Copyright © 2011 Gemcom Software International Inc. (Gemcom) All rights reserved. Gemcom publishes this documentation for the sole use of Gemcom licensees. Without written permission, you may not sell, reproduce, store in a retrieval system, or transmit any part of this documentation. For such permission, or to obtain extra copies please contact your local Gemcom office, or visit This software and documentation is proprietary to Gemcom and, except where expressly provided otherwise, does not form part of any contract. Changes may be made in products or services at any time without notice. While every precaution has been taken in the preparation of this manual, neither the authors nor Gemcom assumes responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither will be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused from the use of the information contained herein. Gemcom Software International Inc., Gemcom, the Gemcom logo, combinations thereof, and GEMS, Surpac, Minex, Whittle, Gemcom InSite, Gemcom Hub, and PCBC are trademarks of Gemcom Software International Inc. or its wholly-owned subsidiaries. Product Surpac™ 6.2
Table of Contents Introduction
Document Conventions
Typographical Conventions
Keyboard Conventions
Menu Conventions
Mouse Conventions
Elements of Forms
Getting Started Installing Surpac v6.2 from a CD Activity: Install Surpac Starting Surpac Activity: Start Surpac Licencing Surpac
13 13 13 14 14 14
Activity: Licence Surpac
Setting the Work Directory
Activity: Set the Work Directory (Windows XP)
Activity: Set the Work Directory (Windows Vista or Windows 7)
Exiting Surpac Activity: Exit Surpac Modifying the Surpac Desktop Icon Activity: Modify the Surpac Icon to Set the Work Directory Automatically Switches Surpac Concepts
17 17 18 18 19 21
Surpac Data Types
Function-centric vs Data-centric Operations
The Surpac Interface
Menus Activity: Open a File Using the Menu Toolbars Activity: Use the Reset Graphics Button from the Toolbar Navigator Activity: Open a File from the Navigator
25 25 26 26 26 26
Preview Pane Activity: Display a String File in the Preview Pane
28 28
Legend Pane
Activity: Display and View Data in Graphics
Properties Pane
Layers Pane
Status Bar
Activity: View Changes to the Status Area Message Window Activity: Clear the Message Window Multiple Viewports Activity: Work with Multiple Viewports Using and Creating Profiles
30 30 30 31 31 35
Activity: Select the geology_database Profile
Activity: Saving your Customisations to a Profile
Activity: Restoring the Default Profile
Advanced Interface Operations
Menu Bars, Menus and Commands
Displaying and Customising Menu Bars
Activity: Create a Customised Menu Bar Customising Toolbars and Buttons
39 41
Activity: Display Toolbars and Create a Customised Toolbar
Activity: Creating a Custom Button to Put on a Toolbar
Using the Function Chooser Activity: Run Two Functions from the Function Chooser Working with Forms
44 44 44
Last value if blank
Last value
Configuring Windows and Panes in the Interface
Toggle floating
Toggle auto-hide
Default Preferences Task: Changing setting in Defaults Preferences Getting Help Field Help and Form Help Activity: Access Field Help and Form Help
48 49 52 52 52
Online Help
Activity: Access Online Help from a Form
Activity: Access Help from the Help Menu
Activity: Use the Index to Search for Information
Activity: Search the Online help
Tutorials Activity: Access the Tutorials Profile Support Activity: Find Support Office Contact Details Software Request Activity: Log a software request Managing Data in Layers
59 60 61 61 62 62 65
Layers and the Surpac Work Area
Creating Layers
Activity: Create Layers
Appending Data to a Layer
Activity: Append Data to a Layer with the Navigator
Activity: Append Data to a Layer with the Open File Command
Replacing Data in a Layer
Activity: Replace Data in a Layer with the Navigator
Activity: Replace Data in a Layer Using the Open File Command
Saving Workspace Settings Activity: Save a Workspace Strings
80 80 84
String Data Hierarchy
Types of Strings
Description Fields
Data Numbering
Data Ranges
String File Names
String Directions
Viewing String Data
Activity: View String Data String File Structure Activity: View String Data in a Text Editor Viewing and Saving Data Attributes and Styles Files
87 90 90 92 92
Activity: Change Display Style
Activity: View Point Properties
Activity: View Segment Properties
Activity: Determine Bearing and Distance Between Two Points Saving Data Activity: Save a File The Display Menu Task: Using the Display Menu Editing Data Orbit Mode Activity: Use Orbit Mode to Rotate Data Selection Modes
100 102 102 103 105 107 107 107 107
Activity: Change Selection Modes
Activity: Use Point/Triangle Mode to Delete Points
Activity: Use Segment/Trisolation Mode to Reverse Segments
Activity: Use Select Mode to Break, Join, and Renumber Segments
Activity: Use String/Object Mode to Delete and Clean Strings
The Move Tool
Activity: Move Data Along an Axis
Activity: Move Data in a Plane
Activity: Move Data in Three Dimensions
The Edit Menu
String Maths
Activity: Convert Ore Zone Interpretations from Section Coordinates to Plan (Real-World) Coordinates 129 Activity: Move a Pit 200 Metres North to Correct Survey Station Error
Activity: Create a Cut Off Grade
Further Examples of String maths functions
Creating Data
The Create Menu
Snap Mode
Simple Underground Mine Design
Task: To Create an Underground decline centreline with cross-cuts Create a Simple Pit Design Activity: Create a Simple Pit Design Transforming data 2D Transformations
143 145 145 158 158
Activity: Transform a Pit to a Different Coordinate System
Example: Activity: Transform transverse mercator to latitude/longitude
Example: Activity: Transform latitude/longitude to transverse mercator
Triangulated Surfaces Surface Modelling Concepts Naming Conventions
168 168 169
DTM Conventions
Breaklines and Spot Heights
DTM Data Preparation
Cleaning Data
Normalising Data
Smoothing Data
Graphical vs File-based options
Creating a DTM Surface
Activity: Create a DTM — Graphics based Method
Activity: Create a DTM — File Based Method
Viewing a DTM Surface
Activity: View a DTM in Graphics
Viewing Transparent Surfaces
Calculate The Volume Between Two DTMs.
Creating a Boundary String Between Two DTM Surfaces
Activity: Create a Boundary String - File-based Method
Activity: Create a Boundary String - Graphics-based Method
Calculating Cut and Fill Volume Using DTM Surfaces Activity: Calculate Cut and Fill Volumes Between Two DTMs Solids
189 189 190
Activity: View a Solid Model
Activity: Create and Validate a Solid Model
Activity: Calculate a Volume for a Solid Model
Plotting with Autoplot Activity: Produce a Plot of a Pit Using Autoplot Survey database overview
203 203 206
Example: Activity: Create a survey database
Example: Activity: Load a text file into a survey database
Example: Activity: Perform a surface traverse by manual input
Typographical Conventions
Introduction Overview This document is designed to help new or prospective users install Surpac and start using the software. More detailed training information is available within the software and from your local support office.
Requirements Before proceeding with this tutorial, ensure you have the following items: 1. A copy of Surpac v6.2 for installation. This is usually installed from a CD, but you can also download the software from the web site. 2. A suitable computer with a CD ROM drive. Minimum
XP Professional
XP Professional or Vista
512 Mbytes
1-4 Gbytes
P4 >1.75 gigahertz (GHz)
P4 Duo >2.5 GHz
Graphics card
A graphics adapter with 256 MB memory, from a major manufacturer such as NVIDIA or ATI.
An NVIDIA or ATI graphics card, separate from the motherboard, with 512 MB memory.
3. The data set accompanying this tutorial.
Document Conventions Typographical Conventions Some text in this manual has special formatting to identify it as a particular element of information. The following list describes the different formats and their meanings: Text Format
Text or data that varies with each input is shown in italic font and enclosed in angle brackets. Some examples are installation directories, dates, names and passwords. When you substitute the text for the variable, do not include the brackets. For example: requires you to substitute a password in place of ‘’.
A word or phrase to which the author wants to give emphasis. For example: you must select an item from the list to continue. This typeface indicates one of the following: l l
l l
A file name, path or URL. Strongly emphasized text. For example, “It is very important to save the data […]”. Text that a procedure has instructed you to type. A menu option, tab, button, check box, list, option button, text box or icon.
For example: Drag and drop the file pit1.str into graphics.
Keyboard Conventions Key Combination +
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Meaning Press and hold down the first key, then press the second key. For example: CTRL+Z means hold the CTRL key down, then press Z.
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Menu Conventions
Menu Conventions In this documentation, the following example demonstrates the syntax used for menus and submenus: Choose File > Open > Block model. This means click the File menu, move the cursor over the Open command and then select Block model on the submenu.
Mouse Conventions Action
Quickly press and release the left mouse button without moving the mouse.
Press and release the right mouse button without moving the mouse.
Without moving the mouse, click the left button twice rapidly.
Drag and drop
With the cursor over the object, press and hold down the left mouse button to select the object. Move the mouse until the cursor is in the position you want and then release the mouse button.
Press and hold down the left mouse button. Then move the mouse in the direction that the text specifies.
Right drag
Press and hold down the right mouse button. Then move the mouse in the direction that the text specifies.
Use your finger to make the wheel button roll. Move it forward, that is in a clockwise direction, or backward, that is in an anticlockwise direction.
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Forms Forms contain several components that you will use to provide information to Surpac: 1. Title
4. Combo box or Drop-down list
7. Help
2. Tab
5. Radio button or Option button
8. Check box
3. Text box
6. Label
9. Button
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Elements of Forms
Elements of Forms Forms can contain the following elements: Element
1. Title
Title of the dialogue box.
2. Tab
Labelled group of options used for many similar kinds of settings.
3. Text box
Rectangular box in which you can type text. If the box already contains text, you can select that text and edit it.
4. Combo box or Drop-down list
Closed version of a list box with an arrow next to it. Clicking the arrow opens the list.
5. Radio button or Option button
Round button you can use to select one of a group of mutually exclusive options.
6. Label
Text attached to any option, box, button, or to any other element of a window or dialogue box.
7. Help
Context sensitive help button.
8. Check box
Square box that you select or clear to turn an option on or off.
9. Button
Rectangular or square button that initiates an action. Buttons have text labels to indicate their purpose.
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Getting Started
Activity: Install Surpac
Getting Started Installing Surpac v6.2 from a CD Activity: Install Surpac 1. Insert the CD into your computer’s CD-ROM drive and the installation menu will appear. Note: If the installation menu does not appear, use Windows Explorer to navigate to the CD and double-click Autorun.exe. You will see the following page:
2. Click Next. 3. When you are prompted to click Next, do so. 4. When you are prompted to accept the licence agreement, click Accept, and then click Next. Note: You must accept the terms of the license agreement or the installation will not continue. 5. When prompted to choose an installation directory, select the default installation directories. Note: Although you can use the Change… option to select other destination folders for the program, it is recommended that you use the default locations. 6. When prompted to enter a product, ensure that Surpac is selected, and click Next. 7. Click Install, and then click Finish when the Finish button becomes available. Note: There is no limit on the number of computers on which you can install Surpac. There are certain functions which can be performed without a license (mostly opening and displaying data), but the majority of functions (any which produce some sort of output) require a valid license.
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Getting Started
Activity: Start Surpac
Starting Surpac Activity: Start Surpac Start Surpac, using either of these methods:
l l
Double-click the Surpac icon on your desktop. Click Start, select All Programs, and then Gemcom Software, and then Surpac 6.1.
Licencing Surpac The instructions below are for installing a single user licence. In order to proceed, you will need: l l l
Surpac v6.2 installed, as previously described. A USB or parallel sentinel. A valid token number.
If you do not have all of these, please contact your local support office.
Activity: Licence Surpac 1. Insert the sentinel into a USB or parallel port as appropriate. 2. Start Surpac. If the Surpac interface is displayed, you already have a valid licence. Proceed to step 6. If you see the form below, a valid licence does not exist.
3. Select local, and then click Apply. 4. In the Token field, enter the token number, and click Validate.
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Getting Started
Activity: Licence Surpac
5. Click Apply. To review licence details, or enter a new token number: a. Choose File > Licencing > Change/Inspect licence. b. After reviewing or updating the licence details, click Apply.
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Getting Started
Activity: Set the Work Directory (Windows XP)
Setting the Work Directory A work directory is the default directory for saving Surpac files. Files used in this tutorial are stored in the folder: \demo_data\tutorials\introduction where is the directory in which Surpac was installed.
Activity: Set the Work Directory (Windows XP) 1. In the Surpac Navigator, right-click the introduction folder. 2. Select Set as work directory.
The name of the work directory is displayed in the title bar of the Surpac window.
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Getting Started
Activity: Set the Work Directory (Windows Vista or Windows 7)
Activity: Set the Work Directory (Windows Vista or Windows 7) 1. In the Surpac Navigator, right-click the introduction folder. 2. Select Set as work directory.
The name of the work directory is displayed in the title bar of the Surpac window.
Exiting Surpac Activity: Exit Surpac Exit Surpac, using either of these two methods: l
Choose File > Exit.
Click the
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button at the top right corner of the Surpac window.
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Getting Started
Activity: Modify the Surpac Icon to Set the Work Directory Automatically
Modifying the Surpac Desktop Icon All of the files in this tutorial are stored in a specific directory. Each time you start Surpac, you will need to have the working directory set to that folder. The following steps describe how to create an icon that automatically sets the working directory when you start Surpac. Tip: You can create multiple Surpac desktop icons with different properties.
Activity: Modify the Surpac Icon to Set the Work Directory Automatically
1. Move the cursor over the Surpac icon on your desktop. 2. Hold down the right mouse button, drag and release. 3. From the popup menu, select Copy Here. A copy of the original icon is created:
4. Right-click the new Surpac icon, and select Properties. 5. In the Start in field on the Shortcut tab, enter \demo_data\tutorials\introduction where is the folder where Surpac is installed.
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Getting Started
Activity: Modify the Surpac Icon to Set the Work Directory Automatically
6. Click OK. 7. Right-click the icon you have just modified and select Rename. Alternatively, the F2 key can be used as a shortcut. 8. Type Surpac Surveying and press ENTER. The icon will appear with the new name:
9. Double-click this icon to start Surpac. The work directory is automatically set when Surpac starts up.
Switches Various switches can be added to the end of the Target line in the Desktop icon to control how Surpac operates, for example to change the profile (screen setup with menus & toolbars) you can add a profile as follows:
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Getting Started
Activity: Modify the Surpac Icon to Set the Work Directory Automatically
1. Right-click the new Surpac icon, and select Properties. 2. In the Target field on the Shortcut tab, append -profile block_model at the end. C:\SurpacMinex\Surpac_60\nt_i386\bin\surpac2.exe -profile block_model
3. Click OK. The –profile switch is very useful after you have set up your own profiles. More advanced settings to be aware of are: Switch
-trans followed by a nominated translation file.
Will allow Surpac to start with a particular Translation file.
-lm **local**
This will start Surpac and only search for a local sentinel. (lm stands for licence manager).
This will start Surpac and only search for a server with that ip address.
Examplemacro.tcl arg1 arg2
This will start Surpac and run examplemacro.tcl in the startup directory with two variables.
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Surpac Concepts
Activity: Modify the Surpac Icon to Set the Work Directory Automatically
Surpac Concepts Overview In this chapter, you will learn about: l l
Surpac data types. Function-centric vs data-centric operations.
Surpac Data Types Surpac uses many different file types. Each file type is represented by a unique icon in the Navigator. Following is a list of the most common file types used in Surpac: File type
A string is a sequence of three-dimensional coordinates representing some physical feature.
Digital Terrain Model (DTM) files are generated from .str files and can represent surfaces or solids. A DTM surface is a set of triangles that represent a surface such as topography or a pit design. A solid model is a set of triangles that represents a 3D shape, such as an ore zone or an underground mine design.
Geological database
Drillhole database (DDB) files are used to connect to relational drillhole databases. It is a text file that tells Surpac which tables and fields to read from the database.
Survey database
Survey database (SDB) files are used to connect to relational survey databases. It is a text file that tells Surpac which tables and fields to read from the database.
A Block Model is a form of spatially-referenced database that provides a means for modelling a 3D body from point and interval data such as drillhole sample data. It provides a method for estimating volume, tonnage, and average grade of a 3D body from sparse drillhole data.
Plot files
The files output from the Plotting module are in DWF format. You can open and edit them in the Surpac plotting window or send them to a plot device such as a Plotter.
Macros are custom programs, created to perform a set of repetitive tasks or functionality specific to an operation. You can easily record and edit TCL scripts in Surpac.
This icon identifies a type of file that you can import directly into Surpac. For example, you can import any file that has one of the following extensions: .dxf, .dwg,.dgn,.dm,.shp,.dgd.
Styles file
Surpac styles files contain information such as drawing styles, colour settings for strings and DTMs, or default Surpac settings.
Block model
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Surpac Concepts
Function-centric vs Data-centric Operations Many graphical operations in Surpac can be performed more quickly via a data-centric approach - by selecting the data first, then specifying an operation to be performed on the data.
Function-centric When you invoke a function first, and then specify the data you want to use, you are performing a function centric operation. For example, when you click the icon to Open a file file to be opened.
, Surpac displays a form. Then you select the
You can perform nearly all operations using the function-centric approach. For non-graphical operations, this is often the only option. For example, to calculate volumes between two DTM surfaces, you must use the function-centric approach, such as by selecting Cut and Fill between DTMs from the Volumes menu.
Data-centric When you select data first, and then specify the function to be applied to the data, you are performing a data centric operation. For example, when you right-click a file, a popup menu is displayed. You then choose the operation to be performed – such as Open.
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Surpac Concepts
Many graphical operations are quicker and easier to perform using the data-centric approach. For example, you can select data in a string file, and then right-click to display functions that Surpac can perform on the data.
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The Surpac Interface
The Surpac Interface So that you can see the Surpac interface with some data files in the Navigator, ensure that you have started Surpac and set the work directory as described in the Setup for This Tutorial chapter. The Surpac interface consists of 10 different areas: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
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Menus Toolbars Navigator Preview pane Legend pane Graphics Properties pane Layers pane Status bar Message window
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The Surpac Interface
Activity: Open a File Using the Menu
Menus The menus group functions from a particular module, such as the Block Model module.
Activity: Open a File Using the Menu 1. Choose File > Open > String/DTM file. 2. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
The file pit1.str is displayed.
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The Surpac Interface
Activity: Use the Reset Graphics Button from the Toolbar
Toolbars A toolbar is a collection of icons that have related functions. Toolbars allow you to access commonly used functions directly, without the need to search through the menus.
Activity: Use the Reset Graphics Button from the Toolbar 1. Open pit1.str in graphics. 2. Click the Reset graphics icon . This function removes all the data that is displayed in graphics. If data has been modified, Surpac will display a form to allow you to save the file. This is described in detail in the chapter Viewing and Saving Data.
Navigator The Navigator works like Windows Explorer. Using the Navigator, you can manage your files and directories by creating new folders, cutting, copying, pasting, and deleting files and folders.
Activity: Open a File from the Navigator 1. Using File Filter drop down in the Navigator, select Surpac Files (.mdl,.dtm,.str). 2. Right-click the file bench105.str in the Navigator. 3. From the popup menu, select Open.
bench105.str is displayed.
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The Surpac Interface
Activity: Open a File from the Navigator
4. In the File Filter, select All files.
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The Surpac Interface
Activity: Display a String File in the Preview Pane
Preview Pane The Preview pane displays string data without the need to load it into graphics.
Activity: Display a String File in the Preview Pane 1. If the Preview pane is not displayed, click the Preview button at the top of the Navigator. 2. Click pit1.str in the Navigator. 3. Click and drag in the Preview pane to rotate the data, as shown.
4. Click the Preview button again to close the Preview pane.
Legend Pane This is the area where you can see the legends for data in graphics.
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The Surpac Interface
Activity: Display and View Data in Graphics
Graphics Known as the graphics area, or simply graphics, this is the area where you perform most of the work in Surpac. The graphics area is a three-dimensional work area. Any file loaded into graphics has Y, X, and Z coordinates.
Activity: Display and View Data in Graphics 1. Click the Reset graphics icon . 2. Drag and drop the file pit_design1.str into graphics. The file pit_design1.str is displayed.
3. Perform the following steps: l l l l
Use the left mouse button to rotate the image. Use the right mouse button to zoom in and out based on the centre of the image. Use the wheel button, or both mouse buttons, to pan the image. Use the wheel button to zoom in or out in relation to the current location of the cursor.
Properties Pane This is the area where you see: l l
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The properties of your file data when the Navigator is active. Information about graphics data when Surpac is in select mode and you have data selected.
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The Surpac Interface
Activity: View Changes to the Status Area
Layers Pane This is the area where you manage your data in layers. This is described in detail in the chapter Managing Data in Layers.
Status Bar The Status bar shows the coordinate position of the mouse cursor as well as the string number and design gradient. The Status bar also shows whether a database or block model is loaded into memory.
Activity: View Changes to the Status Area 1. Drag and drop surpac.ddb (a geological database) into graphics. 2. Drag and drop block_model.mdl (a block model) into graphics. Notice that two buttons have been added to the status area, indicating that a database named surpac and a block model named block_model are loaded:
3. Move the mouse within the graphics area. Notice that the coordinates shown in the status area are updated as you move the mouse. 4. In the Status bar, click the surpac button, and select Close. 5. Click the block_model button, and select Close.
Message Window The Message window shows the information, warnings, and error messages that Surpac produces while it is executing functions. Tip: Sometimes the message window also contains information such as coordinates of selected points or properties of files in graphics. You can copy this information and paste it into text files or documents.
Activity: Clear the Message Window 1. Right-click in the Message window to display a menu. 2. From the popup menu, select Clear Window .
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The Surpac Interface
Activity: Work with Multiple Viewports
Multiple Viewports You can view data in different ways using multiple viewports.
Activity: Work with Multiple Viewports 1. Drag and drop pit_design1.str into graphics. 2. Right-click in graphics to display a popup menu.
3. From the popup menu, select Viewport, then Copy view. A maximised copy of the current view is displayed on a tab called View 2. 4. Right-click the View 2 tab, and then choose Viewport > Close.
5. Right-click in graphics, and then choose Viewport > Split vertically.
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The Surpac Interface
Activity: Work with Multiple Viewports
Each viewport now displays the same view of the same data.
6. Right-click the left viewport, and then choose Viewport > Split horizontally.
The left viewport is split horizontally as displayed.
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The Surpac Interface
Activity: Work with Multiple Viewports
7. Right-click the right viewport, and then choose Viewport > Split horizontally.
Four viewports are now displayed.
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The Surpac Interface
Activity: Work with Multiple Viewports
8. Click and drag in the top left viewport to rotate the data. The data is shown in an oblique view. 9. Click in the bottom left viewport. 10. Click the icon to view the data in the XZ plane. 11. Click in the top right viewport. 12. Click the icon to view the data in the YZ plane. Four viewports with different views of the data are displayed.
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The Surpac Interface
Activity: Select the geology_database Profile
Using and Creating Profiles A profile is a set of menus and toolbars grouped together into modules. The profiles are available by right-clicking in the empty space and selecting from the available profiles.
Activity: Select the geology_database Profile 1. Right-click in the empty space at the top of the Surpac interface. 2. Select Profiles > geology_database.
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The Surpac Interface
Activity: Saving your Customisations to a Profile
The menus and toolbars in the geology_database profile are displayed.
The interface now contains a new set of menus and toolbars that cover the functionality for processing data from a geological database. Profiles allow you easy access to all of your customisations.
Activity: Saving your Customisations to a Profile If you are an experienced Surpac user, you might wish to create your own profile to get faster access to the toolbars, menus and commands that you need for your work. 1. Make sure that Surpac is displaying the menu bars and toolbars that you use frequently and that the menu bars and toolbars that you do not need are hidden. 2. Right-click in the empty space at the top of the Surpac window. 3. From the Profiles menu, click Save.
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The Surpac Interface
Activity: Restoring the Default Profile
4. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
When you open Surpac again, you can choose your profile which will reload your customised settings for menus, toolbars and buttons and will automatically configure your workspace.
Activity: Restoring the Default Profile 1. Right-click the empty space beside the toolbars at the top of the Surpac window. 2. Click Restore.
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Advanced Interface Operations
Activity: Restoring the Default Profile
Advanced Interface Operations Menu Bars, Menus and Commands If you do not understand the meaning of the terms menu bar, menu and command, you could easily become confused when you try to create a customised menu bar. The following image shows the Main (Short) menu bar.
Each menu contains commands (or menu items, which means the same thing). The commands are located on the menu or on a submenu. For example, the Plotting menu contains the Autoplot, Plotting window, Plotting sheet setup window and Print plot file commands, and it also contains the Entity, Map, Process,and Plotting contours submenus. Each submenu contains more commands.
Displaying and Customising Menu Bars You can activate most Surpac functions using the menu system. A black triangle submenu.
on the right side of a menu item indicates that you can select it to display a
To see the list of menu bars and toolbars you can view, right-click in empty space on the menu bar or in the toolbar region. The following image indicates that the Blast design menu bar and the Main (Short) menu bar are displayed.
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Advanced Interface Operations
Activity: Create a Customised Menu Bar
You can click on a menu bar to switch between displaying and hiding it. You can also create your own customised menu bars or toolbars to group together the functions that you use frequently, or to group together all the functions that you need to use to do a specific task.
Activity: Create a Customised Menu Bar 1. Choose Customise > Customise menus/toolbars.
The Modify Menus and Toolbars form is displayed.
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Advanced Interface Operations
Activity: Create a Customised Menu Bar
2. To create a new menu bar, right-click on Menubars under User Menus/Toolbars and select New from the list.
3. To rename the menu bar: a. Right-click MenuBar_1. b. Select Edit from the list. c. Type pit_design and press ENTER. 4. Select the menus to place in the menu bar: a. Expand the Surface design menu bar.
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Advanced Interface Operations
Activity: Display Toolbars and Create a Customised Toolbar
b. Hold down CTRL and select the Pit Design, Expand segment and Expand string folders.
c. Click Copy. d. Select the new pit_design menu bar.
e. Click Paste. 5. Enter pit_design in the Save Profile As field. 6. Click Apply. Note: The new pit_design menu bar “floats” above the Surpac window. 7. Drag the pit_design menu bar to a location where there is some space at the top of the Surpac window.
Customising Toolbars and Buttons You might find that you only are using only a small number of the digitising functions, for example, Start new string, Start new segment, Digitise New Point at Mouse Location, New midpoint and Close current segment. You could create a toolbar that has only the functions that you need by taking a copy of the Digitise toolbar, removing some of the functions from it and adding the New Midpoint function to it.
Activity: Display Toolbars and Create a Customised Toolbar 1. Right-click in the empty space in the menu bar or toolbar region. 2. Select Toolbars to see which toolbars are currently displayed.
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Advanced Interface Operations
Activity: Display Toolbars and Create a Customised Toolbar
3. Choose Customise > Customise menus/toolbars. 4. Right-click on the Toolbars folder (under User Menus/Toolbars) and select New from the list. Note: This will create a new menu, called Toolbar1. 5. Right-click on Toolbar1 and select Edit. 6. Type pit_design and press ENTER. 7. Under Surpac Menus/Toolbars,expand the Surface design toolbar.
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Activity: Creating a Custom Button to Put on a Toolbar
8. Hold down CTRL and select several of the surface design commands as shown.
9. Click Copy. 10. Select the new pit_design toolbar and click Paste.
Activity: Creating a Custom Button to Put on a Toolbar 1. Choose Customise > Customise menus/toolbars. 2. In the Modify Menus and Toolbars form, select the pit_design toolbar and click New. 3. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply. This will create a new button on the designated toolbar.
Note: To fill in the Command field you will have to click the Ellipsis button and navigate to a TCL file. Similarly, to fill in the Image field, you must click the Ellipsis button and navigate to an icon file in the icons folder. Note: The full path to the TCL command scripts folder is: C:/Users/Public/Gemcom/Surpac/62/share/resource/scripts/toolbars/ 4. 5. 6. 7.
In the Modify menus and toolbars form, Click Apply. Right-click in an empty area near the toolbars. From the Toolbars menu, select pit_design. Drag the pit_design toolbar to a location where you can clearly see it.
8. Move the cursor over the icon on the right of the toolbar to see its Tool Tip. Surpac™ 6.2
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Advanced Interface Operations
Activity: Run Two Functions from the Function Chooser
Using the Function Chooser A quick way for you to run a function is to use the function chooser. You can type an “alias” into the function chooser to run a function. An alias is an abbreviation of the function name.
Activity: Run Two Functions from the Function Chooser 1. Drag and drop pit_design1.str into graphics. 2. Type CS (for Clear Screen) into the function chooser. Note: The function chooser field is located in the lower part of the Surpac window.
3. Press ENTER to run the function. Running the Clear Screen function makes the graphics area empty but, unlike the Reset graphics function, it leaves the data in the layer. 4. Type the alias DRWS (for Draw Strings) into the function chooser. 5. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
survey1665.str is displayed in graphics. Note: You can find a complete list of aliases in the files SSI_ETC:short.ssi and SSI_ETC:Surpac.mst.
Working with Forms You control how a function works by entering parameters into a form. The terms form is a type of dialogue box and these terms can be used interchangably. The Open File form and its components is a typical form.
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Activity: Run Two Functions from the Function Chooser
By clicking once to highlight a field on a form, and then right clicking, you see options to help you fill in the form.
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Activity: Run Two Functions from the Function Chooser
Last value if blank Selecting this command causes the field to keep the last value you entered when the application does not supply a value. For example, if you select Last value if blank for the Layer field of the Open File form, the text in the Layer field does not change, but if you select Last value if blank for the Location field, the last file name used is shown. Last value Selecting this item causes the field to keep the last value regardless of the value that Surpac inserts. For example, if you select Last value in the Layer field of the Open File form, the Layer field displays the name of the layer that you used on the last occasion you used this form. Constant.. Selecting this item allows you to enter a value to use for this field every time you use the form. Application Selecting this item causes the field to display the value supplied by Surpac. This is the way that Surpac worked in previous versions.
Configuring Windows and Panes in the Interface You can modify panes in the interface using the three buttons on the top right side of the pane: l l l
Toggle floating. Toggle auto-hide. Close.
Toggle floating The Toggle floating button enables you to "dock" or "undock" the pane. When the pane is docked it is fixed to an area of the Surpac window. When it is undocked it floats so you can move it to any part of the Surpac window. You can also dock the pane by moving it to one of the edges of the screen, or to an existing pane. To restore the pane to its original position, click again on the Toggle floating button or right-click on the top part of the pane and click Floating.
Toggle auto-hide The Toggle auto-hide button enables you to hide the pane so that you have more workspace for other panes.
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Activity: Run Two Functions from the Function Chooser
When you click Toggle auto-hide, the pane is minimised and attached to the side of the Surpac window. The following image shows the Properties pane attached to the side of the Surpac window.
To show the pane when it is minimised, move the cursor over the minimised pane. To restore the pane to its original position, click Toggle auto-hide again. Close To close a pane, click the X button in the top right corner.
To restore a pane that you have closed, select View > Dockable windows and click on the pane that you want to restore. In the example below, the Tools properties pane was closed, so it is not selected as a dockable window. By clicking on Tool properties, you can restore the pane to its original position.
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Activity: Run Two Functions from the Function Chooser
To restore the whole interface to its original state, right-click an empty area in the toolbar region, and click Restore.
Default Preferences The Default Preferences menu option allows you to manage user settings. You can change the system to customise it. Here are some useful examples:
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Advanced Interface Operations
Task: Changing setting in Defaults Preferences
Task: Changing setting in Defaults Preferences 1. Customise>Default preferences>Graphics>Viewer settings. Change the WINDOW IN mode from 'centre to corner' to 'corner to corner'. 2. Customise>Default preferences>Graphics>Hardware settings.
These are the optimal settings for Surpac BUT if there are problems with your graphics card, try changing some of these settings. a. Change the Processor Affinity on a dual core machine to 1 instead of all. b. Change the graphics display driver from Open GL, some graphics cards work better on direct 3d and give graphics problems with Open GL. c. Change the Hidden Surface removal algorithm. 3. Customise>Default preferences>Lighting>Directional lights.
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Task: Changing setting in Defaults Preferences
Taking the centre of the graphics area being 0,0,0 with the screen area going -2 to 2 (x), -1 to 1 (y) and -1 to 1 being above or below the screen, setting up lights in 3 directions ensures any surface or solid will be properly illuminated when rotated on the screen.
4. Customise>Default preferences>Graphics colours. Set up the background screen to any colour you wish. Be aware that you have no string colours set the same as your background or they will be invisible (ie. if string 1 is set to black on a black background). 5. Customise>Default preferences>Files>File actions. This is where you can change the text editor to Context from Notepad.
6. Customise>Default preferences>Alias files. Short.mst and surpac.mst are where the shortcut codes for the Function Chooser are stored. They are stored in the directory C://share/etc. The logical SSI_ETC: is set up in the translate.ssi file, also in C://share/etc.
You can setup your own shortcut key file as above my_alias.alias and store it in the same directory. The file should look like this, Surpac™ 6.2
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Task: Changing setting in Defaults Preferences
shortcut in double quoted followed by white space followed by the full command name in double quotes.
You can use an existing shortcut as well as the full command name. If an existing shortcut is used, that last to be loaded will overwrite the function of the first ( ie.Alias 3 will overwrite alias 1 and 2), so check that you are creating a NEW shortcut. form is to click the icon
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in the toolbar.
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Getting Help
Activity: Access Field Help and Form Help
Getting Help There are a number of resources to assist you whether you are trying to solve a problem, to understand how a function works, or to enter data into a form.
Field Help and Form Help When Surpac prompts you to enter information, it displays a form. The components on the form where you enter information are known as fields. You can get helpful information about each field by accessing Field help. Helpful information about the entire form, and concepts related to the function, are available by accessing Form help.
Activity: Access Field Help and Form Help 1. Click the Reset graphics icon . 2. Choose File > Open > String/DTM file. 3. Click the Location field, and then right-click to display a popup menu.
4. From the popup menu, select Field help. A window with help that is specific to the field selected is displayed.
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Getting Help
Activity: Access Field Help and Form Help
5. Press TAB several times. Notice that the help text changes as the cursor moves to different fields. This happens because Enable auto help is selected. 6. Clear Enable auto help. 7. Press TAB several times. Notice that the help text does not change. 8. Select Enable auto help. 9. Click the X button in the top right corner of the help window to close it. 10. Click and then right-click in a field to display the following menu.
11. From the menu, select Form Help. A window with help about the function Open file is displayed.
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Getting Help
Activity: Access Online Help from a Form
Online Help Online help contains more detailed information than form help and field help, as well as examples and troubleshooting assistance.
Activity: Access Online Help from a Form 1. Choose Display > 2D Grid. 2. Click the button at the lower left corner of the form.
The online help for the 2D Grid function is displayed.
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Activity: Access Help from the Help Menu
3. Close the help window.
Activity: Access Help from the Help Menu 1. In Surpac, from the Help menu, select Table of contents.
2. In the table of contents, expand Modules, then Licence Manager, then Network Licence Manager, and then Introduction.
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Activity: Use the Index to Search for Information
The help for the Licence Manager is displayed.
Activity: Use the Index to Search for Information The Index is another good way to locate help. Surpac™ 6.2
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Getting Help
Activity: Search the Online help
1. In Surpac, from the Help menu, select Table of contents. 2. In the lower left corner, click the Index tab. 3. In the text box at the top, slowly type each letter of the word Block Model. After you type each letter, the help system selects the index entry that is the closest match. 4. Press ENTER. The help for Block Model is displayed.
Activity: Search the Online help 1. In Surpac, from the Help menu, select Table of contents. 2. In the lower left corner, click the Search tab. 3. Type DTM Maths, and click Search. This search returns all the help topics that contain both the words “DTM” and “Maths”. The topics that contain the most occurrences of these words are ranked higher in the list.
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Activity: Search the Online help
4. Click the topic that is ranked 1 at the top of the list, DTM Maths.
You can do a phrase search by enclosing your search in quotes. 5. Type “String Maths”(including the quotation marks) in the Search box, and then click Search The search will find only the exact phrase “String Maths”. 6. Click the top row, String Maths. You can see the text “String Maths” is highlighted in the topic.
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Activity: Search the Online help
Tutorials Tutorials are designed to teach you how specific functions work within a practical, task-based environment, by working through exercises using a specific dataset. Surpac tutorials are available via the tutorials profile. When you install the software from the CD, the tutorials are installed into directories under: \demo_data\tutorials where is the folder where Surpac is installed. Each directory contains a tutorial in PDF format, as well as a data directory containing the files required to perform the exercises outlined in the tutorial.
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Getting Help
Activity: Access the Tutorials Profile
Activity: Access the Tutorials Profile 1. Right-click in the blank area on the right of the main menus. 2. From the popup menu, choose Profiles > tutorials.
A set of menus for the tutorials are displayed.
To view the tutorials or run the macros for the tutorial, you must first click on the menu item to change the directory to your chosen tutorial. You can then either view the tutorial document as a PDF or run the macros that appear in the tutorial. Internet download You can also download the complete set of tutorials. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
In your web browser, enter Click Gemcom Surpac, then Downloads. Log in to the Gemcom support site. Click Surpac Updates Click Tutorials v6.1
Note: You will need log in credentials to enter the Gemcom Support site. Contact your local support office if you do not have this information. Tip: The information offered on this page may be more recent than those from the CD installation.
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Getting Help
Activity: Find Support Office Contact Details
Support You can contact your local support office by phone or email.
Activity: Find Support Office Contact Details 1. Choose Help > Table of Contents.
The table of contents is displayed on the left side of the screen.
2. Expand the Support menu item to find your local support office from the listed locations.
3. Click on the required location. Alternatively, you can click on the map of locations or select the location from a list.
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Getting Help
Activity: Log a software request
The contact details are displayed. For example, the contact details of the Australian office are as shown:
Software Request The final type of help is where you log a software request by email.
Activity: Log a software request 1. Choose Help > Log a request.
2. Fill in a detailed description of your problem.
3. Click Contact Info... 4. Enter your personal details, and then click OK.
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Activity: Log a software request
5. Click Computer Info… 6. Click Capture Config to automatically get the details of your PC. 7. Enter as much detail as possible, and then click OK.
8. If you have data to demonstrate your problem, click Attach File… 9. Navigate to the data file that you want to attach, and then click Open.
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Activity: Log a software request
10. Click Save. 11. Give your output file a meaningful name. 12. Navigate to the folder where you wish to store the file, and then click Save.
13. Email the .sbg file to:
[email protected]
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Managing Data in Layers
Activity: Create Layers
Managing Data in Layers Many computer-aided design (CAD) packages use the term “layer” to define a set of information contained within one file. In this sense, a Surpac string number is the same as a CAD package “layer”. However, in Surpac, a layer is an area in memory which contains data displayed in graphics. Layers can contain strings from one or more string files. In this sense, you can append data from different files into one layer, and create a new file. All layers are contained within the Surpac Work Area (SWA).
Layers and the Surpac Work Area When Surpac starts, it creates an area in memory called the Surpac Work Area (SWA). All data that is displayed in graphics is stored within one or more layers, which are located within the SWA. Before you have displayed any data in graphics, the SWA contains one layer, called the “main graphics layer”.
All layers in the SWA are displayed in the Layers pane, at the lower left corner of the Surpac window, these display as shown below.
Creating Layers By dragging a file from the Navigator to graphics, you create a new layer with the same name as the file. You can also create a new layer using the New button on the Layer pane.
Activity: Create Layers 1. Click the Reset graphics icon . 2. Drag and drop pit1.str into graphics.
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Managing Data in Layers
Activity: Create Layers
Notice that the Layers pane now shows two layers, the main graphics layer and a new layer called pit1.str which becomes the active layer.
This symbol…
indicates that the layer is… active. visible. selectable.
The SWA now contains:
3. Drag and drop the file map1.str into graphics from the Navigator. Notice that the Layers pane now shows three layers, and map1.str is the active layer.
The SWA now contains:
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Managing Data in Layers
Activity: Create Layers
Next, you will create a circular area delineating the boundary of a waste dump, and save the data to a separate file. As part of this process, you will create a new layer where the data will be stored. 4. On the Layers pane, click the button. 5. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
Notice that the new layer is now the active layer.
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Activity: Create Layers
6. Choose Create > Circle by drag. 7. Click the centre of the circle, drag to the location shown, and then release the mouse button.
8. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply
9. Press ESC to finish using the function. Notice that the waste dump layer is now displayed in red, and it is preceded by an asterisk (*). This occurs when you have changed data in a layer, but you have not yet saved it.
10. Choose File > Save > string/DTM. 11. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Managing Data in Layers
Activity: Create Layers
The waste dump layer is now displayed in black.
The SWA now contains:
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Managing Data in Layers
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Activity: Create Layers
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Managing Data in Layers
Activity: Append Data to a Layer with the Navigator
Appending Data to a Layer You can append data to a layer by holding down the CTRL key when dragging and dropping a file into graphics. Also, the Open File form contains an option to append data in a layer. You can combine data from different files by appending them into one layer, and then saving the file.
Activity: Append Data to a Layer with the Navigator 1. Click the Reset graphics icon . 2. Hold the CTRL key down, then drag and drop pit1.str into graphics. Notice that while you drag a file into graphics with the CTRL key pressed, the cursor is displayed with a plus sign ( + ) After releasing the mouse, notice that the Layers pane still only shows one layer, the main graphics layer.
The SWA now contains:
3. Hold the CTRL key down, then drag and drop the file map1.str into graphics from the Navigator. After releasing the mouse, notice that the Layers pane still only shows one layer, the main graphics layer.
The SWA now contains:
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Managing Data in Layers
Activity: Append Data to a Layer with the Navigator
Next, you will save the data from both files to a new file. 4. Choose File > Save > String/DTM file. 5. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
The file map_and_pit.str contains all data from pit1.str as well as all data from map1.str.
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Managing Data in Layers
Activity: Append Data to a Layer with the Open File Command
Activity: Append Data to a Layer with the Open File Command 1. Click the Reset graphics icon . 2. Choose File > Open > String/DTM file. 3. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
Notice that by setting String Range to 2, only string 2 from pit1.str is opened in the main graphics layer.
4. Choose File > Open > String/DTM file. 5. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Managing Data in Layers
Activity: Append Data to a Layer with the Open File Command
Notice that by setting String Range to 2;12;52, only those strings have been opened. Also, because Replace current data was not selected, the data is appended to the main graphics layer.
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Managing Data in Layers
Activity: Append Data to a Layer with the Open File Command
The SWA now contains:
6. Choose File > Save > String/DTM file. 7. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
The file pit_and_buildings.str now contains string 2 from pit1.str as well as string 2, string 12, and string 52 from map1.str.
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Managing Data in Layers
Activity: Replace Data in a Layer with the Navigator
Replacing Data in a Layer You can replace data in a layer with the SHIFT key modifier when dragging and dropping a file into graphics. Also, the Open File form contains an option to replace data in a layer.
Activity: Replace Data in a Layer with the Navigator 1. Click the Reset graphics icon . 2. Drag and drop map1.str into graphics from the Navigator. Notice that the Layers pane shows the two layers.
The SWA now contains:
3. Click pit1.str so that it is the only file selected in the Navigator. 4. Hold the SHIFT key down, then drag and drop pit1.str into graphics. Notice that while you drag a file into graphics with the SHIFT key pressed, the cursor is displayed with an X. After releasing the mouse button, notice that the Layers pane still shows both layers.
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Managing Data in Layers
Activity: Replace Data in a Layer with the Navigator
However, the contents of the map1.str layer have been replaced by the data in the file pit1.str:
The SWA now contains:
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Managing Data in Layers
Activity: Replace Data in a Layer Using the Open File Command
Activity: Replace Data in a Layer Using the Open File Command 1. Click the Reset graphics icon . 2. Choose File > Open > string/DTM. 3. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
Notice that all the data in pit1.str is open in the main graphics layer.
4. Choose File > Open > string/DTM. 5. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Managing Data in Layers
Activity: Replace Data in a Layer Using the Open File Command
Notice that all data in the main graphics layer is replaced by the data in map1.str.
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Managing Data in Layers
Activity: Save a Workspace
Saving Workspace Settings You can save all the data, layers, and settings in a Surpac Work Area (SWA) file. You can restore all this information by opening the SWA file.
Activity: Save a Workspace 1. 2. 3. 4.
Click the Reset graphics icon . Drag and drop ore1.dtm into graphics. Choose View > Surface view options > Lighting options. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
5. Drag and drop pit_design1.str into graphics. 6. Drag and drop topo1.str into graphics. 7. Click in graphics and drag to rotate the data as shown.
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Managing Data in Layers
Activity: Save a Workspace
Notice that four layers exist in the Layers pane.
8. Choose File > Save > Graphics workspace. 9. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
The file ore_pit_topo.swa is created. Note: The terms “Graphics workspace” and “SWA” both refer to the “Surpac Work Area”. When you save a workspace, you create a file with a .swa extension. 10. Choose View > Surface view options > Lighting options. 11. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
12. Click the Reset graphics icon . Notice that all the layers are deleted except the default main graphics layer.
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Managing Data in Layers
Activity: Save a Workspace
13. Drag and drop ore_pit_topo.swa into graphics from the Navigator. Notice that you have restored the layers in the Layers pane, as well as the lighting settings and the view direction.
Note: SWA files are text files which store information about other files. If you want to open a SWA file on another computer, you must ensure that the files that the SWA file references are available using the same directory structure. 14. Choose View > Surface view options > Lighting options. 15. Enter the following information, and then click Apply.
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Managing Data in Layers
Activity: Save a Workspace
Notice that your lighting is reset to its original state.
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Activity: Save a Workspace
Strings The most common file format used for storing information in Surpac is a string file. A string file contains coordinate information for one or more points, as well as optional descriptive information for each point. It is important to understand how Surpac organises and uses data stored within a string file; this will enable you to work more efficiently with strings.
String Data Hierarchy Data in a string file is classified into: l l l
Points. Segments. Strings.
All points in a string file are grouped into segments, which are further grouped into strings. The example below shows conceptually how a string file contains strings, which contain segments, which contain points.
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Activity: Save a Workspace
Types of Strings There are three types of strings: l l l
Open. Closed. Spot Height. Surpac Term
Common Term
Open string
Drill hole trace
Closed string
Property boundary
Spot height string
Points not associated with a line or polygon
Blast hole collar locations
Description Fields Points, strings, and segments can have one or more pieces of descriptive information associated with them. This information is stored in a description field. Description fields are named according to the order they appear. Description fields are named in the format D, such as D1,D2,D3. For example, a closed segment representing an ore zone could have the gold grade, silver grade, and specific gravity stored in separate description fields. If the information is stored in that order, they could be assigned as follows: D1: gold grade D2: silver grade D3: specific gravity
Data Numbering Strings, segments, and points are identified by unique numbers. You can assign string numbers to represent particular features, such as string 1 for toes in a pit, string 2 for crests, and string 99 for spot heights. Surpac automatically assigns segment numbers and point numbers.
Data Ranges You can use a range to refer to groups of data numbers, such as strings, segments, and points. The comma ( , ) is used for a range which includes a start, an end, and optionally an increment. You use the following format to specify such a range in Surpac: ,, Note: When the increment is 1, you can use , without specifying the increment. The semicolon ( ; ) is used to identify unique values, or to separate multiple comma ranges.
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Activity: Save a Workspace
Here are some examples: Data values
from 1 to 8, at an increment of 1 (implied)
from 1 to 7, at an increment of 2
2000 2200 2400
from 2000 to 2400, at an increment of 200
1 and 6
2 and 6 and 9
from 2 to 6 at an increment of 1 (implied) and 9
25 50 60 70 80 90
25 and from 50 to 90 at an increment of 10
3 6 9 12 15 20 30
from 3 to 15, at an increment of 3 and 20 and 30
5 10 15 20 40 50 60
from 5 to 20, at an increment of 5 and from 40 to 60, at an increment of 10
String File Names Surpac string file names have the following components: Component
Any combination of characters and numbers
Numbers only
Always .str
Here are some examples of file names: Filename
.str 105
.str .str
Spaces in file names are not recommended. In some situations, Surpac may not work correctly when you are using a file that has a space in the file name. You can use ranges to refer to the ID of filenames. For example, you can refer to the files: geo130.str, geo140.str, geo150.str, geo160.str, geo170.str using the following syntax: Location: geoID: 130,170,10
String Directions When you view closed strings in the XY plane, the points have an order that is either clockwise or anticlockwise. This direction is important when calculating areas and volumes. l l
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Clockwise strings represent an area of inclusion. Anticlockwise strings represent an area of exclusion.
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Activity: View String Data
Viewing String Data Here is an example which demonstrates the previous concepts.
Activity: View String Data 1. 2. 3. 4.
Click the Reset graphics icon . Drag and drop the file bench105.str into graphics. Choose Display > Strings > With string and segment numbers. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
The file bench105.str is displayed.
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Activity: View String Data
The data in this file represents a horizontal view, also known as a plan view, of a pit design, the survey stations, and the geology for one level in a pit. The data is organised as follows. String number
Segment number
Low grade ore
Gold (g/t)
Silver (g/t)
Medium grade ore
Gold (g/t)
Silver (g/t)
High grade ore
Gold (g/t)
Silver (g/t)
Footwall trace
Hangingwall trace
Pit design toe
Survey stations
Spot height
Station name
5. Choose Display > Point > Numbers. 6. Enter a value of 1 for the String range, and then click Apply.
Notice that the order of points for string 1 is clockwise in the XY plane.
7. Click the Reset graphics icon
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Activity: View String Data
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run 01a_viewing_string_data.tcl. You will need to click Apply on any forms presented.
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Activity: View String Data in a Text Editor
String File Structure Sometimes it is helpful to view the contents of a string file in a text editor.
Activity: View String Data in a Text Editor 1. From the Navigator, right click bench105.str, and then select Edit. The file opens in your text editor.
l l l
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The first line is known as the header record, and contains these items: file name, date modified, purpose (which is empty in this example), styles file. The second line contains the axis record, This is a two-point line used in some sectioning functions. For many string files this is not required; when it is not required, values of zero are used for all coordinates. The Y, X, and Z values of each of the two end points of the axis are stored in the following order: The third line is the start of string data, and is stored as String number, Y, X, Z, D1, D2, D3, … D100. A null record indicates the end of a segment. String 1 is closed, because the first point and the last point are the same. When the file was created, the following values were chosen: D1 = gold (g/t), D2 = silver (g/t), and D3 = SG. String 1 outlines an area of low grade ore with: l a gold value of 1.23 grams/tonne. l a silver value of 14.23 grams/tonne. l a specific gravity of 2.7.
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Activity: View String Data in a Text Editor
2. Scroll down in the file to see the data as shown.
String 8 is open, since the first and last points are different. l String 8 consists of two segments. l String 30005 is closed, since the first and last points are the same. l String 30008 is a spot height string with the survey station name in the D1 field. 3. Exit the editor without saving any changes. Note: Manually editing string files is not recommended. If the format becomes corrupted, Surpac may not work correctly when using the file. l
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Viewing and Saving Data
Activity: Change Display Style
Viewing and Saving Data Attributes and Styles Files Styles files control how strings, digital terrain models and solid models (DTM files) are displayed. You can change them to suit your needs. With styles files, you can specify many attributes, such as line colour, marker size and drawing method (lines, markers, attributes, values). Every time you save a string file, the associated styles file is also saved so that when the string file is next opened, it will automatically use the correct styles.
Activity: Change Display Style The dataset in this task represents a soil sampling study that measured arsenic concentrations at various locations. In this task you will change the display style for the points to make it easier to see where the concentrations of arsenic are highest. 1. Open the file samp_classified1.str. This file contains a series of points that show the concentration of arsenic in the soil. The default style settings showing the strings as coloured lines is displayed. Representing the data in this way does not help you to see where the arsenic concentration is high or low.
The points have been classified into four levels of concentration, each represented by a separate string.
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Viewing and Saving Data
Activity: Change Display Style
A point whose arsenic concentration is 350 parts per million (ppm), for example, forms part of string 3. In this task, you will display the strings as spot heights to show the areas that have the highest concentration of arsenic. 2. Click the Legend tab to show the Legend pane. 3. In the Legend pane, click on the "+" sign next to Strings under the file samp_ classified.str. The legend shows that string 1 is black, string 2 is blue, string 3 is blue-green, and string 4 is green.
4. In the Legend, double-click string 1. The Set Drawing Styles form is displayed. 5. Enter the information as shown to select the drawing method, colour, marker type and text properties for displaying the four spot height strings.
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Viewing and Saving Data
Activity: Change Display Style
Specifically, do the following steps for each of the Custom Styles rows 1 to 4: a. Type marker,d1 in the Drawing Method cell. Note: marker,d1 instructs Surpac to draw a marker for each point, using the d1 field as a label. b. Select the line colour by clicking the line in the line cell and selecting Properties.
c. Click Edit.
d. Select the colour — blue, green, orange and red for each of the four rows respectively. Note: You can use any of the four colour tabs shown below to select the colour of the markers and the d1 field labels.
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Activity: Change Display Style
This tab…
allows you to choose a colour by …
clicking in a box on the display.
specifying its Hue, Saturation and Brightness.
specifying its Red, Green and Blue values
selecting the name of the colour from a standard list of colour names.
e. Click OK to finish the colour selection. f. Click the Markers cell, select Properties and then select the marker type. For this row…
select this marker type…
1 2 3 4
g. Click in the Text cell, select Properties, and then enter oru for the Units and 8.5 for the Size. h. Click Apply.
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Activity: Change Display Style
With object relative units (oru), the size of the text is set to the same units as the object. In our example, the text size for range 1 is set to 8.5 oru. The text size will be equivalent to an object that is 8.5 metres high and so will appear larger when you zoom in and smaller when you zoom out. Note: For more information on choosing text sizes, see the Online Reference Manual. 6. Click the check box in the lower left part of the form and in the Filename text box, type ssi_styles:marker.ssi.
7. Click Apply. The styles are now stored in the file marker.ssi in the styles directory. The Set Drawing Styles form will now look like the following.
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Viewing and Saving Data
Activity: Change Display Style
A sample of the points is displayed below. By looking at the colours, you can quickly see the areas of lowest arsenic concentration (blue), intermediate concentration (green and orange) and highest concentration (red).
8. Zoom in and you will see numbers and symbols displayed.
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Viewing and Saving Data
Activity: View Point Properties
9. Click the Save icon on the toolbar . 10. Click Apply in the Save File form. The file samp_classified1.str is associated with the styles file marker.ssi. This means that when samp_classified1.str is next opened, this styles file will also load. In this way it is possible to have a collection of styles files suitable for a range of display purposes. Note: If you want to see all of the steps performed in this task, run 02a_change_display_styles.tcl. You will need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Activity: View Point Properties The Point properties function displays point attribute information including string, segment and point numbers, y,x,z coordinates, and description fields. 1. Click the Reset graphics icon . 2. Open lev1665.str by dragging it from the Navigator into graphics. 3. Click Select Point/Triangle using the select tool.
4. Select any four points by holding down the CTRL key and clicking on the points.
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Viewing and Saving Data
Activity: View Segment Properties
5. Choose Inquire > Point properties. The Message window displays the point properties for all of the selected points.
Note: If you want to see all of the steps performed in this task, run 02b_view_point_ properties.tcl. You will need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Activity: View Segment Properties 1. Click the Reset graphics icon . 2. Open lev1665.str by dragging it into graphics. 3. On the Select tool, choose Select Segment/Trisolation.
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Viewing and Saving Data
Activity: Determine Bearing and Distance Between Two Points
4. Select the segment as shown.
The segment properties are displayed in the Properties pane.
Note: If you want to see all of the steps performed in this task, run 02c_view_segment_ properties.tcl. You will need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Activity: Determine Bearing and Distance Between Two Points 1. Click the Reset graphics icon . 2. Open lev1665.str. 3. Choose Inquire > Bearing and distance between 2 points. Notice the prompt to select the setup point.
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Viewing and Saving Data
Activity: Determine Bearing and Distance Between Two Points
4. Click the setup point. Notice the prompt to select the foresight point.
5. Click the foresight point. The Message window displays the bearing, distance and gradient between the two points in the order in which they were selected.
6. Press ESC to terminate the function. Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run 02d_bearing_and_distance.tcl. You will need to click Apply on any forms presented.
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Viewing and Saving Data
Activity: Save a File
Saving Data There are two ways to save a file: text or binary.
In most cases you will save strings as text files. However, if the text string files are very large (more than 5 MB), it may be worth saving them as binary files to reduce the time it takes to load the data into graphics. Typically, you can expect a saving of up to 15% in the size of the string file and up to 30% in the time to load the data into graphics.
Activity: Save a File 1. Click the Reset graphics icon . 2. Open lev1665.str. 3. Use the Select tool to select a point in the string.
4. Right-click and select Delete from the popup menu.
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Viewing and Saving Data
Activity: Save a File
5. Choose File > Save >String/DTM file. 6. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
The Save function saves the contents of the active layer to a file. Tip: An alternative method to show the Save File form is to click the icon toolbar.
in the
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run 02e_saving_data.tcl. You will need to click Apply on any forms presented.
The Display Menu The Display menu contains all the functions for displaying and hiding data already in memory.
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Viewing and Saving Data
Activity: Save a File
With Strings, there are the options to display them just as lines or with string and/or segment numbers. Points can be displayed as just markers, point number from the string file or one of the attributes stored in the description fields.
Data that is hidden using the Display functions is only removed from view, not removed from memory.
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Viewing and Saving Data
Task: Using the Display Menu
Task: Using the Display Menu 1. Make the Introduction data directory your working directory //training_CD_ dataset/introduction/data. 2. Drag and drop the file bench105.str. 3. Display the strings with segment numbers.
4. Hide string 30,008. 5. Display the d1 Attributes for Strings 2 and 3 at the first point.
6. Display a 100m 2D grid. 7. Display string 1 as strings. 8. Graphics should look as follows:
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Task: Using the Display Menu
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Editing Data
Activity: Use Orbit Mode to Rotate Data
Editing Data Orbit Mode Orbit mode is the default graphics mode, where you can rotate data in three dimensions. When you are using the orbit tool, Surpac operates in function-centric mode.
Activity: Use Orbit Mode to Rotate Data 1. Click the Reset graphics icon . 2. Drag and drop survey1665.str into graphics. 3. From the Tools toolbar 4. Click and drag in the Graphics Viewport. The data rotates in three dimensions.
, click the Orbit tool icon
Selection Modes There are several ways of selecting data: l
Select mode.
Point/Triangle mode.
Segment/Trisolation mode.
String/Object mode.
Box selection.
When any of theses selection tools are used, Surpac will operate in data centric mode.
Activity: Change Selection Modes 1. From the Tools toolbar
, click the drop-down triangle
on the
Select tool icon . 2. Click Select Point/Triangle.
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Editing Data
Activity: Change Selection Modes
The Select tool icon, now displays the Point/Triangle selection mode: 3. Click the Select tool icon
(not the drop-down triangle
The icon now displays Segment/Trisolation selection mode: 4. Click the Select tool icon
The icon now displays String/Object selection mode: 5. Click the Select tool icon
The icon now displays Select selection mode: 6. From the Tools toolbar
. , click the Box selection icon
The Tools toolbar now displays Box selection mode:
. .
7. Right-click anywhere in the Graphics Viewport to display a popup menu. 8. At the bottom of the menu, click the Select tool icon.
Notice that the Tools toolbar now displays Select selection mode: . 9. Right-click anywhere in the Graphics Viewport to display a popup menu. 10. At the bottom of the popup menu, click the Orbit view tool icon.
Notice that the Tools toolbar now displays Orbit view mode: 11. From the Tools toolbar, click the Select tool icon
The Tools toolbar now displays Select selection mode:
12. Press the ESC key. The Tools toolbar now displays the Orbit view mode:
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Editing Data
Activity: Use Point/Triangle Mode to Delete Points
Activity: Use Point/Triangle Mode to Delete Points 1. Click the Reset graphics icon . 2. Drag and drop survey1665.str into graphics. 3. From the Selection drop-down menu on the Tools toolbar, click Select Point/Triangle.
4. Click the point as shown.
5. Right-click anywhere in the Graphics Viewport to display a popup menu. 6. From the popup menu, select Delete.
The point is deleted.
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Editing Data
Activity: Use Segment/Trisolation Mode to Reverse Segments
7. Hold down the CTRL key, and then click the points as shown.
8. Click DELETE. The points are deleted.
Activity: Use Segment/Trisolation Mode to Reverse Segments 1. From the Selection drop-down menu on the Tools toolbar, click Select Segment/Trisolation.
2. Hold down the CTRL key, and then click the segments as shown.
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Editing Data
Activity: Use Segment/Trisolation Mode to Reverse Segments
3. Right-click anywhere in the Graphics Viewport to display a popup menu. 4. From the popup menu, select Reverse.
The new segment directions are displayed in the Message window. String 2 Segment 1 is now Anti-clockwise String 2 Segment 3 is now Anti-clockwise
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Editing Data
Activity: Use Select Mode to Break, Join, and Renumber Segments
Activity: Use Select Mode to Break, Join, and Renumber Segments With select mode, you can select either points or segments. This mode allows you to perform many string editing tasks very quickly. 1. Choose Display > Point > Numbers. 2. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
Point numbers are displayed.
It is not necessary to display point numbers. This is only done here to clearly identify points which you will select in the following steps. 3. From the Selection drop-down menu on the Tools toolbar, click Select.
4. Hold down CTRL, and then click points 11 and 14.
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Editing Data
Activity: Use Select Mode to Break, Join, and Renumber Segments
5. Right-click anywhere in graphics to display a popup menu. 6. From the menu, select Break segments at selected points.
7. Click at a location between the two points on the segment to be deleted, as shown.
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Editing Data
Activity: Use Select Mode to Break, Join, and Renumber Segments
8. Right-click and select Delete from the popup menu.
9. Hold the CTRL key down, and select two points to be joined (105 and 216).
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Editing Data
Activity: Use Select Mode to Break, Join, and Renumber Segments
Note: If two segments of different string numbers are connected, the string number of the first point selected is used for the result. In the preceding example, if point 105 is selected first, then the resulting string number will be 1. If point 216 was selected first, the resulting string number will be 2. 10. Right-click and select Connect points from the popup menu.
11. Hold the CTRL key down, and select two points to be joined (130 and 25).
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Editing Data
Activity: Use Select Mode to Break, Join, and Renumber Segments
12. Right-click and select Connect points from the menu.
The points are joined.
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Editing Data
Activity: Use Select Mode to Break, Join, and Renumber Segments
13. Repeat steps 4 to 12 for other locations, until the final result is as shown.
14. Choose Display > Strings > With string numbers. 15. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Editing Data
Activity: Use Select Mode to Break, Join, and Renumber Segments
Next, you will use the select tool to select and renumber all segments of string 2 to string 1.
16. Click at a location between two points on a segment that you will renumber.
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Editing Data
Activity: Use Select Mode to Break, Join, and Renumber Segments
17. Right-click and choose Select strings from the popup menu.
Both segments of string 2 are selected.
18. Choose Edit > Strings > Renumber 19. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply
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Editing Data
Activity: Use String/Object Mode to Delete and Clean Strings
Activity: Use String/Object Mode to Delete and Clean Strings 1. From the Selection drop-down menu on the Tools toolbar, click Select String/Object
2. Click string 30008 as shown.
3. Right-click and then select Delete from the popup menu.
4. Click string 1, as shown.
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Editing Data
Activity: Use String/Object Mode to Delete and Clean Strings
5. Right-click and then select Clean from the popup menu. 6. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
7. Choose File > Save as. 8. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Editing Data
Activity: Move Data Along an Axis
The Move Tool Once you have selected data, you can use the Move Tool to move it: l l l
Constrained along an axis. Constrained in a plane. Unconstrained.
Activity: Move Data Along an Axis 1. Click the Reset graphics icon . 2. Drag and drop lev1665.str into graphics. 3. From the Selection drop-down menu on the Tools toolbar, click Select Point/Triangle.
4. Hold the CTRL key down and click the two points as shown.
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Editing Data
Activity: Move Data Along an Axis
5. From the Tools toolbar, 6. Click and drag the X axis (red), as shown: Before
click the Move Tool
Notice that the status bar displays coordinate values as well as the movement.
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Editing Data
Activity: Move Data in a Plane
Activity: Move Data in a Plane 1. Click the Reset graphics icon . 2. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
3. Drag and drop ore1.str into graphics. 4. Rotate the data as shown in the image below. 5. From the Selection drop-down menu on the Tools toolbar, click Select Segment/Trisolation.
6. Click the segment shown.
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Editing Data
Activity: Move Data in Three Dimensions
7. From the Tools toolbar, click the Move Tool 8. Click and drag the red and blue corner to constrain the movement to the XZ plane. Before After
Notice that only the X and Z values in the status bar change as you move the segment.
9. Click the Reset graphics icon . 10. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
Activity: Move Data in Three Dimensions 1. 2. 3. 4.
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Click the Reset graphics icon . Drag and drop und1.str into graphics. Drag and drop und_layout.str into graphics. Click and drag in graphics to rotate the data as shown:
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Editing Data
Activity: Move Data in Three Dimensions
5. From the Selection drop-down menu on the Tools toolbar, click Select String/Object.
6. Click the string in und_layout.str.
7. Right-click and then select the Move Tool from the popup menu.
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Editing Data
Activity: Move Data in Three Dimensions
8. Click inside the yellow square at the intersection of the three axes and move the string as shown.
Notice that all three coordinates in the status bar change as you move the string.
9. Click the Reset graphics icon . 10. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
The Edit Menu The Edit menu contains all the functions for editing data already in memory.
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Editing Data
Activity: Move Data in Three Dimensions
Edit>String acts on a whole nominated string. Edit>Segment acts on a selected segment. Edit>Point acts on a selected point.
String Maths String maths allows you to manipulate string file data mathematically. Some of the uses of this function are: l l l l l
Interchanging Y,X,Z and description fields. Applying various mathematical functions to individual fields. Setting individual fields to a constant or to the value of another field. Scaling Y,X,Z values about a given datum value. Calculating areas, lengths and directions of segments.
Next, you will convert some geological ore zone interpretations from section coordinates to plan (real-world) coordinates.
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Editing Data
Activity: Convert Ore Zone Interpretations from Section Coordinates to Plan (Real-World) Coordinates
Activity: Convert Ore Zone Interpretations from Section Coordinates to Plan (RealWorld) Coordinates 1. 2. 3. 4.
Click Reset graphics . Open ore_section1.str. Choose Display > 2D grid. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
The sections are displayed with the grid.
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Editing Data
Activity: Convert Ore Zone Interpretations from Section Coordinates to Plan (Real-World) Coordinates
Next, you will convert this data to plan view, also known as “real world” coordinates. 5. Choose File tools > String maths. 6. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
7. 8. 9. 10.
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Click Reset graphics . Open ore_plan1.str. Choose Display > 2D grid. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Editing Data
Activity: Convert Ore Zone Interpretations from Section Coordinates to Plan (Real-World) Coordinates
11. Choose View > Zoom > Out. The segments are displayed.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run 05a_string_maths1.tcl. You will need to click Apply on any forms presented.
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Editing Data
Activity: Move a Pit 200 Metres North to Correct Survey Station Error
Activity: Move a Pit 200 Metres North to Correct Survey Station Error 1. 2. 3. 4.
Click Reset graphics . Open pit_design1.str. Choose File tools > String maths. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
5. Open the files pit_new.str and pit_design1.str in graphics and move the images around to see the difference between them. The original pit is displayed next to a new repositioned pit.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run 05b_string_maths2.tcl. You will need to click Apply on any forms presented.
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Editing Data
Activity: Create a Cut Off Grade
Activity: Create a Cut Off Grade Activity: Create a Cut Off Grade 1. Click Reset graphics . 2. Open kbb135.str. 3. From the Navigator, right click kbb135.str, and then select Edit. The file opens in your text editor.
The last two columns contain values for D1 and D2 fields. 4. Exit the editor without saving any changes. 5. Choose File tools > String maths. 6. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Editing Data
Activity: Create a Cut Off Grade
7. From the Navigator, right click kbb_new135.str, and then select Edit. The file opens in your text editor.
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Editing Data
Activity: Create a Cut Off Grade
Notice that a new column has been added to the existing D1 and D2 columns. This is the D3 field that stores the cut off grade from the above process. 8. Drag and drop kbb_new135.str into graphics. 9. Choose Display > Point > Attributes. 10. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
The D3 values for each point are displayed in each cell, as given below.
11. Zoom in to see the values displayed.
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Editing Data
Activity: Create a Cut Off Grade
Notice that some of the values have 2 or 3 decimal places while others don't have any. Next, you will standardise the number of decimal places to two. 12. 13. 14. 15.
Exit the editor without saving any changes. Click Reset graphics Choose File tools > String maths. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
16. When the following prompt is displayed, click Apply ,and then click Yes on the next prompt.
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Editing Data
Activity: Create a Cut Off Grade
17. From the Navigator, right click kbb_new135.str, and then select Edit. The file opens in your text editor.
Notice that a fourth column has been added to the existing D1, D2 and D3 columns. This is the D4 field that stores the formatted value of D3 field, from the above process. The next part of the task demonstrates how to concatenate / attach text to existing descriptive field values in the string files. 18. Exit the editor without saving any changes.
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Editing Data
Activity: Create a Cut Off Grade
19. Click Reset graphics 20. Choose File tools > String maths. 21. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
22. When the following prompt is displayed, click Apply , and then click Yes on the next prompt.
23. From the Navigator, right click kbb_new135.str, and then select Edit. The file opens in your text editor.
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Editing Data
Further Examples of String maths functions
Notice that a fifth column has been added to the existing D1 to D4 columns. This is the D5 field and it stores a D1 field value along with the text "Au g/t" added to it. 24. Exit the editor without saving any changes.
Further Examples of String maths functions 1. Interchange the X and Y fields.
2. Apply a high value cut of 10 to a value in a description field.
3. Calculate and store the chainage down a string.
The result is stored in the field under the Field column.
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Creating Data
Further Examples of String maths functions
Creating Data Overview In this chapter you will learn about: l
Creating a simple pit design.
The Create Menu
These are the functions used to create new points.
Snap Mode When you are creating new data, it is important to know which point mode is activated. The following example shows a string consisting of two points, to which a third is added using the three different mode settings.
The default is ADD Mode, as ticked above, any new points created will be added after the last point.
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Creating Data
Further Examples of String maths functions
INSERT mode should be ticked for inserting between existing points. Here the new point is inserted as point 2, and point 2 is renumbered to 3.
POINT Mode can be used while editing. In this case the coordinated of point 2 are changed to the new point coordinates.
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Creating Data
Further Examples of String maths functions
On the STATUS Bar, you can set the design string number, and Design Gradient. You can set the gradient as a ratio, percentage or angle, and this will determine the RL of the points you create subsequently.
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Creating Data
Task: To Create an Underground decline centreline with cross-cuts
Simple Underground Mine Design Task: To Create an Underground decline centreline with cross-cuts 1. Create a point using Create>Points>By coordinates.
2. Zoom to Data extends to re-scale screen and see point created.
3. Create additional points using Create>Points>By bearing traverse.
4. Create a curve using Create>Curve at segment end.
5. Create additional points using Create>Points>By bearing, using a bearing of 300deg. & a distance of 100m.
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Creating Data
Task: To Create an Underground decline centreline with cross-cuts
6. Change the point mode to INSERT, to create a start point for cross-cuts coming off the decline, using Create>Points>In line between adjacent points.
7. Set a new Design string (string 501) and set the Gradient to 1 in 50. 8. First digitise the point just created on the decline.
9. Then Create>Points>By bearing.
This is what the above decline looks like in three views, Plan, Section and Long Section.
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Creating Data
Activity: Create a Simple Pit Design
Create a Simple Pit Design You will design a pit base around an ore zone at an elevation of 150, and then extend it up to an elevation of 250 at a 45 degree pit wall angle.
Activity: Create a Simple Pit Design 1. Click the Reset graphics icon . 2. Drag and drop ore150.str into graphics. You will see a horizontal slice of ore zones at an elevation of 150.
3. Choose Create > Digitise > Properties. 4. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Creating Data
Activity: Create a Simple Pit Design
5. Choose Create > Digitise > New point at mouse location. 6. Click in graphics to create points 1, 2, and 3 as shown. Note: l Do not press ESC. You have not finished creating the string. l Numbers 1, 2 and 3 will not be displayed in the graphics. They are shown on the images so you know the order in which to create the points.
7. Choose Create > Digitise > New point by selection.
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Creating Data
Activity: Create a Simple Pit Design
8. Click three points at the northern end of the segment as shown, to create points 4, 5, and 6.
9. Choose Create > Digitise > By following a segment. 10. Click and hold the left mouse button at point 7, then drag to point 8 and release. 11. Click and hold the left mouse button at point 9, then drag to point 10 and release.
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Creating Data
Activity: Create a Simple Pit Design
12. Choose Create > Digitise > Close current segment. The closed segment is displayed.
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Creating Data
Activity: Create a Simple Pit Design
Note: When you create closed segments in the XY plane (plan view), you will usually create them in a clockwise direction. Clockwise segments are regarded as an area of inclusion, and give expected results when you intersect them with other clockwise segments. 13. Choose File > Save > string/DTM. 14. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
15. 16. 17. 18.
Click the Reset graphics icon . Drag and drop pit150.str into graphics. Choose Display > Point > Numbers. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
The numbered points on the segment are displayed.
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Creating Data
Activity: Create a Simple Pit Design
Next, you will delete some points to make the outline more convex. 19. Set the selection mode to Select Point/Triangle.
20. Hold the CTRL key down and click several points as shown.
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Creating Data
Activity: Create a Simple Pit Design
21. Right-click to display a menu, and then select Delete.
The renumbered segment is displayed.
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Creating Data
Activity: Create a Simple Pit Design
Next, you will set the slope wall angle to 45 degrees. 22. From the Status Bar at the bottom of the Surpac window, click the Design grade button . 23. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
The Design grade button displays the current design gradient. Next, you will set the string number for the top of the pit. Note: This step is optional. 24. From the Status Bar at the bottom of the Surpac window, click the Design string button.
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Creating Data
Activity: Create a Simple Pit Design
25. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
The Design string button displays the current design string number
Next, you will expand the segment horizontally by a distance of 100. At an angle of 45 degrees, this will create a pit crest 100 meters above the base, at an elevation of 250. 26. Choose Edit > Segment > Expand/Contract. 27. Click anywhere in graphics to select the segment for expanding. 28. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
29. Press ESC to finish expanding. The segments representing the top and bottom of the pit are displayed.
30. Hold down the right mouse key and drag down or to the left to zoom out. 31. Choose Display > 2D Grid. 32. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Creating Data
Activity: Create a Simple Pit Design
The pit strings and the 2D grid are displayed.
This procedure can be useful for determining the limits of a block model. Next, you will create a DTM from this data. 33. Choose Surfaces > Create DTM from Layer. 34. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Creating Data
Activity: Create a Simple Pit Design
35. If you see a break line error and some lines that cross in the pit crest, delete some points where the lines cross:
a. Click the Select tool and click Select Point/Triangle. b. Select a point to delete. c. Right-click and select Delete.
36. Choose Surfaces > Create DTM from Layer, and then click Apply. 37. Choose Display > 3D Grid. 38. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Creating Data
Activity: Create a Simple Pit Design
39. Click and drag in graphics to rotate the data. The pit and 3D grid are displayed.
Next, you will save the DTM file. 40. Choose File > Save > string/DTM File. 41. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Creating Data
Activity: Create a Simple Pit Design
The Verify Creation of File form is displayed. 42. Click Yes.
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Transforming data
Activity: Transform a Pit to a Different Coordinate System
Transforming data 2D Transformations 2D transformations are useful when you have to transform coordinates from one coordinate system to another, for example from the Map Grid of Australia (MGA) system to a local mine grid. The example demonstrated here is the transformation of an open pit file into the Australian national coordinate system. Another example of where you might want to use 2D transformations is where survey data has been entered using an incorrect backsight. You can then correct the data by transforming the coordinate system onto the backsight that was originally used. The function is also useful for transforming oblique sections that have been taken through a DTM or string file using an axis. In this case, the resulting section string files have coordinates relating to the axis used. You can transform them back to real-world coordinates using the 2D Transformation function. In the following task you will transform pit_as_built1.dtm into the MGA zone 50 using 2D transformation.
Activity: Transform a Pit to a Different Coordinate System 1. Click Reset graphics . 2. Open pit_as_built1.dtm and pit_stations_1.str. 3. In the Layers pane, double-click pit_as_built1.dtm. pit_as_built.dtm becomes the active layer in Graphics. 4. Choose Inquire > Report layer extents. The coordinates are displayed in the Message window.
5. Choose Surfaces > DTM File functions> 2D transformation of DTM file.
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Transforming data
Activity: Transform a Pit to a Different Coordinate System
6. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
Notes: Old points are the coordinates in the mine coordinate system. New points are the coordinates in the national coordinate system. l You have entered a Z correction of -950 here because the mine grid is +950 metres adjusted from the national grid. 7. Verify that the transformation parameters are correct. l
If the grids are plane metric grids, the scale factor should be 1.000, or very near 1.000. Any variation represents an error. Note: By default the rotation is displayed in DDD.MMSS format. Shift Y is the difference between Y1 (old) and Y1 (new) as entered on the first form. Shift X is the difference in easting between X1 (old) and X1 (new). In other words, the shifts are the difference in northing and easting between the coordinates of the first point in the two systems.
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Transforming data
Activity: Transform a Pit to a Different Coordinate System
8. Select Accept these adjustments, and then click Apply. 9. Choose File tools > Transformations > 2D Transformation of string file. 10. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
Note: Old pointsare the coordinates in the mine coordinate system; New points are the coordinates in the national coordinate system. l You have entered a Z correction of -950 here because the mine grid is +950 metres adjusted from the national grid. 11. Verify that the transformation parameters are correct. l
12. Click Reset graphics . View the result of the transformation. 13. Open the files pit_as_built_transformed1.dtm, and pit_stations_transformed_1.str in Graphics.
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Transforming data
Example: Activity: Transform transverse mercator to latitude/longitude
14. Zoom to the data extents by clicking
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run 05f_2d_transform.tcl. You will need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Example: Activity: Transform transverse mercator to latitude/longitude This example demonstrates the transformation of some points in a file of points from the national fiducial network. The points are in Map Grid of Australia coordinates and this exercise will calculate the latitude and longitude of the points and put them into description fields. 1. Open tm_zone50_fiducialnetwork_1.str. 2. Choose Display > 2D Grid.
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Transforming data
Example: Activity: Transform transverse mercator to latitude/longitude
3. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
The coordinates are shown in Map Grid of Australia zone 50. 4. Choose File tools > Transformations > Transverse mercator to lat/long. 5. Enter the information as shown.
6. Use the following table to identify the way that the file is being transformed.
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Transforming data
7. 8. 9. 10.
Example: Activity: Transform transverse mercator to latitude/longitude
TM Map
A defined Transverse Mercator map system.
The framework defining the coordinate system.
Spheroid Datum
The geodetic parameters for your location.
False Easting
The adjustment made to the map coordinates so that they are always positive.
False Northing
The adjustment made to the map coordinates so that they are always positive.
Central Scale Factor
The scale factor at the central meridian of the projection. Most transverse mercator projections bisect the earth along two meridians with a zone width of six degrees, making the Central Scale Factor 6.
Zone width
The longitudinal width of the projection. This is usually 6.
Zone 1 CM
The longitude of the central meridian for zone 1. The Universal Transverse Mercator series of projections are 60 zones of six degree width starting at 180 degrees. So the first zone is from 180 degrees to 174 degrees, with a central meridian in the zone at 177 degrees.
Lon/Lat units
The unit type for the measure of latitude and longitude held in the string file.
Coordinate convention
The sign convention used to handle coordinates for latitude and longitude that are South of the equator and West of the Greenwich meridian.
Input fields
The description fields that currently hold the values for latitude and longitude.
Output fields
The description fields that the transformed coordinates for latitude and longitude are written to.
Click Apply. Open tm_fiducialnetwork_withll.str. Choose Display > 2D Grid. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
11. Choose Inquire > Point properties.
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Transforming data
Example: Activity: Transform latitude/longitude to transverse mercator
12. Select a point. The latitude is written in D11 and the longitude is written in D12.
Note: If these values are written to the X and Y fields, truncation of the data (at the three decimal place limit for these fields) will corrupt the precision of the latitude and longitude if the file is saved in a text format. If a file is saved in binary format the precision is not lost if latitude and longitude are written to the X and Y fields. However, for data security it is best to write these values to the description fields. Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run 05j_tm_to_latlong.tcl. You will need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Example: Activity: Transform latitude/longitude to transverse mercator This example demonstrates the transformation of some points in a file of points from the national fiducial network. The points have geographical coordinates in latitude and longitude. The points will be transformed into the Map Grip of Australia (MGA) transverse mercator projection. 1. In the Navigator, right click on tm_zone50_fiducial_1.str and click Edit. 2. Examine the point TORBAY. This point has values of -35.05499357 and 117.6214179 in description fields four and five. These are the values for the latitude and longitude, respectively. The latitude and longitude values are stored in the d fields because the values require more than the three decimal places that are available in the X and Y fields. Note: Sign notation for the latitude and longitude indicate positive as North and East and negative as South and West . 3. Open tm_zone50_fiducial_1.str in Graphics.
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Transforming data
Example: Activity: Transform latitude/longitude to transverse mercator
4. Choose File tools > Transformations > Lat/long to transverse mercator. 5. Enter the information as shown.
6. Use the following table to identify the way that the file is being transformed. TM Map
A defined Transverse Mercator map system.
The framework defining the coordinate system.
Spheroid Datum
The geodetic parameters for your location.
False Easting
The adjustment made to the map coordinates so that they are always positive.
False Northing
The adjustment made to the map coordinates so that they are always positive.
Central Scale Factor
The scale factor at the central meridian of the projection. Most transeverse mercator projections bisect the earth along two meridians with a zone width of six degrees, making the Central Scale Factor 6.
Zone width
The longitudinal width of the projection. This is usually 6.
Zone 1 CM
The longitude of the central meridian for zone 1. The Universal Transverse Mercator series of projections are 60 zones of six degree width starting at 180 degrees. So the first zone is from 180 degrees to 174 degrees, with a central meridian in the zone at 177 degrees.
Lon/Lat units
The unit type for the measure of latitude and longitude held in the string file.
Coordinate convention
The sign convention used to handle coordiantes for latitude and longitude that are South of the equator and West of the Greenwich meridian.
Input fields
The description fields that currently hold the values for latitude and longitude.
Output fields
The description fields that the transformed coordinates for latitude and longitude are written to.
7. Click Apply. 8. Choose File tools > String Maths.
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Transforming data
Example: Activity: Transform latitude/longitude to transverse mercator
9. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
10. 11. 12. 13.
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Reset Graphics . Open transformed_to_tm_1.str. Choose Display > 2D Grid. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Transforming data
Example: Activity: Transform latitude/longitude to transverse mercator
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run 05k_latlong_to_tm.tcl. You will need to click Apply on any forms presented.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Example: Activity: Transform latitude/longitude to transverse mercator
Triangulated Surfaces Surpac supports two types of triangulated surfaces: DTM surfaces and three-dimensional solid models (3DMs). A DTM surface is a set of triangles which represent a surface, such as topography or a pit design. A solid model is a set of triangles which represents a three-dimensional shape, such as an ore zone or an underground mine design.
Surface Modelling Concepts Digital terrain models (DTMs) are created from strings.
Triangles are created between points on the strings.
The result is a set of non-overlapping triangles.
Surfaces are used in Surpac for such things as 3D visualization and for calculating volumes. Almost any surface can be modelled as a DTM, including natural topography, lithological contacts, bedrock/overburden contact, or water tables. DTMs are made of triangles, with each point of each triangle matched to a point in the original string file. Consequently DTM files are not valid without the original string files. That is, a DTM file cannot be opened if the original string file of the same name is not accessible. DTMs cannot fold back on themselves. That is, a DTM cannot have multiple Z values for a given X, Y coordinate. It is not possible to model overhanging or vertical surfaces with a DTM surface. Surpac™ 6.2
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Triangulated Surfaces
Naming Conventions
Naming Conventions The objects you create in Surpac are numbered by a system similar to that of string and string segment numbers: String
When you define an object, you explicitly assign it both an object number and a trisolation number. Surpac refers to the object by the object and trisolation number that you assigned. The object number must be an integer in the range of 1 to 32000. The trisolation number must be a positive integer.
DTM Conventions l l
DTMs cannot model overhangs or vertical surfaces. When creating a DTM, strings identified as spot heights are interpreted differently to strings identified as breaklines.
This chapter describes using strings to act as break lines. A breakline string is a string that represents physical features you can see in the real world, such as a crest of a pit, a fault in a geological model, or a contour in a pit. Spot height strings contain random points which, when connected by a string line, do not represent any physical feature. Examples are randomly surveyed points, or borehole collars.
Breaklines and Spot Heights Breakline strings are those which represent linear physical features that you can see in the real world e.g. crest of a pit, a fault in a geological model, a contour in a pit.
Spot height strings contain points which represent non-linear or point features, such as hill peaks, surface low points, gridded points, borehole collars etc. The lines connecting the points in the spot height string in graphics do not infer a physical line.
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Triangulated Surfaces
DTM Data Preparation
DTM Data Preparation Cleaning Data Before creating a surface, the data should to be checked to see if there are any problems that need fixing first. Using the Layer Clean function Edit>Layer>Clean check for cross-overs or duplicate data points that might cause problems. These can be initially just marked with the user making the decision about how to handle the errors. Whether to remove points, an entire string, set a string as a Spot Height string in the file based option or choose not to perform the Break line test.
It can be useful with files that are generated with a huge number of points, such as CMS pickups, to have Surpac automatically reduce duplicate points within a trap distance.
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DTM Data Preparation
Normalising Data Another useful function when preparing files for triangulation is the Edit>Segment>Normalise segments function:
In situations that might cause Geometry problems where there are not enough points for Surpac to correctly form triangles, extra points are inserted along a line. Smoothing Data Another method of increasing the number of points defining a shape is to use the Edit>String>Smooth function. This increases the number of points in a string without necessarily retaining the original points as you can see from the following example.
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DTM Data Preparation
It must be stressed, however, that any smoothing technique generates new data points mathematically, and these may not exactly honour the original data as do the original strings. Graphical vs File-based options A DTM can be created in two ways to best suit the data you wish to model. Graphical DTM operations allow you to view your results immediately. However, for large data files, the processing time may be prohibitive. The file-based tools allow you to perform DTM operations directly on the file data, saving both memory usage and creation time. For example, to create a DTM graphically, you would use:
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: Create a DTM — Graphics based Method
To create a DTM using a file-based option, you would use:
Creating a DTM Surface It is important to understand how a string file relates to a DTM. In order for a DTM file to remain valid, the string file from which it was created must remain unchanged from the time that you created the DTM. Therefore, if you modify the string data, you will also need to recreate the DTM.
Activity: Create a DTM — Graphics based Method 1. Open topo1.str in graphics. 2. Choose Surfaces > Create DTM from layer. 3. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: Create a DTM — Graphics based Method
The string file contours and the DTM of the topography are displayed.
4. Choose File > Save > string/DTM file to save the DTM file. 5. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: Create a DTM — File Based Method
6. Click Yes.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run 03a_create_dtm_graphics.tcl. You will need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Activity: Create a DTM — File Based Method You will now create a DTM from the string file pit_design1.str using the file-based DTM creation option. You will use this function to demonstrate the impact of using strings as breaklines. 1. Choose Surfaces > DTM File functions > Create DTM from string file. 2. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: Create a DTM — File Based Method
Note: This time the Strings to act as break lines check box is not ticked. 3. Open pit_design1.dtm.
Notice that there are several triangles in the DTM that do not reflect the results we desire. You will now repeat the procedure, but using the Strings to act as breaklines option. 4. Choose Surfaces > DTM File functions > Create DTM from string file. This time ensure that the Strings to act as break lines check box is selected. 5. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: Create a DTM — File Based Method
The message window informs you of the processing as the DTM is created. When processing is finished, a new window displays a log file, which is a report containing information about your DTM. 6. Close the log file window. The DTM file is saved automatically as pit_design1.dtm. 7. Open pit_design1.dtm. The pit is displayed.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: View a DTM in Graphics
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run 03b_create_dtm_file_based.tcl. You will need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Viewing a DTM Surface Activity: View a DTM in Graphics 1. Click the Reset graphics icon . 2. Drag and drop waste_dump.dtm into Graphics. The waste dump is displayed.
3. Use your cursor to view the data from different angles.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Viewing Transparent Surfaces
Viewing Transparent Surfaces 1. Open pit1.dtm.
2. Select Display > Strings > With String Numbers, fill in the form as shown below and click Apply.
3. Open dhc2.dtm.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Viewing Transparent Surfaces
4. Right-click to the right of the menus, move the cursor to Toolbars, and then click Scale and transparency.
5. Drag the transparency slider to set the transparency of triangles to 50%.
The DTMs are displayed as shown.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Viewing Transparent Surfaces
Calculate The Volume Between Two DTMs. 1. Open pit1.dtm. 2. Choose Display > Strings > With string numbers. 3. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply to display string 2.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Viewing Transparent Surfaces
Note: String 2 of pit1.str is used as the boundary string for the volume calculation. 4. Open dhc2.dtm. The DTMs are displayed as shown.
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Viewing Transparent Surfaces
5. Choose Surfaces > Volumes > Net volume between DTMs. 6. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Viewing Transparent Surfaces
7. Enter the information as shown. 8. Left-click, then right-click the check box as shown, and select Field Help.
9. Close Field help. 10. Click Apply. Next you will be prompted to save the triangles from each DTM clipped by the boundary string. Note: It is not necessary to save the modified DTMs. 11. Leave the next two forms blank, and click Apply.
The volume report shown is pit2.not, which is displayed on the screen.
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Triangulated Surfaces
12. 13. 14. 15. 16.
Viewing Transparent Surfaces
Close pit2.not. Reset Graphics. Open bdyres.str. Choose Display > Point > Attributes. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
The result is displayed. Surpac™ 6.2
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: Create a Boundary String - File-based Method
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run 05i_calculate_volume_between_ 2dtms.tcl. You will need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Creating a Boundary String Between Two DTM Surfaces You will now create a boundary string where a pit intersects the topography. A boundary string file is used for: l l l
delineating cut and fill material for calculating volumes. finding the intersection of a fault plane with a surface. finding where a pit design breaks the natural surface.
There are two methods of creating the boundary string in Surpac: a file-based method and a graphics-based method. In the file-based method, there is no need to display the DTMs and the boundary string is automatically saved to the nominated file. In the graphics-based method, the DTMs must be displayed in graphics and the boundary string is not automatically saved but is simply displayed in its own graphics layer. You must save your boundary string to a file after it is generated.
Activity: Create a Boundary String - File-based Method Firstly, you will use the file-based method. In this example, you will show only the DTMs for clarity. Surpac™ 6.2
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: Create a Boundary String - File-based Method
1. Click the Reset graphics icon . 2. Open pit_design1.dtm and topo1.dtm in graphics. Notice that the pit extends past the natural topography. To determine the volume of the pit, you need to define the boundary where the topography cuts the pit design. You do this by creating a boundary string of the intersection between both DTMs.
3. Choose Surfaces > DTM File functions > Line of intersection between two DTMs. 4. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
5. Drag and drop intersection1.str into graphics. The boundary string is displayed along with the DTMs.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: Create a Boundary String - Graphics-based Method
Activity: Create a Boundary String - Graphics-based Method You can also complete this process graphically. Using this method, the DTMs must be displayed in graphics because the function uses graphics layers to determine its input and output. 1. Open topo1.dtm and pit_design1.dtm in graphics. 2. Choose Surfaces > Clip or intersect DTMs > Line of intersection between two DTMs. 3. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: Calculate Cut and Fill Volumes Between Two DTMs
This outputs the same result as the file-based function, but you can select the fields graphically. In the graphics-based method, you must save the string in the intersection layer to a string file.
Calculating Cut and Fill Volume Using DTM Surfaces Activity: Calculate Cut and Fill Volumes Between Two DTMs One of the most common uses of DTMs is to calculate volumes. You can use the DTM Volumes function to compute the volume between two DTM surfaces, contained within a boundary string. 1. Choose Surfaces > Volumes > Cut and fill between DTMs. 2. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: View a Solid Model
3. Open cfill_volume.not. The report is displayed.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run 03c_cut_and_fill_volume.tcl.You will need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Solids Activity: View a Solid Model 1. Drag and drop solid_model.dtm into graphics. The solid is displayed.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: Create and Validate a Solid Model
2. Use the cursor to view the ore body from different angles. Notice that the 3DM or solid is a closed shape that represents a closed structure.
Activity: Create and Validate a Solid Model 1. Drag and drop ore1.str into graphics. 2. Choose Display > Strings > With string and segment numbers. 3. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
The segments are displayed.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: Create and Validate a Solid Model
Note: Triangulation will occur using segment numbers. This means that segment 1 will triangulate to segment 2, segment 2 will triangulate to segment 3, and so on. 4. Choose View > Zoom > Out. 5. Click Box Select Points on the Tools toolbar. 6. Click and drag a box that contains all of the segments. 7. Right-click in graphics and choose Select segments.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: Create and Validate a Solid Model
8. Right-click in graphics and select Triangulate.
The 3DM orebody is displayed.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: Create and Validate a Solid Model
9. Hold the ALT key down, then click and drag in graphics to rotate the data to the view shown below. Notice that the solid is not closed.
10. Move the cursor near the end segment and click so that one point is selected.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: Create and Validate a Solid Model
11. Right-click in graphics and choose Select segments.
12. Right-click in graphics and select Triangulate.
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Activity: Create and Validate a Solid Model
The solid is now closed at the end segment.
13. Hold the ALT key down, then click and drag in graphics to rotate the data to expose the other end of the object.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: Create and Validate a Solid Model
14. Move the cursor near the end segment and click so that one point is selected.
15. Right-click in graphics and select Triangulate.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: Create and Validate a Solid Model
The solid is now closed at the end segment.
16. Choose Solids > Validation > Validate object. 17. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: Create and Validate a Solid Model
The validation status is written to the Message window.
The results are also written to the file valid1.not.
18. Choose File > Save > String/DTM file.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: Calculate a Volume for a Solid Model
19. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run 04a_create_and_validate_solid.tcl. You will need to click Apply on any forms presented.
Activity: Calculate a Volume for a Solid Model 1. Click the Reset graphics icon . 2. Drag and drop ore_solid1.dtm into graphics. 3. Choose View > Data view options > Long section view. The solid is displayed.
4. Choose Display > 2D Grid. 5. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Triangulated Surfaces
Activity: Calculate a Volume for a Solid Model
6. Choose View > Zoom > Out.
7. Choose Solids > Solids tools > Report volume of solids. 8. Enter the information as shown below, and then click Apply.
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Activity: Calculate a Volume for a Solid Model
The report is displayed.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run 04b_solid_volume.tcl. You will need to click Apply on any forms presented.
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Plotting with Autoplot
Activity: Calculate a Volume for a Solid Model
Plotting with Autoplot There are two modules for plotting in Surpac. l
Autoplot is a module that produces plot files from information displayed in graphics. The Advanced plotting module allows you to produce more complex plots or batch plots.
This section describes Autoplot only.
Activity: Produce a Plot of a Pit Using Autoplot 1. 2. 3. 4.
Click Reset graphics . Open pit_design1.str. Choose Plotting > Autoplot. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply. Note: Make sure you select the box to Lock X/Y scale.
5. On the following form, enter the title block text, and then click Apply.
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Plotting with Autoplot
Activity: Calculate a Volume for a Solid Model
A box representing the page size appears around the data in graphics.
6. Drag this box so that the pit is in the centre. 7. Press F2 when the page borders are in the location you want. 8. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
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Plotting with Autoplot
Activity: Calculate a Volume for a Solid Model
The plot is displayed in the plot preview window. You can now edit or add information to the plot using the Edit and Create menus.
Note: To see all of the steps performed in this task, run 06c_plotting_with_autoplot.tcl. You will need to click Apply on any forms presented.
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Survey database overview
Example: Activity: Create a survey database
Survey database overview The survey database is a relational database which is controlled by Surpac. Using functions in the Surpac interface you can add, manage, monitor, edit and report your survey control network.
Example: Activity: Create a survey database This example demonstrates how to create a survey database for an open pit and populate it with data for three stations that are already in place around the pit crest. 1. Choose Survey > Survey database > New/Open. 2. Type the name pit_survey_.db, and then click Apply.
3. When you are prompted for the database type, select access, and then click Apply.
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Survey database overview
Example: Activity: Create a survey database
4. Click Apply on the Choose optional tables for new database form.
You can use the options on this form to instruct Surpac to perform stability monitoring on the database. In this case you will not perform prism monitoring so the form is left blank.
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Survey database overview
Example: Activity: Load a text file into a survey database
5. On the Define all fields for all tables form, click the styles tab, identify the mandatory fields and the null column, and then click Apply.
6. A confirmation statement is displayed in the Message window.
Note: To perform the steps in this task, run 07a_create_survey_db.tcl. You will need to click Apply on any forms presented. Not all forms will be presented when running this macro. If you already have a survey database called pit_survey_db, rename or delete it before running the macro.
Example: Activity: Load a text file into a survey database This example demonstrates loading the database with three survey stations that have already been coordinated in a previous survey. The coordinate details are in digital format so the data can be imported directly from a text file. Alternatively, the data could be entered manually, such as would be necessary for non digital data. However, best practice to reduce errors is to perform the input digitally. 1. Open pit_stations.txt in a text editor or spreadsheet program and confirm that the data is correct. 2. In Surpac, choose Survey > Survey database > New/Open. 3. Select pit_survey_db.ddb, and click Apply.
4. Choose Survey > Survey database > Import data.
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Example: Activity: Load a text file into a survey database
5. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
6. Enter the information as shown and then click Apply.
7. The stations are loaded to the database and a .not file is created.
8. Open pit_as_built.str. 9. Choose Survey > Stations > Display stations from database.
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Survey database overview
Example: Activity: Load a text file into a survey database
10. Enter the information as shown and then click Apply.
11. Click Apply on the Define Query Constraints form.
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Survey database overview
Example: Activity: Perform a surface traverse by manual input
The pit and stations are displayed.
Note: To perform the steps in this task, run 07b_insert_stations_from_text_file.tcl. You will need to click Apply on any forms presented. To present all forms in the procedure select Slow motion playback when running the macro.
Example: Activity: Perform a surface traverse by manual input This example demonstrates reducing survey observations of a new station and loading the coordinates and metadata information to the survey database. In this example, a survey station is installed on the pit platform near the ramp at the North end of the pit. You will first reduce the survey observations using the surface traverse function and then enter the coordinates into the survey database. Survey traverses can be recorded to a survey instrument data recorder using defined codes. Surpac can then perform the reductions and database insertions for this data automatically. See the Surpac Help for further information.
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Survey database overview
Example: Activity: Perform a surface traverse by manual input
1. Choose Survey > Survey database > New/Open. 2. Select pit_survey_db.ddb and click Apply.
3. Choose Survey > Surface surveys > Surface traverse. 4. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
5. The Surface station traversing form is displayed. On this form you enter the survey observations that the coordinates are reduced from. You will first enter details for the Backsight and Setup stations.
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Example: Activity: Perform a surface traverse by manual input
6. Enter the information as shown, and then click the Horizontal angles tab.
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Survey database overview
Example: Activity: Perform a surface traverse by manual input
7. Enter the information as shown.
The format for the Face leftBacksight and Foresight angles is in degrees.minutesseconds with the minutes in the first two decimal positions and the seconds in the third and fourth decimal positions. If the Right face row does not appear on your form, hover the cursor over the Left face text and right click, then select Add from the shortcut menu. If you were entering data from an observations with multiple left and right faces you would continue to add rows in this way. 8. Click the Mean iteration angle button. The angles are calculated and displayed.
9. Click the Vertical angles tab.
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Survey database overview
Example: Activity: Perform a surface traverse by manual input
10. Enter the information as shown.
The format for the Observed angles is the same as for the horizontal angles, degrees.minutesseconds. If the Face right row does not appear it can be added in the same manner as on the horizontal angles tab, by right clicking on the Face left text and selecting Add. Note: Reverse vertical angles can be used in your survey, you might want to do this to cancel atmospherics. 11. Click the Mean forward angle button. The angles are calculated and displayed.
12. Click the Calculate coordinates button. The calculated coordinates are displayed on the form.
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Example: Activity: Perform a surface traverse by manual input
13. Click Apply. The Review surface station co-ordinates form is displayed.
14. Click Apply. Station four is entered into the survey database. 15. Reset Graphics Surpac™ 6.2
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Survey database overview
Example: Activity: Perform a surface traverse by manual input
16. Open pit_as_built.str. 17. Choose Survey > Stations > Display stations from database. 18. Enter the information as shown, and then click Apply.
19. The new station is displayed in Graphics.
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Survey database overview
Example: Activity: Perform a surface traverse by manual input
Note: To perform steps in this task, run 07c_surface_traverse_manual.tcl. You will need to click Apply on any forms presented. Note: On the Surface station traversing form you will need to click the Mean iteration angle, Mean forward angle and Calculate coordinates buttons before applying the form.
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Example: Activity: Perform a surface traverse by manual input
References For more information, go to Gemcom's Customer Support website:
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