August 2, 2018 | Author: Anonymous jCmzKg5b | Category: Foreign Exchange Market, International Business, Money, Microeconomics, Business
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SUP E  ER   T RADE  RX  T r  r a d e w  i t h G o l den

T o u c h

By : Hafzzat

ST X  X 


By : Hafzzat

ST X  X 


By : Hafzzat

ST X  X 

HAF!!A HAF !!AT'S T'S ST#R ST#R( (

Hafzzat Ru)li* +, del-ed into the world o. .ore/ tradin0 e-en 1e.ore he reached the a0e o. 234 He )a-ed all hi) earnin0) a) a waiter waiter to )tart tradin04 5ithin le)) than a 6onth he 0rew hi) relati-ely )6all ca7ital o. USD899 into 6ore than USD+94 Hafzzat )et a1out trainin0 and educatin0 hi6)el. with a -en0eance4 He learnt .ro6 the 1e)t he could fnd 1ut 6ore i67ortantly he ac;uired and honed hi) own tradin0 )ill) and )trate0ie)4 FXPri6u)* one o. the indu)try') .a)te)t 0rowin0 1roer)* a77roached Hafzzat and a77ointed hi6 a) their Su7er ntroducin0 Broer which i) ;uite a .eat .or a 1oy o. 2< with =u)t + year) o. e/7erience in .ore/ tradin04 Hafzzat re6ain) the youn0e)t Su7er B in the world in thi) elite 0rou7 o. only >9 indi-idual)4 n ?uly +922 Hafzzat wa) raned 8th in FXPri6u) To7 +9 Trader) Glo1al @onte)t ha-in0 6ade a 7ercenta0e 0ain) o. 243 in + day)4 The )tudent had 1y now 1eco6e a 6a)ter4

T HRE E 5  A( S # F  E AR%%G

T r a d i n 0*

i n t r o d

u c e r  .  ee) C 7 a ) ) i -  e inco 6e

5 HAT S F # RE X   

T r a d e w  i t h G o l d e n T o uch

By : Hafzzat


5hat i) Fore/

FOREX (Foreign tran)action)







Fore/ 6ean) 1uyin0 or )ellin0 a currency a0ain)t another currency with a -iew to 7roft  The currency i) a ind o. trade  tran)action trade in the currency o. a country) national currency in-ol-in0 other 6a=or 6oney 6aret) in the world .or +, hour) continuou)ly  The .orei0n e/chan0e 6aret* which i) u)ually nown a) .ore/ or FX* i) the lar0e)t fnancial 6aret in the world4 @o67ared to the 6ea)ly I++4, 1illion a day -olu6e o. the %ew (or Stoc E/chan0e* the .orei0n e/chan0e 6aret loo) a1)olutely 0inor6ou) with it)


a day trade -olu6e4


By : Hafzzat


5hat i) Fore/

 The lar0e)t )toc 6aret in the world* the %ew (or Stoc E/chan0e J%(SEK* trade) a -olu6e o. a1out I++4, 1illion each day4 . we u)ed a 6on)ter to re7re)ent %(SE* it would loo lie thi)L

By : Hafzzat


5hat i) Fore/

So the %(SE )ound) 1i0* it') loud and lie) to 6ae a lot o. noi)e4 But i. you actually co67are it to the .orei0n e/chan0e 6aret* it would loo lie thi)L

5 H( T RA DE  F # RE X    T r a d e w  i t h G o l d e n T o uch

By : Hafzzat


5hy trade Fore/


 There are 6any 1eneft) and ad-anta0e) o. tradin0 .ore/4 Here are =u)t a .ew rea)on) why )o 6any 7eo7le are choo)in0 thi) 6aret: •

%o co66i))ion)

%o one can corner the 6aret

%o 6iddle6en


%o f/ed lot )ize

Hi0h "i;uidity

"ow tran)action co)t)

"ow Barrier) to Entry

A +,Mhour 6aret

Free StuN E-erywhereO

By : Hafzzat


5hy trade Fore/

No commissions %o clearin0 .ee)* no e/chan0e .ee)* no 0o-ern6ent .ee)* no 1roera0e .ee)4 No mi!emen S7ot currency tradin0 eli6inate) the 6iddle6en and allow) you to trade directly with the 6aret re)7on)i1le .or the 7ricin0 on a 7articular currency 7air4 No "xe !o# sie n the .uture) 6aret)* lot or contract )ize) are deter6ined 1y the e/chan0e)4 A )tandardM)ize contract .or )il-er .uture) i) 8*999 ounce)4 n )7ot .ore/* you deter6ine your own lot* or 7o)ition )ize4 Lo% #ransac#ion cos#s  The retail tran)action co)t Jthe 1ida) )7readK i) ty7ically le)) than 942 under nor6al 6aret condition)4 At lar0er dealer)* the )7read could 1e a) low a) 94934 #. cour)e thi) de7end) on your le-era0e and all will 1e e/7lained later

By : Hafzzat


5hy trade Fore/

A &'hor mar*e#  There i) no waitin0 .or the o7enin0 1ell4 Fro6 the &onday 6ornin0 o7enin0 in Au)tralia to the a.ternoon clo)e in %ew (or* the .ore/ 6aret ne-er )lee7)4 Thi) i) awe)o6e .or tho)e who want to trade on a 7artMti6e 1a)i)* 1ecau)e you can choo)e when you want to trade: 6ornin0* noon* ni0ht* durin0 1rea.a)t* or in your )lee74 No one can corner #he mar*e#  The .orei0n e/chan0e 6aret i) )o hu0e and ha) )o 6any 7artici7ant) that no )in0le entity can control the 6aret 7rice .or an e/tended 7eriod o. ti6e4 Le+erage n .ore/ tradin0* a )6all de7o)it can control a 6uch lar0er total contract -alue4 "e-era0e 0i-e) the trader the a1ility to 6ae nice 7roft)* and at the )a6e ti6e ee7 ri) ca7ital to a 6ini6u64

By : Hafzzat


5hy trade Fore/

,igh Li-ii#. Becau)e the .ore/ 6aret i) )o enor6ou)* it i) al)o e/tre6ely li;uid4 Thi) 6ean) that under nor6al 6aret condition)* with a clic o. a 6ou)e you can in)tantaneou)ly 1uy and )ell at will a) there will u)ually 1e )o6eone in the 6aret willin0 to tae the other )ide o. your trade4 (ou are ne-er )tuc in a trade4 (ou can e-en )et your online tradin0 7lat.or6 to auto6atically clo)e your 7o)ition once your de)ired 7roft le-el Ja li6it orderK ha) 1een reached* andor clo)e a trade i. a trade i) 0oin0 a0ain)t you Ja )to7 lo)) orderK4 Lo% /arriers #o En#r.  (ou would thin that 0ettin0 )tarted a) a currency trader would co)t a ton o. 6oney4 The .act i)* when co67ared to tradin0 )toc)* o7tion) or .uture)* it doe)n't4 #nline .ore/ 1roer) oNer 6ini and 6icro tradin0 account)* )o6e with a 6ini6u6 account de7o)it o. I+84

5e're not )ayin0 you )hould o7en an account with the 1are 6ini6u6* 1ut it doe) 6ae .ore/ tradin0 6uch 6ore acce))i1le to the a-era0e indi-idual who doe)n't ha-e a lot o. )tartMu7 tradin0 ca7ital4

By : Hafzzat


5hy trade Fore/

Free S#0 E+er.%here1

&o)t online .ore/ 1roer) oNer de6o account) to 7ractice tradin0 and 1uild your )ill)* alon0 with realMti6e .ore/ new) and chartin0 )er-ice)4 A%D GUESS 5HATO THE('RE A""


De6o account) are -ery -alua1le re)ource) .or tho)e who are fnancially ha67ered and would lie to hone their tradin0 )ill) with 7lay 6oney 1e.ore o7enin0 a li-e tradin0 account and ri)in0 real 6oney4

5 H# T RA DE  F # RE X   T r a d e w  i t h G o l d e n T o uch

By : Hafzzat


5ho trade Fore/

T,E 2EO2LE 3,O TRADE IN FOREX 4ARET ARE6 • • • • • •

the ruler) o. the world the world) 6a=or 1an) international cla)) 1u)ine)) hed0e .und currency )7eculator) indi-idual)

 Thu) the nu61er o. 7layer) in the Fore/ 6aret i) cau)in0 the -elocity o. 6oney 1eco6e) -ery .a)t4  Tran)action) ha77en) 6ore than 24< trillion U4S4 dollar) e-ery day and that 6ean) 6oney are tran).erred .ro6 one hand to another in =u)t a .ew )econd)4

By : Hafzzat


5ho trade Fore/ Forex 4ar*e# ,ierarch.

&a=or Ban)

Electronic Broerin0 Ser-ice) JEBSK  Reuter) Dealin0 >999M)7ot &atchin0

&ediu6M)ized and )6all 1an)

Retail &aret &aer)

Retail E@%)

Retail Trader)

Hed0e .und) and co66ercial co67anie)

5 HE % @ A % ( #U   T RADE F #  RE X   T r a d e w  i t h G o l d e n T o uch


5hen can you trade Fore/

%ow that you now and

By : Hafzzat

%ha# .ore/ i)* %h. you )hould trade it*

%ho 6ae) u7 the .ore/ 6aret* it') a1out ti6e you learned %hen you can trade4

 (e)* it i) true that the .ore/ 6aret i) o7en +, hour) a day* 1ut that doe)n't 6ean it') alway) acti-e the whole day4  (ou can 6ae 6oney tradin0 when the 6aret 6o-e) u7* and you can e-en 6ae 6oney when the 6aret 6o-e) down4 /7T you will ha-e a -ery diQcult ti6e tryin0 to 6ae 6oney when the 6aret doe)n't 6o-e at all4


5hen can you trade Fore/

By : Hafzzat


De)7ite the Fore/ 6aret i) o7en +, hour) a day it doe)n't 6ean that the 6aret i) alway) acti-e the whole day4 FX trader) can 6ae 6oney tradin0 when the 6aret 6o-e) u7* and they can e-en earn 6oney when the 6aret 6o-e) down4 Howe-er* it i) e/tre6ely diQcult to 6ae any 6oney when the 6aret doe) not 6o-e at all4  The Fore/ 6aet can 1e di-ided into .our 6a=or tradin0 )e))ion) that are: Sydney Se))ion  Toyo Se))ion "ondon Se))ion %ew (or Se))ion •

• •

By : Hafzzat


5hat i) Fore/

3ORLD 2O27LAR 87RREN89 •

USD U4S4 Dollar) or 1uc Jthe currency o. the USAK

EUR Euro JEuro7ean currencyK

GBP Sterlin0 or @a1le JU currencyK

AUD Au))ie Dollar JAu)tralian currencyK

%!D iwi Jthe currency o. %ew !ealandK

 ?P( (en J?a7ane)e currencyK

@HF Swi))y JSwi)) currencyK

@AD Dollar @anada J@anadian currencyK

By : Hafzzat


5hat i) Fore/ T,E 87RREN89 2AIR

Direc# crrenc.6 JEURUSD* GBPUSD and other currencie) in which the nor6al USD written at the 1acK Inirec# crrenc.6 JUSD?P(* USD@HF and other currencie) in which the nor6al USD written at the .rontK 8rrenc. cross ra#e6 JGBP?P(* EUR@HF currency which i) not co67ared to the USD *base and counter  Example: GBP / USD That means GBP is the base currency and the USD is the counter currency 

By : Hafzzat


5hen to trade Fore/

"et') tae a loo at the a-era0e 7i7 6o-e6ent o. the 6a=or currency 7air) durin0 each tradin0 )e))ion4

Fro6 the ta1le* you will )ee that the Euro7ean )e))ion nor6ally 7ro-ide) the 6o)t 6o-e6ent4

By : Hafzzat


5hen to trade Fore/


 Toyo )e))ion i) o.ten re.erred to a) the A)ian )e))ion 1ecau)e Toyo i) the fnancial ca7ital o. A)ia and with it) 7o7ulation o. > 6illion 7eo7le it i) al)o the lar0e)t 6etro7olitan area in the world4  ?a7an i) al)o the third lar0e)t Fore/ tradin0 center in the world and the  ?a7ane)e yen i) the third 6o)t traded currency 7artain0 in a1out 2*8  o. all Fore/ tran)action)4  There.ore we can )ay that the A)ian )e))ion o7en) at 22:99 P& G&T and o-erall* a1out +2  o. all Fore/ Tran)action) tae 7lace durin0 thi) )e))ion4

By : Hafzzat


5hen to trade Fore/

Below i) a ta1le o. the A)ian )e))ion 7i7 ran0e) o. the 6a=or currency 7air)4

 The)e 7i7 -alue) were calculated u)in0 a-era0e) o. 7a)t data .ro6 the 6onth o. &ay +92+4 Tae note that the)e are NOT A/SOL7TE VAL7ES and can -ary de7endin0 on li;uidity and other 6aret condition)4 Al)o* the )e))ion ran0e .or EUR@HF ha) not 1een included )ince the Swi)) .ranc ha) 1een 7e00ed to the euro at 24+999 durin0 the 7eriod4

By : Hafzzat


5hen to trade Fore/


De)7ite the 6o)t Fore/ tran)action) are 6ade in ?a7an* ton) o. Fore/ tran)action) are 6ade in other fnancial hot )7ot) lie Hon0 on0* Sin0a7ore and Sydney4  The 6ain 6aret 7artici7ant) durin0 the A)ian )e))ion are co66ercial co67anie) Je/7orter)K and central 1an)4 Thi) i) due to the .act that ?a7an) econo6y i) hea-ily e/7ort de7endent and* with @hina al)o 1ein0 a 6a=or trade 7layer* there are a lot o. tran)action) tain0 7lace on a daily 1a)i)4 "i;uidity can )o6eti6e) 1e ;uite thin4 Durin0 the)e ti6e) 6o)t 7air) 6ay )tay within a ran0e 7ro-idin0 o77ortunitie) .or )hort day trade) or 7otential 1reaout trade) later durin0 the day4 t i) 6ore liely to )ee )tron0er 6o-e) a6on0 the A)ia Pacifc currency 7air) )uch a) AUDUSD and %!DUSD a) o77o)ed to nonMA)ia 7acifc 7air) lie GBPUSD4 &o)t o. the action tae) 7lace early in the )e))ion* when 6ore econo6ic data i) relea)ed4 &o-e) in the Toyo )e))ion 6ay )et the tone .or the re)t o. the day4  Trader) in latter )e))ion) o.ten loo at what ha77ened durin0 the Toyo )e))ion to hel7 or0anize and e-aluate what )trate0ie) to tae in other )e))ion)4

By : Hafzzat


5hen to trade Fore/

3,I8, 2AIRS ARE 8O44ONL9 TRADED D7RING T,E ASIAN SESSION; Pair) that include ?P( Pair) that include AUD Pair) that include %!D • • •

 Thi) i) )i67ly 1ecau)e the Toyo )e))ion i) on when new) .ro6 Au)tralia* %ew !ealand and ?a7an co6e out 7re)entin0 a 0ood o77ortunity to trade4 U)ually* there i) 6ore 6o-e6ent in ?P( 7air) a) a lot o. yen i) chan0ed a)  ?a7ane)e co67anie) are conductin0 1u)ine))4 Further6ore* )ince @hina i) an econo6ic )u7er 7ower* the new) .ro6 @hina tend) to create -olatile 6o-e)4 Becau)e Au)tralia and ?a7an are relyin0 hea-ily on @hine)e de6and* it i) 7o))i1le to )ee 0reater 6o-e6ent) in AUD and ?P( 7air) when the @hine)e data co6e in4

H# 5 T #  T RADE  F # RE X    T r a d e w i t h G olden

T o u c h

By : Hafzzat


How to trade Fore/

< •


/ase crrenc. i) the ty7e o. currency you are )7endin0* or 0ettin0 rid o.4 =o#e crrenc.  i) the currency that you are 7urcha)in04 n .ore/ tradin0* you )ell 2 ty7e o. currency to 7urcha)e another ty7e4

 The exchange ra#e tell) you how 6uch you ha-e to )7end in ;uote currency to 7urcha)e 1a)e currency4 For e/a67le* i. you want to 7urcha)e )o6e U4S4 dollar) u)in0 Briti)h 7ound)* you 6ay )ee an e/chan0e rate that loo) lie thi): GBPUSD248i 7rice i) the 7rice at which your 1roer i) willin0 to 1uy 1a)e currency in e/chan0e .or ;uote currency4 The 1id i) the 1e)t 7rice at which you are willin0 to se!! your ;uote currency on the 6aret  The as*   7rice* or the oNer 7rice* i) the 7rice at which your 1roer will )ell 1a)e currency in e/chan0e .or ;uote currency4 The as*   7rice i) the 1e)t a-aila1le 7rice at which you are willin0 to 1uy .ro6 the 6aret A s?rea i) the diNerence 1etween the 1id 7rice and the a) 7rice

By : Hafzzat


& •

How to trade Fore/


4a*e ?reic#ions a>o# #he econom. 4 . you 1elie-e that the U4S4 econo6y will continue to weaen* which i) 1ad .or the U4S4 dollar* then you 7ro1a1ly want to )ell dollar) in e/chan0e .or a currency .ro6 a country where the econo6y i) )tron04 Loo* a# a con#r.@s #raing ?osi#ion . a country ha) 6any 0ood) that are in de6and* then the country will liely e/7ort 6any 0ood) to 6ae 6oney4 Thi) tradin0 ad-anta0e will 1oo)t the country) econo6y* thu) 1oo)tin0 the -alue o. it) currency4 8onsier ?o!i#ics . a country i) ha-in0 an election* then the country) currency will a77reciate i. the winner o. the election ha) a f)cally re)7on)i1le a0enda4 Al)o* i. the 0o-ern6ent o. a country loo)en) re0ulation) .or econo6ic 0rowth* the currency i) liely to increa)e in -alue4 Rea economic re?or#s4 Re7ort) on a country) GDP* .or in)tance* or re7ort) a1out other econo6ic .actor) lie e67loy6ent and inVation* will ha-e an eNect on the -alue o. the country) currency4

By : Hafzzat


How to trade Fore/

B •

 Rea a Corex -o#e

 (oull )ee + nu61er) on a .ore/ ;uote: the 1id 7rice on the le.t and the a) 7rice on the ri0ht 


 Learn ho% #o ca!c!a#e ?ro"#s

A 7i7 6ea)ure) the chan0e in -alue 1etween + currencie)4 U)ually* 2 7i7 e;ual) 949992 o. a chan0e in -alue4 For e/a67le* i. your EURUSD trade 6o-e) .ro6 248, to 248,3* your currency -alue ha) increa)ed 1y 2 7i74 &ulti7ly the nu61er o. 7i7) that your account ha) chan0ed 1y the e/chan0e rate4 Thi) calculation will tell you how 6uch your account ha) increa)ed or decrea)ed in -alue

Phili)o7hy o. Su7ertrader/ Acade6y



E6otional @ontrol


&ae 7i7)


ee7 7i7)



By : Hafzzat

( # UR 5 A (  # F T RAD E 

T r a d e w i t h G olden

T o u c h

By : Hafzzat



T.?e oC #raing

Fnemen#a! ana!isis &uch de7end) on the new)4 "ac o. 7reci)ion and )o6ethin0 une/7ected o.ten occur)

Technica! Ana!isis De7endin0 on the techni;ue u)ed4 U)ually 39 to 9

By : Hafzzat



De"ne r s#ra#eg.





&# %E (  &A%AG& E %T   E 6 o t i

onal co n t r o l 

By : Hafzzat



D     o    n     o    #     *     n     o    %     #    h     e    r    i      s    *     s    

5hy trader) .ail 2st

/     e    c    o    m     e     g     a    m     >     !      e    r    



F      e    a    r     o    C      !      o    s    s    

L    e    a          s     #    o    C      e    a    r    

By : Hafzzat


&oney 6ana0e6ent




E      e   D     m     i      o    s    c    i      #    i        ?     o    !     i     n     n     e    a          !      c    o    n     #    r     o    !     

L    e    s    s     4     a   r     #    h      g    i     n     e    n     5           



S      #    o    S        ?     i      #    )     !     o   s     s    

a    #    i      o    n    

G      o    !            e    S      n    T     o    e    )     c     c    h    

r    e    #    

By : Hafzzat


&aterial) .or trade

Ri) &ana0e6ent

&oney &ana0e6ent


 Tradin0 Plan

By : Hafzzat


Finance Di-i)ion

4!#i?!e En#r.4!#i?!e Exi#s;;

,o% !ong are .o %i!!ing #o >.;; 4one. 4anagemen# 3ha# is #he ris*  re%ar ?arame#ers; Di+ision 3hen #o #a*e ?ro"#;


By : Hafzzat


P)ycholo0y Di-i)ion

7se #he %i!!ing #o !ose mone.

Ge# #o *no% .orse!C 

2s.cho!og. i+ision

S#ar#ing %i#h a !i##!e amon#

Do no# o+er con"en#

Ta*e a >rea* aC#er each #rae

T (P  E  S   # F  A%A"( SS C @ HART S

T r a d e w i t h G olden

T o u c h

By : Hafzzat


 Ty7e) o. Analy)i)

 Three Ba)ic  Ty7e) o. &aret Analy)i) Analy)i)

Technica! Ana!.sis

Fnamen#a! Ana!.sis

Sen#imen# Ana!.sis

By : Hafzzat


 Ty7e) o. Analy)i)

t') ind o. lie )tandin0 on a threeM le00ed )tool W i. one o. the le0) i) wea* the )tool will 1rea under your wei0ht and you'll .all Vat on your .ace4  The )a6e hold) true in tradin04 . your analy)i) on any o. the three ty7e) o. tradin0 i) wea and you i0nore it* there') a 0ood chance that it will cau)e you to lo)e out on your tradeO

By : Hafzzat


 Ty7e) o. @hart)

three 6o)t 7o7ular 7o7ular ty7e) o. chart)

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By : Hafzzat


 Ty7e) o. @hart)
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