Surveying MCQ

August 31, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Hydrographic surveys deal with the mapping of  A . B .

large water bodies

heavenly bodies

C . D . E.

mountainous region canal system movement of clouds.

Answer: Option A

2. If h is the difference in level between end points separated by l , then the slope correction . The second term may be neglected if the value of h in a 20 m distance is less than

is A . B . C . D .

 m 1m 2m


Answer: Option D


!n ideal vertical curve to to "oin two gradients, gradients, is A . B . C . D . E.


parabolic elliptical

hyperbolic none of these.

Answer: Option B



$ic% up the correct statement from the ffollowing ollowing & A . B .

the eyepiece plays no part in defining the line of sight

the diaphragm plays no part in defining the line of sight

C . D .

the optical centre of the ob"ective plays no part in defining the line of sight none of these.

Answer: Option A


The intercept of a staff  A . B

is ma(imum if the staff is held truly normal to the line of sight.


is minimum if the staff is held truly normal to the line of sight.

C .

decreases if the staff is tilted away from normal

D .

increases if the staff is tilted towards normal.

Answer: Option B


The radius of curvature of the arc of of the bubble tube is is generally %ept A . B . C . D .

10 m 2' m

'0 m

100 m

Answer: Option D

*. If S  is  is the length of a subchord and R  is  is the radius of simple curve, the angle of deflection between its tangent and sub+chord, in minutes, is eual to A .

'* S -R 


'* R -S 


. C . D

1*1. S -R 


1*1/. R -S 


1*1/. S -R .

Answer: Option E


The real image of an ob"ect formed by the ob"ective, must lie A . B . C . D .

in the plane of cross hairs

at the centre of the telescope at the optical centre of the eye+piece

anywhere inside the telescope.

Answer: Option A


In chain surveying tie lines are primarily provided A . B . C . D .

to chec% the accuracy of the survey

to ta%e offsets for detail survey to avoid long offsets from chain lines

to increase the number of chain lines.

Answer: Option C

10. $ic% up the correct statement from the following & A . B .

the tangent screw enables to give small movement under conditions of smooth and positive control standing on the tripod is the levelling head or trib arch

C .

the levelling screws are used to tilt the instrument so that its rotation a(is is truly vertical



all the above.


Answer: Option D

11 11.. One of the ehmanns rules of plane tabling, is A

location of the instrument station is always distant from each of the three rays from the %nown points in proportion to their distances

. B

when loo%ing in the direction of each of the given points, the instrument station will be on the right side of one and left side of the other ray


when the instrument station is outside the circumscribing circle its location is always on the opposite side of the ray to the most distant point as the in inter+section ter+section of the other two rays

C .


none of these.


Answer: Option A

12. If f 1 and f 2 are the distances from the optical centre of a conve( lens of focal length f  to  to con"ugate two points P 1and P 2 respectively, the following relationship holds good A .


f     f 1 3 f 2


f    

B .

4f 1 3 f 25

C . D .

none of these.



 Option 1. The accuracy of measurement in chain surveying, does not depend upon A . B . C . D .

length of the offset

scale of the plotting

importance of the features general layout of the chain lines.

Answer: Option D


1#. If arithmetic sum of latitudes of a closed traverse is 6Lat  and  and closing error in latitude is correction for a side whose latitude is l , as given by Transit 7ule, is

dx ,


A .

B . C . D .

none of these.

Answer: Option A

1'. 8losed contours of decreasing values towards their centre, represent A . B . C . D .

a hill a depression

a saddle or pass

a river bed.

Answer: Option B

1). If a 0 m chain diverges diverges through a perpendicular distance d  from  from its correct alignment, the error in length, is A .

B .

C .

D .



. Answer: Option A

1*. 9iopter is the power of a lens having a focal length of  A . B . C . D . E.

2' cm

'0 cm *' cm

100 cm 12' cm

Answer: Option D

1/. !n imaginary line "oining the points of eual elevation on the surface of the earth, represents A . B . C . D .

contour surface contour gradient

contour line

level line


none of these. Answer: Option C

1. The fi( of a plane table station with three %nown points, is bad if the plane table station lies A . B . C . D

in the great triangle

outside the great triangle

on the circumference of the circumscribing circle none of these.


. Answer: Option C

20. If R   is is the radius of the main curve, : the angle of deflection, transition curve, then, total tangent length of the curve, is

S  the  the

shift and L the length of the

A . B . C . D

4R  +  + S 5 tan :-2 + L-2 4R   3 3 S 5 tan :-2 + L-2 4R   3 3 S 5 tan :-2 3 L-2


4R  +  + S 5 tan :-2 3 L-2


4R  +  + S 5 cos :-2 3 L-2

Answer: Option C

21. In chain surveying field wor% is limited to A . B . C . D .

linear measurements only angular measurements only

both linear and angular measurements

all the above.

Answer: Option A

22. Two concave lenses of )0 cm focal length are cemente cemented d on either side of a conve( lens of 1' cm focal length. The focal length of the combination is A . B . C . D .

10 cm

20 cm

0 cm #0 cm

Answer: Option C


2. If : is the vertical angle of an inclined sight, ; is the angle of tilt of the staff, the error  A .

B . C . D .

none of these.

Answer: Option A

2#. One of the tacheometric constants is additive, the other constant, constant, is A . B . C . D .

subtractive constant multiplying constant

dividing constant

indicative constant.

Answer: Option B

2'. The limiting length of an offset does not depend upon A . B . C . D .

accuracy of the wor% method of setting out perpendiculars scale of plotting

indefinite features to be surveyed.

Answer: Option D

2). In uadrantal bearing system, bac% bearing of a line may be obtained from its forward bearing, by


A . B . C . D .

adding 1/0
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