Swimming Pool Design

August 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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1. Classifcation 

According to Purpose:  Type ype  –  T  –  T  Type ype  –  T  Type ype  –  T  Type ype  Type ype  –  T

A [municipal pool, community community pool, etc B [Institutional [Institutional pool] C [Country club pool, hotel hotel pool] D [Motel and apartments apartments pool]  [Treatm [Treatment ent pools, therapeut therapeutic ic pool]


1. Classifcation 

According to Materials:  – Concrete pools  – !iner pools

According to !ocations:  – "pen air s#imming pool  – Indoor s#imming pool  – Indoor$open air s#imming pool


2. Sizes Types

Water areas!. ".#

Dept$" %e"ar&s #

Padding pools

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Can be 2ariable

 T  Teaching eaching pools

3#imming (%4 ' %.*& %)5 pools Pool 'i)t$"# S'i""in( lanes

Depends on lanes

Pool len(t$"#

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2. Sizes .)%) 3mall si7ed pool


2. Sizes .).) A2erage si7ed pool


2. Sizes .)1) Medium si7ed pool


2. Sizes .)() !arge si7ed pool


Pool 3i7e 8 Cost


*. Plannin( +asics *.1. Plannin( s,rro,n) an) roo" ne-t Pool s,rro,n)


Main entrance area to pool


Main entrance area bet#een pool steps and hall #all


Area around starting bloc9s


Area around di2ing boards Access area to padding pool

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 T  Teaching eaching poolstep side0


 T  Teaching eaching poolnarro# poolnarro# side0


Bet#een pools

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*. Plannin( +asics %oo" ne-t to pool


3#imming instructors roomar roomarea ea at least 6 s/) m)0


;irst aid rooms area at least 5 s/) m)0


Accessory room


bathing needs o= the guests but no less than about .&, (& 6 ? %. m and #ith at least lo=t 1 m0 o= dec9 spaces on all sides) *.*. S,pport /,nctions  Pro2ide toilets, loc9ers #here re/uired, re/uired, to#el issue area, snac9 bar or 2ending, e/uipment room, and =urniture storage)


*. Plannin( +asics *.0. Sa/ety Do not pro2ide a di2ing board, include slip =ree dec9 sur=ace, depth mar9ing, under #ater lighting, sa=ety or pool rules, signages) *.. Wan)in( pool '$irlpool Include additional pool #ith 2ie# o= s#imming pool but slightly separates) *.3.Design In)ooreither pool operable roo= or glass #alls to pro2ide direct sunlight and 2entilation )


*. Plannin( +asics *.4. 5at$$o,se !ocation: planned to protect pool =rom pre2ailing #inds 3i7e: %$1 o= pool area @ area o= dressing rooms 


appro?imately pool.$1 area Considering o)%$* o= o= men: o= total % sho#er =or (& bathers % la2atory =or 6& bathers % toilet =or (& #omen % toilet =or 6& men % urinal =or 6& men ough estimates: %. s/) =t o= pool area @ % person ence: 1& ? 4* =t) @ %& persons


*. Plannin( +asics


"utdoor s#imming pool


"2erhead s#imming pool


InEnity pool


InEnity pool


Indoor s#imming pool


aturally puri=ying pool


 Than9 Fou Fou

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