A Vedic Astrology compilation on the planet Sun...
STAR Ruled 3,12,21
UNIVERSAL SELF (Atman) 1,10 Individual Self (Jiva) Soul, Ego, Identity Power, Body, Health
Father People in authority
16,17 male malefic rules Leo
Power Government (King)
10° Aries
0-20° Leo
Moon, Mars, Jupiter
Venus, Saturn
10° Libra
Color Caste Stature Part
Male Red
Dosha (V=Vata, P=Pitta, K=Kapha)
War Ave
Gem Dik
Element Grains Taste Residence
Head Copper Ruby East Fire
Guna (S=Satva, R=Rajas, T=Tamas)
Maha Bhuta
Sapta Dhatu
Tejas (Fire)
Asti (Bones)
Surya P
Own Sign
Planet Sex
Related STAR
Place of Worship
General Health, head, brain right eye, bile, organ of voice, heart as life-centre, arteries, veins, Also Mental Health fever, cholera, blood pressure
The Atman, the Self of all beings, Purusha, ego, sense of individuality, consciousness, creative intelligence, health, vitality, body, dignity, nobility, godliness, royalty, authority, government, organising power, personal magnetism, radiance, charisma, leadership, inspiration, enthusiasm, zest, courage, victory, honour, pride, ambition, creativity, general success, reliability, stability, personality, character, grace, generosity, respect for elders, doctoring capacity, places of worship, temples, town halls, palaces, square forms, forests, mountains, hillsides. Agni, Shiva. Rama avatar. Rigveda, Vedanta, Samkhya. King. Kshatriya. Father. Fire. East. Sattva. Pitta. Bones. Heart, stomach area, right eye. Pungent. Orange. Copper, gold. Ruby. 22nd year.
Surya (Sun)
Type of characteristic
Atma -- Soul
Planetary cabinet
Royal (King)
Blood-red. Mix of red and green. Dark red
Devatas -- Deities
Agni -- Fire
Kshatria -- Warrior
Ayana (half year)
Dattu, Moola, Jeeva
Moola (Dattu)
Strong, tall, stout trunk
Clothe, Apparels
Red silken.Saffran coloured
Robes and Substances
Shape of Body
Square. Not very tall
Honey coloured
Limited hair in head. Curly
Body components
Look, Personality, Mind
Manly, clean habits, intelligent.Sharp mind, prominent appearance
Other characters
Courageous, steady, great and majestic, fiery rays
Gems and metals
World of mortals
Rising pattern
Hinder part
Dwelling places
Mountain and forest
50 years
Stead fast
Uchcha (exaltation)
Mesha (Aries) 10
Neecha (debilitation)
Tula (Libra) 10
Simha (Leo) 0-20
Svakshetra (own)
Simha (Leo) 20-30
Friendly planets
Chandra, Mangala, Guru
Enemy planets
Shukra, Shani
Neutral planets
Average daily angular motion
Transit through a Rashi
30 days
Transit through a Bha-Chakra
1 year
in South (10)
Strong during
day; Krshn-paksh; 2nd third of day;
Poorna-Drishti (full aspect)
Parents (BPHS10:4)
Father at day time
Karakas (BPHS 23.22..24)
9th From Sy - Father
Bhava-Karakas (BPHS 23.31..34)
1st - Atma -- Self, Soul
In 3rd gives death due to
In 8th gives death due to
SUN:- The Sun god has two arms, he is seated on the pedestal of lotus; both of his hands are embellished with lotus flowers. There is a beautiful golden crown, on his head and a garland of gems around his neck. His radiance is just like the interior part of a lotus flower and he is mounted on the chariot pulled by seven horses. The Sun god is also known as ‘Savita’, which means - one who creates, ‘SAVITA SARVASYA PRASAVITA’ (Nirukta -10/31). According to the Rigveda the Sun god situated at the centre of the solar system is an inspirer of all, pervader of the internal parts and an embodiment of almighty god. According to the ‘Markandeya Puran’ Sun is the embodiment of Brahma, the world originates from the Sun and is established in it. The Sun is the appearance of all the matters and elements and is the
eternal almighty. This very God ‘Bhaskar’ creates nurtures and annihilates the world respectively in the form of lord Brahma, Lord Vishnu & Lord Shiva. Sun is the supreme deity amongst all the nineplanets. When Brahma manifested himself by breaking the egg, then he pronounced ‘OM’. This Omkar itself is the supreme soul and the very physique of Sun god. The four Vedas emerged from all the four mouths of lord Brahma, which were glowing by their own radiance. The powerful radiance emanating from the ‘Omkar’ covered the radiance of the Vedas and ultimately all of them unified. This very Vedic appearance of ‘Omkar’ is the sun god. This radiant sun was the first manifested during the times of creation, hence it was called ‘Aditya’. Once the demons, the titans and the monsters unitedly fought with the deities and snatched their power and authority after defeating them. ‘Aditi’– the mother of the deities did worship of sun god to get protection from this calamity. Being pleased with her the sun god took incarnation as her son and established the eternal path of the Veda after defeating the enemies of the deities. He is called Aditya also for this reason. The complexion of Sun god is red. His vehicle is a chariot. There is only one wheel in his chariot which is called ‘Samvatsar’. The wheel of his chariot has 12 spokes, which symbolise the twelve months. The wheel has six circumferences, which symbolize the six seasons, and three ‘Naves’ which is symbolise of the three four-months. The sages (rishi) and all the celestial supernatural beings like ‘Gandharva’, ‘Apsara’, ‘Nag’ yaksha and the deities’ move along with him doing his worship. The wheel, power, a loop and a hook are the weapons of sun god. His great-phase (Mahadasha) last for six years. The Sun is considered as a high planet, till the tenth degree, in the zodiac of Aries. Lord Shiva is considered to be the deity of the Sun. To get his blessings and for his pacification, performance of ‘Arghya’ (pouring water facing the sun in the morning should be done and also the text of Harivansh purana should be listened to. Ruby should be worn on the body and donation of wheat, cow along with a calf, raw-sugar (gur), copper, gold and red-clothes should be made to the brahmins. Mythology: Surya was married to Sanja sometimes referred to as Twashtri the daughter of the celestial architect Vishwakarma. His radiance was too much for her to bear, so she had her father cut his radiance down. Sanja could finally see others so she went to visit her parents and placed her shadow Chhaya in her place to look after her husband. The Sun became infatuated with Chhaya. This upset Sanja so she fled disguised in a form of a mare. Upon realizing his mistake the Sun turned himself into a horse and followed Sanja and when they reunited produced the Ashwins the two celestial doctors. This myth can refer to the martial discord the Sun in the seventh house can cause. Myth: When the universe was bathed in darkness, Lord Brahma - the God of Creation - split it off the centre and the sound "AUM" reverberated. This incident resulted in the creation of the Sun. The Sun is thus known as being "self-created". In Vedic mythology, worship of the Sun brings redemption. Lord Rama triumphed in his battle with Ravana - a ten headed demon king - by chanting the hymn for the Sun. This hymn was taught to Rama by the great saint Agastiya. Mythology: In Hindu Mythology Sun is considered as the son of Aditi and sage Kashyap. Aditi was the mother of Gods. Her sons were defeated by the demons. Aditi prayed to sun to be born as her son to fight and defeat the demons so that the Gods could get back their due. Sun agreed to it and was born as Aditya. Being the center of all life, force and energy and the giver of Prana, Sun is worshipped as Sun God
and is held in high esteem. Apollo, the Sun God according to ancient Greek Mythology is the son of Jupiter and Latona and is the brother of Diana. Hindus believe that Sun is ever moving in a chariot drawn by seven horses. This may be because Sun contains all the seven colors in the spectrum (VIBGYOR). It is believed that Sun goes around Mount Meru everyday causing day and night. Gods: In earlier religions the Sun God has a most prominent position, and in some cases is the only god. Apollo and Helios are both different sun gods of ancient Greece. The Celtic god Lugh has clear similarities with Apollo. Christmas and New Year were previously celebrated in honor of the sun child, the birth of the New Year. Spiritual/Mythological of Sun (Surya) In the spiritual vision, Sun is the second appearance of Lord Surya who is the among the three chief Gods of Vedas and believed to pour life on earth on account of its being the symbol of the beginning for which he is perceived to spread hope and freshness upon earth. He is the deep believe dwelling inside the mortals as for being the divine light pouring blessings of supreme souls upon mortal land. In the words of some mythological portraits which has been believed since ages, it says that once Lord Vishnu divided the whole universe into two different segments with the resonance of the divine sound of “OM”, to bring it back to life from the submerged darkness, during which Sun was emerged to explore the brilliance around so that the prevailed gloom would vanish. In the simple vision of natives of this mortal land, Sun or Surya is the only deity they can see with their eyes so is the most nearer to them for which he is a significant part of their daily rituals and is believed to adore and pay gratitude everyday early in the morning to have a blissful time till the end of the day, while following the same believe to the next day. Mythological Story or katha of Sun or Surya In the words of Hindu mythological scriptures, the supreme benevolence of Sun has been articulated as saying that about three hundred years ago a learned Hindu, who was suffering from leprosy and to cure that, he prayed to Lord Surya. He was inspired to write eight verses in Sanskrit, known as Suryashtak, to please the god, and by the time he had finished the last verse he was restored to health. There is a myth in Vedic lore that relates well the fiery brilliance of the Sun. The Sun, Surya was married to Samjna and she bore him three children. Because of the Sun's unbearable brilliance Samjna left him and left Chaya (shadow) in her place as wife, while she goes off to contemplate her marriage. Because the Sun is so bright, and at the same time not bright enough, as the saying goes, he does not discover this deception until Chaya, the shadow wife, has bore him three more children. Enraged he goes to his father-in-law to find what has happened to his beautiful Samjna. Tvastr, his father-in-law explains that his daughter found the Sun too bright to bear. So, in conciliation the Sun allows Tvastr to put him on his cutting lathe and shear away his excess brilliance until the Sun became a beautiful sight to behold. Surya then reunites with his wife, Samjna and has three more children. The moral of the myth suggests the stronger the Sun the bigger the ego, so much in fact that there may be little room for other people to exist in such egoistic brilliance! This is where the excess vanity of the Sun exerts a malefic influence. Description of Sūrya: Sūrya’s eyes are honey-colored. He has a square body. He is of clean habits, bilious, intelligent and has limited hair (on his head).
Sun/Ravi= eyes are honey colored, square bodied, prominent appearance, little hair on his head, is pure, intelligent, and courageous. Square, steadfast body. The Sun has a square build,scanty but curly hair, lovely appearance, good intelligence, impressive voice, medium stature, red eyes, dark red complexion, strong bones, bilious nature, firm temperment and saffron robes. Sun : The Sun has a strong, square-built body with sparse hair. He has a dark-brown hue, matched with a fiery, daring, wrathful and bilious temperament. Sun :—He has a square body, pink eyes, sparse hair both on the head and the body. He has no permanent residence, is lazy, weak-kneed, has attractive countenance and speech. He is valiant, wrathful and possessed of massive arms. Other characteristics of the Sun which have been already mentioned should also be remembered. Sun/Ravi is a malefic because he separates us from the areas he affects. It influences on the things sacrificed to obtain spiritual growth and a deeper individuality. Sun – Moon, Mars and Jupiter are friends, Venus and Saturn are enemies, Mercury is neutral Sun= father. (masculine, solar force of family, responsible for establishing the status and position of the family, provides individual with identity to go forth with into the world). The Sun only rules Leo, so naturally Leo is the Moolatrikona sign of the Sun. Moolatrikona means “root trine” and is a source of tremendous power to the planet, second only to its exalted position. The planet derives its power from its Moolatrikona sign. SUN - Being the Lord of the 5th house, should be happy at 1,4,5,7,9,10. Sun has directional strength at 10, but this is owned by Saturn. Sun represents Soul, and Soul represents the first house, so Sun is exalted in 1st house, which is Mars house and is also a Fiery sign. Sun – Leo is own house. Aries is exalted house. 10th degree of Aeries is deep exaltation. Libra is debilitated house. 10th degree of Libra is deep debilitation. Moolatrikona Leo 0 to 21 degrees. Sun: The Sun is debilitated in Libra. It is debilitated up to 10 degrees in Libra sign. The native whose Sun is debilitated will be tactless, arrogant, frank, pompous and drunkard. Sun : Its exaltation sign is Aries. The degree of exaltation is 10 degrees. Therefore, the sign of debilitation is Libra and degree of debilitation is also 10 degrees. The sun represents the fire element. It is the source of all energy which sustains the entire solar system including all life form on earth. When Sun is located in Aries which is a cardinal sign type with fire element; Sun functions best because of the commonality of the element. The cardinal nature of Aries gives it a clear direction for action. Fire element gives strong will, ambition, determination, leadership. On the higher level, Sun in Aries gives independence,clarity strong judgment and high values. However, when Sun is located in Libra, it has to interact with Air element of Libra sign. The air and Fire together will create uncontrolled energy. It will become like a forest fire which will destroy everything without creating anything. In an individual, it will create pride and arrogance which in reality will be because of deep seated insecurity because Sun is weak and will be malefically disposed in its inimical sign ruled by Venus. It will give poor perception, lack of intelligence, low vitality , melancholy and fear, and deviousness or dishonesty.
Sun/Ravi = Represents the ‘Atman’ (the source of true self-esteem), confidence, humility, universal soul, the divine Self, inherent in all. Sun: Ravi or Surya- Atma, physical constitution, eyes-seeing, health, east direction and dawn : Karaka of the 1st house ( Lagna), 10th (Career), 9th, and 5th houses. Sun/Ravi = The king, who is noble and aristocrat, and provides confidence required to make and execute decisions. The natural significator of ‘Father’. Sun : Sun is the king, soul, father, will power, life, glory, health, sovereignty and clothes. Its colour is pink or red. It has anger but momentary. Its element is gold and gem ruby. East is represented by Sun. Sun (Surya) - He has strong bones, less hair, having strong body wearing red clothes, having strong and broad minded nature. Sun (Surya)- As a layman sun is considered as a red heavenly body. It represents Gold (because of its color), Father, patience and bravery. SURYA: Pious, Reliable, Philanthropic, Respectable, Able Administrator, Kind and generous, Popular SUN- The father, (The King), power, authority, your soul, and the way you come out to people, how bright your light shines depends upon the condition of your sun. Sun control the vital energy within you which drives you success. Surya (Sun) represents the soul. This can be read in the most flexible and general sense of the word. The word soul is used for the deepest and truest nature, for the ultimate sense of identity, inspiration, and aspiration. Surya signifies one's essential attributes – the sense of self, ego, self esteem, sense of purpose, and so on. Energies and conditions that arise from the Sun's placement in a horoscope, along with the influences that the Sun receives, will be experienced in life as deep, long-term trends and processes, that impact one's life as a whole. Surya: The Sun represents the Soul, so it tells us how conscious we are of our soul's unbounded, enlightened nature. A Sun that is very well placed in the chart can indicate a particular clarity about spiritual matters, and an unperturbed sense of who we are deep inside. Having this “solar light” shining brightly brings self-confidence, personal power, leadership and health. When Surya is in a challenging position, this light will not shine as much, and it is hard for the individual to trust that the core of their being is the individualized reflection of the divine light. Not experiencing the connection with one's own inner source of power will then lead to a weak self confidence, challenging relationships with authorities, and difficulty in balancing one's ego with that of others. Surya, the Sun -Think about what it represents. It is the brightest star in the sky. Think about its brilliance, its warmth, its yellow colour, its majestic movement. Thanks to the qualities of the Sun, we can describe via a symbolic correspondence the nature of the mental energy that is called Surya Graha (the inner Sun). The sun heats up. It vitalizes and ferments, it excites, burns and irritates. By analogy, in the mental realm, Surya is noble, generous and proud. He has a lot of confidence and ambition. He is powerful, authoritative, arrogant. He is particularly concerned with his reputation and loves to be followed. The Sun – The higher Sun is the Self or Soul, the lower is the expression of our false self or ego. Every heartbeat, thought, inspiration, act of photosynthesis or anything else real or imagined on Earth has been fueled by Sun’s power. His is the energy of confidence and power, consistency and inspiration. The strength of the Sun will show our inherent capacity for truth and transformation. The Sun is the
only light in the chart, or in life. The other planets merely reflect the Sun’s Light. It is the ONE that connects all things – the ocean of light that is our true nature. As such it illuminates the path of truth, giving the strength to sacrifice our smaller desires so that we may purify and reclaim our Self as the highest truth. Keywords: Soul’s energy, Confidence, consistency, Power, Self-growth and development, Ego, Father THE SUN: Centre of Solar System Among the matters [properties etc] the Sun governs: Copper gold brass valuables father heart [the organ] vitality, any thing auspicious, the soul, fame glory, courage, victory king. Government and quasi-government service Minister public activity Greshma or summer Lord Siva forests mountaineering participation in Homas and Yagnas temples physician officiating priest at a sacrifice tiger, deer and goose royal patronage eyes roaming timber head ailments stones. River banks ruby capturing the enemy thick cord saffron hostility anger that does not cool down easily, palatial buildings and apartments. The Sun is described as being bilious in temperament thinning hair sparse eye-lashes and eyebrows dark red in hue eyes tinted red clad in red garments and well-built with strong bones, He is wrathful with huge arms. Lord Shiva temples. Open fields, courtyards allowing plenty of light dry regions without any water and the Eastern quarter are he haunts of the Sun. Sun :— Every planet is strong in his own Rasi, Navamsa, decanate, exaltation sign, weekday etc. The Sun is strong in addition in the Uttarayana i.e. from the moment of his entering the sign Makara till he steps into Karkataka, and in his own Нога. His strength is middling when he is situated in a friend's house. He is strong in the initial part of a sign, of moderate strength in its middle and weak in its end. He is weak at the twilight and also during his eclipse. Sun Positive The Sun is likely to give good results if it is in Aries or Leo. It will give good results if it is placed in the XI house, in an angle. It will give even better results at any of the aforesaid places if it is associated with the owner of the IX or X house. It will give good result if it is powerful. There shall be great happiness. The individual will acquire wealth. The government will honour him. The favour of and income from the government and attainment of high position of authority can also be anticipated. The period will also make good clothes and abundant agricultural income available to the individual. Negative When the Sun is debilitated, placed in a house with a malefic planet, is associated with a Node, is weak or is associated with an adverse planet the results will be bad. If the Sun is under favourable aspect of a beneficial planet, there shall be some relief and happiness during this period. If the aspect is by a malefic planet, the adverse results will be intolerable. This will be an adverse time. The individual will suffer at the hands of the government. He will be dishonoured. He may face opposition from his relatives, friends and acquaintances. There may be popular opposition to him. His father or elderly paternal uncle may die or he may have to face all kind of problems. The number of enemies of the individual will multiply.
When the Sun occupies an unfavourable position, the native will suffer from the wrath of the rulers, God Siva, and his own father; diseases in the heart, stomach and the eyes; troubles in the bones; diseases caused by Pitta, fear from quadrupeds and fire, destruction of copper vessels and decline of personal influence. When the Sun is well disposed, the results will be: satwic nature, favour of Siva, father and rulers; acquisition of copper utensils; increase of wealth through journeys and by trade in woollen goods, grass, gold, leather and medicines. Thus if the Sun is the planet afflicted and he is in the 10th, the native suffers the displeasure of the rulers. The Sun in the 4th with a fiery planet may cause destruction of the house due to fire. Similarly if the Sun is the elevated planet in the 10th, there will be rise in official life. If in Lagna with benefic, there will be good health. Sun shows independence, authority, status, power, generosity, a firm and stern attitude and so on. Thus when Sun is placed in the first house, it will give such an attitude to the person. However, we know that when sun is debilitated in Libra, the independence of the Sun is lost and for such people, the Sun in the Lagna shall make them look for some form of support for decision making. They shall also have a sense of deprivation because of the debilitation of the Sun. In the sign Leo, Sun is the most generous and in Pisces, it is the most knowledgeable. In Sagittarius, it is the most righteous and protector of dharma etc. You can understand the nature of the signs and then try figure out how Sun shall behave in each of the signs. The Sun represent the Government, King, Government Officials specially VIPs etc. and it has been seen that normally person holding high position are born with well- placed Sun or exalted Sun in the horoscope. THE SUN: We have a leading classic-Brihat Prasara Hora Sastra good effects are indicated during the dasha of the Sun id the Sun is in exalted sign (Aries) or in own sign (Leo) the 11th house, or Kendra (1,4,7,10) and also in trines (5th and 9th ). Adverse results will be experiences if the Sun be debilitated or be in inauspicious houses/signs. The Sun is debilitated in Libra and inauspicious house are 6/8/12. Further, if the Sun be Lord of 2nd (Cancer Lagna) or 7th house (Aquarius Lagna) there will be danger of premature death or death like sufferings. According to Prasara, remedial measures to be adopted include recitation of Mahamrityunjaya Mantra or the worship of the Sun i.e. recitation of Mantra for the Sun, giving alms/charity etc. In Sarvartha Chintamani, different effects have been given during the period of the Sun keeping in view different situations of the Sun i.e. in exaltation. Debilitation, Arohi, Avrohi, inimical signs, friendly signs etc. it may not be possible to refer to all the effects but would suffice to say that the Sun occupying the highest degree of exaltation can give land, wealth, wife, name and fame appear form honor from the king and high position. On the contrary the Sun at the highest degree of debilitation gives danger from the ruler (present day government), separation from home and travel in far-off places, death of elders and also death of wife or son and also destruction of the assets held in any form. The Sun located in an inimical sign makes the native sorrowful troubled from son, wife danger from the ruler, thieves, fire, quarrels, opposition from father etc. Little difference of opinion had been indicated with the Sun in Kendra. According to SarvarthaChintamani, the native is likely to get server punishment at the hands of the Government inducing loss of position, separation from friends and relative with the Sun in Kendras.
The Debilitated Sun in the case of Dwight Eisner however (one of the Notable persons) did not stop the native to become President of USA. The Chart: (DOB 14-10-1890 – 5:15 p.m.) (Lat. 37.45N Long 96.32W) Lagna Pisces Rahu in Taurus, Saturn in Leo Mercury in Virgo. The Sun and the Moon in Libra. Venus/ Ketu in Scorpio. Mars in Saggitarius and Jupiter in Capricorn. THE SUN Knowledge of Gita and Vedanta. Inclination towards political science and related subjects The Sun is the source of knowledge and hence can confer the highest knowledge, the knowledge of Gita and Vedanta. Maharshi Jaimini says Sun also indicate social. Sun being the Raja yoga karaka, it confers the knowledge of political science and related subjects. Sun gives vitality to otherwise inert world and hence it can confer knowledge of things, which is linked to vitality such as Medicine etc. Sun is the leader among all the planets and hence all of them rotate around the Sun. Thus sun governs Diplomacy, Arbitration, and Leadership etc. Among metals Sun rules gold and hence it gives the knowledge of Gold jewellery and Bullion. Sun has the fire of tapas and hence can indicate Meditation or related discipline of mind control. As the Sun rules rhythm it confers the knowledge of Musician and Instrumentalist. It also gives the knowledge regarding wool, Grass. Quotes from Jaimini Sutras: 1. The Sun in swamsa makes the native a keen government/political worker and good at social service. 2. The Sun in the 1st/ 5th gives knowledge of the Vedas and the Bhagvat Gita. (a) There are six systems of Indian philosophy including Vaisheshika, Nyaya, Sankhya, Yoga, Purva Mimamsa and Vedanta. The Vedas refer to the four primary texts of Hinduism namely the Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva Veda while the Vedanta includes the various Upanishads culminating in the Bhagvat Gita of Sri Krishna. (b) Parasara adds that Sun in the fifth gives knowledge of music & vedanta. THE SUN – (SURYA) The Sun, being the center of our planetary system, represents the central position: the king, the soul, the government, the masculine principle and our vital energy (together with the Moon). Without the Sun, life on earth wouldn’t be possible, therefore it represents the life force and energy. Even though the Sun represents our true nature (the soul or Atman), due to human beings’ spiritual ignorance, it manifests more as the individual self or ego. The Sun represents what the individual identifies with. According to the sign and house in which it is located in the birth chart, we can understand which areas will be important for the person, or areas the individual has to experience to find out his true nature and Self. Because of its fiery nature, the Sun is considered a malefic planet in Jyotish; it hurts or damages the areas it affects. By identifying with a particular area of life which is not the true self or soul, it brings a fall of consciousness, leading to the experience of suffering, which will eventually lead us to develop humility and recognition of our true nature. The Sun represents the authority figure, the king, the government or the boss. A strong Sun in the birth chart will indicate a person with some authoritarian and leader personality, who will tend to be in an important position in society or have some relationship with the government. It also represents
the father or paternal figure. A strong Sun usually indicates a rich or powerful father or a good relation with him. A strong Sun in the chart indicates a mature soul with a developed consciousness, strong personality, and good self-esteem. A too-strong or predominant sun can indicate an overly authoritative person, or someone who is too self-centered, always wanting to be the center of attention, someone who has difficulties working with or under other people, and, in general, a lack of humility. A weak or afflicted Sun will usually indicate a difficult relationship with the father or that the father has some problem, or a low self-esteem, low vitality or health problems. The Sun rules the heart, blood circulation, the sight, right eye, head and headaches, hair growth or baldness, the abdomen and digestive fire, dryness and fever. The ayurvedic constitution is Pitta or fiery. Sun : Ravi Sun represents Father, Spirituality, Politics, Governance, Greatness. It represents Husband in charts of females, Superiors when employment issues are involved, Governance of Country. Sun: Sun can be said to be our inner adult. It absorbs the inputs and contributions of other planet but has its own decision as the final word. It screens and manipulates the actions of all other influences. The Sun allocates works and profiles to other planets sending them to different missions. It is an inherent luminary and innate spirit. Its effect acts as a vehicle for accomplishing life's mission. It radiates it luminosity from the core and lets the mankind benefit from it. The Sun's energy is akin to the focal point around which a personality is oriented. SUN = Stiff body, sour relation with father, obstacles in Govt. / officials works, headache, heart problem, problem in right eye (male) left eye (female), bones, erratic blood circulation, fever, B P, weak immune system, baldness, bone cancer, dental problem, lower self confidence to face challenges in life. Remedies for malefic / neech / deb Sun: Donate wheat, lal chandan, gold, ruby, kesar, lotus flower, gurh, red clothes, cows ghee, red cow, red sweets, red fruits, cocunet, copper utentials and all red articles. Respect your father, do not intake salt on sunday, offer gurh / copper coins in running warter for 43 days, offer water mixed with lal chandan kept in copper utential to SUN for 108 sundays.Do not wear yellow clothes on sundays, Sürya (Sun) in Vedic Astrology Paraçara describes the Sun as having “sweet brown colored eyes (madhupiìgala) and a square figure, his constitution is pitta, he is intelligent (dhéman), masculine, and tends towards baldness (alpakacha)”. -BPHS, Graha Guëasvarüpa Adhyäya, verse 23 Significations of the Sun are: The soul (atman), power (shakta), roughness/sharpness (tékñëa), difficult to approach/fortress (durga), strength (bala), heat, splendour, excelling, distinguished (prabhava), fire (agni), worship of Çiva, firmness/constancy/courage (dhairya), protector against wickedness (dauñöatha), having royal favor (räjaçrayatva), fierce/ pungent/sharp (kaöu), aged/full grown (våddhatva), Cattle (paçu), Land (bhu), Father (pitå); splendour/light/lustre (ruchi), knowledge
(jïana), rising/coming forth / appearance (udaya), skyward glance (vyomadåk), fear creator (bhirutpanna), land of mankind (manuñya loka), square shape (chatura), Bone (skeletal system); Valour; Grass; The Belly; Strenuous Effort; Forest; Half A Year (uttarayana / dakshinayana); Eye (right); Wandering Over The Mountains (wanderer); Quadruped (also the birds); King; Travelling; Dealing; Bite; Scorch; Circular Shape; Eye Disease; Body (vitality in the body); Timber (wood); Mental Purity; Lordship Of The Whole Country (sovereign); Freedom Form Disease; Lord Of Saurashtra State; Ornaments; Disease In The Head; Precious stones (gems); Lord Of Sky; Short Like A Dwarf; Lord Of The Eastern Direction; Copper; Blood; Kingdom; Red Cloth; Stone; Public Life; River Bank; Ruby; Strong At Mid-Day (Noon); Eastern Direction; Mouth; Long Standing Anger; Capture Of The Enemy; Sattvik (Pure); Red Chandan Or Saffron; Hostility; Thick Cord The Sun is the signification of a person’s soul, body, personal attractiveness, power, severity, strength, splendour, self-reliance, courage, bitterness, old age, cattle, wickedness, land, father, taste, self-realisation, psychic development, effort, eyes, month, wanderings and travels, bile, mental purity, diseases of the head, bones, blood, gold ornaments, public activities, eastern direction, genuineness, anger, philosophy, political power, godliness, nobility, despotism, authority, places of worship, goldsmiths, money-lenders, chemists and druggists, medical ability and the like. The Sun indicates the nature and extent of one’s vitality and self-expression. The Sun determines the type of person. Authority, aristocrats, high government officers, government buildings, boss, administrative, head, captain, leader, royalty, royal favour, respect for elders, son, reputation, permanent service, independent business financed by the father, career, hard work, and capacity to command, will, good fortune, ambition, faith, generosity, hope, happiness, loyalty, optimism, expansion, splendour, deliberate acts, prestige, scruple, arrogance, bluff, subtlety, purity, fundamental issues, long standing anger, success in worldly affairs, jealousy, domineering attitude, prominence, determination, copper, ruby, gold, dhatu (inanimate objects like minerals and metals), wool, positive, heat, summer, dry, fire, temple, shiva temple, forest, wood, thorny plants, dark red, orange colour, rudra, mantras, yogda Brahma, truth, purity of the mind, self realisation, magistrates, masters, medical practitioners, doctors, physician. The real self of a person is shown by the position of the Sun and by his strength. The Sun is the creative principle, the power-giving one. He confers personal self-expression. When the Sun is well placed, he makes one dignified, dominant, faithful, cheerful, open-handed, large-hearted, powerful, proud, affectionate and vital. He makes one a good organiser. When the Sun is afflicted one is arrogant, autocratic, despotic, overbearing, childish and playful, averse to any changes, condescending, domineering, extravagant, pompous and profligate. 1 Sun-The Father and Life Giver Sun is the king of the solar kingdom. He is also called the 'Father of Stars'. Sun is about 93 million miles away from the Earth. He is the largest amongst the planets. His diameter is about 110 times that of Earth and Sun is nearly 27,19,000 miles in circumference. Being the centre of all life force and energy and the giver of Prana, Sun is worshipped as Sun God. He is said to represent the creator, the Brahma, with his four faces to have a survey of all the four directions causing four seasons and the four elements namely Fire, Earth, Air and Water. Westerners call the Sun, Apollo. The Sun takes exactly one year to go round the ecliptic. It has only the direct motion. It is never goes retrograde. According to Hindu Astrology Sun is the soul of Kalpurusha (The Moon is his mind, Mercury his speech, Mars his strength, Jupiter his knowledge and happiness, Venus his desire or lust, Saturn his misery).
For all living beings Sun represents the positive and primal front whereas the Moon represents the negative influence. Sun is constructive and creative, Moon is preserving and formative. Sun is the father, Moon is the mother. The Sun and Moon are considered sovereigns. Jupiter and Venus are ministers. Mercury is the young prince. Mars is the commander-in-chief and Saturn is the servant. Sun is the king and the Moon is the queen. Sun and Moon are also considered luminaries. People with Sun as the ruling planet will have honey coloured eyes. The face will be large and round. The stature will be average. The hair and the colour of the body will have a light shade. Sun rules the direction East and "Grishma" Rithu (Summer season). In the birth chart Sun represents the father of the native. In the woman's chart Sun indicates her husband (There is another school of thought that Jupiter represents the husband in a female's chart). In service Sun shows the administrative head or Government. The Sun offers us the power of resistance and vitality. He governs the breath of life. He rules our consciousness and denotes the individuality. He gives the force and self will and makes one determined and decisive. The Sun in nature is hot, dry, masculine and life giving. He possesses the power of absorption of the nature and influence of any planet within an orb of 8 ½ degrees of his conjunction. Sun represents health, the vital principle, general prosperity and high office, positions of rank and title, government affairs and officials, new undertakings, publicity, popularity, superior or proud and haughty persons. Sun governs the sides, upper portion of the back, heart, right eye of the male and left eye of the female. His day is Sunday, metal gold and colour orange. If he is not hampered by unfavourable disposition or malefic aspects or association and is dignified by position in the horoscope, Sun bestows a nature which is ambitious, proud, magnanimous, frank, generous, humane, firm and honourable. Men ruled by the Sun aspire to positions of rulership and by their earnest nature inspire others with a respect for their abilities, so they usually attain positions of trust, responsibility and honour where they are perfectly at home and capable of practical execution to a very satisfactory degree. If the Sun at birth is unfavourably placed and is otherwise undignified, the native is inclined to be too forceful, lordly, domineering, positively arrogant and extravagant, inclining also to sickness of a feverish inflammatory nature, eye affliction and heart disorders as well as loss of position, credit or esteem due to impulsiveness of these natives. The Sun's gems are diamond and ruby. Sun owns Leo. He is exalted in Aries and debilitated in Libra. 10 degrees of Aries is highest exaltation point and 10 degrees of Libra is his lowest debilitation point. Initial 20 degrees portion of Leo is his Mulatrikona and the remaining 10 degrees is Swakshetra. The Sun's friends are Moon, Mars and Jupiter. Venus and Saturn are his enemies. Mercury is neutral to him. SUN (Surya) The Sun is the life force of our planet. It is the soul and spirit of a chart. It can be an overpowering influence in a chart. If it is too close to other planets it can burn up the planets capability to function properly. This condition is called combustion of the Sun. The Sun works best in the tenth house. It will give a sense of power and career opportunity placed here. In other houses it can be a bit too much causing problems, as in the seventh house it can give a dominating partner and cause marital discord. In the fifth house it can limit children, although a male child is dominate. It can burn the head in the first house causing baldness. The Sun in the third can give courage but trouble with siblings. The Sun in the sixth house will give the capacity to win over any adversaries.
Key Words: Atma-Self, masculine, day, future, soul, physical body and health, heart, life force, courage, pride, ego, vitality, will power, stamina, sense of self, power, fame, glory, inspiration, creativity, leadership, Father, teachers, authority, law and order, bosses, political leader, Kings or Presidents. Day: Sunday Dig Bala: Tenth House Sun - Surya Rulership The being at the centre of any system, the individual, lions, fire, heat, vicious creatures, kings, forests, the "I am", the heart, father, sculptor, day, gems, wheat, fragrance, virility, wool, raw flesh, charred sticks. Quality The Sun is the source of all light and heat on earth. It is taken for granted, yet without its dynamic energy nothing whatsoever would happen. Childhood Development The Sun represents the necessary individuality required for separate existence. In People Handsome, squarish body, eyes level, body lustrous, firm of temperament, impatient, fierce, a leader, hard, resolved, determined, short tempered, bright. If Sol is strong but afflicted, the person tries to impose her or his ideas on others. Gauquelin Keywords None. Hindu Astrology Devakeralam: The king, square, cause of the day, the fiery- rayed one, terrific, the significator of world bliss, pitta temperament, golden colour, quadruped, lord of the east. Brihad Jataka: Yellow in colour, square appearance, pitta temperament, scant hair. Yavanajataka: Handsome, square-limbed, sparse and fine hair, wide eyes, golden colour, inscrutable, firm, fierce, steadfast, a leader, decisive. The Sun Forin: The Sun has a square-built body and is short in stature. His colour is darkred. He has very little hair on his head. He has strong bones and honeycoloured eyes. He is eight yojanas high. His gaze is directed upwards. 2. Temperament: The Sun is resolute and wrathful. He is a hot planet. He is of the bilious temperament. 3. Guna: He is of the sattva guna. 4. Direction: The Sun rules the Eastern Direction. 5. Age: He is represented as thirty years old. 6. Rays: He has five rays. 7. Significations: The Sun represents a King; an intelligent person, gold, copper, lead, brass, jewels worn on the ear, nose, head and chest, fruit bearing trees, animals living on grass, thatched house, girls eight years of age, short trees, bearing fruits, brinjal, beans, pungent articles, coarse wick clothes etc. 8. Grain: Wheat 9. Strength: The Sun is strong in the forenoon and during the day time.
10. Gemstones: Vaidoorya Mani and Manikya. Education & THE SUN Knowledge of Gita and Vedanta. Inclination towards political science and related subjects The Sun is the source of knowledge and hence can confer the highest knowledge, the knowledge of Gita and Vedanta. Maharshi Jaimini says Sun also indicate social. Sun being the Raja yoga karaka, it confers the knowledge of political science and related subjects. Sun gives vitality to otherwise inert world and hence it can confer knowledge of things, which is linked to vitality such as Medicine etc. Sun is the leader among all the planets and hence all of them rotate around the Sun. Thus sun governs Diplomacy, Arbitration, and Leadership etc. Among metals Sun rules gold and hence it gives the knowledge of Gold jewellery and Bullion. Sun has the fire of tapas and hence can indicate Meditation or related discipline of mind control. As the Sun rules rhythm it confers the knowledge of Musician and Instrumentalist. It also gives the knowledge regarding wool, Grass. Quotes from Jaimini Sutras: 1. The Sun in swamsa makes the native a keen government/political worker and good at social service. 2. The Sun in the 1st/ 5th gives knowledge of the Vedas and the Bhagvat Gita. (a) There are six systems of Indian philosophy including Vaisheshika, Nyaya, Sankhya, Yoga, Purva Mimamsa and Vedanta. The Vedas refer to the four primary texts of Hinduism namely the Rig, Yajur, Sama and Atharva Veda while the Vedanta includes the various Upanishads culminating in the Bhagvat Gita of Sri Krishna. (b) Parasara adds that Sun in the fifth gives knowledge of music & vedanta. SUN is king, soul, father, will power, life, glory, health, sovereignty, clothes, lion's nature, anger but momentarily. Colour-Pink Red, Metal-Gold, Gem-Ruby, DIR -East, Rashi Lord -Leo, Exa-Aries, Deb.Libra, Male & malefic Aspect-7th house, Param uuch / neech 10, multrikon 1-20 self rashi 20-30, Nature stable, fire, bones, day, eyes, Adhipati Shiv, Karak-1, 9,10 bhav, Guna-Satya, Varna-Kshatriya. The Sun- king, Soul, Father, Personal magnetism, Patrimony, self- reliance, psychic development, political power, Satwa Guna, Godliness, nobility, fires, windy and bilious temperaments, despotism, positions of authority, temples and places of worship, Greeshma Rithu, hot and pungent tastes, goldsmiths, money- lenders, chemists, druggists, doctoring, capacity and others. Significations of Surya Rank : Royal Color : Blood-red Bhoota : Fire Caste : Kshatriya Nature : Satwik Description : Honey-colored eyes, square body, clean habits, intelligent, bold head Dhatu : Bones Abode : Temple Timeperiod : Ayana Taste : Pungent Strong direction : South
Trees : Strong trees Clothes : Red silk Substance : Moola Externally, Surya signifies those people or relationships in our life that are strongly related to royalty, power and the identity of the society. These are presidents, leaders, and directors. Since the Sun is at the center of the solar system, controlling the orbit of all the other grahas, it governs people with power or authority. On a smaller scale, this could be a governor, mayor, and in the family environment, the father. Surya represents those buildings that reflect power and dignity, such as temples, mansions and palaces. Physically, Surya rules the aspects of the body that are most dominant in terms of control (the brain), the maintenance of life (heart) and maintaining the shape (bones). Surya rules the right eye. Internally, Surya represents our tendency, ability or talent to act as a leader or authority. Sun :—A Siva temple, open area, desert, devotee of Siva, physician, king, sacrificer, chief minister, tiger, deer and the Cakravaka bird. He represents also the following ;—Copper, gold, father, effects of meritorious deeds, soul, happiness, prowess, courage, valour, victory in battle, government service, popularity, mountaineering, enthusiasm and sharpness. Sun :—The Sun is strong in addition in the Uttarayana i.e. from the moment of his entering the sign Makara till he steps into Karkataka, and in his own Нога. His strength is middling when he is situated in a friend's house. He is strong in the initial part of a sign, of moderate strength in its middle and weak in its end. He is weak at the twilight and also during his eclipse. The positive role of a strong and well placed Sun in the birth chart of an individual is evolution of soul through sound health, good fortune and will power. The weak and/or afflicted Sun impedes the evolution of the soul through greed, lack of will power, envy and pride. Qualities signified by Surya: are aristocratic, dominant, authoritative, leading, fatherly, strong. Surya relates to square shapes. Surya represents the element of fire, as well as the many ways fire can expressed in other qualities. In the scheme of colors, the bright red is signified. In the spectrum of taste, the pungent taste is the hottest. Out of the three substances, Dhatu ("metals", any lifeless substances), Moola ("root", and plant form) and Jeeva ("life", any animal or human form), Surya relates to Moola. Determining what objects are signified by Surya: Of any living being or thing, whatever part of it controls the rest, such as a control board, is related to Surya. In social structures, that is the leader. Within a computer, that would be the cpu. In a car, the combination of steering wheel and pedals. Among objects that belong to a similar group, such as varieties of trees, the Sun would represent the ones that are particularly strong or dominant. Sun – Atma (Soul), Father, Kingdom (nowadays political) Power, Yagna, Gold, Horse, Fire, Valour, Courage, Wisdom. Sun Time, Soul, Father, Ego, Ruler, Government, Intelligence, Vitality, Profession, Honor, Fame, Glory, Heart, Copper, Orange colour, Ruby, East. SURYA: Father, Son, King, Prime Minister, President, Administrator, Chief Minister, Govt. Officers, Politicians, Sole, God, Name & Fame, Brightness, Capital City, Power, Palace, Right Eye, Right side, Right side Windows of the House, SUN: fire, chetanya, strong will power, ruler, authority, father, son, power, positive energy, good health, copper, less hairs, Krura, central government, atma, king, fort, good temples especially Shivalya, Himalayas, Main or capital city of a country, worship places, courts, Judge, Leading
Countries of world, electrical current, head, bones, heart, eyes especially right eye, brain, stomach, high grade fever, neck region, patience, enthusiasm, square, excitement, purity of mind and heart, short height, Minister, exhibited, red color, wood, benefic results, giver, status, responsibility, lord of eastern direction, strong in south direction (drigbali), Satvik nature, discipline, lover of justice, Lagna, self, no diseases, mantra Shakti, Luminary, fuel, ultimate weapons, creator, blessing of king, Science, vision, Ruby (Manikya), right breath, Gresham ritu, Ayana, one, shatriay, male, less progeny, less sexual interests, stability, rules knowledge which is transferred from one soul to another without undergoing practical education process under a Guru or through books, punishment, sentence The Sun The Soul; Power; Intense Severity (fierce); Fortress; Good Strength; Heat; Splendour; Fire; Worship Of Siva; Courage; Thorned Trees; Being In Royal Favour; Bitterness; Old Age; Cattle; Wickedness; Land; Father; Taste; Self-Realization; Skyward Look; One Born of a Timid Woman; World Of Mortals (Mrtyu Loka); Square shape; Bone (skeletal system); Valour; Grass; The Belly; Strenuous Effort; Forest; Half A Year (uttarayana / dakshinayana); Eye (right); Wandering Over The Mountains (wanderer); Quadruped (also the birds); King; Travelling; Dealing; Bite; Scorch; Circular Shape (??); Eye Disease; Body (vitality in the body); Timber (wood); Mental Purity; Lordship Of The Whole Country (sovereign); Freedom Form Disease; Lord Of Saurashtra State; Ornaments; Disease In The Head; Precious stones (gems); Lord Of Sky; Short Like A Dwarf; Lord Of The Eastern Direction; Copper; Blood; Kingdom; Red Cloth; Stone; Public Life; River Bank; Coral (??); Ruby; Strong At MidDay (Noon); Eastern Direction; Mouth; Long Standing Anger; Capture Of The Enemy; Sattvik (Pure); Red Chandan Or Saffron; Hostility; Thick Cord THE SUN Names: Heli, Surya (BJ); Aditya, Arka, Ravi, Bhanu, Bhaskara. Divakara, Marthanda, Savita, Teekshnamsu and Ina (HS) Nature: Malefic Gender: Masculine Appearance & Disposition: Sūrya’s eyes are honey-coloured. He has a square body. He is of clean habits, bilious, intelligent and has limited hair (on his head) (BPHS); Well proportioned body, is bilious and possesses pingala (tawny) eyes, has short hairs (BJ); Sun’s body is square; his eyes are pink in colour and he has sparse hair on his body and head. He does not live for a long time in one place. He is of lazy disposition. His knees are weak. He has pleasing face and delivers pleasing speech. (HS); The Sun has curly hair, sharp mind, prominent appearance, majestic voice and is not very tall. His eyes are honey-coloured. He is courageous, steady and of a complexion, which has a mix of red and green. His feet are not conspicuous (small in size). He is bilious and has sturdy bones. He is great and majestic. He has fiery rays and square body and wears saffron-coloured apparels (SV) Sapta Dhatu: Bones (skeletal system) Humor: Bile Governs: The Soul Planetary Cabinet: The King Complexion: Blood red (BPHS), Dark Red (BJ); Copper red (SV) Colour: Copper (BJ) Deity/ Adhi devata: Agni (BPHS) Gender: Male Panchabhuta: Agni (Fire) Caste: Kshatriya
Guna: Sattvik Abode: Temple (BPHS), Devastana (BJ) Direction: East (Purva) Period: Ayana Taste: Pungent Directional Strength: South (10th house) Day based Strength: Day Time (Diurnal) Ayana based Strength: Uttarayana Natural strength: Strongest among all planets Trees: Strong trees (trees with stout trunk) Robe/ Cloth: Red silken, Rough cloth Season: Summer (Grishma) Matter: Mula (Vegetation) (BJ) Material: Copper (BJ) Natural Age: 50 years (JP) Loka: Mrtyu Loka (World of mortals) Geographical location: Kalinga (Orissa) Misc. Lordship: Snakes, wool, hills, gold, weapons, poison, fire, medicines, kings, aryas, river banks, forest, wood and Mantras (SV) Sun Keywords: identity, life energy, energy, vitality, lion, gold, father and Sunday. Age period: The fourth period in the human life cycle from 23 to 41 years of age. Humor & parts Of the Body : Bile, Wind, Bones, Knees, Navel. The Body: Vitality and growth, spinal cord, heart and blood circulation. The parts of the body which are controlled by him are the bones, head, stomach, heart, eyes, brain, throat and spleen. Sun rules the heart, liver, lungs, head (brain), nerves, and bones. Sun - Upper abdomen: The upper abdomen is the part which enjoys maximum influence of the Sun in a human body. Upper abdomen is the zone of our body where food liberates its energy by the effect of pancreas, as we know pancreas is the organ which produces insulin for the assimilation sugar in blood. Adverse effect of the Sun in our body may cause various diseases out of which narcolepsy and insomnia are well known to us. Human Body: Sight , flesh , belly, blood, bone , heart, constitution of the body, vital principle, left eye, right eye , bile, back, the arterial system, spleen, physical splendour, radiance. Medical Significations: Asthi dhatu. Head, right eye, circulation, heart, general vitality, skeleton, spine. Medical Astrology: Heart, blindness, baldness, right eye. Sun rules : controls Heart, Right Eye in males and left eye in Females, Mouth, Throat and Brain. If in bad aspect with Saturn then Blood Pressure related problems occur, Heat related problems, High Fever, Typhoid, Boils etc. Sun diseases: An afflicted and ill-aspected Sun gives low and high blood pressure, indigestion, jaundice, cholera, fever, diabetes, appendicitis, hemorrhage, cardiac thrombosis, eruptions on the face, typhoid, tuberculosis, mental problems caused by thinking too much, diseases of the head, epilepsy, and disorders caused by aggravated bile.
Diseases: Pitta disorders, constitutional strengths and weaknesses, vitality, heart and circulation, bones, teeth, eyes, skin, headaches, baldness, stomach, inflammations, fevers, head injuries, injuries from quadrupeds. Diseases: Causes damage to eyes, loss of hair and thirst, fever etc. by bilious temperament (PD) The diseases signified by the Sun are high fever, blood pressure, eye troubles, cerebral disorders and afflictions of the throat, ear and nose. Aliments : Heart Diseases, Bone fracture, Migraine, Jaundice, Fever, Burns, Cuts, Wounds, Gonorrhea, Poisoning Skin, Diseases, Leprosy, Bilious constitution, Weak eyesight, Stomach, Mental, Derangement, Loss of Appetite, Diarrhoea. Health: The diseases indicated by Sun are heart problems, epilepsy, cerebral disorders, meningitis, aphasia, polypus, eye disease, high fever, baldness, low blood pressure, and sunstroke. Medical, health shades of sun, diseases caused by ill placed Surya Sun also plays a major role in the medical side of the native through governing over some aspects of health also. In scientific words, it comprises vitamins A and D along with minerals Iodine and Magnesium. When it comes to specific body parts, it comprises heart, circulatory system and thymus. In addition to this, Sun plays a major role in reflecting the strength of mind and body to the mortals. Other segments of Sun in the enclosure of it’s medical shades are brain, nerves, hypochondria, fat, arteries, stomach, right eye of men, left eye of women, head, chest, sides, teeth, mouth. It also governs over the diseases of mouth, pimples in face, diseases or of brain, heart problems, palpitation, neurotic, tympanis, cramps, sudden swooning, bad breath, infirmities of eyes, catarrh and fever. Diseases: Wounds caused by quadrupeds or wood , high fever dominated by vitiated bile, burning of body, heart disease, eye-trouble, skin-disease , health , taste, freedom from disease, disease in the head , leprosy, diseases arising from inflammation of bile, injuries from falls, pains, weapons and poisoning, hyper-irritability, bone disorders, baldness, headache, typhoid, aphasia, polypus, epilepsy, sun-stroke, scorches, cerebral meningitis, eruptions of the face, blood pressure. The Sun: It has a bilious temperament. Its strength or weakness reflects the state of general health of an individual. It rules over heart, stomach, bones and right eye. The medical conditions that the sun rules over includes headache, baldness, hyper-irritability, fevers and pains, burns, diseases arising from the inflammations of bile (like certain diseases of liver and gall bladder), heart troubles, eye diseases stomach ailments bone disorders certain skin problems, injuries from falls, weapons and poisoning, disturbances of blood circulations, epilepsy, leprosy, and fear from quadrupeds, thieves and serpents. Karaka: Health, father , power , authority, fame name, government, royalty, medicine, eyes. Wool, wood or timber, places of worship, brokerage or commission, blood circulation, paternal uncle, service (6th house), profession (10th house, courage, patrimony, hon’ble rank, politician, doctor, physician, soul, forests, deserts. Professions & occupations: Economic occupation, ruling class, royal/govt. appointment, magistrate, ruler, administrator, dealer in wool, commission agent, forest officer, creator, promoter, owner, surveyor, signaler, photographer, jeweller, designer. Work or profession: Leader, judge, religious leader, banker, jeweler and actor. Professions related to SURYA : Government service, politics, Chief Minister, Prime Minister, President, Fathers Profession, Gold and Diamond Merchants, Electronics, Surgeon, Social service, IAS officers, selling RUBY stones.
Professional or career Fields of sun Natives of this mortal land are bestowed with the divine glow of the Sun. The natives with strong sun in their birth chart or having sun as their lord of house of profession ( 10th house ) or having sun in their house of career and profession (10th house ) would be inclined towards the professions and careers which are liked or caused by Lord Sun. These natives would get high growth and job satisfaction when they choose the fields mentioned below as their career or business. The profession and career of Lord Sun includes leadership, politics, administration, management, armed forces, police, Army, Law, teaching, cinema, acting, theater, Consultants, advisors, entrepreneur, explorers, government services, civil servants, creative works, jewelers, gemologists, agriculture etc. In simple language, Sun confers dominance, creativity and intelligence to mortals which makes them reach high in these enclosures. It also dominates over chiefs, generals, justices, mayors, principals, magistrates, officials, physicians, gold and silver smiths, minters of money, coppersmiths. Professions: Service under sovereign , kings, cowherds, agriculturists, physicians , persons in authority, noblemen, rulers, princes, titled officers under crown, occupation, gilders; those who work with gold, government; courtiers, dignitaries, goldsmiths, jewellers, circus-trainers, theatreowners and managers, diplomacy, arbitration, meditation, political and government position, financiers, occupations involving children. SURYA: Politicians, Physicians, Goldsmiths Sun (Surya) - Doctor, Minister & Priest. Sun authority, politicians, scientists, leaders, directors, government employees, doctors, jewellers The Sun is a creator, promoter, owner, manager and physician. He also rules government, brokerage or commission. When the planet that proves to be the deciding factor as regards a person's livelihood, happens to be the Sun the person may get rule of a country, land, province, district, etc., royal positions and dignities, service under the Government, administrator, a maintainer or law and order enforcement of commands. He may be engaged in medicine, doing mediator work or highly authoritative jobs in Forest Department, Municipal Corporation etc. Well placed Sun gives tremendous ambition, Debilitated sun makes a person egoistic and vain, Government employment, On the minimum level employment is guaranteed with security of the same, Inherited Business, The nature of employment or Business is determined in combination with other planets. If Sun relates to Moon-Venus then Business is related to Red or Orange colour Goods, or will be employed in the travel related business. If Sun relates to Mars-Mercury then Military Engineer or Government Press. If Sun relates to Saturn then business related to Woollen Items. Sun also relates to Government Securities, Finance, Gold Bonds, Price and Price Control. Sun : Sun is the king, soul, father, government, authority, will power, life, glory, health, sovereignty, electricity, bones, right & red eye and firm temperament. It has anger but momentary. Its colour is dark red. It has fiery tattwa. Its element is gold. Its gem is ruby. It is strong during day. East is represented by Sun. The Sun rules over the Eastern direction. He is strong during the daytime and the dark half of the lunar month. The Sun signifies the father, soul, will-power, influence, position, health, energy and courage. Enmity with Saturn, Rahu and Ketu
The sun: the essential principals and elaborated details of the sun can be known by considering its role in our solar system. Sun is the center, the light giver - all the planets revolve around the sun - sun is the hub the central point of reference, all the planets take their respective places with reference to this central standard. Also useful in regard of elaborating ideas from an underlying theme is the model of society. Each planet has its equivalent in terms of different components of society. In this light, the sun equates with the King: the ruler the #1, the ruling or governing element in any system or group. - he is the prime minister, the president the head of state, the mayor or head of the city, the head of the chamber the head of he council, the head master or school principal and the head of the family. Other elements within the sun's portfolio associated with this are pomp, power, position in one's career, dignity, self-reliance, prestige, ego, gravity, sobriety, nobility, social leadership, highly placed person in any Governmental institution, political power, king or emperor, a middle-aged man, despotism. Words like registration, register, - derives from regis - king. They mean to come into line with the government codes. Examples like this show how the social structure is embedded in our structure of language and thought. The sun is also the head - because it leads the body, the brain because it governs the body, the body as a whole, the state of health of the body and the ego because that gives us our sense of identity also our identity - the collectedness of our disparate parts which gives us a sense of wholeness wholeness - the governing principal - synergy - a coming together of disparate parts - which is essentially the role of king or leader or head of state - to bring together the otherwise fragmented or splintered or factional parties within a nation or country - Sun/King is that ordering or collecting principal. All laws,legal systems, protocols, orthodoxy, pomp and ceremony issue from the king. These are all the apparatus of the king. these systems and regulations and guidelines and codes of behavior which maintain the STATUS QUO. - the all important order which underlies the structure of society and most importantly keeps the king or head of state in his position of primacy and power. There fore all these things come within the Sun's portfolio. In the absence of the above there is ANARCHY which is the nemesis of the king and his apparatus of law and order and a structured stratified society. In the life of a native, the sun has large bearing on your profession or career: particularly the level of seniority or responsibility or position you attain. As stated, on the level of the personality the sun Signifies soul, the nature of the native can be judged from the Sun. It represents hot and pungent taste, chemist, druggist, because chemicals come with in its portfolio. goldsmith, sacrificial places, coronation chambers, bones, head, brain, courage. It indicates father, Satwa guna, windy and bilious or fiery temperament, a male, Kshatriya, day, east direction. Disease indicated by Sun : disease associated with digestive fluids, disease of head, brain or bone or esophagus, fever, eye-disease, disease of nerve, arteries, veins, lungs or heart. It also causes disease of mouth or cholera. Metal : Gold, Mercury, Ruby. Color : Golden color, red-copper color. Vocation : Physician, engineer, administrator in a Govt. Institution.
Birth star : Visakha (16) and Anuradha (17). Digit: 12,33,48,70. Strength : Ravi is strong when he occupies Mesa, Simha or Vrscika Rasi or while full moon is associated with 7, 13, 16 or l7th Stars (Nakshatras). A man may possess Satwa guna if Ravi is conjoined with Chandra but there is chance of his losing power of thinking due to dark moon (Amavasya). The native may be endowed with real Satwa guna if these two planets are posited opposite to each other. In that case the native becomes truly an energetic person and a lover of independence. While in case of a weak Ravi the native cannot easily be successful in any of his endeavors. Combination of Ravi and Sani or if they are opposite to each other, or if Sani is combust the native may experience many changes in his career, suffer from various sorts of troubles, meet with unsuccess in life or pass through many vicissitudes in life. Following are 2 descriptions of a person characterized by the sun. The first characterizes a strong sun, the second a weak sun. First, a strong sun [well dignified] very faithful, keeping his promises with all punctuality - a desire to rule and sway where he comes: prudent and incomparable judgment, of great majesty and stateliness, industrious to acquire honor and a large patrimony - yet able to accept the loss of these also. The person characterized by the sun speaks with gravity but few words - and those spoken with great confidence and command of his own affection. Thoughtful, secret, trustworthy, speaking deliberately, large hearted or magnanimous - affable & tractable; humane to all. Loving pomp & ceremony and whatever is honorable - no sordid thoughts can enter his heart. When poorly dignified [weak] or afflicted, the person characterized by the sun is arrogant and proud - disdaining all others, 'cracking of his pedigree', short sighted in eyesight and judgment, restless, troublesome, domineering, extravagant - wasting his money and resources, foolish, endowed with no gravity of words or sobriety in action, hanging on to the charity of others yet thinking all are bound to him because of his high born status. Surya (Sun) sun represents the soul. This can be read in the most flexible and general sense of the word. The word soul is used for the deepest and trust nature, for the ultimate sense of identity, inspiration, and aspiration. Surya signifies one's essential attributes - the sense of self, ego, self esteem, sense of purpose etc. Energies and conditions that arise from the Sun's placement in a horoscope, along with the influences that the Sun receives, will be experienced in life as deep, long-term trends and processes, that impact one's life as a whole. Surya signifies those people or relationships in our life that are strongly related to royalty, power and the identity of the society. Surya represents our tendency, ability or talent to act as a leader or authority. Qualities signified by Surya: are
aristocratic, dominant, authoritative, leading, fatherly, strong. Surya relates to square shapes. Surya represents the element of fire, as well as the many ways fire can expressed in other qualities. Sun Astrological Characteristics The Sun in Vedic astrology is called RAVI, or SURYA. He is considered to be mild malefic, in consideration of the hot, dry in nature. As in western tropical astrology, the Sun rules the Sign of Leo (Simha). He is exalted (Uccha) in the sign of Aries (Mesh), and he is in his fall (Neecha) in the sign of Libra. The Sun is known as the ATMAKARAKA. This comes from the Sanskrit ATMA meaning soul, and KARAKA meaning indicator. As “indicator of the soul” the Sun is the giver of life. The Sun is the indicator of the father, our ego, honors, status, fame, the heart, the eyes, general vitality, respect and power. The Sun is in his strongest placement directly overhead in the 10th House. He is also strong in the other Kendra’s, or Angles. These are the Houses 1, 4, and 7. The Sun also does well in what are called the upachaya, or growing Houses. These are the Houses 3, 6, and 11. He is particularly beneficial for the fire sign Ascendants of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. His nature, or temperament is PITTA, or fiery, and the gemstone associated with the Sun is the red ruby. Sun characteristics: The Sun gives us vitality and the power of resistance and immunity. It is responsible for our physical makeup – the body’s constitution. The Sun gives life force, the power of will, intellect, brilliance, prosperity, success in worldly affairs, wealth, personal, conduct, activity, cheerfulness, good fortune, wisdom, ambition, fame, the understanding of the phenomenal world, and the knowledge of medicine. It also governs our relationship with temples and holy places. The human spine is specially influenced by the Sun. Pingala Nadi, which represents the Sun, originates at the base of the spine on the right side, is solar in nature, and terminates in the right nostril. Sun Relations with other planets: The Moon, Mars, and Jupiter are its natural friends, and Venus, Saturn, Rahu (dragon’s head, or the north node of the Moon), and Ketu (dragon’s tail, the south node of the Moon) are its natural enemies. Sun Nakshatras: Kritika, Uttra Phalguni, and Uttra Khad are ruled by the Sun. Organs ruled by Sun: The Sun is connected with the right eye in men and the left eye in women. The Sun’s metal is Gold and his direction is east. His day is Sunday, and he comes into full maturity and brilliance at age 22. He is the God – a living God – whom everyone can see, perceive and pray. Though he is visible, he also has been presented in a variety of forms. He is the life-giver and time-giver. The Vedas adore him as a witness (Sakshi) of all actions. He is the lord of Leo in the Zodiac. He stays one month in each Rasi and takes 365 days or 12 months to complete a round of 12 Rasis. Worship of this Devata (GOD) on Sunday is supposed to bring in manifold benefits to the worshipers. Sun religious significance: In the six sects established by Adi Sankara, Souram is one devoted to Sun God. Even in other religions, Sun worship has place. In the Zodiac, Sun occupies a prominent place – the Center. This graha is the source of life and he is therefore described as the life-giver – PRANADHATA. He helps one gain his eyesight and SURYANAMASKAR (worship by prostration) will strengthen one’s bones, cure illness, however severe it may be, cleanses the devotee from his sins
and bestows on him progeny, wealth, good-health and long life. He is the cause for rainfall benefiting the world. General Characteristics Of Sun Color
Vermillion Red
God / Deity
Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati
Ring, Middle
Uccha – Exalted Rashi
Aries – Mesh
Neecha – Falling Rashi
Libra – Tula
The Sun – Owns the zodiac sign Leo. It is the ruler of all the planets and believed to be the source of vitality. It signifies the soul’s energy, confidence, consistency, power, self-growth and development, ego, father, and plays a key roles in career. The planets move around the Sun and are dependent on its energy for existence of life forms. Sun brings success, intellect, wisdom, fame and wealth and is the ruler of zodiac sign Leo. Good placement of Sun can give rise to fame in the area, field, or even the whole world. The higher Sun is the Self or Soul, the lower is the expression of our false self or ego. The Sun is the only light in the chart, or in life. The other planets merely reflect the Sun’s Light. It is the ONE that connects all things – the ocean of light that is our true nature. As such it illuminates the path of truth, giving the strength to sacrifice our smaller desires so that we may purify and reclaim our Self as the highest truth. Sun Sun or Surya considered to be a very important planet in Indian Astrology. Sun is one of the three ascendants in Vedic astrology. It gives auspicious results if it is well placed and in a good state (exalted or placed in own sign or in friendly sign). If Sun or Surya is well placed in the horoscope, it gives prosperity, fame, popularity, authority, good leadership skills, influence over people and good health. It is not well placed in the horoscope, it can cause eye problems, bad health, problems with authorities, unpopularity and problems in case of profession and money flow. The Sun In Vedic astrology The sun signifies father,courage,power,vitality,personality,authority,consciousness,sattvic nature native ruled by the sun will be of a large and round face, of honey coloured eyes,heart,brain,head,eye,bones,chest,lungs and stomach are the body parts signified by the sun. It also signifies as ambition, bloodlessness, and dignity, commanding power, politician, reliable, energy, grace and personality. But when the sun is afflicted in Indian horoscope or in Indian astrology, ill aspect or ill placed, it signifies arrogance, wavering temperament, jealous. Over ambitious. The Sun is the lord of Sunday, direction east, own house is Leo, exalted in Aries at 10 degree, mool trikona Leo 20 degree and
debilitated in Libra at 10 degree. Friendly planets of the Sun are moon, mars and Jupiter, neutral mercury and enemies are Saturn and Venus. It is considered male, positive and malefic in Indian astrology. The Sun denotes Ruby and metals are gold and copper. The constellation ruled by the sun are krittika,uttara Phalguni and uttara Ashadha,the major or Vimshottary period of Sun is for 6 years as considered in Indian astrology. The Diseases signifies by the Sun are weak eye sight,headache,disturbation of blood cieculation,fevers,bone weakness, palpitation of heart,baldness,epilepsy,heart diseases,lucaria,fistula and inflammatory complaints. Colours denoted by the Sun are orange, yellow, brown and gold.Sun, the ruler of all planets has innumerous names in Hindi but is commonly known as Surya/Suraj. The source of vitality and the physical make up; Sun is the heart of our solar system that includes nine planets. The planets move around the Sun and are dependent on its energy. Sun plays a vital role for existence of life forms in Earth, the only planet in our solar system with life forms. Sun is the supreme planetary body in astrology. According toIndian Astrology, Sun brings success, intellect, wisdom, fame and wealth and is the ruler of zodiac sign Leo. Good placement of Sun in the horoscope can bring fame to a person on his/her area of work, or even the whole world. If ill-placed in the horoscope it is an indication of physical, mental or emotional problems, pessimistic attitude, humiliation at the hands of others and impoverished conditions of life. It also makes the individual arrogant, boastful and vain. Right placement of Sun in the horoscope brings in willpower, energy and fortune to the life of an individual, enabling him/her to live life to its grandest. Whether it is the looks, personality, wisdom or achievement, Sun has a dominant role to play in an individual’s life. Right presence of Sun in horoscope brings in power, intelligence, and everything that makes a person an easy winner in every sphere of life. Sun impacts the physical, as well as psychological makeup of a person. People with the right placement of Sun in the horoscope, whether – a king, leader, politician, artist, jeweler, gemologist, actor, or in any other profession are known to be charitable. The Sun, eulogized as Vishnu, the lord of presentation, is the father of our solar system, around which all planets resolve. The power of light in the sky, the temperature of the earth, the power of presentation and progress are represented by the Sun. His presence means the day and absence means the night. The soul in human body and the power of rendering bodily services to others have also been referred to the Sun-a royal planet of power, authority and finances. The sun provides good results if placed in 1to 5, 8,9,11 and 12 houses. The 6,7 and 10th are bad houses for the sun. The moon, the Jupiter and the Mars are the planets friendly to the sun, where the Saturn, Venus, rahu and ketu are enemies. The first is the perfect house, the permanent house and the house of exaltation of the Sun, whereas the 7th house of debilitation. The Mars in the 6th house and ketu in the 1st house make the sun produce results of an exalted planet. if the sun is exalted or placed in an auspicious house of a person’s horoscope he is bound to rise higher and higher in power and position. if obstacles are created against him by a person that person is bound to meet his/her doom. Much better results are proposed, if the sun is conjunction with Mercury. The sun gives adverse effects on the things associated with the house in which he is placed. Consequently in the 1st house he will create health problems for the native. In the 2nd house he will affect the family and its comforts absolutely adversely. The Sun in the 6th house will not prove good for the sisters and daughters for the native. In the 7th house he will face obstacles in the comforts of the wife. The sun of the 8th house will save the native
from death in critical situations. The Sun of the 9th house will destroy the comforts of the forefathers and perhaps deprive the native of their properties. In the 10th house, the sun will affect the father adversely. The sun in the 11th increases and multiplies the income of the native manifold, if he does not augment the power of Saturn by consumption of liquor, meat and eggs. The Sun in the 12th house destroys the comforts of the night hour sleep of the native. The Sun will not be able to harm, Venus when the Sun is being aspected by Saturn because Saturn and Venus are great friends to each other. On the contrary, if the Saturn is being aspected by the Sun, then the Sun will not be afraid of Saturn and he will destroy the Venus as both are natural enemies in the house where he is placed. posted by Astrologer Mithilesh Pandey
Know Your Planets - The Sun The Sun is the Ruler of all the Planets and is a source of energy and life. It is considered as a Male Planet for Astrological purposes. The Sun generally signifies a person’s father in a horoscope who is responsible for bringing the person to life and it also represents forefathers and that is why the effect of any negative planet on the Sun causes a Pitra Dosh in a Horoscope. The Sun also signifies the people in authority like the Head of the States, The King, Highly ranked government officials, the government itself, Powerful Politicians and Police Officials , Doctors and so many other things and persons. The Sun generally represents a person’s Soul, the life giving energy, Will Power, Immune Power i.e the power to fight with diseases and stay healthy in general, Eyesight, the ability to produce healthy children and male children in particular, Leadership Qualities, Authority and control among some other things. The Sun rules the Pitta element in the body which means that it controls the fire energy in the body. The Sun becomes very strong in the fiery signs namely Aries, Leo and Sagittarius as the basic nature of the Sun and these sign is the same i.e they are all fiery in nature. The sun is exalted in Aries which is a fiery sign ruled by Mars which is a signifier of energy and so the Sun gains maximum strength in this sign. It is very strong in Leo which is its own sign as well as in Sagittarius which is a fiery sign ruled by Jupiter. The natives with a very strong Sun which is also clean from the influence of any negative planet and is good by placement also, are usually very healthy as the Sun directly represents the immune power and so they have very strong immune power and can fight the diseases in a better way than the individuals who don’t have a very strong Sun present in their horoscope. The people with a very strong Sun in their horoscope are usually the healthiest of all as they have very good digestion, a very well functioning heart which circulates the blood very well in their body and they can easily get rid of toxins formed in their body as a result of eating some particular foods. Physically, such people are usually very fit and they are usually neither found overweight nor underweight and enjoy a balanced physical shape almost throughout their lives though some of these aspects may change depending upon the placement, strength and Yogas or defects formed by other planets in a particular horoscope. People with a very strong Sun are usually of dominant nature and have a strong will power and are very quick at taking calculated risks and responsibilities. They may be very sensitive or emotional depending upon some other factors in their horoscope but they are very well able to control these emotions and sentiments most of the times in their lives and so they usually do what logically needs to be done in most of the situations in their lives. Such people are usually very firm with their decisions and it becomes very difficult to make them change their decisions once they have made
them. For this reason, they are often considered egoistic by many people, which they can be sometimes but many times they are only concerned with doing the right things as they see them and be very firm about executing the decisions made by them which can make them look egoistic sometimes even if they are not. Due to these qualities, such people usually make good leaders and have many people to follow them and depend on them no matter in whichever sphere of life they are. Males with a very strong and clean Sun in their horoscopes are capable of producing very healthy children and are particularly blessed with very healthy and in many cases intelligent male children. People with a strong Sun usually tend to take many responsibilities and work too much which can make them suffer physically as well as mentally at different times in their lives. They can easily exhaust themselves many times by working too much. They are likely to get skin allergies and problems in their stomach more than the other people due to the presence of a strong fire inside them which can easily cause stomach problems and skin diseases depending upon some other factors in their horoscope. But a strong Sun is always way better than a weak Sun in a horoscope as a weak sun brings many problems for the native. The Sun can become weak by its placement in particular signs like it is debilitated and the weakest when present in Libra and then it can become weak by placements in some particular houses. But these weaknesses are not the ones that trigger major unfavorable results. The worst kind of problems come when the Sun is weak by placement in a sign or in a house and at the same time it is strongly affected by one or more negative planets. The worst kind of affliction to the Sun can be seen when a negative Saturn affects the Sun when they are both present in Libra as in this case the Sun is already weak by its placement in Libra and the Saturn on the other hand is the strongest by placement in this sign as Saturn is exalted in Libra. And then the afflictions of negative Rahu or Ketu are also capable of doing potential damages to the Sun and the significances it rules in a horoscope. A Pitra Dosh is formed in these cases which affects most of the significances ruled by the Sun in that particular horoscope apart from its general significances. So a thorough study of this planet becomes very important in order to predict many important aspects of a person’s life. Sun - Surya Planet in Vedic Astrology Sun is the king of planetary cabinet and it is the most important planet of the system. The sun is Satvik and fiery by nature. It belongs to Kshatriya caste. The symbol of Sun is circle with a centre point. No other planet has a point in its symbol. The point expresses the divine spreading within the circumscribed area and again converging the centre. Sun is a square and well built in shape. Scanty but curly hair, sparse eyebrows, impressive voice, medium stature, with the long arms and strong bones, red eyesight, good intelligence, firm temperament and lovely appearance. Karaka of - Sun is karaka of Father, health, power, courage, kings royal favor, high status, dominance, heat, summer, medicine, mountain, forest, right eye, Govt. officials. When Sun is Strong in Horoscope:If, Sun is well placed or it is in exalted sign in the natal chart, it bestow to native, vitality, courage, power, authority, self confidence, resistance to disease, comfort from father, reputation, will power, favor from royalty and very good eyesight. When Sun is Afflicted in Horoscope:-
If, sun is placed over the 6th or 8th house in debilitated position or it is aspected or conjoined by natural malefic and enemy plants, it provide to native, arrogant, over ambition, proud, irritable, face public opposition, difference, poor eyesight, heart diseases, bone weakness and native may also suffer due to poor blood circulation. If Sun (Surya) is badly placed in your horoscope (also known as teva, kundli and birth chart) and not giving expected or yielded results, you should recite Surya Mantra 216 times everyday in the morning to minimize the ill effects of Surya Graha. The mantra is as follows: OM HRAM HREEM HROM SAH SURYAYE NAMAH The Power of the Sun The Sun is the ruler of the sign Leo in the Zodiac. It is exalted in Aries and debilitated in Libra. Sun rules the birthstars (constellations) of Krittika, Uttara Phalguni and Uttarashada. Natural friends are the Moon, Mars and Jupiter. Natural enemies are Saturn, Venus, Rahu and Ketu. The Sun's position in one's horoscope will indicate in a variety of traits of an individual, both physical and psychological. First, we should understand what the Sun represents in an astrological horoscope. The Sun is considered the ruler of our entire solar system. All the other planets orbit around it and are dependent on the Sun's energy for the existence of most life forms living upon them. From the position of the Sun in a horoscope, we can understand a lot about the person's physical appearance, although it is not the only factor. It represents the basic behavioral traits of a person as well, but again there are other factors that must also be taken into consideration. The Sun is the representative of father, so a competent astrologer should be aware of the parental status, traits and the relationship a person has with one's father. Even the length of the father's lifespan can be seen by the position of the Sun at the time of the person's birth. It can also be representative of the husband in a woman's chart. The Sun gives us power through the vitamins contained in its rays; so the level of a person's physical power, or energy, is also determined by the Sun. The Sun will also determine the amount of influence to be gained over others during his or her lifetime. The Sun is the king of all planets and is the supplier of light and heat to the universe, and therefore has more influence over life than any other planet. Success in maintaining a healthy body, vitality, immune system, and the willpower to achieve greatness in society - are under the purview of the Sun. It gives life force, intelligence and prosperity. It is indicative of wealth, wisdom, good fortune and success in all worldly affairs. Our ambition and the ability to understand the physical and the phenomenal worlds all come under the Sun's control. The Sun represents kings, government officials, people in government service and leaders. It represents wealthy or famous people, as well as those living in or connected with a church, temple, or religious institution. It also represents creative people like artists, actors, jewelers, gemologists, and gold merchants. Doctors, nurses and those connected with the healing field are also ruled by the Sun. The Sun, if well placed in the chart, can give great abilities in the categories mentioned, making a person cheerful, fortunate, and wise. If ill-placed in the horoscope, it can indicate in myriad of physical as well as possible mental or emotional problems, pessimistic attitude, humiliation at the hands of others and impoverished conditions of life. A strong Sun can give rise to fame in their area, field, or even the whole world. An individual would be virtuous, full of vitality and have the potency
to instruct or command others in proper way if the Sun is beneficially disposed. The Sun can indicate that a person's status in society increases steadily during his lifetime to a place far above that in which he/she was born. If the Sun is afflicted in the horoscope, it may make a person too proud or egotistical. It may also indicate excessive arrogance or boastfulness. The Sun will reveal its full influence between the ages of 12 and 24 years. In the physical body, the Sun is the ruler of the heart, head, lungs, liver, nervous system and skeletal structure. It indicates the right eye in a male and the left in a female. To fast on a Sunday is recommended if the Sun is weak in the horoscope. Temple Suryanar Koil is dedicated to the Sun God. Other planetary gods also have independent shrines in Suryanar Koil surrounding the Sun's central shrine. The temple is astronomically significant, as it is located at a strategic point to receive maximum beneficial rays from the planets. As all of the planetary deities are represented in this temple, this temple is the most important one for performing remedies for all the nine planets. The nine planets themselves worshiped Shiva at this temple. Shiva ordained that whoever came to this temple and worshipped here would feel the reversal of karma and get rid of harmful effects from the planets. At Suryanar Koil, Ganesha - the remover of obstacles - is worshipped first. Then, the rest of the planets are worshipped in order. Lamps are lit and remedies are performed as prescribed. THE SUN: The Sun is the King of the solar system and represents kingship in general in human affairs. It is a solitary planet, being the leader and may not like its boundaries being breached. People strongly influenced by the Sun are sticklers for propriety and are very fond of rules and are aware of the importance of abiding by them and have people abide by them too. The Sun is bilious in nature and so are the people ruled by the Sun, having an excess of Pitta or a Pitta constitution. The Sun also rules small firearms. Sun is also referred to as Ravi and the Devata associated with the Graha is Surya. The Sun rules political leaders and politics and leaders in any field whatsoever. The Sun finds its Marana Karaka Sthana in the 12th House, its exaltation in Mesha Rashi/ Aries and its debilitation in Tula Rashi/ Libra. In Marana Karaka Sthana, the King is reduced to penury and there are dwindling resources. The Sun is at its most powerful in the 10th House from the Lagna where it has 100% Digbala/ directional strength. The Sun is a decision-maker, a leader and therefore it shines in the arena of work and Karma. Ravi is also the Karaka for the 10th House and shows the resources and fame that exist in work. Ravi is the Naisargika/ natural Atmakaraka and indicates the soul. It also indicates temples being the primary Karaka of the 9th House from the Lagna. The Sun also rules physicians and is also the Karaka of the Lagna, the Self, and the way in which the self shines. The Sun indicates power and brilliance. The Sun in the 12 signs indicates the 12 Adityas, the Dwadash Adiyta. The practical relevance of the Adityas lies in the fact that the relevant and correct form of the Aditya is to be worshipped considering the nature of the sign. The Aditya corresponding with the sign of the Naryana Dasha may also be worshipped as this is the place where Narayana sits during a specific Dasha. The other useful thing is to analyse the Rashi and Bhava placement of the Sun and worship the Adityas associated with the Bhavas/ signs.
The Sun governs music and rhythm. The Graha is associated with the Bhagwad Gita. The Sun is the giver of all resources and should be used as a reference for the Mahadasha Graha in the Vimshottari Dasha scheme. Sun The Sun is the father of our solar system, around which all of our planets revolve. All living forms within our solar system depend on the Sun for their life force. Any planet that is in conjunction with the Sun loses its power; any planet that comes too near the Sun becomes retrograde. King of the solar system, the Sun follows the laws inherent in the particles of energy, the cosmic law. The Sun, known for its regularity of movement, completes one revolution around its own axis in twenty-five days. According to the Hindu scriptures, the Sun is the dwelling place of ancestors and is the first of eight Vasus (dwelling places of consciousness). The luminous, effulgent mass, visible with the naked eye, is the Sun’s body; its consciousness is represented by a Kshatriya (warrior king) on his chariot, driven by seven horses (which represent the seven rays of light). His chariot moves steadily on a solitary wheel. The Sun gives an assertive, individualistic, exuberant, and proud nature. The Sun represents a purifying male energy. Associated with Vishnu, the Lord of preservation, the Sun is characterized as having a stable and selfness nature, one that is strong, firm, authoritative, royal and respectable. It is lord of the East. The Moon, Mars and Jupiter are friends to the Sun. Saturn, Venus, Rahu and Ketu (north and south nodes of Moon) are its enemies. Mercury has a neutral relationship with the Sun. According to astrologers, the Sun passes through one of the twelve zodiac signs each month. The Sun is exalted (at its peak) in Aries; this power decreases gradually, until the Sun passes Virgo. From Libra onward, the energy starts its full descent and becomes weakest when it researches the zodiac sign Pisces. From there, it again rises to its peak in Aries. It ruled the Zodiac sign Leo. The Sun influences the intellect – it makes its natives masculine, authoritative, harsh, strong, witty, extroverted, helpful to friends, and brutal to enemies. Like a lion, the upper torso of a native influenced by the Sun is more developed than the lower half. They become famous and achieve top positions in their field of work. Sun natives have bile-dominated temperaments. The Sun rules over the right eye, right nostril, pingala nadi (right channel), the right side of the body, and the left hemisphere of the brain. More about Sun The Sun is the parent body of the Solar System. The Sun rules over the sign Leo and his exaltation is in 19 degrees of Aries. He has no latitude, being always in the ecliptic and is never in the inferior state. He co-operates sympathetically with all the planets except Saturn. He is temperately hot, dry and masculine. He can be good or evil depending upon the planets in configuration with him. The Sun is the center and giver of all life. And as such he is the backbone of the whole system of Astrology. The moon is the giver of form and consequently the conjunction or opposition between the Sun and the Moon is malignant in the physical plane, or the same when in parallel of declination. The relationship of the Sun and Moon largely determines whether life can be expressed harmoniously or the reverse. If the aspects are friendly, our individuality and personality cooperate. And we are not confronted with the many oppositions and conflicting conditions present when the Sun and Moon are unfriendly or in parallel to each other.
When the Sun is strongly placed in an individual horoscope, particularly in his own sign Leo, in rising, the native has a large, long strong body, piercing eyes and well built person. He has broad, high forehead and light curly hair. If the Sun is in his dignified aspect, the native is of noble disposition, proud, magnanimous and generous. He is humane, affable and a faithful friend, and a generous enemy. He is also prone to be over found of magnificence. If the Sun is in his ill dignified aspect of the individual’s horoscope, the native is foolishly proud or vain, arrogant, troublesome, stubborn, superficial, restless and uncharitable. Where the Sun is in a dominant position of influence in the life, the will is strong and the person possesses a masterful character. And the confidence given by self-respect and cheerful outlook toward life will cause the native to attract much good fortune. However, the native may find it necessary to guard against being too frank and outspoken, and it may be advisable for him to cultivate caution and secretiveness. He must also check his fondness for display which may, if unchecked, turn into “Exhibition Complex.” The native of this planet possesses unusual skill to look unto mysteries of life to make a study of nature’s finer forces, and he is also endowed with the power to rise above the station to which he is born. Others will turn to him for counsel and assistance. Many men holding top government positions or those of high executive positions are born strongly under the influence of this planet. However, it all depends on one’s sphere as to the degree and type of success attained. The native of this planet is easily led, but he can be very stubborn and difficult to manage if he feels that he is being imposed upon. The Sun, represents the constitution, the life principle and the character of the native. Where the influence of the Sun is strong, it enables the native to reap the rewards of favorable planetary aspects. And conversely the individual has to suffer and endure the buffets of adverse influences. Where the Sun is weak, no amount of benefits from the other planets will counter act that affliction. The Sun governs the back, the heart, the arteries, the eyes and the retentive faculty. His illnesses are fainting, palpitation of the heart and weak sight. The Sun rules organic troubles and the Moon functional disorders. At a Glance SUN (Sun is Satwik, Fiery and Kshatriya planet) Friends : Moon, Mars, Jupiter Enemies : Saturn, Venus Neutral :Mercury Lord of : Leo Mooltrikona : Leo 0degree to 20 Exaltation : Aries 10 degrees Debilitation : Libra 10 degrees Kalas/Kiranas: 30/20 Sex : Male Direction : East Lucky Stone : Ruby, Garnet Lucky Colors : Orange, Saffron, Light Red Lucky nos : 1, 10, 19
Diety : Siva, Fire, Rudra, Lord Narayana, Sachidananda Beej Mantra : Om hram heem heaum se suryaye namah. (7000 times in 30 days) Articles of : Wheat, Copper, Ruby, Rur, Red cloth or Flowers, Sandal Wood, Donation Khandasari, Saffron (at Sun rise on Sunday) Appearance : Honey coloured eyes, square in shape, short hair, hyper irritability Weak eyesight, well proportioned body. Represents : Soul, Ego, Atma, Vitality, Strength, Doctoring, Capacity, Dhatuas Prominent : Political, Royal, Aristocratic Planet, A natural atamkaraka, Barren, Qualities A source of life, Heat and Energy, Quadruped. Karaka of health, father, power, authority, fame, name, government, royalty, medicine, eyes, wool, wood or timber, places of worship, brokerage or commission, blood circulations, paternal, uncle, service (6th house), profession (10th house), courage, patrimony, hon’ble rank, politician, doctor, physician, soul, forests deserts. Surya Surya is the karaka ( indicator some call this significator in Jyotish language) of the Atman, or SELF. Surya is of key import in one's Janma Kundali ( birth chart) as the indicator of Atman, the karaka of the ascendant ( Lagna), the eyes, etc. The sun or Surya in these discussions is not so much the physical sun we see in the sky, but of that cosmic impulse that resides in our universe and is aligned with and associated with the sun, it's purity and brilliance. There is nothing on this earth that is not an expression of the sun. Without the sun there is no life, no solar system (as it contains 98% of the total solar system's angular momentum that is, our rotational energy). What else does Surya indicate or bring to one on this material earth? He is the karaka of father, power, authority, fame ( in one's career as Surya is karaka of the 10th house). Since surya meters out the day by the amount of light that is given for ones actions, the sun also is the karaka for how one spends their time. What is of interest is Surya's bija (seed) mantra of ghrini. When properly used and combined with other bija , it assists one in their career . He brings vitality to ones life, yet pending where Surya resides in one's chart i.e. which bhava or rasi (sign or house), will indicate his influence in ones life. Why so? As he is the indicator of the core of you , the soul of you, this will have great import in one's overall life. As previously mentioned, above all these things, he is the natural atmakarka of ones own SELF. To this, is why so many pay high regard to Surya. Because of this position Surya is the owner of the letter A, the sound Aum, the long A as in Ahhh. He is first everyhere, the originator of this creation and therefore the indicator of Brahma, the owner of Om (Aum) and vag-devi bija Aaa or long a, ahhh. Surya is the indicator of royalty. Most highly expressed in Sri Ram's placement of the sun in Aries in His chart. He indicates courage, one's blood circulation, he owns the east direction ( as he rises there); The gem that brings surya's influence is a ruby (red), and some use a red garnet also. Surya is praised in the Gayatri hymn of the Veda as savitor (Rk Ved 3.62.10, the rishi is Vishwamitra); Surya is also recognized ( hymned) by rishi Angiras in another surya praise found in the Rk ved 1.35.2. Parashara muni ( father of vedic astrology and a rishi no less in the Rk Ved) also praises Surya as the head of the Navgraha ( 9 graha's or planets; not the perfect translation for graha or that which binds, but we will use it as planet for now). Ved Vasya also praises Surya in the following sloka:
Japakusum samkasam kashyapeyam mahadyutim Tamorim saravapapaghanam pranatosmi divakaraaram What this says - Lets us chant the glory of the sun ( surya) whose beauty rivals that of a flower. I bow down to him, the greatly effulgent son Of Kashyap, who is the enemy ( ~ papa~) of darkeness and destoryer of all sins. We sing thee praise in different forms and the different directions) Surya ( east direction) Ravaye ( south east) Vivaswate (south) Bhagavate (south west) Varunaya (west) Mitraya (north west) Adityaya (north) Vishnave (north east) Bhaskaraya ( up direction and down direction) According to Vedic Astrology,Sun or Surya is auspicious in the Following Houses. 1)Aries 2)Leo 3)Scorpio 4)Sagittarius The below mentioned sloka(verse) in sanskrit is a tonic for people who's Lord Surya(Sun) is affected or weak in a Horoscope.This sloka is taken from Sage Valmiki Sundarakandam.This is the first sloka. "Thato Ravananithayaha Sitayaha Shatrukarshanaha Iyesha padamanveshtum Charana Charite Pati" Meaning - Thus Lord Hanuman travelled through the sky in search of Ravana's hideout wherein Goddess Sita was kept, the path travelled by Charanas.(Celestial Beings.) Lord Surya(Sun) is considered as the Guru of Lord Hanuman. The Reason being, in Lord Hanuman's childhood days it was Lord Surya (Sun) who taught the Veda's to Lord Hanuman. Thus the underlining meaning of the sloka(verse) is that if the Sishya(Disciple)travels in the path of the Guru(Teacher) the end task will be easily achieavable. In this case , the path travelled by Lord Surya(Sun) and Lord Hanuman is the same ie; the Sky.Thus Lord Hanuman could locate Goddess Sita. Hanumanji in Jyotish is also recognized as Mangala or Mars. Surya and Mars are great friends. So much so, that Sun / Surya is exalted in Aries, owned by Mars. You are well aware of RamHanumanji's relationship from the Ramayana ( Rama + ayana or the direction/vehicle to Ram)- as is the relationship of Surya-Mangala. Mars is seen as tejas , or fire principle, or even agni. The first letters of Rama's name 'Ra' is the bija mantra for Agni. So there reationship is quite profound. Surya ( also known as Savitor in the gayatri mantra) that may be blemished in ones chart - what would that indicate? Lets take a quick look. Sun/Surya is the karaka ( significator-indicator) for the eyes, for ones lagna or ascendent, for power, royality, medicine, places of worship (along with Brihaspati or Jupiter), blood circulation, the 10th house or career ( since sun rules light and the metering out of the day, Surya indicates how one spends their time e.g. career - that said, Sani also plays role too). So, if one has a blemish with the sun ( some examples: ill placed, with malifics, with poor rasi or graha dristi , that is planet and house aspects), one may have poor eye sight or no eye sight at all;
Health may be challanging, profession may be difficult, circulation may be poor and one feels cold all the time. So 'afflictions' can be light ( wearings glasses), moderate, or severe pending Sun's placement and other factors e.g. dasa periods, bindu's ( or strenth of the sign/rasi the sun is in), etc . etc. Sun is also the karkaka of pride, and too much, feeds the ego, and one's humbleness is challanged. Of Upayes or corrective measures - this upaya ,or skillful means, techniques, to mitigate blemishes in ones chart are many. You point to japa/mantra given by Valmilki. Yes, this is good. There are ones given by Parashara, Ved Vayasa, etc. There are upyae's that are yajyas, gem stones to wear ( for the sun it would be a ruby) and worn on the right hand, Yantra's, mantras, etc. Many Upayaes are offered. The best one is to be established in the SELF and then these blemishes are no more part of one's life. Surya (Sun) Astronomy: Sun is the father of the entire Solar System. For the earthlings, it is the nearest Star and is about 93 million miles away from earth. It is the largest Celestial body in the Solar system and is nearly 750 times larger than all the planets put together. Scientists say that Sun does not have a solid mass but is composed of gaseous matters, which is constantly burning and is emitting immense heat. All planets revolve around the Sun, it is the life giver and only luminary in true sense. Astrological Significance: Some important significance as per Uttara Kalamrita is a) Soul b) Power or Strength c) Worship of Shiva d) Trees having thorns e) Favor of the king or the Ruler f) Father g) Awakening of knowledge or enlightenment h) Bones I) Eye j) Bile k) Feverish or inflammatory complaints l) Body m) Timber n) Ornaments o) Rulership over eastern direction p) Copper q) Ruby r) East s) Face. It is generally seen that a weak Sun causes some deficiency with respect to the above mentioned significations and a strong Sun is the giver of many boons. Other Astrological Considerations: Sun rules over the Simha Rashi and is deeply exalted at 10 degrees Aries and is powerless or deeply debilitated at 10 degrees of Tula . Its Mooltrikona rashi is in Simha from (0 - 20 degrees). It is powerful at day and has a royal status among the planets, the complexion is blood red, and Presiding deity is Agni. It is a male planet and is of Kshatriya Varna, which represents men in power or the warrior class. Sun is a predominantly Sattawik planet. It represents pungent taste. Sun has honey coloured eyes, square body; he is of clean habits, is bilious, intelligent and manly and has limited hair on his head. Sun is friendly to Moon, Mars and Jupiter and inimical to Venus and Saturn. It is neutral to Mercury. Sun represents one Ayana. The period when Sun enters Capricorn to the period when Sun leaves Dhanu Rashi the period is known as Uttarayana. When Sun enters Karka to the period when it leaves Mithuna the period is known as Dakshinayana. Sun is considered stronger in the southern direction. Sun rules over the Simha Rashi and is deeply exalted at 10 degrees Aries and is powerless or deeply debilitated at 10 degrees of Tula . Its Mooltrikona rashi is in Simha from (0 - 20 degrees). SUN- The Cosmic Splendour S – Soul, Self, Status, Spontaneity U – Unprecedented glory, Upcoming, Upward
N – Noble, Natural, Nourishing Among all the planets Sun is the only planet who takes the credit of beginning the day. Every morning its innumerable rays in different hues ( sahasranshu), appear in the eastern horizon & dispel the darkness ( Timiromanthay), & slowly envelope the entire sky ( Vyomnathaya), like a king. Sun is known as the ‘King’ in the planetary cabinet. The Sun is the star at the centre of our Solar system, around which the earth & planets revolve. In Indian astrology Sun is called Surya & represents the soul, kingship, highly placed people, & father. Like a soulful & dutiful father, He is there every day to spread light and warmth, nurturing us throughout & makes the universe move on. The entire living organism on this earth needs Sun’s light & energy for survival. In Western astrology Sun’s position on a person’s birth-day determines his sun sign. The Sun presents the conscious ego, the self and its expression, personal power, pride, authority, leadership qualities, creativity, spontaneity, health & vitality and the life force. In KALPURUSH kundli Sun rules the 5th house- sign Leo, exalts in sign Aries, & debilitates in Libra. 5th house signifies creativity, progeny, recognition, higher education, speculation. A well placed Sun in a horoscope enhances all these factors in a native’s life. The Sun is an important factor when considering the health of a person. In medicine sun is associated with heart, head, bones, eyes & circulatory system. Debilitated sun in Libra, when weak, gives poor eye sight, migraine, heart trouble, dental problems, problems in bone structure, high fever, blood pressure, baldness, bone cancer & weak immune system. It rules Vitamin A & D, minerals, iodine & magnesium. A strong Sun in horoscope exemplifies the cosmic wonders. However, an exalted Sun in the horoscope makes the person an egoist & gives superiority complex, as status, high position, authority, victory, individuality, energy are all Sun’s domain. Lord Rama worshipped this splendid planet before He Set forth for battle with Ravana to get victory. However, to get the positive results from this divinity, one must recite – Surya’s Dwadshnam Strotra regularly‘Adityah’ prathamam nam, dwityam tu ‘Diwakarah’ Trityam ‘Bhaskarh’ proktam, chaturtham tu ‘Prabhakarah’, Panchamam tu ‘Sahasranshu’, Shashtam ‘Trilokyalochana’ Saptamam ‘Haridashvashch’, ashtamam ch ‘Vibhavasuh’ Navamam ‘Dinkarah’ Proktam, dashmam ‘Dwadshatmakhai’, Ekadasham ‘Triyomurthih’, dwadasham ‘Surya’ Aiv ch. Akadasham Triyomurti, dwadasham Surya aiv ch By Sanjana Mittal
Sun The Sun is the center of solar system. Its mean distance from earth is 14,96,00,000 kms. It is nearest to earth in January every year when it is 14,71,03,000 kms and farthest in July when its distance from earth is 15,21,06,000 kms. Its diameter is 13,92 000 kms (109.3 times of earth’s diameter), surface area is 6.087 x 1012 square kms. (1,20,000 times of earth’s surface area), Volume is 1.41 x 1018 cubic kms. (1,306,000 times the earth’s volume) and mass is 1.99 x 1030 kgs. The average rotation of Sun in zodiac is 10 per day and therefore it takes exactly one year to go around the zodiac. Sun is a symbol of spirit. It is considered as soul of kalapursha. Sun is considered as king of all planets. Possibly Sunday is kept as a holiday every where so that people are able to worship Sun on Sundays. Sun represents lord Brahma with his four faces causing the four seasons and four elements
(Fire, Air, Earth, Water). The Sun offers us power of resistance and vitality. It rules our consciousness. It gives us force and will power and makes one determined and decisive. Sun is hot, dry, masculine and positive planet. He is god of Fire and fiery in nature. Sun is lord of direction East and governs ‘Grishma’ season (June-July). His color is orange. Sun represents father of the native, kings, the government and those in authority. Sun gives the native honey colored eyes and large and round face. It makes color of body and hair lighter in shade and gives a bilious temperament. Parts of the body ruled by Sun are heart, head, brain, right eye in males and left eye in females, bones, mouth, spleen, throat, lungs, arteries, blood and its circulation. When Sun is afflicted it makes the native arrogant, mean, boastful, irritable, jealous, wavering temperament, angry, proud, immoral. When Sun is beneficial it gives boldness, commanding ability, fame, position, dignity, vitality, energy, happiness, royal appearance, optimism, power, success, good health, warmth, affection, good temperament, respect to elders, honour from government, wealth. Products: The products represented by Sun are rice, groundnut, coconut, almonds, chillies, myrobalans, wheat, lavender, saffron, gur, pungent taste juice, orange, asafoetida, cardamoms, poison, laurel, vermin, cedar, marigold, pod grains etc. Animals : Sun represents all majestic animals like lion, boar, horse, and serpents. It also represents Lark, swan, nightingale and other singing birds. Abode : Sun represents places like mountains, forests, Shiva temples, fortress, government buildings, public offices like District Boards, panchayat etc. Precious metals & Gems : Gems represented by Sun are Gold, Copper and Ruby. Native whose lord of ascendant is Sun can wear the ring of Ruby in copper or gold in ring finger in the constellation of Sun. The Sun in Leo Leo is ruled by the Sun himself and the Sun is the central figure. In Leo the following Nakshatras find their place. 00.00 to 13.20 degrees of Leo or 00.00 to 13.30 of Magha- ruled by ketu 00.13 to 26.40 degrees of Leo or 00.13.20 to 26.40 or Pruva-Phalguni ruled by Venus. 26.08 to 30.00 degrees of Leo or 00.00 to 03.20 degrees of Uttara-Phalguni ruled by the Sun. If the native is born in Magha, the native gets medium height and innocent appearance. In some cases there are notices in hands and beneath the shoulders. Such native get prominent neck and hair body. The Sun in Leo upto 13.20 minutes gives the native to speak the truth. The native is enterprising and respects elders. God fearing but enjoys the life, he becomes expert in various shastras and depending on the totality of the horoscope, such native do receive horror and recognition. At times hotempered but is capable of doing many things for the society. Female native born with Sun in Leo upto 13.20 are generally beautiful and have attractive features but they are fond of quarreling and anger is on tip of their more. God fearing and enjoy royal comforts and helpful to others. She becomes the source of friction in the family and this mental capacity must be
curbed for happy family life. It is stated by sages that appearance of menses in this Nakshtra (Magha- Sun in Leo) makes the native generous respectful and may also inherit potential property. Person born with Sun in Leo upto 3.20 degrees may suffer night-blindness or have some other eye problem. So of these natives suffer poverty and unemployment upto the middle age specially those born with the Sun in Leo with 10.00 to 13.20 degrees. With snubbed nose but attractive personality the person born with the Sun in Leo between 13.20 to 26.40 degrees like pull freedom but mind remains full of disturbances on one matter or the others. Such persons cannot become slave to others i.e. they hate subordination. Though a draw-back in the present day but they can derive much benefit by being ‘yest-master'. Though not a party to illegal activates but they have less tolerance power. At times such persons develop several hidden enmities. By and large married life is happy and the native will have children. The natives are likely to acquire good position after the age of 45. Those born with the Sun in Leo in this Nakshtra and aspected by the other luminary i.e. the Moon may have good chances of settling and/or visiting foreign countries and if this Sun is aspected by Saturn. The native may have number of servants but many be engaged in unlawful activities. Females born under this position of the Sun in Leo are born lucky and have ‘medium' height double chin and overall attractive personality. Persons born with the Sun in Leo should make extensive use of copper and gold (including wearing of rings of these metals and they should also be devoted to any work relating to lord shiva). For Scorpio Lagan people, the Sun in Leo i.e. the 10th house, the native is intelligent, possesses valor and vitality, capable of having highest position in Military/ army and police, gets wealth and conveyances, succeeds in all undertaking and briefly such native is courageous, unassailable and praise worthy. Depending on other planetary position, the native lives like a king. Depending on the horoscope of the spouse, such native must be blessed with sons. With reference to body parts, Leo represents breasts and heart. The natives with the Sun in Leo specially in the fourth house are prone to heart problems including hypertension, high fever and in some cases become responsible for epilepsy. The Sun in Leo is capable of making high-class leaders, film stars, heads of colleges etc apart from giving the native the needed will power and wisdom. For Aries Lagan persons, the Sun in Leo (5th house) objectionable character, few children, danger to father but high belly. This has been stated in compendium of astrology. Leo itself is prone to anger and excess of pride and the Sun in Leo adds fuel to the fire. Such natives easily become excitable. An unrestrained Leo means arrogance and thus such native need constant guidance. However, idea of revenge is not kept in mind. The native with the Sun Leo is bold and confident but at times makes many enemies. At times, such natives are failures apparently because of over estimating of their capabilities. Be that as it many the constitution of Leo persons with the Sun in Leo is normally robust and all organs of the body are well developed. Even are fearless and commanding with high and broad forehead. The Sun in Leo (5th house) gives honors, success, pleasure, loving nature and intelligence through education. However, this Sun in Leo when in 6th house can cause bronchitis, asthma, heart trouble. Far Virgo lagan persons, the Sun in Leo (12th house) can give unexpected eye trouble, loss of wealth, strange sickness and depending on the placement of Venus and Mars, the native derive pleasure from sensual activities. But this Sun can also make the nature miser, unscrupulous and proudly and unfortunate with trouble from higher authorities and opposite sex. Sun in Leo specially of the 5th house delays the birth of children.
The transit of the Sun in Leo (26-40 to 30.00 degrees) can become responsible for death of brother though the totality of horoscope need to be considered. The native continues to be talkative and enthusiastic. Highly imbibitions and cannot act in subordinate position. Those in service may change over to independent business reasonable position in life is indicated. HOW TO INTERPRET THE POSITION OF THE SUN IN THE HOROSCOPE? The existence of the Sun is the absolute reason behind life on Earth. The lord Sun is described as beautiful, having square body, not much tall, curly hair, good looking and intellectual, body color dark red, strong bones, face color similar to saffron, reddishness in eyes, deep voice, full of valor and courage; and calm and stable in nature. This symbolization of the Sun as a Human Being makes it easier to understand the implications of the Sun in the horoscope. For example, if only the Sun is placed in the Lagna | Ascendant, most of the significations mentioned above will hold true for the native concerned. If the Sun is placed in the 2nd house, then we can check these significations in the light of 2nd house significations. Like the voice of the native, his eyes color and the face. If the Sun is placed in the 3rd house, then we can check these significations in the light of significations denoted by the third house i.e. initiative, courage, valor etc. And, in the same way we can analyze and understand the implications of the Sun being placed in a specific house of the birth chart. Given below are some more significations of the Sun, which can be used to identify and predict the influence of the Sun in the birth chart of a person. Rank in the planetary cabinet King Taste Bitter Gender Masculine Clothing Thick clothe Direction East Metal Copper, Gold Absolute Signification Soul Element Fire Next thing to judge is the sign occupied by the Sun. The Sun is in comfortable position in its own Sign i.e. Leo; in Aries the Sun is exalted while it goes in debilitation in Libra sign. Apart from this, the Sun will be moderately comfortable in the Sign of planets which are friendly towards the Sun; while the Sun will not be comfortable in the Signs which are ruled by the planets having enmity towards the Sun. The Saturn and Venus are inimical towards the Sun, and hence, Sun’s placement in the signs rules by Venus and Saturn i.e. Taurus, Libra, Capricorn and Aquarius is not suitable for the Sun and the natal significations ruled by it. The planets Mars, Moon, Jupiter and Mercury are friendly towards the Sun in decreasing order, and therefore, Sun’s placement in the signs ruled by these planets is favorable for the Sun to delineate its results upon the native concerned. Signs of a weak Sun in the Chart
Indications are a lack of self-confidence, self–esteem or self-respect – a general low self-worth. There will be lack of strength of will and courage, along with fear of others. The individual may lack drive and motivation and may be dependent upon others emotionally and materially. They will look to others (usually family and friends), for their sense of identity and will find it difficult to do things on their own. They will have a poor self-image, and look to others to define who they are. They are usually not very successful in life or their success will not make them feel good about themselves. The individual may be sluggish, slow, dull or lethargic. The father of the person usually does not have a good fate in life either.On the physical level, the individual may suffer from low energy, pallor, anaemia, cold extremities, weak digestion, poor appetite, weak or slow pulse, weak heart and poor circulation. There may be edema, accumulation of water and phlegm, and general hypo-function of the organs and nervous system. The eyesight may be poor. There may be arthritis and weakness of the bones. The resistance will be low, particularly to cold and damp conditions. Astrological Factors A weak Sun is evidenced by the Sun being in its debility (Libra), or in an inimical sign (like those of Saturn), in difficult houses (like the sixth, eight, twelfth) or under malefic aspect (like those of Saturn, Rahu or Ketu). Ketu’s aspect or close conjunction is particularly difficult. The Sun is usually a benefic planet for Aries, Leo, Scorpio and Sagittarius ascendants. For them, the positive qualities of the Sun like leadership, independence, intelligence and insight can be enhanced by these same measures, even if the Sun is not weak. Gem The main gemstone for the Sun is a Ruby. It should be a minimum of two carats in size. It should be set in gold of fourteen carats or more, and worn on the ring finger of the right hand. It should be a good quality, without flaws and transparent. As a substitute, garnet can be used, but it should be of at least three carats in size, preferably five. A large garnet pendent, or strand of garnet, can be worn around the neck. These gems should be put on first on a Sunday, preferably at the rising of the Sun, particularly when the Sun is strong, as when in its own sign or exalted (also good is in Sagittarius). When to be careful wearing a gem for the Sun Gems for the Sun should usually not be worn if the individual suffers from fever, bleeding, ulcers, hypertension, or infectious disease (high pitta). Psychological indications are excess ambition, seeking of power, a dominating nature, a strong ego, pride, or vanity. Astrological factors are when the Sun is the lord of malefic houses (like the third, sixth and eleventh). We should be careful wearing gems for the Sun when benefic planets in the chart, like the Moon, Venus, Mercury, or Jupiter are in combust (close conjunction), or in strong aspect (opposition) to it. Colors One should meditate on the red or gold solar orb as residing in the heart. One should use light, bright, clear, transparent, warm colors- generally red, yellow, gold and orange- avoiding dark colors, places and environments, particularly cloudy colors, grays, and blacks. Herbs Solar energy is increased by taking spicy and fiery herbs, like cayenne, black pepper, dry ginger, long pepper, cardamom, saffron, calamus, bayberry and cinnamon (specifically the Ayurvedic formula Trikatu). Calamus is best for the sattvic side of solar energy in the mind. Aromatic oils and fragrances for the Sun are camphor, cinnamon, eucalyptus, saffron-most warm and stimulating oils. Mantras
There are many mantras for the Sun, as the Sun has many names like Surya, Savitar, Aditya, Ravi, Mitra, Varuna, Aryaman, Pushan, Indra, Agni, and so on. The main name mantra is: OM SURYAYA NAMAHA. Others are OM SAVITRE NAMAHA; OM ADITYAYA NAMAHA; OM RAVAYE NAMAHA. The main bija (seed) mantra is OM SUM (Pronounced soom). These mantra should be repeated at least 108 times a week, preferably on a Sunday, during the day (as at dawn, noon or sunset). Another good seed mantra for the Sun is RAM (pronounced rahm), the name of the avatar Rama. This increases our connection with the Divine light generally. Om itself is said in the Vedas and Upanishads to be the sound of the Sun. The Sun is the essence of all vowels. Deities The Sun relates to the Divine father. In the Hindu religion, this is Shiva, Mahadeva, the great God. Yet the Sun represents the Divine presence generally and whatever form of the Divine we worship can be used for this purpose. The second great Hindu form of the Divine, Vishnu, is also worshipped as the Sun, representing more the immanent or benefic side of solar energy. The Sun is also the Divine Son. The great avatars are sons of the Sun. Christ follows in this line as well, with his birth at the winter solstice (the Sun reborn), as do Rama, Krishna and Buddha. Yoga Usually the individual will do well in practising meditation and the Yoga of knowledge to connect to the higher self within. The main thing is to establish a sense of self-identity according to our inner nature as pure consciousness. We must learn to discriminate between the lower self and the higher self. We should trace the origin of the “I thought” to the Divine light within the heart. Life Style The individual should cultivate independence and courage. They should challenge their fears. They should bring the light into all the dark corners of their mind. They should learn to appear in public alone and be able to spend time alone. They should strive to take more initiative and a leadership role in life. They should spend time outdoors in the Sun, along with Sun-bathing twenty minutes or more a day. They should rise early in the morning and greet the Sun, preferably with some prayer or chant to the Divine at dawn, noon and sunset. Sun / Surya Sun is treated as a ferocious and cruel planet. It's nature is hot and it is the controller of sharpness of mind, beauty and energy of body. It is also the master of successes in life and controls the family affairs along with the Mars. Sun is related to fulfilment of desires, eye diseases, care of eyes, leprosy, skin diseases, span and longevity of life, success in fortune. Favourite Colour : Vermillion Red Favourite Day : Sunday Favourite God / Deity : Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati The ill effects of Sun can be minimised and the good effects can be increased according to Indian mythology by doing the following tasks. Any or all of these, one can select as per one's convenience. • Choose any Sunday and donate a piece of red cloth to the poor. Sun is associated with red colour. Doing so will please the Sun and it's benevolence will increase and it's malevolence will decrease considerably.
Just at Sunrise, worship the Sun, pour pure water in front of the Sun, pray soulfully. It is believed that the Sun will listen to you and bestow it's grace to your prayers. • Lord Shiva, the merciful god, will bless you when worshipped with offerings of red flowers. Offering of such mode of prayer will appease the Sun Planet. • If possible, donate, according to your capacity, gold or copper on a Sunday to a needy person. But, this should fall within the reach of your budget. This will help to retard the annoyance of the Sun. • Feeding the needy and poor with roasted grams & Gud (Raw Sugar) on Sunday is one more step to appease the Sun. • To add effect to your prayers, use red sandal beaded garland in counting of chanting mantras to propitiate Planet Sun. • Distribute religious books and prayer books as per your capacity on any Sunday. This will help reduce the opposite nature of the Sun. • Sun is associated with knowledge. So, spread knowledge and your sincere efforts will please the Sun. Doing this free of cost will bring brighter results. • Everyday, use at least one cardamom in eating. • Use Khas (Poppy Seeds) every day as Thandai shake (Cooling Syrup). • Use a little Mulaiti (liquorice) by chewing a piece of it every day. • Recline or rest in the shadow of pine trees - think and thank Sun. • Put an auspicious mark of saffron (Spilus Mark) on the forehead (Red Tilak). • Copper is a metal related to the Sun. Keep fresh water in a copper vessel covered with a lid overnight and drink this water in the morning. • Fasting will purify your soul; choose Sundays for your fasting if you are to get the favour of the Sun. • Speaking truth is a noble virtue. Inculcate the habit of speaking Truth. This will appease the Sun. • On an Amavasya day (No Moon Day), keep Mounavrat (Total Silence). This can be repeated as many times as you desire to get the grace of the Sun more and more. • Spare some time every morning for reciting Sun's Vedic mantra. • Religiously recite Sun's Beej (Seed) Mantra as often as possible. • Wear ruby on your ring finger. Initially wear it on a Sunday & later continue to wear it. The Sun, according to the Vedas, is the parent of all existing phenomena in the solar system. He is the ruler of all the planets that rotate around him. The Sun is considered to be the soul of Kala Purusha (Kala = time, Purusha = being; combined, it means the being that binds himself to Time). Its colored is bloodred, its nature is bile-dominated, and it is the lord of the direction East. It is the ruler of the zodiacal sign, Leo, and is exalted in the sign Aries, debilitated in Libra, and exiled in Aquarius. The Moon, Mars, and Jupiter are its natural friends, and Venus, Saturn, Rahu (dragon’s head, or the north node of the Moon), and Ketu (dragon’s tail, the south node of the Moon) are its natural enemies. Nakshatras Kritika, Uttra Phalguni, and Uttra Khad are ruled by the Sun. The Sun gives us vitality and the power of resistance and immunity. It is responsible for our physical makeup – the body’s constitution. The Sun gives life force, the power of will, intellect, brilliance, prosperity, success in worldly affairs, wealth, personal, conduct, activity, cheerfulness, good fortune, wisdom, ambition, fame, the understanding of the phenomenal world, and the knowledge of medicine. It also governs our relationship with temples and holy places.
The human spine is specially influenced by the Sun. Pingala Nadi, which represents the Sun, originates at the base of the spine on the right side, is solar in nature, and terminates in the right nostril. The Sun is connected with the right eye in men and the left eye in women. The Sun rules the heart, liver, lungs, head (brain), nerves, and bones. The Sun also represents kings, government officials, rich and famous people, personnel of royal families. Gemologists, artists, dramatists, jewelers, and creative people. Copper is its metal but it rules over gold, almonds, peanuts, coconut, mustard seeds, wool, red flowers, red sandalwood, and what in India are called “red” cows. It shows its influence from twelve to twenty-four years of age. An afflicted and ill-aspected Sun gives low and high blood pressure, indigestion, jaundice, cholera, fever, diabetes, appendicitis, hemorrhage, cardiac thrombosis, eruptions on the face, typhoid, tuberculosis, mental problems caused by thinking too much, diseases of the head, epilepsy, and disorders caused by aggravated bile. Sun is associated with Health, Pay and Success. A sound mind resides in a sound body. So, acquire sound health getting Sun's favour, thanks to Sun's influence. Carve out success through your sound mind. You will obtain through the Sun's grace, longevity, health, wealth, success in business, occupation etc... we hope and desire so. Sun / Surya Mantra to Chant Aum Hring Hamsah Suryaye Namah Aum Gemstone for SUN is RUBY (Manik) Sun One of its names is Aditya ("first born"). It is also called Bhutasya Jatah (creator or father of all bhutas, i.e., objects and ingredients from which objects assume form). He is the ruler of all the planets. The Sun represents the male or father principle. The Sun is the ruler of the zodiac sign Leo. It is regarded as a malefic planet, but it is actually an auspicious planet. Its' friendship with Jupiter is sattvik (pure, as Jupiter is the teacher of the Sun). With the Moon the relationship is rajasic and with Mars, tamasic. The Sun gives us vitality and the power of resistance and immunity. It is responsible for our physical makeup - the body's constitution. The Sun gives life force, the power of will, intellect, brilliance, prosperity, success in worldly affairs, wealth, personal conduct, activity, cheerfulness, good fortune, wisdom, ambition, fame, the understanding of the phenomenal world, and the knowledge of medicine. The gemstone related to the Sun is the ruby - the metal is gold. The Sun rules number 1 in indian numerology. The Sun The Sun in Vedic astrology does not hold the same power as it enjoys in Western astrology. Although it is still important, it is usually relegated to third place in terms of important horoscopic points. The Sun shows vitality and ego and where energy is used to project the self onto the world. And strong Sun confers confidence, good health, and leadership. A Sun with problems such as dussthana house placement may show lack of self confidence. If the Sun is afflicted by malefics (Rahu, Ketu, Saturn, Mars) may be aggressive or egotistical. Since the Sun represents the father, a Sun with afflictions and otherwise bad placement may also show difficulties with the father, either through the native's relationship with him or more specifically, hardships borne by the father such as bad health, poverty, or criminality. As with the Moon, aspects to the Sun help to describe the essence of the person. A
person with a close Saturn aspect to the Sun will display many Saturnine qualities such as being methodical and pragmatic and desiring order and control. Similarly, the Sun's dispositor also provides an important clue about the kind of Sun the person has. For example, George Bush's Sun is in Gemini in the 12th house which suggests someone who is uncomfortable in the limelight. While this may be true to an extent, it's important to include the fact that Sun's dispositor is Mercury which sits exactly on the ascendant tightly conjunct powerful Pluto. This is one way we can see that Bush's Sun really does account for some of his high public visilibity and the power-laden nature of his position. Sun as a Factor If the lord of the fifth, Jupiter and Saturn are in their respective signs of exaltation, own signs or in friends signs and occupy an angle or trine, the resultant Yoga is called Viranchi. The native will have knowledge of the self, will be highly devoted and long lived, learned, much respected and will lead a happy life. If the Sun is also strong, there will be still better results. If at birth the Sun is in the tenth degree of Libra, the native though born a king's son, lives on alms and charity. If Sun is in Leo, except in 3º 20' to 6º 40' or 20º to 23º 20' and Mercury is in Virgo, the native though born in an humble position rises very high in life. (i.) If the Sun occupies any of the following degrees 13º 20' to 16º 40' in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius 23º 20' to 26º 40' in Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn 3º 20' to 6º 40' in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces (ii.) and Moon is in Cancer, it is a good Raja Yoga. If the Sun is in Aries in the ascendant, Jupiter and Venus in Pisces, Saturn in Libra and full Moon is aspected by Mars, the native will be a king commanding a large army. If there is a benefic planet, other than the Moon, in second from the Sun, it consititutes Veshi Yoga, if there is a benefic planet, other than the Moon in twelfth from the Sun it constitutes Vashi Yoga; if there are benefic planets in both adjacent signs to the one occupied by the Sun, it gives to Ubhayachari Yoga. All these three Yogas if formed by benefics are good for wealth and status. The converse is the case if formed by malefics.
Role of Sun in the Healing of Ailments According to Vedic astrology, Sun is the most important among the nine planets which influences the life of an individual. The modern science also certifies that the entire biosphere is sustained by the Sun and it is the main driving force for the entire life support system of the earth. It will be pertinent to examine how Sun was viewed in ancient Vedic literature. The Vedic literatures talk about Sun as a giver and sustainer of life. The “Matsya Purana” says “Aarogyam Bhashkaradichhet” (Sun is the giver of good health). Saints and learned people in India devised different methods of Sun worship and “Surya Namaskar” (prostrating to Sun God). The ray of the rising Sun was considered very important for the health of all plants and animals including man. This has the capacity to annihilate disease-causing factors and bestow good health. According to “Rig Veda”, the rays of the rising Sun can heal heart problems, jaundice, anemia etc.
The “Atharva Veda” also says that the rays have unique healing properties for heart-related problems and for patients suffering from anemia. This is the reason why Vedas prescribe worship of the rising Sun by facing east at the time of sunrise. The ray of the Sun falling directly on the chest is highly beneficial for a good health. The rays of the morning Sun are more beneficial compared to its rays at any other time of the day. There is a reference of 22 diseases in the 9th chapter of “Atharva Veda” which can be cured by the rays of the rising Sun. Some common ailments given in the list are headache, earache, anemia, diseases of head, deafness, blindness, all kinds of body pain, stiffness of body-joints, all types of fever, jaundice, diseases of stomach, poisoning, diseases caused by imbalance of “Vaata” and “Kapha” elements, diseases of urine, pain in eyes, diseases of lungs, bones, cartilage, intestines, genitals, tuberculosis, wounds, diseases of backbone, knees, thighs, leprosy etc. The “Atharva Veda” further says that living in the rays of Sun is akin to living in the world of elixir. The “Rig Veda” also gives the same recommendation and certifies that the rays of the Sun prolong the life of an individual. According to Hindu mythology, the Sun marches across the sky from east to west in his chariot which is pulled by seven horses. Horses are clear symbols of seven types of rays. Modern science also certifies that the Sun light is a mixture of seven colors emitted from the Sun (VIBGYOR) and every color wave has healing properties. Many ailments mentioned in “Atharva Veda” are very common ailments. The placement and condition of Sun in the natal horoscope can provide clues to occurrence of such diseases. The placement can also provide a fairly good idea about the total duration of suffering from a particular disease. This can be indicated by an astrologer on the basis of a properly drawn horoscope. Sun worship is always beneficial. Its necessity gets enhanced if Sun is afflicted or weak in the natal horoscope of an individual. Written by: Anand Sagar Pathak Dated: 8th March 2010
Sun Planet in Horoscope (The planet of self / Soul) Japa kusuma-sankarsham kashyapeyam maha-dyutim tamo-rim sarva-papa-ghnam pranatosmi divakaram (Om, I bow down with devotion to the shining light that is shining red like a hibiscus flower, shining onto the earth, removing all the darkness and removing sin. Om, I bow to the Sun.) Sun is the heart of our solar system around which all the nine planets orchestrate their revolution. Correspondingly, Sun is the supreme planetary consideration in astrology as well. The Greek call it Helios, Romans call it Sol, and Hindus call the star as Surya or Aditya. Sun bestows willpower, energy and fortune to each and every individual, enabling them to live life to its grandest. Right from the looks of a being, to his personality, wisdom and achievements, Sun has the dominant role to play. Sun provides with the physical, as well as psychological makeup of a person. Its benevolence is received by kings, leaders, politicians, artists, jewelers, gemologists, actors etc. The cheery disposition provided by Sun`s presence, along with its power and intelligence, makes the person an easy winner in every sphere of life. Although other aspects are also taken into account, reading of Sun`s position in the chart can derive the basic physical appearance and personality traits. A not so well placed Sun makes the subject pessimistic, lacking in vitality, endowed with mental and emotional problems and poor conditions. An afflicted sun also makes a person arrogant, boastful, and vain.
According to Hindu mythology, when the universe was immersed in darkness, Lord Vishnu split the entire universe in two halves with the piercing sound of "OM". Sun was created all by itself as a resultant entity. Sun rules the sign of Leo. It is in its supreme form in Aries, and debilitated in Libra. Moon, Mars and Jupiter are Sun`s loyal friends. Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are its enemies, while it is neutral to Mercury. Sun`s favourite color: Blood red Sun`s favourite day: Sunday Sun`s favourite gemstone: Ruby. Sun`s favourite Deity: Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Sun Surya is the karaka ( indicator some call this significator in Jyotish language) of the Atman, or SELF. Surya is of key import in one's Janma Kundali ( birth chart) as the indicator of Atman, the karaka of the ascendant ( Lagna), the eyes, etc. The sun or Surya in these discussions is not so much the physical sun we see in the sky, but of that cosmic impulse that resides in our universe and is aligned with and associated with the sun, it's purity and brilliance. There is nothing on this earth that is not an expression of the sun. Without the sun there is no life, no solar system (as it contains 98% of the total solar system's angular momentum that is, our rotational energy). What else does Surya indicate or bring to one on this material earth? He is the karaka of father, power, authority, fame ( in one's career as Surya is karaka of the 10th house). Since surya meters out the day by the amount of light that is given for ones actions, the sun also is the karaka for how one spends their time. What is of interest is Surya's bija (seed) mantra of ghrini. When properly used and combined with other bija , it assists one in their career . He brings vitality to ones life, yet pending where Surya resides in one's chart i.e. which bhava or rasi (sign or house), will indicate his influence in ones life. Why so? As he is the indicator of the core of you , the soul of you, this will have great import in one's overall life. As previously mentioned, above all these things, he is the natural atmakarka of ones own SELF. To this, is why so many pay high regard to Surya. Because of this position Surya is the owner of the letter A, the sound Aum, the long A as in Ahhh. He is first everyhere, the originator of this creation and therefore the indicator of Brahma, the owner of Om (Aum) and vag-devi bija Aaa or long a, ahhh. Surya is the indicator of royalty. Most highly expressed in Sri Ram's placement of the sun in Aries in His chart. He indicates courage, one's blood circulation, he owns the east direction ( as he rises there); The gem that brings surya's influence is a ruby (red), and some use a red garnet also. Surya is praised in the Gayatri hymn of the Veda as savitor (Rk Ved 3.62.10, the rishi is Vishwamitra); Surya is also recognized ( hymned) by rishi Angiras in another surya praise found in the Rk ved 1.35.2. Parashara muni ( father of vedic astrology and a rishi no less in the Rk Ved) also praises Surya as the head of the Navgraha ( 9 graha's or planets; not the perfect translation for graha or that which binds, but we will use it as planet for now). Ved Vasya also praises Surya in the following sloka: Japakusum samkasam kashyapeyam mahadyutim
Tamorim saravapapaghanam pranatosmi divakaraaram What this says - Lets us chant the glory of the sun ( surya) whose beauty rivals that of a flower. I bow down to him, the greatly effulgent son Of Kashyap, who is the enemy ( ~ papa~) of darkeness and destoryer of all sins. We sing thee praise in different forms and the different directions) Surya ( east direction) Ravaye ( south east) Vivaswate (south) Bhagavate (south west) Varunaya (west) Mitraya (north west) Adityaya (north) Vishnave (north east) Bhaskaraya ( up direction and down direction) Om Hram Hrim Hroum Sah Suryaya Namaha In Srimad Bhagavatam authored by the Great Sage Veda Vyasa, it has been mentioned by the Lord Vishnu,that : 1)As Sun (Surya) he is the Heart 2)As Moon (Chandran) he is the Mind 3)As Mars (Mangal or Chevvai) he is Mouth 4)As Mercury (Bhudhan) he is Breath 5)As Jupiter (Guru) he is Neck(Back Side) 6)As Saturn (Sani) he is Penis 7)As Dragon's Head (Rahu) he is Throat 8)As Dragon's Tail (Kethu) he is the Whole Body. According to Vedic Astrology,Sun or Surya is auspicious in the Following Houses. 1)Aries 2)Leo 3)Scorpio 4)Sagittarius THE SUN: The Sun is the King of the solar system and represents kingship in general in human affairs. It is a solitary planet, being the leader and may not like its boundaries being breached. People strongly influenced by the Sun are sticklers for propriety and are very fond of rules and are aware of the importance of abiding by them and have people abide by them too. The Sun is bilious in nature and so are the people ruled by the Sun, having an excess of Pitta or a Pitta constitution. The Sun also rules small firearms. Sun is also referred to as Ravi and the Devata associated with the Graha is Surya. The Sun rules political leaders and politics and leaders in any field whatsoever. The Sun finds its Marana Karaka Sthana in the 12th House, its exaltation in Mesha Rashi/ Aries and its debilitation in Tula Rashi/ Libra. In Marana Karaka Sthana, the King is reduced to penury and there are dwindling resources. The Sun is at its most powerful in the 10th House from the Lagna where it has 100% Digbala/ directional strength. The Sun is a decision-maker, a leader and therefore it shines in the arena of work and Karma. Ravi is also the Karaka for the 10th House and shows the resources and fame that exist in work.
Ravi is the Naisargika/ natural Atmakaraka and indicates the soul. It also indicates temples being the primary Karaka of the 9th House from the Lagna. The Sun also rules physicians and is also the Karaka of the Lagna, the Self, and the way in which the self shines. The Sun indicates power and brilliance. The Sun in the 12 signs indicates the 12 Adityas, the Dwadash Adiyta. The practical relevance of the Adityas lies in the fact that the relevant and correct form of the Aditya is to be worshipped considering the nature of the sign. The Aditya corresponding with the sign of the Naryana Dasha may also be worshipped as this is the place where Narayana sits during a specific Dasha. The other useful thing is to analyse the Rashi and Bhava placement of the Sun and worship the Adityas associated with the Bhavas/ signs. The Sun governs music and rhythm. The Graha is associated with the Bhagwad Gita. The Sun is the giver of all resources and should be used as a reference for the Mahadasha Graha in the Vimshottari Dasha scheme. How much of Sun is in you? If you were all Sun, you would have been a pure-atma. Perhaps you were not meant to be so. Is all that is happening willed by God? Even minor shifts and changes, the thoughts that come to our mind, and the promptings that make us act? Do we have in-built governors that control us in accordance with God's scheme? The answers to these questions that mankind perennially seeks, if they ever reach man, will perhaps be through an understanding of the Sun and the planets orbiting it. In our current newsletter series on planets, we begin with the Sun. To me, these planets are not just physical entities, they are multi-dimensional forces. Many dimensions are perhaps still unknown. For all you know, Jupiter could be the planet protecting life on earth and our solar system from hostile attacks from the universe and therefore is called the most benefic planet in Astrology. Astrology explains these planets as avatars of God who come with the role of crushing evil forces and protecting those who contribute to the protection of life. Do these planets give happiness and sufferings on purpose? Should the planetary influence therefore be seen as that which also rectifies and removes obstacles in the path assigned by the Almighty. The goal of Godliness is always spiritual progress. Shri K.N.Rao explains that every planet is Aadi Daivik (divine), Adhyatmik (spiritual) and Bhautik (physical). Every planet influences the physical and mental aspects of life and also spiritual realization. The Physical Sun Sun is a star at the center of the Solar System. It is almost perfectly spherical and consists of hot plasma interwoven with magnetic fields. It has a diameter of about 1,392,000 km, about 109 times that of Earth. Sun's disk, and its interior could, scientists tell us, hold over 1.3 million Earths. It accounts for 98 to 99 percent of the total mass of the Solar System. Chemically, about three quarters of the Sun's mass consists of hydrogen The Sun generates energy for itself and for the entire solar system. The solar system consists of thousands of physical entities that orbit this humongous star. Among them Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune are planets. Scientists and Astronomers have calculated that the Sun has enough hydrogen in its core to last another 7 billion years or so. By this time, it will have exhausted its reserves of hydrogen fuel in the core and switched to burning helium (producing carbon, oxygen and nitrogen). When it does switch
to helium, the Sun will expand outward, consuming the orbits of Mercury, Venus and probably even the Earth. It will become cooler but brighter. The Spiritual and Astrological Sun is somewhat different As per Vedic beliefs and practices, one yuga has 4,320,000 (4.3 million ) years. One day of lord Brahma, the creator is 4,320,0000,000 (4.32 billion years)therefore his one year is 4,3200,000,000 into 360 which comes to 15552,000,000,000 (15552 billion years ) and his age 100 years which makes it155200,000,000,000 (1555200 billion years). This could indicate the age of Sun which may turn into a cold star after being in existence for 1555200 billion years. Or this could be the age of the universe? Only God knows. As per Hindu shastras the 50 years of the life of Lord Brahma are over and we are in the 51st year. One day of Brahmaji has 14 Manus and each Manu has 72 mahayugas of 4,320,000 years. We are in Vivasat Manu, of which 27 mahayugas are over and we are in the 28th. Kalpa (a cycle of the universe during which all the heavenly bodies return to their original positions) is said to be of 4,320,000,000 years .There are names of 30 kalpas given in matysa puran. The yugas under Manus of different names goes to show that our rishis with their divine powers were able to see the cycles of time and their difference. A time period they recognized can be similar but not the same even if you consider a time span of billions of years. Sun in Vedas "From the Sun arise all beings. The Sun sustains them all. They all vanish into the Sun. What the Sun is, even that I am." Suryopanishad 2,4 The Vedas, hold Surya (Sun)as the soul of the whole manifestation. According to the scriptures, the primal cause of this universe, and its different cycles of manifestation and annihilation, is Lord Vishnu. The whole power of Lord Vishnu lies in the three Vedas, and emerges through the Sun. The Sun is considered the manifest representation of the eternal cause of this universe. The Mythological Story Sun was born to Aditi and Sage Kashyap. She had twelve sons, but still wanted another son, who could effectively overcome the demons who were torturing her sons, the twelve Gods. She then prayed to the Sun God to be born to her to destroy the foes of her sons. He agreed and was born to her with a thousandth part of his being. The Sun has a square build, scanty curly hair, beautiful appearance, intelligence, medium stature, red complexion, strong bones, bilious nature, and wears saffron robes. Sun in Astrology The Sun is known as the king amongst the nine planets of Vedic astrology. The Sun and Moon happen to be the luminaries among the planets. The Sun owns Simha (Leo), which is the fifth sign of the natural zodiac. The Sun represents temples and the east direction. It has directional strength in the 10th house of the horoscope. The Sun signifies father, soul, high status, land, enlightenment, king, mental purity, body face, anger, administration, leaders, rubies, gold, copper, ornaments, physician etc... In medical astrology, the Sun has a bilious temperament. It represents vitality as the significator of the first house. Its strength or weakness reflects the state of general health of an individual. The Sun produces favorable results when it occupies any of the houses, 3, 6, 10, 11. Classics on Sun Brihat Parashar Hora Shastra: Sun is a malefic. It is soul of all. It represents fire. It is a royal planet. It is Satwik. The Sun's eyes are honey-colored. He has a square body. He is of clean habits, bilious, intelligent and has limited hair on the head. It represents Bones. Its abode is Temples. Its taste is pungent. Sun and Venus are Moola (roots) planets
Phaldeepika: The Sun is the significator of the person's collection of copper and gold, and of father, patience, valor, victory in war, one's soul, auspiciousness, happiness, prowess, power, light, any work relating to Lord Shiv, travels in forests and mountains, havans or yajnas inclination for work, acuteness, enthusiasm. The temperament of the Sun is bilious. He has strong bones in his body. He has scanty hair. He has dark red form. His eyes are reddish-brown. He is dressed in red colored clothes. His body is square built. He is brave and possesses massive arms. Mundane Persons in power, kings, prime ministers, government, heads of state, big commercial firms and new undertakings, cabinet, ministers of state and persons holding high political power, persons in authority, important persons in society including influential businessmen, honor, fame, big name and reputation, influence in comity of nations, leadership and guidance to other powers. It also represents bureaucracy, political, religious and influential business people and leaders, employers or bosses, public undertakings, health and vitality of nation, name, fame, prestige and qualities of leadership, Temples, religious places of worship and top religious leaders, come under its purview. In minerals it represents gold and copper. In commodities it signifies wheat. If Sun is afflicted in the horoscope, the nation becomes arrogant and self-centered. It becomes morally debased and of ill- repute. It also becomes a snob and overbearing, ignoring the feelings of other nation. It becomes despotic and oppressive. In any particular year when the Sun is afflicted it portends ill for the nation and evil results may follow. The people in high posts, nobility and important people may suffer. Sun and Saturn are two bitter enemies, if in a horoscope they oppose each other or are together n watery signs e.g. Cancer/Capricorn rashi. Cancer is watery rashi and Capricorn is the traditional sign of India – Cancer also represent marshy places, then in that particular year there may be dispute over water or problems relating to flooding may occur. Saturn also represents fertilizers. Saturn-Sun may also suggest Government trying to influence the price of fertilizers. Sun Saturn also signifies trouble to the government through depressed classes. In the horoscopes of politicians and rulers, it is necessary that Sun is not afflicted otherwise this shows life of struggle and tribulations. The decision taken by them may not be wise and sound. Evaluation of Planetary Strengths In Brihat Parashara Hora Shastra, under the shadbal scheme, one way of strength acquisition of planets, other than Sun, is gauged by measuring how far away they are from the Sun. The planets become more powerful in consolidating their own natural qualities when they are away from Sun. A planet that is the farthest from Sun is said to be the most independent. Planets away from Sun perhaps are less disciplined and drive the affected towards indiscipline. Under their influence we are more likely to follow the dictates of our indiriyas (sensuality). Sun the task master is a disciplinarian. Sun is the disciplinarian it checks planets who influence the Indiriyas It is there to monitor and rectify. Four and more planets together in a horoscope make a recluse, a saint a mahatma. The four or more planets out of 7 would mostly include Sun and Mercury as they are in most of the horoscopes, found together. It will be rare to find four planets other than Sun together. It has been observed that most of the saints have planets around the Sun. This indicates that the planets are disciplined by the atma (soul) Sun in Yogas Everyman has kingdom. The smallest comprising of spouse and kids. Everyone likes to rule. Sun as the king of planets also has to have a durbar with planets around. Mercury in most of the cases is
with it giving rise to the beneficial Budh-Aditya yoga. However, its impact depends upon PAC (Posited-Aspect Conjunction) Brihat Parashara Hora Sastra Chapter 38:-“Vesi, Vosi and Ubhayachari yogas –Barring the Moon, if a planet among Mars, etc. be in the 2nd from the Sun Vesi yoga, in the 12th Vosi yoga and planets in both the 2nd and the 12th Ubhaychari yoga is caused. Effects of these yogas: One born in Vesi yoga will be even sighted, truthful, long-bodied, indolent, and happy and endowed with negligible wealth. One born with Vosi yoga will be skillful, charitable and endowed with fame, learning and strength. The person with Ubhayachari yoga will be a king or equal to a king and be happy. Benefics causing these yogas will give the above mentioned effects while malefic will produce contrary effects.” The Sun-Jupiter is much discussed combination for Temple building, name and fame. The Sun – Saturn combination, it has been observed, brings bad name. Sun in its degree of debilitation gives rise to Rajbhanga yoga that destroys all Rajyogas (power and position giving combinations) and makes a person a pauper. Sun Dasha The dasha of an unafflicted Sun gives name, fame, prestige and dignity. An afflicted Sun brings downfall and loss of face in public domain. In both cases the Sun remains a disciplinarian. It may be cruel and behave like a hard task master but it will not drive one to evil deeds (paap karma) in its dasha. How many Suns does our creator own? Space study has revealed that there could be thousands of Suns in our Universe some even ten times or even hundred times the size of our Sun. Bhagavad-Gita too describes the Universal Form of the creator in Chapter 11 Shloka-12 in measurements of Suns " If hundreds of thousands of Suns were to rise at once into the sky, their radiance might resemble the effulgence of the Supreme Person in that universal form" Astrologically Sun is the Atma. It disciplines. It checks our tendency to get out of its hold. This tendency is progressively increasing with the progress of Kaliyuga. Sun the harbinger of Changes: In one of researches we established that Saturn’s transit on natal Sun bring major changes in career. However this depends on the dasha at that time also. The New Year on which we base our predictions for the year for nations and places is based on Sun. Moon conjunction in Pisces in the month of Chaitra. How the year is going to be for a person is decided on the basis of Sun arriving at the degree, minutes and seconds where it was at the time of birth. Muhurta is Sun based as tithi, yoga, karan are all formed based on the placement of the Sun. Eclipses caused by Rahu-Ketu affect Sun and Moon. A rashi and nakshatra are unable to give positive results when an eclipse takes place on them. Countries and places which the eclipsed rashi and nakshatra rule suffer. The king of the year is elected on the basis of the week day that falls on Chaitra Shukla Pratipada. The day lord when Sun enters zero degrees of Aries under Nirayana system becomes the Prime Minister. Lord of paddy crop, lord of fruits and vegetation, mineral, clouds, corns and fluids are decided when Sun enters Cancer, Libra, Capricorn, Ardra, Sagittarius and Gemini respectively. Sun: The sun signifies the soul. It represents one's father in the chart and is responsible for our vitality. A strong Sun in the chart gives the person magnetism and strong leadership ability. A well-placed Sun always believes that everything is possible and that beliefinstills faith and loyalty in others. The benefic Sun in a chart needs to shine and lift the soul, so whenever a
person is seen in the relative world who is in thelimelight, whether it be an actor, an entertainer, or a statesman, it can be sure that the person has a powerful Sun in their chart. A Sun that is negatively aspected in a chart can make the person a daredevil, arisk taker and a gambler. That Sun can take too many chances without considering the outcome. A weak Sun can make the person despondent, lacking confidence and motivation. It is as if the sun has been blanketed by a large dark cloud bringing forth the shadows and life-force retracts itself. A weak Sun in the chart brings about blood pressure problems, indigestion, jaundice, cholera, fever, appendicitis, cardiac problems, baldness, typhoid, tuberculosis, epilepsy and a weak immune system. The well-placed Sun in a chart gives intelligence, confidence, honesty andsincerity. There will be good fortune in speculations and the person will bespontaneous, dynamic and charismatic. The Sun is of a medium height smaller than Jupiter and Saturn. The hair is thick, wavy and black or auburn in colour. The gaze of a person with a well-placed Sun can transfix a person. The eyes are soft, very radiant and clear. They are almond shaped, brown or blue in colour. The well-placed Sun in the birth chart gives not only vitality, but also resistanceand a strong immune system. Good constitution reflects the Sun's strength as well as being one of the main significators of prosperity, enthusiasm and wisdom. The Sun, the soul, governs our relationship with temples and holy places. Indications of the Sun:
Magnetism, leadership ability, confidence, good fortune or luck, the father, the soul or self, charismatic and dynamic, service and one's vitality in life.
Body Parts of the Sun and Indications:
the stomach and digestive system, the heart and blood pressure, eyesight, baldness and immune system.
Kings, leaders and doctors, high administrative positions in Occupations of the Sun: government, speculators with investments, people who thrive in the limelight. Position of Surya There are many mythological stories about the 12 adityas, sons of Rishi Kashyapa, who are related to 12 sun signs, and I am not going to go into details about adityas here. Each sign is linked to a certain aditya who is the giver of resources to that sign. The sun (father) and the Moon (mother) exchange resources 12 times a year (either when they meet or when they are in opposite signs) thus forming 12 months (shuklanta and amanta masa) and 12 sun’s signs. That is the reason why there are 12 signs, and can never be less or more. The sign is called a Rashi from the words (rahu) and Shiki (Ketu) which are the two opposite forces of the mind, extreme points of bhoga or enjoyment (Rahu) and final emancipation (Ketu). For more information, please purchase 2006 Delhi Conference, where my Jyotish Guru Pt. Sanjay Rath taught in depth Dvadasha Adityas. (www.shrijagannath.org). If you still have doubts, then I will translate a portion of the SIVA lectures, where Dvadasa Adityas were taught in detail.The Sun is the source of light and knowledge, and the house where Sun is placed is vibrant with a specific light and life. Jaimini states that Sun in lagna makes a person widower (he/she lives longer than a spouse due to the special empowerment of Sun’s rays)Therefore Surja can be placed in 12th signs and receive the blessings or curse of 12 different adityas, which will show what a person is and what a person shall give to the world.Now, not everybody will experience such powerful rays of
the sun. It is a well known fact in Jyotish, that if a person is to experience something it has to be linked to Lagna or Lagna lord. The combination is formed: See the house placement of the Sun. If the lord of the house where Sun is placed (Sun’s dispositor) is in Lagna or aspects Lagna or Lagna Lord, a person will be blessed by the knowledge and light of that house. Why knowledge? Because Lord of the house is akin to Brahma/Prajapati and has an empowerment of Adhi Devata giving knowledge. The graha which disposits Sun becomes crucial and if you worship Adhi Devata of that planet, the knowledge of the house is yours. Such worship will empower all Yogas in the chart, since Surya dispositor has a power to trigger any Yoga. The house placement of such planet becomes very important. In case Surya is in Lagna, Lagna Lord becomes empowered. See the chart of Paramhamsa Ramakrishna. See the example chart: Lagna is dhanu. Surya and Budha are in 7th house. Chandra is in 9th house, Mangal is in 6th house, Ketu is in 2nd house, Shukra and Rahu are in 8th house, Shani and Guru are in 10th house. I am not giving birthdata due to discretion since his father belongs to most infleuntial people in the top three most influential countries in the world. Hope you do understand this. In this chart, Surya is in 7th house giving the blessings of Pusha Aditya, Surya is 9th lord and conjoins 10th lord giving Dharma Karma adhipati Yoga giving high ideals, chastity, prosperity etc. Surya is further Shubapati giving the blessings of Lord Somannath. Normally, such position gives vridhi or prosperity, particularly after marriage (7th house) and education (conjunction with Budha). Mercury is dispositor in own sign forming Bhadra Mahapurusha Yoga, and aspects Lagna. Therefore, Mercury becomes important. Mercury rules formal education and he has been educated for business (7th house) in the top universities in the world. Since Surya rules 9th house, he has father blessings for all comforts in life, elite education and due to father’s contacts he is involved in huge-scale business projects involving top business people in the world. His father is one of the most influential people in one of the leading states of the world. Budha Pratyadhi Devata is Vishnu, and due to his blessings, 7th house in the chart from Lagna will shine. Please note that Budha and Surya are Dhanada Grahas (Surya is further Kevala Dhanada) and are well placed from Arudha Lagna (Budha forms Shrimanta Yoga) and 11th from Chandra Lagna (very high protection from Siva). Why did I choose this chart? Normally, Surya in 7th house gives bad health and causes opposition from father and bosses/state. In this chart, this has never happened due to the conditions I stated above. The only minus point (if that can be called a minus) is that he cannot live longer than his spouse. However, that is not the main issue of this topic. For your reference, please check the charts of Ainstain, Hitler, Shri Ram, Paramhansa Yogananda, Mahatma Gandhi, etc to check this principle.In future sessions, I will give some additional principles which can be linked to this principle and which are very important in case of spiritual people. additional notes Normally, the best position of Surya is in trines. Although classical texts do not give good results of Surya in the 5th house, however it gives high level of intelligence, bright and sunny personality, creativity, and authority in at least one subject/field. The character is very bright and a person is of clean habits in mind and body. The minues point is troubles with property, limited number of children- up to three if good grahas give support, but normally 1 or 2 and troubles on that account if Surya is in makara/kumbha rashi or navamsa.
Surya in 9th house gives very strict personallity set on rules, high ideals, luck through father/goverment or profession, very independent views and respect for religion. Normally, if sun is in thula (Kumbha Lagna) and Mesha (Simha Lagna), the position would be placed in badhak sthana, which would cause health problems (heart-Kumbha Lagna), and pronounced ego and selfishness (Simha Lagna). Whenever the Sun is in badhak place, a spiritual evolution is disturbed due to a personal egocentric and arrogant nature. Even Lagna Lord Sun in 9th house in badhak will cause bad luck due to their ego and superiority complex. If the sun is afflicted in badhak stana a person may even remain childless. Apart from badhak stana, Sun in the 9th house is considered very auspiciouss. The negative positions of Sun will be: to heated brain, bad luck to family members, troubles in professional life and troubles with property and home. Very often a person will leave their birth place. Sun in Lagna- a person is hard core follower of rules, bright, intelligent, creative, of clean habits and good fortune. In the negative, an arrogant nature is indicated with superiority complex, will suffer in the hands of family members and cruel towards others. Whenever Surya and lagna Lord are both in trines, a person will seek for knowledge. Sun Names: Aditya, Bhanu, Divakara, Martanda, Savita, Teekshanamsu, Ina , Bhanumaan, Deepta Rashmi, Chandaanshu, Bhaskar, Ahaskar, Heli , Tapan, Ark, Dinkrit, Surya, Arun, Poosha , Teekshanshu, Padminish, Adri, ChandDikshit, Nabheshwar, Teekshnarashmi, Dhwantdhwanshi, Padmiprannath, Ushmarashmi, Ushnanshu, Prabhakar, Dinmadi, Vibhavasu, Chitrarath, Chandbhanu, Vikartan, VanJavanpati, Nag, Nalinivilasi. Vowels: a e i o u. Nature and Form: Pungent in taste, strong in bones, reddish, brown eyes, dark-red form, clad in red, valiant and wrathful , Grishma , yellow eyes, square figure, fair complexion, bilious, intelligent, scarce haired, Moola planet , lustrous, lord of the sky, honey like yellow eyed, old age, half a year, short like a dwarf, strong at mid-day, bite, body, mental purity, lordship of country, looking upward, east direction . Mercury is Sun's neutral. Venus and Saturn are his enemies, and Mars, Moon and Jupiter are friends. Sun is exalted in 10 of Aries; initial 20 of Leo are his Mooltrikona; rest of 10 is his own sign. Lord Ram, the incarnation of God was from Sun. He was fully Parmatmansa incarnation . Deity: Agni , Rudra . Family: Trouble to spouse and children, enmity with father and progeny, paternal relatives. Dangers: Fear from sovereign, quadruped, thief, God Yama, Shiva, demigods, serpent; danger from enemy, wood, fire, weapon, poison . Persons: Scythians, Yavanas, famous, celebrity, thieves, smugglers, cowherds, people desirous of victory in war, valorous in war, cruel persons, agriculturists , king, outcast , one born to a timid woman , enemy . Actions: Any work relating to God Siva, trip to mountain, Yajnas, victory in war, acuteness , selfrealisation, activity in public, capture of the enemy, roaming over mountains, scorch, travelling, dealing, strenuous effort. Abstracts and Qualities: Wealth, seats of power , wickedness , soul, long-standing anger, kingdom , ego, pride, arrogance, haughtiness , capacity to move forward , sacred spells, Mantra , bliss, patience, enthusiasm, prowess, courage, power, glory , purity of mind, aptitude, spiritual knowledge, genuineness, valour, intense severity, heat, good strength, hostility, physical splendour, worship of
Shiva, courage, being in royal favour , elevation, high patronage, public offices, gains and punishment from the government, paternal property, spiritual power, fame, honours, radiance. Sun renders honest, generous, noble, desirous of glory, judicious, clever in the arts, truthful, of wise counsel, free. Rules advancement, goal-directedness, leadership and supervisory ability, ego strength, self esteem, self discipline, capacity for commitment, decision-making, organisational ability, work ethic, crisis management, shock resistance, risk-taking capability. Animals: Lion, poisonous animals , serpent, quadruped . Plant Life: Thorny plants, grass, saffron, timber , thick plants , trees inwardly strong , wheat , husky grains, seeds, tree, bitter things , medicinal herbs, pine, grains, groundnut, coconut, saffron, orange trees, asafoetida, cardamom, chillies, omum , pepper, cedar, laurel, almond, lavender, vervain, chamomile, anise, rosemary, marigold, nutmeg, rue, aromatic herbs, rice. Objects: Gold, fire , weapon, pearl, silver, wool, wood , rough cloth, copper , medicine, poison, bitter things, cattle, , a red cloth, ornament, stone, coral, thick cord . Places: Devasthan , deserted place , hill, sea , forests, deserts , river bank, fortress, the world of mortals, land , mountain top , caves. South bank of Yamuna, Bengal, Bihar, Orissa, east of Narmada, Kamboja, eastern Tamilnadu, Chedi, Regions of Yavanas, Magadha, Mekhla, Burdwan, Kaushambi , Saurastra, Kalinga , stock market, stock exchange. Countries: China, Burma . The Sun history _The Sun in Vedic astrology is called Ravi, or Surya. He is considered to be mild malefic, in consideration of the hot, dry climate of India. As in western tropical astrology, the Sun rules the Sign of Leo. He is exalted in the sign of Aries, and he is in his fall in the sign of Libra. The Sun is known as the Atmakaraka. This comes from the Sanskrit atma meaning soul, and karaka meaning indicator. As "indicator of the soul" the Sun is the giver of life. In Vedic astrology each planet is a karaka, or indicator of many things. The Sun is the indicator of the father, the ego, honor, status, fame, the heart, the eyes, general vitality, respect and power. The great Vedic astrologer and sage, Parasara describes the Sun in his classic textBrihat Hora Shastra: "The Sun's eyes are honey-colored. He has a square body. He is of clean habits, bilious, intelligent and has limited hair." The Sun is in his strongest placement directly overhead in the 10th House. He is also strong in the other Kendras, or Angles. These are the Houses 1, 4, and 7. The Sun also does well in what are called the upachaya, or growing Houses. This are the Houses 3,6, and 11. He is particularly beneficial for the fire sign ascendants of Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius. His nature, or temperament is pitta, or fiery, and the gemstone associated with the Sun is the red ruby. The Sun's metal is gold and his direction is East. His day, of course, is Sunday, and he comes into full maturity and brilliance at age 22. karaka The Sun is known as king in the planetary cabinet. It is the source of light to the universe. It I also the source of life. It signifies father, which is the source for bringing into existence and supporting a new born in life. That is why the Sun signifies father and vitality. If the Sun is strong in a nativity, the father and vitality will help a native to grow in a healthy way. The Sun signifies highly placed persons, administrators, physicians, contractors, politicians, father, male child and social status. The Sun is significator planet for vitality and life giver in a male nativity. He is bilious and has sturdy bones. It is hot, dry, constructive and represents health, blood, brain, digestive system, right eye (male) and left eye in the case of females. In case it is weak and afflicted in a nativity it gives weak eyesight and diseases of headaches, erratic circulation of blood, bone
fractures, fevers, high blood pressure, baldness, bone cancer and low immunization power. Its nature is benevolent and cruel. Its complexion is blood red. As it rules digestive system which provides nourishment to the whole body, it is known as significator for vitality. It also represents soul. The soul of a person can only be elevated if he keeps perfect health. The Sun is personified as a king and doctor and when strong denotes high administrative positions in government, including politics, doctors in medicine, etc. We know that the Sun is the source of light, heat, and life in our solar system. Its gravitational field provides the unifying force that prevents the planets from flying out of their respective orbits. It is possible to take this brief and simple explanation, and extrapolate some significations that the Sun represents in the astrological world. In the physical world, the In astrology, the Sun represents… Sun… 1. is the source of light for the eyes that illuminate the body with the images that surround it. our solar system. 2. gives us heat. the digestive fire. 3. is essential for the the soul which is necessary for the life of the body. continuation of life. 4. is the unifying force of our leadership and magnetism. solar system. Significations General Professions Medical
warmth, magnetism, and leadership king, doctor, and high administrative positions heart, stomach, bones, brain, right eye (males), left eye (females), nutritional absorption, and vitality Physical Appearance majestic, square body, thin hair Family Relation father Sun: Atma (soul), self, self-realization, influence, prestige, power, valor, health, eye, general well being, heat, splendor, father, king, royalty, royal favor Symbolism of Surya or the Sun aum hrim hrim surayaya namah Suriya, the Sun god, is said to be the son of the sage Kasyapa Kasyapa Muni and his wife Aditi Aditi. Surya is the King of planetsand the directions have originated from his rising and setting. It is said thatVisnu power of Vedas Visnu's power manifests through the Rg, Yajus and Sama vedas. This power blazes in the form of the Sun, thus Suriya is the power of Visnu, of the Vedas, and through this conferred power he provides sustenance and protection to the world and destroys the darkness of night, the darkness of ignorance. The Vedic Sun rides on a celestial chariot having one wheel, and yoked to seven horses which are the Vedic metres (Gayatri, Brhati, Usnik, Jagati, Tristubh, Anustubh and Pankti). The wheel of this chariot is the wheel of time, which has six spokes, the six seasons. Each month different sages, adityas, Gandharvas (celestial maids), Yaksas (Serpents) and Giants sit in the chariot, and these personalities give the characteristics of the months and seasons, heat, cold, rain and so forth. The sages extol his virtues, the Gandharvas sing in front of him, the celestial maids dance, the serpents prepare the chariot and the Yaksas hold the bridle. Thus this merry ensemble together with Suriya circle around Mount Meru. This motion creates the days, the nights, the seasons and the years. Suriya is traditionally included as one of the Panchdevatas (Ganesh, Suriya, Visnu, Siva and Parvati) and these deities must be worshipped before the commencement of any holy ceremony. As a deity he is usually depicted as having two arms, holding lotus in both hands and
having somewhere the chariot, with seven horses and various other members of his transient retinue. In temples, he will usually face east, and the other planets will often be arrayed around and facing him. He is one of the three fires and operates in the body through Sushumna nadi. When the Sun sets his light enters fire, so at night the light of fire goes far and during the day the light of fire enters the Sun so he blazes all the more. Suriya married Samjna (the daughter of Visvakarma) architect of the heavens and three children were born of this union, Manu, Yamaraja, and Yami. Samjna found the heat of Suriya unbearable and so disguised her maid Chaya as herself and left for the forest to perform penance. Three more children were born by the union of Suriya and Chaya, they being Savarnamanu, Tapati (who became the river Yamuna) and Sanaischarya, Saturn. It so happened that,through force of circumstance, Suriya discovered Chaya not to be his wife and so went off in search of her. She was hiding in the form of a mare, and through power of meditation Surya realised this and assumed the form of a horse.The Asvini Kumaras and Revanta were born from their union. Bringing Samjna back from the forest, she complained to her father of the excessive heat and so Visvakarma attempted to reduce the effulgence, but only a small part could be taken away. With that excess he made Visnu discus of Visnu's discus, Siva trident of Siva's trident, Kubera's puspakavimana and the Sakti weapon of Kartikeya Kartikeya. Savitri Gayatri mantra is held to be connected to the daily worship of the sun; Aum bhur bhuvah svaha, tatsavitur varenyam Ábhargo devisya dhimahi, dhiyo yona prachodayat. The regular repetition of this mantra will avert misery, and though it is often prescribed to counteract a weak orafflicted Sun in a person's horoscope, it is generally considered a mantra for all people. Suriya shines on everything, good or bad, so this mantra can be used by all. It is generally recommended that arghya be offered to the sun each morning such that prosperity, fame, sons, learning and glory may be attained. Astrologically, a person having a strong Sun in their horoscope will have honey coloured eyes, a large, round face, average stature, and the ham well produce a birth mark on the right hip. The Sun rules Leo, and is considered as malefic, burning the good effects of planets he comes too close to. Sun (Surya) “Divine glow of paradise…. Exploring in the sky…. Falling upon the land….” Sun is the most important factor for the life on our planet and so on in the study of astrology, which is quiet enough to express the potency and supreme significance of the Lord Sun among this whole creation of almighty which could be further expressed by his being the king of Sky, ruling over all other celestial bodies. Surya (sun) : Astronomy Sun or Surya is actually a star at the center of our solar system which is the source of energy for all the planet of the solar system. It is about 4.6 billion year old. Every planet including earth and other objects (asteroids, comets and meteoroids) orbit around the sun. The mass of the it is 99% of the total solar system mass. The mean diameter of sun is 1.4 x 109 meters. It is 93.2 million miles away from earth. Light takes approximately 8 minutes to reach to the earth. It consist of hot gases, mostly hydrogen and Helium. For life on earth, the surya is most necessary. Without it, life on earth could not exist. Energy from surya supports the all forms of life which exist on earth. It is a driving force behind the climate and weather found on earth. Astrology of Sun or Surya : Importance of Sun in horoscope
Sun is the one of the most dominating celestial body of sky which effects the lives of the natives of earth on account of its revolution around the sun which results in different positions of earth in the solar system. On account of the movements of earth around the sun, it travels through all the zodiacs as spending one month in each for completing his cycle in one year besides ruling in Leo and exalted in Aries, while debilitated in Libra. In the words of astrological believes, Surya is the loyal friend of planet Mercury, mars, Jupiter and Moon while planet Venus, Saturn, Rahu and Ketu are his enemies. As a vivid result of this, Sun bestows benefits to the signs of friends while confer hurdles for enemies. The Sun plays a very important role in astrology. It is one of the three ascendants in the birth chart or a horoscope of a person. A well placed and powerful Sun is very much required in a horoscope to give the full results of raj - yogas and dhan yogas formed by other planets or by Sun. If this planet is not well placed and powerful in a horoscope, the results of benefic yogas are reduced. Especially for the natives of Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Sagittarius ascendant, the good placement and power and dignity of Sun is very important. For doing the deep study of a horoscope, often apart from the rasi or ascendant chart, sun chart is also considered. Sun chart would be made by taking the sun as ascendant in the rasi chart and redrawing the chart accordingly. If the rashi chart indicates that a particular aspects would be in bad state because of planetary combination in rasi chart then moon and sun chart are also considered. If that aspect is bad in the other two charts then the bad effect will be to the highest extent. If that particular aspect is good in other two charts then there would be some balance and not much harmful effects would be felt. Presence of powerful and well placed sun is believed to be bringing dominance, authority, power, morals, high birth, affluence and prosperity if its shinning upon the native but sometimes , it could also bring over-aggression, hasty decision and over-confidence leading towards hurdles in the path. Sun or Surya plays a major role in the amendment of person’s personality and inner self which at whole makes a person. For simple explanation, if Sun is not well placed it brings pessimism, lack of life, mental instability, fluctuations of thoughts, mental crises, loss of self believe accompanied by mental and physical weakness leading towards the failure in life. Besides this, an afflicted position of Sun could also bring aggression, arrogance and desperation leading towards the loss and harm. Sun expresses our inner self and ideality in astrology as it explores our inner colors and so on governs over our atma or soul and all of our doings besides governing over uniqueness of each for making everyone different. In the words of astrology, sun impacts over our strength of atma or soul and vision towards the world outside which are the two significant aspects for developing a persona which shows the shades of inner our essence. On the other hand, in Vedic astrology, Sun also explores the position and strength of physical body along with the height, complexion, eyes and features of a person for Sun being the expression of potency and domination. On account of this, it confers good height, sharp features, fair complexion, good eye-sight, strength of mind and body, creativity, health to his favorite natives and makes their lives worthy. Sun also expresses the dreams and desires of the person and whatever he aspires for in his or her life. It impacts the interests and inclinations of the person in different directions. Other added aspects comprise the creative side of a person as Sun governs over the vision and thoughts of the person along with the expression of children and parenthood. It also explores the way of living specially about the fun in life including sport, holidays and events. Altogether it articulates that Sun makes a person through governing over the aspects of personality of the mortals. Effects of well placed and powerful Sun or Surya in the birth chart
The Supreme glitter of paradise, Sun plays many roles in our lives on account of it’s placement in our horoscope chart, where if it carries a good position or is exalted that reflects many colors upon the mortals. The well placed Sun would give the strength to the soul of the person. Sun would give high level of self-esteem and courage. It will give him strength of mind. The person would be having high level of determination and resolve. It would be hard to suppress him. He would have aristocratic in approach. Contented or powerful Sun reflects the wisdom of the utmost scholar of paradise upon us as bestowing the whole knowledge along with the strong intellect and insight to win over the world. Well placed Sun provides us the strength of mind comprising the peace, patience and persistence of mind besides giving us self believe and courage with firm thoughts along with the strength of physique. Altogether, Sun while powerful and well placed confers us the entire inner and outer strength to win over the hurdles of life to acquire the success while also bestowing us the kind and gentle attitude towards the surroundings along with a vivid and strong vision towards the world for making us able to differentiate well. In the end, it bestows us all the positive attributes and makes us humane. Effects of ill-placed and weak Sun or Surya in the birth chart The weak and ill placed Sun not only damage the qualities and blessings given by Sun but this weak situation of Sun would make the raj -yogas and dhan yogas made by other planets lesser effective. The divine brilliance of heaven, the weak or ill placed Sun could also bring some negative reflections upon the mortals on account of its ill placement or because of its not being powerful in the horoscope chart. This could come out as enhanced aggression in the attitude besides making him or her harsh towards the world. The person would loose all gentleness for his own self interest. The person would not possess much strength either inside or outside along with a weak vision towards the world making him or her poor at differentiation and judgments. The person with weak sun in his chart could be weak-willed and have lesser self-esteem. He would pretend to be brave but he lack the true courage. The weak and ill placed Sun would lead the person towards week financial stature along with many failures in the path on account of his or her weakness. This whole would come along with the restlessness in mind and loss of peace in life of the mortal. Strength or dignity of Sun in a horoscope- Exalted, Moola Trikona, swasthana or swagrahi, debilitated Sun carries different dignities or strengths in our horoscopes on account of its placements in different zodiacs as leaving different impacts upon us. Best position of Sun –Exalted - Uccha In the well establish words of astrology, Sun is believed to be most powerful and effective in Aries. The exaltation or uccha dignity of Sun begins with zero degree of Aries and goes up to 10 degree. At 10 degree, Sun is in highest exaltation state. After 10 degree, it leaves the exalted state and come to the mool trikona which is the second best state. The exalted sun would give the native fearless nature and strong will-power. The person would be highly ambitious and possess good leadership qualities. He would attain high laurels in life and would be highly successful because of exalted Sun or Surya in his horoscope. Second Best position of Sun – Moola Trikona The second best state or dignity of Sun is known as “Moola Trikona” which starts from 11 degree to 30 degree in Aries followed by zero to 20 degree in Leo. Moola trikona is the second best state of Sun. It would make the native full of action. The person would be full of new plans and activities and would be ambitious. He would be having independent nature and would attain a high status in life.
Good position of Sun – Own House- Swasthana Sun comes in the enclosure of its medium dominance and effect upon the mortal lives when it comes at 21 degree in Leo which goes till 30 degree in the same zodiac. This position of Sun is called as own house or “Swasthana”. When Sun is in swasthana, it increases all the qualities of the house in which it is placed. For example, the Sun is in 9th house of Luck , it will increase the support of luck to the person and make the person religious. Poor position of Sun – Debilitation- Neecha Sun is believed to in it’s poor state or debilitation as reflecting negative impacts upon the lives of humans in Libra starting from zero degree to 10 degree. At 10 degrees in Libra, Sun is in the deepest debilitation as to be at it’s worst placement. Here it lacks all of his strength and power and so on called as “Neecha”. The debilitated Sun or Surya cause many difficulties in the life of humans. The debilitated Sun would not give good result even if it is placed in any good house. The person would lack the power of body as well as of brain. The person would have problems in eye-sight. The person with debilitated Sun would lack the will -power and would not stand against the real strong opposition. Astrology Remedies for Sun or Surya Sometimes the placement of Sun in the horoscope chart of some people becomes harsh either because of ill-placement of Sun or by lower dignity or bal of Lord sun or by both. In this state the impacts of lord surya would be negative or malefic to make their life worst on account of the wrath of Lord Sun upon them. Here mortals need to pacify his wrath to acquire his blessings for their betterment of lives by doing the the astrological remedies for lord Sun. Here , we would describe all the possible remedies for lord Sun. All of them are beneficial for reducing the ill-impacts of Lord Sun. Any one of them or the combinations of two or three of them would be sufficient to reduce the wrath of Lord Sun (when malefic in the chart). Gemstone / Mani for Sun or Surya For acquiring the blessings of Lord Surya besides vanishing the malefic effects of Sun, Gemstone Ruby is believed to be best effective gem which is dominated by the sun. This Ruby gemstone / mani for Sun should be of least 3.5 carat weight approximately besides depending upon the placement of Sun in the horoscope chart for taking in account its strength. the gemstone should be worn in gold ring on Sundays. Adoption of the Ruby gem should be preceded with the trial of the gem as in keeping the stone under the pillow for 2-3 days while sleeping for it’s being believed to give certain indications through dreams or some intuitions. It should be followed by the purification or Shuddhikaran of the gem through its sanctification in not boiled milk, honey, curd, pure ghee, ending with some sacred water like Ganga jal besides chanting the Surya mantra during the whole procedure. The Ruby gemstone could be worn as a ring or locket. The metal prescribed for ring is gold. This ring should be worn in the ring finger of right hand on Sunday. The gemstone remedy is very effective for some natives. Fasting / Vrat for Sun or Surya Fasting or vrat for Sun is one of the deep believed way of pleasing the supreme souls of heaven so as for Lord Surya which is perceived to be an effective remedy for vanishing the malefic effects of Sun and for attaining the blessings of Lord Surya. According to this prescription of the fasting or vrat procedure for Sun or Surya, one should fast on Sundays with starting his or her day with the worship of Surya Deva and followed by dependence upon on pure food that only fruits for the whole day along with taking a meal once in the whole day comprising sweet dish and avoiding salt, which could also comprise gudd. This process of fasting or
vrat should be followed for the whole malefic period on account of astrological studies. This astrologicval remedy for lord sun is very effective if done properly by the native. Charity or Daana for Sun or Surya Doing good to others in this mortal land is one of the best way to please deities which directly relates to Lord Surya for which the native needs to accomplish some of it’s part on Sundays which pleases sun and works for vanishing his malefic effects. The charity or daana could include clothing, pulses (1 ¼ KG ) and whatever a person would feel to donate from heart. This charity or daana should be done on each Sunday till the end of this malefic period. This astrological remedies of doing daana or charity is quite effective. Japa / Chanting Mantra for Sun or Surya Chanting the mantras or Japa of Lord Surya is one of the best way to reminiscence the deity and to bestow him reverence with the adoption of any of it’s form for one hundred eight ( 108) times to twenty five thousand times on account of the placement of Sun in the horoscope chart. Chanting the mantras of Surya or japa of Surya requires a lot of seriousness and sincerity for which it should be followed in a properly decided form about number of times, place and time of chanting for everyday schedule. Besides this, it requisites the accurate pronunciation of mantras. In one sitting , the person can do the japa of surya mantra for 108 times or multiples of 108 times. Surya Mantra “Om hraang hreeng hraung sah suryaya namah” Favorites of Lord Sun , Lucky things for the natives having strong influence of Sun Favorite Color – Blood Red Sun is the divine expression of aggression and supreme heat. Lucky Day – Sunday The day bestowed to the Lord Surya and named after him. Gemstone for Sun– Ruby Glitter and reflection of gem Ruby is governed by Lord Sun. Favorite Deity – Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati Lord Surya is the divine devotee of Lord Shiva and Goddess Parvati. Lucky Metal – Gold It explores the paradisiacal glitter and radiance like Sun Favorite Direction – East It’s the emerging point of Sun so on called after it’s name Expression and Blessings of Sun (Surya) Expression of sun In the first view, Sun is the cluster of heat which is perpetual and will glow till eternity and is spreading the warmth around which is fatal while near whereas life giving while farer. On account of this paradisiacal heat, it is believed to be expressing aggression and wrath. Sun has most significant body for the life on earth. Sun plays the most significant role in the prevailing life upon earth, as life begins with sun everyday besides which it reflects hope and happiness to the mortals of this land for which it expresses the beginning, novelty and optimism. Sun pours the divine light upon land and wipes out the darkness and is believes to bring paradisiacal blessings to mortals along with prosperity and supreme wisdom to triumph the world. Sun is the most potent celestial body of our solar system who is holding other objects together at one plane and governing over them as the king of sky. In spiritual believes as well Sun has given the
uppermost position among the rest. On account of this, Sun is the expression of authority and domination along with paradisiacal invincible strength. Above all this, it expresses the presence of supreme souls guarding us, nurturing the mortal land and planning far beyond the sky but closest to us. Blessings of sun Lord Sun pours his divine blessings upon us so that we could walk well upon a well paved path in our journey on land. Sun reflects strength of mind along with the potency of physique so that could stand firmly while confronting the hurdles and would win over them. Sun lightens lives upon this mortal land through bringing hope from new possibilities and opportunities and adorns it with the colors of prosperity and fortune leading towards the high mounts glittering with rewards and acknowledgement leading to success in the path of life. Sun is the vivid paradisiacal expression of domination on account of which it confers the authority and dominant persona to the natives as bestowing mortals possibilities of standing at high statures with the power of authority and tremendous reputation with reverence in the masses. In the spiritual believes, Lord Sun has been reminisced as a paradisiacal teacher and a divine explorer of wisdom and true knowledge of life for which he bestows supreme wisdom and intellect upon the natives of this mortal land. A Message From the Sun By Michael Laughrin,
[email protected] I am the center of things, the essence, the fire, the Soul. In the body, I am the Soul; in the personality, I am the ego; in the family, the father; in the nation, the King; and on the job, I am the Boss. I do not need the planets. They need me. I am very fond, however, of the [Earth's] Moon (for egotistical reasons) as her Light is really My Light. The Western astrologers are somewhat correct in doing Sun sign analysis as your truest nature is always reflected, in large part, through your Sun sign. I rule passion (of the Mind or Soul -- not the body). You come to infinity through Me. I see with infinite eyes. I am: 1. Heat 2. Life itself (more properly, the Life Force) 3. Light 4. Clarity 5. Power 6. Rulership 7. Government 8. Ambition 9. Divine obsession 10. Fire 11. The great eater (although not as great as Brahman itself) 12. The urge to succeed 13. Movement at its finest level 14. That which never dies in a person; the essence that lasts from lifetime to lifetime 15. Clairvoyance (indeed, I have a large role in all the siddhis [psychic powers]) 16. Natural Law (along with Jupiter) 17. Self-confidence
18. Control 19. The impulse to lead 20. Ultimately, it is I who urge you to seek Enlightenment (I am Light itself) You ignore me at your peril. I may lead you to wealth and power. I may lead you into the cave. But, if perfect mental, spiritual and emotional health is what you desire, you pretty much cannot go wrong by following *Me* because I am your best part. I do not react to the world. The world reacts to me. Ultimately, *Soul Power* (Sun power) always wins the day (the year, the millennium). Surrender unto Me, O ye people, and I will give you Light and ultimate Fulfillment. Om sri suryaya namaha. The sun: the essential principals and elaborated details of the sun can be known by considering its role in our solar system. Sun is the center, the light giver - all the planets revolve around the sun - sun is the hub the central point of reference, all the planets take their respective places with reference to this central standard. Also useful in regard of elaborating ideas from an underlying theme is the model of society. Each planet has its equivalent in terms of different components of society. In this light, the sun equates with the King: the ruler the #1, the ruling or governing element in any system or group. - he is the prime minister, the president the head of state, the mayor or head of the city, the head of the chamber the head of he council, the head master or school principal and the head of the family. Other elements within the sun's portfolio associated with this are pomp, power, position in one's career, dignity, self-reliance, prestige, ego, gravity, sobriety, nobility, social leadership, highly placed person in any Governmental institution, political power, king or emperor, a middle-aged man, despotism. Words like registration, register, - derives from regis - king. They mean to come into line with the government codes. Examples like this show how the social structure is embedded in our structure of language and thought. The sun is also the head - because it leads the body, the brain because it governs the body, the body as a whole, the state of health of the body and the ego because that gives us our sense of identity also our identity - the collectedness of our disparate parts which gives us a sense of wholeness wholeness - the governing principal - synergy - a coming together of disparate parts - which is essentially the role of king or leader or head of state - to bring together the otherwise fragmented or splintered or factional parties within a nation or country - Sun/King is that ordering or collecting principal. All laws,legal systems, protocols, orthodoxy, pomp and ceremony issue from the king. These are all the apparatus of the king. these systems and regulations and guidelines and codes of behavior which maintain the STATUS QUO. - the all important order which underlies the structure of society and most importantly keeps the king or head of state in his position of primacy and power. There fore all these things come within the Sun's portfolio. In the absence of the above there is ANARCHY which is the nemesis of the king and his apparatus of law and order and a structured stratified society. In the life of a native, the sun has large bearing on your profession or career: particularly the level of seniority or responsibility or position you attain.
As stated, on the level of the personality the sun Signifies soul, the nature of the native can be judged from the Sun. It represents hot and pungent taste, chemist, druggist, because chemicals come with in its portfolio. goldsmith, sacrificial places, coronation chambers, bones, head, brain, courage. It indicates father, Satwa guna, windy and bilious or fiery temperament, a male, Kshatriya, day, east direction. Disease indicated by Sun : disease associated with digestive fluids, disease of head, brain or bone or esophagus, fever, eye-disease, disease of nerve, arteries, veins, lungs or heart. It also causes disease of mouth or cholera. Metal : Gold, Mercury, Ruby. Color : Golden color, red-copper color. Vocation : Physician, engineer, administrator in a Govt. Institution. Birth star : Visakha (16) and Anuradha (17). Digit: 12,33,48,70. Strength : Ravi is strong when he occupies Mesa, Simha or Vrscika Rasi or while full moon is associated with 7, 13, 16 or l7th Stars (Nakshatras). A man may possess Satwa guna if Ravi is conjoined with Chandra but there is chance of his losing power of thinking due to dark moon (Amavasya). The native may be endowed with real Satwa guna if these two planets are posited opposite to each other. In that case the native becomes truly an energetic person and a lover of independence. While in case of a weak Ravi the native cannot easily be successful in any of his endeavors. Combination of Ravi and Sani or if they are opposite to each other, or if Sani is combust the native may experience many changes in his career, suffer from various sorts of troubles, meet with unsuccess in life or pass through many vicissitudes in life. Following are 2 descriptions of a person characterized by the sun. The first characterizes a strong sun, the second a weak sun. First, a strong sun [well dignified] very faithful, keeping his promises with all punctuality - a desire to rule and sway where he comes: prudent and incomparable judgment, of great majesty and stateliness, industrious to acquire honor and a large patrimony - yet able to accept the loss of these also. The person characterized by the sun speaks with gravity but few words - and those spoken with great confidence and command of his own affection. Thoughtful, secret, trustworthy, speaking deliberately, large hearted or magnanimous - affable & tractable; humane to all. Loving pomp & ceremony and whatever is honorable - no sordid thoughts can enter his heart. When poorly dignified [weak] or afflicted, the person characterized by the sun is arrogant and proud - disdaining all others, 'cracking of his pedigree', short sighted in eyesight and judgment, restless, troublesome, domineering, extravagant - wasting his money and resources, foolish, endowed with no gravity of words or sobriety in action, hanging on to the charity of others yet thinking all are bound to him because of his high born status. Sun in all Rashis It is the most important celestial body of all that exerts the maximum impact. Sun in provides the basic personality traits owing to the particular zodiac in which it is placed. Popularly known as the Sun sign, we come to know about out character, basic life pattern, our physical self and basic abilities. Zodiac Sign
Influence of the Sun
Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius
Strong and well-built, aggressive, popular, ambitious, courageous, intelligent Prominent nose, intelligent, tactful, sociable Well-proportioned body, learned, wealthy, polite, intelligent, interest in mathematics Lustful, poor, drunkard, fickle, sentimental. Physically strong, traveler, poor, obstinate, happy-go-lucky Effeminate, soft-spoken, interested in intellectual pursuits Well-built body, fickle, mean, obstinate, prone to committing bad deeds, due credit to partner, trouble to father. Strong body, bold, cruel, unprincipled, possessing surgical skill, Deceiver. Tall, well-proportioned body, wealthy, happy, intelligent, religious, shorttampered Thin, small body, stupid, poor, timid, mean, unhappy Good height, poor, base, unfortunate, lustful
Aries Astrology Known as Mesha in Indian astrology, Aries is the first sign of zodiacal year. Sun Transits through this zodiac from 21st March - 19th April. Anyone born on theses dates will have Aries as their Sun sign. Ashwini, Bharani and Krittika are the constellation belonging to this zodiac. Moon placed in these Nakshatra at birth will color the individual`s thinking process with same zodiacal traits. The ruler of this zodiac is Mars. Aries is brightly colored with all the fiery qualities endorsed by this planet. The people born in this zodiac are bluntly self assertive, enthusiastic, energetic and always the leader in the crowd. The qualities of Arian are too forceful and energised to be subtle. People often mistaken their assertiveness as their overconfidence, and their enthusiasm as Rashness. True, to some extent. But this very straightforward gush of Arian energy accomplishes wonderful things. Aries is the sign of intellect, and people born in this sign have much higher IQ than average. Their natural enthusiasm also makes them an initiator with fierce loyalty towards their ideologies and ideas. This is a very action oriented sign with all the fireworks surrounding every work undertaken by an Arian. Even the physical features of this sign are too prominent to ignore. They have broad shoulders and solid body structure. Many of them walk with their shoulders thrown forward (hunched, not drooped) or leaned backward. Arians may seem to be a bit self centered and demanding like a child. But they are also the ones carrying the untarnished innocence and naivety of a child. They are naturally friendly and trusting towards others. Arians barely clutter their minds with complexities, grudges and bitter memories. Even ardent enemies become friends as soon as the explosive fights are over and the other side shows truce. Quick tempered and easily offended when ignored, Arians cool off their anger as quickly, and everything is rosy again. It seems unfair to them if you continue to hold grudge.
The negative traits of this sign can be manifested in form of extreme selfishness, cruelty and ego. Its hard for them to see their mistakes and are too egoistical to see other`s point of view. This usually creates a lot of problem for them in relationships, especially in married life. But more often than not, they put complete faith in people as friends. They are extremely loyal and warm; and live their life with spirit of adventure and independence. These people are highly idealistic and fight off to any extent to protect their believes. They are also very emotional and vulnerable, and get hurt easily, although they will be extremely egoistic to show their tears. They are also a bit sissy like a baby when it comes to physical injuries. But other than that this is a very strong and determined sign, which can actually materialize miracles with sheer force of optimism and confidence. Health Aries rules brain, cerebral hemispheres of brain, eyes and face. Mars give them ample of physical vitality and strength for a robust health. Yet when they fall ill it can be pretty serious, with high fevers and malfunctioning directly affecting brain. Career Aries can be the most proficient Go-getter, and do well in stimulating and challenging situations. Their drive makes them apt in the field of military, law enforcement, firefighting, and medicine. Romance Being in love with Arian can be the most romantic affair in one`s life. Aries love with stardust in their eyes. They dream of a perfect mills and boons romance. And yet, their occasional thoughtlessness can cause many a heartbreaks. (The heartbreak will be more severe on Arian part, although they will rarely show it). If the partner enjoys Mars enthusiasm, shares the optimistic ideologies of the Aries, and understand his innocence veiled by aggressiveness, an Arian partner will prove to be a wonderful and romantic lover who will believe in magical romance. Earth signs like Virgo, and Taurean can bring stability and support to the sign. Water signs of cancer and Pisces can identify with sentimental self of Aries. But fire signs of Leo, and Sagittarius; along with Air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are most compatible. Aries have natural affinity towards its own signed people, and Librans. Aries - Active, intelligent, famous, traveler, wealthy, warrior, variable fortune, ambitious, phlegmatic, powerful, marked personality, impulsive, irritable, pioneering, initiative. Aries - The moment you come across an Aries, the first thing that comes to your mind is his/her friendly nature. The friendliest person in your neighborhood will most probably be an Aries personality. People having an Aries profile cannot tolerate injustice, always fight against it and will defend the weak. Aries, The Ram, is the first sign of the zodiac, considered to be the infant representing birth. Taurus Astrology The sign of Taurus is also known as Vrishabh in Sanskrit. The astrological symbol of the zodiac is a bull. Sun travels through the zodiac yearly from April 20th to May 20th. The people born in these dates have Sun sign of Taurus. The zodiac contains birth Nakshatras of Krittika, Rohini and Mrigashira. If at the time of the birth, the moon is placed in the zodiac, the subject is said to have Vrishabh Rashi. The ruler of this planet is Venus. Venus attributes this zodiac with love for beauty, arts, peace and harmony. People born in this zodiac are
patient, loyal and dependable with great deal of stamina and practical approach towards life. Taureans value life in term of material comforts. With their slow, and focused approach, they tend to acquire all the worldly possessions easily. This is one sign, which does not make worry an issue. They can be either laidback and lazy, or phenomenally hardworking, or both by turns. Taureans, amongst all the beautiful things, love to live close to nature the most. They do not identify much with garish artificial surroundings. Music appeases them and sense of family brings warmth to them. Many of the Taurus born possess sonorous voice, and singing capabilities. They love good food and practical things in life. Taureans know how to work hard and make money. They also know how to make and cherish a solid home base. They are reliable and dependable for life, and make good spouse and friends. The major drawback that trouble people close to a Taurus is their strong thinking, manifesting in stubbornness. A Taurean never changes his/ her opinion once formed. They never give way to other people`s insistence no matter what. This determination makes them highly strong people who can go through unusually difficult situations. But their stubbornness might break a few hearts as well. They can be quite resistant to change (or cooperation at times) even its for the better. Taureans usually have strong muscular bodies. Many of them are quite lean, but they are strong nevertheless. Most of them move and talk slowly. People in this zodiac exudes strong will, and even stronger attitude. Maybe it`s because of the fact that they know that these very qualities will place them as achievers in life. Health Taureans are endowed with strong constitution and physical stamina. Their normally placid and tranquil persona also saves them from imaginary ailments. But their love for food and drinks usually goes out of hands. As a result, they tend to gain weight. Lack of natural surroundings can also take its toll. This zodiac rules throat, lower jaw, ears, cerebellum and vertebrae. Career Taureans are natural moneymakers. They value financial security. And money once in doesn`t get out of taurean`s reach. They have natural affinity for real estate, banks and financial institutes. In all the other profession, including arts, Taureans ultimately reach to the top. Romance A Taurean romance speaks of steadiness, loyalty, depth and amazing courtship. A Taurean love is for real, and it embodies all the aspects gifted by the Venus (goddess of love) itself. A Taurean knows how to treat a lady like a lady, without sounding flirtatious. And Taurean is instinctive in making Security as home base for romance. Though Taureans take fiery signs like Aries, Leo and Sagittarius: and go along with air signs of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius with distant amusement and tranquility, they are astrology suggest their compatibility with earth signs of Capricorn and Virgo. They are also in harmony with water signs of cancer, Pisces and Scorpio. They have natural attraction for a Scorpio. Taurus. - Clever, reflective, attracted by perfumes and dealer in them, hated by women, slow to action, musician, self-confident, delicious drinks, happy meals, tactful, original, sociable, intelligent, prominent nose. Taurus - Taurus zodiac sign is represented by the symbol of 'The Bull' and just like a bull, a Taurus person is strong and silent. In the first instance, a Taurean comes across as extremely quiet and reserved person. Only after you get close to him will you have a proper conversation, rather than
simple monologues. He moves deliberately and is as steady as the 'Rock of Gibraltar'. Once a Taurus has made up his mind, it is impossible to move him even slightly. Gemini Astrology This is the zodiac through which Sun makes its way from May 21st to June 21st. Known as Mithuna in Sanskrit, the zodiac covers the constellations of Mrigashira, Ardra and Punarvasu. The ruler of this zodiac is Mercury. People born in this zodiac are sharp, agile, intelligent, analytical and versatile. Gemini gives them multiple shades in their personalities, multiple interests to follow, and many capabilities to handle it all with lightening quick speed. Physical, mental and verbal dexterity of this sign is simply amazing. They can handle many jobs at a time, and are usually fluent in more than one language. They can logically analyse a problem quickly, and then manipulate, or twist it with their silver smooth talking if it suits them. They are not necessarly liars. To them, twisting around a situation with a little colorful imagination to suit them is perfectly harmless. Gemini doesn`t think it necessary to be straightforward. They like to play around with words even while having the simplest of conversations. It`s quite another thing that this particular smooth talking can easily turn their knack into fraud and deception. Thank goodness for the inherent ethical system in them, most of them do not take this forbidden course. Geminis are restlessness in nature, and anything can rarely keep them glued at one place for long. Be it a person, a subject or a hobby, a Gemini`s changeable, unpredictable nature makes others wonder about their sense of time and depth. This very characteristic can either develop them into versatile self or a complete scatterbrain. Mercury responsible for this restless energy constantly allures the person to seek new avenues, new pastures till they get something to stay with. It`s a game of mirage that Geminis play for lifetime. The Geminis who are evolved, mature and practical are able to accept this trait of themselves and channelise their energy and talent in something constructive. In such cases, Geminis top in whatever field they apply their talents to. The zodiac of Gemini rules communication (no wonder about the "k" factor in films and Television, which happens to be the janmakshar of Mithuna rashi according to Vedic astrology. Also, Geminis like Ekta kapoor, and Karan johar rule their respective fields.) One can see even an average Gemini to be inseparable with his/ her phone. All of them are avid book readers, and most of them are book authors as well. Ironical enough, inspite of being great orators, communicators and conversationalist, Geminis do not display personal feelings or emotions. At times, onlookers feel them to posses a pretty cold temperament. The constant need for search and stimulation leads a Gemini to various faces of life and his personality. And yet the search for that one place where they can rest goes on…and on…and on…. Health Gemini rules arms, shoulders, lungs, breath and capillaries. Thank Goodness to their nature, when in proper care they can easily avoid taking to long-term illness. Still, Geminis can suffer from asthma, bronchitis, and pneumonia. They are also prone to nervous disorders and can subject themselves to frequent nervous breakdowns. They usually suffer from insomnia as well. Hence, they are advised to take plenty of rest.
Career Born under the zodiac that rules communication, all forms of media have maximum number of Geminis working in it. Mercury ruled people also become good writer, diplomats, lawyers, preachers and researchers. Many of them tend to change their jobs frequently, and at times take up more than one job. Romance Geminis are rumored to handle multiple affairs in their lifetime. Sometimes, having two consecutive affairs at the same time!! In reality, Geminis can be surprisingly loyal and single minded when in love. They are also sensitive, and loose interest in their affair, if confined too much. But given a cordial company and harmonious relationship, Geminis love to stay back. They want security in relationship, and someone to come back to. A love affair with Gemini will have its own great deal of ups and down. But the affair will be anything but boring. Be it visiting art gallery or circus, be ready for the date anywhere. Also be ready for the heartbreaks if a Gemini out of his many moods gives you a cold shoulder, or forgets the date completely. But you would still want to go back to him because A Gemini will make you see joys of life you never experienced. A Gemini can have hurricane romance with Aquarius and Libra. The compatibility with fiery signs of Leo and (especially) Sagittarius is no less stimulating. The relationship with an Arian will result in mental thoughts and ideas specially going out of bonds of imagination. A Gemini feels restrictive with earthy signs of Capricorn, Taurean and Virgo. Relationship with Scorpio is much difficult to pull up. Compatibility with Pisces and cancer may depend upon various factors. Gemini - Learned, astronomer, scholarly, grammarian, polite, wealthy, critical, assimilative, good conversationalist, shy, reserved, lacking in originality. Gemini - The sign of Gemini, having the symbol of 'The Twins', is considered to be the child of the zodiac. Just as his symbol, a Gemini person will always have two different sides to his changeable personality. He changes his mind too quickly, along with his clothes, his job, his love life or even his residence. Cancer Astrology Cancer is the fourth zodiac in which sun transits from June 22nd to July 22nd. It is identified as "Kark Rashi" in Hindi. The symbol of the zodiac is The Crab. Moon rules over it. Punarvasu, Pushya and Ahlesha are the Nakshatras under this zodiac. Cancerians are ruled by Moon. And everyone knows about the changing facets of this satellite. Moon waxes and wanes; its distances from earth changes constantly, and it comes full round in 28 days. Very much on the same lines, Cancerains are gentle and sweet one day, critical and cranky the next; They are practical and sensible at all times, and yet they can take your breath away by the sudden romantic side of theirs. They can be hardcore about money and security, miser to the hilt, and yet can turn magnanimous suddenly. Often they are endowed with artistic capabilities you never knew about. Cancerians are as unpredictable. But it has nothing to do with Geminian type of unpredictability. They just have different dimensions, which come up under different circumstances. Give them warmth and security, and you will have a loyal friend for life. They wont confess their devotion verbally, as they are the secret store box of all their emotions stacked hidden most of the times. What you may see in a Cancerian may not be what you get. Varied emotions govern them, and the treasure runs much deep than visible.
Most of the lot seems miser, conservative and practical on the onset. But that`s because Cancerians are highly self-defensive. For them, lavishing money is a crime when a sound bank balance can build homes, good investment, purchase some substantial needful things, and even can help a friend in need. See, that`s not misery! That is what they call quality spending. They also seem to be self-centered to most of the world. But that`s because they are very sentimental though they never reveal their feelings as they don`t want to get hurt or invest their feelings in something unworthy. Cancerians will not show it, but they are very emotional people constantly needing emotional security of love and warmth. For them their family means the most, and is the roots of all securities in life. For them, a sound financial standing means they will never have to loose the family, will never have to remain hungry…. In short, even money spells security. They seem so much self obsessed within their own insecurities, that they often turn withdrawn and depressed in a shell. They can be at times intense brooders. But they are not selfish. In fact, they are highly intuitive about other`s pains and troubles than most. And they can come up with generous help at unexpected quarters when you really need it. Cancerians are also sound leaders, who never make rash, impulsive decisions. Their decisions are always well thought and diagnosed. Cancerains have good memory for the past, be it some past incidents of their own life, or history in general. That is the reason they take time to come out afresh of their habits and emotional patterns. They also have good sense of humor and are fun to be with. They are thoughtful and compassionate. Cancerians love nature. Water bodies and full moon have special effects on their being. Water runs deep and silent. They soak the vibrations of surrounding, and nourish the world. Doesn`t the two words, nourishing and nurturing sound familiar?? Well! They are the eternal adjectives for the water sign of Cancerian. Health Cancer is one sign that can create an imaginary ailment, or aggravate an already existing one by their brooding habits. They also have the tendency to go in depression easily. At the same time, people of this sign are highly tenacious, and can actually create medical miracles if they set their mind to it. Cancer rules stomach, pancreas, gastric organs, liver, and serum. They can run into problems on account of being heavy eaters, and lover of food and drinks. They also have tendency to put on weight, and weight related issues for the same reason. Career Whatever Cancerians do, the acts never include aggression and gambling. They are good leaders, and can create stable, long-lasting careers for themselves in whichever field they go. Most of the successful businessmen are born under this sign. They can be good as chefs, managing restaurant business, nurses, historians and homemakers. Romance Cancerians value family, and are very keen on finding the right mate for themselves. A mate who can understand their emotional needs are usually the apt one to go with them. Behind their hard shell, they are the most romantic and vulnerable souls. Cancerains are the one to pamper his/ her lover by taking them for candlelight dinners, moonlit walks and theatres. They won`t be keen on sweeping a lover`s feet in out of the world romance, but will definitely bestow affection and understanding.
Their relationship means a lot to them. The occasional period when a Cancerian retreats in a shell is a difficult time for their partners. But by giving a bit of patience understanding, warmth and faith, one can have the most compassionate Cancerian lover for life. And that speaks of a constant friend, a good husband, and a wonderful father. Geminis don`t usually go with this sign. Libra and Aquarius can be gentle with this sign. Earth signs like Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn make good companions. Cancerians gel well with water signs of Pisces, Scorpio and fellow Cancerians. Fire signs are generally incompatible. Cancer - Somewhat harsh, indolent, wealthy, unhappy, constipation, sickly, travelling, independent, expert astrologer. Cancer - Cancer zodiac sign has the symbol of 'The Crab'. One of the basic characteristics of a Cancerian is that he is very prone to mood swings, which are matched by changing emotions. At one point of time, you may have seen him in a typical party mood, enjoying himself and laughing at other people's jokes. Leo Astrology Leo is often called the Royal Zodiac. It is the fifth Zodiac, and is know as "Simha rashi" in Hindi. Sun travels through this Zodiac from July 23rd to August 22nd. The ruler of this zodiac is the kingly SUN. Magha, Purva Phalguni and Uttara Phalguni are the Nakshatra under this Zodiac. Being a Leo is all about living the pleasure filled life with enthusiasm and being the King of the social jungle. Leos are extremely generous, warmhearted, outgoing and proud people with natural creative flairs. They never fail to use their potential to the hilt. Their sincere and enthusiastic approach to life makes them the most favoured people of all. Leos know how to have a nice time. And they certainly know how to give a nice time as well. Leos are superb host and extremely popular in social events. Yet, they maintain their dignity, and command respect wherever they go. They have very high affinity for anything that`s dramatic and romantic. Passionate to the core, they look for romance in their life. They groom and style themselves lavishly and have a very strong attraction for the opposite sex. This automatically leads to sentimental gushes and happenings of all variety around them. This fire sign also provides with ambition and strong craving for power (and never forget the term respect which is the bare essential for this lion). Although, a normal lion is faithful, and truthful to the core, their excessive lust for pride and ambition can make them extremely selfish, vain and a manipulator in few rare cases. Whatever the instance, nothing stands between their pride and themselves. You attack their pride, and you will have it. A lion will shred you own pride with as many ferocious cutting ways as possible. Leos are highly susceptible to flattery and admiration. This is one of the weakest point of this zodiac born, along with their habit of being extravagant. They like to pamper themselves and their loved ones with gifts and treats. In more than one respect, they are definitely magnanimous. Leos live out of the ordinary wherever they go, and create equally fascinating outcomes in whatever they undertake. Maybe it`s the touch of Sun itself, but we can rarely do anything but enjoy basking in a Leo`s warmth. Health
Leo`s playfulness keeps them happily away from many ailments. Still, they have the tendency to run high fever. This zodiac rules Heart and spinal cords. Either they have very good heart, or they suffer from heart and back problems. Career Leos are natural leaders, and make their way to head of any organisation. They are good in leading positions as MD, CEO, department head, lecturers, actors, artists, writers, athletes, politicians and welfare workers. They don`t have much problem in getting acknowledgement and respect wherever they go. Romance Leos and romance go hand in hand. It is very difficult to see a Leo happy in life without a romantic liaison. Courting a Leo can be the most regal romantic affair for anyone. No one can resist a lion`s charm and passion. Just imagine when a lion turns on his/her full charisma when he is in love. A Leo is also faithful and tolerant of the person he loves. The romance is secure as long as the lion gets his fair share of pride and pampering. Although anybody on receiving end of Leo`s grace and devotion has measure upto the standard. Fiery signs like Sagittarius and Aries keep a Leos spirits up, but they can run in equally hot fights. Airy signs like Gemini, Libra and Aquarius go well with this sign. Watery signs like Scorpio, Cancerian, and Pisces also bring the best of their sentimental side, but they can also dampen their spirit in course of time. Earth signs of Taurus, Capricorn and Virgo don`t make much effect on Leos. Aquarius is one sign that appeals most to the lion. Leo - Stubborn, fixed views, strong, cruel, independent, organising capacity and talents for propaganda, humanitarian, frequenting solitary places, generous, famous. Leo - The zodiac sign of Leo has the symbol of 'The Lion' and just like a lion; a Leo believes that he rules everyone else. Don't tell him he doesn't, it will break his big, loving, proud heart. Leos can easily go from being vigorously outgoing to plain lazy. If you want to find a Leo, go to the most dazzling places in the town. Virgo Astrology Virgo or "Kanya Rashi" is symbolized as a Virgin. This zodiac is ruled by Mercury (it rules the sign of Gemini as well). Sun passes through this sign between the dates of August 22nd to September 23rd. Uttara Phalguni, Hasta and Chitra are the Nakshatras under this particular zodiac. A virgin depicts purity and integrity in thought. She tries to remain untouched by this chaotic, unruly world. Strangely enough, the feminine, earthy sign of Virgo endows same qualities to people born under its influence. A Virgo tries to bring some sense and semblance in this utterly disorganised world. Virgo has a sharp mind for orderly, analytical thinking. This very thinking is responsible for a Virgo`s compulsion to see flaws and failings of this planet and its inhabitants in detailed clarity. Whether it`s about deficiency in someone`s psyche, working methods or simple hygienic conditions, a Virgo sees everything from a critical point of view. Its very difficult him to tolerate any flaw, even if its within themselves. The only catch being, they will be more on denial front about themselves, as compared to their critical remarks about others. A Virgo isn`t being critical to hurt someone. It`s mainly because he/she can`t see anything else but plain cold truth in finest details. A Virgo is very good with details and is often painstakingly perfectionist. This is the basic reason due to which they are often the most cherished employees as
organizers. They usually have problem leading the crowd as leaders. Higher responsibilities bring a sheer strain on even otherwise hectic nervous system. Hence Virgos choose to excel mainly while servicing others. Although Virgos are fun loving people in social circuit, there may be times when a Virgo seems cold and aloof. Virgo is basically a loner. At the same time, he is highly dedicated to servicing mankind. A Virgo is friend in need and illness. He rarely harms others, and does most of the things right. That is the reason they are often cherished as good friends. A Virgo is never Rash, impulsive or spendthrift. He is highly organised, intelligent, truthful and hygienic. Many a Virgos are very devoted religiously as well. They are all conventional, but they can break society rules without flinching when truth and integrity are at stake. Especially the Virgo women are epitome of efficiency and strength. They all are hard working with their value system strong and intact. The very purity shows itself in their crystal clear eyes. Mercury gives Virgo sharpness of mind, restlessness and mental anxiety in the similar way it confers to a Gemini. Only manifestations of the same traits are different in these Zodiacs. Virgos are far from being a scatterbrain and seldom put off any work in middle. In fact they will loose their sleep if they are being unfaithful or insincere to their work or people around themselves. Virgo puts facts and truth in front of any emotions. Hence they may often seem heartless. But in reality, they are most devoted to people and certainly most dependable. At times you may want to give them back on what seems to be overcritical attitude of theirs. But most probably you will end up failing in your attempt, as it`s really hard to find even a hair out of place on a well-groomed Virgo. So you may end up criticizing their habit of criticizing. But then you may realise later that no matter what, it is this ability to improve on things that makes the world a much better place. It`s the silent support of Virgos that speaks for itself. And you will crave to see that beautiful, pure smile on that cool calm face again, so that the moments actually fill up with beauty that`s real. Don`t be fooled by their role as worrisome critic. They are actually extremely happy go lucky and a lot of fun to be with. Health Virgos are most diet and hygiene conscious species of the lot. Mostly they are hell bent on keeping germs and illness away. But they often overtax their body by hard work and their minds by anxieties, so they should occasionally take breaks for relaxation. Virgo rule intestines, spleen, duodenum and sympathetic nervous system. Problems like constipations, diarrhea, and append tics may occur in their lifetime. Career Virgos are not so suitable for job requiring daring and leading the organisation. Their methodical working system makes them ideal as auditors, proofreaders, editors, organizers and even detectives. Romance Virgos ARE Romantic. Its just that their romance has a more earthy and real feel to it. They wont go for a mate who won`t be able to meet their standards of intelligence and manners. They can`t put up with out of the world`s promises and sweeping gestures. But when they make a commitment to someone, their love is most loyal and strong above most. They make good homemakers, and will take care of their spouse and children with fanatic diligence. People who cherish such qualities will never let them go out of heir life. Virgos are most compatible with water signs of Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces. Earth signs of Taurus and Capricorn also suit them well.
Virgo - Linguist, poet, mathematician, taste for literature, well read, scholarly, artistic, good memory, reasoning faculty, effeminate body, frank, lucid comprehension, learned in religious lore, reserved, wanting adulation. Virgo - Virgo has the symbol of 'The Virgin', but the similarity ends there itself. People born under the zodiac sign of Virgo are very devoted to their families. They are not much talkative and mostly stand away from a crowd. However, they will be noticing even the smallest detail. The typical Virgo personality traits include perfectionism. Everything around him has to be just perfect. He is one of those who prefer carrying the exact amount of change for the bread, rather than asking the shopkeeper for a change. Libra Astrology Libra, known as "Tula Rashi" in Hindi, is the seventh Zodiac in the system. It is ruled by Venus. Venus also rules the earthy sign of Taurus, but in case of airy Libra, Venus gives a varied effect. Sun transits through this Zodiac every year on September 23rd to October 22nd. Chitra, Swati and Vishakha are the Nakshatras under this Zodiac. Librans are the seekers of love and harmony. They are also fair and logical. And everyone knows that how difficult it is to follow all these ideals at once. The result is excessive chaos and stormy thinking task to strike a balance. That is what a Libran is all about - Living the life in fun while balancing the scales. And they do it with such sweet manners and gentle smile, that the environment around a Libran seems simply heavenly. But when caught up in the hurricane process of being balanced, it results in indecision, arguments, restless energy, and quite a few heartbreaks. Why? Because a Libra argues everything back and forth, and is unable to reach any conclusion, atleast not easily. A Libran thinks that he wont be able to stick to a decision taken in throws of moments. So, he takes a lot of time and a lot of thinking. Sometimes, much more than needed. But more often than not, when he takes a decision, he follows it with ardent persuasiveness. A Libran is also a judge, and bases his decision on what he sees and perceives. Fact is a fact, no matter the what`s the emotion or reason behind it. Irony being that at times he will contradict himself to get the blissful pleasure of an intellectually stimulating argumentative discussion. Venus is goddess of beauty. And many Librans if not beautiful, are atleast pleasant looking. Apart from his exquisite features, his mere flash of smile is the most charming Argument he can make to win over every logical discussion. Libran charm can topple any heart out of balance within seconds. People born under this Zodiac have deep sense of aesthetics and beauty. Their wardrobe is elegant, and they are often keen on the pleasant interior décor. Especially the females have the most envious wardrobe of all. (Consider all the Libran film stars like Rekha, and Hema Malini and you will know). Each Libran is an artist at heart, and hopelessly romantic. A Libran, if not happily married, will always be in love with someone or the other. With the kind of looks and charisma they are endowed with, such kinds of cupid`s arrows are but natural. Good music, good food and wine, elegant surrounding, with a pleasant stimulating conversation is all it takes to bring the bright side of a Libran. Inspite of their seemingly flighty nature, they are born with warm affectionate hearts. They also honor HONOR in a relationship and also in general life. They love knowledge, and usually are avid book readers and collectors. Inspite of the fact that many a times they are extremely brash and
satirical, they are a social delight with loads of compassion, optimism and charm. Libran women are known to be superbly elegant with loads of hidden strength within their feminine grace. It`s not easy to live along a Libran with all those conflicts raging within a single soul. But given his gentleness and intelligence, combined with his irresistible persona, loving a Libran is just inescapable. Health The zodiac of Libra rules kidneys, Skin, uterus and vasomotor system. Usually, Librans have wonderful complexion, sonorous voice and good body. But their love for food and drinks at times going in excess can create many problems. People with inflicted sign can go through Lumbago and urinary problem. Career Librans are inherent artists and are quite successful in arts related fields. They can be good writers, actors, composers, interior decorators, lawyers and civil servants. Romance The goddess of love herself rules Libra. So the people of this sign have absolutely no problem in being the leaders of this field. They are attracted to the opposite sex ever since their childhood. Their charm and looks assist them to be irresistible of all the whole lot. Librans are nothing if not romantic. Though some people are shocked at their tendency to have full-fledged affair when still trying to avoid marriage. But then again their indecisive nature is responsible for the situation. And some people are equally taken aback to see them going from one affair to another with surprising ease. But that`s again because they can`t even breath without romance, and are in it before they even know it. But most of all people are jealous at the ease at which others find them attractive and irresistible. Librans are the most charming and beautiful human beings. For them and the one paired with them, love life is all about ups and down and a challenge to keep it smooth and balanced. At the same time they prove the efforts worthy by their dimpled smile, velvet voice and the most romantic soul on this side of the earth. You see, it`s really not easy to be a Libran! A love affair between a Libran and Aquarian is mentally and verbally stimulating. Aries, Leos and Sagittarius bring special flairs to the romance. A Libran can still go along with Pisces and Cancer. With other signs, the gentle Venusians might feel restrictive (compatibility depends upon other factors). Libra - Manufacture of liquors, popular, tactless, base, drunkard, loose morals, arrogant, wicked, frank, submissive, pompous. Libra - Libra, The Balance, is the seventh sign of the zodiac. The first and foremost personality trait you will notice about a Libran is his politeness. He loves people and hates to be rude to anyone. However, crowds do not attract him. A Libran is extremely good at solving a quarrel between two people quite amicably. Scorpio Astrology Scorpio is the eight Zodiac of astrology. It is also known as "Vrischika Rashi" in Hindi. The symbol of the Zodiac is scorpion. People under this Sun sign are born between the dates of October 23rd to November 24th. The Nakshatra of Vishakha, Anuradha and Jyeshtha come under this zodiac. The ruling planet of this sign is Mars. Scorpio is the most misunderstood sign of all. If some misinterpret Scorpions to be extremely manipulative and selfish, they are also known to be superhumanly loyal and courageous by many. What adds to the confusion is that its really hard to look in their real self as
they don`t display much of their thoughts or emotions. Either they seem too friendly and harmless, or too ordinary to have any mysteries of mind. But people close to them know better. In reality, (inspite of their casual demeanor) Scorpios are very intense. A Scorpio can be highly dedicated to his family, and hence very generous and giving to his loved ones. At the same time, he can be very revengeful if someone tries to harm him or his loved one. One is angel, the other is devil, and both are the same being. It is entirely upto them how they want to manifest their energy. Scorpios are famous for not forgetting any intentional injury done to them. Inspite of the fact, a few Scorpios choose not to involve in any harm doing. Many of them keep their intent for revenge boiling till they actually destroy the culprit (or harm them substantially). On the same lines, a November born will never forget someone`s help at the time of need, and sooner or later they will gratefully return the help and will loyally stand by that person no matter what. Scorpios are ardent foes and devoted friends. Similarly, people around him either hate them, or admire them with all their heart. A Scorpio is a very confident and ambitious person. Although he won`t give a clue about his innermost desires and thoughts, he can intuitively grasp other`s character, feelings, and unspoken secrets. A Scorpio can hide his own motives with aplomb, while it is not possible to hide things from him. He is an emphatic listener and a true advisor. He won`t guide you wrongly. And he will stand by your thick and thin once you enter his circle of loved ones. A Scorpio forms his own set of ethics, and does not change it no matter what the pressure or social norms dictate. With equal devotion he practices the religion he has chosen. He is a natural student of occult science, and often goes in darkmost depths of the mysterious knowledge. If a Scorpio doesn`t get his fair deal in life, he might become bitter and pessimistic. But his awesome strength might anytime make him take initiative to change the circumstances through his sheer force of iron will. A Scorpio is also tenacious, hardworking and patient enough to inevitably achieve his goal. They are great organizers and strategists. Power brings them a sense of achievement. And yet they yearn for emotional intimacy. Their deep sensitive nature often inhibits them to emotionally trust and confide in anyone. A Scorpio`s legendary daring and confidence comes from the fact that he knows what lies beneath the surface, how world works and all the actions that can change the course. He has complete grasp about what goes on in minds of others and the depth and power of his own soul. He is intelligent and knowledgeable, and yet on a constant quest on something more deep and mysterious. He is not scared of adventure. In fact he is the seeker of new avenues in life, so what if they are forbidden. Ultimately its upto a Scorpio whether he lets his fearless ambitions take a slumber or negative manifestation of revenge and frustrations; or rise enough to achieve the most glorious rewards of courage. Health Usually the health picture of Scorpios is quite strong. But their excessive brooding habit and controlled emotions can actually cause a series of ailments. At the same time, they can come out of even a lingering disease with the help of their amazing will power. This miracle holds equally true even if they have gone in addictions of drugs and alcohol. The sign rules the reproductive organs. Therefore problem areas are prostrate gland, pubic bones and private parts. Also excretion, and red blood cells are affected. Career
They can be intense actors, writers, directors and composers. But their healing empathy with mankind has turned out the best doctors and surgeons in the world. They are naturally good at detective works and their Mars ruler ship make them adept in firefighting, military, law etc. They make remarkably shrewd politicians. Romance Scorpios are passionate about everything in their life, least of which is romance. Both the sexes are sexually attractive and magnetically irresistible. Involvement in an affair can bring about bittersweet aspects all the time. But one can be rest assure that when they say I love you, they mean it from the depth of their soul. They are very dedicated to marriage ties and family. They are extremely possessive and jealous when it comes to their loved ones. And yet they are high individual and wont let anyone, including their lover/ spouse interfere with their individuality. Sometimes their passion is bothering and frightening; and yet at the end, it eventually turns out to be the most magnificent manifestation of an emotion called Love. Scorpions have good compatibility with stable earthy Taurean. With Geminis, they feel strong attraction, but rarely a lifelong compatibility is formed. They go well with cancer, Pisces, Capricorn and Virgos. Scorpion passion lures a lion`s passion. Still the compatibility is dependent on other factors. Scorpio - Adventurous, bold, fearing thieves and robbers, reckless, cruel, stubborn, unprincipled, impulsive, idiotic, indolent, surgical skill, dexterous, military ability. Scorpio - Scorpio, with the symbol of 'The Scorpion', is one of the three water signs of the zodiac. One of the first things that you notice about Scorpios are their eyes; they will be very intense and totally hypnotic. Infact, many people find it very difficult to stand steady under a Scorpio's constant gaze. His eyes seem to be penetrating your soul, knowing your deepest secrets and desires. Sagittarius Astrology Sagittarius is the zodiac symbolized by an archer with lower half body depicted as horse. In Hindi, zodiac is known as "Dhanu". The planet of fortune- Jupiter rules Sagittarius. Sun remains in this zodiac from 22nd November to 21st December.People born under these dates are known as Sagittarius/ Sagis. The constellations of Mula, Purva ashadha and Uttara ashadha fall under this Zodiac. Optimism, Idealism, knowledge and honesty are the virtues directly associated with this sun sign. Sagis are enthusiastic, friendly, truthful and intrinsically straightforward. Although, they often seem to be (sometimes they actually are) satirical and harsh, for most of the time they are just blunt and straightforward in speaking what they see or think. In reality, sagis are the most reliable and generous of the lot. Whether its bestowing some warm gesture for a friend or taking up cause for the unprivileged, a knack to help comes natural to a sagi. They also cherish soft corners for the animals. Many are known to provide shelter to sick and injured animals on street. Not many people can go along with a Sagi without feeling uncomfortable, as not all appreciate the Transparent thinking of these archers. But the ones who value truth and honesty above all, not only cherish them, but also are loyal to them for thick and thin. Sagis are known to be the most frank and friendly people. They are talkative extrovert souls loving social circles and entertainment. A few of them may be a bit shy and stable, but all of them enjoy change and thrill of scenario. Be it entertainment in social events and party, or the thrill of any outdoor sports, every Sagi has an inherent need of the versatility.
They have alert eyes and confident walk that really stands out. Usually they are provided with athletic bodies and a wide forehead, and an unmistakable friendly smile that puts their complete trust in your soul (also, vice a versa). Its really a pity to see a Sagi with their repressed brilliance after the world has crushed him down with its harshness, or the natural enthusiasm giving way to melancholy due to confined responsibilities of family and life. Sagis are big dreamers and are very intelligent and informed. They love to acquire deep knowledge on subjects, and can be very good researchers and professionals. They are restless by nature, and hates rules and confinement. That may be the primary reason they are hesitant to tie themselves down in nuptial knots. Sagittarians loves sports, horse riding and more often than not are the receivers of speeding tickets. Although their memory is good in general, they are relatively thoughtless and forgetful in their daily life. Sagittarius are not necessarily graceful in their movements and are prone to accidents and injuries. A life with Sagittarian around is never dull and boring. And its really a delight to see an honest and honorable soul with unwavering passion for truth making its mark in this world. Health Sagittarian cheerfulness is the strong reason behind their robust health. But they are often prone to accidents. Their love for good food and wine is also one of the reasons for fat accumulation and other related problems. Sagittarius rules Hips and femur bones. Problem areas are hip dislocation and rheumatism. Career Sagis are naturally inclined towards showbiz and sports. They can also do well in public relations, social works, as researchers and anything that involves constant growth and change. But its very important that they do what their hearts lead them to. Romance Sagittarius are warm and wonderfully friendly in romance. They are also pretty sexual in nature. Their extrovertness exposes them to many potential mates. So even romance is one area constantly under Sagi`s exploration. They are usually faithful and loyal to the mate who understands and trusts them. They need to be set free of any confinement or obligations in any relationship, and they can actually amaze by showing how dependable they can turn out to be. A Sagittarius constant bluntness may hurt a mate`s ego now and then; but their loving nature is genuine, and their enthusiasm for life is infectious. No wonder, there are many people who can vouch for the out of ordinary life they live with a Sagittarius. Sagittarius attraction for a Libran is but natural. They go along well with Leos, Aquarius, Aries and Gemini, and occasionally with Pisces and Cancer. With all the other signs they may feel restrictive. Sagittarius - Short-tempered, spoils, reliable, rich, obstinate, respected by all, happy, popular, religious, wealthy, musician. Sagittarius - Sagittarius has the symbol of 'The Archer'. The people born under this zodiac sign just don't know how to give compliments. Their compliment will be like "You are looking so good in this dress. I bet no one can make out that huge beer belly" of yours. It's not that they are trying to offend you or something. A Sagittarian tries his best to be cheerful and friendly, but fails miserably. Capricorn Astrology Capricorn is the zodiac in which the sun travels from December 22nd to 19th January. The zodiac is known as "Makar" in Hindi. Astrology defines symbol of the
Capricorn as goat, or a being with the head of a deer and body of a crocodile. The ruling planet is Saturn. The constellations formed under the Zodiac are Uttara ashadha, Shravana, Dhanishtha. The zodiac of Capricorn is at the receiving end of the full effects of gloomy and stern Planet called Saturn. There is nothing aggressive or flashy about the people born under it. Everything seems to be submissive and subtle. Yet Saturn is the planet that rules the final outcome. People of this zodiac face life with a calm, serious perspective, slowly making their way to top. They are the ones to succeed eventually. And why not? Capris are far above passion, aggression, display of emotions and fickleness. Hard work, discipline, diplomacy and focus on their ambition come naturally to the rooted, down to earth folks having close vibes with Saturn. People under this sign seem quite friendly and harmless. They often are. But their opportunism and reverence to success makes more vulnerable souls their indirect pray. They thrive on other`s flaws to prove themselves strong. They are highly ambitious people who never give in to laziness, ego and emotions. Usually they are epitome of efficiency. Capricorn people respect tradition, power and authority. And their whole life is devoted to gain these very objectives Though this sign is highly materialistic, many Capricorns are known for their deep spiritual wisdom (Our own swami Vivekanandji is one inspiration). It all depends on where the efficiency is channelised. But more often than not, Capricorns are focused majorly on making their niche in social or professional circle. Usually, both. They are the ones to take responsibility and ambition very seriously, Especially when it comes to family. They are the caretakers of the family, who will not compromise on family values no matter what. Naturally, such burdens added with gloom leads to loneliness, worry and various ailments related to it. Much often, along with the passage of time, a Capricorn learns to cope up with his duties and starts enjoying life. Each one of them is endowed with earthy sense of humor. Many of them are quite artistic, and sophisticated than the surroundings they were born with. It is usually a pleasant experience to have a conversation with them. Their impeccable manners and down to earth humble attitude make the other person completely relaxed in their company. They are the most dependable and loyal people. Their devotion to their family and relatives knows no boundaries. Capris often adapt the role of quite, but highly responsible role of a leader in an organisation, as well as family. Anything with them has to a matter of the long run. Life with obstacles is of no consequence to them. They know naturally how to avoid hurdles or to endure them bravely, to gain the only things that matter; namely success and family. Such stubborn, shy people with gentle manners make a strong social circle and few loyal friends. It is often said that Saturn is the planet that brings gloom, obstacles and hurdles to life. But then it also rewards a person with enduring success when a person emerges victorious from the trial period. At the end phase of life, when saturnine people realise that they have done their duty, and done it well, they relax and Saturn releases them slowly with several rewards of family, friends, reputation and success. Then Capricorn comes out in the sunlight, with an unusual wide grin on their face. After all, they are the ones to deserve the last laugh. Health The natural state of taking mental burdens, added to their serious mental attitude incurs many a health problems. Still, theses people have amazing
stamina to speak of. The zodiac rules bones, skin and hair. Problem areas can be knees, joints, eczema, leprosy and dislocation of bones. Career Capricorns are the most efficient and organised people of all. They are extremely practical and career conscious as well. They are good in administrative fields, where the Saturn ruled leads the herd with a single mind towards success. Capricornians usually become the backbone of any organisation. They excel in any field that bring security, social grace and money for them. A few of them are artist. But even then, these people approach a career in arts with practical viewpoint. Romance A Capricorn is essentially a family person. Even if he is in love and is serious enough to marry, emotions take a secondary stand. Practical matters come first. The mate has to be intelligent and graceful enough. A family oriented attitude is a must. Also, Capri`s own family has to approve of the alliance. Only then a Capricorn will give the mate his respect. Devotion is followed by love. A Capricorn may be so occupied by his own family, career and being correct socially, that a wife/ husband might actually wonder where does the priority of spouse stands. The fact that a Capricorn is often a loner will also add to the worry. But as you will start showing that you are dependable and trustworthy, you will get more and more significant standing in Capris choices in life. Then he will be able to release his romantic side with full faith in you. And you will yourself see how reliable and loyal he stands for the entire lifetime. His love wont be wishy washy, even though it may take time to bloom, but he will reward his mate with an honor and trust that very few lucky people receive. A lifetime achievement award is usually the best kind!! A Scorpio usually complements Capricorns. Taurean, Virgo or Leo also suit their temperament. They make good homemakers with Pisces and cancer. The compatibility doesn`t fare well with Gemini. With other signs, astrology compatibility is dependent on other factors. Capricorn -Mean-minded, stubborn, ignorant, miserly, pushful, unhappy, boring, active, meddlesome, obliging, humorous, witty, affable, prudent, firm. Capricorn - The zodiac sign of Capricorn is represented by the symbol of 'The Goat', more precisely a Sea-Goat. Capricorns are not the ones who seek limelight; rather they make up the audience that admires. They are like the tortoise, which moves slowly and still wins the race. A Capricorn finds it extremely easy to merge into a group and will look like one of its original members. Aquarius Astrology Aquarius is the eleventh Zodiac in the belt. It is known as "Kumbha" in Hindi. Sun transits through this zodiac from January 20th to February 18th . According to Vedic astrology, this zodiac is also ruled by the planet Saturn. The Nakshatras of Dhanishtha, Shatabhishak and Purva Bhadrapada lie beneath this sign. The zodiac of Aquarius is truly contradictory and complicated. This deceptive zodiac provides people with dream and innovations, yet the paradoxical ability to analyse and grasp reality in full depth. Another inconsistency being that an Aquarian is the man of the masses, and still he is essentially a loner. Aquarius is an air sign, which deals in ideas, abstracts, observation, cheerful disposition and innovation. It is also the zodiac ruled by stern and gloomy Saturn. Hence, twist and turns of the path given by this zodiac are varied and sometimes, extremely erratic. An Aquarian is all about people, crowd and friendships. His love for humanity knows no discretion. An Aquarian can be as warm to a street sweeper, and as cutting to a king. He can be funny, basking
in new discoveries and adventures most of the times. And yet, there are the phases where his originality and unique thinking compels him to go inward and share a few things just with himself, Especially when there is no one around to understand his breakthrough ideas or sensitivity. Barring a few rare Aquarians who seem timid and emotional, this sign is all about exploring life with fearlessness. People born in this sign are highly independent individuals. Once they form an opinion, they wont change it even for a million bucks. Speaking of bucks, the sign is far from being materialistic. It is highly intellectual sign, where ideals and ideas form the soul. Money is often the accidental part of the work. Although an Aquarian is very open and receptive to other`s ideas and opinions, once they have formed an opinion of their own they are quite stubborn to consider things otherwise. Research and new avenues excite him. For them, a stranger is also a good potential experimental subject for psychological analysis. They are often very good analyst and reach the corners where no one has even trodden. No wonder everyone confides their smallest troubles and deepest desires to them, knowing that an Aquarian will never judge and will always understand. But an Aquarian can rarely put that kind of trust in someone. As a result, often he is forced to take a break from this world to go in sudden spells of loneliness. Then they come out again, replenished again to take in the world and its people. The sign provides the one born in it with almost intuitive grasp of feelings and ideas. Many of Aquarians can foretell the future or what`s going on in the depth of our mind with uncanny capability. It`s almost telepathic. Maybe it`s the reason that they often follow their instincts rather than cold logic and practicality. Many geniuses are Aquarius born. At the same time this sign also inflicts the zodiac born with inherent anxiety and mental breakdowns. This is a gentle sign, which creates its own set of ideals irrespective of dogmas of the society. People in this sign are at times eccentric, impractical, yet no fools. Otherwise how will we be thankful for so many inventions, and liberated thinking gifted by this sign? Aquarius is truly the zodiac that belongs to mankind!! Health Aquarius rules lower limbs and ankles. People from this zodiac might suffer in these organs as swollen legs and pain in the ankles. They are also vulnerable to nervous disorders and breakdowns. Career Aquarian`s curious and unique thinking makes them good researchers, scholars, astrologers, scientist and technicians. Many of them are also good artist, composers, writers and psychotherapists. They can be pretty determined in whatever field they choose, and sooner or later achieve one form of distinction or other. Romance For every Aquarian, romance is a great interest to follow till the time curiosity persists. All the while, the lover is the most important person on earth. They will use each and every romantic gestures in the book, with all the flattering curiosity about you, your pains and desires. But the minute, romance start yielding to confinement, an Aquarian love suddenly turns cold and disinterested. Still, no matter what the Outcome of this hurricane romantic affair remains; they will still be your friends. One is usually shocked to find that an Aquarian can actually be a friend with many of his ex`s. They just cannot commit to the marriage very easily. Sometimes they confuse love and friendship to make
things go in a complicated fashion for years. For Aquarians, sexuality is the aspect that comes only after mental bonding. It is very important to respect Aquarian`s individuality in a relationship, to bear his stubbornness and eccentricity and let him go to his phase of loneliness whenever he desires. Only such freedom in love can coax an Aquarian to enter in a long-term relationship. On the positive side, you will always have a trustworthy, dependable person to lean on. Not to mention the unexpected surprises, and romantic gestures coming in every now and then. Even a romantic affair with Aquarius requires believing in dreams and living in reality. And to blend the two in a beautiful union called love. Aquarians and Leos tend to have good balancing relationship. Aquarians have inclinations for whirling romance with an Arian or Gemini. They go well with Pisces, Libran and Cancer. With other signs, other factors in the compatibility matters. Aquarius - Poor, unhappy, unlucky, unsuccessful, medium height, rare faculties, self-esteem. Aquarius - Aquarius 'The Water Bearer' is the second last sign of the zodiac. An Aquarian lives in the real world, but he will talk about the future. He is very kind and peace loving, but likes going against the conventions every now and then. Usually, he is very soft spoken, but can surprise you by passing very offhanded remarks and statements. Pisces Astrology Pisces or "Meen" is the last zodiac in the belt. The two fish swimming in opposite directions symbolizes the zodiac. Meen is ruled by Jupiter. The people born between the dates of February 19th till march 20th belong to this zodiac as their Sun sign. The Nakshatras of Purva Bhadrapada, Uttara Bhadrapada and Revati belong to this sign. The sign of Pisces belongs completely to the water element, and is the richest of all signs. It contains traces of all the previous signs in the zodiac belt. This makes Pisces as a highly evolved Zodiac. People belonging to this zodiac are extremely easy going in their disposition. If not for any aggressive sign dominating in their chart, Pisceans are quite laid back about their life. They are more focused and fine tuned to finer aspects of living and they cherish Arts and people. Its also true vice a versa. Pisceans are naturally gifted for fine arts. They are also very intuitive and sensitive towards other`s feelings. Many a fields of arts are richly gifted by Piscean talents. And there are but very rare people who do not connect deeply with ones born under this zodiac. A Piscean is usually the agony aunt to many a people, where the fish friend will simply soak up their pains silently and sympathetically. A fish will thrive on colourful, artistic surroundings of leisure. Somehow, Pisceans are able to ignore the harsh reality of life, and see the world through dreamy haze. They like to dream and live in them. A few of them follow their dreams to turn it into reality. But more often than not, many Pisceans spend their life daydreaming, realising fully that they need to face the harsh world to materialize their wishes, but at the same time are scared to leave the cozy cocoon of the warm and friendly world they inhabit or imagine. Pisces reflects emotions and sensitivity that runs deep. They naturally identify with the versatile emotions of the people surrounding them. That is the prime reason everyone confides his or her own feelings in him or her. A Piscean is so subtle and seemingly harmless, that its very rare that they invite any enemies. They are adaptable to any adversity instead of opposing it fiercely and bitterly.
They fit in this scheme of world rather nicely. And yet, they can survive any situation that turns into adversity. The secret being that they charm people in their emotional nitty gritty without an ounce of suspicions. Well there is nothing to be scared about, but sometimes their occasional crankiness, lack of discipline, and habitual lies can create a feeling of deception for people involved with them. They can uncover the mystic sciences and spirituality easily. Many of them are highly intuitive. They can look up in any secret and premonition about future with mere insight. They have haunting sweetness and gentleness which makes the other people immediately comfortable with them. Pisceans loves variety. They love travelling and living the life with all forms of pleasures available. Many of them actually manage to live life out of the ordinary. Many glamorous socialites are also the gift of this sign. They like to dress up well, have fetish for shoes and an eye for beauty. Talking about eyes, Piscean eyes are usually out of the world. Although they are haunted by lots of unspoken emotions and dreams. Romance, art, emotions are the issues round which a Piscean life is beautifully knitted. Health Pisces rules feet, liver and lymph. People with Pisces as their ascendant can have foot disorders, anemia, eyelid inflammation, and problems related to heavy eating and drinking. Pisceans generally love food and drinks and hate workouts. This can cause many physical problems. Also, soaking up those mental pains and burdens by sympathizing with others can also affect their health in long run. Career The zodiac lends to a natural gifts in arts, be it music, poetry, acting, writing or painting. A Piscean should follow his own heart with a practical intent. Otherwise there is no limit to wasted Piscean artists in this world. Their natural tendency to sympathize can make up for the best of nurses under this sign. Travelling and tourism also suit them. Romance Piscean`s need for romance is the core aspect of their natures. Even the more practical looking Piscean is rich with a romantic soul that`s hidden. A romance with a Piscean is all about soul gazing in garden of roses. Everything else is sweet, gentle and beautiful till practicality raises its head. Their mood swings, a sarcastic tongue and an unknown desire to lie (or make believe) may upset you every now and then. But the level of comfort one shares with these people is phenomenal. People, emotions and ideas of all kinds will be constant companion to a Piscean. This will makes sure that your life will never be boring, least to say. They will be the most gentle, understanding husband/ wives who will let you be you, and have full faith in you no matter what. Not to mention that your own life will never be short of one essential Piscean boon -"ROMANCE". Pisces have soulful compatibility with Scorpio. They go along quite well with Cancer, Taurean, Virgo and Capricorn. This is one sign that can actually go along with all the signs. Relationship compatibility is governed by other factors of astrology. Pisces - Pearl merchant, peaceful, wealthy, uneventful, religious, prodigal, loved by women. Pisces - Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac, which has the symbol of 'The Fish'. Pisces people are not much interested in the material things of life and are not the ones to run after money. It's not that they are against riches, but they are more aware of its impermanence. They are not greedy about anything, least of all wealth. A Piscean has an easy carelessness about tomorrow.
The Sun Through the Signs The Sun is the Soul, Inspiration and Truth in the Astrological Chart.
Sun is the center of solar system in astronomy and thus has a prominent role in the life on earth. In the same way, it has given a prominent role in Vedic astrology. It represents dominance, authority, power, morals, high birth, affluence and prosperity if its shinning upon the native but it could also bring aggression, frustration and unstable mind leading towards hurdles in the path. Sun is the one of the three ascendants in Vedic birth chart and thus it's well placement and power is very important for any person to be successful in life. The following descriptions are based upon the moolatrikona Sign of the planet and in applicable cases, the additional sign ruled by the planet. There is commentary by the ancient texts, Saravali and Brihat Jataka, after each description. Please take these with a grain of salt because they are mainly based upon the planetary rulership of the Sign being benefic or malefic. Sun in Aries: Aries is a moveable, Fire Sign. In addition to Arian characteristics, the native with Sun in Aries will have the motivation to inspire and teach with their natural charisma. They will also want to roam to spread their knowledge and ideas and to seek and dispense Truth. This is because Aries is the 9th sign counted from Leo, the only sign ruled by the Sun. The motivating, manifesting principle is based upon 9th house matters with the position of the Sun in Aries. How will the native perpetuate their creative ability into the world? They will do so by teaching others and roaming about, often to foreign or far away lands. He or she will follow a definite purpose and will naturally feel that purposeful action will further their goals. A solid philosophy of life is also another way a Sun in Aries person will feel that they are connected to the Truth. Counting from Aries to Leo, we get 5. 5th house connotations will be the way the Sun in Aries person will receive inspiration, vitality and Truth. The person will be a pioneer and need room to develop their creative ideas. He or she will derive pleasure and inspiration from learning and sports. The native with Sun in Aries will be inspired by their children and creations. The Sun as power will come from manifested ideas. The more the Aries creates, the more they are coming from Truth, which is the Sun. The Sun being the only planet that produces light is representative of the Truth. One who has the Sun in Aries will comment on the meanings of Sastras, be famous in arts, fond of war, fierce, attached to his duty, fond of roaming, will have strong bones, be good in deeds, will do valorous acts, will be subjected to bilious and bloody disorders, be splendorous and strong. The native will also become a king. – Saravali, Chapter 22, verse 2-3- Kalyana Varma One having the Sun in Aries: is famous, clever, widely traveled with loss of wealth, earns through weapons. This is so when the Sun occupies a point other than its exaltation degree,(10th) in Aries (in case it occupies the exaltation degree, the trait of lesser value such as loss of wealth etc. shall not be there) – Brihat Jataka, Chapter 18, verse 1 – Varahamihira Sun in Aries zodiac | Surya in Mesha rashi Sun is most potent presence among all the planets in the astrological arena besides which it is perceived to be the king in the solar system as it holds all the celestial bodies around and dominate over them. For the same reasons, it will bestow same attributes to the natives and will make him/her stay strong from the core with a balanced composure of mind while he/she would be dominating and effective in appearance as they carry the strength of leaving marks behind. These people are born leaders but they should stay away from overshadowing others. Sun is the Guru of all the planets for which it provides wisdom and true knowledge to the native besides which the person would carry a positive attitude towards life along with the firmness in approach as the person would not let others effect their approach. These natives are mature beings but they are very much concerned about their presence besides which they are very much vigorous & courageous personalities which makes them exploring in nature but this could turn snobbish at
times. These natives would carry much self belief which will take them towards good heights if it won’t become over confidence. The positive impacts of Sun would endow the person with clear vision towards life. On the other part, the native could turn aggressive and stubborn along with a tough heart but these natives are not evil and wicked souls as they know the difference between evil and pure and do believe upon moral path. The native would attain strong position upon land through his/her intellect and hard work besides which they these people are well suited for political career. In the end, they could have eye problems and should hold upon their much risk taking tendency. Sun in Aries: makes a person aggressive, energetic and impatient, impulsive and usually wanting to do things independently. People with this combination are usually competitive, good leaders and refuse to admit defeat. Sun in Aries: Aries is the exaltation-sign of the Sun and hence this is the most powerful position of the central orb. There it radiates a vital force of unexampled strength which gives to the person a wonderful fund of energy wherewith to withstand the onslaughts of disease and should be taken ill his powers of recuperation will quickly free him from the clutches of sickness. People having this position are principally liable to fevers on account of the fervent heat of the Sun in Aries. As Aries rules the head the excessive heat often dries up the scalp so that the hair cannot grow and the person becomes bald. Sun in Aries: Arians can be inspirational, courageous, enthusiastic, original, independent, impatient, aggressive, headstrong, selfish, self-centered, and impulsive. The Arian's energies are directed toward building a new individuality, thus all the Arian's energies are directed towards themself and what they want. An Arian likes roles where there leadership abilities are put on display. Arians have executive and organizing ability which is mainly directed in starting things. Sustaining projects is not their strength, but initiating projects is. The tendency to "damn the torpedos" and ram full-speed ahead must be controlled. Arians are capable of great accomplishments if they learn how to constructively use their abundant energies. Arians are naturally enthusiastic and are always ready for activity and competition. They are inspiring to others because of these tendencies. Ideas and creative projects seem to flow from them in a never-ending stream. They are full of energy and never lack courage. Because Arians can be pretty self-centered, they must remember that other people may have good ideas and can assume responsibility and leadership roles, too. The natural tendency for an Arian is to stand alone and do everything themself. But cooperation with others can be very effective in getting things done to the end rather than simply starting things and quitting before completion. Arians have a tendency to start a project, then to suddenly lose interest in it if progress is too slow or things have become too complicated. Arians are very straight-forward and are neither subtle nor devious. They say what's on their mind and they pull no punches. They don't hold grudges and although they can get quite angry, they do not hold it in and stew about what bothers them. They blow in and out like some great midwestern thunderstorm. It may be violent while it lasts, but it is usually over quickly. Arians are prone to headaches due to tension. Arians are usually aggressive in relationships and generally take the lead. They go after what interests them and the chase may be more fun for them than the conquest.
Four things an Arian should learn are patience, conservation of energy, completion, and control of temper. SUN in ARIES The Sun is exalted in Aries. The Sun in Aries gives a native great wisdom. He will receive help from influential men. The Sun in Aries sign also denotes able doctors and poison curing physicians. This position of the Sun is good news for political aspirations. Sun in Aries will act differently for different ascendants. If Sun is in Aries identical with the ascendant, there will be great wealth. In fact, this position will cause a Raja Yoga. If Taurus is the ascendant, the native will spend on good deeds. For a Gemini native, it makes him rich through brothers, especially during the dasa of Sun. For a Cancer ascendant, there will be wealth and high political position. For a Leo native, there will be power and wealth. A Virgo native may not experience good results; he will however, spend on good deeds. For a Libra native, there will be a good yoga through his wife and partnership. For a Scorpio native, it may result in loss of paternal property. If Sagittarius is the ascendant, there will be great inheritance from father. A Capricorn native may not enjoy material happiness but will have a long life. For an Aquarius native, he will acquire a worthy wife. A Pisces native will not be able to retain wealth. Sun in Taurus: Taurus is a fixed, Earth sign. Sun in Taurus will have 10th and 4th house connotations. Counting from Leo, Taurus is 10 houses away. So, the Sun in Taurus person will be extremely motivated to advance their career and position within society. Their own personal Truth and inspiration will be furthered this way. They will also gravitate to taking on more and more responsibility and to acquiring power. The Sun as the only self-perpetuating light will give these allow these natives to live out their inspiration through 10th house matters. The way a Sun in Taurus person receives inspiration is through their home life and inner selves. They receive Truth through feeling grounded and through their own emotions. Having a fixed home life and stable personal life is directly correlated to their success, power and responsibility they will project into the outer world. The position of the Sun in the sign Taurus indicates that the native will have troubles from disease of face and eyes, will endure difficulties, will have an emaciated body, will not have many sons, will be beautiful, fortunate, nice, handsome, etc, will possess decorum, be wise, will hate barren (or confined) women, be endowed with eatables, garlands, robes and scents, will have knowledge of singing, playing musical instruments and dancing and will face risk from water. – Saravali, Chapter 22, verse 10–11 – Kalyana Varma One having Sun in Taurus: earns his living through cloth scented goods, general merchandise. He is opposed to women, is efficient is singing and instrumental music. – Brihat Jataka, Chapter 18, verse 1 – Varahamihira Sun in Taurus zodiac | Surya in Vrishabha rashi Taurus is the sign of enemy planet of Sun and this relationship could bring some of adverse effect on account of many factors. Presence of Sun in Taurus makes the person more stubborn than the other Taurus individuals as the power of Sun could take it to the obstinacy of mountains. This makes them much inflexible in attitude while provides the huge firmness in mind to succeed.
The placement of Sun in Taurus brings out the attributes of the native more loudly as it would make him or her more inclined towards the worldly life and worldly pleasures comprising all sorts of luxuries and comforts. Besides this, Sun makes them strong and ingenious enough to reach the mount on account of their deeply determined hard work and sharp mindedness. The natives of this placement of Sun in Taurus will look at every aspect before joining any walk and will ponder a lot before approaching which will keep them at the safer side but could also make them lack at many places. This further makes them confident from inside but quiet slow to act as they will pursue everything late but will do it in the best way. In the end, Sun would also induce some of liveliness in the reserve personas and would bestow them some of the valor and adventurous attitude. Sun in Taurus: gives determination and power, success in business related to clothing perfumes and object d’arts, and a fondness for luxury and material acquisitions. It also gives an appreciation of beautiful things, a need for security and a tendency to burden oneself with problems of others. There will be a tendency to eye and dental ailments and such people have a lot of stamina to handle stress. Sun in Taurus: A favorable position for the financial fortunes but it also gives a tendency to extravagance, especially in dress, and makes the person extremely fond of the opposite sex, sometimes with detrimental results. It gives great physical strength and the person loves to show off that people may admire his prowess. Taurus rules the larynx and therefore the Sun in Taurus adds strength to the vocal organs and gives the person a strong, pleasant voice. Sun in Taurus: Taureans are generally strong, quiet, deliberate, practical, exacting, determined, persistent, persevering, compassionate and loyal. They like getting their hands on their work, building things, and seeing the tangible, practical results of their effort. Routine work does not bother them as long as the end result in useful and serves some concrete purpose. Possessions and material things are usually of great significance to Taureans. This is because they don't feel emotionally secure unless they can see and touch the objects they own. This intense need to possess and enjoy with the senses can drive Taureans to be extremely productive or extremely acquisitive. Lesser evolved Taureans can treat people as objects or possessions, thus leading to difficulty in relationships. Taurus people work at a slower pace than most, but they always finish whatever projects they start. Because of this, they are reliable, trustworthy, careful and steadfast. They are better at sustaining what others have started rather than starting things themselves. Taureans can be lead, but never pushed. It takes a lot to make a Taurean mad, yet if they are pushed over the edge, well, all heck can break lose. Simply imagine an angry bull and you know what a Taurean is capable of when he is pushed too far. You know the saying about a bull in a china shop, right? When angered, Taureans need plenty of time to cool down. It is best to just leave them alone. You will know when things are out of their system. With anything Taureans need time to assimilate and mull things over. Don't rush them or push them. Taureans are slow to change their opinions, but once changed it is very difficult to change them back. People tend to feel secure around Taureans. In times of crisis they are generally cool and collected and have the patience and ability to come up with practical solutions to problems. Taureans hate pain and being sick.
Taureans have a love of harmony and beauty and they can be extremely affectionate. But, they do have a decided fear of loss. The feelings that usually accompany this fear of loss are possessiveness, jealousy, laziness, stubbornness and extravagance. If there is no desire to possess anything or anyone, then there is no fear of loss. Taureans need to learn to desire only mental and spiritual things and to release the desire to possess people emotionally and physically. Their other need is to find a true sense of values. They need to learn detachment. They must be willing to let go of people and things. SUN in TAURUS For an Aries native, the Sun in Taurus will not bring much wealth. He will spend away his earnings. For a Taurus ascendant, this placement of the Sun gives good looks and satvic nature. For a Gemini natives, Sun in Taurus means trouble from enemies, litigation and loans. For a Cancer native, this placement will give abundant wealth through wife and females. For a Leo ascendant, Sun in the 10th house will give position of authority and conveyances. This position of the Sun for a Virgo ascendant will produce a miser. Libra ascendant will have frequent monetary troubles with Sun in Aries. Sun in the 7th house for Scorpio native will result in a sickly wife and trouble in marriage. For a Sagittarius birth, the Sun in the 6th house results in problems in litigation and debts. A Capricorn native with Sun in this position will be long lived but will have trouble through children. Sun in the 4th house for Aquarius ascendant will bring gains through marriage and good learning. A Pisces native with Sun in Taurus will have diseases of the ear and will have litigation with brothers for paternal property. Sun in Gemini: Gemini is a dual Air Sign. For characteristics of Gemini, see my article on the Signs. Sun in Gemini will have 11th and 3rd house connotations. Counting from Leo, Gemini is 11 houses away. Sun in Gemini people will project their inspiration and Truth through the medium of groups and societies. Friends and social life will give them ample opportunity to distribute their inspiration and vitality. They will receive inspiration and find Truth through communications, travels, healthy competition and their own will power. Leo is 3 houses away from Gemini. One who has the Sun in Gemini will be a scholar, will be sweet in speech, affectionate (particularly to one’s offspring), will have good conduct, will be expert in profane knowledge (derived from worldly experience which is opposite I.e. knowledge of Brahman or Supreme Spirit), and also in Sastras, be exceedingly affluent, liberal skillful, be an astrologer, be mediocre in appearance, will have two mothers, be fortunate and modest. – Saravali, Chapter 22, verse 18–19 – Kalyana Varma One having Sun in Gemini: is learned, knows Astrology and is wealthy. – Brihat Jataka, Chapter 18, verse 1 – Varahamihira Sun in Gemini zodiac | Surya in Mithuna rashi The presence of Sun in Gemini will keep the level of curiosity in natives to the good extent which could lead them towards acquiring all the knowledge present around and in the end will make them learned and wise. The influence of the Sun upon the Gemini enclosure enhances the restlessness in the persona of natives which makes them appear with the changes very often as they will possess high fluctuations in mind which in true makes them possess no real persona of them. Sun provides them the strength
of mind which makes it difficult for others to lessen their dominancy while on the other hand they are polite in attitude and generous friends but intellectual people would be able to keep them close for long if given the liberty as well. The potency of Sun enhances the vivacity in the natives having Sun in Gemini in their birth charts which makes them appear truly lively and vivacious as people around would find them laughing high at everything possible even if it required a little of expression only. Their enhanced eloquence adds up to their charm. Sun in Gemini: this placement gives the ability to think fast and act swiftly, a great thirst for knowledge, a great ability to write and communicate well, and moodiness. Variety is the spice of life for such people. There will be a tendency to be highly-strung and depressed if things do not go their way. However, people with this position are very reliable in a crisis because of ability to think fast. It gives a fondness for travel, little attachment to material things and a tendency to be unconventional. Sun in Gemini: Gemini is a Mercurial sign and third in the gamut, hence this position gives a blended influence of the Sun, Mercury and the Third House. This favors expression of Mercury for it is the planet which stirs the vocal chords and produces sound in the Taurian larynx; it also favors writings and travel; the mind is brightened by the Sun in Gemini and when it is necessary or expedient to travel the person gains thereby physically and mentally. It gives a pleasant, affable disposition which makes him generally liked among his associates. Sun in Gemini: Geminians are friendly, clever, talkative, versatile, curious, perceptive, intuitive, and logical. At times they can also be quite contradictory, restless, two-faced, critical, and impatient. Gemini people enjoy and need work that includes a great deal of variety. They love to do several things all at the same time, sometimes making them late for appointments. They abhor boredom. Geminians tend to flit from one experience to another, gathering in all types of information along the way, but seldom getting to the depth of any subject. They go broad and not deep. Persistence is not their strong suit. Gaining knowledge and disseminating it is their real talent. Hence, they make wonderful salespeople or teachers if they stick around long enough to get all the facts instead of only half the story. Even if they do not possess all the facts, since they are never at a loss for words, they will continue with their story as if they did have all the facts. It is important for a Geminian to seek intellectual satisfaction. Mental stagnation turns them off, so they read extensively and communicate widely in order to satisfy this longing for mental stimulation. This discontent can make them either very ambitious, or it can incline them to jump from one thing to another, searching for the greener grass which never appears. Geminians usually think quickly on their feet and have the ability to use the right words in any situation. They possess tremendous wit and a good sense of humor. Other people may have difficulty in keeping up with their rapid change of subjects. Because Geminians think so quickly, they often finish other people's sentences for them. This can be most frustrating for the person trying to express their own thoughts. There is a need to learn how to control the tongue and allow slower people to express their own opinions and ideas. Since Geminians have the capacity to see both sides of any issue, they may fluctuate back and forth between opposing viewpoints. They will usually tend to side with the opinion of whomever they happen to be with at the moment. Then they change as the circumstances change. Indecisiveness is a problem for Geminians. Geminians are usually emotionally detached. They use their minds rather than their hearts to find their way through things. Logic and reason are their guidelines. They are able to understand what
makes other people behave as they do, but they have difficulty in projecting themselves into the emotional reactions of the person involved. Some of the negative traits that Geminians possess are lack of concentration and focus, undependability, fickleness, indecisiveness, superficiality, wishful thinking, and dreaminess. They can also be pretty good at nagging. Geminians need to work on getting their mind under control. Their nervous system is highly strung. If they don't learn to control their nerves, they are apt to become ill. The way out of this difficulty is to take the emphasis off themselves and lose it through service to others. Above all, the Geminian needs to learn to channel (control) his energy and his mind. SUN in GEMINI For Aries ascendant, the Sun in Gemini will make him valorous. A Taurus native will have declining wealth. For a Gemini ascendant, Sun in the ascendant itself will give sickness and difficulties from enemies. For a Cancer birth, Sun in this position will give difficulty regarding paternal property and evil friendship if there is malefic influence. For a Leo birth, Sun in Gemini gives a fortunate father. For a Virgo birth, the native will visit holy places. A Libra native will obtain fortunes. For Scorpio, there will be short life. For a Sagittarius native, this position will give a chaste wife. For a Capricorn native, there may be litigations, but there will be ultimate success. For an Aquarius native, there will be only one son. For a Pisces birth, there will be limited effects regarding lands and education. Sun in Cancer: Cancer is a moveable, Water Sign. For the characteristics of Cancer, see my article on the Signs. Sun in Cancer will have 12th and 2nd house connotations. Counting from Leo, Cancer is 12 houses away. Sun in Cancer people will project their Truth and inspiration through the medium of their subconscious. It is somewhat of a paradox, as the Sun’s energy will be taken out of the world and put firmly into the realm of secrecy, dreams, the subconscious and sexual pleasures, all 12th house connotations. Sun in Cancer natives will have a natural inclination to “get away from it all” and meditate, pray or just reach alternate realities. There may be some frustration in expressing their inner Truth and inspirations to others and they may lack vitality. They will receive inspiration and find Truth through the medium of their wealth, self-worth and immediate family. Also, sensual pleasures like food, listening to music and all around comfort will inspire them. Counting from Cancer, Leo is 2 houses away. The Sun in Cancer indicates that the native will not be steady in mind in respect of his undertakings, will be famous by virtue of his royal qualities, will hate his own men, be unfortunate in respect of wife (or have an ugly wife unless full Moon), will be good looking himself, be troubled due to imbalances of phlegm and bile, be distressed on account of labor (i.e. to hard work), will like intoxicants, follow virtuous principles, be honorable, will be eloquent, will be a geographer and a scientist in the matter of atmosphere/space, will be very steady, and will hate people from paternal side. - Saravali, Chapter 22, verse 26–27 – Kalyana Varma
One having Sun in Cancer: is fierce in temper, without wealth, is engaged in doing jobs for others and spends his time in troublesome travels and labour. – Brihat Jataka, Chapter 18, verse 2 – Varahamihira Sun in Cancer zodiac | Surya in Karka rashi The placement of Sun in Cancer confinement bestows strength to the Cancer natives which heals some of the sensitivity of the Moon signs and provides the fragile natives some of the potency as altering some of their vulnerable attitude. This would make them stand independent. The influence of Sun in Cancer brings some of the aggression and harshness in the soft personas of Cancer individuals and makes their outer appearance quiet tough. But it enhances the fluctuations in the individuals as they might act entirely opposite at times. Altogether the person would confront lack in peace of mind. The presence of Sun in Cancer bestows potency to the natives to defend their immense sensitivity as these individuals could fight and revert back to the storms hurting them instead of only lurking inside a cave. Besides this, Sun also provides the strength of wealth to the natives of this placement. Sun in Cancer: this placement makes people very sensitive and family oriented, and the need for security is so strong that such people will do any thing to establish and serve that security. People with this placement are thrifty but complex, strong and vulnerable at unexpected moments, usually diplomatic but when upset very childish and stubborn. They are excellent parents, and masters in the art of passive resistance. There will be a tendency to get tired quickly and to bear heavy family responsibilities and to suffer from imbalance of bile and phlegm in the body. Sun in Cancer: Cancer is the fourth sign and is ruled by the Moon, hence, the Sun in Cancer is a mixture of the Sun, Moon and fourth House influences. In the natural horoscope (where Aries is on the Ascendant) Cancer is at the nadir, and with the Sun here, vitality is at its lowest ebb; therefore with this position one is apt to be indolent even when not sickly at all. He is harmless and avoids quarrels, hence is harmonious and agreeable in the home so long as he is not asked to work too hard. This position of the Sun makes the first part of the life barren of fruits but brings success in the later years. Cancer is a psychic sign and therefore the Sun in Cancer gives a tendency toward the occult, often with psychic experiences. Sun in Cancer: Cancerians have a strange way of moving through life in a sideways manner, never approaching life head-on, but always from the side. They generally do not tackle anything straight away, but always from the flank. Emotionally, they are up one minute and down the next. These mood swings are sometimes difficult for others to understand and deal with. Cancerians are tenacious, sympathetic, industrious, sociable, thrifty and protective. They can also be argumentative, sensitive, emotional, martyr-like, intuitive, psychic, and patriotic. Cancerians respond to life through their emotions rather than through their minds. They tend to absorb the emotional vibrations of wherever they're at, so it is important to always be in positive environments. Because they live in their feelings, they unconsciously seek sympathy and attention and affection from others. They have a strong need to feel secure. Home and family bring the highest sense of security. Because of all this, they want to be first with those they love or they are very unhappy. Cancerians must learn to release their loved ones to live their own lives.
Cancerians are well-known for changing - their minds, their moods, anything. Since they usually possess a slower moving life force, they are usually less active than others. In order to be active, they must first motivate their mind. In general, they dislike exercise. As a consequence, they may become out of shape and gain weight in later years. Cancerians most often have excellent memories. This causes them to reminisce about the past and how things were done then. They are generally pack rats, saving everything, especially if it has some sentimental value. This gives a sense of security. Cancerians are home loving, fond of family life and domestic tranquillity, enjoyers of travel and adventure, quietly tenacious and hard working for the welfare of the family. No matter how far they may roam, they always want a home to come back to. They may not be in it very much, but they still want a secure home base. Cancerians are conservative, but unfortunately, they are born worriers. Their tendency to keep all their problems to themselves is the reason some of them suffer from ulcers. They have this sense that something is about ready to sneak up on them and "get" them. Watch a Cancer walk and see if they aren't walking a bit sideways, looking ahead of them and behind them at the same time. Stabilizing the emotions is important work for any Cancer person. SUN in CANCER Aries native will lack maternal happiness but will acquire fortune. A Taurus subject will have a very famous brother. While a Gemini native will have heavy expenditure. For Cancer ascendant, Sun in Cancer will give physical ailments and bad temper. For a native with the ascendant in Leo, there will be birth in ordinary circumstances with gradual rise in riches. For a Virgo birth, Sun in Cancer will give a tendency towards negative attitude. For a Libra born, this position of the Sun will give opportunity to visit holy places. For a Scorpio native, there will be trouble from the father. For a Sagittarius ascendant, there will be problems for the father. For a Capricorn native, there will be a loving wife. For an Aquarius birth, the wife will be good but may suffer from bilious diseases. For a Pisces birth, there will be trouble from children. Sun in Leo: Sun in Leo people project and receive their inspiration and Truth directly from themselves because the moolatrikona of the Sun is Leo and Leo is the only sign the Sun rules. This gives them a powerful aura and a strong inclination for leadership and a reputation for being egocentric. They do not rely on any other houses to project or receive their Truth and consequently, it can appear as if their whole world revolves around themselves and quite literally, it does. They are vehicles for enormous creative intelligence and inspiration. If the Sun occupies Leo, the native will destroy his enemies, be given to anger, will perform notable acts, will wander in forests, hills and fortresses, be enthusiastic, valorous, bright in appearance, will eat meat, flesh etc; and will be formidable. He will be restive, strong in a lasting measure, talkative, be a king, be plentiful in wealth and be famous. – Saravali, Chapter 22, verse 34-35 – Kalyana Varma One having Sun in Leo: is fond of jungles, mountains, cowsheds, is powerful but foolish. – Brihat Jataka, Chapter 18, verse 2 – Varahamihira Sun in Leo zodiac | Surya in Simha rashi
The placement of Sun in Leo enhances the brilliance in the appearance of natives as their charm will be irresistible to those around and the impact of Sun will naturally make them dominate over their surroundings. They are truly friendly and open individuals which make them admired by many. The impact of Sun in Leo bestows them with unbeatable strength of mind which makes them stand confident and firm at thoughts and walk as a leader and explorer towards the heights. On the other hand, the lump of energy of Sun won’t let them stay at quiet places and would stay involved in the dynamic enclosures. Altogether, they are truly ambitious people and perceived to be successful. The presence of Sun In Leo endows them with it’s aristocracy which further gives them high pride and even could emerge as ego problems and callousness in them. But on the other hand they also carry the generosity and loyalty of the divine sovereign. Sun enhances the feel of free living in them to a much extent. Sun in Leo: this gives great generosity, and good luck, integrity as well as great popularity with the opposite sex. At times, their outspokenness can get them into trouble. There is a dislike of repetition and a desire to be well liked. Women born with this combination tend to dominate the relationships and most people with this placement are practical, philosophical, spiritual, inspirational and enthusiastic, which often lands them in public offices. Sun in Leo: The Sun in Leo gives a masterful nature with a large measure of self-control, a keen sense of honor and a never-failing integrity. The person aspires to rule others but would scorn to take a mean advantage or to do anything to others that would not be in strict accord with the golden rule; the affections are deep and lasting. People with the Sun in Leo are staunch defenders of those they love, but equally strong in their aversions. Leo is the sign which rules the heart. Whatever people with the Sun in Leo do is done with a concentration of purpose which compels success. They make true friends and if one must have an enemy, a Leo will prove more honorable and magnanimous than any other. Sun in Leo: Leos are dignified, courageous, affectionate, powerful, generous, playful, optimistic, ambitious, loyal, and cheerful. On the negative side, though, they can be quite demanding, intolerant, domineering, lazy, closed-minded, and self-centered. They choose to do things that give them wide scope for creativity, organizing, and leadership. Although appearing strong on the outside, most Leos are inwardly sensitive and their feelings are easily hurt. When this occurs, they can turn on the object of their affection, when their pride is hurt. Leos have a decided flair for the dramatic and they enjoy telling stories, being the center of attention, having a good time, and running the show. Mean and cruel acts are generally beneath them, but they do not hesitate to use force when needed. No matter what their actions, they always have the belief that whatever they do is for the other person's benefit. If a Leo is angered, he immediately goes into his kingly role, "mounting his throne" and quickly putting the opposition or challenger in their proper place. Leos literally roar at people when they are angry. But once their tirade is over, they forgive and forget and never hold a grudge. At their best, Leos are affectionate, cheerful, optimistic people who can be counted on to bring sunshine into other people's lives. They are exceptionally generous. Money appears to slip through their fingers as if it were grains of sand. And, like the sand, they have no idea where it has gone. Leos usually have vitality and good health, with strong recuperative powers. When they are ill, they have a tendency to run high fevers. They are seldom depressed, but when they are, they are devastated. Fortunately, their resilient powers are excellent, so they are soon sunny and happy
again, unless their heart has been broken. That is the one thing a Leo has difficulty in overcoming. This can actually lead to physical troubles with their own heart. Leos need to admire their marriage partner. If they don't, the marriage may not last very long. In the end, Leos need to feel appreciated. SUN in LEO An Aries native with Sun in Leo will have royal honors and one male child. For a Taurus lagna, there will be a good career. Gemini native will have only one brother who will be famous. A Cancer native will have abundant riches though much of this wealth will drain away. Sun in Leo for a Leo ascendant will bring fame and beauty. Virgo native with Sun in Leo will have wasteful expenditure. For Libra birth, Sun in the 11th house will bring fortune and full span of life. For a Scorpio native, Sun in Leo will give good conveyances, power and position. For those born with Sagittarius ascendant, Sun in Leo will harm his siblings; there will be a long span of life, however. One born with the ascendant in Capricorn, Sun in Leo will affect his longevity if Saturn is badly placed. For an Aquarian, this position of the Sun will give a chaste wife. For a Piscean, there will be sickness if Sun is in Leo. Sun in Virgo: Sun in Virgo also has 12th and 2nd house connotations, however reversed from those of Sun in Cancer. Sun in Virgo people will project their inspiration through 2nd house matters and receive inspiration through 12th house matters. They will project their truth though making things comfortable and caring for their immediate environment. This gives them the reputation of being “fussy”. Sun in Virgo will be interested in improving their self-worth through taking care of themselves and those closest too them. Sun in Virgo people are receiving inspiration and finding their Truth through self-negation and doubt. They are not really sure where their inspiration is coming from, because it is originating in the 12th house, so they are doubtful and have a natural humility. Should the Sun be in Virgo at birth, the person will possess a physique akin to that of a female, be a scholar, be weak, be an expert writer, be learned and will render service to Gods and elders. He will be expert in repairs of driven vehicles, will be skillful in Vedas, songs and playing instruments and will speak softly and kindly. – Saravali, Chapter 22, verse 42-43 – Kalyana Varma One having Sun in Virgo: is engaged in writing work, literature, mathematics. He is womanish in appearance. – Brihat Jataka, Chapter 18, verse 2 – Varahamihira Sun in Virgo zodiac | Surya in Kanya rashi The placement Sun in the Virgo enhances the sharpness of mind and eyes in the natives as they would become more learned and scholarly, their creativity would also get a good a boost along with more artistic hands. On the other hand, their eye would become keener towards sharp ends and more critical. Their sharp minds would analyze more and better now. The influence of Sun in Virgo would also increase their outer charm and generosity of soul but would also make them stricter towards sincerity and discipline which could make them appear harsh at times. The presence of Sun might reduce their inner sensitivity to some extent and would make them more practical in approach.
The presence of Sun in Virgo would develop both the sensitive and harsh side of the native and in the end would lead them towards more balanced personas from the rest of the Virgo natives Sun in Virgo: this placement makes people very meticulous, detail oriented and efficient, and they bring order out of chaos. At times, such people will be over analytical and too engrossed with trivialities. Most people with this placement often become inclined to service oriented jobs and are perfectionists when it comes to finding life partners. As a result, a lot of them stay single or marry late. There will be a flair for writing, painting and math, literature as well as music. Sun in Virgo: This is combination of the solar, mercurial and Sixth House influences. It shows the successful middleman between the producer and consumer, subtle, extremely quick to see what will work to his advantage in the promotion of business, pleasant and sociable, agreeable to all from whom he expects to gain, but domineering to employees and fellow workers; a smooth talker but not necessarily insincere; he merely looks out for number one. The Sun in Virgo makes good chemists, nurses and doctors, NOT SURGEONS BUT DRUG-DOCTORS; they are firm believers in medicine and lots of it. Sun in Virgo: Virgos desire purity and perfection in all they are and all they do. They are generally reserved, shy, analytical, discriminating, precise, industrious, systematic, considerate, punctual, and reliable. Virgos are hard workers who usually have a great deal of common sense and are practical, with a flair for detailed work. On the negative side, though, they can also be aloof, skeptical, picky, sarcastic, depressed, critical, pessimistic, whiny, and self-centered. Virgoans are happy when they can work with a lot of details, usually of a technical or analytical nature, in and for the service of others. They do not have to be the boss as service is more important than leadership. Virgoans have curious and inquiring minds, with keen analysis and excellent memories. They enjoy analyzing people, situations, and problems. They always want to know how, why, when and where. It is sometimes hard for a Virgo to relax because boredom is something they cannot stand. They want to be busy, either doing or learning. A Virgoan can generally be depended upon to fulfill a promise. They have a flair for organization and enjoy setting up schedules. There is an inborn love of order and harmony. They are always subconsciously seeking perfection in whatever they attempt. Because they push themselves so hard to be perfect, they have a tendency to look for perfection in others. If they find it lacking, they can become pretty critical and faultfinding. Virgos have a tendency to worry. This is because they desire perfection and are always thinking about how something can be made better or how they can do something better, even, and especially, after the fact. This tension can affect their health, causing intestinal disorders. Virgos need to develop a positive outlook on life, as this has a direct affect on their health. If they become too anxious about life, they can become hypochondriacs. They are generally healthy and are always looking for new ways to take care of themselves, usually through better diet or through natural means of healing. Whether old or young, all Virgoans need a quiet period each day in order to rest their active minds. In any case, many Virgos look much younger than their years. In love, a Virgoan has difficulty expressing himself as passionately as he desires. Virgos are very selfsufficient, but they are also very happy when they have someone to love, someone to serve. SUN in VIRGO For an Aries native, there may be problems related to children. A Taurus native will be learned and will have landed property. A Gemini native will face obstacles in education and lack maternal comforts.
A Cancer native will have one living brother. A Leo native will have long life and will have agricultural income. For a Virgo ascendant, Sun in this position will bring heavy expenses and affect longevity. For a Libra ascendant, Sun in Virgo may drain father’s earnings. For a Scorpio native, Sun in Virgo will bring high earnings and savings. A Sagittarius native with Sun in this position will enjoy Raja yoga. A Capricorn native will not receive paternal happiness if Sun is in Virgo. An Aquarius native will acquire a sickly spouse. A Pisces native may have loss of children. Sun in Libra: For the characteristics of Libra, please see my article on the signs. Sun in Libra is projecting Truth and inspiration through 3rd house connotations and receiving these things through 11th house connotations. Libra is 3 houses away from Leo, thus, Sun in Libra projects its Truth through communications, competition and self-will. Sun in Libra is receiving inspiration and its own Truth from friends, groups, societies and status in one’s social circle. Can one now see why the Sun is debilitated in Libra? The Sun, in Vedic Astrology, represents the Soul. It is the closest to God that a person gets here on Earth. Its power comes from the Divine, so projecting one’s Truth and inspiration, which are divinely given, through the use of self-will, which is the 3rd house, is at best contradictory and at worst, sacrilege. Truth and Inspiration are completely independent and not reliant upon the group or peer pressure, however, the Sun in Libra is highly influenced by the “Other” not only as being the natural sign of the other being the 7th sign, but also receiving its inspiration from one’s place in society, which is the 11th house. If the Sun is in Libra at birth, the native will face frustration, destruction and heavy expenditure, will be intent on living in foreign places (out of distress), be wicked, mean, be devoid of affection, will live by selling gold and other metals, be jealous, fond of doing others’ jobs, will co-habit with others’ wives, be dirty, will incur royal contempt and be shameless. - Saravali, Chapter 22, verse 44-45 – Kalyana Varma One having Sun in Libra: Is engaged in preparing liquor, constant traveling, is a goldsmith, involved in unbecoming deeds. – Brihat Jataka, Chapter 18, verse 3 – Varahamihira Sun in Libra zodiac | Surya in Tula rashi The Libra sign is the enclosure of debilitation of Sun with it’s maximum degree at 10 as starting from zero which all together brings much of alteration in the natives of the sign. This placement enhances the charm of the natives to the much extent which is almost like being endowed with since birth but because Sun is debilitated in Libra it results in weak eye sight and somewhat lack of physical strength. These people may lack determination and resolve. Besides this, Natives having Sun in Libra are bestowed with pleasing voice and persona which makes them dominate over many hearts without any of much efforts but this endowment of Sun could also turn them towards flirting high or towards dominating the surrounding arena even when they should not. The natives of this placement of Sun in Libra would remained calmed personas at deep and will prefer harmonious living but the influence of Sun in Libra enclosure could also induce some of the aggression in the individuals and much of it’s effect could make them callous and irritating to some what extent at times but on the other hand they will keep the blend of generosity in them.
On the other hand, Sun in Libra bestows them potency and open mindedness which further makes them straight to words but that could be to an extremes of extent which could not be acceptable by those around. The sun will keep the loyalty alive in them. Sun in Libra: People with Sun in Libra will be charming and popular and will do better in cooperative ventures rather than venturing out on their own. Such people have a strong sense of justice and fair play and are intellectual by nature. All matters pertaining to psychology and human relations are important to them. They make good counselors and frequently play the role of a peacemaker. They seldom get angry but when they do they are like a tornado, but they cool down equally fast. Sun in Libra: Libra is ruled by Venus and is the seventh sign, hence the Sun in Libra combines the influence of Venus with that of the Sun and the Seventh house, with the result that the person loves the marriage partner so devotedly that he excludes everyone else; for of a person with that position it may truly be said that "the Sun rises and sets" in the marriage partner. Libra is also the exaltation sign of Saturn, and his influence is there at its best, giving an element of construction to the art of Venus. This is brought about as ability for architecture and the finer branches of decora- tive construction when the Sun is in Libra. This position also gives a fine, sonorous voice and vocal talent. Sun in Libra: Librans like to weigh the pros and cons of a situation before they come to any conclusion. If carried too far, they get to the point where they can't come up with any conclusion, thus they can be very indecisive. They tip the scales one way, then the other, hoping to find the proper balance. Librans have an innate sense of fairness, though, and can be diplomatic, cooperative, helpful, idealistic, sociable, dependent, insincere, lazy and self-indulgent. Librans are happiest when in partnership or in situations where they can adjust or work with human relationships. Pleasant surroundings are important to them. Because Librans enjoy people and human interaction so much, they have a difficult time being alone. Because of this, they need to share their life with someone. Unfortunately, they have a tendency to be "in love with love", because of their romantic and sentimental natures. Thus, they could rush into marriage without forethought and end up in a difficult relationship. Librans find it virtually impossible to remain emotionally stable if there is discord around them. This leads to their wanting peace at any price, which allows others to take advantage of them. They want to be liked by everyone, sometimes to their detriment. As mentioned, indecisiveness can be one of the hardest problems for Librans to overcome. If they wait too long to make a decision, they may miss many excellent opportunities. Since they have the ability to see both sides of an argument, they generally do not like to choose either one. Since they are able to see the entire issue, if they are asked for help, they can give sound, practical advice. But their attempt to be all things to all people can lead them into hot water. They have difficulty saying "no". The other problem Librans find difficult to deal with is the desire to put off work for as long as they can. This gives them a reputation for being lazy. They aren't lazy, of course, if the proper motivation is there. It is many times easy for others to sway a Libran's opinion. A stronger personality can easily dominate a gentler Libran, until the Libran becomes incapable of making a move without consulting the "expert". Librans need to learn to think for themselves and stand up for their own beliefs and principles. Librans are quite creative, highly mental, and very sociable. This mental agility is usually not seen by others because of the Libran's easygoing, friendly appearance. Many times this mental agility plays
out with them using very subtle techniques to get what they want, which they usually do. SUN in LIBRA The Sun is in debilitation in this sign, at its weakest. For those with the ascendant in Aries, Sun in this position will cause distress through children, adversities and destruction paternal wealth during its dasa. Taurus native will have loss from landed property and debts. A Gemini native will have problems through his brother. Cancer native will suffer loss of paternal property. A Leo native will have ailments and will not be outspoken. A Virgo native will earn money through illegal means. A Libra native may suffer miseries. A Scorpio native will have a checkered career. A Sagittarius native will have trouble with legal battles. A Capricorn native will feel unlucky. An Aquarius native will have loss of fortune. Pisces native will face many difficulties. On the whole, Sun’s position in Libra is not generally good unless there are redeeming features or cancellation of debilitation. Sun in Scorpio: Sun in Scorpio is projecting its inspiration and Truth through the realm of emotions and one’s inner life. It is receiving Truth and Inspiration from one’s power, popularity and career. Hence the intensity with which Sun in Scorpio goes about experiencing its emotions. Emotions and one’s moods are receptive states of being. A Sun in Scorpio infuses the light of Truth into their emotions, giving them sincere intensity. They will also project their truth through their home life and that of the country in which they live. Often, the Sun in Scorpio person will be patriotic and proud of his/her family lineage. Leo is 10 houses away from Scorpio, so Sun in Scorpio people will receive their inspiration through the power they yield in the world. This is a natural 10th house matter. Also, the actions they perform most of the day, every day, their “karma” if you will, will serve to give them their own personal Truth. The 10th house is the karma bhava, this loosely translates as career but it mainly means one’s actions that one performs the most. The native with the Sun in Scorpio will have an incompatible lust for war, be away from Vedic ((or religious) path, be a liar, a dunce, will have a base and wicked wife (also means loss of wife), be cruel and be attached to mean women. He will be irascible, will follow bad course, be a miser, be fond of promoting quarrels, be troubled by weapons, fire and poison, and be unfortunate in respect of parents. – Saravali, Chapter 22, verse 46-47 – Kalyana Varma One having Sun in Scorpio: Is cruel, courageous and earns through the sale of poisonous articles. – Brihat Jataka, Chapter 18, verse 3 – Varahamihira Sun in Scorpio zodiac | Surya in Vrischika rashi The placement of Sun in Scorpio natives would enhance lurked depth inside the natives as further making them more reserved inside and tough outside and they become more proficient in hiding their inside soul on account of more enhanced intellect. They are perceived to be untouchable personas who would not let anybody enter their enclosure before proving their chaste at it’s best.
The presence of Sun in Scorpio would bestow them more strength of mind and persona which will take them towards more brave and adventurous approach. Besides this, it will also enhance the firmness of mind and stubborn attitude which could even grow towards being callous. The natives of this placement of Sun in Scorpio are perceived to be the winners of almost all the battles they pursue in life as they would pursue it with strict determination while going through any of the suitable path either moral or immoral. Sun in Scorpio: People with their sun in Scorpio possess very strong will power and never deal with anything on a superficial level. They will see things through to the end and are generous and compassionate but do not like display of laziness or weakness. They will try to help those in need but once having done that they expect people to stand on their own feet and continue to be selfsufficient. They are private and generally have a magnetic personality, with a strong intuition. The Sun in Scorpio, when well aspected, gives great energy, courage and independence. It makes the mind active, and favors success in such occupations as those of the surgeon or soldier. It also tends to improve the finances after marriage, but tends to extravagance. The Sun here afflicted gives the person a very blunt, brusque manner, a feeling that his judgment is better than that of others, and a tendency to ride rough-shod over anybody or anything that stands in his way. It often makes him indifferent to suffering, and may transform the surgeon into a vivisectionist. Sun in Scorpio: Two animals are used to represent Scorpio, the eagle and the scorpion. The eagle is capable of reaching great heights because he has mastered his lower nature and overcome his passions and the temptations of the sensual sphere. The eagle has risen above the physical world because he has regenerated himself. The scorpion, however, represents those who have not regenerated their thoughts and actions and are still living degenerate lives. They use their cunning and strike when least expected. These are the ones who satisfy their passions regardless of consequences. Scorpios in general are ambitious, efficient, courageous, resourceful and intuitive. But, they can also be jealous, sarcastic, resentful, stubborn, possessive and vindictive. Scorpio people enjoy impossible tasks. They like work that demands continued, determined effort and intense concentration. They are born detectives. Scorpio gives a strong will and determination to accomplish anything undertaken. Scorpios possess an analytical mind, strong intuition, reasoning powers, perception, long range planning ability, magnetism and energy. Scorpios have very definite opinions. These opinions can be so rigid that no amount of persuasion will make them change their minds. Scorpios make friends easily and give unwaveringly to them. In these relationships, they like to know what your plans are, but, because of their secretiveness, they do not necessarily want you to know what they are planning. They are capable of extreme self-sacrifice for those they love. If any of their loved ones are threatened in any way, they feel that they, too, are being threatened. This causes them to instinctively strike out, either verbally or physically. Because a Scorpio's unconscious mind is more in control than their conscious mind, they lose all sense of judgment under criticism. Under attack, they make effective use of both silence and sarcasm. Unfortunately, their sarcasm can become vindictive. They can, and will, wait a long time in order to get even. Scorpios need to learn forgiveness. It is usually difficult to deceive a Scorpio because their intuition enables them to understand the motives of other people. They receive very strong first impressions of others - experiencing either a
liking or a dislike for the person involved. Scorpios need to learn flexibility, both in thought and action. Once their course of action is set, it is difficult for them to change. Trivial things bore Scorpios and they would rather go deep rather than broad. The more intense, the better. In whatever they do, they want to be completely engrossed. Half-hearted measures are not for them. Scorpios have the tendency to do things to extremes, either all or nothing. They have to get to the bottom of whatever it is that interests them. They have to know everything, yet they remain mysterious and secretive. Although it may not appear so, there are powerful emotions and desires at work within a Scorpio underneath the surface. This power is one reason for their great endurance. Sometimes in their battles they trample on others in the process. This is why they are sometimes classified as great saints or great sinners. Scorpios regard themselves as their own judge, jury, and executioner and punish themselves unnecessarily at times. They are self-sufficient, but not necessarily self-assured. They rarely actively seek applause or the limelight. Scorpios are generally healthy, but can be inclined to overindulgence in food, drugs, sex or alcohol. In matters of love, Scorpios are loyal, affectionate and demonstrative, and perhaps possessive and controlling. They are happiest and most fulfilled with one partner with whom they can combine emotional and sexual love. SUN in SCORPIO For Aries natives, Sun in Scorpio will result in physical adversities and loss of finance. A Taurus native will acquire a beautiful and active wife. Gemini native will be troubled by enemies if the Sun is in this position in his horoscope. For a Cancer native, there will be loss of issues and financial problems. A Leo native will earn abundant lands, learning and fame. For a Virgo, there will not be much gains during the dasa of Sun. A Libra native will have good earnings but he will lose much of it. A Scorpio native will enjoy great fortunes. Those with the ascendant in Sagittarius, will be religious and charitable. A Capricorn native will have a long span of life and great fortunes. Aquarius native will attain a high position after marriage and will be famous. Pisces native will have a rich father. Sun in Sagittarius: For the characteristics of Sagittarius, please see my article on the signs. Sagittarius is 5 signs away from Leo, so the Sun in Sagittarius person will project their inspiration and personal Truth through their creative intelligence, through learning, through children and creations and through sports and investments. They tend to be highly creative individuals and inspire others through their creations. Whatever they are learning at the time is reflecting their personal Truth. Leo is 9 signs away from Sagittarius. Sun in Sagittarius people will receive inspiration and Truth through teaching others, through long distance travel and through philosophy, diving law, and/or religion. Unless there are serious afflictions to the Moon and/or 4th house, these natives are a lot of fun to be around and very dynamic. If the Sun at birth is in Sagittarius, one will be endowed with wealth, be dear to king, learned, will respect Gods and Brahmins, be skillful in rendering training in use of weapons and arrows and breeding of elephants, be fit to deal with, be honorable, be always peaceful, be rich, will possess a
broad and beautiful physique, be helpful to relatives, and be energetic. – Saravali, Chapter 22, verse 48-49 – Kalyana Varma One having Sun in Sagittarius: Is honored by good people, wealthy, fierce, a doctor. – Brihat Jataka, Chapter 18, verse 3 – Varahamihira Sun in Sagittarius zodiac | Surya in Dhanu rashi The influence of Sun in Sagittarius natives bestows them some of aggression which further could take them towards turning their immense innocence into spoiled and brat appearance at times. This will also induce some of the stubbornness in their innocence but their sweet charm will stay alive. The placement of Sun in Sagittarius would bring some of the firmness in their attitude but their open mindedness and pure heartedness can not go lurked for being further enhanced in this placement which makes them liked by many around. Altogether they could become more vivacious personas. The impact of Sun in Sagittarius would bring a blend of maturity in their immense innocent optimism and would enhance their practical vision while further reducing their sensitivity. Sun in Sagittarius: People born with sun in Sagittarius are honest and straightforward and like liberty and freedom. They are energetic, outgoing, and positive thinkers, spiritual and ethical, and idealistic. At times, they jump into things without considering the consequences, and will say it like it is. They are the travelers of the world. Sun in Sagittarius: This gives lofty ideas and a noble aspiring disposition aiming to rise by raising others. It makes the person benevolent, philanthropic and therefore beloved among his associates. He is often the recipient of honors and appointments to positions of trust, and missions of a delicate nature, not could a better selection be made, for such people are the souls of honor. This position will also bring success in religion, law and statesmanship for it gives an expansive mind fitted to grapple with the greater problems of life. Sun in Sagittarius: Sagittarians tend to be idealistic, optimistic, dependable, open-minded, friendly, honest and versatile. But, they can also be tactless, irresponsible, showy, boastful, self-righteous, arrogant, quarrelsome, fanatical, dogmatic and dictatorial. Sagittarians like any work where foresight and a willingness to take a chance is offered, while at the same time, they try to avoid detailed work. Sagittarians are usually outspoken, sometimes to the point of bluntness. Simply blurting out their ideas and opinions is due to their never-ending search for truth and wisdom. Others think Sagittarians are pretty tactless and the statement that "truth hurts" fits their way of thinking. Regardless of their undiplomatic remarks, others instinctively feel as if the Sagittarian means them no real harm and is only interested in raising their consciousness. Sagittarians love the outdoors, large animals, nature and sports. Some have reckless gambling tendencies and will bet it all on the drop of a hat. Travel and even long walks appeal to them because they make the Sagittarian feel free - and he needs to feel free. Sagittarians are philosophical and they want to understand the deeper issues and abstractions of life. They have a certain faith in higher things that generally always keeps them of an optimistic bent, no matter what difficulties are currently besetting them. They want to understand the meaning of life. This helps to keep them growing and expanding, which is something they need to do. This desire for expansion can cause them to overextend themselves with too many activities and to use up their energy too rapidly. They need to take intervals of rest to recuperate between projects. Sagittarians need to learn how to concentrate on their current projects and stick with them to the end. Always full of enthusiasm, they tend to show it more at the start of new endeavors, then it tends to lessen as the project goes along and gets stuck in details, or the going gets a little rough, or it simply gets a little boring.
Although Sagittarians are ordinarily healthy, they can run into trouble due to overindulgence in food and drink. Sagittarians are known for their friendliness, helpfulness and subtle humor. They are good conversationalists and enjoy debating merely for the sake of debating. They have a real gift for making friends and the typical Sagittarian can go anywhere in the world without ever feeling lonely, for they acquire friends along the route. They have humanitarian instincts and are practical in expressing them. They will tend to help anyone who is in need. You can usually depend on their loyalty and honesty, for there is nothing devious or manipulative in their nature. Sagittarians are extremely independent and restless, with a real need for personal freedom. They can experience claustrophobia, either physical or emotional. This is why they are reluctant to get into total commitment situations and often shy away from marriage. In love, Sagittarians are highly romantic, but they need their partner to be intelligent and communicative. They hate jealousy and possessiveness on the part of their partner, especially since they are fond of flirting. They enjoy the chase more than the capture. Careerwise, Sagittarians are reluctant to become tied down to a set schedule, so will experiment with a variety of jobs. They do best in careers that permit them to travel about, either locally or widely. They also like dealing directly with people, either selling or promoting ideas, products, etc. The Sagittarian may overlook small details, but their overall sense of planning is excellent. They have good memories. The challenge of a problem is what interests them, for it caters to their enjoyment in exploring the unknown. Playing games comes easily to a Sagittarian and it is the journey they enjoy rather than the destination. SUN in SAGITTARIUS A native with Aries ascendant with Sun in Sagittarius will earn abundant wealth. A Taurus native will face evils and will contract diseases. For a Gemini native, this position of the Sun is inauspicious for his wife. A Cancer subject may end up with huge loans. A Leo native will be fortunate. A Virgo native may bring bad name to his parents. A Libra native will be fortunate and live in foreign countries. A Scorpio will attain an enviable position in life and enjoy a long span of life. A Sagittarius native will have a Raja yoga with great fame. A Capricorn will have limited prosperity. An Aquarius native will have abundant riches. A Piscean will have limited wealth but great fame. Sun in Capricorn: For the characteristics of Capricorn, please see my article on the Signs. Capricorn is 6 signs away from Leo. A Sun in Capricorn individual will be a workaholic, projecting their inspiration and personal Truth through 6th house connotations. The daily grind, and destroying one’s competitors and enemies will be a major theme in their lives. They will be able to use Truth and Inspiration to do these things. This is the reason this planetary position has a reputation for corporate ruthlessness and CEO membership. A Sun in Capricorn will also take great pains to take care of their health. Leo is 8 signs away from Capricorn, thus, a Sun in Capricorn will derive inspiration and personal Truth from breaks and changes, other people’s money and resources, hidden, secret things, others’ psychology and research.
One who has the Sun in Capricorn will be base, interested in bad women, be greedy, will advance with mean jobs, be endowed with various deeds, be timid, devoid of relatives, fickle-minded, fond of wandering, weak, will lose everything due to conflicts with his relatives, and will be a voracious eater. – Saravali, Chapter 22, verse 56-57 – Kalyana Varma One having Sun in Capricorn: Acts in a manner unbecoming of his position, is foolish. Engaged in unbecoming trade, has loss of wealth and is greedy. – Brihat Jataka, Chapter 18, verse 4 – Varahamihira Sun in Capricorn zodiac | Surya in Makara rashi The enclosure of Capricorn for Sun brings some of the adverse effects as Saturn and Sun are natural enemies and their combination might not be much good for the native as Sun would bestow much of the strength and firmness to the native which would emerge as being highly stubborn and inflexible in approach. The presence of Sun in Capricorn would bestow them some of the aggression which could lead them towards being callous while on the other hand it would enhance their practical vision and would reduce their lurked sensitivity. The influence of sun in Capricorn would bestow them more of independent attitude which could be till the extent of ignoring others and turning self centered at times. But the lump of energy given by sun could create some of the restlessness in their attitude. The natives of this placement of sun in Capricorn would be sharp minded and witty but the negative effect of the Sun would reduce their self believe from inside which could make them fragile at the mental side. Sun in Capricorn: People with sun in Capricorn are the plodders of the universe and work very hard to be economically secure. They are sensible and practical, do well in business and law, and are never discouraged by obstacles. They are confident and worldly wise, neat and methodical and make excellent executives. They make sure they have money because usually they live long and do not like being dependent on others in their old age. At times, they can feel melancholy and lonely, and want very much to be appreciated without showing it. Sun in Capricorn: This is a good sign that the person will rise in life by the aid of the good-will of people in a higher position than himself; it shows that he will merit their trust and acquit himself well in a position of responsibility and trust; it makes him careful, prudent, faithful and honest. Judges with that position cannot be bought but will administer justice as they see it, to all comers. It gives an all round love of fair play and wins for those who have it the respect and esteem of all in their circle. Sun in Capricorn: Capricorns have the desire to climb whatever mountains are necessary and to stand on their own two feet in order to work out their ambitions and their salvation. They are conservative, organized, methodical, traditional, responsible, honest, efficient, patient, practical, authoritative, disciplined, serious and goal-oriented. On the negative side they can be worried, pessimistic, retaliatory, suspicious, stubborn and intolerant. They are happiest in careers calling for organizing ability, integrity and perseverance. They have a fear of failure. Their quiet exterior makes Capricorns appear to be loners. They build a wall of reserve around them in order to protect themselves from the ill winds of the world around them. Nothing gets in the way of their plans and ambitions. They strive for security by holding fast to duty and responsibility. Work is very important to them and they do not take it lightly. Many Capricorns have an inferiority complex and this sometimes is what drives them so hard to succeed. They want to look good in front of the world.
Capricorns like to plan their every move, weighing all the pros and cons of any issue in advance. They are dependable, particularly in a crisis. When asked, they give sound, practical advice. They are, as a rule, not aggressive people, and only express hostility as a defense when attacked. At times Capricorns can be very sensitive to hurts and feel alone as if no one understands them. A negative Capricorn will seek retribution for wrongs done him. Capricorns need people, but they have a tendency to isolate themselves from people due to their reserve and fear of being hurt. They can be very loyal to close friends and people they care about. Respect and recognition is important to them. Encouragement and praise are essential for motivating a Capricorn. A fear of being without material things makes it mandatory that Capricorns have a regular income. Their attainments in life are accomplished through steady progress rather than through speculation or get-rich-quick schemes. They have strong self-discipline and nothing turns them from their course if their mind is made up. They will give up many pleasures in order to reach their goals. Hard work invigorates them. Capricorns are thrifty and like to collect things. They abhor waste. This includes wasting a lot of talk in idle chatter. Capricorns speak when they have something to say. Capricorns can be creative but they must at times learn to overcome their own self-doubts and lack of confidence. Pessimism in their own abilities can hold them back. They must learn to believe in themselves and become optimistic. There is no mountain they cannot climb if that is what they desire to do. Capricorns have a lot of patience, which is good, because many of their plans meet with delays, setbacks and obstacles. This teaches them obedience, which is thus helping them to strive for spiritual attainment rather than material attainment. For them, work is therapeutic and is probably the best medicine for whatever ails them, except overwork, which they are prone to do. It is difficult for a Capricorn to really relax. They are happiest when busy, even in their spare time. Capricorns are thoughtful, self-contained people. Lacking, perhaps, some of the personal magnetism of some of the other zodiac signs, they are nevertheless quite tactful, compassionate and warmhearted. Their own personal sufferings help them identify with the sufferings of others. In love, Capricorns are as romantic and emotional as anyone else, but usually they feel inhibited in expressing their emotions. They are cautious in making a total commitment until they know that the traits and lifestyle of the possible partner are compatible with theirs. Once married, they seldom divorce because they feel that any situation can be worked out, if only worked at hard enough. SUN in CAPRICORN For Aries native, Sun in Capricorn causes a Raja yoga and will bring fame. A Taurus native will gain through enemies and will be happy. A Gemini native will experiences miseries. A Cancer native will enjoy yoga but may suffer from diseases. A Leo native will have a sickly constitution. A person with Virgo as ascendant will have one male issue who will be famous. A Libra person will have high learning. A Scorpio native will have ordinary results in Sun’s dasa. A Sagittarius native will be short of money. A Capricorn native will have a curtailed longevity. An Aquarius person will have troubled relations with his wife.
A Pisces native will attain success over enemies. Sun in Aquarius: Leo is 7 houses away from Aquarius and there are 7 houses from Leo to Aquarius. Thus, a Sun in Aquarius person derives and projects inspiration and their own personal Truth though other people. A Sun in Aquarius person will get ideas from what other people have done and add their own flavor to it. They will need and operate from input from others. This will be very important. They will often want to help others and benefit through helping them. As often as they are inspired by others, they will inspire others. Relationships also serve to inspire their creative intelligence and form their personal Truth. In return, they often inspire their partners to whatever they hold dear. If the Sun is in Aquarius at birth, one will suffer from heart diseases, will have enormous strength (courage), be very short-tempered, be fortunate through other housewives, be hated by the learned, be firm in his activities, be miserable, will have little wealth, be fraudulent, be not firm in friendship, will have dirty body and be a miser. – Saravali, Chapter 22, verse 64-65 – Kalyana Varma One having Sun in Aquarius: Is engaged in unbecoming actions. He is bereft of sons and good luck. – Brihat Jataka, Chapter 18, verse 4 – Varahamihira Sun in Aquarius zodiac | Surya in Kumbha rashi The placement of Sun in Aquarius confinement could bring many adverse effects because of Saturn being the natural enemy of Sun which altogether would emerge in difficult path of life. This combination could alter the enclosure of humanitarian Saturn to a lot of extent. The natives of this adverse combination of Sun in Aquarius would bring some hurdles in life where the Aquarius person would lack at belief from inside which further make them vulnerable and weak. The person would loose most of the optimism and peace of mind besides which being unable to face the difficulties of life, he or she would lead a disturbed and unhappy life. The natives of this placement could win over this tough battle if they won’t leave their self believes. Sun in Aquarius: People born under this sign are humanitarian and make great friends, because they are very loyal. They are also eccentric, stubborn and determined, and get irritated if people fail to understand them. There is no affectation or snobbery and they consider everyone as good as anyone else. They enjoy meeting people and exchanging ideas and are never lonely. They have friends of both sexes and don’t give them up after marriage. They love nature, and are extremely creative and tireless workers but can suffer from anxiety attacks from time to time. Sun in Aquarius: This is a combination of the Sun, Uranus and the Eleventh House influences. It gives the person an intuitive perception of the inner nature of things and a touch with the forces and ideas of the spiritual realms which leads him to take up when possible, new and advanced cults, or methods of healing such as Naturopathy, Electro-therapy, Astro-therapy, Magnetic Haling, etc. He is also drawn to scientific research and ultra-intellectual or strange religions. This position gives much popularity and firm friends among people who are in a position to bestow favors and further the person's attainment of his ambitions. Sun in Aquarius: Aquarians tend to be friendly, original, intuitive, broadminded, nonconforming, different, independent, freedom-loving, scientific, unusual, and helpful. They can also be impersonal, unpredictable, tactless, rebellious, unconventional, stubborn, rigid, radical, bohemian and eccentric. Aquarians like any work which calls for inventiveness and the detached application of special rules or formulae.
Aquarians seek to share knowledge with others in order to bring about a better life for all. Group activity is their customary mode of operation. Helping others so they can help themselves appeals to an Aquarian. Aquarians are friendly, yet detached, they have warmth, yet they seem distant. Although appearing cold or aloof, they are not really indifferent to others. It's just that they are much more concerned with humanity as a whole rather than any one particular individual. Since Aquarians generally do not have large, pompous or stuffy egos, they rarely bother to exert themselves to win approval or compliments. Aquarians get excited about bringing new ideas and methods into old, traditional environments. They are philosophical, visionary and idealistic. Feelings of friendship drive them to try to improve the lot of everyone they can. Sometimes the people they want to help don't understand these new ways and react negatively toward them. Sometimes Aquarians are simply ahead of their time, although sometimes they are just cranks. Aquarians have the determination and persistence to get ahead, but sometimes their energy level is relatively low, which causes them to drop projects before they are completed. Their minds are analytical and scientific and they have the ability to think things through to an accurate conclusion. Although they generally have good powers of concentration and are able to assimilate a lot of information, there are times when they are just plain absentminded. Aquarians usually get along well with others. They are generally not gossips, nor are they petty. They do not like arguments, unless they feel there is a need to defend a person, an ideal or a principle. Since Aquarians are so willing to listen to the new and different, they have little patience with those who refuse to hear new concepts. Sometimes Aquarians rebel just for the pleasure of it. They have been known to deliberately do things in an attempt to shock people. Most Aquarians prefer not to be bound by schedules and regulations, but can easily adapt to them if they must. But don't expect them to always be on time for things. Aquarians dislike people who are possessive of them, since they are generally not possessive of people or things themselves. They give others a lot of personal freedom and they expect the same in return. Since they are not particularly concerned as to what other people think of them, they often do not bother forming opinions about other people's behavior. In love, Aquarians want an intellectual companion with whom they can communicate. They can be hesitant about making a total commitment such as marriage, or any other form of partnership, because of their desire for independence. However, when an Aquarian marries, the marriage is usually stable. They are loyal and faithful to their marriage partner, but are not prone to excessive displays of affection, especially in public. SUN in AQUARIUS For a person with Aries ascendant, there will be excellent professional growth and wide fame. A Taurus native will become a dealer of gold and will be happy with his mother. A Gemini native will have bad relationship with his father. A Cancer native will have a curtailed longevity, especially if Sun’s dasa happens early in his life. A Leo will have strained relationship with his wife. A Virgo native will acquire property through enemies. A Libra native will have a famous elder brother. A Scorpio will have a fleet of conveyances.
A Sagittarius person will have a short lived father. A Capricorn native will himself have a short life. An Aquarius native will have good relationship with his in-laws. A Pisces native will be troubled by diseases and debts. Sun in Pisces: The Sun in Pisces projects their inspiration and own personal Truth through hidden, secret channels. They are often interested in doing so through New Age or Occult means. They do well through other people’s money and resources and often put these things to good use. They are very adept at reading others’ psychology (8th house) and offering constructive healing advice. A Sun in Pisces gets inspiration and personal Truth through hard work, healing and health, karma yoga, discord and enemies. Since these things mentioned are considered to be self-negating, a Sun in Pisces person will often come across as very humble and accommodating. If the Sun is in Pisces at birth, one will be friendly, will have tendency to amass, be fond of women and happy, be learned, will destroy many enemies and be wealthy and rich. He will be endowed with wife, good sons and servants, will have wealth on account of transactions via sea/river, be an eloquent speaker but a liar, will suffer from diseases of the private parts and will have many a coborn. – Saravali, Chapter 22, verse 66-67- Kalyana Varma One having Sun in Pisces: Earns through articles connect with water such as pearls. He gets respect from women. – Brihat Jataka, Chapter 18, verse 4 – Varahamihira Sun in Pisces zodiac | Surya in Meena rashi The placement of Sun in the Pisces enclosure would be some how brilliant because of natural friendship between the Sun and planet Jupiter which altogether emerges in balancing the persona of Pisces natives in making them requisite potent while leaving their needed softness untouched. The Sun in Pisces would bestow them the strength to defend their inner vulnerability and strength to face the adverse phases of life without much of the effect upon their inner self. On the other hand, this would keep their kindness alive and untainted. The presence of Sun in Pisces would lead them towards a peaceful and balanced life along with perceived stature of affluence. Sun in Pisces: Pisces is a sensitive sign and people with sun in this sign absorb both positive and negative vibes around them. They are self-contradictory with a not so strong will power and can find themselves being pulled in two different direction. Normally they don’t fight but once upset it is hard to calm them down. They have charm, humor and sympathy and can really do well if they utilize these qualities to the fullest but they yoyo from pessimism to optimism. Most artists have sun on Pisces, as do healers. They must avoid being fatalistic. Sun in Pisces: Gives a retiring disposition and favors success in occupations removed from the public gaze such as prisons, hospitals, institutions for the poor, etc. If the person incur enmity of others, he will be vindicated whatever they may do to hurt his reputation. People with the Sun in Pisces have a strong tendency towards psychism, mediumship and the occult in general. Sun in Pisces: Pisceans are sympathetic, compassionate, unassuming, idealistic, intuitive, congenial, adaptable, psychic, emotional, creative, secretive, versatile, imaginative and self-sacrificing. They can also be impressionable, indecisive, self-pitying, hypersensitive and changeable. They need to serve others.
Pisceans are sentimental and romantic in love. At times they expect too much from others and then feel hurt if the other person doesn't come through for them. They have a strong tendency to place their loved one on a pedestal. This leads to disillusionment when they discover their loved one has faults, too. The symbol for Pisces is two fish going in opposite directions connected by a cord. One fish represents the personality and the other represents the spirit. These two opposing forces operate within a Piscean, causing insecurity and indecisiveness. Handling these forces in a positive manner is very difficult for them. Some will seek to escape these pressures through eating, alcohol, drugs or other excesses. That is what one of the fish represents. The other fish represents the Piscean rising to great heights through self-denial, sacrifice and then ultimate attainment. Pisceans learn through suffering and they need to learn perseverance. Pisceans tend to absorb the information and environment around them. Thus it is important that they surround themselves with uplifting people and circumstances. Pisceans are creative, selfsufficient people whose minds are extremely active, due to their strong imagination, which they can sometimes get carried away with. They sense and feel things that others are not aware of. Pisceans generally do not possess strong willpower nor do they have a dynamic approach to life. Although they can appear to be very determined on the outside, underneath, inner doubts are brewing. This insecurity causes them to need reassurance from others. One of their greatest needs is to learn to understand their emotional ups and downs. Since they have a tendency to doubt their own conclusions, they need to learn to believe in themselves. Pisceans are very generous with their time in helping other people. They always feel their best when they are serving others in some capacity. By using their compassion outwardly for others, they will not become as moody and introverted. Service to others is the safest, shortest road to God. Since Pisceans are reluctant to hurt others or to face any sort of confrontation, they can become involved in very difficult emotional situations which they find extremely difficult to break. They have a difficult time saying no sometimes and will stay in bad situations thinking that they can somehow change the other person and then all will be well. Some Pisceans love to play the martyr, while others need to play the savior. Pisceans tend to think with their heart rather than their head and can be easily used by others. Many fall for any kind of sob story, much to their own detriment. Their hearts are in the right place, it's just they need to be more realistic and down-to-earth. Pisceans can be highly secretive, but they make friends rather easily and are quite loyal to them. They do not particularly like verbal or combative fights, but will defend their friends in subtle ways. Pisceans sometimes lack vitality which often gives people the idea that they are lazy. Well, some are and Pisceans in general do like to procrastinate. A Piscean needs sufficient time each day to be alone while they regain their fluctuating energies. A Piscean's innate desire to escape from physical living can be used constructively through creativity. Many forms of art, dance and music appeal to them. They instinctively seem to know their own capabilities and limitations. Unfortunately, though, their knowledge of their limitations can create an inferiority complex. Pisceans enjoy drama and acting because it gives them the opportunity of being someone else. This enables them to temporarily lose their inferiority complex. Because of their hypersensitivity, they can become instantly depressed over little things that are said to them. Pisceans can appear to be deceitful because of an inborn need to justify their words and actions. If in trouble, they may attempt to rationalize their way out rather than face the consequences of their behavior.
SUN in PISCES Sun in Pisces for an Aries native makes him meritorious; there will be delayed progeny. A Taurus native has huge financial gains if Sun is in Pisces. He will be learned with wide fame. A Gemini native will lead an honourable life and visit many holy places. A Cancer native will not enjoy paternal happiness. A Leo native will suffer from diabetes. A Virgo native will be smitten by many diseases. A Libra native with Sun in this position will face many obstacles. A Scorpio native will have extraordinary results during the Sun’s dasa. A Sagittarius native will enjoy a long life, rich conveyances and political power. A Capricorn native will have long life An Aquarius person will be subjected to various diseases. A Pisces native will be famous but prone to sickness.
Sun Signs Looking for Sun sign as per Indian astrology look for one sign previous to what you see in News papers etc For eg My sun sign as per the system followed by western astrologers is Scorpio, but as per Indian system its Libra. Each of the star signs is associated with a different symbol and represents the zodiac sign in which the Sun was at the time of a person's birth. The description of a sun sign provides information about the basic personality traits of person who is born under that sign. Sun rules willpower and ego and the sun signs tell us about the uniqueness of an individual, who he is and what he is about to become. In the following lines, we have provided the basic description of all the sun signs (star signs), along with their symbols and meaning. 1. The effects of the SUN in rashis 2. THE SUN IN ARIES. One, who has the Sun in Aries will comment on the meanings of Shastras, be famous in arts, fond of war, fierce, attached to his duty, fond of roaming, will have strong bones, be good in deeds, will do valorous acts, will be subjected to bilious and bloody disorders, be splendourous and strong. The native will also become a king. 3. SUN IN A SIGN OF MARS IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should the Sun be in a Sign of Mars (i.e. either in Aries, or in Scorpio) and be aspected by the Moon, the native will be interested in giving away gifts, will have many servants, be charming, be dear to fair sex and will have a soft physique. Should the Sun be in a Sign of Mars and be aspected by Mars, the native will display his courage in battle, be cruel, will possess eyes, hands and legs of blood-red colour, be splendourous and strong. Should the Sun be in a Sign of Mars and be aspected by Mercury, the subject will be a servant, will do others' jobs, will not have much wealth, be devoid of strength, be subjected to much grief and will possess a dirty body. Should the Sun be in a Sign of Mars and Jupiter aspects the said Sun, the native will have plenty of money, will donate, be a king's minister, a judge and a supreme person.
If Venus aspects the Sun posited in a House of Mars, the native will be the husband of a bad woman, will have many enemies, but few relatives (or not well-placed relatives), be poor and will suffer from leprosy. In case Saturn aspects the Sun in a Sign of Mars, the native will be subjected to grief on account of physical ailments, will have intense passion in his undertaking, be dull-witted and a dunce. 4.The position of the Sun in the Sign Taurus indicates, that the native will have troubles from disease of face and eyes, will endure difficulties, will have an emaciated body, will not have many sons, will be beautiful (also means fortunate, nice, handsome etc.), will possess decorum, be wise, will hate barren (or confined) women, be endowed with eatables, garlands, robes and scents, will have knowledge of singing, playing musical instruments and dancing and will face risk from water. 5.SUN IN A SIGN OF VENUS IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. One, who has the Sun in a Rāśi of Venus aspected by the Moon will be addicted to prostitutes, will be soft spoken, will have many women, as dependents and will derive livelihood through water. If Mars is aspecting the Sun in a Sign of Venus, the subject will be brave, fond of battle, bright in appearance, will earn wealth and fame out of his valor and will be deformed. Should it be Mercury, that aspects the Sun in a Sign of Venus, one will be skillful in drawing, writing, poetry, authorship, singing etc. and will possess a good physique. If Jupiter should lend his aspect to the Sun in Libra, or Taurus, the subject will have many foes and friends, be a king's minister, will have beautiful eyes, be splendourous and will be a pleased ruler. When Venus aspects the Sun in Libra, or Taurus, one will be a king, or a king's minister, be endowed with wife, wealth and pleasure galore, be wise and timid. Saturn aspecting the Sun in fall, or in Taurus denotes, that the native will be mean, indolent, will cohabit with aged women, will be wicked and will be troubled by diseases. 6.One who has the Sun in Gemini will be a scholar, be sweet in speech, affectionate (particularly to one's offspring), will have good conduct, be expert in profane knowledge and also in Śāstras, be exceedingly affluent, liberal, skillful, be an astrologer, be mediocre in appearance, will have two mothers, be fortunate and modest. 7.SUN IN GEMINI IN ASPECT TO OTHERS. Should the Sun be in Gemini, or Virgo be aspected by the Moon, the native will be put to troubles by enemies and relatives, will be distressed by visits to foreign countries. and will in general be wailing. The Sun in a House of Mercury and in aspect to Mars denotes, that the subject will have fear from enemies, will be encountered by quarrels, will be grieved on account of loss in a war, be poor and bashful. Should Mercury aspect the Sun posited in Gemini, or Virgo, the subject will have a history akin to that of a king, will be famous, be endowed with relatives, free from enemies, but will encounter eye diseases. Jupiter aspecting the Sun in a Sign of Mercury foretells, that the native will have knowledge of many Shastras, be a king's messenger (or representative), will go to foreign countries, be fierce and be always bewildered. If Venus aspects the Sun, posited in Sign of Mercury, the native will be endowed with money, wife and sons, will make less friends, be free from sickness, be happy and fickle minded. Should Saturn aspect the Sun in Gemini, or Virgo, the native will have many servants, be anxious (as for an absent lover), will maintain many relatives, will remain delighted and will be crafty. 8.The Sun in Cancer indicates, that the native will not be steady in mind in respect of his undertakings, will be famous by virtue of his royal qualities, will hate his own men, be unfortunate in
respect of wife (have an ugly wife), will be good-looking himself, be troubled due to imbalances of phlegm and bile, be distressed on account of labour (hard work), will like intoxicants, follow virtuous principles, be honourable, will be eloquent, will be a geographer and a scientist in the matter of atmosphere/space, will be very steady and will hate people from paternal side. 9.ASPECTS TO SUN IN CANCER. If the Sun in Cancer is aspected by the Moon, the person will be a king, or equal to a king, will become rich by business through water and be cruel. Should Mars throw his aspect on the Sun in Cancer, one will contract pulmonary consumption and fistula in the anus, or pudendum, be dejected on account of his relatives and be a slanderer. If Mercury aspects the Sun in Cancer, the native will be famous for his learning and honour, be dear to the king, skillful and will destroy enemies. Should Jupiter throw his aspect in Cancer occupied by the Sun, the native will be pre-eminent, a king, a minister, or an Army chief, be very famous and learned in arts. If Venus aspects the Sun in Cancer, the native will subordinate his wife (or women), will have money through his wife, be helpful to others, fierce in battle and will speak sweetly. Saturn's aspect on the Sun in Cancer, denotes, that the person will suffer from phlegmatic and windy disorders, be wicked and be a tale-bearer. 10. If the Sun occupies Leo, the native will destroy his enemies, be given to anger, will perform notable acts, will wander in forests, hills and fortresses, be enthusiastic, valorous, bright in appearance, will eat meat, flesh etc. and will be formidable. He will be restive, strong in a lasting measure, talkative, be a king, be plentiful in wealth and famous. 11.ASPECTS TO THE SUN IN LEO. If the Sun occupying Leo is aspected by the Moon, the native will be a scholar, will have a good wife, will suffer from phlegmatic disorders and will be dear to king. If Mars aspects the Sun in Leo, the native will be interested in others' wives, be courageous, valorous, revolutionary, formidable and chief. If Mercury aspects the Sun in Leo, the person will be a scholar, a writer (or an exponent), a gambler, be wandering-natured, mean and be endowed with great strength. If the Sun in Leo is aspected by Jupiter, the person will construct temples, gardens and tanks; will have predominant strength, will like loneliness and be highly intelligent. Venus aspecting the Sun in Leo will make one earn bad name, infamous. Such a person will be troubled by leprosy, be unkind and shameless. Should Saturn aspect the Sun in Leo, the person will be skillful in creating obstacles, will be a eunuch and will cause grief to others. 12.Should the Sun be in Virgo at birth, the person will possess a physique akin to that of a female, be a scholar, be weak, be an expert writer, be learned and will render service to Gods and elders. He will be expert in repairs of driven vehicles, will be skillful in Vedas, songs and playing instruments and will speak softly and kindly. 13.If the Sun is in Libra at birth, the native will face frustration, destruction and heavy expenditure, will be intent on living in foreign places (out of distress), be wicked, mean, be devoid of affection, will live by selling gold and other metals, be jealous, fond of doing others' jobs, will co-habit with others' wives, be dirty, will incur royal contempt and be shameless. 14.The native with the Sun in Scorpio will have an incombatible lust for war, be away from Vedic (religious) path, be a liar, a dunce, will have a base, wicked wife (can also mean loss of wife), be cruel and be attached to mean women. He will be irascible, will follow bad course, be a miser, be fond of promoting quarrels, be troubled by weapons, fire and poison and be unfortunate in respect of parents.
15.If the Sun at birth is in Sagittarius, one will be endowed with wealth, be dear to king, learned, will respect Gods and Brahmins, be skillful in rendering training in use of weapons and arrows and breeding of elephants, be fit to deal with, be honourable, be always peaceful, be rich, will possess a broad and beautiful physique, be helpful to relatives and be energetic. 16.SUN IN SAGITTARIUS/PISCES AND ASPECTED BY OTHERS. Should the Sun at birth be in a Rāśi of Jupiter and be aspected by the Moon, the native will be endowed with eloquent speech, wisdom, wealth and sons. He will be equal to a king and be devoid of misery. He will also possess a pleasing body. Should Mars lend aspect to the Sun in a Rāśi of Jupiter, the subject will earn fame through battle, be endowed with clarity of speech, money and happiness and be short-tempered. Mercury aspecting the said Sun denotes, that the native will possess sweet speech and will have knowledge of writing, literature, arts, assembly, Journey and minerals. If Jupiter aspects the Sun in Pisces/Sagittarius, the person will move in royal palaces, or be a king himself, will possess elephants, horses and wealth and be ever after learning. Should Venus aspect the Sun in Jupiter's House, one will enjoy women of superior class, be endowed with scents and garlands and be peaceful. If Saturn aspects the Sun in Pisces, or Sagittarius, the native will be unclean, will eat other's food, will join bad men and will breed animals. 17.One who has the Sun in Capricorn will be base, interested in bad women, be greedy, will advance with mean jobs, be endowed with various deeds, be timid, devoid of relatives, fickle-minded, fond of wandering, weak, will lose everything due to conflicts with his relatives and will be a voracious eater. 18.SUN IN CAPRICORN/AQUARIUS, ASPECTED BY OTHERS. If the Moon aspects the Sun in a Rāśi of Saturn, the native will be highly cunning in disposition and will lose his wealth and happiness on account of his befriending females. Mars aspecting the Sun in Capricorn, or Aquarius denotes, that the native will be troubled by diseases and enemies, will be wounded by weapons on account of quarreling with others and be deformed. If Mercury aspects the Sun in Capricorn, or Aquarius, the person will be brave, will have a eunuch's nature, will steal other's wealth and will have all limbs devoid of strength. Should Jupiter aspect the Sun in Capricorn, or Aquarius, one will undertake to do auspicious deeds, be wise, will patronize all, widely famous and intelligent. If Venus aspects the Sun in a Rāśi of Saturn, the native will deal with conch, coral and ruby, will derive abundant wealth through prostitutes and females and be happy. If Saturn aspects the Sun posited in Capricorn, or Aquarius, the person will destroy his enemies and will prosper due to royal honours. 19 SUN IN AQUARIUS. If the Sun is in Aquarius at birth, one will suffer from heart diseases, will have enormous strength (courage), be very short-tempered, be fortunate through other housewives, be hated by the learned, be firm in his activities, be miserable, will have little wealth, be fraudulent, be not firm in friendship, will have dirty body and be a miser. 20.If the Sun is in Pisces at birth, one will be friendly, will have tendency to amass, be fond of women and happy, be learned, will destroy many enemies and be wealthy and rich. He will be endowed with wife, good sons and servants, will have wealth on account of transactions via sea/river, be an eloquent speaker, but a liar, will suffer from diseases of the private parts and will have many a coborn.
WEAK SUN IN ASTROLOGY Sun is power, generator and creator of all things in life, including astrology. Without the sun’s power there would be no Rahu or Ketu, there would be no Ramdev or Obama. Sun not only is a generator of all life, but also the significator of powering ones soul, for that is why it’s considered the soul of a person in astrology. If the soul doesn’t have power to be activated, it will not encourage the individual to do something good in their lives against all odds. When we see a rich and famous person, we want to be like them, and we wonder how they got to that point. We only see the front, but we never see behind the scenes, and all the hours and hard work those famous rich people put in to get to the top. When sun is weak or deliberated in the horoscope, the individual will want to achieve things but with a shortcut, and everything they do they will fail at it because they do not understand the dynamics behind success: that success happens by taking a long hard road to the top than jumping on a helicopter and getting to the top. When sun is in low degree of Libra, or situated in an evil house, it takes away the person’s drive and motivation to achieve success in life. This person give there all, but, they will never reap the results of their seed as others do until after midlife. Yes, a weak sun doesn’t mean you’re screwed for life; a weak sun gets stronger after the age of 35. It doesn’t matter if the sun is in Kander or not, if it’s delibeated then it’s stuck on its track till the age of 35. If a person has an excelled sun in Aries, the person would achieve a lot with their hard work; nevertheless, they will achieve success on time. Other planets do play some part, but if all the planets are well placed in the horoscope with a badly placed sun and the individual is still suffering, then it can only be one thing, ‘Rahu’ is sitting in sign of Leo ruled by the sun, which puts an eclipse on sun and takes away it’s power. If all the planets are well placed including the sun and the individual is still not achieving success, then again look at the placement of Rahu or Ketu again. Although I have always said Saturn is much more powerful than Sun, however, a strong Saturn with a weak sun in the horoscope will again give huge success but only after the age of 32 onwards. Sun is the electricity of a television. What good is a T.V. if there is no electricity? Sun also represent our father or father figure in life, and when sun is badly placed, it creates problems between the native's father, or there would be a very bad relations between them. The heart, too, is represented by sun, and usually people with defective sun in the horoscope have high cholesterol or heart attack possibility. Sun The sun is believed to govern the stars Uttaraphalguni, Karthikai and Uthrashada. Irrespective of the planets or stars and the house they govern, they offer the results of that house, if situated in the Sun’s star. If one is born in Karkata lagna with their sun in the 10th house of Aries, the planet will produce results based on the sun, which is mostly 10th instead of the Sun being the Lord of 2. If Venus occupies Karthikai, it produces results that are signified by the 10th house, instead of matters the 2nd house indicates. The matters in this case are fulfilled by Venus as indicated by its very nature, occupation and ownership. With the Sun placed in 1 (Lord of 1), which means that if it occupies the Lagna Bhava or is the Lord of Lagna, the results under Lord of 1 or Sun in 1 are offered by a planet in the stars when the Sun is in 1 and to those born under Leo when the Sun is the Lord of 1.In the same way, the results with the Sun in 1 imply that the results will be the same if the planets are positioned in any of the 3 stars of the sun (Uttaraphalguni, Karthikai and Uthrashada). Results
1. Sun in 1, Lord of 1: Generous, dignified, frank, hopeful, independent, pleasant looking, immunity, success in attempts, good rapport with officers, promotion, flawed vision, proud. 2. Inherited wealth, gain through effort, and holding respectable position in government. Generous, sociable, fond of pleasure, sporty. Loses money if afflicted, immoral, spends too much on impulse. 3. Does respectable, gallant, gains from relatives, understands neighbors, successful in enterprises. Creative, triumph over rivals, enjoys health, honor and repute. Affliction causes difficulties, trouble and false reports. 4. Ambitious, property gain, gains through estate. Affliction causes blood pressure, impediments, unhealthful situations, property losses. 5. Gain through speculation, kids, media, and difficulty in childbirth, forest trips, and intestinal problems. Affliction causes courtship rivalry, loss, problems in love and with kids. 6. Not preferred for health, gains through service, promotion, sciences, medical science, chemistry, cardiac problems, organic problems, bold, victorious, intelligent, self respect, and large family. 7. Successful marriage, generous, determined, attachments, determination, well liked, averts litigation through arbitration, gains through partnerships. Affliction causes loose morals, henpecked, late marriage, travel, questionable character. Beneficial nature is virtuous, venereal diseases, low vision, and dissatisfaction in job. 8. Gains through marriage, partnerships, end with heroism and sacrifice. Vitality, long living, less kids. Affliction causes weak bearing, low vision, thrift, sudden death, husband dies first (for women), and loss of wealth, immoral ties, poverty and litigation. 9. religious bent of mind, connection with law or academic circles, gain with travel, wish to continue research work, success in over seas ventures, honest, steady religious faith, self reliant, popular with others, favored for merited works, acquires properties through individual effort. 10. Rise in income, and status, authority and power. Independent minded, gains through inheritance and business ventures, vitality, owns jewels, artistic bent of mind, successful politician. 11. Ambitious, realizes dreams, honest and loyal, has powerful contacts, hopeful, eternal friends, socially competent, and owns means of conveyance, not good with politics and principled. 12. Successful in medicine, occult sciences, chemistry. Associations with prisons, hospitals, sanatoriums. Leads secluded life, self sacrifice. Affliction causes poverty, not straightforward, prefers widows, unscrupulous, has problems with children and loses in foreign soil. Sun :Effects in different houses ;Natal-Chart 1st House Healthy, proud, prosperous, daring, obstinate, lazy 2nd House Good income but loss of money, stubborn, a facial disease, stammering 3rd House Bold, prosperous, famous, endeavours,powerful 4th House Intelligent, reputed, but devoid of happiness, comforts and house. 5th House Poor, intelligent, unhappy, few children 6th House Bold, successful, wealthy, tactful, victory over enemies 7th House Some trouble in married life, humiliated by women, impatient, irreligious. 8th House Eye troubles, few issues, loss of money, ill health, sudden gains. 9th House Wealth, children and happiness, friction with father, lucky, successful. 10th House Endowed with status, fame, power, health and children. 11th House Learned, wealthy, long life, success, status 12th House Defective eyes, poor, base, no happiness from children.
Sun in Variant houses Sun or Surya considered to be a very important planet in Indian Astrology. Sun is one of the three ascendants in Vedic astrology. It gives auspicious results if it is well placed and in a good state (exalted or placed in own sign or in friendly sign). If Sun or Surya is well placed in the horoscope, it gives prosperity, fame, popularity, authority, good leadership skills, influence over people and good health. It is not well placed in the horoscope, it can cause eye problems, bad health, problems with authorities, unpopularity and problems in case of profession and money flow. Here in this section, we are presenting the results of placement of Sun or Surya in all the 12 houses of the horoscope or the Vedic birth chart. Sun in Ascendant | Surya in 1st house | Sun in 1st house Sun is most potent presence among all the planets in the astrological arena besides which it is perceived to be the king in the solar system as it holds all the celestial bodies around and dominate over them. For the same reasons, Sun in 1st house or Ascendant will bestow same attributes to the natives and will make him/her stay strong from the core with a balanced composure of mind while he/she would be dominating and effective in appearance as they carry the strength of leaving marks behind. These people with Sun in 1st house or Ascendant are born leaders but they should stay away from overshadowing others. Sun is the king and mentor of all the planets. When it placed in the first house or ascendant, it provides wisdom and true knowledge to the native besides which the person would carry a positive attitude towards life along with the firmness in approach as the person would not let others affect their approach. These natives with Sun in Ascendant are mature beings but they are very much concerned about their presence besides which they are very much vigorous & courageous personalities which makes them exploring in nature but this could turn snobbish at times. These natives having Sun in first house or Ascendant would carry much self belief which will take them towards good heights if it won’t become over confidence. The positive impacts of Sun would endow the person with clear vision towards life. On the other part, the native with Sun in Ascendant or first house could turn aggressive and stubborn along with a tough heart but these natives are not evil and wicked souls as they know the difference between evil and pure and do believe upon moral path. The native with Sun in 1st house would attain strong position upon land through his/her intellect and hard work besides which they these people are well suited for political career. In the end, they could have eye problems and should hold upon their much risk taking tendency. In the First house. Righteous- minded , healthy, bilious, eye-disease, intelligence, good morals, political success, stately appearance, humanitarian instincts, lazy in work, fond of daring deeds, hot constitution, careless of reputation, string will, caprice, generosity, neglect of personal credit or respect, good work, not combative or impetuous and pioneering. Sun in the Ascendant: Sun in the Ascendant makes anger-prone and lazy. Will be valorous and will have less hair. Will be cruel and will have a high opinion about himself. Wont have patience and mercy. If Aries is rising, Sun in the Ascendant, will make the native highly educated, wealthy, versatile and famous. If Cancer is rising, will suffer from eye troubles. If Libra, will suffer from sorrow, poverty & loss of progeny. First House: People with the sun in their first house care a lot about their self image and physical appearance. They tend to be very brave, competitive and determined. This gives them very strong natural leadership qualities. They tend to have their own views very clear so it is near impossible for them to get swayed by others opinions.
Sun in the first house: The native will be troubled from several diseases in his childhood. He might suffer from the complications related to eyes and he becomes prone towards injuries to head. He is quite lucky but he can be hurt by wife or children. 1. A very good position for the Sun and will confer good health if there is no detracting factor. The native will have good relations with the government. He will be respectful and obedient to his father. His spouse will be from a high family. He will be on good terms with the people in power. He will be morally upright and will have a religious or ethically correct attitude to life. He will be frank and magnanimous. (ii) Sun in First House will be highly beneficial for the younger sister/brother of the native. The younger sister/brother will be well placed, wealthy and will have friends at high places. It will also make the native's mother inclined to religion and she will go on pilgrimages. His children will do well at the highest levels of studies. They may also go abroad in this connection. (iii) On the other hand if the Sun is adversely placed in the first house it will make a person aggressive, impetuous, lazy, unforgiving, ambitious, Proud of impressive appearance, and impatient. He will be full of vitality, bald, tall, lean, and may suffer from ailments in the head and eye but on the whole will enjoy good health. (iv) The health of the native may remain indifferent during the childhood. He is likely to gain from cattle. The native will have restricted number of children. Sun in the first house: Sun is a great source of positive energy and if well placed in the first house gives great vitality and strength to the person. It gives courage, generosity, pride and self respect, as well as success and strong ambition. If afflicted, for men sun in the first house usually gives a tendency to thinning hair and affects eye sight adversely. Sun in the first house: The sun rules energy and a good placement here will give a healthy constitution, success and good fortune. It gives generosity, pride, ambition and a good will power. It can give some eye trouble and inclines one to baldness, headaches and head injuries or trouble in the upper part of the head. At times health is indifferent during childhood unless other planets are strong. THE SUN IN THE FIRST HOUSE: The Sun is the source of vitality. The First House signifies are constitutional condition and the home of our childhood, hence the Sun well aspected in the First House adds to the vitality of the rising sign and augments the recuperative powers. It brightens life during the days of child- hood and stabilizes the nature, making the person more cheerful and compan- ionable, ambitious to succeed in life, courageous in overcoming obstacles. The outlook on life is joyful and optimistic, hence the chances of success are increased. People with the Sun in this position love to lead and exercise authority over others; they are very jealous of the esteem of the community, upright and honest in their dealings. When the Sun is afflicted in the First House it lowers the vitality, makes the person timid and vacillating, lacking in courage and ambition; hence the chances of a successful life are slim unless many aspects are good, thus modifying this condition. Sun in 1st House according to Saravali: The Sun in the Ascendant denotes, that the native will have less hair (on the head), be lazy in function, given to anger, will have prominent personality, be honourable, will have weak sight and coarse physique, be courageous, impatient and unkind. If the Ascendant is Cancer and is occupied by the Sun, the native will have swollen eyes, if it be Aries with Sun therein, his sight will be weak and in Leo the Sun makes him night-blind. One suffers poverty and loss of children, if the Sun occupies Libra. Sun in 1st House according to Phala Deepika: If the Sun be In the 1st house at birth, the native will have scanty hair. He will be lazy, of hot disposition, impetuous and tall In stature. He will have soiled eyes and a lean and thin body. He will be cruel, impatient and valourous.
Sun- In the first house sun makes one proud with ego, someone who takes charge, and takes no for an answer. This gives very good health to the native depending upon the sign its placed in. Bones are strong, heart is healthy and education of a person is very good. Sun in the 1st house: If the Sun be in the ascendant the native will be lazy, of quick temper, proud, cruel, valiant and unforgiving. Native will be good administrator, fearless, good looking. He/She will have eye problems. Sun in I House The native born with Sun in first house will generally have healthy body, good immune system and less hair on the head. The native will have medium height and he or she may enjoy status in the society. The native will give instructions to people which will be accepted by others. He or she will generally exhibit himself as a strong and dynamic character. The Sun in first house in Aries sign Mesha Rasi in exaltation values humans and not their religions. They believe in justice and can punish anybody irrespective of relationship. It will be foolish to expect any undue favor from them. They are intelligent, knowledgeable and patriotic in nature. They fulfill their promises. They may have less number of children and there will be problems in marital life. Sun in Taurus sign Vrishabha rashi gives comparatively better marital life and happiness from children. But he will get ordinary happiness from mother and property. He may have to work under others in the initial phase of career but later on he works independently. The native may suffer from eye problems. Sun in Gemini sign Mithuna rashi in first house makes the native hard working and a successful businessman. He or she is well supported from siblings and has good marital life. Sun in Cancer sign Karka Rashi in first house gives the person adequate wealth for living. The native may not enjoy high status but he has good position in his society. He will be passionate and may be addicted to alcohol. The married life is generally ordinary. Sun in Leo sign, Simha Rashi, in first house makes the person proudy and aggressive in nature. The native may have above average height and good robust body. The marital life is generally not good. Sun in Virgo sign, Kanya Rashi, in first house makes the person a spendthrift. He may have ordinary health. He is generally benefited from relationships away from his birth place or abroad. He may have to serve under others as employees against his wishes. He may not be satisfied from his Boss or employer. He may suffer from many diseases. The marital life is generally good. Sun in Libra sign, Tula Rashi, in first house gives weak constitution. The native has keen interest in making quick money and may not enjoy good relationship with father and elder siblings. There may be problems related to male child and marital life will be ordinary. He may suffer from problems related to sex like early ejaculation. Sun in Scorpio sign, Vrischika Rashi, in first house makes the native egoistic and hot tempered. He gets good success in his profession and is supported by his father. He may earn wealth as a doctor or through making medicines. The married life may not be very good. Sun in Sagittarius sign, Dhanu Rashi gives the native an impressive personality. The native is religious, God fearing and idealistic in nature. He gets good respect and status in society. His married life is good and he gets happiness from progeny. Sun in Capricorn sign Makara Rashi in first house gives the native long life. He has ordinary physical appearance and health. He may face serious obstacles especially up to the age of 26 to grow in his life. Marital life and happiness from progeny is very ordinary.
Sun in Aquarius sign Kumbha rashi makes the person travel a lot for his livelihood. Native gets good support from his / her spouse in his professional life. He gets happiness from his children also. Sun in Pisces sign Meena Rashi in first house gives diseases related to blood and intestine. He suffers on account of his enemies and there may be problems related to government. He has to work very hard to get any success in life and it comes late in life. Some disputes with spouse are expected and general happiness from children will be there. 1st House Sun A person with a first house Sun has a lot of presence wherever he is and the interesting fact is that such a person also knows this. Such a person is always self-conscious. A person with a first house Sun is at his best when he leaves a mark on the world. Such a person should not obsess over what others think of him. A person with a first house Sun should accept the fact that he is meant to be a leader or an innovator. Such a person’s personality drive will find expression mainly through personal issues related to self-image, physical appearance and personal interests. A person with a first house Sun should acquire knowledge about himself in order to fulfill his purpose in life. A person with a first house Sun has a strong will power and self assurance. Such a person is also very brave, powerful and competitive. A person with a first house Sun known how to seize opportunities. Such a person carves his own path in life with his self determination. Such a person’s enthusiasm for life may manifest as robust health and vitality. There may be some tendency to pride and insolence at times. A person with a first house Sun has an enterprising nature and can easily overcome all sorts of obstacles in life. A person with a first house Sun is also usually interested in building religious places for the public. Such a person will have a permanent source of livelihood which will mostly be from the Government. Money earned from honest sources will always keep increasing. Such a person’s father may die in childhood. The presence of a first house Sun provides a strong sense of identity, abundant vitality, and personal confidence. A first house Sun produces much initiative, selfassurance, and leadership skills that might not be otherwise reflected in the chart. A person with a first house Sun is never influenced by the opinions and desires of others. A first house Sun usually produces abundant energy and excellent recuperative powers which help you overcome physical ailments that may come along. Such a person is also very optimistic in life. A first house Sun also signifies progress and a very good fortune. Such a person has a tall height, pleasant eyes, a pronounced nose and a wide forehead. A person with a first house Sun will be strong and healthy with a tendency of having gastric problems. One may suffer from a burning sensation in the stomach. One will be egoistic, confident, determined and may have high thoughts. One will be liberal at heart, may discard low quality work, be hard and judicious. One will believe in proper proof. One will be studious, intelligent, may not speak a lot and may settle or travel abroad. One will be famous in all fields and will independently attain a high position. Sun in First House:- First house is called TANU Bhava. If Sun is in masculine signs, the native shall have a few children and if in female signs, one will have a large family and will be contented and happy. Sun if posited in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius, one is bold, courteous but unhappy. Sun in Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn makes the native work as under dog. Sun in Aries, Gemini, Cancer Leo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius makes one fond of music and acting. Sun in Cancer, Scorpio and Sagittarius makes one scholar and a virtuous man. Sun in Pisces, one has connections with many
women and scholars. Sun in Cancer attracts to him to his family and in Scorpio makes him a good doctor. The Sun in FIERY signs makes the native ambitious, short tempered, dominating and sober. If in EARTHY signs the native is vain, impertinent and, moody. AIRY signs make the native just, large hearted, of artistic and literary taste. WATERY signs draw him to women forgetting personal good. The Sun in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius may give him measles, small pox in childhood. Sun in Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn may afflict eye sight. In Gemini, Libra or Aquarius may cause malaria. Mar asmus and inflammatory complaints. The Sun in Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces may give him hoeorrhizia, cough, diarrohea, palpitation of heart, disturbance of blood circulation and fever, bone weakness etc. The Sun in the Rising sign symbolises progress and good luck. The Sun in Summer solistic (Uttarayana) brings disputes, makes the native ego-centric and selfish. The Sun in winter in (Dakshinayana) promotes Divinity in the native. Exalted, well aspected or well associated Sun develops faith, and confidence, coupled with natural ambitions, bestows position of trust and influence and supports moral growth. When Sun is afflicted, in depression sign or afflicted by Mars, Saturn, Rahu or Kctu, indicates that power and authority will become restricted, one has to work hard, not so good financially and do mean acts of afflicted health and reverses in life. Mars, Sun or Mars aspects Sun anywhere gives good stamina to work hard throughout life. Note: The Sun afflicted by saturn , Rahu or Ketu by conjunction or aspect in any house of birth make the weak. In depression or malefic houses sun become weak. Native is note fully rewarded for hard work done by him in life. One is devoid of power and authority, changes in profession and does not receive govt. favour . remedial measures for sun are must. BHRIGU SUTRAS SUN IN LAGNA Sutras 1-21-If the Sun is posited in the First House or Ascendant, the native will enjoy good health. He will be of bilious constitution and will suffer from diseases of the eye. He will be wise and of good conduct. He will have acidic stomach and will be bereft of knowledge and sense. He will be highly intelligent, will speak less, and will wander away from his native place. He will be happy. If the Sun is in Aries (that is in his sign of exaltation), the native will get name and fame. If such Sun is aspected by benefics, the native will become highly learned. If the Sun is in debilitation (that is, in the sign Libra), the native will be dignified. He will, however, be devoid of learning, and power and be blind. These ill effects will not be felt, if the Sun is aspected by benefics (Jupiter or Venus). If the Sun be in Leo, or Leo Navamsha, the native will acquire lordship over some territory. If the Sun be in Cancer, the native will be knowledgeable. He will, however, suffer from boils in the body. If the Sun be in Capricorn, the native will suffer from heart disease. If the Sun be in Pisces, the native will be subservient to women. If the Sun be in Virgo, the native will be father of daughters only. He will lose his wife and will be ungrateful. The native will enjoy good health if the Sun be in his own sign Leo, but if the Sun is in association with malefics or be in his enemy’s sign or sign of debilitation, the native will suffer from fever in his third year. Such unfavourable effects will not be felt if the Sun is aspected by benefics. Comments-The Sun has been considered as a malefic planet in Hindu Astrology and as a benefic by Westerners. We feel that a planet who is source of light and life to the universe and who represents the creator Brahma, should not be termed as a malefic planet although there is no doubt that he is a hot and cruel planet. According to this work the Sun in the ascendant gives good health to the native and he is of good conduct. This is because the Sun is a planet signifying vitality and “Sattva guna”. He
suffers from bilious diseases because the Sun is bilious in temperament. He suffers from eye diseases and is bereft of children and knowledge. This can happen when the Sun is afflicted. The Sun being a hot planet and a significator of light and vision can therefore affect those parts of the body which give light and vision, namely, eyes. It is not clear how the Sun who is not a significator of children can deprive the native of progeny unless he is the lord of the 5th house (house of children) and is afflicted by association or aspect. It is said that with the Sun in the ascendant, the native will be bereft of knowledge but he will be highly intelligent. These two statements are contradictory. We believe that the Sun unless is dignified will bestow the native knowledge and learning. Very favourable results have been attributed to the Sun if he is in Aries, that is, his sign of exaltation. This is so because with Aries “as Ascendant the Sun will be lord of 5th house (a trinal and very beneficial house). Moreover the state of exaltation will provide further dignity to an already beneficial trinal lord. He becomes learned because the 5th house signifies intellectual capacity and when lord of such a house is well placed in his sign of exaltation, the native will become highly learned. He also gets name and fame because 5th house is 9th to 9th house which signifies high learning, bhagya and prosperity. For the Sun in Libra (that is, in his sign of debilitation) unfavourable results like being devoid of learning have been indicated. But it is not clear how the author has taken the view that the native will be dignified when the Sun is debilitated in the Ascendant. With Leo as ascendant, the placement of the Sun there is an ideal position for him and naturally very favourable results will follow. The Sun in Cancer as ascendant is said to cause boils in the body. The ascendant represents body of the native and Cancer being a watery sign, the hot effect of the Sun is likely to bring about such troubles. In Pisces the Sun makes the native- subservient to women. The only reason for this can be the placement of the Sun in a female and dual sign in which he perhaps loses his domineering faculty. When the Sun is in Virgo in the ascendant the native will have only daughters and will lose his wife. When Virgo is ascendant, the Sun will be lord of 12th house, that is, the house sixth to 7th (house of wife). The aspect of the unfavourable 12th lord on the 7th house is likely to cause the loss of wife. Virgo being a female sign when containing the Sun is likely to give only daughters. It is also believed that Virgo natives generally get more daughters than sons. For the interest of readers we give below in brief the views given in respect of the Sun’s position in the ascendant, by other recognised classical texts:Brihat Jataka-If the Sun occupies the 1st house at a person’s birth he will be valiant, obstinate, will have defective eyes and be cruel hearted. But if Aries be the ascendant, the person will earn himself but will suffer from eye disease. If the Sun be in Leo, the person concerned will be night blind. If Libra be the ascendant, the native will be blind and poor as well. If the ascendant be Cancer with the Sun in it, the person concerned will have inflamed eyes. Saravali states the Sun be in the ascendant the native will be lazy, of quick temper, proud, cruel, valiant and unforgiving. He will have cataract in his eyes if the Sun be in Cancer. He will have defective eye sight, if Sun be in Aries in the ascendant. The Sun in Leo will make the native night blind. If the Sun be in Libra, the native will be poor and issueless. Chamatkar Chintamani-The native who has the Sun in the ascendant has a good nose and body and a high forehead. He is troubled on account of his wife, children and family. He suffers from bilious diseases. He is always travelling. His wealth is not constant. He has ups and downs in this respect. Note-It will be seen that there is consensus that the Sun in the ascendant adversely affects the eyes. Normally the Sun who is himself the source of light cannot take light out of the eyes. This adverse
result described above seems to be due to the fact that while in the ascendant the Sun will be posted in a house of loss and expenditure, that is 12th to the second house which t’s inter alia significator of eye sight and vision. Sun in First House Auspicious Results : Sun in the house of wealth signifies some position in the government. One is liberal and charitable. The person will win over enemies with one's behaviour and good relationship. One's speech is sweet and logical. Sun in the second house means one is wealthy and fortunate. One will be the owner of valuable metals like gold, silver and copper. The person will be a good spender of money, especially for auspicious work. One may have plenty of servants at home. One may possess four legged animals like horses, cows, goats and buffaloes. There may always be heat in one's body, and, one's eyes and limbs may always be warm. One will be interested in eating the best of food, wearing the best of clothes and will take special care in keeping the clothes clean. Sun in the house of wealth is favorable for doctors and lawyers. The person's desire to set up one's independent business is fulfilled. One earns a lot of wealth. Inauspicious Results : Sun in the house of wealth makes a person short tempered, talkative, stingy and arrogant. Because of one's proud nature, one is unable to do any auspicious work of a permanent nature. One lacks humility and is arrogant, boastful and proud. One has a lean and weak physique, red eyes and bad hair. One lacks intelligence and is dull and a fool. One may have a tendency to forget everything. When Sun is in the house of wealth, one is not a scholar and one's education remains incomplete. One lacks goodwill and sponsorship and therefore all of one's friends and relatives desert him. One's wealth is seized by the landlord or the king. One will be careless and may destroy one's wealth. One may lose one's wealth, specially one's paternal inheritance. Any work done with the intention of making money is in vain. The person's fortunes are dependent on one's father's fortunes. One may be unable to do business or work independently. There may not be a mutual rapport between father and son. The person's wealth may be seized by others including by some government penalty. In one's 25th year, one may lose money due to some penal punishment. One may not have the comfort of a good vehicle, horse or cart. One may also suffer from ailments of the mouth, ear and teeth. One may not be clear in speech, stutter and express himself with difficulty. Enlightenment is related to the eyes, hence Sun in the second house denotes eye ailments and a weak vision. Due to one's spouse, there may be some conflict in the family. One may even fight with one's spouse and quarrel with one's friends and be enmical towards them. One may be deprived of the happiness of a spouse or son. Inspite of having a family, one does not set up one's household in one place. One always stays in other's houses and is unhappy. One does not peform any work of a permanent nature which may keep one's name alive or bring him fame. Trivial auspicious deeds tend to be destroyed in a short period of time. Sun in the house of wealth is not suitable for astrologers. Inauspicious fruits predicted by one are easily experienced while auspicious happenings take time. As a result of this, one is defamed. One may speak slowly and lazily. One is stingy and deprived of the sympathy of others. The person may be extremely poor. One may not even get food to eat for even eight days at a stretch and they writhe for food. Remedies of Sun if making bad effects in life. Remedies of Sun in first House: Sun is the ruler in body and soul.Also have strength to make life in death or make death in life.paraligation is the signal of Sun.If Sun in Aries and having conectivity with Saturn that means person useless in socity or in the family.He can collect more money but can not collect the name and fame as a good person in socity or in family.Life mate of that person always think to negative,and
person think positive.If his or her life mate want to make works by the negative side,then that person start to make work by the positive side,and in the last,he or she get negative to positive and positive to negative.He or she always think to make friendship by the force,His or her target to make name by the force,that is money force,strength force or political force.Totel life depends on the order,in the society this type person always fight with regulations and always having demand in mind for the rights. There are thousands remedies in world for making faith with Sun,or making more strength for the Sun,But I am giving here 100% true remedies,there are not any requirement of Stones,or other expenses, there are everything of Sun in your own home,if you are living on Earth. Take a Red Colour Glass bottle and fill clean water,on Sunday morning.pack that bottle and put in the Sun rays.When Sun going to set,means before Sun set pick that bottle and drink full water.Clean that bottle and put in safe place for using next days,do this work first only continue 43 days.After 43 days you can make days or two days.If you have not direct Sun rays in your house,take a coper pot with cover,fill clean water,and put in safe place,drink when Sun set. Sun with Moon Sun with Moon,are both not good in 1st house,Moon give coolness and Sun genrate power of fire.after meeting with both,life spoils like a steam,energy and mind both not in favour. Sun means Soul and Moon means mind,it is the Dark full Dark night like Amavasya.Mother always harmfull by the mind of person. Sun with Mars. Sun is Government and Mars is strength,when both meet in first house that means person make more and more fight with govenment and at last government spoil life of the person. Sun with Mercury. Mercury lost power with Sun,But both make lot of money,Mercury give conectivities,and Sun give power of regulations,also both make good money and if there are any bad effects from the bad star like Rahu or ketu,Sun and mercury will make to person like a account cleark. Sun with Jupiter Sun is power and Jupiter is Knowledge,if any person have knowledge and power then there are not any difficulties in the life.Always this combinations goes to political area,and make name and fame like good or bad,by the effects of birth stars. Sun with Venus When Sun is ego and Venus is beauty,both make film star or make political like making gains through people or by the government.Huge of physical items will collect by this type person,and also well known person in socity. Sun with Saturn This type person make works or other type life related jobs in the time of evening or in morning,This combinationgoes to make free from the day time and also by the night time.Sun and Saturn combination make Mars like bad and blood of that person autometically goes to eat and drink non vegitatian foods etc.Always mind in sex,and always hited to good person by the works or by the actions. Sun with Rahu Rahu and Sun both make good or bad by the effects of Jupiter,if Jupiter is good in birth chart that means the Rahu and Sun will give full suport to make sixth sense works like astrology,witch crafts,and having more power from paranormal strength.If this type person will talk to anybody as bad talk that means the talk will go trouth. Sun with Ketu
Sun and Ketu give bones troubles in the body,and there are a head troubles but it depends of the Saturn.if Saturn give good effects that means person have more and more supported person or many physical supported articals. Sun in first House - Lal Kitab Remedies (Upay) Sun* in first house is considered auspicious. If friendly planets like Jupiter, Moon and Mercury are in association with Sun or in fifth house or in ninth house from Sun, it further adds to the benefic effects of Sun. Mars is also friendly to Sun but Mars in fifth house from Sun is not auspicious for male child. Inimical planets like Rahu, Ketu and Saturn can spoil the benefic effects if they associate with Sun. Saturn in eighth house from Sun is not good for the longevity of wife. If there is no planet in the 7th house from Sun, person should marry before 24 years as it will prove highly beneficial for the native. Or native should install a hand pump in his ancestral house. But the benefic effects of installing hand pump will appear after 10 years henceforth, it should be installed before the age of 14 years of the native. A person with Sun in first house should try for a government job as it will prove very beneficial to the native. If Venus is in conjunction with Sun in the first house, native should not make any relationship other than wed-lock as it will destroy the native's reputation and wealth. Native should never do intercourse in day time when Sun is placed in first house. If a native performs sex in day time specially when Venus conjuncts Sun in first house, it will destroy the health of the wife. If Rahu or Ketu also joins this Sun + Venus combination in first house, it could cause serious health problems to the native's wife. If native forms any relations other than wed-lock, he will suffer to the extent of litigation and arrest. The wife of the native should stop eating Jaggary (Gur).
Such person will be orthodox, religious, self made person, prosperous if earn honestly and helps others, take care of his father but does not expect same from his/her children, He will not get paternal property but leave property for his children.
He may suffer from tuberculosis and the obstructions will emerge in every field of life whenever he is about to achieve/get something in his life.
Sun in 2nd house | Surya in 2nd bhava Sun is the divine expression of potency and dominance which also holds immense aggression along with highest authority for being the emperor among all the planets. Sun is an auspicious presence but it could also appear as malefic for certain planetary placements for which it provides both pleasant and adverse impacts to human beings. The presence of Sun in the second house will bestow them financial strength as these natives with Sun in 2nd house would attain good professional places or would have variant channels of income for keeping them wealthy while on the other part, these natives with Sun in second house would pursue very lavish and careless spending of money as they are born attached to materialistic pleasures and comforts. They always seek for financial independence.
The natives of this placement of Sun in second house are effective talkers as they will leave impacts behind besides which they are perceived to be true to his/her words as these natives won’t ever break their promises. Besides this, these natives of Sun in 2nd house are perceived to be intellectual beings who would pursue good learning and would turn towards research and scientific aspects. Apart from this, these natives with sun in 2nd house would be stubborn and peevish in their attitude. They could be stammers and could face danger to their lives during the age of 25yrs. Second house. Diseased face, ugly, losses from prosecution good earnings, inclined to waste, bright speech, enquiring, well-educated, scientific, stubborn and peevish temper, danger in the 25th year, will stammer. Sun in the Second House: Will have less wealth. Less education also. But will be liberal minded. Will love his enemies. Face may be afflicted. Will be taxed by the Government. All malefic planets in the second are adverse for wealth. Second House: The sun within the second house orientates around energies that focus on money and wealth. Not only is wealth important to second house sun people, but also material possessions. SUN IN 2nd. If the Sun is in the 2nd Bhava, the native will be endowed with servants and quadrupeds, will suffer facial diseases, will be deprived of happiness and wealth and will lose money through royal displeasure, or through thieves. Sun in the second house: The native remains aloof from the happiness of wife and children. He is slim and has thin hairs. He is very unlucky and suffers from the diseases related to eyes or mouth. Sun in Second House (i) The Sun in the second house, if adverse, makes the person struggle for money and may have to face confiscation of wealth and property by the Government. Such a Sun will make the younger sister /brother of the native not well disposed towards his father. (ii) The Father of the native will be in service, not very rich, and weak in constitution. The younger sister/brother may either have physical deformity or trouble in his eyesight. The sibling may also not be morally upright and may be deprived of children (iii) On the other hand if the Sun is favourable, well placed and powerful it can make the native very wealth. He may gain from government and by trading or dealing in copper, gold and other metals. He may have diseases of the mouth and face. He will find it difficult to learn things and he cannot express himself well. His relations with his immediate family may be unsatisfactory. If the Sun is well placed here it will confer favour of the superiors, inheritance, and good eye-sight. Such a Sun will bring wealth to the mother of the native and very high position and riches to his children. (iv) The children of the native will be of good conduct. His wife will face a critical time in her middle years. A good Sun with powerful second house will be favourable for the wife who may also expect a legacy. Sun in the second house: In the second house when well placed the sun gives gains from metals and from people in high places. If afflicted it will give dental troubles and a tendency to stammer, harshness in speech and stress in family life. Sun in the second house: It gives a lot of wealth but if the sun is weak the person can face legal troubles and property losses, disrupted education, dental ailments and disturbed family life. It gives gains from metal, especially copper and gold. When well placed it gives a high status in society. THE SUN IN THE SECOND HOUSE: This shows the person will find favor with people in a position to fur- ther his material prosperity and will be their help gain a comfortable living, but it also gives a tendency to squander money on the principle that "what comes easy goes easy."
Unless this trait be curbed it may bring about financial stringency, for it is not so much what we earn that counts as what we spend. We shall be poor with an income of a million if we spend two. Sun in the 2nd house: Native will have defect in his speech, will be bereft of fame and comforts. Native will acquire wealth from the king or the thieves by questionable means. PLANET SUN IN SECOND HOUSE Such persons are rich, earn money through self efforts and superiors. Will hold good office position. Gain through Govt. officers and persons in authority. Generous, social, inclined to luxury, fond of opposite sex and courageous. Unwanted expenditure. Will have some disease in the face and may make one stammer in talk. Good fortune will increase with good aspects of benefic planets and increases WILL power, emotions and desires etc. Sun in 2nd house makes the native charitable, wealthy, wins over enemies by his dealings and behavior, speaks logically in sweet terms. One has to pay some penalty to the Govt. He will spend profitably, dispute with family members due to his wife. If lagna is in a Feminine sign, the native wins over his enemies and is a fine orator. Sun in 2nd house in Gemini, Libra, Sagittarius and Aquarius, the native gets wealth and monetary gain. If in Aries or Leo, one does not suffer monetarily. Sun Mercury conjunction causes stammering. Sun in Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn does not help in accumulation of wealth (to check 11th house), one likes to work independently provided Dhanesh is strong (2nd house lord is called Dhanesh), it should not be retrograde set, retarding or oppressed and also not in conjunction with a malefic but aspected by benefics. The Sun in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces makes the native an officer, well paid or he works in a firm in good position. Sun in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius makes one selfish and ambitious. A native born under the influence of Dhan Bhava Sun transfers good luck to his father, provided the latter makes personal efforts. Generally father and son do not have understanding. Lawyers, doctor and astrologers find such Suns to their advantage. Sun in 2nd house in Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces, one suffers from heat in eyes, hand and feat; weak eye sight, desire for tasty food and fine dresses. But if 2nd lord Jupiter or Saturn in this case is retrograde and posited in 2,4,6,8 or 12 house, the yoga will make the native poor. Sun- In the second house sun gives the legacy of a family, dealing with family wealth and business, a very clever person, someone who might be a restaurant owner or any business to do with home goods. This also gives rise to a political or government career. BHRIGU SUTRAS SUN IN SECOND HOUSE Sutras 22-32-If the Sun is in the second house, the native will suffer from diseases of the mouth. In his 25th year he will incur wrath of Government and as a consequence will suffer loss of wealth. This will not happen if the Sun is in Aries (that is, exalted) or in Leo (own sign). If Sun is associated with a malefic, the native will get diseases of the eye, he will have little knowledge of ancient scriptures (Shastras) and will remain in ill health. If the Sun is aspected by benefics the native will be protected from the above evil effects and will become wealthy. If the Sun is with Mercury the native will stammer in speech. If the lord of the second house is posited in his sign of exaltation, the native will talk succinctly and clearly, will have knowledge of ancient scriptures, will be learned, will enjoy good eye sight. This disposition will cause Rajayoga as a result of which native will acquire name, fame and wealth. Comments-Second house is significator of mouth. Here affliction of the Sun therefore causes diseases of the mouth. The second house is also significator of wealth. The Sun represents Govt.
Therefore affliction of the house of wealth by the Sun causes loss of wealth by the wrath of Govt. The author says that this event takes place in the 25th year. This can be verified only by practical experience. However, there is no such effect if the Sun and the second house are aspected by benefics (like Jupiter and Venus). In the second house the Sun with malefics is said to cause eye diseases. This is quite understandable as the second house is a significator of eyesight and vision. As the second house will be badly afflicted by the Sun and other malefics, the eyesight will be adversely affected. This disposition will also cause ill health as the Sun signifies vitality and his affliction will weaken vitality and consequently the native will suffer from ill health. It is said that these evil effects will not arise if the Sun (in association with malefics) is aspected by benefics. Our view is that the evil affects will not be entirely wiped off by the aspect of benefics but the diseases^ will respond to curative treatment. He is also likely to acquire wealth if the benefic influence is more dominant than the malefic influence. It is said that if the Sun is with Mercury, the native will stammer in his speech. Generally Mercury who is significator of speech, is combust on account of nearness to the Sun. If Mercury is corn-bust the speaking faculty will be adversely affected. This will not happen if mercury is not combust. Very favourable results have been indicated in the matter of speech, name, fame and wealth if the lord of the second house is in his sign of exaltation. These results will certainly be experienced by the native if the lord of the second house in his position of exaltation is placed in houses other than 3,6,8, and 12. The view of the other important classical tests in regard to effects of the Sun in the second house are given below:Brihat Jataka-The person concerned will be immensely rich but will be deprived of his wealth by a king and will suffer diseases in the face. Phaldeepika-The person concerned will be devoid of 36 learning, modesty and wealth. He will have defect in his speech. Saravali-The native will possess cattle and servants. He will suffer from disease of the mouth. He will be bereft of fame and comforts. He will acquire wealth from the king or the thieves by questionable means. Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be learned. He will possess cows, horses and elephants. He will incur expenditure on good causes. He will quarrel with members of his family on account of his wife. All his efforts to acquire wealth will go in vain. Note-It will be seen that in essence the effects given by the authors are the same as given by Bhrigu Sutras-In fact the views of the latter are more logical and meaningful. Sun in 2nd House according to Saravali: If the Sun is in the 2nd Bhava, the native will be endowed with servants and quadrupeds, will suffer facial diseases, will be deprived of happiness and wealth and will lose money through royal displeasure, or through thieves. Sun in 2nd House according to Phala Deepika: When the Sun is in the 2nd house at birth, the person concerned will be without any learning; he will be shameless and will be stammering. Sun in 2nd House Auspicious Results : Sun in the house of wealth signifies some position in the government. One is liberal and charitable. The person will win over enemies with one's behaviour and good relationship. One's speech is sweet and logical. Sun in the second house means one is wealthy and fortunate. One will be the owner of valuable metals like gold, silver and copper. The person will be a good spender of money, especially for auspicious work. One may have plenty of servants at home. One may possess four legged animals like horses, cows, goats and buffaloes. There may always be heat in
one's body, and, one's eyes and limbs may always be warm. One will be interested in eating the best of food, wearing the best of clothes and will take special care in keeping the clothes clean. Sun in the house of wealth is favorable for doctors and lawyers. The person's desire to set up one's independent business is fulfilled. One earns a lot of wealth. Inauspicious Results : Sun in the house of wealth makes a person short tempered, talkative, stingy and arrogant. Because of one's proud nature, one is unable to do any auspicious work of a permanent nature. One lacks humility and is arrogant, boastful and proud. One has a lean and weak physique, red eyes and bad hair. One lacks intelligence and is dull and a fool. One may have a tendency to forget everything. When Sun is in the house of wealth, one is not a scholar and one's education remains incomplete. One lacks goodwill and sponsorship and therefore all of one's friends and relatives desert him. One's wealth is seized by the landlord or the king. One will be careless and may destroy one's wealth. One may lose one's wealth, specially one's paternal inheritance. Any work done with the intention of making money is in vain. The person's fortunes are dependent on one's father's fortunes. One may be unable to do business or work independently. There may not be a mutual rapport between father and son. The person's wealth may be seized by others including by some government penalty. In one's 25th year, one may lose money due to some penal punishment. One may not have the comfort of a good vehicle, horse or cart. One may also suffer from ailments of the mouth, ear and teeth. One may not be clear in speech, stutter and express himself with difficulty. Enlightenment is related to the eyes, hence Sun in the second house denotes eye ailments and a weak vision. Due to one's spouse, there may be some conflict in the family. One may even fight with one's spouse and quarrel with one's friends and be enmical towards them. One may be deprived of the happiness of a spouse or son. Inspite of having a family, one does not set up one's household in one place. One always stays in other's houses and is unhappy. One does not peform any work of a permanent nature which may keep one's name alive or bring him fame. Trivial auspicious deeds tend to be destroyed in a short period of time. Sun in the house of wealth is not suitable for astrologers. Inauspicious fruits predicted by one are easily experienced while auspicious happenings take time. As a result of this, one is defamed. One may speak slowly and lazily. One is stingy and deprived of the sympathy of others. The person may be extremely poor. One may not even get food to eat for even eight days at a stretch and they writhe for food. Remedies of Second Sun Remedies of 2nd Sun 2nd house is the house of Venus by the Kalchkra,and if Sun here not in good position,then there are posiblties more bad affects through family members related to money.and if family members not obliged in the matter,then person those living near by,can make bad effects to person.more money and physical troubles will be genrated by the bad Sun.Remedies is make round ball of the wheat's floor,past yellow termeric on balls,give to any white coloured animal.this will continue up to 43 days.Also mind that do not give work of cash to life mate,and do not count money in public place. The second house is the house of wealth and physical materials. The person faith in agriculture land and also having good knowledge of agriculture and gardening Work of wealth related crops, and using land as the money, or using physical items like money is the possible in this Star combinations.Also know as hard worker in every field of money. Sun with Moon Very good effects will be possible with Sun and Moon.There are more profits in governmental works,and also in his or her own works.Prestige and fame also in fevour.But possible more enmity
related to women.If male person make enmity with female person,there are not surety about success in life. Sun with Mars If there are Mars in bad condition like There are Sun affected by Saturn,means person oblige in enmity,and that person killed by enmity. Sun and Mercury person have good mind and good physical body. but person not lucky in the field of properties. Sun and Rahu There are more bad effects in the house of laws. Sun and Ketu maternal family not in good conditions.children also having bad affects. Sun in Second House - Lal Kitab Remedies (Upay) Sun* in the second house may give good or bad results depending upon other factors. The indications of a benefic Sun will be that the native will be generous in nature and will earn wealth by his own efforts. The native will be skilled and will earn wealth through his natural talents. He will possess vehicles. He will not accept free donations from others. The indications of malefic Sun in second house will be reflected on his wife and his financial situation will deteriorate. He will fail in love affairs and there will be frequent quarrels and ego clashes in the family. The native's mother and other females of the family will also suffer. There will be lesser number of females in the family. There may be disputes related to property in the family. Native will not hesitate in accepting free donations. When Sun is placed in 2nd house and Mars (or Ketu) is placed in 9th house, native should try to get technical knowledge as this education will be used to his benefit in his profession. When Sun is placed in second house and Rahu is placed in 9th house, native should take commercial arts as a subject while in school. He will perform very well in this subject and will win prizes and awards in drawing competition. This skill will be best utilized in painting and he can even make it as his profession. When Sun is placed in second house and Mercury is placed in first house, he will be intelligent. He should should try for gaining technical education and profession. When Sun is placed in second house and Moon is placed just opposite to Sun i.e. in 8th house; native should not accept any donations at all. When Sun and Moon are placed in second house, it gives auspicious results. Native gains through government. He should keep good relations with wife, mother and other females. When Sun and Mars are placed in second house, native experiences good results if he does not fight with his brothers and females of the house. When Sun and Mercury placed together in second house, it makes the native intelligent. His financial position will be just above average. When Sun and Jupiter are placed in second house, native will experience very good results. He will have beautiful house and he will be brave. When Sun and Saturn are placed in second house, native will experience problems in family life. He may develop feelings of renouncing the world. When Sun and Rahu are placed in second house, native will not have good relationship with in-laws. The bad results of such combination will effect the in-laws adversely. When sun and Ketu are together in second house, it gives malefic results to his own son. His maternal uncles may also suffer.
The native should donate Mustard oil or almonds at religious place. Keep good relations with wife, mother and other females. Do not accept donations. GOOD 2nd HOUSE BAD
Good for maternal uncle, the in-laws of daughter will be good, prosperous if has faith in god, He will be skillful and self reliant, may be painter, technician, owns vehicles Sun of this house gives malefic effects to wife, mother, aunt and also bad for finance. He may suffer from any disease relating to rectum. HE SHOULD GIVE COCONUT OIL AND ALMONDS AT ANY PLACE OF WORSHIP.
Sun in 3rd house | Surya in 3rd house | Sun in third bhava The Sun is perceived to be one of the most potent celestial presence which provides supreme strength to the natives besides which it is the source of luminosity in human lives. The placement of Sun in the third house would bestow much valor and vigor to the person and would brighten his/her life path. The placement of Sun in the 3rd house will strengthen the composure of mind for which these natives are believed to be strong from the core while on the other hand, these individuals would be inclined towards empowering their wisdom and understanding as you could find them acquiring studies for a longer period or for the whole life as well. Apart from this, they are free souls who possess optimistic approach towards life which further makes them flexible in attitude. The natives possessing Sun in third house would be very efficient talkers but they won’t talk a lot as these people will only speak at the required time with right words for expressing in the right form as to leave great impressions behind. Their words explore their wisdom and intellect. But, the presence of Sun in 3rd house could also turn them quiet aggressive and over confident at times. The benefic placement of Sun (in exalted state or in it's own sign or in friendly signs) in third bhava will also bring good affluence and brothers to the native along with divine blessings but the malefic placement of Sun ((in debilitated state or in enemy signs). In the end, if the Sun is malefic in 3rd house, the natives should serve needy or poor or guests with rice or milk, should stay away from evil and immoral pursuits and he/she should serve and respect the mother and motherly figures for reducing the malefic effects of Sun. Third house. Courageous, liberal, adventurous, famous, intelligent, wealthy, successful and restless. Sun in the Third House: Will have high standard of comeliness. Will have a sacrificial nature. Will be the vanquisher of enemies in the battlefield. Will be valorous and strong. This position of Sol is adverse for good relation with younger co-borns. Third House: People with the sun in the third house have a great compassion to learn and broaden their knowledge. They are likely to try to broaden their education for many years to adult hood or throughout their entire life. Along with study, travel is also considered important. People with the sun in their third house usually become writers or teachers. These are very optimistic people even in the hardest of times. Should the Sun be in 3rd, the native will be valorous, strong, will lose co-born, be dear to people, good-looking, very learned and will conquer his enemies.
Sun in the third house: The native inflicts greater losses to his brother. He becomes rich and gets the happiness from wife and children. He enjoys a very luxurious life. Sun in Third House(i) This native of the Sun makes the relationship with younger brothers/sisters and other relatives strained. Some of his younger sisters, neighbours or colleagues may reach high positions in life. (ii) This Sun can also lead to early death of a sibling. The native would however be fortunate, high minded, good looking, learned, successful in litigation, intelligent, valorous, and in an authoritative position. He may travel a lot in connection with his business. (iii) The native will have success in the field of publishing and editing. He will have the satisfaction of having good servants. He will have tendency to associate with rough or undesirable persons. (iv) The mother of this native will either be interested in the occult or may devote her time to charities, hospitals or asylums. His father will be successful at litigation and may do well in life. Sun in the third house: If well placed gives intelligence and courage, fame and successful travels, a creative and resourceful mind. A sibling may die prematurely and stress on account of mother may affect relationship with her. Sun in the third house: It makes the person confident and determined as well as wealthy and full of courage. There may be some tension with relatives and a sibling may die prematurely. There will be gains from business. THE SUN IN THE THIRD HOUSE: This favors travel and makes the person bright and observing, eager to investigate conditions and things, for it imparts a scientific turn to the mind. It is a good position for writers as it helps to bring them to public notice and favor. Sun in the 3rd house: The native will be mil of strength, valourous, wealthy and generous but he will be inimical towards his relations. Scholar, brave, good health, long life. Takes care of his brothers and sisters. Sun- In the third house sun makes a person media savvy, with strong will to succeed. This area brightens up a person’s communication. SUN IN THIRD HOUSE: Such persons will possess great strength. Irascible, attain great fame, will die in midst of relations. Successful travels for business and pleasures. Resourceful mind, creative and ambitious. Gain from relations and neighbours, magnanimous and helpful to others. Bounded by family ties. One suffers at the hands of brothers. Always wins over enemies, recognised by the state. To sum up, one is famous, kind, healthy, wealthy and wise. One is modest and is like a king in life. Sun in 3rd house is Maraka for elder brother. and even for self it can prove as fatal. If Lord of 1st and 3rd houses find a link by aspect or association with 8th house and its lord. The latter should not be under under any influence. The Sun in Aries in 3rd house makes one lazy ,wicked easygoing talkative, mischievous and maraka to elder brother. Sun here is masculine signs makes the native quite. Thoughtful, intelligent, social active in educational and public works. Fighting municipal elections, President or vice President, Director of big companies, establishing his authority ,talks authoritatively. Subordinates will cooperate with him. Sun in Gemini, Libra or Sagittarius makes one authors publishers, professor or lawyer. Fond of home and mind and can be relied upon in adversity. Elder brother's can be relied upon in adversity elder brother s separation can be saviour for him. In female's chart, Sun in 3rd house may promise the birth of twins or two marriages subject to other checks. If the Sun is posited in feminine signs gives brothers and sisters. The native has wealth, peace of mind, and conveyance. It is good for progeny. The native is brave and charitable.
The Sun in Masculine signs in 3rd house indicates that the native is only child in the family. If somehow, there are brothers, they are of no help. He is either eldest or youngest. He is certainly determined, fond of science and art and seldom changes residence. 3rd House Sun A person with a third house Sun tends to appreciate learning environments. Such a person has a strong drive to learn and finds fulfilment through mental interest and accumulation of knowledge. A sense of purpose and destiny involves writing, communication or social interchange, and the central theme of development will be in the cultivation of the intellect. A person with a third house Sun is usually an excellent teacher, publisher, advertiser and does good with any sort of job that is related to illuminating information. The third house describes what we think about and rules all forms of communication, travel, speech, thought, letters, e-mail and phone. Traditionally, the third house rules our early education and environment, short journeys, siblings and neighbours. A person with a third house Sun finds these things to be important and discovers joy be developing his language skills, proficiency in interpretation and sharing knowledge. A person with a third house Sun feels the need to be noticed in his environment. Consequently, rivalry with siblings and competitiveness among peers could be issues worth investigating. Some may project their own need for power and authority onto a brother or sister. Or knowledge itself is worshipped like the Sun. Difficult aspects to the Sun could indicate problems with early schooling. A person with a third house Sun always feels as if he need to experience and learn more. With a third house Sun, your personality drive is directed mainly into intellectual pursuits and educational progress. Travel and communication of all kinds will appeal to you. This position requires that you to expend much energy in understanding and adapting to your immediate environment. Friends, neighbors, co-workers, brothers and sisters will play an important role in your life. A person with a third house Sun enjoys passing the knowledge that he has gained. Such a person is always open to new ideas. But, a person with a third house Sun always seeks scientific proof before believing anything. Your mind enjoys creating and it is thorough and self-reliant. Pride and intellectual domination may be something you need to work on, especially intellectual pride. Patience may also need developing. Misunderstandings can occur with siblings or neighbors due to your belief that you are always or mostly right. You have a strong desire to learn and this may take you on many short journeys. You need to communicate and there may be writing or speaking ability. A third house Sun signifies successful travels for business and pleasures, resourceful mind, creative and ambitious. Gain from relations and neighbours, magnanimous and helpful to others. Bounded by family ties. One suffers at the hands of brothers. Always wins over enemies, recognised by the state. To sum up, one is famous, kind, healthy, wealthy and wise. One is modest and is like a king in life. BHRIGU SUTRAS SUN IN THIRD HOUSE Sutras 33-42-If the Sun is in the third house, the native will be brotherless (no younger brothers) and his elder brothers will not survive. In the 4th, 5th 8th and the 12th years he will suffer from bodily troubles. If the Sun is associated with a malefic, the Native will do cruel deeds. He will have two mothers and will be valourous because when the Sun alone will deny younger brothers vide Sutra 33, how can he with association of a malefic give two brothers). He will be a brave fighter. He will have a good reputation and will enjoy his wealth. If the Sun is associated with a benefic, the brothers will become prosperous. If the lord of the third house is strong, the brother will be long lived. If the Sun is associated with a malefic and is also aspected by a malefic the family will be destroyed . If the Sun is aspected by a benefic (and has no malefic influence) there will be growth of family and the native will be wealthy, will enjoy good life and will be happy.
Comments-It is an accepted principle of Hindu Astrology that malefics in upchaya houses, namely 3,6 10 and 11 give beneficial results. But according to the learned author while the Sun will make the native valourous and wealthy, he will destroy brothers particularly when he is in association with a malefic when he will also destroy the family. The third house being second to the second house (house of family) becomes a marakasthana for the family and malefic influence on the third house will cause destruction of the family. It is said that if the Sun is in association with a malefic, the native will have two mothers. The third house being 12th to the 4fh house, it will be the house of loss for the 4th house (house of mother). Hence it is likely that the native’s mother will die and his father after remarriage will provide him with another mother. Benefic influences on the Sun, the third house and the lord of the third house will not only enhance prosperity of the family and brothers who will also be long lived, but such a disposition will also make the native wealthy and happy. If the Sun is associated with benefics, the ninth house (house of bhagya) will be benefically affected by beneficial aspects from the third house. If the Sun is aspected by benefics, this aspect will come mostly from the ninth house. Thus the ninth will give favourable results enabling the native to get name, fame and wealth. The Sun being a planet of vitality will add to the signification of valour and make the native valourous and courageous but being a cruel planet, the Sun will make the native indulge in cruelty. Other Views Brihat Jataka-The person concerned will possess a good intellect and great strength. Phaldeepika-The native will be mil of strength, valourous, wealthy and generous but he will be inimical towards his relations. Mansagari-The native will have no brothers. He will do good to his friends and will have wife and children. He will be wealthy, patient, of forgiving nature and will be liked by women. Saravali-The native will be valourous, full of strength, respected, good looking, learned and conqueror of enemies. Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be full of valour. He suffers on account of his real brothers. He goes on pilgrimages and always conquers his enemies in the battle field. He is provided with comforts by the king. Note-If will be seen that except in some respects, the effects of the Sun in the third house given in the above works tally with those given by Bhrigu Sutras. However, Bhrigu Sutras has emphasised the necessity of benefic influence on the Sun and the third house which is logically maintainable. Sun in 3rd House according to Saravali: Should the Sun be in 3rd, the native will be valorous, strong, will lose co-born, be dear to people, good-looking, very learned and will conquer his enemies. Sun in 3rd House according to Phala Deepika: Should the Sun occupy the 3rd house, the native will be powerful, valiant, wealthy and generous. He will have inimical relations with his kinsmen. Sun in 3rd House Auspicious Results : One is famous, free from ailments, cultured, intelligent, calm natured, sweet spoken, sympathetic and a landlord. One will be firm, determined, a lover of science and arts, and, changes one's house rarely. Sun in the third house makes a person ambitious and full of valor. Due to one's valor, enemies are amazed. One is always victorious in debates and enemies are always destroyed in battle. One will be physically strong, brave and famous. One will be sweet spoken, popular, attractive and knowledgeable. One may be recognized by the government, may derive happiness from the king, may be famous and strong. One will be wealthy, patient and happy to see the progress of others. One may travel abroad and go on pilgrimages. One will be attracted towards good deeds. The person will be a well-wisher of one's dear ones. The native will be endowed with a
son and a spouse. One will enjoy one's wealth and seek the pleasure of the company of beautiful people from the opposite sex. One may seek the service of the wicked people, be wealthy, endowed with money, sacrificing and charitable. One will have the comfort of a vehicle and may have many servants. One may have two brothers but few younger ones. If there is some benefic graha then the number of brothers may increase. One is calm, thoughtful, intelligent, social, participative in educative and government work, a politician or a candidate in the elections of the local bodies and private associations. One may be a chairman, vice chairman or a director in a big company. In other words, a position of great authority will be acquired. One speaks authoritatively and one's subordinates work harmoniously with him. Inauspicious Results : Sun in the third bhava either reduces the number of younger brothers or deprives one of one's friends. The elder brother may even die. Sun in the third bhava results in losses from brothers and relatives and pain from one's own brothers. Sun in the third bhava means one should not stay with one's brother because this will result in obstacles in each other's growing fortunes. One's brothers and friends may be destroyed. One is enmical towards one's own people, friends and brothers. One may incur an injury in the hand. One may suffer from some pain in the fourth, fifth, eighth and twelfth years. Then brothers may be destroyed and one may be very cruel. Some trouble may be caused to one's elder brother. One may expire by the 22nd year or separate. Partition may not be an amiable one and there may be conflicts and disputes. Both the brothers cannot stay in one place and even if they do so, the elder brother's work will not prosper. Children may die and there may be other hardships. One may be the only child of one's parents. Even if there is a brother, he may be of little use or assistance. One may be either the eldest or the youngest. Remedies of Sun making bad effects in 3rd house Third house is the parmanent house of Mercury.If Sun give bad effects from here like bad publicity or bad communications with others,and punishment by media related orgnigations. Make a simple remedies,give respects to political persons,and make friendship with political persons.Use green glass bottle and fill clean water,put in direct sun rays,drink that when you are going to sleep. Sun in 3rd House with other Stars Sun and Moon Selfish person.Only think for him self. Sun and mars. Can fight in media like a flame able bomb. Sun with Mercury This type person very famous in love matters,he or she will make faith in first love and always fight for the good of her or his life mate.having education for counting graphical or number calculation in mind.and give target of making money by share or by the account work. Sun with Saturn Saying house less person and always depends on governmental houses.Lazy and ego are both bad for this type person.Always talk like a old man, but by the physical work not make satishfection to family or in working places. Sun in Third House - Lal Kitab Remedies (Upay) Sun* in third house generally gives good results. The native will be hard working and self made man. He will be respected by others. He will have interest in Astrology and he may also become an
astrologer. He will get support from younger brothers. One of his son or nephew, whoever is born in day time, will support him in life. If Sun is malefic in third house, native will not have good character. He will indulge in adultery and spoil his wealth and reputation. Such malefic results will be prominent in 34th and 35th year of life. His father and grand father had struggled in his life. Their financial condition will also be ordinary. His neighbors will also not prosper. He may not have good relations with his maternal uncles or his maternal uncles will suffer. If Sun and Moon are together in third house, it is considered auspicious in general as both Sun and Moon will give good results. If Sun and Mars are together in third house, native will experience good results. He will be of helping nature and people will give him respect. He may not have many luxury articles at his home but still he will have fame and wealth. If Sun and Mercury are together in third house, it gives good results. If Saturn also joins Sun and Mercury in third house, native will have deep interest in astrology. Sun and Jupiter together in third house gives good results. He will progress in his life. He will get his prosperity through his siblings. If Sun and Venus are together in third house, native will get benefic results through his wife until he is not involved in any adultery. If Sun and Saturn are placed in third house, native's younger paternal uncle may face its malefic results. He may have problems in his spine and knees. If Sun and Rahu are together in third house, native will not get good results in his education or profession till 24th year of life. Here native should not make any type of personal relationship with low class people like Sweepers. He should not keep articles or photographs of snakes and elephant at home. He should not keep ivory items at his home. Instead he can keep a photograph of Lord Krishna dancing on Kaliya Nag (the black many headed serpent) at home. If Sun and Ketu are placed in third house, native may have problems in begetting male progeny. The malefic results will be experienced on his own health (spine problems) and his male child. The Lal Kitab remedies for malefic Sun in third house are as under:1) Refrain from evil deeds and do not harm others. 2) Worship Maa Durga and do not consume onion and garlic during Navratra. Do Kanya Pujan. Offer Red Color Saree and freshly cooked Halwa (pure ghee) with black Chana on Ashtmi or Navmi to Mata as per tradition. The girls (Kanya) should be 9 in number and under the age of puberty. One boy under puberty should be added i.e. 9+1. 3) Touch your mother's feet every morning 4) Wear a perfect square silver piece in silver chain 5) Feed Wheat flour to red ants *The results of Sun in third house will be modified depending upon Rashi and Nakshatra occupied by Sun 3rd GOOD HOUSE
Such a person is handsome, beautiful, may be astrologer, mathematician, teacher/professor, if businessman than the business involving mental skill like software business suits him. Trading is also beneficial. Sun do not give any malefic effects in this house unless otherwise forced to do so
Not of sound character, bad habits, fear of thieves, very bad for maternal uncle and neighbors.
Sun in 4th house | Surya in 4th house | Sun in fourth bhava The placement of Sun in the fourth house would bestow the potency to the roots of family and cultural norms for which the native would be very much attached to them. This will further make the person quiet protective and defensive towards the personal and family aspects as well as for his/her cultural possessions. The natives of this placement of Sun in 4th house would be more involved in family matters for being truly devoted towards them besides which they are the honest followers and carriers of their cultural beliefs and perceptions. These natives always perceive towards the future for which they wants their closed ones and themselves to stay at the safer side and for the same reasons they could behave similarly defensive at work place as well but they should avoid it. These people of having Sun in 4th house believes in continuous growth and betterment and so on their lives keeps improving with time along with the development of their own core while their early days could be quiet struggling besides which, they will always respect their family roots and carry pride for their culture even at the peak of their success. These natives of Surya in fourth bhava will lead a satisfactory and peaceful life with true stability of mind even in difficult days because of immense calmness inside them. In further vivid explanation, the benefic placement of Sun in 4th house will bestow the native will variant sources of income which will take him/her to the good heights of affluence and he/she will leave the lumps of wealth behind for his/her off springs. Besides this, the placement of Moon in the fourth house along with Sun will bring huge profits from new researches, Mercury in 10th house will take him towards the admirable heights of trading and the presence of Jupiter along with Sun in 4th house will carry great profits from the trading of gold and silver. Apart from this, the malefic appearance of Sun in the fourth house would bring some negative shades to the native as he/she would become covetous and would pursue some immoral paths like thefts in which they would harm others. On the other part, the placement of Saturn in the 7th house could result in night blindness and the malefic placement of Saturn in 7th along with Mars in 10th bhava could bring serious eye problems to the native. The placements of Saturn in 7th, Venus in 5th, Moon in 1st or 2nd and malefic Sun in 4th house in a horoscope chart could make the native impotent and weak. In the end, the natives should not pursue business associated with iron and wood or stuff possessing them while any kind of business with gold, silver and cloth will bring positive & beneficial results. They should feed poor and needy people for reducing the adverse impacts of this placement. Fourth house. Mental worry, meditative defective organs, success in foreign countries, hatred of relations, keen-minded, sensitive, good reputation, success after middle age, quarrels without causes, weak constitution, introspective, unhappy, philosophical, squanders paternal property. Sun in the Fourth House: Heart may be afflicted. Will be devoid of happiness, landed properties, relatives and conveyances. Will be interested in the opposited sex. Will have many houses. Will harm paternal wealth. Will never have mental peace & contentment.
Fourth House: People with sun in the fourth house have a great need for domestic security. Their life is aimed mainly towards family matters and also to the home environment. These are family people who are normally very proud of whom they are, their heritage and their origins. Should the Sun be in 4th, the native will be devoid of conveyances and relatives, will suffer heart diseases, will destroy paternal house and wealth and will serve a bad king. Sun in the fourth house: The native respects each and every person but opposes his parents. He also causes pains to relatives. Sun in Fourth House (i) The native would be an employee of the Government. An adverse Sun in the fourth house leads to difficulties in relationship with the mother and native's boss. He will not generally be happy in life especially at the close of it, would not have peace of mind and would do away with his property if the Sun occupying this house is weak. (ii) However, this Sun is not good for the wealth of native's father and that of his younger sister/brother. He may suffer from high blood pressure and heart trouble. There would be several changes of residence. A powerful Sun will bring success to the native abroad. He will realise his ambitions. (iii) The native will have immovable property and will be highly educated. The native would have honour towards the end of his life. This position is good for the native's wife. She may be of a good and pious conduct or be highly placed in life depending upon the influence that the Sun receives and on the sign in which it is placed. (iv) This position of the Sun in the fourth house is not good for native's children. They may have stomach, eye or heart trouble or they may lead an inconspicuous life. Sun in the fourth house: This position of sun if strong gives good education, acquisition of property and gains from real estate, medicine and scientific pursuits. It makes one family oriented. If badly placed gives early onset of heart disease and trouble to maternal relatives and opposition from good friends and family along with losses from partnerships. Sun in the fourth house: If the sun is weak then trouble in the chest area, disrupted education, domestic tensions and trouble to mother are indicated. The early part of life will be influenced by strong family ties. If the sun is strong it will give gains from government and real estate and a sound education. THE SUN IN THE FOURTH HOUSE: In one sense this is very unfortunate position because it deprives the person of the help of the solar influence during the major portion of life, which is on that account a constant uphill struggle, but as the Fourth House rules the latter part of life it is always a consolation to know that the declining years will be brightened by the Sun of success. That should make the burdens lighter to bear. Sun in the 4th house: The native will be very sociable, soft hearted, expert in vocal and instrumental music, conqueror, will enjoy company of his wife and will be liked by the king. The native will be unhappy, without friends and relations and any land or house. He will also lose his paternal property. Sun- In the forth house sun becomes powerful yet, a little dull. Sun looses its sight, as in ‘Dikbala’, to see the house it’s aspecting since this is an after midnight sun, but, since this is a Kendra house, it becomes more powerful than some other houses in the chart. In 4th house sun damages the home life a bit up until the age of 35. Lot of arguments with the father, and mother, especially father since sun represents the father, however it gives a house and a car to the native, and it gives good career after the age of 32.
Sun in 4th House :- Intelligent and brave yearly part Of your life, you will be a home bird, and will have strong influence of parents that of mother till middle age. Acquisition of land, property, houses and products of land. Of provoking temperament, good memory, will speak rapidly, gain through inheritance and fortunate inheridity. A chance of honour in latter period of life. The native may reside in foreign countries. Insulted by the enemies and remain tense mentally. Discontented and one does not have much impressive personality. Deprived of happiness of family and relations. Opposition with father. One is popular, kind and generous. Fond of music, brave, gets family comforts and respected by the state, when Sun is posited in Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, Capricorn and Pisces. If Sun is posited in Taurus, Leo, Sagittarius, Aries or Cancer denotes malefic results, one is gloomy, suspicious and debauche. Such varied results of Sun in 4th house be noted according to signs of Sun posited therein and the aspect. A peaceful death when Sun is in Conjunction, association or in aspect with Mars, Saturn or Rahu. Generally Sun in 4th house will make the first half of life full of troubles of various kinds arising out of family, health, uncongenial parents, death, separation, poor health, afflicted career, plans and ambitious are not fulfilled. However in middle and later part of life after age of 22 years, life will take a turn for better and then there may be gain, improvement, success in all matters as referred above. If the lord of 4th house is strong, in trine or in square to the 4th house or 4th house is well aspected, the native gains through property, conveyance, wealth and family circumstances. If 4th house lord in the enemy house or in 3,6,12 houses, associated or aspected, then all is lost to the native, his life will be full of struggles, ups and downs. BHRIGU SUTRAS SUN IN FOURTH HOUSE Sutras 43-50-If the Sun is in the fourth house, the native will have defective limbs, he will be proud, will be opposed to the public and will be hot constitutionally. In the 32nd year of his life he will get congenial environments. He will then become respected and successful, will be learned, attain a high position and will become valorous. He will not, however, be well off financially. If the lord of 4th house is strong (by being exalted) or is in his own sign and is posited in a quadrant (Kendra) or trine (trikona house namely 1,5 or 9), he will acquire high class conveyances. If the lord of the 4th is associated with or aspected by a malefic or is placed in a bad house (3, 6,8 or 12), the native will have to do with a low type of conveyance. He will have no land of his own and will live in other people’s houses. Comments–It is said that the native will have defective limbs if the Sun is in the fourth. This is a very general statement Our view is that because of malefic influence of the Sun only that part of the body can become defective which is governed by the fourth house. The statement that the native will do well in the 32nd year of his life and will attain high position etc. can be verified by practical experience. We have found it correct in only one case so far. It is not clear how after getting a favourable turn in his life and attaining a high position, the native will not be well off financially. Perhaps the Sun will not allow him to accumulate wealth, Bhrigu Sutras-has given great importance to the position of the lord of the 4th house in delineating its effects. This is a very logical and weighty principle. No house can prosper unless its lord is well placed. The fourth house signifies native’s own land, own house and his native place. In spite of the Sun being in the fourth house, if the lord of the 4th house is strong and well placed, the native will enjoy the comforts of his own land, house and native place. If the lord of the 4th is ill placed or is otherwise under malefic influence, the native will be deprived of these comforts. It is evident that the Sun alone is not good for the signification of the
4th house. It is surprising that Bhrigu Sutras makes no mention of the mother of which the 4th house is a strong significator. Our view is that the mother will suffer by the presence of the Sun in the 4fh house unless the Sun is in his own sign or has benefic influence on him or the lord of the 4th and the Moon are well placed. The Sun will also adversely affect the domestic happiness of the native. Other Views Brihat Jataka-The person concerned will have no happiness and will be troubled in mind. Phaldeepika-The native will be unhappy, without friends and relations and any land or house. He will also lose his paternal property. Mansagari-The native will be very sociable, soft hearted, expert in vocal and instrumental music, conqueror, will enjoy company of his wife and wealth and will be liked by the king. Saravali-The native will be unhappy, without wealth and conveyances, paternal house. He will squander away what he has and will be in the service of a wicked king. Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will always remain away from his native place. He will be defeated by his enemy and will have no peace of mind. Note-It will be seen that all the works mentioned above speak of adverse results on account of the presence of the Sun in the fourth house. Their conclusions are logical and relevant to the significations of the fourth house. They do not contradict the views given by Bhrigu Sutras but supplement them. Only Manasagari has given beneficial results with which we respectfully express our dissent. In our practical experience, we have seen Sun in 4th house (without any benefic influence) playing havoc with the lives of people. One Makar Lagna (Capricorn Ascendant) native had Sun in Aries (exalted) in the 4fh house. She had at one time been a leading actress in the Indian films. We have no words to describe the wretched life she was leading in her mid-forties when she met us. Not bad off financially (as her horoscope was otherwise good), she had a very disturbing domestic life and had absolutely no peace of mind. Her husband and children had all joined against her to make her life miserable. Sun in 4th House according to Saravali: Should the Sun be in 4th, the native will be devoid of conveyances and relatives, will suffer heart diseases, will destroy paternal house and wealth and will serve a bad king. Sun in 4th House according to Phala Deepika: If the Sun be in 4th house, the native will be bereft of happiness and comfort, relations, lands, friends and house. He will be in Government service and will squander away his ancestral property. 4th House Sun The fourth house Sun gives a need to rule the roost. People with this placement desire to build a strong inner and outer foundation. Influence of parents plays an important role in developing their personality for good or otherwise. The individual is heavily influenced by his father’s wants and creative expression. It denotes an emotional undercurrents and hidden factors that shape our conscious personality. They have a tendency to build a house that can show their creativity and pride. They desire to build a castle for themselves. A person with fourth house Sun focuses on the development of their early roots, which includes immediate family, heritage and ancestral background. Their family background affects the confidence and identity. A person with fourth house Sun may be introvert, mysterious, private and subjective. They feel secure with the family and are well attached to each member of the society. Generally, fourth house Sun brings troubles in the first half of life arising out of family, health, uncongenial parents, death, separation, poor health, afflicted career. However, the situation tends to improve in the middle and later part of life after the age of 22 years. Luck and prosperity should
steadily improve during the middle and declining years. Life will take a turn for better bringing in material gain, improvement and success in every aspect of life. He will leave a legacy of great riches for his off springs after death. The need to establish strong foundations and emotional stability are powerful motivators for them. Often the individuals with fourth house Sun find fulfillment through creating a home that gives them a sense of security and safety. The depths of their early childhood feelings sometimes need to be explored and can be seen maintaining early relationships. The individual may work from home and earn his living in a comforting environment. The person with fourth house Sun will also be focused on spiritual and inner development. If the Sun in the fourth house is benefic, then the native will be wise, kind and a good administrator. He will have a constant source of income. On the other hand, if the placement is malefic, then the native becomes greedy, inclined to commit theft and likes to harm others. This tendency ultimately produces very bad results. Sun in Fourth House Auspicious Results : The Sun is in the fourth bhava, one may get a lot of happiness from one's mother. Friends also give a lot of benefits and happiness. One may get name and wealth from the royal family. A position of power or a government service may be attained. Important positions are attained. Popularity and fame increases. One's heart is a soft one. One is fond of vocal and instrumental music. One fights in the forefront during battles and never shows one's back. One is blessed with a spouse and plenty of wealth. One will have a spouse, a few children, a good job and a vehicle will be acquired in the middle age. In one's 22nd year, every thing becomes settled and one acquires fame too. In middle age (28 to 50 years) the position is good, one constructs a house with one's earnings and owns a vehicle. During one's later years, one will attain fame. One will also give happiness to one's father. Inauspicious Results : One may be worried, hard hearted, destructive of one's father's wealth, enmical towards brothers, secretively fond of studies and deprived of the comfort of a vehicle. One's body may remain warm and one may be physically handicapped. One will be proud and always fighting with others. One may be weak, harsh and in the company of wicked people. One may not be able to impress anyone with one's personality. One will always be worried, suspicious, mentally unhappy and in pain. One may not be pleasant natured. One may be infatuated by prostitutes, lacking happiness and wandering aimlessly. One may be involved in disputes with one's friends and brothers and deprived of their company. One may face defeat during conflicts with enemies and one's pride suffers. One tends to oppose one's father. One's mind is unstable and heart never at ease. One is always fearful and disturbed. One is always gripped by anxiety due to destruction of one's father's accumulated wealth. One may have to travel a lot, even abroad, in connection with earning a living. One does not stay permanently in one's own house and is always roaming around. Because of this one is deprived of domestic happiness. One is deprived of happiness. One does not stick to one place and wanders abroad aimlessly. One lacks the company of human beings, friends, land and friends. One may be destructive of one's domestic life and one's wealth, and, lacks wealth, property and the happiness of prosperity. One stays in the shelter of a characterless king. One loses one's father or mother during one's childhood. One faces many hardships during one's childhood. One's old age is painful but one's death comes fast and peacefully. General interpretations for Sun in the fourth house are as follows: Unhappiness in the first part, happiness in the middle followed by unhappiness in the end.
Inauspicious results are experienced because of some planetary positions.One may suffer from heart ailments. One may be deprived of a good vehicle and a plot of land, and, one may have to live in another person's house. Remedies of Fourth Sun Power urge and security urge combine. This aspect can be good or unfortunate, depending on whether the majority of interchart aspects are harmonious or frictional. Saturn slows down Sun, but this could be for Sun's own good. Saturn reminds Sun of duties and responsibilities and can be a bit critical. Sun does much to encourage and vitalize Saturn, alleviate worries, fears or other negative mental attitudes in Saturn. Sun often has to wait for Saturn who may be slow in some way (or seem so to Sun). Saturn depends on Sun for inspiration; sometimes throws responsibility on Sun or will try to blame Sun for troubles.Sun, Saturn can depress or discourage you, and may put a damper on your spirits and enthusiasms, but this might help you to be more practical and realistic. Sun will be tolerant and forgiving toward Saturn. There is loyalty between the two of you if the comparison can be judged a good one. A SUNSATURN bond is hard to break. Sun, Saturn needs you and will hold you. Saturn, you should try not to let Sun feel it is bondage. Saturn has a confining influence on Sun. Sun may learn needed lessons of discipline and patience through Saturn. In marriage a SUN-SATURN conjunction is occasionally found where there is a wide difference of ages, or where the wife is older than the husband. It is better with this aspect if the wife's SUN aspects the husband's SATURN. Saturn, you will probably benefit most from this relationship, as Sun will have to make most of the concessions and do most of the compromising to ensure harmony.Saturn, you should guard against selfishness, criticism, coldness, unresponsiveness, putting too much emphasis on discipline and duty or depreciating the aims of Sun. Too much pessimism, Saturn, can wear down Sun's vitality and optimism. Sometimes Saturn will put too much blame on Sun for things that go wrong. Saturn may not be as sympathetic as can be, but is usually loyal and dependable. If there are many good aspects in the comparison, this aspect can prove a stabilizing influence, for Saturn's caution can restrain any reckless tendency in Sun. But in all cases, Saturn, you need to cultivate the "light touch" to make your practical and serious viewpoints acceptable to Sun. Sun with Moon: Having abilities like a personal bank of his family.Father and mother suported in every field,and also there are more related to transportations.Hotels, real estate, mining, weatherrelated things, farming, geologist, landscaper, miner, archeologist, builder, forestry technician, architect, meteorologist, painter and decorator, realtor, oil field worker. Things associated with the land, such as gardens, forests, buildings, mines, oil wells, excavations. The home and any base of operations. Sun with Mercury: Travel agencies, writing, youth-oriented students, oral transactions, contracts, mental activities and abilities, speaking, teaching, printing, shooting the breeze, bookbinders, graphologists, canvassers, stenographers, bank tellers, analytical chemists, bus drivers, osteopaths, book editors, messengers, shipping and receiving clerks, mailmen, food checkers, cab drivers, elevator operators, railroad men, solicitors, animal trainers, computer programmers/operators, librarians, inspectors, lecturers optometrists, interpreters, reporters, typesetters, navigators, travel agents. Constant use of intelligence in solving problems, speedy writing down of thoughts, and the ability to impart information to others. Sun with Saturn: Hard, steady work, organization, caution, shrewdness, projects directed to senior citizens, agriculture, wining, secret and hidden things, farming, business and trade atmospheres, shrewd buyer, basic utilities, building materials, real estate, methodology, systems, long range
planning, elderly people, economics, hidden things, civil engineers, dentists, physical chemists, statisticians, typesetters, paleontologists, industrial engineers, geologists, chiropractors, proofreaders, custodians, claims adjustors, draftsmen, masons, efficiency experts. Hates waste, loves efficiency, economy, long and hard work. Needs to be doing something. Dull, monotonous, routine application whets the appetite. Abides by rules and regulations, preferably constructed by others. A hard and careful worker who absorbs responsibility and duty. Can undergo rigid training due to persistence of character. Is diligent, using system, method, and organization in his work. Sun* in Fourth House A benefic Sun in fourth house makes the native expert in saving money. He avoids any kind of unnecessary expense; rather he does not like spending money. Sometimes, his children may get irritated by such nature but ultimately they are going to get all this wealth. He will get good support from government and he will be good administrator. A malefic Sun in fourth house makes the native greedy. He does not keep his promises and one can not trust him regarding finance dealings. If there are other afflictions on this Sun, native may go to the extent of cheating and theft. When Sun is placed in fourth house and Moon is placed in third house, he will earn wealth through his own talents, skills and efforts. He will be benefited through younger siblings and neighbors. He will be ultimately benefited if he helps others. He should keep his house clean and keeping luxury items at home will prove beneficial to him. He will get success in south direction. One should not keep blunt knives, blades, sword etc or any other blunt cutting articles at home. One should keep fruit bearing plants at home. If native is able to do above mentioned remedies, he will become rich in his young age itself. When Sun and Moon are together in fourth house, native will be benefited through his mother, maternal grand parents and other mother like ladies. He will also be benefited from places where there is a clean flowing river like Ganga. The native should himself look after the water arrangement of his house; for example he should fill the water bottles or water jugs. One should take bath every day and drink plenty of water especially early morning. Profession related to cloth will prove highly beneficial to him. He should not hesitate in spending money on self, mother and other family members. Serving horses will also prove beneficial to him. Keeping fruit bearing plants at home will be auspicious. Working in late evenings or night will also benefit the native. If native does some new invention, he will become rich through that research work. When Sun is placed in fourth house and Moon is placed in fifth house, native’s education will never go waste. He will be benefited through his own child. If native recites mantra of his Ishta Devta (God or Goddess) he will get quick returns. The native should live in a house which has good ventilation and passage for Sun light. The native should be honest and respect his elders. Keeping a fountain near eastern wall will bring in good luck for him. When Sun is placed in fourth house and Moon is placed in ninth house, native will be benefited through his father and other elderly persons of the family. Visiting temple or other holy places will prove highly beneficial for him. If the native starts reading religious books like Ramayana on daily basis, it will prove beneficial to the native. If native does charity or help others, it will bring in very good results. Native will get good ancestral wealth. Serving birds like swan, cob, nightingale or other birds which float on water will be auspicious. When Sun is placed in fourth house and Moon is placed in eleventh house, native will be benefited from elder siblings. The native should not become greedy. He should keep is house neat and clean especially outer walls so it appears beautiful from outside. The native should never reject any
opportunity in life without giving proper consideration. If native decides to offer free gifts or any kind of donations; he should keep such articles near western wall. One should not keep thorny plants at home. If you live in a landed house, planting dense trees which may provide shade and shelter to people, animals and birds, will add to your wealth. The native will get early success in life. When Sun and Mars are placed in fourth house, native will be peace loving and kind hearted. When Sun and Mercury are placed in fourth house, native will be benefited through government. He may be involved in trading and will travel and earn wealth. When Sun and Jupiter are placed in fourth house, native will get wealth, name and fame in society. He will be respected in his family and society. When Sun and Venus are in fourth house, native will earn through traveling. When Sun and Saturn are in fourth house, it does not give good results. Native should not kill cockroaches or other insects. When Sun and Rahu are in fourth house, it gives inauspicious results. Native should not accept free electric items from in-laws. When Sun and Ketu are in fourth house, it gives inauspicious results. Native may develop hearing problems. No broken toys be kept at home. When Sun is placed in fourth house and Saturn is placed in seventh house, it will adversely affect native’s professional life.As a remedy, native should feed ten blinds. When Sun is placed in fourth house and Mars is placed in tenth house, native may develop defect in his one eye, especially right eye. But, native will prosper financially. The Lal Kitab remedies or Upay for malefic Sun in fourth house are:1) Distribute food and medicines to blinds. 2) Do not enter into professions related to iron and wood. 3) Cloth, Gold and Silver business will be beneficial for the native. 4) One should be polite in public dealings and respect his mother and other elderly ladies. 5) Put copper coins in flowing river. This remedy should be done after consultation with experts.
Such a person will be of a sound character and it doesn't matter where he born, never harms anybody. He will have surplus money but may not nurse parents. The business of gold, silver and travelling will be beneficial. If such a person creates something new or do research work this will be beneficial to him.
It will be very difficult to leave bad habits, business relating to wood may not be fruitful, problem with in-laws, ophthalmologic problem, if person is greedy than he will loose everything even house will sold out.
Sun in 5th house | Surya in 5th house | Sun in fifth bhava The potency of Sun will further strengthen and enhance the aspects of this house which would take the impacts in the positive appearance but some adverse effects could also appear while the majority will be hold by the positive impacts as Sun is a benefic celestial presence.
The arrival of Sun in the fifth house will bestow a strong educational path to the person for which he/she would emerge high with knowledge and wisdom besides which there would be an special inclination towards creative activities. They are born with Sun in 5th house variant attributes and they want everyone to know the same for which they seek to express themselves and present themselves with their best efforts and could also become showy at times but they should avoid it as they are naturally noticeable. The natives possessing Sun in their 5th house are very much strong at their mind and core for which they are quiet adventurous, courageous and exploring in their approach. Besides this, they are vivacious and friendly personas to be liked by many around. The natives of this placement are truly devoted towards their children as they will be concerned towards them and will like to spend time and somehow get involved with them. There will be a really strong relation between the native and children but their approach to fulfill their dreams though the child and imposing their vision upon them could be a problem. These natives would be strongly inclined towards the professions like acting, writing or where they could perform in front of the public. The benefic placement of Sun in fifth bhava will take the person and his/her family towards the heights of affluence and prosperity while the placement of Mars in the 1st or 8th and rahu, ketu, Saturn in the 9th and 12th bhava will take the person to supreme heights upon land. Besides this, the presence of Jupiter in the 9th or 12th house will destroy the enemies but it won’t be good for the children while the malefic placement of Sun along with Jupiter in 10th house could bring death of first as well as subsequent wives/husbands and with Saturn in 3rd bhava could result in the death of Sons. In the end, the person with Surya in fifth bhava should keep his/her kitchen towards the eastern direction for better results and should delay in having child. The native should drop a little mustard oil on the ground regularly for 43days for the reduction in malefic effects. Fifth house. Intelligent, poor, few children, paternal danger, corpulent, danger to father early, unhappy, disturbed in mind, lover of fine arts, and tactful in decision. Sun in the Fifth House: Will be highly intelligent, and will be loved by the Government. Will be devoid of sons, comforts & wealth. Will love forests & try to live in such surroundings. This position is adverse for relationship with sons. Fifth House: These are very creative people, generally actors, performers and writers. They choose to express themselves by creative means and want to be noticed and appreciated. These people are sometimes a bit of a show off – very self confident. They have a great passion for children. They are often very daring and adventurous and tend to take a lot of risks. If the Sun occupies the 5th, the native will be bereft of happiness, sons and wealth, will live by husbandry, will move in hills and fortresses, be fickle-minded, scholarly, devoid of strength and be short-lived. Sun in the fifth House: It inflicts pains in the childhood and the person also suffers from many problems in his adolescence. The native also remains devoid of ample money. Usually, he has a single son who does not live with him after sometime. Sun in Fifth House (i) The Sun, if weak and afflicted, in the fifth house leads to strained relationship with the children or their premature death. Though the native would be very intelligent, he would be given to love affairs which can bring dishonour to him. (ii) The native may make risky and unproductive investments. He will be of anxious disposition. The native is likely to suffer from heart and stomach diseases, particularly so if the house and Leo are
also afflicted and weak. The Sun in Navamsha owned by a malefic planet and the owner of the badly placed, will severely curtail the longevity of native’s father. (iii) Be that as it may, powerful Sun will bring the native into contact with highly placed persons who will be friendly with him. The native is likely to be scholarly and have a few elder brothers. An elder brother of the native will reach a high position in life. (iv) The native’s younger sister/brother will do well in life. Results of the 4th house shall be reaped according to the position of the Sun-whether debilitated or exalted or having malefic influence specially of Rahu and Ketu. Sun in the fifth house: This gives limited number of children or none at all depending on the strength of the chart. It also gives a tendency to stomach troubles. When well placed it gives wealth and gains from speculative ventures. Sun in the fifth house: If weak it gives miscarriage/abortion to wife with first pregnancy, or premature death of a male child as well as stomach problems. If strong, it gives good luck, success through partnerships, and travel as well as in a legal career. THE SUN IN THE FIFTH HOUSE: The Fifth House rules courtship; children, pleasure, education and publi- cations; when the Sun is there it favors all these except children. It makes the person a favorite with the opposite sex, gives him much enjoyment of life, also success as a teacher, publisher or editor, but strangely enough, though the Sun rules the heart whence spring our children, his position in the Fifth House is distinctly unfavorable for their begetting. This is especially so if the fiery Fifth sign Leo is on the cusp. Then the fer- vent heat of passion seems to scorch the human plant ere it has time to grow. This tendency is modified to some extent when a watery sign is on the cusp, but when one of the partners has the Sun in the Fifth House the offspring are never numerous. Sun in the 5th house: The native will be bereft of happiness, wealth and children. He will also be short lived. He will be intelligent and wise and will be fond of wandering in the jungles, honest, respectable, short tempered. Sun- 5th house is sun’s own house, where it does very well most of the time. It gives a person creative and artistic skills, gives the native a son in life unless the sun’s position is weak. Makes a person lucky in speculative business whiling giving lots of male company in life. Sun in Fifth House:- Honourable and successful attachments, social and pleasure loving nature, intelligent, gain through judicious speculations, easily moved, love nature , generous and sincere. Good travels. Phaladeepika says such person will suffer with denial of children but we disagree with it. However, it depends on the significator of child, nature of 5th house sign, its lord, aspects on it etc. But one thing is proved by experience that native suffers at the hands of first son. One is sharp and intelligent, learned in mantra shastra. Enjoys cheating others. He hoards wealth, careless and negligent. Chest pain will be cause of his death. One indulges in ignoble acts. If 5th lord is associated with Rahu or Ketu, native dies of snake bile. If Mars or enemy planets aspect or associates, abortion takes place. If Sun is posited in 5th house in other than Watery sign here, will have no progeny. Watery signs give weak and sick children. If not associated with Moon, Jupiter or Venus or Sun is not aspected by them, the children die. Leads a life of luxury, lives with many women and one overspends. One has keen interest in speculation and capacity of enjoyment is very great. If posited in 5th house in Masculine signs, there may not be any child or will die early.
Sun in Cancer, Scorpio or Pisces cause mental and physical sufferings. In Taurus, Virgo or Capricorn signs, one has evil mind and do evil acts. Short tempered, low character and wrong society. Sun in Gemini, Libra or Aquarius signs gives disrespect, deny the children, foolish, atheist and anti religious. Sun in Aries, Leo or Sagittarius gives honour, success, pleasures, loving nature, good education, small family in Aries. Often causes abortion, or difficult child birth or even may deny children. A barren sign add more such effects. The Sun in Sagittarius is also lord of Ascendant and as such makes the native influential, strong heart, bones and mind. One has power and authority. Provided Jupiter is well posited in the chart. If 5th house sign where Sun is posited is Taurus, Virgo, Cancer, Capricorn, Scorpio or Pisces, the business of native flourishes, children survive and wealth is accumulated. Sun is Gemini, Libra or Aquarius makes the native a lecturer, writer, publisher or public man and gives sickness to wife. An afflicted, ill aspected or badly placed Sun signifies loss through speculation, abortions, denial of children, troubles and jealously. Sorrows through love, pleasure and pride. One becomes arrogant, of fickle mind, over ambitious, haughty and irritable natures. Gives Lord SHIVA adoration. BHRIGU SUTRAS SUN IN FIFTH HOUSE Sutras 51-58-If the Sun is in the fifth house, the native will be poor, of bulky body and in his seventh year his father will face death, serious illness or misfortune. The native will be wise and brilliant but will have few children. If the lord of the 5th is well placed and strong there will be no death of sons. If the Sun is associated with Rahu or Ketu, there will be loss of children due to curse of the Serpent God. If the Sun is in conjunction with Mars, there will be loss of children due to enemy but there will be no such loss if the combination of the Sun and Rahu or the Sun and Ketu or the Sun and Mars is aspected by a benefic (Jupiter or Venus). When the Sun is in the fifth house the native will become a devotee of the Sun God. If the Sun is strong the children will be prosperous. Comments-The 5th is 9th to 9th house and is therefore treated as a house of fortune (Bhagya) also. The author’s view seems to be that the Sun as a malefic afflicts the 5th house and therefore the native remains devoid of wealth. While we agree with this view, we also hold the view that the native will have good fortune if the Sun becomes a functional benefic on account of lordship of an auspicious house. The Sun is a functional benefic, (a) For Taurus Ascendant when as lord of the 4th in 5th , (6) Leo Ascendant when as lord of the Ascendant, he will be in the 5th, (c) for Libra Ascendant when he will be lord of 11th in the 5th , (d) for Scorpio Ascendant when as lord of the 10th he will be in the 5th and (e) for Sagittarius Ascendant when as lord of the 9th he will be in the 5th in Aries, his sign of exaltation. In these cases the Sun in 5th will make the native wealthy, learned, respected and very intelligent. There is no doubt that affliction of the Sun by Rahu, Ketu or Mars in the 5th house will cause loss of children unless there is a powerful influence of a benefic on the 5th house. The adverse results may also not occur if the lord of the 5th and Jupiter (significator of children) are well placed and have benefic influence on them. It is said that if the Sun is strong in the fifth, the sons will be prosperous. This will happen only when the Sun is in his own sign Leo or when the Sun is in Aries his sign of exaltation. When the Sun is posited in these signs, the native will not only be well off himself, he will be blessed with healthy and prosperous children who will be a source of happiness to him. Other Views Brihat Jataka-The person concerned will be childless and with out wealth. Phaldeepika-The native will be bereft of happiness, wealth and children. He will also be short lived. He will be intelligent and wise and will be fond of wandering in the jungles.
Saravali-The native will be unhappy, poor, without children, agriculturist, resident of mountainous regions, wise, without bodily strength and short lived. Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will lose his eldest son. He will be very intelligent and will influence others by his superior knowledge. He will accumulate wealth. He will die on account of some stomach ailment. Note-It will be seen that the views expressed in the above recognised works tally in essence with those expressed in Bhrigu Sutras. As we have already stated in our detailed comments above, the adverse results such as loss of children etc. with the Sun in the 5th will be experienced with ascendants other than Aries, Taurus, Leo, Libra, Scorpio and Sagittarius. Of course adverse results may be expected in the case of all the ascendants when the Sun, the fifth house, lord of the 5th and Jupiter are under malefic influence. The accumulation of wealth as mentioned in Chamatkar Chintamani will happen only when the Sun in the 5th is a functional benefic. This work also says that native will. die from a stomach ailment. The reasoning behind this statement is that the 5th house represents amongst other things the stomach also. The affliction of the 5th house by the Sun will cause stomach ailments. Sun in 5th House according to Saravali: If the Sun occupies the 5th, the native will be bereft of happiness, sons and wealth, will live by husbandry, will move in hills and fortresses, be fickleminded, scholarly, devoid of strength and be short-lived. Sun in 5th House according to Phala Deepika: When the Sun is in the 5th house from the Lagna, the person concerned will be short tempered and will be deprived of happiness, wealth and children. He will be intelligent and wander in forest regions. Sun in 5th House Auspicious Results : One has a good character and a sharp brain. One is intelligent and prudent. One will be able to understand the minutest and toughest of things. One will be interested in the science of mantras and may be knowledgeable about the shastras. One may be a devotee of the Sun and Shiva. One will accumulate wealth gradually. One may be the king's favorite and go abroad. One will be happy. One has few children, probably one son only. Inauspicious Results : One does not perform pious deeds and is lethargic in matters of religion. One may be worried, anxious, lively, weak, short tempered and may have a painful childhood. One may be confused. One's mind may be unstable and indecisive. One will be carefree, incautious, pleasure loving and lively. Sun in the fifth bhava makes one skilled at fraud and unhesitant in cheating others. One derives pleasure out of this. One may have a comparatively large stomach and may suffer stomach ailments. One may also suffer pain in the arms or hands. One may die of chest pain or heart trouble. One may suffer ailments during one's youth. One may not acquire wealth and be poor. One will spend a lot of money. One may wander on mountains and forts. One will be lively and pleasure loving and will enjoy the company of one's spouse. One may have few sons and many daughters. One may perform bad deeds, have a wicked mental frame and may give bad advice. In the seventh year, one's father may be harmed in some manner. Sun in the house of children signifies hardships for children and destroys happiness of children. Either one may have to face the death of one's elder son, or the first child may give pain.The son may die due to the curse of a snake.There might be no children.One is educated, a writer, a publisher, or a businessman. One may have two spouses. One will attain fame. Authority will increase. However, there may not be any children. The spouse may be infertile. Due to the curse of forefathers either there are no children or the children do not survive. Three years of strong worship are required to keep the chilren alive. Remedies of 5th Sun
In the troubles of Government related Jobs,and in the politics line,do not wear dark coloured clothes. Sun in fifth house Sun in fifth house generally gives auspicious results. The male child of the native proves to be very lucky for the native. The native enters into good profession and enjoys overall growth in his professional career. His financial position is also good and it improves considerably after the birth of male child. He gets good education . People in authority and government supports him. He normally has good health and long life. He gets the blessings of his elders and saints. The native experiences very good growth especially after the age of 22 years. To get the best results of Sun in 5th house, native should worship his Ishta Devta (God or Goddess) and should recite His / Her mantra on daily basis; native should worship Sun on daily basis empty stomach; native should give full respect and regard to his elders especially father; he should touch the feet of his father every morning after taking bath; he should try to get the best education, rather he should keep taking advance knowledge of his professional field; he should take good care of his spouse and children; he should establish a dining table or eating place or kitchen near eastern wall. All these easily doable remedies will prove highly auspicious for the native. When Sun is in 5th house and Saturn is in 11th house, it will be beneficial for the native. The native earns good wealth and saves money. His parents will also live long and he will get full support of his parents especially father. When Sun is placed in fifth house; Jupiter is placed in 10th house and Saturn is posited in third house, the wife of the native will have ill health. If there are other afflictions also, native’s wife may die early. The male child of the native may also suffer. When Sun is placed in fifth house and Moon is placed in fourth house, it is highly beneficial for the native. He will have name, fame and wealth. When Sun and Mars are in fifth house, there will be problems related to male child. But other results will be good if native keeps control on his anger. When Sun and Mercury are in fifth house, it gives auspicious results. When Sun and Jupiter are in fifth house, it indicates good prosperity for the native. When Sun and Venus are in fifth house, it does not give good results. When Sun and Saturn are in fifth house, it indicates auspicious results. The native will have strong determination. When Sun and Rahu are in fifth house, it does not give bad results as expected in general due to Sun + Rahu conjunction. When Sun and Ketu are in fifth house and Jupiter is well placed in the chart, it will give good results. The remedial measures for malefic Sun in fifth house are:1) Drop some mustard oil on ground for 43 days. 2) One should offer help to others. 3) One should not have adamant nature. 4) The Sun light should be allowed to enter in home from Eastern side. 5) One should offer Jaggery to Monkeys. 5th GOOD HOUSE
In this house if health is good than the business will suffer and if business is good than the health will be poor. In this house sun will act as a double edged sword.
Native will rise after the birth of male child but it is difficult to have male child.
Sun in 6th house | Surya in 6th house | Sun in sixth bhava Sun is the most potent celestial presence whose arrival in the 6th house would further strengthen the aspects of this house in the native’s life besides which, it is a vivid giver of vigor and aggression which would be very easily perceivable from the native’s personality. Presence of Sun would make them appear dominating and effective. The natives of this placement having sun in sixth house are truly determined and sincere personalities who are believed to succeed and attain higher & strong positions at their work place for being truly hard working and perfectionist at work while on the other part, these natives are very much demanding and strict when it comes to their work. They are usually admired and respected in their work arena for the same reasons but some people could also become jealous and envious towards them for they being quiet harsh in their attitude but these natives will triumph over their enemies and would attain benefits from them as well. These natives having in 6th house are very much attached to all the things which they have accomplished at their work place for which they are very sensitive for the criticism to their work. These people are somewhat proud of their work but they should stay away from being over confident and snobbish with their work. They should understand that no one is perfect in this world. The natives having Surya in Sixth bhava would be at their best if would be given required freedom at work besides which motivation would be their true strength. Health could be a strong concern for these natives besides which the benefic placement of Sun in the first house would bestow the person with charming spouse. The placement of Ketu in 1st or 7th bhava along with this placement will bestow the native with son and would bring him/her with strong fortune after the age of 48yrs. The natives having Sun in 6th house with placement of Moon, Mars and Jupiter in the 2nd bhava will be beneficial from following tradition & respecting culture. The native would get a government job after 22nd year of his birth if there won’t be any planet in the second house. The malefic placement of Sun in the 6th house would bring adverse health to the native besides which native’s son and the maternal family would also confront difficulties in life. The placement of Mars in the 10th house would bring frequent deaths to the sons while the placement of planet Mercury in the 12thbhava would cause problems of high blood pressure to the person. The natives of this placement should strictly adore and pursue the customs of the family as it will strongly impact upon the family happiness. The native should not construct any underground furnace in the housing arena and should blow off the fire of kitchen stove by sprinkling the milk over it after having dinner. The natives should offer weat or Gur to monkeys and should always keep the Gangajal in the house. Sixth house. Defier of customs and castes, good administrative ability, few cousins and few enemies, bold a successful, war-like, licentious, wealthy, gain from enemies, clever in planning, terror to enemies, executive ability, colic troubles. Sun in the Sixth House: Will have prosperity and along with prosperity, enemies. Will be virtuous, Will be famous, Will have good digestive power. Will be victorious but will have to face enemy
trouble. Will be a commander and will be skilled in combat. Will be a lord with a lot of subordinates. Digestive tract disorders indicated. Sixth House: These are normally very determined workers but can be very demanding. If the Sun is in 6th, the native will be very libidinous, will have powerful digestive fire (capable of digesting fast), be strong, affluent, famous for virtues and be either a king, or an Army chief. Sun in the sixth house: The person respects his family members. The native has a thin built but is quite attractive. He loves good things in life and might suffer from liver-related disease. Sun in Sixth House (i) This Sun in the 6th House indicates that the native would take up service at which he would perform well, help others and have a successful career. He is likely to take up medicine or chemistry as his special branch of study. (ii) The native will be troubled by his enemies but will successfully overcome them. Though the native will have good vitality, he would generally be concerned over his health. Financially he would be well off. The health of the wife of the native will not be good. There would be danger to the native from quadrupeds. His mother's family will have problems. (iii) The mother of the native may develop strained relations with her younger sister /brother during the major-period or sub-periods of the Sun. The native will have a heightened sexual appetite. This is considered a good location for the Sun. The native will be susceptible to fevers and eye trouble early in life. (iv) A weak and afflicted Sun may cause the native to suffer humiliations at the hands of his enemies and he may lose in litigation. It will give results of its placement in the second house to his children. A benign and powerful Sun shall be excellent for the progress of native's father in service. (v) It is possible , depending on horoscope of father of the native may be in service of a foreigner. Such a Sun may make the elder sister/brother of the native learned in occult matters. Sun in the sixth house: Gives success and triumph over ill wishers, wealth and good digestion. It also gives gains from partnerships and success in anything related to charitable and social work. There may be sudden expenses and spouse’s health may be affected when not strongly placed. Overall in general this is a good placement when sun is strong. Sun in the sixth house: It gives strength, wealth and fame, good digestive powers and a strong sex drive, gains from partnerships. The spouse’s health may be affected adversely unless the partner’s horoscope is strong and can override the effect. Sun in the 6th house: The native will be glorious like a king. He will be famous, wealthy, endowed with good qualities and a conqueror. The person born will be powerful but will be over powered by his enemies. Suffer from acidic problems. THE SUN IN THE SIXTH HOUSE: Seeing that the Sun is the Giver of Life it is evident that when it is confined in the Sixth House it is debilitated and the vital flow is obstructed; therefore people who have the Sun in that position are particularly liable to disease and slow to recuperate. On that account their diseases are frequent and long-drawn-out to an extent which often amounts to chronic invalidism. If the person is an employee of someone else he will be efficient in his work; he will have no difficulty in obtaining well-paid positions but he will be very touchy towards his employers and make frequent changes under the pretext that his abilities are not sufficiently appreciated. If he is an employer, this position of the Sun is good for success in business, but indicates trouble with servants, who will be domineering.
If the configurations in the horoscope enable the person to shake off the grip of sickness the Sun in the Sixth House gives great ability in chemistry, preparation of health-food, and makes the person a capable nurse or healer. Sun- In the 6th house sun grows with time, and becomes better with time. This person will have no enemies, or he or she will expose their enemies since sun sheds light on the house of enemy and diseases. Here the sun makes a person an executive and a finance manager most of the time. This position also gives the ability to analyze situation especially in finance. Sun is 6th house is called Ripu Hanta, Shatru hanta and Shatari. So one conquers his enemies. A friend of friends who will reduce himself to penury to save him. Bad for maternal uncle and his family. One meats with accidents with cows, buffalos etc. sharp horned animals, robbers etc. Here Sun is powerful shatru nashak. One is glutton, very passionate, strong, gentle and like a king, general or Judge. Generally weak constitution but if aspected by benefics, health will improve but needs to be safe guarded. In business, one will gain when he will associate himself with a partner. Normally it is believed tha Sun in 6th house is Bad. Many Savants considers Sun in 6th is benefic, because a bad or dushthansa house is posited with malefic planet Sun. Satyacharya says that Sun in 6th protects one from enemies, from Sickness, sorrows and debts. Our experience indicates that it positively destroys enemies. Other aspects depends on sign of 6th house, aspects of other planet and on the condition of 6th house lord, which will indicate favourable or otherwise. Normally when good, Sun makes one rich, handsome, healthy, conqueror of enemies, wise, helpful to others and builds property. Good aspect of, Mars , Jupiter or Venus gives good health, gain through subordinates, servants, success, promotion and fortunate. Social worker and famous. If Sun is in feminine signs it indicates pleasures, passions and purity of character. If in Masculine signs, gives state recognition, status, one is arrogant, short tempered and glutton. One quarrels with superiors, subordinates are not sincere but are dishonest. When afflicted in fixed signs causes quinsy, bronchitis, asthma, diphtheria, heart trouble and nervous disorders. If afflicted in common signs, one has incurable diseases. Afflicted in Cardinal signs, develops functional derangements, Rheumatism or permanent injury. Afflicted sun gives bad results of sixth house. 6th House Sun A sixth house Sun makes a native service-oriented, faithful, diligent and loyal towards his work. Such a person feels the need to serve others or himself in some or the other way. The work that he does and services that he offers are utmost important to determine the native’s sense of identity. There may be a tendency to feel self-pity or seek sympathy for little things. He might also develop hypochondriac tendencies. A person with a sixth house Sun is domineering and develops a false pride towards his colleagues or employers. Such a person is well suited to be an administrator, but he prefers to serve as an employee. The native should choose an occupation in which he is able to express himself well. A person with a sixth house Sun does not like to be left without any work. He always wants to be occupied with some or the other work and hates being bored. Accomplishing daily activities successfully makes him proud of himself. Such a person takes a great pride in his work and workplace. He seeks appreciation and recognition for his work. This is the reason that he always wants his work to be better than others. Hard work and challenging situations are indicated within the work environment.
A person with a sixth house Sun tends to suffer from hypertension and anxiety. His desire to do work perfectly can become the reason for his health problems. Such a person should learn relaxing a bit and avoid taking tensions at all. He cannot take any kind of criticism about his work and always seeks positive feedback on his accomplishments. Under-appreciation can also become the reason for his illness. If the Sun in this placement is strong, then the native will be able to overcome his health problems. Such a person is often well paid and highly appreciated for the quality of work he gives. As a good worker, a person with a sixth house Sun is always thinking of things related to work and caring about others. He possesses a discriminating quality that helps him to identify bad things from good ones. On the whole, the focus of the native with a sixth house Sun is on providing a useful and helpful services. It represents the urge to gain perfection over physical objects, duties, responsibilities and necessities. An afflicted Sun in this placement may bring problems with health, lack of a good routine and difficulty with co-workers in daily life. BHRIGU SUTRAS SUN IN SIXTH HOUSE Sutras 59-68-If the Sun is in the sixth house, the native will belong to lower caste. He will have many enemies but will be very well off financially. In his twentieth year the native will suffer from eye diseases, but if the Sun is aspected by a benefic, he will not suffer from eye afflictions. The native will wander in jungles and will take great interest in chanting* mantras. He will have good reputation but he will have mental worries and will be constitutionally hot. If the lord of the sixth is associated with a benefic, the native will enjoy good health. He will have many relations and many enemies. If the lord of the sixth is weak, there will be destruction of enemies. The father will also possess a weak constitution. Comments-The Sun is a royal planet and belongs to high caste but when he is placed in the sixth which is a bad house (Dusthana), the native will belong to a backward caste. The sixth house is significator of diseases and enemies. Ill placement of the Sun will cause eye diseases (the Sun being significator of vision) and growth of enemies. Sixth is also an upachaya house where malefics bring name, fame and wealth to the native. The Sun in sixth will give this good benefit to the native. The Sun is ar significator of mountains and jungles. Ill placement of the Sun will make the native wander in jungles, but as satva guna planet, the Sun will make the native take interest in chanting mantras to protect himself from difficulties. The native will have mental worries because of enemies and ill health. It is stated in Sutras 65-66 that if the lord of the sixth is in conjunction with a benefic the results will be (a) the native will enjoy good health (6) there will be an increase of enemies. To us these two effects appear to be contradictory. As the sixth house signifies enemies and diseases, a benefic influence on the lord of the sixth should decrease the ill effect of both diseases and enemies. According to Sutras 67-68 there will be destruction of enemies if the lord of the sixth is weak. We entirely agree with this principle. The logic behind this principle seems to be that if the lord of the sixth is strong, the evil signification of the sixth house will gain strength and there will be great harm and trouble from the enemies. If the lord is weak, the significations will become weak and there will be destruction of enemies or there may be no enemies. A lord of an evil house becomes more harmful if it becomes strong and it becomes a benefic when it is weak. We would like to mention here that if the Sun is placed in his own sign Leo in the sixth house, only good results should be expected. Of course in such a situation there should not be any malefic influence on the Sun. Other Views Brihat Jataka-The person born will be powerful but will be over powered by his enemies.
Phaldeepika-The native will be glorious like a king. He will be famous, wealthy, endowed with good qualities and a conqueror. Saravali-The native will be very passionate, will suffer from acidic troubles, will be powerful, wealthy, a king or like a king. Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be destroyer of enemies. His wealth will be spent on the king (Government, or on friends. He will be troubled by maternal relations and animals and tribals. Note-All are agreed that the Sun in the sixth house gives the native, wealth, good reputation and high position but bad health and enemies. The above views maybe taken into account along with the views expressed by Bhrigu. Sutras which appear to be more logical and based on well established astrological principles. Sun in 6th House according to Saravali: If the Sun is in 6th, the native will be very libidinous, will have powerful digestive fire (capable of digesting fast), be strong, affluent, famous for virtues and be either a king, or an Army chief. Sun in 6th House according to Phala Deepika: If the Sun be in the 6th house, the native will become a king. He will earn renown and will be equipped with praiseworthy qualities. He will be wealthy and capable of overcoming his enemies. Sun in 6th House Auspicious Results : Sun in the sixth bhava gives all auspicious effects. One will be affectionate, less talkative, sweet spoken and get one's work done. Sun in the sixth bhava makes one famous and honored like a king. One will be wealthy, victorious and endowed with many talents. One will be enlightened, brave, strong, honored, just and healthy. One will be knowledgeable about mantras and may be a saint. One will be prudent, happy, wealthy and victorious over enemies. One may be either a king or a judge or the chief of an army. One will get the pleasure of servants and four wheeled vehicles. One may be on good terms with one's numerous maternal uncles and aunts and may be beneficial for them. One may always get money from one's maternal relatives. One will be a well-wisher of one's family, keep one's brothers and friends happy and construct a house and rear one's family. One may not fear the jungle or snakes. Enemies are destroyed and father experiences pain. One may attain titles and honors from the government. One may become an official and practice yoga. Inauspicious Results : The maternal side may be destroyed or one may be troubled by the maternal uncle or grandfather. The maternal aunt may be either childless or widowed. Servants are troublesome. If one is in service, one may fight with one's superiors. One may spend money to give penal punishment, or to release one's friend from problems. One may suffer losses due to the death of a valuable cow or buffalo etc. One may suffer physical injury due to the sharp horns of a fourlegged animal. There may be fear of wild animals in the jungle during a journey and there may be wounds due to their assault. One may go abroad and face hardships on the way due to thefts or attacks by the tribals etc. One may suffer due to poison, weapons, fire, enemies and bad habits. One's teeth may break due to the assault of stone or wood. There may be injury from nails on the thighs or the legs. The body stays warm. Brothers and friends are few but enemies abound. The above inauspicious results are felt. One is sensuous, proud, angry and fond of eating. One is afflicted by venereal diseases in one's earlier years and suffers in the latter part of one's life.There may be many ailments and there will be gastric problems in the stomach. Sun in Sixth House Sun in sixth house is not auspicious as far profession and progeny is concerned. When Sun is in 6th house, native may not be satisfied from his profession and he frequently changes his profession. But
after the birth of his child, he settles down in a profession. Native will not succeed in profession related to money lending. If Sun is placed in sixth house, native’s mother may be living at her parents’ house at the time of his birth. The malefic effects of Sun in sixth house will be experienced more in 21st and 22nd year of life. When Sun is in sixth house and Mars is in tenth house, it proves inauspicious for the male child. When Sun is in sixth house and Moon is in 12th house, it will adversely effect either eye of the native. If there is no friendly planet (Jupiter, Mars and Moon) in second house, it is considered inauspicious for father’s longevity. If either Jupiter or Mars or Moon is placed in second house, it gives auspicious results. When Sun and Moon are in sixth house, both planets will give their independent results. So please refer their independent results i.e. Sun in sixth house and Moon in sixth house. If Rahu or Ketu also joins them in sixth house and there is no planet in second house, it indicates inauspicious results for native and his parents. All three may face death like situation at one time. As a remedy, native should donate sweats at religious place. When Sun and Mars are placed in sixth house, both planets will give their independent results but Sun will give more auspicious results. When Sun and Mercury are placed in sixth house and Sun is stronger than Mercury and not afflicted, it will give auspicious results. But if Sun is weak and afflicted, native will be unfortunate. When both the planets are equally strong, native will get happiness from his children but native him self may not have very long life. When Sun and Jupiter are placed in sixth house, it indicates ancestral debt. Also, it is not auspicious for maternal uncles. Native should take the bed sheet used by his father on his sleeping bed and put it on his own sleeping bed. The remedy is to sleep on the bed sheet already used by father for at least 40 days. If it is one year old, please use that one. When Sun and Venus are in sixth house, they give their independent results. So please refer their independent results in sixth house i.e. Sun in 6th house and Venus in 6th house. When Sun and Saturn are placed in sixth house, it indicates wavering nature. The ill effects of this combination will be felt by the male child of the native. As a remedy, native can keep a black dog at home and give it best care. If Rahu or Ketu occupies second house, it will add to the malefic results. Native may get little happiness from his wife. In this situation, native should keep flower pots and other green plants at home to reduce malefic results. When Sun and Rahu are placed in sixth house, both the planets will give their independent results. Overall, it gives inauspicious results. As a remedy, one should keep a black dog at home. When Sun and Ketu are in sixth house, it gives inauspicious results to male child of the native. As a remedy, articles related to Ketu may be put in flowing water after complete analysis of the chart. Remedies for malefic Sun in sixth house are:1) Offer jaggery to monkeys 2) Offer wheat flour or Bajra to red ants. 3) Keep Ganga Jal in a silver pot at home. 4) Keep mare as a pet. 5) Native should not delay in begetting child. 6) Special caution be taken while dealing with government or government officials especially in 21st and 22nd year of life.
If Native believes in destiny then pretender gives blessing and good wishes to all even to the persons who have done wrong to him. He will be very rigid, fond of women but this will not effect his business or service. One or two steep UP AND DOWNS in his life may be possible. Do not change the line of business/service after the birth of male child.
Overall health will not be good, may have high blood pressure or hypertension or grand parents will be sick or may have the sun light problem on body or on eyes.
Sun in 7th house | Surya in 7th house | Sun in seventh bhava The placement of Sun in 7th house would bring pleasing impacts upon the native’s life and would make this house emerge benefic for the person besides strengthening the aspects of seventh house in the native’s life. It would be one of good placements in the horoscope chart of the person. The natives of this placement of Sun in 7th house would carry a serious approach towards relationships besides which he/she would really need a intimate and conjugal relationship as in vivid words, marriage is very important for these people in their life. They pay true concern and sincerity towards their conjugal relationship as well as towards their closed relationships. These people are perceived to lead a blissful married life and would carry strong relations around. These people with Surya in seventh bhava possess strong and dominating personalities who are skilled in maintaining good Public Relation and the one who could leave great impacts behind. They are strong followers of peace & harmony and often play the role of pacifier upon land and for the same reasons they are good at judging and are those who would give their best efforts to maintain the peace in any relationship. These people rule with their clam presence. The natives of this placement of Surya in seventh bhava are admired and liked by many around for their persona. They are truly helpful in nature but they are very sensitive to rejection as they will forcefully give advises as they think good of everyone but they need to understand that everyone doesn’t need it. Apart from this, they are strong courageous personalities who can handle heavy responsibilities alone and feel good to do the same. They should keep patience in every aspect. The placement of Jupiter, Moon or Mars in the 2nd bhava along with this placement would be really beneficial for the person and he/she would attain strong higher positions in the governmental sector. There would be a never ending source of money coming to native’s place if the Mercury would be exalted or gets placed in 5th or 7th bhava. Besides this, the malefic placement of Sun in the seventh house along with placement of Jupiter, Venus or any other malefic planet in the 11th bhava would bring and malefic Mercury in the house would bring death of several members of family at the same time. The native would find difficulties and conflicts with authority people including government besides which fire and such other harsh incidents could also occur in the family. He/she would have health problems like tuberculosis & asthma. The placement of malefic Sun in the 7th house and Mars or Saturn in the 2nd or 12th and Moon in 1st would bring leprosy to the person. These natives should start all works after taking some sweets with water before and should avoid much salt in the diet to the possible extent. You should offer some part of your food to the fire or wherever you cook the food.
Seventh house. Late marriage and rather troubled, loose morals and irreligious, hatred by the fair sex, fond of traveling, submissive to wife, wealth through female agency, fond of foreign things, discontented, wife’s character questionable, subservient to women and risk of dishonour and disgrace through them. Sun in the Seventh House: Will be tormented by the Government. Will have to face defeat. Will be devoid of marital happiness. Will have to face humiliation. May be insulted by women. Body may be tormented by illhealth. Will be travelling a lot. Seventh House: Their lives tend to be strongly influenced by people close to them such as business partners and family members. They are excellent at greeting and meeting new faces as they can cooperate well and know how to deal with others. This means that careers where they will have to talk to strangers such as sales and promotional jobs are well suited to them. If the Sun is posited in 7th, the native will be poor, insulted, will suffer bodily diseases, royal displeasures and imprisonment, will take to bad ways and will not be well-disposed to his wife. Sun in the seventh house: The native is prone to develop relationships with several women. He is enthusiastic and does everything swiftly. The native is of medium height and is weak. He also suffers from diseases in life. Sun in Seventh House (i) With this position of the Sun, the sexual urge would be strong in the native and there would be certain amount of restlessness in him. A weak Sun will be indicative that problems with regard to his marriage may arise later in life and the wife of the native may not keep good health. She will be dignified and proud. (ii) Even a slightly tainted Sun can be troublesome for marital felicity and harmony for the native. The native can suffer from humiliations and insults due to women. He may antagonise the Government. His younger sister /brother may have troubles from his children, or he may not have children at all. The native may go abroad.. (iii) The native may have problems with regard to his business and partnership. He will have intestinal trouble and colic. A good Sun will make the native successful after marriage, popular and gain through partners. The native will be able to resolve matters by arbitration and will thus avoid litigation. (iv) This is a good position of the Sun for the children and father of the native. It will give results of its placement in the third and eleventh houses respectively to them. Sun in the seventh house: If well place gives a good marriage and success in partnerships and in any public oriented work and lot of foreign travels. If afflicted stress in married and business life, losses from partnerships. Sun in the seventh house: Success in a public career, rise through cooperative ventures and through wife if sun is well placed. If sun is badly placed, it gives losses and tensions of all kinds in personal and professional life. THE SUN IN THE SEVENTH HOUSE: Partnerships are often unsuccessful because of the selfishness of the participants but he who has the Sun in the Seventh House will have no reason to complain in that respect for he will always attract someone with a high sense of honor when in need of a partner, and as marriage is the most intimate of all partnerships, the Sun in the Seventh House is a particularly fortunate position in that respect, because it will bring the person a mate who is absolutely steadfast and true, one who may indeed be depended upon as a helpmeet in all the exigencies and vicissitudes of life till death do part.
As there is no earthly treasure equal to such an enduring love this is perhaps the best of all solar positions. Should the person be unfortunate enough to become involved in litigation the Sun in the Seventh House promotes the favor of the judge and a success- ful outcome. Sun in the 7th house: The native will act against the interests of the Govt. He will wander aimlessly and get humiliated. The native will be devoid of happiness from wife. Sun- Here the sun is at its weakest since this is originally the house of Libra ruled by Venus. If weak, this can cause a lot of legal problems in business and marriage, which could end up in a divorce, however, this can also make a person famous if well placed since this is the house of others and masses; the bright light of sun will show your talent to everyone in the world. 7th House Sun With a seventh house Sun, a person would receive pleasing impacts which would make this house emerge benefic for the person besides strengthening the aspects of seventh house in the person’s life. This would be one of the good placements in the natal chart of a person. People with a seventh house Sun would carry a serious approach towards relationships besides which he/she would really need a intimate and conjugal relationship as in vivid words, marriage is very important for these people in their life. They pay true concern and sincerity towards their conjugal relationship as well as towards their closed relationships. These people are perceived to lead a blissful married life and would carry strong relations around. People with a seventh house Sun possess strong and dominating personalities who are skilled in maintaining good public relation and the one who could leave great impacts behind. They are strong followers of peace & harmony and often play the role of pacifier upon land and for the same reasons they are good at judging and are those who would give their best efforts to maintain the peace in any relationship. These people rule with their clam presence. With the presence of a seventh house Sun, people are admired and liked by many around for their persona. They are truly helpful in nature but they are very sensitive to rejection as they will forcefully give advises as they think good of everyone but they need to understand that everyone doesn’t need it. Apart from this, they are strong courageous personalities who can handle heavy responsibilities alone and feel good to do the same. They should keep patience in every aspect. The placement of Jupiter, Moon or Mars in the 2nd house along with this placement would be really beneficial for the person and he/she would attain strong higher positions in the governmental sector. There would be a never ending source of money coming to native’s place if the Mercury would be exalted or gets placed in 5th or 7th house. Besides this, the malefic placement of a seventh house Sun along with placement of Jupiter, Venus or any other malefic planet in the 11th house would bring and malefic Mercury in the house would bring death of several members of family at the same time. The native would find difficulties and conflicts with authority people including government besides which fire and such other harsh incidents could also occur in the family. He/she would have health problems like tuberculosis and asthma. The placement of malefic seventh house Sun and Mars or Saturn in the 2nd or 12th and Moon in 1st would bring leprosy to the person. These natives should start all works after taking some sweets with water before and should avoid much salt in the diet to the possible extent. You should offer some part of your food to the fire or wherever you cook the food. BHRIGU SUTRAS SUN IN SEVENTH HOUSE Sutras 69-74-If the Sun is in the seventh house the marriage of the native will take place late (that is, long after the marriageable age). He will not respect the opposite sex. He will indulge in sexual
relations with women other than his wife. He will have more than one wife. In his 25th year he will travel to a place far away from his native land. He will be witty and fond of non-vegetarian food. He will not have fair dealings with his wife. He will be of unstable mind. If the Sun is posited in his own sign Leo, the native will live with only one wife. If the Sun is associated with an enemy or debilitated planet, or if he is associated with or aspected by a malefic, the native will have a number of wives (or will have sexual contacts with many women.) Comments-It is clear from what is stated above that the placement of the Sun in the 7th house is not at all favourable for marital relations except when he is in own sign Leo. The marriage of the native will be delayed probably because of his incapability to settle down with one woman. Further being a malefic planet he will spoil the normal significations of the 7th house. The Sun is a hot planet. He also signifies vitality and virility. The native will therefore be abnormally passionate and will run after more than one woman to satisfy his carnal desires. This vice will be further accentuated when there are malefic influences on the Sun as described in Sutras 73 and 74. Sutra 70 says that the native will go away to a far off place if the Sun is in the seventh in his horoscope. We remember of one case about the correctness of this statement which was reported in one of the issues of Prof B.V. Raman’s Astrological magazine. We would advise the readers to verify this by practical experience. Other Views Brihat Jataka-The person concerned should suffer humiliation at the hands of women. Phaldeepika-Some part of the body of the native will be afflicted. The native will act against the interests of the Govt. He will wander aimlessly and get humiliated. The native will be devoid of happiness from wife. Saravali-The native will be without luster on his face, he will get humiliated in public, he will suffer from diseases and will do deeds which may lead him into prison. He will be immoral and will have no respect for women. Chamatkar Chintamani-The wife of the native will suffer. The body of the native will be afflicted. He will always be worrying. He will suffer loss in business. Because of his jealous nature he will never get proper sleep. Note-It is clear from the above views that if the Sun is in the 7th house, the native will be immoral in all sorts of ways. Because of his immoral nature, he will get involved in affairs which will lead to his humiliation by women. For the same reason his marital life will not be happy. He will not be patriotic and will act against the king or Government. For this reason he may have to wander here and there. As far as the immorality of the native is concerned the views expressed in Bhrigu Sutras are supported by the authorities mentioned above. Sun in 7th House according to Saravali: If the Sun is posited in 7th, the native will be poor, insulted, will suffer bodily diseases, royal displeasures and imprisonment, will take to bad ways and will not be well-disposed to his wife. Sun in 7th House according to Phala Deepika: When the Sun is in the 7th at birth, the person concerned will suffer from the wrath of the king. He will have deformed body and will have no wife. He will suffer humiliation from others. Sun in 7th House Auspicious Results : One will not be very tall or very short .One's stomach and body will be equal. One will be dark complexioned with yellow hair and dark eyes. One will be humorous and goodnatured. The person will be endowed with a spouse because Sun in the seventh maintains domestic bliss. One's spouse will be beautiful, impressive, well behaved, will support her husband in adversity and will be hospitable, sympathetic and skilled at getting her work done through servants. One's
spouse will be fond of money and may keep her control over money. The native may consider one's spouse to be everything and may even merge one's own personality with hers. One will have the pleasure and bliss of one's spouse.One might have business gains and success in elections. One may win the local body or state legislative elections.There will be progress in the field of education.One will be a specialist in law or an official. One will achieve progress in music, drama, radio and similar sources of entertainment. One will have only one or two children or no children at all. Inauspicious Results : One may be unattractive. One may be very short tempered and wicked and will have an unstable temperament. One is unable to sleep peacefully due to the fear of people. If Sun is in the seventh house, one will be troubled by people related to the government or due to one's spouse. One may favor wicked persons. One may not get enough happiness from one's son. One will be troubled by mental and physical worries. One may be troubled by venereal diseases. One may be unhappy. One is deprived of wealth and is poor. In one's 25th year, one may travel abroad. One's business may suffer. Inspite of all of one's efforts, one may be unable to earn wealth. One has to walk because one may lack a vehicle. There may be a lack of marital bliss and constant conflicts between husband and spouse may be there. One may be enmical towards the opposite sex and may get disrespect and dishonor from them. One's spouse may be tainted, ailing, quarrelsome, egoistic, harsh natured and will consider her own opinion to be the best. One is deprived of happiness from spouse. One's marriage may be delayed. One may oppose one's spouse and have conflicts with her. One may have two spouses. Either one remarries on the expiry of the first or has two spouses simultaneously. Due to enmity with one's own spouse, one may have illicit relations with the opposite sex.One may have many spouses.Constant fluctuations might be there. The spouse may expire at the age of 50-52. Many difficulties are faced but a second marriage is not possible.There may be few children. Remedies of 7th Sun No physical bad effects on body,family in good position,after birth of child,money and physical properties autometically increased,but not assure the condition of mother and father good or bad.The progress of laws family not good after marriage,if this type person make donation,he will always try to make good donations to others.When in trouble time this type person did not loss his mind power.Life partner in trouble after marriage up to 25 years.In the 7th Sun,if Mercury,Venus or Jupiter,the person in progress life long,in native place or in out side of native place,person's death in native place in the last of life.When Sun in 7th and Saturn,Ketu,or Mercury in 2nd House,The luck of his or her life partner not good.Every time this type person think about other's troubles.If Jupiter,Moon,or mars in 2nd House,prestige of this type person in society always increase by the social or progressive works.If Mars or Mercury in progress in 7th House,person not use the full knowledge in works.Soft voice in of police inspector,and hard voice of shop keeper always make troubles in the work,if this type person make above points in life that means person not have progress in life.If this type person use more salt in food,and always think to make sexual relations to others,that means he or she destroying life by own ways.If Venus is affected by Rahu or ketu,that means this type person always think about the widow woman and always make helps full life.If there are Jupiter with Mercury in 1st house there are huge of death in family of in living area. Others You want a partner(Sun with Venus) that you can be proud of. In some way your sense of pride is involved in the choosing of a marriage partner. There may be a wish to gain social prestige(Sun with Jupiter) and to marry someone who can be admired and respected or someone who is higher
on the social ladder.Your partner must be one who encourages you to be your real self (Sun with Mars)and one who wants you to fully develop your powers of inspiration,creativity and will. Your partner may be in a position of authority and this may help give you more confidence in yourself (Sun and Moon) or more security (Sun Moon and Mars) within the framework of the relationship. You may be challenged to display a greater degree of confidence and to exercise(Sun With Ketu) authority more effectively and with greater magnanimity.You must seek a relationship where both people are equal. A partnership in which one is "superior" and the other "inferior" is not likely to be successful. That "always me-first" attitude is not conducive to a rewarding partnership. A need to feel part of a family is present.With this position marriage and partnerships are likely to assume a paramount and key role in your life. There may be a tendency to look for a "father figure" and, as you may be inclined(Sun with Saturn) to surrender the initiative to your partner, you are rather more likely to react than act first yourself, so that your partner may assume a dominant role. If your natal Sun is badly aspected, then the partners you attract may be egotistical, domineering, vain and ostentatious. If your natal Sun is well aspected, then partners are likely to be proud, firm-minded,self-confident, ambitious, honorable, frank and generous.Selfish pride and too much desire to have your own way may be the greatest challenges in your relationships. Sun in Seventh House Sun in seventh house is not considered auspicious as this is the house of debilitation of Sun. The wife of the native will have comfortable life until she maintains her character and lives as per tradition of the family. If she fails to do so, she will develop ill health and suffer. Her parents may also suffer on that account. The wealth of the family may disappear. To ward off these evils, native should help girls under puberty age and look after her sister. When Sun is in seventh house, native may get emotionally attached with some old lady. He will look after her and her family. But it will become a burden for the native. The native either do not involve himself in any type of donations but whenever he donates, he can donate even his gold. After the birth of native, financial position of his parents had improved. Native may suffer from skin diseases and serving white cow will prove inauspicious for him. Sun and Moon in seventh house give their independent results. But if Rahu, Ketu or Saturn joins them, it will give inauspicious results especially to wife. Sun and Mars in seventh house give their independent results. But Sun dominates in seventh house. Sun and Mercury in 7th house give auspicious results. If Venus is well placed in the chart, native’s wife will be from rich family. The native himself will be of good character. He may not get much benefit from the government but he will have good income. The knowledge of astrology will be beneficial for the native despite he may not make it a profession. Native may experience some malefic results on his children till 34th year of his life. Sun and Jupiter in 7th house will give independent results. Both the planets do not give good results in seventh house in general. But we can perform remedy for either or both the planets placed in seventh house. Sun and Venus in 7th house gives good results for the native himself but he fights with his wife. If native is living in his ancestral house, he should not use red color for painting or in floor tiles. Sun and Saturn in 7th house gives malefic results to the wife of the native. He will destroy his wealth and peace by quarreling with others especially in old age. Native may have ill health in his young age. He will suffer from government or people in authority. As a remedy, native should put coconut in flowing water after getting analysis of the chart from expert. Native should not plant Kikar tree at his home or there should not be any kikar tree casting shadow on his house. Crows will prove unlucky
for him. If Sun and Saturn are placed in Mars house or Mars aspect this combination, native’s health will not suffer. Sun and Rahu in 7th house gives their independent results. Native should not keep dog as a pet. He should be careful in financial dealings as people may cheat him. He should also stay away from any type of trading. Sun and Ketu in seventh house gives bad result for the male child of the native but this combination does not give any malefic effects on the financial aspects. Remedies for malefic Sun in seventh house 1) Serve hornless red or black cow. 2) Sprinkle some milk on a burner of burning gas stove just before switching off the burner in the night. Also make sure, that the burner is not lit on again before next morning. 3) Bury square piece of copper in the earth. 4) Reduce salt intake. 5) Husband and wife should not indulge in sex in day time as it will adversely affect the health. GOOD
Boastful nature has no marital harmony up to 15years from the date of marriage. Place of work if far off from the residence will be good. Wife of the native will be very delicate and shy in nature. Native may be rude and selfish by nature Bad for father's sister right from the birth. If consuming excess salt then money, family and peace will be badly affected. He may suffer from Tuberculosis, Leukoderma or disease which is difficult to diagnose. PUT THE SQUARE OF COPPER UNDER THE EARTH. SHOULD DRINK WATER AFTER PUTTING SOME SWEET IN THE MOUTH. SHOULD PUT A PIECE OF BREAD IN FIRE BEFORE EATING MEAL.
Sun in 8th house | Surya in 8th house | Sun in eighth bhava Sun is the most auspicious and potent presence in the celestial arena while it provides both pleasant and adverse impacts upon the natives as depending upon the other planetary placements in the horoscope chart. The arrival of Sun in the 8th house would bring most of positive impacts upon the native’s life. The natives of this placement of Sun in 8th house would carry a positive and wiser approach towards life. These people would see life till its depth and would perceive its real meaning besides which they are sincere in their approach. They will respect other’s differences and values and would understand other’s sensitivity. They are humanitarian people would wish for the goodness of human kind. The people of this placement Sun in 8th house are creative beings whose imaginations goes far beyond and who sees the lurked depths for which they could grow well in artistic and creative pursuits besides which they are vigorous and dynamic people who are well suited for the professions like banking and stock market and those comprising some sort of investigation and research. These natives with Surya in eighth house keep learning from every aspect of life and are those who won’t be satisfied easily as they want everything to accomplish and attain at its whole. They will give their best efforts to achieve the best form life and would never let it go waste. They would lead a
peaceful and calmed life. In their later years they would emerge high with supreme knowledge and would attain real inner growth toward supreme truth. These natives with Sun in 8th house would receive benefits from the government after their 22yrs of age if the placement of Sun would stay benefic for them besides which they will attain good success and power in life. They would be blessed with a supreme picture of life at a higher stature in the social and professional arena. Besides this, the malefic presence of Sun in eighth bhava would bring some difficulties in the native’s life while the placement of Sun in the 2nd house would bring financial crisis to the person. This would also make him/her aggressive and impatient in approach. These natives having Surya in eighth bhava should never keep a white cloth in the house and should never live in a house facing towards the south. They should eat anything in sweets and drink water before starting any work. They should throw a copper coin in a burning pyre to the possible extent and should throw Gur in a running water. Eighth house. Low vitality, poor health, problem with authorities. Possibility of connection of work with government. Strong emotional bonds. Poor happiness from father. Poor eyesight. Stable life. Sun in the Eighth House: Will be devoid of relatives and wealth. Will be melancholic & sorrowful. Will be quarrelsome and will be fastidious. Will have to face defeat in many situations. Eighth House: The energies here tend to be in looking after others’ possessions for them. Things such as house sitting, banking, pensions and stock marketing would be a well suited job. There could possibly also be a strong interest in philosophy, metaphysical and occult subjects. If the Sun occupies the 8th, the native will have deformed eyes, be devoid of wealth and happiness, be short-lived and will suffer separation from his relatives. Sun in the eighth house: The native is energetic and fast, performs lots of donations, and serves intellectuals. He is not supported by luck and suffers from the bowel and eye related diseases. Sun in Eighth House (i) This position is an indicator that the native would suffer from eye trouble, particularly in the right eye. The native will be susceptible to fevers. He will hardly have friends and his relationship with his father would be tense. His health however will be good though the span of life may not be more than medium. (ii) This position of the Sun can lead to separation from the family, loss of wealth, miseries and heavy expenditure. The native is likely to have tendency to sexual promiscuity especially with foreigners. (iii) The native will get inheritance or money by way of legacy through his wife. In the horoscope of a female this shows widowhood. The native may die committing an act of heroism. He will face critical time in his middle age. (iv) The native may die of fever, or fire. A well disposed Sun may make the native scholarly or to have deep interest in the occult subjects. Sun in the eighth house: Gives good health and if well aspected steady rise in fortune after marriage, fortune through inheritance or legacy and a strong ethical nature. If afflicted, affects eyesight, gives private organ ailments, and makes one prone to respiratory troubles, accidents, sudden or premature death. Sun in the 8th: house: It gives more daughters than sons, affects eyesight adversely, financial ups and downs, prone to ailments arising from imbalance of bile, and private parts, heavy expenses. It makes the person religious but discontented. It however gives good health and long life when well aspected, gains after marriage, and success in later life. THE SUN IN THE EIGHTH HOUSE: The Eighth House is the angle of incidence through which the death deal- ing forces act, and as the Sun is the giver of life it is evident that this position is extremely detrimental as far as vitality is concerned, and it often brings a promising life to an early termination.
It also often hap- pens that when genius has gone begging all through life and passed the por- tal of death in obscurity it gains belated recognition, fame and immortality through this position of the Sun. As the Second House signifies the financial condition of the person and shows what he does with the money he earns, so the Eighth shows what comes to him apart from his own efforts, that is to say, inheritances, the wealth of the marriage partner, etc. Therefore the Sun in the Eighth House shows an increase of wealth after marriage but also a tendency of the mate to be over-generous and squander the means. Sun in the 8th house: There will be loss of wealth, loss of longevity, loss of friends, poor eye sight. The native will always be ready to do any work entrusted to him. Have no fear for death. Sun- In the eight house, if excelled or in own house gives a long life, ability to take big loans from not just banks but family and in-laws. In-laws will be very supportive of the native if well placed. 8th house is the home of wife, and married life, and this can give a bright positive light on that sector. If weak then life can be cut short unless being aspected by a benefic planet like Jupiter. 8th House Sun An eighth house Sun often brings a promising life to an early termination. Sun in this placement proves to be detrimental as far as vitality is concerned. Since eighth house represents efforts, inheritance, wealth of the marital partner etc, the Sun in the eighth house indicates an increase of wealth after marriage. There is a tendency of the partner to be over generous and concerned. A person with an eighth house Sun may feel desperately lonely and resist himself from sharing his personal experiences with the people around. The native goes through many changes, relationships and ways of expressing himself until he finds the ultimate path of life. Such a person is attracted to mysterious aspects of life. He often craves for intense experiences. An eighth house Sun indicates that the consciousness of the native opens up to the feeling of compassion in the process of emotional suffering and refinement of desire. There is a gravity and maturity conferred by this placement, which is evident from the very childhood. The emotional sufferings of a person with an eighth house Sun are always controlled by others with whom he has a close personal relationship. The emotional pain of the native is always of rejection and the knowledge that the intensity of his feelings is neither understood nor valued. An eighth house Sun indicates that the need of the native as a child will be not understood by the parents. Parents are usually occupied with their own problems and expect the child to be supportive and understand them. As a result, the native starts to expect from his partner on emotional level. In consequence, relationships of the native are characterised by inequality. The lack of reciprocity tends to be accepted without recrimination, and such a person does not give up easily on a relationship. There is a tendency of getting married to a person who is engaged in criminal activities. A person with an eighth house Sun does not possess judgemental qualities. Such a person usually responds to the humanness of the offender. The native with this placement is often found in the prison service, social workers, nurses and counselors. He is able to redeem his sufferings by helping others. BHRIGU SUTRAS SUN IN EIGHTH HOUSE Sutras 75-82-If the Sun is in the eighth house the native will get few children. He will suffer from eye diseases. In the 10th year he will suffer from a head injury but he will not get this if the Sun is aspected by a benefic. The native will have meager wealth and the domestic cattle, cow, buffaloes belonging to the native will get destroyed. He will suffer from chronic ailments of the body but he will be famous. If the*lord of eighth is associated with strong planets, the native will become owner
of the land of his choice. If the Sun is exalted (in Aries) or in his own sign (Leo), the native will be long lived. Comments-The native will suffer from eye diseases as the Sun in the eighth house afflicts by powerful aspect the 2nd house which is a significator of eye sight and right eye. His suffering from head injury in the 10th year is a matter for verification by practical experience, but accidents is one of the significations of the eighth house and the head injury might be caused by some sort of accident. He will have meager wealth because of the affliction by aspect of the 2nd house which is the house of wealth (Dhana Bhava). It is difficult to explain how cattle of the native will be destroyed by the presence of the Sun in the eighth house and it is again a matter for verification by practical experience. The eighth house signifies chronic diseases, so the native will suffer from such diseases on account of the malefic influence of the Sun in this house. The Sun is a planet of longevity and his being strong by being in exaltation or by his being in his own sign will enhance the span of life of the native. The native getting land of his own choice if the Sun is associated with strong planets, is not clear to us. The eighth house has nothing to do with lands. In fact if the Sun as lord of the 4th is in the 8th, the native is likely to lose the lands or the house he possesses. However, a benefic and strong Sun may bring land to the natives by inheritance. Other Views Brihat Jataka-The native will have a limited number of issues and will have defective eye sight. Phaldeepika-There will be loss of wealth, loss of longevity, loss of friends, poor eye sight. Saravali-The native will suffer from eye troubles, will be devoid of happiness and wealth, will be short lived and unhappy because of separation from near and dear ones. Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will always be ready to do any work entrusted to him. He will always be in difficulty. He will have close relations with foreign women. He will be a drug addict. His money will be stolen by thieves. He will suffer from diseases of the secret organs. Note-Except the views of Chamatkar Chintamani. the views of the other authorities mentioned above tally with the conclusions of Bhrigu Sutras. The views of Chamatkar Chintamani are also relevant to the significations of the eighth house. Sun in 8th House according to Saravali: If the Sun occupies the 8th, the native will have deformed eyes, be devoid of wealth and happiness, be short-lived and will suffer separation from his relatives. Sun in 8th House according to Phala Deepika: With the Sun in the 8th house, the person born will be deprived of his wealth and friends. He will be short-lived and suffer from defective eyesight. He can be blind also. Sun in 8th House Auspicious Results : One will have a pleasing personality and a lively nature. One will be famous and sacrificing. One will be devoted to Brahmins and scholars. One's wealth may be stolen or one loses it foolishly himself. One may be a liar and unfortunate person. One always suffers hardships. One may be skilled at fighting. One may always be dissatisfied. One may be deprived of the happiness of a son. One may have to serve low class people. One will have to reside abroad. One may have many enemies. Sun causes ailments like gastric problems, venereal diseases and leprosy and with the accompanying grahas gives hardships equivalent to death. One may suffer from kidney problems or septic infection. There will be physical hardships during childhood. One may be a landlord. Inauspicious Results : Sun in the eighth makes one worried, impatient and poor and endows him with bad habits. One's wealth may either be stolen or one may lose it away himself because of one's own foolishness. One will make false statements, be unfortunate and characterless. One will be very clever and always face difficulties. One will be skilled at quarreling and fighting. One is always
dissatisfied. One may be infatuated by another's spouse and on account of this, loses one's wealth and health. One may be deprived of the bliss of a son. One may suffer losses of four legged animals. One may have to serve lowly people. One will have to settle abroad. One may have many enemies. Sun causes ailments like gastric problems, venereal diseases and leprosy and with the accompanying grahas gives hardships equivalent to death. One may suffer from kidney problems or septic infection. One's spouse may have an illicit relationship with other people. One's spouse will live longer than him. One may be poor in old age. One will suffer physical hardships in childhood. The person's domestic secrets are released out by one's spouse or servant. Moderately inauspicious results will be experienced.Death comes after a long illness or suffering. Remedies of 8th Sun 8th Sun give effects like a true person,and it make like a saint in life.When this type person present in family there are not any death within presence.If this type person refuse to theft others things then the fruits of 8th Sun will be very good.If this type person make unregulised relations with others,and use unwanted sexual works with others,the fruits of Sun goes to bad.White coloured vehical also not in favour.If Jupiter in the Birth Chart have weak points that means the luck of himself not good but this person lucky for others.If there are more effects with Sun and Mercury in 8th house make remedies like fill suger in glass pot and put in earth.Put in water a heated copper coin. Others You may need or get the chance to transform your selfish and self-centered ego through the sharing of your personal resources with others on an equal basis with no strings attached. Perhaps you have the desire to have others take care of you using their personal possessions. Your emotions are generally stable and usually are never portrayed outwardly. There is a striving for self-improvement and regeneration. Finances are usually steady and there is the possibility of an inheritance. There is interest in mystical, occult and psychic realms. Sun in Eighth House - Lal Kitab Remedies (Upay) Sun in eighth house as per Lal Kitab generally gives auspicious results. The native has long life especially if he serves Cow, other than white Cow, and elder brother. The God of death also fears the person with Sun in eighth house. No member of his family will die as long the native is present at the home; rather dieing member of his family will become alive in his presence. The native financially prospers from the age of 22 years. But native will get benefic results of Sun in 8th house as long as he does not belongs to three dogs stated by learned people - Brother at sister’s house, Son-in-law at father-in-law’s house and son of the daughter at the house of maternal uncle. He must keep away from theft. When Sun is in eighth house and Saturn is in third house; it gives malefic results. If native stays in south facing house, it will give malefic results and native may have short life. If native keeps no relation with his elder brother or he goes against his brother, he will get not get any benefic results. When Jupiter is also malefic in the chart, native will have weak fortune but he will still be able to protect lives. If native is impersonator or involves in adultery or any dirty love affairs, he will get totally spoiled. Lal Kitab Remedies for Sun in eighth house 1) Native should serve brown or black cow. He should not serve white Cow. 2) Keep good relations with brothers. 3) Do not stay in south facing house. 4) Do not become either of the three dogs as stated above. 5) Do not involve in dirty love affairs and keep away from adultery.
6) Never ever think of any sort of theft. Keep good character. 7) Be honest and do not try to cheat people. Do not become impersonator. 8) Drink water after taking little Jaggery (Gur).
Sun in this house makes a native strong that even death fears from him (if such a person sitting by the side of a person who is taking his last breaths, will not die till he is sitting there). Native may live like a king Saint who can make gold from the dust.
Native will be ruined if he indulges in extra marital relations or entrance of his house is from south direction.
Sun in 9th house | Surya in 9th house | Sun in ninth bhava The Sun is a well perceived benefic presence though it comes along with some difficulties at most of the places but at the whole, it is an auspicious presence. Here, the arrival of Sun in the 9th house would bring most of the impacts of Sun at the core of the native as The presence of Sun in the ninth house will bestow a vision to see far beyond the picture for which these people would carry a idealistic approach and would be somewhat fantastical in their attitude. These people won’t see life with a simple view as they will explore it high and would perceive it till the depth but this could take them away from practical understanding. They will be highly curious to attain all the knowledge present around and would be truly philosophical & spiritual in their approach. The natives of this placement of Sun in the 9th house see all as one, as all are same & human and bind in a thread of humanity which they believe to strengthen more with sharing knowledge and learning. They will seek to know every aspect till its root and every person till the core. Their thirst of knowledge is almost insatiable which could be a reason of restlessness at times while on the other part, they could be overly confident at times and would be quiet inflexible about others opinion if it opposes what they have. They could even turn aggressive at times. The natives of this placement of Surya in the ninth bhava are perceived to emerge high with the knowledge of variant cultures of various lands besides which, they would be proficient in many languages for which they could grow really good as translators and teachers. In true words, they are wiser souls with wiser vision towards the world. The benefic placement of Sun in the 9th house would bring great fortune to the person who would be truly warm and nice in attitude and would be blessed with a good family. He/she would carry a humanitarian approach and would be truly helpful in nature. Besides this, the placement of Mercury in 5th house will bring fortune to the natives till the age of 34yrs. The malefic placement of Sun in the Ninth bhava here would bring troubles from the sides of brother besides which, these people would be wicked and evil in their approach. They would receive defamation from the government or some higher authorities. These people having Surya in 9th bhava should never accept silver or silver stuff as a gift or donation and should donate silver often to the possible extent. They should use ancestral pots & utensils and should never sell them further. They should avoid anger to the possible extent and should adopt softness and warmth in their attitude.
Ninth house. Well read in solar sciences, attracted by sublime phenomena, charitable, godly, lucky and successful, devoted, ordinary health, little patrimony, dutiful sons, a man of action and thought, self-acquired property, many lands, philosophical, glandular disease, lover of poetry and music, successful agriculturist, learned in esoteric and occult subjects, ambitious and enterprising. Sun in the Ninth House: Will have wealth, relatives and sons. Will have reverence for the preceptors and devotion to spiritual people. May harm the father. Will be devoid of Dharma. Will be a misogynist. Ninth House: These people are often dreamers who try and make their life ideal rather then what is practically possible for them. This can lead to problems. There is very likely to be great interest in spiritual and religious practices; also in law and philosophy. If you are convinced that you have answers to questions that people ask and you are convinced you are right, you are likely to try everything in your power to get everyone to hear. There is a strong desire to travel to foreign countries for these people. If the Sun occupies the 9th, the native will be endowed with wealth, children and friends, will be very interested in worshipping Gods and Brahmins, will not be well-disposed towards his father and wife and be not calm. Sun in ninth house: The native speaks truth, serves Brahmins and he is inclined to religious activities. He has lots of money and a long life. Sun in Ninth House (i) This position ensures success and gain through long journeys but, like the previous one, also indicates poor relations with the father and religious preceptor. The father may pass away early in life. (ii) Native's relations with his younger sister/brother may also get strained during the major-period or sub-periods of the Sun. When the Sun is well placed and has beneficial influence, the native would be interested in law, religion, and philosophy. (iii) The native may have close connection with colleges or law firms. He will tend to do well in life after 21 years of age. He would earn respect in his field, be wealthy, fair minded and comfort loving. He will successfully pursue higher studies. (iv) The native will also travel abroad. His children may have cause to worry on account of their children. The native will be fortunate in all his missions including foreign journeys. Sun in the ninth house: It makes one charitable and god fearing, gives good fortune and foreign travels and makes one a published author. Gains from sea products or travel related profession, some tension on account of paternal relatives. Gains in foreign land. Sun in the ninth house: This position gives good fortune if the sun is well placed and such a person may write or publish books. Gains from international travel, foreign residence and a legal career are indicated. When afflicted, it can give delays and obstacles in plans. THE SUN IN THE NINTH HOUSE: This position brightens the mind and imbues the person with high ideals and lofty ambitions. It makes him generously tolerant of other people's opinions--noble and kind-hearted. There is an inner urge to solve problems of life and learn the "whys" and "wherefores," hence the mind turns naturally toward philosophy, religion and law. And as we always excel in the things we love, people with the Sun in the Ninth House make excellent statesmen, lawyers and ministers of God. They shine in all intellectual and scientific pursuits. Their mission often takes them into foreign lands.
Sun in the 9th house: The father of the native will not be happy, life is full enjoyments, spiritual power.. The native will get happiness from children and relations, and will pay respect to Brahmins (religious leaders) and God. Sun- In this house it makes a person well versed in religion and following the riotous path. This also gives a very high educational status to a person, usually I have seen people in the law field with this placement, as sun is the king and 9th house is about law and order. A very good relationship with the father can be seen from this house as father will be very helpful to ones career. 9th House Sun A ninth house Sun makes the native far-sighted thinker with high deals and tolerance level. Such a person seeks scientific proof before believing anything. He lives, understand and accept a higher deal of philosophy. The native is fond of travelling, not necessarily physical. He has an aptitude for foreign languages and loves foreign culture.Travelling, foreign cultures and studies helps in expanding his horizons and understanding of the world. A ninth house Sun indicates desire for recognition through higher education, philosophy, law, culture, myths and foreign travel. Such a person is highly conscious of discovering the real path and sharing it with others. He needs to have a meaning and purpose in life.This attribute makes him an educator. He enjoys teaching others about his inspiring visions and connection with different spheres of knowledge. A person with a ninth house Sun emerges high with the knowledge of different cultures and would be proficient in many languages, He can be become a good translator and teacher. A ninth house Sun suggests that enthusiasm, confidence and the joy of learning and spreading knowledge is important to the native. The native possesses good sense of organizational management and coaching skills. There is a tendency of sharing values, beliefs and perceptions he acquires from his family and national background. A person with a ninth house Sun is usually inclined towards publishing, writing, travel and languages or studies connected with human development. There is an inner urge to solve problems of life. The sense of exploration is fundamental, whether physical, mental, emotional or spiritual. This placement makes the native generously tolerant of other people's opinions--noble and kindhearted. There is a tendency of becoming overly confident at times and can even be quiet inflexible about others opinions. If Sun in the ninth house is benefic, then the native will be highly fortunate.and and would be blessed with a good family. This placement guarantees fortune to only those people who are truly warm and nice in attitude. Such a person will carry a humanitarian approach and will be helpful in nature. The native gets curious to attain all the knowledge present around and would be truly philosophical & spiritual in his approach. BHRIGU SUTRAS SUN IN NINTH HOUSE Sutras 83-87-If the Sun is in the 9th, native will be a devotee of the Sun and other Gods. He will be religious-minded but not much fortunate and will be inimical to father. If the Sun is exalted or is in his own sign the results will be very favourable namely, the native will be blessed with wife and children. The native’s father will be long lived. He will also be very wealthy, will take interest in religious rites and meditation and will be devoted to the preceptor and God. If the Sun is posited in his sign of debilitation (Libra), enemy or malefic sign or if he is aspected by a malefic, there will be loss of father (this means that this disposition will adversely affect the longevity of the father). If the Sun is aspected by or associated with a benefic, the father will be long lived.
Comments-The ninth house being house of Dharma, the presence of a Sattva guna planet like the Sun makes the native religious minded and a devotee of God, but its other significations suffer on account of the Sun being a malefic planet. He will become less fortunate and the native will have inimical relations with his, father (ninth house is a significator for father). Being 5th to 5th the ninth is also house of children. It is also house of prosperity and Bhagya. If the Sun is exalted (in this situation the ascendant will be Leo, and Sun as lord of ascendant will be exalted in the ninth house, an excellent disposition), or in his own sign Leo (this position of lord of the ninth being in the ninth will generate a powerful Raja Yoga), all the good results of the ninth house will be magnified. The native will be blessed with wife and children, he will be very fortunate-and prosperous, he will have great faith in religion, he will pay respect to the preceptor and God and his father will be well off and long lived. Malefic influence on the Sun (and consequently also on the ninth house) will not only adversely affect the longevity of the father but also other significations of this house. Benefic influence will cancel the malefic results. Other ViewsBrihat Jataka-The person concerned will be endowed with children, wealth and happiness. Phaldeepika-The father of the native will not be happy and be shortlived. The native will get happiness from children and relations, and will pay respect to Brahmins (religious leaders) and God. Saravali- The native will be wealthy, blessed with children, devotee of Brahmins and God and inimical towards mother. Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will be an evil person, he will always be mentally worried, he will perform religious rites unwillingly and will suffer from the hands of his real brothers. Note-The views of the above authorities are self explanatory. It is not clear how Saravali refers to mother when the Sun and ninth house have nothing to do with her. We would prefer to give more weight to the views expressed in Bhrigu Sutras in which a very clear distinction has been in effects as a result of benefic and malefic, weak and strong disposition of the Sun and also of the benefic and malefic influences on the Sun and the ninth house. Evidently, Brihat Jataka and Saravali have given the effects of a favourably disposed Sun and Phaldeepika and Chamatkar Chintamani have given effects of the Sun according to his normal significations (that is as a malefic but sattva guna planet). Sun in 9th House according to Saravali: If the Sun occupies the 9th, the native will be endowed with wealth, children and friends, will be very interested in worshipping Gods and Brahmins, will not be well-disposed towards his father and wife and be not calm. Sun in 9th House according to Phala Deepika: Should the Sun be In 9th house at birth, the person concerned is likely to suffer from the loss of his father, but he will not be deprived of children and relations. He will have due respect foi gods and Brahmins. Sun in 9th House Auspicious Results : Sun in the ninth bhava makes one good looking with beautiful hair. One will be the well-wisher of one's family and will have faith in Brahmins. One will be brave, truthful, saintly and meditative and have a good character. One's auspicious deeds have a root in arrogance and showing off but this also brings him name and fame. One will possess leadership qualities. Sun in the ninth makes one famous, happy with the wealth of others and decorative. One will attain stability in youth and become wealthy. One will be blessed with servants and vehicles. One will have wealth and wealth related comforts and is worshipped by society due to one's high position. One will be blessed with a mother and sons. One's sons are very capable. One will have faith in Gods and teachers. One will be interested in one's family's traditional religion and the rituals thereof. Sun in
the ninth gives fame in some form or the other. One will be religious and may worship Lord Sun. The person may be a writer, a publisher or a principal. Inauspicious Results : The person may be unfortunate, uneducated, wicked and imprudent. One's meditation may not be based on pious thoughts, which makes one's mind restless. Staying abroad makes one's mind dissatisfied and aggressive. There may be many obstacles in one's work. One's own brothers and others may always give him cause for worry. One may not be beloved to one's spouse or father and may be opposed to them. One may not be on good terms with one's maternal relatives and may be enmical in one's behaviour towards one's maternal uncle and aunt. One may be weak and ailing. One may suffer ailments in one's childhood. One may be enmical towards one's teachers and elders. One may leave one's traditional family religion and be converted to another religion. The general interpretations for Sun in the ninth are as follows: A difficult childhood, a happy middle age and a painful old age. Remedies of 9th Sun You tend to be selfish, cold, unfeeling and uncaring, worried, fearful and insecure. You may have a ruthless ambition that lets nothing stand in the way of its goals. You have a cautious, careful, realistic attitude toward life and are highly responsible and disciplined with regard to your obligations and duties. You tend to work and struggle more than you need to, and to take yourself too seriously. You need to lighten up. You prefer the patterns and activities that you are already used to rather than new experiences. You struggle with feelings of personal inadequacy, inhibitions, self-doubt and loneliness. Everything you try to accomplish has to be worked at very hard and perhaps for a very long time. You are subject to delays and frustrations at every turn, it seems. You may have difficulties with your father or those in authority. This is not an easy aspect, but it does give great persistence, endurance, patience and staying power.You need to learn how to give yourself to others with no thought of reward for yourself. Share your love and possessions and open yourself up to the needs and concerns of others. You have been much too selfish and self-absorbed in previous lives and now you must learn to share with others. You are being asked to compromise and cooperate with others in order to remove any tendency towards self-interest.Another challenge for you is to overcome your self-criticalness. You have a very high standard of what constitutes achievement and perfection and you expect yourself and others to live up to it. But you go overboard with your attitude. First, it is unrealistic. Second,it is impossible to reach. This causes you a great deal of stress and frustration. Then, you feel that others are working against your achieving this perfection, when in reality, it is your Spirit which is attracting inefficiency around you in order to force you to stop judging yourself and others too harshly and critically. Again, the message is for you to lighten up. Others You may wish to find, understand, live and accept a higher ideal or philosophy. But, then again, you may be one who insists upon scientific proof before anything can be believed. You can be the far- sighted thinker, one of high ideals and tolerance of other people's views or the dogmatic fanatic who just parrots what others have told you. Generally, there is a quest for truth and wisdom and a love of travel, not necessarily physical. You may have an aptitude for foreign languages and a love of foreign culture. Sun in Ninth House – Lal Kitab Remedies (Upay) Sun in 9th house is considered auspicious in general. Sun in 9th house gives long life to the native. Native can go to any extent to help his blood relatives and he will not even ask for any reciprocal support. He himself will also not face any poverty in his life. The family of the native will prosper
after his birth. The native generally gets no benefit from the government. He may or may not be a doctor but he will have the skills like a doctor to heal others. The native will neither expect nor accept any free help or donations from others. The seven generations of his family (3 before him and 3 after him) will be benefited after his birth. Sun in 9th house gives good results related to siblings and children. The parents of the native may be government employee or may earn wealth through government. Lal Kitab Remedies for Sun in 9th house 1) Native should never accept any silver articles in donation rather he can donate silver articles. 2) Native should not accept any free help from others. 3) He should not have either very hot temperament or very soft nature. 4) He should help his family members, brothers or sisters. 5) One should keep some thick brass (Peetal) utensils at home. GOOD
Native may be helpful to others, he has a proficiency in his hand to cure illness. He has an ability to sacrifice anything for his family but will not expect anything in return. Sun will become unfavorable If he accepts silver in charity or if he sits idle. IF SUCH A PERSON HAS FAITH IN RELIGION OR HE SHOULD RESPECT IT. HE SHOULD NOT ACCEPT SILVER AS A GIFT. HE SHOULD KEEP BIG VESSELS OF BRASS IN HIS HOUSE.
Sun in 10th house | Surya in 10th house | Sun in tenth bhava The Sun is always a presence of power with positive energy and so on there are most of pleasing reflections around the Sun. The arrival of Sun in the 10th house would bring pleasing impacts upon the natives life as bestowing admirable heights while it could also come along with some adverse aspects depending upon the planetary placements. The presence of Sun in the 10th house would endow the person with great powers and authorities as keeping him/her upon the higher mounts of profession and social arena but this would come along with some hurdles in the path and possibilities of difficulties around the person. They are born to be noticed and dominate over others as there is a natural potency in their presence and in the same way, they will stand highly strong at the work place and they will deserve the same for being worked hard and with strong determination. They are influencing and affecting personalities who could inspire others with their presence and style besides this, they will attain high respect upon land and would be honored for variant reasons in life and these people would believe it to be their most precious treasury that is respect & position. Besides this, they are noble creatures who possess immense dignity and self respect and can’t live without that. The natives of this placement of Surya in tenth house are born to lead for which they will appear at their best if made to rule while if following others won’t let them work at their best though they are strongly determined towards their responsibilities. These people having surya in tenth bhava are endowed with a lot of vigor to triumph in their work arena and your lumps of efforts takes you towards great success. For the same reasons, they are believed to stand upon the brilliant platter of career.
The natives of this placement of Sun in 10th house are also strong at heart as it won’t be easier to win them and they would rarely fall for anyone. Besides this, they are believed to have similarly strong partners who would again be upon the strong social and professional positions and they will be truly happy to be with them. In explicit words, the benefic placement of Sun in the tenth house, would provide favors from the government and strong personalities besides which, the native could also be in a government job of high profile comprising good comforts, luxuries and servants as well. This placement would bring him/her good health and strong finances but he/she would be suspicious about others for most of the times. On the other part, the malefic effect of Sun in 10th house would bring some adverse impacts upon native’s life as if Saturn would get placed over the 4th, it would bring death to the father some years after the native’s birth and if Sun gets placed over the 10th house along with Moon in 5th house then, it will bring short life to the native while if 4th house remains vacant along with malefic Sun in 10th house then, the native won’t receive the benefits from government. These people should never wear blue or black colors and should stay away from immoral liquor and non vegetarian food. Besides this, they should throw a copper coin in a river or canal for continuous 43days as it would reduce the malefic impacts to a great extent. Tenth house. Bold, courageous, well known, famous, clever in acquiring wealth, superior knack, healthy, learned, adventurous, educated, quick decision, fond of music, founder of institutions, high position, dutiful sons, much personal influence, successful military or political career . Sun in the Tenth House: Will be highly educated & will have paternal wealth. Will be highly intelligent with a lot of conveyances. Will be hedonistic and strong. This dominance of Sun on the Meridien is capable of conferring regal status, knowledge and valour. Tenth House: There is a need for these people to be noticed whether it is through fame and fortune, power, politics, authority or responsibility. Should the Sun be in 10th, the native will be extremely intelligent, rich, strong and will be endowed with conveyances, relatives and sons, will succeed in his undertakings, be valorous, unconquerable and great. Sun in tenth house: The person has multiple talents and lives life full of happiness. He is quite arrogant and has keen interest in dance and music. Sun in Tenth House (i) The Sun, when favourable, in the tenth house makes the person intelligent, learned, famous, wealthy, and self-confident. He would earn his livelihood by doing mental work. He would be a leader of men and will be successful in his career. Such a Sun will give success, respect, repute and fame to him. (ii) The native will earn well through his profession and he will hold responsible positions, may be in government as well. He may be concerned over matters relating to his mother. His relations with his father will be satisfactory and the father will be long lived. He may live away from his relatives. (iii) Be that as it may, even by holding high position- the native may have an ungovernable or worried mind throughout his life. He may live at a place away from the place of birth-. The native will find his 22nd and 70th years as particularly fortunate. It will give results of its placement in the second house to the father. It is an excellent placement for the children of the native. the eldest Child may become a doctor . (iv) If the Sun is the owner of third house, and Mars is weak in the horoscope, the native may not have younger sister /brother. (v) If Mars is afflicted in the combination just described above some of the younger sister /brother may die at an early age. The elder brother or sister of the native may not be rich. It will give results of its placement in the fourth house to his wife and in the second house to his father.
Sun in the tenth house: This gives good progeny, and high profile career and life. Great intelligence and success in anything he wants to do, success in life is steady-some trouble to or on account of maternal relatives. Great success abroad. If badly placed obstacles, and changes and losses through ill wishers. Sun in the tenth house: This position gives all kinds of gains and comforts, foreign travels, authority, good morals and success, if sun is well placed. THE SUN IN THE TENTH HOUSE: This is one of the surest signs of general success in life. The person rises by the favor of those above him in the social scale and obtains positions of responsibility and trust. He is much respected in the community and often honored by election to public office, and he may always be depended upon to justify the trust reposed in him. Sun in the 10th house: The native will be blessed with children and will have all comfort'of conveyances. He will be wise, wealthy, powerful and of good reputation Sun- This is perhaps the best placement of all the house, even better than the 1st house, as the 10th house is of career and public service, a person with a well placed sun rises in life to a high status like CEO or chairman of a company, this also gives an ability to work in the government and politics. Since this is the strongest Kendra house, the sun gets bonus qualities if well placed in a good sign. Sun in 10th House The tenth house can be directly related to one’s career and social image. It can also be related to our role models and authoritative people in the society. Planets in the tenth house show by the houses they rule which areas in our life depend on our reputation or professional role for the fulfillment of their needs. A tenth house Sun makes a person ambitious and hungry for fame and fortune. He wants to get noticed in the world. Such people also work for the benefit of the public in some way or the other. A tenth house Sun also makes sure that a person is authoritative and dictatorial. But, you should always work towards the fulfillment of your goals and not just your self interest. People with a tenth house Sun are career oriented and give immense importance to their reputation and honor. Such people excel at managing and supervising others because of their insight. Such people usually work in political, government offices and high-authority posts in companies. A person with a tenth house Sun is always running after success. He wants to be noticed in the world and keeps looking to get recognized. Such people want to become socially influential, and advance towards public recognition. The career, reputation, and public image are very important to them, and there is considerable ambition, and this works as a powerful push to drive them into making the maximum use of their talents to achieve success. People with a tenth house Sun are usually renowned in their field of career as they give a high priority to recognition and success. They may make sacrifices in their personal and married life to earn money, fame and fortune. Their determination to make a name for themselves leads to increasing responsibilities and a growing reputation, so that once they have found their proper position, they seldom remain obscure. People with a tenth house Sun can be excellent achievers, but only if they control themselves. A person with a tenth house Sun may find it very difficult to work under someone as an employee. Such people are always looking forward to becoming bosses, managers or supervisors. The challenge for a person with a tenth house Sun is to find their place in the world and make a significant contribution, and need to feel they are serving the collective through expressing their own individual gifts. The individual has a strong determination to succeed and they strongly identify with the
career,and they have the feeling that there is something important and meaningful that they can contribute to improve at least a little corner of the world. The tenth house can be related to ambitions, goals, success etc. But a tenth house Sun means that the person is looking for his own goal in life and that is to make mark in this world. Such people do not find a meaning or purpose to life until they achieve their goal. The only way to find their unique destiny is by following their hearts and finding a suitable outlet for their ambition, drive and motivation for public success. Hence, it can be concluded that a person with a tenth house Sun can be extremely successful. Such a person can receive a lot of fame, fortune and wealth. But, he needs to control himself towards achieving his goal so that he does not spend his life searching for something which is out of his reach. BHRIGU SUTRAS SUN IN TENTH HOUSE Sutras 88-95-If the Sun is in the tenth house, the native will make distinctive achievements in the educational sphere by his 18th year, and will become famous and quite capable of learning well. If three planets aspect the Sun, the native will be liked by -the king (Government), he will do pious deeds, will be very brave and valorous and earn good reputation. If the Sun is exalted (that is, he is in Aries) or is in his own sign Leo, the native will become powerful and famous on account of his good qualities and achievements. He will construct reservoirs and temples and places for housing cows and Brahmins. If the Sun is in the sign of a malefic, or is aspected by or associated with a malefic, there will be obstructions in his professional career. He will indulge in evil deeds, will be of undesirable conduct, immoral and sinful. Comments-The Sun is considered powerful in the 10th house as he gets directional strength in this house. If not afflicted by malefic influence, the Sun will give all the favourable results mentioned above. When the Sun is exalted in the 10th, the ascendant will be Cancer and the Sun as exalted .lord of the 2nd house (house of wealth) will be in 10th. This will give rise to an excellent Dhanayoga which will make the native very wealthy and prosperous and a man of high status as will be seen from the following horoscope of the late Pandit Moti Lal Nehru. If the Sun is in his own sign Leo the lord of 10th will be in 10th giving rise to a powerful Rajayoga and no achievement will be too high for him. The tenth house is also house of Karma. It is therefore but natural that benefic influences on the Sun and the tenth house and its dignity will make the native do pious deeds, and malefic influence will turn him immoral and make him indulge in evil and sinful deeds. As far as the effects of the aspect of the three planets on the Sun as mentioned in Sutra 89, we see no logic behind the conclusion arrived at. We leave it to the readers to verify this from their practical experience. Other Views Brihat Jataka-The person concerned will be happy and powerful. Phaldeepika-The native will be blessed with children and will have all comfort’of conveyances. He will be wise, wealthy, powerful and of good reputation. Saravali-The native will be blessed with children and will be wise and wealthy. He will enjoy the comfort of conveyances. He will achieve success in his profession, will remain unconquered and will be noble and will attain high status. Chamatkar Chintamard-The native win achieve success in his work like a king. He will cause pain to his mother (as Sun as a malefic aspects the fourth house which is significator for mother) and will get separated from his relations. He will always be mentally worried.
Note-Readers will not fail to realise that good effects given by Brihat Jataka, Phaldeepika and Chamatkar Chintamani are of the Sun in the tenth house when he is dignified and has benefic influences. Very clear distinction has been made of the effects of such influences in the conclusions given in Bhrigu Sutras. Sun in 10th House according to Saravali: Should the Sun be in 10th, the native will be extremely intelligent, rich, strong and will be endowed with conveyances, relatives and sons, will succeed in his undertakings, be valorous, unconquerable and great. Sun in 10th House according to Phala Deepika: With the Sun in the 10th house, the native will be blessed with sons and will enjoy the comfort of conveyances. He will receive praise for his good conduct and will have Intelligence, wealth, strength and fame. He will be a king. Sun in 10th House Meaning of 10th House Reputation, credit and success in business, civil service, political activity, government, publicity, industrialist, proprietor, politician, board chairman, political scientist, foreman, city manager, career counselor, credit investigator, manufacturer, supervisor, executive administrator. People who influence others with their prestige or authority. Work that requires an outof-the- ordinary reputation in the community. Administration of public or private business or political office. Vedic Meaning of 10th Sun Auspicious Results : The person is valiant, a skilled businessman, recognized by the state, honored, wealthy, liberal, recognized and the minister of the state. One will be well mannered, determined, scholarly, famous and talented. One will be fortunate. One will earn one's living through business, trade or independently. One will be endowed with jewels, ornaments and vehicles. One will be blessed with a father and enjoys his bliss to the full. If one is in government service then one will be the head of one's department or office. One will gain through government contacts. Due to hard work, one successfully completes one's work, is favored by the king and attains fame. One will encourage people to perform pious deeds. One will be blessed by sons. One will be successful at everything, which one takes up in one's hands. One will favor saintly and good people. One attains fame because one is a complete scholar. Inauspicious Results : One may be unenlightened. One may have scanty and bad hair. One may have a bad character. One's spouse will have a lively temperament. The person might be separated from one's brothers and relatives. It is troublesome for the mother and she may suffer from many types of ailments. The mind may feel guilty on account of separation from friends, spouse and dear ones. Just as the Sun gradually becomes stronger and after reaching its peak at noon gradually starts dimming after mid day, similarly, one will gradually rise, attain the peak of one's achievements and then may ultimately have a difficult old age, due to ailments and shortage of money. One may have conflicts with friends and enmity with the son and the spouse and other painful experiences will be felt. It will cause hurdles. One's behaviour is not pure and one may perform ill deeds. Remedies of 10th Sun You are more concerned with your own self-preservation than with the needs or interests of others. You have a fighting spirit and are in competition with those around you. You need to learn how to cooperate and to compromise. You enjoy picking little fights and going head-to- head with others over almost any matter, no matter how trivial. Your desires get the better of you because you lack self-control. You are selfish at times, you often feel that you need to fight to get what
you want, and you tend to have a "me-first" attitude that angers or irritates others. You have a need to be right, even when you aren't.You have difficulty in forgiving others and in saying you are sorry. You have a great deal of energy and vitality but you must be careful that you do not dissipate it in unproductive or sensual living. You are hasty, impatient and sometimes reckless. You have a need to think before you act. You do not like any form of restraint and you rebel against taking orders. You have trouble with superiors because of this and this can affect your career. You have a fiery temper and a tendency towards accidents and fevers. You need to be careful of overexertion as you tend to do things until you simply burn out. You become frustrated easily and you throw fits if you do not get your way. Your impulsive actions can lead you into many difficulties,including perhaps becoming a compulsive gambler. You become frustrated easily and this triggers impatience and anger, which you tend to take out on the ones closest to you.If you can learn how to properly channel all that drive and energy, then there is no limit to your accomplishments and success. But this will take self-discipline, self-control, restraint, patience, persistence and willpower. You need to realize that your own personal desires may not be in line with your Spirit's desires and that is what is causing all the stress you feel inside. Seek your Higher Self and you can then turn a lot of these negatives into positives. The obstacles that occur concerning the obtaining of your personal desires are to help you remain in agreement with your Spirit's desires. You have the necessary confidence and courage which are of considerable help to you in flowing with the obstacles that this aspect brings into your life. You simply need to develop more self-control. Others You may have a desire to attain success and power for the benefit of others or to seek success and power for yourself without thought of anyone else. You want to shine and be recognized for your accomplishments. You want to be really good at something. There is strong motivation towards succeeding in a career and/or personal achievements. You have the ability to inspire others through your example. You are ambitious and self-aggrandizement is possible. People in high places can help or hinder your career. Sun in Tenth House – Lal Kitab Remedies (Upay) When Sun is posited alone in 10th house, it adversely affects the happiness of ancestral property and father. The native may suffer from defects of eye-sight and knees. If native does profession related to machinery, oil, iron, wood, coal, general electronic items etc; it will give adverse effects and failures. If native starts living at his in-laws house or become dependent on in-laws in any form, it will give effects similar of solar eclipse in the horoscope. If native himself starts telling his character defects to others or he proclaims his problems to others; he will badly suffer. If the native makes arrangement for Sun light to come in his house from western wall or he lives next to a house of a person who is childless or he makes relationship with one-eyed person; Sun will start giving adverse results. If native starts wearing black or blue clothes or he wears black or blue cap or turban; Sun will give highly malefic results. When sun is placed in 10th house and Sun gets no support from other male planets like Jupiter or Mars and Moon is placed in fourth house, native may have very short life. Sun in 10th house is not auspicious for the longevity of Father especially when there are other afflictions. When Sun is placed in 10th house and Moon is in 2nd house, mother of the native may face death like situation at the age of 24 of the native. Lal Kitab Remedies for Sun in 10th House 1) Native should never use black or blue clothes. He should not wear black or blue cap or turban.
2) To get benefic effect of Sun, one should cover his head with light color (White, nectar or Sharbati color) cap or turban. It will ward off malefic results and native will benefit. 3) One should not declare his own weaknesses and he should not proclaim his problems to others. 4) One should not involve in professions related to Saturn or Rahu as mentioned above. 5) One should not form any relation with a person who has no child (Son) or one eyed person. 6) There should be no window on western wall. 7) If there is no planet in fourth house, native will not get benefit from his education. To remove its malefic effect, one should put copper coins in flowing water or flowing sewer lines for continuously (minimum) 40 or (maximum) 43 days without break. 8) If native is running Saturn Maha-Dasha or his father is suffering on some account, installing hand pump or extracting under-ground water will solve the problems. GOOD
Native may be prominent person with good health but doubty.
Bad effects on age, vision, father, chest, knee. If cries before others he will have more cry in his life.
10th HOUSE
Sun in 11th house | Surya in 11th house | Sun in eleventh bhava The Sun is a supreme celestial presence in the astrological arena and is a well perceive positive presence though it could also bring difficulties and harshness at times. The presence of Sun here in the eleventh house would bring goodness and happiness in the native’s life as it is among the positive placements in the astrological studies. The natives born with Sun in 11th house would be bestowed with strong affluence and great heights upon land and would lead a happy & satisfied life. These people are very much sincere and determined towards their goals in life and for the same they are believed to attain great achievements and recognition in life. They are very much desired to grow to high mounts and would give their best for the same. The natives of this placement of Sun in 11th house would be truly humanitarian in their approach and would share a pleasant relation with people around but they are free living as well and won’t stay longer in any relationship that would cost them their freedom & space. They would be friends with almost everyone but it also has some exceptions as times. They would receive admiration and respect from others and people around would support them in their growth. The natives having Surya in eleventh house are away from biasness & prejudices. The natives of this placement are true friends from the core and would keep relations alive till the most possible long. They are flexible creatures and seekers of harmony & peace in life. The natives of this placement of Sun in 11th house should stay vegetarian as that will bring benefits to these people and would bestow them with three sons and would bring them favors from government. The positive placement of Sun in the eleventh house would make the person stand dominant both in professional & personal arena. Besides this, if Moon gets placed over the 5th house and Sun would receive malefic impacts which would result in the short span of life.
The natives of this placement of Surya in eleventh bhava should stay away from immoral drinks & food that is from non vegetarian food and alcohols. You are advised to keep almonds or radishes near the head of your bed in the night and to offer it in the temple next day as it will bring long life & good children. Eleventh house. Learned, wealthy, stately and persevering, success without much effort, famous, many enemies, wealth through fair means, good reputation, profound insight, capacity to befriend, many political enemies, man of principles, great sagacity, great success and position. Sun in the Eleventh House: Will be wealthy with high education. Will have good longevity and a lot of good subordinates.Will have high professional skill. Will be strong and will be prosperous. Eleventh House: To reach your goals will heavily rely on those around you such as friends, family and colleagues. Should the Sun be in 11th, one will be interested in gathering money, be strong, will hate others, be devoid of servants, be himself a servant, be devoid of affection, be modest and will be successful in undertakings. Sun in eleventh house: The person has multiple talents and earns lots of money. His child remains troubled and he opposes his brothers. Sun in Eleventh House (i) This position is excellent for material welfare of the native. The Sun here is an indication of successful investments and good income from them. It also ensures realisation of ambitions. The native is likely to acquire wealth. (ii) This position is harmful to the eldest child. It is likely to cause mental disquiet to the native on account of his children. It promises success without much effort, good reputation and position. The native may not be friendly with politicians. (iii) The wife of the native will be good looking. His friends be highly placed and the native will gain through their help and support, He will have favours from his superiors and will be in the good books of the government. It will give results of its placement in the first house to the elder sister /brother, in the fifth house to his wife, and, in the ninth house to the younger sister /brother of the native.. (iv) This position is not good for the health of his mother. Sun in the eleventh house is excellent for the welfare of his maternal uncle. Sun in the eleventh house: If well placed gives immense wealth and success but the placement may adversely affect the first child. This placement when strong gives gains from friends. When afflicted, it creates misunderstandings and troubles with friends. Sun in the eleventh house: This position also gives great success and wealth, and a long life, but possible losses from jealousy. This position is not good for first child, but gives gains from several sources. THE SUN IN THE ELEVENTH HOUSE: This is a good sign that the hopes, wishes and aspirations of the person will be realized; it attracts people in a position to befriend him and with an inclination to do so. Sun in the 11th house: The native will be wealthy, longlived and happy. He will have command over many persons, that is, he will be of high status. Sun- In the eleventh house sun also gives good result in incoming gains, and liquid wealth. This position gives the native lots of male support and friendship, and makes a person a good manager. This position also promises a son since the sun is looking at the 5th house of children. 11th House Sun A person with an eleventh house Sun does not go along well with Leo people or with people who are influenced by Leo sign. Such a person has friends who are attention seekers and show off a lot. An
eleventh house Sun provides a person with the confidence to work well in groups. Such a person’s consciousness is constantly broadened by his groups and some meaningful work. A person with an eleventh house Sun wants to be part of a group of like minded people. The Sun in this house produces members of the armed forces, political activists and NHS workers. Such people like to work towards a pre-defined goal which is meaningful. People with an eleventh house Sun who do not feel as though they have a social conscience, will bring the group into their lives through their friends or their children's' activities. There is likely to be a marked interest in communal lifestyles and a great faith in the efficacy of the power of the group to change society. The outlook is likely to be secular rather than religious and supportive of change rather than transcendence. A person with an eleventh house Sun wants to raise his goals to a higher level. He is not selfish and wants to work for the benefits of the whole group. Such a person has the ability to make good friends who are usually influential and powerful. A person with an eleventh house Sun is usually liberal, responsible and broad minded. Such a person is a humanitarian who wants to be popular rather than being powerful. Such a person has an organizing ability and is usually the leader of a group or gatherings. A person with an eleventh house Sun cares a lot about his friends. Such a person will need friends throughout his life to achieve goals and objectives. Such a person has a strong interest in organizations or groups where your innate idealism and love for humanity can blossom. Goals and ideals are very important for a person with an eleventh house Sun. Such a person also displays passion for reform or freedom in some sort of activity. Such a person tends to get buried in the group he belongs to. Sensing the possible loss of his individuality, he rebels against the group he initially belonged to. In the end, it is all part of his strive to uphold some humanitarian cause, through campaigns, inventions or agendas that aim to help mankind. Such a person is a great appreciator of people-power. Some remedies for an eleventh house Sun are as follows : • Abstain from meat and wine. • Keep almonds or radishes near the head of the bed and offer it in the temple next day for long life and children. BHRIGU SUTRAS SUN IN ELEVENTH HOUSE Sutras 96-102-If the Sun is in the eleventh house the native will have substantial income from agricultural operations. In his 25th year he will acquire conveyances. By the use of his wealth and diplomatic talk, he will be able to acquire more wealth. He will suffer from a serious kind of fever and will have cordial relations with his employees. If the Sun is with a malefic he will incur lot of expenditure and will be without any conveyance. If the Sun is in his own sign or is exalted, he will have immense wealth. If the Sun is in conjunction with the lord of the 4th house, he will have sources of income at many places and will acquire conveyances and will be very fortunate. Comments- 11th is an upachaya house and is very auspicious and beneficial for almost all planets unless they are lords of bad houses or there is malefic influence on them. The Sun in the 11th according to Sutra 96 gives substantial income from agricultural operations. The native also acquires conveyances and is able to gain wealth by talking in a diplomatic manner according to Sutra 97. Diplomacy is acquired by the native as the Sun aspects the 5th house which signifies diplomacy. If the Sun is in his own sign or is exalted the acquisition of wealth will be more accentuated but if the Sun is associated with a malefic there will be loss of wealth probably on account of native becoming extravagant. He will also not possess any conveyance. The conjunction of the Sun with the lord of 4th has been stated to be. very beneficial to the native. Although it is not mentioned in the above
Sutras, conjunction of the Sun with the lord of 2nd, 1st or 9th would also be very beneficial particularly when the Sun be in his own sign. Other Views Brihat Jataka-The Sun in the 11th house will make the person born wealthy. Phaldeepika-The native will be wealthy, longlived and happy. He will have command over many persons, that is, he will be of high status. Saravali-The native will accumulate wealth, will be powerful, will hate others, will be without servants, will stick to his words and will be successful in his ventures. Chamatkar Chifitamani-The native will acquire wealth from the king (Government) and possess many kinds of wealth. He will destroy his enemies by his valour but will be unhappy in the matter of children. Note-The eleventh house is a house of gains and all the authorities mentioned above agree with Bhirgu Sutras that the placement of the Sun in this house is beneficial for acquisition of wealth. Sun in 11th House according to Saravali: Should the Sun be in 11th, one will be interested in gathering money, be strong, will hate others, be devoid of servants, be himself a servant, be devoid of affection, be modest and will be successful in undertakings. Sun in 11th House according to Phala Deepika: The Sun in the 11th house makes the native very wealthy and long lived. He will be a king with ever lasting happiness. Sun in 11th House Meaning of 11th House Counseling, advising, friendship in relation to trade, sales, etc., professional hostess, reception clerk, psychologist, organizational worker, humanitarian, advisor, outreach worker, counselor, visiting nurse, candy-striper, club officer, social worker, lobbyist, psychiatrist, parole officer. Concerns friendly groups of acquaintances who come together in clubs, societies, and organizations. People who befriend and encourage progress of the mentally and physically handicapped or underprivileged. Those who offer helpful advice in an impersonal manner. Vedic Meaning of 11th Sun Auspicious Results : One will be saintly, religious, scholarly and knowledgeable in music, attractive and have beautiful eyes. One will be wealthy, strong, happy, egoistic, meditative, saintly and well behaved.One will talk less but will be skilled at speech. Due to the king's benevolence one may be a high official and attains royal authority to take one's own decisions. Sources of acquiring wealth are created. One attains wealth suddenly or through the government. One is endowed with vehicles and servants. The person attains gold, ornaments and good clothes. One is blessed with a spouse and son. One has the best of worldly comforts and happiness. The native is busy in the accumulation of wealth. One is successful in any work one may take up. One will be talented himself and appreciates the talents in others. One is long lived. At the age of 25, one acquires a vehicle. One has firm and trustworthy friends. Friends are helpful. Inauspicious Results : One may be lean and weak. People envy and oppose him. One may have to suffer the mourning of a dear one. Children will be few and troublesome. There will be obstacles in the birth of a son. The elder brother might be troubled. One will suffer stomach ailments.The elder brother might die. If one survives fortunately, then there may be mutual quarrels, partitions and separate households. Wealth will be gained through hard work.There will be excessive expenditure or lack of a vehicle.Life might be problematic. There may be a lack of wealth or lack of children.There might be poverty. Remedies of 11th Sun
You are intensely willful, zealous, and fanatical, though you usually hide the intensity of your feelings and your personal motives and desires. You always want to know what everyone else is up to or thinking, but you will seldom reveal your own motivations, plans and activities. You love working behind the scenes where you are free to do as you please with no one's knowledge or interference. You tend to be possessive, jealous, obsessive and compulsive and you like to have power and control over people and situations. You have the burning desire to be recognized for your expertise and you want more than anything to be recognized as "the authority" at something. You tend to worship "heroes" who have powerful magnetism and charisma, and you want to follow in their footsteps. You need to recognize that your strong will and stubbornness create difficulties for you because you are not allowing others to teach you the lessons you need to learn. In order for you to see this more clearly other people are brought into your life to mirror your negative traits back to you. If you refuse to transform your ego, then things will only get worse, as the universe will get its way with you.You think you know it all and you believe that you are always right. People are threatened by you and some will try to get you first before you get them. You have a fear of and a fascination with death and the secret, hidden side of life. You are seldom satisfied with your creative talents and are always re-doing or destroying your efforts. You have a knack for controlling others in a very subtle way. You are very confident and have great faith and trust in your own abilities. You believe that you can survive anything that life throws your way. You expect to conquer any obstacle, problem or bad habit that you may have. You have tremendous inner resources, strength and stamina. You find it difficult to respect people who are weak-willed or those who avoid confronting their lives and problems head-on. You have the intuitive perception to see right through things and go straight to the heart of the matter.Give others a break and stop being such a slave driver. Stay out of their lives and let them run them the way they see fit. Work on reforming yourself before you try to reform the rest of the world. Use power wisely or it will come back to haunt you in the end. Always remember that you will reap everything you sow, so sow wisely and carefully. Others You probably possess a desire to raise goals to a higher level and to seek ideas which would be of benefit for the group. Or you may desire to place your own goals and desires above the wishes of the group. You have the ability to make friends, many who are influential and wield power. You enjoy your work with groups. You are responsible, liberal and broad-minded. You are a humanitarian who would rather be popular than powerful. You have organizing ability and probably take the leadership role in group activities or friendly get-togethers. I am giving life reading free to all,and this work continue from last 25 years,I think I am fully depends on the people of world,and people not depends on me,I am eating,wearing clothes,living in costly city,and only making works for the others,I am thinking why government and private orgnigations rise more bills for paying by me! Why not Government and Private orgnigation give me free service of Electicity,Telephones,Internet,Water,and living taxes.Perhaps you understadn my meaning !!!! By the Kalchakra 11th Sun is a help less by the politics.Reason is This house is the parmanent house Saturn,Here Sun always expending more and more energy to family and education field,also every time thinking of making political ways in life,but Sun in this house like a poor man.!!!!! Sun in Eleventh House – Lal Kitab Remedies (Upay) Sun in 11th house is not considered auspicious in general. Native will experience bad results related to income, longevity, self purchased houses, longevity of Son and name and fame. If native indulges into professions related to Saturn, Rahu or Ketu, he will get adverse results and failures. If native
eats non vegetarian food and drinks alcohol, he will not get any male child till the age of 45 years especially if there is a tree courtyard in neighborhood. Sun in 11th house makes the native greedy, quarrelsome and liar. He may have habit of not fulfilling his promises. He may cheat others, give false testimony and refuse to return belongings and deposits of others. He will have habit of abusing while talking. He is more concerned about his own sensual pleasures. When Sun is in 11th house and Moon is in 5th house and male planets like Jupiter and Mars do not support Sun, native may have short life. He will not beget male progeny and if at all his wife becomes pregnant, she will give birth to dead (male) child (still- birth) Lal Kitab Remedies for Sun in 11th House 1) One should not eat non vegetarian food and avoid alcohol. If he becomes completely vegetarian, he will beget more than one son. 2) Native should not abuse while talking. 3) He should maintain good character and help others. 4) He should not cheat others or give any false testimony. 5) One should not live in a house where there is tree courtyard in neighborhood or a house where there is road next to the house. 6) Keep radish near the pillows before going to sleep and offer them in a temple next morning. If radish is not available, one can use carrot or any other vegetable or almonds (avoiding black color). 7) Native should purchase a goat. Offer him enough food and leave it alive in the name of slaughter. GOOD
Native may becomes head of family himself. If religious minded then family will be happy, if vegetarian then he will get children and good life for them Sun gives malefic effects on age, income, own build house, goodwill, and children. If he eats meat (non-veg.) it is equal to eat his own children, Impetuous. RADDISH, TURNIP, CARROT, ALMOND SHOULD BE KEPT BENEATH THE HEAD SIDE OF THE BED IN NIGHT AND GIVE THEM IN THE MORNING AT THE PLACE OF WORSHIP.
Sun in 12th house | Surya in 12th house | Sun in twelfth bhava The Sun is the most auspicious presence in the celestial arena which provides pleasing impacts upon the native’s life as it will provide good path of life. Presence of Sun in the 12th house would bring good heights of career & finance to the person besides which there will be a balance in between the income and expenditure. The natives born with Sun in their 12th house would be reserve personas who would always need their space as they feel secure & strong within that. They are the true seekers of peace and wish to live in an harmonious environment. They won’t be friends with everyone around but will share a peaceful bond with the society and in professional arena while on the other part, they would be more satisfied in solitude but they do believe in keeping many people in good relation but they are not among the social animals. The natives of this placement of Sun in 12th bhava would give great endeavor and hard work at every place & aspect throughout their life path besides which they will provide variant services to those around while on the most positive side of it, they will get recognized and admired for all of
their efforts & services. Apart from this, these natives of having Surya in twelfth bhava carry a leading approach and personality wherever the stand and move from. They believe in possessing strong understanding and perceiving the depths of worthy aspects. They will look towards reaching the intellectual & wiser heights rather than craving towards the center stage and all lights upon them. Their calm appearance won’t let their real core come out in the public or should say in front of any one for which only very rare people would be aware of their real one. The placement of Ketu in the 2nd bhava would bring goodness of wealth and family life to the native besides this, the placement of Venus & Mercury together in the 2nd bhava would bring admirable heights of success in business & finances. On the other hand, the malefic placement of Sun in the twelfth house would bring financial losses and bitter relations with the authority people along with an unstable & depressive path of life. Besides this, any malefic placement in the ascendant would result in lack of peace from the native’s life as he/she won’t even able to have a peaceful sleep. The natives of this placement having Sun in 12th house should always possess a courtyard within the house and should stay true & pure from the core throughout the life path. He/She having Surya intwelfth bhava should stay involved in spiritual aspects and should learn to forgive others even to enemies as that will benefit them. They should keep a Chakki inside the house. Twelfth house. Sinful, poor, fallen, thieving nature, unsuccessful, adulterous, neglected, long limbs, ceremonial minded and lover of esoteric and occult knowledge, no happiness from children. Sun in the Twelfth House: Will have eye troubles and will be devoid of sons & wealth. Will be inimical to the father. Will be weak and may fall from profession. This adverse position of the Sun is not good from the perspective of profession as a fall is indicated. Twelfth house: People here will have a need for self-perfection. Yet they will normally feel somewhat estranged from others like they are an outsider even if other parts of their chart say so otherwise. They are often introverted, shy and like a peaceful life and time on their own. They shouldn’t be concerned by feelings of not belonging and failures to mix well with others. They may feel that not many life them but they have a lot of people who respect them strongly that they are not aware of. Work in the community such as in churches, hospitals, learning institutions or professions such as art, literature and psychology are well suited. These people normally have at least one major psychological, physiological or social crisis that they have to overcome in their life. If the Sun is in 12th at birth, he will have a deformed physique, be one-eyed, fallen (morally), will marry a barren lady, be inimical to his father, weak and mean. Sun in twelfth house: Sun in this house is considered inauspicious and it hampers the normal intelligence. He remains involved in lots of physical activities and he is not a socially adorable person. Sun in Twelfth House (i) The native may live abroad and may not be rich. This is not a good position for relations with the father. The native has to work hard for achieving his ambitions and suffers at the hands of the Government. (ii) The native will have a lot to do with hospitals, asylums, charitable institutions, prisons and philanthropic work. He will successfully pursue a career in medicine, chemistry or occult sciences. (iii) The early years in his life would be obscure. He may be given to incessant practice of Yoga. He may lack in self confidence. A powerful and beneficial Sun here will be excellent for the advancement of his younger sister /brother in his career and the world. (iv) An afflicted Sun is bad for the health of native's children. Effects of the Sun in various Different situations – exaltation /debilitation etc.
(i) If the planet is vargottama, exalted, in mooltrikona or in a friend's sign in the birth or navansha chart, strong, beneficial for the chart and has good Vinshopaka strength, the good results will be exaggerated and the adverse will be reduced. (ii) If the planet is in the sign of an intimate friend (having taken into account the temporary relationship as well in the birth or navansha chart, the foregoing observation will be further accentuated. (iii) On the other hand if the planet is debilitated in the birth or navansha chart, or in an enemy's or great enemy's sign in one of these charts, weak and does not have sufficient Vinshopaka strength, the good effects will be reduced and the evil will be dominant. (iv) However if the planet is debilitated and vargottama (which means that the planet is debilitated in the ascendant chart and also in the Navamsha chart) but has above average resultant Vinshopaka strength or there is annulment of debilitation, the effects of debilitation will be considerably reduced. (v) Another point to be borne in mind is that the interpretation of the location of a planet in a sign ought to be done in the light of the ascendant. The Sun in Aries for Aries ascendant will not give the same results as the Sun in Aries for Taurus ascendant. For the former the Sun) will indicate a rajyoga and make the native, inter alia, wealthy, but for the latter the Sun will be in the twelfth house and may make the native spend heavily. (vi) The aspects should also be taken into account of all planets specially of Saturn and Rahu. (vii) The houses occupied by the Sun and Moon are also taken almost at par with the ascendant. (viii) It need not be, stressed again that the nature of the planet: for the ascendant, association with other planets, its placement in the eighth Navamsha, strength of the planet in the sign, the strength of the dispositor of the concerned planet and its karakatva. Sun in the twelfth house: Creates trouble in academic and professional life, gives liver infections, and eye troubles and tension to or on account of father and paternal relatives. Sudden setbacks, legal tensions and unexpected happenings. When well placed, gives gains from science subjects and strong intuitive abilities. Sun in the twelfth house: This gives ups and downs in life and tensions with father and trouble in work. Unexpected events in life will be many and gains from chemistry and medicine is indicated. It gives mediumistic abilities and the gift of prophesy. THE SUN IN THE TWELFTH HOUSE: This is the signature of the lonely soul who as a recluse shuts himself off from his fellows. It brings with it a danger of conflict with the au thorities or an inability to fit in with the family conditions and on account of the ensuing trouble the person goes into voluntary or enforced exile, living his life henceforth a stranger among strangers. Even when such extreme conditions do not prevail, the first third of the life is usually wasted in vain efforts to find a balance and settle down to some life work. Like the Sixth House position of the Sun, this also favors work with the sick in hospitals, chemistry and laboratory work, or work with prisoners; it gives a love of the occult and leads to curious lines of research. Sun in the 12th house: The native will be inimical towards his father. He will suffer from eye troubles. He will be without wealth and childless. Such a person will do good to evil also, intellectual, saint, yogi. If someone abuses such a person will be trouble and if he praises this person will be benefited. Sun- Usually planets don’t do well in the 12th house except the moon, but, the sun sheds his light on this house giving the native zero worries under stressful situation. No matter what the problem is, the native will sleep sound, and will be able to see all the secret dealing happening behind or against him or her. This also can take a native to foreign lands especially for cancer and Leo ascendants.
12th House Sun As we told you in our earlier posts that Twelfth house in a horoscope represents issues related to spirituality, secrets, karma, confinement, institutions, suffering, sub consciousness, meditation, escapism and service to humanity.It is the last house in a horoscope that completes the cycle of life. On the other hand, The Sun represents the identity, personality, and outward appearance of a person. It also represents the father figure in our life. With the Sun in the twelfth house, the person has to go through unusual suffering related to the father figure. He might not create a bond with his father due to many reasons like early death, separation of parents etc. People with Sun placed in the twelfth house are compassionate, caring and self-sacrificing and liked to be in secluded or silent places. Basically, these people are introspective and reserved in nature. They don’t like socializing much and is confined to the circle of their own friends and family. They avoid being in the spotlight and incase if ever they have to face the public, they tend to hide their true self. Many less people would ever be aware of their real self, since they don’t let their calm appearance come out in public. Natives with Sun in the twelfth house are very creative and talented. Their specific areas of interests are dance, music, art and drama. Presence of Sun in the twelfth house brings good career opportunities & finance to the person, keeping a balance between the income and expenditure. They are recognised and admired for the hard work they put into their work and share a peaceful bond in professional arena. They have a great sense of understanding and are sympathetic towards others. They are the true seekers of peace and wish to live in an harmonious environment. On the other hand, the malefic placement of Sun in the twelfth house might bring financial losses and bitterness in the relations with the authoritative people. They might have go through depressive and unstable path in life. The native will lack a peaceful life and not be able to have peaceful sleeps at night. People with Sun in the twelfth house should stay true from the core and should never think about harming anyone. Taking part in spiritual activities will be beneficial for them. They should also possess a courtyard at home and keep a Chakki inside the house to have a peaceful life path. BHRIGU SUTRAS SUN IN TWELVFTH HOUSE Sutras 103-110-If the Sun is in the 12th house, the native will suffer from appendicitis in the 36th year of his life. He will waste his money on undesirable purposes, he will be sinful and will incur loss of wealth. He will be accused of killing a cow and will live away from his native land. If the Sun is associated with strong and auspicious planet or planets the native will enjoy blessings of God. He will also enjoy bed comforts (sexual pleasures). If the Sun is in conjunction with malefics the native will incur wasteful expenditure and will be deprived of bed comforts. If the Sun is associated with the lord of the sixth house the native will suffer from leprosy but he will recover from this disease if a benefic aspects the Sun. The presence of the Sun in the 12th also will make the native sinful and there will be aggravation of the diseases he suffers from. Comments-The 12th is a house of loss in all respects. It. Is also a dusthana. The important significations of this house may be seen in Part I-Chapter II. When the 12th house is occupied by a malefic planet, the significations of the house play their full role. The Sun in the 12th will give only unfavourable results described above. The results will not be so unfavourable if there is a benefic planet in the 12th but whether the planet is a benefic or a malefic, the significations of the house he owns will also suffer badly. If, however, The Sun be in his own sign Leo in the 12th, the results will be good and beneficial to the native. This disposition will give rise to ‘Vipreet Rajayoga’.
Other Views Brihat Jataka-The person will suffer degradation. Phaldeepika-The native will be inimical towards his father. He will suffer from eye troubles. He will be without wealth and childless. Saravali-The native will have a lean body. He will be one eyed, sinful, childless, inimical to his father, powerless and mean. Chamatkar Chintamani-The native will suffer from eye troubles. He will be victorious in the battlefield. He will live at only one place to earn his livelihood. He will gain wealth during journeys. Note-All the authorities except Chamatkar Chintamani agree with the views of Bhrigu Sutras that inauspicious results follow from the placement of the Sun in 12th house according to significations of this house. They have not given the effects of the benefic influences on the Sun, as described in Bhrigu Sutras. Sun in 12th House according to Saravali: If the Sun is in 12th at birth, he will have a deformed physique, be one-eyed, fallen (morally), will marry a barren lady, be inimical to his father, weak and mean. Sun in 12th House according to Phala Deepika: Should the Sun be in the 12th house at birth the native will have inimical relations with his father. His eyesight will be defective and he will be devoid of wealth and children. Sun in 12th House Meaning of 12th House Activities associated with large institutions, especially hospitals, prisons and places of confinement, work behind the scenes, research, detective agencies, biomedical engineer, surgeon, chemist, FBI agent, researcher, psychiatric social worker, statistician, historian, inspector, psychoanalyst, x-ray technician. Associated with places of restriction, confinement, and privacy, areas for functioning behind the scenes out of the public eye, such as confidential work, crime detection, or research. Imprisonment and bondage, personal secrets, secret liaisons or negotiations, and anonymous philanthropy. Meaning of 12 Sun by Vedic Auspicious Results : One is victorious in battle and debates. Physical pain is removed. The person will be patient and blessed with a son. The native may get wealth from the king. One is extravagant and earns a good name in society and community. Inauspicious Results : One is depressed, lazy, a foreign resident, lean bodied and enmical towards friends, a mental patient and having slanted eyes. The person might suffer from stomach and eye ailments, night blindness, weak vision and other diseases. There will be pain in the legs and body. There may be great physical agony. In the 36th year, one will suffer stomach ailments related to gas formation. Some part of the body may be deformed. One will be energetic and restless. One may be enmical towards one's maternal uncle and there may be problems from him. Journeys may bring harm. There may be a sudden loss of wealth during journeys. One may be irreligious and may go against the traditional family religion. One may be poor. One will fear the king, thieves and the government. One may wander around aimlessly. One will be very passionate and have relationships with the opposite sex. One may hunt birds for pleasure. One may have ailments of the thighs. One will oppose ordinary people. One may be the spouse of an infertile the opposite sex. One may have a lowly nature and be weak and small. One will be very short tempered, protector of the wicked, very extravagant, performer of good deeds and lacking in status.One spends money on the undeserving
and deprives oneself of the comfort of a bed. One will be successful and victorious in old age. One will be hard working and fraudulent but may not attain success. SUN IN TWELFTH: Besides other significations, 12th house signify pleasures of Bed, signified by Venus. Sun is the protector of Dharma and hence another significator of the 9th house. Dharma falls at the places of pleasures. When the Sun goes to such places, what shall be its Avastha then? We can see that 12th is the house of exaltation of Venus in the natural zodiac. Wherever Shukra (Sex, Passion) is strong, Sun is rendered weak, which is why Venus debilitates Sun. The natural trait of the Sun is to stay away from the materials of pleasures and perform his duty of upholding Dharma diligently. In the places of pleasures, Sun is not allowed to perform his duty. This is a well-known fact that among shadripus, which causes the fall of dharma, the ripu of Matsarya or sex causes the greatest fall. This is why anyone who has taken birth on tithes ruled by the Sun, he should overcome the weakness signified by Venus, as per Astadala Padma Scheme. Sun: Sun is considered as King in any chart and if found in the house of renunciation(12th house) he feels sick and powerless due to which the native in whose chart the sun is in MKS would face dangers due to fire. There would be fire hazards for the native. 12th house is the house of sickness and also hospitlization. It is the house of saturn hence native would also have issues with regard to health. Remedies of 12th Sun You tend to be optimistic and confident, but overly so. You are self-indulgent and over-extravagant. There is a selfish streak within you that sometimes keeps you from devoting yourself to others. There may be religious fanaticism here, with a closed-minded adherence to one particular dogma. You do not have the best judgment at times and you promise more than you are capable of delivering. You display false pride. You tend to exaggerate your stories or your own abilities. You find it difficult to generate the necessary resolve to follow through on completing the projects you start. You have big aspirations and the desire to succeed in life in a grand way, but you may not have the initiative or persistence to make it a reality. But in spite of all this, you never seem to lose your hopes for the future.You may become restless and discontent with the responsibilities and limitations you have in life. At some point your faith will be tested to see just how strong it is. You may encounter legal problems, especially with or through those in positions of authority. You need to ask yourself when does self-confidence become egotism? You want to feel important and that can easily bring on an egotistical manner. You love to show yourself off and make yourself into someone important. You are capable of gaudy displays of extravagance. You are wasteful of the energies and resources that you have been entrusted with. All actions should be carefully thought out, so that you do not experience severe losses due to overspeculation, loans, investments, gambling, etc. Social prestige is important to you. You may be subject to circulation problems of the blood, especially the arterial circulation. Living the "good life" can add extra pounds and this can contribute to health problems as well. You need to stay active and keep exercising. Others There is the desire or the need to serve others in this lifetime. At times this is in direct conflict with a desire to seek seclusion from the world and/or wallow in self-pity seeking sympathy and service from others. This life may be a contemplative life due to the need to reshape negative character traits from past lives. You have an awareness of the oneness of life. You may lack confidence in your abilities. You have an empathy with sick or mentally disturbed people. You may develop or have clairvoyant powers and an interest in occult subjects and psychic phenomena. You may enjoy playing the martyr.
I am alone in this world,there are person of world my family members.I seen a father,who worked full life for his own sons and daughters,but at last time,I finished his last work of after death.There are selfishness in world and no any meaning of that selfish ness,but why all the person of world making or thinking wrong to others,we are like a crop,and when the crop goes to last stage,there are more farmer want to use that crop.Think about all,not for only yourself,if anybody think to others,all thinks to himself,and who is thinking only for himself,nobody think for himself !!!!! 12th Sun give always headach and give effects in eyes.Gayatri mantra chanting and feeling viberations or words are very fruitfull for all,try Gayatri Mantra Chanting from Today and get more good feelings-Aum Bhuh Bhurbhuvah Swaha,Tatsavit Varandeyam,Bhargo Devasya Dheemahi,Dhiyo Yonha Prachodyaat Aum. Sun in Twelfth house – Lal Kitab Remedies (Upay) Sun in 12th house gives good results as long as the native is righteous and religious and he stays away from everything related to Rahu; giving false testimony, relations with childless or one eyed person, manual labour work, technician work, manual machinery work, coal, general electronics, inlaws, elephant, ivory, alcohol, curse, dark rooms, back biting, frauds etc. Native will have good family, children and sound sleep as long he follows above mentioned guidelines. One should not unnecessarily indulge in to habit of solving problems of others or get involved in any unnecessary emotional bonding other than family members. When Sun is in 12th house and Mercury and Venus are placed together, native will not face any problems in his profession. If Saturn is placed in 6th house, native will not get any bad results related to Venus i.e. wife, marital life and luxuries. If there are Saturn, Rahu or Ketu in first house, native will be deprived of night sleep and morning breakfast. But he can get auspicious results of Sun in 12th house if he has forgiving nature. One should forgive even bitter enemies to get good results of Sun in 12th house. When Sun is in 12th house and Moon is in 6th house, either native or his wife may loose one eye. Lal Kitab Remedies for Sun in 12th House 1) One should have forgiving nature. Native should forgive even bitter enemies. 2) Offer Churma (wheat flour fried in oil with sugar) to brown ants. 3) If there are any problems in profession, one should bring in manual flour mill at home. Native’s wife should grind wheat everyday. It will remove problems in professional life.
Native will have sound sleep. He may have a strong character whether servant or employer. Native will be rich, intelligent, happy family life, gain from business or good job till he keep the open corridor in his house. Business of machines may not suit him. Unreligious and unsocial activities will ruin him
Sun gives malefic effects on Head, thoughts, relations, wife etc., if drunker or takes bribe or lives at in-laws place.
12th HOUSE
Effects of Sun in 12 Houses of Horoscope Let us try to see the effects of the presence of Sun in the 12 houses of the horoscope. Given below are the general effects of the Sun when placed in different houses. The effects may change due to the aspect and conjunction of other planets on the sun and also by the sun’s strength
and weaknesses by degree and placement. Those calculations are complicated to understand and are not being given here. In conclusion, sun does well in most of the houses except 4th, and 7th, however, this only happens if sun is in a weak sign, in conjunction with a bad planet or being aspected by a bad planet.
Exalted Sun According to Vedic Jyotish, the Sun is said to be exalted in a horoscope when it is placed in the sign of Aries which in simple words means that Sun gains maximum strength when placed in Aries compared to its placement in all the other signs. An exalted Sun is associated with many good things by many astrologers and it is believed by a number of Indian astrologers that an exalted Sun always works positively in a horoscope and it brings good results for the native which is not the case in actual practice and an exalted Sun can work positively as well as negatively in a horoscope depending upon the other deciding factors and overall tone of the horoscope. The word exalted simply relates to the strength of the Sun in horoscope and it does not relates to the nature of the Sun in most of horoscopes and accordingly an exalted Sun placed in different houses of a horoscope can give benefic as well as malefic results depending upon the nature of the Sun as well as the overall tone of the horoscope. In this article, we will discuss some of these benefic as well as malefic effects which can be experienced when an exalted Sun is placed in different houses of a horoscope. Exalted Sun in 1st House of a Horoscope : A positive exalted Sun placed in 1st house of a horoscope generally brings good results for the overall health of the native and it can also bless the native with good creative skills and as a result native can achieve professional success in his life by virtue of his creativity. This placement is also capable of blessing the native with qualities like intelligence, leadership and concentration power and as a result a native under the strong influence of such a placement can become successful in the fields like top class government services like IAS, IPS and other such services, medical profession, teaching, coaching and consultation professions and other similar professions. A benefic exalted Sun in 1st house of a horoscope can also bless the native with healthy and good male children and such male children can provide a good support to the native having such placement of Sun in his horoscope. In cases where exalted Sun placed in 1st house of a horoscope is working negatively, it can cause problems in the married life of the native by causing mild to serious arguments between the native and his spouse. Such malefic placement of exalted Sun can also cause problems with child birth especially when this placement is found in the horoscope of a female and it can also cause some health related problems like some problems related to stomach disorders due to digestion problems and some problems related to high blood pressure. A malefic exalted Sun in 1st house can also make the native suffer from some skin related problems in some particular cases. Exalted Sun in 2nd House of a Horoscope : A positive exalted Sun in 2nd house of a horoscope can bless the native with very good health and such a native is not likely to suffer from any major health issues throughout his life if this fact is supported by the overall tone of his horoscope. Such placement of Sun can also make the native a renowned doctor, a renowned lawyer, a renowned astrologer or consultant and such a native can earn good amount of money as well as reputation from his profession. The natives practicing as a doctor under the influence of an exalted Sun in second house of their horoscopes are more likely to be Surgeons and consultant physicians than any other types of doctors whereas the natives practicing as lawyers due to this influence are more likely
to practice as criminal lawyers. When working negatively, this placement of exalted Sun in 2nd house can bring serious problems in the married life of the native and it can cause one or more than one divorce and at the same time it can make the native suffer from debts and such a native may have to face normal to very big debts throughout his life. Such a placement of exalted Sun can also make the native waste money by virtue of the habit of Gambling, decisions made in a hurry which can cause losses later on, loss of money due to spending it unwisely and money wasted due to bad habits of eating and drinking. A malefic exalted Sun in 2nd house of a horoscope can also trouble the native with some diseases which can be caused due to bad eating and drinking habits of the native and which can cause big financial losses as well as health losses to the native and in some extreme cases, the native under the strong influence of this placement can even die because of a disease. Exalted Sun in 3rd House of Horoscope : A positive exalted Sun in third house of a horoscope can bless the native with good reputation, good public image, good relations with brothers and friends and good support from colleagues. This placement of benefic exalted Sun in 3rd house can also bless the native with happiness in married life and professional success and the native is also likely to have good health. Such a native is also likely to possess good communication skills and good leadership qualities as well which can help the native achieve success in life. A benefic exalted Sun in 3rd house can also render very good leadership qualities to the native and as a result the native under the strong influence of this placement can gain a position of power in some government organization. This placement can also bless the native with very good spiritual interests and such a native can have a very good power of meditation. When working malefic, an exalted Sun in the 3rd house of a horoscope can cause some problems for the native in different spheres of his life. This placement of exalted Sun can make the native suffer on account of some health issues and it can also make the native suffer from problems coming from his bosses, seniors and other persons in authority. For example, a native under the strong malefic influence of this placement may have resign from a job or he may even have to face a complaint or litigation due to unfavorable attitude of his boss. Such a native can make many enemies by virtue of his aggressive nature and such enemies can trouble the native at different times in his life. A malefic exalted Sun in 3rd house of a horoscope can also make the native undergo some injuries at different times in his life. Exalted Sun in 4th House of Horoscope : A positive exalted Sun in the 4th house of a horoscope can bless the native with a long life and good health in general. The natives under the strong influence of this placement are seen to have a lifespan longer than the average lifespan provided this fact is supported by the overall tone of the horoscope of the native. A benefic exalted Sun in 4th house of a horoscope can also bless the native with good powers of meditation and good spiritual interests and such natives can see good to great results in the field of spiritualism and other fields where meditation is required. This placement of exalted Sun can also bless the native with gains from ancestral property or inheritance and at the same time it can bless the native with many kinds of luxuries like Vehicles and houses. On the other hand, a negatively working exalted Sun in 4th house of a horoscope can cause problems in the married life of a native and such a native may have to undergo serious arguments with his wife which can finally lead to a long separation or a divorce and in some extreme cases of this placement, the wife of such a native may cheat on him for someone other person and she can also seek a divorce from the native in order to live with the other person. This placement can also disturb the comforts and peace of mind of the native and as a result such natives are seen bothered on account of one thing or the other for most of their lives. A malefic exalted Sun in 4th house of a horoscope can also make the native change his place of residence
many times in his life on account of something unfortunate or unwelcome. This placement can also make the native suffer from some diseases and the native may have to undergo operations or surgeries many times in his life. Exalted Sun in the 5th House of Horoscope : A positive exalted Sun in fifth house of a horoscope can bless the native with a successful and famous father and the father of such a native can play a very important role in many spheres of native’s life. A benefic exalted Sun in 5th house of a horoscope can also bless the native with very good education especially some kind of higher education and such a native may go to some foreign country to complete his higher education. This placement is also capable of blessing the native with professional success and such a native can earn very good name and reputation in his professional sphere on account of skills and knowledge possessed by him. A benefic exalted Sun placed in 5th house of a horoscope can also bless the native with good to very good children and the overall luck and carrier of the native can see great increase after the birth of children and especially male children. This placement can also give very good spiritual results for the native and some of the natives having this placement can become very advanced in spiritual practice and they can also be the heads of some spiritual organization. On the other hand, a malefic exalted Sun in 5th house of a horoscope can make the native suffer from many delays in his life which means that the native does not see fast progress in many spheres of his life and he may have to try again and again to succeed in his life. Such a malefic placement in a horoscope can also make the native suffer from unexpected and sudden problems which are usually caused due to some misconducts or bad deeds done by some relatives of the native. A malefic exalted Sun in 5th house can also create some problems related to the children of the native and such a native may have to suffer on account of failure or health problems his children. Exalted Sun in Sixth House of Horoscope : An exalted Sun in sixth house of a horoscope is considered bad by many astrologers and it is associated with many kinds of bad results by these astrologers whereas in actual practice an exalted Sun in 6th house of a horoscope can bless the native with some very good results when such an exalted Sun is working benefic in his horoscope. A benefic exalted Sun placed in 6th house of a horoscope can bless the native with good to very good results in his professional life. The natives with such placement can become good doctors, lawyers, bankers, consultants or other people working in similar professions and such natives are usually good at making money and at the same time maintaining a good reputation and status. The natives under the strong effect of this benefic placement are usually seen very skilled at their jobs and they are capable of achieving new heights in professional spheres. A benefic exalted Sun in 6th house of a horoscope can also bless the native with very good health and such natives are usually seen very hale and hearty throughout their lives. On the other hand a malefic exalted Sun placed in 6th house of a horoscope can bring some serious concerns for the native like it can make the native suffer from defame which can come out as a result of some litigation or false accusations levied on the native. This placement can also make the native suffer on account of some problems related to his children like the native may have to witness his children suffering on account of a bad marriage, health problems and court cases. Such a native may have to make many efforts and spend lots of money and time to fix the problems in the lives of his children. A malefic exalted Sun in 6th house of a horoscope can also trouble the native with some health problems and some natives under such influence can suffer from some permanent diseases and they may have to keep on treating them for a very long part of their life. Exalted Sun in 7th House of Horoscope : A positive exalted Sun in seventh house of a horoscope can bless the native with good results from a business and such a native can especially see good results
from a business which runs in partnership with someone else. This placement of exalted Sun can also bring good reputation to the native and as a result the native is not likely to face any serious blames, allegations or defame throughout his life if supported by the overall horoscope of the native. A benefic exalted Sun in 7th house of a horoscope can bless the native with a rich wife and such a native can get good to great financial support from his wife’s family and his wife and her family can play an important role in professional success of the native. This placement can also take the native to foreign lands on permanent basis and such a native can also make profits from business which is settled in foreign lands or which connects to foreign lands. On the other hand, a negative exalted Sun in 7th house of a horoscope can make the native suffer from problems in married life and such a native can face serious issues in his married life which can keep on disturbing the native from time to time. Such a malefic placement can also trouble the native on account of financial losses which can occur due to loss in some partnership business or which can occur due to bad spending habits of the spouse of the native. A malefic exalted Sun in 7th house of a horoscope can also trouble the native with some health problems and it can also bring bad reputation to the native by virtue of some wrong decisions taken by the native which can result in serious financial losses and in some extreme cases, such a native may have to go to jail for a short duration of time. Exalted Sun in 8th House of Horoscope : An exalted Sun placed in the eighth house of a horoscope is considered bad to very bad by many Indian astrologers and many bad things are associated with this placement of exalted Sun whereas in my experience an exalted Sun present in 8th house of a horoscope can also bless the native with good things when it is working benefic in a horoscope. A benefic exalted Sun placed in the eighth house of a horoscope can bless the native with a permanent career in some foreign country when supported by the other factors in the horoscope of the native. Such a placement can also give good results in spiritual and supernatural fields and as result the native may have deep interest in these fields and in some particular cases, such natives are seen practicing in some supernatural fields or spiritual fields. On the other hand, a malefic exalted Sun placed in 8th house of a horoscope can bring serious to very serious problems to the native as it can pose a direct threat to the life and lifeline of the native and natives under the strong influence of such a placement can suffer from a short life span or an accidental death. Such a negative placement of exalted Sun in 8th house can also trouble the native with problems in married life, problems in financial spheres and it can make the native spend lots of money towards the treatment of diseases, court cases and settlements. This placement can also make the native suffer losses on account of inheritance or ancestral property like some natives under the strong influence of this placement can lose their ancestral property through some litigation or court case. A malefic exalted Sun in 8th house can trouble the native with some serious health problems due to which such a native may have to undergo surgeries and operations many times in his life and in some extreme cases, such a native can die in an operation theatre when some kind of surgery is being performed on him. Exalted Sun in 9th House of Horoscope : A positive exalted Sun in ninth house of a horoscope can bless the native with good to great amount of wealth, good health and leadership or position of power and such natives are usually seen living a prosperous life when supported by the overall horoscope. These natives also have good chances of settling in a foreign country and making money, name and fame there. A benefic exalted Sun in 9th house of a horoscope can also bless the native with wealth or a position of power which is passed on to the native by his father or grandfather as this placement indicates good to very good gains from father or grandfather of the native. Such a placement of exalted Sun in 9th house can also bless the native with good spiritual and religious interests and as a result some natives under the strong influence of this placement can become the
heads of some spiritual or religious organization and these natives can also hold good posts of power in government or they can become powerful politicians. This placement can also bless the native with a powerful position in some government office and as a result such natives can be seen successful in government jobs which hold a position of power and authority. On the other hand, a malefic exalted Sun placed in 9th house of a horoscope can make the native suffer from some health problems and such a malefic placement can also make the native suffer from debts which are passed on to the native by his father and forefathers. This placement can render a passive and pessimistic attitude to the native and such a native may not try to work hard to achieve his goals and then blame his failures on destiny. Exalted Sun in 10th House of a Horoscope : A positive exalted Sun in tenth house of a horoscope can bless the native with very good professional skills and accordingly a very good professional career and such a native can make good to great progress in his professional life and he can also set examples for the others. Such a placement of benefic exalted Sun in 10th house of a horoscope is also capable of blessing the native with name and fame by virtue of some new discoveries, inventions or ideas formulated by the native and such natives can make lots of wealth through their professions when supported by the overall horoscope. This placement is also good for the married life of the native and such a native may achieve professional successes with the help of his family members and his spouse and such natives are also likely to possess good communication skills and they are also concerned about their reputation in the society. A benefic exalted Sun in 10th house of a horoscope can also bless the native with a position of power and authority in some government or non government organizations and a native under the strong influence of this placement can become the head of a big organization. On the other hand, a malefic exalted Sun in 10th house of a horoscope can make the native suffer from financial losses which may come from his professional sphere and such a native is also likely to undergo frequent job changes or profession changes throughout his life. This kind of negative placement can bring some serious concerns related to the married life of the native and a native under the strong influence of this placement may have to live in separation from his wife for a long period of time on account of serious misunderstandings between the native and his wife. A malefic exalted Sun in 10th house of a horoscope can also trouble the native with some health related problems which are generally caused due to workaholic nature of the native which means that such a native keeps on working on one thing or the other without taking sufficient amount of rest and relaxation. Exalted Sun in 11th House of Horoscope : A positive exalted Sun in eleventh house of a horoscope can bless the native with very good financial gains which may come from his profession and which may also come from something other than his profession. For example, such a native can keep on getting lots of money on regular basis from his brothers, sisters or friends and such a native can also become very successful in politics or other such field which can give him position of power as a result of his own efforts combined with the efforts of his sincere friends and relatives. A benefic exalted Sun in 11th house can also bless the native with good friends and accordingly the native is likely to witness success and profits with the help of these friends. This placement can also bless the native with very good communications skills and leadership qualities and as a result, a native under the strong influence of this placement can succeed in getting a position of power through politics or through some other means. On the other hand, a malefic exalted Sun in 11th house of a horoscope can trouble the native on account of delays in his professional life and as a result the native may have to wait for long times and he may have to put long and sustained efforts in order to see significant results in his professional life. Such a negative placement can also make the native suffer
from financial losses on account of gambling, lottery, stock trading and other such practices and this placement can also make the native suffer from some health problems. Exalted Sun in the 12th House of Horoscope : An exalted Sun in twelfth house of a horoscope is considered bad to very bad according to many Vedic astrologers and they consider it a cause of concern for the native but in my experience, an exalted Sun in 12th house of a horoscope can bless the native with some very good things in various spheres of his life when it is working benefic in a horoscope. A benefic exalted Sun placed in the twelfth house of a horoscope can bless the native with one or more than one permanent residences in foreign countries and such a native can keep on visiting foreign countries again and again for the purpose of business as well as for enjoyment. Such a placement of exalted Sun in 12th house is also good for mental peace of the native and it can bless the native with sound sleep most of the times. Such a native is also likely to enjoy many kinds of luxuries during his lifetime and he is also likely to have good spiritual or religious interests. On the other hand, a malefic exalted Sun in the 12th house of a horoscope can trouble the native with problems in his married life and such a native may have to live away from his spouse for a long time. This placement can also make the native spend excessive amount of money towards luxuries and comforts and as a result the native may experience financial tightness and some debts for a long period of time. A negative exalted Sun in 12th house of a horoscope can also make the native suffer from some diseases and the native may have to spend a good amount of money towards the treatment of these problems from time to time. Hence the placement of an exalted Sun in almost all the houses of a horoscope can bless the native with benefic things and it can also bless the native with malefic things depending upon the nature of such exalted Sun and depending upon the overall horoscope of the native. Therefore no conclusion should be made about the benefic nature of the Sun merely by virtue of its exaltation and no conclusion should also be made about the malefic nature of the Sun merely by virtue of its placement in some particular houses of a horoscope. A thorough study of the Sun as well as the entire horoscope is necessary in order to calculate the final outcomes of the placement of an exalted Sun in some particular house of a horoscope. Sun : Its exaltation sign is Aries. The degree of exaltation is 10 degrees. Therefore, the sign of debilitation is Libra and degree of debilitation is also 10 degrees. The sun represents the fire element. It is the source of all energy which sustains the entire solar system including all life form on earth. When Sun is located in Aries which is a cardinal sign type with fire element; Sun functions best because of the commonality of the element. The cardinal nature of Aries gives it a clear direction for action. Fire element gives strong will, ambition, determination, leadership. On the higher level, Sun in Aries gives independence,clarity strong judgment and high values. However, when Sun is located in Libra, it has to interact with Air element of Libra sign. The air and Fire together will create uncontrolled energy. It will become like a forest fire which will destroy everything without creating anything. In an individual, it will create pride and arrogance which in reality will be because of deep seated insecurity because Sun is weak and will be malefically disposed in its inimical sign ruled by Venus. It will give poor perception, lack of intelligence, low vitality , melancholy and fear, and deviousness or dishonesty.
Debilitated Sun According to Vedic Jyotish, the Sun is said to be debilitated in a horoscope when it is placed in the sign of Libra which in simple words means that Sun becomes weakest when placed in Libra compared to its placement in all the other signs. A debilitated Sun is associated with many bad things by many astrologers and it is believed by a number of astrologers that a debilitated Sun always works negatively in a horoscope and it brings bad results for the native which is not the case in actual practice and a debilitated Sun can work positively as well as negatively in a horoscope depending upon the other deciding factors and overall tone of the horoscope. The word debilitated simply tells us about the weakness of Sun in a horoscope and it does not relate to the nature of the Sun in most of horoscopes and accordingly a debilitated Sun placed in different houses of a horoscope can give benefic as well as malefic results depending upon the nature of the Sun as well as the overall tone of the horoscope. In this article, we will discuss some of these benefic as well as malefic effects which can be experienced when a debilitated Sun is placed in different houses of a horoscope. Debilitated Sun in 1st House of Horoscope : A benefic debilitated Sun placed in 1st house of a horoscope or kundali can give good result regarding the financial prosperity of the native though it is not likely to give great results due to the weakness of Sun but it can still give good to very good financial results. A benefic debilitated Sun in 1st house of a horoscope can also bless the native with very good results in his marriage and married life and accordingly the natives under such influence are likely to get good life partners and they are likely to lead a happy married life. On the other hand, a malefic debilitated Sun in 1st house of a horoscope can trouble the native with health related issues and some natives under the influence of such debilitated Sun can develop some long time or permanent diseases. A malefic debilitated Sun in 1st house of horoscope can also cause problems in married life of the native and such a malefic placement of debilitated Sun can also cause profession related problems to the native and as a result some natives under such a malefic influence may have to undergo very bad experiences in their married lives whereas some other natives under the malefic influence of such placement of debilitated Sun may have to face delays, losses and other problems in their professional spheres. Debilitated Sun in 2nd House of Horoscope : A benefic debilitated Sun in 2nd house of a horoscope or kundali can bless the native with a post of power and authority in his professional sphere and accordingly, some natives under the influence of such a benefic placement of debilitated Sun can be seen practicing as government officers, particularly the officers dealing with external affairs like officers working in embassies of their countries which are situated in foreign countries. A benefic debilitated Sun in 2nd house of a horoscope can also give very good spiritual and religious interests to the native and as a result the native can earn very good respect in the society. On the other hand, a malefic debilitated Sun in 2nd house of a horoscope can cause problems in the married life of the native and the natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement of debilitated Sun may have to go through a very bad marriage which can end up in divorce in some cases. A malefic debilitated Sun in 2nd house of a horoscope can also create financial problems for the native and many natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement of debilitated Sun may develop the habit of overspending which may result in financial crisis many times in their lives and some natives under such a malefic influence may also have to take debts many times in their lives. Such a malefic placement of debilitated Sun can also afflict the native with some diseases which are usually caused due to bad eating and drinking habits of the native.
Debilitated Sun in 3rd House of Horoscope : A benefic debilitated Sun in 3rd house of a horoscope can make the native successful as a police officer, army officer, sportsperson, powerful politician and some other professionals of this kind and as a result various natives under the strong influence of this benefic placement of debilitated Sun can be seen practicing in many spheres of life which have something to do with power, fame, physical activity etc. A benefic debilitated Sun in 3rd house of a horoscope or kundali can also render very good creative abilities, intelligence, intellect and sound judgment to the native and accordingly such natives can become successful in various different professions which require the above mentioned abilities. On the other hand, a malefic debilitated Sun in 3rd house of a horoscope can give bad result regarding the married life of the native and some natives under the strong influence of this malefic placement of debilitated Sun may have to face separation or divorce in their marriage and they may also have to face litigations filed by their wife’s side. A malefic debilitated Sun in 3rd house usually gives one or other kind of problem regarding the professional life of the native and such a malefic placement of debilitated Sun can also make the native suffer from at least one permanent disease which can trouble the native every now and then. The natives under the strong influence of this malefic placement of debilitated Sun should be careful about their health. Debilitated Sun in 4th House of Horoscope : A benefic debilitated Sun placed in 4th house of a horoscope or kundali can bless the native with great amount of wealth, property and luxuries and the natives under the strong influence of this benefic placement of debilitated Sun are likely to be born in rich and powerful families and as a result they are able to enjoy life to its fullest right from their childhood. Natives under the strong influence of a benefic debilitated Sun in 4th house of their horoscope are also likely to inherit wealth, property and business from their paternal family and these natives usually do not have to worry about professional success or finances throughout their lives as this placement of benefic debilitated Sun provides good financial security to the natives under its influence, right from the start. A benefic debilitated Sun in 4th house of a horoscope can also bless the native with the company of very beautiful women which may include a beautiful wife and girlfriends. On the other hand, a malefic debilitated Sun in 4th house of a horoscope can develop extreme materialistic, physical or sexual desires in the native and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this malefic placement of debilitated Sun can waste a great part of their time, money and health towards physical and particularly sexual pursuits. A malefic debilitated Sun in 4th house of a horoscope can also cause problems in the married life of the native which usually arise due to extreme physical nature of the native due to which he may get involved in extramarital affairs which can spoil his marriage. Such a malefic placement of debilitated Sun can also make the native very suspicious by nature and such a native can spoil many good relations in his life merely due to false suspicion. Debilitated Sun in 5th House of Horoscope : A benefic debilitated Sun placed in 5th house of a horoscope can bless the native with great success in his professional spheres and the natives under the strong influence of this benefic placement of debilitated Sun can be seen successful in many professional spheres like lawyers, judges, doctors, engineers, astrologers, scientists, analysts, researchers, politicians, diplomats and many other kinds of people. A benefic debilitated Sun in 5th house of horoscope can also give very good results regarding education, children, and spiritual progress of the native and accordingly the natives under such a benefic influence of debilitated Sun are likely to see good results in all of these spheres. On the other hand, a malefic debilitated Sun in 5th house of a kundali or horoscope can trouble the native with problems in his professional spheres and such natives may have to face much negativity in their job atmosphere due to negatively biased
attitude of their bosses, seniors and colleagues. A malefic debilitated Sun in 5th house of a horoscope can also give a doubtful and suspicious nature to the native and as a result such a native may develop a tendency to doubt even some of his closest friends or relatives which can have an adverse effect on his relations. Such a malefic placement of debilitated Sun in 5th house of a horoscope can also trouble the native with health problems and diseases which may not be fatal but which keep on bothering the native for a very long period of time. Debilitated Sun in 6th House of Horoscope : A benefic debilitated Sun in 6th house of a kundali or horoscope can make the native benefit from ancestral property, wealth or business which has been obtained from inheritance and other such kinds of benefits and some natives under the strong influence of such a benefic influence of debilitated Sun inherit good or great amount of wealth, property or business empires from their ancestors provided this fact is supported by their overall horoscope. A benefic debilitated Sun in 6th house of a horoscope can also bless the native with luxuries and comforts and such natives tend to enjoy their life to the fullest. On the other hand, a malefic debilitated Sun in 6th house of a horoscope can cause serious problems in the marriage and married life of the native and the natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement of debilitated Sun are likely to face many kinds of problems in their married life and some of these natives may have to face on or more than one divorces due to the malefic influence of this placement. A malefic debilitated Sun in 6th house of a horoscope can also pose serious health related problems to the native and some natives under the strong influence of this malefic placement can get afflicted with a serious, permanent and fatal disease and therefore, the natives suffering from such a malefic influence of debilitated Sun should be cautious about their health. Such a malefic placement of debilitated Sun can also trouble the native on account of litigations and court cases, particularly the ones which are related to the property matters. Debilitated Sun in 7th House of Horoscope : A benefic debilitated Sun placed in 7th house of a horoscope can bless the native with a good position of power and status in the house of government and some natives having this benefic influence of debilitated Sun in their horoscopes can become high class government officers in the departments like police force, administrative services, army and other such kinds of field whereas some other natives under the influence of this benefic influence can become doctors, surgeons, engineers, physicians, consultants, advisors and other such kind of professionals. The native under the strong influence of such a benefic placement of debilitated Sun in 7th house of their horoscope usually do a love marriage and they are likely to lead a happy married life when allowed by the overall horoscope of such natives. A benefic debilitated Sun in fifth house of a horoscope can also bless the native with name and fame in the society which usually comes due to his profession and such a benefic placement can also bless the native with spiritual progress and travels to foreign countries. On the other hand, a malefic debilitated Sun in 7th house of a horoscope can cause problems with education of the native and particularly the higher education of the native and as a result, some natives under the influence of this malefic placement of debilitated Sun may not be able to complete their education for one reason or the other. A malefic debilitated Sun in 7th house of a horoscope can also trouble the native with problems related to child birth and some health related issues and accordingly such natives may have to undergo delays and medical treatment in order to have their child and such natives are also prone to health problems. Debilitated Sun in 8th House of Horoscope : A benefic debilitated Sun in 8th house of a horoscope can bless the native with wealth, prosperity and business which generally comes to the native by means of inheritance though some natives under the influence of such a benefic influence may have
to go through court cases and litigations in order to own such inheritance. A benefic debilitated Sun in 8th house of a horoscope can also bless the native with a long life span, a good spiritual progress, interests and progress towards paranormal or occult and many other things and as a result the natives under the strong influence of such a benefic placement of debilitated Sun are seen interested in the practice of hidden faiths and some of these natives practice one of these faiths as their professions and they can achieve good results and success in such professions. On the other hand, a malefic debilitated Sun in 8th house of a horoscope of kundali can cause serious problems in the marriage and married life of the native which may include a late or a very late marriage, a disturbed marriage, divorce or a broken marriage and more than one divorce and broken marriages in some extreme cases. The divorces finalized due to the influence of a malefic debilitated Sun in 8th house of a horoscope are usually finalized after much drama, litigations and court cases and the native under such a malefic influence may have to part with a substantial part of his wealth and assets towards the settlement of such divorce or divorces. A malefic debilitated Sun in 8th house of a horoscope usually gives at least one permanent disease to the native which can keep on bothering the native throughout his life and which can claim his life in the end. Debilitated Sun in 9th House of Horoscope : A debilitated Sun placed in 9th house of a horoscope can bless the native with very good all around results and this placement of debilitated Sun can prove to be very beneficial for the native under its influence as it can bless the native with professional success, name, fame, religious and spiritual interest at the same time. The natives under the influence of this benefic placement of debilitated Sun are also likely to get a wise and financially sound life partner which can provide more strength and stability to the native. A benefic debilitated Sun in 9th house of a horoscope can make the native settle in some foreign country permanently and such a settlement is seen usually after the marriage of the native. On the other hand, a malefic debilitated Sun in 9th house of a horoscope can delay the marriage of the native and some natives under the strong influence of this malefic placement of debilitated Sun may have to wait very long for their marriage to happen. A malefic debilitated Sun in 9th house of a horoscope can also cause problems in the married life of the native and some natives under the strong influence of this malefic placement may walk out of their marriage as they feel suffocation in their marriage and they just want to break free from the bonds of marriage. Such a malefic placement can make the native very argumentative and outspoken which cause problems when it comes to making and maintaining relations whether it is a marriage or other relations. A malefic debilitated Sun in 9th house of a horoscope can also affect the sexual drive and sexual pleasures of the native in a negative way and accordingly some natives suffering from this malefic placement are deprived of their fair share of sexual pleasures due to one reason or the other. Debilitated Sun in 10th House of Horoscope : A benefic debilitated Sun in 10th house of a horoscope can bless the native with very good professional results and the natives under the strong influence of such a benefic placement become successful as police officers, army officers and other people working in police or paramilitary forces, lawyers, judges and other people working with some government organizations. A benefic debilitated Sun can give sudden and sharp financial gains through profession or through some other means to the native and the natives under the strong influence of this benefic placement can benefit from unexpected financial profits more than once in their lives or many times in their lives depending upon the overall tone of their horoscopes. On the other hand, a malefic debilitated Sun in 10th house of a horoscope can cause serious problems and troubles in professional sphere of the native and some natives under the strong influence of such a malefic placement of debilitated Sun may have to face much delays and problems in their
professions whereas some other natives may have to face big losses, financial crisis and even defame or disgrace due to this malefic placement of debilitated Sun in 10th house of their horoscope. A malefic debilitated Sun in 10th house of a horoscope or kundali can also give bad to very bad results regarding the married life of the native and though this placement usually does not delay the marriage of the native but it can cause serious problems in the marriage which usually arise due to lack of mental compatibility between the native and his wife and due to careless attitude of the native towards his marriage which means that such a native may be focused on profession and profession alone and he may not spare proper time for his marriage which can ultimately break his marriage. Debilitated Sun in 11th House of Horoscope : A benefic debilitated Sun in 11th house of a horoscope can once again be very benefic placement of debilitated Sun and it can bless the native under its influence with strong financial results and it can also render great name, fame and power to the native and accordingly the natives under the strong influence of this benefic placement are seen very successful in their professional lives and some of these natives achieve name and fame and a position of power which may come to them as inheritance or with the help of some member of their father’s family. A benefic debilitated Sun in 10th house can also give very good results regarding the income drawn from foreign countries and accordingly many natives under the influence of this benefic influence can profit from professions which are related to foreign countries and some of these natives may travel to these foreign countries on frequent basis though they are not likely to settle in these foreign countries. On the other hand, a malefic debilitated Sun in 11th house of a horoscope can trouble the native with unwanted expenses and debts which are usually passed on to the native by his family members and the native under the strong influence of this malefic placement of debilitated Sun may have to spend much time, money and resources towards the needs and issues of their family members which can hinder the progress of the native. A malefic debilitated Sun in 11th house of a horoscope can also develop egoism and arrogance in the native and as a result the native may start taking wrong decisions and he may also start dominating the people around him and these characteristics of the native under the strong influence of a malefic debilitated Sun can bring his downfall at one point in his life. Debilitated Sun in 12th House of Horoscope : A benefic debilitated Sun in 12th house of a horoscope can take the native to foreign lands and many natives under the strong influence of a benefic debilitated Sun are seen settling in foreign countries on the basis of their professions. A benefic debilitated Sun in 12th house of a horoscope can also bless the native with very good progress in the fields like spiritualism, paranormal and occult and some natives under a particular influence of this benefic placement of debilitated Sun can choose one of such lines or faiths as their profession. Such a benefic placement of debilitated Sun can also render very good social skills and management skills to the native which can help the native in achieving success. On the other hand, a malefic debilitated Sun in 12th house of a horoscope or kundali can make the native over ambitious and extravagant and such a native may have to face many kinds of problems in his life due to this overambitious and extravagant nature. Such a malefic placement of debilitated Sun in 12th house of a horoscope an also pose professional problems for the native which usually rise due to poor financial management skills of the native which is one more thing that can come with such a malefic placement of debilitated Sun. A malefic debilitated Sun in 12th house of a horoscope can also trouble the native with the problems related to his children and the problems related to his married life and this malefic placement can also trouble the native with some health related problems. Hence the placement of a debilitated Sun in all the houses of a horoscope can bless the native with
benefic things and it can also bless the native with malefic things depending upon the nature of such debilitated Sun and depending upon the overall horoscope of the native. Therefore no conclusion should be made about the malefic nature of the Sun merely by virtue of its debilitation and no conclusion should also be made about the malefic nature of the Sun merely by virtue of its placement in some particular houses of a horoscope. A thorough study of the Sun as well as the entire horoscope is necessary in order to calculate the final outcomes of the placement of a debilitated Sun in a particular house of a horoscope. How to spot problems caused by weak planets and eliminate them It is quite likely that in any horoscope one or more planets will be placed in houses where they do not give favorable results. The degree of the adverse results will depend upon the strength of a planet and the houses owned by it. In this article we shall take a look at Sun and discuss appropriate remedial measures. Sun Sun becomes Neech (loses his goodness) in Libra and if this situation is not canceled by other planets, it can cause diverse problems. Sun is the significator of father, soul, warrior, right eye, digestion and heart. He also represents the ruler and the ruling class. All of these suffer to varying extents by the weakness of Sun. Weak Sun causes weak eyesight in the right eye. The digestion is poor and the emergence of high cholesterol in mid life is high. Weakness of Sun can reduce the happiness from father. It can be due to separation from him either physically or mentally. If the ninth house lord is also afflicted by malefic planets, this can cause severe health problems to father. A person with weak Sun does not show any capacity to fight. He chooses the easy way out of any conflict. The spiritual strength of such a person is low. Weakness of Sun also manifests as losses due to the government. Since Sun represents bones, its weakness causes brittle bones which snap easily. The situation is compounded if Rahu and Saturn who are enemies of Sun influence him, either singly or together. Placement of Sun in the eighth or twelfth house will increase the unfavorable results even further. As for all planets the remedial measures for Sun revolve around Mantra, fasting, use of metal connected to Sun, gemstone and donation. Mantra There are a number of Stotra and Mantras which reduce the problems connected to Sun. Here is a list. Choose the one which attracts you most. • The most popular Mantra for Sun is Gayatri Mantra. It can be chanted 10, 28 or 108 times everyday. • Surya Gayatri is also a powerful Mantra though it is not as well known as Gayatri. • Tantra Mantra for Sun is OM HRAM HREEM HROM SURYAYE NAMAHA. • Aditya Hridayam is a potent salutation to Sun and removes all problems connected to him. • Chanting of Suryashtkam achieves the same results. • Surya Namaskar done every morning propitiates Sun comprehensively. • Sun placed in fourth, seventh or tenth house causes reduced help and support from friends and life partner. It also causes problems connected to profession.In such cases OM HREEM GHRINI SURYA ADITYA SHREEM OM chanted 10 or 28 times every day helps a great deal. • Sun placed in 1,6,8,12 houses causes illness, sorrow and loss of courage. The Mantra to remove these is VAIKARTANO VIVASWASMANSH MARTANDO. . . . . .
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Sun in 5, 9 houses causes unhappiness due to children. In such cases chant the following Mantra. Raktambujasanam Shesh Gunaiksindhum. . . . Mudgal Puran given, Ganesh Dwadash Nam Stotram chanted just before the following Stotra is a powerful remedy. Yagyavalkya Muni given Surya Kavach (shield) Maha Mrityunjaye or Trayambak Mantra. Ganapati Stotra, 108 chants of Om Gum Ganpatye Namaha, Purush Sookt, Surya Sookt and Rudra Sookt chanted in succession remove all problems connected to Sun.
Fasting Sunday is the day of fasting for propitiating Sun. One must keep a fast for the whole day and in the evening have a meal of milk and wheat porridge. Salt is totally prohibited and one is advised to drink only water, fresh fruit juice, tea or coffee. Metal Copper is the metal which represents Sun on earth. A copper bangle or ring worn in the ring finger helps a great deal. Gemstone Sun’s representative stone is Red Ruby. It should be free from spots, white lines, cloudiness or cobweb like lines. Ruby should be set in Copper or Gold. Donation Wheat is the chief representative grain of Sun. Its donation helps in mitigation of Sun related problems. Color Color of Sun is orange. If one is not able to buy a Ruby, one can drink water which has been kept for a day in a orange colored bottle. The required shade of orange is easily achieved by wrapping yellow and red cellophane paper around a glass or plastic bottle. The Moon and Sun Relationship for a person Analysis of a horoscope from behavioral or psychological aspects is much more scientific than say the predictive astrology. The attitudes or behaviors that a horoscope creates is the most interesting part of the astrology. Health analysis is of course an interesting one which when combined with ayurveda can have surprising results. When it comes to psychological behavior or attitude of a person, the most impact is shown by Moon Sign/Nakshatra, Sun Sign/Nakshatra and Ascendant in that order. The Moon and Sun yuti or drushti by other planets can certainly alter this behavior quite a bit. Chandra-Rahu, Chandra Ketu, Chandra Mangal, Chandra Shani yuti are the topics of separate articles or rather they could be used for a thesis! One trip to a nearby psychologist would show you that their 90% patients are due to afflicted Moon or Mercury (the yutis described above). The topic of this article is Moon & Sun relationships in a person’s own horoscope i.e. angles or yogas of Moon and Sun in the horoscope of a person has a DISTINCT impression on the behavioral pattern. It shows how Mind – Emotions, inward behavior (Moon) is placed with the ego/outward behavior. It also shows Mom and Dad’s relationship and also their impacts on him/her and also other. (1) Sun and Moon in the same house: a. Either Mom or Dad is completely shadowed by the partner. i.e. existence of 1 person is completely “wilin” or astangat in other person. Usually Dad is the dominating force and mom is more like he anskrit word “Mama” used in pooja.
b. As Moon is astangat and does not have a separate existence -- The person does not feel extreme emotions or mostly incapable of showing emotions or express them effectively. They do not cry much even in extreme sorrow nor they laugh a lot even to some extreme jokes (Not while watching even “Dumb and Dumber”!) c. This is also called as “Amawasya” in Hindu literature. d. This could result into lesser flow of the water/blood in the body and could lead to a condition which is low BP. e. It would be very difficult to a high quality artist or a highly creative person under this formation. Even Tula Suya and Chandra might not result in high creativity as Chandra doesn’t have a separate existence! (2) Sun next to moon (2 – 12 relationship -- Say Moon in Aries & Sun in Taurus, Moon in Tula and Sun in Scorpio etc) a. Every planet which is behind some planet always tries to correct, show anomaly or gaps in planning etc to the planet next to it. That is a typical aspect of any “wyay” or 12th house planet. So when the Moon is behind the Sun it tries to show gaps in the thinking that the person has due to his/her EGO. But the mighty Sun is too powerful to accept these advices. So you have someone who knows these gaps but still wants to go ahead due to force in their personality. But many times, consciously or subconsciously, they do accept the gaps their mind has to show. It is just that while executing something they cannot stop despite knowing it could result in some issues. The 12th house Sun to Moon rather would force the person to take a step back and evaluate - -have a sound strategy first. b. The Sun 2nd to the Moon the person is more comfortable in execution – this mostly true for the Sun 1 to 6 positions to moon anyways! 2nd house Sun shows execution in investments, share market or PLAIN INVESTMENT in many aspects of life including family and family members. c. Rather, it could show the destiny and attitude of the soul wanting to payback/help the family by some losses to him/her of time/energy and money (“material” traded for quality as Gary Kasparov would call it.) d. Despite say Vrishchik rashi and Dhanu Ravi – The Dhanu Ravi would tend to mask the Vrishchik moon – the urge to speak the truth will override the sneaky/khufia approach of the Vrishchik moon. (3) Sun 3rd to Moon – 3 -11 Relationship (LABH yog) (i.e. Moon in Aries & Sun in Gemini; Moon in Leo and Sun in Libra etc; Moon in Kanya, Sun in Scorpio) a. The 3rd house planets to moon are far more visible and vibrant in a person’s disposition! They rule the person’s expression completely. Shani shows careful articulation, slow but steady speech with facts and figures etc whereas SUN in the 3rd house from Moon shows a VERY vibrant and FORCEFUL personality. There is a certain force in the way they express themselves. b. There is more than normal conviction in their speech and there is sort of a tendency to underscore every statement! c. There is some desire to express and speak in front of an audience. There is some aggressive or inspirational side to their expression /speech. d. In this configuration (1 -3) the person is seen as his own friend as the mind of the person is very friendly towards his ego and outward behavior. There is some harmony in the person’s mind / emotions and his ego. The elements of the Moon and the Sun sign are friends in such configuration i.e. Air and Fire, Earth and Water or vice versa – and hence the harmony and supportive nature of mind and ego towards each other.
e. The downside is that these people are tactical with attempt to meet some quick goals and objectives. The strategy is something which comes after deliberate efforts as desire to ACT is much more than to plan. The upper phalanx of the thumb tends to be bigger --which shows force and execution abilities (the middle phalanx shows logic and planning) f. 1-3 folks always get along with 1-5 folks and 1–7 folks vey easily. They find 5 – 9 complimenting. 4 10 folks make fun of 3 – 11 folks though. i.e. Sun in 10th house makes fun of Sun in 3rd house to Moo BUT the Sun in 4th house – is usually poked by Sun in 3rd house folks. g. The Sun 11th to moon has a calm and ego being friend of the mind and has quietness – absent minded genius and harmony to it. 3rd house Sun is aggressive and expressive which 11th house is not as much – rather 11th house Sun is a GREAT friend of the Moon sign and has a great appreciation for his own mind! (4) Sun 4th to Moon (4 – 10 relationship – Kendra Yoga) a. There is some “tension” between the emotions/mind and ego. There is some opposition/friction by ego to mind/feelings. The ego many times drives away the sentiments or feelings. This friction can create some anger from time to time which is not great for overall health. b. This creates a lot of energy and lot of work due to this ‘tension’ in line with “Maximum work is done when there is a maximum opposition” but the lack of harmony is clearly visible to the people surrounding them. Say Kanya rashi and Dhanu Ravi – Kanya (Earth sign) is all “adjustments, mandwali, and practical” – Dhanu is idealistic, aggressive, Truthful etc. Leo and Scorpio – Leo is inspirational, extrovert & expressive, Scorpio wants to hide information, use it as power and is overall spiteful etc. c. These people can disturb the harmony and peace in the surroundings and often can be seen as quarrelsome. It is their destiny to be part of initiatives that need FORCE and FRICTION to get things done. d. The Sun tries to mask the moon characteristics and vice versa. – The power of their rashi swami decides which one masks other more. e. The Sun 4th to Moon creates more karmath /conservative behavior. The 4th house is native place/Motherland. These folks show extra ordinary pride of their native / motherland. f. These people do well in their motherland as they can behave the way they want around their native place and not at distant places. Going abroad is being out of comfort zone for them and could stop their growth if they do not adjust in time. g. The motherland brings them success (Well if both moon and Sun are in visible hemisphere say – 9 and 12 houses – it is an exception. – These people rather are the best cases for immigration!) (5) Sun 5th to Moon – Harmony – Tactical Success, very Strong in tactics, Forecasting, Hands-On (Lack of foresight at times or lack of a strategy or a big picture) Mesh rashi Sinvha Ravi – Vrushani rashi Kanya Ravi – Kirk rashi and Scorpio Ravi etc a. The element of both the Moon and the Sun is the same so obviously there is a great harmony. If Nakshatra swami is also same then there is a much greater harmony. b. This is a Nava-Pancham yoga or “5 – 9” relationship which is the most harmonious, synchronized relationship - -When Guru is part of it then nothing like it as Guru has 5, 9 drishti which only increases the results! The 5th house is of inspiration, music, art, forecasting, Sports – Go-Getter-ness etc. This is found in abundance in this configuration and also with Sun in the 5th house of lagna also. c. Shammi Kapoor – 5th house Ravi, Leonardo Da Vinci 5th house Ravi, KL Saigal and countless actors directors, musicians etc.
d. These people want RECOGNITION of their abilities and the reason why they acquire any ability in the 1st place is to be recognized! Man Samman from authorities and Govt are very likely. e. The harmony or the Moon and the Sun can be seen very easily in such people. The mind supports outward expression, rather the mind/emotions/feelings are HAPPY that the Ego is expressing the abilities and those feelings and bring them the recognition they desire! f. There is a ORIGINALITY with this 5th house Sun and ability to complete Projects – i.e. 3, 6, 9, 12 months projects are liked more than year on year small gains or service sector. g. Strategy is something not that easy and almost resistant to vision etc! – Upper phalanx bigger and dominating! Sadesati 1st phase very helpless as both moon 12th Shani and Surya 8th Shani! h. The joy of the journey sometimes can sway them from the ultimate task in hand. Rather they might not have an ultimate task in hand in the 1st place! i. They need to set-up weekly and monthly goals if they are forced in to service sector else they can have a very slow progress which would force them to seek an alternate career which has quick/frequent stimulus & turnover. j. The 5th house Sun can come up with quick tunes (advertisements), punchy lines etc whereas the 9th house Sun would tend to write elaborate and big picture text. (6) Sun in the 6th house (6 – 8 relationship) Mesh rashi Kanya Ravi, Scorpio Moon, Mesh Ravi, Vrishabh Moon and Tula Ravi etc a. HARD Working folks. This is very favorable as Sun in 6th house shows competitive nature, a hardworking person always aware of others he needs to out-perform. b. Workaholic person – best fit for Kaizen and service oriented projects – Service sector presence. c. Good for warriors and people who need to maneuver platoons. d. Creates enemies by their performance and desire to show better results than others. e. This is not harmonious but like Kendra yoga (4 -10) the elements are not outright opposite like Fire and Water. But they are not complete friends either as say Kumbh Air and Kirk Water or Mesh Fire and Virgo Earth – Anonymous! f. Indian granthas rate 6 much better than 5 – but this is very subjective – Just imagine Leonardo Da Vinci trying to earn more than his neighbor! J 5th house Ravi is about go-getter – FP projects but 6th house Ravi is like continuous improvement, 6 Sigma or Kaizen etc etc. Projects versus Service! Without projects/products there would not be a need for service and without 5th house Ravi’s creation there would not be anything for 6th house Ravi to improve or service. g. This shows a bit of a disharmony (different type of personality) with mom and dad but a successful family life nonetheless. (7) Sun 7th to Moon – Poornima (180 degree apart) a. This shows Mom and Dad compliment each other and have a personality that do not overshadow other, rather understand each other’s importance completely and take a stance which is often complimenting. b. The mind of the person and ego complement each other. These people are self assured and selfsufficient with respect to temperament. The elements are always complimenting and the gaps in 1 sign are provided by the strong points of the other sign. What 1 lacks – other provides it. c. This is a good configuration for psychologists assuming Rahu and Ketu are not accompanying the Moon & the Sun! d. Mesh aggression and lack of relaxation, engineering attitude is complimented by Tula easy manners and easy going approach. Vrishchik’s calm surface but turbulent internals & spiteful nature is complimented by Taurus’s actual stability and sense of ridicule – However Taurus’s status quo is
challenged by Scorpio’s wit. Makar’s practical/material side is complimented by Cancer’s emotional side and so on. (8) Sun in the 8th house to Moon ( 6 – 8 relationship like 6th house Sun but this is not very favorable) a. Folks at odds with authorities/law from time to time by their natural disposition and approach. b. At odds with father from time to time and very different person that their father is. c. Spine, heart could and power of eyes be an issue later in the life. Attitude to secrecy could very well be there. d. This 8th Sun can trouble person with the Sun + Moon combo and is at loss with 3rd house Sun to moon/lagna (can’t handle easily). The 8th house Sun is good friends with 6th house Sun (the attitudes are synchronous or sympathetic). e. Yoga and other esoteric things could come naturally or with lesser efforts than others. f. Extra efforts should be put to obey laws and rules. DO not expect support from Govt / police much. g. There could be some inheritance related issues in the paternal family. (9) Sun 9th to Moon: Mesh/Dhanu, Vrishabh/Makar, Mithun/Kumbh etc: diplomats, Strategy a. Same element shows harmony of mind/emotions and ego. b. They like and appreciate and understand BIG picture and how small actions fit into a big thing or great cause. The joy of the journey does not sway them from the ultimate task in hand. Rather they have an ultimate task in hand in the 1st place! J c. Great configuration for the diplomats/ambassadors. People with good strategic side. d. They are not comfortable with tactical requirements of their job though. They do not do very well early in the career as tactical side/execution ability is more important in this phase. They do much better when strategy etc is needed. 5th house Sun folks will stay around longer in a job which has some kicks and daily fun and not much longer future but 9th house will sense longer issues much earlier and quit when it is not seen in the current job. e. These people at times are not well versed with the org behavior which can derail their plans and need this aspect for success. f. They are better doing some MBA etc which allows them to do what they like instead of working on tactical matters with bottom-up growth. g. These folks lack the rough edges of the other Sun positions and especially 6, 8, 12 house Sun positions. This helps them grow step by step in the job. This is not the best combination to start own business as it needs ability to generate/create lot of friction/energy & momentum. h. Bigger (and hence slower) planet in the 9th house is about strategy and in 5th house it means tactical success /implementation! The bigger/smaller moving planet is better placed in 9th house than say smaller/faster moving planet – this results in to more vibrant personality with an eye on the final state! i. Slower planet in 5th house and faster in 9th is not the best thing but ANY planet in 9th house is never bad – they just show more desire for strategy/planning in a particular field. (10) Sun 10th to Moon: Great potential, creating momentum, Forming/Building teams a. These folks have ever increasing potential and ability to produce things, run businesses, production houses. This is next step after 9th Ravi which plans something – the 10th house Ravi tries to put it in production. b. These folks are at odds with the dominant 5th house people – 10th house tries to constantly increase quality of metal say to withstand higher temperatures but 5th house Sun folks try to use it quickly somewhere (“Applied” nature is high in the 5th house Surya).
c. The 10th house might look at holistic approach at the job but 5th house is worried about quick success of some specific initiative of the workplace! d. The 10th house is of potential and ability of a person do something – the 5th house is about actual achievement / execution – go-getter approach e. Owner of 10 in 5th & vive versa could show affinity / connection to the education sector. (5th house is also Vidya or Buddhi sthan, 10th house is Karma sthan) f. The 10th has some circle of people with some different abilities; the 5th does not care much about that. The 9th would now better about these people but would not bother to keep them close for self interests. g. The 10th Surya is great for kings and center of the respective universe as they provide a good environment for success and production for others to express (3rd house), achieve, complete projects (5th), continuous improvement/Service (6th house) etc. h. The people that want to always do projects and achieve something are not the best friends of the 10th house folks – which is easy to see why. The 3rd house folks are used by 10th house but 5th are their need but headache also! J (11) Sun in 11th house (GAINS – Harmony of Highest order, Absent minded genius etc) a. The Sun in 11th house to Moon – You would see the person at VERY EASE with himself. He (his ego/esteem) etc likes his mind and is completely in synch with the mind. Rather he supports/appreciates his mind like a elder brother or an older friend. b. The Sun element is always very conductive to the moon element in such case. THAN Moon element being conductive to Sun’s element in the 3rd house configuration. c. 11th Sun is much more strategic than the 3rd house Sun – rather 3rd house does not have much to do with strategy but winning quick arguments/presentations only. The 11th house is about how much everything fits into big picture and also the last stage of getting all the benefits of the understanding of this big picture. d. The most harmonious and supportive Sun is what 11th house Sun shows. They do not like friction much though and would not confront the friction but avoid it as it is not their cup of tea to tame this conflict – they tend to ignore and bypass it. The 3rd Sun will not bypass anything that comes across or even 5th house. e. The 5th house Sun compliments the 11th house Sun folks by having enough guts to take on advserse situations. When 5th house Sun starts enjoying the fighting or thr struggle itself then 9, 11, 12 house Sun would remind it of the bigger picture! (12) Sun in the 12th house to Moon a. The planning, vision folks. b. Self correcting nature: “What if we do like this – but you know what we will need to think about this too – and also we will need to take that along with us and never forget some xyz along the way – always handy” c. The 12th house planets are in “wyay” of the next house Moon – They always make the person to “think again” and correct the complete planning before they start to act. Rather 12th house Sun would not hesitate to stop completely and correct the planning completely. d. These folks are good for Commissioner etc jobs and not to chase the criminals! J Planning commission, writing constitution etc involves lot of time spent on planning. The more you spend in planning less you waste later on. The more TIME you spend – less money you spend later and vice versa. One thing IS sure.. You HAVE to spend time, energy OR money from time to time – Spent
either on money on a white paper OR spend TIME to write it yourself or spend dearly in some losses later on! 1st two are good ones depending on your ability in that field you can chose accordingly. e. Ravi Shastri has 12th house Sun to lagna and 6th to Moon I think. He was always known to have a very calculative mind with much better planning and PLAN than say K Shrikanth who always believed in banging every ball! J Must have 3rd or 5th house Mangal! f. Again this configuration shows that at the time of birth mom was not doing as good as father maybe? As Sun is 12th to Moon. It does show different types of parent’s personalities. g. 12th house Sun and 6th are complimenting ones. The 7th house Sun troubles the 12th house Sun and 12th house Sun makes some fun of the 5th house tactical people – by poking them how they are too tactical and do not understand the big picture as well as they do! h. PLANNING is THE dominant phase for 12th house Sun folks and execution is the worst!
The role of Sun in Horoscopy As the King of the Solar Logos, Sun is an important luminary capable of conferring great political power. A horoscope is considered powerful only if the luminaries, Sol and Luna, are powerful. The Sun is considered as a natural malefic in Vedic Astrology. When Sun is positioned in the ascendant in Aswini the person concerned may have Grey and rudy complexion, given good personality, responsible position with authority with strong character, may suffer from nasal catarrh and hemorrhages. Sun in Bharani is not quite favorable for worldly successes. It makes one lazy and lack of initiative, pleasure seeker. Cannot decide anything independently. Lovers money and extravagant. Sun in ascendant in Krittika possesses large fore head. Temperament is likely to be rise easily nervous. Get easily unnerved. Prone to high fever whenever falls sick. There may be facial deformity. Sun in the ascendant in Rohini makes one learned and respectable person. This asterism helps make one learned and respectable person. This asterism help makes clean person in all walks of life. One can lead a happy domestic life. Command over literature is possible. Sun in the ascendant in Mrigashira star may not be able to give satisfactory result in education matters. Pride and anger may stand in the way for success. Outwardly he moves in a dignified manner. Ill be acquisitive and speaks freely and by nature will be frank.
Sun in the ascendant of Ardra not favorable for money matters. It makes one headstrong and of jealous temperament. By his own temperament he may pick up personal trouble and misunderstanding with others. Sun posited in the ascendant in Pushya star is very favorable to bestow good results. It makes one upright and honorable with good results. Social position can be increased. Can maintain wide contacts. Philosophical bent of mind but reserve in communication. Sun is ascendant in Aslesha star makes one believer in muscle power. He is likely to be disliked by the elders and superiors. Makes one arrogant and blustering. Enjoys life through hunting and sports. Sun in Magha makes one cautious diplomatic and thoughtful. His shrewdness and intelligence will help him to be successful politician. He can rise himself to high position. Sun in ascendant in Purba Phulguni make one of cultural mind in social circle he will be liked by all. He will have connection with cinema theatre etc. honest and sympathetic. Sun in the ascendant in Uttar Phalguni is not favorable for material success. If makes one lazy and prone to love and romance. Early part of the life is likely to be wasted for pleasure.
Sun in the ascendant in Hasta make one ambitious. Can acquire proficiency in many matters. A modest person who can attain success through own effort and initiative. Likely to be connected with charitable organization. Can improve his social position. Sun in Chitra makes one proud. Self centered and careless in habits. They cannot influence others due to their false sense of dignity. May invite trouble due to their behavior. Likely to born in wealthy family. If not will be wealthy through own effort. Sun in the ascendant in Swati makes one religious and charitable. Contains philosophical bent of mind. May be successful in administration or judiciary. Endows with teaching ability and occult science. Sun in the ascendant in Visakha makes one of questionable character. Not likely to be free and frank. Difficult in financial solvency. Not very sympathetic to relatives and friends. His own character may put him in trouble. Sun in the ascendant in Anuradha makes one affectionate and lovable. Able to convince other by talks. Likes to get involved in romance but may not get success for his passive nature. One would be crowned with success if he be a surgeon or physician. Sun in the ascendant in Jeystha is not favorable for developing a respectful character. Though one may be a good thinker and he is likely to be spiteful and revengeful. Outwearing dignified but at heart cunning and treacherous. He may be connected with work where secrecy is essential. Sun in the ascendant in Mula star makes one healthy and good worker. He can be entrusted with any complicated work. He is unable, sometime, to keep his temper under control. Likely to be eccentric and a bit jealous of other people. Results of Sun in the Constellations Sun in Aswini - The native will have Fame,wealth,Religious and blood defects Sun In Bharani - The native will be interested in Astrology,Legal education,happiness,very skilled in his profession,problematic child hood, Sun in Krittika - Interest in Astrology,Fond of eating, Many children,Problems to eyes,Rude talking,fear of diseases,earning money in middle age,diseases related to water, Sun in Rohini - Skill ful,social service,attractive physique,mass appeal,illhealth,frequent travels,differences with spouse,interested in decoration Sun in Mrigasira - Artists,interested in decoration,skilful inn financial matters,good position,service to people,skilful in many sastras,interest in Astrology Sun in Ardra - Higher education,accountancy,jovial nature,interest in astrology,good behavior,fortune after 39 years, Sun in Punarvasu - Higher education,interest in calculations/Mathemetics,fortune through friends,fear of diseases,loss in business Sun in Pushyami - Good Character,disease of Vaataa,stable mentality,illness to spouse,Misfortune through spouse Sun in Aslesha - Roaming,Sanyasa,lacks comforts,brothers in good position,ill health, Sun in Makha - Poverty, fatigue, travel, comforts after middle age, physical defects Sun in Poorva Phalguni - Government Employment,Medical Profession,Heart disease,financial troubles,profession related to water.
Sun in Uttara - Zeal,Eloquence,Good position,Writing skills,Interest in Theology,Feminine Physique,Frequent ill health Sun In Hasta - Late marraige,clerks,accountants, diseases of the stomach,Job in Postal department Sun in Chitta - Artists,Decorative enthusiasts,experts in Finance,good position,Service to Public,Expert in many sciences,Interest in Astrology Sun in Swati - Joint pains,speaking lies,interest in gambling,travels,adventurous,carlessness Sun in Visakha - late marraige,anger,illicit relations,eye diseases,subordination,argumentative capacity,causes problems to all Sun in Anuradha - courage,victory over enemies,cruel,power,praises,completing tasks Sun in Jyeshta - Fire,fear of poison,impatient,loose talking,excessive anger Sun in Moola - respects parents,charitable nature,small business,Trachphonia,anemia,weak body Sun in Poorvaashadha - High Goals,Comforts,Power,religious,many enemies,respect,expert business,gain of land and houses Sun in Uttarashadha - High goals,luxuries,power,religious,many enemies,respect,skillful in business,gains of land and houses Sun in Sravana - trouble to mother,jealous nature,always roaming and income through it,confrontation with parents,secret enemies,troubles Sun in Dhanishta - Selfish,short,association with widows,less friends,intelligence,interest in music,enemity with father Sun in Satabhisha - Escharotics,cruel hearted,poverty,ordinary life,helping nature Sun in Poorvaabhaadra - jealous nature,poverty,income through brothers,always working,sweetish preparations,prepares chemical compositions Sun in Uttaraabhaadra - respects parents,charitable nature,small business,frail voice,trachphonia,anemia,weak body Sun in Revati - Fame,Wealth,Religious,defects in blood
Effects of Sun in various Avasthas Sun in Sayan Avastha: The person will have poor digestion, will have many diseases, will have small but somewhat heavy legs, will have pittaj nature, may have heart problems and fistula in ano. Shayana: Ulcer or wound in anus, pain or some other trouble in chest, fear from father, loss of wealth. If the Sun is in Sayanavastha, the native will incur digestive deficiency, many diseases, stoutness of legs, bilious vitiation, ulcer in the anus, and heart strokes. Sayana Avastha: Diseases and sickness attributable to weak digestive power; fat body; stout legs or oedima; bilious disorders; piles complaint; fever; excess of heat on chest. Sun in Upavesan Avastha: will be poor and will have to do hard and heavy work, will indulge in litigations, will be hard hearted will suffer poverty, will carry loads, will indulge in litigations, be hardhearted, wicked and will lose in his undertakings. Surya in Upavesan will make one an artisan, black in complexion, devoid of learning and miserable. One will serve others. Upaveshana: Wicked thoughts in mind and enmity with others. IF the Sun is in Upavesanavastha, the native will suffer poverty, will carry loads, will indulge in litigations, be hard-hearted, wicked, and will lose in his undertakings.
Upavesha Avastha: Financial stringecy; manual labour; argumentative; hard hearted; financial losses. I bright half (when Moon is waxing) : Charitable inclinations. Sun in Netrapani Avastha: will always be happy, wise, helpful to others, endowed with prowess and wealth, very happy and will gain royal favours. In Netrapani there will be all kinds of happiness, if Surya is in Putr, Dharm, Karm, or Yuvati. In other Bhavas Netrapani of Surya will give eye diseases and enmity with all. Netrapani: Plenty of happiness, gain of wealth from the king or government. If the Sun is in Netrapani Avastha, the native will always be happy, wise, helpful to others, endowed with prowess and wealth, very happy, and will gain royal favors. Netrapani Avastha: almost always enjoying happiness; common sense; helpful attitude; enjoy life with bodily vigour and finance; bodily comforts; respect in higher circles. Sun if in Prakash Avastha: will be liberal in disposition, have plenty of wealth, be a significant speaker in the assembly, will perform many meritorious acts, be greatly strong and endowed with charming beauty. If Surya is in Prakash, the native will be meritorious, religious and liberal, will enjoy pleasures, be equal to a prince and will enjoy the status of Kuber, the God of wealth. However, the Prakash of Surya, placed in Yuvati, or Putr will cause loss of the first child and will produce many litigations. Prakasha: Liberal minded, honour and happiness. If the Sun is in Prakasanavastha, the native will be liberal in disposition, will have plenty of wealth, be a significant speaker in the assembly, will perform many meritorious acts, be greatly strong, and be endowed with charming beauty. Prakasa Avastha: Charitable; wealthy; fluency in speech before audience; conduct on right lines; very strong body; handsome appearance. Sun in Gaman Avastha: will be disposed to live in foreign places, be miserable, indolent, bereft of intelligence and wealth, be distressed, due to fear and will be short-tempered. If Surya is in Gaman, the native will incur disease of the feet and will be very mean. Gamana: Lazy, impure, unhappy, angry, illicit relations with other women. If the Sun is in Gamanavastha, the native will be disposed to live in foreign places, be miserable, indolent, bereft of intelligence and wealth, be distressed due to fear, and be short-tempered. Gamana Avastha: Frequent travels; adversities; exhaustion; blurred intelligence; moderate finances; sufferings due to fear complex; uncontrollable anger. Sun in Agaman Avastha: will be interested in others’ wives, be devoid of his own men, be interested in movements and skilful in doing evil deeds, be dirty, ill-disposed and will be a talebearer. If in Agaman, Surya in Vyaya, or in Yuvati will destroy progeny and will give very limited wealth. Agama: Attached to other peoples wives, passionate, wicked, defamed. Agamana Avastha: Lust; loss of mother; liking for travels; covetous; sinful deeds; evil thoughts. Sun in Sabha Avastha: will be disposed to help others, be always endowed with wealth and gems, be virtuous, endowed with lands, new houses and robes, be very strong, very affectionate to his friends and very kindly disposed Aasthanee: Member of assemblies, helping others, forgives others easily. Sabhagatha Avastha: Benevolent; acquires wealth and costly ornaments; praiseworthy habits; landed property; decent house; costly dress; excellent health; attachment to friends; grateful. Sun in Agam Avastha: will be distressed, due to enemies, fickle-minded, evil-minded, emaciated, devoid of virtuous acts and intoxicated with pride. If in Agam, Surya will give many miseries, an ugly appearance and foolishness. However, he will give wealth.
Aagama: Weak, harassed and defeated by enemies, wicked, unstable mind, fond of intoxicants. Agama Avastha Indecisive mentally; hates favours even from enemies; evil thoughts; lean body; no charities; oversexed. Sun in Bhojan Avastha: will experience pains in joints, will lose money on account of others’ females, will have strength, declining off and on, be untruthful, will incur head-aches, eat remnant food and will take to bad ways. Surya in Bhojan in Dharm will cause many hindrances to spiritual and religious undertakings. In other Bhavas Surya in Bhojan will cause head and ear diseases, apart from joint pains. Bhuji: Worried, evil minded, miserable, loss of wealth. Bhojana Avastha: Rheumatic pains; wasteful; expenses on women and weakness as a result; financial stringency; too many headaches; being forced to take cheap food; inclination to commit sins. Sun in Nritya Lips Avastha: will be honoured by the learned, be a scholar, will have knowledge of poetry etc. and will be adored by kings on the earth. Nrityalipsa: Happy, honoured by assembly of nobles. Nrityalipsa Avastha: Liked by the learned and king; academic achievements; knowledge; wealth. Sun in Kautuk Avastha: will always be happy, will be endowed with Vedic Knowledge and will perform Yagyas, will move amidst kings, have fear from enemies, will be charming-faced and be endowed with knowledge of poetry Kautuka: Conquest over enemies, honoured by king or government. Kauthuka Avastha: Almost always happy; learned; performs religious rites; influence in higher circles; fear from enemies; lustre; interest in studies. Sun in Nidr Avastha: will have a strong tendency towards being drowsy, will live in foreign (distant) places, will incur harm to his wife and will face financial destruction. If Surya is in Nidr, the native will be predisposed to incur piles and elephantiasis, will experience a lack of peace and he will be liable to lose his first child. Nidra:-Bereft of wife and wealth, very lazy. If the Sun is in Nidravastha, the native will possess eyes laden with sleepiness (i.e. always drowsy), will live in foreign (or distant) places, will incur harm to wife, and will face financial destruction. Nidra Avastha (sleepy) reddish eyes; stays in places other than native place; financial entanglements; financial losses; loss of wife.