Supuestos practicos

April 25, 2019 | Author: AnxosPereiraSegundo | Category: Educational Assessment, Reading (Process), Teachers, Motivation, Autosuperación
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supuestos practicos maestros inglés...


SUPUESTOS PRÁCTICOS 1. Disc Discus usss the the adva advant ntag ages es of usin usingg the the coop cooper era ave ve ear earni ning ng prin princi cip pes es in the the E!" E!" cassroo#. The present essay aims to discuss  the advantages of using the cooperave cooperave principles in the EFL

classroom. In order to do so I will rst give a theroreca background about the cooperave learning principles. Then I will point out its main advantages and nally I will give a concluding remark centred about the importance of using cooperave learning principles and the foreign language teaching. hat is cooperave learning! "ooperave learning# also known as collaborave learning# is a body of concepts and techni$ues for helping to ma%imi&e the benets of cooperaon among students. There There is not e%ists e%ists a generall generally y accepted accepted version version of coopera cooperave ve learning. learning. 'owever 'owever## various various principles could be disnguish. Let us analyse the main ones( ) 'eterogeneous *rouping. This principle means that the groups in which students do "+ tasks are mi%ed in a number of variables such as se%#ethnicity# social class# religion# personality#age# language prociency#etc. prociency#etc. 'eterogenous grouping have a number of benets such as encouraing peer peer tutori tutoring# ng# provi providin ding g a variet variety y of perspe perspecv cves# es# fost fosteri ering ng appre appreciai ciaito ton n of the value value of  diversity. , "ollaborave skills. "ollaborave skills are those needed to work with others. The language involved in using the skills such as( checking that others understand# asking for and giving reasons# disagreeing# responding to disagreement disagreement and encouraging others to parcipate. - *roup *roup utonomy utonomy.. This principle encourages encourages students students to look to themselv themselves es for resources resources rather than relying solely on the teacher. / 0imulta 0imultaneo neous us inter interac acon# on# when when group group acvi acvies es are used# used# one stude student ntss per group group is# hopefully speaking. 'owever# in a class of /1 divided into groups of four# )1 students are speaking simultaneously# thus# this"L principal is called simultaneous interacon. If the same class is working in groups of two 2pairs are also groups3 we may have ,1 students speaking simultaneously. 4 E$ual parcipaon# "L o5ers many ways of promote e$ual parcipaon in groups. Two of  these are the use of rotang roles in a group# such as facilitator# checker#$uesoner# praiser# encourager and paraphraser paraphraser and the use of mulple ability task. 6 Individual ccountability. Techni$ues for encouraging individual accountability seek to avoid the problem of groups known variously as social loang. These techni$ues include giving each group member a designated turn to parcipate. Finally I would like to point out  that   that one of the best ways to promote cooperave learning

principles in the EFL classroom is rstly creang a comfortable atmosphere and developing a good relaonships between the students and teacher.

intonaon a%areness though a #eaningfu acvit' ,. $o% to deveop our student&s intonaon The present essay aims to study  how  how to develop our student7s intonaon awareness though a

meaningful acvity. In order to do so I will rst introduce a theorecal background about the Intonaon wareness. wareness. In order to do so I will rst provide a suitable acvity by means of which intonaon can be worked and nally I will give a concluding remark about the importance of it in the foreign language learning process. s regards teaching and learning pronunciaon# teacher must use acvies such as songs and rhymes# generally speaking. In the some way meaning and conte%tuali&ed pracce acvies involving repeon will be very useful. 'owever it necessary to say that students must be aware of the English pronunciaon. Learners must ac$uiere some discriminatory skills in order to develop their own internal criteria of what is and what is not. In order to achieve these discrimanatory skills we will have to pracce with som intonaon e%ercises. Intonaon could be denes as a suprasegmental features refered to di5erent levels of pith 2tunes3 which are used in the pronunciaon of sentences and that may e%press a wide range of meaning. Intonaon may perform a wide range of funcons like( emoonal#grammacal# informaon structure#te%tual structure#te%tual psychological and inde%ical. 8e%t# I will propose an cvity for Teaching Intonaon wareness wareness to EFL 0tudents( Title. "ould you do it be9er! Time. 417 Level 4th course of :rimary Educaon "ommand of English; dvantage. Introducon. First of all we have to decide# which usage of intonaon we want to teach and pracce( intonaon that refers refers to moodefore to conclude conclude the e%er e%ercise# cise# teacher teacher and and students students will have have a feedback feedback based based on the importance and relevance of the di5erent di5erent suprasegmental features and intonaon espcially and we will e%tract some general conclusions. The acvity is highly movang# interesng and humorous and it is a good opportunity our students students compare compare the non;nave non;nave speech with the nave nave one and idenfy idenfy di5ere di5erences nces in intonaon. Finally I would like say that  regular   regular work in this area will help learners to develop their own

hypotheses and gut;feeling for Englihs pronunciaon# something e%perts and researchers have long emphasised as an essenal skils of a good language learner. learner.

(. )sses#ent )sses#ent of *oung *oung earners earners++ propose propose so#e cassroo# cassroo# assess#ent assess#ent techni, techni,ues. ues. The present essay aims to study  the  the assessment of young learners. In order to do so I will rst

give a theorecal background about the use of evaluaon techni$ues in :rimary Educaon then I will purpose di5erent assessment techni$ues could be used in the foreign language classroom and nally I will give a concluding remark about the importance and relevance of  assessment of young learners. "lassroom ssessment is a method which can be used to collect feedback about how our students are learning and how teacher is teaching. The purpose of classroom assessment is to provide both students and teacher with the informaon needed in order to improve teaching e5ecveness and learning $uality. "lassroom ssessment is one of the best ways in order to improve teaching and learning. Let us go on poinng out seven principles for a good assessment pracce( ). Encourag Encourages es cont contact act betwe between en studen students ts and and teacher teachers. s. ,. ?evelops ?evelops reciproci reciprocity ty and and cooper cooperaon aon among among studen students. ts. -. Enco Encour urag ages es acv acve e learn learnin ing. g. /. *ives *ives feedb feedback ack on perfo performa rmance nce.. 4. Emph Emphas asi& i&es es me me on on tas task. k. 6. "ommun "ommunica icates tes high high e%pe e%pecta ctaon ons. s. @. Aespects Aespects diverse diverse talents talents and and ways ways of learni learning. ng.

8e%t I wil propose some classroom assessment techni$ues we can use in the foreign language classroom( ). Binute Binute paper paper## during the last last few few minutes minutes of the class# class#ask ask studen students ts to answer answer on a sheet paper( what is the most important point you learned today! nd# what point remai emains ns leas leastt clea clearr to you!. ou!. The The purp purpos ose e is to elic elicit it dat data abou aboutt stude tuden nt7s t7s comprehension of a parcular class session. ,. =ne sente sentence nce summary summary studen students ts summari& summari&e e knowle knowledge dge of a topic topic by const construc rucng ng a single sentence that answers the $uesons who does what to whom# when# where# how and why! The purpose is to re$uire students to select only the dening features of  an idea. The main aim of this techni$ue is evaluate that students have idened the essenal concepts of the topic. -. Bemor Bemory y matri%. matri%. 0tudents 0tudents ll in cells of a diagr diagram am for which instru instructo ctorr has provi provided ded labels. 0tudents enter the informaon demonstrang their ability to remember and classify concepts. /. hat7s hat7s the principle! principle! Cer Cer students students gure gure out what what type of of problem problem they are are dealing with# with# they they oCen oCen must must then then decide decide what principl principle e to apply apply in order order to solve solve the problem. This techni$ue focuses on this step in problem solving. It provides students with a few problems an asks them to state the principle that best applies to each problem. 4. Buddiest Buddiest point# point# the the techni$ue techni$ue consis consists ts of asking studen students ts to Dot down down a $uick respons response e to one $ueson# what was the muddiest point in! The focus of this techni$ue might be a lecture# a discussion# a homework assignment# a play or a lm. Finally I will conclude this essay saying that the central c entral purpose of "lassroom ssessment is to

promote both teachers and students to improve the $uality of learning in the classroom.

-. Criteria Criteria for for seecng seecng stor' stor' oo/s oo/s for for Pri#ar' Pri#ar' Educa Educaon on The present essay aims to discuss  the ade$uate criteria for selecng story books for :rimary

Educaon. In order to do so I will present some theorecal background about the use of story books in :rimary Educaon. Cer it I will purpose a guideline for selecng works of literature and nally I will give a concluding remark. First# we will bear in mind our student7s needs and abilies# rst# te%ts should always be appropiate to the age# interests and goals of our pupils. In this way# it is important the reading spee speed d of stud studen ents ts## at leas leastt ,11 ,11 word wordss per per minu minute te.. This This abil abilit ity y is cruc crucia iall to stud studen ent7s t7s understanding of the te%t overall.

Criteria for seecng stor' oo/s0 ;

"onten "ontent# t# subDect subDect ma9er ma9er## in the story story releva relevant# nt# intere interes sng# ng# amusing# amusing# memor memorabl able e for students!


isuals( isuals( use of illustr illustraon aons# s# are they a9racv a9racve# e# clourful! clourful! re re their their si&e si&e ade$uate ade$uate to be used as ashcards! re English;speaking countries cultural aspects shown!


Encourag Encourage e parcipa parcipaon( on( repe repeon# on# predicon predicon## develo develop p memory memory and and build build conde condence. nce.


Bova Bovang ng is is the sto story ry relat related ed to stud studen ent7s t7s e%pe e%perie rience nces! s!


rou rouse se curio curiosi sity ty(( will will the stor story y mak make them want want to nd out more more abou aboutt the targe targett language# culture and language learning.


"rea "reate te posiv posive e aGtudes aGtudes## will studen students ts respon respond d posive posively ly to the story story and deve develop lop posive aGtudes towards towards the target language# culture and language learning!

lso# teacher should bear in mind the linguisc and stylisc level of his pupils. s far as the lingui linguis scc level level is concer concerned ned## it is essen essenal al to bear bear in mind mind the followin following g aspect aspectss a3 the vocabulary and synta% of the te%t should be within the student7s grasp. 0tudents should be able to infer the meaning of most of the unknown words from the conte%t# b3 idiomac language should be kept at a minimum. I will will connu connue e e%ami e%aming ng the styli stylis scc level. level. The use of unusua unusuall word word order order or diver divergen gentt voca vocabu bula lary ry will will prod produc uce e inst instan ance cess of fore foregr grou ound ndin ing g that that cann cannot ot be appr apprec ecia iate ted d if a solidknowledge of what constu9es the linguisc norm is present. In addion# it is useless to choose te%ts of great stylisc comple%ity for the early stages of language learning# stylisc e5ect in classic children7s literature will be lost. For concluding this essay I will brify menoning  that the general aim of the teaching of 

liter literat atur ure e is to let stude student ntss derive derive the bene benets ts of commun communica icav ve e acvi acvies es for languag language e improvement withing the conte%ts of suitable works of literature. In this way# making a good selec selecon on of acvi acvies es an prese presen nng ng them them with with conde condent nts# s# stude students nts will will be neare nearerr to communicave communicave competence. competence.

. De2ne De2ne roe3pa'i roe3pa'ing. ng. 4eigh 4eigh pros pros and cons of using using roe pa'in pa'ingg acvies acvies in Pri#ar' Pri#ar' Educaon. Do 'ou thin/ roe3pa'ing #ust e a controed acvit' or three in roo# for i#provisaon5 The aim o this essay is discuss  the usefulness of role;plays acvies in :rimary Educaon. In

order to do so I will present some theorecal background about role;play acvity in which I will try to answer the $uesons what is role play! nd what are its main pros and cons! Cer that I will give my opinion about whether roleplay is a controlled acvity or there is room for improvisaon. Aole plays are small dialogues for pracsing a parcular structure
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