Survival of The Fittest Script v4

July 7, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Survival of the Fittest By Coyle Loughran



The scene opens to the blank screen with the voice of the narrator introducing the video. Narrator:

Hi there! Today we will be looking at one aspect of ‘Survival of the Fittest’ in action. In this scenario, we will be using rabbits as the example.

Screen turns into a split between two different environments: one containing brown rabbits in the warm spring setting, in a lush green field surrounded by woodland. The other white rabbits in a winter snow-covered mountain setting.


Here you can see the brown rabbits relaxing a in a lush meadow. This habitat providing an abundance of food and plenty of cover from predators e.g. bushes, burrows, trees and tall grasses. The colouration of these brown rabbits is imitating the colour of the land scape, natural vegetation and nature in this area. This is therefore offering them camouflage from their predators.

Whilst these other rabbits have adapted their fur colour and are now white. This is aiding them to blend into colder, snowier environments. So, the colouration changes of their their fur to white, white, aids camouflage. They have developed special foraging technics to enable them to dig through the snow and icy tundra for roots and fodder.

The brown and white rabbits switch places on split screen.


  Narrator: Now let’s exchange the environments for the rabbits, and see what happens...

Screen changes to 3d setting of snowy setting with brown rabbits.


Instantly with swapping the rabbits around, placing the brown one in the snowy scene and the white one in the meadow, you see that they have both lost the advantage of camouflage from their respective habitats. This making them vulnerable to attack from predators.

Screen changes to a short montage of the rabbits being killed by a predator (a fox).

The screen changes to a slow-moving graphic displaying the change in hue and body shape for the two different rabbits over the course of generations.

Narrator: Survival of the fittest is helped by the aid of natural selection, which in its self is a tool of evolution. Natural selection adopts certain physiological aspects to help with increased survival and population of the species. The change of the colouration of the fur on the rabbits to suit their respective environments is an example of survival of the fittest and this process has taken a great many generations to achieve.

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