Syllabus v9 - Fall 2002 - Cell & Molecular Biology

August 21, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Biology 301

Cellular and Molecular Biology Fall 2002

This course covers the biological principles relating to cellular and subcellular levels of structure and function. Topics include introductory biochemistry and molecular biology as well as the fundamentals of cell structure and physiology. Implications of these basic principles for medical science will be considered as appropriate. Lecturer : Dr. Ogan Gurel O ice Hours: After class Email: [email protected] Lectures: Tuesdays & Thursdays 6:00 - 7:15 PM Discussion: Tuesdays 7:20 - 8:20 PM Laboratory: Thursdays 7:30 - 9:50 PM Prerequisites: Biology 150, Chemistry 202 and Chemistry 211 Texts Required: Text: Campbell, Reece and Mitchell, (2002), Biology 6th ed. Benjamin/Cummings Lab: Winfrey, Rott and Wortmann, (1997), Unraveling DNA, molecular biology for the laboratory. Prentice Hall. Suggested: Martha A. Taylor, (2002), Student study guide for Cambell's Biology 6th edition.Benjamin/Cummings. Objectives: This is a survey course in cellular structure and function. Upon completion you should be able to: 1.Understand the fundamentals of molecular bonding and the special role of water 2.Describe the structure of carbohydrates, lipids, nucleic acids and proteins 3.Describe how enzymes function 4.Identify the components of prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells and their respective

functions 5.Describe how prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells regulate gene expression 6.Understand basic cell membrane structure and function 7.Describe the phases and events in the cell cycle 8.Understand basic cell metabolism \u2013 in particular, the biochemical pathways

involved in the production of energy 9.Conduct basic experiments and write a intepretative report of the results

COURSE PROCEDURES & POLICIES Course Grades: Grades will be based on 1. Three 100 point exams 2. Laboratory exercises (150 points total) Exams consist of a mix of multiple choice, matching, true/false, short answer, and problems Grading Scale: Based on a class specific curve Attendance policy: While attendance for lectures is not required, it is highly suggested. Borderline grades will be decided based on attendance, individual e ort and class participation. Attendance for the discussion section is highly recommended since we will be actively discussing problems and articles.Attendance for laboratory, on the other hand, is mandatory.It is difficult, if not impossible, to understand how and why a technique works if you do notactuallyperformthe experimentin the lab. In addition, manyof the lab session build upon experiments conducted in the previous session. As such, it will be impossible to continue the remaining experiments.

In the case thatyou mustmiss a lab due to personal or familyillness, funerals, or religious or workrelated commitments, the instructor should be notified prior to the lab so thatalternate arrangements can be made. If you miss more than two laboratories, you mustrepeat the entire laboratory section. Missed Exams: Only doctor's orders, family illness or death in the family and acts of God are considered excusable reasons for missing an exam. Proper documentation is required. The instructor should be notified as soon as possible if you are unable to take an exam. Make up exams will be oral. Dishonesty: Dishonesty of any kind including cheating or plagiarism will not be tolerated. All matters of dishonestywill resultin failure for the course. Plagiarismincludes submitting another student's work as your own, presenting information fromothers' work as your own, and presenting information, even fromthe textor the laboratorymanual, without recognition of the source.

Work done in collaboration with others and attributed appropriately is permissible but must be discussed with the instructor beforehand.

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