Sveshnikov Sicilian Defense CHess
April 16, 2017 | Author: GerardoIbarra | Category: N/A
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Typical Ideas in Sveshnikov Sicilian Defense Typical Ideas for white From the pawn structure that arises on the board after the eighth play of the black have the following: ideas, structures and plans for White, with relation to the movement and placement of the pawns and pieces.
Best Squares for White The queen can choose from two areas of the board, basically depending on whether the black strike quickly with ... f5 or not. In this case, the lady is very well located in h5 box, where it will exert its influence on the square f5, and may contribute to attack the weakened kingside. Combined with the change of squared bishops white, the lady at h5 can be decisive. Alternatively, the lady usually placed in one of the following boxes: d2, d3 or e2. Since these boxes press weaknesses in the black (pawns d6, a6 and b5) without disturbing the action of the towers. By Finally, except that significantly improves black pawn structure, the exchange of queens is usually favorable for white, especially in the finals. More on this in the class dedicated to typical end. The towers are usually placed in the columns "a" or "d", pushing the pawns or supporting weak minor pieces, such as a horse in d5. In the case of column "a" in the tower can sometimes invade the seventh row ravaging Black's position. The light-squared bishop (the black squares of the board to change disappears f6 black horse) is usually placed in e2 or d3, acting on the queenside and also on the kingside. Sometimes the box can move to b3 to click on the a2-g8 diagonal. Another completely different location in the fianchetto g2, strengthening the control of d5. One idea is to put the excellent strategic bishop on d5 and replace it with the bishop on e6, further weakening the light squares. Finally, the horses are very well placed in the squares d5 and f5, where exert pressure for the entire board. The paths to these boxes are the box b4 e3 and box. It is very common to see the pair of horses drawing yd5 e3, and This change makes sense to allow black bishop on e3 horse is not very favorable to white interests.
The a2-a4 break First White has a pawn break key: a2-a4. The idea of this move is to let the black with a major weakness in b5 pawn after the change, for example after ... Rb8. Subsequently, the white pawn can press this with the challenge of its parts. Black has two alternative
options to fight this idea. The traditional method is to capture 1 ... and then move 2.Rxa4 bxa4 a6-a5 followed by ... Rb8 with opportunities through column "b2". The second option is to move the pawn with ... b5-b4, although the c4-square gives the target (eg for a horse) has the advantage of setting sometimes the c2 pawn which can be a target of attack by column "c".
The c2-c4 rupture Another way to attack the b5 pawn is in progress c2-c4. This move is very useful in combination with a knight in a3, and is pressed tightly to the advanced pawn. If Black captures ... bxc4 Cxc4 White can play by pressing the pawn d6. Black usually have two responses against this development: the first option is to play b5-b4, closing the queenside, and ensuring c5 for a knight. The other option is to leave the pawn on b5 to their fate, and rapidly counter-f5 f6 base). This second option is usually involve the delivery of material items so take a character very complicated.
The advance h2-h4 This idea is fairly new, and is to gain space on the kingside. Typically, you usually play g2-g3 together and h3, the idea of changing the white-squared bishop, which often represent a great strategic achievement White.
Typical Ideas for black From the pawn structure that arises on the board after the eighth move of the black have the following ideas, structures and plans for Black relative the movement and placement of the pawns and pieces. In class five, six and extend this lesson seven with more examples and games.
Best Squares for Black In general, the queen will be well situated in any of the white squares b7, d7 and f7 combining their game with the dark-squared bishop. Since these squares will be out the action of a white knight on d5 and f7 but you can press along columns and diagonals. Another interesting square for the black queen is b6 (when not d5 is a knight of course), pushing along the column "b" and attacking the sensitive field f2. The best square for the Rock are a8 and f8. The queen's rook on b8 press strongly in the square b2 or b5 defends the weak, while the Rook f8 comes into play as the Black opens the position with ... f5. Sometimes a Black Rook may be useful in the column "c", attacking the pawn on c2, and also Sometimes it can develop his game over the column "g". The white-squared bishop almost always located in the box e6, since its function principal is to attack the white knight who almost always jumps to d5. It may sometimes developed by b7, clicking on the h1-a8 diagonal. When the broken black with f5 if White captures almost always takes e4xf5 with this bishop, but then of Ne3
have to go back. The loss of this bishop can be a strategic coup very important for black, which makes the control boxes on the complex white. It is therefore particularly important piece for the black. For its part, the dark-squared bishop almost always chooses the square g7, where click on the long diagonal a1-h8 as Black advances his pawn "f". Finally, the black knight at e7 is often fight for control of d5. Also occasionally jumps to e5 (after an appropriate advance e5-e4) for attack on the kingside.
The f6-f5 rupture This is the most important breaking pawn for Black. If Black has the doubled pawns on f7-f6 then the rupture usually occurs twice. after the e4xf5 pawn exchange (or f5xe4) Black is left with three pawn islands, and especially d6-e5 structure is quite weak, but at all the black pieces charge activity, which tends to compensate for this defect position. Sometimes the f5-f4 Black advances followed the progress of other f7 pawn to f5, always game dangerous.
The d6-d5 rupture This break is very good for Black because it eliminates the main weakness, the pawn on d6. However, it is easy to do as White seek to control the d5 square with as many pieces as possible. The simplification that results from this development often leads to equal board. In many cases this move may occur as a sacrifice of pawn to release the action of the rest of the black pieces.
The advance a6-a5 This development often pursues two objectives. On the one hand controls the box b4, for where often wear a white horse on their way to d5. On the other hand, White c2-c3 usually play to recycle a3 horse towards the center, via c2. Then the break-b4 b5 gaining strength, and if White captures Black c3xb4 a5xb4 respond to pressure from the tower above the a2 pawn.
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