SWOT Analysis for Sales and Marketing

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SWOT Analysis for Sales and Marketing

SWOT Analysis Template SWOT Analysis Internal Strengths


Writing alone on a piece of paper, without a name, provides some protection of anonymity, & some observations about sensitive issues can be revealed this way

External Oppurtunities


The SWOT Template is a Simple Worksheet © Copyright 2006 - Advanced Integrated Technologies Group, Inc., All rights reserved.

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PMI (Plus, Minus, and Interesting) Analysis Template PMI Analysis Question: ? Plus Score


Plus Totals

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Minus Totals

Minus Score 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0


Interesting Score

Interesting Totals

0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0

Summary Total 0

PMI Analysis Is A Simple Team Worksheet For Pre and Post Meeting Assessments © Copyright 2006 - Advanced Integrated Technologies Group, Inc., All rights reserved.

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SWOT Analysis Markets—Prospects and Customers 9 How well known is your company in the marketplace? 9 Who knows about you and who doesn’t? 9 How is your company perceived in the marketplace? 9 What else would you like your markets to know about your business? 9 How do you differentiate your market(s)—e.g. by size of business customer, type of industry, geography, etc? 9 Where is your ‘”sweet spot” market(s) and why? 9 What (else) do those key markets need to solve their business problems? 9 What are your 2002 sales trends per market (per product and service)? 9 Where do you make most of your money? 9 Who are you trying to sell to now? 9 What specific audiences do you pitch to and why? A SWOT Analysis Is A Basic Part of Any Marketing Plan! © Copyright 2006 - Advanced Integrated Technologies Group, Inc., All rights reserved.

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SWOT Analysis Markets - Prospects and Customers (Cont.) 9 Who writes the checks? 9 What % of your 2002 revenues came from existing customers? 9 Which of your customers are most profitable? 9 What is your customer retention performance the past 3 years? 9 Which customers are you most likely to retain? 9 Who are your best customer(s) and why? 9 Who are your problem customers and why? 9 Have you ever “fired” a customer? If so, why—or why not? 9 What do customers say about your products/services? 9 How well does your company continually interact with clients? 9 How do you track those interactions?

A SWOT Analysis Helps Us Learn Our Customers Wants & Needs © Copyright 2006 - Advanced Integrated Technologies Group, Inc., All rights reserved.

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SWOT Analysis Products & Services (Packaging & Pricing) 9 What are your products and services (that you have actually have available to sell)? 9 What are you selling at what prices? 9 What is the rationale(s) for your current packaging/pricing? 9 Could you price your products/services differently (and be more successful)? 9 What business problems do your product/services address? 9 How do your products/services address those specific problems? 9 What makes your products/services different, better than the competition? 9 What are the 2008 growth trends per product/service (e.g. new customers, revenue or profit per customer, etc)?

“All Business Is Show Business” © Copyright 2006 - Advanced Integrated Technologies Group, Inc., All rights reserved.

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SWOT Analysis Products & Services (Packaging & Pricing) Cont. 9 What are your “best” products/services and why? 9 What are your most profitable products/services? 9 Do you deliver what you sell (at a minimum)? 9 What products and services have the most potential for 2003 and why? 9 What does the marketplace need in your “space?” 9 What else, if anything, should your company be offering? 9 Where do your ideas come from to enhance current product/services and develop new ones? 9 How much do you invest in developing new products and services?

Our Product or Service Image Impacts Our Market Position © Copyright 2006 - Advanced Integrated Technologies Group, Inc., All rights reserved.

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SWOT Analysis Sales & Competition 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

What resources are devoted to selling your products and services? Do you have the sales staff to adequately cover your market(s) Who sells most successfully and why? Are your sales people selling the same (agreed upon) products and services? What is the origin(s) of your 2002 new sales (e.g. referrals, direct sales contacts, cold calling /telemarketing, other marketing vehicles, etc) Why do you win specific types of sales--and lose others? What do they like and not like? What questions do prospects ask? How much does your sales pitch vary, salesperson to salesperson? How well is it managed? What does your current Sales funnel look like? What is your Sales tracking process? How does Sales follow-up with prospects? How involved are Sales with customers on an ongoing basis? “Control Your Own Destiny or Somebody Else Will” – Jack Welch © Copyright 2006 - Advanced Integrated Technologies Group, Inc., All rights reserved.

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SWOT Analysis Sales & Competition (Cont.) 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

How successfully do you re-sell (additional products/services) to your customer base)? How do you leverage your Sales through “strategic partnerships”? How productive have those been? Do your sales incentives match your business strategy and growth objectives? How do your results (e.g. per market, product/service) compare with your sales incentives? Are your Sales and Marketing people on the same page? If not, why not? Who are your top competitors? Other second-tier competitors? Who do you go up against most often in sales situations? How well do you know their product/services and marketing/sales approaches? How do your products/services and prices stack up to others? Who beats you most often and why? What do you like that could be incorporated into your business? What do competitors do to “reposition” your company? What do you do to reposition your competitors? What information do you regularly track on your competitors? Partnerships Can Change The Competitive Game © Copyright 2006 - Advanced Integrated Technologies Group, Inc., All rights reserved.

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SWOT Analysis Marketing 9 9 9 9 9 9 Brochures and print materials/mailers etc 9 Print advertising 9 Email campaigns 9 Proposals PP Sales presentations Demos

9 What marketing vehicles do you currently use? 9 Basic collaterals (letterhead, business cards, portfolio, etc) 9 Web site 9 Search engine optimization 9 9 9 9 9 9

Tradeshow booth Other promotional events/items Telemarketing (scripts) Other media: TV, radio, billboard, etc Seminars Press releases/press campaigns Marketing plan Media plan Other________

Marketing Areas To Consider © Copyright 2006 - Advanced Integrated Technologies Group, Inc., All rights reserved.

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SWOT Analysis Marketing Questions 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9

What marketing vehicles have worked the best in 2002 and why? Which ones have not worked and why? How coordinated are your marketing initiatives? Are you getting people’s attention with your marketing messages? Who, specifically, are you attempting to reach? What level of frequency are you using to get your messages out? Do you apply marketing resources on a regular ongoing basis? What % of your revenues did you devote to marketing in 2002? Has that been enough, too much? Why? What limitations, if any, have you put on your marketing investment in 2002? What other marketing initiatives have you considered trying? Do you monitor your marketing results? How? Do you have a marketing plan? How often do you adjust your plan? How is your marketing department/function organized? How focused is your company on marketing in comparison to Sales? How effectively do your Sales people put Marketing leads to work? You can also apply SWOT analysis to your competitors © Copyright 2006 - Advanced Integrated Technologies Group, Inc., All rights reserved.

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SWOT Analysis Positioning When you sit next to a stranger on an airplane and he or she asks what you do/your company does what do you say? Do they get it? What else do they ask? What do they NOT understand? Line up your most current marketing and sales materials/vehicles and carefully review and critique the following (as applicable): 9 9 Basic collaterals (letterhead, business 9 cards, portfolio, etc) 9 9 Web site 9 9 Search engine optimization 9 Brochures and print materials/ mailers etc 9 9 9 Print advertising 9 9 9 9

Email campaigns Proposals PP Sales presentations Demos

Tradeshow booth Other promotional events/items Telemarketing (scripts) Other media: TV, radio, billboard, etc Seminar programs Press Releases and other PR campaigns 9 Marketing plan 9 Media plan 9 Other communication vehicles

© Copyright 2006 - Advanced Integrated Technologies Group, Inc., All rights reserved.

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SWOT Analysis Positioning (Cont.) 9 Then ask the following questions: 9 Are the messages and information (and graphical appearance) across ALL of those materials/vehicles: current, accurate (true), consistent, clear, free of jargon, illustrative (vs. just descriptive) and unique? 9 How well do your messages, themselves, differentiate your products/services and overall business? 9 Can virtually anyone understand your top-line messages and what value/benefits that your products/services provide (that is what business problems they solve)? 9 Who coordinates/how do you continually coordinates ALL messages regarding your business and your products and services? 9 How often do you change your messages as necessary? 9 How well do your messages match your actual products/services? SWOT identifies the internal and external factors that affect an organization! © Copyright 2006 - Advanced Integrated Technologies Group, Inc., All rights reserved.

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About The Author Steven Bonacorsi is a Senior Master Black Belt instructor and coach. Steven Bonacorsi has trained hundreds of Master Black Belts, Black Belts, Green Belts, and Project Sponsors and Executive Leaders in Lean Six Sigma DMAIC and Design for Lean Six Sigma process improvement methodologies. The AIT Group, Inc. Steven Bonacorsi, Solution Provider Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt 3135 South Price Road, Suite 115 Chandler, AZ 85248-3549 Phone: +(1) 888.826.2484 E-mail: [email protected] http://www.theaitgroup.com


Our Expert Consultants Can Help Your Business Growth © Copyright 2006 - Advanced Integrated Technologies Group, Inc., All rights reserved.

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About The AIT Group

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