Supplement Stack

January 20, 2017 | Author: Raule Duke | Category: N/A
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The Mass Supplement Stack Protocol By Ben Pakulski Honors Kinesiology Degree, CSCS, ACE, MAT

Copyright 2011 Ben Pakulski Athletics and


Legal Disclaimer The information presented in this work is by no way intended as medical advice or as a substitute for medical counselling. The information should be used in conjunction with the guidance and care of your physician. Consult your physician before beginning this program as you would with any exercise and nutrition program. If you choose not to obtain the consent of your physician and/or work with your physician throughout the duration of your time using the recommendations in the program, you are agreeing to accept full responsibility for your actions. By continuing with the program, you recognize that, despite all precautions on the part of Ben Pakulski Athletics, LLC, there are risks of injury or illness which can occur because of your use of the aforementioned information and you expressly assume such risks and waive, relinquish and release any claim which you may have against Ben Pakulski Athletics, LLC, or its affiliates as a result of any future physical injury or illness incurred in connection with, or as a result of, the use or misuse of the program.


Welcome to the Supplement Manual! As is discussed in the MI40 nutrition manual, supplementation is one of the essential keys to optimizing muscle gain and maximizing fat loss. The key to any well thought out supplement regime is ensuring that the body has everything it needs to maintain proper metabolic function, make certain recovery is optimal and ensure hormone levels are supported and optimized.



As a Special Reward to everyone that has puschased MI40. You will be able to purchase all of your supplement requirements here at a price that you will not find cheaper anywhere!!! Some of the products are cheaper than any internet company and at least matching the lowest price ANYWHERE! THANK YOU for your commitment to excellence and please DO NOT share these links with ANYONE that has not themselves purchased the MI40 Program. Coach Ben This program does not promote the use of stimulants of any kind. It is recommended that you first consider healing your body, balancing your hormones, and maximizing the body’s own natural “stimulant” mechanism, the adrenal glands.


Lets look at the day in stages:

Stage 1- Morning This is a key time for anyone looking to build muscle or lose fat. What you do first thing in the morning sets the stage for how your body will function and use nutrients for the rest of the day. The most important things to do in the morning are to first hydrate and alkalinize your body. A great way to do this is by adding freshly squeezed lemon to your water, OR by consuming an Organic Super Greens Product. One serving in the morning is a great way to naturally increase energy and vitality while alkalinizing your body. Getting a substantial amount of water first thing definitely helps to lighten the load of water intake for the rest of the day. Water is very energizing and hydration is very highly correlated with strength, so don’t neglect it.

Recommended Organic Super Greens Products:

➡ Living Fuel Super Greens CLICK HERE ➡ Poliquin Primal Greens CLICK HERE

The next thing that is vital to the participants of MI40 that are looking to build muscle is to start fueling the muscles with amino acids. This is a great time to take branch chain amino acids (BCAA), or essential amino acids. Because they are absorbed faster than food, they will start fueling the muscles right away.


Recommended BCAA Products:

➡ Blue Star Nutraceuticals - BCAA XD CLICK HERE ➡ Poliquin BCAA Excellence 2.0 CLICK HERE

Cortisol is highest in the morning One other major thing that people looking to change their body composition must consider in the morning is that cortisol is actually at its highest first thing in the morning. For those looking to gain muscle or lose fat, you must try to decrease this as soon as possible. Some very simple things can quickly blunt cortisol and get the body moving back in the right direction. REMEMBER: We are all either growing, or were dying. You’re either building muscle, or you’re losing it. There is no status quo. So make sure to spend MORE time growing and less time breaking down muscle by providing the fuel your body needs at all times. This is how you ensure growth!


Cortisol Blockers A few minor supplement additions to the arsenal can drastically reduce serum cortisol levels — NATURALLY! Vitamin C — 1000mg morning, before training, before bed Siberian Ginseng — 100-200mg morning and before training Phosphotidylserine — 200mg before training and before bed Recommended Vitamin C Products: CLICK HERE

➡ Anything from

Recommended Siberian Ginseng Products: CLICK HERE

➡ Anything from

Recommended Phosphotidylserine Products: CLICK HERE

➡ Poliquin Phosphatidyl Serine Capsules

Optimizing glucose utilization One of the next main considerations throughout the day is optimizing glucose utilization. Carbohydrates we eat are broken down into glucose and eventually glycogen for use inside the muscles. It is essential that your body efficiently absorbs these carbohydrates if you are to fuel intense workouts, and optimize body composition. The term you may have heard being used is “Insulin Sensitivity”. This just means the efficacy with which your cells readily uptake glucose or sugar.


Some people can eat anything they want and maintain incredible insulin sensitivity while others seem to eat any small amount of carbohydrate and it makes them fat. This person would be classified as insulin resistant. Insulin resistance leads to fat gain and diabetes. Both bad news. To optimize insulin utilization it is essential that anyone looking to improve body composition maintains proper dietary guidelines and, for many people, supplementation is needed to help improve insulin sensitivity.

Here is a list of things that are proven effective to greatly improve insulin sensitivity: (1) Alpha Lipoic Acid (R-ALA)

100-300mg morning, and post workout

(1) Chromium Polynicotinate

100-200mg morning and post workout

(2) Cinnamon Extract

500mg-3g morning and post workout

(1) Fish Oil

1g-10g three times daily. Morning, afternoon, before bed.

(2) Banaba Leaf Extract

200-400mg twice daily with carbohydrates

(2) Fenugreek

400-800mg twice daily

(1) Magnesium

200-400mg twice daily


Recommended Alpha Lipoic Acid Products: CLICK HERE

➡ Yin R-ALA Px

Recommended Chromium Polynicotinate Products: CLICK HERE

➡ Poliquin Insulin Plex 2.0

Recommended Cinnamon Extract Products: CLICK HERE

➡ Poliquin Insulin Plex 2.0

Recommended Fish Oil Acid Products:

➡ Blue Star Nutraceuticals Omega Blue CLICK HERE ➡ Poliquin EPA-DHA 720 Blend CLICK HERE

Recommended Banaba Leaf Extract Products: CLICK HERE

➡ Poliquin Glucose Disposal Px

Recommended Fenugreek Products: CLICK HERE

➡ Poliquin Fenuplex

Recommended Magnesium Products: CLICK HERE

➡ Poliquin Poly Mag Px

One of the most common questions is, “Which of these are most effective, or essential to improve insulin sensitivity?” The answer is that they are all very effective at improving glucose utilization.


The supplements labeled as (1) in the above list are things that are classified as “staples” or very important to maintaining a healthy body and optimizing glucose utilization. *NOTE: These would be the supplements that although they greatly improve insulin resistance, are things that can and should be taken on a daily basis regardless of carbohydrate consumption. The supplements labeled as a (2) would be for people that find themselves adding fat from even small amounts of carbohydrate. *NOTE: these are the supplements that would only be necessary to consume when you are consuming carbohydrates (ex/after your workout)


The main focus of MI40 is optimizing workouts and maximizing recovery. Here are some basic recommendations to do so:

The PERFECT Pre-Workout Supplement Stack: Zinc 10-30mg

Supports optimal testosterone production as well as over 80 other hormonal processes in the body.

Acetyl L-Carnitine 1000-3000mg

Increasing energy production and helps to shuttle fat into the mitochondria to be burned as fuel

Live Cell Probiotic 3 billion-10billion active cells

Supports optimal bacterial environment in the stomach and intestines to ensure nutrient utilization and boosts the immune system

Arginine 3-10g

Increases Nitric Oxide retention and is correlated with growth hormone production and release. It can also boost the immune system and support a healthy liver.

BCAA 5-20g (Branch Chain Amino Acids)

Aids in muscle recovery, growth hormone secretion and improves insulin sensitivity.

Glutamine 3g-15g

Heals the stomach lining, boosts immune function and speeds recovery. Boosts growth hormone and increases rate of protein synthesis.


Recommended Zinc Products: CLICK HERE

➡ Poliquin Uber Zinc Px

Recommended Acetyl-L-Carnitine Products: CLICK HERE

➡ Blue Star Nutraceuticals Carnitine


➡ Poliquin Carnitine Syntergy

Recommended Arginine Products: CLICK HERE

➡ Poliquin Arginine 2.0

Recommended Beta Alanine Products: CLICK HERE

➡ Poliquin Beta Alanine Supreme

Recommended Glutamine Products:

➡ Blue Star Nutraceuticals Glutamine CLICK HERE ➡ Poliquin Glutamine CLICK HERE


The PERFECT Post-Workout Supplement Stack As was the case with the pre workout supplement recommendations, I will provide a range based on bodyweight. 100lb being the low end, and 300lb being the high end. Use some simple math to determine where you fall into this range.

Recommended for Optimal Performance and Recovery: Leucine 1-3grams

Regulate muscle protein synthesis. If it is present the body will synthesize protein, if not, it be break down muscle tissue to find the leucine and BCAA it needs.

Vitamin C 500mg-1gram

Boosts immune system. Prevents free radical damage.

Magnesium 200-400mgs

Supports healthy memory, inflammation, decreases fatigue, helps regularity, necessary for 300+ reactions in the body (ATP production, protein synthesis, muscular contraction, decreases cramping.

Glycine 1-3grams

Lowers cortisol an improves glycogen regeneration post workout as well as increasing protein synthesis.

High Potency Multi Vitamin

Covers all the other bases that haven’t already been coverd via the specifics.

Whey Protein Isolate

A great way to get a fast acting, highly bioavailable protein in after a workout or when you cant get to a meal.


Recommended Leucine Products: CLICK HERE

➡ Anything from

Recommended Glycine Products: CLICK HERE

➡ Poliquin Glycine Powder

Recommended High Potency Multi Products:

➡ Blue Star Nutraceuticals Vitality for Men CLICK HERE ➡ Blue Star Nutraceuticals Vitality for Women CLICK HERE ➡ Complete Multi 2.0 CLICK HERE

Recommended Whey Protein Isolate Products:

➡ Blue Star Nutraceuticals Iso-Smooth CLICK HERE ➡ Poliquin Whey Stronger 2.0 CLICK HERE


Recommended for overall health and well being: Chromium Polynicotinate 100-200mcg

Improves insulin usage.

Resveratrol 20-100mg

Reduces oxidative stress, increases metabolism, supports healthy heart, improves insulin sensitivity, increases fat breakdown, reduces inflammation.

CoQ10 50-100mg

Improves performance, supports male fertility, supports healthy blood pressure and reduces oxidative stress of exercise.

R-Alpha Lipoic Acid (“ALA”) 100-300mg

Improved insulin sensitivity, Increased fat loss, Enhanced post-workout recovery by increasing glycogen synthesis and ATP levels, Very potent antioxidant, Neural protection, Lowering cardio-vascular risk factors

Omega 3 Fish Oil 1-10g

Decrease inflammation, improve nervous function, support muscle gain and healthy heart function.

Recommended Resveratrol Products: CLICK HERE

➡ Poliquin Resveratrol

Recommended CoQ10 Products: CLICK HERE

➡ Poliquin CoQ10 Px



Blue Star Nutraceuticals CLICK HERE


To Wrap Up... I know what you are all saying… “Wow, that is a lot of stuff to take, are they all necessary?” Well, yes and no. For someone like myself, a pro bodybuilder or pro athlete, yes. Each and every one of these things would be necessary to ensure health, recovery and success at our selected athletic endeavor. For most people, like yourself, look at it based on your goals. For people looking to GAIN MUSCLE, and optimize their time and money already invested in themselves, these are the things that I would encourage you to consider staples in your nutrition plan whenever you set out to build muscle…

The ULTIMATE MI40 Muscle Building Stack Protocol: BCAA








MAGNESIUM/ZINC For those of you looking to build muscle, but FAT LOSS is more of a priority for you. Then blood sugar control is the most important thing for you to consider.









MUSCLE BUILDING ON A BUDGET: I am sure, that many of you are on a tight budget. Just like I once was. That’s OK. This is here as a tool for you. Invest in what you can now and invest in more later. Below I will provide a list of things you should purchase in order of importance for EVERYONE participating in MI40. Do your best to pick up at least the 3 ESSENTIALS. MI40 is a difficult program that requires increased recovery.

BARE ESSENTIALS, in order of IMPORTANCE and necessity. BCAA

Vitamin C


Acetyl L-Carnitine


Organic Super Greens

Whey Protein

Multi Vitamin





CLOSING WORDS In closing, I want to once again thank you all for your purchase of the MI40 training program. The principles and concepts set forth in MI40 are cutting-edge and scientifically proven to achieve significant muscle growth. Supplements are NOT required to ensure muscle growth. They simply allow you to recover faster and allow your body to remain healthy in a time of increased demands, such as the 40 days of MI40. I wish you all the best of luck over the next 40 days! I cant wait to see the results you achieve. Focus, Persist, Grow! Coach Ben


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