Sweet Potato leaves extract

March 2, 2019 | Author: Mylyn Grace Cabanalan | Category: Staphylococcus Aureus, Agar, Staphylococcus, Growth Medium, Infection
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Sweet Potato ( Ipomea batatas) Leaves Extract Against  Staphylococcus Aureus

Research Plan A. Question Question or Problem Problem being addressed addressed S. aureus has aureus has long been has been recognized as one of the most common bacteria that cause disease and serious problems among children and adults (Minnesota Department of health, February, !"!#.$t is the leading cause of s%in and soft tissue infections such as abscesses (boils#,furuncles, and cellulitis. Although most staph infections are not serious, S. aureus can aureus can cause serious infection such as bloodstream infections, pneumonia, or b one and &oint infections. 'he problem being addressed is to help h elp to eliminate the S. aureus and aureus and reduces the ris% of the  bacteria spreading either to other sites on the patients patients body, body, )here they might cause infection, or  to other patients (Dr. (Dr. Alan *ohnson, *ohnson, "+!#.

-. oals/ oals/ 01pected 01pected 2utcomes/ 2utcomes/ 3ypotheses 3ypotheses 'his study aim to test the antibacterial property of s)eet potato lea4es, a common plant in the Philippines. 'he e1tracts is test on S. aureus, aureus, the most common bacteria that cause serious infections. A commercial antibiotic is use to e1tracts from s)eet potato lea4es in terms of zones of inhibition to S. aureus. aureus. 5. Proc Proced edur ures es Collection

Mylyn race 5abanalan, rade "!6 7pecial 7cience 5lass

7)eet potato lea4es )ere collected in the morning to ensure the acti4e photosynthesis

and cells acti4ities too% place. 5ulture slant of microbes (Staphylococcus aureus# )ill be prepared by the D27' in 8apaz, $loilo 5ity.

 Extraction of sweet potato leaves

9se "! grams of 5loro1 and +!ml. of )ater to disinfect lea4es. 'he collected lea4es o f the s)eet potato )ill be e1tracted inside the laboratory to a4oid contamination. 'hen the crude e1tract of the lea4es should place in a clean test tube to ensure its safety.

 Preparation of treatments •

7)eet potato lea4es e1tract: pure culture of Staphylococcus aureus is prepared in the laboratory: a "!! m8 graduated cylinder used to measure the e1tract: and test tubes ser4ed as the container of the e1tracts and inoculated bacteria: petri plates )ere prepared for the test: nutrient agar (;A# and ;utrient -roth (;-# )ere used for the culture o f the bacteria: and filter paper for seeding the e1tract and the antibiotic.

 Preparation of Culture Medium

'he microbiological laboratory )ill be prepared b y the in charge and the needed materials )ill be pro4ided by the institution.  ;utrient Agar (;A# and ;utrient -roth (;-# )ere used for the culture of bacteria and filter paper for seeding the e1tract and the antibiotic. Appro1imately Petri dishes.

Mylyn race 5abanalan, rade "!6 7pecial 7cience 5lass

'he melted agar )ill be allo)ed to cool at !!5 before dispensing unto the plates.

 Preparation of the Bacterial Inocula • 

5ulture slant of microbe (Staphylococcus aureus) )ill prepared by the D27' in 8apaz, $loilo 5ity.


Prepare and dispense the nutrient broth concentration in > test tubes.


A loopful of bacteria from the culture slant )ill be diluted in the designated nutrient broth.


7lo)ly s)irl it to mi1.


'o test the antibacterial acti4ity, s)eet potato lea4es crude e1tract )ill be used.


'he antibacterial acti4ity )ill be studied by agar disc diffusion method inside a sterilized laminar hood.

 Microiolo!ical "ssay • 

'he microbiological assay )ill be conducted in sterile laminar hood of 9ni4ersity of the Philippines ?isayas Microbiology 8aboratory.


'he alcohol lamp )ill be lighted to %eep the sterility of the area.


'he bacterial inoculum )ill uniformly spread using sterile cotton s)ab on a sterile Petri dish Mueller63inton agar in a zigzag manner three times beside a lighted alcohol lamp inside the laminar flo).


$n 4itro antibacterial acti4ity test )ill be carried out by disc diffusion method.


After all the plates )ill be s)abbed )ith the b acteria, the discs )ill be put on the agar on the designated points.


'o test the antibacterial acti4ity, 7)eet potato lea4es e1tracts using 4arious sol4ent )ill be dispensed in disc at "! u8 in a cloc%)ise manne r.

Mylyn race 5abanalan, rade "!6 7pecial 7cience 5lass


After all the treatments )ill be dispensed the controls, the Petri plates )ill be placed inside then incubator for "= hours at !!5 temperature.


After an o4ernight incubation, the Petri plates )ill be inspected for structure of zones of inhibition around the filter paper discs.

 #isposal  • 

'he used gel6li%ed agars )ill be scraped from the Petri dishes and disposed in autocla4able plastics (7co4ille, 3, !"#.


All glass)ares )ill be autocla4ed and the )or%place )ill be cleaned )ith 8ysol solution and )ill be sterilized by 9? light for .

-auer, A. E., Cirby, E.M. M. and 7herris, *. 5. ("+#. Antibiotic susceptibility testing  by a single disc method. AM. *. Pathol. Retrie4ed last *anuary =, !">.

 ;ational 5ommittee for 5linical 8aboratory 7tandards (;5587# (!!!#. Methods for dilution antimicrobial susceptibility tests for bacteria that gro)s aerobically. Retrie4ed last *anuary =, !">.

Mylyn race 5abanalan, rade "!6 7pecial 7cience 5lass

2rrett, F.A. and 8and, M. (!!#. Methicillin resistant 7taphylococcus aureus pre4alence@ 5urrent susceptibility pattern in 'rinidad. -M5 $nfectious diseases. Retrie4ed last *anuary =, !">.


Mylyn race 5abanalan, rade "!6 7pecial 7cience 5lass

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