
December 13, 2016 | Author: Kr Manu | Category: N/A
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CONTENTS Sec. Sec. Sec. Sec.

1 2 3 4


General Requirements ................................................................................................................ 7 Survey Extent — Main Class ................................................................................................... 18 Survey Extent — Additional Class. Special Service and Type Notations .............................. 29 Survey Extent — Additional Class. Special Equipment and Systems Notations ................... 55

DET NORSKE VERITAS Veritasveien 1, N-1322 Høvik, Norway Tel.: +47 67 57 99 00 Fax: +47 67 57 99 11

CHANGES IN THE RULES General The present edition of the rules includes additions and amendments decided by the board in December 2000, and supersedes the January 2000 edition of the same chapter.

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The rule changes come into force 1 July 2001. This chapter is valid until superseded by a revised chapter. Supplements will not be issued except for an updated list of minor amendments and corrections presented in Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.3. Pt.0 Ch.1 is normally revised in January and July each year.

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Revised chapters will be forwarded to all subscribers to the rules. Buyers of reprints are advised to check the updated list of rule chapters printed in Pt.0 Ch.1 Sec.1 to ensure that the chapter is current.

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Main changes •

Sec.1 General Requirements

— The survey interval for thermal oil heaters has been increased from 1 to 2.5 years. — Previous items B301 to B309 have been replaced by amended B301 to B305 to upgrade the PMS survey arrangement. — Item B502 has been amended and new items B503 to B507 have been added to make the requirements more stringent in obtaining the tailshaft monitoring arrangement, TMON. — Item C206 has been added in accordance with IACS UR Z10.1, Z10.2 and Z10.3, concerning a survey planning meeting. — Item D101 has been amended regarding attendance at the survey planning meeting. — New item D103 has been added in accordance with the requirements in IACS UR Z10.1, Z10.2 and Z10.3. — Previous item D103 has been renumbered D104 and amended in accordance with IACS UR Z10.1, Z10.2 and Z10.3. — A new item D200 concerning examination of ro-ro ships bow, side and stern doors has been added, implementing the amended requirements of IACS UR Z17. — New items F100 and F200 have been added in accordance the requirements in IACS UR Z7 and parts of UR Z10.1, Z10.2 and Z10.3, concerning prompt and thorough repairs to damage associated with wastage over the allowable limits. — A new item G100 has been added to include surveys for gas turbine maintenance and exchange of components. •

Sec.2 Survey Extent — Main Class

— Item A104 has been expanded on ships that are transversely framed. — Additional text has been added to item B203. — Additional text has been added to item B405, in regard to inspections of Ro-Ro ship's bow, side and stern doors. — Item B602 has been amended to upgrade the PMS survey arrangement. — New items B603 and B604 have been added. — A new item B1100 has been added to include maintenance and surveys of gas turbines. — In accordance with IACS UR Z7, items C102 and D114 have been amended indicating that consideration may be given to the waiving of internal examinations, for tanks of 12 m3 or less. — Items D103, D104, D114, D117 and Table D1 have been amended and items D106 and D110 have been added. The rest of D100 has been renumbered. — A new item E400, concerning renewal surveys for gas turbines, has been added. — Items N103 and N204 have been added concerning water jets. •

— —

Sec.3 Survey Extent — Additional Class. Special Service and Type Notations

— New items F102 and F103 have been added, concerning close up examination and the option to reduce or extend the survey, de-

pending upon the observed maintenance condition of the hull structures under survey. Item F203 has been expanded to cover examination of piping in cargo holds for ships over 15 years. Items F204 and F205 have been amended, in accordance with the requirements in IACS UR Z10.1. Z10.2 and Z10.3, concerning the extent of thickness measurements and the examination of hatch covers and coamings. Previous item F205 has been moved to F500. Item F300 and Table F1 has been amended in accordance with IACS UR Z10.2. Previous item F407 has been revised and moved to F500. Items F405, F406, new items F407 and F410 and F408 (previous 409) have been amended in accordance with IACS UR Z10.2, concerning close up examination and the option to reduce or extend the survey depending upon the observed maintenance condition of the hull structures under survey, and concerning the thorough examination of hatch covers, in regard to testing and thickness measurements. Previous item F413 has been revised and moved to F500. A new item F500 has been added, collecting all requirements concerning additional requirements for single side skin bulk carriers. New items G102 and G103 have been added to include the extent of the close up examination when the original coating in tanks is found to be in GOOD condition. New items G203 and G209 have been added in accordance with the requirements in IACS UR Z10.1, for oil tankers over 15 years of age, concerning the extent of thickness measurements in ballast tanks adjacent to cargo holds with heating coils. Item G406 has been amended in accordance with IACS UR Z10.1 and G408 and G603 have been deleted. Previous G604 to G621 have been renumbered and new G615 and G616 are amended to further clarify the requirement and to include cargo piping on deck and crude oil washing piping. New items K102 and K103 have been added to include the extent of the close up examination when the original coating in tanks is found to be in GOOD condition. Amended item K203, new items K215 and K406, amended items K613 and K614 have been added in accordance with the enhanced requirements in IACS UR Z10.3, concerning the extent of thickness measurements, the examination of ballast tanks adjacent to cargo holds with heating coils, waiver of testing of ballast and cargo tanks at the discretion of the surveyor, in water surveys versus dry docking for ships over 15 years of age. K408 and K603 have been deleted and items have been renumbers accordingly. Sec.4 Survey Extent — Additional Class. Special Equipment and Systems Notations

— A new item G200 has been added to include survey extent for integrated computer systems. Previous G200 has been renumbered G300 and items G301 and G302 have been amended and expanded. — A new item J600 has been added to show that Q shall be suffixed to W1 or W1-OC when the qualification assurance system, operational procedures and certificates of competence are examined. — New item O100 has been added to include survey requirements for ships with the class notation GAS FUELLED.

Corrections and Clarifications In addition to the above stated rule amendments, some detected errors have been corrected, and some clarifications have been made in the existing rule wording.

Comments to the rules may be sent by e-mail to [email protected] For subscription orders or information about subscription terms, please use [email protected] Comprehensive information about DNV and the Society's services is found at the Web site © Det Norske Veritas Computer Typesetting (FM+SGML) by Det Norske Veritas Printed in Norway by GCS AS. If any person suffers loss or damage which is proved to have been caused by any negligent act or omission of Det Norske Veritas, then Det Norske Veritas shall pay compensation to such person for his proved direct loss or damage. However, the compensation shall not exceed an amount equal to ten times the fee charged for the service in question, provided that the maximum compensation shall never exceed USD 2 million. In this provision "Det Norske Veritas" shall mean the Foundation Det Norske Veritas as well as all its subsidiaries, directors, officers, employees, agents and any other acting on behalf of Det Norske Veritas.

Rules for Ships, January 2001 Pt.7 Ch.2 Contents – Page 3

CONTENTS SEC. 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS .......................... 7 A. Survey Intervals and Conditions .........................................7 A A A A A A A

100 200 300 400 500 600 700

General ..............................................................................7 Definitions.........................................................................7 Annual surveys..................................................................7 Intermediate surveys .......................................................11 Renewal surveys .............................................................11 Other complete periodical surveys..................................11 Postponement of periodical surveys ...............................11

E. Renewal Survey — Machinery and Safety Systems ....... 23 E E E E

100 200 300 400

General ............................................................................23 Electrical installations.....................................................23 Instrumentation and automation .....................................24 Gas turbines .................................................................... 24

F. Safety Construction............................................................ 24 F 100

Renewal survey............................................................... 24

G. Opening and Closing Appliances, and Load Line Marks ................................................................................. 24

B. Alternative Survey Arrangements.....................................11

G 100

B 100 B 200 B 300

H. Pollution Prevention, All Ships ......................................... 24

B 400 B 500 B 600

Continuous surveys.........................................................11 Surveys by the chief engineer ........................................11 Survey arrangement based on an approved planned maintenance system (PMS).............................................12 Integrated survey programme (ISP) - Hull structures and equipment........................................................................13 Survey arrangement based on condition monitoring system .............................................................................14 Surveys of ships out of commission ...............................15

C. Preparation for Survey ......................................................15 C 100 C 200 C 300

Application......................................................................15 Survey programme..........................................................15 Documentation on board.................................................16

H 100

Renewal survey............................................................... 24 Renewal survey............................................................... 24

I. Noxious Liquid Substances, NLS...................................... 25 I


Renewal survey............................................................... 25

J. Bottom Survey .................................................................... 26 J J J

100 200 300

Survey extent .................................................................. 26 Survey methods and conditions ...................................... 26 Survey details.................................................................. 26

K. Tailshaft Survey ................................................................ 26

D. Procedures for Class Related Services ..............................16

K 100 K 200 K 300

D 100 D 200

L. Boiler and Steam Heated Steam Generator Survey........ 27

Thickness measurements — hull structures ...................16 Examination of ro-ro ships bow, side and stern doors....16

L 100

Renewal survey............................................................... 26 Intermediate survey......................................................... 26 Tailshaft condition monitoring survey arrangement.......27 Renewal survey............................................................... 27

E. Provisions for Hull Surveys ...............................................16 General ............................................................................16 Access to structures.........................................................17

M. Thermal Oil Heater Survey............................................... 27

F. Repair of Structural Damage.............................................17

N. Thrusters for Propulsion ................................................... 27

F 100 F 200

N 100 N 200

E 100 E 200

Definition ........................................................................17 Repairs ............................................................................17

M 100

Renewal survey............................................................... 27 Definitions....................................................................... 27 Extent of survey and testing............................................ 27

G. Machinery Surveys .............................................................17

O. Radio Communication Equipment ................................... 27

G 100

O 100 O 200

Gas turbine maintenance and exchange of components .17

Application......................................................................27 Radio safety, GMDSS, renewal survey ..........................27

SEC. 2 SURVEY EXTENT — MAIN CLASS ............. 18 P. Safety Equipment, Renewal Survey ................................. 28 A. Definitions ............................................................................18 A 100


B. Annual Survey .....................................................................18 B B B B B B B B B B B

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100

Survey extent ..................................................................18 Hull structures and equipment ........................................18 Safety construction..........................................................19 Openings and closing appliances ....................................19 Load line marks...............................................................19 Machinery and safety systems ........................................19 Fire protection arrangement ...........................................19 Safety equipment ............................................................20 Pollution prevention, all ships.........................................20 Noxious liquid substances, NLS (if applicable)..............20 Gas turbines ....................................................................20

P 100 P 200

Application......................................................................28 Fire safety, lifesaving and navigation equipment ........... 28

SEC. 3 SURVEY EXTENT — ADDITIONAL CLASS. SPECIAL SERVICE AND TYPE NOTATIONS ..................................................... 29 A. Passenger Ships ................................................................. 29 A A A A

100 200 300 400

Application......................................................................29 Annual survey .................................................................29 Bottom survey.................................................................29 Lightweight survey ......................................................... 29

B. Container Carriers............................................................. 29 B 100 B 200

Application......................................................................29 Annual survey .................................................................29

C. Intermediate Survey ...........................................................21 Application and survey extent.........................................21 Ships up to 5 years old ....................................................21 Ships more than 5 years of age but not exceeding 10 years ...........................................................................21 Ships more than 10 years of age .....................................21 Pollution prevention, all ships.........................................21 Noxious liquid substances, NLS (if applicable)..............21

C. Car Carriers ....................................................................... 29

D. Renewal Survey — Hull Structures and Equipment ......21

E. Arrangement for Carriage of Motor Vehicles with Fuel in their Tanks for their own Propulsion............................... 30

C 100 C 200 C 300 C 400 C 500 C 600 D 100 D 200

All vessels .......................................................................21 Ships more than 5 years of age (normally for the second renewal survey and later) ................................................23

C 100 C 200

Application......................................................................29 Annual survey .................................................................29

D. Movable Car Decks ........................................................... 29 D 100 D 200

E 100 E 200

Application......................................................................29 Annual survey .................................................................29

Application......................................................................30 Annual survey .................................................................30


Rules for Ships, January 2001 Pt.7 Ch.2 Contents – Page 4

F. Dry Bulk Cargo Ships ....................................................... 30 F F F F F

100 200 300 400 500

Application......................................................................30 Annual survey .................................................................30 Intermediate survey.........................................................31 Complete periodical survey ............................................31 Additional requirements for single side skin bulk carriers.............................................................................35

G. Oil Carriers ......................................................................... 36 G G G G G G G

100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Application......................................................................36 Annual survey (cargo containment) ...............................36 Annual survey (oil pollution prevention)........................37 Intermediate survey (cargo containment) .......................37 Intermediate survey (oil pollution prevention) ...............37 Complete periodical survey (cargo containment) ...........37 Complete periodical survey (oil pollution prevention) ...38

H. Inert Gas Plant.................................................................... 41 H 100 H 200

Application......................................................................41 Complete periodical survey ............................................41

I. Protected Slop Tank .......................................................... 41 I I

100 200

Application......................................................................41 Complete periodical survey ............................................41

S 300 S 400

Complete periodical survey ............................................52 Survey in loading port, upon request ..............................53

T. Dangerous Goods................................................................ 53 T 100 T 200

Application......................................................................53 Complete periodical survey, compulsory requirements..53

U. Ro-Ro Ships......................................................................... 53 U 100 U 200

Application......................................................................53 Annual survey .................................................................53

V. Crane Vessels ...................................................................... 53 V 100 V 200 V 300

Application......................................................................53 Annual survey .................................................................53 Complete periodical survey ............................................53

W.Tanker for Potable Water.................................................. 53 W 100 W 200

Application......................................................................53 Complete periodical survey ............................................53

X. Cable Laying Vessels .......................................................... 53 X 100 X 200 X 300

Application......................................................................53 Annual survey .................................................................53 Complete periodical survey ............................................54

Application......................................................................41 Complete periodical survey ............................................41

SEC. 4 SURVEY EXTENT — ADDITIONAL CLASS. SPECIAL EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS NOTATIONS ...................................................... 55

K. Chemical Carriers ............................................................. 42

A. Helicopter Deck .................................................................. 55


A 100 A 200

J. Offshore Bow Loading Arrangements.............................. 41 J J

100 200 100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Application......................................................................42 Annual survey (cargo containment) ................................42 Annual survey (IMO Chemical Code) ............................42 Intermediate survey (cargo containment) .......................42 Intermediate survey (IMO Chemical Code)....................43 Complete periodical survey (cargo containment) ...........43 Complete periodical survey (IMO Chemical Code) .......44

Application......................................................................55 Complete periodical survey ............................................55

B. Shipboard Crane................................................................. 55 B 100 B 200 B 300

Application......................................................................55 Annual survey .................................................................55 Complete periodical survey ............................................55

L. Liquefied Gas Carriers ..................................................... 46

C. Diving Systems .................................................................... 55



100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Application......................................................................46 Annual survey (cargo systems) .......................................46 Annual survey (IMO Gas Code) .....................................47 Intermediate survey (cargo systems)...............................47 Intermediate survey (IMO Gas Code).............................48 Complete periodical survey (cargo systems) ..................48 Complete periodical survey (IMO Gas Code) ................49

100 200 300 400

Application......................................................................55 Annual survey .................................................................55 Intermediate survey.........................................................55 Complete periodical survey ............................................56

D. De-icing or anti-icing Systems ........................................... 56 D 100 D 200

Application......................................................................56 Annual survey .................................................................56

M. Fire Fighters........................................................................ 49 M M M M

100 200 300 400

Application......................................................................49 Class notation Fire Fighter I .........................................49 Class notation Fire Fighter II ........................................49 Class notation Fire Fighter III.......................................49

E. Periodically Unattended Machinery Space and Machinery Centralized Operated ......................................................... 56 E 100 E 200 E 300

Application......................................................................56 Annual survey .................................................................56 Complete periodical survey ............................................56

N. Well Stimulation Vessels .................................................... 49 N 100 N 200 N 300

Application......................................................................49 Annual survey .................................................................49 Complete periodical survey ............................................50

O. Arrangements for Carriage of Low Flashpoint Liquids. 50 O 100 O 200 O 300

Application......................................................................50 Annual survey .................................................................50 Complete periodical survey ............................................50

F. Additional Fire Protection ................................................. 56 F F F F F F F

100 200 300 400 500 600 700

Application......................................................................56 All F-class notations........................................................56 Class notation F-A ..........................................................57 Class notation F-M..........................................................57 Class notation F-C ..........................................................57 Class notation F-AM.......................................................57 Class notation F ..............................................................57

P. Reception System for Recovered Oil ................................ 50

G. Integrated Computer Systems ........................................... 57

P 100 P 200

G 100 G 200 G 300

Application......................................................................50 Complete periodical survey ............................................50

Q. Pusher and Pusher/Barge Combinations ........................ 50 Q 100 Q 200

Application......................................................................50 Complete periodical survey ............................................51

R. Oil Production Vessels........................................................ 51 R R R R

100 200 300 400

Application......................................................................51 Survey arrangement ........................................................51 Annual survey .................................................................51 Complete periodical survey ............................................51

Application......................................................................57 General ............................................................................57 Complete periodical survey ............................................57

H. Centralised Cargo Control for Liquid Cargoes............... 57 H 100 H 200

Application......................................................................57 Complete periodical survey ............................................57

I. Dynamic Positioning System.............................................. 58 I I

100 200

Application......................................................................58 Complete periodical survey ............................................58

J. Nautical Safety .................................................................... 58 S. Ships and Plants for Refrigerated Cargoes and Controlled Atmosphere ........................................................................ 51 S 100 S 200

Application......................................................................51 Annual survey .................................................................52


100 200 300 400

Application......................................................................58 General ............................................................................58 Class notation NAUT-C..................................................58 Class notation W1-OC....................................................58


Rules for Ships, January 2001 Pt.7 Ch.2 Contents – Page 5


500 600 700 800

Class notation W1...........................................................59 Class notations W1-Q and W1-OC-Q ...........................59 Class notation NAUT-B .................................................59 Class notation NAUT-A .................................................59

M. Redundant Propulsion ....................................................... 60 M 100 M 200

Application......................................................................60 Complete periodical survey ............................................ 60

N. Clean Ships ......................................................................... 60 K. Hull Monitoring System .....................................................59 K 100 K 200 K 300

Application.....................................................................59 General ............................................................................59 Annual survey .................................................................59

L. Vapour Control Systems ....................................................59 L 100 L 200

Application......................................................................59 Complete periodical survey ............................................59

N 100 N 200

Application......................................................................60 Annual surveys................................................................60

O. Gas Fuelled Engine Installations ...................................... 60 O O O O

100 200 300 400

Application......................................................................60 Annual survey .................................................................60 Intermediate survey......................................................... 60 Complete periodical survey ............................................ 61


Rules for Ships, January 2001 Pt.7 Ch.2 Contents – Page 6


Rules for Ships, January 2001 Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 7

SECTION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS A. Survey Intervals and Conditions A 100 General 101 All ships are to be subjected to periodical surveys to ascertain the condition of the structure, machinery installations, equipment and appliances. Periodical surveys will in general belong to one of the following categories: — — — —


For cargo and passenger ships above 24 m.


Safety construction, for cargo ships above 500 gross tonnage. Safety equipment, for cargo ships above 500 gross tonnage. Radio communication, for cargo ships above 300 gross tonnage. All passenger ships.


Pollution prevention, tanker for oil, for ships above 150 gross tonnage. Pollution prevention for all other ships above 400 gross tonnage.

annual surveys intermediate surveys renewal surveys other complete periodical surveys.

The extent of surveys for main and additional class notations are given in Sec.2, Sec.3 and Sec.4. The surveys are, as minimum, to be carried out in accordance with the referred rules in order to confirm that the hull, machinery, equipment and appliances comply with applicable requirements, and will remain in satisfactory condition provided the assumptions stated in Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.1 B400 are adhered to. In cases where compliance with applicable rules can not be satisfactorily confirmed based on extent of surveys as given, more comprehensive examination and/or testing may, upon the surveyor's discretion, be required. 102 In cases where the Administration of a flag state performs surveys of the ship and/or its components and equipment in accordance with the rule requirements, consideration will be given to the acceptance of this control as basis for retention of class. 103 Notwithstanding the general implication of 102, for ships trading with statutory certificates issued by the relevant national authority and where the Society is not authorised to carry out surveys, the Society is upon its own discretion, to carry out a general survey with respect to these certificates, in order to verify compliance with the rules. The extent of this survey will be decided upon in each separate case. 104 In cases where the Administration of the flag state has given dispensation from any requirements in the International Maritime Standards, the Society may upon its own discretion accept their decisions as basis for retention of class. 105 The due date of a periodical survey will be established depending on the survey interval, measured from one of the following events, whichever is relevant: — — — —

by these rules are applicable with regard to size and type of ship engaged in international voyages as follows:

the date of class assignment the date of commissioning the due date of the previous corresponding survey the date of completion of the previous corresponding survey.

106 Surveys and survey intervals related to class notations are given in Table A1 and A2 for main class and additional class respectively. 107 Ships with additional class for which there are no specific survey requirements in this chapter, are to have the equipment and/or constructions related to this additional class examined to the surveyor's satisfaction at every renewal survey for main character of class. A 200 Definitions 201 Convention ship is a ship for which the requirements in the international conventions apply. The conventions covered

202 International voyage means a voyage from a country to which the respective international convention applies to a port outside such country, or conversely. 203 Passenger ship is a ship which carries more than 12 passengers. Passenger is every person other than: — the master and the members of the crew or other persons employed or engaged in any capacity onboard a ship on the business of that ship — a child under one year of age. 204

A 300

Cargo ship is any ship which is not a passenger ship.

Annual surveys

301 Annual surveys are normally visual examinations to ascertain the general condition of the ship or relevant item. A more thorough annual survey may be specified for particular structures, machinery installations or equipment due to consequences of failure or age. 302 Annual surveys may unless otherwise stated be carried out within 3 months on either side of the due date. 303 Annual survey is to be carried out concurrently with renewal - or complete periodical surveys. 304 Satisfactory completion of annual surveys for main character of class and for oil tankers, chemical tankers, liquefied gas tankers, dry bulk cargo ships and for ships and plants for refrigerated cargoes, as applicable, will be confirmed by endorsement on the classification certificate. 305 Surveys completed prior to the specified period, i.e. more than 3 months before due date, may be accepted. In such cases the anniversary date on the classification certificate to be advanced to correspond to a date not more than 3 months later than the survey completion date. Subsequent surveys are to be carried out at prescribed intervals using the new anniversary date. Expiry date of the classification certificate may remain unchanged, in which case one or more surveys may be required so that the prescribed survey intervals are not exceeded.


Rules for Ships, January 2001 Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 8

Table A1 Periodical Surveys, Main Class. (For survey extent, see Sec.2) Main Survey in- Survey time windows, see Fig. 1 character Survey terval, W B (months) WA (months) of class years 1A1 Hull, machinery and equipment, renewal 5 3 See 700 1A2 Hull, machinery and equipment, renewal 3 3 See 700 1A1/1A2 Hull, machinery and equipment, annual 1 3 3 Hull, machinery and equipment, interme1A1 2.5 See 400 See 400 diate




Bottom Tailshaft with continuous corrosion resistant metallic liner or shaft of corrosion resistant material or shaft with specially approved protection arrangement


1A1/1A2 1A1/1A2 1A1/1A2


1A1/1A2 1A1/1A2

Tailshaft with approved oil sealing glands

Tailshaft of non-corrosion resistant material without continuous liner or approved oil box Thruster for propulsion, intermediate Thruster for propulsion, complete Main boilers, less than 8 years old Watertube main boilers, more than 8 years old (2 or more boilers for propulsion) Watertube main boilers, more than 8 years old (1 boiler for propulsion) Smoketube main boilers, more than 8 years old Auxiliary boilers Steam heated steam generators Thermal oil heaters



6, see however 702













2.5 5 2.5

6 6 6

6 6 6










2.5 2.5 2.5

6 6 6

6 6 6

Fig. 1 Survey time windows



The outside of the ship’s bottom and related items are to be surveyed at least on two occasions in any five year period. The interval between two subsequent surveys is not to exceed 36 months. To be carried out concurrently with renewal survey. For passenger ships, see Table A2. For light craft, see separate rules. To be carried out concurrently with renewal survey.

May be extended to 10 years provided that an intermediate survey is carried out after 5 years as given in Sec.2 K200 and with satisfactory result. The Society will not require any specific time interval between complete tailshaft syrveys, provided a tailshaft condition monitoring survey arrangement (TMON) has been granted (see B500).

Rules for Ships, January 2001 Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 9

Table A2 Periodical Surveys, Additional Class. (For survey extent, see Sec.3 and Sec.4, Ch.5 and Ch.8) Survey time windows, see Survey Fig. 1 Additional class Survey of interval, Remarks notation W WA B years (months) (months) Dry bulk cargo ships, annual 1 3 3 To be carried out concurrently with Dry bulk cargo ships, the annual, intermediate or renewal 2.5 See 400 See 400 Bulk Carrier ESP intermediate survey for main class as applicable. Ore Carrier ESP The survey also covers requirements Dry bulk cargo ships, complete 5 3 See 700 to safety construction. periodical Oil Carriers, annual 1 3 3 To be carried out concurrently with the annual, intermediate or renewal Oil Carriers, intermediate 2.5 See 400 See 400 survey for main class as applicable. Oil Carriers, complete The survey also covers requirements 5 3 See 700 Tanker for Oil ESP periodical to safety construction. Tanker for Oil Pollution prevention, annual 1 3 3 Products ESP Pollution prevention, 2.5 6 6 intermediate Pollution prevention, complete 5 Tanker for chemicals, annual 1 3 3 To be carried out concurrently with Tanker for chemicals, the annual, intermediate or renewal 2.5 See 400 See 400 intermediate survey for main class as applicable. The survey also covers requirements Tanker for chemicals, complete Tanker for 5 3 See 700 to safety construction. periodical Chemicals ESP Tanker for C ESP IMO Chemical Code, annual 1 3 3 IMO Chemical Code, interme2.5 6 6 diate IMO Chemical Code, complete 5 Tanker for liquefied gas, annual 1 3 3 To be carried out concurrently with Tanker for liquefied gas, the annual, intermediate or renewal 2.5 See 400 See 400 intermediate survey for main class as applicable. The survey also covers requirements Tanker for Liquefied Tanker for liquefied gas, 5 3 See 700 to safety construction. complete periodical Gas IMO Gas Code, annual 1 3 3 IMO Gas Code, intermediate 2.5 6 6 IMO Gas Code, complete 5 Tanker for Potable Tanker for potable water, com5 3 See 700 Water plete periodical To be carried out concurrently with Oil Production Oil production vessel, annual 1 3 3 the annual survey for main class. Vessel Oil Production and/ Oil production vessel, complete To be carried out concurrently with 5 3 See 700 or Storage Vessel periodical the renewal survey for main class. Diving system, annual 1 3 3 Diving system, intermediate 2.5 6 6 DSV Diving system, complete peri5 3 3 odical Cargo refrigerating plant, annuTo be carried out concurrently with 1 3 3 Reefer, RM, RM al the annual survey for main class. Container, KMC Cargo refrigerating plant, comTo be carried out concurrently with CA 5 3 See 700 plete periodical the renewal survey for main class. Periodically unattended ma1 3 3 chinery space, annual E0, ECO Periodically unattended machinery space, complete 5 3 3 periodical NAUT-C Nautical safety, bridge design 5 6 6 W1-OC Nautical safety, bridge design, W1 instrumentation, manoeuvring, 2.5 6 6 NAUT-A operational procedures NAUT-B ICS Integrated computer systems 2.5 6 6 AUTS, AUT, AUTR, Dynamic positioning system 2.5 6 6 AUTRO F-AMC Additional fire protection 2.5 6 6 Fire Fighter Fire fighters 2.5 6 6 INERT Inert gas installation 2.5 6 6


Rules for Ships, January 2001 Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 10

Table A2 Periodical Surveys, Additional Class. (For survey extent, see Sec.3 and Sec.4, Ch.5 and Ch.8) (Continued) Survey time windows, see Survey Fig. 1 Additional class Survey of interval, Remarks notation W WA B years (months) (months) PST Protected slop tank 2.5 6 6 Reception system for recovered OILREC 2.5 6 6 oil To be carried out concurrently with Shipboard crane, annual 1 3 3 the annual survey for main class. CRANE, Crane Vessel Shipboard crane, complete peri5 3 See 700 odical To be carried out concurrently with HELDK Helicopter deck 5 3 See 700 the renewal survey for main class. annual 1 3 3 At least 2 surveys are to be carried out in dry dock within each 5 year period Passenger Ship, of the classification certificate, proCar Ferry A (or B), bottom vided there shall never be more than 1 3 3 Train Ferry A (or B) Passenger ships, survey 36 months between two surveys in dry ferries or Car and Train dock. The other surveys may be carFerry A (or B) ried out with the ship afloat. lightweight 5 3 See 700 survey Car Carrier Car carriers 1 3 3 Arrangement for carriage of PET motor vehicles with fuel in their 1 3 3 tanks MCDK Movable car decks 1 3 3 Container Carrier Container carriers 1 3 3 Well stimulation vessels, 1 3 3 annual Well Stimulation Vessel Well stimulation vessels, com5 3 3 plete periodical Arrangements for carriage of To be carried out concurrently with 1 3 3 low flashpoint liquids, annual the annual survey for main class. LFL or LFL* Arrangements for carriage of low flashpoint liquids, complete 5 3 3 periodical Pusher and Pusher/ Pusher and pusher/barge combiTo be carried out concurrently with 5 3 See 700 Barge Unit nations the renewal survey for main class. DEICE De-icing or anti-icing systems 1 3 3 DEICE/C CCO Centralised cargo control 5 3 3 BOW LOADING Bow loading arrangement 1 3 3 Position mooring equipment, 1 3 3 annual Position mooring equipment, For survey extent, see Offshore POSMOOR 2.5 6 6 intermediate Standard DNV-OS-E301 Position mooring equipment, 5 3 3 complete periodical DG-P Dangerous goods, complete 5 3 See 700 DG-B To be carried out concurrently with VCS-1 *) the renewal survey for main class. VCS-1B 5 VCS-2 Vapour Control Systems *) 3 See 700 *) No specific survey items. Complete VCS-2B 5 periodical survey considered covered VCS-3 *) by renewal survey for main class. Additional oil pollution prevenOPP-F tion measures for fuel oil sys*) 3 See 700 see VCS-1 tems HMON-1 HMON-2 Hull monitoring system 1 3 See 700 CLEAN To be carried out concurrently with Environment class, annual 1 3 3 CLEAN DESIGN the annual survey for main class.


Rules for Ships, January 2001 Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 11

Table A2 Periodical Surveys, Additional Class. (For survey extent, see Sec.3 and Sec.4, Ch.5 and Ch.8) (Continued) Survey time windows, see Survey Fig. 1 Additional class Survey of interval, Remarks notation W WA B years (months) (months) Safety and environmental proSBM tection (SEP) management sys5 3 See 700 tem Propulsion arrangement, annual 1 3 3 Propulsion arrangement, interNAUTICUS 2.5 6 6 mediate See Ch.8 Sec.1 D100 (Propulsion) Propulsion arrangement, com5 3 See 700 plete periodical

A 400

Intermediate surveys

401 Intermediate surveys are to include visual examinations of hull structures, machinery and electrical installations and equipment in order to ascertain that the vessel remains in compliance with the rules. Tests are specified for particular items due to consequence of failure or age. 402 Intermediate surveys are unless otherwise stated to be carried out at the second or third annual survey after the credited date of the renewal survey. Parts of the intermediate surveys which are additional to the requirements of the annual surveys may be surveyed either at or between the second or third annual survey. 403 Satisfactory completion of intermediate surveys of main character of class and for oil tankers, chemical tankers and liquefied gas tankers, as applicable, will be confirmed by endorsement on the classification certificate. A 500 Renewal surveys 501 Renewal surveys are major surveys of hull structures, machinery installations and equipment. Renewal surveys are to include visual examinations, measurements and tests in order to confirm that the ship complies with the relevant rule requirements and is in satisfactorily maintained condition for the intended service. 502 Renewal surveys for hull, machinery installations and equipment are to be carried out at 5-yearly intervals for ships with main class 1A1 and at 3-yearly intervals for ships with main class 1A2. 503 The Society may accept that renewal surveys for hull, machinery installations and equipment and complete periodical surveys of cargo containment systems for oil tankers, chemical tankers, liquefied gas tankers, dry bulk cargo ships and plants for refrigerated cargoes are commenced concurrently with the fourth annual survey. For surveys commenced prior to the time range for the fourth annual survey, however, surveys are to be completed not later than 12 months after the commencement. 504 Possible repairs are normally to be carried out before the renewal surveys as given in 501 are regarded as completed and not later than the expiry date of the classification certificate including possible postponement granted as given in 700. The Society may accept that minor deficiencies are rectified within a specified time limit not exceeding 5 months after expiry date of the classification certificate including possible postponement as given in 700. A 600 601

Other complete periodical surveys Examples of complete periodical surveys are:

— surveys at 1, 2.5 or 5 year intervals for additional class notations — surveys at 2.5 year intervals for boilers — annual surveys for radio communication

— surveys at 2 year intervals for safety equipment — surveys at 1, 2.5 and 5 year intervals of safety construction, pollution prevention, noxious liquid substances and chemicals and gas codes — surveys at 1 and 5 year intervals for opening and closing appliances and load line marks. A 700 Postponement of periodical surveys 701 Except for annual and intermediate hull surveys, the Society may accept to postpone periodical surveys upon consideration in each separate case. If postponement is granted, a condition of class (CC) will be issued giving the time limit for the postponement period. No postponement will be given for conditions of class related to overdue continuous machinery and/or hull survey items. 702 Upon the owner's written request an extension of the validity of the certificate by maximum 3 months may be granted in exceptional cases. Such request must be received by the Society prior to the expiry date of the classification certificate.

B. Alternative Survey Arrangements B 100 Continuous surveys 101 The Society may, upon request from the owners, as an alternative to the renewal surveys, accept continuous surveys on the condition that the items are normally surveyed at intervals not exceeding 5 years for ships with main character of class 1A1 and 3 years for ships with main character of class 1A2. However, surveys carried out 6 months or less before their due date will be given a correspondingly longer interval during the next cycle. 102 Continuous hull survey may be accepted for passenger ships, container carriers, ro-ro ships and liquefied gas carriers. The applicable ship types may be recognized if an additional class notation as listed below, has been assigned: Passenger Ship Car Ferry Train Ferry Tanker for Liquefied Gas Container Carrier Ro/Ro 103 Continuous machinery surveys may be accepted for all vessels with main character of class 1A1 or 1A2. B 200 Surveys by the chief engineer 201 The Society may, upon request from the owners, accept that continuous machinery surveys, subject to the provisions of 202 to 205, may be carried out by the person in charge of the machinery department (chief engineer). The conditions for granting this type of survey arrangement will normally be:


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— the owner (or managing owner) must confirm the required qualifications of the chief engineer — the person has sailed a minimum of 3 years as chief engineer with the relevant national certificate, or alternatively — the person is presently sailing as a chief engineer with the relevant national certificate and has been employed with the owner (or managing owner) for at least 3 years. Chief engineers previously approved by the Society need not fulfil the latter requirement. Upon acceptance, a chief engineer authorisation letter will be issued by the Society. On request, the authorisation letter is to be presented to surveyors of the Society. 202 All surveys taking place at ports where the Society is represented are to be carried out by surveyors of the Society. 203 Half of all items covered by the continuous machinery survey scheme, of which there are more than one, may be surveyed by the chief engineer (i.e. the chief engineer may survey half of all identical items in one five-year survey cycle). Auxiliary diesel engines and turbines may wholly be surveyed by the chief engineer. Only a test run including testing of safety functions in the presence of the surveyor will normally be required. 204 It is a condition that all surveys carried out under supervision of the chief engineer are recorded in the engine log book and relevant extracts given to the first attending surveyor. The surveyor may, if he finds it necessary, require a resurvey of the parts in question. 205 Generator parallel operation, generator load test, and testing of protection devices for generators and switchboards are to be witnessed by a surveyor. See also Sec.2 E204. B 300 Survey arrangement based on an approved planned maintenance system (PMS) 301 A survey arrangement based on a planned maintenance system (PMS) is an alternative to the continuous machinery survey (CMS). Such survey arrangement is operated under the following conditions: 1) The planned maintenance system is to be computer based. Guidance note: If the system is centrally operated with the computer ashore, this can be accepted provided that implementation survey and annual survey are carried out both at the location from where the system is operated, and onboard. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

2) The ship is to be manned by chief engineers who are familiar with the system. A chief engineer approved by the Society shall be onboard at least 50% of the time. Requirements for approval of chief engineers are given in 201. 3) The planned maintenance system shall be approved (see 302). 4) The manager or operator shall have established a planned maintenance system that includes at least all items and systems that are covered by the continuous machinery survey (CMS) scheme. 5) Maintenance job descriptions and intervals are to be based on manufacturer’s recommendations. Experience may show that intervals need to be adjusted, in these cases documentation is required if intervals are to be extended. 6) All components in the CMS scheme are to be clearly identified with the CMS code in the system. 7) The system shall be able to produce a maintenance history report of all main overhauls carried out for a specific time period, see 303.

8) Tthe maintenance may be based on calendar or running hours, or based on monitoring of condition and performance. 9) The job descriptions for the main overhaul for all the components in the ship’s CMS scheme are to cover the requirements for class survey, (see Sec.2, Table E1) and will be credited as a class survey each time these jobs are carried out. If some main overhaul intervals are based on running hours and these intervals normally will exceed 5 years, the items will still be credited after 5 years based on satisfactory documentation of regular maintenance records and tests. 10) A system for control of components that are being re-used in different positions (circulating components, e.g. piston, cylinder cover) is to be established for all such components in the CMS scheme. Guidance note: It is not required that this system shall necessarily be an integrated part of the planned maintenance system. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

11) The CMS items for sea valves and sanitary valves cannot be credited by the chief engineer, but shall always be surveyed by a surveyor. The CMS items for parallel operation, testing of the generators and testing of setting for main and emergency generators protection devices and circuit breaker shall always be carried out in presence of a surveyor. These requirements are to be stated in the instructions in the planned maintenance system. 12) All corrective actions are to be especially identified in the system. 13) The job descriptions and maintenance history are to be in English. 14) Backup routines are to be established. 15) Annual survey is to be carried out in order to prolong the validity of the survey arrangement. 16) Damage to machinery or equipment covered by classification shall always be reported to the Society and into the planned maintenance system as a corrective action. The corresponding repair shall always be verified by a surveyor. 17) In case of change of manager or operator, the survey arrangement is automatically cancelled. The survey arrangement may also include the instrumentation and automation equipment covered by the rules in Pt.6 Ch.3 for the class notations E0 or ECO. All jobs related to the notations E0 or ECO have then to be included in the system, clearly identified, with proper test routines and maintenance descriptions. If these conditions are not complied with and the deficiency is not rectified within a given time, the survey arrangement will be cancelled. The conditions for ordinary continuous survey arrangement (CMS) of machinery will be re-introduced and all CMS items will be given a due date 5 years from the last survey date. 302 Before a ship may be accepted for alternative survey under a PMS arrangement, the system must be based on an approved PMS program. This program may be type approved or approved on a case-by-case basis. Requirements for type approval are described in a type approval programme in Standard for Certification 2.9 and in Certification Note 1.2. Guidance note: The supplier of the planned maintenance system can obtain type approval while the system approval can be obtained by the manager or operator, see 304.



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303 The system approval of the planned maintenance system is based on a description of the system and the following documentation: 1) List of items or systems that are included in the PMS with the corresponding CMS codes. 2) Examples of maintenance descriptions with corresponding time intervals and identification of class related components (CMS code). 3) Job descriptions for the CMS items for sea valves and sanitary valves and for parallel operation, testing of the generators and testing of setting for main and emergency generators protection devices and circuit breaker. See 301. 4) Example of maintenance history report (class report) for crediting of CMS components. The report shall at least contain component name, CMS code, interval, carried out date (running hours if applicable) and job history. 5) Procedures for reporting of maintenance activity (access control in the system, which are reporting history into the system etc.). 6) Description of the functionality for handling of postponed or overdue jobs. 7) Description of the system for control of components that are being re-used in different positions (circulating components, e.g. piston, cylinder cover). 8) A description of the manager's or operator's maintenance strategy including a chart of responsibility for the ship and the management. 9) Description of routines for continuous improvement of the maintenance strategy and intervals on critical components. Identification and follow-up of unplanned maintenance, recording of condition before maintenance is carried out, and recording of all changes in system are important elements in this context. Guidance note: Maintenance strategy is the manager's or operator's description of how the different machinery items are maintained, that could be time based maintenance, condition monitoring and corrective maintenance. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

When the owner is granted a system approval of their system, a system approval certificate will be issued to the owner stating the system type. A copy of this certificate shall be onboard every ship that intends to apply for the PMS arrangement. 304 A system approval or a type approval is an approval of the system itself and it’s functionality, and not an approval of how it is implemented on board each ship. The owner may use the approved system on board all the ship in his fleet, but an implementation survey is to be carried out on each ship before the PMS survey arrangement is granted. For type approved systems, the documentation in items 1, 2, 7 and 8 in 303 are to be submitted before the implementation survey is carried out. 305 An implementation survey on board the ship is required in order to verify that all the conditions listed in 301 are complied with. Provided that the implementation survey is carried out with a satisfactory result, a certificate for the survey arrangement will be issued for the ship stating system type and conditions for the survey arrangement. B 400 Integrated survey programme (ISP) - Hull structures and equipment 401 The rules in 400 represent an alternative survey scheme. This scheme allows the owner's shipboard and shore side personnel, as given in 403, to partly conduct inspections and tests as described in 404. The inspections and tests shall be verified by the Society at regular intervals.

402 The requirements given in 403 to 416 replace requirements given for traditional periodical and continuous hull surveys carried out by the Society with an integrated survey program (ISP) which describes specific obligations for the owner and the Society based on the ship's arrangement, installed equipment and systems as well as implemented planned inspection and maintenance system (PIMS). Guidance note: For ships with class notation NAUTICUS assigned (see Ch.7) a degree of exchange between the owner and the Society of information stored in the product model is defined. 3-D graphical model is part of the product model and consists of a three dimensional view of the hull structure and associated features. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

403 ISP is applicable for ships exclusively intended for the carriage of containers, normally with the class notation Container Carrier. The rules apply to ships with operational patterns which allow a planned and controlled implementation of the program and application of the ISP will be restricted to ships above a certain size, normally with a cargo carrying capacity of not less than 1 000 TEU. It is a prerequisite that the ship has a valid safety management certificate (SMC) in accordance with the ISM Code. 404 ISP covers inspections of hull structures and equipment to the extent subject to class surveys as given in Sec.2 C and D and supporting fittings, structures and equipment for stowing and securing of containers as given in Sec.3 B. Guidance note: Inspection in this context means visual examination and or pressure test. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

405 Intervals for planned inspections and maintenance should be decided based on the owner's documented experience and/or designers, builders and manufacturers recommendations. Intervals for examination of hull structures and equipment covered by ISP, according to 404 are, however, supposed to be shorter than intervals given for periodical surveys in A400 and A500, applicable for intermediate and renewal surveys, respectively. 406 Upon request from the owner, an enrolment letter for ISP will be issued when documents listed in a) to d) have been submitted by the owner and reviewed by the Society and the initial survey as given in 411 has been successfully carried out: a) Information related to conditions given in 403. b) PIMS. c) An organisation chart with defined responsibilities, authorities and interrelations of all personnel who manage, perform and verify work in accordance with ISP. d) Qualification and competency of personnel to perform their assigned functions under the ISP. Guidance note: It is assumed that the master's responsibility and authority as defined in the ISM Code paragraph 5 are maintained with the ISP. The owner should have a plan on how to provide personnel involved in the ISP with adequate understanding of relevant rules and reporting principles, basic knowledge of structural arrangement and hull integrity with respect to design, strength and maintenance. This may include establishment and maintenance of procedures for identifying any training, which may be required in support of the ISP and to ensure that such training is provided. In order not to impose a redundant burden, ISM Code documents sufficiently detailed may be suitable also for use in the ISP and


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owner may submit copies of documents of the safety management components that meet requirements for the ISP. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

407 The following examinations and tests are to be carried out under the supervision of a surveyor: a) Thickness measurement of hull structures as given in Sec.2 C and D. Holds or tanks or spaces required to be entered for thickness measurement are to be internally examined. b) Examination of underwater parts in connection with periodical bottom survey. In connection with dry-docking, holds, tanks and spaces are to be internally examined to an extent decided by the Society in order to verify structural condition and level of maintenance as reported as part of the PIMS and shall comprise representative holds, tanks and spaces as applicable. c) Annual examination of ballast tanks required as a consequence of non-effective corrosion protection system. d) Annual examination and thickness measurement of suspect areas as defined in Sec.2 A.

the PIMS including computer-based system. In order to assist the surveyor to conduct the requisite annual surveys as given in 412 without difficulty, suitable cross-referencing may be required. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

410 The implementation of ISP requires that descriptive data related to the structural condition and level of maintenance for items included are established. Guidance note: Relevant data may be obtained based on results from periodical surveys and/or condition survey and further supported with information available from classification records. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

411 After satisfactory review of documentation listed in 406 and after the PIMS has been in operation onboard for a specific time of normally not less than 6 months, an initial survey is to be carried out to confirm that the ISP is operating as intended. Guidance note: During the initial operational period, the Society will evaluate the ability of ship operating personnel to perform their assigned functions.

408 The PIMS shall, as a minimum, include a description of the following: — identification of all items included — inspection and maintenance intervals — inspection and maintenance methods and procedures to be followed — inspection and maintenance reporting procedures — procedure for corrective actions following reported deficiencies. Guidance note: The inspection of hull structures should include plating, frames, beams, stiffeners and girders including end connections and welds of all internal members and boundaries for holds, tanks and spaces including hatch covers and coamings as applicable. Evaluation of the condition of corrosion protection system in ballast tanks and other holds and spaces as applicable should be included. Piping systems located outside machinery spaces including valves and fittings should be included. Importance of provisions for inspection with particular attention to cleanliness and access to structures in order to discover significant corrosion, deformation, fractures or other structural deterioration should be incorporated. Guidelines for assessment of acceptance level of deterioration on hull structures and equipment as applicable and evaluation of protective coating condition will be given as part of the ISP. Reporting forms should, as a principle, give information on: — extent of inspection and maintenance with identification of spaces and specification of structural elements, equipment, pipes, fittings etc. as applicable within each space being inspected — results of inspection with condition of coating and anodes (if applicable), structural condition with identification of findings as corrosion and defects like cracks, buckling and indents and actions to possible findings including maintenance work. Sketches and photos should generally supplement reports. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

409 The PIMS is to include records applicable to inspections, maintenance, damages, defects and carried out corrective actions. These are to be kept as objective evidence of the condition of hull structures and equipment and the effective functioning of the PIMS. The records are to be readily accessible to the attending surveyor. Guidance note: In order to provide flexibility in the method of documentation, any appropriate record keeping system may be incorporated in


412 Surveys for verification of the functioning of ISP are required annually as given in Sec.2 B206 and Sec.3 B202. 413 If service experience shows wear and tear or defects that cannot be considered as normal, this shall be reported to the Society. In such cases the owner shall initiate, in co-operation with the Society, a special investigation to identify the cause(s). The Society may require the inspection and maintenance interval shortened until suitable corrective actions have been implemented. 414 If the hull structure and or equipment covered by the ISP sustain damage to such an extent that it may be presumed to lead to a condition of class (see Pt.1 Ch.1 Sec.3 B), the Society is to be informed without delay. The ship is to be surveyed in the first port of call or according to further instructions from the Society. 415 Should it be evident that the conditions for the ISP enrolment or the effective functioning of ISP as basis for retention of class are not complied with, the ISP enrolment will be cancelled and conditions for ordinary periodical or continuous survey schemes will be introduced. 416 If the owner and or operator of the ship is changed, the ISP enrolment will be automatically cancelled. B 500 Survey arrangement based on condition monitoring system 501 For machinery equipped with instruments making it possible to ascertain the condition of the machinery components, special approval may be made as to the extent and method of the survey. 502 For oil lubricated tailshafts that are monitored to ascertain the condition of the tailshaft system during operation, and that fulfils the design requirements in Pt.4 Ch.4 Sec.1 E300, the Society will not require any specific time interval between complete tailshaft surveys. See also Classification Note 10.1. A tailshaft condition monitoring survey arrangement (TMON) will be granted in such cases. The arrangement is applicable to conventional, podded and thruster propulsion systems. Other arrangements will be subject to special consideration. Guidance note: For ships granted TMON prior to 1 July 2001, a survey interval of 15 years between complete tailshaft survey still applies. Ships granted TMON prior to 1 July 2001 may also be granted an unlimited survey interval with respect to tailshaft survey if the de-


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sign requirements in Pt.4 Ch.4 Sec.1 E300 are fulfilled and an application is submitted. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

Dismantling of keyed propellers will be required at intervals of maximum 5 years, and keyless propellers every 15 years. The following parts are to be surveyed as applicable: — propeller nut — tailshaft threaded end — key and cone including examination of the keyway and the fore part of the taper by an approved crack detection method. 503 Ships with more than 3 years since the last tailshaft withdrawal must carry out a complete tailshaft survey as described in Sec.2 K100 in connection with the initial TMON implementation survey, unless the requirements in 504 are met. 504 The following applies to ships applying for the initial TMON survey arrangement and when it is more than 3 years since the last tailshaft withdrawal. If a complete satisfactory record can be presented to the Society containing all relevant measurements concerning TMON for a period covering the last 3 years, the requirement for a complete tailshaft survey at TMON implementation survey can be waived. Such records shall at least include on a monthly basis, stern tube bearing temperatures with corresponding sea water temperatures, oil consumption, water content in oil, and in case of roller bearing, recordings of vibration or shock-pulse measurements or trend analysis. Where fluid film bearings are applied, bearing clearances from last dry docking and wear down measurements taken since last shaft withdrawal are to be presented. The documentation is to be submitted to the Society. 505 On board oil analysis for checking of water content and bearing material particles in the stern tube oil is to be performed monthly and recorded in the TMON record file by the chief engineer. In addition, at least one oil sample per year is to be submitted to a recognised laboratory for analysis. The documentation of the laboratory analysis is to be kept on board, and shall contain a conclusion regarding the condition of the oil and it's suitability for further use. The report from the oil analysis presented to the surveyor at annual surveys is to be less than three months old. Guidance note: See Classification Note 10.1 Appendix G "Guideline for stern tube lubrication oil analysis." ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

506 Where an oil lubricated fluid film bearing is applied as an aft stern tube bearing, wear down measurements are to be taken at each bottom survey and are to be recorded in the TMON record file. Guidance note: When bottom survey is carried out afloat, wear down measurements are to be carried out only when practical. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

507 Where roller bearings are used, vibration monitoring is required to ensure the bearing condition. The vibration signal is to be measured as velocity or acceleration and recorded in the TMON record file. For more details, see Pt.4 Ch.4 Sec.1 E300. B 600 Surveys of ships out of commission 601 Ships which have been out of commission, i.e. laid up, for a period normally of at least 12 months, are to be surveyed and tested before re-entering service. The extent of the surveys and tests will be considered in each case depending upon the time the ship has been out of commission, the maintenance and preservative measures taken during lay-up and the extent of

surveys carried out during this time. As a minimum, a sea trial for function testing of the machinery installation will be carried out. 602 During lay-up, ships are to be subjected to annual general surveys. 603 If the lay-up period is more than 12 months, periodical surveys, except the annual general survey, may be postponed, depending on the maintenance and preservative measures taken during lay-up.

C. Preparation for Survey C 100


101 Requirements given in 200 and 300 apply to the hull renewal survey or complete periodical survey for ships with class notation Bulk Carrier ESP, Ore Carrier ESP, Tanker for Oil ESP, Tanker for Oil Products ESP, Tanker for Chemicals ESP and Tanker for C ESP. C 200

Survey programme

201 A specific survey programme is to be worked out in advance of the hull renewal survey or complete periodical survey by the owner in co-operation with the Society. The survey programme is to be in the written format. 202 The following documentation is to be collected and consulted with a view to selecting tanks, holds, areas and structural elements to be examined: — survey status and basic ship information — documentation on board as described in 300 — main structural plans, including information regarding use of high strength steel, stainless steel and clad steel — relevant previous survey or inspection reports from the Society and the owner — information regarding the use of the ship's tanks and holds with particular emphasis on typical cargoes — information regarding corrosion protection level on the newbuilding — information regarding relevant level of maintenance during operation. 203 The submitted survey programme is to account for and comply with, as a minimum, the requirements for close-up examination, thickness measurements and tank testing as given in Sec.3 Table F1 and F2 and F409 for dry bulk cargo ships, in Sec.3 Table G1, G2 and G3 for oil tankers and in Sec.3 Table K1, K2 and K3 for chemical tankers. 204 The submitted survey programme is, in addition to the requirements given in 203, to include relevant information including at least: — basic ship information and particulars — main structural plans including information on the use of high strength steel, stainless steel and clad steel — plan of tanks and holds — list of tanks and holds with information on use, corrosion protection and condition of corrosion protection — condition for survey such as cleaning of tanks and holds, gas freeing, ventilation, lighting, etc. — provisions and methods for access to structures — equipment for survey — nomination of tanks, holds and areas for close-up examination — nomination of sections for thickness measurements — nomination of tanks to be tested — damage experience related to the ship in question and, as applicable, for similar ships.


Rules for Ships, January 2001 Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.1 – Page 16

205 The extent of survey as described in the survey programme may be extended as found necessary by the Society based on the results of the survey. Guidance note: For more detailed information in conjunction with the preparation of the survey programme, see DNV Guidelines, renewal survey, survey planning.

were carried out, type of measurement equipment, names of personnel and their qualifications. The report has to be signed by the operator. The surveyor is to verify and countersign the report. Guidance note: The single measurements recorded are to represent the average of multiple measurements.



206 A survey planning meeting is to be held prior to commencing the complete periodical survey. The thickness measurement operator is to be part of the meeting together with representatives from the owner and the Society. However, if thickness measurements are not carried out during commencement of the complete periodical survey, a separate planning meeting with the participation of the thickness measurement operator may be held prior to commencing the thickness measurement. C 300 Documentation on board 301 The owner is to supply and maintain on board documentation as specified in 303 and 304, which is to be readily available for the surveyor. 302 The documentation is to be kept on board for the lifetime of the ship. 303 A survey report file consisting of: — — — —

reports of structural surveys executive hull summary thickness measurements reports survey programme is to be available on board. The survey report file is to be available also in the owner's and the Society's management offices. 304 The following additional documentation is to be available on board: — — — —

main structural plans of cargo and ballast holds/tanks previous repair history cargo and ballast history extent of use of inert gas plant and tank cleaning procedures — inspections and actions by ship's personnel with reference to: — — — —

structural deterioration in general leakage in bulkheads and piping condition of coating or corrosion protection, if any any other information that will help to identify critical structural areas and/or suspect areas requiring inspection.

D. Procedures for Class Related Services D 100 Thickness measurements — hull structures 101 Thickness measurements are to be carried out by a qualified company approved by the Society. The thickness measurement operator is to participate in the planning meeting as given in C206. Thickness measurements are normally to be carried out by means of ultrasonic test equipment. The accuracy of the equipment is to be proven to the surveyor as required. 102 Thickness measurements required, if not carried out by the Society itself, are to be witnessed by a surveyor on board to the extent necessary to control the process. 103 A thickness measurement report is to be prepared. The report is to give the location of the measurements, the thickness measured and the corresponding original thickness. Furthermore, the report is to give the date when the measurements

Guidance note: For more information on reporting of thickness measurements, see DNV Guidelines, DNV Recommended Reporting Principles for Ultrasonic Thickness Measurements of Hull Structures. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

D 200 Examination of ro-ro ships bow, side and stern doors 201 Companies engaged by the owner in the inspections of ro-ro ships' bow (outer and inner), side and stern doors, the results of which may form the basis for the surveyor's decisions, are to be approved by the Society. 202 Inspections according to 201 may include locking arrangement and supports, cleats, hydraulic operating system, electric control and indicator or monitoring systems, sealing arrangement and tightness testing. Guidance note: Inspections encompass visual examination, NDT of vital elements (i.e. dye penetrant, magnetic particle inspection) and measurement of clearances. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

203 An inspection report is to be prepared. The report is to give information on arrangement and systems covered by the inspection and the results of visual examination and tests as applicable. Furthermore, the report is to give the date when the inspection was carried out, type of test equipment, names of personnel and their qualifications. The report has to be signed by the operator. Guidance note: For more information on reporting, see Standard for Certification No.2.9, Type Approval Programme No.409. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

204 Upon satisfactory review of the inspection report, the Society may agree to limit the extent of annual surveys, see Sec.2 B400.

E. Provisions for Hull Surveys E 100 General 101 The owner is to provide the necessary facilities for a safe execution of the survey. 102 Survey at sea or at anchorage may be accepted provided the surveyor is given the necessary assistance from the personnel onboard. Necessary precautions and procedures for carrying out the survey are to be in accordance with the rules. 103 Tanks and spaces are to be safe for access, i.e. gas freed, ventilated, etc. 104 Tanks and spaces are to be sufficiently clean and free from water, scale, dirt, oil residues, etc. to reveal significant corrosion, deformation, fractures, damages or other structural deterioration. In particular this applies to areas which are subject to thickness measurement. In tanks where soft coatings have been applied, representative areas and those areas where it is obvious that further close-up examination is required are to be cleaned free of soft coating. This also applies to access


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requirements (as given below) and the cleaning of areas in way of the surveyor's route. Guidance note: For more detailed information with regard to a tank in which soft coatings have been applied, reference is made to IACS Recommendation No.44. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

105 Sufficient illumination is to be provided to reveal significant corrosion, deformation, fractures, damages or other structural deterioration. E 200 Access to structures 201 For overall examination, means are to be provided to enable the surveyor to examine the structure in a safe and practical way. 202 For close-up examination, one or more of the following means for access, acceptable to the surveyor, is to be provided: — — — — —

permanent staging and passages through structures temporary staging and passages through structures lifts and moveable platforms boats or rafts other equivalent means.

F. Repair of Structural Damage F 100 Definition 101 A prompt and thorough repair is a permanent repair completed at the time of survey to the satisfaction of the surveyor, therein removing the need for the imposition of any associated condition of class. F 200 Repairs 201 Any damage in association with wastage over the allowable limits (including buckling, grooving, detachment or fracture), or extensive areas of wastage over the allowable limits, which affects or, in the opinion of the surveyor, will affect the ship's structural, watertight or weathertight integrity, is to be promptly and thoroughly repaired. Areas to be considered include: — side shell frames, their end attachments or adjacent shell plating — deck structure and deck plating — bottom structure and bottom plating — watertight or oiltight bulkheads

— hatch covers or hatch coamings. 202 For locations where adequate repair facilities are not available, consideration may be given to allow the ship to proceed directly to a repair facility. This may require discharging the cargo and/or temporary repairs for the intended voyage. 203 Additionally, when a survey results in the identification of significant corrosion or structural defects, either of which, in the opinion of the surveyor, will impair the ship's fitness for continued service, remedial measures are to be implemented before the ship continues in service.

G. Machinery Surveys G 100 Gas turbine maintenance and exchange of components 101 The society accepts that complete gas turbine units, or modules, are taken ashore for complete overhaul by a qualified company. 102 Complete replacement turbines are to be certified. The company performing the work is to be either the original equipment manufacturer (OEM), or OEM-approved, equipped with the recommended common shop tools and special tools and facilities. 103 Documented history regarding maintenance, running hours and preservation during storage for the unit installed shall be available for examination. 104 Maintenance of gas turbine rotating components, or components in the gas path, is to be carried out using only original spare parts, or spare parts accepted by the OEM. 105 Maintenance carried out in the form of module replacement (e.g. hot section change-out), is to utilise replacement modules that are of identical design and construction, and either possess the appropriate DNV certification (i.e. originate in another DNV certified engine used for a similar application), or are new and produced in accordance with type approved design and under a valid manufacturing survey arrangement (MSA). Modules with other origins will normally not be accepted. 106 A written agreement shall be established between the maintenance company and the local DNV station regarding the practical details surrounding the class surveys and reviews. 107 The extent of class surveys or reviews to be adhered to for gas turbines is defined in Sec.2. Parts of this may be performed subject to a written agreement as defined in 106.


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101 An overall examination is an examination intended to report on the overall condition of the hull structure and determine the extent of additional close-up examinations. 102 A close-up examination is an examination where the details of structural components are within the close visual inspection range of the surveyor, i.e. normally within reach of hand. 103 Representative tanks are those which are expected to reflect the condition of other tanks of similar type and service and with similar corrosion protection systems. When selecting representative tanks account should be taken of the service and repair history on board and identifiable critical and/or suspect areas. 104 A Transverse section includes all longitudinal members such as plating, longitudinals and girders at the deck, side, bottom; inner bottom and hopper side plating, longitudinal bulkhead and bottom plating in top wing tanks, as applicable. For transversely framed ships, a transverse section includes adjacent frames and their end connections in way of transverse sections. Guidance note: Adjacent frames include the frames located just forward and aft of the transverse section. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

105 Suspect areas are locations showing substantial corrosion and/or are considered by the surveyor to be prone to rapid wastage. 106 Critical structural areas are locations which have been identified from calculations to require monitoring or from the service history of the subject ship or from similar or sister vessels to be sensitive to cracking, buckling or corrosion which would impair the structural integrity of the vessel. 107 Substantial corrosion is an extent of corrosion such that assessment of corrosion pattern indicates a wastage in excess of 75% of allowable margins, but within acceptable limits. 108 Corrosion protection system is normally considered either: — full hard coating supplemented by anodes, or — full hard coating. Other coating systems may be considered acceptable as alternatives provided that they are approved by DNV and applied and maintained in compliance with the manufacturer's specification. 109

Coating condition is defined as follows:



condition with only minor spot rusting. condition with local breakdown at edges of stiffeners and weld connections and/or light rusting over 20% or more of areas under consideration, but less than as defined for POOR condition. condition with general breakdown of coating over 20% or more of areas or hard scale at 10% or more of areas under consideration.

110 A ballast tank is a tank which is being used primarily for water ballast.

For oil carriers and chemical carriers, as given in Sec.3 G and K respectively, a ballast tank is a tank which is used solely for ballast or a tank used for both cargo and ballast in which substantial corrosion has been found during previous surveys.

B. Annual Survey B 100 Survey extent 101 For convention ships (see definition in Sec.1 A200), the survey is normally to cover systems and parts as specified in 200 to 1000. For non-convention ships, the survey is limited to cover systems and parts as specified in 200, 402, 404, 600 and 700. B 200 Hull structures and equipment 201 The survey is to cover: — hull plating as far as can be seen — anchoring and mooring equipment — watertight bulkheads with watertight doors and penetrations. 202 Ballast tanks are to be internally examined when required as a consequence of no protective coating, soft coating or POOR protective coating condition at previous intermediate survey or renewal survey. The examination may, unless otherwise decided by the surveyor, be carried out as an overall examination. If considered necessary by the surveyor thickness measurements of parts showing reduced strength will be required. 203 Suspect areas as defined in A105 identified at previous intermediate survey or renewal survey are to be overall and close-up examined. Areas with substantial corrosion as defined in A107 are to have thickness measurements taken. Table D4 should be used as guidance. For suspect areas, the extent of overall and close-up examination and the extent of thickness measurements may be especially considered in cases where such areas have been recoated (by epoxy coating or equivalent, alternatively a type approved coating, e.g. semi-hard or similar), provided: — the scantlings were assessed and found satisfactory by a surveyor prior to re-coating — the coating was applied according to the manufacturer's recommendations — verification at intermediate and renewal surveys that coating is maintained in GOOD condition. 204 If a loading instrument or loading computer system is available onboard, functionality is to be verified with respect to strength and stability, whichever is applicable. 205 It is to be verified that approved loading and stability information is kept available onboard. This information is the same as required when the ship was assigned class with the Society or at a later conversion of the ship, in accordance with the rule requirements applicable in each case. 206 For ships enrolled with alternative survey scheme, ISP, as given in Sec.1 B400, an annual survey is required in order to retain validity of the ISP. The survey is to include:


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— ISP performance review with verification that the conditions for the enrolment of ISP are maintained — examination of PIMS records with regard to inspections and maintenance carried out since last annual survey including description of corrective actions taken in response of reported deficiencies. If deemed necessary by the surveyor, based on the review of inspection and maintenance records, or acceptance criteria given as part of the ISP are exceeded, examination and or test, under the supervision of a surveyor, is required. Based on a satisfactory result of this survey, the validity of the ISP will be extended until the next annual survey. B 300 Safety construction 301 The survey requirements are covered by the annual survey of: — hull structure and equipment, see 200 — machinery and safety systems, see 600 — fire protection arrangements, see 700. B 400 Openings and closing appliances 401 The following information is to be available onboard: — — — — 402

stability information, see Pt.3 Ch.4 Sec.1 C record of condition of assignment report on measurements for load line operating and maintenance manual for doors in ship's bow, sides and stern. The following is to be surveyed or tested:

— doors in ship's bow, sides and stern, as described in 405 — hatch covers and hatch coamings on freeboard and superstructure decks, as described in 404 — openings in superstructures and deck houses — exposed machinery casing and skylights — ventilation ducts for engine and boiler rooms with dampers — ventilator and air pipes with coamings — windows, deadlights and side scuttles — scuppers, discharges and valves with hull attachments — fittings and appliances for timber deck cargoes. 403 Means of protection of the crew, such as guard rails, bulwark, gangways, and walkways, lifelines, freeing ports and shutters are to be surveyed. 404 For hatch covers and coamings the survey is to include close-up examination, as well as the tightness, clamping and operating devices. 405 For doors in ship's bow (outer and inner), sides and stern, the survey and testing is to include: — doors, ramps, hinges, packings, cleats, supports and locking arrangement — surrounding structure — space between outer and inner bow doors — indicators and audible alarms — television surveillance — notice plates — operating and maintenance manual. In cases where the inspection of doors has been carried out by a company approved by the Society, as given in Sec.1 D200, the extent of survey may be limited at the discretion of the surveyor. However, the survey shall, as a minimum, include: — operating and maintenance manual — notice plates — structural arrangement of doors including surrounding structures and space between outer and inner bow doors — complete opening and closing operation.

B 500 Load line marks 501 Load line marks to be surveyed and confirmed in accordance with valid certificate. B 600 Machinery and safety systems 601 The survey is to cover: — machinery and boiler spaces with special attention to the fire and explosion hazards — remote control and quick closing and stop of valves, pumps, fans etc. — bilge systems — boilers, pressure vessels and firing or combustion installations — electrical machinery including emergency power supply — steering gear — communication systems from bridge to machinery and steering gear spaces — cargo systems in ships intended for supply service to offshore installations — if arranged, cement and dry mud cargo piping situated within the engine room is to be examined and tightness tested, particular attention being paid to possible reduction of pipe wall thickness and to tightness of detachable connections — tightness of fixed refrigerating plants — if installed, controlled atmosphere (CA) installations are to be surveyed with regard to safety precautions, see Sec.3 S. 602 For ships granted a survey arrangement based on an approved planned maintenance system (PMS), an annual survey of the PMS is required to prolong the validity of the arrangement. The purpose of this survey is to review and evaluate the previous period's maintenance activities and experience (see Sec.1 B300). The annual survey shall consist of the following main elements: a) he maintenance history will be examined in order to verify that the PMS has been operated according to the intentions and that the system is kept up to date. b) Evaluation of the maintenance history for main overhaul jobs on the components covered by the continuous machinery survey (CMS) scheme carried out since last annual survey. c) Details of corrective actions on components in the CMS scheme are to be made available. d) If condition monitoring equipment is in use, function tests of this equipment and verification of the calibration will be carried out as far as practicable and reasonable. If found necessary by the surveyor, opening or testing of machinery may be required. 603 For annual survey of water jets, see Rules for Classification of HS, LC and NSC Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.2 E300 and E400, if applicable. 604 Gas turbines are subject to additional requirements as defined in 1100. B 700 Fire protection arrangement 701 The survey is in all cases to cover: — — — —

fire doors skylights and dampers in ventilation ducts emergency escape routes fire pumps, fire mains, hydrants, hoses etc. of water fire fighting system and international shore connection — non-portable and portable fire extinguishers and portable foam applicators — fireman's outfit


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— fixed fire extinguishing systems and fire protection systems — fire detection systems. 702 Inspection and testing of fixed gas and dry powder fire extinguishing systems are to be carried out periodically at the following intervals: — biennial inspection is to be carried out by a specialist firm and record from inspection is to be filed onboard — high pressure CO2 / Inergen / Argonite / Nitrogen cylinders in fixed fire extinguishing systems are to be subject to periodical hydrostatic testing at maximum intervals of 10 years. Testing is required for not less than 10% of the cylinders every 10 years — low pressure CO2 bulk containers are to be internally surveyed if the content has been released and the container is more than 5 years old. The annual external inspection of insulated containers is to include spot check of the outer surface beneath the insulation. Depending on the result of the internal survey, hydrostatic testing may be required at the surveyor's discretion. 703 Survey and testing of fire extinguishers are to be carried out periodically at the following intervals: — annual inspection or maintenance by competent person or ship's responsible safety officer, in accordance with manufacturer's instructions — every five years examined and refilled by an approved firm — every ten years from date of manufacture overhauled and subjected to hydrostatic test to 1,35 times maximum working pressure, by manufacturer or approved firm. 704

Fireman's outfit Guidance note: It is recommended that intervals for hydraulic pressure testing of breathing apparatus' air cylinders do not exceed 5 years. Any additional requirements from national authorities will prevail. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

705 Testing of quality of foam-forming liquids is to be carried out periodically not later than 3 years after manufacture and annually thereafter. Testing is to be carried out by the manufacturer or an approved firm. 706 Ships carrying motor vehicles with fuel in their tanks in enclosed spaces, and not having the additional class notation PET, are to have the fire and ventilation arrangements for these spaces surveyed, the extent of the survey being equal to that required for the additional class notation PET, see Sec.3 E. B 800 801

Safety equipment The following information is to be available onboard:

— safety equipment record — service certificate for inflatable liferafts and hydrostatic release — liferaft launching instructions (posted) — instruction and notices regarding fire fighting equipment (posted) — fire control plan (posted) — instructions for maintenance and operation of all fire fighting equipment. 802

The log book is to be examined regarding entries of:

— lifeboat, fire muster- and abandon ship drills (see Ch.3 Sec.2 C) — inspection, servicing and launching of all survival craft, rescue boat, hyperbaric lifeboat and free-fall lifeboat, as applicable (see Ch.3 Sec.2 D) — failing to react to distress signals (see Ch.3 Sec.3 B) — steering gear testing and emergency drills (see Ch.3 Sec.3 B). 803

The following is to be examined or tested, as applicable:

— — — — —

safety of navigational aids signalling apparatus navigation lights line throwing appliances and distress signals survival craft, rescue boat and associated launching and recovery appliances — personal life-saving appliances — pilot ladder and accommodation ladder — mechanical pilot hoist. B 900 901

Pollution prevention, all ships The following is to be surveyed:

— validity of pollution prevention certificate — certificates for type approved oily water separating or filtering equipment, process unit and oil content meters — oil record book entries — means of control of sludge — standard discharge connection.


The following is to be examined or tested, as applicable:

— oily water separating system (100 ppm) — oil discharge monitoring and control system (100 ppm) — oil filtering equipment (15 ppm) and process unit with alarm — automatic stopping device (15 ppm) — separation of oil fuel and water ballast system — sludge tank and discharge arrangement externally. B 1000 Noxious liquid substances, NLS (if applicable) 1001 — — — —

The following is to be checked on board during survey:

noxious liquid substances certificate approved P&A manual cargo record book entries arrangements and equipment as described in the procedures and arrangement manual.

B 1100 Gas turbines 1101 All ships equipped with gas turbines shall have the maintenance of the gas turbines properly implemented in the ship's planned maintenance system (PMS). The PMS shall reflect the maintenance activities and intervals, as agreed upon, between the operator and the turbine manufacturer, or as necessary. 1102 Annual survey consists of external and internal inspection and documentation review of operational and maintenance records. 1103 At each annual survey the extent and criteria specified in Table B1 apply. 1104 The survey items may be covered through inspection or overhaul at a service or maintenance centre provided the requirements defined in Sec.1 G100 are adhered to.


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1105 Further inspections (i.e. through opening up) and tests can be required at annual survey if indications of abnormalities are observed. Table B1 Gas turbine annual survey Survey item Extent Survey of records PMS or maintenance records check Survey of gas turbine

Acceptance criteria Maintenance activities shall have been carried out in accordance with manufacturer recommendations Visual inspection and No indications of wear or degradation, beboroscope inspections yond manufacturers acceptance criteria

Remarks Review of maintenance reports and/or check of conformity with PMS

Boroscope inspection either performed in surveyor presence, or records 1) of boroscope inspection performed within last month to be available Monitoring, control System functionality Software version(s) to be in accordance with Spot-checks of functionality. May be perand emergency shut- testing certificate. formed in combination with machinery and down system No deviations in functionality safety systems survey, or E0 survey 1) The report is to describe boroscope extent, findings (if any), and conclusions or evaluation. If inspection is performed in surveyor’s presence, such a report is to be prepared subsequently, and submitted to the Society.

C. Intermediate Survey C 100 Application and survey extent 101 Requirements for intermediate survey as given in 102 and 200 to 400 are not applicable to: — ships less than 500 gross tonnage except ships with class notations Bulk Carrier ESP, Ore Carrier ESP, Tanker for Oil ESP or Tanker for Oil Products ESP, Tanker for Chemicals ESP and Tanker for C ESP. — ships constructed of materials not subjected to corrosion (e.g. aluminium, GRP) — ships with additional class notation Fishing Vessel, Stern Trawler, Barge, Pontoon, Passenger Ship. However, if the notation Passenger Ship is combined with other type notations as e.g. RO/RO or Container, etc. intermediate survey is required. Items 500 and 600 apply to convention ships (see definition in Sec.1 A200). 102 In connection with the overall examination of ballast tanks as given in 300 and 400, the following apply: — if considered necessary by the surveyor, thickness measurements of parts showing reduced strength will be required — if an overall examination reveals no visible structural defects, the examination may be limited to a verification that the corrosion protection system remains effective — for ballast tanks, if there is no protective coating, soft coating, or POOR condition of coating as defined in A109 and it is not renewed, retainment of class will be made subject to the tanks in question being examined at annual intervals, with thickness measurements carried out as considered necessary. For ships other than oil carriers and chemical carriers as given in Sec.3 G and K, when such conditions is found in double bottom ballast tanks, retainment of class may be made subject to the tank in question being examined at annual intervals. Waiver of the internal examination at annual intervals for tanks of 12 m3 or less, with soft coating, may be considered. C 200 Ships up to 5 years old 201 Survey extent to comply with requirements given in B100. C 300 Ships more than 5 years of age but not exceeding 10 years 301 The requirements given in 201 apply with the additions given in 302 to 303.

302 An overall examination of representative ballast tanks selected by the surveyor is to be carried out. 303 For ballast tanks, if there is no protective coating, soft coating, or POOR condition of coating as defined in A109 and it is not renewed, the examination is to be extended to other ballast tanks of the same type, if applicable. C 400 Ships more than 10 years of age 401 The requirements given in 201 apply with the additions given in 402 to 403. 402 Overall examination of all ballast tanks are to be carried out. 403 For dry cargo ships more than 15 years of age, other than those given in Sec.3 F, selected cargo compartments are to be examined. C 500 Pollution prevention, all ships 501 The survey requirement given in B900 apply. 502 The system arrangement is to be surveyed for proper installation and operation. C 600 Noxious liquid substances, NLS (if applicable) 601 The survey requirements as given in B1000 apply.

D. Renewal Survey — Hull Structures and Equipment D 100 All vessels 101 The requirements given in B apply with the additions or amendments given in 102 to 120. 102 An examination of underwater parts as given in Sec.2 J is to be part of the renewal survey. 103 All spaces including holds and their 'tween decks where fitted, ballast and cargo tanks, pump rooms, pipe tunnels, duct keels, machinery spaces, dry spaces, cofferdams and voids are to be internally examined with plating and framing, bulkheads and all decks, casings and superstructures, bilges and drain wells. Internal examination of fuel oil, lubrication oil and fresh water tanks may be especially considered as given in 105. 104 The engine room structure is to be examined. Particular attention is to be given to tank tops, shell plating in way of tank tops, brackets connecting side shell frames and tank tops, and engine room bulkheads in way of tank top and bilge wells. Where wastage is evident or suspect, thickness measurements are to be carried out.


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105 Tanks are to be internally surveyed in accordance with Table D1, as far as applicable.

with an extent corresponding to Table D1 given for tank survey.

106 The examinations required in 103 to 105 are to be sufficient to discover substantial corrosion, significant deformation, fractures, damage or other structural deterioration. Closeup examinations of structures are to be carried out to the extent deemed necessary by the attending surveyor.

Requirements for pressure testing of such tanks may be especially considered based on a satisfactory survey of the tank boundaries, and a statement from the master that operation has been free from leakage and signs of structural weakness.

Table D1 Tank survey 1), 2) Tank Sea water 3) Fresh water Fuel and sludge 4) Lubricating oil Peak

0 to 5 all one one none all

Age of ship, years 5 to 10 10 to 15 all all one all one two none one all all

above 15 all all half half all


Tanks of integral type


If a selection of tanks are accepted to be surveyed, then different tanks are, as far as practicable, to be surveyed at each survey, on a rotational basis.


Tanks within cargo areas, used as bilge water holding tanks, are to be examined as required for sea water tanks.


For double bottom tanks, used primarily for oil fuel, at least one forward tank is to be internally examined at third renewal survey, and at fourth and later renewal surveys, at least one forward and one aft tank are to be internally examined.

Guidance note: Integral tanks form a part of the ship's hull and are influenced in the same manner and by the same loads that stress the adjacent hull structure. Independent tanks within machinery spaces (non-integral, selfsupporting tanks which do not form part of the ship's hull) are normally surveyed as part of the renewal survey for machinery, see E. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

107 The requirements for thickness measurements are given in Table D3. Transverse sections are to be chosen where the largest reductions are suspected to occur. In cases where two or three sections are to be measured, at least one is to include a ballast tank, as far as applicable. 108 Where substantial corrosion as defined in Sec.2 A107 is found, the extent of thickness measurements is to be increased. Guidance for extended measurements is given in Table D4. 109 The surveyor may further extend the thickness measurements as deemed necessary. 110 The extent of thickness measurements of internals may be especially considered provided the surveyor is satisfied that there is no structural strength reduction, and the original coatings are found to be in GOOD condition as defined in Sec.2 A109. The same applies after re-coating (by epoxy coating or equivalent, alternatively a type approved coating, e.g. semihard or similar), provided that the present coating condition of the considered area is in GOOD condition and that documentation is available stating that: — the scantlings were assessed and found satisfactory by a surveyor prior to re-coating — the coating was applied according to the manufacturer's recommendations. 111 Boundaries of double bottom tanks, deep tanks, ballast tanks, peak tanks and other tanks, including holds adapted for the carriage of ballast water, are to be tested to the maximum pressure they can be subjected to in service. Special consideration may be given to limit testing of fuel oil, lubricating oil and fresh water tanks to representative tanks

112 The survey extent of combined ballast and cargo holds and tanks is to be evaluated based on the records of ballast history, the extent and condition of the corrosion protection system provided and the extent of corrosion found. 113 The survey extent of ballast tanks converted to void spaces should be especially considered in relation to the requirements for ballast tanks. 114 For ballast tanks, if there is no protective coating, soft coating, or POOR condition of coating as defined in A109 and it is not renewed, retainment of class will be made subject to the tanks in question being examined at annual intervals, with thickness measurements carried out as considered necessary. For ships other than oil carriers and chemical carriers as given in Sec.3 G and K, when such conditions is found in double bottom ballast tanks, retainment of class may be made subject to the tank in question being examined at annual intervals. Waiver of internal examination at annual intervals for tanks of 12 m3 or less, with soft coating, may be considered. 115 Pipes, valves etc. of piping systems outside the machinery spaces are to be examined and tested as indicated in Table D2. For examination of pumps, heat exchangers etc. and piping systems not covered by Table D2, see E101. All sea valves, including scuppers and sanitary discharges, are to be surveyed according to E101. Table D2 Examination and testing 1) of piping, outside machinery spaces System Bilge and ballast 1) Fuel oil 2) Steam with temperature below 450°C Compressed air Hydraulic (see also 115) Air and sounding 1) External examination and performance test is to be carried out. Opening up and/or pressure testing may be required if found necessary by the surveyor. Last overhaul is to be verified. 2) For vessels more than 10 years of age, fuel pipes passing through ballast tanks are to be pressure tested.

116 If arranged, cement and dry mud pressure tanks are to be examined internally. Pressure testing to 1.2 times the working pressure may be required if found necessary by the surveyor. 117 Windlass, including piping system and masts with standing rigging and foundations are to be examined. The anchors and chain cables are to be ranged, examined and the required complement and condition verified. The chain lockers, holdfasts, hawse pipes and chain stoppers are to be examined and drainage arrangement of the chain lockers tested. 118

The existence of required signboards is to be verified.

119 If a loading instrument or loading computer system is available onboard, it is to be tested by using the approved test conditions. Functionality and accuracy is to be verified with respect to strength and stability, whichever is applicable. 120 Special arrangements related to stability such as watertight closing appliances for openings in internal bulkheads and decks, cross-flooding, counter-flooding etc., are to be examined and tested if necessary. The watertight integrity of internal bulkheads and decks is to be verified.


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D 200 Ships more than 5 years of age (normally for the second renewal survey and later) 201 The requirements given in 100 apply with the amendments and additions given in 202. 202 The anchors and chain cables are to be ranged for survey and calibrated. Any length of chain cable found reduced in

mean diameter beyond 12% of its original rule diameter at its most worn part, is to be renewed. The mean diameter is half the value of the sum of the minimum diameter found in one cross-section of the link and of the diameter measured in a perpendicular direction in the same cross-section.

Table D3 Minimum requirement of thickness measurement at renewal hull surveys Renewal survey no. 1 Renewal survey no. 2 Renewal survey no. 3 Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15 1. 1. 1. Suspect areas Suspect areas Suspect areas 2. 2. Within amidships 0.5 L: One Within amidships 0.5 L: Two transverse section of deck plating transverse sections abreast of two abreast a cargo space. different cargo spaces.

Renewal survey no. 4 Age > 15 1. Suspect areas 2. Within the amidships 0.5 L:

Three transverse sections in way of cargo spaces. 3. 3. Internals in forepeak tank. Internals in forepeak tank and after peak tanks. 4. 4. All cargo hold hatch covers and All cargo hold hatch covers and coamings (plating and stiffeners). coamings (plating and stiffeners). 5. All exposed main deck plating in full length. 6. Representative exposed superstructure deck plating (poop, bridge and forecastle deck). 7. Lowest strake and strakes in way of tween decks of all transverse bulkheads in cargo spaces together with internals in way. 8. All wind- and water strakes, port and starboard, full length. 9. All keel plates full length. In addition, additional bottom plates in way of cofferdams, machinery space and aft end of tanks.

Notes: 1)

Thickness measurement locations should be selected to provide the best representative sampling of areas likely to be most exposed to corrosion, considering cargo and ballast history and arrangement and condition of protective coatings.


For ships less than 100 m in length, the number of transverse section required at renewal survey no. 3 may be reduced to one (1), and the number of transverse sections at subsequent renewal surveys may be reduced to two (2).


For ships more than 100 m in length, at renewal survey no. 3, thickness measurements of exposed deck plating within 0.5 L may be required.

Table D4 Guidance for extent of thickness measurements at those areas of substantial corrosion Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement Plating Suspect area and adjacent plates 5 point pattern over 1 m2 Stiffeners Suspect area 3 measurements each in line across web and flange

E. Renewal Survey — Machinery and Safety Systems E 100


101 The survey is to include the items given in Table E1 as far as applicable. E 200

Electrical installations

201 The survey is to comprise examination of the electrical installations with regard to fire and explosion hazards and injury from accidental touching. The survey is also to include

testing of correct functioning of equipment covered by rules requirements. 202 The insulation resistance of the complete installation is to be measured. The results are to be presented to the surveyor. 203 As far as practicable the following equipment is to be examined for satisfactory condition: — — — — —

main and emergency switchboards generators distribution boards motor starters electrical motors


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— — — — — —

convertors (e.g. transformers, rectifiers, chargers) cable installations enclosures for electrical equipment lighting equipment heating equipment battery installations.

204 The following tests are to be carried out to the extent deemed necessary by the surveyor to ascertain the proper functioning of the equipment: — generator full load test — generator parallel operation — generator protection relays including non-important load trip (if fitted) — generator remote speed control — generator synchronising equipment — power plant interlocking systems — insulation resistance indicating device — emergency generator including switchboards — battery chargers — mechanical ventilation of battery rooms or lockers — navigation lights, with controllers including alarms.

the Society. System behaviour and measured parameters are all to satisfy manufacturer acceptance criteria. Guidance note: Original operations documentation retained on board will reflect the original manufacturer alarm or acceptance limits and set points as established through the type approval. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

404 Further inspections can be required at renewal survey if any indications of abnormalities are observed.

F. Safety Construction F 100

101 The requirements in 102 to 108 apply to all convention ships. 102 The requirements as given in B300 apply, and also those given under the requirements for renewal survey of ship's hull, machinery and equipment (see D and E). 103

E 300 Instrumentation and automation 301 Correct functioning of the various parts of the following systems is, as far as applicable, to be verified to the satisfaction of the surveyor: — — — —

each alarm and safety system fire alarm system manual control of machinery remote control of propulsion machinery. It will normally be required that the following manoeuvres are effected: — — — — —

from stop to ahead from ahead to astern stop from stop to astern stop by operating the emergency device.

302 It is to be verified that the remote control can be transferred to stand-by manual control in the engine room in case of power supply failure to the remote control system. 303 When cancelling of automatic load reduction and/or automatic stop of engine are provided, these functions are to be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the surveyor. E 400 Gas turbines 401 Renewal survey involves internal inspection requiring dismantling. The survey intervals should be specified in each individual case, and conform to the refurbishment or overhaul intervals and extent defined by the manufacturer. Generally, a DNV surveyor is to witness the inspection or overhaul work, verifying that it is carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's own recommendations and criteria. In special cases an agreement can be made with the Society allowing witnessing to be substituted by a review of maintenance or overhaul documentation, showing that the unit has been inspected or overhauled in an appropriate manner complying with the manufacturer's maintenance recommendations. 402 Renewal survey activities are in general of such a nature that they should be performed at a maintenance depot. Upon special request to the Society the survey activities may be carried out onboard, provided the requirements defined in Sec.1 G100 are adhered to. 403 Upon completion of onboard overhaul, or installation of overhauled unit or module, the gas turbine is to be tested. The testing is to cover alarms and shutdown functionality, as well as engine control (i.e. single engine control, backup control) and general performance. Test procedure is to be agreed with

Renewal survey

The following is to be checked during survey:

— no cellulose-nitrate films are used in cinematograph installations — no paint, varnishes etc. having a nitro-cellulose or highly inflammable base are used in accommodation or engine room. 104 Stairways and ladders from passenger and crew spaces, except engine room, are to be surveyed for ready means of escape to lifeboat embarkation deck. 105 It is to be checked during survey that there exist 2 separate means of escape from the engine room, boiler room and shaft tunnel. 106 The requirements in 107 and 108 are applicable to vessels built after 1981, and come in addition to requirements given under 102 to 105. 107 It is to be checked during survey that 2 separate means of air supply are provided for control stations outside the machinery space, so as to minimise risk of simultaneous smoke inlets. 108 It is to be checked during survey that there exist 2 widely separated means of escape from each restricted space or group of spaces, such as from engine room and from Ro-Ro cargo spaces where crew is normally employed.

G. Opening and Closing Appliances, and Load Line Marks G 100

Renewal survey

101 The survey requirements given in B100 apply, with the additions given in 102. 102 All hatch covers are to be tested in operation and found satisfactory.

H. Pollution Prevention, All Ships H 100

Renewal survey

101 The survey requirements given in 102 apply to all convention ships. 102 The survey requirements as given in B900 and C500 apply.


Rules for Ships, January 2001 Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.2 – Page 25

I. Noxious Liquid Substances, NLS I 100 Renewal survey 101 The survey requirements given in 102 and 103 apply to all convention ships.

102 The survey requirements as given in B1000 apply. 103 Cargo tank ventilation equipment is to be surveyed and tested.

Table E1 Machinery surveys Item or system Propulsion Diesel engines machinery Turbines Steam reciprocating machinery Evaporators and condensers with ejectors Electrical main motors Thrust- and intermediate shaft bearings Gears 3) Shafts with pinions, gear wheels, couplings and bearings Auxiliary Diesel engines machinery Turbines Steam reciprocating engines Prime movers for auxiliary thrusters 2)3) Pumps 4) Piston pumps Screw pumps, gear pumps Centrifugal pumps for sea water, bilge and ballast Other centrifugal pumps and ejectors Pipes, valves, inde- Lubricating oil 5) pendent tanks etc. Fuel oil 12) inside machinery Bilge and ballast 6) spaces 10) 11) 13) Cooling water Steam with temperature 450°C and above 7) Steam with temperature below 450°C Steam pipes of copper 8) Feed water Compressed air Hydraulic Electrical installa- Generators tions Switchboards Distribution boards Electrical equipment Cable installation Navigation light controllers Mechanical ventilation of battery lockers or rooms Sundry 4) Gas compressors Air compressors Emergency compressors Compressed air receivers 9) Heat exchangers Ventilation fans for boilers Incinerator arrangement Inert arrangement for vessels without notation INERT (see also Sec.3 H) Instrumentation and automation for vessels without notation E0 or ECO (see also Sec.4 E) 1)

Survey method 1) 1 and 2 1 and 2 1 and 2 1 1 and 2 1 1 1 and 2 1 and 2 1 and 2 2 1 2 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 1 and 2 2 2 1 and 2 1 2 1 and 2 1 and 2 2

The survey methods given are defined as follows: Survey method No. 1: Visual inspection by opening up fully or partly as deemed necessary by the surveyor. Pressure testing to be carried out when relevant and found necessary by the surveyor. Survey method No. 2: External survey and performance test to be carried out. Alarm- and safety functions to be tested if found necessary by the surveyor. Opening up and/or pressure testing may be required if found necessary by the surveyor. Last overhaul to be verified.


For definition and survey extent, see N.


Selected bearings are to be examined. Gears and roller bearings may as far as practicable be inspected without dismantling complicated assemblies.


Prime movers and starters to be surveyed together with pumps and units.


Strainers to be opened. Selected pipes and main engine(s) system tanks to be surveyed for sludge.


Valves, cocks and strainers to be opened.


Crack and/or thickness examination may be required. Selected pipes to be pressure tested to 1.5 times working pressure.


To be pressure tested to 2 times working pressure.


To be pressure tested to 1.2 times working pressure if internal survey not possible.

10) Sea valves to be opened (including scuppers and sanitary discharges). 11) For piping systems outside machinery spaces, see D111. 12) Settling tanks and daily service tanks for both heavy fuel and diesel oil to be surveyed for sludge. If inspection and cleaning of above tanks have been carried out by the crew during the last 12 months and relevant log extracts provided and confirmed, this may be accepted as survey at the surveyor's discretion. 13) Valves where function in the piping system is not evident are to be checked for adequate and readable marking for identification.


Rules for Ships, January 2001 Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.2 – Page 26

J. Bottom Survey

If the bottom survey is performed afloat, Table J1 is to be applied, as far as possible.

J 100 Survey extent 101 The following parts, situated below the deepest load waterline, are to be surveyed:

For thrusters for propulsion and AUTS, AUT, AUTR or AUTRO, see N.

— — — — —

hull plating and sternframe openings steering fins, shaft brackets and other appendages fitted rudder with attachments propeller with rope guard arrangement.

J 200 Survey methods and conditions 201 For ships having approved tailshaft oil sealing gland arrangements and synthetic or metallic rudder bearing material, bottom surveys may be carried out afloat provided the interval between two such surveys in dry dock or on a slipway does not exceed five years. The in-water survey is to provide the information normally obtained from a docking survey, as far as practicable. Special consideration is to be given to ships of 15 years of age and above before being permitted to have such inspection. During such surveys the following conditions are normally to be satisfactorily fulfilled: — the water conditions at the location of the survey are to be satisfactory with respect to visibility, current, swell etc. — if a diving company is used in the survey, they are to use pictorial equipment of such quality that the surveyor is fully satisfied with the information relayed to him — location of possible damages to be ascertained. If the in-water survey reveals damage or deterioration that requires early attention, the surveyor may require that the ship be drydocked in order that a detailed survey can be undertaken and the necessary repairs carried out. J 300 Survey details 301 The rudder is to be surveyed and the bearing clearances are to be measured (clearances for forced oil lubricated bearings need not be confirmed when the bottom survey is carried out afloat). As far as practicable and always at surveys carried out with the ship in dock or on a slipway, securing of nuts to rudder pintles, shafts or stocks and securing of bolts are to be confirmed to be in order. Dismantling may be required to the extent found necessary by the surveyor. 302 For spade rudders the welded connections between the rudder side plates and the rudder flange are to be checked by an efficient crack detection method at every docking. 303 For spade rudders with bracket connections in way of the rudder flange (i.e. «open construction»), the welded connections between the brackets and the rudder flange and the rudder top plate are to be checked by an efficient crack detection method at every docking. 304 For spade rudders with cone coupling to rudder stock, the side plating and weld connections in way of access opening to nut, including welds of cover plate, are to be checked by an efficient crack detection method at every docking. 305 The propeller is to be surveyed and shaft sealing arrangements checked for tightness. For shafts not running in oil, the clearances are to be measured. For variable pitch propellers, tightness of hub and blade sealings is to be verified and locking arrangements for bolts to be checked. Dismantling may be required to the extent found necessary by the surveyor. 306 Thrusters not defined as propulsion thrusters or incorporated in systems for the dynamic positioning of ships (class notation AUTS, AUT, AUTR or AUTRO) are to be surveyed as auxiliary thrusters as per Table J1, as far as applicable.

Table J1 Extent of surveys and tests of auxiliary thrusters Survey interval Survey and tests 2,5 years 5 years 1. Survey extent 1.1 Oil analysis of gear house x 1) oil and oil for the CP mechanism 1.2 Survey of gear and bearings through inspection openings or x by other means (if possible) 1.3 External survey of gear housing, propeller blades, bolts x x locking and other fastening arrangements 1.4 Survey of external piping x x systems 2. Function testing x x 2.1 Sealing arrangements 2.2 Lubrication and hydraulic x x oil system 2.3 CP mechanism x x 2.4 Test of thruster unit includx x ing alarm system 3. Internal survey Bearings, gear and shafts and x 2) other relevant parts 1)

It is advised to take oil analysis prior to docking for (bottom) survey in order to ensure that there is no need for opening of the thruster (e.g. water in the oil).


Only if any indications of abnormalities are observed. Satisfactory maintenance according to manufacturer recommendations to be documented and considered as a base for extent of possible opening.

K. Tailshaft Survey K 100

Renewal survey

101 The survey is normally to include complete withdrawal of the tailshaft and examination of the following parts, where relevant: — propeller nut and tailshaft threaded end — cone, key and keyway, including examination of the fore part of the taper and keyway by an approved crack detection method — tailshaft bearing areas — stern bushes or bearings — shaft sealing arrangement, including lubricating oil system. K 200

Intermediate survey

201 The survey applies to oil lubricated tailshafts with approved sealing glands and is normally to include examination of the following parts, where relevant: — tightness of sealing arrangements — lubricating oil system including monitoring of oil level, and oil analysis — shaft couplings. For shaft arrangements where the propeller is secured to the tailshaft by means of a key, the propeller is to be backed off and the top of the cone including the forward part of the keyway is to be examined by an approved crack detection method.


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K 300 Tailshaft condition monitoring survey arrangement 301 See Sec.1 B502 to B507.

L. Boiler and Steam Heated Steam Generator Survey L 100 Renewal survey 101 The survey is normally to include: — internal and external examination of the boilers, superheaters, economizers and air preheaters or steam heated steam generator, including drums, stays, pipes, insulation etc. — internal examination of all mountings — setting of safety valves including remote operation of same, except that for exhaust gas boilers the safety valves may be set by the chief engineer and the result reported to the Society — examination and testing of instrumentation and automation equipment — examination and testing of attached fuel oil burning equipment. 102 If found necessary, the surveyor may require hydraulic test, thickness measurements and/or crack detection test of any part of the installation.

M. Thermal Oil Heater Survey M 100 Renewal survey 101 The survey is normally to include:

102 Thrusters for dynamic positioning are thrusters incorporated in systems for dynamic positioning of ships, which have been granted the additional class notation AUTS, AUT, AUTR or AUTRO, see Sec.4 I200. 103 Water jets are defined in Pt.4 Ch.5 Sec.2. 104 Thrusters for other purposes than specified in 101 to 103 are defined as auxiliary thrusters. N 200 Extent of survey and testing 201 Thrusters for propulsion are to be surveyed as per Table N1 as applicable. 202 Thrusters for dynamic positioning are to be surveyed as per Table N1 as far as applicable. 203 Auxiliary thrusters are to be surveyed as specified in J306. 204 For extent of survey of water jets, see Rules for Classification of HS, LC and NSC Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.2, if applicable. Table N1 Extent of surveys and tests of propulsion thrusters and dynamic positioning thrusters Survey interval Survey and tests 2.5 years 5 years 1. Intermediate survey includes survey of internals through inspecx tion openings, also in underwater housing. 2. Complete internal survey 2) includes visual inspection of relevant parts, x and NDT when necessary 3. Function testing x x 3.1 Sealing arrangement 3.2 Lubricating and hydraulic oil system x x 3.3 Test of thruster unit including alarm sysx x tem 1)

— tightness test of the installation with special attention to flange connections and valve and pump packings — external examination of coils in the oil fired furnace — testing of thermal oil-flow and pressure drop across the heater including comparison with reference data from the heater as new. Significant increase in flow resistance across the furnace coils will require internal cleaning of the coils — examination and testing of plant instrumentation including regulation and safety systems — examination and setting of liquid relief valves — examination of fuel oil equipment including burners with nozzles — examination of fire extinguishing system with release arrangements for the thermal oil installation including furnace — analysis of thermal oil samples from the system in order to establish safe operating temperature and state of deterioration — function test of plant with special attention to stability of automatic regulating systems.

N 100 Definitions 101 Thrusters for propulsion are defined as thrusters which are assigned for propulsion or propulsion and steering of the vessel during sea voyage. Guidance note: Thrusters installed to achieve redundant main propulsion systems are to be regarded as thrusters for propulsion. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

Guidance note: Azimuth thrusters providing the main steering function are to be surveyed and tested annually as part of the annual survey, see B600. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

O. Radio Communication Equipment O 100 Application 101 The survey requirements given in 200 apply to all convention ships. O 200 Radio safety, GMDSS, renewal survey 201 The following is to be checked on board during survey: — radio operator's certificate of competency — radio log book entries. 202

N. Thrusters for Propulsion

The survey interval may be extended by 2.5 years provided running hours since last complete survey is less than 15 000 hours and an intermediate survey is carried out.

The following is to be surveyed or tested as applicable:

— maintenance of equipment — main, emergency and reserve source of energy — uninterruptible power supply (UPS) and automatic chargers — VHF radio installation — MF radiotelephony installations — MF/HF radio installation — ship earth station (SES) — freefloat emergency EPIRB, and two-way radiotelephone apparatus for survival craft


Rules for Ships, January 2001 Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.2 – Page 28

201 The following documents are to be available onboard in addition to those given in B801:

— report on check of foam samples and dry powder samples, as applicable — report on pressure testing of self-contained breathing apparatus bottles, and air bottles for covered lifeboat, as applicable — nautical charts, up to date — required publications on bridge — display of auto pilot instructions — change-over procedure for steering gear (posted) — operating instruction for survival craft — instructions for on board maitenance of equipment — training manual — liferaft launching instruction (posted) — instruction and notices (posted) — instruction for maintenance and operation of all fire fighting equipment.

— certificates for navigation lights — certificates for lifeboat falls — service and weighting report for CO2/Halon

202 The log book is to be examined as required in B802. 203 The safety equipment is to be surveyed and tested as required in B803.

— fadar responders — Navtex, ECG and watch receivers, and HF direct receiver — two-tone alarm generator.

P. Safety Equipment, Renewal Survey P 100


101 The survey requirements given in 200 apply to all convention ships. P 200

Fire safety, lifesaving and navigation equipment


Rules for Ships, January 2001 Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.3 – Page 29

SECTION 3 SURVEY EXTENT — ADDITIONAL CLASS. SPECIAL SERVICE AND TYPE NOTATIONS A. Passenger Ships A 100 Application 101 The requirements in A apply to ships with class notations:

Ch.4 Sec.5 B, to verify any changes in lightship displacement and longitudinal centre of gravity. The ship is to be re-inclined whenever, in comparison with the approved stability information, a deviation from the lightship displacement exceeding 2% or a deviation of the longitudinal centre of gravity exceeding 1% of L is found or anticipated.

Passenger Ship Car Ferry A (or B) Train Ferry A (or B) Car and Train Ferry A (or B).

B. Container Carriers

A 200 Annual survey 201 The requirements are to be regarded as supplementary to those given for the main class. 202 The following is to be surveyed and tested as applicable: — — — — — — — —

— — — —


Application The requirements in B apply to ships with class notation:

Container Carrier. B 200

hull and machinery stability and watertightness fire protection and ventilation means of escape fire fighting equipment life saving appliances and arrangements navigational equipment documentation and information, such as: — — — —

B 100

Annual survey

201 The survey is normally to include examination of the following components, arrangements and documents:

required certificates for navigational aids nautical publications service reports for lifesaving equipment service reports for inspection of fire fighting equipment fire control and muster lists training manual operating and maintenance instructions log book entries.

203 Ships arranged for carriage of motor vehicles with fuel in their tanks for own propulsion are to be surveyed as required in E. A 300 Bottom survey 301 A bottom survey is to be carried out annually. For the two surveys required to be carried out in dry dock in each five year period, the requirements in Sec.2 J 100 and 300 apply. For the three other surveys the survey extent may be limited to an outside inspection of the ship's bottom and underwater parts. This inspection may be carried out while the ship is afloat. During such surveys the following conditions are normally to be satisfactorily fulfilled: — the water conditions at the location of the survey are to be satisfactory with respect to visibility, current, swell etc. — if a diving company is used in the survey, the company must be approved and are to use pictorial equipment of such quality that the surveyor is fully satisfied with the information relayed to him — location of possible damages to be ascertained. If the in-water survey reveals damage or deterioration that requires early attention, the surveyor may require that the ship be drydocked in order that a detailed survey can be undertaken and the necessary repairs carried out. A 400 Lightweight survey 401 For ships that are engaged on international voyages, a lightweight survey is to be carried out, as described in Pt.3

— permanent supporting fittings and structures for the container stowage and securing — equipment for stowing and securing of containers in holds and on weather deck — instructions (manual) and instrument (as furnished) for stowing and securing of the containers. 202 For container carriers enrolled with alternative survey scheme, ISP, as given in Sec.1 B400, an annual survey is required as given in Sec.2 B206.

C. Car Carriers C 100 101

Application The requirements in C apply to ships with class notation:

Car Carrier. C 200

Annual survey

201 The survey is to include fire prevention, detection and extinction arrangements and equipment to the extent required in E, and movable car decks to the extent required in D, as far as applicable.

D. Movable Car Decks D 100 101

Application The requirements in D apply to ships with class notation:

MCDK. D 200

Annual survey

201 The survey required is normally to include examination of the following components and arrangements: — — — — —

pontoon racks on deck including lashing arrangements stowing arrangements in cargo holds drainage arrangements in pontoon storage areas pontoon conditions handling arrangement.


Rules for Ships, January 2001 Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.3 – Page 30

E. Arrangement for Carriage of Motor Vehicles with Fuel in their Tanks for their own Propulsion E 100 Application 101 The requirements in E apply to ships arranged for carriage of motor vehicles with fuel in their tanks for their own propulsion, including ships with class notation: PET. E 200 Annual survey 201 The survey required is normally to include examination of the following components and systems: — automatic fire alarm system in cargo holds — fixed fire extinguishing system in cargo holds — portable fire extinguishers in cargo holds and at cargo hold entrances — ventilation system in cargo holds including remote indicators on bridge — electrical equipment in cargo holds, if fitted — signboards.

F. Dry Bulk Cargo Ships F 100 Application 101 The requirements in F apply to seagoing self-propelled dry cargo ships with class notations: Bulk Carrier ESP Ore Carrier ESP. 102 For areas in cargo holds and ballast tanks where original coatings are found to be in GOOD condition as defined in Sec.2 A109, the extent of close-up examination as given for the annual, intermediate and complete periodical surveys, may be especially considered. The same applies when cargo holds and ballast tanks have been re-coated (by epoxy coating or equivalent, alternatively a type approved coating, e.g. semi-hard or similar), provided that the present coating condition of the considered area is in GOOD condition and that documentation is available stating that: — the scantlings were assessed and found satisfactory by a surveyor prior to re-coating — the coating was applied according to the manufacturer's recommendations. 103 The extent of thickness measurements as given for the annual, intermediate and complete periodical surveys, may be especially considered provided the surveyor is satisfied by the close-up examination, that there is no structural strength reduction, and the corrosion protection system where applied remains effective with coatings in GOOD condition as given in 102. F 200 Annual survey 201 The requirements given in Sec.2 B apply with the additions and amendments given in 203 to 205 202 Prior to inspection, the surveyor is to examine the documentation onboard as specified in Sec.1 C300, and its contents as a basis for the survey. 203 Examination of cargo holds and piping For ships over 10 years of age: a) Overall examination of all cargo holds. b) Close-up examination of sufficient extent, minimum 25% of frames, in a forward cargo hold. This in order to establish the condition of the lower region of the shell frames,

including approximately lower 1/3 length of side frame at side shell, side frame end attachment and the adjacent shell plating. Where this level of survey reveals need for remedial measures, the survey is to be extended to include a close-up examination of all shell frames and adjacent shell plating of the cargo hold, as well as a close-up examination of sufficient extent of all remaining cargo holds. For ships over 15 years of age: a) Overall examination of all cargo holds. b) Close-up examination of sufficient extent, minimum 25% of frames, in a forward cargo hold and one other selected cargo hold. This in order to establish the condition of the lower region of the shell frames, including approximately lower 1/3 length of side frame at side shell, side frame end attachment and the adjacent shell plating. Where this level of survey reveals need for remedial measures, the survey is to be extended to include a close-up examination of all shell frames and adjacent shell plating of that cargo hold, as well as close-up examination of sufficient extent of all remaining cargo holds. c) All piping and penetrations in cargo holds, including overboard piping, shall be examined. 204 When considered necessary by the surveyor, thickness measurements are to be carried out. If the result of the thickness measurements indicate substantial corrosion, as defined in Sec.2 A107, the extent of the measurements is to be increased in accordance with Table F3. For areas recorded with substantial corrosion at previous surveys, the requirements given in Sec.2 B apply. The extent of thickness measurements is to be increased in accordance with Table F3. 205 Examination and testing of hatch covers and coamings are to be carried out including: Examination, as applicable of: a) Where mechanically operated steel covers are fitted: — hatch covers including close-up examination of hatch cover plating — tightness devices of longitudinal, transverse and intermediate cross junctions (gasket, gasket lips, compression bars, drainage channels) — clamping devices, retaining bars, cleating — chain or rope pulleys — guides — guide rails and track wheels — stoppers etc. — wires, chains, gypsies, tensioning devices — hydraulic system essential to closing and securing — safety locks and retaining devices. Where portable covers, wooden or steel pontoons are fitted: — wooden covers and portable beams, carriers or sockets for the portable beams, and their securing devices — steel pontoons, including close-up examination of hatch cover plating — tarpaulins — cleats, battens and wedges — hatch securing bars and their securing devices — loading pads or bars and the side plate edge — guide plates and chocks — compression bars, drainage channels and drain pipes. b) Examination of hatch coaming plating and their stiffeners including close-up examination as deemed necessary by the surveyor.


Rules for Ships, January 2001 Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.3 – Page 31

c) Testing at random of the operation of mechanically operated hatch covers including: — stowage and securing in open condition — proper fit and efficiency of sealing in closed condition — hydraulic and power components, wires, chains and link drives. F 300

Intermediate survey

301 The requirements given in Sec.2 C and 202 apply with the additions and amendments given in 302 to 304. 302

For ships exceeding 5 years of age:

a) Overall examination of all cargo holds. b) Close-up examination of sufficient extent, minimum 25% of shell frames, is to be carried out to establish the condition of: — shell frames including their upper and lower end attachments, adjacent shell plating and transverse bulkheads in the forward cargo hold and one other selected cargo hold — where considered necessary by the surveyor as a result of the overall and close-up examination, the survey is to be extended to include close-up examination of all shell frames and adjacent shell plating of that cargo hold as well as close-up examination of sufficient extent of all remaining cargo holds. Thickness measurement is to be carried out to an extent sufficient to determine both general and local corrosion levels at areas subject to close-up examination. If the result of the thickness measurements indicate substantial corrosion as defined in Sec.2 A107, the extent of the measurements is to be increased in accordance with Table F3. For ships exceeding 10 years of age:

Examination of cargo holds: a) Overall examination of all cargo holds.

— shell frames including their upper and lower end attachments, adjacent shell plating and transverse bulkheads of all cargo holds — where considered necessary by the surveyor as a result of the overall and close-up examination, the survey is to be extended to include close-up examination of all shell frames and adjacent shell plating of all cargo holds. Close-up examination of ballast wing tanks in ore carriers:

Examination of cargo holds:


b) Close-up examination of sufficient extent, minimum 25% of shell frames, is to be carried out to establish the condition of:

— all web frame rings - in one ballast wing tank — one deck transverse - in each of the remaining ballast wing tanks — both transverse bulkheads - in one ballast wing tank — one transverse bulkhead - in each remaining ballast wing tank. Thickness measurement is to be carried out to an extent sufficient to determine both general and local corrosion levels at areas subject to close-up examination. If the result of the thickness measurements indicate substantial corrosion as defined in Sec.2 A107, the extent of the measurements is to be increased in accordance with Table F3. 304 For ships exceeding 15 years of age: The requirements of the intermediate survey shall be to the same extent as the previous complete periodical survey as required in 403 to 410 and relevant additional requirements for single side skin bulk carriers as given in F500. However, testing of ballast tanks is not required unless deemed necessary by the surveyor. In lieu of the requirements in 403, an in-water survey may be considered as equivalent. F 400 Complete periodical survey 401 The complete periodical survey is to be carried out concurrently with the renewal surveys required for hull and machinery as given in Sec.2 D and E and in accordance with the additions and amendments given in 402 to 410.


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Table F1 Minimum requirement for close-up examination at complete periodical hull surveys of dry bulk cargo ships Complete periodical Complete periodical Complete periodical Complete periodical survey no. 1 survey no. 2 survey no. 3 survey no. 4 and subsequent Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15 Age > 15 1. 1. 1. 1. All shell frames in all cargo holds, 25% of frames in the forward car- 25% of shell frames in all cargo All shell frames in the forward holds, including upper and lower cargo hold and 25% of frames in including upper and lower end atgo hold at representative posiall remaining cargo holds, includ- tachments and adjacent shell platend attachments and adjacent tions. ing. ing upper and lower end attachshell plating. ments and adjacent shell plating. Selected frames in remaining cargo holds. 2. 2. 2. 2. One transverse web with associat- One transverse web with associat- All transverse webs with associat- As for complete periodical survey no. 3. ed plating and longitudinals in ed plating and longitudinals in ed plating and longitudinals in each ballast tank (i.e. topside, two representative ballast tanks of each ballast tank (i.e. topside, hopper side or side tank). hopper side or side tank). each type (i.e. topside, hopper side or side tank). 3. 3. 3. 3. Forward and aft transverse bulk- All transverse bulkheads in balAs for complete periodical survey Two selected cargo hold transno. 3. verse bulkheads, including inter- head in one side ballast tank, in- last tanks, including stiffening system. nal structure of upper and lower cluding stiffening system. stools, where fitted. 4. 4. 4. 4. All cargo hold hatch covers and As for complete periodical survey As for complete periodical survey As for complete periodical survey coamings. no. 1. no. 1. no. 3. 5. 5. 5. As for complete periodical survey One transverse bulkhead in each All cargo hold transverse bulkheads, including internal structure no. 3. cargo hold, including internal of upper and lower stools, where structure of upper and lower fitted. stools, where fitted. 6. 6. 6. Selected areas of deck plating in- All deck plating inside line of As for complete periodical survey side line of hatch openings behatch openings between cargo no. 3. tween cargo hold hatches. hold hatches.

Note: Close-up examination of transverse bulkheads is be carried out at four levels: Level a) Immediately above the inner bottom and immediately above the line of gussets (if fitted) and shedders for ships without lower stool. Level b) Immediately above and below the lower stool shelf plate (for those ships fitted with lower stools), and immediately above the line of the shedder plates. Level c) About mid-height of the bulkhead. Level d) Immediately below the upper deck plating and immediately adjacent to the upper wing tank, and immediately below the upper stool shelf plate for those ships fitted with upper stools, or immediately below the topside tanks. 402 A specific survey programme is to be worked out as described in Sec.1 C. 403 An examination of the ship in dry dock is to be a part of the complete periodical survey. 404 An overall examination is to be carried out on hull structure and piping systems in way of all cargo holds and ballast tanks and in way of all cofferdams, pipe tunnels and void spaces within the cargo area. 405 The requirements for close-up examinations are given in Table F1. 406 The surveyor may extend the close-up examination as deemed necessary taking into account the maintenance of the hull structures under survey, the condition of the corrosion protection system and also in the following cases: — structural arrangements or details which have suffered defects in similar tanks/holds or on similar ships according to available information

— in tanks which have structures approved with reduced scantlings due to an approved corrosion control system. 407 The requirements for thickness measurements are given in Table F2. Transverse sections should be chosen where the largest reductions are suspected to occur or are revealed from deck plating measurements. 408 The surveyor may extend the thickness measurements as deemed necessary. If the result of the thickness measurements indicate substantial corrosion as defined in Sec.2 A107, the extent of the measurements is to be increased in accordance with Table F3. 409 All boundaries of ballast tanks and cargo holds used for ballast are to be pressure tested by filling with water. Generally, the pressure should correspond to a water level to the top of hatches for ballast and cargo holds or top of air pipes for ballast tanks, if this gives a higher pressure. 410 A thorough examination of hatch covers and coamings of items given in 205 is to be carried out including: a) Testing of the operation of all mechanically operated hatch covers including: — stowage and securing in open condition — proper fit and efficiency of sealing in closed condition — hydraulic and power components, wires, chains and link drives. b) Testing the effectiveness of sealing arrangement of all hatch covers by hose testing or equivalent. c) Thickness measurement of the hatch cover and coaming plating and stiffeners according to Table F2.


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Table F2 Minimum requirement of thickness measurement at complete periodical hull surveys of dry bulk cargo ships Complete periodical Complete periodical Complete periodical Complete periodical survey no. 2 survey no. 3 survey no. 4 and subsequent survey no. 1 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 1 5 Age > 15 Age ≤ 5 1. 1. 1. 1. Suspect Areas Suspect Areas Suspect Areas Suspect Areas 2. 2. 2. Within the cargo length area: Within the cargo length area: Within the cargo length area: Each deck plate outside line a) Each deck plate outside line of cargo hatch openings. of cargo hatch openings. b) Three transverse sections, b) Two transverse sections, whereof one in the amidship whereof one in the amidship area, outside line of cargo area, outside line of cargo hatch opening. hatch opening. c) Each bottom plate. 3. 3. 3. Measurement, for general assess- As for complete periodical survey As for complete periodical survey no. 2. ment and recording of corrosion no. 2. pattern, of those structural members subject to close-up examination according to Table F1. 4. 4. 4. Wind and water strakes in way of All wind and water strakes within As for complete periodical survey no. 3. the transverse sections considered the cargo length area. under 2. 5. 5. Selected wind and water strakes As for complete periodical survey outside the cargo length area. no. 3. 6. 6. See 500 for additional thickness As for complete periodical survey measurement guidelines applica- no. 3. ble to the vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkhead between cargo holds Nos.1 and 2 on ships subject to compliance with the requirements given in Ch.1 Sec.3 E.


Two transverse sections of deck plating outside line of cargo hatch openings.



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Table F3 Requirements for extent of thickness measurements at those areas of substantial corrosion. Complete periodical survey of bulk carriers within the cargo area Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement Shell plat- 1. a) Suspect plate, plus four adjacent a) 5 point pattern for each panel being Bottom and side shell plating plates tween longitudinals b) See other tables for particulars on gauging in way of tanks and cargo holds 2. Minimum of three longitudinals in way 3 measurements in line across web Bottom/Side Shell longitudinals of Suspect Areas 3 measurements on flange Transverse 1. a) Transverse band within 25 mm of a) 5 point between stiffeners over 1 m bulkheads Lower stool welded connection to innerbottom length in cargo b) Transverse band within 25 mm of b) Ditto holds welded connection to shelf plate 2. a) Transverse band within 250 mm of a) 5 point pattern over 1 m2 of plating Transverse bulkhead top of shedder plate or hopper plate b) 5 point pattern over 1 m2 of plating b) Transverse band at approximately c) 5 point pattern over 1 m2 of plating mid height c) Transverse band at part of bulkhead adjacent to upper deck or below upper stool shelf plate (for those ships fitted with upper stools) Suspect cross deck strip plating a) 5 point pattern between underdeck Deck struc- 1. stiffeners over 1 m length ture, includ- Cross deck strip plating ing hatch 2. a) Transverse members a) 5 point pattern at each end and mid covers and Underdeck stiffeners span b) Longitudinal member coamings b) 5 point pattern on both web and flange 3. a) Skirt each side and ends, 3 locations a) 5 point pattern at each location Hatch covers b) 3 longitudinal bands, outboard b) 5 point measurement each band strakes (2) and centerline strake(1) 4. Each side and end of coaming, one band 5 point measurement each band i.e. end Hatch coamings lower 1/3, one band upper 2/3 of coaming or side coaming 5. a) Watertight transverse bulkheads a) Topside water ballast tanks i) lower 1/3 of bulkhead i) 5 point pattern over 1 m2 of plating ii) upper 2/3 of bulkhead ii) 5 point pattern over 1 m2 of iii) stiffeners plating b) 2 representative swash transverse iii) 5 point pattern over 1 m length bulkheads b) i) lower 1/3 of bulkhead i) 5 point pattern over 1 m2 of ii) upper 2/3 of bulkhead plating iii) stiffeners ii) 5 point pattern over 1 m2 of plating c) 3 representative bays of slope plating iii) 5 point pattern over 1 m length i) ii) d)

lower 1/3 of tank upper 2/3 of tank

c) 5 point pattern over 1 m2 of plating ii) 5 point pattern over 1 m2 of plating i)

Longitudinals, suspect and adjacent

d) 6. Main deck plating 7. Main deck longitudinals 8. Web frames/transverses

Suspect plates and adjacent (4)

5 point pattern both web and flange over 1 m length 5 point pattern over 1 m2 of plating

Minimum of 3 longitudinals where plating measured Suspect plates

5 point pattern on both web and flange over 1 m length 5 point pattern over 1 m2


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Table F3 Requirements for extent of thickness measurements at those areas of substantial corrosion. Complete periodical survey of bulk carriers within the cargo area (Continued) Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement Suspect plate plus all adjacent plates 5 point pattern for each panel between Double bot- 1. Inner and double bottom plating longitudinals over 1 m length tom and hopper 2. Three longitudinals where plates meas- + 3 measurements in line across web and structure Inner and double bottom longitudinals ured 3 measurements on flange 3. b) Suspect plates b) 5 point pattern over about 1 m2 Longitudinal girders or transverse floors 4. a) lower 1/3 of tank a) 5 point pattern over 1 m 2 of plating Watertight bulkheads (WT floors) b) upper 2/3 of tank b) 5 point pattern alternate plates over 1 m2 of plating 5. Suspect plate 5 point pattern over 1 m 2 of plating Web frames 6. Minimum of three longitudinals in way a) 3 measurements in line across web Bottom and shell longitudinals of suspect area b) 3 measurements on flange Cargo holds 1. Suspect frame and each adjacent frame a) At each end and mid span: Side shell frames 5 point pattern of both web and flange b) 5 point pattern within 25 mm of welded attachment to both shell and lower slope plate

F 500 Additional requirements for single side skin bulk carriers 501 For ships required to comply with the requirements given in Ch.1 Sec.3 E, additional thickness measurements are to be carried out of the vertically corrugated transverse watertight bulkhead between cargo holds Nos. 1 and 2, as applicable. The thickness measurements are to be carried out prior to the relevant compliance deadline given in Ch.1 Sec.3 E, i.e. at intermediate or complete periodical surveys, as applicable, and at subsequent complete periodical surveys or in some cases on the date on which the ship reaches 15 or 17 years of age. The thickness measurements are to be carried out as given in 502 in order to determine the general condition of the structure and to define the extent of possible repairs and/or reinforcements of the bulkhead. 502 The thickness measurements are to be carried out at the levels described below. To adequately assess the scantlings of each individual vertical corrugation, each corrugation flange, web, shedder plate and gusset plate within each of the levels given below are to be thickness measured: — the mid-breadth of each corrugation flange and web at approximately 200 mm above the top of shedder plates and top of hopper plates — the middle of each gusset plate, if fitted — the middle of each shedder plate — the mid-breadth of each corrugation flange and web at approximately 200 mm below upper stool, if fitted — the mid-breadth of the corrugation flange and web at about the mid-height of the corrugation — the mid-breadth of the corrugation flanges and webs below the upper stool, (see Fig. 2) if applicable, as deemed necessary by the surveyor. Where the thickness changes, within the horizontal levels, the thinner plate is to be thickness measured. Steel renewal and/or reinforcement is to comply with the requirements in Ch.1 Sec.3 E.

Fig. 1 Hold profile, ships without lower stool

Fig. 2 Hold profile, ships with lower stool

503 For ships not complying with the requirements for damage stability in flooded condition as given in Ch.1 Sec.3 K, i.e. for ships meeting all the following conditions: — 150 m in length and upwards of single skin construction — carrying solid bulk cargoes having a density of 1780 kg/ m3 and above — contracted for construction before 1 July 1999 — constructed with an insufficient number of transverse watertight bulkheads to enable them to withstand flooding of the foremost cargo hold in all loading conditions and remain afloat in a satisfactory condition of equilibrium as specified in SOLAS reg. XII/4.3, the following additional requirements are to be complied with:


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— extent of annual examination of the foremost cargo hold: For ships exceeding 5 years of age: Close-up examination of sufficient extent, minimum 25% of shell frames, is to be carried out to establish the condition of: — shell frames including their upper and lower end attachments, adjacent shell plating and transverse bulkheads — where considered necessary by the surveyor as a result of the overall and close-up examination, the survey is to be extended to include close-up examination of all shell frames and adjacent shell plating. The thickness measurement is to be carried out to an extent sufficient to determine both general and local corrosion levels, at areas subject to close-up examination. If the result of the thickness measurements indicate substantial corrosion, as defined in Sec.2 A107, the extent of the measurements is to be increased in accordance with Table F3. The thickness measurement may be dispensed with provided the surveyor is satisfied by the close-up examination that there is no structural diminution and the protective coating, where applied, remains effective. For ships exceeding 15 years of age: Close-up examination of sufficient extent is to be carried out to establish the condition of: — all shell frames including their upper and lower end attachments, adjacent shell plating and transverse bulkheads. Thickness measurement is to be carried out to an extent sufficient too determine both general and local corrosion levels, at areas subject to close-up examination. If the result of the thickness measurements indicate substantial corrosion, as defined in Sec.2 A107, the extent of the measurements is to be increased in accordance with Table F3. The thickness measurement may be dispensed with provided the surveyor is satisfied by the close-up examination that there is no structural diminution and the protective coating, where applied, remains effective. At complete periodical surveys the cargo hold bilge well high water level alarm and water ingress detectors are to be tested in order to verify compliance with Ch.1 Sec.3 K.

G. Oil Carriers G 100 Application 101 The requirements in G apply to self-propelled oil tankers with class notations: Tanker for Oil ESP Tanker for Oil Products ESP. 102 For areas in tanks where original coatings are found to be in GOOD condition, as defined in Sec.2 A109, the extent of close-up examination, as given for the periodical surveys, may be especially considered. The same applies when tanks have been re-coated (by epoxy coating or equivalent, alternatively a type approved coating, e.g. semi-hard or similar), provided that the present coating condition of the considered area is in GOOD condition and that documentation is available stating that: — the scantlings were assessed and found satisfactory by a surveyor prior to re-coating — the coating was applied according to the manufacturer's recommendations. 103 The extent of thickness measurements, as given for the periodical surveys, may be especially considered provided the

surveyor is satisfied by the close-up examination, that there is no structural strength reduction, and the corrosion protection system where applied remains effective with coatings in GOOD condition as given in 102. G 200 Annual survey (cargo containment) 201 The requirements given in Sec.2 B apply with the addition of examination of systems and parts specified in 203 to 208 taking into account the service history, condition and extent of the corrosion prevention systems of ballast tanks and areas identified in the survey report file. 202 Prior to inspection, the surveyor is to examine the documentation onboard as specified in Sec.1 C300, and its contents as a basis for the survey. 203 For areas recorded with substantial corrosion at previous surveys, the requirements given in Sec.2 B apply. The extent of thickness measurements is to be increased in accordance with Table G4. 204 A general examination of: — cargo tank openings and pressure/vacuum valves — piping systems (cargo, crude oil washing, bunker, ballast, steam, ventilation etc.) — electrical cables and equipment in gas dangerous zones and spaces. 205 Pump rooms and pipe tunnels are to be examined with special attention to: — — — — — —

piping systems with pumps tightness of bulkheads, gland seals etc. bilge system ventilation electrical cables and equipment access ladders.

206 Inert gas systems are to be examined with special attention to: — piping with components for signs of corrosion, or gas- or effluent leakage — blowers — scrubber — deck water seal — non-return valves — remotely operated or automatically controlled valves — interlocking features of soot blowers — alarms and safety devices. 207 Combination ships required to be fitted with protected slop tank are to be examined with special attention to: — — — —

gas detection arrangement in cofferdams oxygen control equipment inert gas arrangement (as specified in 206) closing arrangement for hatches and other slop tank openings — blanking arrangement for slop tank pipes — required signboards and instruction manuals.

208 Examination of the emergency towing arrangements are, as far as practicable, to be carried out. Aft towing arrangement is to be confirmed as pre-rigged and forward chafing gear is to be confirmed as stowed in such a way that it can be rapidly connected to the strongpoint. Where light is provided on pickup gear marker buoy, proper functioning is to be confirmed. 209 For ships exceeding 15 years of age: All ballast tanks adjacent to (i.e. with a common plane boundary) a cargo tank with any means of heating are to be examined internally. When considered necessary by the surveyor, thickness measurements are to be carried out and if these thickness measurements indicate that substantial corrosion is found, the


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extent of thickness measurements is to be increased in accordance with Table G4.

Insulation monitors with alarms are to be function tested, if installed.

Tanks or areas where coating was found to be in GOOD condition as defined in Sec.2 A109 at the previous intermediate or complete periodical survey may be specially considered by the Society.

Guidance note: Megger testing of cables and equipment in cargo area may be carried out only when gas free certificate is issued for the vessel.

G 300 Annual survey (oil pollution prevention) 301 The survey requirements given in 302 to 307 are applicable to convention ships. 302 The following documents regarding pollution prevention are to be surveyed: — International Oil Pollution Prevention certificate's validity — certificates for type approved oily water separating equipment, process unit and oil content meter — entries in oil record book — operation manual for CBT, when applicable — operation manual for ODM. 303 Deck foam system is to be examined with attention to physical and chemical condition of foam concentrate. 304 Segregated ballast tanks Segregation between cargo and segregated ballast system is to be confirmed. Restrictions in use and arrangement for portable spool piece are to be verified. Ballast tanks are to be sighted and confirmed free of oil contamination. 305 Dedicated clean ballast tanks The dedicated clean ballast tanks are to be confirmed free of oil contamination. 306 Retention of oil on board The oily water interface detector is to be surveyed. Oil discharge monitoring and control system and equipment are to be surveyed externally. 307 Pumping, piping and discharge arrangements Piping system for dirty ballast (if fitted) and means of draining cargo pumps and -lines are to be surveyed, and communication between observation and discharge control position are to be tested. G 400

Intermediate survey (cargo containment)

401 The requirements given in 200 and in Sec.2 C apply with the additions and amendments given in 402 to 407. 402 For weather decks, an examination as far as applicable of cargo, crude oil washing, bunker, ballast, steam and vent piping systems as well as vent masts and headers. If upon examination there is any doubt as to the condition of the piping, the piping may be required to be pressure tested, thickness measured or both. 403 For those tanks subject to the survey, special attention is to be given to: — cargo piping passing through ballast tanks — bilge and ballast piping passing through cargo tanks — air and sounding piping to ballast tanks passing through cargo and ballast tanks — fuel pipes passing through ballast tanks. 404 Electrical cables and equipment installed in gas dangerous zones and spaces are to be insulation resistance measured. The measurements may be omitted provided a record of testing is available showing that measurements have been taken during the last 12 months and that the results are satisfactory.



For ships exceeding 10 years of age:

— an overall examination of at least two representative cargo tanks is to be carried out — an overall examination of all combined cargo and ballast tanks is to be carried out — close-up examination is to be carried out to the following extent: — ballast tanks: to the same extent as previous complete periodical survey — cargo tanks: at least two combined cargo and ballast tanks. The extent of survey should be based on the record of the previous complete periodical survey, and repair history of the tanks. 406 For ships exceeding 15 years of age: The requirements of the intermediate survey shall be to the same extent as the previous complete periodical survey as required in 603 to 611, 614 and 615. However, testing of cargo and ballast tanks is not required unless deemed necessary by the surveyor. In lieu of the requirements in 603, an in-water survey may be considered as equivalent. 407 The extent of close-up examinations may be extended as stated in 606. G 500 Intermediate survey (oil pollution prevention) 501 The survey requirements given in 502 apply to convention ships. 502 The following is to be surveyed in addition to requirements given in 302 to 307: — oily water separating equipment and oil filtering equipment or process unit — crude oil piping outside cargo tanks, and operation of isolating valves to steam heaters when fitted — two cargo tanks with regard to effectiveness of crude oil washing — oil discharge monitoring and control system and oil content meter and calibration — satisfactory operation of oil and water interface detector. G 600 Complete periodical survey (cargo containment) 601 The complete periodical survey required for cargo containment system of oil tankers is to be carried out concurrently with the renewal surveys required for hull and machinery as given in Sec.2 D and E and in accordance with the requirements given in 201 to 208 and 401 to 407 with the additions and amendments given in 602 to 620. 602 A specific survey programme is to be worked out as described in Sec.1 C. 603 An examination of the ship in dry dock is to be a part of the complete periodical survey. 604 An overall examination is to be carried out on hull structure and piping systems in way of all cargo and ballast tanks and in way of all pump rooms, cofferdams, pipe tunnels and void spaces within the cargo area. 605 The requirements for close-up examinations at complete periodical survey are given in Table G1.


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606 The surveyor may extend the close-up examination as deemed necessary taking into account the maintenance of the tanks under survey, the condition of the corrosion protection system and also in the following cases: — in particular, tanks having structural arrangements or details which have suffered defects in similar tanks or on similar ships according to available information — in tanks which have structures approved with reduced scantlings due to an approved corrosion control system. 607 The requirements for thickness measurements at complete periodical survey are given in Table G2. Transverse sections should be chosen where the largest reductions are suspected to occur or are revealed from deck plating measurements. In cases where two or three sections are to be measured, at least one should include a ballast tank within 0.5 L amidship, alternatively, within the cargo length area, as applicable. 608 Where substantial corrosion as defined in Sec.2 A107 is found, the extent of thickness measurements is to be increased in accordance with Table G4, or as specified in the survey programme. 609 The surveyor may further extend the thickness measurements as deemed necessary. 610 The minimum requirements for tank testing at complete periodical survey are given in Table G3. Generally, the pressure should correspond to a water level to the top of access hatches for cargo tanks, or top of air pipes for ballast tanks, if this gives a higher pressure. 611 The surveyor may extend the tank testing as deemed necessary. 612 For ships having inert gas plant the components and systems are to be surveyed as specified in Table G5. It is to be verified that pipe blanking arrangements, portable O2-analyzers and required signboards and instructions are on board and in order. 613 For ships having protected slop tank every survey of this tank is to be held concurrently with the inert gas plant survey. 614 Heating coils, tank cleaning apparatus and other equipment in cargo tanks, cofferdams and pipe tunnels within the cargo area are to be examined. Heating coils are normally to be pressure tested. Attachments of sacrificial anodes in tanks are to be examined. 615 Cargo piping on deck, including crude oil washing (COW) piping and cargo and ballast piping within cargo tanks, ballast tanks, including double bottom tanks, pump rooms, pipe tunnels, cofferdams and void spaces bounding cargo tanks, decks and outer hull are to be examined and operationally tested to working pressure, to the surveyor's satisfaction to ensure that tightness and condition remain satisfactory, supplemented by thickness measurement at random if deemed necessary by the surveyor. In addition to requirements given in Sec.2 D, special attention is to be given to any ballast piping in cargo tanks and any cargo piping in ballast tanks and void spaces and surveyors are to be advised on all occasions when this piping, including valves and fittings are open during repair periods and can be internally examined.

616 Cargo pumps, together with the pumps’ prime movers are to be surved as specified in Sec.2 E100. 617 Ventilation arrangements, including fans, for cargo tanks, pump rooms and other gas dangerous spaces are to be surveyed. 618 If fitted, bow loading and unloading arrangements are to be surveyed. 619 For ships having boilers burning crude oil or slop, survey and testing of control equipment including monitoring systems and shut down functions related to the following systems are to be carried out: — ventilation and gas-tightness, fuel supply line and boiler with boiler front lagging — fuel pumps and heating arrangement — drain pipe ducts and automatic closing drain traps — inert and purging systems — manual and automatic quick closing valves and shut-down systems — boiler hood ventilation system — boiler compartment ventilation — boiler front extinguishing system — pilot burner arrangement — gastight bulkhead penetrations — gas detection system — fuel heater. 620 The emergency towing arrangements are to be examined and confirmed readily available with aft towing arrangement pre-rigged and forward chafing gear as stowed in such a way that it can be rapidly connected to the strongpoint. The pick-up gear, towing pennant and chafing gear are to be examined over full length for deterioration. Where pennant line is stored in a watertight condition and can be confirmed maintained, consideration may be given to waiving the requirement to examine the pennant line over the full length. Strongpoint, fairlead and pedestal roller are to be examined together with attachment to ship. G 700 tion)

Complete periodical survey (oil pollution preven-

701 The survey requirements given in 702 are applicable for convention ships. 702 The following is to be surveyed and tested regarding pollution prevention as applicable, in addition to the requirements for annual and intermediate survey given in 302 to 307 and in 502: — satisfactory operation of oily water separating equipment and oil filtering equipment or process unit and oil discharge monitoring and control system — segregated ballast tank arrangement (SBT) — dedicated clean ballast arrangement (CBT) — crude oil washing arrangement (COW) — the effectiveness of crude oil washing — ballast pipes through cargo tanks and cargo pipes through ballast tanks — the oil discharge monitoring and control system — arrangement of slop tanks and piping system — audible and visible alarm on the oil discharge monitoring and control system.


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Table G1 Minimum requirements for close-up examinations at complete periodical survey of oil tankers, ore/oil ships etc. Complete periodical Complete periodical Complete periodical Complete periodical survey no. 2 survey no. 3 survey no. 4 and subsequent survey no. 1 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15 Age > 15 Age ≤ 5 A) One web frame ring - in a A) All web frame rings - in a bal- A) All web frame rings - in all As complete periodical survey ballast wing tank, if any, or a last wing tank, if any, or a carballast tanks no. 3 cargo wing tank used primago wing tank used primarily rily for water ballast for water ballast B) One deck transverse - in a B) One deck transverse - in each A) All web frame rings - in a Additional transverses includcargo oil tank of the remaining ballast tanks, cargo wing tank ed as deemed necessary by the if any Society D) One transverse bulkhead - in B) One deck transverse - in a car- A) One web frame ring - in a ballast tank go wing tank each remaining cargo wing tank D) One transverse bulkhead - in B) One deck transverse - in two C) All transverse bulkheads - in a cargo oil wing tank cargo centre tanks all cargo and ballast tanks D) One transverse bulkhead - in C) Both transverse bulkheads - in E) One deck and bottom transa cargo oil centre tank a wing ballast tank, if any, or verse - in each cargo centre a cargo wing tank used primatank rily for water ballast D) One transverse bulkhead - in F) As considered necessary by each remaining ballast tank the surveyor D) One transverse bulkhead - in a cargo oil wing tank D) One transverse bulkhead - in two cargo centre tanks A) Complete transverse web frame ring including adjacent structural members. B) Deck transverse including adjacent deck structural members. C) Transverse bulkhead complete - including girder system and adjacent members. D) Transverse bulkhead lower part - including girder system and adjacent structural members. E) Deck and bottom transverse including adjacent structural members. F) Additional complete transverse web frame ring.

Table G2 Minimum requirements for thickness measurements at complete periodical survey of oil tankers, ore/oil ships etc. Complete periodical Complete periodical Complete periodical Complete periodical survey no. 1 survey no. 2 survey no. 3 survey no. 4 and subsequent Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 1 5 Age > 15 1. 1. 1. 1. Within the cargo area: Within the cargo area: One section of deck plating for the Within the cargo area: full beam of the ship within the cargo area (in way of a ballast a) Each deck plate. a) Each deck plate. tank, if any, or a cargo tank used a) Each deck plate. primarily for water ballast) b) One transverse section. b) Two transverse sections. b) Three transverse sections. c) Selected bottom plates. c) Each bottom plate. 2. 2. 2. 2. Measurements of structural mem- As for complete periodical survey As for complete periodical survey As for complete periodical survey no. 1 no. 1 bers subject to close-up examina- no. 1 tion according to Table G1, for general assessment and recording of corrosion pattern 3. 3. 3. 3. Suspect areas Suspect areas Suspect areas Suspect areas 4. 4. 4. Selected wind and water strakes All wind and water strakes within As for complete periodical survey outside the cargo area the cargo area. no. 3 5. 5. Selected wind and water strakes As for complete periodical survey outside the cargo area no. 3


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Table G3 Minimum requirements for tank testing at complete periodical survey of oil tankers, ore/oil ships etc. Complete periodical Complete periodical Complete periodical Complete periodical survey no. 1 survey no. 2 survey no. 3 survey no. 4 and subsequent Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15 Age > 15 1. 1. 1. 1. All ballast tank boundaries As for complete periodical survey As for complete periodical survey As for complete periodical survey no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 2. 2. 2. 2. Cargo tank boundaries facing bal- As for complete periodical survey As for complete periodical survey As for complete periodical survey no. 1 no. 1 last tanks, void spaces, pipe tun- no. 1 nels, fuel oil tanks, pump rooms or cofferdams 3. 3. 3. As for complete periodical survey All cargo bulkheads which form All remaining cargo tank bulkno. 3 the boundaries of segregated car- heads goes

Table G4 Requirements for extent of thickness measurement at those areas of substantial corrosion. Complete periodical survey of oil tankers, ore/oil ships etc. within the cargo tank length Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement Bottom structure 1. Minimum of 3 bays across tank, in5 point pattern for each panel between Bottom plating cluding aft bay. Measurements around longitudinals and webs and under all bell mouths 2. Minimum of 3 longitudinals in each 3 measurements in line across flange Bottom longitudinals bay where bottom plating measured and 3 measurements on vertically web 3. At fore and aft transverse bulkhead Vertical line of single measurements Bottom girders and brackets bracket toes and in centre of tanks on web plating with one measurement between each panel stiffener, or a minimum of three measurements. Two measurements across face flat. 5 point pattern on girder/bulkhead brackets 4. 3 webs in bays where bottom plating 5 points pattern over 2 m2 area. Single Bottom transverse webs measured, with measurements at both measurements on face flat ends and middle 5. Where available Single measurements Panel stiffening Deck structure 1. Two bands across tank Minimum of three measurements per Deck plating plate per band 2. Minimum of 3 longitudinals in each of 3 measurements in line vertically on Deck longitudinals two bays webs, and 2 measurements on flange (if fitted) 3. At fore and aft transverse bulkhead, Vertical line of single measurements Deck girders and brackets bracket toes and in centre of tanks on web plating with one measurement between each panel stiffener, or a minimum of three measurements. Two measurements across face flat. 5 point pattern on girder/bhd brackets 4. Minimum of two webs with measure- 5 points pattern over about 2 m2 area. Deck transverse webs ments at middle and both ends of span Single measurements on face flat 5. Where available Single measurements Panel stiffening Shell and longitu- 1. Plating between each pair of longitudi- Single measurement dinal bulkheads Deckhead and bottom strakes, and nals in a minimum of 3 bays strakes in way of stringer platforms 2. Plating between every 3rd pair of lon- Single measurement All other strakes gitudinals in same 3 bays Each longitudinal in same 3 bays 3 measurements across web and 1 3. Longitudinals-deckhead and bottom measurement on flange strakes 4. Every third longitudinal in same 3 bays 3 measurements across web and 1 Longitudinals - all others measurement on flange 5. Minimum of three at top middle and 5 point pattern over area of bracket Longitudinals - bracket bottom of tank in same 3 bays 6. 3 webs with minimum of three loca5 point pattern over about 2 m2 area, Web frames and cross ties tions on each web, including in way of plus single measurements on web frame and cross tie face flats cross tie connections


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Table G4 Requirements for extent of thickness measurement at those areas of substantial corrosion. Complete periodical survey of oil tankers, ore/oil ships etc. within the cargo tank length (Continued) Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement Transverse bulk- 1. Plating between pair of stiffeners at 5 points pattern between stiffeners over heads and swash Deckhead and bottom strakes, and three locations - approximately 1/4, 1/2 1 m length bulkheads strakes in way of stringer platforms and 3/4 width of tank 2. Plating between pair of stiffeners at Single measurement All other strakes middle location 3. Plating for each change of scantling at 5 point pattern over about 1 m2 of platStrakes in corrugated bulkheads centre of panel and at flange or fabri- ing cated connection 4. Minimum of three typical stiffeners For web, 5 point pattern over span beStiffeners tween bracket connections (2 measurements across web at each bracket connection, and one at centre of span). For flange, single measurements at each bracket toe and at centre of span 5. Minimum of three at top, middle and 5 point pattern over area of bracket Brackets bottom of tank 6. Measurements at toe of bracket and at For web, 5 point pattern over about 1 Deep webs and girders centre of span m2. 3 measurements across face flat 7. All stringers with measurements at 5 point pattern over 1 m2 of area plus single measurements near bracket toes Stringer platforms both ends and middle and on face flats

J. Offshore Bow Loading Arrangements

Table G5 Survey of inert gas plant Component or system Scrubber Deck water sea Non-return valves Scrubber cooling water arrangement Blowers including regulating valve and shut down devices Pressure/vacuum breaker Flue gas piping system Separate inert gas generator Running test, including check of instruments and automatic equipment 1)


Survey methd1) 1 1 and 2 1 and 2 2 2 2 2 2 2

The survey methods given are defined as follows: Survey method No. 1: The machinery to be opened up and the parts examined. Pressure testing may be required if found relevant and necessary by the surveyor. Survey method No. 2: External survey and performance test to be carried out. Alarm- and safety functions to be tested if found necessary by the surveyor. Opening up and/or pressure testing may be required if found necessary by the surveyor. Last overhaul to be verified.

J 100 101

Application The requirements in J apply to ships with class notation:


Complete periodical survey

201 Every survey of the bow loading arrangement is to be held concurrently with the annual survey required in G200. 202 Spaces and zones used in connection with bow loading are to be surveyed with respect to general cleanliness and maintenance. 203 Valves and piping, including inert gas purge pipes are to be externally surveyed. Opening up and/or pressure testing may be required if found necessary by the surveyor. Condition of spray-shield and collecting tray in way of connector are to be verified in order. 204 Instrumentation, automation and communication equipment in bow control station is to be surveyed, tested and verified in order.

H. Inert Gas Plant


H 100 Application 101 The requirements in H apply to ships with class notation: INERT. H 200 Complete periodical survey 201 The requirements given in G206 and G612 apply.

Ventilation of gas-safe spaces is to be verified in order.

206 Electrical equipment in gas-dangerous spaces is to be surveyed. 207 Emergency disconnection systems, automatic and manual, are to be surveyed and tested as far as possible. 208 The bow loading area is to be surveyed with respect to fire and explosion hazards and is to include survey of:

I 100 Application 101 The requirements in I apply to ships with class notation: PST.

— fire extinguishing equipment — protective measures preventing structural elements initiating sparks — ventilation of bow control station and bow loading connector room — emergency escape routes from bow control station — interlock functions for the mooring and loading systems.

I 200 Complete periodical survey 201 The requirements given in G207 and G613 apply.

209 It is to be verified that the required operation manual is in order.

I. Protected Slop Tank


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K. Chemical Carriers K 100 Application 101 The requirements in K apply to ships with class notations: Tanker for Chemicals ESP. Tanker for C ESP. Guidance note: The additional class notation ESP will be assigned to self propelled ships having integral tanks intended for carriage of liquid chemicals in bulk in accordance with IMO's International Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (IBC Code), or Code for the Construction and Equipment of Ships carrying Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk (BCH Code), as applicable. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

102 For tanks of stainless steel or areas in tanks where original coatings are found to be in GOOD condition as defined in Sec.2 A109, the extent of close-up examination as given for the periodical surveys, may be especially considered. The same applies when tanks have been re-coated (by epoxy coating or equivalent, alternatively a type approved coating, e.g. semihard or similar), provided that the present coating condition of the considered area is in GOOD condition and that documentation is available stating that: — the scantlings were assessed and found satisfactory by a surveyor prior to re-coating — the coating was applied according to the manufacturer's recommendations. 103 The extent of thickness measurements as given for the periodical surveys, may be especially considered provided the surveyor is satisfied by the close-up examination, that there is no structural strength reduction, and the corrosion protection system where applied remains effective with coatings in GOOD condition as given in 102 or for tanks of stainless steel. K 200 Annual survey (cargo containment) 201 The requirements given in G200 and in Sec.2 B apply with the additions and amendments given in 203 to 214. 202 Prior to inspection, the surveyor is to examine the documentation onboard as specified in Sec.1 C300, and its contents as a basis for the survey. 203 For areas recorded with substantial corrosion at previous surveys, the requirements given in Sec.2B apply. The extent of thickness measurements is to be increased in accordance with Table K4. 204 The following components and systems as appropriate are to be surveyed during operation and tested for correct functioning as deemed necessary by the surveyor: — system for cargo tank level gauging — system for cargo tank overflow control (high and highhigh level alarm) — vapour detection instruments — system for cargo temperature indication — leakage alarm in spaces containing independent cargo tanks. 205 Fixed as well as portable mechanical ventilation systems for cargo handling spaces and spaces within the cargo area which are normally entered, are to be surveyed/tested. 206 If provided, sampling arrangements for cargo heating/ cooling system are to be surveyed. 207 If provided, arrangements for storage of padding gas, monitoring of ullage spaces and provisions of drying elements on air inlets to cargo tanks are to be surveyed.

208 Decontamination showers and eye washes including any provisions to ensure operation under all ambient temperatures are to be surveyed. 209 Wheelhouse doors and windows, sidescuttles and windows in superstructure and deckhouse bulkheads facing the cargo area are to be confirmed in good condition. 210 Pump discharge pressure gauges fitted outside the cargo pump rooms are to be verified operational and distinctive marking of pumps, valves and pipelines in pump room are to be verified. 211 Cargo pump rooms are to be surveyed with special attention to: — remote operation of the bilge system — rescue arrangements. 212 Any special arrangements, including removable pipe lengths or other approved equipment necessary for cargo segregation together with arrangements for bow and/or stern loading/unloading are to be surveyed. 213 If applicable, installations and equipment required for special cargoes are to be surveyed. 214 Examination of the emergency towing arrangements are, as far as practicable, to be carried out. Aft towing arrangement is to be confirmed as pre-rigged and forward chafing gear is to be confirmed as stowed in such a way that it can be rapidly connected to the strongpoint. Where light is provided on pickup gear marker buoy, proper functioning is to be confirmed. 215 For ships exceeding 15 years of age: All ballast tanks adjacent to (i.e. with a common plane boundary) a cargo tank with any means of heating are to be examined internally. When considered necessary by the surveyor, thickness measurements are to be carried out and if these thickness measurements indicate that substantial corrosion is found, the extent of thickness measurements is to be increased in accordance with Table K4. Tanks or areas where coating was found to be in GOOD condition as defined in Sec.2 A109 at the previous intermediate or complete periodical survey may be specially considered by the Society. K 300 Annual survey (IMO Chemical Code) 301 The survey requirements given in 302 to 303 apply to convention ships only. 302 The following documents are to be available on board: — — — — — — 303 — — — —

required valid certificates and manuals approved Procedure and Arrangement (P&A) manual cargo record book damage stability documentation copy of code cargo data and filling limit curves service report for dry powder or foam or CO2 installations, as applicable. The following is to be surveyed and tested as applicable: fire protection equipment personal protection equipment (spot check) cargo hoses pollution prevention equipment.

K 400 Intermediate survey (cargo containment) 401 The requirements given in 200 and in Sec.2 C apply with the additions and amendments given in 402 to 411. 402 For weather decks, an examination as far as applicable of cargo, bunker, ballast, steam and vent piping systems as well as vent masts and headers is to be carried out. If upon examination there is any doubt as to the condition of the piping,


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the piping may be required to be pressure tested, thickness measured or both. 403 For those tanks subjected to survey, special attention is to be given to: — cargo piping passing through ballast tanks — bilge and ballast piping passing through cargo tanks — air and sounding piping to ballast tanks passing through cargo and ballast tanks — fuel pipes passing through ballast tanks. 404 Electrical cables and equipment installed in gas dangerous zones and spaces are to be insulation resistance measured. The measurements may be omitted provided a record of testing is available showing that measurements have been taken during the last 12 months and that the results are satisfactory. Insulation monitors with alarms are to be function tested, if installed. Guidance note: Megger testing of cables and equipment in cargo area may be carried out only when gas free certificate is issued for the vessel. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---


For ships exceeding 10 years of age:

— an overall examination of at least two representative cargo tanks is to be carried out. In addition to structure, fittings such as valves and instrumentation are to be subject to general examination — an overall examination of all combined cargo/ballast tanks is to be carried out. Close-up examination is to be carried out to the following extent: — ballast tanks: to the same extent as previous complete periodical survey — cargo tanks: at least two combined cargo/ballast tanks. The extent of survey is to be based on the record of the previous complete periodical survey, and repair history of tank. 406 For ships exceeding 15 years of age: The requirements of the intermediate survey shall be to the same extent as the previous complete periodical survey as required in 603 to 611, 613 and 614. However, testing of cargo and ballast tanks is not required unless deemed necessary by the surveyor. In lieu of the requirements in 603, an in-water survey may be considered as equivalent. 407 The extent of close-up examinations may be extended as stated in 606. 408 Systems for cargo heating and cooling are to be surveyed. 409 Provisions for drainage of cargo tank vent lines are to be surveyed. 410 Electrical bonding to the hull of piplines and independent tanks, as applicable, is to be verified. 411 Spare parts for the mechanical ventilation fans in the cargo area are to be checked. K 500 Intermediate survey (IMO Chemical Code) 501 The survey requirements given in 502 apply to convention ships only. 502 The following is to be surveyed in addition to requirements given in 302 and 303: — personnel protection equipment — cargo hoses.

K 600 Complete periodical survey (cargo containment) 601 The complete periodical survey required for cargo containment system of chemical tankers is to be carried out concurrently with the renewal surveys required for hull and machinery as given in Sec.2 D and E and in accordance with the requirements given in 200 with the additions and amendments given in 602 to 626. 602 A specific survey programme is to be worked out as described in Sec.1 C. 603 An examination of the ship in dry dock is to be a part of the complete periodical survey. 604 An overall examination is to be carried out on hull structure and piping systems in way of all cargo and ballast tanks and in way of all pump rooms, cofferdams, pipe tunnels and void spaces within the cargo area. 605 The requirements for close-up examination are given in Table K1. 606 The surveyor may extend the close-up examination as deemed necessary taking into account the maintenance of the tanks under survey, the condition of the corrosion protection system and also in the following cases: a) In particular, tanks having structural arrangements or details which have suffered defects in similar tanks or on similar ships according to available information. b) In tanks which have structures approved with reduced scantlings due to an approved corrosion control system. 607 The requirements for thickness measurements at complete periodical survey are given in Table K2. Transverse sections are to be chosen where the largest reduction are suspected to occur or are revealed from deck plating measurements. In cases where two or three sections are to be measured, at least one is to include a ballast tank within 0.5 L amidship, alternatively, within the cargo length area, as applicable. 608 Where substantial corrosion as defined in Sec.2 A107 is found, the extent of thickness measurements is to be increased in according with Table K4, or as specified in the survey programme. 609 The surveyor may further extend the thickness measurements as deemed necessary. 610 The minimum requirements for tank testing at complete periodical survey are given in Table K3. Pressure testing of cargo tanks may be accepted based on confirmation from the master, stating that the pressure testing has been carried out according to the requirements, with a satisfactory result. Generally, the tanks are to be tested with a head of liquid to the top of access hatches for cargo tanks, or top of air pipes for ballast tanks, if this gives a higher pressure. 611 The surveyor may further extend the pressure testing as deemed necessary. 612 The inert gas plant is to be surveyed as given in G613. 613 Heating coils, tank cleaning apparatus and other equipment in cargo tanks, cofferdams and pipe tunnels within the cargo area are to be examined. Heating coils are normally to be pressure tested. Attachments of sacrificial anodes in tanks are to be examined. 614 Cargo piping, on deck and cargo and ballast piping within cargo tanks, ballast tanks, including double bottom tanks, pump rooms, pipe tunnels, cofferdams and void spaces bounding cargo tanks, decks and outer hull are to be examined and operationally tested to working pressure to the surveyor's satisfaction, to ensure that tightness and condition remain satisfactory, supplemented by thickness measurement at random, if deemed necessary by the surveyor. In addition to the require-


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ments given in Sec.2 D, special attention is to be given to any ballast piping in cargo tanks and any cargo piping in ballast tanks and void spaces and surveyors are to be advised on all occasions when this piping, including valves and fittings are open during repair periods and can be internally examined. 615 Cargo pumps, valves etc. together with the pumps' prime movers are to be surveyed as specified in Sec.2 E100. 616 Ventilation arrangements, including fans, for cargo tanks, pump rooms and other gas dangerous spaces are to be surveyed. 617 Electrical equipment in gas dangerous spaces is to be surveyed and insulation resistance checked. 618 It is to be verified that the cargo system and equipment required in connection with the vessel's special features notations (e.g. a1.2, b2.3, c3, f1.2, d2, k) are in order. 619 All independent cargo tanks are to be surveyed internally and externally together with the tank supports and the hold spaces. 620 Thickness gauging of the independent cargo tanks is to be carried out as found necessary by the surveyor. 621 All independent cargo tanks are to be hydraulically pressure tested to their MARVS (Maximum Allowable Relief Valve Setting), except that testing of cargo tanks type a3 may be omitted if the tanks are found without corrosion and other damages and otherwise found acceptable by the surveyor. 622 The instrumentation of the cargo plants is to be tested. 623 The following equipment is to be surveyed or tested as appropriate:

— valves for drop lines, gas return lines and automatic shutdown of loading — drip trays and spray shields — emergency discharge pumps. 624 It is to be verified that the marking of cargo tanks, pumps, pipelines, valves etc. is in order. 625 It is to be verified that required instructions, signboards etc. are in order. 626 The emergency towing arrangements are to be examined and confirmed readily available with aft towing arrangement pre-rigged and forward chafing gear as stowed in such a way that it can be rapidly connected to the strongpoint. The pick-up gear, towing pennant and chafing gear are to be examined over full length for deterioration. Where pennant line is stored in a watertight condition and can be confirmed maintained, consideration may be given to waiving the requirement to examine the pennant line over the full length. Strongpoint, fairlead and pedestal roller are to be examined together with attachment to ship. K 700 Complete periodical survey (IMO Chemical Code) 701 The survey requirements given in 702 apply to convention ships only. 702 The following is to be surveyed and tested in addition to requirements given in 502: — stripping tests of two cargo tanks.

Table K1 Minimum requirements for close-up examination at complete periodical survey of chemical tankers Complete periodical Complete periodical Complete periodical Complete periodical survey no. 1 survey no. 2 survey no. 3 survey no. 4 and subsequent Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 15 Age > 15 1. 1. 1. 1. One transverse section - in a bal- All plating and internal structure - All plating and internal structure - As complete periodical survey no. last wing tank or double hull tank in a ballast wing tank or double in all ballast tanks 3 hull tank 2. 2. 2. One deck transverse - in a cargo One deck transverse - in each re- All plating and internal structure tank or on deck maining ballast tank or on deck. in a cargo wing tank 3. 3. 3. Lower part of one transverse One deck transverse - in a cargo One transverse section in each rebulkhead - in a ballast tank wing tank or on deck maining cargo tank 4. 4. 4. Lower part of one transverse One deck transverse - in two car- All transverse bulkheads - in all bulkhead - in a cargo wing tank go centre tanks or on deck cargo tanks 5. 5. Lower part of one transverse Lower part of one transverse bulkhead - in a cargo centre tank. bulkhead - in each remaining ballast tank 6. Lower part of one transverse bulkhead - in a cargo wing tank 7. Lower part of one transverse bulkhead - in two cargo centre tanks NOTES: — —

Close-up examination of a transverse section cover longitudinal, vertical and transverse structure. Double hull tank includes double bottom and side tank even though these tanks are separated.


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Table K2 Minimum requirements for thickness measurements at complete periodical survey of chemical tankers Complete periodical Complete periodical Complete periodical Complete periodical survey no. 2 survey no. 3 survey no. 4 and subsequent survey no. 1 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 1 5 Age > 15 Age ≤ 5 1. 1. 1. 1. Within the cargo length area: Within the cargo length area: One section of deck plating for the Within the cargo length area: full beam of the ship within the cargo length area (in way of a bala) Each deck plate. a) Each deck plate. a) Each deck plate. last tank, if any, or a cargo tank used primarily for water ballast) b) One transverse section. b) Two transverse section. b) Three transverse section. c) Each bottom plates. 2. 2. 2. 2. Measurements of structural mem- As for complete periodical survey As for complete periodical survey As for complete periodical survey no. 1 no. 1 bers subject to close-up examina- no. 1 tion according to Table K1, for general assessment and recording of corrosion pattern 3. 3. 3. 3. Suspect areas Suspect areas Suspect areas Suspect areas 4. 4. 4. Selected wind and water strakes As for complete periodical survey As for complete periodical survey outside the cargo length area no. 2 no. 2 5. 5. All wind and water strakes within As for complete periodical survey the cargo length area no. 3

Table K3 Minimum requirements for tank testing at complete periodical survey of chemical tankers Complete periodical Complete periodical Complete periodical Complete periodical survey no. 1 survey no. 2 survey no. 3 survey no. 4 and subsequent Age ≤ 5 5 < Age ≤ 10 10 < Age ≤ 1 5 Age > 15 1. 1. 1. 1. All ballast tank boundaries As for complete periodical survey As for complete periodical survey As for complete periodical survey no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 2. 2. 2. 2. Cargo tank boundaries facing bal- As for complete periodical survey As for complete periodical survey As for complete periodical survey no. 1 no. 1 no. 1 last tanks, void spaces, pie tunnels, fuel oil tanks, pump rooms or cofferdams 3. 3. 3. As for complete periodical survey All cargo bulkheads which form All remaining cargo tank bulkno. 3 the boundaries of segregated car- heads goes


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Table K4 Requirements for extent of thickness measurements at those areas of substantial corrosion. Complete periodical survey of chemical tankers Structural member Extent of measurement Pattern of measurement Double bottom 1. Suspect plate plus all adjacent plates. 5 point pattern for each panel between and hopper struc- Inner bottom plating and bottom plat- Measurements around and under all longitudinals over 1 m length ture ing bell mouths and pump wells 2. Three longitudinals where plates meas- 3 measurements in line across flange Inner bottom and bottom longitudinals ured and 3 measurements on vertically web 3. Suspect plates 5 point pattern over about 1 m2 Longitudinal girders or transverse a) 5 point pattern over about 1 m2 floors b) 5 point pattern alternate plates over 1 m2 of plating 4. a) Lower 1/3 of tank. 5 point pattern Watertight bulkheads (WT floors) b) Upper 2/3 of tank. 5. Suspect plate Web frames Deck structure 1) 1. Two bands across tank Minimum of three measurements per Deck plating plate per band 2. Minimum of 3 longitudinals in each of 3 measurements in line vertically on Deck longitudinals two bays webs, and 2 measurements on flange (if fitted) 3. At fore and aft transverse bulkhead, Vertical line of single measurements Deck girders and brackets bracket toes and in centre of tanks on web plating with one measurement between each panel stiffener, or a minimum of three measurements. Two measurements across face flat. 5 point pattern on girder/bulkhead brackets 4. Minimum of two webs with measure- 5 point pattern over about 2 m2 areas. Deck transverse webs ments at middle and both ends of span Single measurements of face flat 5. Where available Single measurements Panel stiffening Shell and longitu- 1. Plating between each pair of longitudi- Single measurements dinal bulkheads Deckhead and bottom strakes, and nals in a minimum of 3 bays. strakes in way of stringer platforms 2. Plating between every 3rd pair of lon- Single measurements All other strakes gitudinals in same 3 bays 3. Each longitudinal in same 3 bays 3 measurements across web and 1 Longitudinals - deckhead and bottom measurement on flange strakes 4. Every third longitudinal in same 3 bays 3 measurements across web and 1 Longitudinals - all others measurement on flange 5. Minimum of three at top middle and 5 point pattern over area of bracket Longitudinals - brackets bottom of tank in same 3 bays 6. 3 webs with minimum of three loca5 point pattern over about 2 m2 area, Web frames and cross ties tions on each web, including in way of plus single measurements on web frame and cross tie face flats cross tie connections 1)

For tanks where Substantial Corrosion covers more than 20% of the deck surface, the whole deck structure including longitudinals and web frames above this tank, should be mapped as if they were areas with substantial corrosion.

L. Liquefied Gas Carriers L 100


101 The requirements in L apply to ships with the class notation: Tanker for Liquefied Gas. L 200

Annual survey (cargo systems)

201 The surveys given in 202 to 221 are to be carried out concurrently with the annual survey required in Sec.2 B. 202 The annual survey intends to ensure that the cargo handling installations and related safety equipment are in satisfactory condition. The annual survey is preferably to be carried out during a loading or discharging operation. Access to cargo tanks or inerted hold spaces, necessitating gas-freeing/aerating will normally not be required.

203 The log books are to be examined with regard to the condition of the cargo containment and the correct functioning of the cargo handling systems. The running hours per day of the reliquefaction plants or the boil-off rate and the inert gas consumption are to be considered in order to check that no irregularities in performance have occured. 204 Spaces used in connection with cargo handling (e.g. cargo control room, air locks, compressor rooms, electrical motor rooms), are to be surveyed with respect to general condition, e.g. cleanliness and maintenance. 205 Gastight bulkheads with possible shaft sealings are to be visually examined. 206 The cargo handling piping and machinery, including cargo process piping, cargo heat exchangers, vapourisers, pumps, compressors are to be visually examined, as far as possible, during operation. Insulation on piping is to be visually examined.


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207 Venting systems for the cargo tanks, interbarrier spaces and hold spaces are to be visually examined externally. It is to be verified that the cargo tank relief valves are sealed and that the certificate for the relief valves' opening and closing pressures is onboard. 208 The instrumentation of the cargo installations: — automatic control, alarm and safety systems related to the pressure in cargo tanks, interbarrier spaces and hold spaces — systems for cargo tank level gauging, including high level alarm and high level shut-off — systems for temperature indication of the cargo, the cargo containment system, the hull and the cargo piping system — systems for leakage detection of interbarrier spaces and hold spaces — automatic control, alarm and safety systems in connection with cargo compressors and cargo pumps is to be verified in good working order by one or more of the following methods: — visual external examination — comparing of read-outs from different indicators — consideration of read-outs with regard to the actual cargo and/or actual conditions — examination of maintenance records with reference to the cargo plant instrumentation maintenance manual. 209 Emergency shut-down valves at shore connections and tanks are to be tested without flow in the pipe lines. It is to be verified that operation of the emergency shut-down system will cause the cargo pumps and compressors to stop. 210 The gas detection equipment is to be tested for correct functioning, including indicators and alarms. 211 Ventilation systems for all spaces in the cargo area, including air-locks, cargo pump rooms, cargo compressor rooms, electrical motor rooms, cargo control rooms, and other spaces used for cargo handling operations are to be verified as being in satisfactory operating condition. 212 In gas dangerous spaces and zones, electrical cables, cable supports and electrical equipment are to be visually examined as far as possible. 213 Inert gas and dry air installations including the means for prevention of backflow of cargo vapour to gas-safe spaces are to be verified as being in satisfactory operating condition. 214 The means for ensuring the gas and vapour tightness of the wheelhouse windows and doors, sidescuttles and windows in way of ends of superstructures and deckhouse facing the cargo area or stern loading and unloading arrangements and closing devices of all air intakes and openings into accommodation, service and control spaces are to be examined. 215 The sealing arrangements for tanks or tank domes penetrating decks or tank covers are to be examined. 216 Portable and/or fixed drip trays or insulation for deck protection in the event of cargo leakage are to be examined. 217 Correct functioning of any arrangements for heating of structural hull steel is to be verified. Access to the heated cofferdams etc. is normally not required. 218 It is to be verified that the cargo piping systems are electrically bonded to the hull. 219 Arrangements for burning methane boil-off are to be visually examined as far as practicable. The instrumentation and safety systems are to be verified as being in good working order in accordance with 208. 220 The relevant instruction and information material such as cargo handling plans, cargo instrumentation maintenance

manual, filling limit information, cooling down procedures etc. are to be verified as being onboard. 221 Examination of the emergency towing arrangements are, as far as practicable, to be carried out. Aft towing arrangement is to be confirmed as pre-rigged and forward chafing gear is to be confirmed as as stowed in such a way that it can be rapidly connected to the strongpoint. Where light is provided on pickup gear marker buoy, proper functioning is to be confirmed. L 300 Annual survey (IMO Gas Code) 301 The survey requirements given in 302 to 303 are only applicable for convention ships. The survey is to be carried out concurrently with the survey required in 200. 302 The following documents are to be available on board: — required certificates — damage stability documentation if applicable (required if ship identified as a Type 1G, 2G, 2PG or 3G in the Gas Code Certificate of Fitness) — copy of code cargo data — service report for dry powder or foam or CO2 installations, as applicable. 303 — — — —

The following is to be surveyed and tested as applicable: fire protection equipment including water spray system personal protection equipment cargo hoses decontamination showers and eyewashes.

L 400 Intermediate survey (cargo systems) 401 The requirements given in 200 and in Sec.2 C apply with the additions and amendments given in 402 to 410. 402 The intermediate survey supplements the annual survey by testing cargo handling installations with related automatic control, alarm and safety systems for correct functioning. The intermediate survey is preferably to be carried out with the ship in a gas-free condition. The extent of the testing required for the intermediate survey will normally be such that the survey cannot be carried out during a loading or discharging operation. 403 Protection screens and flame screens, if provided, in the cargo containment venting systems are to be verified in satisfactory condition. Means for draining the vent system are to be examined. 404 The instrumentation of the cargo installation referred to in 208 is to be visually examined and to be tested by changing the parameter as applicable and comparing with test instruments. Simulated testing may be accepted for sensors which are not accessible or for sensors located within cargo tanks or inerted hold spaces. The testing is to include testing of alarm and safety functions. 405 For ships having a gas fuel forwarding system, the safety and control equipment and alarm and shut down functions related to the following systems are to be tested: — — — — — — — —

gas heating arrangement fuel gas compressor and forwarding system ventilation arrangement protection and flame screens gas freeing and purging systems manual and automatic shut-down system gas detection system pilot flame burner or «fuel floor» arrangement, if applicable — governor stability switching from gas fuel to oil, or vice versa. 406 The piping of the gas detection system is to be visually inspected for corrosion and damage as far as practicable. The


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integrity of the suction lines between suction points and analysing units is to be verified as far as possible.

veyor. The following items are, inter alia, considered to have highly stressed areas:

407 The ventilation systems for spaces in the cargo area are to be surveyed and function tested.

— cargo tank supports and anti-rolling/anti-pitching devices — stiffening rings or web frames — Y-connections between tank shell and a longitudinal bulkhead of bilobe tanks — swash bulkhead boundaries — dome and sump connections to the tank shell — foundations for pumps, towers, ladders etc. — pipe connections.

408 Electrical equipment in gas-dangerous spaces and zones is to be examined as far as practicable with particular respect to the following: — earthing (spot check) — integrity of certified safe equipment — function testing of pressurised equipment and of associated alarms — testing of insulation resistance of circuits. Such measurements are only to be made when the ship is in the gas-free or inerted condition and are to be carried out within an acceptable time period. Where proper records of testing are maintained consideration may be given to accepting recent readings (maximum 12 months) by the ship's crew — insulation monitors with alarms are to be function tested, if installed. 409 For rooms protected by air locks, interlocking with ventilation of electrical supply to non-explosion protected equipment and de-energising of such equipment in case of ventilation failure are to be examined and function tested as applicable. 410 Confirmation that spares are provided for cargo area mechanical ventilation fans (not required if double fans provided). L 500

Intermediate survey (IMO Gas Code)

501 The survey requirements given in 502 apply to convention ships only. 502 L 600

The survey requirements of 302 to 303 apply. Complete periodical survey (cargo systems)

601 The complete periodical survey required for cargo systems of liquefied gas tankers is to be carried out concurrently with renewal surveys required for hull and machinery as given in Sec.2 D and E and in accordance with the requirements given in 202 to 221 and in 402 to 410 with the additions and amendments as given in 602 to 625. 602 ly.

All cargo tanks are to be cleaned and examined internal-

603 As far as practicable the outer surface of uninsulated cargo tanks or the outer surface of cargo tank insulation together with any vapour or protective barrier is to be examined. Special attention is to be given to the cargo tank and insulation in way of chocks, supports and keys. Partial removal of insulation may be required in order to verify the condition of the tank or the insulation itself if found necessary by the surveyor. Where the insulation arrangement is such that it cannot be examined, the surrounding structures of wing tanks, double bottom tanks and cofferdams are to be examined for cold spots when the cargo tanks are in the cold condition (prior to the complete periodical survey) unless voyage records together with the instrumentation give sufficient evidence of the integrity of the insulation system. 604 Thickness measurements of the cargo tanks may be required if deemed necessary by the surveyor. 605 For integral tanks and independent tanks type A and C, non-destructive testing is to supplement cargo tank inspection, with special attention to be given to the integrity of the main structural members, tank shell and highly stressed parts, including welded connections as deemed necessary by the sur-

606 For independent tanks type B, the extent of non-destructive testing is to be as given in a programme specially prepared for the cargo tank design. 607 The tightness of all cargo tanks is to be verified by an appropriate procedure. Provided that the effectiveness of the ship's gas detection equipment has been confirmed, it will be acceptable to utilise this equipment for the tightness test of independent tanks below deck during the first loading of the cargo tanks subsequent to the complete periodical survey. 608 Where findings of 602 to 607 or an examination of the voyage records raise doubts as to the structural integrity of a cargo tank, a hydraulic or hydropneumatic test is to be carried out. For integral tanks and for independent tanks type A and B, the test pressure at top of the tank is not to be less than the MARVS (Maximum Allowable Relief Valve Setting). For cargo tanks type B with MARVS higher than 1.0 bar, a test pressure higher than MARVS will be specially considered. For independent tanks type C the test pressure is not to be less than 1.25 times the MARVS. 609 At the second, the fourth, and thereafter at each complete periodical survey all independent cargo tanks type C are to be either: — hydraulically or hydropneumatically tested to 1.25 times MARVS and thereafter non-destructively tested in accordance with 605, or — subjected to a thorough, planned non-destructive testing. This testing is to be carried out in accordance with a programme specially prepared for the tank design. If a special programme does not exist, special attention is to be given to the detection of surface cracks in welded connections in highly stressed areas as listed in 605. At least 10% of the length of the welded connections in each of above mentioned areas is to be tested. This testing is to be carried out internally and externally as applicable. Insulation is to be removed as necessary for the required nondestructive testing. 610 Secondary barriers are to be examined visually for their effectiveness. For containment systems where access is not possible, the effectiveness of the secondary barrier may be checked by means of pressure/vacuum tests or other relevant methods. 611 For membrane and semi-membrane tank systems inspection and testing are to be carried out in accordance with programmes specially prepared in accordance with an approved method for the actual tank system. 612 If installed, systems for heating of hull structures are to be surveyed and function tested. 613 All pressure relief valves for the cargo tanks are to be opened for examination, adjusted, function tested and sealed. The allowable tolerance on the set pressure is given in Table L1.


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Table L1 Cargo tanks - tolerance on set pressure Set pressure p Tolerance (bar) (%) 0.0 ≤ p ≤ 1.5 ±10.0 1.5 < p < 3.0 ±6.0 3.0 ≤ p ±3.0

If the cargo tanks are equipped with relief valves with non-metallic membranes in the main or pilot valves, such non-metallic membranes are to be replaced with new ones. 614 Pressure/vacuum relief valves, pressure relief hatches and rupture discs on interbarrier spaces and hold spaces are to be examined, if necessary by opening, adjusted and tested depending on their design. 615 The cargo, liquid nitrogen and process piping systems, including valves, actuators, compensators etc. are to be opened for examination as deemed necessary. Insulation is to be removed as deemed necessary to ascertain the condition of the pipes. If the visual examination raises doubt as to the integrity of the pipelines, a pressure test at 1.25 times the MARVS for the pipeline is to be carried out. After reassembly the complete piping system is to be tightness-tested to MARVS. If the maximum delivery pressure for the piping system is less than the design pressure for the piping system, testing to the pumps' delivery pressure may be accepted. In such cases expansion bellows, selected at random, may be required dismantled for internal survey and pressure tested to their design pressure. 616 The pressure relief valves in the cargo and process piping systems are to be opened, function tested and adjusted to the extent found necessary by the surveyor. 617 The watersides of seawater-cooled heat exchangers, including those for gas operation of propulsion machinery are to be opened for survey, and the heat exchangers are to be pressure tested as found necessary. 618 Cargo pumps, compressors and other machinery, including prime movers, used in connection with cargo handling and gas operation of propulsion machinery are to be surveyed. 619

The following portable equipment is to be surveyed:

— portable gas detectors, oxygen and humidity analysers — hoses and spool pieces used for segregation of piping systems for cargo, ventilation, inert gas and bilging.

L 700 Complete periodical survey (IMO Gas Code) 701 The survey requirements given in 702 apply to convention ships only. 702 The survey requirements given in 302 to 303 apply.

M. Fire Fighters M 100 Application 101 The requirements in M apply to ships with class notations: Fire Fighter I Fire Fighter II Fire Fighter III. M 200 Class notation Fire Fighter I 201 Water spray plant for self protection, including pumps, pipes and nozzles, is to be surveyed and tested. 202 Pumps for water monitors including their prime movers are to be surveyed and tested at maximum capacity. Remote control of monitors including valve operation is to be tested. 203 Hoses with their equipment are to be surveyed and tested. 204 Fireman's outfit and compressors for charging the air bottles are to be surveyed. 205 Floodlights are to be tested. 206 It is to be verified that the required operation manual is in order. M 300 Class notation Fire Fighter II 301 In addition to the requirements in 202 to 206, the mobile generator for foam production with its equipment is to be surveyed. M 400 Class notation Fire Fighter III 401 In addition to the requirements given in 300, the fixed foam monitors with foam production equipment and remote control are to be surveyed.

620 Water spray systems are to be surveyed and tested for correct functioning.

N. Well Stimulation Vessels

621 Systems for removal of water or cargo from interbarrier spaces and hold spaces are to be examined and tested as deemed necessary.

N 100 Application 101 The requirements in N apply to ships with class notation: Well Stimulation Vessel.

622 All gas-tight bulkheads are to be inspected. The effectiveness of gas-tight shaft sealings is to be verified. 623 It is to be verified that the cargo tanks are electrically bonded to the hull. 624 It is to be verified that required instructions, information and signboards are in order. 625 The emergency towing arrangements are to be examined and confirmed readily available with aft towing arrangement pre- rigged and forward chafing gear as stowed in such a way that it can be rapidly connected to the strongpoint. The pick-up gear, towing pennant and chafing gear are to be examined over full length for deterioration. Where pennant line is stored in a watertight condition and can be confirmed maintained, consideration may be given to waiving the requirement to examine the pennant line over the full length. Strongpoint, fairlead and pedestal roller are to be examined together with attachment to ship.

N 200 Annual survey 201 Spaces and zones used in connection with the well stimulation system are to be surveyed with respect to general cleanliness and maintenance. 202 Tanks, pumping and piping and associated equipment are to be subjected to an external visual inspection. Condition of protective shielding, insulation and sealing of pressure valves is to be verified. 203 The flexible high pressure hose including end connectors is to be hydraulically pressure tested to 1.25 times its maximum working pressure. 204 The following components and systems are to be surveyed and tested: — emergency remote stop of pumps and shut-off of liquid nitrogen supply valves


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— — — —

tank level gauges tank level alarms and liquid leakage alarms hydrogen and oxygen detection and alarm system ventilation system.

205 Decontamination showers and eye washes are to be surveyed and tested. Personnel protective equipment is to be examined. N 300 Complete periodical survey 301 The requirements in 200 apply with the additions given in 302 to 311. 302 Liquid nitrogen tanks are to be inspected internally. On highly stressed parts, non-destructive testing may be required if considered necessary by the surveyor. The tanks are to be hydrostatically, hydropneumatically or otherwise pressure tested to their MARVS (Maximum Allowable Relief Valve Setting). 303 Acid tanks are to be examined internally. 304 All pressure relief valves are to be opened for survey, adjusted, sealed and function tested. 305 Pressure/vacuum relief valves for the acid tanks are to be surveyed and tested for proper function. 306 Spot checking by NDT of the high pressure piping is to be carried out. 307 The nitrogen vapouriser is to be opened for internal inspection and hydraulically tested to 1.25 times its maximum working pressure after reassembly. 308 The high pressure piping is to be hydraulically tested to 1,25 times its maximum working pressure. 309 Opening for internal inspection of pumps and valves may be required as found necessary by the surveyor. 310 Certified safe electrical equipment is to be examined and insulation resistance measured. 311 The emergency depressurisation and disconnecting of the transfer hose is to be tested.

— portable hydrocarbon gas-measuring apparatus — portable oxygen-measuring apparatus, if applicable — gas detection system in cofferdams if applicable. 204 Insulation resistance of electrical cables is to be measured. The measurements may be omitted provided a record of testing is available showing that measurements have been taken during the last 12 months and that the results are satisfactory. O 300

301 The requirements given in 200 apply with the additions given in 302 to 306. 302 All cargo tanks are to be internally examined. The tanks are to be hydrostatically, hydropneumatically or otherwise pressure tested to their MARVS (Maximum Allowable Relief Valve Setting). 303 If fitted heating coils, anodes, tank cleaning apparatus and other equipment in cargo tanks and cofferdams are to be surveyed. Heating coils are normally to be pressure tested. 304 Cargo pumps, pipes, valves, inert gas arrangement, etc. together with the pump's prime movers are to be surveyed as specified in Sec.2 E100. 305 Electrical equipment in gas-dangerous zones is to be surveyed and insulation resistance checked. 306 It is to be verified that required instruction manuals and signboards are in order.

P. Reception System for Recovered Oil P 100 101

Application The requirements in P apply to ships with class notation:


O. Arrangements for Carriage of Low Flashpoint Liquids O 100 Application 101 The requirements in O apply to ships with class notations: LFL LFL*. O 200 Annual survey 201 The surveys required in 202 and 203 are to be carried out concurrently with the annual survey required in Sec.2 B. 202 The survey is to include a general examination of: — — — — — —

tanks pumping and piping systems (cargo, heating, bilge) ventilation system bulkheads with respect to tightness electrical equipment in gas dangerous zones inert gas arrangement, if installed.

203 The following components and systems are to be surveyed and tested for correct functioning: — — — —

pressure/vacuum relief valves emergency stop of pumps quick release of transfer hose tank high level alarms

Complete periodical survey

Complete periodical survey

201 The survey is normally to include examination of the following components and arrangements: — tanks intended for storage of recovered oil if the tanks are not separated from the engine room by cofferdams — inert gas arrangement, if installed. For extent of survey, see F — piping system for oil recovery operations. If recovered oil is led into tanks through hatch openings, the existence of special hatch covers to prevent gas outflow through the openings is to be verified — blanking-off arrangements for pipe systems not in use during oil recovery operations — disconnecting arrangements of non-certified electrical equipment in spaces adjacent to tanks for recovered oil and on open deck — dry powder fire extinguishers including hoses — portable hydrocarbon gas-measuring instrument — electrical equipment certified for use in gas dangerous areas — instruction book for oil recovery operations and signboards.

Q. Pusher and Pusher/Barge Combinations Q 100 101


The requirements in Q apply to ships with class notation:

Pusher and Pusher/Barge Unit. DET NORSKE VERITAS

Rules for Ships, January 2001 Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.3 – Page 51

Q 200 Complete periodical survey 201 Every survey of the pushing arrangement and the connection system is to be held concurrently with the renewal survey of the hull. 202 The survey required is normally to include examination of the following components and arrangements: — connecting points and contact areas with supporting structure — connecting equipment including locking device if any.

R. Oil Production Vessels R 100 Application 101 The requirements in R apply to ships with class notation(s): Oil Production Vessel Oil Production and Storage Vessel. R 200 Survey arrangement 201 Annual and complete periodical surveys may be carried out on location based on an approved planned maintenance system without interrupting the function of the ship. R 300 Annual survey 301 Structure supporting equipment and heavy modules applied in the oil production operation to be surveyed. 302 A general examination of: — — — — —

cargo tank openings and pressure/vacuum valves crude oil piping systems cargo pump rooms escape routes fire extinction systems in crude oil tank and pump room area

is to be carried out. 303 The following components and systems are to be surveyed and tested for correct functioning as found necessary by the surveyor: — — — —

gas detection systems, flammable and toxic gases fire detection system system for crude oil tank level measurements general alarm system and communication between control stations.

304 In hazardous areas the following equipment and systems are to be surveyed and tested: — ventilation system including overpressure alarms — alarms and shutdown for pressurised equipment and rooms — electrical equipment and cables — self-closing gastight doors, air locks, openings and accesses — protection devices for combustion equipment and engines. 305 — — — —

The emergency shutdown system for: ventilation wellhead valves and oil production facilities all non-essential electrical equipment all essential electrical equipment

306 Where cross connections between piping system for oil production and safe piping system exist, the means for avoiding possible contamination of the safe system with the hazardous medium are to be surveyed. R 400 Complete periodical survey 401 The requirements given in 300 apply with the additional amendments given in 402 to 409. 402 For ships having boilers burning crude oil or slop, survey and testing of control equipment including monitoring systems and shut-down functions related to the following systems are to be carried out: — ventilation and gas-tightness, fuel supply line and boiler with boiler front lagging — fuel pumps and heating arrangement — drain pipe ducts and automatic closing drain traps — inert and purging systems — manual and automatic quick closing valves and shut-down systems — boiler hood ventilation system — boiler compartment ventilation — boiler front extinguishing system — pilot burner arrangement — gastight bulkhead penetrations — gas detection system — fuel heater. 403 For ships having turbines, engines or boilers burning gas, survey and testing of the safety and control equipment and alarm and shut-down functions related to the following systems are to be carried out: — — — — — — — —

gas heating arrangement ventilation arrangement protection and flame screens gas freeing and purging systems manual and automatic shut-down system gas detection system pilot flame burner or «fuel floor» arrangement governor stability switching from gas fuel to oil, or vice versa.

404 Function test of instrumentation and safety devices for component and systems given in 303 is to be carried out. 405 The fire extinguishing systems in/at: — — — —

crude oil tank area crude oil pump room engine and boiler room helicopter deck

are to be surveyed and tested for correct functioning. 406 It is to be verified that the required signboards are in order. 407 The drainage system of the hazardous areas is to be surveyed. 408 The insulation resistance of the electrical installation in the hazardous area is to be checked. 409 The fireman's outfit is to be surveyed.

S. Ships and Plants for Refrigerated Cargoes and Controlled Atmosphere

is to be surveyed and function tested. Special attention is to be given to both manual and automatic activation, power supply and alarms.

S 100 Application 101 The requirements in S apply to ships with class notations:


Rules for Ships, January 2001 Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.3 – Page 52

Reefer RM RM Container KMC CA CA (port.).

— — — — — — —

S 200 Annual survey 201 The surveys required in 202 to 217 are to be carried out concurrently with the annual survey required in Sec.2 B. The surveyor may require opening up of machinery and dismantling of insulation to the extent he finds necessary. 202 The refrigerating plant, with machinery and equipment, is to be surveyed in running condition, preferably without cargo onboard. Temperature- and capacity control systems as well as alarm and shut-down systems are to be checked. 203 A tightness test is to be carried out of refrigerant systems with odourless refrigerants. Systems with a refrigerant with distinct odour and brine systems are to be inspected for tightness. 204 The freezing point (density) and acidity (pH value) of the brine are to be checked. 205 General safety measures are to be checked including: — protection of fans and other rotating machinery — alarm and emergency stop buttons — doors, hatches, etc. with regard to escape possibilities and prevention of personnel being trapped within chambers, air cooler rooms etc. — emergency escapes — refrigerant leakage detectors. 206 The internal lining of the chambers is to be surveyed. It is to be checked that the chambers are free from odour. 207 Ducts, walls, gratings, battens, etc. which are installed for the purpose of air circulation within the chambers are to be surveyed. 208 Hatches and doors with closing appliances are to be surveyed. 209 Scuppers, bilges with rose boxes, suction-, soundingand drain-pipes together with drip pans are to be surveyed to ascertain that they are in good working order. 210 Thermometers and other equipment for measuring temperature in holds, chambers, air ducts, RSW tanks, freezing tunnels and plate freezers are to be surveyed and their accuracy checked to the extent found necessary by the surveyor. 211 CO 2 detectors, if required installed, are to be checked. 212 The electrical installations including electrical equipment such as motors, switchgear and cables are to be examined and the insulation resistance is to be checked to the extent found necessary by the surveyor. 213 The safety precautions required for group 2 refrigerants, gas tight machinery room bulkheads, separate ventilation system, catastrophe ventilation or sprinkler arrangement, escape arrangements for process areas and continuously manned cargo chambers, etc. are to be examined. 214 Items 215 to 217 apply to ships with class notations: CA or CA (port.). 215 The complete CA installation is to be subject to visual inspection and testing including at least the following: — check that P/V-valves are operational — inspection of cleats, hinges, catches and locks for hatches and doors — inspection of seals and gaskets on hatches and doors

— — —

spot check of interlocks on inlet valve arrangement inspection of required ventilation fans during operation inspection of portable ventilators spot check of N 2 release prealarm spot check of water seals inspection of the N 2 generating unit during operation if arranged, inspection of the CO 2 scrubber(s) during operation inspection and spot check of gas analysing and monitoring equipment, including fixed equipment, portable equipment for chamber/space monitoring and portable equipment for personal protection. Calibration records and procedures are to be checked. Use and availability of certified test gases are to be confirmed verification of satisfactory maintenance and function testing procedures for instrumentation. Spot check of monitoring, alarm and safety functions all signboards on the entrances to rooms adjacent to CA chambers are to be checked. The signboards are to be in accordance with the approved instruction manual locks on doors and hatches to be checked. For number and location of locks, see approved instruction manual.

216 All CA chambers or gastight groups of chambers are to be individually tightness tested with air to the design overpressure. The pressure drop during 15 minutes shall not exceed 30% of the design overpressure. Testing by the vessel's master carried out maximum one month prior to the survey may be accepted based on written report by the master and provided the visual inspection does not cause doubts about the tightness. 217 It is to be verified that the approved instruction manual is onboard, is complete and that the responsible officers are familiar with its content. S 300 Complete periodical survey 301 The surveys given in 302 to 319 are to be carried out concurrently with the renewal surveys required in Sec.2 D and E. The surveyor may require further opening up of machinery, dismantling of insulation and testing to the extent he finds necessary. 302 The refrigerating plant with machinery and equipment is to be tested while cooling down from ambient temperature to the lowest design temperature for the chambers. The ability to maintain stable delivery air temperature at all design chamber temperatures is to be demonstrated. Satisfactory operation during defrosting is to be demonstrated. 303 The insulation is to be surveyed for cold spots when the chambers are at the lowest design temperature. 304 The requirements given in 203 to 213 apply with the additions given in 305 to 319. 305 Sufficient areas of insulation are to be stripped from the holds, air trunkways, pressure vessels, piping and other insulated parts in order to assess the condition of the insulated steel and the insulation itself. 306 At the second and all subsequent renewal surveys pressure vessels with R717 are to be surveyed internally with regard to possible ammonia stress corrosion cracking. 307 Reciprocating compressors may be required opened up for survey, if found necessary by the surveyor. Screw- and turbo-type compressors may be examined without opening up, provided they are test-run to the surveyor's satisfaction. 308 Air coolers, freezing tunnels and plate freezers are to be examined. 309 Condenser cooling water pumps, brine pumps and RSW pumps are to be opened up and surveyed. 310 Brine and RSW piping systems are to be surveyed at working pressure.


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311 Water side of water cooled condensers and brine side of brine coolers are to be opened up for survey of tubes, tubeplates and end covers. 312 Pressure gauges, thermometers and automatic controls and alarms are to be tested. 313 Pressure relief valves and safety discs are to be examined externally and on the outlet side after dismantling of outlet piping and possible external bodies. The tightness over the seat is to be verified. Testing or opening up is required only when specially deemed necessary by the surveyor. Discharge piping is to be examined with regard to integrity and non-obstructed flow. 314 The electrical installations including electrical equipment such as motors, switchgear and cables are to be examined and the insulation resistance is to be checked. 315 Items 316 to 319 apply to ships with class notations: CA or CA (port.). 316 The complete CA installation is to be subject to complete survey and testing. Air compressors, pressure vessels and other machinery components are to be surveyed in accordance with the principles of Sec.2 E. 317 All CA chambers or gastight groups of chambers are to be individually tightness tested with air in the presence of the surveyor to the design overpressure. The pressure drop during 15 minutes shall not exceed 30% of the design overpressure. 318 All entrances to CA chambers, through running pipes, hatches and other connections from CA chamber to adjacent spaces, are to be visually inspected with respect to corrosion, damaged gaskets and other items which may affect the tightness between CA chambers and adjacent spaces. 319 Gas separating and adsorbtion units are to be tested with regard to capacity and quality of the produced gas. S 400 Survey in loading port, upon request 401 The Society may upon request carry out surveys of refrigerated cargo installations in the loading port for such cargo. Such surveys are not mandatory for retention of class. The chambers are to be examined in an empty state to ascertain that they are clean and free from odour, that the dunnage ribs are in good order, and that no damage has been sustained to the aid ducts, facing or insulation. The surveyor is to ascertain that all pipes for the drainage of the chambers and the drip pans are in good working order. The temperatures in the chambers are to be recorded, and the condition of the remote thermometers is to be checked. It is to be ascertained that the plant is free from leakage.

— separate bilge pumping system or drainage for cargo spaces — personnel protective clothing and breathing apparatus — portable fire extinguishers for cargo spaces — insulation of machinery space boundaries — water spray system on open Ro-Ro cargo spaces.

U. Ro-Ro Ships U 100 Application 101 The requirements in U apply to ships with the class notation: Ro/Ro. U 200 Annual survey 201 Ships arranged for carriage of vehicles with fuel in their tanks are to be surveyed as required in E.

V. Crane Vessels V 100 Application 101 The requirements given in V apply to ships with the class notation: Crane Vessel. V 200 Annual survey 201 The survey requirements are as given in Sec.4 B200. V 300 Complete periodical survey 301 The survey requirements are as given in Sec.4 B300.

W. Tanker for Potable Water W 100 Application 101 The requirements in W apply to ships with the class notation: Tanker for Potable Water W 200 Complete periodical survey 201 At complete periodical survey the following is to be surveyed: — coating in cargo tanks — instruments for pH and conductivity — cargo tank vents.

T. Dangerous Goods T 100 Application 101 The requirements in T apply to ships with class notations: DG—P and DG—B. T 200 Complete periodical survey, compulsory requirements 201 These survey requirements are applicable to all types of cargo spaces and classes of dangerous goods. 202 It is to be verified that the required documents (see Ch.4 Sec.2 B206) are kept available onboard. 203 The following is to be surveyed and tested as applicable: — electrical installation in cargo spaces — ventilation system for cargo spaces

X. Cable Laying Vessels X 100 Application 101 The requirements in X apply to vessels with the class notation: Cable Laying Vessel. X 200 Annual survey 201 The survey is to be carried out concurrently with the annual general survey required in Sec.2. 202 An overall survey is to be carried out and is to include: — support structure — hydraulic systems — function testing.


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X 300 Complete periodical survey 301 The requirements given in 200 apply in addition to those given in 302 to 304. 302 Bearings and shafts of revolving equipment are to be opened up for examination.

303 Gear wheel and pinions of cable winch are to be checked. 304 Resistance measurements of electrical systems related to cable laying systems are to be carried out.


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303 The following components are to be dismantled (opened up) and/or checked by MPI (magnetic particle inspection):

A 100 Application 101 The requirements in A apply to ships with class notation: HELDK. A 200 Complete periodical survey 201 Every survey of the helicopter deck arrangement is to be held concurrently with the renewal survey of the hull. 202 The survey required is normally to include examination of the following components and arrangements: — — — — — —

drainage arrangements surface protection on wooden decks safety net lashing arrangements for the helicopter arrangement for the prevention of sliding helicopter deck including support.

— — — — — —

boom heel bearings fixed sheaves blocks axle pin and housing eyebolt connections hooks, ring and balls.

304 Slewing ring is to be opened up, and internal fillets, raceway and bolts are to be subjected to MPI. Alternatively, if a crane has an approved securing device (retainer) fitted, opening up is not required, but at least 50% of the holding down bolts are to be drawn and subjected to MPI. 305 Flatness and condition of bearing mounting flanges are to be checked. 306 A load test, as outlined on Form No. CG 2 in the “Rules for Certification of Lifting Appliances”, is to be carried out.

B. Shipboard Crane

C. Diving Systems

B 100 Application 101 The requirements in B apply to ships with class notation: CRANE.

C 100 Application 101 The requirements in C apply to ships with class notations: DSV-I (SF) DSV-II (SF) DSV-III (SF).

B 200 Annual survey 201 The survey required in the following is to be carried out concurrently with the annual survey required in Sec.2. 202 An overall survey is to be carried out with particular emphasis on structural integrity, including examination of: — — — — — — —

wire ropes and end attachments blocks and sheaves hooks with accessories shackles bearings of boom heel and eyebolt connections securing arrangement for crane during passages support structure.

203 Slewing system (slewing bearing or hook rollers) including tightness of bolts is to be examined as found necessary by the surveyor. 204 Examination and functional testing are to be carried out as found necessary by the surveyor for the following: — — — — — —

C 200 Annual survey 201 The survey is normally to include: — calibration of essential instrumentation (depth gauges, gas analysers etc.) — switching from main to emergency electrical power supply — emergency systems including bell emergencies (buoyancy if applicable) — functional and power testing of normal and emergency systems of the bell handling system is to be carried out with a load of at least 1,25 times the working weight in the most unfavourable position — partly dismounting of heat protection and penetrators on the bell may be required. Detailed specification of test requirements are given in the relevant sections of the “Rules for Certification of Diving Systems”.

correct adjustment of brakes resistance measurement of electrical systems leakages in hydraulic system safety devices emergency stop function fire extinguisher.

205 It is to be verified that the load charts, marking and components certificates are available and in order. B 300 Complete periodical survey 301 The requirements given in 200 apply, with the additions given in 302 to 306. 302 Thickness measurements of structural parts are to be carried out as far as deemed necessary.

C 300 Intermediate survey 301 The requirements given in 200 apply, with the additions given in 302. 302 The following tests are to be carried out: — gas leak tests — testing of safety valves — functional test of fire detection-, alarm- and extinction systems — functional tests of life support systems — functional tests of alarm systems — functional tests of mechanical and electrical systems.


Rules for Ships, January 2001 Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.4 – Page 56

C 400

Complete periodical survey

401 The requirements given in 200 and 300 apply with the additions given in 402 to 406. 402 Bell buoyancy materials, heat protection, penetrators, windows and attached members are to be dismounted for inspection for possible corrosion and deterioration. 403 Pressure tests and inspections are to be carried out according to Table C1. Test pressure as stamped on the pressure vessels. Table C1 Pressure tests Component Maximum interval between each inspection and pressure testing (years) Gas containers 5 or 10 1) Bell, chambers 5 or 10 2) 1)

Interval for hydraulic pressure testing of gas containers may be extended to 10 years if the internal inspection reveals no corrosion.


Interval for hydraulic pressure testing of bell and chambers may be extended to 10 years if a pneumatic leakage test to 1,1 times the maximum working pressure is carried out at the complete periodical survey.

The pressure tests and inspections of gas containers are to be carried out according to an approved test program. 404

The working weight of the bell is to be checked.

405 A test of the bell handling system with a static load equal to the design load is to be carried out. 406 If applicable the bell's releasable ballast system with attachments is to be structurally tested with a static load 1,5 times the weight of the ballast in air. 407

Viewports with an age of 10 years are to be exchanged.

D. De-icing or anti-icing Systems D 100


101 The requirements in D apply to ships with class notations:

102 A maintenance and testing program, stamped by the Society for identification, is to be kept onboard and presented at the annual and the complete periodical surveys. E 200

Annual survey

201 It is to be verified that the systematic maintenance and functional testing of the instrumentation are performed and documented, and that the general condition of the following is to the satisfaction of the surveyor: — installation of instrumentation equipment with regard to electrical and mechanical condition, labels, signboards etc. — control panels — local indicating instruments. 202 Correct functioning of the following systems is to be verified: — — — — — — —

alarm systems safety systems remote control systems automatic control systems emergency lighting systems in engine room communication systems fire alarm and fire protection systems.

E 300

Complete periodical survey

301 The requirements given in 200 apply, with the additions and amendments given in 302 to 304. 302 Correct functioning of the various parts of the following systems is to be verified to the satisfaction of the surveyor: — — — — — —

each alarm system each safety system each fire detector automatic control loops manual control of machinery remote control of propulsion machinery. It will normally be required that the following manoeuvres are effected:


— — — — —

Annual survey

201 Visual inspection of anti-icing and de-icing switchboards and confirm heating load on each circuit according to marking on the switchboards.

from stop to ahead from ahead to astern stop from stop to astern stop by operating the emergency device.

202 Examination of equipment for de-icing and anti-icing including:

303 It is to be verified that the remote control can be transferred to stand-by manual control in the engine room in case of power supply failure to the remote control system.

— — — — — —

304 When cancelling of automatic load reduction and/or automatic stop of engine are provided, these functions are to be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the surveyor.

heaters covers equipment for manual de-icing radar equipment heating coils steam tracing lines.

F. Additional Fire Protection F 100

E. Periodically Unattended Machinery Space and Machinery Centralized Operated E 100



Application The requirements in F apply to ships with class notation:

F-AMC. F 200

101 The requirements in E apply to ships with class notations: E0


All F-class notations

201 Fire pumps including emergency fire pump and prime movers are to be surveyed and tested. 202 Fireman's outfit and compressors for charging of air bottles are to be surveyed.


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F 300 Class notation F-A 301 The requirements in 200 apply with the following additions: — fire retarding partitions in the accommodation are to be surveyed — automatic fire-detecting and alarm systems including release arrangement for self-closing doors in passageways, stairways and machinery casings are to be surveyed and tested — hose stations in the accommodation together with their equipment are to be surveyed. F 400 Class notation F-M 401 The requirements in 200 apply with the following additions: — main and local extinguishing systems in engine and boiler rooms including detection and alarm arrangements are to be surveyed and tested. Quantity of extinguishing medium is to be checked — portable dry powder fire extinguishers are to be surveyed and spare charges are to be checked — hose stations in the engine and boiler rooms together with their equipment are to be surveyed. F 500 Class notation F-C 501 The requirements in 200 apply with the following additions: — smoke detector systems for cargo holds, cargo pump rooms, compressor rooms and other service rooms are to be surveyed and tested — CO2-systems are to be surveyed and the CO2-quantity verified. Thickness measurements and/or pressure testing of CO2-bottles may be required if found necessary by the surveyor — foam systems are to be surveyed and the foam quantity verified. Foam forming concentrate is to be analysed every five years — dry chemical powder systems are to be surveyed and the powder quantity verified — fire extinguishing systems for deck area are to be tested — portable fire extinguishers for the deck area and cargo holds are to be surveyed. Spare charges are to be checked — hose stations on deck together with their equipment are to be surveyed. F 600 Class notation F-AM 601 The requirements in 200, 300, 400 and 500 apply. F 700 Class notation F 701 The requirements in 200, 300, 400 and 500 apply as far as these are applicable.

G 300 Complete periodical survey 301 Every survey of integrated computer systems is to be held concurrently with the survey of instrumentation and automation systems for class notations E0, EC0, NAUT, W1, W1OC, CCO or POSMOOR. 302 The following are to be checked during the survey: a) Consistency between the software version numbers as provided in the maintenance manual and the software installed on each unit in the total integrated system. b) If available, logs from network monitoring equipment and or network process control or task manager. The capacity of the net(s) is to be adequate and maintained. Software updates and or integration of additional equipment may have changed the network load or the capacity. c) Consistency between the back-up procedures as described in the operation manual and the actual back-up procedures in use. d) To protect the system and or process net from becoming contaminated with virus infected floppy drives, a key lock is to be inserted in the floppy drives or the floppy drives are to be stored in e.g. a locked cupboard. e) Presence of access limitations on communication through the gateway or router from the administrative net to the system net is to be verified. f) Presence of up-dated virus detection software on administrative net is to be verified. g) That procedures for upgrades of software, hardware, and firmware are being followed and that system functionality is verified after each such upgrade. 303

The following is to be tested during the survey:

a) The integrity of the system with respect to unauthorised access. b) Screen presentation at start-up of the work and or operator stations connected to the system or process net. Related application(s) are to start-up automatically with no user interaction. No other application is to be accessible. Pages are to be checked for relevance and compared to the operation manual. c) Active control and manipulation of a selection of parameters are to be demonstrated from two or more workstations. d) Available self test and or self diagnosis tools supporting the functions serviced by the net(s) are to be demonstrated.

H. Centralised Cargo Control for Liquid Cargoes H 100 Application 101 The requirements in H apply to ships with class notation: CCO.

G. Integrated Computer Systems G 100 Application 101 The requirements in G apply to ships with class notation: ICS. G 200 General 201 The purpose of the specified survey is to ensure that the quality of the total integrated system is maintained during the lifetime of the ship. In particular, this includes checking the functionality and reliability of the data communication links and that the procedures and operations defined in the operation and maintenance manuals, are being followed.

H 200 Complete periodical survey 201 Every survey of the centralised cargo control arrangement is to be held concurrently with the annual survey required in Sec.3 G200. 202 All remotely controlled operations related to cargo handling and ballasting are to be surveyed and tested. 203 Alarms and remote readings according to Pt.6 Ch.6 Sec.2 Table C1 are to be checked. 204 In the case of computer based systems the relevant requirements in Pt.4 Ch.9 are to be controlled.


Rules for Ships, January 2001 Pt.7 Ch.2 Sec.4 – Page 58

205 Arrangement for emergency stop of cargo pumps from the cargo manifold area is to be surveyed and tested. 206 Arrangement in cargo control room for emergency closing of valves in cargo lines is to be surveyed and tested. 207 Loading computer is to be tested for the following functions as applicable: — damage stability and strength (by simulating loading conditions) — cargo compatibility with tank coating — certificate limitations.

I. Dynamic Positioning System I 100 Application 101 The requirements in I apply to ships with class notations: AUTS, AUT, AUTR or AUTRO. I 200 Complete periodical survey 201 All sensors, peripheral equipment and reference systems are to be tested to verify correct operation and adequate accuracy as compared to previous calibration or specifications. Failures of sensors are to be simulated to check the alarm system and the switching logic. Acoustic reference systems are to be tested with thrusters in operation. Switch-over between reference systems as input to controller is to be carried out to assure that warnings, alarms and information to operator are satisfactory. Off-location alarm is to be demonstrated. 202 Each thruster is to be tested with a range of pitches or speed, and indicating instruments for speed, pitch and azimuth are to be observed for verification of adequate accuracy. The different modes of thruster control are to be tested for: — — — —

manual control of pitch or speed and azimuth remote thrust control controller (automatic) control transfer of control.

The remote thrust control system is to be tested with the reference system in operation. The system is to be capable of keeping the vessel in position (not exceeding position boundaries, off-location alarm). 203 The survey of the thruster unit is to be carried out as for thrusters for propulsion, see Sec.1 Table A1 and Sec.2 N. Guidance note: Survey of the thrusters requires docking of the vessel and should be harmonised with the bottom survey. ---e-n-d---of---G-u-i-d-a-n-c-e---n-o-t-e---

204 Opening of prime movers for thrusters may be required if found necessary by the surveyor. 205 The electrical installation serving the dynamic positioning system is to be examined. 206 Testing of automatic reconnection system for generators and consumers connected to the bus-bar system(s) is to be carried out (simulated test may be accepted). Power failure to the different sub-systems is to be simulated to verify the intended functioning. 207 The complete dynamic positioning system is normally to be tested in all operational modes with simulation of different failure conditions to try out switching of modes, back-up systems and the alarm system.

Manual override is to be demonstrated during normal operation and failure conditions.

J. Nautical Safety J 100 Application 101 The requirements in J apply to ships with class notations: NAUT W1-OC W1 W1-OC-Q W1-Q. J 200 General 201 The purpose of the surveys hereafter specified is to ensure the maintenance of the operational standard which forms the basis for the class notations NAUT, W1-OC, W1, W1OC-Q and W1-Q. Key areas are the functionality of bridge arrangement and the operational routines in relation to those laid down in relevant manuals. 202 The survey specified for a particular class notation may be carried out six months on either side of due date. When relevant, the surveys should be held concurrently with the survey of automated machinery plants. J 300 Class notation NAUT-C 301 The ships with class notation NAUT-C are subject to survey every five years. 302 The bridge arrangement and location of instruments are to be examined in situ. Special attention is to be paid to any alteration of console arrangement and installation of new categories of instruments which may impede operational routines or functionality of workstations. J 400 Class notation W1-OC 401 Ships with class notation W1-OC are subject to survey every two and a half years. 402 The survey required for NAUT-C is to be carried out. 403 Functional testing of instrument and system performance is to be carried out to verify correct operation and adequate accuracy. 404 The following systems are to be tested as realistically as possible to the satisfaction of the surveyor: — — — — — — — — — — — — —

course information system steering systems speed measuring systems depth measuring system radar systems traffic surveillance system position-fixing systems watch monitoring and alarm transfer system internal communication systems nautical communication systems (VHF/UHF) sound reception system computer systems, if installed electronic chart display and information system, if installed — conning display, if installed. 405 Failure conditions of instruments and systems listed in 404 are to be simulated to verify correct activation of alarms and switching logics. 406 The ability of instruments and systems listed in 404 to recover normal operation after black-out is to be tested.


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407 The bridge working environment with regard to vibration noise, lighting, temperature, ventilation, surfaces, colours and safety of personnel is to be checked and, where relevant, tested to the satisfaction of the surveyor. 408 All means to prevent accidents caused by sudden operator disability, i.e. monitoring system, communication facilities, procedures, etc., are to be checked and tested to the satisfaction of the surveyor. J 500 Class notation W1 501 Ships assigned class notation W1 are subject to survey every two and a half years. 502 The survey required for class notation W1-OC is to be carried out. 503 The automatic navigation and track-keeping system, or grounding avoidance system installed, is to be tested to the satisfaction of the surveyor with regard to route planning functions and automatic track-keeping accuracy. 504 The display of required information on the ship's manoeuvring characteristics and the contents of the manoeuvring booklet is to be examined. J 600 Class notations W1-Q and W1-OC-Q 601 When the class notation W1 or W1-OC or is extended with suffix Q, the qualification assurance system, operational procedures and certificates of competence shall be examined to verify compliance with Pt.6 Ch.8 Sec.9. J 700 Class notation NAUT-B 701 The ships with class notation NAUT-B are subject to survey every two and a half years. 702 The survey required for NAUT-C is to be carried out. 703 Functional testing of instrument and system performance is to be carried out to verify correct operation and adequate accuracy. 704 The following systems are to be tested as realistically as possible to the satisfaction of the surveyor: — — — — — — — — — —

electronic position fixing systems radar systems automatic radar plotting aids (ARPA) gyro compass systems auto steering system (Autopilot) speed log system echo sounder systems internal communication systems nautical safety radio communication computer-based systems.

K. Hull Monitoring System K 100 101


The requirements in K apply to ships with class notation:

HMON-1 or HMON-2. K 200 General 201 The purpose of the survey specified in 300 is to ensure the maintenance of the hull monitoring system as specified for the class notation. 202 The operation manual is to be available to the attending surveyor during periodical surveys. In addition to the manual the following documents listed in Pt.6 Ch.11 Sec.1 C101 are to be available: — — — —

arrangement and layout test program for software in-service test program maintenance procedures.

K 300

Annual survey

301 The operation of the hull monitoring system is to be verified by a surveyor from the Society: — to ensure that the value of the stress as defined is compatible with the output of the loading instrument for the current condition — by examination of the recorded data for compliance with the requirements. 302 The monitoring system is to be calibrated annually as defined in Pt.6 Ch.11 Sec.4 A301. The calibration is to be verified by a surveyor from the Society. 303 It is to be verified that the following items are available and in order: — calibration certificates and recommendations for all relevant components of the monitoring system — operations manual (in English and in a language appropriate for the crew).

L. Vapour Control Systems

705 Failure conditions of instruments and systems listed in 704 are to be simulated to verify correct activation of alarms and switching logics. 706 The ability of instruments and systems listed in 704 to recover normal operation after black-out is to be tested. J 800 Class notation NAUT-A 801 The ships with class notation NAUT-A are subject to survey every two and a half years. 802 The survey required for NAUT-B is to be carried out. 803 Correct display of required information on ship's manoeuvring ability is to be examined. 804 Operational safety manuals are to be reviewed to verify the relevance of established safety routines and contingency plan. 805 If installed, correct function of doppler speed log is to be tested (ships of more than 40 000 tons deadweight). 806 Rate of turn indicator is to be tested.

L 100 Application 101 The requirements in L apply to ships with the class notations: VCS-1 VCS-1B VCS-2 VCS-2B VCS-3. L 200

Complete periodical survey

201 Requirements for survey of the additional class notations VCS-1 and VCS-2 are considered covered by the rules laid down for vessels with class notations Tanker for Oil and/or Tanker for Chemicals. 202 For VCS-1B and VCS-2B the following instruments and equipment should be surveyed and tested: — the means to inert the vapour transfer hose — oxygen analyser with alarms — detonation arrester.


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Requirements for survey of the remaining parts of the installation are considered covered by the rules laid down for vessels with class notations Tanker for Oil and/or Tanker for Chemicals. 203 For VCS-3 the details of periodical survey requirements will be specified in the vessel's “Appendix to the classification certificate”.

M. Redundant Propulsion M 100 Application 101 The requirements in M apply to ships with the class notations: RP RPS. M 200 Complete periodical survey 201 The requirements for survey of the additional class notations RP and RPS are considered covered by the rules laid down for main class.

204 External examination and function test of remote operated valves in the gas piping system shall be carried out. External examination of gas pipe ducts shall be carried out. 205

Fire safety

a) Testing of water spray on gas tank if located above deck. b) Check report for powder extinguishing system in the bunkering station and in the engine room entrance, if applicable. The report shall not be older than 24 months. 206 Reference is made to survey requirements for the class notation E0 regarding record of systematic maintenance and function testing in E201. The survey shall include the gas fuel installation. 207

Testing of instrumentation

a) Fixed gas detection unit with alarms. b) Fixed fire detection system in tank room. c) Gas tank monitoring: High level alarm, temperature monitoring, level indication and temperature sensor in bilge well in tank room. d) Gas compressor emergency stop, to be tested from bridge, control room and fire control station. 208 Emergency shutdown system testing shall at least include:

N. Clean Ships N 100 Application 101 The requirements in N apply to ships with the class notations: CLEAN CLEAN DESIGN.

a) Shutdown due to gas detection on two detectors to 20% LEL (with span gas) in either engine room, tank room or double pipe outside of the engine room. Shutdown due to gas detection on one detector to 60% LEL (with span gas) in double pipe in the engine room. Check that all the correct valves open and close.

N 200 Annual surveys 201 The requirements in Sec.2 B900 apply. 202 In addition the following shall be checked/verified as applicable:

b) Testing of automatic disconnection of non-ex proof equipment in ESD protected engine rooms at gas detection to 20% LEL on two detectors in room.

— all refrigerant consumption figures — consumption figures for fire fighting substances with global warming potential (GWP) > 0 — garbage record boo — oil record books/cargo record book — fuel oil log — NOx emission control equipment log, where applicable — ballast water management log — documentation of antifouling used during dry-dockings since last review.

d) Manual release of emergency shutdown for engine tested.

O. Gas Fuelled Engine Installations

c) Shutdown due to fire detection in tank room. Check that all the correct valves open and close. e) Safety actions at full stop of ventilation in ESD protected engine tested. f) 209

Safety actions at full stop of ventilation in duct in intrinsically safe engine room tested. Ventilation system shall be verified functioning in:

— tank room — double pipe — engine room, if ESD protected. O 300

Intermediate survey

O 100 Application 101 The requirements in O apply to ships with the class notation GAS FUELLED.


O 200 Annual survey 201 The survey shall be carried out concurrently with the annual survey required in Sec.2. 202 General cleanliness and maintenance shall be examined in:

302 Electrical equipment and cables in gas dangerous zones and areas

— engine rooms — gas compressor and electric motor rooms, if fitted. 203 The condition of drip trays in the bunkering station shall be examined.

All alarm and shutdown functions shall be tested for:

— gas compressor — gas engine.

a) Examine general condition of cables, cable trays, cable penetrations or glands, connection boxes and equipment. Check cables, cable pipes and equipment for mechanical damage and corrosion that will affect the explosion protection. b) Insulation resistance tests. For power, heating and lighting installation: Testing carried out within the last 12 months may be accepted.


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O 400 Complete periodical survey 401 Gas tanks shall be examined as given below.

405 Gas handling machinery and equipment shall be examined and tested.

a) Internally, including internal piping, valves etc. and including NDT and thickness testing, as found necessary. Not required for vacuum insulated tanks. b) Externally, with foundations, as far as accessible. c) Insulation.

406 Auxiliary systems and equipment for gas installations shall be examined and tested.

402 Gas tanks safety relief valves shall be examined and tested. 403 Gas tanks high level alarm shall be tested. 404 Tank room or secondary barrier space P/V valves and relief hatches, if fitted, shall be surveyed and/or tested, as relevant.

407 Portable gas detectors and oxygen analyser shall be examined and tested. 408 Gastight bulkheads with cable and shaft sealing etc. shall be surveyed. Special attention shall be paid to bulkheads in the electrical motor and/or compressor room. Shaft sealing shall be checked for lubrication and possible overheating. 409 Instructions, information manuals and signboards shall be verified as held on board, and that they are displayed, stowed and or mounted in the appropriate locations.


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