( BSE,, NIFTY NIFTY,, NASDAQ NASDAQ,, Dow Jones, Jones, Hang Seng) Seng) is a Motilal Oswal Financial Services Ltd. (BSE diversified financial services fir offering a range of financial !rod"c#s and services s"c$ as %eal#$ %e al#$ &anageen# &anageen#,, 'e#ail Broing and Dis#ri"#ion, Ins#i#"#ional Broing, Asse# &anageen#, *riva#e E+"i#, E+"i#, Inves#en# Baning, Baning, -oodi# Broing and *rinci!al S#ra#egies
Background[edit Background[edit]] T$e co!an co!an was was fored in ./01 &o#ilal 2swal and 'aadeo Agrawal af#er Agrawal af#er #$e ac+"ired eers$i! on T$e BSE BSE33456 &o#ilal 2swal was elec#ed direc#or and 7oined #$e 8overning Board of #$e Boa S#oc E9c$ange in E9c$ange in .//03 &o#ilal 2swal Sec"ri#ies is a De!osi#or *ar#ici!an# of NSD: of NSD:4;6 and a De!osi#or *ar#ici!an# of -en#rall De!osi#or -en#ra De!osi#or Services :ii#ed :ii#e d (-DSI:)43 Bans ?3 *roviden# f"nds 13 Financial ins#i#"#ions3
Design of #$e s#"d
Ti#le of #$e s#"d
LE+"i# Cal"a#ion of To! T$ree IT -o!aniesM
27ec#ives of #$e s#"d a) To s#"d #$e !erforance of #$ree IT -o!anies nael %i!ro, Infoss, T-S3
) To eval"a#e #$e financial !erforance of #$ese co!anies #$ro"g$ f"ndaen#al analsis #aing in #o considera#ion da#a of las# five ears
c)3 To de#erine #$e E+"i# !rices #$ro"g$ E+"i# Cal"a#ion &odels3
d) To eval"a#e #$e !rices of #$ese co!anies3
e) To design s#ra#eg for !rofi#ale inves#en# in e+"i#ies w$ic$ ields a9i" re#"rns3
Need for E+"i# val"a#ion of IT -o!anies3 Indias infora#ion #ec$nolog services co!anies, #$e !ro"d asco# of a odern, res"rgen# India, and darling of inves#ing !"lic, $ave s#ar#ed loosing #$eir a!!eal3 T$eir s$ares $ave los# #$eir s$ine and $ave grossl "nder!erfored inn a "oan# are#, w$ ic$ is scaling newer !eas alos# ever on#$3 Is i# #$e #ie #o wri#e #$e offO 2r do #$e $ave #$e #alen#, reso"rces and infras#r"c#"re #o overcoe #$e da"n#ing !roles #$a# afflic# #$e now and $i# #$e $ig$grow#$ !a#$ once again3 So i# is ver necessar #o now w$a# #$e inves#ors s$o"ld do a# #$is #ie M!"O#OLO$% OF #A!A COLLC!&O'
)R&MAR% #A!A
Disc"ssion wi#$ #$e co!an official Disc"ssion regarding #$e IT sec#or and IT -o!anies !erforance and
$ow e+"i# s$ares of #$ese co!anies are !erforing !resen#l3
In#erne# so"rces
Ann"al 'e!or#s of #$e co!anies
B"siness agaGines
CO'C)!(AL #S&$'
Sa!le "ni#K E+"i# s$ares of #$e selec#ed co!anies
Sa!le siGeK > ears financial da#a of #$ese co!anies
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