Syllabus of Electrical Engineering

June 27, 2016 | Author: bhaktamelt | Category: Types, Instruction manuals
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Short Description




National Institute of Technology, Agartala

Course-Structure: B. Tech. Electrical Engineering Lecture 3rd Semester 1Mathematics III 2Thermodynamics and Heat power Engineering 3Network Analysis and Synthesis 4Analog Circuits 5Programming in C

Tutorial Practical


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10 8 10 6 8

4th semester 1Electrical Machine I 2Power System I 3Electrical Measurement and Measuring Instruments 4Electrical Engineering Materials 5Digital Electronics

42 5th Semester 1Electrical Machine II 2Power System II 3Numerical Methods and Analysis 4Control System I 5Electromagnetic Field Theory

6 6 6 6 6

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6th semester 1Microprocessors and its applications 2Power Electronics 3Communication Systems 4Digital Signal Processing 5Industrial Instrumentation

7th Semester 1Engineering Economics and Costing 2Control System II Electrical Machine Design and Power Circuit Design 3 Estimation and Costing 4Electrical Drives 5Elective 1 6Project 8th semester 1 Industrial Management 2High Voltage Engineering 3Elective2 4Elective 3 5Grand Viva 6Project

Total credit excluding 1St and 2nd semester Electives for Electrical Engineering Department


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55.

Dynamics of Electrical Machine Generalized Theory of Electrical Machine Special Machines Power Plant Engineering Computer Application in Power systems Dynamics of Power system Process Control & Instrumentation Digital Image Processing Opto-electronics Based Instrumentation Biomedical Instrumentation Analytical Instrumentation Power System Instrumentation VLSI Technology Opto-electronics and Integrated Optics Embedded systems Advances Microprocessor & Microcontroller Microprocessor Based Systems Industrial Automation and Control Intelligent Control Advanced Control Theory Non-linear control Digital communication systems Antenna and wave Propagation Engineering Optical Communication Mobile communication Advance power electronics Advance Drives Object oriented programming RDBMS Artificial Intelligence and Expert System Compiler Construction and Design Software Engineering Operating Systems Computer Networking Network and Data Communication Computer organization and Architecture Human Computer Interaction Advance Engineering Chemistry Fuzzy set and fuzzy logic Advance Mathematics Computational Electrodynamics Mechatronics Operation research Total Quality Management Finite Element Analysis Solid State Physics Laser and Nonlinear Optics Nuclear Physics Quantum Mechanics Reliability Engineering Artificial intelligence and Robotics Energy Science and Engineering Electrical Utilization and Illumination Engineering Introduction Nanotechnology Bio Process Instrumentation

Lecture Tutorial Practical Credit 6 2 0 6 2 0 6 2 0 6 2 0 6 0 2 6 2 0 6 0 2 6 0 2 6 0 2 6 0 2 6 0 2 6 2 0 6 0 2 6 0 2 6 0 2 6 0 2 6 0 2 6 0 2 6 2 0 6 2 0 6 2 0 6 0 2 6 0 2 6 0 2 6 0 2 6 0 2 6 0 2 6 0 2 6 0 2 6 2 0 6 2 0 6 2 0 6 2 0 6 0 2 6 0 2 6 2 0 6 0 2 6 2 0 6 2 0 6 2 0 6 2 0 6 0 2 6 2 0 6 2 0 6 0 2 6 2 0 6 0 2 6 2 0 6 2 0 6 2 0 6 0 2 6 2 0 6 0 2 6 2 0 6 0 2

8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

56. Switchgear and Power System Protection

3rd Semester 1. Mathematics III(6-2-0)





Probability and Statistics: Classical and Axiomatic definition of Probability, Conditional Probability, Independent Events, Random Variables, Probability mass function and Probability density function, Distribution function, Function of Random Variables. Standard univariate discrete and continuous distribution and their properties, Mathematical Expectation, Moments, Moments Generating Function, correlation and regression. Fourier Series: Fourier series, Half range series, Fourier sine series and Fourier cosine series. Function of Several Variables: Partial Derivatives, Chain Rule, Differentiation of Implicit functions, Exact Differentials, Tangent planes and Normal planes, Maxima, Minima and Saddle points, Simple problems in extrema of functions with constraints, Method of Lagrangian Multipliers. Multiple Integrals: Double and Triple Integrals, Jacobians and transformation of co-ordinates, Application to areas, volumes center of pressure. Improper Integrals: Test of convergence, Beta and Gamma function. Vector Calculus: Vector differentiation and Integrations, gradient, divergence and curl-Application. Function of a Complex Variable: Limit, continuity and differentiation, Analytic function, Cauchy-Riemann equations, Conjugate functions, Application to two dimensional problems, Cauchy’s Integral theorem, Taylor’s and Laurent’s expansions, Brach points, zeros, poles, residues, simple problems on Contour Integration. Reference Books 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Advanced Engineering Mathematics: E. Kreyszig. Advanced Engineering Mathematics: H.K.Dass. A Textbook of Engineering Mathematics: N.P.Bali & Manish Goyal. Advanced Engineering Mathematics: B.S.Grewal. Statistical Methods: Gupta & Kapoor/Kapoor & Sexena. Vector Calculas: M.L.Khanna. Integral Calculas: Maity & Ghosh.

2. Thermodynamics & Heat Power Engineering (6-0-0) Basic Concepts of Thermodynamics:

Introduction to kinetic theory of gases, thermodynamic systems, thermodynamic equilibrium; properties of system, state, process, cycle, point function, path function, temperature, pressure, energy, work, heat. Properties of pure substances: Definition of pure substance, phase change diagram, P-V-T surface, property diagrams, thermodynamic properties of steam and steam tables,h-s chart, Mollier diagram, dryness fraction. First law of thermodynamics: First law, first law applied to process and cycles, energy, PMM1, Joule’s law, SFEE, SFEE applied to different devices. Second law of thermodynamics: Limitation of 1st law, Second law of thermodynamics, Clausius and Kelvin Plank statement, PMM2, Clausius inequality, Entropy, change of Entropy in rev process, Entropy and Irreversibility. Availability and Irreversibility: Concept of available and unavailable energy, heat transferred tothrough FTD, availability in steady and unsteady systems, Irreversibility, Effectiveness. Ideal and Real Gases: Equation of state, behavior of ideal gas, P-V-T relation, specific heats, real gases, Vander Waal’s equation. Vapour power cycles: Carnot Cycle, Rankine cycle, modified Rankine cycle, Reheat and Regenerative cycle. Gas power cycle: Otto cycle, Diesel cycle, Dual cycle, comparison of Otto, Diesel and Dual cycle, Brayton cycle. Reference Books 1. Y.A. Cengal & M.A. Boles. Thermodynamics an Engg Approach McGraw Hill 2. P.K. Nag Engg Thermodynamics, Tata McGraw Hill 3. R.K. Rajput Engg Thermodynamics, I.P. 4. P.L. Ballaney Thermal Engg, Khanna Pub.

3.Network Analysis (6-2-2) Unit 1:


Introduction to circuit element, types of network, Review of network theorems Unit 2: Resonance: Series resonance, impedence curve, selectivity and bandwidth, parallel resonance, reactance curve. Unit 3:

Transient Response First Order systems: Introduction, natural response, initial conditions, complete response of first order system, Application of Lap lace Transform Higher order systems: Natural response, over damped system, critically damped system and under damped system, Network excited by external energy sources. Transform of other signal wave form: Shifted Unit step function, Ramp and Impulse function, wave form synthesis, Initial and final value of f(t) and F(s)

Unit 4:

Properties of Network Impedance functions and network theorem: Concept of complex frequency, transform impedances and transform circuit and application of network theorem Network Function Poles and Zeros Concept of poles and zeros, Network functions for one port and two port network, Restrictions of poles and zeros location for driving point function and transfer function. Time domain behaviour for the poles and zero plots. Passive filters.

Unit 5:

Two Port Network Concept of two port network, Impedance parameter, Admittance parameter, transmission parameter, inverse transmission parameter, hybrid parameter, inverse hybrid parameter, Relation between parameter set, interconnection of two networks, Network functions for general networks

Unit 6:

Graph Theory Graph of a network, Trees, co-trees, loops, Incidence matrix, Cut-set, tie-set matrix, number of possible trees of a graph.

Unit 7:

Coupled inductors Introduction to coupled inductors, mutual inductance, dot convention, coefficient of coupling, series and parallel combination of coupled circuit.

Unit 8:

Fourier series Introduction to Fourier series, Evaluation of Fourier coefficient, Waveform symmetries, Exponential form of Fourier series, Introduction to Fourier transform.

Reference Books 1. Network Analysis & Synthesis By M.E. Van Valkenburg 2. Network Analysis & Synthesis By D.Roy Chowdhury 3. Circuit Theory By A.Chakraborti.

4. Programming in C (6-0-2) UNIT I. Introduction A. History of C B. Why use C C. Compilers D. Memory models UNIT II. Program Structure A. Header and body B. Use of comments C. Construction of the program 1. /* Comments */ 2. { Body } braces 3. File names 4. Standard compiler library UNIT III. Data Concepts A. Interactive programs B. Variables, constants, and data types C. Declaring words, bytes, and bits D. Key and reserve words UNIT IV. Simple Input / Output Operations A. Character strings 1. printf () 2. scanf () B. Single characters 1. getchar () 2. Putchar () UNIT V. Statements and Operators A. Expressions B. Conversions and typecasting UNIT VI. Decision Making Abilities A. Relational operators B. Relational expressions C. Logical operators UNIT VII. Loops and Controls A. Control statements for decision making B. Branching and jumps (if statement) C. While loop D. Do while for loop UNIT VIII. Input/Output and Redirection A. Buffers B. Redirection and files

UNIT IX. Storage Classes A. Automatic Variables B. External Variables C. Scope and Functions UNIT X. Functions and Arguments A. Global and local variables B. Recursion C. Altering variables in calling programs UNIT XI. Strings and Arrays A. Dimensions and initialization of arrays B. String functions C. Pointers & pointer operations D. Pointers and multidimensional arrays E. Pointers and strings UNIT XII. Dynamic Memory allocation A. Malloc( ) B. Calloc ( ) UNIT XIII. Input, Output, and Disk Files A. Streams and Files 1. Text Streams 2. Binary Streams B. Standard I/O 1. fopen () and fclose () function 2 fprint (), fscanf (), fgets (), and fputs () 3. Random access: fseek () and ftell () UNIT XIV. A. Structures B. Pointers to Structures C. Union UNIT XV. Advanced Topics Basic Graphic Programming in C Reference Books AUTHORIZED TEXT: C: Step-by-Step by Waite RECOMMENDED REFERENCES: Turbo C: The Essentials of C Programming by Kelley and Pohl The Benjamin/Cummings Publishing Co., Inc. The First Book of ANSI C: Fundamentals of C Programming, 2nd ed. by Gary Bronson West Publishing Company

4. Analog Circuits(6-2-2) 1. BJT AMPLIFIERS: Analysis and design of different biasing circuits (including stability) for BJT biasing for integrated circuits, h-parameter model of BJT, mid frequency and low frequency analysis of CE,CB and CC amplifier. Hybrid-pi model of BJT, high frequency analysis of BJT amplifiers, transistors as a switch; transient switching characteristics of transistors. 2. FET AMPLIFIERS: Analysis and design of different biasing circuits of FET amplifiers small-signal low frequency model of FET , mid frequency and low frequency analysis of CS,CG and CD amplifiers, small-signal high frequency model of BJT, high frequency analysis of FET amplifiers, Bode plots.

3. FEEDBACK AMPLIFIERS: General theory of feedback, stability of feedback amplifier, different feedback topologies effect of different parameters of an amplifier, frequency response of 2pole/3 pole feedback amplifiers, Bode plot, gain and phase margin, compensation, method analysis, design examples.

4. OPERATIONAL AMPLIFIERS: Differential amplifiers using BJT and FET characteristics of op-amp, ideal and non ideal properties, High frequency effects on op-amp gain and phase, Bodes plot slew rate limitation, linear and non-linear circuit operations of op-amps like adder, subtractor, multiplier circuits, spice analysis of op-amp circuit integrator differentiator ,comparators, Schimitt trigger (inv and non-inv) ,triggerable and non-triggerable multivibrator, triangular and sinusoidal wave generators, precision rectifier, gyrator network, frequency dependent negative resistance (FDNR), peak detector, Wein bridge oscillator, phase shift oscillator, quadrature oscillator.

5. OSCILLATORS: oscillators, harmonic oscillators, rephrase shift oscillator, transistor phase shift oscillator, wein bridge oscillator, taned oscillator, colpits oscillator, hartely oscillator, quadrature oscillator

6. VOLTAGE REGULATORS Voltage Regulators, Design of Series Voltage Regulator, Series regulator with Current Preregulator.

4th Semester 1. Electrical Machine-I (6-2-2) Direct Current Machine Construction, Classification, Applictions, Principle of operation , armature winding, EMF equation, Armature reaction and commutation, Losses and efficiency, Testing, characteristics of DC motors and generators, starting speed control and breaking of DC motor Transformer Construction, Classification, Principle of operation,, EMF equation, Phasor diagram and equivalent circuit., Performance indices , Testing, Auto transformer, 3 phase transformers, Vector Grouping, Parallel operation of transformer. Tap Changers. Induction Machine Construction, Classification, Rotating magnetic field, Principle of operation, slip, power flow diagram, slip torque characteristics, starting and speed control of induction motor, performance indices, Double cage rotor, Testing of induction motor, circle diagram, induction generator, Crawling and cogging, Applications Reference Books 1. Electrical Machine by Nagrath & Kothari 1. Electrical Machinery by Dr P.S. Bhimbra 2. Electrical Machines 2nd Edition by S.K.Bhattacharya 3. Electrical Technology Vol-II (A.C & D.C Machines) by B.L.Theraja & A.K.Theraja 4. Principles of A.C.Machinery 4th Edition By Lawrence & Richards



Unit I Introduction to power system: Sources of energy, Thermal, hydel, nuclear, pump storage etc. Unit III Overhead lines and cables: Main component of overhead line, Line supports, overhead line insulators, insulating materials, types of insulator, Sag and tension, Stringing chart. Corona. Underground cable. Unit V

Load curves, Power distribution system, primary and secondary distribution. Substations: Classification of substations, Major equipments in Substation, Bus bar configurations. Unit VI Tariff: characteristics of Tariff, Types of Tariff. Unit VII

Line parameter i.e. resistance, conductance, inductance, capacitance of short, medium and long single and three phase lines, proximity effect, skin effect, Ferranti effect, bundle conductors, effect of earth on the capacitance of the conductors, Performance of lines: A, B, C, D parameters, short, medium, long lines, transmission efficiency, voltage regulation.

Reference Books 1. Power System Engineeriong, J Nagrath and D P Kothari, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Power System Analysis and Design, B R Gupta, Wheelers Publishers 3. Electrical Power Systems, Ashfaq Hussain, CBS publishers and distributor 4. Principles of Power System, V K Mehta 3. ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT & MEASURING INSTRUMENTS (6-2-2) Sensitivity-reliability- accuracy-resolution; Error analysis of measurements; classification analog & digital; Analog instruments: Classification of analog electrical measuring instruments highlighting basics/working principles of: indicating, integrating, potentiometric, bridges, electrostatic, electrodynamic, and thermal type instruments; Specific analog instruments to be covered: moving coil, moving iron (attraction and repulsion types)for voltage and current measurements; single phase wattmeter( induction disc type, electrodynamic type)-modifications reqd. for measuring three phase power; energy meter, power factor meter; VAR measurement, Trivector meter; Resistance measurement: low resistance (Kelvin double bridge, dc potentiometer), high / insulation resistance (meggar), earth resistance; emf measurement using dc potentiometer; AC bridges: Maxwell(two versions), Anderson, Schering and Wien bridge and measurement of L,C and internal r/loss factor; Extension of range for an instrument to measure voltage and current: voltage divider, shunt, instrument transformers. Details of CT: working flux, vector diagram, magnitude and phase angle errors and their computations, specific differences for measuring and protection CTs. Testing of energy meters: phantom loading tests; different types of errors of an energy meter and their remedies; Electronic & Digital Instruments: Oscilloscope: construction, working principle, measurement of voltage , time & frequency; Lissajous patterns; Digital voltmeter, ammeter, frequency meter, resistance meter, energy meter and digital multimeter. Measurement of non-electrical quantities : Transducers: Definition and introduction, classification: Active/passive, primary/secondary, etc.; specific transducers: strain gauge, LVDT, thermistor and thermocouple.

Recommended Books: 1.ELECTRICAL MEASUREMENT By: Golding & Widdis 2. Modern Electronic Instrumentation and Measurement Techniques By: Helfrick & Cooper (ISBN: 81-203-1626-6), Pub: Prentice Hall 3.Electronic Instrumentation By: Kalsi. (ISBN: 0070583706), Pub: TMH 4.INTRODUCTION TO INSTRUMENTATION &CONTROL By: Arun K. Gosh. (ISBN: 81-203-0752-6), Pub: Prentice Hall

4. Electrical Engineering Materials (6-0-0) 1. Crystallography : Crystalline and amorphous solids. Periodic structures – Lattice, Basis , Unit cell. Bravais lattice , Crystal structure and symbols , Millar Indices Reciprocal lattice. 2. X- ray Crystallography : X- ray diffraction , Bragg,s law , Determination of lattice constant. Atomic form factor, Closest packing of spheres, packing efficiency , crystal defects. 3. Band theory of solids : Kronig – Penny Model, Brillouin Zones. Electronic distinction between conductors , insulators and semiconductors. 4. Dielectric properties of materials : Polarisation and dielectric constant, Frequency and temperature dependence of relative permittivity behaviour of dielectric under alternating fields, dielectric losses. 5. Conductors : Electrical conductivity of metals, Lorentz theory, free electron theory, electron scattering, Resistivities of conductors including alloys. 6. Semiconductors : Intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors, Fermi-Dirac distribution, dependence of carrier concentration on temperature, Measurement of resistivity, Four probe method, Hall effect, measurement of carrier concentration , Zener breakdown phenomenon, Photo-electric effect in semiconductors. 7. Magnetic properties of materials : Diamagnatism, paramagnatism, ferromagnatism. Exchange interaction, antiferromagnatism, ferrimagnetism, and ferrites. Magnetic resonance, Magnetotriction , Curie-Weiss law , Curie law, Curie temperature of ferromagnetic material. Soft and Hard magnetic material . Ni-Fe alloy and applications, Alnic, Alcomax and application. 8. Special materials : Ceramics, polymers , XLPE, nanostructures and nanomaterials Biomaterials and bioceramics. 9. Superconductivity : Superconductivity phenomena, Meissner effect, Type 1 and Type 11 superconductors, High TC Superconductors, Josephson junction. SQUID.

5. Digital Electronics (6-0-2) Number systems and codes; Boolean algebra, logic gates, tristate logic, Minimization using Karnaugh map. NAND and NOR gate implementation. Combinational Systems : Combinational Logic Circuit Design, code converters BCD to Seven Segment decoder, full adder, half adder, 4-bit magnitude Comparator, Encoders, Decoders. Sequential Systems: R-S Latch, Master-Slave and edge/level- triggered flip-flops, conversion design of flip-flops, shift registers, serial and parallel loading Memory: ROM, PROM, EPROM, EEPROM, RAM, Introduction to memory organization. Design of the circuits using Decoders, MUX and DEMUX, Design of the circuits using multiplexers, ROM, PAL PLA, HDL and introduction to VHDL Designs. Design of synchronous counters, Mod-k or Divide-by-k counters, Decade counter, BCD Counter, Ring counters, The Johnson or Twisted-ring counter, Counter Application Logic families : RTL, DTL, TTL, ECL, MOS and CMOS, Calculation of noise margins, fan in and fan-out. Reference Books 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Digital Integrated Electronics - Taub and schilling Microelectronics - Millman Digital concept Using standard ICs – Sandige M. Morris Mano: Digital Design. Third Edition, Prentice Hall 2002. R. J. Tocci. Digital Systems: Principles and Applications, 4th Edition. PH, 1988. 6. Digital Elecronics- R. P. Jain

5th Semester 1. Electrical Machine II (6-2-2) Synchronous machine Construction, classification, application Non salient pole synchronous machine: working principle,emf equation, distribution factor and pitch factor, armature reaction, equivalent circuit, phasor diagram, calculation of synchronous reactance, performance indices, isolated and parallel operation of synchronous generator, power angle characteristics, V-curve , load sharing, starting of synchronous motor, Hunting, Short circuit transient in synchronous machine. Salient pole Synchronous Machine: two reaction theory, Determination of Xd and Xq. Single Phase Motor:- Classification of single phase motor and theior applications, single phase induction motor- double revolving field theory, equivalent circuit, torque slip characteristics, performance calculations, single phase synchronous motor, single phase commutator motors.

2. Power System II (6-2-2)

Unit I Per unit system: per unit impedance, changing the base of per unit quantities, pu impedances of transformer, alternator, advantages of per unit system Unit II Symmetrical fault and Unsymmetrical Faults: Symmetrical components Single line diagram for a balanced system, Analysis of three phase fault, construction of sequence networks under fault conditions (L-G, L-L, and L-L-G).Analyses of unsymmetrical faults using symmetrical components. Unit III Load flow analysis: Static load flow equation, system variables, Bus admittance matrix, Bus classification,Gauss seidel, Newton Raphson and fast-decoupled load flow methods, comparison of methods.. Unit IV Power System transient Stability: Synchronous generator connected to an infinite bus, power angle curve, steady state, transient, swing equation, Equal area, and criteria of stability. Unit V Brief ideas about Power System Protection and Circuit Breakers: General requirements of circuit breakers. Different types of circuit breakers, their construction, operating principles

and relative merits and demerits. Fundamental principles of protective relays, their properties and block diagrams.

Reference Books 1. Power System Engineeriong, J Nagrath and D P Kothari, Tata McGraw Hill 2. Power System Analysis and Design, B R Gupta, Wheelers Publishers 3. Electrical Power Systems, Ashfaq Hussain, CBS publishers and distributor 4. Principles of Power System, V K Mehta. 6. Electrical Power System, C. L. Wadhwa

3. Numerical Methods and Analysis(6-2-2) Unit I: Solution to Algebraic and transcendental equations by Regula-Falsi method, iteration method, Newton-Raphson method, simultaneous linear Algebraic equations by Gauss-Jordon method, Crout’s method, factorization method, Gauss-Seidel iterative method, determination of eigen values. Unit II: Numerical differentiation based on interpolation, numerical integration, a general quadrature formula for equidistant ordinates, the trapezoidal rule, Simpson’s 1/3rd and 3/8th rules, Weddles rule, Method of undetermined coefficients, extrapolation method. Unit III: Numerical solution of ordinary differential equations of first order by Euler’s and Runge –Kutta’s method. Unit IV: Introduction to interpolation, interpolation with equal intervals, different interpolation methods (Newton-Gregory forward and backward difference formulae), interpolation with unequal intervals, divided differences and table, Newton’s divided difference formulae, central difference interpolation formulae (Gauss, Stirling, Bessel formulae), piecewise and spline interpolation, (cubic splines) least squares approximations.

5. Control System-I(6-2-2) Introduction: Control systems, Physical elements of a control system, effects of feedback. Mathematical Model of Physical Systems: Introduction, Differential equation representation of physical systems, Transfer function concepts, Block diagram algebra, Signal flow graphs, Mason’s Gain formula

Control System Components: Control system components: Potentiometer, ac & dc tachogenerator, ac & dc servomotor, amplidyne, synchro, resolver, error detector, remote position control. Time Response Analysis: Introduction, Standard test signals, Performance indices, Time response of first and second order systems, steady state error and their minimisation, error coefficients, P, PI and P-I-D type controllers.

Stability Analysis in Time Domain: The concept of stability, Assessment of stability from pole positions, Necessary conditions for stability, Routh Stability Criterion, Relative stability analysis. Root Locus Technique : Introduction, The root locus concept, Root locus construction rules, Root contours, Case studies. Frequency Response Analysis: Introduction, Performance indices, Frequency response of second order systems, Polar plots, Bode plots, All pass systems, Minimumphase and Non-minimum-phase systems, Illustrative examples Stability Analysis in Frequency Domain: Introduction, A brief review of Principle of Argument, Nyquist stability criterion, Assessment of relative stability – Gain Margin and Phase Margin, Closed loop frequency response, Illustrative examples. Compensator design in frequency domain: Lead, lag and lag-lead compensation, Texts/References

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Kuo B.C. Automatic Control System, PHI Nagrath I J & Gopal M : Control Systems Engineering, New Age International Pub. Ogata K : Modern Control Engg. PHI Dorf R C & Bishop R.H.: Modern Control System ; Addison – Wisley Gopal: Modern Control System Theory, New Age International Gopal: Digital Control Engineering, New Age International

5. Electromagnetic Field Theory (6-0-0) Electrostatic field: Dielectric interface, Laplace and Poisson’s equations, energy & force. Steady currents: continuity equations, Ohm’s law, Joule heating, current flow in materials. Magnetostatic field: Ampere’s circuital law, scalar & vector potentials, Laplace and Poissions equations. Electromagnetic induction: Maxwell’s equations; power flow and Poynting vector. Solutions of field equations in rectangular, cylindrical and spherical coordinate system; Radiation generation; Propagation of electromagnetic waves; various boundary value problems; Principle of electromagnetic radiation & interaction with matter; Scientific and engineering applications of electromagnetic radiation

6th Semester 1. Microprocessors and its applications (6-0-2) Microprocessor Architecture : Address / Data and Control lines, Timing diagrams, Internal registers, Interrupt mechanism (Hardware/Software), DMA mechanism. Detailed description of a typical Microprocessor - 8085 microprocessor Assembly Language Programming of 8 bit Microprocessor: Instruction Cycle, Machine Cycle, T states. Instruction set, addressing modes, stack subroutine, interrupt service routines. Example programs in assembly languages. Interfacing with support chips: Programmable Peripheral Interface (8255), Programmable time/counter (8253), Programmable USART (8251), Programmable Interrupt Controller (8259), DMA Controller (8257), Programmable Keyboard and Display Controller (8279) signals and timing details along with hardware/software interfacing techniques, ADC/DAC. Applications of Intel 8085

2.Power Electronics (6-2-2)

MODULE I General Introduction of Power Electronics, Scope and Application MODULE II Power Semiconductor Devices –Power diodes - power transistors - SCRs - Triac - GTO Power MOSFETs - IGBTs- Principles of operation and characteristics, device specifications and ratings, methods of turning on SCR- gate triggering circuit, methods of turning off SCR- commutation circuits. Protection and gate drive circuits. MODULE III Principles of phase angle control - Line frequency phase controlled rectifiers using SCR single phase and three phase half controlled and fully controlled converters with R and RL and RLE loads and continuous and discontinuous currents.. Input side harmonics and power factor - Effect of source inductance, inverter operations, dual converters. MODULE IV DC to AC conversion - single-phase and three phase voltage source inverters -120 degree and 180 degree modes of operations, voltage control and waveform control: PWM strategies, current source inverters: single phase and three phase power circuit configuration and analysis MODULE V Thyristor Choppers based on voltage, current and load commutation- Switching regulators buck regulators - boost regulators - buck-boost regulators - switched mode power supply principle of operation and analysis - uninterruptible power supply units: basic circuit operation-specifications-design-applications MODULE VI

Single stage AC to AC conversion - AC regulators - single phase ac regulator with R and RL loads - sequence control of ac regulators - cycloconverter - basic principle of operation AC choppers using self commutating devices Text/Reference Books: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.


Ned Mohan, Tore M.Undeland, William P Robbins, ‘Power Electronics’, John Wiley & Sons, Media Enhanced 3rd Edition, 2003. Rashid, Power Electronics, Circuits Devices and Applications, Pearson Education, 3rd edition, 2004. G.K.Dubey, Thyristorised Power Controllers, Wiley Eastern Ltd, 1993. Dewan & Straughen, Power Semiconductor Circuits, John Wiley & Sons, 1975. Cyril W Lander, Power Electronics, Mc Graw Hill, 3rd edition, 1993. M.D.singh and K.B.Khanchandani, ’Power Electronics’, Tata Mc Graw Hills Publishing Company Limited, New Delhi 2006. P. S. Bhimbra, ‘Power Electronics’, Khanna Publishers

3. Communication Systems (6-0-2) Analog Communication Introduction to communication systems, signals and spectra, electromagnetic spectrum and its usage, communication channels and propagation characteristics, amplitude modulation and demodulation spectra, circuits and systems, frequency modulation/demodulation, frequency division multiplexing, radio transmitters and receivers, sampling theory, pulse modulation and demodulation - spectra, circuits & systems, circuit noise, performance of analogue communication systems in AWGN and fading channels. Digital Communication Introduction to digital signals and systems, spectra and bandwidth. A-D conversion and quantization. PCM, Log-PCM , DPCM, ADPCM, DM, ADM, and LPC for speech signals, time division multiplexing, digital hierarchy and standards, baseband transmission, data regenerators and clock recovery, inter-symbol interference, equalizers, digital modulation and demodulation - binary and Mary ASK, FSK, GMSK, PSK, DPSK and their spectra, circuits and systems, carrier recovery, performance of digital modulation systems, elements of information theory and coding.

4.Digital Signal Processing(6-0-2) Module I General Introduction, Scope and area of applications of Digital Signal Processing Module II Discrete time systems, linear time invariant (LTI) systems and important properties. Fourier Transform and Laplace transform. Z-transform. Signal flow graphs and digital system representation, Spectral characteristics, inverse z transforms. Module III

Discrete Fourier transform (DFT) and its properties, Fast Unitary transforms. Introduction to transformation matrices in a general form. Computer exercises Module IV Digital filters, FIR and IIR, FIR filters - structure, designs. IIR filters - analog filter design, discretization of analog filter, Computer exercises. Module V Multirate signal processing Interpolation and decimation, FIR filter banks Module VI Introduction to least square optimization, signal modelling (AR, MA, ARMA). Normal equation and solution strategy. Applications. Computer exercises.

Module VII DSP Application - Introduction to digital signal processors chips, discussion of either TMS320CXX based or ADSPXXX based system, case study of different DSP applications. Application of filters to analog & digital signal processor, FET spectrum analyzer. Module VIII Digital processing of continuous time signals- sampling, anti-aliasing filter, sample and hold process, reconstruction filter, Computer exercises. Texts/References

1. Alan V . Oppenheim, Ronald W. Schafer, .Discrete-Time Signal Processing., Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd., New Delhi, 1997 2. Sanjit K Mitra, .Digital Signal Processing: A computer-based approach. ,Tata Mc Grow-Hill edition .1998 3. John G. Proakis, and Dimitris G. Manolakis, .Digital Signal Processing.(third edition), Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd, New Delhi, 1997 4. Emmanuel C. Ifeachor, Barrie W. Jervis , .Digital Signal Processing-A practical Approach., Addison . Wesley,1993 1. Abraham Peled and Bede Liu, .Digital Signal Processing., John Wiley and Sons, 1976 2. Haykin and Van Veen, Signals and Systems, (second edition), John Wiley and sons, Inc.,2003. 3. Oppenheim and Schaffer, ‘Discrete time Signal processing’, PHI, 1992. 4. Ludemann L. C., “Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing”, Harper and Row publications, 1992. 5. Rabiner & Gold, “Theory and applications of Digital signal processing”, PHI, 1992. 6. Hamid A. Toliyat and Steven G. Campbell “DSP Based Electro Mechanical Motion Control” CRC Press New York, 2004.

4. Industrial Instrumentation(6-2-2) Static and dynamic characteristics of sensors, Resistive, Inductive and Capacitive sensors and signal conditioning circuits. Temperature, pressure, flow and level measurement techniques. pH and conductivity sensors. Piezo-electric and ultrasonic sensors and its application in process and biomedical Instrumentation. Measurement of viscosity, humidity and thermal conductivity, Nucleonic gauges: Sources and Detectors and its application. Interfacing Sensors and actuators using LabVIEW programs. Instrumentation system Design.

7th Semester 1. Engineering Economics & Costing (6-0-0) Introduction – Engineering economy and its important, Want activity satisfaction of wants. Resources planning and distribution in economic system – Laissez Faire and socialism. Factors of production and concept of optimum. Laws of return. Demand Elasticity of demand, demand – estimation, market research, supply and industrial costs. Money – Value of money, quantity theory; inflation and deflection. Neural network and its applications. Banking - role in commercial banks credit and its importance in industrial financing, sources of finance Reserve bank of India and its functions. Business management and organization, Proprietorship, Partnership and joint stock company – their formation, finance and management. Elements of taxation, insurance, Business combinations. Basic Principals of management. Industrial record keeping : Double entry system – Journal, lager, trail balance, cash book, preparation of final accounts, trading and profit and lose account and balance sheet. Industrial costs and their classifications – Material cost control, labor cost control and overhead cost control. Depreciation and replacement studies; Financial control ratio analysis and their interpretation for industrial control. Budgetary control.

2. Control System-II(6-2-0) State Variable Analysis: Concept of state, state variables, state mode transfer function decomposition, State models of linear continuous-time systems. Controllability & Observability. Digital Control: Introduction to Digital Control System, Sampling, Finite Pulse width Sampler, Sampling Spectra and Aliasing. Sampling theorem, Choice of sampling rate. Specifications and Design of Discrete data of Control System. Z-transform, Pulse transfer function. Transfer function from difference equation. Inverse Ztransform. Mapping of s-plane into z-plane, Transient response, characteristics of z-plane polelocations. Damping ratio and natural frequency. Stability of z-plane pole locations. Damping ratio and natural frequency. Stability on z-plane, Jury’s Stability criterion. Digital Compensator design in frequency domain. Lead, lag and lag-lead compensation, Single loop digital controllers. Two term (PI, PD) and three term (PID) Control Algorithm design.Implementation of Digital Controllers. Solution of State Difference Equations of linear discrete control systems, Evalution of State Transition Matrix using Similarity transformation. Controllability and Observability of discrete data control system.

3. Electrical Machine Design and Power Circuit Design, Estimation & Costing (6-0-2) Unit V: Substation design: -Indoor and outdoor substation, Overhead and underground transmission and distribution, Design of feeder, LT and HT lines, Substation grounding design Unit VI: Electrical Materials for electrical machines, Laws of magnetic circuits, air gap calculations, teeth calculations, magnetic circuit of induction motor, permeance, leakage fuse leakage reactance. Unit VII: Basic electrical machine design principles, Main dimensions, output equation, Size of the machine, Choice of specific magnetic and electric loading effect of increasing linear dimensions of machine. Unit VIII: Transformer design, types of transformers, main parts and its design aspects, output equation, flux density, resistance and reactance of windings, Temperature rise and cooling, optimum design (w.r.t. cost, efficiency), Unit IX: Three phase and Single phase induction motor design, Unit X : DC machine design ; Synchronous machine design, Unit XI: Design of starters for different types of motor.

Power Circuit Design, Estimation & Costing: Unit I:

Introduction: - Symbol of electrical components, different types of wiring systems, various types of loads, switches, sockets and other accessories. IE rules. Unit II: classification of electrical wirings for residential/domestic, Offices & showrooms and industries Residential: Electrical wiring of light and fan circuits, estimation of load, choice of conductor andcalculation of cost; Testing procedure of wiring system (Megger testing, earth testing etc.), Unit III: Design consideration of electrical installation: - Electrical supply system, protection, testing of installation, service connection, Different Types of Earthing procedures, Guidelines for installation. Unit IV: Electrical installation for residential building, single- multistoried building, commercial building, industries and workshops Unit V: Installation and testing of single phase and three phase Induction motor, synchronous motor and transformer. Installation of Diesel Set: -selection, load calculation, specification.

4. Electrical Drives(6-0-2) MODULE 1 Fundamentals of electric drives - block diagram of an electric drive - parts of electric drives - dynamics of electric drives - torque equations - speed torque conventions - loads with rotational motion - loads with translational motion - components of load torque - load equalization - control of electrical drives - closed loop control - current limit control speed sensing - current sensing - phase locked loop speed control MODULE 2 Dc motor drives - constant torque and constant power control - single phase controlled rectifiers with motor loads - fully controlled and half controlled rectifier fed dc drives continuous and discontinuous operation - Four quadrant operation - three phase controlled rectifier fed dc drives - dual converter fed control - chopper fed dc drives - closed loop speed control schemes - solar and battery powered drives - braking of dc drives MODULE 3 Three phase induction motor drives - AC voltage controlled drives - variable frequency control - VSI fed induction motor drive - operation with field weakening - CSI controlled induction motor drives - slip power recovery scheme - rotor resistance control - single phase induction motor drives - PWM drives MODULE 4 Synchronous motor and brushless dc motor drives. Operation from fixed frequency supplyvariable frequency control - VSI and CSI fed drives- self-controlled synchronous motor drives employing cycloconverter - brushless dc motor drives for servo applications Electric Traction Drives

Text /Reference books 1. Ned Mohan et al, Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design, John Wiley & Sons. Inc., 2nd Edition, 1995. 2. G.K Dubey, Fundamentals of electric Drives., 2nd Edition, Narosa Publishing Company, 1994/1995 . 3. S.K.Pillai, Electric Drives, University Press India, 1993 4. William and Hulley, Power Electronic devices and motor control, 2nd Edition, 1995. 5. Werner Leonhard, Control of electrical drives, Springer, 1995. 6. P.C Sen, ‘Thyristor DC Drives’, John wiely and sons, New York, 1981. 7. R.Krishnan, ‘Electric Motor Drives – Modeling, Analysis and Control’, PrenticeHall of India Pvt Ltd., New Delhi, 2003. 8. Bimal K.Bose, ‘Modern Power Electronics and AC Drives’, Pearson Education (Singapore) Pte. Ltd., New Delhi, 2003.

5. Elective-I (6-0/2-2/0) 6. Project(0-0-4)

8th Semester 1. High Voltage Engineering (6-0-2) Breakdown Phenomenon:- Breakdown in gases - Mechanism of breakdown in gases, Townsend’s Ionization Coefficients, Paschen’s Law, Time lags for breakdown, Streamer breakdown theory. Breakdown in liquids - suspended solid particle mechanism, Cavitation and bubble mechanism, Stressed Oil volume mechanism, etc. Breakdown in solids Intrinsic breakdown, Electromechanical breakdown, breakdown of solid dielectrics in practice, Chemical and Electrochemical deterioration and breakdown, breakdown due to treeing and tracking, breakdown due to internal discharges. Overvoltage Phenomenon, Protection & Insulation Coordination: – Natural causes for overvoltage - lightning phenomenon, over voltage due to switching surges and due to arching ground. Line design based on lightning. Basic idea about protection against overvoltage - lightning arresters, surge absorbers, Ground wire, grounding practices etc. BIL, SIL of the equipments, V-T curve, Concepts of Insulation coordination. Generation of High AC & DC voltage: – High AC voltage generation - Testing transformer and its cascaded connections. Single phase resonant circuits. High DC voltage generation - Single stage and Multi stage voltage multiplier circuits. Impulse Voltage and Current generation:- Introduction to impulse current and voltage, Impulse generator circuits, analysis of circuit “a” and “b”. Multistage impulse generator circuits, triggering and synchronisation of impulse generator with CRO. Impulse current generator circuits and its analysis.

Measurement of High Voltage and Current :- Electrostatic voltmeter, Chubb and Fortescue method of measuring peak value of a.c., Sphere gap method, Rod gap method of measuring High Voltage, Impulse voltage measurement using potential dividers, Impulse Voltage and current measurement using CRO. High Voltage Testing :- Testing of overhead line insulators, Bushing, Power transformer, Circuit breakers etc. Loss in dielectric, measurement of resistivity, dielectric constant and loss factor. Testing of transformer oil, High voltage Schering bridge, Wagner earthing technique, Concept of partial discharge. High Voltage Laboratory Layout :– Layout of High Voltage lab, Laboratory experimental stands, Safety measures, Shielding, Grounding, Fencing etc. Testing facilities provided in High Voltage Laboratory. Classification of high voltage laboratory. Reference Books :(a) High Voltage Engineering

C. L. Wadhwa

(b) High Voltage Engineering

M.S Naidu & V Kamaraju

(c) High Voltage Engineering Fundamentals Zaengl

E. Kuffel & W. S.

2. Elective-II(6-0/2-2/0) 3. Elective-III(6-0/2-2/0)

4. Industrial Management(6-0-0) Introduction to management, evolution of scientific management, modern management. Principles. Elements of management;. Planning, organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, budgeting. Core concepts of marketing. need, want, demand, product, value, satisfaction, marketing mixproduct, price, place, promotion. Financial management, objectives, scope, techniques of investment analysis, pay back period, accounting rate of return, working capital, cost of capital. Sources of financing. Technology management. Product design . Types of production system. Plant location-factors to be considered. Plant layout. Types of layout. Inventory management. Significance of HRM. HR planning job evaluation. Recruitment and selection. Placement and induction. Training. Performance appraisal. Compensation. Industrial relations. Microeconomics. Demand and supply. Forecasting techniques. Cost and revenues.Competitive nature of firms.

Keynesian economics. Aggregate demand and supply. Employment determination. National income. Trade cycle. Inflation. Index numbers. Capital budgeting. Cash flow analysis. Balance sheet. Risk analysis and decision making. Impact of liberalization, privatization and globalization. Locating the firm in a global economy. Fiscal policy. Taxation-principles. Exchange rate determination. Monetary policy. Functions of banks. Credit creation by commercial banks. References:-

1. L.M.Prasad, Priciples and Practice of Management, S.Chand & Sons. 2. P.Kotler, Marketing Management (12/e), Pearson, 2005 3. P.Chandra, Financial Management Theory and Practice (3/e), TMH, 2004 4. K.Ashwathappa, Human Resources and Personnel Management (3/e),TMH, 2005 5. E.S.Buffa & R.K.Sarin, Modern Production/Operation Management (8/e), Wiley, 1994. 6. M.Adhikari, Business Economics, Excel Books, 2004 7. S.K.Misra &V.K.Puri, Economic Environment of Business, HPH, 2003

5. Grand Viva(4) 6. Project (0-0-8)


1. Dynamics of Electrical Machines (6-0-2) Basic concept-Energy balance principle, Analogy between mechanical and electrical systems, Active and Passive Load torque. Review of torque-speed characteristics of different types of motor, factors affecting the study of machine’s dynamics. General drive equation, single excitation and double excitation system & their comparison. DC m/c dynamics: current and speed expression during starting, role of starter in dynamics of starting, expression for current & speed, expression during dynamic and braking & computation of braking time, dynamics of counter current braking & speed expression. Dynamics of series motor starting. Dynamics of DC Drives controlled by Thyristors. Induction machine dynamics: Dynamics of starting of Induction Motor, Dynamics of braking of Induction Motor, computation of braking time, energy loss during dynamic operating condition, procedure for reducing energy loss during transient process. Reactive power consideration in Induction Motor operation & stability. Synchronous motor:- review of power equation & p-s relationship, dynamic condition in alternator following load change, oscillation under dynamic disturbances(Generator mode), pulling in phenomenon.

2. Generalized Theory of Electrical Machines (6-0-2) Introduction to generalized theory: - Elementary energy converter of Gibbs and Adkins – assumption of transformation from 3-phase to 2-phase flux linkage, inductance matrix, Voltagecurrent relationship. d-q transformation of park, geometrical interpretation, d-q transformation of Voltage-current relationship, torque equation, motional impedance matrix, application to synchronous machines Voltage-current relationship. Application to Induction Machine :- voltage-current relationship, dynamic equation, stability of load, general stability of Induction Machine. Application to DC Machine:- Voltage-current relationship, short circuit study of DC generator (Separately excited), short circuit study of shunt generator, stability of DC Machines.

3. Special Machines (6-2-0) Transformer: Three winding transformer; unbalanced operation of three phase transformer; Switching-in transients and mechanical forces. Electromechanical energy conversion: Field energy- energy and co-energy; Torque/force in a singly excited and multiple excited electromechanical systems and applications. D.C machines: Flux and mmf waves; Commutation; Ward Leonard method; Braking; Parallel operation of generators; Dynamic equations, block diagrams and transfer functions. Induction machines: Deep-bar and double-cage construction; Machine equations in stationary reference frame (d-q axis model) dynamic and steady state performance. Synchronous machines: Winding inductances; Machine equations in rotor reference frame (d-q axis model) ; Sudden three phase short circuit and transient circuit model; Steady state operation; Synchronous machine dynamics. Special machines: Stepper motor, Switched reluctance motor and Brushless DC motors

4. Power Plant Engineering (6-2-0) UNIT – I Introduction to the Sources of Energy – Resources and Development of Power in India. STEAM POWER PLANT : Plant Layout, Working of different Circuits, Fuel and handling equipments, types of coals, coal handling, choice of handling equipment, coal storage, Ash handling systems. UNIT II STEAM POWER PLANT : COMBUSTION PROCESS : Properties of coal – overfeed and underfeed fuel beds, traveling grate stokers, spreader stokers, retort stokers, pulverized fuel burning system and its components, combustion needs and draught system, cyclone furnace, design and construction, Dust collectors, cooling towers and heat rejection. Corrosion and feed water treatment.

UNIT – III INTERNAL COMBUSTION ENGINE PLANT : DIESEL POWER PLANT: Introduction – IC Engines, types, construction– Plant layout with auxiliaries – fuel supply system, air starting equipment, lubrication and cooling system – super charging. UNIT IV GAS TURBINE PLANT : Introduction – classification - construction – Layout with auxiliaries – Principles of working of closed and open cycle gas turbines. Combined Cycle Power Plants and comparision. UNIT – V HYDRO ELECTRIC POWER PLANT: Water power – Hydrological cycle / flow measurement – drainage area characteristics – Hydrographs – storage and Pondage – classification of dams and spill ways. HYDRO PROJECTS AND PLANT: Classification – Typical layouts – plant auxiliaries – plant operation pumped storage plants. UNIT VI POWER FROM NON-CONVENTIONAL SOURCES: Utilization of Solar- Collectors- Principle of Working, Wind Energy – types – HAWT, VAWT -Tidal Energy. DIRECT ENERGY CONVERSION: Solar energy, Fuel cells, Thermo electric and Thermo ionic, MHD generation. UNIT – VII NUCLEAR POWER STATION : Nuclear fuel – breeding and fertile materials – Nuclear reactor – reactor operation. TYPES OF REACTORS: Pressurized water reactor, Boiling water reactor, sodium-graphite reactor, fast Breeder Reactor, Homogeneous Reactor, Gas cooled Reactor, Radiation hazards and shielding – radioactive waste disposal. UNIT – VIII POWER PLANT ECONOMICS AND ENVIRONMENTAL CONSIDERATIONS: Capital cost, investment of fixed charges, operating costs, general arrangement of power distribution, Load curves, load duration curve.

5. Advanced Power systems (6-0-2) Static & Digital Relaying: Generalized approach for two input and multi input comparators, derivation of inputs for different types of static distance protection, hard- ware for static relays, concept of digital relaying, derivation of fundamental component of voltage and current for digital protection. HVDC Operation and control : CIA. CC and CEA control. Determination of stable operating point. Introduction to FACTS – Brief description of various FACTS devices and their principle of operation, role of FACTS in active and reactive power control. Harmonics in Power Systems – Different sources of harmonics, effects of harmonics on Power System performance and power quality. Computer aided operation and control of Power Systems--- Concept of Energy Control Center, introduction to SCADA and Security monitoring.

6. Dynamics of Power system (6-2-0) Basic Ideas Modeling of Synchronous machines, excitation systems and Governors- Steady state, Dynamic and Transient stability. State space formulation of single and multi-machine models with control equipments. Damping effects of FACTS devices. SSR. Application of numerical techniques to multi-machine dynamic and transient stability studies. Generation/Frequency Characteristics and load frequency characteristics, tie-line bias control, Automatic Generation Control, Alert and emergency system operation control. Control of reactive power flow: AVR, OLTC Transformers, FACTS, Static var compensators, system loss minimization.

7. Process Control & Instrumentation (6-0-2) Concept of Processes and Units: Process statics, mass and enthalpy balance. Modeling of process dynamics. Process Control terminology. Process Instrumentation diagrams. Modeling of Chemical processes. Single loop control of standard first order process plants. Controller Implementation : Electronic Analog, Digital, Pneumatic Controllers. P, P-I, P-D, P-I-D control, Controller tuning, Ziegler-Nichlol's method, Frequency domain design. Feed-forward control, Ratio Control, Multiloop and Cascade control, Interaction and decoupling Non-linear effects in plants and controllers. Simulation of process control systems. Boiler Drum Level Control. Discrete Controllers: Selection of sampling intervals, stability analysis Concepts of Modulating and Sequential Control. Structure of Modulating Control loops. Selftuning and Multifunction Controllers, Control Valves. Process Actuators: Electrical, Pneumatic, Hydraulic, Valve positioners. Industrial Instrumentation Systems: Components, structure, specification. Self tuning and Adaptive controllers. Supervisory control : Objectives and Implementation.

8. Digital Image Processing (6-0-2) Introduction: Digital image, steps of digital image processing systems, elements of visual perception, connectivity and relations between pixels. Simple operations - arithmetic, logical, geometric operations. Mathematical preliminaries- 2D LTI systems, 2D convolution, correlation, 2D random sequence, 2D spectrum. Image Transforms: 2D orthogonal and unitary transforms- properties and examples. 2D DFT, FFT, DCT, Hadamard transform, Haar Transform, Slant transform, KL Transformproperties and examples. Image Enhancement: point processing, spatial filtering-in space and frequency, Nonlinear filtering, Color image processing fundamentals. Image Restoration: Image observation and degradation model, circulant and block circulant matrices and its application in degradation model, Algebraic approach to

restoration, Inverse by Wiener filtering,Generalized inverse- SVD and iterative methods, blind deconvolution, imagereconstruction from projections. Image compression: redundancy and compression models loss less and lossy. Loss less- variable-length, Huffman, Arithmetic coding, bit-plane coding, Loss less predictive coding, lossy Transform (DCT) based coding, JPEG standard, sub band coding. Image segmentation: Edge detection, line detection, curve detection, Edge linking and boundary extraction, boundary representation, region representation and segmentation, morphology-dilation, erosion, opening and closing. Image understanding and recognition: Matching by templates, classifiers-models, statistical, neural network based, matching shapes by contour and texture. Applications: Automatic visual system in part inspection, forensic and security system, entertainment- multimedia, scientific and medical investigation

9.Opto-electronics Based Instrumentation (6-0-2) Introduction to Electromagnetic field theory, Ray and wave optics, Polarization and Isotropic and anisotropic media. Opto electronic devices: Sources-LED, Laser, Laser diode, Broadband calibration sources, Detectors-Photodiode-P-N, P-I-N, Photo multiplier tubes and APD, Broadband thermal detector; Modulators-Intensity, Polarization, Phase, Read out schemes for modulation-Polarimeter, interferometer. Transportation media: Waveguide theory-Slab wave guide, scalar wave equation. Optical fibre as a cylindrical waveguide, Optical fibre Characteristics- Absorption and dispersion; fibre-optic polarizer, attenuator, coupler and polarization splitter. Optoelectronic sensors and system- Sensor as a modulator, bulk modulator, fibre-optic modulator. Sensing Principles-Electrooptic and magneto-optic (polarimetric and Interferrometric), magnetostriction based sensors, Distributed fibre-optic sensors-OTDR and OFDR principles in temperature measurement, Fibre -Optic Gyro. Holographic measurement and its biomedical applications. Optoelectronic integrated circuit and Integrated optic sensor.

10. Biomedical Instrumentations(6-0-2) Introduction to the physiology of cardiac, nervous & muscular and respiratory systems. Transducers and Electrodes: Different types of transducers & their selection for biomedical applications. Electrode theory, selection criteria of electrodes & different types of electrodes such as Hydrogen Calomel, Ag- AgCl, pH, etc Cardiovascular measurement: The heart & the other cardiovascular systems. Measurement of Blood pressure, Blood flow, Cardiac output and cardiac rate. Electrocardiography, phonocardiography, Ballistocardiography, Plethysmography, Magnet- cardiography. Cardiac pacemaker & computer applications. Respiratory System Measurement: Respiratory Mechanism, Measurement of gas volumes & flow rate. Carbon dioxide and Oxygen concentration in inhaled air. Respiratory controllers.

Measurement of Electrical Activities in Muscles and Brain: Electroencephalograph, Electromyograph & their interpretation. Opthalmic measurement: EOG, ERG, Introduction to Eyesight correction by laser surgery. Instrumentation for clinical laboratory: Measurement of pH value of Blood, ESR measurements, Haemoglobin measurements, Oxygen & carbon dioxide concentration in Blood. GSR measurements, polarographic measurements. Computer applications. Medical Imaging: Ultra sound imaging, Radiography & applications, Introduction to MRI. Biotelemetry: Transmission & receiption aspects of Biological signals. Aspects of patient care monitoring.

11. Analytical Instrumentation (6-0-2) Principles of statistical error analysis; Gas analysis: Gas Chromatograph, Thermal conductivity method, heat of reaction method, Estimation of oxygen, hydrogen, methane, carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide etc. in binary or complex gas mixture; Nucleonic Instrumentation; Ultrasonic techniques; Mass Spectrometer, I.R. and U.V. spectroscopy, Xray Spectroscopy; NMR, ESCA techniques.

12. Power System Instrumentation (6-2-0) General scope of instrumentation in power systems. Electrical instruments and meters. Telemetry. Data transmission channels-pilots, PLCC, Microwave links. Interference effect. Automatic meter reading and billing. Simulators. SCADA and operating systems. Data loggers and data display system. Remote control instrumentation. Disturbance recorders. Area and Central Control station instrumentation. Frontiers of future power system instrumentation including microprocessor based systems. Application of digital computers for data processing and on-line system control.

13. VLSI Technology (6-0-2) Issues of digital IC design: general overview of design hierarchy, layers of abstraction, integration density and Moore’s law, VLSI design styles, packaging styles, design automation principles; MOSFET fabrication: basic steps of fabrication, CMOS p-well and nwell processes, layout design rules, Bi-CMOS fabrication process; basic electrical properties of MOS and Bi-CMOS circuits: MOS transistor operation in linear and saturated regions, MOS transistor threshold voltage, MOS switch and inverter, Bi-CMOS inverter, latch-up in CMOS inverter, inverter properties (robustness, dynamic performance, regenerative property, inverter delay times, switching power dissipation), MOSFET scaling (constant-voltage and constant-field scaling); logic design with MOSFETs: switch logic (networks derived from canonical form and Shannon expansion theorem, Universal Logic Modules, networks derived from iterative structures), gate restoring) logic, Programmable Logic Array (PLAs), Finite State Machine (FSM) as a PLA, personality matrix of a PLA, PLA folding, pseudo-nmos logic; basic circuit concepts: Sheet resistance and area capacitances of layers, driving large capacitive loads, super-buffers, propagation delay models of cascaded pass transistors, wiring capacitances; dynamic CMOS design: steady-state behavior of dynamic gate circuits, noise considerations in dynamic design, charge sharing, cascading dynamic gates, domino logic, np-

CMOS logic, problems in single-phase clocking, two-phase non-overlapping clocking scheme; lowpower CMOS logic circuits: low-power design through voltage scaling, estimation and optimization of switching activity, reduction of switched capacitance, adiabatic logic circuits; subsystem design: design of arithmetic building blocks like adders (static, dynamic, Manchester carry-chain, lookahead, linear and square-root carry-select, carry bypass and pipelined adders) and multipliers (serialparallel, Braun, Baugh-Wooley and systolic array multipliers), barrel and logarithmic shifters, area-time tradeoff, power consumption issues; semiconductor memories: dynamic random access memories (DRAM), static RAM, non-volatile memories, flash memories; bipolar ECL inverter: Features of ECL gate, robustness and noise immunity, logic design in ECL, single-ended and differential ECL; physical design: rief ideas on partitioning, placement, routing and compaction, Kernighan-Lin and Fiduccia-Mattheyses partitioning algorithms, area routing and channel routing algorithms; testability of VLSI: Fault types and models, stuck-at fault models, scanbased techniques, Built-in Self-test (BIST) techniques, Boolean differences, PLA testability; laboratory: Specifying the design of digital circuits including moderately complex computer, traffic light controller, divider, multiplier, Fibonacci sequence generator etc. in Verilog or VHDL language and simulating the same under ModelSim simulator

14. Opto-electronics and Integrated Optics (6-0-2) Characteristics of optical radiation; LED, Heterojunction LED; Photodiode, PIN diode, APD, phototransistor etc.; CCD; Opto-couplers and their applications in Analog and Digital Devices. Optical fiber fundamentals, modes in fiber, step index and graded index fibers; fiber coupling, fiber optic sensors: modulation techniques,displacement, pressure, acceleration, flow, current, voltage etc. Interferometers, Optical signal processing. Characteristics of Laser radiation; Structure of gas and solid state Lasers; Pulse mode Lasers, Semiconductor Lasers; Holographic data systems, Memories and read out; Optical data processing fundamentals

15. Embedded systems (6-0-2) Introduction to issues in embedded system Design using microcontrollers Microcontroller architecture, memory interfacing serial and parallel I/O interfacing, analog interfacing, interrupt synchronization. Embedded software.

16. Advances Microprocessor & Microcontroller (6-0-2) Typical CPU architectures for Embedded systems Microprocessors, Memory interfacing and management, Memory technologies, IO devices,IO techniques, DMA, Interrupt handling, Data transfer techniques and protocols, AD, DA, Watchdog circuit etc. Language issues, Addressing modes, Instruction set support for application programming and operating systems. Assembly level programming environments. Other programmable devices, PAL, PLA, FPGA etc. Programmable & digital systems modeling, Specification, design, Verification & testing issues. Behavioral modeling, Modeling languages, Design of finite state systems, Concurrent processes, Logic level & timing modeling, Synthesis with device libraries, Techniques for design verification at various design levels. Introduction to software tools, Design issues for PC boards. Layout and routing. Testing of Embedded systems. Embedded systems design case studies.

17. Microprocessor Based Systems (6-0-2) Typical CPU architectures for Embedded systems Microprocessors, Memory interfacing and management, Memory technologies, IO devices,IO techniques, DMA, Interrupt handling, Data transfer techniques and protocols, AD, DA, Watchdog circuit etc. Language issues, Addressing modes, Instruction set support for application programming and operating systems. Assembly level programming environments. Other programmable devices, PAL, PLA, FPGA etc. Programmable & digital systems modeling, Specification, design, Verification & testing issues. Behavioral modeling, Modeling languages, Design of finite state systems, Concurrent processes, Logic level & timing modeling, Synthesis with device libraries, Techniques for design verification at various design levels. Introduction to software tools, Design issues for PC boards. Layout and routing. Testing of Embedded systems. Embedded systems design case studies.

18. Industrial Automation and Control (6-0-2) Brief introduction about industrial processes and their automation; Elements of pneumatic, hydraulic and electrical control systems; Valves and Actuators; Stepper motors; PID controllers and their tuning; Implementation of digital controller; Control strategies for industrial processes; Programmable logic controller; Real-time issues on signal transmission and control; Communication systems for industrial automation; Data acquisition and Supervisory control; Control of discrete manufacturing processes; Intelligent systems for monitoring ,s supervision and control; Case studies of industrial control systems.

19. Intelligent Control (6-2-0) Introduction to intelligent control: strategies & characteristics Fuzzy logic system: Basic concepts of Fuzzy logic approaches, classical sets & Fuzzy sets, linguistic variables, membership functions, basic operation, Fuzzy relations, numbers and arithmetic & logical operations, different de-Fuzzification techniques, Fuzzy rule based model & model based controllers, PID controllers, application of Fuzzy controllers. Neural Networks: Fundamentals of biological neuron model and ANN, back propagation & related training algorithms, dynamic systems & neural training algorithms, some practical aspects of neural networks, identification of dynamic systems. Genetic algorithms: Basic concepts, design issues & application of genetic algorithms to optimization problem

20. Advanced Control Theory (6-2-0) Modelling of physical systems, Concepts of state, state-space, Controllability and observability. Sensitivity and error analysis. Nonlinear systems, singular

points, phase plane analysis, Lyapunov stability, describing functions, on-off and dual mode systems. Sampled Data Systems. Computer control systems.

21. Non-linear control (6-2-0) Describing function analysis -Fundamentals-common nonlinearities (saturation, dead-zone, on-off non-linearity, backlash, Hysteresis) and their describing functions-Describing function analysis of nonlinear systems Phase plane analysis -phase portraits-Singular points characterization-Analysis of non-linear systems using phase plane technique-Existence of limit cycles Concept of stability -stability in the sense of Lyapunov-absolute stability-Zero-input and BIBO stability-Second (or direct) method of Lyapunov-stability theory for continuous and discrete time systemsAizerman's and Kalman's conjecture-Construction of Lyapunov function-Methods of Aizerman-Zubov-variable gradient method-Lure problem-Popov's stability criterionKalman-Yakubovich Lemma-Popov's hyper stability theorem. Non-linear control system design -concept of variable structure controller and sliding control-implementation of switching control laws-cascade designs-partial-state feedback design-feedback passivation of cascades-designs for TORA systems-recursive designs-back stepping-forwarding-interlaced systems

22. Digital communication systems (6-0-2) Introduction to digital signals and systems, spectra and bandwidth. A-D conversion and quantization. PCM, Log-PCM , DPCM, ADPCM, DM, ADM, and LPC for speech signals, time division multiplexing, digital hierarchy and standards, baseband transmission, data regenerators and clock recovery, inter-symbol interference, equalizers, digital modulation and demodulation binary and M-ary ASK, FSK, GMSK, PSK, DPSK and their spectra, circuits and systems, carrier recovery, performance of digital modulation systems, elements of information theory

23. Antenna and wave Propagation Engineering (6-0-2) Retarded potential, radiation from current element and dipole, radiation patterns, impedance, reciprocity. Various types of antennas, interferometers and multi-element arrays, Antenna Measurements. Ground wave propagation, terrain and earth curvature effects.Tropospheric propagation; fading, diffraction and scattering; Ionospheric Propagation-refractive index, critical frequencies, effects of magnetic field.

24. Optical Communication (6-0-2) Characteristics of optical transmission media, optical fibres - preparation and transmission characteristics, loss and dispersion mechanisms, optical sources - principles of operation, modulation characteristics and driver circuits, photo detectors, principles of operation, circuits and performance, post detection amplifiers, fibre optic communication systems and link budget using direct detection, fibre optic connectors, couplers, multiplexers and splices, wavelength converters, routers, optical amplifiers, coherent and WDM systems.

25. Mobile communication (6-0-2) Cellular concept. Mobile radio propagation. Co-channel interference. Diversity. Multiple access. Cellular coverage planning. Wireless networking. Wireless systems and standards. Fading channels, spreading codes, power control. WAP and other protocols for internet access. Data transmission in GSM and UMTS, TCP in wireless environment, multi-user detection and its performance analysis. Blue-tooth and other wireless networks, system comparison. Spread spectrum concept. Basics of CDMA. Properties and generation of PN sequences. Applications of CDMA to cellular communication systems. Second and third generation CDMA systems/ standards. Multicarrier CDMA. Synchronization and demodulation .Diversity techniques and rake receiver. Include mobile FDM WIMAX

26. Advanced Power Electronics (6-0-2) Resonant DC DC converters: operation, characteristics, design equations, control techniques and application; SMPS: Forward, flyback, push pull operation, characteristics, design and control techniques; Current controlled PWM; Voltage source inverters Bangbang, SPWM and space vector modulation techniques; Resonant DC link voltage source inverters operation characteristics, design and control; Applications of power electronic inverters: UPS, induction heating, metal cutting, active power line conditioning;

27. Advance Drives (6-0-2) Drive Concept: different machine and load characteristics, equilibrium and steady state stability, four quadrant operation, referred inertia and load torque for different coupling mechanism, thermal selection of machines; Separately excited dc motor drive: operating limits using armature voltage control and field control techniques, dynamic model(armature voltage control only) of machine and converters (continuous conduction only), open-loop dynamic performance, starting and reversal time, energy consumption, closed loop control using single (speed) and two loops (speed, current), implementation using circulating current type three phase dual converter and four quadrant transistorized chopper. State feedback control and sliding mode control of separately excited dc machine, modeling and control of separately excited dc machine in field weakening region and discontinuous converter conduction mode, control of dc series machine; Review of variable frequency operation of three phase symmetrical induction machine: scalar control methods (constant volts/Hz and airgapflux control), vector control of induction machine, methods of flux sensing/estimation, implementation of IRFO scheme using current controlled PWM VSI, implementation of DSFO scheme using GTO CSI, effect of machine parameter variation on the performance of vector controlled permanent magnet machine control; Introduction to speed control of Switched Reluctance machine.induction motor drive, speed sensorless

control, flux observation, Direct Torque Control; Speed control of wound rotor induction motors: static rotor resistance control, static scherbius drive using line commutated converter cascade, harmonics and power factor, vector control of wound rotor induction machine using self commutated converter cascade and improvement in power factor, introduction to variable speed constant frequency (VSCF) generation; Control of wound field synchronous machine: constant volts/Hz control, scalar self control (commutator less motor), vector control; Control of permanent magnet synchronous machine: Brushless dc machine, surface permanent magnet machine and interior

28. Object oriented programming (6-0-2) PRINCIPLES OF OBJECT ORIENTED PROGRAMMING: Procedure-Oriented Programming Vs Object Oriented Programming, Object-Oriented analysis and design, Basic Concepts of Object Oriented Programming, Benefits and Applications of OOP. TOKENS, EXPRESSIONS AND CONTROL STRUCTURES: Basic Data Types, Reference Variables, Scope Resolution Operator, Operator Precedence, Control Structures, Array, Function, Structure. CLASSES AND OBJECTS: class specification, objects, accessing class members, data hiding, pointers within a class, passing objects as arguments, returning objects from functions, friend functions and friend classes, member functions, structures vs. classes, static members. OBJECT INITIALIZATION AND CLEANUP: Constructors, destructor, constructor overloading, copy constructor, nested classes. OPERATOR OVERLOADING AND TYPE CONVERSION: Defining Operator Overloading, Overloading Unary and Binary Operators, Overloading Binary Operators Using Friends, Rules for Overloading Operators. INHERITANCE: EXTENDING CLASSES: Types of Inheritance, Virtual Base Classes, delegation. POINTERS, VIRTUAL FUNCTIONS AND POLYMORPHISM: Pointers to Objects, this Pointer, Pointers to Derived Classes, Virtual Functions, Implementation of run-time polymorphism, Pure Virtual Functions. WORKING WITH FILES: Classes for File Stream Operations, Opening and Closing a File, File Pointers and their Manipulations, Sequential Input and Output Operations, Error Handling During File Operations, Command Line Arguments

29. RDBMS An Overview of Database: Database, Database System, DBMS Components, Data Abstraction, Data Integration, Database Access Method, Characteristics of the Database Approach, Advantages of Using a DBMS. Database System Architecture: Data Models, Schemas, and Instances, DBMS Architecture, Data Independence, Database Languages and Interfaces, Database System Environment, Classification of Database Management Systems. Data Model Using E-R Model & Object Model:

High-Level Conceptual Data Models, Entity Types, Entity Sets, Attributes and Keys, Relationships, Relationship Types, Roles, ER Diagrams, Subclasses, Super Classes, Inheritance. Relational Model:

Relational Model Concepts, Relational Constraints and Relational Database Schemas, Update Operations and dealing with constraint violations, Basic Relational Algebra Operations, Additional Relational Operations, Relational Calculus, Tuple Calculas, Domain Calculas. Relational Database Standard: Data Definition, Constraints, Schema Changes in SQL, Basic Queries in SQL, Insert, Delete, and Update statements in SQL, Views (Virtual Tables) in SQL, Specifying General Constraints as Assertion, Additional Features of SQL. Normalization for Relational Database: Functional Dependencies, Normal Forms based on Primary Keys: 1NF, 2 NF, 3 NF etc, Boycee-Codd Normal Form, Normalization through Synthesis, Normalization using Join Dependency. Database Design & Tuning: Database Design Process, Physical Database Design in Relational Databases, Database Tuning in Relational Systems. Database Recovery & Security: Recovery Concepts, Transaction Recovery, System Recovery, Media Recovery,Recovery Technique, Recovery in Multi Database Systems, Database Security Issues,Data Encryption.

30. AI (ANN, Expert Systems, Fuzzy Logic, Genetic Algorithm, Simulated Annealing) Unit – I: Introduction to Neural Networks Introduction, Humans and Computers, Organization of the Brain, Biological Neuron, Biological and Artificial Neuron Models, Characteristics of ANN, McCulloch-Pitts Model, Historical Developments, Potential Applications of ANN. Unit- II: Essentials of Artificial Neural Networks Artificial Neuron Model, Operations of Artificial Neuron, Types of Neuron Activation Function, ANN Architectures, Classification Taxonomy of ANN – Connectivity, Learning Strategy (Supervised, Unsupervised, Reinforcement), Learning Rules. Unit–III: Single Layer Feed Forward Neural Networks Introduction, Perceptron Models: Discrete, Continuous and Multi-Category, Training Algorithms: Discrete and Continuous Perceptron Networks, Limitations of the Perceptron Model. Unit- IV: Multilayer Feed forward Neural Networks Credit Assignment Problem, Generalized Delta Rule, Derivation of Backpropagation (BP) Training, Summary of Backpropagation Algorithm, Kolmogorov Theorem, Learning Difficulties and Improvements. Unit V: Associative Memories Paradigms of Associative Memory, Pattern Mathematics, Hebbian Learning, General

Concepts of Associative Memory, Bidirectional Associative Memory (BAM) Architecture, BAM Training Algorithms: Storage and Recall Algorithm, BAM Energy Function. Architecture of Hopfield Network: Discrete and Continuous versions, Storage and Recall Algorithm, Stability Analysis. Unit – VI: Classical & Fuzzy Sets Introduction to classical sets - properties, Operations and relations; Fuzzy sets, Membership, Uncertainty, Operations, properties, fuzzy relations, cardinalities, membership functions. UNIT VII: Fuzzy Logic System Components Fuzzification, Membership value assignment, development of rule base and decision making system, Defuzzification to crisp sets, Defuzzification methods. UNIT VIII: Applications Neural network applications: Process identification, control, fault diagnosis. Fuzzy logic applications: Fuzzy logic control and Fuzzy classification.

31. Compiler Design Introductory Concepts: Compiler structure: analysis-synthesis model of compilation, various phases of a Compiler, Cross compilers: Bootstrapping. Lexical Analysis: Interface with input, parser and symbol table, token, difficulties in lexical analysis, error reporting, and implementation. Regular definition, Transition diagrams, LEX. Syntax analysis: Context free grammars, ambiguity, associativity, precedence, top down parsing, recursive descent parsing, transformation on the grammars, predictive parsing, Bottom up parsing, LR parsers. Syntax Directed Translation: Inherited and synthesized attributes, dependency graph, bottom up and top down evaluation of attributes, L- and S-attributed definitions. Type checking: Type system, type conversion, overloaded functions and operators, polymorphic functions. Run time system: Storage organization, activation tree, activation record, parameter passing, symbol table, dynamic storage allocation. Intermediate Code Generation : Intermediate Code generation for control flow, Boolean expressions, and procedure calls, issues, basic blocks and flow graphs, register allocation, code generation, DAG representation of programs peep hole optimization, code generator generators, specifications of machine. Code Optimization : Source of optimizations, optimization of basic blocks, loops, dealing with aliases, data flow analysis of structured flow graphs.

32. Software Engineering Take feom JU

Software and Software Engineering:

The Importance of Software, An Industry Perspective Software Characteristic, Software Components, Software Applications, Software Crisis, Software Myths, Computer Based System Engineering (CBSE), System Engineering Elements, Abstract functional requirements for CBSE. Software Engineering Paradigm: A Definition, Lifecycle Concept, Software Development Process Models. Software Development: Identification of Need, Feasibility study, SA/SD approach, Data Flow and Logical Data modeling, User Interface Design. Software Project Management: Principles of Software Project Management, Team Structure & Scheduling, Project Planning, Project Initiation and Project Termination, Total Quality Management (TQM), Different Cost Estimation Methods, COCOMO Model, WBS, Configuration Management, Risk Management, Different Project Management Tools. Object Oriented Analysis & Design: Conventional vs. OO approaches, OOA process and Design Issues, System Design Process. Software Testing Strategies: Different Testing types, Verification & Validation, Debugging. Software Quality Management: Software Quality Factors, Quality Assurance, Quality Standards, Software Maintenance.

33. Operating Systems Introduction: What is an Operating System, Function of Operating System, Operating System Structure: System Components, Operating System services, System Calls, System Program, System Structure, Virtual Machines. Processes: Process concept, Process State, Process State Transitions, Process Control Block, Suspend & Resume of Process, Interrupt Processing, CPU Switch from Process to Process, Process Scheduling: Scheduling Queues, Schedulers, Context Switch, Operations on Processes, Cooperating Processes, Inter Process Communication. Process Synchronization: The Critical-section Problem, Dekker’s Algorithm, Synchronization Hardware, Semaphores, Producer-Consumer Relationship, Classic Problems of Synchronization, Critical Regions/Sections, Monitors, OS Synchronization. Deadlocks: System Model, Deadlock Characterization, Methods for Handling Deadlocks, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock Avoidance & Banker’s Algorithm, Deadlock Detection, Deadlock Recovery. Threads: Single & Multithreading Models, Threading issues, Pthreads, Solaris 2 Threads, Window 2000 Threads, Linux Threads, Java Threads. CPU Scheduling: Basic concepts, Scheduling Levels, Scheduling Criteria, Pre-emptive & Non-preemptive Scheduling, Scheduling Algorithms, Multiple-processor scheduling, Real Time Scheduling,

Algorithm Evaluation, Process Scheduling Models. Memory Management: Memory Organization, Storage Hierarchy, Storage Management Strategies, Swapping, Contiguous & Non Contiguous Memory Allocation, Paging, Segmentation, Segmentation with Paging. Virtual Memory: Virtual Storage Management Strategies, Demand Paging, Process creation, Page Replacement, Strategies, Allocation of Frames, Thrashing, Operating-system Examples. File-System Interface: File Concepts, File Organization, Access Methods, Directory Structure, File-system Mounting, File Sharing, Protection. File-System Implementation: File-system Structure, File System Implementation, Directory Implementation, Allocation Methods, Free-Space Management, Efficiency and Performance, Recovery. Disk Scheduling: Disk Structure, Disk Caching, Disk Scheduling, Disk Management, Swap-Space Management, RAID Structure, Disk Attachment, Stable-storage implementation, Tertiary- Storage Structure. Protection: Goals of Protection, Domain of Protection, Implementation of Access Matrix, Revocation of Access Rights, Capability-Based Systems, Language-based Protection. Security: The security Problem, User Authentication, Program Threats, System Threats, Securing Systems and Facilities, Intrusion Detection, Cryptography, Computer-Security Classifications.

34. Computer Networking INTRODUCTION: Definition, goals, applications and classification of computer networks. Some well-known networks, Protocols and standards. NETWORK MODELS: Layered Tasks, Internet Models, Direct and indirect interconnection, need for addressing and routing. Concept of subnet-structure and topology of subnet, circuit, message and packet switching. NETWORK ARCHITECTURE: Layered architecture and protocol hierarchy. OSI Reference Model. Services and important functions of each layer. TCP/IP Model, Design issues of layers. BRIEF REVIEW OF PHYSICAL AND DATA LINK LAYERS :Guided and Unguided media, Line Discipline, Flow control, Capacity utilization, Sliding Window, Stop & wait protocols, Error detection mechanism, VRC,LRC,CRC, Automatic Repeat Request(ARQ)- stop-and wait , go-backn, selective repeat. NETWORK LAYER: Need for Network layer , Connection–oriented and connectionless services Addressing: Internet address, classful address, subnetting, supernetting, Classless Addressing , Routing techniques –Static verus Dynamic Routing, flooding, Congestion control algorithms.

HDLC, MAC Sub layers: ALOHA, Slotted ALOHA, CSMA, CSMA/CD, Ethernet, Controlled Access techniques: Token Ring, FDDI. IEEE Standards ( 802.3 and 802.5) WIRELESS AND MOBILE NETWORKING: IEEE 802.11, IEEE 802.16, BLUETOOTH and IEE 802.15. Ad-hoc networks. Cellular networks – GSM, CDMA ISDN, B-ISDN, FRAME RELAY AND ATM NETWORKS: Concept of ISDN and B-ISDN. Review of the digitization status of the telephone network. X.25, Frame Relay and ATM-evolution, ATM layers, sub layers and their functions, ATM switch architecture. TRANSPORT LAYER: Concepts and duties of the transport layer , process to process delivery: UDP and TCP OPTICAL NETWORKS: An overview of optical networks.

38. Advance Engineering Chemistry UNIT I: Water Technology-I Introduction, Effect of Water on Rocks and Minerals, Types of impurities in Water, Hardness of Water - Temporary and Permanent hardness. Units and inter conversions of Units. Estimation of hardness by EDTA Methods. Problems on Temporary and Permanent hardnesses. Analysis of Water - Alkalinity; Chlorides and Dissolved Oxygen. Disadvantages of Hard Water. Methods of Treatment of Water for Domestic Purposes Sedimentation, Coagulation, Filtration, Disinfection - Sterilization, Chlorination,Break point chlorination, Ozonization. UNIT II: Water Technology-II Water for Industrial purpose - Water for Steam Making-Boiler Troubles - Carry Over Priming and Foaming, Boiler Corrosion, Scales and Sludges, Caustic Embrittlement. Water Treatment: - Internal Treatment - Colloidal, Phosphate, Calgon, Carbonate, Sodium aluminate Conditioning of Water. External Treatment - Lime-Soda Process, Zeolite Process, Ion- Exchange Process; - Numerical Problems. UNIT III: Science of Corrosion Definition, Examples, Types of Corrosion: Theories of Corrosion and Mechanism - Dry Corrosion, (Direct Chemical attack), Wet Corrosion, (Electro Chemical Theory) Principles of Corrosion, Galvanic Series, Galvanic Corrosion, Concentration Cell Corrosion, Mechanism of Wet Corrosion - Hydrogen evolution type, Oxygen absorption type. Factors Influencing Corrosion. Control of Corrosion - Proper Design, Use of pure metal and metal alloys, Passivity, Cathodic Protection - Sacrificial anode and Impressed Current. Modifying the Environment, use of Inhibitors. UNIT IV: Protective Coatings and their applications Surface Preparation: (1) Solvent Cleaning (2) Alkali Cleaning (3) Pickling and Etching (4) Sand Blasting (5) Mechanical Cleaning. Types of Protective Coatings: Metallic Coatings - Anodic Coatings, Galvanization, Cathodic Coatings - Tinning, Metal Cladding, Electroplating Ex: Chromium Plating, Metal Spraying, Cementation-Sheradizing, Colourizing, Chromizing. Chemical Conversion Coatings: (1) Phosphate (2) Chromate (3) Anodized Coatings. UNIT V: Polymer Science and Technology Polymerization Reactions - Basic concepts. Types of Polymerization - Addition and Condensation Polymerizations. Plastics -Thermosetting and Thermoplastics - Differences. Compounding and Moulding of Plastics - Compression, Injection, Transfer, and Extrusion

molding methods. Preparation, Properties and Engineering Uses of the Following: Polyethylene, PVC, Teflon, Bakelite, Nylon, Polyester, Polyurethane and Silicone Resins. Rubber - Processing of Natural Rubber, Vulcanization and Compounding. Elastomers Buna S, Buna N, Thiokol. Polyurethane Rubber. UNIT VI: Refractories and Insulators Refractories - Definition, Classification With Examples; Criteria of a Good Refractory Material; Causes for the failure of a Refractory Material; Insulators - Definition and Classification with Examples; Characteristics of Insulating Materials; Thermal Insulators, Electrical Insulators - Their Characteristics and Engineering Applications. UNIT VII: Lubricants Principles and function of lubricants - Types of Lubrication and Mechanism - Thick Film or Hydrodynamic Lubrication, Thin Film or Boundary Lubrication, Extreme Pressure Lubrication. Classification and properties of lubricants-Viscosity, flash and fire point, cloud and pour point, aniline point, Neutralization Number and mechanical strength. UNIT VIII: Inorganic Cementing Materials Cement: Important Parameters for Manufacturing Cement Clinkers. Chemical Constituents and Composition of Cement. Methods of Manufacture of Cement - Wet and Dry Processes. Additives for Cement. Properties of Cement - Setting and Hardening. Types of Portland Cement.

39. Fuzzy set and fuzzy logic Unit-I Fundamental Concepts Introduction and history, human brain, biological neuron, models of neuron, network architecture, knowledge representation. Error correction learning, Hebbian learning, competitive learning, Boltzmann learning, learning with and without teacher. Artificial neurons. Neural networks and architectures Introduction, neuron signal function, mathematical preliminaries, Feedforward & feedback architecture. Unit-II Geometry of Binary threshold neurons and their networks 17 Pattern recognition, convex sets and convex hulls, space of Boolean functions, binary neurons for pattern classification, non linear separable problems, capacity of TLN, XOR solution. Perceptions and LMS Learning objective of TLN, pattern space & weight space, perception learning algorithm, perception convergence theorem, pocket algorithm, α - LMS learning, MSE error surface, steepest descent search, μ - LMS and application. Unit-III Back propagation algorithm Multilayered architecture, back propagation learning algorithm, practical considerations, structure growing algorithms, applications of FFNN. Statistical Pattern Recognition Bayes' theorem, classical decisions with bayes' theorem, probabilistic interpretation of neuron function, interpreting neuron signals as probabilities, multilayered networks & posterior probabilities, error functions for classification problems. Unit-IV Self Organizing Feature MAP

Introduction, Maximal eigenvector filtering, principal component analysis, generalized learning laws, competitive learning, vector quantization, maxican hat networks, SOFM, applications of SOFM. Other Networks Generalized RBF networks. Stochastic Machines: simulated annealing, Boltzmann machine, ART. Unit-V Fuzzy Logic Introduction, classical & Fuzzy sets, classical & fuzzy relations, membership function, geometry & operations of fuzzy sets, fuzzy rules, rule composition & defuzzification, fuzzy engineering applications, Neural network & fuzzy logic. Fuzzy Neural Control

40. Advance Mathematics Split into 2 Fourier seriers: Periodic functions -Fourier series of functions with periods 2 and 21 half range - Fourier cosine and sine series - odd and even functions. Partial differential equations of first order: Formation Lagrange’s methods for linear equations, standard types of non linear equations -Charpits methodsFourier series solutions of one dimensional wave. Special functions: Beta and Gamma functions - relation between beta and Gamma functions standard properties and problems. Complex variables: Complex functions - limits, continuity and derivatives of functions - analytical itemann equations of cartesian and polar forms. Calculus of variables: Variation of fundamental of a single variable with fixed boundary, Euler’s equation, application to isoperimetric and minimal surface problems .Variations of functional dependent on higher derivatives. Simple problems. Finite differences: Differences table interpolation. Newton's forward and backward formale, sterling, Bassel, Evert and Langrange's Formulae. Newton- Rosphon methods of solution of equations. Iterative methods. Computation of Eigen value of a square matrix by power method and Jacobi’s method. Numerical solutions of differential equations: Numerical differentiation, Numerical integration, Simson’s rule, Euler's and modified Euler’s method. Taylor's, Runga Kutta's and Midne's method.

41. Computational Electrodynamics Maxwell field as a classical 4-vector field ; Covariant formulation of the Hamiltonian principle ; Action integral ; Euler-Lagrange equations ; Electromagnetic field tensor ; Homogeneous Maxwell equations ; Lorentz invariants of the Maxwell field ; Wigner rotation and Thomas precession . Lagrangian formulation of the free Maxwell field ; Stress-energy-momentum tensor ; Field angular momentum tensor ; Field theoretic conserved covariants ; Maxwell field interacting with its sources ; Inhomogeneous Maxwell equation ; Gauge invariance of he Maxwell field ; Proca field and its Lagrangian density ; 4-dimensional Green's function of the wave equation for the 4-potential in the Lorentz gauge.

Radiation from accelerated charges in the comoving frame ; Larmor formula ; Polar plots and polarization charts ; Radiation from relativistic charges ; Linear accelerator and synchrotron radiation ; Maser formulae for the radiation from bounded charge-current distributions ; Time-harmonic and pulsed sources ; Multipole expansion of the electromagnetic fields ; Cherenkov radiation ; Transition radiation ; Ration reaction and selected topics from the electrodynamics of continuous media.

42. Mechatronics Fundamentals of the integration of mechanical and electronic subsystems using computer based control. Details of different types of sensors, actuators, DAC/ ADC and micro controllers. Control systems design and modeling of computer controlled electro-mechanical systems. Industrial automation and robotics. Practical applications of mechatronics, design issues and industrial techniques currently in use.

43. Operation research Introduction to operation research : the origin, development, nature definition, History, scope and phase of operation, research, problem formulation, model Construction, deriving solution from model. Linear programming : introduction general linear programming problem, mathematical formulation, graphical method for solution of L.P.P. , simplex method, slack surplus and artificial variable degeneracy ,duality in L.P.P., two method sensitivity analysis. Assignment problems: introduction, mathematical statement, the Hungarian method, maximization problems, unbalanced problem, traveling sales problems. Project management: introduction, history, advantage and development, network construction, numbering the event, difference between C.P.M & P.E.R.T., P.E.R.T analysis updating analysis of resources. Inventory management: introduction, cost event holding, const re-order cost inventory mode is deterministic, and probabilistic I to IV.

44. Total Quality Management Quality Control Systems, Basic concepts in Quality and Reliability, Economics of Quality, Control Charts, Process Capability, Acceptance Sampling Plans, Recent Trends in Quality Control, Maintenance and Reliability Models in Industry, Quality Circles, Troubleshooting Quality Problems, Computer Applications.

45. Finite Element Analysis Introduction and motivation, Weak formulation of BVP and Galerkin approximation, Piecewise polynomial spaces and finite element method, Computer implementation of FEM, Results from Sobolev spaces, Variational formulation of elliptic BVP, Lax-Milgram theorem, Estimation for general FE approximation, Construction of FE spaces, Polynomial approximation theory in Sobolev spaces, Variational problem for second order elliptic operators and approximations, Mixed methods, Iterative techniques.

46. Solid State Physics Crystal Structures Translational symmetry. Identifying lattice and basis. Primitive and nonprimitive unit cells. Symmetry. Some common structures. Diffraction and the Reciprocal LatticeTheory of X-ray and neutron diffraction. Reciprocal lattice and its properties. Lattice planes and indices. Structure factor. Experimental arrangements. Lattice Dynamics One dimensional chain of atoms, dispersion relation. Dispersion relation in structures with more than one kind of atom or bond. Phonons and their interaction with other particles. Two and three dimensions. Neutron inelastic scattering. Revision of specific heat. Electrons in metals Revision of free electron gas. Specific heat. Transport properties. Wiedemann-Franz law. Hall effect. Wavefunction in a periodic potential. Nearly Free Electron model. Two and three dimensional metals. Effective mass. Collisions. Classification of solids into insulators, semiconductors and metals. Overlapping bands. Fermi surfaces. The semiclassical model. Semiconductors Revision of intrinsic semiconductors. Indirect gap semiconductors. Effect of impurities. Temperature dependence of carrier concentration in intrinsic and extrinsic regions. Mobility, conductivity and Hall effect.

47. Laser and Nonlinear Optics Rigorous diffraction theory ; Diffraction of a Gaussian beam ; Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction ; Application to different apertures . Fourier optics ; Fourier transforming property of a thin lens ; Spatial frequency filtering and its applications . Coherence theory ; Partial coherence . Holography ; Construction and reconstruction of hologram. Lasers ; Two-level and three-level lasers . Electromagnetic theory of optical fibres and wave guides ; Scalar wave equation ; Modes of a fibre and planar wave guides . Periodic media ; Bragg diffraction and Bragg devices . Nonlinear optics ; Second harmonic generation ; Optical phase conjugation ; Optical bistability ; Solitons ; Self and cross phase modulations ; Optical Bloch equation . Electro-optic effects in different crystals ; Acousto-optic effects ; Raman-Nath diffraction and Acousto-optic devices .

48. Nuclear Physics Atomic Physics:- Review of atomic structure of H, atomic structure of two electron system, alkali system, Hartree-Fock method, L-S coupling, molecular binding, LCAO, LCMO; molecular spectra (electronic, rotational, vibrational etc.), Raman effect, modern experimental tools of spectroscopy. Nuclear Physics: General properties of nuclei, nuclear two body problem, nuclear force and nuclear models, nuclear decay, nuclear reaction kinematics and classification of nuclear

reactions (compound nuclear, direct etc), heavy ion reactions, nuclear fission and fusion, brief overview of ion beam applications for materials and solid state studies, modern experimental tools of pure and applied nuclear physics.

49. Quantum Mechanics Origins of quantum theory, Schrödinger equation, wave mechanics, one-dimensional problems, central potentials; hydrogen atom, Hilbert space formalism for quantum mechanics, symmetries in quantum mechanics, general treatment of angular mom-entum; spin, identical particles; Pauli exclusion principle.

50. Reliability Engineering Introduction: Definition of reliability, types of failures, definition and factors influencing system effectiveness, various parameters of system effectiveness. Reliability Mathematics : Definition of probability, laws of probability , conditional probability, Bay's theorem; various distributions; data collection, recovery of data, data analysis procedures, empirical reliability calculations. Reliability: Types of system- series, parallel, series parallel, stand by and complex; development of logic diagram, methods of reliability evaluation; cut set and tieset methods, matrix methods event trees and fault trees methods, reliability evaluation using probability distributions, Markov method, frequency and duration method. Reliability Improvements: Methods of reliability improvement, component redundancy, system redundancy, types of redundancies-series, parallel, series - parallel, stand by and hybrid, effect of maintenance. Reliability Testing: Life testing, requirements, methods, test planning, data reporting system, data reduction and analysis, reliability test standards.

51. Robotics Take it from M-Tech Introduction: The foundations of AI. Importance of AI and related fields. Logic: propositional and predicate logic, representation atoms, connectives, literals, CNF, DNF and casual form, interpretation and model, satisfiability, resolution principle and unification. Reasoning under Uncertainty: basic probability notation, probabilistic reasoning, Bayesian networks, certainty factor methods, basics of fuzzy logic. Rules: working memory, rule base, conflict set, conflict resolution strategies, backward and foreword chaining, meta rules. Structure Representation: semantic networks, frames, conceptual dependency, scripts, inheritance, default values.

General issues in knowledge representation and interference: logical agents, reasoning and resolution, adequacy, richness, granularity, ease of representation and use, modeling uncertainty, the fame problem, declarative and procedural representation. Problem solving by Searching: State space repetition, heuristics, heuristic evolution function, and problem reduction. Searching for solutions. Informed and uninformed search strategies. Search Methods: generate and test, hill climbing, means-ends analysis, depth-first, breath-first, best first, exploiting domain constraints, dependency-directed back tracking, minimax, alpha- beta pruning, iterative deepening.

52. Energy Science and Engineering Energy Resources: Terminology, Major Energy Resources in use: Resource, Reserve and Availability of Oil, Gas and Coal in global and national context. Hydro-electricity and Nuclear-electricity: Availability and developmental Constraints. Energy Consumption Demand: Consumption Sectors; Growth rate in Industrial, Commercial & Residential, Agriculture and Transportation Sector of total energy and electricity National and International trends. Renewable Energy: Need for accelerated growth: availability and environmental constraints of traditional non-renewable sources. Demerits of Solar sources. Technologies for electricity generation (I) wind, (ii) PV and (iii) Biomass; Tidal and Geothermal power plants. Ocean Thermal and Wave electricity generation. Fuel cells. Energy Storage: Role of Storage in electricity supply: Types and operation of Storage systems: (I) Chemical, (ii) Mechanical, (iii) Thermal, (iv) Magnetic Storage. Hydrogen energy. Energy Management and Audit: Demand Side and Supply Side of Management (DSM & SSM): Conservation of electrical energy, Technology & Potential Energy. Conservation Act, 2001. Energy Audit: Preliminary Detailed Audit.

53. Lighting Science And Illumination Engineering

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54. Introduction to Nanotechnology Effects of confinement and finite size-zero, one and two dimensional nanostructures (concepts of surface and interfacial energies), Intermolecular and interfacial forces in organic, polymeric, biological and aqueous systems-Van der Waals, electrostatic, double layer, acid base, depletion interactions, hydrophobic force, layering, mesoscale thermodynamics, Gibbs treatment of interfaces, mesoscale fluid dynamics, thin soft films, mesoscale phenomena in soft matter and applications: adhesion, wetting, nucleation, Nanofabrication: patterning of soft materials by self organisation and other techniques, chemical self assembly, artificial multilayers, cluster fabrication, Langmuir-Blodget growth, Nanolithography, Scanning probe lithography, Micro contact printing, Synthesis of nanoparticles and films: sol-gel, hydrothermal, freeze drying, intercalation, attrition, ion implantation, Gas phase condensation, Chemical vapour deposition, Nanosuspensions-ferrofluids,

Compaction of nanocrystlline materials, Carbon nanotubes, short and long term applications and perspectives, Demonstration of some techniques in preparation and characterization of nanomaterials.

55. Bio Process Instrumentation Physical and chemical sensors; Biosensors; On-line sensors for cell properties; off-line Analytical methods. Agitation and capacity coefficient in fermenters; Control of pH, dissolved oxygen, dissolved carbon dioxide, temperature of fermenters; Rheological measurement and control application of microcomputers in the study of microbial process. Elements of Digital computers; Computer Interfaces and peripheral devices; Fermentation software systems Data smoothing and interpolation; State and parameter estimation; Direct regulatory control; cascade control of metabolism. Programmed batch bio-reaction; Design and operation strategies for batch plants; Continuous process control.

56. Power System Protection Analysis of asymmetrical faults in power system. General requirements of circuit breakers. Auto re-closing feature – three pole & single pole auto re-closing. Formation of electric arc. Arc build-up and quenching theory, recovery voltage and RRRV, Arc re-striking phenomena. Problems of capacitive and low inductive current interruptions. Rating of circuit breakers and effect of transient current on it. Different types of arc quenching media and special devices for arc quenching. Different types of circuit breakers - their relative merits and demerits. Specific field of usage. Testing of circuit breakers. D.C circuit breaking. Fundamental principles of protective relays, their properties and block diagrams. Single input relays, over current, earth fault and over voltage relays. Principle and application of directional over current and earth fault relays. Principle of 2-input comparison, two and multi input comparators. Distance relays & their settings, errors and remedies to errors. Differential relays current and voltage comparison. Motor protection, Different types of pilot protection wire, carrier and wireless pilot. Carrier aided distance protection. Carrier phase comparison schemes.

57.Network Synthesis: 4 credits Unit I: Positive real function –synthesis of 2 port, R-L-C networks, cascading and interconnection, Bisection Theorem, Synthesis of R-L and R-C filters-Butterworth. () Unit II: Chebyschev snd Bessel type frequency transformations. Unit III: Active networks and synthesis techniques. Unit IV: Synthesis of R-L-C, low pass, high pass, band pass and band reject filters. Unit V: Biquad and simulation of physical systems and active networks. Books: Network Analysis and Systems, D Roy Chaudhury, New Age International, New Delhi, 1996 Network Analysis and Synthesis, Kuo, Franklin F, John Wiley and sons, Singapore, 1966 Network Analysis , M.E Van Valkenburg, Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi, 1999

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