Surefire English Business

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Surefire English By Paul Hefford & Dean Larsen

Ignite Conversations with Your Business Students


Business Level CONVERSATION GUIDE for ESL Teachers

TABLE OF TOPICS Sitting Disease 


Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 8 Part II: Take the Survey and Talk About It �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 9 Part III: Share Your Opinions �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������11

The Power of Avertising 


The Business Lunch 


Handling Change 


Web Conferencing 


The Boss 


Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������12 Part II: Take the Survey and Talk About It �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������13 Part III: Share Your Opinions �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������15 Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 16 Part II: Take the Survey and Talk About It �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������17 Part III: Share Your Opinions ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 19 Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������20 Part II: Take the Survey and Talk About It �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������21 Part III: Share Your Opinions ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 23 Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24 Part II: Take the Survey and Talk About It ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 25 Part III: Share Your Opinions ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 27 Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 28 Part II: Take the Survey and Talk About It ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 29 Part III: Share Your Opinions �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������31

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A Productive Work Day 


Company Benefits 


Company Events 


Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32 Part II: Take the Survey and Talk About It ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 33 Part III: Share Your Opinions ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 35 Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 36 Part II: Take the Survey and Talk About It ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 37 Part III: Share Your Opinions ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 39 Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������40 Part II: Take the Survey and Talk About It ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 41 Part III: Share Your Opinions ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 43 Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������44 Part II: Take the Survey and Talk About It ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 45 Part III: Share Your Opinions ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 47

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ABOUT THIS BOOK If you want to improve the English speaking skills of your Business Level ESL students, then this is the perfect book for you. Ignite your class conversations easily and effectively with SureFire English, co-written by Dean Larsen and Paul Hefford. This book will instantly engage them in quality conversation based on practical and relatable topics for business people learning English. The lessons in this book can be taught in 1 hour blocks and will ignite conversation with your students - naturally. The format of these lessons allows you, the teacher, to begin the conversations with absolutely no prep work. Both you AND your students will always have something fun to talk about in your next “English conversation class”. Enjoy the Book!

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How to Teach With This Book The lessons in this book are not in the typical quiz or repetition format. They are designed to strike instant conversation and guide your students through engaging discussion. We encourage ESL instructors to follow 4 best practices when teaching these lessons: 1. Have your students download a copy of this book to use in class 2. Engage students in meaningful discussion. 3. Prompt students to speak often about their experiences. 4. Correct students’ spoken English mistakes.

TEACHING INSTRUCTIONS Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture Warm students up to the lesson in Part One by asking the 5 simple starter questions about the picture. Encourage them to be creative and always use complete sentences when responding to the questions. Remember: There are no right or wrong answers.

Part II: Take the Survey & Talk About It Step 1: Give students 5 minutes alone to answer the 10 survey questions about the topic. Step 2: After completing the survey, students should be prepared to share and compare their responses with the class. Go through all 10 questions and ask follow up questions. Prompt students to even ask each other questions.

Part III: Share Your Opinions Go through the questions in order and have each student ask another student a question. Facilitate the conversation and encourage discussion.

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ADDITIONAL TIPS •  A  llow your students at least 5 minutes alone to answer the questions in Parts I, II, & III before starting a speaking exercise. •  S  ome survey questions (in Part II) can have more than one answer. There are no correct or incorrect answers. •  Encourage your students to do 75% of the talking. •  D  on’t explain the meaning of new words. Use spoken examples of new expressions and grammar. Ask your students questions so they can understand the meaning through context. •  Try to complete each lesson topic in a 60 minute class (if possible).

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Sitting Disease Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture

Discuss these questions as a group:

1. Is he having breakfast, lunch, or dinner? 2. Does he appear to be typing with both hands? 3. How many calories would you say are in his french fries? 4. Why isn’t he sitting at his desk? 5. How often do you have meals at your desk?

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Sitting Disease Part II: Take the Survey and Talk About It Answer the 10 question survey below then discuss your responses with your instructor and classmates.

1. How many hours do you sit at your desk per day? •  1 •  2-3 •  4-5

•  6-8 •  9-10 •  11 or more

2. How do you feel at the end of your work day? •  •  •  • 

Mentally exhausted Physically exhausted Both mentally and physically exhausted Same as when I started work

•  Stressed out •  Refreshed •  Other

3. How often do you stretch at the office for each hour you sit at your desk? •  Never •  Hardly ever •  Sometimes

•  Often •  Always

4. What do you do to combat the hours you spend each day at your desk? •  •  •  •  •  •  • 

Go to the gym for one hour each day Go for 30 minute walks Walk instead of drive Take the stairs instead of the elevator Get off the bus or subway a stop earlier and walk to work or home Go for a walk during my lunch hour. Other

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5. Do you think sitting at your desk 6-8 hours per day is worse for your health than smoking? •  •  •  • 

Absolutely Perhaps Not really Absolutely not

6. How would you feel about having a sit/stand workstation? •  Not for me thanks. •  It’s interesting, but I doubt I’d stand much. •  I’d love to have one.

7. When you get home from work do you continue to sit longer? •  Yes •  No

8. How many steps do you take each day? •  •  •  • 

0-1,000 1,000-3,000 3,000-5,000 5,000-7,000

•  7,000-10,000 •  10,000-12,000 •  12,000-15,000

9. Do you feel going to the gym for one hour a day will combat sitting disease (sitting more than 4+ hours at your desk) •  Yes •  No

10. What things can you implement easily today to lead a more active lifestyle?

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Sitting Disease Part III: Share Your Opinions

Go through the questions below and have each student ask another student a question.

•  Do you think this man is obese? •  Are you allowed to smoke in your office? •  Do you think it’s impossible for him to lose weight because of his job? •  Do you think it’s easier for him to give up cigarettes or unhealthy food? •  How many pounds have you gained since high school? •  Do you have a habit of snacking at your desk? •  Is obesity a growing problem in your country and what’s causing it? •  Which is more critical to losing weight, diet or exercise? •  If a parent is overweight how likely is it his/her kids will be overweight too? •  Is obesity a disease or just a bad habit?

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The Power of Avertising Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture

Discuss these questions as a group:

1. What kind of business do you think this is? 2. Why is the black man pointing at one of the men? 3. Which of the three men is the team manager? 4. What are the women in the background doing? 5. What would you enjoy about working in this type of business environment?

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The Power of Advertising Part II: Take the Survey and Talk About It Answer the 10 question survey below then discuss your responses with your instructor and classmates.

1. What types of ads were you exposed to yesterday? Circle all that apply •  •  •  • 

Commercials Newspaper ads Online ads Magazine ads

•  •  •  • 

Radio ads Billboards Street ads Other

2. Which types of advertising would you buy if you owned a small business and why? •  •  •  • 

Commercials Newspaper ads Online ads Magazine ads

•  •  •  • 

Radio ads Billboards Street ads Other

3. What types of advertising does your company do to promote its products? •  •  •  • 

Commercials Newspaper ads Online ads Magazine ads

•  •  •  • 

Radio ads Billboards Street ads Other

4. As a consumer, do you click on online display ads? •  Always •  Often •  Sometimes

•  Almost never •  Never

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5. Have you ever created an ad to sell something you owned - like a car or house? •  Yes •  No

6. How do you feel about Google tracking what sites you visit and then behavioural targeting you with their ads? •  I hate it •  I don’t care

•  I’m interested in their ads •  It should be illegal

7. H  ow often do you delete cookies on your computer to prevent companies from advertising to you? •  Often •  Seldom •  Never

8. D  o you think online advertising brings in more customers than word of mouth advertising or foot traffic for small business like dentists or law firms? •  Yes •  No •  It depends

9. Do you think email marketing is a very effective form of advertising? •  Yes •  No

10. What products or services do you subscribe to via email marketing? •  •  •  •  • 

Music Restaurants Stores Apps Clothing companies

•  •  •  •  • 

Car companies Electronics Technology Travel information Other

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The Power of Advertising Part III: Share Your Opinions

Go through the questions below and have each student ask another student a question.

•  How do you feel about this advertisement? •  How could this ad be made more enticing for people driving by? •  Do you think advertising creates artificial needs? •  Which companies in your country create the best ads? •  Do you trust celebrity endorsements? •  Should alcoholic beverage companies be allowed to advertise? •  Should online advertising based on personal information be banned? •  Do you think people have become immune to online display advertising? •  What’s the difference between advertising and publicity? •  Have you ever bought a product and fallen victim of false advertising

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The Business Lunch Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture

Discuss these questions as a group:

1. What’s the relationship between these two men? 2. What are they holding in their hands? 3. How far along are they in their meals? 4. Why are they drinking coffee with their food? 5. Who do you think will “foot the bill”?

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The Business Lunch Part II: Take the Survey and Talk About It Answer the 10 question survey below then discuss your responses with your instructor and classmates.

1. What time do you usually have lunch? •  11:00 am •  11:30 am •  12:00 pm

•  12:30 pm •  1:00 pm •  1:30 pm

•  2:00 pm •  After 2:00 pm

2. Why do you have lunch at this time? •  My day is half over •  Restaurants are less busy •  The lunch area is not crowded

•  I don’t get hungry until this time •  It’s when others can meet me •  Other

3. How often do you have lunch with your direct manager? •  Often •  Sometimes •  Never

4. How often do you have lunch with your coworkers? •  Often •  Sometimes •  Never

5. How often do you have ‘business’ lunches? •  •  •  • 

Daily Once a week Bi-weekly Monthly

•  Quarterly •  Yearly •  Almost never

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6. With whom do prefer to have ‘business’ lunches? •  •  •  • 

Customers Coworkers Superiors Subordinates

•  Partners •  Vendors •  Other

7. How many alcoholic drinks do you have with your ‘business lunch’, if any? •  1 drink •  2 or more drinks •  I never drink at lunch

8. Have you had a ‘business lunch’ in a different city in your country? With whom? •  Yes •  No

9. Have you had a ‘business’ lunch in a foreign city? With whom? •  Yes •  No

10. What’s so special about ‘business’ lunches? •  •  •  • 

They build relationships Someone gets a free meal They’re productive meetings Other

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The Business Lunch Part III: Share Your Opinions

Go through the questions below and have each student ask another student a question.

•  Is it important to confirm your lunch appointment with your guest 1-2 days prior to it? •  If you arrive at the restaurant first, should you wait for your party or go directly to the table? •  Do you keep your mobile phone on during business lunches? •  How soon should business be discussed once you sit down at the table? •  What foods should one avoid during a business lunch and why? •  Is it okay to drink alcohol during a business lunch? •  Who should pay for the business lunch? •  What’s an appropriate tip (%) to leave the server after a business lunch? •  Under what circumstances is it okay to ask for a “to go” box for your unfinished meal? •  How are business lunches different in your country than in western countries like the US?

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Handling Change Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture

Discuss these questions as a group:

1. How old would you guess this man is? 2. What exactly do you think he’s doing? 3. Who do you think he’s talking to? 4. What’s could be his occupation? 5. Do you think beards are appropriate for business?

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Handling Change Part II: Take the Survey and Talk About It 1. Do you agree with the proverb that “the only constant in life is change”? •  Yes, absolutely. •  Not really 2. What’s your attitude towards ‘work related’ change? •  It’s frustrating •  It’s refreshing •  It’s motivating

•  It’s challenging •  Other

3. Do you know someone who has experienced a ‘negative’ personal or work related change recently? •  Yes •  No 4. D  o you know someone who has experienced a ‘positive’ life or work related change recently? •  Yes •  No 5. Describe 3 changes in your professional life in this past year? Choose each change below that applies to you. •  •  •  • 

Job change Industry change Office location change Compensation change

•  Boss or manager change •  Company change •  Competitive change

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6. What 1 work change would you like to see happen this year? •  •  •  •  • 

A new job A new boss A new computer or work station A new sales territory A new product or service to sell

•  •  •  • 

A new personal assistant A new CEO A new office location Other

7. Select the most significant change that has occurred in your personal life in the past 12 months. •  •  •  •  • 

Change in family plans Change in child’s schooling Change in home or neighbourhood Change in vehicle Change in vacation plans

•  •  •  •  • 

Change in health Change in weight Change in diet Change in hobby Other

8. What 1 change in your personal life would you like to have occur in the next 12 months? •  •  •  • 

New vehicle New home New child New spouse

•  New vacation plan •  New fitness level •  Other

9. What’s 1 positive change you can make starting today in either your work or personal life?

10. What’s preventing you from making that change?

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Handling Change Part III: Share Your Opinions

Everybody is forced to endure stressful events at different stages of their lives. Unfortunately, some people encounter more stressful events than others. Read the top 10 most stressful life events below and rank them from 1 (most stressful) to 10 (least stressful). Then compare your choices with your instructor and classmates and try to reach consensus.

•  Marriage Separation •  Death in the family •  Children’s Education •  Marriage •  Injury or Illness •  Financial Debt •  Taking Care of Aging Parents •  Divorce •  Fired from Job •  Addiction

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Web Conferencing Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture

Discuss these questions as a group:

1. What’s the relationship between the 7 people in this picture? 2. Do the people in the foreground each have their own glass of water? 3. What’s the ratio of men to women? 4. Who do you think are the leaders of both groups and why? 5. When was the last time you participated in a video conference?

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Web Conferencing Part II: Take the Survey and Talk About It Answer the 10-question survey below then discuss your responses with your instructor and participants.

1. How often do you participate in conference/web calls? •  •  •  • 

Once a day Once a week Bi-weekly Monthly

•  Quarterly •  Hardly ever •  Never

2. When is your next scheduled conference call? •  Today •  Tomorrow •  In a few days

•  Next week •  Other

3. What’s your comfort level during these types of calls? •  Extremely nervous •  Slightly nervous •  Not nervous at all 4. With whom do you have conference/web calls with? •  Colleagues •  Customers •  Partners

•  Vendors •  Superiors •  Subordinates

5. Which device do you use to conference call? •  Mobile phone •  Tablet •  Desktop computer

•  Laptop •  Landline •  Office Technology (in house system)

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6. Have you ever led a conference call? •  Yes •  No

7. How often do you participate (talk) during conference calls? •  Always •  Often •  Sometimes

•  Seldom •  Never

8. Do you usually keep yourself on “mute” during conference calls? •  Yes •  No

9. How much more meaningful are “in person” meetings than conference calls? •  2x better •  5x better

•  10x better •  No difference in quality

10. Do you sometimes avoid arranging ‘in person’ meetings and instead do a conference call? •  Yes •  No

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Web Conferencing Part III: Share Your Opinions

Go through the questions below and have each student ask another student a question.

•  Why is the man holding the tablet instead of leaving it on the table? •  Do you think the people on the screen can hear him? •  What percentage of businesspeople multi-task during conference calls? •  If you were leading a conference call, what would be your 3 most important priorities? •  If you’re late to a conference call, should you interrupt and introduce yourself or remain silent. •  W  hat are some good conversation ‘ice breakers’ while you’re waiting for everybody to jump on the call? •  When’s the best time of day to hold a conference call? •  Is it okay to go over the time schedule for the conference call or keep a ‘hard stop’? •  What are the risks of showing a video to participants during a web conference call? •  If you had to set up a conference call tomorrow what things would you prepare?

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The Boss Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture

Discuss these questions as a group:

1. Who do you think is the boss and why? 2. Why is the man distracted by his laptop screen? 3. What do you think they’re discussing? 4. What does the man’s posture say about his mood? 5. How often do you receive feedback from your boss?

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The Boss Part II: Take the Survey and Talk About It Answer the 10 question survey below then discuss your responses with your instructor and classmates.

1. How long have you worked for your boss? •  0-1 years •  1-3 years •  3-5 years

•  5-10 years •  10 + years

2. How approachable is your boss? •  Extremely approachable •  Very approachable

•  Somewhat approachable •  Not at all approachable

3. Do you aspire to have your boss’s job? •  Yes •  Perhaps •  No

4. Do you think your boss likes his/her job? •  Yes •  No

5. Is your boss a micromanager? •  Yes •  No

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6. What do your managers need to improve in your company? •  •  •  • 

Employee morale Productivity Processes Customer relationships

•  Product innovation •  Work life balance •  Other

7. What little things sometimes annoy you about your manager? •  •  •  •  •  • 

He/she is always checking up on me. He/she sometimes asks me to do his/her work. He/she requests me to work late or come in early too often. He/she embarrasses me in front of my coworkers. He/she interrupts me while I’m working He/she does NOTHING to annoy me.

8. How much more does your boss earn than you? •  10 - 20% •  20 - 50%

•  50 - 100% •  Over 100%

9. How many more hours per week does your boss work than you? •  1 - 3 hours •  3 - 5 hours •  5 - 10 hours

•  10 - 20 hours •  20 + hours

10. Do you think you have more experience or are smarter than your boss? •  Yes •  No

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The Boss Part III: Share Your Opinions

Go through the questions below and have each student ask another student a question.

•  Why is the young woman wearing a headset? •  Who do you think is the manager and why? •  What’s she reading in her notebook? •  Do you have a female boss? •  How many females managers are in your company? •  Is there a glass ceiling for female managers in your country? •  Would you prefer a male or female boss? •  What’s the difference between working for a male boss vs. a female boss? •  If your boss left your company and tried to recruit you, would you leave too? •  Would any age difference prevent you from respecting your boss?

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Your To-Do List Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture

Discuss these questions as a group:

1. What time of day do you think it is? 2. How many tasks is she working on at once? 3. Describe some of the things she’s doing. 4. Do you have similar tasks as this woman or different ones? 5. What daily work or personal tasks can you reduce or eliminate?

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Your To-Do List Part II: Take the Survey and Talk About It Answer the 10 question survey below then discuss your responses with your instructor and classmates.

1. Are you pro-active about planning your work day? •  Yes •  No

2. When do you complete your To Do List each day? •  •  •  • 

Each morning when I arrive at the office Just before bed At the end of each work day None of the above

3. Do you prioritize your daily To Do List? •  Yes •  No

4. Do you have a ‘weekend’ To Do List? •  Of course •  Of course not

5. What are your top 3 tasks to do today?

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6. When is the best time to respond to emails? •  As soon as I receive them •  First thing in the morning •  Mid morning

•  Late morning •  Early afternoon •  Late afternoon

7. What time do you shut down your laptop for the evening? •  Before 6 pm •  Between 6-8 pm •  Between 8-10 pm

•  After 10 pm •  A few minutes before sleeping

8. At what time of day are you most productive? •  Early morning •  Late morning •  Early afternoon

•  Late afternoon •  Early evening •  Late evening

9. Which tasks would you prioritize as ‘first’ on your To Do List? •  Important •  Not important •  Urgent

•  Urgent and important •  Neither urgent or important

10. D  o you have to report to your manager what you’ve accomplished at the start and end of each week? •  Yes •  No •  Sometimes

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Your To-Do List Part III: Share Your Opinions

Go through the questions below and have each student ask another student a question.

•  What’s this woman doing? •  Do you think she’s got her hands full? •  Why isn’t she at the office? •  How often do you take your work home with you? •  Do you do office work at home around your kids? •  Does anyone at your company work from home? •  What are the advantages of working from home? •  What are the disadvantages of working from home? •  How would you feel if you were asked to work from home? •  Can companies trust employees to work from home?

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A Productive Work Day Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture

Discuss these questions as a group:

1. Why is he sitting like this? 2. What time of the day do you think it is? 3. Why doesn’t he adjust his eye glasses? 4. Do you think his sitting position is good for his health? 5. Wouldn’t he be more productive using a head set?

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A Productive Work Day Part II: Take the Survey and Talk About It Answer the 10 question survey below then discuss your responses with your instructor and classmates.

1. What time do you start working each day? •  5 am •  6 am •  7 am

•  8 am •  9 am •  Other

2. What time does your workday end? •  •  •  • 

4 pm 5 pm 6 pm 7 pm

•  8 pm •  9 pm •  10 pm

3. How often do you get up from your desk and take breaks (stretch, walk, get a drink, etc)? •  Every hour •  Every 2 hours

•  Every 3 hours •  Every 4 hours

4. Describe your typical daily work routine.

5. How many hours per week do you work? •  30 •  35 •  40

•  45 •  50 •  55

•  60 •  60+

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6. What day is most productive for you? •  Monday •  Tuesday •  Wednesday

•  Thursday •  Friday

7. What day is least productive for you? •  Monday •  Tuesday •  Wednesday

•  Thursday •  Friday

8. What do you ‘reach for’ to drink to increase your productivity? •  Coffee •  Water •  Tea

•  Energy drink •  Soda •  Other

9. Do you use apps to track your productivity or fitness? •  Yes •  No

10. What day do you start thinking and planning your weekend? •  Wednesday •  Thursday •  Friday

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A Productive Work Day Part III: Share Your Opinions

The average American works an average of 8.6 hours per day for a full time job every week day. Additionally, after-hours emails, phone calls, and to-do-lists. It’s not surprising that productivity can slip. Which of the below items hinder your productivity? Place a percentage beside each one that most affects you each day. Your total should be 100% for whichever items you choose.

•  Personal problems •  Office gossip/ politics •  Low motivation •  Confusion •  Office distractions •  Lack of energy •  Too much to do •  Social Media •  Impromptu meetings •  Sitting next to the boss

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Company Benefits Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture

Discuss these questions as a group:

1. Where is this woman? 2. What do you think is inside her cup? 3. Do you think she’s enjoying herself? 4. Do you think she’s paying for this service herself? 5. Why is the man wearing gloves while the blonde woman isn’t?

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Company Benefits Part II: Take the Survey and Talk About It Answer the 10 question survey below then discuss your responses with your instructor and classmates.

1. Does your company have an employee drug coverage plan? What’s the coverage? •  Yes •  No

2. Does your company pay for employee dental benefits? What’s the coverage? •  Yes •  No

3. Does your company have an employee vision plan? What’s the coverage? •  Yes •  No

4. Does your company have short-term/long-term disability coverage? How long? •  Yes •  No

5. Does your company have a retirement savings plan? How much does the company match? •  Yes •  No

6. Does your company have a tuition reimbursement plan? What courses qualify? •  Yes •  No

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7. Does your company have an employee referral program? How much is the pay out? •  Yes •  No

8. Does your company have a childrens’ education savings plan? Describe it. •  Yes •  No

9. Does your company offer life insurance coverage for you and your spouse? How much? •  Yes •  No

10. What other benefits would you like your company to offer employees? •  Yes •  No

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Company Benefits Part III: Share Your Opinions

Go through the questions below and have each student ask another student a question.

•  Where is this woman and what do you think she’s studying? •  What kinds of mandatory company training have you taken? •  What types of company-funded university or online courses have you taken? •  What business courses would you like to take and would your company pay for them? •  Should employers give every employee the chance to take time off to study abroad? •  Where would you like to study abroad? •  If an employee quits should he/she be responsible for paying back the company for his/her overseas education? •  Should companies be responsible for paying employees’ kids college education? •  In order to move up the corporate ladder what knowledge, skills, or experience do you still need to develop? •  Do you think you’re in a career job?

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Company Events Part I: Let’s Talk About the Picture

Discuss these questions as a group:

1. Where do you think these people are? 2. What do you think they’re celebrating? 3. Who is holding the microphone? 4. Who appears a little ‘tipsy’? 5. Do you enjoy drinking with colleagues?

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Company Events Part II: Take the Survey and Talk About It Answer the 10 question survey below then discuss your responses with your instructor and classmates.

1. How often do you have dinner with coworkers? •  •  •  • 

Once a week Once a month Once a year Never

2. How many drinks do you have when you go out with your team? •  1 •  2

•  3 or more •  I’m not a drinker.

3. Do you go out for drinks with your boss? •  Yes •  No

4. Do you go out for drinks with customers, vendors, or partners? •  Yes •  No

5. Does your company have office parties? •  Yes •  No

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6. What kinds of events does your company celebrate? •  •  •  • 

Employee promotions Employee birthdays New customer acquisitions New business deals

•  •  •  • 

Employee retirements New office openings New employee hires Other

7. How often do you attend business mixers? •  Weekly •  Monthly •  Yearly

8. Do you bring your spouse to company functions? •  Yes •  No

9. Have you ever gone for a 2-3 day company retreat? •  Yes •  No

10. How do you feel about these kinds of events? •  I enjoy them •  I dislike them

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Company Events Part III: Share Your Opinions

Go through the questions below and have each student ask another student a question.

•  Which person is being acknowledged? •  What are the staff celebrating? •  Do you envy the man in the blue tie? Why or why not? •  What kind of alcohol are they drinking? •  What types of gifts will the man receive? •  Have you ever given a gift to a co-worker, boss, or customer? •  What’s the $ limit for customer gifts before they’re considered a bribe in your country? •  Have you ever had to sleep at your office because of a late night office party? •  When is it acceptable to leave from an office party in your country? •  Will your boss reprimand you if you choose not to attend an office party or team dinner?

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