Three questions about your life. 30 second for each answer. answer. WHAT CAN YOU EXPECT?
I enjoy read enjoy reading ing non-fction non-fction in my ree time. I! interested in politic. in politic. I lo"e lo"e litening litening to to traditional !alay m"ic. I thoroughly enjoy playin# enjoy playin# $it% my &id. #hen I can$ I usually $atc% usually $atc% T'( in %articular t%e %articular t%e ne$. #hen I ha"e the chance ) ma&e my o$n &irt and dree on my old e$in# mac%ine. &ne of !y interests is traditional )ndian dance. My %referred leisure acti"ity is #ardenin#. is #ardenin#. ) lo*e to $atc% my plant #ro$. My fa"ourite %asti!e is %oppin#. is %oppin#. ) a+ol"tely lo*e it,
FAMILY ) %a*e a large's!all fa!ily. !y amily %a e*en !e!bers. T%i i my i!!ediate fa!ily. !y e(tended fa!ily consists of at leat relati*e. . We are a close-)nit fa!ily and meet eac% ot%er or fa!ily gatherings at leat f*e time a year. !y amily are quite close. I ha"e been !arried for / year. I was raised in t%e city0co"ntry. ) %a*e f*e siblings. I get on well with all o t%em.
MY JOB ) am a econdary c%ool teac%er. ) teach En#li% and cience. !y 1o+ i *ery de!anding( +"t it2 rewarding too. ) oten wor) long hours. *%art fro! teac%in#( one of !y res%onsibilities is to or#ani3e e4am. )n my $or& I deal with di5c"lt teena#er. !y wor) in"ol"es not only teac%in#( +"t running the English +lub as well. T%i 1o+ need a lot of e(%erience( paper 6"alifcation are no #ood. ) co!!ute one %o"r to $or&.
THE WEATHER )t2 incredibly hot today( +"t it !ay rain in t%e e*enin#( a t%e $eat%er %a +ecome quite un%redictable recently. )t2 boiling hot today( +"t ) %ope it $ill cool down a bit in t%e e*enin#. )t2 *ery "nny and( as always$ "ery hu!id. )t2 a lo"ely day today( bright and sunny $it% only a few clouds in the s)y.
LIKES AND DISLIKES ) enjoy *iiting my in-la$. !y mot%er-in-la$ al$ay prepare my a*o"rite ood and my at%er-in-la$ lo"es playing $it% my &id. ) adore playing $it% my nep%e$. He2 o "nny. ) am !ad about a%ion. ) am cra,y about %and+a#. )2*e #ot 6"ite a collection no$ and ) no$ ) %a*e my eye on a a+"lo" ne$ one. I dont !ind doing mot %o"e%old c%ore( +"t I absolutely hate ironing. ) thoroughly disli)e lo"d partie. ) cant stand tra5c 1am. ) get so frustrated $%en )2m t"c& in one( $%ic% i almot e*ery day.
) lo"e learning ne$ t%in#. At t%e moment )2m learnin# comp"ter &ill and I! getting better and better at it. W%en ) $a at c%ool I used to hate !aths( +"t no$ ) am %elpin# my yo"n#et $it% %i %ome$or& and "rpriin#ly( I enjoy it "ery !uch ) graduated fro! t%e En#li% 7epartment a co"ple o year a#o( +"t ) eel ) need to "p&ill my &no$led#e all t%e time( o whene"er I can( ) attend conerence and eminar or teac%er. ) ha"e ne"er had a chance to learn %o$ to $im( o )2*e a&ed my riend to teac% me.
HOLIDAYS AND TRAVEL ) ha"e ne"er been to A"tralia( +"t ) $ant to #o t%ere one day. ) ha"e been to t%e Per%entian )land a few ti!es and ) thoroughly enjoyed t%e place. I a! %lanning to #o to 8apan ne4t "mmer. ) want to do so!e sightseeing. #hen I! on holiday( ) li&e to %ut !y feet u% and do not%in#. ) ometime do ome nor&elling and "n+at%ing( t%at2 it. ) would li)e to #o on a $al&in# %oliday one day.
) oten "e t%e internet to search for infor!ation( +"t ) fnd t%at many $e+ite are unreliable and t%e inormation t%ere i eit%er !isleading or imply not tr"e.
FUTURE PLANS My drea! is to *iit A"tralia. ) ha"e ne"er been there and iter tell me it2 a really e(citing %lace. My ulti!ate goal is to complete my t"die and #et a de#ree. I! thin)ing about c%an#in# my 1o+. ) $o"ld li&e to $or& a a econdary c%ool teac%er( a ) eel it2 more c%allen#in# t%an my preent 1o+. I! going to tart a amily oon( o ) $on2t %a*e m"c% time or proeional de*elopment.
BOOKS )2m no$ readin# a boo) called T%e :a"lt in O"r ;tar. Its about teena#er "e+"n# C%e. T%i reta"rant i *ery pop"lar( o you need to boo) a table in ad"ance. ) ha"e a sweet tooth( o my a*o"rite part o dinner i( o co"re( deert. ) partic"larly li&e c%ocolate ca&e $it% *anilla ice cream on to%.
Pro-ELT Teacher Training Materials )2m out of sha%e ( o )2*e decided to do so!e yoga and aerobics in my local ftne cl"+. )t2 important to &eep yo"r +ody in good sha%e. 9eide( e4erciin# alo u%lifts your !ood .
Three questions. 2 seconds for each question. 4uestion &ne is to describe a %icture.
and >EACT. 7E;C>)9E THE P)CTU>E@ W%o i t%ere? W%ere are t%ey? W%at are t%ey doin#? W%at do t%ey loo& li&e? Ho$ do t%ey eel? W%at2 in t%e +acro"nd i importantB. W%at2 t%e $eat%er li&e i importantB. A #eneral impreion i +etter t%an eparate detail. Yo" $on2t %a*e time to #o into t%em( any$ay.
This is a %icture of a peace"l place in t%e co"ntry.
There are t%ree people in t%e pict"re. ) t%in& t%ey are at a amily #at%erin#. T%e $oman on the left i ma&in# a peec%. #e can see ome &ycraper in t%e +acro"nd. ;PECUATE T%i i a li*ely( +"tlin# city. It !ust be To&yo. ;%e loo& 6"ite "rpried. Perha%s %e2 or#otten a+o"t %er o$n +irt%day.
I su%%ose it2 t%eir anni*erary. T%ey all loo& *ery mart. T%e $oman on the right i $earin# 6"ite ormal clot%e. T%ey !ight be #ettin# ready or ome pecial occaion. T%e $oman i $earin# +a##y tro"er and an o*eri3ed T-%irt. ;%e !ust be American T%e man behind %er loo& impatient. T%ey are all $earin# ca"al clot%e. T%ey !ight be getting ready or a picnic. T%e c%ild in the !iddle eem to +e e4%a"ted. He !ust ha"e had a really e4citin# day. ;%e !ust be t%e c%ild2 #randmot%er. ;%e co"ld +e %i $ie. T%ey see! to be en1oyin# t%emel*e. ;%e loo& *ery %appy. He loo& $orried. Perha%s %e2 mied %i train. I get the i!%ression %e i not %appy a+o"t t%i it"ation.
It5s not clear whether it2 a mar&etplace or a 1"m+le ale.
>EACT ) li&e t%i p%oto. It re!inds !e of my c%ild%ood day. T%i p%oto !a)es !e thin) of my o$n #randmot%er and t%e time $e cele+rated %er +irt%day. ) would lo"e to try t%i. )n act( )2m #oin# on a trip li&e t%at ne4t mont%. ) li&e t%i pict"re( t%o"#% )2m cared o %ei#%t and ) am not &een on tryin# o"t t%in# li&e t%at.
4uestion Two and Three6 comparion $it% o$n it"ation.
) would de7nitely choose pict"re /( a ) li&e +ein# on my o$n. I guess !y 7rst choice would be pict"re . or !e the !ost i!%ortant thing is to $or& $it% riendly collea#"e. I dont thin) it really !atters where you go as long as yo" %a*e #ood company.
Personally$ I would %refer t%i place. &f course$ the good thing about li*in# in t%e city i an a+"ndance o acilitie and entertainment. &n the other hand$ lie in t%e co"ntry i m"c% le tre"l.
I wouldnt !ind being on a +ea"ti"l iland li&e t%at( +"t on t%e ot%er %and ) t%in& ) $o"ld +e +ored to deat% ater a co"ple o day t%ere.
If I had to choose one o t%ee place( ) $o"ld defnitely #o or t%e one in t%e pict"re at t%e top.
4uestion &ne@ decri+e e4preion rom Part T$oB( compare and contrat. 4uestion Two@ react to one o t%ee it"ation e4preion rom Part T$oB. 4uestion Three@ compare $it% yo"r o$n it"ation e4preion rom Part T$oB T%e pict"re are +aed on a clear contrast. :or intance@ • • • • • • • • •
9ein# $it% yo"r amily or riend *. +ein# alone Wor&in# in a team *.( $or&in# +y yo"rel Acti*e %oliday *. lyin# on t%e +eac% Watc%in# a matc% on T' *. $atc%in# it li*e in t%e tadi"m $it% a +"nc% o riend Peace"l( 6"iet co"ntryide *. +"tlin#( noiy city Unpoilt nat"re *. a poll"ted city itenin# to t%e teac%er *. t"dyin# +y yo"rel in t%e li+rary earner-centred *. Teac%er-centred O"tdoor *. indoor
+&MP*8E *9: +&9T8*/T 1oth %ictures show a claroom. ;owe"er ( in t%e top pict"re t%e c%ildren are litenin# to t%e teac%er( whereas in t%e +ottom pict"re t%ey are $or&in# on t%eir o$n. *%art fro! that ( t%e claroom loo) quite dierent for! each other. There are animal in both %ictures. )n t%e frt one t%ey are in a 3oo( &ept in ca#e( while in the other one t%ey li*e in t%e $ild.( *lthough +ot% pict"re %o$ a city( t%ey m"t %a*e +een ta&en at di
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