SWR Explained
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SWR explained A Radio Amateurs' Guide to Electromagnetic Waves, Transmission Lines and VSWR
RT Irish , G4LUF
CD Radio Society of Great Britain
Published by the Radio Society of Great Britain, 3 Abbey Court, Fraser Road, Priory Business Park, Bedford MK44 3W H. Tel 01234 832700 Web www.rsgb.org
First published 20 14 Reprinted 20 15
© Radio Society of Great Britain, 20 14. A ll rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted, in any fonn or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without the prior written permission of the Radio Society of Great Britain.
Editing and Layout: Mike Browne, G3DIH Cover Design: Kevin Williams, M6CYB Production: Mark Allgar, M 1MPA
Printed in Great Britain by Page Bros of Norwich
The opinions expressed in this book are those of the author and are not necessarily those of the Radio Society of Great Britain. Whilst the information presented is believed to be correct, the publishers and their agents cannot accept responsibility for consequences arising from any inaccuracies or omissions.
lSBN: 9781 9050 8699 3
Contents In troduction ............. ........................................ ................... .... ....... 1 A General In troduction to Waves ............ .. .................................. 3 2
Electromagnetic Waves ... .......... ................................ .... .............. 7
Guided Electromagneti c Waves .. .. .. ......... .. ... .. .. .. .. .. .......... ...... .. 11
Standing Waves ... .............. ...... ............... ... ................................ 15
Line Matching ... ............................... ................................. ........ 23
Resonant Line Sections ............................................................. 29
Measurements on Lines .............................. .................. .......... .. 33 Appendices .......... ........ ......................................... ...... .............. 3 7 References .. ..................... ........................ ...................... .. .......... 57
is a pl easure to acknO\vledge the continuous suppott and encouragement given by my wife, Clare, during the preparation of this material, the much-appreciated efforts of my son, George, who has sorted out my many computer problems and my daughter, Polly, who has shown great patience over recent weeks. All are gratefull y ack nowledged.
Sine qui nihil.
The subject o f waves and transmiss ion lines can quickly develop into quite a complex subject but the author has tried, as far as possible, to minimise any necessary mathematics and to present the material in an attractively descriptive manner. Almost inevitably, some of thi s mathematics has crept in towards the end and it is hoped that will be acceptable to most readers. The supporting mathematics for the material withi n thi s book has not been abandoned and appears in the appendices for those readers who are already familiar with the solution or electri cal network problems. Reg Irish. C4L UF 2014
hil st studying the propenies or e lectromagnetic waves and trans mission lines in my youth. l was very challenged by the conventional approach to the topic, which involved extremely heavy mathematics.
Since then there has been little change in this approach which does tend to leave those who are interested, but not well versed in the mathematics, rather at a loss. It has always been felt that a largely descripti ve, alternative approach vvould be most useful and provide a worthwhile initial insight into the topic. We are all familiar with the general idea orv.1 lrnt a wave is - often from experiences with waves on the sea. However, as with many apparently obvious things in life, detailed study of the top ic can be surprisingly complicated. It is hoped that this book \Viii provide a useful, initial introduction both for the radio amateur and others starting out on the topic, to get a practical "feel" for the subject.
The bulk of the material has therefore been made descriptive in nature with most of the occasionally-necessary mathematical material appearing in the appendices for those already familiar with the sol uti on of electrical network problems.
Reg Irish. G4LUF 2014
.·f~ ·,A General Introduction to Waves
1 A General Introduction to Waves t is hoped that this publication w ill introduce some of the more important properties or waves in general, and also some of the aspects which arc particularly relevant to understanding the main properties or electromagnetic waves.
As a child at the seaside, most of us watched the waves on the surface of the sea, noticing the way in which they travel in a specific direction. A little later in life, perhaps as a rod and line angler, we might have noticed that a float on the water's surface does not tra vel w ith the wave, but rises and fa lls (almost) vertical ly as the wave travels past - Fi g. I. I below:
I liuhcst Point or Float ~ '/
\\'~\ c Tr~n clling in This L>iri:t:tion
______ _ L __ _
/' I Lowest Point of rloat Distance(~)
Fig. I. I A Simple Wolff l'l·in·e
Conti nuing our observations of the float, we may deduce that any particle of water within the wave will also move up and down in a similar manner, as suggested in Fig. I. I above. This particle \~·ill , in general therefore, have some energy due to its velocity (kinetic energy). At the instant when the partic le is at the peak or the wave it is momentarily stationary, with no energy due to its velocity - but it will have some energy due to its position (potential energy). As the wave sweeps past, both or these quantities vary in a direction w hich is perpendicular to the di rection in which the wave is moving. This type of wave is therefore known as a transverse wave and is typical or most types of electromagnetic waves which we will be considering in later chapters.
Returning to Fig. I. I again, it w ill be realised that there are three very signincant factors about the wave: 1. They travel across the surface in one specific direction. In the case of water waves the speed at wh ich they travel is determi ned by the water depth - \Naves in the deep ocean are large and w idely spread, whi !st those in shallow water are much closer together. In the case of electromagnetic waves, their speed depends upon the electrical characteristics of the medium through which they trave l (principal ly the relative permittivity of this medium). As expected, the symbol for velocity is "v". The velocity of radio waves is 300,000,000m/s (3.1 o~m/s) - a figure it is useful to be able to recall for future use. 2. If a photograph is taken of the sea's surface, we see a regular, gently-undulating surface, varying with distance (x), in the direction of travel of the waves. The distance between adjacent wave peaks is known as the wavelength (symbol A. , normally expressed in metres) of the waves . This is obviously the same as the di stance between successive troughs - or, indeed, between any corresponding points between two waves - see Fig. 1.2
------A - ----
------ - A- ----
Fig. 1.2 lhe Wll\-ele11g1h (}..) o(u lfo1·e
3. lf one stands in the sea, the waves wil l sweep past, moving regularly up and down one 's legs as they do so. The number of waves passing in one second is know n as the frequency of the waves (symbol f ). This is meas ured in Hertz (Hz is the abbreviation). although c/s - cycles per second may be encountered in earlier texts on \Naves. Amateur radio commonly uses waves whose frequency is many thousands. millions or even thousands of millions of Hz and it is usual to express these as multiples of ten by using prefixes, as below: Prefix
Multiplier 3
1,000 = 10
1,000,000 = I 06
14MHz = 14,000,0001-lz
1,000,000.000 =I 09
2.1 Ghz = 2, I00,000,0001-lz
2kHz = 2.000H z
Other multiple prefixes do exist, but are not usually of interest as they are outside the amateur's range of interest. In summary, waves of a frequency f Hz, travel in a specific direction with a velocity (v), in a regular wave pattern, described by the wavelength (A). There is an important relationship between these three quantiti es, v, f and A. Fig 1.3. shows a transmitter emitting waves. As has already been discussed, the distance betvvccn similar parts of successive waves is the wavelength (A)
I ~
'A---- _,.__
- -
Fig. I. 3 SnaJJ.1'101 of'a One Secofl(/ Tno1s111iss11111
As shown in this diagram, the transmitter is emitting waves whose wavelength is
f...m. In one second there are f cycles passing an observer. The di stance travel led by the leading part of the first wave (at X in Fig. 1.3) in one second is therefore f.A. m. This is the wave's velocity, v (distance travelled per second). Therefore v
= f. A.
The usefulness of this simp le equation is illustrated by the frequent necessity of finding either for Awhen the other is known. For example, to fi nd the wavelength of a 14.1 MHz transmission (know ing that v = 3.1 oxm/s). Therefore A. = v / f = 3.1 o~ I ( 14.1. l 0'') = 2 l .3m (the 20m band). This is important info rmation as the size of the antenna is normally related to the wave length. The reader may care to consider an assoc iated ca lcu lation - to find the frequency of a radio wave whose wave length is 3cm (0.03m). (Answer: l OGHz).
, _, : '!:lectromagnetic Waves In Free Space "' .. ' \'"'.
2 Electromagnetic Waves in Free Space lectromagnetic waves: An electromagnetic wave is an example of a transverse wave - as discussed in C hapter 1. There are two quantities. Iinked lo each other, assoc iated with this wave :
1. An electric field ( E) Fig. 2 .1 , shows two parallel. flat plates separated by a distance d and connected to a voltage source V (Vo lts). Bet;veen these plates the air wil l be subjected lo an electric fie ld ofV/d Volts/m. If thi s field strength is very large (ie . if Vis very large or if cl is very small) the air between the plates may break down, with arcing taking place between them . The air between them is simply stressed by the electric fie ld . The symbol fo r electric field is E and thi s has units of Volts per metre (V/111.). I lence E = V/d. The transmission of a radio wave is associated wi th such e lectric fie lds and, as may be expected, if this field has too high a value, the air may break down . Th is may be a problem where high power energy is concerned (for example in radar systems) and the whole guiding system is often tilled with pressurised air to increase th e sustainable electric fie ld before breakdown occurs.
t d
Lines of Electric Field Between Plates Fig 2.1 !111 Uectric /-'ie fd
2. A magnetic fie ld (symbol H). Magnetic fields are normally generated by a currentcarrying conductor. The diagram (Fig. 2.2) shows the magnetic field associated with such a conductor - it is suspected that amateurs will already be familiar wi th this effect and probably wi ll have encountered the concept when considering the working princi pies of the electric motor.
Magnetic Field Lines
Fig. :l. ] ,\/ag11etic Field Li11es S111T11111uli11g o C11rre111-Carrri11g Co11d11c1or
The units of' magnetic fie ld are Amperes per metre (Al m) . In radi o practice, such magnetic fields are principal ly of interest far away from their originating conductors, where the field lines are effective ly straigh t. An electromagnetic wave in rree space consists of two component parts, an electric fi eld (E ) and a magnetic fi eld (1-1 ). Both quantities rise and fall together (as do the water waves discussed in C hapter I), but they are at right angles to each other and to the direction of the wave's propagation - as shown in Fig. 2.3 below.
H / / / / /
/ /
,1/ /
/ /
/ /
I /
" /
" " "" /
l ;r" ;; /
/ / / /
/ /
"" /
Wa ve Moves in this Direction
, > >
/ I I , II / / I I )' I / I I I
/ /
Vig. :3.3 The U l'l'!1w1wg11elic Wm·e i11 Free Spoce
By considering this simple diagram , we may readi ly app rec iate that an a ntenna designed to interact with the electric field (eg. a dipole) w ill not pick up any signal if it is aligned with the I-I-field. Simi larly, if a receiving loop, which principa lly interacts with the magnetic fie ld, is aligned to interact with the electric field o f' the wave. it wil l receive nothing.
·Electromagnetic Waves In Free Space
For a transmission over the earth, the direction of the e lectric fi eld is call ed the polarisation of the wave . Thus, a verti ca lly-polarised wave will have its electric fi eld perpendicular to the earth 's surface (eg. 2111 repeater transmiss ions) as in Fig. 2.3 Sim ilarly, a horizontally-polarised wave wi ll have the E-ti eld along the earth's surface and the magnetic field will then lie perpendicular to the earth's surface, (eg. frn radio broadcast transmissions). lt is interesting to note that the two fie lds, E and 1-1 are linked by the simpl e equation:
E/ H =Z0 where 2 0 is known as the characteristic impedance of free space and has a val ue of 377 Ohms (I 20n). A lso notice from Fig. 2.3 that the direction of propagation of the wave is given by the direction in which a corkscrew wou ld travel when turning from the direction of E to the direction of H (try it for yo urself using Fig. 2.3) One important factor, when considering electromagnetic waves is their "strength" . Is th e wave too \Veak to be detected by a distant receiver? At any distance r from a transmitter, the wave pO\ver flowing through one square metre is known as the intensity, l , of the wave, measured in Watts/square metre (W lm 2 ). Fig. 2.4 below shows a transmitter, radiating a power Pr Watts and initial ly assumed to tra nsmit equally in all directions, with a receiver at a range r metres . Sphere, Radius r(m) """
Transmitter Power P, Watts
Fig. 2.4 The /m •c•r1·c S(/l/Ul"l' l.m1·
The surface area of a sphere, radius r, surrou nding the transm itter is 4m2 and the power flowing through one square metre of this area is therefore P,/4rrr2 Watts per sq uare metre. This is the intens ity ( I) of the wave at this dista nce from the transmitter. Thus: I =
P, 4m2
To illustrate the importance of this s impl e formula, cons ider a transmitter, power P1 , a rece iver initially at range r and receiving a signal intensity 11• If the receiver is now moved
to twice the original range, ie. to 2r and also the transmitter power remains the same, the new intensity, b wi ll be given by I.:= P 1/4rr(2rr = I / 4
ie. the intensity at this new range is reduced to one quarter of the original intensi ty. Simi larly. if the range of the receiver is trebled. the s ignal intensity will be reduced to one ninth of the original intensity (l /32 ) . Increasing the range by five times wi ll reduce the intensity by twenty five times .. etc. Going the other way, reducing !he range to one ha lf of !he original will increase the intensity by four times. An associated problem frequently arises in which it is required to knmv the increase in transmitter power necessary to inc rease the maximum receiving range ofa received signal by a known a111ount. In thi s case the intensi ties of the signal are the same, both are receiving a just-detectable signal intensity. As an exa111plc, let us find the increase in trans111itter power necessary to double the 111aximum receiver range. Initial ly, 11 = P 1/4m 1' and at the increased range 12 = P 1/ 4m/ , where P 11 and PT2 are the transmitted powers at ranges r 1 and r2 respecti vely. However, these intensities are both the sa me (a just detectab le signal) and r2 = 2r 1• Fro111 the second of these equations it is obv ious ly necessary to make P 12 = 4PT 1 to get back to the original intensity, the '"4s·· cancelling out.
Alt hough these fairly straightfonvard calculations are certainly good for working out !he range. lransmilter power and intensity of a s igna l, in practice the results often va1y sign ificantl y due to other effects - such as reflections l'rorn the ionosphere, interveni ng terrai n, ground effects and notably at VI-IF and above, the detailed vveather conditi ons.
.•"f{Guided Electromagnetic Waves
Guided Electromagnetic Waves here is otten a requirement to transport electromagnetic wave energy from one locaT tion to another with the minimum rossible energy loss - cg. from a transm itter to its antenna. Thi s energy may be guided using a w ide variety or systems, the most common of whi ch are the coaxial line and the open twin feeder. These and some ol' the many other wave guiding a1Tangements \vh ich may be encountered in practice are outlined in Appendix A. Waves in both coaxial lines and in open twin feeder are essentially transverse electromagnetic waves, ie. their electric and magnetic fields are both perpendicular to their direction of propagation and also to each other - as are such waves in free space (see Chapter 2 ). However, they are contined by a meta II ic conductor arran gement wh ich ensures that they are not subject to the spreading effects (llr") of such waves in free space. There are two important points to appreciate here: I. The ve locity of the \.Vaves wi ll be, general ly, less than it wou ld be in a vacuum (or in air). This is large ly attributable to the dielectric constant (relati ve permitti vi ty) of the material through which the waves trave l. In general, the ve locity (v) is given by: v == c!V"Er
where c is the waves' velocity in a vacuum (3.10 8 m/s) and£,. is the relative permittivity of the insulating material. Tables of th e values of this relative dielectric constant for a range of materials are readily available in many textbooks and on the internet - a few of the more common ones are shown in Table 3.1 below: Material Dry air Glass P.T.F.E.
Relative Permittivity 1.0006 approx. 5.0 2.0
Polythene Tuhle 3 .1 So111e Co111111u11 Ma!l'l'wls und Th eir Rela!in.> l'cm1itli1·itr
2. In a guided wave system, the e lectrostatic and magnetic fields are, respectively, directly assoc iated with the vo ltage between the conductors and the currents in them. In the same way as the ratio E/ H is tixed for waves in free space (Chapter 2) as Z1,, the characteristic impedance or free space, so in the case of guided systems, the ratio or the vo ltage across
the conductors lo the current in the conductors is Axed. Th is is call ed the characteristic impedance of the system (symbol Zo), ieV/l = Zo everywhere on the line. This is enti rely governed by the geometry of the system. Some standard res ults for common lines are shown in Appendix B. In the cases of the commonly used coaxial line and the open twin line, these characteristic impedances are usually in the order of 30 to 200 Ohms and 150 to 600 Ohms respectively. Since these two types of' transmi ssion line are the most common ly used, a short consideration of their characte risti cs is appro priate here:
1. The Coaxial Line
Out er Sheath
Electric Field
----Fig.3.1 Elecrro111ag11eric
ll ill' is the angular frequency (2nf), B is the phase constant (2rr/A.) and x is the distance along the line. The actual size or the reflected wave (V,i ) is determined by the refl ection coe fficient (p) of the load. Hence we may write YR = pV 1 and the total voltage on the line is given by v = v r :sin(cot - ~x) + psin(u>t
fh )}
Expanding this gives v = VF{sinwt.cosrx - coswt.si nBx + p(si nltlt.cosf~x
+ coswt.sinBx)}
or v = V, {[( I + p)cosf3x]si nwt - [( I - p)sinjh ]coswt} Rewriting this in th e form A.sin( wt + cp) shows, after some manipulation, that
The phase cp is not usua lly of interest here but may be obtained by trigonometric manipulation of the equat ion ror v. For the purposes or sim plicity, the reflection coefficient p has been assumed to be entirely rea l. In practice, wit h reactive loads, p will be compl ex, nllhough the final results will be identica l to the situations indi cated in Chapter 4, but the in itial phase of the reflected wave will be modifi ed.
. . . .., /.~··~· ...
Appendix D
Appendix D
The Design of L-Match Circuits
- - - - - - - -.....
L = 2.58µ H
jX C
-- - - -
Load (R)
= 50.1pF
____________ B _ ...._
Fig 5.1 .-111 L-:\ lc11ch Cirrnit
The impedance (z) to the ri ght of' points A and Bin the above circui t is given by
jRX _ jRX (R- jX) _ R(X' + jRX) - R + jX R' + X 2 R 2 + X'
The rea l pa11 or th is im pedance is RX2 This is obviously less tha n R, and if R' + X1 the reacti ve 'j' terms can be cancelled out a match may be achieved to Z 0 (providing it is may be cance lled by a series reactance . less th an R). The reacti ve term, R' X R' + X 2 of opposite sign. As an example. consider the design of a 14M I lz matchi ng section , terminated in a load of 600 Ohms. which is to be matched lo a line whose characteristic im pedance is 75 Ohms. Substituting, using the above expressions:
1 RX 1 = 75 = 600 X R 2 + X' (600)' + X'
then 75(600 )'
+ 75 X 2 = 600X "
525X 2 = 75(600}"
and X = 600
= 227
If this is a capacitance then l)c
227 c
~-2rr 14.10"
C = 50.1 pF.
227 Ohms and L =
227 H. 2:rt 14. I 0''
= -_ 1_1_7__
Therefore (IJL
IC the load contains a parallel capacitance of more than 50. 1pF, match ing wi ll not be able to be achi eved usi ng this circui t. In the event th at the reverse problem is encountered - to match a 75 Ohm load to a 600 Ohm line, the soluti on would yield the same component values, but with the capacitor connected across the line and result in the circuit shown in Fig. 5.2 below:
L =2.58µH
-- - -
Zo= 6000
C = 50.1pF
- - - - - ----------------~ Fig. 5.1.2 L-:Vlotc/1 Cirrnil.
Summari sin g th is procedure: If R >Z11 then C = _I
wR and L =
JRZo- Zo
and if R'.\\r
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