Swimming Pool Design Sheet

January 23, 2017 | Author: आई एम ओ.के. | Category: N/A
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Design of Vertical Wall at Deeper Depth 1 Geotechnical Design Data Specific Gravity, = Natural Moisture Content of Soil , = Angle of Internal Friction, = Allowable Bearing Capacity of Soil, =

2.63 2.68 8.18 17.50 30.0 38.0 220.0

2 Design Criteria 2.1 Design Loading a The Dead Load densities and dead load allowances will be adopted in the design of t following structural elements: Density of Reinforced Concrete =


Density of Unreinforced Concrete =


Density of Soil =


Density of Water =


Submerged Density of Concrete =


Submerged Density of Soil =


b Super Imposed Load The following super imposed dead loads shall be taken into account: Floor Finishes =


Services =


c Live Load The following live loads shall be taken into account: Loading Bay =


d Earth Pressure For the design of earth retaining structural elements, the earth pressure will be det Active Earth Pressure Coefficient, Ka = 0.333333 Passive Earth Pressure Coefficient, Kb = 3 Rest Pressure Coefficient, Ko = 0.5 2.2 Load Combination Ultimate Limit State ULS_01 1.5 DL 1.5 LL 1.5 EP 1.5 WP 1.5 T Serviciability Limit State Entraspace Technical Consultant Pvt. Ltd.

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1 DL 1 LL 1 EP 1 WP 1T

Legend: DL LL EP WP T

Dead Load Live Load Earth Pressure Water Pressure Uniform Temperature

2.3 Materials

All materials shall conform to the applicable standards as stated herein or as specifi a Concrete The following concrete grades and properties shall be used: M30 = All Structural Elements M20 = Blinding/Mass Concrete

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b Reinforcing Steel The following steel grades and properties shall be used: Yield Strength, fy = Modulus of Elasticity, Es =


Earth Faces Exposure = Exposed to Weather =

75 50


2.4 Concrete Cover

Crack Control For retaining aqueous liquids structures a maximum crack width of 0.20 mm shall b calculated to BS8007. 3 Design of Vertical Wall Maximum Water Depth, D =


Water Pressure, Pw =

35.052 Service Moment due to Water Pressure = 1/2*Pw*D*D/3 = 71.77731 Ultimate Moment due to Water Pressure = 107.666 Maximum Wall Height, Hwall =

3.6576 Rest Earth Pressure due to Soil, Psoil = Ko*ϒs*h = 35.11296 Rest Earth Pressure due to Surcharge Psur =

3.75 Service Moment due to Earth Pressure = 1/2*Psoil*Hwall*Hwall/3+Psur* = 103.3742 Ultimate Moment due to Earth Pressure = 155.061

Hydrodynamic Pressure, Ph = 0.726*(cm*Kh*γw*H)*H Rest Earth Pressure due to Soil, Psoil = 1/2*ϒs*h cm = Max. value of pressure co Where, = 0.735*(θ⁰/90⁰) = 0.735 Kh = Fraction of Gravity adopte =


γw =


Therefore, Hydrodynamic Pressure, Ph =

6.55616 Service Moment due to Hydrodynamic Pressure = 0.412*Ph*H = 9.468029 Ultimate Moment due to Hydrodynamic Pressure = 14.202 Total Ultimate Moment due to Water Pressure = 121.868

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Fig: Load Diagram 4 Flexural Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Rectangular Section Structural Design of Swimming Pools

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4.1 Factored Bending Moments (KNm) Mult =


4.2 Properties of Concrete Section & Steel Diameter of Rebar, D =


Compressive Strength of Concrete, fcu =


Yield Strength of Steel, fy = 415 Width of Rectangular Section, b = 1000 Width of Rectangular Section, h = 450 Effective Depth to the Tension Reinforcement, d = 392 4.3 Main Renforcement Area of Steel, Ast = 1/2*fck*bd/fy*(1-SQRT(1-4. =


Minimum Area of Steel, Ast,min = 0.12% of bD =


Area of One Steel Rebar = 201.0619 No. of Rebar Required, n = 6 Spacing of Rebar, s = 166.6667 Therefore, Provide 16mm Dia Rebar @ 150mm c/c Total Provided Area, Ast,pro = 1340.41 4.4 Horizontal Reinforcement Height of Wall, H = 3.6576 According to IS 456:2000, Area of Horizontal Rebar = 0.2% of hH = 3291.84 For one face, Area of Rebar = Diameter of Rebar =

1645.92 12

Area of One Rebar = 113.0973 No. of Rebar, n = 16 Spacing of Rebar, s = 228.6 Therefore, Provide 12mm Dia Rebar @ 150mm c/c 4.5 Check for Depth We have, 2 M = 0.138*fck*b*d

Therefore, d = SQRT(Mult/(0.138*fck*b)) = 193.531 4.6 Check on Crack Width fck =


fy =


Area of Reinforcement, As = 1340.413 Entraspace Technical Consultant Pvt. Ltd.

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b= h= d=

1000 450 392

Minimum Cover to Tension Reinforcement, Cmin =

50 125

Maximum Rebar Spacing, S = Diameter of Rebar, db =

16 acr = SQRT((S/2)^2+(Cmin+db/2)

= 77.26576 acr is the distance from the point considered to the surface of the nearest longitudin Applied Service Moment, Ms = 103.3742 Calculation Permissible Compressive Strength of Concrete in Bending = 10 Modulus of Elasticity of Steel, Es = 200 Modular Ratio, α = 9.33 ρ = As/bd = 0.00342 Depth of Neutral Axis, x = (-α.ρ+((α.ρ)2+2.α.ρ)0.5d

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= Z= = Reinforcement Stress, fs =

87.31313 d-x/3 362.8956 Ms/(As*Z)

= 212.5162 Concrete Stress, fc = (fs*As)/(0.5*b*x) =

6.53 Strain at Soffit of Concrete Beam/Slab, ε1 = (fs/Es)*(h-x)/(d-x) = 0.001265 Strain due to Stiffening Effect of Concrete between Cracks, ε2 = b.(h-x)2/(3.Es.As.(d-x)) for c = 0.000537 Average strain for calculation of crack width, εm = ε1- ε2

= 0.000728 Calculated Crack Width, w = 3.acr. εm/(1+2.(acr-Cmin)/(h= 0.146701

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% % ⁰ ⁰

Min Max Min Max Min Max


owances will be adopted in the design of the KN/m3 KN/m3 KN/m3 KN/m3 KN/m3 KN/m3

shall be taken into account: KN/m2 KN/m2


al elements, the earth pressure will be determined as follows: (used for Check Stability) (used for Design of Section)

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ble standards as stated herein or as specified in the performance specification.

All Structural Elements Blinding/Mass Concrete

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KN/mm2 KN/mm2 mm mm

a maximum crack width of 0.20 mm shall be adopted; crack width shall be

m KN/m2 1/2*Pw*D*D/3 KNm KNm m KN/m2

1.46304 KN/m2

KN/m2 1/2*Psoil*Hwall*Hwall/3+Psur*Hwall*Hwall/2 KNm KNm 0.726*(cm*Kh*γw*H)*H Max. value of pressure coefficient for a given constant slope 0.735*(θ⁰/90⁰) Fraction of Gravity adopted for horizontal (αh/g) KN/m3 KN 0.412*Ph*H KNm KNm KNm

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Fig: Load Diagram

crete Rectangular Section

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KNm mm N/mm2 N/mm2 mm mm mm 1/2*fck*bd/fy*(1-SQRT(1-4.598*Mult*10^6/fckbd2)) mm2 0.12% of bD mm2


1141.662 mm2


mm Nos. mm


mm2 m 0.2% of hH mm2 mm2 mm mm2 Nos. mm

0.138*fck*b*d2 SQRT(Mult/(0.138*fck*b)) mm


392 mm


N/mm2 N/mm2 mm2 Entraspace Technical Consultant Pvt. Ltd.

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mm mm mm mm mm mm SQRT((S/2)^2+(Cmin+db/2)^2)-db/2

mm red to the surface of the nearest longitudinal bar KNm


as per IS 456:2000 Table 21




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mm mm N/mm2 (fs*As)/(0.5*b*x) N/mm2 (fs/Es)*(h-x)/(d-x)

b.(h-x)2/(3.Es.As.(d-x)) for crack width of 0.2mm

3.acr. εm/(1+2.(acr-Cmin)/(h-x)) mm


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0.2 mm


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Design of Vertical Wall at Deeper Depth 1 Geotechnical Design Data Specific Gravity, = Natural Moisture Content of Soil , = Angle of Internal Friction, = Allowable Bearing Capacity of Soil, = Permissible Settlement =

2.63 2.68 8.18 17.50 30.0 38.0 220.0 40.0

Soil Subgrade = 16500.0 2 Design Criteria 2.1 Design Loading a The Dead Load densities and dead load allowances will be adopted in the design of the following structural elements: Density of Reinforced Concrete =


Density of Unreinforced Concrete =


Density of Soil =


Density of Water =


Submerged Density of Concrete =


Submerged Density of Soil =


b Super Imposed Load The following super imposed dead loads shall be taken into account: Floor Finishes =


Services =


c Live Load The following live loads shall be taken into account: Loading Bay =


d Earth Pressure For the design of earth retaining structural elements, the earth pressure will be deter Active Earth Pressure Coefficient, Ka = 0.333333 Passive Earth Pressure Coefficient, Kb = 3 Rest Pressure Coefficient, Ko = 0.5 2.2 Load Combination Ultimate Limit State ULS_01 1.5 DL 1.5 LL 1.5 EP 1.5 WP 1.5 T Entraspace Technical Consultant Pvt. Ltd.

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Serviciability Limit State SLS_01 1 DL 1 LL 1 EP 1 WP 1T Legend: DL Dead Load LL Live Load EP Earth Pressure WP Water Pressure T Uniform Temperature

2.3 Materials All materials shall conform to the applicable standards as stated herein or as specifie a Concrete The following concrete grades and properties shall be used: M30 = All Structural Elements M20 = Blinding/Mass Concrete

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b Reinforcing Steel The following steel grades and properties shall be used: Yield Strength, fy = Modulus of Elasticity, Es =


Earth Faces Exposure = Exposed to Weather =

75 50


2.4 Concrete Cover

Crack Control For retaining aqueous liquids structures a maximum crack width of 0.20 mm shall be calculated to BS8007. 3 Design of Vertical Wall and Base Slab Maximum Water Depth, D =


Water Pressure, Pw =

16.764 Service Moment due to Water Pressure = 1/2*Pw*D*D/3 = 7.852026 Ultimate Moment due to Water Pressure = 11.778 Maximum Wall Height, Hwall =

1.8288 Rest Earth Pressure due to Soil, Psoil = 1/2*ϒs*h = 17.55648 Rest Earth Pressure due to Surcharge Psur =

3.75 Service Moment due to Earth Pressure = 1/2*Psoil*Hwall*Hwall/3+Psur*Hw = 16.05726 Ultimate Moment due to Earth Pressure = 24.0859

Hydrodynamic Pressure, Ph = 0.726*(cm*Kh*γw*H)*H Rest Earth Pressure due to Soil, Psoil = 1/2*ϒs*h cm = Maxi. value of pressure coeffi Where, = 0.735*(θ⁰/90⁰) = 0.735 Kh = Fraction of Gravity adopted =


γw =


Therefore, Hydrodynamic Pressure, Ph = 1.499613 Service Moment due to Hydrodynamic Pressure = 0.412*Ph*H = 1.035748 Ultimate Moment due to Hydrodynamic Pressure = 1.55362 Total Ultimate Moment due to Water Pressure = 13.3317

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Fig: Load Diagram 4 Flexural Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Rectangular Section Structural Design of Swimming Pools 4.1 Factored Bending Moments (KNm) Mult = 24.0859 4.2 Properties of Concrete Section & Steel Diameter of Rebar, D = 16 Compressive Strength of Concrete, fcu =


Yield Strength of Steel, fy = Width of Rectangular Section, b = Width of Rectangular Section, h = Effective Depth to the Tension Reinforcement, d =

415 1000 250 192

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4.3 Main Renforcement

Area of Steel, Ast = 1/2*fck*bd/fy*(1-SQRT(1-4.59 =


Minimum Area of Steel, Ast,min = 0.12% of bD =


Area of One Steel Rebar = 201.0619 No. of Rebar Required, n = 3 Spacing of Rebar, s = 333.3333 Therefore, Provide 16mm Dia Rebar @ 150mm c/c Total Provided Area, Ast,pro = 1340.41 4.4 Horizontal Reinforcement Height of Wall, H = 1.8288 According to IS 456:2000, Area of Horizontal Rebar = 0.2% of hH = 914.4 For one face, Area of Rebar = Diameter of Rebar =

457.2 10

Area of One Rebar = 78.53982 No. of Rebar, n = 7 Spacing of Rebar, s = 261.2571 Therefore, Provide 10mm Dia Rebar @ 150mm c/c 4.5 Check for Depth We have, 2 M = 0.138*fck*b*d

Therefore, d = SQRT(Mult/(0.138*fck*b)) = 76.2748 4.6 Check on Crack Width fck =


fy =


Area of Reinforcement, As = 1340.413 b= 1000 h= 250 d= 192 Minimum Cover to Tension Reinforcement, Cmin = 50 Maximum Rebar Spacing, S = 125 Diameter of Rebar, db = 16

acr = SQRT((S/2)^2+(Cmin+db/2)^ = 77.26576

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acr is the distance from the point considered to the surface of the nearest longitudina Applied Service Moment, Ms = 16.05726 Calculation Permissible Compressive Strength of Concrete in Bending = 10 Modulus of Elasticity of Steel, Es = 200 Modular Ratio, α = 9.33 ρ = As/bd = 0.00698 Depth of Neutral Axis, x = = Z= = Reinforcement Stress, fs =

(-α.ρ+((α.ρ)2+2.α.ρ)0.5d 57.92067 d-x/3 172.6931 Ms/(As*Z)

= 69.36778 Concrete Stress, fc = (fs*As)/(0.5*b*x) =

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Strain at Soffit of Concrete Beam/Slab, ε1 = (fs/Es)*(h-x)/(d-x) = 0.000497 Strain due to Stiffening Effect of Concrete between Cracks, ε2 = b.(h-x)2/(3.Es.As.(d-x)) for cra = 0.000342 Average strain for calculation of crack width, εm = ε1- ε2

= 0.000155 Calculated Crack Width, w = 3.acr. εm/(1+2.(acr-Cmin)/(h-x) = 0.027935

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% % ⁰ ⁰

Min Max Min Max Min Max

KN/m2 mm KN/m2/m

330000 KN/m2/m

will be adopted in the design of the KN/m3 KN/m3 KN/m3 KN/m3 KN/m3 KN/m3

ken into account: KN/m2 KN/m2


s, the earth pressure will be determined as follows: (used for Check Stability) (used for Design of Section)

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rds as stated herein or as specified in the performance specification.

All Structural Elements Blinding/Mass Concrete

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KN/mm2 KN/mm2 mm mm

m crack width of 0.20 mm shall be adopted; crack width shall be

m KN/m2 1/2*Pw*D*D/3 KNm KNm m KN/m2 KN/m2 1/2*Psoil*Hwall*Hwall/3+Psur*Hwall*Hwall/2 KNm KNm 0.726*(cm*Kh*γw*H)*H Maxi. value of pressure coefficient for a given constant slope 0.735*(θ⁰/90⁰) Fraction of Gravity adopted for horizontal (αh/g) KN/m3 KN 0.412*Ph*H KNm KNm KNm

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Fig: Load Diagram

tangular Section

KNm mm N/mm2 N/mm2 mm mm mm

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1/2*fck*bd/fy*(1-SQRT(1-4.598*Mult*10^6/fckbd2)) mm2 0.12% of bD mm2


356.6379 mm2


mm2 Nos. mm mm2 m 0.2% of hH mm2 mm2 mm mm2 Nos. mm

0.138*fck*b*d2 SQRT(Mult/(0.138*fck*b)) mm


192 mm


N/mm2 N/mm2 mm2 mm mm mm mm mm mm SQRT((S/2)^2+(Cmin+db/2)^2)-db/2 mm

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surface of the nearest longitudinal bar KNm


as per IS 456:2000 Table 21


(-α.ρ+((α.ρ)2+2.α.ρ)0.5d mm mm N/mm2 (fs*As)/(0.5*b*x) N/mm2

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b.(h-x)2/(3.Es.As.(d-x)) for crack width of 0.2mm

3.acr. εm/(1+2.(acr-Cmin)/(h-x)) mm


0.2 mm

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Design of Base Slab at Deeper Depth 1 Geotechnical Design Data Specific Gravity, = Natural Moisture Content of Soil , = Angle of Internal Friction, = Allowable Bearing Capacity of Soil, = Permissible Settlement =

2.63 2.68 8.18 17.50 30.0 38.0 220.0 40.0

Soil Subgrade = 16500.0 2 Design Criteria 2.1 Design Loading a The Dead Load densities and dead load allowances will be adopted in the design of the following structural elements: Density of Reinforced Concrete =


Density of Unreinforced Concrete =


Density of Soil =


Density of Water =


Submerged Density of Concrete =


Submerged Density of Soil =


b Super Imposed Load The following super imposed dead loads shall be taken into account: Floor Finishes =


Services =


c Live Load The following live loads shall be taken into account: Loading Bay =


d Earth Pressure For the design of earth retaining structural elements, the earth pressure will be deter Active Earth Pressure Coefficient, Ka = 0.333333 Passive Earth Pressure Coefficient, Kb = 3 Rest Pressure Coefficient, Ko = 0.5 2.2 Load Combination Ultimate Limit State ULS_01 1.5 DL 1.5 LL 1.5 EP 1.5 WP 1.5 T Entraspace Technical Consultant Pvt. Ltd.

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Serviciability Limit State SLS_01 1 DL 1 LL 1 EP 1 WP 1T Legend: DL Dead Load LL Live Load EP Earth Pressure WP Water Pressure T Uniform Temperature 2.3 Materials

All materials shall conform to the applicable standards as stated herein or as specifie a Concrete The following concrete grades and properties shall be used:

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M30 = All Structural Elements M20 = Blinding/Mass Concrete b Reinforcing Steel The following steel grades and properties shall be used: Yield Strength, fy = Modulus of Elasticity, Es =


Earth Faces Exposure = Exposed to Weather =

75 50


2.4 Concrete Cover

Crack Control For retaining aqueous liquids structures a maximum crack width of 0.20 mm shall be calculated to BS8007. 3 Flexural Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Rectangular Section Structural Design of Swimming Pools 3.1 Factored Bending Moments (KNm) Mult = 155.06 3.2 Properties of Concrete Section & Steel Diameter of Rebar, D = 16 Compressive Strength of Concrete, fcu =


Yield Strength of Steel, fy = 415 Width of Rectangular Section, b = 1000 Width of Rectangular Section, h = 400 Effective Depth to the Tension Reinforcement, d = 342 3.3 Main Renforcement Area of Steel, Ast = 1/2*fck*bd/fy*(1-SQRT(1-4.59 =


Minimum Area of Steel, Ast,min = 0.2% of bD =


Area of One Steel Rebar = 201.0619 No. of Rebar Required, n = 7 Spacing of Rebar, s = 142.8571 Therefore, Provide 16mm Dia Rebar @ 125mm c/c Total Provided Area, Ast,pro = 1608.5 3.4 Check for Depth We have, 2 M = 0.138*fck*b*d

Therefore, d = SQRT(Mult/(0.138*fck*b)) = 193.531 3.5 Check on Crack Width Entraspace Technical Consultant Pvt. Ltd.

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fck =


fy =


Area of Reinforcement, As = 1608.495 b= 1000 h= 400 d= 342 Minimum Cover to Tension Reinforcement, Cmin = 50 Maximum Rebar Spacing, S = 125 Diameter of Rebar, db = 16

acr = SQRT((S/2)^2+(Cmin+db/2)^

= 77.26576 acr is the distance from the point considered to the surface of the nearest longitudina Applied Service Moment, Ms = 103.3733 Calculation Permissible Compressive Strength of Concrete in Bending = Modulus of Elasticity of Steel, Es = Modular Ratio, α =

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10 200 9.33

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ρ = As/bd = 0.00470 Depth of Neutral Axis, x = = Z= = Reinforcement Stress, fs =

(-α.ρ+((α.ρ)2+2.α.ρ)0.5d 87.42767 d-x/3 312.8574 Ms/(As*Z)

= 205.4197 Concrete Stress, fc = (fs*As)/(0.5*b*x) =

7.56 Strain at Soffit of Concrete Beam/Slab, ε1 = (fs/Es)*(h-x)/(d-x) = 0.001261 Strain due to Stiffening Effect of Concrete between Cracks, ε2 = b.(h-x)2/(3.Es.As.(d-x)) for cra = 0.000398 Average strain for calculation of crack width, εm = ε1- ε2

= 0.000863 Calculated Crack Width, w = 3.acr. εm/(1+2.(acr-Cmin)/(h-x) = 0.170413 3.6 Check for Soil Bearing Capacity Thickness of Plain Concrete Slab = Thickness of Reinforced Base Slab = The Maximum Water Depth =

75 400 3.5052

Pressure on Soil due to Base Slab and Water = 46.777 Assumming the Vertical Wall Weight shall acting on 1m width of Base Slab Weight of Vertical Wall =


Total Pressure on the Soil =


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% % ⁰ ⁰

Min Max Min Max Min Max

KN/m2 mm



330000 KN/m2/m for 1 and 2 Direction

will be adopted in the design of the KN/m3 KN/m3 KN/m3 KN/m3 KN/m3 KN/m3

ken into account: KN/m2 KN/m2


s, the earth pressure will be determined as follows: (used for Check Stability) (used for Design of Section)

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rds as stated herein or as specified in the performance specification.

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All Structural Elements Blinding/Mass Concrete

KN/mm2 KN/mm2 mm mm

m crack width of 0.20 mm shall be adopted; crack width shall be

tangular Section

KNm mm N/mm2 N/mm2 mm mm mm 1/2*fck*bd/fy*(1-SQRT(1-4.598*Mult*10^6/fckbd2)) mm2 0.2% of bD mm2


1327.075 mm2


mm Nos. mm



0.138*fck*b*d2 SQRT(Mult/(0.138*fck*b)) mm


342 mm

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N/mm2 N/mm2 mm2 mm mm mm mm mm mm SQRT((S/2)^2+(Cmin+db/2)^2)-db/2

mm surface of the nearest longitudinal bar KNm


as per IS 456:2000 Table 21



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(-α.ρ+((α.ρ)2+2.α.ρ)0.5d mm mm N/mm2 (fs*As)/(0.5*b*x) N/mm2 (fs/Es)*(h-x)/(d-x)

b.(h-x)2/(3.Es.As.(d-x)) for crack width of 0.2mm

3.acr. εm/(1+2.(acr-Cmin)/(h-x)) mm


0.2 mm


mm mm m KN/m2 1m width of Base Slab KN/m2 KN/m2


Allowable Bearing Capacity of Soil,

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Design of Base Slab at Shallower Depth 1 Geotechnical Design Data Specific Gravity, = Natural Moisture Content of Soil , = Angle of Internal Friction, = Allowable Bearing Capacity of Soil, = Permissible Settlement =

2.63 2.68 8.18 17.50 30.0 38.0 220.0 40.0

Soil Subgrade = 16500.0 2 Design Criteria 2.1 Design Loading a The Dead Load densities and dead load allowances will be adopted in the design of the following structural elements: Density of Reinforced Concrete =


Density of Unreinforced Concrete =


Density of Soil =


Density of Water =


Submerged Density of Concrete =


Submerged Density of Soil =


b Super Imposed Load The following super imposed dead loads shall be taken into account: Floor Finishes =


Services =


c Live Load The following live loads shall be taken into account: Loading Bay =


d Earth Pressure For the design of earth retaining structural elements, the earth pressure will be deter Active Earth Pressure Coefficient, Ka = 0.333333 Passive Earth Pressure Coefficient, Kb = 3 Rest Pressure Coefficient, Ko = 0.5 2.2 Load Combination Ultimate Limit State ULS_01 1.5 DL 1.5 LL 1.5 EP 1.5 WP 1.5 T Entraspace Technical Consultant Pvt. Ltd.

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Serviciability Limit State SLS_01 1 DL 1 LL 1 EP 1 WP 1T Legend: DL Dead Load LL Live Load EP Earth Pressure WP Water Pressure T Uniform Temperature

2.3 Materials All materials shall conform to the applicable standards as stated herein or as specifie a Concrete The following concrete grades and properties shall be used: M30 = All Structural Elements M20 = Blinding/Mass Concrete

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b Reinforcing Steel The following steel grades and properties shall be used: Yield Strength, fy = Modulus of Elasticity, Es =


Earth Faces Exposure = Exposed to Weather =

75 50


2.4 Concrete Cover

Crack Control For retaining aqueous liquids structures a maximum crack width of 0.20 mm shall be calculated to BS8007. 3 Flexural Capacity of Reinforced Concrete Rectangular Section Structural Design of Swimming Pools 3.1 Factored Bending Moments (KNm) Mult = 24.0859 3.2 Properties of Concrete Section & Steel Diameter of Rebar, D = 16 Compressive Strength of Concrete, fcu =


Yield Strength of Steel, fy = 415 Width of Rectangular Section, b = 1000 Width of Rectangular Section, h = 250 Effective Depth to the Tension Reinforcement, d = 192 3.3 Main Renforcement Area of Steel, Ast = 1/2*fck*bd/fy*(1-SQRT(1-4.59 =


Minimum Area of Steel, Ast,min = 0.12% of bD =


Area of One Steel Rebar = 201.0619 No. of Rebar Required, n = 2 Spacing of Rebar, s = 500 Therefore, Provide 16mm Dia Rebar @ 150mm c/c Total Provided Area, Ast,pro = 1340.41 3.4 Check for Depth We have, 2 M = 0.138*fck*b*d

Therefore, d = SQRT(Mult/(0.138*fck*b)) = 76.2748 3.5 Check on Crack Width

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fck =


fy =

415 Page 41+11

Area of Reinforcement, As = 1340.413 b= 1000 h= 250 d= 192 Minimum Cover to Tension Reinforcement, Cmin = 50 Maximum Rebar Spacing, S = Diameter of Rebar, db =


16 acr = SQRT((S/2)^2+(Cmin+db/2)^ = 77.26576 acr is the distance from the point considered to the surface of the nearest longitudina Applied Service Moment, Ms = 16.05726

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Calculation Permissible Compressive Strength of Concrete in Bending = 10 Modulus of Elasticity of Steel, Es = 200 Modular Ratio, α = 9.33 ρ = As/bd = 0.00698 Depth of Neutral Axis, x = = Z= = Reinforcement Stress, fs =

(-α.ρ+((α.ρ)2+2.α.ρ)0.5d 57.92067 d-x/3 172.6931 Ms/(As*Z)

= 69.36778 Concrete Stress, fc = (fs*As)/(0.5*b*x)

= 3.21 Strain at Soffit of Concrete Beam/Slab, ε1 = (fs/Es)*(h-x)/(d-x) = 0.000497 Strain due to Stiffening Effect of Concrete between Cracks, ε2 = b.(h-x)2/(3.Es.As.(d-x)) for cra = 0.000342 Average strain for calculation of crack width, εm = ε1- ε2

= 0.000155 Calculated Crack Width, w = 3.acr. εm/(1+2.(acr-Cmin)/(h-x) = 0.027935

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% % ⁰ ⁰

Min Max Min Max Min Max

KN/m2 mm



330000 KN/m2/m for 1 and 2 Direction

will be adopted in the design of the KN/m3 KN/m3 KN/m3 KN/m3 KN/m3 KN/m3

ken into account: KN/m2 KN/m2


s, the earth pressure will be determined as follows: (used for Check Stability) (used for Design of Section)

Entraspace Technical Consultant Pvt. Ltd.

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rds as stated herein or as specified in the performance specification.

All Structural Elements Blinding/Mass Concrete

Entraspace Technical Consultant Pvt. Ltd.

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KN/mm2 KN/mm2 mm mm

m crack width of 0.20 mm shall be adopted; crack width shall be

tangular Section

KNm mm N/mm2 N/mm2 mm mm mm 1/2*fck*bd/fy*(1-SQRT(1-4.598*Mult*10^6/fckbd2)) mm2 0.12% of bD mm2


356.6379 mm2


mm2 Nos. mm mm2

0.138*fck*b*d2 SQRT(Mult/(0.138*fck*b)) mm


192 mm


N/mm2 N/mm2 Entraspace Technical Consultant Pvt. Ltd.

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mm2 mm mm mm mm mm mm SQRT((S/2)^2+(Cmin+db/2)^2)-db/2

mm surface of the nearest longitudinal bar KNm

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as per IS 456:2000 Table 21


(-α.ρ+((α.ρ)2+2.α.ρ)0.5d mm mm N/mm2 (fs*As)/(0.5*b*x) N/mm2 (fs/Es)*(h-x)/(d-x)

b.(h-x)2/(3.Es.As.(d-x)) for crack width of 0.2mm

3.acr. εm/(1+2.(acr-Cmin)/(h-x)) mm


0.2 mm

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