Supply Chain Management Rutgers Syllabus Fall 2015

June 4, 2016 | Author: Shamaas Hussain | Category: Types, School Work
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Supply Chain Management Rutgers Syllabus Fall 2015 Fromelt...


Rutgers University Business School

Course Number – 33:799:301:04 Introduction to Supply Chain Management

Fall 2015

Thursday: 6:40pm – 9:30pm Livingston Campus BRR 1071

3 Credit Hours

Instructor: Keith Fromelt

Office Location: Office hours by appointment only

Phone: (908) 566 - 2007 Mobile

Email: [email protected]

Course Text Book: Principals of Supply Chain Management Third Edition Wisner, Tan, and Leong ISBN-13: 978-0-538-47546-4 ISBN-10: 0-538-47546-3

Course Objectives: Supply Chain Management is the integration of the activities that procure materials and services, transform them into immediate goods and final products, and deliver them to customers. These activities include purchasing and outsourcing activities, plus many other functions that are important to the relationship with suppliers and distributors. The supply chain includes all the interactions between internal operations, marketing, sales, suppliers, manufacturers, distributors, and customers. The chain includes transportation, scheduling information, cash and credit transfers as well as ideas, designs, and material transfers. The intent of the course is to teach students techniques and methods employed by supply chain managers to plan and control the supply chain operating systems. Students will apply quantitative methods, various analytical techniques as well as utilize practical experience in order to understand how to operate, design, plan and control supply chain operations. This course utilizes a set of operations management skills and tools that students can use to enable their companies to develop a competitive advantage in commercial environments that encompass global markets and competition, electronic business (e-business), and supply chain management. Students are expected to have a solid understanding of production and operations management in order to solve complex supply chain case studies.

About the Instructor: Keith Fromelt is currently Vice-President of Operations at StriVectin Operating Company, a private equity backed company located in New York City. He has responsibility for all supply chain management activities for the company. Previously, Keith was Executive Director, Supply Chain Management at Johnson & Johnson located in Fort Washington, Pennsylvania. Keith has significant depth and expertise managing and transforming supply chain processes. Keith began his career with Abbott Laboratories in their Manufacturing Professional Development Program followed by a series of roles in production supervision and planning. After completing his MBA, Keith joined Deloitte Consulting and worked on several transformational engagements for Fortune 500 clients. Keith then moved to Johnson & Johnson where he held a series of progressive roles in procurement, forecasting, inventory management, distribution, quality management, and process excellence. Keith has a Bachelor's degree in Industrial Engineering from the University of Illinois and an MBA from Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management. Keith resides in Skillman, NJ with his wife (Monica) and three children Kevin (14), Kaitlyn (13) and Jack (9).

Performance Assessment: Class Participation/Weekly Assignments…..……………………………………………………… 15 Mid-term………………………………...………………………………………………………… 25 Case Project I……………………….………......…………………………………………………. 5 Case Project II...……………………….………………………………………………………….. 5 Case Project III……………………………………………………………………………………. 5 Group Term Project and Presentation…………………………………………………………


Final Exam...……………………………………………………………………………………


Grading Guideline: 100



















and below

A B+ B C+ C D F

Course Procedures: 1. All assigned reading must be conducted prior to class. 2. The class meets every Thursday at 6:40 pm. Punctuality is important. 3. Respect for one another is mandatory during class discussion. 4. All cell phones must be silenced at the start of class to minimize disruptions. If you need to take a call, please exit the class room quietly so that the discussions are not disrupted. 5. If you will miss any class, make arrangements with the instructor for any material that may be missed. Missing more then one class will not be acceptable. 6. Participation is strongly encouraged and is a part of your grade. participate fully in class discussions.

Honesty and Integrity:

Everyone is expected to

Any form of dishonesty will result in an “F” grade for the course. All of your written work must be your own. All references must be cited. Plagiarism will not be tolerated.

Class Agenda: Supply Chain in the News / Review of Previous Class

6:40 - 7:00

Chapter learning objectives

7:00 - 8:00


8:00 - 8:10

Case Discussion

8:10 - 9:00

Questions / Final Words / Next Class

9:00 - 9:30

Fall 2015 Class Schedule Week 1 – 9/3 

SCM Overview

Week 2 – 9/10 

Chapter 1 – Introduction to Supply Chain Management o Assignment #1: Discussion Questions 1-20

Week 3 – 9/17  

Chapter 2 – Purchasing and Supply Management o Assignment #2a: Discussion Questions 1- 23 odd problems only o Assignment #2b: Spreadsheet problems 1-8 Case Supplemental Reading(CJ Industries and Sunny Hotel)

Week 4 – 9/24  

Chapter 3 – Creating and Managing Supplier Relationships o Assignment #3: Discussion Questions: 1-17 odd problems only + 18 Chapter 4 – Strategic Sourcing for Successful Supply Chain Management o Assignment #4: Discussion Questions:1-32 odd problems only Case Assignment I Due – Sourcing at Whirlpool

Week 5 – 10/1    

Chapter 5 – Demand Forecasting o Assignment #5a: Discussion Questions: 1-17 odd problems o Assignment #5b: Spreadsheet: 1-3 Case Supplemental Reading (A Comparative Analysis of Utility Rate Forecasting: The Cape Coral Experience) Demand Forecasting: Supplemental Slides Group Term Paper Project Proposals Due

Week 6 – 10/8 

Chapter 6 – Resource Planning Systems o Assignment #6a: Discussion Questions 1-23 odds only o Assignment #6b: Spreadsheet: 1-7 all Sales and Operations Planning: Supplemental Slides

Week 7 – 10/15 

Chapter 7 – Inventory Management o Assignment #7a: Discussion Questions 1-20 odds only o Assignment #7b: Spreadsheet: 1-15 odds only

o Assignment #7c:Spreadsheet problems 1-5all Case Supplemental Reading (General Motors Brazil – Service Parts Business)

Week 8 – 10/22   

Chapter 8 – Process Management Lean and Six Sigma in the Supply Chain o Assignment #8a: Discussion Questions 1-34 odds only o Assignment #8b: Problems: 1-6 Case Assignment II Due - HBR Supply Chain Optimization at Hugo Boss Mid-term Prep

Week 9 – 10/29 

Mid-Term Exam

Week 10 – 11/5   

Chapter 11 – Global Location Decisions o Assignment Chapter 11a: Discussion Questions: 1-15 odd problems o Assignment Chapter 11b: Spreadsheet: 1-2 Chapter 9 – Domestic U.S. and International Logistics o Assignment Chapter 9a: Discussion Questions: 1-25 odd problems Case Supplemental Reading (Reading the Tea Leaves at Tea & More: Resolving Complex Supply Chain Issues)

Week 11 – 11/12   

Chapter 10 – Customer Relationship Management o Assignment Chapter 10a: Discussion Questions: 1-25 odd problems Guest Speaker – Overview of EDI and Business to Business Electronic Commerce Chapter 12 – Service Response Logistics o Assignment Chapter 12a: Discussion Questions: 1-36 odd problems o Assignment Chapter 12b: Problems: 1-8 odd problems

Week 12 – 11/19 

Chapter 13 – Supply Chain Process Integration o Assignment #13a: Discussion Questions: 1-22 odd problems Chapter 14 - Performance Measurement along the Supply Chain o Assignment #14a: Discussion Questions: 1-29 odd problems

Week 13 – 11/26 1. No Class – Thanksgiving Holiday

Week 14 – 12/3  

All group term papers due. Please bring paper copy to class. Group 1 through 15 Presentations o Time: Constraints:10 mins per group (8 mins of presentation; 2 mins Q&A) o Slides: No more than 5 slides o Speaking Roles: 1 person presents the group takes the Q&A Assignment #15a: Presentation Highlights 1-15

Week 15 – 12/10 

Group 16 through 25 Presentations o Time: Constraints:10 mins per group (8 mins of presentation; 2 mins Q&A) o Slides: No more than 5 slides o Speaking Roles: 1 person presents the group takes the Q&A Final Exam Study guide review o Assignment #15b: Presentation Highlights 11-25 (Email to me or turn in at the final)

Week 16 – 12/17 

Final Exam 8pm to 11pm

Case Assignments (4 Person Team) or Individual Write-up: Case Study Analysis: Students are to analyze each case and perform the following: 1. Synopsis of the case and major issues 2. Answer pertinent questions 3. Utilizing best practices, methods, and strategies discussed in class as well as the data provided to critique each case on how the supply chain issue could be addressed differently 4. The analysis should be written as if you are a consultant to the company presenting the responses to the board of the companies studied 5. The analysis write-up should be 1 to 2 pages  Double spaced  Size 12 Times New Roman font  Margins 0.75 around  Properly notate all references  Word document printed and given to the instructor on the due date

Group Term Paper Assignment: Supply Chain Management Term Project The Supply Chain Management Term Project consists of a team term paper based on the research conducted about a specific supply chain area identified below or an otherwise a topic approved by the instructor. The Supply Chain Management Term Project is comprised of a four person team. Please select your team members carefully as early as possible. The term paper is a team effort and only one grade will be issued for the team for each. Select one of the SCM related areas listed below and carefully follow the reporting instructions. All projects must be approved by the instructor based on the proposals. Each project team is required to submit a one-page proposal in class on October 1st. If you want to do a project that does not obviously

fall within the suggested categories, please select a topic that is likely to benefit the class relevant to class discussions. The term paper should integrate concepts and strategies identified in class.

Supply Chain Management Research Areas May Include the Following:  SCM-related technology, such as databases, networks (wired or wireless), electronic commerce, etc. 

SCM-related processes, such as Sales and Operations Planning, procurement, management, customer service, Distribution, etc.

Supply chain security, such as container security, transportation security, infrastructure security, preparedness, first response, etc.

Global SCM issues that impact the bottom-line (logistics, transportation, virtual models, changing global economics, etc.)

The future of SCM (trends, changes to current state, impact on businesses, etc.)

Company specific SCM issues that has changed that company’s business model and how they operate

First, select a SCM research area and describe its contribution (or projected contribution, if new) to the current state of the SCM. It would be most useful if you have been exposed to that technology on your job, and can report on it firsthand. Note that the current technology should be described briefly in your presentation and report, but your project should also cover future or emerging developments and their future potential. Second, research the current state of the chosen area and summarize it in your presentation and report. Find out the current or emerging commercial “players”, and look at their future technological directions. Based on at least three sources (ordinary articles or Web pages, to be referenced in your report), address briefly at least the following points: 

What are the key technical and economical aspects of the SCM-related area? Which are of benefit to the marketplace (e.g., technology users, both individual and corporate)?

Who are the current “movers and shakers” in this area? Compare and contrast their technological and business approaches, products, etc.

What are the current impediments to their approaches for acceptance in the marketplace? Examples are ease of use, price, technological longevity, etc.

Third, based on the current state of the area, express your personal opinions and conclusions on the future of chosen technologies and their applications. You may use reference material to support your analysis. Make sure your arguments are logical and backed by your research; you are encouraged to voice opinions gleaned from your personal “crystal ball” (convictions and intuition), but be reasonable and brief. You may attach to your report supporting material, such as graphs and charts. Remember, anybody can collate material from the Web, but it is harder to analyze such material and reach conclusions, so this part is the most important in your report and will be most heavily weighted. Note: You should not cut-and-paste verbatim material from any sources, unless you use that material as exact quotes. In that case be sure to enclose any pasted text material in double quotes and to provide an exact reference for it! All pasted graphs and charts should also be properly referenced! Suggested Outline for Supply Chain Management Term Project Term Paper: 1. Term paper should be 6 to 7 pages not including supporting documentation (graphs, charts, etc.) Term Paper Specifications:  Double spaced/Size 12 Times New Roman font  Margins should be no more than 0.75 around  Properly notate all references  To be printed and given to the instructor on the due date 2. The structure of the term paper should include the following: a. Title i. All team members and contact information b. Introduction i. Area chosen ii. Brief historical review (if relevant) c. Current State of the Area i. Key technical and economic aspects ii. Marketplace (key providers, key consumers) d. Analysis and Conclusions i. Technological and economical considerations, impediments, etc. ii. Future directions

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