Syllabus Revised - RIZAL COURSE

September 19, 2017 | Author: Jenille Burguillos | Category: Philippines
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Course Title : Rizal Course Course Code : RC Course Credits : 3 units Prerequisite : None Instructor : Antonino Tobias IV Email:

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The course is intended to provide students with an introduction of the national hero’s life by looking at his works. It pursues the interest in understanding the hero’s nationalist thought by providing the students with selected readings of historical and theoretical relevance. COURSE OBJECTIVES At the end of the semester, the students should: 1.

critically study the life and thought of Rizal in the context of nineteenth century Philippines; 2. ascertain the role of Jose Rizal and his writings in the development of Filipino nationalist thought through the examination of several scholarly papers on Rizal ; 3. determine the relevance of Rizal’s thought vis a vis the evolution of Filipino nationalism as represented by other thinkers like Apolinario Mabini, Emilio Jacinto, Andres Bonifacio, and contemporary nationalists like Claro Mayo Recto, Jose W. Diokno, and Lorenzo Tañada. METHODOLOGY: • Classroom lectures/ discussions • Individual and group reporting • Film viewing and field exposures COURSE REQUIREMENTS

Participation in class activities: Classroom discussions/ workshops/recitations Individual and/or group reports Papers for submission: Critique/ reaction papers Documentation or analysis of institutions or groups visited during class exposures. (Rizal Shrine in Calamba, Laguna, or Fort Santiago) Preliminary and Final Exams Long tests before major exams Other matters will still be added depending on the social interaction process in the classroom

COURSE OUTLINE AND READING LIST Each topic in the course outline has a required reading assignment. You are expected to have read the assigned readings prior to each class session. Many of the class sessions will be spent critically examining the issues and ideas pervading each reading. Part I. Introduction : Demythologizing Rizal • Isagani R. Cruz (1996) BAKLA BA SI RIZAL? In FILMAG, November. • Ambeth R. Ocampo (1998) RIZAL WITHOUT THE OVERCOAT: REVISED EDITION, pp. 174- 181/108116/125-135/9-14. • Ambeth Ocampo (2001) Rizal Rediscovered in MEANING AND HISTORY : THE RIZAL LECTURES, Anvil Publishing Manila, pp 35-53. Part II. Rizal’s Personal Circumstances • M. Rajaretnam (1999) JOSE RIZAL AND THE ASIAN RENAISSANCE: A LEGACY OF SENSIBILITY AND DIGNITY • Mike De Leon (2000) BAYANING THIRD WORLD (FILM) Part III. Rizal and the 19th Century: The making of a Nation and the Nationalist

Fe Maria Arriola and Mariel Francisco (1995) THE HISTORY OF THE BURGIS, p.15-60.

John N. Schumacher, S.J. (1991) RIZAL IN THE CONTEXT OF NINETEENTH CENTURY PHILIPPINESIN in The Making of a nation: Essays in the nineteenth Century Filipino Nationalism, p. 16-34.

_____________, (1991) HIGHER EDUCATION AND THE ORIGINS OF NATIONALISM in The Making of a nation: Essays in the nineteenth Century Filipino Nationalism, p. 34-42.

Part IV. Rizal’s Essays/ Letters •

Essays: *The Indolence of the Filipinos (1890) *Reflections of A Filipino (1884) •

Letters and Speeches

*Rizal’s Speech in Honor of Juan Luna and Felix Resurreeccion Hidalgo (Jun 25, 1884) *Reply to Barrantes’ Criticism of the Noli Me Tangere (January 15,1890). *How the Philippine is governed (December 15, 1890) *On the Calamba Incidents (18901891) *The Rights of Man (1891-1892) *Data for My Defense (December 12,1896) *Manifesto to some Filipinos (December 15,1896) *Additions to my Defense (December 26, 1896) Part V. Rizal’s Nationalism: Debates and Controversies A.) RIZAL AND THE PHILIPPINE REVOLUTION

John Schumacher, S.J. (19910 THE NOLI ME TANGERE AS A CATALYST OF REVOLUTION in The making of a nation: Essays in the nineteenth Century Filipino Nationalism, p. 91-101.

Teodoro Agoncillo (1991) RIZAL AND THE PHILIPPINE REVOLUTION in Himalay: Kalipunan ng mga Pag-aaral kay Jose Rizal, P. Melendres-Cruz and A.B. Chua, Eds. P. 276-287.

Renato Constantino (1991) VENERATION WITHOUT UNDERSTANDING in Himalay: Kalipunan ng mga Pag-aaral kay Jose Rizal, P. Melendres-Cruz and A.B. Chua, Eds. P.405-425.

Ricardo Pascual (1991) RIZAL’S PHILOSOPHY OF HISTORY in Himalay: Kalipunan ng mga Pag-aaral kay Jose Rizal, P. Melendres-Cruz and A.B. Chua, Eds. p.300-319.

B) RIZAL AND NATIONAL IDENTITY *Cesar Adib Majul (1991) ON THE CONCEPT OF NATIONAL COMMUNITY in Himalay: Kalipunan ng mga Pag-aaral kay Jose Rizal, P. Melendres-Cruz and A.B. Chua, Eds. p.264-275. * Quintin Terrenal, S.V.D. (1984) RIZAL, THE MALOLOS CONSTITUTION, AND THE “SPIRIT OF THE FILIPINO PEOPLE” in Jose Rizal: Lover of Truth and Justice, p. 1-22. * Raul Pertierra (December 1998) EMANCIPATION WITHIN CULTURE in Public Policy, Vol. 2, No. 4: pp.83-100. Part VI. Beyond Rizal •

Alejo Villanueva, Jr. (1989) BONIFACIO’S UNFINISHED

REVOLUTION. New Day Publisher: Quezon City. Ambeth Ocampo (2001) BONES OF CONTENTION: THE BONIFACIO LECTURES. Anvil Publishing, Manila, pp. x-xix, 2-11,12-75,76-98. Apolinario Mabini, THE PHILIPPINE REVOLUTION. Leon Maria Guerero, trans. (1969). National Historical Institute: Manila.

Ed Garcia. Jose W. Doikno: A MAN OF UNCOMMON VALOR in Six Modern Filipino Heroes, Asuncion David Maramba, ed. (1993) Anvil Publishing.

Marites Vitug. LEAN ALEJANDRO: THINKER ACTIVIST in Six Young Filipino Martyrs Asuncion David Maramba, ed. (1997) Anvil Publishing.

Maita Gomez. Lorena Barros: GENTLE WARRIOR in Six Young Filipino Martyrs, Asuncion David Maramba, ed. (1997) Anvil Publishing.

Sylvia Ventura. Emmanuel Lacaba:POST WARRIOR in Six Young Filipino Martyrs Asuncion David Maramba, ed. (1997) Anvil Publishing.

Lorna Kalaw Tirol. Edgar Jopson: THE MAGI SEEKER in Six Young Filipino Martyrs Asuncion David Maramba, ed. (1993) Anvil Publishing.

Part VII Conclusion: Filipino Identity and Nationalism in the context of Globalization

James Fallows (November 1987) A DAMAGED CULTURE in The Atlantic Monthly.

Neils Mulder (2000) THIS GODFORSAKEN COUNTRY: FILIPINO IMAGES OF THE NATION in Stein Tonnesson and Hans Antlov, Eds, Asian Forms of the Nation.

Kathleen Weekly (December 1998) NATIONALISM AND A ‘USABLE PAST in Public Policy, Vol. II, No. 4, pp. 59-82. • Randy S. David (2001) REFLECTIONS ON SOCIOLOGY AND THE PHILIPPINE SOCIETY. University of the Philippines Press: Diliman, Quezon City. *History and Moral Identity : The Challenge of the Philippine Centennial, pp. 78-88. *The Filipino Diaspora: Identity in the Global Village, pp.68-77. * Cesar Adib Majur (March 1999) RIZAL * IN THE 21ST CENTURY: RELEVANCE OF HIS IDEAS AND TEXTS IN PUBLIC POLICY, Vol. III, No.1: pp.1-22.

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