SUPORT CURS Engleza Receptioneri

April 16, 2019 | Author: Sorina Elena | Category: Resort, Hotel, Tourism And Leisure, Leisure (General), Hotel And Accommodation
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Short Description

Curs engleza receptie...


Disciplina Limba Engleza  SUPORT DE CURS 

Cursul de calificare Tehnician in hotelarie


Oana Adriana Gorgon


CUR!"# !$ %OTEL FAC!L!T!E# A"D #ER&!CE#$ 1$ %o'el %o'el T(pes) T(pes) %o'el %o'el Facili' Facili'ies ies and #er*i #er*ices ces$$ 2$ Room Room T(pes) T(pes) +eddi +edding ng T(pes T(pes and and Room Room Ra'es$ Ra'es$ ,$ Meals$ -$ %ome.o %ome.or/ r/ &ocab &ocablar( lar( and and Transla' Transla'ions ions

!!$ %OTEL DEARTME"T#$ 1$ Rooms Di*ision Di*ision +asic +asic depar'men depar'men's 's in a 3ll ser*ice 4o'el Fron' O33ice Reser*a'ions Fron' Des/  Regis'ra'ionC4ec/ing in %anding ges' complains Upda'ing and c4ec/ing ges' accon's C4ec/ing o'

!!!$ LETTER OF COMLA!"T Goods #er*ices "ormal !&$ +A#!C 5"O6LEGGE &$


&!$ #!TUAT!O"AL E7ERC!#E# &!!$ GRAMMAR


&!!!$+!+L!OGRA%8 I$ %OTEL FAC!L!T!E# A"D #ER&!CE# 1$%o'el T(pes) %o'el Facili'ies and #er*ices$ %o'el '(pes  there are many different types of hotel properties, from small places major international chains and may vary according to number of stars from 5/7-star hotels to -star hotels!

Classi3ica'ion 1$airpor' 4o'el

a$lA= planno =@




 plan  room and half board0 'ull "merican  plan room and full board0



TA#5# 1$64ic4 are '4e main 4o'el '(pes 2$ Tre or 3alse a$ room ser*ice is c4arged a' '4e same price as in '4e res'aran' b$ an $$a la car'e men o33ers a single price 3or a '4reecorse meal c$ all si'es 4o'els are small) pscale apar'men's 4o'els ca'ering 'o s'den' 'ra*ellers d$ spas are smaller proper'ies ca'ering 'o people 'ra*elling b( car ,$ %o'els '4a' ca'er 'o corpora'e clien'sH mee'ings are called a$ airpor' 4o'els b$ resor's c$spas d$ con3erence 4o'els -$ Tre or 3alse Ra'ings are obec'i*e and '4e( s4old be sed 'o compare 4o'els '4rog4o' '4e .orld$ :$ C4oose '4e correc' T4e Eropean plan a$ incldes in '4e ra'e '4e room and brea/3a b$ incldes '4e rooms and all meals c$ incldes no meals a' all ating system guide0

istem de clasificare

"ll-suite hotel

4otel format numai din apartamente

tudio type-room


$inimum stay

 ?umar de Bile minim minim impus pentru o sedere sedere

=conomy / )udget / imited-service /

4otel ieftin/de categorie inferioara

elf-catering hotel esort / :aming hotel

4otel de vacanta

Convention / Conference hotel

4otel pentru intruniri


Euality control

Controlul calitatii

To cater 

" furniBa, a satisface cerinte


Control financiar 


erviciu comercial / vanBari

$ar&et research / strategy

Cercetare / trategie de piata

@ublic relations

elapii publice

=ngineering department

erviciul tehnic / intrepinere

'inancial reporting / statement

aportare/dare de seama financiara

;$Transla'e in'o Englis4 4otelul $assimo este unul dintre primele 5 hoteluri din oraFul nostru si este locul ideal pentru 3 vacanta in care sa uitati de toate grijile! Cele 53 de camere sunt spatioase si decorate cu gust, desi sunt mobilate simplu! Toate au baie proprie, aer conditionat, uscator, televiBor si mini-bar!estaurantul ofera atat 3 bucatarie traditionala, cat si o varietate de specialitati frantuBesti si italienesti! 4otelul are piscina, sauna, sala de fitness si un teren de tenis!

!!$ %OTEL DEARTME"T# 1$ Rooms Di*ision  +asic Depar'men's in a 3ll 4o'el ser*ice "! Fron' O33ice a0 eservations/ 'ront Aes&/ egistration - Chec&ing in  b0 4andling guest complaints complaints c0 pdating and chec&ing guest accounts d0 Chec&ing aut

+$ Ges' ser*ices 9 Uni3ormed ser*ices C$ %ose/eeping 9 #ani'a'ion D$ Engineering and main'enance E$ #ecri'( and sa3e'(


Rooms di*ision responsabili'ies  @romoting and selling the hotel services  @lanning the reservations and their records H $onitoring clients1 arrival and room status H :reeting the clients H "llocating rooms / &eys H egistrating guests H Communicating in / out hotel phone, fa8, tele80 H Communicating %ith other departments H Aealing %ith guest complaints H Collecting and dispersing payments H Issuing the bill H $aintaining security and safety H Cleaning and maintaining the rooms

A$ Fron' O33ice It is %ell-&no%n the fact that a hotel centres around its 'ront >ffice and that is %hy this department is often called the +heart+ of the hotel! "ll the departments in the hotel are connected to the front office, from engineering/maintenance to the accounting office and from food and beverage department to house&eeping! The impressions generated by the front office staff play a major role in establishing and  promoting a positive guest e8perience! e8perience!

T4e d'ies o3 '4e 3ron' des/ inclde •

:uest registration chec&-in0

room assignment and &ey dispensing

 providing the guest guest and the other departments departments %ith information information

handling guest complaintsu

updating and chec&ing guest accounts

collecting and dispersing payments

chec&ing the guest out!


T4e Fron' O33ice Manager  controls and supervises all front office operations %ith a vie% to ensuring guest satisfaction!

T4e Fron' Fron' O33ice O33ice ta&es care of guest re;uirements from the moment guests arrive at the hotel until they leave!

T4e recep'ion s'a3 f must %or& ;uic&ly, efficiently and be able to deal %ell %ith difficult guests and problems such as overboo&ing, late arrivals and missing reservations!

T4e Recep'ion is also responsible for providing numerous services to guests including handling messages, ans%ering ;uestions about hotel services and facilities, and providing financial transactions as needed to support the guest visit! The 'ront >ffice cler&s must be careful to give information about the hotel services and facilities and encourage the potential guest to boo& rooms at the hotel being at the same time careful to %atch for the dangers of overboo&ing!

Fron' O33ice osi'ion Ti'les •

'ront >ffice $anager 


eservation Cler& / Information Cler& 


O#!T!O" T!TLE# A"D O#!T!O" DE#CR!T!O" ?O+ REU!REME"T# •

Fron' O33ice Manager H esponsible for the direction and supervision of all 'ront >ffice staff, operations and services

and %or&ing to ma8imiBe both guest satisfaction and hotel profits! H Informing all 'ront >ffice staff of program for day, %ee&, month in %riting or verbally! H Inspecting the hotel premises to ensure that rooms and furnishings meet hotel standards! H Identifying @!>!needs and dealing %ith staff problems e!g! over%or&, lateness, and personal  problems! H 4andling all daily problems and dealing %ith serious guest complaints in order to ma8imiBe guest satisfaction! H ecruiting staff, e8plaining all policies, tas&s, procedures and standards and %riting references for staff!


H riting incident / accident reports! H @articipating in the selection and training staff process! H @roviding the :eneral $anager %ith current arrival and departure statistics and guest information and reporting about the 'ront >ffice situation! H @roviding current information about hotel facilities, services and special events to '!>! staff and ensuring that staff can provide this information to guest as re;uired! •

Recep'ionis'   esponsible for the efficient and courteous communication communication %ith guests for all arrival

and departure procedures as %ell as providing guests %ith information on hotel services and facilities! H elcoming the guests and offering to help the guest, even offering to sho% rooms if  necessary! H egisters and assigns rooms to arriving guests ensuring that registration cards are correctly completed giving re;uired information! H 4andles chec&-out of departing guests using hotel standard procedures! H 4andles guest re;uests and complaints promptly! H @rov @rovid idin ingg curr curren entt info inform rmat atio ionn of tour touris istt attr attrac acti tion ons, s, rest restau aura rant nts, s, hote hotell faci facili liti ties es,, services,entertainment facilities and current events in the local area to guests e!g! brea&fast time and  place, laundry, laundry, sauna, etc0! H =nsuring accurate records are maintained and informing other departments of arrivals, room changes, chec&-outs and special arrangements arrangements for JI@1s or group guests! •

Reser*a'ion and !n3orma'ion Cler/  o

4andles all incoming and outgoing telephone calls and assists guests in arranging for 

telephone calls and messages either in house or outside the hotel property! o

:iving hotel brochures / e8plaining types, position, cost of room!


"ns%er "ns%ering ing letter letterss / fa8es fa8es of in;uir in;uiry y giving giving addres addresss and teleph telephone one num number bers s giving giving mail/messages


@roviding current information about hotel facilities, f acilities, services and special events to pro-

spective guests giving directions in / outside the hotel e8plaining facilities of area around hotel/ country giving tourist information places of interest, prices, dates0 e8plaining the culture / religion!



ecords all reservation boo&ings ensuring information is accurately recorded including

name, address and contact number of guest, arrival and departure dates and times, r oom type and rate, and payment details! o

ecords special re;uests for e8tra bed or any re;uest for additional service or amenity!


@rocesses changes and cancellations of reservations and ensures records are amended!


@romotes occupancy and average room rate by actively promoting the property and

using upselling techni;ues! o

esponds to all communications communications regarding reservations!

Cas4ier H esponsible for the supervision of all 'ront Aes& financial activities ensuring all transactions are accurately provided and recorded in an efficient manner! H esponsible for the maintenance of accurate and current guest ledger accounts and handles guests accounts during chec&-outs! H @reparing the bill, giving and e8plaining the bill! H @roviding e8change service for cash, traveller1s che;ues and foreign currency notes for guests and mainta maintaini ining ng accura accurate te record recordss of all transa transacti ctions ons!! "ns%er "ns%ering ing ;uerie ;ueriess about about paymen payment,t, by e8pla e8plaini ining ng e8change rates! H Ta&ing payment cash, credit card, che;ue, Tcs0!

Recep'ion ser*ice reser*a'ions and regis'ra'ion C4ec/ingin 9 Room alloca'ion Checking in / check in time - a system of registration upon arrival at a hotel! Checkin Checking g in

is a process %hereby people register as guests of the hotel, %here room assignments are

made, and %here &eys are assigned for guest accommodation* H the front des& staff should al%ays %elcome the guests %ith a friendly smile H they must be a%are of occupancy levels, special guests and hotel activities and events H the front des& staff should also be able to provide complete information about hotel facilities and services!


Tas/s 1$ Gi*e al'erna'i*es al'erna'i*es 3or '4e nderlined nderlined .ords$ De*elop a dialoge dialoge in .4ic4 '4e reser*a'ion cler/ 4as no room a*ailable and 4e ms' o33er '4e clien' an al'erna'i*e$ eservation cler&* 4otel $assimo! :ood afternoon! Can I help youK $r! "ndrei* Les, I1d li&e to boo& a double room %ith bath for this %ee&end! eservation cler&* I see! e do have a room available from the afternoon of theth "ugust to the morning of the .th! The rate is M53 per night including continental brea&fast! $r! "ndrei* That %ill be fine! f ine! eservation cler&* Could I have your name and address, pleaseK $r! "ndrei* Les! It1s $r! "ndrei the address is ther contact details you may %ish to give, phone, e-mail etcR QAateR (If you are unsure of the contact details you can search the howtocomlain!com comany data"ase from any age on the we"site#!

Q?ame of contact person, if availableR QTitle, if availableR QCompany ?ameR


QConsumer Complaint Aepartment, if you don#t have a contact nameR QCompany address R QCompany address 2R QCompany address .R Q@ostcodeR e* Q"ccount number, product, service etcR Aear QContact @erson or ir/$adamR, >n QdateR, I Qbought, rented, had serviced etcR a Qname of product %ith model number, service performed etcR at Qlocation and other details of the transactionR! I am disappointed because your Qproduct, service, billing etc!R has Qnot performed as it should, %as %rong etcR because Qstate the problem as you understand it giving as much detail as possibleR! To resolve the problem I %ould appreciate your Qstate the action you re;uire e!g! refund, service  performed again etcR! etcR! =nclosed is a copy/are copy/are copies of the Qreceipt, contract contract etcR! I loo& for%ard to hearing from you and to a resolution of this problem! I %ill %ait for Qset a time limitR  before see&ing help help from Qgovernment Qgovernment agency, consumer consumer group, la%yer la%yer etc! @lease contact contact me at the above address or by phone Qgive numbersR! Lours sincerely QignR Q@rint Lour ?ameR =nclosures* Qstate documents you have enclosed , if anyR Cc* QInclude ?ame, Company Company of anyone you have copied copied the letter to, if anyR

2$ Complain' Le''erGoods

QLour address R QLour address 2R QLour address .R Q@ostcodeR Q>ther contact details you may %ish to give, phone, e-mail etcR Q?ame of contact person, if availableR QTitle, if availableR QCustomer ervices $anager, if you don1t have a contact nameR QCompany ?ameR QCompany address R QCompany address 2R


QCompany address .R Q@ostcodeR QAateR e* Q"ccount number, goods purchased etc!R Aear QContact @erson or Customer ervice $anagerR, >n QdateR, I bought a Qname of goods purchased, purchased, model number etc!R at Qlocation and other details of the transactionR! I am disappointed because your Qname of goods purchased etc!R has Qnot performed as it should, %as faulty etcR because Qstate the problem as you understand it giving as much detail as possibleR! Therefore this product is not Qof satisfactory ;uality, fit for the purpose describedR as laid do%n by the la%! To resolve the problem I re;uire you to Qstate the action you re;uire e!g! refund, repair etc!R %hilst reserving my right to claim against you! =nclosed is a copy/are copies of the Qreceipt, contract etcR! I loo& for%ard to hearing from you and to a resolution of this problem! I %ill %ait for Qset a time limitR  before see&ing help help from QTrading tandards, tandards, consumer consumer group, solicitor etc details details of relevant authorities can be found through our complaints procedures sectionR! @lease contact me at the above address or by  phone Qgive numbersR! numbersR! Lours sincerely QignR Q@rint Lour ?ameR =nclosures* Qstate documents you have enclosed , if anyR Cc* QInclude ?ame, Company if you %ant to send a copy of this letter to someoneR

,$ Complain' Le''erser*ices QLour address R QLour address 2R QLour address .R Q@ostcodeR Q>ther contact details you may %ish to give, phone, e-mail etcR


Q?ame of contact person, if availableR QTitle, if availableR QCustomer ervices $anager, if you don1t have a contact nameR QCompany ?ameR QCompany address R QCompany address 2R QCompany address .R Q@ostcodeR QAateR e* Q"ccount number, service provided etcR Aear QContact @erson or Customer ervice $anagerR, >n QdateR, I Qbought, rented, %as provided %ith etc!R a Qservice performed etc!R at Qlocation and other details of the transactionR! I am disappointed because Qthe service you provided, your service etc!R %as Qunsatisfactory, unfinished, defective etc!R because Qstate the problem as you understand it giving as much detail as possibleR! This is in breach of our contract as laid do%n by the la%! To resolve the problem I re;uire you to Qstate the action you re;uire e!g! refund, service performed again, rectified etc!R %hilst reserving my right to claim against you! =nclosed is a copy/are copies of the Qreceipt, contract etcR! I loo& for%ard to hearing from you and to a resolution of this problem! I %ill %ait for Qset a time limitR  before arranging for the matter to be corrected corrected by a third party at your your cost or see&ing help help from QTrading tandards, consumer group, solicitor etc details of relevant authorities can be found through our complaints procedures sectionR! @lease contact me at the above address or by phone Qgive numbersR! Lours sincerely QignR Q@rint Lour ?ameR =nclosures* Qstate documents you have enclosed , if anyR Cc* QInclude ?ame, Company if you %ant to send a copy of this letter to someoneR


!&$ +A#!C 5"O6LEDGE Gree'ings9#a(ing Good+(e


Formal gree'ings

'ormule de salut formale

:ood morningN

)una dimineapaN

:ood afternoonN

)una BiuaN

:ood eveningN

)una searaN

:ood nightN

 ?oapte bunaN

!n3ormal gree'ings

alutul intre prieteni / informal

4elloN / 4iN


Formal :ood byeN

'ormal* a revedereN

!n3ormal )yeN

intre prieteni* @al

ee you soon/later/tomorro%N

@e curand/pe mai tarBiu/pe maineN

ee you on undayN

 ?e vedem duminicaN duminicaN

ee youN

 ?e mai vedemN vedemN

Ta&e careN

"i grija de tineN 2<

I hope %e meet again some timeN

per sa ne mai vedemN

o longN

@e curandN

4o% are youK - Jery %ell, and youK / I am fine, Ce mai faciK - 'oarte bine, Si tuK / unt bine, than& youN / I1m all right, r ight, than& youN / I1m ;uite

mulpumescN / unt in regula, mulpumescN/ unt

%ell, than& youN / ell, than&s! / I am glad to see destul de bine, mulpumescN / )ine, mulpumesc! / you again!

$a bucur sa te revad!

!n'rodc'ion9!n'rodcing people 64en mee'ing =3ormal>

'ormule de preBentare Cand ne in'alnim =3ormal>

"llo% me to introduce myselfN

@ermiteti-mi sa ma preBintN

"llo% me to introduce $r!/$rs !!!! to youN

@enniteti-mi sa va preBint pe dl/d-na !!! N

$ay I introduce $r!/$rs!l$s! K K

@ot sa va preBint pe dl/d-nald-ra K

et me introduce !!! to you!

a va preBint pe !!!!!

I %ould li&e you to meet $r!l$rs!l$s! !

$i-ar picea sa il/o cunoaUteti pe dl/dra/d-ra 

"ns%er* 4o% do you doK I

aspuns* Ce mai facetiK

I am glad / pleased / delighted to meet youN

unt bucuros/multumit/indintat sa va cunosc



$y name is !!! /l am !!!

 ?umele meu este !! !l=u sunt! !!

This is $r! !

"cesta este dl! !

The lady / gentleman is my husband / my

Aoamna / Aomnul este sotul meu / sotia mea

%ife a friend / my girlthend0

un prieten / prietena mea0

"ns%er* ?ice to meet youN

aspuns* indintat de cunostintaN

:lad to meet youN

)ucuros sa va cunoscN

64en lea*ing

La despar'ire

It %as a pleasure meeting youN

" fost 3 placere sa va cunoscN

I hope to have the pleastrreofmeeting you againN

per sa ne mai intalnimN

@lease, give your %ife my best regards!

Te rog, transmite-i sotiei salutarile melc!

Congra'la'ions96is4es =njoy your mealN

Felici'ari9Dorin'e @ofta bunaN

:od bless youN %hen somebody sneeBes0

 ?orocN / anatateN

 I %ish you a ;uic& recoveryN

iti doresc insanatoUire grabnicaN

@leasant journeyN

Calatorie picutaN

4ave a pleasant holidayN

Jacanta placutaN 27

To you / your healthN

@entru tine / insanatatea tal

The same to youN

$ult%nesc la felN

The best %ishes to youN

iti doresc numai bineN

4appy holidaysN

Jacanta placutaN

$erry ChristmasN

Craciun fericitN

4appy =asterN

@aUte fericitN

4ave a good timeN

Aistractie placutaN



"llo% me to congratulate you on !!!

@ermite-mi sa te felicit pentru !!!!

I %ish you all the happiness in the %orldN

iti doresc tot binele din l%neN

4appy anniversaryN I

a multi aniN

En Thursday,


>n 'riday,


>n aturday,


ast %ee& 

aptamana trecuta

 ?e8t %ee& 

sptamana viitoare

This %ee& 

"ceasta saptamana

In %ee&#s time

@este doua saptamani

@arts of the day the day before

@artile Bilei Xiua trecuta

the day before yesterday






in this afternoon I in the afternoon

in dupa- amiaBa aceasta

morning I in the morning I 


early in the morning

dimineata devreme

late in the morning

dimineata tarBiu

before0 noon

inainte de pranB

at noon

la pranB

in the0 evening

seara asta


noaptea asta

at midnight

la mieBul noptii

at night


%or&ing day

Bi de lucru



tomorro% morning

maine dimineata

tomorro% evening

maine seara

the day after tomorro%







 ?e% Lear1s Aay

"nul ?ou

 ?e% Lear1s =ve

"junul "nului ?ou





Mon'4s o3 '4e (ear In Oanuary,

Lnile anli lanuarie,

In 'ebruary


In $arch,


In "pril,


In $ay,


In Oune,


In Ouly,


In "ugust,


In eptember,


In >ctober,


In ?ovember,


In Aecember!


In the month of "pril

In luna "prilie

this month

luna aceasta

last month

luna trecuta

ne8t month

luna viitoare

this year 

anul acesta

last year

anul trecut

ne8t year 

anul viitor 

in 2336

In 2336

in0 the 2st century

In secolul 2

the end of millennium

farsitul mileniului

the beginning of millennium

Inceputul mileniului
















"s soon as possible






Cost Insurance


Cash in "dvance

CA 

Could you
















=stimated time of arrival


'or the attention of 










etter of Credit



















I agree/"greement agree/"greement


Is this o&K






>ur letter >ur telephone call
















"s soon as possible









Jalue-"dded Ta8







A 

ould youK



&!$ #!TUAT!O"AL E7E E7ERC!#E# 1$ Anal(ze Anal(ze '4e si'a'ion si'a'ionss in small grops$ grops$ T4e( T4e( ehN ?ot a very good one! >ur plane %as delayed for t%o hours there %as a sno%storm!!! thenV three and a half hours on that plane %here %e sat li&e sardines, plus an hour to pass through customs and get our luggage, and finally an hour to get here from the airport! To be honest, I#m really e8hausted! * >hN I#m really r eally sorry about that! Could I see your voucher and passport, pleaseK :* ure! 4ere they are! * ill you rent a safe, sirK Lou have that facility in your room! The rate is a peso per day! :* That#s a good idea! Can I pay %ith my credit cardK 4ere it is! .G

* ure, let me just chec& it! >hN I#m sorry! This card is already e8pired! I#m afraid you#ll have to pay in cash, sir! :* That#s o&!

a> '4ese Bes'ions$ ! hy didn#t the guest have a very nice tripK 2! hat facility does the receptionist advertiseK .! 4o% %ill the guest payK 6! hat#s the problem %ith his credit cardK Con*ersa'ion + * $ay I help youK :* Les, e just sa% our room r oom and %e are not very happy about it! e re;uested a room %ith ocean vie%, and the one you gave us has a garden vie%! * I understand you, ir! $ost guests re;uest this type of room and only thirty percent of our rooms have ocean vie%! 4o% could %e please everyoneK :* I paid the travel agency for the ocean vie% room! I#ll sue them %hen I get bac&! * e are really sorry, ir %e %ould really li&e to please you right no%, but it is really out of our hands! "ny%ay, as soon as %e have one available %e#ll move you in! :* >hN Than&s, you#re very &ind! b> '4ese Bes'ions ! ! hat does this guest complain aboutK 2! hat e8planation does the front des& cler& give himK .! hat solution does he offer himK 6! ould you have done the sameK Con*ersa'ion C * $ay I help youK :* Les, I had a boo&ing for this :uardalavaca Club "migo 4otel! ?o% my rep informs me I#ve been transferred to as )risas! Is there any possibility to stay here any%ayK * e %ould really li&e to please you, madam but the hotel is at full capacity! Lou are not the only case other guests have been transferred too! )ut you have been very luc&y! Yas )risasZ is a very beautiful hotel %ith more and better facilities! I#m sure you %ill love it! :* ThatV I %as told, but my friends had recommended me this one because of its friendly staff! * Than&s a lot! Lour %ords ma&e us feel happy and proud! )ut I#m sure you %on#t regret meeting as )risas staff! They are e8cellent people too! :* I hope so! * I#m sure you %ill enjoy as )risas! "nd %e#d love to have you here ne8t time! :* >&, than&s! c> '4ese Bes'ions ! hat happens to this guestK 2! hat is she claimingK .! hat does the receptionist e8plainK 6! 4as the receptionist been professional in handling this caseK Con*ersa'ion D


* o, definitely you don#t have your voucher! Ao youK :* To be honest, I don#t have the slightest idea %here it could be! I don#t even remember if they ever gave it to me at the travel agency! * Then, I#m really sorry, but in that case you[ll have to pay in cash for the first night, just until %e handle the situation %ith your rep he can issue a ne% voucher for you! I just hate to annoy you but this is a company procedure %e have to follo%! :* ?o, that#s o&! It#s entirely my fault! ?o%, it means that if the rep issues that voucher I can get my money bac&, isn#t itK * >h, sure you %ill!

d> '4ese Bes'ions ! hat#s the problem %ith this guestK 2! Aid the receptionist ta&e the right decisionK :$ %andle '4e si'a'ions a' '4e recep'ion$ a! " guest %ho is chec&ing in claims that he has been given t%o single beds %hen the travel agent in Canada promised that he %ould have a &ing siBe bed!  b! " couple of guests %ith children arrived from the airport at noon! hen they chec&ed chec&ed in the front des& staff told them their room %ould be ready by .*33 pm, no% it is 5*33 pm and the room is not ready yet! They are very tired and so are their children! c! " guest had boo&ed this hotel in Canada and since the very beginning he re;uested a room in section 533 a friend %ho had already been here told him they %ere the best rooms0! 4o%ever, %hen he chec&ed in he %as allocated in section 233! ?o% he is complaining! d! " guest %ho arrives to the hotel %ith his %ife and his three-year-old daughter has the hotel voucher but to his surprise the front des& cler& tells him that he is not in the rooming list, that the hotel is full and that he %ill probably have to be relocated at another hotel! 4e re;uests to tal& to his rep, but he feels he should not pay for that phone call! 64a' can be done abo' i' The chec& out process in most hotels is at around 2*33 pm, so that the house&eeping staff has enough time to clean and ma&e the rooms before the ne8t group arrives! Transfer out to the airport is usually in the evening therefore, many guests feel they are under pressure to leave their rooms earlier than e8pected! =ven though they can enjoy all the hotel facilities and services in the meantime, some of them feel the need to use the room until the last minute! This may be possible %henever the client pays an e8tra rate to e8tend his stay in the room! )ut still some thin& it is not fair and consider they have already paid for everything till the last minute! 2$ A3'er anal(zing '4e pre*ios si'a'ions) sa(  Right or Wrong according 'o '4e in3orma'ion (o read$ Ecean! >cean! ] Christmas comes comes once once \\\ year! ] \\\ ant ant is \\ insect! insect! ] The ?ile ?ile is \\\ river! 65

] I %ent to the shop to get \\\ bread! bread! ] 4e bro&e \\\ glass glass %hen he %as %ashing dishes! dishes! ] Lou should should ta&e \\\ umbrella! umbrella! =8ercise 7 Aecide dac^ trebie trebie s^ foloseti articolul articolul hot^r_t the sau nu! nu! Aac^ nu ai nevoie nevoie de articolul the, folosete un $ =8emple*

T4e '4ree elder c4ildren$  Cei trei copii mai mari 64o is elder ?o4n or Mar(   Cine este mai mare, Oohn sau $aryK ?o4n is '4e elder$   Oohn este mai mare! ?o4n is elder '4an Mar($   Oohn este mai mare dec_t $aria! 5a'e is '4e eldes' o3 '4e 3amil($  Pate este cea mai b^tr_n^ din familie! T4is .oman is '4e eldes' in '4e *illage$  "ceast^ femeie este cea mai b^tr_n^ din sat!

6! Aup^ comparativ, al doilea termen este introdus de '4an

%g4 is 'aller '4an Ric4ard$   4ugh este mai `nalt dec_t ichard! %e 4as more '4an '.en'( 4orses !  =l are mai mult de dou^Beci de cai! Aup^ superlativ, al doilea termen este introdus de o3 i c_teodat^ de in$ =8emple*

?ac/ is '4e 'alles' o3 '4e bo(s$  Oac& este cel mai `nalt dintre b^iei! %e is cer'ainl( '4e bes' o3 '4e 'eac4ers$  =l este cu siguran^ cel mai bun dintre profesori! A" 

#4e is '4e bes' pianis' in '4e dis'ric'$  =a este cea cea mai bun^ bun^ pianist^ din din inut! Mar( is '4e (onges' in '4e 3amil($  $ary este este cea cea mai mai t_n^r^ t_n^r^ din familie!

RO"UMELE @ronumele este partea de vorbire care `nlocuiete un substantiv o fiin^, un obiect, etc!0 Clasificare •

@ersonale '4e ersonal ronons 0


Interogative '4e !n'eroga'i*e ronons 0

elative '4e Rela'i*e ronons 0

@osesive '4e ossesi*e ronons 0

Aemonstrative '4e Demons'ra'i*e ronons 0

Impersonale '4e !mpersonal9General ronons0

efle8ive '4e Re3lene could %or& there!  -ar putea lucra acolo! Lou should al%ays be careful %hen crossing the road!  ^ fii `ntodeauna atent la traversarea drumului! >ne can learn a lot of things here!  e pot `nv^a o mulime lucruri aici! Lou should al%ays behave decently!  Trebuie s^ te pori `ntodeauna decent! The Re$le7ie Pronouns

myself  m^

ourselves  ne

yourself  te

yourselves  v^

himself  se

themselves  se

herself  se

oneself  se

itself  se Cu ajutorul lor se formeaB^ diateBa refle8iv^ a verbelor! to enjoy oneself  a se distra

I enjoy myself  =u m^ distreB!

The Emphatic Pronouns

myself  eu `nsumi, pe personal, ch chiar eu eu

ourselves  no noi `nine, `n `nsene, ch chiar no noi

yourself  tu `n `nsui, pe personal, ch chiar tu tu

yourselves  voi `n `niv^, `n `nsev^, ch chiar vo voi

himself  el `n `nsui, personal, ch chiar el el

themselves  ei `n `nii, el ele `n `nsele, ch chiar ei ei/ele

herself  ea `ns^i, personal, chiar ea itself  el `nsui, ea `ns^i, personal, chiar ea, ea, el I must do it myself!  Trebuie s^-o fac eu `nsumi!

The )nde$inite Pronouns

another  alt, alt^

>ne man says yes, another says no!

each fiecare

e received t%o boo&s each!

the other  cel^lalt

Oohn li&es this boo& but i li&e the other!

others  alii, altele

>thers &no% better than you!

the others  ceilali, clelalte

The others did not come by bus!


one  unul, una un, o, se

Lou do not have any boo& bu I have one!

all tot, toat^, toi, toate, totul

4e must tell you all or nothing!

either  oricare din doi

Lou may buy either!

neither  nici unul/una

I can see neither!

 both  ambii, ambele ambele

Lou may readeither readeither of them, both are are interesting!

severa severall  mai muli/ muli/mul multe, te, c_te c_teva, va, c_i c_iva va

Lou can can see see many many boo&s boo&s on the the table table,, but sever several al are are mine! mine!

fe%  puini, puine

I only found fe%!

a fe%  puini/destui

I have found a fe%!

;uite a fe% foarte muli

I have found ;uite a fe%!

little  puin, mic

I have done little for them!

a little  puin/destul/ceva

Lou have little tea but I have a little!

much  mult, mult^

Lou have got little tea but I have got much!

many  mu m uli, multe

Lou have only got fe% boo&s but I#ve got many!

some some  ni nite te,, unii unii,, une unele le,, pui puin, n, c_t c_tev evaa

om ome are are doo doodd and and some some are are bad bad!!

any  orice, fi fiece, or oricare, ni nici un unul

4e do doesn#t lili&e an any!

somebody  cineva

I can see somebody at the gate!

anybo nybody dy  oric ricine, ine, cinev inevaa, nim nimeeni

I ca can as& as& anybody body!! Ao Ao you see see some meth thin inggK I cannot nnot as&

anybody! nobody nimeni

I see nobody!

something  ceva

I see something!

anything  orice

I buy anything!

nothing  nimic

I bought nothing!

someone  careva, cineva

Lou must as& someone!

anyone  oricare

Lou may as& anyone!

no one  nobody  none  niciunul

Lou can as& no one!

everybody  toi, toat^ lumea, fiecareI sa% everybody! everything  totul, tot

4e can understand everything!

somebody else  altcineva

I see somebody else!

anybody else  oricine altcineva

:ive it to anybody else!

nobody else  nimeni altcineva

?obody else can do it!

something else  altceva

e must buy something else!

nothing else  nimic altceva

I sa% nothing else!

aren@'$  Ouc^torii acetia sunt foarte buni, dar aceia nu sunt! This i these indic+ aoriere a o"iectului ,n tim i saiu fa+ de ersoana care vor"ete!

 '4is boo/     aceast^ carte

'4ese boo/s  aceste c^ri

'4a' boo/     aceea carte

'4ose boo/s  acele c^ri

'4is (ear  anul acesta

'4a' (ear  anul acela, trecut sau viitor 

'4is 'ne is delig4'3l  melodia aceasta este `nc_nt^toare '4ese 4oses are larger '4an '4ose  casele acestea sunt mai mari dec_t acelea

este folosit c_teodat^ i ca pronume demonstrative pentru a se evita repetarea sau drept correspondent al articolului adjectival din limba rom_n^, cel, cea ='4is one> sau ca `nlocuitor al unui substantive dup^ adjectivele determinative '4is) '4a') .4ic4) ano'4er) o'4er$ =8emple*

#4e 'oo/ o33 4er 4a' and p' a ne. one  ea i-a scos p^l^ria i i-a pus o alta! !'@s a 3ine 3is4 b' '4e one ! cag4' .as bigger  este bun petele dar cel pe care l-am prins este mai mare

M( 4ose is '4e one on '4e le3'  casa mea este aceea de pe st_nga !s '4a' '4e one .4o sang las' 'ime  este acela care a c_ntat data trecut^K All '4ese boo/s are in'eres'ing) '4is =one> 3or e "dverbele de loc r^spund la `ntrebarea .4en  undeK

be4ind  `n spate

3ar  departe

4ere  aici

near  aproape

'4ere  acolo

inside  `n interior 

ps'airs  la ataj

along  de-a lungul

p and do.n  `n sus i `n jos

4ere and '4ere  ici i colo

abroad `n str^in^tate

nder  dedesubt

some.4ere  undeva

no.4ere niciunde/nic^ieri

an(.4ere oriunde

e*er(.4ere  pretutindeni

so'4.4ere c^tre sud

4ome.ard spre/c^tre cas^

.4ere  unde

Ad*erbe de caz =Ad*erbs o3 Case9Reason> "dverbele de cauB^ r^spund la `ntrebarea .4(  de ceK

'4a' is .4(  ia' de ce

'4ere3ore  pentru acest motiv, motiv, de aceea

3or '4e reason '4a'   pentru motivul c^

Ad*erbe de scop =Ad*erbs o3 rpose> "dverbele de scop r^spund la `ntrebarea 3or .4a' prpose  cu ce scopK

3or '4is prpose   cu acest scop

3or '4e mere prpose o3   pentru simplul motiv de a

Ad*erbe de can'i'a'e9grad =Ad*erbs o3 an'i'(> "dverbele de cantitate/grad r^spund la `ntreb^rile 4o. mc4  c_tK, 4o. li''le  c_t de puinK etc!

almos' aproape/apro8imativ

enormosl(  enorm

en'irel(  `n `ntregime

li''le  puin


mc4  mult

Bi'e  chiar/total

reall(  `ntr-adev^r/cu adev^rat

so  astfel, aa

s33icien'l(  suficient

enog4  destul/suficient

'oo  prea/suficient

*er(  foarte

ALTE AD&ER+E especiall(  mai ales, `n special

a' mos'  cel mult

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