Supreme Court Judgment on Confession

August 25, 2018 | Author: Latest Laws Team | Category: Evidence, Appeal, Virtue, Common Law, Judiciaries
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Supreme Court Judgment on Confession...




Surin-er .u#r ./nn



Inte!!igence Officer Directorte of Re"enue Inte!!igence

%%0% Respon-ent


Uday Umes La!"#$ J.


Spe Speci! Le"e to App Appe! grn rnte-%


T/is T/is pp ppe e!! c/!! c/!!en enge gess t/e t/e corr correc ectn tnes esss of Ju-g Ju-g#e #ent nt nn- OrOr-er er -t -tee-

*%*%*+) psse- 23 t/e Hig/ Court of Pun42 n- Hr3n t C/n-igr/ Signature Not Verified Digitally signed by ANITA MALHOTRA Date: 2018.07.31 13:20:43 IST Reason:

in Cri#in! Appe! No%,&' of *+5 23 6/ic/ t/e Hig/ Court ffir#e- t/e con"iction of t/e ppe!!nt for t/e offences punis/2!e un-er Section *(c$

2 re- 6it/ Section *& of  T/  T/ee Nrcot Nrcotic ic Drugs n- Ps3c/ Ps3c/otrop otropic ic Su2st Su2stnce ncess Act7 &'8 (9NDPC Act:7 for s/ort


Accor-ing to to t/ t/e Pr Prosecution=+*AJ=,*''% T/e cr 6s 2eing -ri"en 23 one R4 .u#r  R4u 6/eres one Surin-er P! Sing/ 6s sitting sitting neBt neBt to /i#% To ensure sfe serc/ serc/ of t/e cr npers person on! ! ser serc/ c/ of occu occup pnt nts7 s7 t/e t/e cr cr 6s 6s t?e t?en n to t/e t/e offi office ce of Superinten-ent7 Centr! EBcise Rnge7 Rnge7 Mo-e! To6n7 To6n7 Hos/irpur% Hos/irpur% T/e officers of DRI ser"e- notice un-er Section 8+ of t/e NDPS Act upon si- R4 .u#r  R4u n- Surin-er P! Sing/% 2%

As -es -esir iree- 23 23 sisi- sus suspe pect cts7 s7 t/e t/eir ir per perso son n!! ser serc/ c/es es nn- t/ t/tt of

t/e cr 6ere con-ucte- in t/e presence of in-epen-ent 6itnesses nS/ri SJS C/ug/7 Senior Senior Inte!!igence Officer% Officer% Person! serc/es of t/e suspec suspects ts -i- not resu!t resu!t in reco"e reco"er3 r3 of n3 incri#i incri#int nting ing #teri #teri!% !%

3 Ho6e"er Ho6e"er77 6/en 6/en t/e cr cr 6s serc/ serc/e-7 e-7 four four pc?et pc?etss 6rppe 6rppe- 6it/ 6it/ 3e!!o6is/ -/esi"e tpes 6ere foun- conce!e- in t/e -oor of -ic?e3 of t/e cr% cr% T/e gross 6eig/t 6eig/t of t/ose four pc?ets c#e to 5%;++ ?g% c%









grnu!espo6-er 6/ic/ g"e g"e  "er3 pungent pungent s#e!!% T/e pinc/ of ec/ pc? pc?et et 6s test testee-77 6/ic 6/ic/ / s/o6 s/o6ee- t/e prese presenc ncee of /eroin /eroin%%

T/e T/e

reco"ere- /eroin 6eig/ing ;%&&+ ?gs 6s "!ue- t Rs%&7&87+++=% T/ose four pc?ets pc?ets 6ere t?en into possessio possession% n% T6o representti" representti"ee s#p!es of 8 g#s ec/ 6ere t?en out fro# ec/ of t/e pc?ets s per ru!es% In-ic cr 6s !so !so seieseie- 23 t/e officer officerss of DRI% Stte#ent Stte#entss of 2ot/ t/e suspe suspect ctss 6ere 6ere recorrecor-ee-%%

Fro# Fro# t/eir t/eir stt stte# e#en ents ts77 it

trnspire- t/t four pc?ets of /eroin /- 2een t?en fro# one Mr% @o!-3 ro 1i43pur7 J##u n- t/ose pc?ets 6ere to 2e -e!i"ere- to  person of Africn origin ner P@I C/n-igr/% -%

Init Initi i!! !!3 3  co#p co#p! !in intt unun-er er Sec Secti tion onss *7 *7 **7 **7 *;7 *;7 *'7 *'7 *& *& nn- )+ of

t/e t/e ND NDPS PS Act 6s 6s !o-g !o-gee- gi gins nstt sisi- R4 R4 .u# .u#rr  R4u R4u nnSurin-e Surin-err P! Sing/% Sing/%

During During in"estig in"estigti tion7 on7 t/e in"o!"e# in"o!"e#ent ent of t/e

present ppe!!nt in t/e -rug rc?et 6s si- to /"e 2een #-e out% After After t/e ppe!! ppe!!nt nt 6s rrest rreste-7 e-7  supp!e supp!e#en #entr tr3 3 co#p! co#p!int int 6s presente- ginst /i# n- t/e #tter 6s t?en up 6it/ t/e #in

4 co#p!int% After /ering rgu#ents7 rgu#ents7 c/rges 6ere fr#e- ginst ginst siR4 .u#r  R4u n- Surin-er P! Sing/ n- t/e ppe!!nt for t/e offences un-er Sections *7 *& n- )+ of t/e NDPS Act%


T/e T/e pro prose secu cuti tion on77 in in sup suppo port rt of its its cs csee eB eB#i #ine ne- fou fourr 6itn 6itnes esse ses% s% Afte Afterr

/eri /ering ng su2# su2#is issi sion ons7 s7 t/e t/e tri tri!! cour courtt con" con"ic icte te- nn- sent senten ence ce- !! !! t/re t/reee ccuse-% T/e ppe!!nt 6s con"ictecon"icte- un-er Section Section *(c$ re- 6it/ Section *& of t/e NDPS Act n- 6s sentence- to un-ergo rigorous i#prison#ent for * 3ers n- to p3  fine of Rs% !?/7 in -efu!t 6/ereof to un-ergo furt/er rigorous i#prison#ent i#prison#ent for t/ree 3ers% 3ers% Si#i!r or-ers for con"iction con"iction n- sentence 6ere recor-e- ginst ot/er t6o ccuse- n#e!3 R4 .u#r  R4u n- Surin-er P! Sing/% A!! t/ree con"icte- ccuseccuse- preferre- ppe!s n#e!3 Cri#in! Appe! No%D=&88=D>=*+; 6s fi!e- 23 R4 .u#r  R4u n- Surin-er P! Sing/ 6/i!e Cri#in! Appe! No%D=,&'=D>=*+5 6s preferrepreferre- 23 t/e ppe!!nt% ppe!!nt% >ot/ t/ese t/ese ppe!s ppe!s 6ere /er- toget/er toget/er 23 t/e Hig/ Court%


As reg regr r-s -s t/e t/e pp ppe! e!! !nt nt77 it 6s 6s o2s o2ser er"e "e- 23 t/e t/e Hig Hig/ / Cour Courtt t/t t/t /e /e

6s specific!!3 n#e- 23 co=ccuse- R4 .u#r  R4u n- Surin-er P! Sing/ in t/eir stte#ents% stte#ents% Aprt fro# suc/ stte#ents not/ing 6s pro-uceon recorrecor- to in-ict in-ictee t/e in"o!" in"o!"e#e e#ent nt of t/e ppe!! ppe!!nt% nt% T/e Hig/ Court Court

5 /o6e"e /o6e"err founfoun- t/t t/e cse cse gins ginstt t/e ppe!! ppe!!nt nt 6s #-e out% out% It 6s o2ser"e-< Offence of 2et#ent un-er Section *& of NDPS Act stoostoo- est2! est2!is/ is/ee- gins ginstt ccuse ccuse- SurinSurin-er er .u#r .u#r ./nn ./nn77 s/o6in s/o6ing g t/t /e 6s in"o!"e in"o!"e- in -rug trffi trffic?i c?ing% ng% He 6s specific!!3 n#e- 23 ccuse- R4 .u#r  R4u n- Surin-er P! Sing/ in t/eir t/eir stte#ent stte#ents% s% Suc/ stte#en stte#ents ts of ccuseccuse- R4 .u#r  R4u n- Surin-er P! Sing/ recor-e- un-er Section ), of t/e NDPS Act re -#issi2!e in e"i-ence n- re not /it 23 Section *8 of t/e E"i-ence Act 2ecuse t/e officers of DRI7 6/o /- ppre/en-e- R4 .u#r  R4u n- Surin-er P! Sing/7 tr"e!ing in n In-ic cr n- effecting reco"er3 fro# t/e# -o not co#e 6it/in t/e -efinition of po!ice officers%G%

T/e Hig/ Court t/us ffir#e- t/e or-er of con"iction s recor-eginst t/e ppe!!nt 2ut re-uce- t/e sentence to rigorous i#prison#ent for  perio- of + 3ers n- to p3 fine of Rs% !?/7 in -efu!t 6/ereof to un-er un-ergo go furt/er furt/er rigorous rigorous i#priso i#prison#e n#ent nt for  3ers% 3ers%

Si#i! Si#i!rr or-ers or-ers of

sentence 6ere psse- in respect of ot/er co=ccuse- n#e!3 R4 .u#r  R4u n- Surin-er P! Sing/%


In t/is ppe! c/!!enging t/e correc rectness of t/e con"iction n-

sentence ren-ere- s ginst t/e ppe!!nt7 it 6s su2#itte- 23 Mr% J3nt >/us/n7 !erne- Senior A-"octe A-"octe t/t prt fro# t/e so c!!e- stte#ents of co=ccuse- R4 .u#r  R4u n- Surin-er P! Sing/ t/ere 6s not/ing ginst t/e ppe!!nt n- t/t /e 6s neit/er rreste- t t/e site nor 6s t/e

6 contr2n- #teri! in in n3 63 ssocitessocite- 6it/ /i#% Mr% Mr% Mnin-er Sing/7 !erne!erne- A--ition! A--ition! So!icitor So!icitor @ener! @ener! ppering ppering for t/e respon-ent respon-ent /o6e"er supporte- t/e 4u-g#ent of con"iction n- sentence ren-ere- ginst t/e ppe!!nt% ppe!!nt% He p!cep!ce- on recor- c!! -t -t reports reports s/o6ing t/t t/t rounroun- t/e ti#e 6/en t/e co=ccuse- 6s rreste-7 t/e ppe!!nt 6s in touc/ 6it/  person person n#e- C/u-/r3 C/u-/r3 fro# Du2i% Du2i%

T/e !erne!erne- A--iti A--ition! on! So!icito So!icitorr

@ener! /o6e"er fir!3 ccepte- t/t prt fro# t/e stte#ents of t/e co= ccuse- t/ere 6s not/ing to !in? t/e ppe!!nt 6it/ si- con"icte- ccuse-% T/e c!! -t reports !so -i- not in-icte t/t roun- t/e ti#e 6/en co= ccuse- 6ere ppre/en-e-7 t/e ppe!!nt 6s in touc/ 6it/ eit/er of t/e#%


For For t/e pres resent purpo rposes7 6e 6i! 6i!! proc rocee- on t/e footing t/t t/e

stte#ents of co=ccuse- 6ere recor-e- un-er n- in ter#s of Section ), of t/e NDPS Act% As regr-s suc/ stte#ents7  2enc/ of t6o Ju-ges of t/is Court fter referring to n- re!3ing upon t/e er!ier Ju-g#ents7 o2ser"e- in  Kanhaiyalal "  Kanhaiyalal "%% Union of India7 s un-er< 4%. Consi-ering t/e pro"isions of Section ), of t/e NDPS Act nt/e "ie6s eBpresseeBpresse- 23 t/is Court in Raj in  Raj Kumar  Karwal  Karwal case2 6it/ 6/ic/ 6e gree7 t/t n officer "este- 6it/ t/e po6ers of n officer in c/rge of  po!ice sttion un-er Section 8; of t/e 2o"e Act is not  po!ice officerG 6it/in t/e #ening of Section *8 of t/e E"i-ence Act7 it is c!er t/t  stte#ent #-e un-er Section ), of t/e NDPS Act is not t/e s#e s  stte#ent #-e un-er Section ) of t/e  (*++'$ 5 SCC ))'  (&&+$ * SCC 5+&

1 2

7 Co-e7 un!ess #-e un-er t/ret or coercion% It is t/is "it! -ifference7 6/ic/ !!o6s  stte#ent #-e un-er Section ), of t/e NDPS Act to 2e use- s  confession ginst t/e person #?ing it n- eBc!u-es it fro# t/e opertion of Sections *5 to *, of t/e E"i-ence Act%G Act%G


Lt Lter7 no not/er 2en 2enc/ of t6o t6o Ju Ju-ges of t/ t/is Cou Court in in Tofan Singh "%

Stat Statee of Tamil mil Nad Nadu ; 6s of t/e "ie6 t/t t/e #tter reuirerereconsi-ertion n- t/erefore7 -irecte- t/t t/e #tter 2e p!ce- 2efore  !rger 2enc/% 2enc/% It 6s o2ser"e- in Tofan Singh (supr$ Singh (supr$ s un-er< &40. In our "ie6 t/e foresi- -iscussion necessittes  re=!oo? into t/e t/e rtio rtio of  Kanhaiyalal  case% It is #ore so 6/en t/is Court /s !re-3 -ou2te- t/e -ict in Kanhaiyalal in Kanhaiyalal in  in Nirmal  Nirmal Singh Pehlwan4 6/erein 6/erein fter noticing noticing 2ot/ Kanhaiyalal 2ot/  Kanhaiyalal s  s 6e!! s Noor s  Noor Aga 57 t/is Court o2ser"e- t/us< ( Nirmal Singh Pehlwan  case7 SCC p% ;+*7 pr 8$

15% e !so see t/t t/e Di"ision >enc/ in  Kanhaiyalal case /- not eB#ine- t/e princip!es nt/e concepts un-er!3ing Section *8 of t/e E"i-ence Act7 ',* "is=K="is Section +' of t/e Custo#s Act nn- t/e t/e po6 po6ers ers of  Cust Custo# o#ss Offi Office cerr 6/o 6/o cou! cou!in"estigte n- 2ring for tri! n ccuse- in  nrcotic #tt #tter er%% T/e T/e sisi- cse cse re!i re!iee- eBc! eBc!us usi" i"e! e!3 3 on t/e t/e  4u-g#ent in  Raj Kumar   case% T/e !test 4u-g#ent in point of ti#e is Noor is  Noor Aga  case 6/ic/ /s -e!t "er3 e!2orte!3 6it/ t/is #tter% e t/us fee! it 6ou!- 2e proper for us to fo!!o6 t/e rtio of t/e 4u-g#ent in  Noor Aga  case prt prtic icu! u!r r!3 !3 s t/e t/e pro" pro"is isio ions ns of Section 8+ of t/e Act 6/ic/ re #n-tor3 /"e !so not 2een co#p!ie- 6it/%G

 (*+;$ ) SCC ;  (*+$ * SCC *&' 5  (*++'$ ) SCC 5, 3 4

8 41. For t/e foresi- resons7 6e re of t/e "ie6 t/t t/e #tter nee-s to 2e referre- to  !rger >enc/ for reconsi-ertion of t/e issue s to 6/et/er t/e officer in"estigting t/e #tter un-er t/e NDPS Act 6ou!- u!if3 s po!ice officer or not% 42. In t/is conteBt7 t/e ot/er re!te- issue "i% 6/et/er t/e stte#ent recor-e- 23 t/e in"estigting officer un-er Section ), of t/e Act cn 2e trete- s confession! stte#ent or not7 e"en if t/e officer is not trete- s po!ice officer !so nee-s to 2e referre- to t/e !rger >enc/7 ins#uc/ s it is inter#iBe- 6it/  fcet of t/e st issue s to 6/et/er suc/  stte#ent is to 2e trete- s stte#ent un-er Section ) of t/e Co-e or it prt?es t/e c/rcter of stte#ent un-er Section )5 of t/e Co-e%G


T/us T/us t/e t/e issu issue 6/et 6/et/e /err stt sttee#ent #ent reco recorr-ee- unun-er Sect Sectiion ), of t/e t/e

NDPS Act cn 2e construe- s  confession! stte#ent e"en if t/e officer 6/o recor-e- suc/ stte#ent 6s not to 2e trete- s  po!ice officer7 /s no6 2een referre- to  !rger >enc/%

+% +%

E"en E"en if if 6e re re to proc procee ee- on t/e t/e pre# pre#is isee t/t t/t suc/ suc/ stt stte# e#en entt un-e un-err

Section ), of t/e NDPS Act #3 #ount to confession7 in our "ie67 certin --ition! fetures #ust 2e est2!is/e- 2efore suc/  confession! stte#ent cou!cou!- 2e re!iere!ie- upon upon ginst ginst  co=cc co=ccuse use-% -% It is note6o note6ort/ rt/3 3 t/t un!i?e un!i?e Sect Sectio ion n 8 of Terro errori rist st nn- Disr Disrup upti ti"e "e Acti Acti"i "iti ties es Act7 Act7 &', &', )  6/ic/ specif specific ic!!3 !!3 #?es #?es confes confessio sion n of  co=cc co=ccuse use- -#iss -#issi2! i2!ee gins ginstt ot/er ot/er ccu ccuse se- in cert certi in n e"en e"entu tu! !it itie ies s t/er t/eree is no suc/ suc/ si#i si#i! !rr or i-en i-enti tic c!! pro"ision in t/e NDPS Act #?ing suc/ confession -#issi2!e ginst  co=  Si#i!r!3< Section ' of M/rs/tr Contro! of Orgnise- Cri#e Act7 &&&


9 ccuse ccuse-% -% T/e #tter #tter t/erefo t/erefore re /s to 2e seen seen in t/e !ig/t !ig/t of t/e !6 !i-o6n 23 t/is Court s regr-s gener! pp!iction of  confession of  co= ccuse- s ginst ot/er ccuse-%


In  Kashmira Singh "% State of Madhya Pradesh ,7 t/is Court re!ie-

upon t/e -ecision of t/e Pri"3 Counci! in  Bhuboni Sahu "% The King' n!i- -o6n s un-er< @uru2c/ns confession /s p!3e- n i#portnt prt in i#p!ictin i#p!icting g t/e ppe!!nt7 ppe!!nt7 n- t/e uestion t once rises7 /o6 fr n- in 6/t 63 t/e confession of n ccuse- person cn 2e use- ginst  co=ccuse- It is e"i-ent t/t it is not e"i-ence in t/e or-inr3 sense of t/e ter# 2ecuse7 s t/e Pri"3 Counci! s3 in Bhuboni in Bhuboni Sahu "% The King It King It -oes not in-ee- co#e 6it/in t/e t/e -efi -efini niti tion on of of e"i e"i-e -enc nce e cont conti ine ne- in sect sectio ion n ; of t/e E"i-ence Act%7 It is not reuire- to 2e gi"en on ot/7 nor in t/e prese presenc ncee of t/e t/e ccu ccuse se-7 -7 nn- it cnn cnnot ot 2e test testee- 23 cros cross= s= eB eB#in #inttion ion% T/ei T/eirr LorLor-ss/ip /ips !so !so poin oint out t/t it is o2"ious!3 e"i-ence of  "er3 6e? t3pe%%%%%%%%% It is  #uc/ 6e?er 6e?er t3pe t3pe of e"i-en e"i-ence ce t/n t/n t/e e"i-en e"i-ence ce of n ppro" ppro"er er77 6/ic/ is not su24ect to n3 of t/ose infir#ities% T/e3 stte- in --ition t/t suc/  confession cnnot 2e #-e ti!e foun-tion of  con"iction n- cn on!3 2e use- in support of ot/er e"i-ence% In "ie6 of t/ese re#r?s it 6ou!- 2e point!ess to co"er t/e s#e groun-7 2ut 6e fee! it is necessr3 to eBpoun- t/is furt/er s #isppre/ension sti!! eBists% T/e uestion is7 in 6/t 63 cn it 2e use- in support of ot/er e"i-ence Cn it 2e use- to fi!! in #issing gps Cn it 2e use- to corro2orte n cco#p!ice or7 s in t/e present cse7  6itness 6/o7 t/oug/ not n cco#p!ice7 is p!cein t/e s#e ctegor3 regr-ing cre-i2i!it3 2ecuse t/e 4u-ge refuses to 2e!ie"e /i# eBcept in so fr s /e is corro2orte- 

 (&8*$ SCR 8*)  (&5&$ ,) In-in Appe! 5, t 88

7 8

10 In our opinio opinion7 n7 t/e #tter #tter 6s 6s put succi succinct nct!3 !3 23 Sir Sir L6r L6renc encee & Jen?ins in m!eror in m!eror "%  "alit Mohan #hu$%erbutty #hu$%erbutty   6/ere /e sit/t suc/  confession cn on!3 2e use- to !en- ssurnce to ot/er e"i-ence ginst  co=ccuse- or7 to put it in not/er 637 s Rei!!3 J% -i- in In re Periyaswami Moo!an+ t/e pro"ision goes no furt/er t/n t/is==6/ere t/ere is e"i-ence ginst t/e co=ccuse- sufficient7 if 2e!ie"e-7 to support /is con"iction7 t/en t/e ?in- of confession -e= scri2e- in section ;+ #3 ;+ #3 2e t/ro6n into t/e sc!e s n --ition! reson for 2e!ie"ing t/t e"i-ence% Trns!ting t/ese o2ser"tions into concrete ter#s t/e3 co#e to t/is% T/e proper 63 to pproc/  cse of t/is ?in- is7 first7 to #rs/! t/e e"i-ence ginst t/e ccuse- eBc!u-ing t/e confession !toget/er fro# consi-ertion n- see 6/et/er7 if it is 2e!ie"e-7  con"iction cou!- sfe!3 2e 2se- on it% If it is cp2!e of 2e!ief in-epen-ent!3 of t/e confession7 t/en of course it is not necessr3 to c!! t/e confession in i-% >ut cses #3 rise 6/ere t/e 4u-ge is not prepre- to ct on t/e ot/er e"i-ence s it stn-s e"en t/oug/7 if 2e!ie"e-7 it 6ou!- 2e sufficient to sustin  con"iction% In suc/ n e"ent t/e 4u-ge #3 c!! in i- t/e confession n- use it to !enssurnce to t/e ot/er e"i-ence n- t/us fortif3 /i#se!f in 2e!ie"ing 6/t 6it/out t/e i- of t/e confession /e 6ou!- not 2e prepre- to ccept%G


T/e ! !6 ! !i- -o -o6n in in  Kashmira Singh (supra) 6s ppro"e- 23 

Constitution >enc/ of t/is Court in  &ari #haran Kurmi and 'ogia &ajam & ajam "% State of Bihar  6/erein it 6s o2ser"e-< &As 6e /"e /"e !re !re-3 3 in-i in-ic cte te-7 -7 t/is t/is ues uesti tion on /s /s 2een 2een consi-ere- on se"er! occsions 23 4u-ici! -ecisions n- it /s 2een consistent!3 /e!- t/t  confession cnnot 2e trete- s e"i-ence 6/ic/ 6/ic/ is su2st su2stnti nti"e "e e"i-en e"i-ence ce gin ginst st  co=cc co=ccuse use- person person%% In -e!ing 6it/  cri#in! cse 6/ere t/e prosecution re!ies upon t/e confession of one ccuse- person ginst not/er ccuse- person7 9

 & I%L%R% ;' CA!% 88& t 8''  &; I%L%R% 85 M-% ,8 t ,,% 11  (&)5$ ) SCR )*; t );=);;


11 t/e t/e prop proper er ppr ppro oc/ c/ to -op -optt is to cons consii-er er t/e t/e ot/e ot/err e"ie"i-en ence ce ginst suc/ n ccuse- person7 n- if t/e si- e"i-ence ppers to 2e stisfctor3 n- t/e court is inc!ine- to /o!- t/t t/e si- e"i-ence #3 sustin t/e c/rge fr#e- ginst t/e si- ccuse- person7 t/e court turns to t/e confession 6it/  "ie6 to ssure itse!f t/t t/e conc!usion 6/ic/ it is inc!ine- to -r6 fro# t/e ot/er e"i-ence is rig/t% As 6s o2ser"e- 23 Sir L6rence Jen?ins in m!eror  in  m!eror  "% "alit   "% "alit   Mohan #hu$%erburty #hu$%erburty  confession cn on!3 2e use- to !enssurnce to ot/er e"i-ence ginst  co=ccuse-G% In re Periyaswa Periyaswami mi Moo!an Moo!an  Re"!!y% J%7 J%7 o2se o2ser" r"ee- t/t t/t t/e t/e pro" pro"is isio ion n of Section ;+ goes not furt/er t/n t/is< 6/ere t/ere is e"i-ence gi gins nstt t/e t/e co= co=cc ccus usee- suff suffic icie ient nt77 if 2e!i 2e!ie" e"ee-77 to supp suppor ortt /is /is con"iction7 t/en t/e ?in- of confession -escri2e- in Section ;+ #3 2e t/ro6n into t/e sc!e s n --ition! reson for 2e!ie"ing t/t e"i e"i-en -enceG ceG% In  Bhuboni Sahu "%  King t/e t/e Pri" Pri"3 3 Coun Counci ci!! /s /s eBpresse- t/e s#e "ie6% Sir Jo/n >eu#ont 6/o spo?e for t/e >or-7 o2ser"e- t/t  confession of  co=ccuse- is o2"ious!3 e"i-ence of  "er3 6e? t3pe% It -oes not in-ee- co#e 6it/in t/e -efinition of e"i-enceG contine- in Section ; of t/e E"i-ence Act% It is not reuire- to 2e gi"en on ot/7 nor in t/e presence of t/e ccuse-7 n- it cnnot 2e teste- 23 cross=eB#intion% It is  #uc/ 6e?er t3pe of e"i-ence t/n t/e e"i-ence of n ppro"er7 6/ic/ is not su24ect to n3 of t/ose infir#ities% Section ;+7 /o6e"er7 /o6e"er7 pro"i-es t/t t/t t/e t/e cour courtt #3 #3 t?e t?e t/e t/e conf confes essi sion on into into cons consii-er ert tio ion n nnt/ere237 t/ere237 no -ou2t7 #?es it e"i-ence on 6/ic/ t/e court #3 ct 2ut t/e section -oes not s3 t/t t/e confession is to #ount to proof% C!er!3 t/ere #ust 2e ot/er e"i-ence% T/e confession is on!3 one e!e#ent in t/e consi-ertion of !! t/e fcts pro"e- t/e cse it cn 2e put into t/e sc!e n- 6eig/e- 6it/ t/e ot/er e"i-enceG% It 6ou!- 2e notice- t/t s  resu!t of t/e pro"isions contine- in Section ;+7 t/e confession /s no -ou2t to 2e regr-e- s #ounting to e"i-ence in  gene gener r!! 63 637 2ec 2ecus usee 6/t 6/te" e"er er is cons consii-er eree- 23 t/e t/e cour courtt is e"i-ence circu#stnces circu#stnces 6/ic/ re consi-ere- 23 t/e court s 6e!! s pro22i!ities -o #ount to e"i-ence in t/t generic sense% T/us7 t/oug/ confession #3 2e regr-e- s e"i-ence in t/t generic sense 2ecuse of t/e pro"isions of Section ;+7 t/e fct re#ins t/t it is not e"i-ence s -efine- 23 Section ; of t/e Act% T/e resu!t7 t/erefore7 is t/t in -e!ing 6it/  cse ginst n ccuse- person7 t/e court cnnot strt 6it/ t/e confession of  co=ccuse- person it #ust 2egin 6it/ ot/er e"i-ence --uce- 23 t/e prosecution n- fter it /s for#e- its opinion 6it/ regr- to t/e u!it3 n- effect of t/e si- e"i-ence7 t/en it is per#issi2!e to turn to t/e confession in or-er to recei"e ssurnce to t/e conc!usion of gui!t 6/ic/ t/e 4u-ici!

12 #in- is 2out to rec/ on t/e si- ot/er e"i-ence% T/t7 2rief!3 stte-7 is t/e effect of t/e pro"isions contine- in Section ;+% T/e s#e "ie6 /s 2een eBpresse- 23 t/is Court in  Kashmira Singh "% State of Madhya Pradesh 6/ere Pradesh 6/ere t/e -ecision of t/e Pri"3 Counci! in  Bhuboni Sahu case /s 2een cite- 6it/ ppro"!%G

;% ;%

T/e T/e !6 so so !i!i- -o6n -o6n /s /s !63 !63ss 2een 2een fo!!o fo!!o6e 6e- 23 t/is t/is Cour Courtt eBce eBcept pt

in cses 6/ere t/ere is  specific pro"ision in !6 #?ing suc/ confession of  co=ccuse- -#issi2!e ginst not/er ccuse-% *


In t/e present cse it is ccepte- t/t prt fro# ro# t/e fores resi-

stte#ents of co=ccuse- t/ere is no #teri! suggesting in"o!"e#ent of t/e ppe!!nt ppe!!nt in t/e cri#e in uestion% uestion% e re t/us !eft 6it/ on!3 one piece of #teri #teri! ! t/t t/t is t/e confes confessio sion! n! stte# stte#ent entss of t/e co=cc co=ccuse use- s sttestte2o" 2o"ee%

On t/e t/e touc ouc/st /stone one of !6 !i !i- -o6n -o6n 23 t/is t/is Court ourt suc/ suc/ 

confe confess ssio ion n!! stt stte# e#en entt of  co= co=cc ccus usee- cnn cnnot ot 23 itse itse!f !f 2e t?e t?en n s  su2stnti"e piece of e"i-ence ginst not/er co=ccuse- n- cn t 2est 2e use- or uti!ieuti!ie- in or-er or-er to !en- ssurnce ssurnce to t/e Court% Court% In t/e 2sence 2sence of n3 su2stnti"e e"i-ence it 6ou!- 2e inpproprite to 2se t/e con"iction of t/e ppe!! ppe!!nt nt pure!3 pure!3 on t/e stte# stte#ent entss of co=ccus co=ccuse-% e-%

T/e ppe!! ppe!!nt nt is

t/erefore t/erefore entit!eentit!e- to 2e cuittecuitte- of t/e c/rges c/rges !e"e!e- ginst ginst /i#% e7 t/erefore7 ccept t/is ppe!7 set si-e t/e or-ers of con"iction n- sentence  For eB#p!e< Stte "s% N!ini7 (&&&$ 8 SCC *8;7 prs 5*5 n- ,+5


13 n- cuit t/e ppe!!nt% ppe!!nt% T/e ppe!!nt s/!! 2e 2e re!ese- fort/6it/ un!ess /is custo-3 is reuire- in connection 6it/ n3 ot/er offence%

0%%%00%%00000%J% (A2/3 Mno/r Spre$

%%0%%0000%000%J%  (U-3 U#es/ L!it$ Ne6 De!/i7 Ju!3 ;7 *+'

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