Switch Words

March 21, 2017 | Author: jvnair478 | Category: N/A
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Switch words as affirmations...


Switchword explanation and how to use Thank you Ricarte Rivera COUNT- This is the switchword for MAKING MONEY. COUNT triggers in our mind everything related to making money, and therefore this single word can be used in applying the Law of Attraction for generating more income and more wealth. It can do much for increasing your income, business, home business, or any other money transactions. People have reported results within days, when they had rapid business growth soon after they affirmed the word COUNT. FIND- This word works similarly as the word COUNT, although slightly different. It also has to do with prosperity, but the essence of this word is TO BUILD WEALTH. This differs only slightly from the word above, and has been used by people who unexpectedly find or receive large sums of money. These are not always related to business dealings, people have won the lottery, received large settlements, and had other unexpected money come into their lives. REACH- This is one of the most commonly used switchwords. REACH can be used to find misplaced items, remember forgotten information, and come up with creative new ideas. This can be great for anyone who has a hard time remembering names, losing their keys, or is looking for creative ways to build their home business or other business venture. If you are looking for something or trying to remember something, just say it a few times aloud or in your head, and very soon you will find/remember whatever it is. DIVINE- This is a great switchword for applying the Law of Attraction to any extraordinary accomplishment. If you are seeking some divine assistance or attempting something that seems like it would take a miracle to accomplish, try repeating DIVINE several times, or all throughout the day. This word can be added to any of the other switchwords for added power, like DIVINE-COUNT, DIVINE-FIND, DIVINE-REACH, or any of the other switchwords that we are going to cover. CANCEL- Anyone who is actively applying the Law of Attraction knows about the need of positive thoughts, and the need to keep far away from negative thoughts. The word CANCEL can instantly rid you of any unwanted thought. This can be very useful in keeping your thoughts positive and creative. Common places for using CANCEL are in eliminating worry, doubt, and fear. NEXT- This is a great switchword that can be used whenever you have a lot of work to accomplish. Often starting a business, a home business included, requires a lot of daily duties before real progress begins to be made. Using NEXT before starting your daily activities, no matter what they may be, will help you do effective work in the least amount of time. As you know, action is a necessary component of applying the Law of Attraction. Action is the bridge between the thought world and the physical world. By using this switchword, you will be able to work in harmony and therefore secure faster results. GIVE- This is the switchword for selling and helping others. You may be aware that the two are related. When you sell something you are helping out the buyer, as well as yourself. If you are selling anything, a home, a car, or anything else, try repeating the word GIVE. This will greatly enhance your results when applying the Law of Attraction in order to sell something. HOLE- This is the switchword for creating appeal and attractiveness. This can be a great way for applying

the Law of Attraction in regards to your love life. By repeating the word HOLE you will create an attraction to yourself from the opposite sex. This can be great to enhance your love life, or start one if you are lacking in that area. CHUCKLE- CHUCKLE is the word that stimulates your personality. Whenever you feel the need to make a great impression, you can use this switchword to instantly turn on your charm and people skills. This has great uses for just about anyone. It can be used in business dealings, personal relationships, as well as any other situation that requires you show your best qualities. UP- Applying the Law of Attraction requires that you feel positive, happy, and in an overall good mood. This attracts more great things into your life. The word UP is a great way to eliminate negative emotions if you are ever feeling a little down. You will instantly create positive feelings inside yourself, allowing you to give off positive energy. BE- This is the word that represents good health and peace of mind. If you know anything about applying the Law of Attraction, than you understand how a healthy mind manifest itself in a healthy body. This word will allow you to create a state of peacefulness and health and maintain it for long term benefits. BLUFF- Whenever you are feeling nervous or having any fear, this switchword can quickly relieve you of these negative thoughts. Whether it be starting a home business, taking an exam, or anything else that may create nervous feelings, the word BLUFF can instantly eliminate your worry, fear, or doubt. This can be used in many situations ON- for creating new ideas LEARN- to stay looking and feeling young FIGHT-to win a game or contest MOVE- for an increase in energy and vitality CARE- to remember needed information WATCH- to gain a wanted skill or ability TINY- to be a kinder person THANKS- to stop regretting the past ON- to get a ride somewhere ADJUST- to handle an unwanted experience NOW- to take action on an impulse DONE- to develop willpower DO- to stop procrastinating FOR- for promoting something SCHEME- to advertise something STRETCH- to feel good and have well being GUARD- to promote personal safety PRAISE- to make yourself attractive OFF- to fall asleep TAKE- to become a leader SWING- to develop courage TOGETHER-the master switchword for all occasions

To create new ideas-ON. To reduce smoking-COUNT. To get in mood for writing-GIGGLE. To stay young and to look young immediately-LEARN. To be a good mechanic-CONSIDER. To break a bad habit-OFF. To meet a deadline-DONE. To sigh-HO. To win in a competitive game-FIGHT. To upset an opponent in such a game-FIGHT. To achieve moderation in any field where tempted to excess-CUT. From page 168: To display pep and sudden energy-MOVE. To turn a setback into an uplift-ELATE. To remember, in the sense of memorization-CARE. To remember something forgotten-REACH. To find lost or misplaced article-REACH. To solve a problem-REACH. To prevent a person or action from annoying one-CANCEL. To obliterate a negative thought-CANCEL. To dispel a worry-CANCEL. To sell-GIVE. To aquire a skill-WATCH. To love to read-JUDGE. To maintain good health-BE. To be kind-TINY. To invent-REACH. To relieve constipation-SWIVEL. To heal a scab-ALONE. To stop drinking-SAVE. To keep a resolution-DONE. To destroy remorse-TOMORROW. To cease regretting-THANKS. To secure transportation-ON. To smile-NAME OF A KNOWN SMILER. To stand up straight-NAME OF A KNOWN STRAIGHT-UP STANDER. From page 169: To enthuse-NAME OF A FAMILIAR ENTHUSIAST. 1 To cure hypersensitivity-DUCK. To prevent pouting streak-POSTPONE. To handle anything unpleasant-ADJUST. To dispel an attack of the blues-UP. To act on good impulse-NOW. To stop faultfinding-PRAISE. To build will power-DONE.

To banish lonesomeness-BE. To get rid of inertia-MOVE. To avoid poverty or debt-CANCEL. To nourish ambition-ON. To eliminate procrastination-DO. To promote-FOR. To advertise-SCHEME. To secure publicity-RIDICULOUS. To retain good feeling or sense of well-being-STRETCH. To assume or carry a burden-ADJUST. To get something out of eye-CHANGE. To dispel ache or pain in any part of body-CHANGE. To turn on personality-CHUCKLE. To turn on politeness or courtesy-TINY. To convert another-TAP. To dispel nervousness-BLUFF. From page 170: To dispel conscious fear-BLUFF. To call forth extra personal ability-DIVINE. To preserve personal safety-GUARD. To make yourself beautiful or handsome-PRAISE. To aquire good taste-COPY. To keep a secret-FOREVER. To subdue inner excitement-COVER. To get to sleep-OFF. To build-PUT. To dress better-SPEND. To find percentage-ADD. To learn a secret-WAIT. To improve your mental telepathy-BETWEEN. To swim-CONTINUE. To withstand impatience-SLOW. To handle success-SUFFER. To handle prosperity-SUFFER. To avoid carelessness-ATTENTION. 2 To improve perspective-AROUND. To build character-HOLD. To ward off apartness of the personality just as negative factor is entering-UNCLE. To develop or increase endurance-CONTINUE. To be wise-SLOW. To achieve peace of conscience-BE. From page 171: To build, produce-ON. To develop leadership-TAKE. To build a fortune-FIND.

To make money-COUNT. To develop courage-SWING. To read the future-LISTEN. To work miracles-DIVINE. To do anything-TOGETHER. To lose inferiority complex-UP. To become an orator-ACT. To publish a successful newspaper-PERSONAL. To publish a successful magazine-SOPHISTICATE. To make your children obedient-CROWD. To be compatible with others-WITH. To be soothing to others-SWEET. To be pious-SHOW. To complete a lot of detailed work-NEXT. To create appeal-HOLE. To design-SCHEME. To appear rich-WASTE. To create beauty-CURVE. To appear cultured-CLASSIC. To help others-GIVE. To bury your grudges-REVERSE. From page 172: To reduce your bragging-DOWN. To lose pettiness-MAGNANIMITY. and the Master Switchword: TOGETHER. Alphabetical order of switchwords,with a glossary of uses and notes. -ACT To become an orator. -ADD To find percentage. -ADJUST To handle anything unpleasant; To assume or carry a burden; To balance; To create. -ALONE To heal a scab. -AROUND To improve perspective. -ATTENTION To avoid carelessness. -BE To maintain good health; To banish lonesomeness; To achieve peace of conscience. -BETWEEN To improve your mental telepathy. -BLUFF To dispel conscious fear; To dispel nervousness. -BOW To end arrogance. -CANCEL To prevent a person or action from annoying one; To obliterate a negative thought; To dispel a worry; To avoid poverty or debt. -CARE To remember, in the sense of memorization. -CHANGE To dispel ache or pain in any part of body; To get something out of eye. -CHUCKLE To turn on personality. -CIRCULATE To end feeling of loneliness -CLASSIC To appear cultured. -CLEAR To dis-create anger.

-CONCEDE To stop arguing. -CONFESS To end aggression. -CONSIDER To be a good mechanic. -CONTINUE To swim; To develop or increase endurance. -COPY To aquire good taste. -COUNT To reduce smoking; To make money. -COVER To subdue inner excitement. -CROWD To make your children obedient. -CURVE To create beauty. -CUT To achieve moderation in any field where tempted to excess. -DIVINE To call forth extra personal ability; To work miracles; For extraordinay accomplishment. -DOWN To reduce your bragging. -DO To eliminate procrastination. -DONE To meet a deadline; To keep a resolution; To build will power. -DOWN To stop bragging. -DUCK To cure hypersensitivity. -ELATE To turn a setback into an uplift. -FIGHT To win in a competitive game; To upset an opponent in such a game. -FIND To build a fortune. -FOR To promote. -FOREVER To keep a secret. -GIGGLE To get in mood for writing. -GIVE To help others; To sell. -GUARD To preserve personal safety. -HELP To rid uncertainty -HO To sigh. -HOLD To build character. -LISTEN To read the future. -HALF/HALFWAY To increase endurance. -JUDGE To love to read. -LEARN To stay young and to look young immediately. -MAGNANIMITY To lose pettiness. -MOVE To display pep and sudden energy; To get rid of inertia. -NAME OF A KNOWN SMILER To smile. -NAME OF A KNOWN STRAIGHT-UP STANDER To stand up straight. -NAME OF A FAMILIAR ENTHUSIAST To enthuse. -NOW To act on good impulse; To relieve procrastination. -NEXT To complete a lot of detailed work. -OFF To get to sleep; To break a bad habit; to end revenge. -ON To create new ideas; To secure transportation; To nourish ambition; To build, produce. -OVER To dissipate frustration. -PERSONAL To publish a successful newspaper. -POSTPONE To prevent pouting streak. -PRAISE To stop faultfinding; To make yourself beautiful or handsome. -PUT To build. -QUIET To solve selfishness

-REACH To remember something forgotten; To find lost or misplaced article; To solve a problem.; To invent. -RESTORE To restore fairness and honesty -REVERSE To bury your grudges. -RIDICULOUS To secure publicity. -SAVE To stop drinking. -SCHEME To advertise; To design. -SHOW To be pious. -SHUT To banish complaining -SLOW To withstand impatience; To be wise. -SOPHISTICATE To publish a successful magazine. -SPEND To dress better. -STRETCH To retain good feeling or sense of well-being. -SUFFER To handle success;To handle prosperity. -SWEET To be soothing to others. -SWING To develop courage. -SWIVEL To relieve constipation. -TAKE To develop leadership. -TAP To convert another. -THANKS To cease regretting. -TINY To be kind; To turn on politeness or courtesy. -TOGETHER To do anything. -TOMORROW To destroy remorse. -UNCLE To ward off apartness of the personality just as negative factor is entering. -UP To dispel an attack of the blues; To lose inferiority complex. -WAIT To learn a secret. -WASTE To appear rich. -WATCH To aquire a skill. -WHOLE To create appeal; To be attractive. -WITH To be compatible with others. By key category Wealth / Acquire Prosperity -ADD To find percentage. -COUNT To reduce smoking; To make money. -FIND To build a fortune. -FOR To promote. -REDICULOUS To secure publicity. -SCHEME To advertise; To design. -WASTE To appear rich. Health / Wellness -ALONE To heal a scab. -BE To maintain good health; To banish lonesomeness; To achieve peace of conscience. -CHANGE To dispel ache or pain in any part of body; To get something out of eye.

-CLEAR To dis-create anger. -DUCK To cure hypersensitivity. -GUARD To preserve personal safety. -HO To sigh. -LEARN To stay young and to look young immediately. -SAVE To stop drinking. -SWIVEL To relieve body irregularities. -POSTPONE To prevent pouting streak. Well-Being / Ability -AROUND To improve perspective. -ATTENTION To avoid carelessness. -BETWEEN To improve your mental telepathy. -BLUFF To dispel conscious fear; To dispel nervousness. -BOW To end arrogance. -CARE To remember, in the sense of memorization. -CIRCULATE To end feeling of loneliness -CHUCKLE To turn on personality. -CLASSIC To appear cultured. -CONSIDER To be a good mechanic. -CONTINUE To swim; To develop or increase endurance. -COPY To aquire good taste. -COUNT To reduce smoking; To make money. -COVER To subdue inner excitement. -CURVE To create beauty. -DIVINE To call forth extra personal ability; To work miracles; For extraordinay accomplishment. -DOWN To reduce your bragging. -FOREVER To keep a secret. -HELP To rid uncertainty -HOLD To build character. -JUDGE To love to read. -MOVE To display pep and sudden energy; To get rid of inertia. -OFF To get to sleep; To break a bad habit. -OVER To dissipate frustration. -PRAISE To stop faultfinding; To make yourself beautiful or handsome. -QUIET To solve selfishness -RESTORE To restore fairness and honesty -REVERSE To bury your grudges. -SHUT To banish complaining -STRETCH To retain good feeling or sense of well-being. -SWEET To be soothing to others. -SWING To develop courage. -THANKS To cease regretting. -TINY To be kind; To turn on politeness or courtesy. -TOMORROW To destroy remorse. -UNCLE To ward off apartness of the personality just as negative factor is entering.

-UP To dispel an attack of the blues; To lose inferiority complex. -WAIT To learn a secret. -WATCH To aquire a skill. -WHOLE To create appeal; To be attractive. -WITH To be compatible with others. Success -ACT To become an orator. -ADJUST To handle anything unpleasant; To assume or carry a burden; To balance; To create. -CANCEL To prevent a person or action from annoying one; To obliterate a negative thought; To dispel a worry; To avoid poverty or debt. -CONCEDE To stop arguing. -CONFESS To end aggression. -CROWD To make your children obedient. -CUT To achieve moderation in any field where tempted to excess. -DO To eliminate procrastination. -DONE To meet a deadline; To keep a resolution; To build will power. -ELATE To turn a setback into an uplift. -FIGHT To win in a competitive game; To upset an opponent in such a game. -GIGGLE To get in mood for writing. -GIVE To help others; To sell. -HALF/HALFWAY To increase endurance. -MAGNANIMITY To lose pettiness. -LISTEN To read the future. -NAME OF A KNOWN SMILER To smile. -NAME OF A KNOWN STRAIGHT-UP STANDER To stand up straight. -NAME OF A FAMILIAR ENTHUSIAST To enthuse. -NOW To act on good impulse. -NEXT To complete a lot of detailed work. -ON To create new ideas; To secure transportation; To nourish ambition; To build, produce. -PERSONAL To publish a successful newspaper. -PUT To build. -REACH To remember something forgotten; To find lost or misplaced article; To solve a problem.; To invent. -SHOW To be pious. -SLOW To withstand impatience; To be wise. -SOPHISTICATE To publish a successful magazine. -SPEND To dress better. -SUFFER To handle success;To handle prosperity. -TAKE To develop leadership. -TAP To convert another. -TOGETHER To do anything. How to find new switchwords: 1. Chant "together" 28 times in a rhythm:



Having the "want" for this to appear will make it so. Repeat chant as fast as possible until the switchword appears. 2. These steps: Decide what you want. Believe that it is already yours. Visualize the complete concept of having it, with the largest positive feeling you can muster. "REACH - TOGETHER", or "TOGETHER - REACH" And then let go. The switchword will appear intuitively 3. A switch can be an action. Chant the "Together Song" above and follow your intuition on what to DO. Also can be REACH in combination with TOGETHER and NOW. Then relax and let the body do the action. 4. An object can act like a switch. Use REACH, TOGETHER, DIVINE, plus any switchword for a particular ailment (if exists). Relax and follow your instinct. The object should appear shortly, or will appear when doing something else. Notes on "The Secret of Perfect Living": Mangan's key point is to get the conscious coordinating with the subconscious in order to get anything done. He also mentions that you have to submit to God. Through this, you can get all that you want done in life. Huna explains a great deal of how this works, as well as Haanel's Master Key System, not to mention Troward's lectures. Kim's lectures in Huna provide a very good base to understand this relationship between God, you and your subconscious. You are the coordination point. The subconscious is your link to the rest of the universe and all of God's power. The subconscious is also very powerful (it runs your body, for instance), but doesn't know what to do with all that power. So you have the delicate proposition of helping it to understand things. It will show you images and feelings when it thinks that these are appropriate to what you are doing. Your job is to evaluate these and sort through them for the lessons underneath. Certainly the switchword "CANCEL" is useful here as a quick way of getting some of this stuff out of your way. However, you can also look at why an old image was brought up and what associations are still connected with that image. You will learn, as you teach the subconscious with your learning. The trick through all this is to do and pursue those things in life which bring you peace. When you being

operating from the point of constant peace, you will have achieved what Mangan calls "Perfect Living". Then you will achieve and acquire everything you want in life. Use of switchwords merely simplify and speed up the process. None of the books and studies above developed switchwords - which are an intense shortcut to the subconscious, bypassing necessary meditation or prayer. Occam's razor applies in this case, as the fewer words you apply to a scene, the more effective the prayer or meditation. Switchwords can be a breakthrough if used as Mangan laid out. Switchwords manifest more quickly as they go directly to the sub/pro-conscious and bypass the "objective" (conscious) mind and its rationalizations. Applying the New Thought method (also found in "The Secret" DVD) of naming what you want, getting the feeling of it, then applying the switchword - or combinations of them - will get the most horsepower into this. You have to let go when done. The other method of applying them would be to use them as a constant chant, a mantra of sorts. One suggestion on this line, especially when using combinations of switchwords, would be to set them to a popular tune - so it then sets up on "automatic" in your mind and rolls on as you do other actions. Great use for this is when doing chores and don't have to use all your faculties. Do this when doing mundane activities such as cleaning, vacuuming, sweeping - or hum to yourself while driving instead of turning on the radio. Note that three of these switchwords are the names of people who set a good example in the field. This could be expanded - "Edison" might be used for invention, "Sherlock" for deductive activities, "Einstein" for advanced thought or mathematics. Anyone you know and respect might be a switchword for some trait you wish to emulate. It's what you feel, your concept - and what you want. Languages other than English would have their own switchwords, which may or may not be translations of these. Perhaps the most powerful switchwords would come from the most ancient languages. Max Freedom Long found new meanings by translating phrases from the Bible into Huna and then back into English. Older languages had more meanings available, using fewer words. Finding these would be through the above methods - chiefly would be in getting the "want" figured out exactly, then asking the sub/proconscious to deliver it. The switchwords from ancient languages might even be more powerful than those Mangan found in English. The switchword "DIVINE" is barely mentioned in this book, given no illustrative example of use. However, you can see that this will connect you directly through the subconscious to the Universal, where all your wants are fulfilled. Use DIVINE in combination with REACH and TOGETHER, plus any particular switchword for the ability or talent you are working to acquire. Another switchword -GRATEFUL To bring you peace. Additional Notes on Use and Function of Switchwords

Switchwords can be used as an assist in meditation. Most of us have a great deal of problem in keeping our mind focused, in keeping thoughts controlled enough so we can concentrate. Use of switchwords as a mantra help in this, much as some Eastern religious studies use them. Keep your attention on the the concept of what you want to solve or improve and then repeat the switchword which could help you most (or combination) and keep this up for 15 minutes or longer - or until you get intuitive insight of something to do. That is the key point of switchwords - they enable inspiration into what action you should be taking. The trick is to instantly get into action, following your inspiration/intuition. Trust your inner vision and your intuition will improve. And you'll gain greater peace in your life and for those around you. (And wealth, health, personal power, etc.)

Switchword Pairs Thank you Sandra van der Heide --What are Switchpairs? A Switchpair is two Switchwords combined to bring a new focus and increased power. Switchpairs are quick and easy to use, a short version of a Switchphrase. --Current list of Switchpairs and their applications --Accept and love something as it is: MAGNANIMITY-FORGIVE --Accept money: LOVE-COUNT --Acidity (to help clear): CHANGE-HO --Align your vibration with ongoing abundance: SUFFER-HORSESHOE --Allergies, help protect from: GUARD-LIMIT

--Anal fissures (to help clear): OPEN-LIGHT --Avoid someone, keep them off your back: WITH-LIMIT --Back off and obey (won’t work on anyone considered equal to or above you such as sibling, parent or boss): LIMIT-CROWD --Balance the negative and the positive (of the yin and yang) and Master it: DIPOLE-TOGETHER --Be bold and fearless when talking to people: SWING-ACT --Be confident in the path, direction in which you are traveling: ANCHOR-POINT --Be in touch (with self and the universe) and in high spirits: LISTEN-UP --Bleeding, stop: CHANGE-NOW --Breathe easier: CRYSTAL-CLEAR --Breathe fresher: CRYSTAL-CLEAR --Bronchitis: MAGNANIMITY-REVERSE --Burn pain: GUARD-WOMB

--Calm down & reset boundaries: EASE-LIMIT --Calmness and stability, maintain: BENEVOLENT-PEACE --Caring, soothing and loving (be or feel): SWEET-LOVE --Cataracts, help dissolve: CLEAR-CHANGE --Cataracts, help stop from increasing in size: OPEN-CLEAR --Cellulite, reduce: TINY-GO --Chakra balancing: DivineORDER-WOMB --Claustrophobia: FOREVER-BLUFF --Claustrophobia: UNCLE-TOGETHER --Clear your mind & relax (especially for meditation): QUIET-CRYSTAL --Close this segment & stop causing trouble: END-SHUT --Cold or flu (help clear faster): LIMIT-GUARD ---

Come together in mind, body, spirit and soul: GATHER-TOGETHER --Complete a transition (or anything) faster: HALFWAY-DONE --Conversation, increase comprehension of: LISTEN-BETWEEN --Conversationalist, be an amazing: DIVINE-ACT --Cook tasty food: CHARM-LIGHT --Create beauty and attraction: CURVE-HOLE --Create miracles and integrate them into your life: PRAISE-DIVINE --Critical and jealous (stop being): PRAISE-REJOICE --Criticism, let it roll off your back: REJOICE-DUCK --Criticism, not be affected by: DUCK-ACT --Curiosity, release: QUIET-DOWN --Dilemma, help clear: DIVINE-HELP --Dizzy spell: DEDICATE-FIFTY THREE

--Doubting Thomas (clear the negative ifs & buts): GO-DEDICATE --Draw more fortune to you: FIND-HOLE --Draw more money to you: COUNT-HOLE --Dread: LOVE-WOMB --Dreams, retrieve (remember): CRYSTAL-NOW --Dry lips (help relieve): POSTPONE-MAGNANIMITY --Enhance intimacy: BUBBLE-UP --Enjoy generating, radiating and experiencing love and acceptance: GIGGLE-LOVE --Enjoy writing and express yourself well: GIGGLE-ACT --Exaltation: FOR-UP --Expand a blissful time: DIVINE-STRETCH --Expel those negative and unwanted thoughts: PURGE-CANCEL ---

Faintish hunger: CLIMB-LIMIT --False accusations (stop being on receiving end of): CRYSTAL-UNMASK --Feel good physically: DIVINE-CHANGE --Find relaxation and calmness: REACH-HO --Find something that seems hopelessly lost: CRYSTAL-REACH --Flatulence, stop: OFF-WASTE --Focus, find and maintain: REACH-POINT --Food cravings, release: DEDICATE-FORGIVE --Forced to do something against your will: HORSE-GUARD --Forgiveness and love are the two greatest solvents: FORGIVE-LOVE --Get energized and move: UP-MOVE --Go to sleep even if not feeling tired: QUIET-SHUT --Goals, attain: PERSONAL-WATCH

--Goals, set: LISTEN-CARE --Grinding teeth in sleep, stop: HO-SLOW --Grow rapidly & safely (spiritually, emotionally and/or physically): ROOT-HORSESHOE --Have to use the toilet & no place suitable (control that feeling of nervousness or anticipation): ADJUSTSHUT --Healthy, be: PERSONAL-BE --Hemorrhoids, reduce: TINY-LIGHT --Hiccups: HO-WITH --Hopeless, helpless feeling (help clear): ELATE-GIGGLE --Hot flashes (help clear): TAP-CHANGE --Humiliation (stop feeling): BOW-ELATE --Improve perspective and adapt: AROUND-TAP --Improve relationship between two or more parties: DIVINE-TOGETHER

--Improve relationship with yourself: TOGETHER-DIVINE --Improve study habits and retention: DIVINE-CARE --Improve team sports performance: TOGETHER-FIGHT --Increase ability to maintain emotional stability: DIVINE-PEACE --Increase energy: LIGHT-MOVE --Increase money (enlarge amount of money you make): ADD-COUNT --Increase money (transition money made from smaller to larger amounts): ACT-COUNT --Increase personal ability to make money: DIVINE-COUNT --- Increase self-confidence & self-worth: CRYSTAL-HORSE --Inflammatory pain: CHANGE-ADJUST --Insomnia: END-SHUT --Insomnia (especially if you wake up too soon and want to get back into deep sleep): HO-SLOW --Insomnia (to relax, induce sleep and stop the mind chatter): HO-OFF

--Inspire lucid dreaming (gain control of situations and characters while dreaming): GO-CRYSTAL --Inspire lucid dreaming (make dreams more vivid, symbolic & memorable): CRYSTAL-WAIT --Insult from someone (be unaffected by it, like water beading off a duck’s back or Gortex jacket): ELATEACT --Irritability, decrease: HO-LIGHT --Itching all over your body: FORGIVE-ADJUST --Itching eyes or eyelids: CHANGE-MOVE --Keep someone off your back: WITH-LIMIT --Keep the secret of health and peace with you: FOREVER-BE --Let go of aggression: POSTPONE-CONFESS --Let go of alcohol: POSTPONE-SAVE --Let go of anger & resentment: POSTPONE-CLEAR --Let go of being separated, untogetherness or apartness: POSTPONE-UNCLE

--Let go of blues & inferiority complex: POSTPONE-UP --Let go of bragging: POSTPONE-DOWN --Let go of clinging: POSTPONE-DEDICATE --Let go of constipation: POSTPONE-SWIVEL --Let go of desire for revenge: POSTPONE-FORGIVE --Let go of diarrhea: POSTPONE-SWIVEL --Let go of disobedience: POSTPONE-CROWD --Let go of emotional & physical pain: POSTPONE-CHANGE --Let go of emotional distress: POSTPONE-CANCER --Let go of evil: POSTPONE-SAGE Let go of fear or nervousness: POSTPONE-BLUFF --Let go of frustration: POSTPONE-OVER --Let go of greed: POSTPONE-OFFER

--Let go of grudges: POSTPONE-REVERSE --Let go of hate & envy: POSTPONE-MONA LISA --Let go of hypersensitivity: POSTPONE-DUCK --Let go of indecision or uncertainty: POSTPONE-HELP --Let go of inhibitions: POSTPONE-OPEN --Let go of jealousy: POSTPONE-REJOICE --Let go of laziness: POSTPONE-GO --Let go of looking for trouble: POSTPONE-SHUT --Let go of negativity or unwanted conditions: POSTPONE-CANCEL --Let go of nervousness or inner excitement: POSTPONE-COVER --Let go of pettiness: POSTPONE-MAGNANIMITY --Let go of procrastination: POSTPONE-DO ---

Let go of regrets and guilt: POSTPONE-THANKS --Let go of remorse: POSTPONE-FORGIVE --Let go of remorse and sorrow: POSTPONE-TOMORROW --Let go of tension & resistance: POSTPONE-OIL --Let go of unwanted habits: POSTPONE-SAVE --Let go of your ego: POSTPONE-QUIET --Lighten mood and be in high spirits (helps you to be willing to let go of depression): LIGHT-UP --Lockjaw (relax it): ADJUST-HO --Look to the future & maintain protection: CRYSTAL-GUARD --Make a transformation with extraordinary ability: DIVINE-ACT --Make immediate clear decision & act on it: CRYSTAL-NOW --Make imperfections not noticed by others: DIVINE-MASK --Make the first move with boldness & courage: GO-SWING

--Make yourself handsome & dispel hypersensitivity over your looks: PRAISE-DUCK --Meditation (improve): BE-SLOW --Meditation (improve concentration during): HO-SLOW --Mosquitoes (leave you alone): CROWD-LIMIT --Motivation, to get: GO-MOVE --Muscle cramp: UNCLE-ADJUST --Muscle pulled: POSTPONE-UNCLE --Need to know, release: QUIET-OFF --Nurture innocence and childlike nature inside oneself: CHUCKLE-LEARN --Obsessing over pain: POINT-OFF --Obsessing over something: POINT-OFF --Obsessive Compulsive Disorder: QUIET-GUARD ---

Obstructions in path (of life, etc., help clear): CLIMB-HELP --Pain, relax to clear: CHANGE-HO --Pain relief: POINT-OFF --Pain, stop obsessing over: POINT-OFF --Peristalsis movement (move bowels now)): SWIVEL-NOW --Photo (relax & allow to be taken): CURVE-HO --Premature Ejaculation: FIGHT-FOREVER --Produce extraordinary results: DIVINE-ON --Produce sleep: ON-OFF --Protect from exploitation: BUFFER-GUARD --Put love energy & protection into food: LOVE-GUARD --Queasiness, help relieve (from detoxing or other sources) : ELATE-NOW --Quiet your ego & allow yourself to become a success: QUIET-PERSONAL

--Quiet your ego & release remorse & regrets: QUIET-FORGIVE --Quiet your mind & find what you have lost: QUIET-REACH --Quiet your mind & lighten your load: QUIET-LIGHT --Quiet your mind & move beyond an impasse (physical, mental, emotional or spiritual): QUIET-MOVE --Quiet your mind & regain control: QUIET-LIMIT --Quiet your mind & sleep: QUIET-OFF --Quiet your mind so you can see true facts: QUIET-UNMASK --Reconnect with your inner begin and clear inertia (get moving): LISTEN-MOVE --Reduce cravings for sugar and other substances: CUT-OFF --Regain control & change focus to caring: LIMIT-SWEET --Rejuvenate and increase energy: LEARN-MOVE --Release fear & be peacefully accepting of the situation: BENEVOLENT-BLUFF ---

Release tension & relax: OIL-HO --Remove people/things from your experience: LIMIT-GUARD (Put Switchpair and your name inside an Energy Circle and the person or thing to remove from your experience outside the Energy Circle.) Click here to learn more about Energy Circles. --Respond rather than react (take time to get beyond the initial emotional reaction before responding): QUIET-SLOW --Retain in memory & increase comprehension: CARE-JUDGE --Save information for emergency recall: CARE-REACH --Scratch some place you cannot in public (feeling the need to scratch): MOVE-ROOT --Sell things and/or services & make money: GIVE-COU NT --Sever ties and stop looking for trouble: CUT-SHUT --Shield from bad luck: ELATE-MASK --Snoring, decrease/stop: QUIET-CHANGE --Stop a fight: LIMIT-QUIET --Stop escalation of an argument: LIMIT-QUIET ---

Stop listening to other people’s desires for you: LIMIT-SHUT --Stop obsessing about something: POINT-OFF --Stop panicking: QUIET-HO --Stop panicking(allows you to clear your mind to think): QUIET-SLOW --Stop worrying about what others think of you: QUIET-MASK --Strengthen teeth & anchor into gums: ANCHOR-GUARD --Stretch your budget: DIVINE-STRETCH --Substantially increase endurance: DIVINE-CONTINUE --Sudden constriction in throat: CHUCKLE-ADJUST --Take responsibility for mastering your world: FIFTY THREE-TOGETHER --Take responsibility for your own safety: FIFTY THREE-GUARD --Tears welling up: ELATE-GIGGLE --Teeth, strengthen the root in the gums: HORSE-ANCHOR

--Terrorized by someone: UNMASK-FORGIVE --Thumb sucking, help stop: DIVINE-LOVE --Thumb sucking, help stop: LOVE-WOMB --Tolerance, increase (tolerate some one around you): REACH-LIGHT --Transportation, get immediate: DIVINE-ON --Tummy tuck (get stomach to appear and grow smaller): TINY-LIGHT --Unwanted thoughts about someone (John Doe): TOGETHER-DIVINE-(name) --Uplift & enjoy the task at hand: ELATE-GIGGLE Urinary Incontinence: FIGHT-FOREVER --Vomiting, stop: HO-SLOW --Wake up bright and energized: BUBBLE-MOVE --Wake up easy and restored (if you have to wake up sooner than you should or want to): CRISP-MOVE --Wart, decrease: RESCIND-BUBBLE

--Wealth, attain: FIND-COUNT --Wisdom, attain: SLOW-JUDGE ---

Universal Switchwords List Thank You Marilyn Holzmann See also Switch file description http://www.effiles.ehdef.com

Switchword is the essence of an experience, condition, or desired result, expressed as a single word. Switchword is "one-word creative declaration," a "one-word affirmation."

Declare, affirm, chant, sing, or even just mentally "intend" the Switchword, and like turning on an electric lamp with a switch, the desired result reliably appears.

TOGETHER is the Master Switchword for a life of heaven on Earth and mastery of any task at hand, 14 Categories: Freedom, Love, Survival, Security, Health, Money, Art, Wisdom, Pleasure, Happiness, the life of action, Self-improvement, Service to humanity, God religion spirituality and enlightenment, James T. Mangan realized TOGETHER was the one-word formula on 10-March-1951 that would manifest all of them in perfect proportion.

For additional Switchword articles, including a list of Broad Switchwords see: http://www.aboutsw.ehdef.com

Universal Switchwords in alphabetical order:

1. ACT be a good orator; transition 2. ADD find or increase percentage; enlarge what you have

3. ADJUST create balance; assume or carry a burden; handle uncomfortable or unpleasant conditions

4. ALONE nurture or heal; increase focus on self 5. AROUND gain or improve perspective 6. ATTENTION do detailed work; avoid carelessness

7. BE be at peace and in good health; have good form; dispel loneliness; skill in sports; to be unaffected by ridicule

8. BETWEEN use or enhance telepathy; increase psychic awareness 9. BLUFF dispel fear or nervousness; enhance imagination and dreams 10. BOW dispel arrogance 11. BRING unite with; manifest; make it so; deliver the goods 12. BUBBLE expand beyond perceived limitations; get energized; get excited

13. CANCEL eliminate negativity or unwanted conditions; eliminate, erase or dis-create debt or any kind of negativity, or any unwanted thought or condition; dispel annoyance; to dispel worry; eliminate poverty

14. CANCER calm emotional distress; soften (from astrology’s Cancer the Crab) 15. CARE memorize; remember; retain

16. CHANGE dispel emotional or physical pain; get something out of the eye 17. CHARLTON HESTON stand straight and tall (or use someone you know who stands straight and tall)

18. CHARM manifest your heart’s desires 19. CHLORINE mingle; share yourself; make a difference; blend; become one with 20. CHUCKLE turn on personality 21. CIRCULATE end loneliness; mingle 17-Oct-09 http://www.sw.ehdef.com Page 2 of 4

22. CLASSIC appear cultured, suave 23. CLEAR dispel anger and resentment 24. CLIMB rise; enhance your view point 25. CONCEDE stop arguing, "kiss & make up"

26. CONFESS end aggression 27. CONSIDER be a good mechanic, a fixer of things 28. CONTINUE create or increase endurance; continue swimming 29. COPY have good taste; increase fertility

30. COUNT make money; reduce smoking 31. COVER reduce nervousness; subdue inner excitement 32. CRISP dispel fatigue; feel refreshed; revitalize; enhance; rejuvenate; brighten 33. CROWD dispel disobedience in children, pets or subordinates

34. CRYSTAL clarify the situation, things; look to the future; improve clairvoyance; purify; neutralize; access Universal Knowledge

35. CURVE create beauty; make something beautiful

36. CUT for moderation if tempted to excess; sever ties 37. CUTE think; discern; be sharp-witted; be clever 38. DEDICATE stop clinging

39. DIVINE work miracles or extraordinary accomplishment; increase personal ability 40. DIVINE-LIGHT multiply intensity; increase enlightenment; brightly focus positivity 41. DivineORDER anytime you have some organizing or cleaning to do, or packing for a trip, be efficient; clean up a mess; put in optimum order; revamp

42. DO eliminate procrastination 43. DONE create completion; meet a deadline; keep a resolution; build willpower 44. DOWN stop bragging 45. DUCK dispel hypersensitivity

46. ELATE transform a setback into an uplift or benefit 47. FIFTY THREE pay primary concern; take responsibility 48. FIGHT win a competitive game; intensify intents

49. FIND build a fortune 50. FOR promote 51. FOREVER keep a secret 52. FORGIVE eliminate remorse; end desire for revenge

53. FULL optimum level; go beyond; expand capacity 54. GIGGLE get in the mood for writing; enjoy the task at hand 55. GIVE sell; help others 56. GO end laziness; begin; progress

57. GUARD protection of body, spirit or property; preserve personal safety

58. HALFWAY make a long distance seem short 59. HELP eliminate indecision or uncertainty; increase focus 60. HO relax; to reduce tension; to yawn; to sigh 61. HOLD build character 17-Oct-09 http://www.sw.ehdef.com Page 3 of 4

62. HOLE be attractive, appealing 63. HORSE be solid; be strong; gain power 64. HORSESHOE remain steadfast; strengthen the soul; safely move rapidly ahead; increase sturdiness and balance

65. JACK LALANNE enthuse (or use someone you know who is an enthusiast) 66. JUDGE love to read; increase comprehension 67. LEARN be youthful; look youthful; rejuvenate 68. LIGHT be inspired; lighten load, mood or stress

69. LIMIT set parameters; keep others from taking advantage of you; back off; stop; regain control

70. LISTEN predict the future; in touch with nature and self 71. LOVE generate, radiate, experience love; acceptance 72. MAGNANIMITY be generous; end pettiness 73. MASK save from harm; shield

74. MONA LISA smile; dispel hate; dispel envy (or someone who represents a smile to you)

75. MOVE increase energy; eliminate tiredness; increase pep; clear inertia 76. NEXT finish lots of meticulous work; repeat; at this time 77. NOW end procrastination; act on good impulse

78. OFF quit an unwanted habit; go to sleep 79. OFFER dispel greed 80. OIL clear friction; smooth; release tension; release resistance; separate 81. ON get new ideas; obtain transportation; nourish ambition; build; produce

82. OPEN release; tolerate; understand; comprehend; free the mind; breathe easier; be artful; dispel inhibitions; allow

83. OVER end frustration 84. PERSONAL publish a successful newspaper or newsletter; be a success 85. PHASE set goals, routine or pattern; improve situation 86. POINT improve eyesight and focus; find direction; decide

87. POSTPONE stop pouting; let it go 88. PRAISE be beautiful; stop being critical; stop fault finding; make yourself handsome 89. PUT build; expand 90. QUIET quiet the ego

91. REACH locate misplaced objects; reach solutions for problems; repair things; find what you’re looking for such as misplaced items like keys, papers, tools, etc., forgotten ideas, information in your mind or memory like names, numbers, etc., solutions to problems; invent; solve problems; remember, recall; retrieve

92. REJOICE stop being jealous

93. RESCIND undo; restart; cancel; redo; (similar to Control-Z on a Windows computer you undo last action) Caution: Always use BETWEEN, CRYSTAL and LISTEN with RESCIND to avoid possible time loop

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94. RESTORE restore fairness; restore honesty 95. REVERSE bury a grudge; stop 96. RIDICULOUS get publicity; center attention on you 97. ROOT dig; discover; grow

98. SAGE dispel evil 99. SAVE stop drinking alcohol and other unwanted habits 100. SCHEME advertise; design; create 101. SHOW be devout; virtuous; moral; give respect 102. SHUT stop looking for trouble

103. SLOW be wise; have patience 104. SOPHISTICATE publish a successful magazine; become a larger success 105. SPEND dress better; be beautiful

106. STRETCH prolong a good feeling or event or sense of well-being; grow intellectually, mentally, spiritually or physically

107. SUFFER handle success; handle prosperity

108. SWEET be soothing to others; be caring 109. SWING have courage; be bold 110. SWIVEL relieve constipation; relieve diarrhea

111. TAKE become a good leader 112. TAP convert; adapt; renovate 113. THANKS stop regretting; release guilt

114. TINY be polite; be kind; be courteous; reduce size; decrease importance 115. TOGETHER master any activity; have it all together; become single-minded 116. TOMORROW eliminate remorse; dispel sorrow

117. UNCLE dispel untogetherness; ward off apartness 118. UNMASK bring into focus; expose; lay bare 119. UP be in high spirits; dispel the blues; dispel inferiority complex 120. WAIT learn a secret

121. WASTE appear rich; show opulence 122. WATCH learn a skill; perfect a skill 123. WHET stimulate; sharpen; hone; refine; finalize 124. WITH be agreeable; compatible; harmonize well with others; immerse in 125. WOMB feel cuddled; be cuddly; be secure; reconnect with Source

The above is a blending of information from: Kat Miller & Associates http://www.ehdef.com James T. Mangan The Secret of Perfect Living Shunyam Nirav Switchwords – Easily Give to You Whatever You Want in Life

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