Supplier Questionnaire - Supplier Form
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Supplier / Contrac Contractor tor Pre-Award Pre-Award HSSE Quest Questionnaire ionnaire (V (Version ersion 1 - 1 June 2011) Supplier / Contractor
A! "t#er plc
$ate o% Assess&ent
'ednesda Septe&*er 01 2010
Co&pleted +
Jo#n S&it#
,euired .Ps are listed on t#e 2nd ta*
HSSE stands %or Healt# Sa%et Securit En4iron&ent Please co4er all aspects in our responses to t#e uestions
,esponse $ocu&ent
eaders#ip HSSE Culture Co&&itt&ent to HSE aspects t#rou# leaders#ip
How are senior managers personally involved in HSE management for e&le ob#ective% setting and monitoring?
*) c)
How do you promote a positive culture towards HSE matters?
u s an nc en nves ga on' ra n ng s con uc e or managemen personne as appropr a e' anagement also encourages personnel to report all incidents" unsafe acts" unsafe conditions and 4ear isses' isses' A 8no bl blame8 ame8 culture culture is im lemen lemented ted an and d learn learnin in oints from incid incidents ents with within in and o outsi utside de
Provide evidence of commitment at all levels of the organisation?
Answer:Evidence ofthis commitmentatalllevels oforganization can be seen in the HS Eminutes ofmeetings held atalllevels ofcompany organization – HSESreviews and HSEanagem ent!ommittee ee ttings ings atsenior managementlevel"HSESteering commit tee meetings atPro#ectanagement$evel"Supervisors HSEeetings atline m anagementleveland Pre%#ob and toolbo& meet ings atsite level'Also"HSEis included in the agenda ofother pro#ects andcompany managementmeetings'Personnelatevery levelof()**)$ organization have their specified setofHSEresponsibilities'HSEimplementation is adirectresponsibility ofthe *"Senior anagement"$ine anagementand allpersonnel'
Answer: Positive HSE !ulture is promoted through leadership by e&le on the part of anagers and supervisors' E&tensive education and awareness is carried out and the company also implements an HSE incentive scheme to reward positive HSE performance and initiatives'
HSSE Polic Strateic "*3ecti4es
s t n e & u c o $ ( c i l o P
c i 2 e t a r s t s e 4 t i c t c a r 3 e t n * o o c
*oes your company have an HSE policy document? )f the answer is +ES please attach a copy'
, ho has overa overallll and final f inal responsibility for HSE in your organisation?
,ho is the most senior person in the organisation responsible for this policy being carried out at the premises and on site where his employees are wor7ing? Provide name and title'
)temise the methods by which you h ave drawn your policy statements to the attention of all your employees?
, hat are your arrange arrangements ments for advising emplo employee yees s of changes in the policy?
*oes your company have strategic HSE ob#ectives? )f the answer is +ES please attach a copy'
)temise the methods by which you h ave communicated your strategic HSE ob#ectives to the attention of all your employees?
HSSE Policy
Answer: -hemost se niorpersonresponsib niorpersonresponsib leforimplementingthepolicy leforimplementingthepolicy nthepremises i is therespectiveHSE!oordinator.Sunday Augustine /withthe /withthe follow ing0ualifica tions%1eneralHSElevel2and3" t ions%1eneralHSElevel2and3" 4ationalcertificationinsafety andhealth.4E5 6SH/" !ertificatein-%56S)E-" 4E56SH$evel3certificate6ccupatio nalhealthandSafety' nalhealthandSafety' -hemost seniorpersonresponsibleforimplementingthepolicy onsites wh erethewor7 erethewor7 is beingcarriedout is th erespectivePro#ect erespectivePro#ect HSE6fficerof thepro#ect un derwhichthat derwhichthat wor7 is be ingcarriedout' ingcarriedout' *iffere nt nt Pro#ectshavedifferen t HSE6fficers'
HSE 6b#ectives
"ranisation responsi*ilities resources standards and docu&entation t n e & e 2 a n a & E S H r o % e r u t c u r t s l a n o i t a i s n a 2 r "
s s ) i s r o e p 2 a n a & % o 2 n i n i a r t E S H
2 i n n i a r t E S H l a r e n e 6
e c n a r u s s a e c n e t e & o C
s s e c o r p t n e & e 2 a n a & r o t c a r t n o C
How is your organisation organisation structured s tructured tto o manage and communicate HSE effectively?
*o HSE meetings promote HSE awareness? awareness?
*o client and contractor meet regularly to discuss and action any interface situations?
,hat provision does your company ma7e f or HSE communication meetings? Please provide an organisation chart
Have the managers and supervisors at all levels who will plan" monitor" overs oversee ee and carry c arry out the wor7 received formal HSE training in their responsibili responsibilities ties with respect to conducting wor7 to HSE re0uirements?
)f +ES please give details' , here the training is given in%house please describe the content and duration of courses' Please provide an e&le of training matri&'
re0uired" for instance training related to health hazard such as radiation" asbestos and chemicals?
, hat specialist HSE resources does your organisation have available available? ?
How does your company company provide HSE specialised training for f or HSE staff?
,hat arrangements does your company have to ensure new employees have 7nowledge 7nowledge of basic industrial HSE" and to 7eep this 7nowledge up to date?
*etails of content
,hat arrangements does your company have to ensure new employees also have 7nowledge 7nowledge of your HSE policies" practices and company re0uirements?
*etails of content
,hat arrangements does your company have to ensure new employees have been instructed and have received information on any specific hazards arising out of t he nature of tthe he activities?
*etails of content
*oes your organisation have a competence system in place? )f +ES" please describe the scope and content of your competence system'
,hat arrangements does your company have to ensure e&isting staff HSE 7nowledge is up to date?
*oes your company have a contractor management process or system? )f yes" provide an outline of the process'
How do you assess contractors" HSE competence or HSE performance?
, here do you define the company standa standards rds you re0uire your contractors to meet?
How do you ensure these standards are met and verified?
How do you identify new industry or regulatory standards that may be applicable to your activities?
l a c i t i r c E S H d n a s r o s i 4 r e s p n o u i t
6rganisation chart
-raining matri&
How have you identified areas of your c company;s ompany;s operations where specialise specialised d training is
Answer: +es' See attached document'
the implementation of the HSE anagement System' Each anagerSupervisor is responsible for the HSE Performance of His department and must lead by e&le' -he anagersSupervisors anagersSupervisors are responsible for monitoring and controlling their personnel to ensure that they wor7 in line with approved procedures' procedure s' -hey ma7e PPEs" w wor7ing or7ing materials and other resources available to the wor7ers' All anagers report to the * while the supervisors report to the anagers' -he personnel are
!ontractor management management process pr ocess outline
Questionnair e (Version 1 - 1 June 2011) 2011) Supplier / Contractor Pre-Award HSSE Questionnaire Supplier / Contractor
A! "t#er plc
$ate o% Assess&ent Co&pleted +
'ednesda Septe&*er 01 2010 Jo#n S&it#
,euired .Ps are listed on t#e 2nd ta*
HSSE stands %or Healt# Sa%et Securit En4iron&ent Please co4er all aspects in our responses to t#e uestions
.eword r a d n a t s E S H
)s there an overall structure for producing" updating and disseminating standards?
Are your company standards standards aligned with with 61Pindustry g guidelines uidelines or rec recommended ommended practices? )f yes state which one'
,esponse $ocu&ent
,is: ;anae&ent ,is: Assess&ent Control
d s r a < a H # t l a e H
s d r a < a # ( t e % a S
How does your company identify hazards" assess ris7" control and mit igation conse0uences" to a level as low as reasonably practicable?
*o you have specific policies and programmes on specific health hazards e'g' substance abuse" blood borne thogens" malaria pandemic diseases etc'
,hat type of health hazards .chemical" vibratio vibration" n" noise" radiation" etc/ are associated with the scope of your services? E&plain how occupational health hazards are identified" assessed and controlled'
,hat systems are in place to control these hazards and monitor the effectiveness of these controls? )s wor7er;s regular e&posure monitoring part of these systems?
,hat t ype of safety hazards .mechanical guarding" wor7 at height" l ifting and hoisting" confined space entry" e&plosive e&plosive atmospheres etc'/ are associated with the scope of your services?
75 *)
,hat systems are in place to control these hazards and monitor the effectiveness of these controls?
s d r a < a # s c i t s i 2 o 0 s d r a < a # l a t n e & n o r i 4 n E
,hat t ype of logistics hazards .land transport" air transport" marine transport" materials handling etc'/are associated with the scope of your services?
,hat systems are in place to control these hazards and monitor the effectiveness of these controls?
,hat t ype of environmental hazards .chemical spill" atmospheric emissions" waste disposal etc'/ are associated with the scope of your services?
,hat systems are in place to control these hazards and monitor the effectiveness of these controls?
,hat t ype of security hazards .terrorism" hostage ta7ing" robbery" hostile local population etc'/ are associated with the scope of your services?
,hat systems are in place to control these hazards and monitor the effectiveness of these controls?
,hat type of social hazards are associated with the scope of your services?
,hat systems are in place to control these hazards and impacts and monitor the effectiveness of these controls?
s d r a < a # ( t i r u c e S
( t i l i * i s s n d o r p a s < e r a l # a i c o S
Plannin Procedures HSE operations &anual
*o you have a company HSE%S manual .or operations manual with integrated HSE re0uirements/ which describes in detail your company approved HSE wor7ing practices relating HSSE%S manual inde& < supporting to your wor7 activities? information )f the answer is +ES please attach a copy o f an inde& and relevant supporting documentation'
n%rastructure and euip&ent interit
How do you ensure t hat infrastructure" plant and e0uipment used within your operations .own premises" client site" or at other locations/ are correctly certified" registered" controlled and maintained in a safe wor7ing condition?
;anae&ent c#ane o%
How do youdocumentation? manage changes and assess associated ris7s e'g' personnel" e0uipment" processes"
, hat arrangements does your company have for emergency planning and response?
,hich emergency situations are included?
2 n i n e n s a n l p o ( p c s r n e e d 2 r n e a & E
&ple&entation and per%or&ance &onitorin : r o w % o 2 n i r o t i n o & e c n a & r o % r s e e p i t e i 4 4 i i t t c c a a d n a n o i t a t n e & e l p & i S ; E S H
,hat arrangements does your organisation have for monitoring the implementation of your HSE%S?
How does your company assure the implementation of wor7 procedures within your wor7%site operations e'g' compliance with procedures" toolbo& tal7s" safety meetings" supervision" #ob observations?
How do you monitor employee HSE performance e'g' hazard identification systems" HSE participation?
,hat active HSE monitoring is performed .i'e' where no incident has occurred/?
How do you report and correct deficiencies defic iencies identified?
How do you communicate the results of active performance monitoring to relevant personnel?
Supplier / Contractor Pre-Award HSSE Questionnaire (Version 1 - 1 June 2011) A! "t#er plc
Supplier / Contractor $ate o% Assess&ent Co&pleted +
'ednesda Septe&*er 01 2010 Jo#n S&it#
,euired .Ps are listed on t#e 2nd ta*
HSSE stands %or Healt# Sa%et Securit En4iron&ent Please co4er all aspects in our responses to t#e uestions
Sa%et per%or&ance indicators
2 n i r o t i n o & e c a n & r o % r e p E S H
p u w o l l o % n o i t a 2 i t s e 4 n i d n a t n e d i c n i E S H
Statutor noti%ia*le incidents or non co&pliance notices
See separate spreadsheet called !ontractor Assessment =P) *ata
How is health performance monitored and recorded?
How is environmental performance monitored and recorded?
How is security performance monitored and recorded?
How and what near miss incidents are reported?
How often is HSE performance reviewed? 5y whom?
How is logistics performance monitored and reported?
*o you record vehicle incidents?
,hat types of HSE incident are investigated?
,hat process is used to investigate HSE incidents?
,ho conducts HSE incident investigations?
How are the findings of a n incident investigation followed up to ensure e ffective prevention of recurrence?
How is incident learning communicated to all relevant personnel?
Has your company suffered any sta tutory notifiable incidents in the last five years .safety" occupational health and environmental/? Answers with details details including dates" country and location" summary of incident and follow%up preventative measures ta7en'
*etails of statutory notifiable incidents or non compliance notices
HSE auditin and &anae&ent re4iew o% HSE-;S
*o you have a written procedure for HSE auditing? )f yes" please attach a copy'
Audit procedur procedure e
,ho is involved in conducting HSE audits? How are audit team members selected to have
s t i d u A
specific e&pertise and be independent from the activities being audited? ,hat are the 0ualifications re0uired for auditors?
How does your company schedule HSE audit and what scope of auditing is covered? e'g' internal" regulatory compliance" suppliercontractor" HSE management system implementation'
How does management follow up on audit findings and ensure effective close out of action items?
*o you have a written procedure for management review of the HSE%S? )f yes" please attach a copy
How often are HSE%S reviews conducted and who is involved in the process?
How are identified actions and improvement efforts recorded and trac7ed to effective completion?
p u w o l l o % d n a w e i 4 e r t n e & e 2 a n a ;
anagement review procedure for HSE%S
HSE &anae&ent - additional %eatures Certi%ication o% our HSE-;S
Please provide information on any certification which you have received from certification bodies
;e&*ers#ip o% associations
*escribe the nature and e &tent of your company;s participation in relevant industry" trade" and governmental organisations
Additional %eatures o% our HSE-;S
*oes your organisation .globally" regionally or locally/ have any HSE f eatures or arrangements not described elsewhere in your response to the 0uestionnaire?
Co&pan speci%ic in%or&ation
Supplier pre%0ualification >uestionnaire % HSSE *ata See 1lossary of terms for definition of each item
Current Bear Be ar
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