Syllabus Land Titles and Deeds Sat 10 12nn
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LAND TITLES AND DEEDS SATURDAY (10:00 AM to 12:00 NN) Second Semester 2019-2020 Atty. Voltaire G. San Pedro Page 1 of 10 Page
PART I Land Titling and Disposition I.
A. Land Administration 1. Meanings 2. Components 3. Purpose B. Land Titles and Registration 1. As Component of Land Administration 2. Government Agencies Involved in Land Titling and Registration a) Department of Environment and Natural Resources b) Land Registration Court and the Land Registration Authority c) Department of Agrarian Reform d) National Commission on Indigenous People e) Local Government Units 3. Meanings and Usages a) Title as Naked Right of Ownership b) Titled Land as Registered c) Untitled Land as Unregistered Land C. Public and Private Lands 1. Public Domain Lands 2. Private Domain Lands D. Historical Background of Land Ownership in the Philippines 1. Pre-Spanish Concept of Land Ownership 2. Spanish Period a) Doctrine of Discovery b) Regalian Doctrine
LAND TITLES AND DEEDS SATURDAY (10:00 AM to 12:00 NN) Second Semester 2019-2020 Atty. Voltaire G. San Pedro Page 2 of 10 Page
c) Land Titling and Disposition of Crown Lands during the Spanish Period
1) Spanish Titles 2) Royal Decree of February 13, 1984
d) Registration of Land during the Spanish Period 1) Spaninsh Mortgage Law
II. Torrens System and Public Land Act
A. Treaty of Paris of 1898 Between the t he U.S. and Spain B. Philippine Bill of 1902 (First Constitution) C. Act No. 496 (The Land Registration Act) 1. Introduction to the Torrens System of Land Registration 2. Confirmation of Titles in Fee Simple 3. Confirmation of Unperfected Titles under Act No. 986 4. Registration of Patents 5. Subsequent Registration of Registered Lands D. Act No. 986 (The Public Land Act) 1. Introduction of the Public Land Act and Homestead, Sales and Free Patents 2. Unperfect Titles 3. Amendments E. Court of determination of what are considered as agricultural lands in land registration cases
III. Land Classification
A. Definition
LAND TITLES AND DEEDS SATURDAY (10:00 AM to 12:00 NN) Second Semester 2019-2020 Atty. Voltaire G. San Pedro Page 3 of 10 Page
1. Under the Old Rules 2. Under the New Rules
B. Laws Relating to Land Classification 1. Article XII of the Constitution 2. Agricultural Lands - Commonwealth Act No. 141 (Public Land Act) 3. Forest Lands - Presidential Decree No. 705 (Revised Forestry Code) 4. Mineral Lands - Republic Act No. 7931 (Mining Act of 1995) 5. National PArks - Republic Act No. 7598 (National Integrated Protected Area System Act) C. Rules on Land Classification 1. Institutional arrangements in Land Classification a) Department of Environment and Natural Resources and National Mapping and Resources Information Administration b) Executive Department determines original classification (CA No. 141 and PD No. 705) c) Congress and Re-classification of Lands (Section 4 of Republic Act No. 6657) d) Congress will determine the final forest line 2. Evaluation of Natural State of Lands prior to Classification a) Under PD No. 705 b) Alienable and Disposable Lands - Classification describes the legal nature not the natural state of the land c) Public Forest 3. Lands of the Public Domain a) Agricultural Lands b) Forest Lands c) Mineral Lands d) National Parks
LAND TITLES AND DEEDS SATURDAY (10:00 AM to 12:00 NN) Second Semester 2019-2020 Atty. Voltaire G. San Pedro Page 4 of 10 Page
4. Alienable and Disposable Lands of the Public Domain 5. Sub-Classification of Alienable and Disposable Lands
IV. Identifying Lands - Survey and Mapping
A. Basic Concepts in Land Surveys and Mapping 1. Land Survey 2. Survey Maps 3. General Uses 4. As Use for Property Identification B. Government Agencies with Land Survey Mapping Functions 1. Department of Environment and Natural Resources 2. National Mapping and Resource Information Agency (NAMRIA) 3. Land Registration Authority (LRA) 4. Local Governments C. System of Land Survey and Mapping in the Philippines 1. Persons Authorized to Conduct Land Surveys 2. Defining Legal Boundaries 3. Survey Authority and Survey Order 4. Cadastral and Isolated Surveys 5. Narrative Technical Descriptions 6. Survey Maps and Records 7. Court Determination of Land Boundaries
V. Modes of Acquiring Title to Public Lands
A. Ownership of land must be traced t raced to a government land grant 1. Direct Grants (Homestead, Sales, Free Patent) 2. Indirect Grants (Prescription, Accretion and Accession)
LAND TITLES AND DEEDS SATURDAY (10:00 AM to 12:00 NN) Second Semester 2019-2020 Atty. Voltaire G. San Pedro Page 5 of 10 Page
3. Land Grants Excludes Minerals B. General Conditions Necessary for the Issuance of a Land Patent under Section 8 of CA No. 141 (Direct Grant) 1. Alienable and Disposable Lands 2. Surveyed and Delineated 3. Not for Public or Quasi-Public Use or Appropriated by the Government 4. Not private lands 5. Area Limit (Under the 1987 Constitution) 6. Qualification of Applicants/Grantees C. Restrictions and Limitation on Titles acquired through Patents 1. On transfers 2. On easements and servitudes
VI. Public Land Grants in Agricultural Lands
A. Homestead - Title II, Chapter III, Sections 12 to 21 of Commonwealth Act No. 141 B. Sales - Title II, Chapter IV, Sections 22 to 32 of Commonwealth Act No. 141; C. Lease - Title II, Chapter V, Sections 33 to 43 of Commonwealth Act No. 141; D. Free Patent - Title II, Chapter VI, Sections 44 to 46 of Commonwealth Act No. 141 as amended by Republic Act No. 6940
VII. Public Land Grants In Residential, Commercial, Industrial Lands
A. Sales - under Title III, Chapter VIII, Sections 60 to 68 of Commonwealth Act No 141; B. Republic Act No. 730 (1952) - Direct sale of residential lands subject to conditions C. Batas Pambansa Bilang 223 (1982-1987) - limited residential free patent D. Republic Act No. 10023 (2010) - Residential Free Patent Law
VIII. Special Patents
A. Reservation by Law and Executive Proclamations B. Under Section 4 of Republic Act No N o 10023
LAND TITLES AND DEEDS SATURDAY (10:00 AM to 12:00 NN) Second Semester 2019-2020 Atty. Voltaire G. San Pedro Page 6 of 10 Page
IX. Title Obtained by Operation of Law (Section 14, PD No 1529)
A. Unperfected Titles - Background B. Concept of Adverse Possession & Prescription C. Section 14. Paragraph (a) Open, continuous, exclusive and notorious not orious possession and occupation of alienable and disposable lands of the public domain under a bona fide claim of ownership since June 12, 1945, or earlier; 1. Section 14, Paragraph (b) - Those who have acquired ownership of private lands by prescription under the provision of existing laws; 2. Section 14, Paragraph (c) - Right of accession or accretion; 3. Section 14, Paragraph (d) - Those who have acquired ownership of land in any other manner provided for by law.
X. Title issued under CARP (Republic Act No. 6657, as amended by Republic Act 9700)
A. Coverage B. Exemptions and Exclusions (Sec 10, RA No. 6657) C. Retention Limits Lans Area D. Ceiling of Award to Beneficiaries E. Transferability of Awarded Lands F. Repurchase G. Collective Titles
XI. Titles issues under the indigenous People’s Rights Act Act
A. Identification and delineation of Ancestral Domain B. Issuance of Ancestral Domain Certificate of Title C. Ancestral Domain and the Regalian Doctrine XII. Procedure and Processes
A. Public Land Applications 1. Concept
LAND TITLES AND DEEDS SATURDAY (10:00 AM to 12:00 NN) Second Semester 2019-2020 Atty. Voltaire G. San Pedro Page 7 of 10 Page
a) Jurisdiction of the DEnR b) Quasi-Judicial Function c) The power to promulgate rules and regulations 2. Processes and procedure in the processing of Patents 3. Duty of the DENR to transmit the Patent to the Register of Deeds (Section 103 of the Public Land Act) B. Confirmation of Imperfect Title 1. Concept a) The DENR’s role b) The Solicitor General c) The Court of Land Registration and the Land Registration Authority 2. Ordinary Registration Procedure (See Section 14 to 40 of PD 1529) 3. Cadastral Registration Proceedings (Sections 35-38 of PD 1529)
LAND TITLES AND DEEDS SATURDAY (10:00 AM to 12:00 NN) Second Semester 2019-2020 Atty. Voltaire G. San Pedro Page 8 of 10 Page
PART II Land Registration
I. Land Registration in General
A. Importance of Land Registration B. Function of Land Registration C. General Legal Principles in Land Registration 1. The Identity of the Object and the Subject 2. The Consent 3. The Booking 4. The Publicity D. Title and Deed Registration System 1. Deed Registration 2. Title Registration 3. Difference
II. Kinds of Title Registration
A. Original Registration B. Transfer Registration C. Annotation
III. Torrens System of Land Registration
A. Introduction 1. Act No. 496 (Land Registration Act) 2. Act No. 3344 (Dealings in Unregistered Unr egistered Lands) 3. Presidential Decree No. 1529 B. Purpose of the Torrens System in General C. Administrative and Institutional Arrangement
LAND TITLES AND DEEDS SATURDAY (10:00 AM to 12:00 NN) Second Semester 2019-2020 Atty. Voltaire G. San Pedro Page 9 of 10 Page
1. The Land Registration Authority a) Jurisdiction b) Functions 2. The Register of Deeds a) Jurisdiction b) Functions D. Principles Behind the Torrens System
1. The Mirror Principles 2. The Curtain Principle 3. Insurance Principle
E. Indefeasible Titles under the Torrens System F. Registration of Deeds and Instruments 1. Meaning 2. Kinds of Deed Registration a) Registration of Voluntary Dealings and Transactions 1. Jurisdictional requisite of registration 2. Compliance with the essential requisite of a contract 3. Observance of the formal requirement of a public instrument 4. Submission of supporting documents for certain transactions before registration as provided by Special Laws 5. Procedure in Registration of Voluntary Transaction in General b) Involuntary Registration 1. Attachment and Execution 2. Procedure 3. effects 3. Consulta a. Definition
LAND TITLES AND DEEDS SATURDAY (10:00 AM to 12:00 NN) Second Semester 2019-2020 Atty. Voltaire G. San Pedro Page 10 of 10 Page
b. Procedure
IV. Actions after Registration
A. Deferred Indefeasibility 1. In Decrees 2. In Patents B. Action for Reconveyance 1. As a consequence of acquisition in bad faith 2. As Implied Trust 3. Grounds a) Acquisition in bad faith b) Acquisition not for value c) Double titling and overlap d) Other instances 4. Prescriptions of Action for Reconveyance C. Action for Reversion 1. Grounds 2. Land Investigation by the DENR under Section 91 of PLA 3. Institution of Action by the Solicitor General D. Re-issuance of Lost Owner’s Duplicate 1. Notice to the Register of Deeds 2. Procedure E. Reconstitution of Lost Original Certificate of Titles 1. Administrative Reconstitution 2. Judicial Reconstitution F. Correction and Amendments 1. Grounds 2. Procedure G. Adverse Claim
LAND TITLES AND DEEDS SATURDAY (10:00 AM to 12:00 NN) Second Semester 2019-2020 Atty. Voltaire G. San Pedro Page 11 of 10 Page
1. Purpose and Effect 2. Cancellation
V. Registration of Dealings on Unregistered Lands under Section Section 113 of PD No. 1529
A. Concept of Unregistered Private Lands 1. Untitled Private Agricultural Lands 2. Unperfected Titles 3. Act No. 3344 and Section 113 of PD No. 1529 B. Effect of Registration VI. Foreign Ownership
A. Background B. Batas Pambansa Blg 185 C. Republic Act 8179 -NOTHING FOLLOWS-
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