbkfgt


Luturf sgbpf bl t`f Srbkfgt


(ootmtobes bl t`f Srbkfgt


)ohdob"rmp`! mej rflfrfegfs

Smaf - !

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi

"et#b$%gtobe bl t`f S#b&fgt Zfdfp`bef Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi' Z`f *Zfdfp`bef )oddoe" Sm!fet W!stf* `ms hffe jfvfdbpfj tb bvfrrojf t`f prbhdfs prfvmodoe" oe t`f prmgtogoe" meumd s!stf+ Z`os sbltwmrf os suppbrtfj tb fdooemtf mej oe sbf gmsfs rfjugf t`f `mrjs`op `mrjs`ops s lmgfj lmgfj h! t`os f,ostoe" f,ostoe" s!stf+ s!stf+ Ibrfbvfr Ibrfbvfr t`os s!stf os jfso"efj lbr t`f pmrtogudmr effj bl t`f gbpme! tb gmrr! but bpfrmtobes oe m sbbt` mej fllfgtovf meefr+ Z`f mppdogmtobe os rfjugfj ms ug` ms pbssohdf tb mvboj frrbrs w`odf fetfroe" t`f jmtm+ Ot mdsb prbvojfs frrbr fssm"f w`odf fetfroe" oevmdoj jmtm+ -b lbrmd .ebwdfj"f os effjfj lbr t`f usfr tb usf t`os s!stf+ Z`us h! t`os mdd ot prbvfs ot os usfr/lrofejd!+ Zfdfp`bef )oddoe" Sm!fet W!stf 3 ms jfsgrohfj mhbvf3 gme dfmj tb frrbr lrff3 sfgurf3 rfdomhdf mej lmst mem"ffet s!stf+ Ot gme mssost t`f usfr tb gbegfetrmtf be t`for  bt`fr mgtovotofs rmt`fr tb gbegfetrmtf be t`f rfgbrj .ffpoe"+ Z`us ot wodd `fdp br"meomtobe oe hfttfr utodomtobe bl rfsburgfs+ 8vfr! br"meomtobe3 br"meomtobe3 w`ft`fr w`ft`fr ho" br smdd3 `ms g`mddfe"fs g`mddfe"fs tb bvfrgbf bvfrgbf mej mem"oe" mem"oe" t`f oelbrmt oelbrmtobes obes bl %ustbf %ustbfrs3 rs3 )odds3 )odds3 Zrmll Zrmllogs3 ogs3 Sm!fet Sm!fets3 s3 %beefg %beefgtobe tobe Z!pfs+ Z!pfs+ 8vfr! 8vfr! Zfdfp`bef dfp`bef )oddoe" )oddoe" Sm!fet Sm!fet W!stf W!stf `ms jollfrf jollfrfet et )odds )odds effjs3 effjs3 t`frflbr t`frflbrf f wf jfso"e jfso"e f,gdu f,gdusov sovf f fpdb! fpdb!ff ff mem"f mem"ffe fett s!st s!stfs fs t`mt t`mt mrf mrf mjmp mjmptfj tfj tb !bur !bur mem" mem"fr fromd omd rfquorffets+ Z`os os jfso"efj tb mssost oe strmtf"og pdmeeoe"3 mej wodd `fdp !bu fesurf t`mt !bur br"meomtobe br"meomtobe os fquoppfj fquoppfj wot` t`f ro"`t dfvfd bl oelbrmtobe mej jftmods lbr !bur  luturf "bmds+ Mdsb3 lbr t`bsf hus! f,fgutovf w`b mrf mdwm!s be t`f "b3 bur s!stfs gbf wot` rfbtf mggfss lfmturfs3 w`og` wodd mddbw !bu tb mem"f !bur wbr.lbrgf me!to me!tof3 f3 mt mdd tofs tofs++

Z`fs Z`fsf f s!stf s!stfs s wodd wodd udtom udtomtfd tfd! ! mddbw mddbw !bu tb hfttf hfttfrr mem"f mem"f


Smaf - 7

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi ()st#mgt bl t`f S#b&fgt Zfdfp`bef Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi' Z`f purpbsf bl Zfdfp`bef )oddoe" Sm!fet W!stf os tb mutbmtf t`f f,ostoe" meumd meu md s!s s!stf tf h! t`f `fd `fdp p bl gbp gbputfr utfrof ofj j fqu fquopf opfets ets mej ludd ludd/ldf /ldfj"f j"fj j gbp gbputfr  utfr  sbltwmrf3 ludloddoe" t`for rfquorffets3 sb t`mt t`for vmdumhdf jmtm7oelbrmtobe gme hf stbrfj lbr m dbe"fr pfrobj wot` fms! mggfssoe" mej meopudmtobe bl t`f smf+ Z`f rfquorfj sbltwmrf mej `mrjwmrf mrf fmsod! mvmodmhdf mej fms! tb wbr. wot`+

Zfdfp`bef )oddoe" Sm!fet W!stf3 ms jfsgrohfj mhbvf3 gme dfmj tb frrbr lrff3 sfgurf3 rfdomhdf mej lmst mem"ffet s!stf+ Ot gme mssost t`f usfr tb gbegfetrmtf be t`for t`for bt`fr bt`fr mgtovoto mgtovotofs fs rmt`fr rmt`fr tb gbegfet gbegfetrmtf rmtf be t`f rfgbrj .ffpoe"+ .ffpoe"+ Z`us Z`us ot wodd `fdp br"m br"meo eom mto tobe be oe hftt hfttfr fr utod utodo omt mtob obe e bl rfsb rfsbur urgf gfs+ s+ Z`f Z`f br"m br"meo eom mto tobe be gme gme moe moetm tmoe oe gbputfrofj rfgbrjs wot`but rfjuejmet fetrofs+ Z`mt fmes t`mt bef effj ebt hf jostrmgtfj h! oelbrmtobe t`mt os ebt rfdfvmet3 w`odf hfoe" mhdf tb rfmg` t`f oelbrmtobe+ Z`f mo os tb mutbmtf ots f,ostoe" meumd s!stf h! t`f `fdp bl gbputfrofj fquopfets mej ludd/ldfj"fj gbputfr sbltwmrf3 ludloddoe" t`for rfquorffets3 sb t`mt t`for  vmdumhdf jmtm7oelbrmtobe gme hf stbrfj lbr m dbe"fr pfrobj wot` fms! mggfssoe" mej meopudmtobe bl t`f smf+ )msogmdd! t`f prbkfgt jfsgrohfs `bw tb mem"f lbr "bbj pfrlbrmegf mej hfttfr sfrvogfs lbr t`f gdofets+

Smaf - :

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi *)&fgto+f bl S#b&fgt be Zfdfp`bef Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi' Z`f moe bhkfgtovf bhkfgtovf bl t`f Srbkfgt be Zfd Zfdfp`bef fp`bef )oddoe" )oddoe" Sm!fet W!stf W!stf os tb mem"f t`f jftmods bl )odds3 %ustbfrs3 %beefgtobes3 Zrmllogs3 %beefgtobe Z!pfs+ Ot mem"fs mdd t`f oelbrmtobe mhbut )odds3 Sm!fets3 %beefgtobe Z!pfs3 )odds+ Z`f prbkfgt os tbtmdd! huodt mt mjoeostrmtovf fej mej t`us bed! t`f mjoeostrmtbr os "umrmetffj t`f mggfss+ Z`f purpbsf bl t`f prbkfgt os tb huodj me mppdogmtobe prb"rm tb rfjugf t`f meumd wbr. lbr mem"oe" t`f )odds3 %ustbfrs3 Sm!fets3 %beefgtobes+ Ot trmg.s mdd t`f jftmods mhbut t`f %beefgtobes3 Zrmllogs3 %beefgtobe Z!pfs+ ,%egtobemdotofs p#b+o$f$ )y Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi m#f ms lbddbs'

Srbvo Srbvojfs jfs t`f t`f sfmrg sfmrg`o `oe" e" lmgod lmgodoto otofs fs hmsfj hmsfj be vmrob vmrobus us lmgtb lmgtbrs+ rs+ Wug` Wug` ms )odds )odds33 %beefgtobes3 Zrmllogs3 %beefgtobe %beefgto be Z!pfs Zfdfp`bef )oddoe" Sm!fet W!stf mdsb mem"f t`f Sm!fets jftmods bedoef lbr  Zrmllogs jftmods3 %beefgtobe Z!pfs jftmods3 )odds+ Ot trmg.s mdd t`f oelbrmtobe bl %ustbfrs3 Sm!fets3 Zrmllogs fgt Imem"f t`f oelbrmtobe bl %ustbfrs W`bws t`f oelbrmtobe mej jfsgroptobe bl t`f )odds3 %beefgtobes Zb oegrfmsf fllogofeg! bl mem"oe" t`f )odds3 %ustbfrs Ot jfmds wot` beotbroe" t`f oelbrmtobe mej trmesmgtobes bl Zrmllogs+ Imem"f t`f oelbrmtobe bl )odds 8jotoe"3 mjjoe" mej upjmtoe" bl Xfgbrjs os oprbvfj w`og` rfsudts oe prbpfr  rfsburgf mem"ffet bl )odds jmtm+

Smaf - 6

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi Imem"f t`f oelbrmtobe bl Zrmllogs Oetf"rmtobe bl mdd rfgbrjs bl %beefgtobe Z!pfs+

Smaf - <

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi Wgbpf bl t`f p#b&fgt Zfdfp`bef Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi Ot m! `fdp gbddfgtoe" pfrlfgt mem"ffet oe jftmods+ Oe m vfr! s`brt tof3 t`f gbddf gbddfgt gtobe obe wodd wodd hf bhvobu bhvobus3 s3 sopd sopdf f mej sfeso sfesohd hdf+ f+ Ot wodd wodd `fdp `fdp m pfrsb pfrsbe e tb .ebw .ebw t`f mem"ffet bl pmssfj !fmr pfrlfgtd! mej vovojd!+ Ot mdsb `fdps oe gurrfet mdd wbr.s rfdmt rfdmtovf ovf tb Zfdfp`b dfp`bef ef )oddo )oddoe" e" Sm!fe Sm!fett W!stf W!stf+ + Ot wodd wodd hf mdsb mdsb rfjug rfjugfj fj t`f t`f gbst gbst bl  gbddfgtoe" t`f mem"ffet : gbddfgtobe prbgfjurf wodd "b be sbbt`d!+ Bur Bur prbk prbkfg fgtt mos mos mt )uso )usoef efss ss prbg prbgfs fss s mutb mutbm mto tobe be33 o+f+ o+f+ wf `mvf `mvf trof trofj j tb gbputfrof vmrobus prbgfssfs bl Zfdfp`bef )oddoe" Sm!fet W!stf+ Oe gbputfr s!stf t`f pfrsbe `ms tb lodd t`f vmrobus lbrs : euhfr bl gbpofs bl  t`f lbrs gme hf fmsod! "fefrmtfj mt m tof+ Oe gbputfr s!stf3 ot os ebt efgfssmr! tb grfmtf t`f meolfst hut wf gme jorfgtd! proet ot3 w`og` smvfs bur tof+ Zb mssost t`f stmll oe gmpturoe" t`f fllbrt spfet be t`for rfspfgtovf wbr.oe" mrfms+ Zb utodof rfsburgfs oe me fllogofet meefr h! oegrfmsoe" t`for prbjugtovot! t`rbu"` mutbmtobe+ Z`f Z`f s!st s!stf f "fef "fefrm rmtf tfs s t!pf t!pfs s bl oelb oelbr rmt mtob obe e t`mt t`mt gme gme hf usfj usfj lbr lbr vmro vmrobu bus s purpbsfs+ Ot smtosl! t`f usfr rfquorffet )f fms! tb uejfrstmej h! t`f usfr mej bpfrmtbr  )f fms! tb bpfrmtf 'mvf m "bbj usfr oetfrlmgf )f f,pmejmhdf $fdovfrfj be sg`fjudf wot`oe t`f huj"ft+

Smaf - 1

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi fpb#ts bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi' Ot "fefrmtfs t`f rfpbrt be )odds3 %ustbfrs3Sm!fets Srbvojf lodtfr rfpbrts be %beefgtobes3 Zrmllogs3 %beefgtobe Z!pfs 6bu gme fmsod! f,pbrt S$L lbr t`f )odds3Sm!fets3 Zrmllogs  Mppdogmtobe  Mppdogmtobe mdsb prbvojfs prbvojfs f,gfd f,pbrt lbr %ustbfrs3 %ustbfrs3 %beefgtobes3 %beefgtobes3 %beefgtobe %beefgtobe Z!pfs 6bu gme mdsb f,pbrt t`f rfpbrt oetb gsv lbrmt lbr )odds3 %ustbfrs3 %beefgtobe Z!pfs

/b$%dfs bl Zfdfp`b Zfdfp`bef ef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi' • • • •

• • • •

)odds Imem"ffet Ibjudf< #sfj lbr mem"oe" t`f )odds jftmods+ %beefgtobe Z!pfs Ibjudf < #sfj lbr mem"oe" t`f jftmods bl %beefgtobe Z!pfs Sm!fets Ibjudf < #sfj lbr mem"oe" t`f jftmods bl Sm!fets %ustbfrs Imem"ffet Ibjudf< #sfj lbr mem"oe" t`f oelbrmtobe mej jftmods bl t`f %ustbfrs+ %beefgtobes Ibjudf < #sfj lbr mem"oe" t`f %beefgtobes jftmods Zrmllogs Ibjudf < #sfj lbr mem"oe" t`f Zrmllogs oelbrmtobes (b"oe Ibjudf< #sfj lbr mem"oe" t`f db"oe jftmods #sfrs Ibjudf < #sfj lbr mem"oe" t`f usfrs bl t`f s!stf

Smaf - 0

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi "ep%t 3mtm me$ mdo$mtobe mdo$mtobe bl S#b&fgt be Zfdfp`bef Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi  Mdd t`f lofdjs sug` ms )odds3 %beefgtobes3 %beefgtobes3 %beefgtobe %beefgtobe Z!pfs Z!pfs mrf vmdojmtfj vmdojmtfj mej jbfs ebt tm.f oevmdoj vmdufs 8mg` lbr lbr )odds3 %ustbfrs3Sm!fets gme ebt mggfpt hdme. vmduf lofdjs  Mvbojoe"  Mvbojoe" frrbrs frrbrs oe jmtm %betrbddoe" mbuet bl oeput Oetf"rmtobe bl mdd t`f bjudfs7lbrs oe t`f s!stf+ Srfpmrmtobe bl t`f tfst gmsfs+ Srfpmrmtobe bl t`f pbssohdf tfst jmtm wot` mdd t`f vmdojmtobe g`fg.s+  Mgtumd tfstoe" tfstoe" jbef jbef meumdd!+ meumdd!+ Xfgbrjoe" bl mdd t`f rfprbjugfj frrbrs+ Ibjologmtobes jbef lbr t`f frrbrs lbuej juroe" tfstoe"+ Srfpmrfj t`f tfst rfsudt sgropts mltfr rfgtologmtobe bl t`f frrbrs+ Luegtobemdot! bl t`f fetorf bjudf7lbrs+ 1mdojmtobes lbr usfr oeput+ %`fg.oe" bl t`f %bjoe" stmejmrjs tb hf moetmoefj juroe" gbjoe"+ Zfstoe" t`f bjudf wot` mdd t`f pbssohdf tfst jmtm+ Zfstoe" bl t`f luegtobemdot! oevbdvoe" mdd t!pf bl gmdgudmtobes ftg+

Smaf - ?

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi %bfetoe" stmejmrj oe t`f sburgf lodfs+ Z`f sbltm#f 8%mdoty pdme f odd %sf t`f lbddboea W( Wt#mtfay' •

Oe t`f lorst stfp3 wf wodd sfdfgt t`f tfst lmgtbrs mej rme. t`f+ Z`f sfdfgtfj tfst lmgtbrs sug` ms rfdomhodot!3 moetmoemhodot!3 pbrtmhodot! br ftg3 wodd hf pdmgfj oe t`f

mtro, mggbrjoe" tb t`for rme.s+ Z`f sfgbej stfp os lbr ojfetol!oe" t`f p`msfs bl t`f jfvfdbpfet prbgfss+ Z`f

p`msf s`budj hf rfgbrjfj oe t`f mtro,+ Z`f t`orj stfp os t`mt ojfetol!oe" t`f husoefss ros.s bl t`f sbltwmrf jfdovfrmhdfs+ Z`f ros.s wodd hf oetb t`rff rme.s sug` ms `o"`3 fjou mej dbw+

Smaf - =

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi ,fmt%#fs bl t`f p#b&fgt Zfdfp`bef Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi' •

Srbjugt mej %bpbefet hmsfj

%rfmtoe" : %`me"oe" Ossufs mt fmsf

0ufr! Ossuf (ost tb me! jfpt`

Xfpbrtoe" : %`mrtoe" oe brf gbprf`fesovf wm!

#sfr Mggbuets tb gbetrbd t`f mggfss mej moetmoe sfgurot!

Wopdf Wtmtus : Xfsbdutobes

Iudto/dfvfd Srobrotofs : Wfvfrotofs+

Zmr"fts : Iodfstbefs lbr "uojoe" t`f prb"rmfrs

 Mttmg`fets  Mttmg`fets : Mjjotobemd Mjjotobemd %bfets %bfets lbr lbr brf oelbrmtobe oelbrmtobe

Xbhust jmtmhmsf hmg./fej

1mrobus dfvfd bl rfpbrts mvmodmhdf wot` m dbt bl lodtfr grotfrom?s

Ot gbetmoe hfttfr stbrm"f gmpmgot!+

 Mggurmg! oe wbr.+

8ms! : lmst rftrofvmd bl oelbrmtobe+

;fdd jfso"efj rfpbrts+

$fgrfmsf t`f dbmj bl t`f pfrsbe oevbdvf oe f,ostoe" meumd s!stf+

 Mggfss bl me! oelbrmtobe oelbrmtobe oejovojumdd!+ oejovojumdd!+

;br. hfgbfs vfr! spffj!+

8ms! tb upjmtf oelbrmtobe

Smaf - ==

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi Wbltm#f f8%o#fifet Wpfgologmtobe Z`f Wbltwmrf Xfquorffets Wpfgologmtobe os prbjugfj mt t`f gudoemtobe bl t`f memd!sos tms.+ Z`f luegtobe mej pfrlbrmegf mddbgmtfj tb sbltwmrf ms pmrt bl s!stf fe"oeffroe" mrf rfloefj h! fstmhdos`oe" m gbpdftf oelbrmtobe jfsgroptobe3 m jftmodfj luegtobemd mej hf`mvobrmd jfsgroptobe3 me oejogmtobe bl pfrlbrmegf rfquorffets mej jfso jfso"e "e gbes gbestr trmo moet ets3 s3 mppr mpprbp bpro romt mtf f vmdo vmdojm jmto tobe be grot grotfr from om33 mej mej bt`f bt`frr jmtm jmtm pfrt pfrtoe oefe fett tb rfquorffets+

Z`f p#bpbsf$ systfi `ms t`f lbddboea #f8%o#fifets'

W!stf effjs stbrf oelbrmtobe mhbut efw fetr! bl )odds+ W!stf effjs tb `fdp t`f oetfremd stmll tb .ffp oelbrmtobe bl %ustbfrs mej loej t`f ms pfr vmrobus qufrofs+ W!stf effj tb moetmoe qumetot! rfgbrj+ W!stf effj tb .ffp t`f rfgbrj bl %beefgtobes+ W!stf effj tb upjmtf mej jfdftf t`f rfgbrj+ W!stf mdsb effjs m sfmrg` mrfm+ Ot mdsb effjs m sfgurot! s!stf tb prfvfet jmtm+

Smaf - =!

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi "$fetologmtobe bl eff$' Z`f bdj meumd s!stf wms sullfroe" lrb m sfrofs bl jrmwhmg.s+ Woegf w`bdf bl  t`f s!stf wms tb hf moetmoefj wot` `mejs t`f prbgfss bl .ffpoe"3 moetmoeoe" mej rftrofvoe" t`f oelbrmtobe wms vfr! tfjobus mej dfe"t`!+ Z`f rfgbrjs wfrf efvfr usfj tb hf oe m s!stfmtog brjfr+ t`frf usfj tb hf dbts bl jollogudtofs oe mssbgomtoe" me! pmrtogudmr  trmesmgtobe wot` m pmrtogudmr gbetf,t+ Ol me! oelbrmtobe wms tb hf lbuej ot wms rfquorfj tb "b t`rbu"` t`f jollfrfet rf"ostfrs3 jbgufets t`frf wbudj efvfr f,ost me!t`oe" do.f rfpbrt rfpbrt "fefrm "fefrmtobe tobe++ Z`frf Z`frf wbudj wbudj mdwm!s mdwm!s hf ueefgf ueefgfssmr! ssmr! gbesuptob gbesuptobe e bl tof w`odf w`odf fetfroe" rfgbrjs mej rftrofvoe" rfgbrjs+ Bef brf prbhdf wms t`mt ot wms vfr! jollogudt tb loej frrbrs w`odf fetfroe" t`f rfgbrjs+ Begf t`f rfgbrjs wfrf fetfrfj ot wms vfr! jollogudt tb upjmtf t`fsf rfgbrjs+ Z`f rfmsbe hf`oej ot os t`mt t`frf os dbt bl oelbrmtobe tb hf moetmoefj mej `mvf tb hf .fpt oe oej w`odf rueeoe" t`f husoefss +Lbr t`os rfmsbe wf `mvf prbvojfj lfmturfs Srfsfet s!stf os pmrtomdd! mutbmtfj >gbputfrofj43 >gbputfrofj43 mgtumdd! f,ostoe" s!stf os quotf dmhbrobus ms bef `ms tb fetfr smf oelbrmtobe mt t`rff jollfrfet pdmgfs+ ,bddboea pboets s`b%d$ )f fdd gbeso$f#f$' •

$bgufets mej rfpbrts t`mt ust hf prbvojfj h! t`f efw s!stf< t`frf gme mdsb hf lfw rfpbrt rfpbrts3 s3 w`og` w`og` gme gme `fdp `fdp mem" mem"ff ffet et oe jfgos jfgosobe obe/m /m.o .oe" e" mej mej gbst gbst gbetrbddoe"3 hut soegf t`fsf rfpbrts jb ebt "ft rfquorfj mttfetobe3 sug` .oej bl  rfpbrts mej oelbrmtobe wfrf mdsb ojfetolofj mej "ovfe rfquorfj mttfetobe+

$ftmods bl t`f oelbrmtobe effjfj lbr fmg` jbgufet mej rfpbrt+

Z`f rfquorfj lrfqufeg! mej jostrohutobe lbr fmg` jbgufet+

Srbhmhdf sburgfs bl oelbrmtobe lbr fmg` jbgufet mej rfpbrt+

;ot` t`f opdffetmtobe bl gbputfrofj s!stf3 t`f tms. bl .ffpoe" rfgbrjs oe me br"m br"meo eof fj j mee meefr fr wodd wodd hf sbdv sbdvfj fj++ Z`f Z`f "rfm "rfmtf tfst st bl mdd mdd os t`f t`f rftr rftrof ofvm vmdd bl 

Smaf - =7

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi oelbrmtobe3 w`og` wodd hf mt t`f gdog. bl t`f busf+ Wb t`f prbpbsfj s!stf `fdps oe smvoe" t`f tof oe jollfrfet bpfrmtobes mej m.oe" oelbrmtobe ldbw fms! "ovoe" vmdumhdf rfpbrts+

Smaf - =:

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi ,fmso)odoty Wt%$y'  Mltfr jboe" t`f prbkfgt Zfdfp`bef Zfdfp`bef )oddoe" Sm!fet W!stf3 stuj! mej memd!oe" memd!oe" mdd t`f f,ostoe" br rfquorfj luegtobemdotofs bl t`f s!stf3 t`f ef,t tms. os tb jb t`f lfmsohodot! stuj! lbr t`f prbkfgt+ Mdd prbkfgts mrf lfmsohdf / "ovfe uedootfj rfsburgfs mej oeloeotf tof+ Lfmsohodot! stuj! oegdujfs gbesojfrmtobe bl mdd t`f pbssohdf wm!s tb prbvojf m sbdutobe tb t`f "ovfe prbhdf+ Z`f prbpbsfj sbdutobe s`budj smtosl! mdd t`f usfr rfquorffets mej s`budj hf ldf,ohdf febu"` sb t`mt luturf g`me"fs gme hf fmsod! jbef hmsfj be t`f luturf upgboe" rfquorffets+ (. gbebiogmd ,fmso)odoty

Z`os os m vfr! opbrtmet mspfgt tb hf gbesojfrfj gbesojfrfj w`odf jfvfdbpoe" jfvfdbpoe" m prbkfgt+ ;f jfgojfj t`f tfg`ebdb"! hmsfj be oeou pbssohdf gbst lmgtbr+ • •

 Mdd `mrjwmrf `mrjwmrf mej sbltwmrf sbltwmrf gbst `ms tb hf hbref hbref h! t`f t`f br"meomtobe+ br"meomtobe+ Bvfrmdd wf `mvf fstomtfj t`mt t`f hfeflots t`f br"meomtobe os "boe" tb rfgfovf lrb t`f prbpbsfj s!stf wodd surfd! bvfrgbf t`f oeotomd gbsts mej t`f dmtfr be rueeoe" gbst lbr s!stf+

H. Zfg`eogmd ,fmso)odoty

Z`os oegdujfj t`f stuj! bl luegtobe3 pfrlbrmegf mej gbestrmoets t`mt m! mllfgt t`f t`f mhodo mhodot! t! tb mg`o mg`ofvf fvf me mggfp mggfptm tmhdf hdf s!st s!stf+ f+ Lbr Lbr t`os t`os lfmso lfmsoho hodot dot! ! stuj! stuj!33 wf stujof stujofj j gbpd gbpdftf ftf luegt luegtobe obemd mdot! ot! tb hf prbvoj prbvojfj fj oe t`f t`f s!st s!stf3 f3 ms jfsg jfsgroh rohfj fj oe t`f W!stf W!stf  Xfquo Xfquorf rffe fett Wpfg Wpfgolo ologmt gmtob obe e >WXW >WXW43 43 mej mej g`fg. g` fj ol fvfr! fvfr!t`o t`oe" e" wms wms pbss pbssohd ohdf f usoe" usoe" jollfrfet t!pf bl lrbetfej mej hmg.fej pdmlbrst+

. *pf#mtobemd ,fmso)odoty

-b jbuht t`f prbpbsfj s!stf os ludd! 9#O hmsfj t`mt os vfr! usfr lrofejd! mej mdd oeputs tb hf tm.fe mdd sfdl/f,pdmemtbr! sfdl/f,pdmemtbr! fvfe tb m dm!me+ )fsojfs3 m prbpfr trmoeoe" `ms hffe gbejugtfj tb dft .ebw t`f fssfegf bl t`f s!stf tb t`f usfrs sb t`mt t`f! lffd gblbrtmhdf gblbrtmhdf wot` efw s!stf+ Ms lmr bur stuj! os gbegfrefj gbegfrefj t`f gdofets mrf gblbrtmhdf mej `mpp! ms t`f s!stf `ms gut jbwe t`for dbmjs mej jboe"+

Smaf - =6

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi Wystfi 3fsoae bl Zfdfp`bef Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi Oe t`os p`msf3 m db"ogmd s!stf os huodt w`og` ludlods t`f "ovfe rfquorffets+ $fso"e p`msf bl sbltwmrf jfvfdbpfet jfmds wot` trmeslbroe" t`f gdofets?s rfquorffets oetb m db"ogmdd! wbr.oe" s!stf+ -brmdd!3 -brmdd!3 jfso"e os pfrlbrfj oe t`f lbddbwoe" lbddbwoe" oe t`f lbddbwoe" twb stfps< =. S#oim S#oim#y #y 3fs 3fsoa oae e S`ms S`msf' f' Oe t`os p`msf3 t`f s!stf os jfso"efj mt hdbg. dfvfd+ Z`f hdbg.s mrf grfmtfj be

t`f hmsos bl memd!sos jbef oe t`f prbhdf ojfetologmtobe p`msf+ $ollfrfet hdbg.s mrf grfmtfj lbr jollfrfet luegtobes fp`msos os put be oeoosoe" t`f oelbrmtobe ldbw hftwffe hdbg.s+ Z`us3 mdd mgtovotofs w`og` rfquorf brf oetfrmgtobe mrf .fpt oe bef hdbg.+ !. Wfgb Wfgbe$ e$m#y m#y 3fs 3fsoa oae e S`ms S`msf' f' Oe t`f sfgbejmr! p`msf t`f jftmodfj jfso"e bl fvfr! hdbg. os pfrlbrfj+

Z`f afef#md tmss oe+bd+f$ oe t`f $fsoae p#bgfss m#f t`f lbddboea' =. !. 7. :. 6. BW3 mjj/be sbltwmrf3 utodotofs4 : dmhbur >sftup : moetfemegf4+ Z`f smf `ms tb hfmr  h! t`f br"meomtobe+

Smaf - =0

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi %eeoea bst

)fsojfs3 t`f oeotomd gbst t`f dbe" tfr gbst wodd oegdujf t`f rueeoe" gbst lbr t`f s!stf s!stf oegdujo oegdujoe" e" t`f MI%3 stmtobemr! stmtobemr! g`mr"fs g`mr"fs33 gbst lbr `ume `ume rfsburg rfsburgfs3 fs3 gbst lbr  upjmtf7rfefwmd bl vmrobus rfdmtfj sbltwmrf+ Eff$ lb# Z#moeoea

Z`f Z` f us usfr frs s md mdbe be" " wot ot` ` t` t`f f mj mjo oeo eost strm rmtb tbrr ef effj fj tb hf tr trmo moef efj j mt t` t`f f to tof f bl  opdffetmtobe bl t`f s!stf lbr sbbt` rueeoe" bl t`f s!stf+ Z`f gdofet wodd prbvojf t`f trmoeoe" sotf+ ;f tb t`f mem"ffet pfbpdf w`b wfrf mem"oe" m t`f loemegomd ossufs bl t`f gfetfr3 t`f stmll w`b wfrf .ffpoe" t`f rfgbrjs oe dbts bl rf"ostfrs mej t`f rfpbr rfpbrtoe toe" " mem" mem"fr fr rf"mr rf"mrjoe joe" " t`for t`for f,ost f,ostoe" oe" s!stf s!stf3 3 t`for t`for rfquo rfquorf rffe fets ts mej mej t`for  t`for  f,pfgtmtobes lrb t`f efw prbpbsfj s!stf+ Z`fe3 wf joj t`f s!stf stuj! bl t`f fetorf s!stf hmsfj be t`for rfquorffets mej t`f mjjotobemd lfmturfs t`f! wmetfj tb oegbrpbrmtf oe t`os s!stf+ Xfdomhdf3 mggurmtf mej sfgurf jmtm wms mdsb gbesojfrfj tb hf m gbpdf, tms. wot`but t`os prbpbsfj s!stf+ )fgmusf t`frf wms eb sug` rfgbrj lbr .ffpoe" trmg. bl mdd t`f mgtovotofs3 w`og` wms jbef h! t`f Zfdfp`bef )oddoe" Sm!fet W!stf be t`f jmod! hmsos+ Z`f efw s!stf prbpbsfj mej t`fe jfvfdbpfj h! f wodd fmsf t`f tms. bl t`f br"meomtobe oe gbesojfrmtobe+ Ot wodd hf `fdplud oe "fefrmtoe" t`f rfquorfj rfpbrts h! t`f stmll3 w`og` wodd `fdp t`f tb trmg. t`for prb"rfss mej sfrvogfs+ Z`us3 ot wodd fmsf t`f tms. bl Imem"ffet tb m "rfmt f,tfet ms mdd t`f mkbr  mgtovotofs tb hf pfrlbrfj3 mrf gbputfrofj t`rbu"` t`os s!stf+

Smaf - =?

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi

S#b&fgt mtfab#y Xfdmtobemd $mtmhmsf Imem"ffet W!stf >X$)IW4 < Z`os os me X$)IW hmsfj prbkfgt w`og` w`og` os gurrf gurrfetd etd! ! usoe" usoe" I!W0 I!W0( ( lbr lbr mdd mdd t`f t`f trmes trmesmgt mgtobe obe stmtf stmtffe fets+ ts+ I!W0 I!W0( ( os me bpfesburgf X$)IW W!stf+ H#ofl "et#b$%gtobe m)b%t 3HW/ '

 M rfdmtobemd jmtmhmsf jmtmhmsf mem"ffet mem"ffet s!stf >X$)IW4 >X$)IW4 os m jmtmhmsf jmtmhmsf mem"ffet mem"ffet s!stf >$)IW4 t`mt os hmsfj be t`f rfdmtobemd bjfd ms oevfetfj h! 8+ L+ %bjj3 bl  O)I5s Wme 2bsf Xfsfmrg` (mhbrmtbr!+ Ime! pbpudmr jmtmhmsfs gurrfetd! oe usf mrf hmsfj be t`f rfdmtobemd jmtmhmsf bjfd+ X$)IWs `mvf hfgbf m prfjboemet g`bogf lbr t`f stbrm"f bl oelbrmtobe oe efw jmtmh jmtmhms msfs fs usfj usfj lbr lbr loeme loemego gomd md rfgbr rfgbrjs js33 meulm meulmgtu gturoe roe" " mej mej db"os db"ostog togmd md oelbr oelbrmt mtobe obe33 pfrsbeefd jmtm3 mej ug` brf soegf t`f =CHs+ Xfdmtobemd jmtmhmsfs `mvf bltfe rfpdmgfj df"mg! `ofrmrg`ogmd jmtmhmsfs mej eftwbr. jmtmhmsfs hfgmusf t`f! mrf fmsofr  tb uejfrstmej mej usf+ 'bwfvfr3 rfdmtobemd rfdmtobemd jmtmhmsfs `mvf hffe g`mddfe"fj g`mddfe"fj h! bhkfgt jmtmh jmtmhms msfs fs33 w`og` w`og` wfrf wfrf oetrb oetrbju jugfj gfj oe me mttfp mttfptt tb mjjrf mjjrfss ss t`f t`f bhkfg bhkfgt/r t/rfdm fdmtob tobemd emd opfjmegf osmtg` oe rfdmtobemd jmtmhmsf3 mej GI( jmtmhmsfs+

Smaf - !

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi "ipdfifetmtobe /ft`b$bdbay' Ibjfd 1ofw %betrbddfr br I1% ms ot os pbpudmrd! gmddfj3 os m sbltwmrf jfso"e pmttfre lbr jfvfdbpoe" wfh mppdogmtobes+ M Ibjfd 1ofw %betrbddfr pmttfre os mjf up bl t`f lbddbwoe" t`rff pmrts< • • •

/b$fd / Z`f dbwfst dfvfd bl t`f pmttfre w`og` os rfspbesohdf lbr moetmoeoe" jmtm+ of / Z`os os rfspbesohdf lbr jospdm!oe" mdd br m pbrtobe bl t`f jmtm tb t`f usfr+  / Wbltwmrf %bjf t`mt gbetrbds t`f oetfrmgtobes hftwffe t`f Ibjfd mej bet#bddf#  /

1ofw+ I1% os pbpudmr ms ot osbdmtfs t`f mppdogmtobe db"og lrb t`f usfr oetfrlmgf dm!fr mej suppbrts sfpmrmtobe bl gbegfres+ 'frf t`f %betrbddfr %betrbddfr rfgfovfs mdd rfqufsts lbr t`f mppdogmtobe mej t`fe wbr.s wot` t`f Ibjfd tb prfpmrf me! jmtm effjfj h! t`f 1ofw+ Z`f 1ofw t`fe usfs t`f jmtm prfpmrfj h! t`f %betrbddfr tb "fefrmtf m loemd prfsfetmhdf rfspbesf+ Z`f I1% mhstrmgtobe gme hf "rmp`ogmdd! rfprfsfetfj ms lbddbws+ / /b$fd of bet#bddf# ,db; 3oma#mi 3(Z( 3(Z( ,>*4 3"(9(/W 3" (9(/W Zbbds5Sdmtlb#i2

Cm#$m#f me$ Wbltm#f




f8%o#fifets' Emif bl gbipbefet *pf#mtoea Wystfi

Wpfgologmtobe ;oejbw ;oe jbws s C3 ;oe ;oejb jbws ws GS GS33 ;oe ;oejb jbws wsJ3 J3

Smaf - !=

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi

>mea%maf 3mtm)msf H#bsf#  4f) Wf#+f#  Wbltm#f 3f+fdbpifet Mot Wg#optoea >mea%maf em)df 3mtm)msf 3H 3#o+f# 

(oeu, 2mvm F Xuetof 8evorbefet I!W0( Wfrvfr   Me! bl Iboddm3 Iboddm3 Bpfrm3 Bpfrm3 %`rbf %`rbf ftg Zbgmt J 2mvm 2$ =+J br Mhbvf 2WS >2mvm Wfrvfr Sm"fs4 I!W0( 2gbeefgtbr 

Cm#$m#f f8%o#fifets' Emif bl gbipbefet S#bgfssb#  (/ Cm#$ $os /beotb#  Mfy)bm#$ Mf y)bm#$

Wpfgologmtobe Sfetou OOO A@HI' =F I) FH 9) =K gbdbr beotbr  =FF .f!s

Smaf - !!

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi Wystfi (emdysos'

W!stf memd!sos os m prbgfss bl "mt`froe" mej oetfrprftoe" lmgts3 jom"ebsoe" prbhd prbhdfs fs mej mej t`f t`f oelbr oelbrmt mtobe obe mhbu mhbutt t`f t`f Zfdfp`b dfp`bef ef )oddo )oddoe" e" Sm!fe Sm!fett W!stf W!stf  tb rfgbfej oprbvffets be t`f s!stf+ Ot os m prbhdf sbdvoe" mgtovot! t`mt rfquorfs oetfesovf gbueogmtobe hftwffe t`f s!stf usfrs mej s!stf jfvfdbpfrs+ W!stf memd!so memd!sos s br stuj! os me opbrtme opbrtmett p`msf p`msf bl me! s!stf jfvfdbpfe jfvfdbpfett prbgfss prbgfss++ Z`f Z`f s!stf os stujofj tb t`f oeutfst jftmod mej memd!fj+ Z`f s!stf memd!st pdm!s t`f rbdf bl t`f oetfrrb"mtbr mej jwfdds jffp oetb t`f wbr.oe" bl t`f prfsfet s!stf+ Z`f s!stf os vofwfj ms m w`bdf mej t`f oeput tb t`f s!stf mrf ojfetolofj+ Z`f butputs lrb t`f br"meomtobes mrf trmgfj tb t`f vmrobus prbgfssfs+ W!stf memd!sos os gbegfrefj wot` hfgboe" hfgboe" mwmrf mwmrf bl t`f prbhdf prbhdf33 ojfetol! ojfetol!oe" oe" t`f rfdfvme rfdfvmett mej jfgosobe jfgosobemd md vmromhdf vmromhdfs3 s3 memd!oe" mej s!et`fsooe" t`f vmrobus lmgtbrs mej jftfroeoe" me bptomd br mt dfmst m smtoslmgtbr! sbdutobe br prb"rm bl mgtobe+ M jftmodfj stuj! bl t`f prbgfss ust hf mjf h! vmrobus tfg`eoqufs do.f oetfrvofws3 qufstobeemorfs ftg+ Z`f jmtm gbddfgtfj h! t`fsf sbur sburgf gfs s ust ust hf sgru sgruto toeo eof fj j tb mrro mrrovf vf tb m gbegd begdus usob obe+ e+ Z`f gbeg gbegdu duso sob be os me uejfrstmejoe" bl `bw t`f s!stf luegtobes+ Z`os s!stf os gmddfj t`f f,ostoe" s!stf+ -bw t`f f,ostoe" s!stf os suhkfgtfj tb gdbsf stuj! mej prbhdf mrfms mrf ojfetolofj+ Z`f jfso"efr ebw luegtobes ms m prbhdf sbdvfr mej trofs tb sbrt but t`f jollogudtofs t`mt t`f t`f fetf fetfrpr rprosf osf lmgfs+ lmgfs+ Z`f Z`f sbdut sbdutobe obes s mrf "ovfe "ovfe ms prbpbs prbpbsmds mds++ Z`f Z`f prbpb prbpbsmd smd os t`fe t`fe wfo"`fj wot` t`f f,ostoe" s!stf memd!togmdd! mej t`f hfst bef os sfdfgtfj+ Z`f prbpbsmd os prfsfetfj tb t`f usfr lbr me fejbrsffet h! t`f usfr+ Z`f prbpbsmd os rfvofwfj be usfr rfqufst mej suotmhdf g`me"fs mrf mjf+ Z`os os dbbp t`mt fejs ms sbbe ms t`f usfr  os smtoslofj wot` prbpbsmd+ Srfdooemr! stuj! os t`f prbgfss bl "mt`froe" mej oetfrprftoe" lmgts3 lmgts3 usoe" usoe" t`f oelbrmtobe oelbrmtobe lbr lurt`fr lurt`fr stujofs be t`f s!stf+ Srfdooemr! Srfdooemr! stuj! os prbhdf prbhdf sbdvoe" sbdvoe" mgtovot! mgtovot! t`mt rfquorfs rfquorfs oetfesov oetfesovf f gbueo gbueogmto gmtobe be hftwff hftwffe e t`f s!stf s!stf usfrs mej s!stf jfvfdbpfrs+ Ot jbfs vmrobus lfmsohodot! stujofs+ Oe t`fsf stujofs m rbu"` lo"urf bl t`f s!stf mgtovotofs mgtovotofs gme hf bhtmoefj3 lrb w`og` t`f jfgosobe mhbut t`f strmtf"ofs tb hf lbddbwfj lbr fllfgtovf s!stf stuj! mej memd!sos gme hf tm.fe+

Smaf - !7

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi

Gostoea Wystfi bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi'

Oe t`f f,ostoe" s!stf t`f f,ms mrf jbef bed! meumdd! hut oe prbpbsfj s!stf wf `mvf tb gbputfrof t`f f,ms usoe" t`os mppdogmtobe+ (mg. bl sfgurot! bl jmtm+ Ibrf me pbwfr+ Zof gbesuoe"+ %besufs dmr"f vbduf bl pmrf wbr.+ -ffjs meumd gmdgudmtobes+ -b jorfgt rbdf lbr t`f `o"`fr bllogomds

S#bpbsf$ Wystfi bl Zf Zfdfp`bef dfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi'

Z`f mo bl prbpbsfj s!stf os tb jfvfdbp m s!stf bl oprbvfj lmgodotofs+ Z`f prbpbsfj s!stf gme bvfrgbf mdd t`f dootmtobes bl t`f f,ostoe" s!stf+ Z`f s!stf prbvojfs prbpfr sfgurot! mej rfjugfs t`f meumd wbr.+ Wfgurot! bl jmtm+ 8esurf jmtm mggurmg!?s+ Srbpfr gbetrbd bl t`f `o"`fr bllogomds+ Ioeoof meumd jmtm fetr!+ Ioeou tof effjfj lbr t`f vmrobus prbgfssoe"+ 9rfmtfr fllogofeg!+ )fttfr sfrvogf+ #sfr lrofejdoefss mej oetfrmgtovf+ Ioeou tof rfquorfj+

Smaf - !:

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi 3mtm 3ogtobem#y'

Z`os os ebrmdd! rfprfsfetfj rfprfsfetfj ms t`f jmtm mhbut jmtm+ Ot os mdsb tfrfj ms ftmjmtm sbf tofs w`og` "ovfs t`f jmtm mhbut t`f jmtm stbrfj oe t`f jmtmhmsf+ jmtmhmsf+ Ot jfloefs fmg` jmtm tfr fegbuetfrfj juroe" t`f memd!sos mej jfso"e bl m efw s!stf+ $mtm fdffets gme jfsgrohf lodfs br t`f prbgfssfs+ Lbddbwoe" mrf sbf mkbr s!hbds usfj oe t`f jmtm jogtobemr! •

N fquovmdfet tb

D mej

E fot`fr7 br 

>4 Bptobemd fetr!

,bddboea m#f sbif #%dfs2 `og` $floefs t`f gbest#%gtobe bl $mtm $ogtobem#y fet#ofs'

=+ ;brj ;brjs s s`bud s`budj j hf jfloef jfloefj j tb uejfrst uejfrstme mej j lbr w`mt w`mt t`f! t`f! effj effj mej ebt t`f t`f vmromhdf effj h! w`og` t`f! m! hf jfsgrohfj oe t`f prb"rm + F+

8mg` wb wbrj u ust hf hf ue ueoquf+ ;f ;f gm gmeebt `m `mvf tw twb jf jfloeotobe bl bl t` t`f smf gdofet+


Mdomsfs br br s! s!ebe!s mr mrf md mddbwfj w` w`fe tw twb br br b brf fe fetfrs s` s`bws t`f smf fmeoe"+ Lbr f,mpdf m vfejbr euhfr m! mdsb hf gmddfj ms gustbfr euhfr+

+ M sfdl/jfloeoe" sfdl/jfloeoe" wbrj wbrj s`budj ebt ebt hf jfgbpbsfj+ jfgbpbsfj+ Ot fmes t`mt t`mt t`f rfjugtobe rfjugtobe bl me! oelbrmtobe oe tb suhpmrt s`budj hf jbef bed! ol ot os rfmdd! rfquorfj t`mt os ot os ebt fms! tb uejfrstmej jorfgtd!+ $mtm jogtobemr! oegdujfs oelbrmtobe sug` ms t`f euhfr bl rfgbrjs oe lodf3 t`f lrfqufeg! m prbgfss wodd rue3 sfgurot! lmgtbr do.f pmss wbrj w`og` usfr ust fetfr  tb "ft f,gfss tb t`f oelbrmtobe+

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Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi begd%sobe bl t`f S#b&fgt Zfdfp`bef Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi'

Bur prbkfgt os bed! m `uhdf vfeturf tb smtosl! t`f effjs tb mem"f t`for prbkfgt wbr.+ Wfvfrmd usfr lrofejd! gbjoe" gbjoe" `mvf mdsb mjbptfj+ Z`os Z`os pmg.m"f s`mdd prbvf tb hf m pbwfrlud pmg.m"f oe smtosl!oe" mdd t`f rfquorffets bl t`f sg`bbd+ Z`f bhkfgtovf bl  sbltw sbltwmrf mrf pdmee pdmeeoe oe" " os tb prbvo prbvojf jf m lrmf lrmf wbr. wbr. t`mt t`mt femh femhdfs dfs t`f me"f me"frr tb m.f m.f rfmsbemhdf rfmsbemhdf fstomtfs mjf wot`oe m dootfj tof lrmf mt t`f hf"oeeoe" bl t`f sbltwmrf sbltwmrf prbkfgt mej s`budj hf upjmtfj rf"udmrd! ms t`f prbkfgt prb"rfssfs+ (t t`f fe$ ot os gbegd%$f$ t`mt f `m+f im$f fllb#t be lbddboea pboetsJ •

 M jfsgroptob jfsgroptobe e bl t`f hmg."rbuej hmg."rbuej mej mej gbetf,t gbetf,t bl t`f prbkfgt prbkfgt mej ots rfdmtobe rfdmtobe tb wbr. wbr. mdrfmj! jbef oe t`f mrfm+

Imjf stmtffet bl t`f mos mej bhkfgtovfs bl t`f prbkfgt+

Z`f jfsgroptobe bl Surpbsf3 Wgbpf3 mej mppdogmhodot!+

;f jfloef t`f prbhdf be w`og` wf mrf wbr.oe" oe t`f prbkfgt+

;f jfsgrohf t`f rfquorffet Wpfgologmtobes bl t`f s!stf mej t`f mgtobes t`mt gme hf jbef be t`fsf t`oe"s+

;f uejfrstmej t`f prbhdf jbmoe mej prbjugf m bjfd bl t`f s!stf3 w`og` jfsgrohfs bpfrmtobes t`mt gme hf pfrlbrfj be t`f s!stf+

;f oegdujfj lfmturfs mej bpfrmtobes oe jftmod3 oegdujoe" sgrffe dm!buts+

;f jfso"efj usfr oetfrlmgf mej sfgurot! ossufs rfdmtfj tb s!stf+

Loemdd! t`f s!stf os opdffetfj mej tfstfj mggbrjoe" tb tfst gmsfs+

Smaf - !<

Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi ,%t%#f Wgbpf bl t`f S#b&fgt' Oe m euts`fd euts`fdd3 d3 ot gme hf sumrofj sumrofj t`mt t`f luturf luturf sgbpf bl t`f prbkfgt prbkfgt gorgdfs mrbuej moetmoeoe" oelbrmtobe rf"mrjoe"<

;f gme mjj proetfr oe luturf+

;f gme "ovf brf mjvmegf mjvmegf sbltwmrf sbltwmrf lbr Zfdfp`bef dfp`bef )oddoe" Sm!fet Sm!fet W!stf W!stf oegdujoe" brf lmgodotofs

;f wodd `bst t`f pdmtlbr be bedoef sfrvfrs tb m.f ot mggfssohdf wbrdjwojf

Oetf"rmtf udtopdf dbmj hmdmegfrs tb jostrohutf t`f dbmjs bl t`f s!stf

%rfmtf t`f mstfr mej sdmvf jmtmhmsf strugturf tb rfjugf t`f bvfrdbmj bl t`f jmtmhmsf qufrofs

Opdffet t`f hmg.up fg`meos lbr tm.oe" hmg.up bl gbjfhmsf mej jmtmhmsf be rf"udmr hmsos be jollfrfet sfrvfrs

Z`f mhbvf fetobefj pboets mrf t`f fe`megffets w`og` gme hf jbef tb oegrfmsf t`f mppdogmhodot! mppdogmhodot! mej usm"f usm"f bl t`os prbkfgt+ prbkfgt+ 'frf 'frf wf gme gme

moetmoe t`f t`f rfgbrjs rfgbrjs bl )odds )odds

mej %ustbfrs+ Mdsb3 ms ot gme hf sffe t`mt ebw/m/jm!s t`f pdm!frs mrf vfrsmtodf3 o+f+ sb t`frf os m sgbpf lbr oetrbjugoe" m ft`bj tb moetmoe t`f Zfdfp`bef )oddoe" Sm!fet W!stf+ 8e`megffets 8e`megffets gme hf jbef tb moetmoe mdd t`f )odds3 %ustbfrs3 %beefgtobes3 %beefgtobes3 Zrmllogs3 %beefgtobe Z!pfs+ Z!pfs+

;f `mvf dflt mdd t`f bptobes bpfe sb t`mt ol t`frf os me! bt`fr luturf rfquorffet oe t`f s!stf h! t`f usfr lbr t`f fe`megffet bl t`f s!stf t`fe ot os pbssohdf tb opdffet t`f+Oe t`f dmst wf wbudj do.f tb t`me.s mdd t`f pfrsbes oevbdvfj oe t`f jfvfdbpfet bl t`f s!stf jorfgtd! br oejorfgtd!+ ;f `bpf t`mt t`f prbkfgt wodd sfrvf ots purpbsf lbr w`og` ot os jfvfdbp t`frf h! uejfrdoeoe" suggfss bl prbgfss+

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Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi >oiotmtobe bl S#b&fgt be Zfdfp`b Zfdfp`bef ef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi  Mdt`bu"` O `mvf put put ! hfst fllbrts tb m.f t`f t`f sbltwmrf sbltwmrf ldf,ohdf3 ldf,ohdf3 fms! tb bpfrmtf bpfrmtf hut dootmtobes gmeebt hf rudfj but fvfe h! f+ Z`bu"` t`f sbltwmrf prfsfets m hrbmj rme"f bl bptobes tb ots usfrs sbf oetrogmtf bptobes gbudj ebt hf gbvfrfj oetb ot pmrtd! hfgmusf bl db"ostog mej pmrtd! juf tb dmg. bl sbp`ostogmtobe+ Smugot! bl tof wms mdsb mkbr gbestrmoet3 t`us ot wms ebt pbssohdf tb m.f t`f sbltwmrf lbbdprbbl mej j!emog+ (mg. bl tof mdsb gbpfddfj f tb o"ebrf sbf pmrt sug` ms stbroe" bdj rfsudt bl t`f gmejojmtf ftg+ %besojfrmhdf fllbrts `mvf mjf t`f sbltwmrf fms! tb bpfrmtf fvfe lbr t`f pfbpdf ebt rfdmtfj tb t`f lofdj bl gbputfrs hut ot os mg.ebwdfj"fj t`mt m dm!me m! loej ot m hot prbhdfmtog mt t`f lorst oestmegf+ Z`f usfr os prbvojfj `fdp mt fmg` stfp lbr `os gbevfeofegf oe wbr.oe" wot` t`f sbltwmrf+ >ost bl doiotmtobes `og` os m+modm)df oe t`f Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi'

8,gfd f,pbrt `ms ebt hffe jfvfdbpfj lbr )odds3 %ustbfrs juf tb sbf grotogmdot!+ Z`f Z`f trme trmesm smgt gtob obes es mrf mrf f,fg f,fgut utfj fj oe bll/ bll/do doef ef bjf bjf33 `feg `fegf f be/d be/doe oef f jmtm jmtm lbr  lbr  %beefgtobes3 Zrmllogs gmpturf mej bjologmtobe os ebt pbssohdf+ Bll/doef rfpbrts bl )odds3 %beefgtobe Z!pfs3 %beefgtobes gmeebt hf "fefrmtfj juf tb hmtg` bjf f,fgutobe+

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Wyebpsos bl Zfdfp`bef Hoddoea Smyifet Wystfi flf#fegfs me$ Ho)doba#mp`y' • • • • • • • • • • • • •

9bb"df lbr prbhdf sbdvoe" `ttp
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