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SuperSystem: Super Miniature Battles in the Four-Color World! 2nd Edtion By Scott R. Pyle and David K. Lewis

Cover painting: Christopher Moeller Editing: David K. Lewis, Agis Neugebauer, Rich Oden, Aaron obul Comic Art: Kim Allman Interior illustrations: Jan Anarella, C hris Moeller, Tomas Scioli, and Rich Yanizeski Layout and design: Daniel Yauger Character Designs: Kim Allman, Jan Anarella, Jerry Frazee, Scott Pyle, Charles Hiber, and Alan Abrahamsen Playtesting: Brandon Gromis, Charles Hiber, Lee Howard, Jeff King, David K. Lewis, Enrico Nardini, Agis Neugebauer, Rich Oden, Louis Reash, Aaron obul, om Weiss, Tomas Whitten  WestWind estWind Productions, Productions, 2006 Publisher:  W

Special Thanks:  JoAnn Rizzo ISBN 0-9774845-1-3 2nd Printing

 Table of of Contents Chapter I: SuperSystem Core Rules ................... ....................................... ...................... .. 5 

--Introduction .................................................................................. ...................................................................................... 5 --SuperSystem -SuperSystem Basics ....................................................................... ........................................................................... 5 --Anatomy of a Hero ......................................................................... ......................................................................... 6 --Te -Te Combat Round ......................................................................... ......................................................................... 7 --Initiative ........................................................................................ ............................................................................................ 7 --Actions .......................................................................................... .............................................................................................. 7 --Movement..................................................................................... ........................................................................................ 8 --Close Combat ............................................................................... ................................................................................... 9 --Ranged Combat ............................................................................ ............................................................................ 10 --Combat Maneuver Maneuverss ....................................................................... ....................................................................... 12 --Damage --Damage. . .................................... ........................................................................... .................................................... ............. 15 --Live to Fight Another Day. ................................. ........................................................... .......................... 15 Chapter II: Character Creation ............................. .............................................. ................. 16

--Building a Character Character....................................... ..................................................................... ................................ 16 --Dice Pool Caps....................................... .............................................................................. ....................................... 16 --Attributes ...................................................................................... ...................................................................................... 16 --Powers. --Pow ers. ...................................... ............................................................................. .................................................... ............. 18 --Power --Pow er Mods .................................................................................. .................................................................................. 38 Chapter III: Henchmen ................................................................... ................................................................... 42 --Henchmen Grouping .................................................................... .................................................................... 42 --Henchmen in Close Combat ........................................................ ........................................................ 42 --Henchmen in Ranged Combat ..................................................... ..................................................... 43 --Henchmen and Damage ............................................................... ............................................................... 43 --Henchmen in Vehicles .................................................................. .................................................................. 43 Chapter IV: The Four- Color World ........................ ......................................... ................. 44

--Te -Te Factions Factions...................................... ............................................................................. ............................................. ...... 44

--Spending Experience.................................. ..................................................................... ................................... 48 --Henchmen and Experience ........................................................... ........................................................... 50 --Scenarios ..................................................................................... ......................................................................................... 50 --Post-Battle .................................................................................. ...................................................................................... 51 --Henchmen and Post-Battle..................................... ........................................................... ...................... 51 --Scenario Index...................................... ............................................................................. ........................................... 51 --Post-Battle ables ables ...................................... ......................................................................... ................................... 54 --Special Event Index.................................... ....................................................................... ................................... 55 --Scenario Scripts .................................... ........................................................................... ........................................... 56 Chapter VI: Official Super Teams..................... ......................................... ...................... 58

--Super Simians ............................................ ............................................................................... ................................... --Te -Te Zero Foundation Foundatio n ............................................... ..................................................................... ...................... 58 60 --Te -Te Knights of Dis ...................................................................... .......................................................................... 62 --Te -Te Sub-Atomics ........................................ ........................................................................... ................................... 64 --Freedom’ --Freed om’s Five ............................................................................... ............................................................................... 62 --Te -Te Freebooters Freebooters ................................... .......................................................................... ........................................... 65 --Shock Force................................... .......................................................................... ................................................ ......... 66 --Atlantis Front....................................... .............................................................................. ........................................... 68 --S-Men ......................................................................................... ............................................................................................. 69 --Sons of Poseido Poseidon n ............................................................ ........................................................................... ............... 70 --Te -Te VanG.U anG.U.A.R.D .A.R.D....................................................................... ....................................................................... 71 --Red Patriot Movement...................................... .................................................................. ............................ 74 --Alien Host..................................... ............................................................................ ................................................ ......... 75 --Cult of Super-Assassins .............................................................. .................................................................. 77 --Larcenous Legion....................................... .......................................................................... ................................... 78 --Scions of Atlantis .......................................................................... .......................................................................... 79 --Crusaders of Crime ....................................................................... ....................................................................... 80 --Defenders-55 .................................. --Defenders......................................................................... ................................................ ......... 83 -- G.A.R.O.U .................................................................................. .................................................................................. 84


--Free Agents ................................................................................... ................................................................................... 87 Chapter V: Series in SuperSystem .................. ...................................... ....................... ... 48

--Match-Ups.................................................................................... .................................................................................... 48 --Experience..................................................................................... ..................................................................................... 48  4

 Appendix: Play Aids .................. ....................................... ......................................... ...................... .. 92




henchmen can also possess superhuman powers, they never rise to

SuperSystem (S2) is a fast-paced, skirmish-level superhero miniatures battle game designed to simulate comic book clashes c lashes between heroes and villains. Playing a game with SuperSystem requires the following: a copy of these rules, painted miniatures (Four-Color Figures produces a full line of superhero miniatures called SuperFigs especially designed for SuperSystem), S uperSystem), around 20 six-sided dice, copies of the SuperSheets printed in the appendix of this book, pencils, and a roughly 4’ x 4’ playing area. SuperSystem SuperSystem is an ideal game for two players, but more participants can get involved for longer, multimultiplayer games.

levels of the characters. Battles in SuperSystem can be played as one-off encounters, or as extended campaigns where heroes and villains develop unique personalities, gain new abilities, and sometimes suffer grievous injuries. Tese developments occur over a number of game sessions, and are known in SuperSystem as Series. Rules for running Series in S2 are included in Chapter V.

Is This a 2nd Edition?

Battles in SuperSystem can involve as few as two models mo dels per side, or as many as ten to thirty t hirty models per side. Tere are two basic types of models in SuperSystem: SuperSyst em: characters and henchmen. Characters are the heroes and villains that make up the superhuman population of

Is this a 2nd edition or a second printing? In some ways, it’s both! Fans of the original SuperSystem rules will notice some of the same material in this volume as in the original, however, a great deal has also been changed. Many of the powers have been revised for clarity and better game-play. Powers from Invasion and Showdown have also been incorporated into this revised version to create a more complete

Four-Color Earth, the fictional setting of the game. Henchmen are their underlings, goons, mooks, or cannon fodder. Although some

reference volume. Power and rule text in this version takes precedence over all other versions.

SUPERSYSTEM BASICS  THE MOST IMPORTANT IMPORTANT RULE SuperSystem is your game. If you don’t like the way something works, discuss it with your gaming group and make a change that is acceptable to everyone.

 THE GOAL ROLL   Te heart of the SuperSystem SuperSystem is the Goal Roll. Roll. Most Most actions in the game require a goal roll, and during every goal roll a model has a certain number, or pool of dice which its player must roll. Te player rolls the dice and looks for dice rolling 4 or greater (i.e., 4, 5, or 6); this will determine the number of goals collected in that throw. Dice rolling less than 4 are ignored.

Example: The Blur wishes to strike a foe in Close Combat. He rolls 5 dice and gets a 2, 3, 4, 4, and 5, for a total of 3 Goals. Models in the SuperSystem possess four basic attributes rated by a number of dice. Te four attributes are Strength, Agility, Mind, and Resolve. For example, a model with Strength 4 would roll four dice for damage in close combat, while a model with Agility 3 would roll three t hree dice to strike a target in close combat or at range. As stated above, any die rolling 4+ counts toward the total goals scored, and lower die rolls are ignored.


Rolling a 6 in SuperSystem is special. Whenever Whenever a model rolls a 6 on a throw it counts as two goals.

Example: John Henry’s player rolls his ve Strength dice and gets 1, 3, 4, 4, and 6 for a total of four goals. SuperSystem



Unopposed Goal Rolls In an unopposed goal roll, the player rolls a number of dice equal to her model’s relevant attribute, and counts up the number of goals. At least one goal is needed to succeed at the minimum level.

added to the effects of its action. In all opposed goal rolls, ties go to the defender.

Example: Hardcore is trying to leap a 2” chasm between buildings. She possesses Strength 4, and so her player rolls 4 dice, getting 1, 2, 2 and 5 for one goal. Just enough to make it to the other side.

Example: The Ox and Wildman are tangling in a back alley in Steel City. The Ox attacks with Agility 4, and so his player rolls 4 dice getting 1, 3, 4, and 5 for two goals. Wildman’s player rolls his Agility 5 and gets a 1, 1, 2, 3, and 5 for only one goal. The Ox wins two goals to one, and adds his net of one goal to the damage.

Difficult Rolls


Some unopposed goal rolls are simple rolls, requiring only one goal to succeed. However, certain circumstances may call for a model to roll three or more goals in order to succeed. Tese are difficult goal rolls. Difficult goal rolls are always noted in rule and scenario text with the number of goals required in parenthesis, for example, Difficult (3).

Opposed Goal Rolls Some of the most important goal rolls in S2 are Opposed Goal Rolls.  When one model attacks attacks another, another, the attacker’ attacker’ss relevant attribute is pitted against the defender’s relevant attribute in an opposed contest.  Te model that gains gains more goals goals (dice rolling 4+) wins the contest, contest, and in the case of combat, might successfully strike, harm, dodge, or resist injury. In some cases, a model’s net goals are

Some powers in SuperSystem grant models re-rolls, allowing them to pick-up dice and re-roll them. If opposing models both possess re-rolls, both players decide how many dice they wish to re-roll after initial attack and defense goal rolls are made. Te attacker announces his intended re-rolls first, followed by the defender. Even if a player possesses multiple re-rolls, a single die may only ever be re-rolled one time.

Example: The Hyboriape and John Henry battle amidst the ruins of some ancient temple. Hyboriape (2 re-rolls for damage) strikes John Henry (3 re-rolls for damage resisresis tance). On his damage goal roll the Hyboriape’s player gets the following: 1, 2, 2, 4, 4, 5, 6, and 6 (scoring 7 goals). John Henry’s player rolls 2, 2, 4, 5, 5, and 6 on his damage resis tance goal roll (scoring 5 goals).

After looking at their rolls, the players decide to employ their re-rolls. Hyboriape’s player announces she is using both of the super-ape’s re-rolls, re-rollre-rolling the 1 and 2 and getting 1 and a 4, for one additional goal, bringing his total to 8. John Henry’s player chooses to use only 2 of his 3 rerolls, re-rolling the pair of 2’s and getting a 2 and a 3 for no additional goals, keeping his total at 5 and thus suffering 3 lost Vitality from the attack. His player could not at this time decide to employ his third re-roll, as all re-rolls must be announced before either player actually rerolls any dice.

Rounding It is sometimes necessary to round numbers in SuperSystem. When doing so, use the standard conventions for rounding, with a decimal of .5 or greater rounding up toward the next whole number, and a decimal of .4 or lower rounding down.


 The Four Attributes SuperSystem characters are made up of four primary attributes rated in numbers of dice. Tey are as follows: Strength: Physical power, damage-dealing capacity, and damage resistance capacity. 6



 Agility: Nimbleness, skill in close combat and accuracy at range.

completed its last action, a new round begins with the Initiative phase.

Mind: Perception, and the attack value for mental attacks.

Rounds and Turns

Resolve: Willpower  Willpower,, courage, courage, resistance to pain and mental mental attacks.

In S2, a Round consists of a number of urns equal to the number of models involved in the battle. Each model gets a urn to activate.

Other Values

Details of Initiative 

Beyond the four attributes, several other values play an important role in defining an S2 character. Unlike attributes, some of these values are

Before the battle begins, each player designates one of his models as the Leader of his team. At the beginning of each Round, each player

not rated in terms of numbers of dice.

makes an Initiative goal roll his attributes leader. Leaders Lead ers possess Initiative dice equal to their Agility orfor Mind (player’s choice) plus any dice they have in special effects like Lightning Reflexes or Lightning Strategist (see the Power section in Chapter II). Te leader who scores the higher number of goals wins the initiative for that round and may decide whether he wishes to activate one of his models first that round, or whether he wishes to defer to his opponent. ies are broken by comparing AP totals (higher wins). If AP totals are tied, then players should each roll a single D6 until one of them scores a higher roll.

 Action Points: Action Points, Points, or AP’s, measure how much a model can do in the course of its turn. Te number of inches moved and the number of attacks delivered are both governed by a model’s total AP. Every action has a cost in AP. Tese costs will be more thoroughly discussed in later sections. Models spend AP during the course of a turn, and once out of AP, can take no further actions until the beginning of their next turn, when their AP pools replenish. AP cannot be saved across turns. A model’s AP is equal to the sum of its Agility and Mind attributes. If Ox had Agility 4 and Mind 3, he would have 7 AP per turn with which to conduct his actions. Powers: Powers define the superhero genre, and models in the S2 can have any number of amazing abilities. Many powers are available to models, and all are listed in Chapter II: Character Creation.  Vitality: Vitality measures a model’s health, or how many hits the model can take before it goes down. A model’s starting Vitality is equal to the sum of its Strength and Resolve. If the Blur had Strength 3 and Resolve 4, he would have a starting Vitality of 7. Dice Pools: Models in SuperSystem often add their attribute dice totals to any number of powers and special effects to form larger dice pools. o make combat run more smoothly, the SuperSheet lists blocks for the five most common dice pools used in the game.

 Te five dice pools are:  Attack (ATT) – Agility + Combat Sense or Mind + Combat Sense Defense (DEF) – Agility + Force-Field Damage Resistance (DR) – Strength + Armor, or Elasticity 

 When one model activates activates it takes its turn, turn, then then a model from the opposing force activates and takes its turn, and so on until all models have taken their turn for that round.

Multiple Leaders  When a team’s team’s leader leader is KO’ KO’ed ed or taken out of action, action, its player must must choose another model from f rom the team as the new leader.

Held Actions  An activated activated model model may hold hold its action action by spendin spendingg 2 of its its available available  AP,, saving  AP saving the the rest for for use later later in the round. If this held held action would interrupt the action of an opposing model, the two models should make Opposed Agility goal rolls, with the winner taking his action. ies go to the model with the higher base AP total, with further ties settled by a simple D6 roll. Held actions may not carry over to the next round. Opposing models interrupted by a model with a held action may finish their actions once the interrupting model has completed its turn.  An interrupted model directly affected affected by a model model with a held action (i.e., attacked) attacked) may resume its turn once the interrupting model has completed its attacks (provided it is still able).

 – Strength + Melee Attack, or ranged attack pool Damage  Will (WIL)(Dam)  – Resolve + Iron Will

 ACTIONS  THE COMBAT ROUND Like most miniatures games, the SuperSystem features a specific sequence of events that helps to organize the chaos of a slugfest between superhuman foes. Tis sequence is known as the Combat Round, or Round for short. S2 rounds are broken down into only two phases: 1.) Initiative  2.) Actions

 When a model activates, activates, it spends AP’s to move and attack attack in nearly any sequence. All actions have an AP cost, and some of the major ones are listed below. Tere is no specific sequence of actions a model must follow. A blaster with 11 AP available could move 2” into firing position, blast away at her foes twice for 4 AP each, then finish her turn by moving 1” behind a nearby wall. Alternatively, the same blaster could choose to remain still and fire off two bursts at 4 AP each, and and then elect to hide with 2 of her remaining 3 AP.

 Tese two phases phases transform the chaos chaos of super combat combat into a playable playable and orderly game turn.

INITIATIVE  Te Initiative phase in SuperSystem SuperSystem determines the order in which which models will take their turns. When the last model to act in a round has

 ACTION Move Close Combat Attack Ranged Combat Attack Charge Stand Up Hide  Activate Device/Pick-up Device/Pick-up Object

COST 1” per AP 3 AP 4 AP 2” per AP 2 AP 2 AP 2 AP



MOVEMENT Measuring Movement and Base Contact SuperSystem movements are all measured in inches, and measurements are taken from the edge of the model’s base to the edge of an opposing model’s base (in the case of measuring distances for charges and ranged combat). Ultimately Ultimately it will not matter if the models you are using have varying base sizes, the advantages and disadvantages of larger and smaller bases balance out in the end. Base Contact occurs  when one model’s model’s base base touches another another model’s model’s base. Tis is normally the only way enemy models may fight in close combat.

Facing Facing is never an issue in the SuperSystem; it is always assumed that a model can see 360 degrees around itself. A model may change its facing at no AP cost.

Standard Movement In standard movement, models can cover up to a number of inches equal to their AP. A model may choose to move, conduct some other action, move again, act again, and so on, completing a number of actions up to its AP total. A model may move into close combat. Tis tactic is especially useful when enemy combatants are already close at hand, allowing for maximum use of the attacking model’s AP. Models cannot save AP across turns; a model begins begins every turn with its starting AP total.

has declared the model has landed. Models in flight should be marked  with an appropriate appropriate counter to avoid avoid confusion. confusion. A model model in flight receives significant significant bonuses to its defense against ranged attacks (see the Flight power), as as its speed and constant motion make it difficult to target. On the other hand, a model in flight can always be seen, no matter where it stands on the board. A flying model may not hide unless it ends its movement grounded, or behind a building or other terrain feature large enough to screen it. Models that are KO’ed in flight are subject to falling damage. Te distance fallen is equal to twice the model’s AP in inches.

 Jumping  A model that wishes to jump a chasm makes a Strength Strength goal roll. A model can jump 2” horizontally and 1” vertically for every goal rolled.  Jumping costs a number of AP equal to the distance distance jumped. A model may not jump a distance further than its available AP. Players may not pre-measure the distance needed to jump a chasm. Instead the intention to jump is announced, then the distance is measured and the Strength goal roll is made. Models failing to score enough goals to make the jump fall.

Standing Up Models in S2 will sometimes find themselves blown across the battlefield and unceremoniously deposited in some dumpster or other inconvenient spot. Models who are knocked down in such a fashion must spend 2 AP at the beginning of their turn to stand up. A model that has been knocked down may not charge the turn it gets up.



Models who charge get double their AP in movement for that turn.  A model charges charges to either cover extra ground, or meet a foe in close combat. Charging models run all out, and may spend AP on nothing else that turn. However, charging models that make it into base contact with another model can make one free attack on the model at +2 dice. If a model wishes to charge, it must begin charging as its first (and only) action of that t hat turn. A model may activate certain powers (see individual power descriptions in Chapter II) or attempt some other action that costs no AP before charging. Charging is the most common method of entering Close Combat.

 A model that ends a move in some sort sort of cover may choose to spend 2 AP to Hide. A hiding model cannot be Charged or targeted by ranged attacks unless the potential attacker wins an opposed Mind vs.  Agility contest with the hiding model. Once a model model chooses to hide, its turn has ended, no matter how much AP it may have remaining. A model remains hidden until the beginning of its next turn, at which time it may decide to perform other actions and/or hide again. Opposing models may make a standard move into base contact with a hiding model, but may not attack it that round unless they have won the opposed Mind vs. Agility check explained above. Models may not

 A model must declare declare that it is attempting attempting to charge an enemy model model declare a Hide action while in base contact with enemy models. Addibefore measuring the distance between them. A model may charge an tionally, unless some other power is at work, a model may not declare a enemy that it cannot see because of terrain or other factors, but it must Hide action while in direct, unobstructed site of an opposing model. first make an unopposed Mind goal roll, needing only one to goal to succeed. Tis Mind roll costs no AP. Models in hiding cannot be  Activate Device/Pick-up Object charged unless the would-be charger wins an opposed Mind vs. Agil Tis is a catchall action action category that allows models models to interact with with ity contest. Tis Mind roll costs no AP. A model that fails to detect terrain objectives and objects in the field of play. Some scenarios may an intended target cannot charge it, and may instead choose to charge call for the activation/deactivation of a particular device (bomb, force force another foe, or do something else. field, alien space-craft, etc.), which could involve a Mind or Agility check. Some scenarios may call for the freeing of a prisoner, or the Climbing recovery of some object (a bag of jewels, experimental weapon plans, Buildings and walls outfitted with stairs and ladders are treated norcosmic rod, etc.). All of these sorts of actions fall under this category, mally for purposes of calculating distance moved. Climbing a surface and all of them cost 2 AP. Some of these actions require goal rolls,


 without stairs or ladders ladders is a special special kind of Movement Movement that costs 2 AP AP for every inch climbed. A model may not Charge up a vertical surface, and must stop at its base and wait until next turn to begin its ascent. Falling Falling models take one die of damage for every 2” fallen, and can roll normally to resist the damage. Models who survive a fall begin their next turn knocked down, and must spend 2 AP to stand up.

and some require only the expenditure of AP. Te requirements of specific actions in this category will be covered in the relevant scenario descriptions (see Chapter V: Series in SuperSystem).

COMBAT  Tere are two types of combat in SuperSystem, close combat and ranged combat. Both involve opposed goal rolls.

Flying Some models in S2 can move by flight. A model in flight remains in flight until it attacks a grounded model in close combat, or its player 8



CLOSE COMBAT Close Combat in S2 requires combatants to be in base contact. Tis is usually accomplished by one model charging another, but a model that is already close may elect to simply move into base contact, possibly possibly allowing it more than one attack during its turn. Models that charge into close combat get one free attack at +2 dice to their Agility. Even if the charging model has enough AP left over from f rom its charge for a second attack, it gets only its initial charge attack.  Te attacking model model in close combat combat rolls its Agility attribute (plus (plus Powers or situational modifiers) vs. the defender’s Agility attribute (plus Powers or situational modifiers), if the attacker gets more goals than the defender, he has hit, and adds the difference in goals to his damage dice rating. If the defender ties or gets more goals than the attacker, she has fought him off.  An attacker who moved moved into close combat combat can attack as many times as his AP will allow, and opposed Agility rolls are repeated each time.

Example: Ox and Wildman are brawling somewhere near pier nine. It’s Ox’s

turn andwith he has just charged combat Wildman. Ox rollsinto hisclose Agil Agility 4 plus two extra dice for the charge, for a total of six dice. Wildman rolls his Agility 5. Ox rolls 1, 2, 4, 4, 5, and 5 for four goals. Wildman rolls 2, 2, 3, 4, and 6 for three goals (remember 6’s count as two goals). Ox wins the contest 4 goals to 3, and adds the difference of one to his damage goal roll.

Damage in Close Combat Damage rolls in close combat are opposed actions where the attacking model rolls a number of dice equal to the attack Strength plus any net goals scored. Te defender resists using the Strength attribute (or Resolve for mental attacks), plus any dice gained f rom superpowers and/or situational factors. Any net goals scored by the attacker result in Vitality V itality loss.

Example: Ox has just struck Wildman, and now it’s time to roll for damage. Ox has Strength 6, plus one die from his net goals from the attack roll, for a total of 7 dice. Wildman has Strength 5, plus one level of the Armor power, for a total

escaping model. Tis is the equivalent of a standard 3 AP attack—special attack actions are not allowed. Tis attack is still opposed, as it is assumed that the model breaking from f rom combat is making a fighting  withdrawal from combat. If he’s fighting multiple multiple opponents, opponents, each each one gets a f ree attack. Even if the model breaking from combat takes Vitality loss, he can still get away as long as he is not KO’ed.

Multiple Foes in Close Combat Models ganging-up on a single defender gain a number of bonus attack and defense dice equal to their numerical advantage. advantage. If two models were attacking one model, each of the attacking models would gain +1 die to their Agility attribute for the attack. If on a later turn, a third model rushed in, all three models would gain +2 dice to attack

of 6 dice. Ox rolls and gets 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 6 for ve goals (with the two 6’s garnering two goals each). Wildman rolls his resistance and gets 1, 1, 2, 3, 4, and 6 for three goals. Ox wins with a2difference of 2 goals, which become Vitality points inicted on Wildman.

Breaking from Close Combat  A model can move or charge away away from close combat, but his opponent can launch an immediate, free basic attack (no AP cost) on the SuperSystem



and defense for the three-to-one advantage. Models never enjoy a bonus higher than +5 dice f rom multiple friends in close combat.  As long as one one of their fellows remains remains in contact contact with the enemy enemy,, models with a numerical advantage in close combat may break away  without suffering the normal normal penalty for breaking breaking from close combat. combat.  A single model model may split its AP to attack multiple assailants assailants in close combat with no penalties. Te model is not breaking from combat, so does not provoke any f ree attacks for doing so. Te model may divide its AP up for the attacks in any way it sees fit.

 Aid in Close Combat  When a friendly model rushes in to help a teammate assailed assailed by multiple foes, it engages one of the enemy models, and a separate close combat ensues. Keeping them in base contact, move the two models 1” away from the original close combat. Tis is not considered breaking breaking from close combat and no free f ree attacks occur.

Example: Wildman is battling Dr. Simian and The Siberian. Not liking those odds, Wildman’s comrade, the Blur, charges Dr. Simian. Simian and the Blur break off into their own, separate close combat 1” away, while Wildman and the SibeSiberian continue to battle.

Knocked-Down Models Models that are knocked down are more vulnerable to attack, and models in close combat against them receive a +1 die bonus on the attack goal roll.

Interrupted Charges  A charging model model that was interrupted interrupted by an attack attack may continue its charge provided it was not knocked down as a result of knockback (see below) or some other effect. As long as the model is not knocked back beyond its ability to t o reach its original target, it may still complete its charge. If it is knocked back beyond its ability to reach its original target (but still not knocked down) it may select another viable target to charge, or just charge to cover extra ground. It may not undertake any other non-charge actions. Charging models interrupted and attacked in close combat may elect to finish their charge as stated above, or if locked in combat with their interceptor, may instead resolve the charge attack against the intercepting model. Models that decide to continue on and leave their interceptors behind do not suffer an automatic strike as their departure is treated as simultaneous with the original interceptin interceptingg attack.

Example: The Goradiator (with 18” worth of available movement) charges a foe 10” away. Before he completes his charge he is interrupted by Ox with a held action. Ox coun ter-charges the Goradiator, hits him, and knocks him back 4”. The Goradiator keeps his feet, passing his knockdown test. Checking the range, he is still within 18” of his original foe and continues on after him.

RANGED COMBAT Ranged combat in S2 occurs when a model attacks another model from a distance using a ranged attack power or a thrown object. In most cases, a model will use its Agility attribute as the basis for the ranged attack. In the case of ranged mental attacks, the Mind attribute is used. Most often the defender will oppose the attacker  with the Agility attribute, attribute, but but against mental mental attacks Resolve is used instead. If the attacker rolls more goals than the defender, the shot results in a hit, and the attacker adds his net goals to the damage goal roll.

Example: Doc Shock res an electro-burst at Wildman. He rolls his Agility and gets 6 goals for the attack, and Wild -

man rolls his Agility and gets 3 goals for defense. Doc Shock has hit, and adds his net goals of 3 to the opposed damage goal roll. Shocking. Damage rolls in ranged combat are opposed actions where the attacking model rolls a number of dice equal to the attack Strength plus any goals netted from f rom the attack action. Te defender defender resists using the Strength attribute (or Resolve for mental attacks), plus any dice gained from superpowers and/or situational factors.

Seeing Targets  A model must be able to see a target target to hit it with a ranged ranged attack. If the attacking model cannot see at least some part of its intended target, it may not fire. Friendly Friendly models do not block line of site or 10



provide cover, but enemy models do.

Switching Targets If a model has the AP to do so, it may fire ranged attacks at multiple targets with no penalty. For example, Megapulse has 10 AP, and can see Doc Shock and Wildman. W ildman. She can fire once at Doc Shock, then turn and fire once at Wildman, for a total of 8 AP. She could use her remaining 2 AP to move, or do something else.

 Attack Ranges  All ranged attacks attacks in SuperSystem, whether they be a .44 Magnum Magnum or a flame blast possess a stated range measured in inches. A player should announce his model’s intent to make a range attack at a designated target, then measure the distance. If the target falls within the attack’s stated range, an opposed attack goal roll is made. If the target stands outside of the attack’s stated range, it automatically misses. Example: Te robotic duplicator the Fission possesses a standard 30” ranged attack. Te Fission’s player announces he will target the Hyboriape, who stands across the battlefield from him. Te distance is measured as 27”, within the Fission’s 30” range, so his player makes his attack goal roll, and the Hyboriape’s player makes his defense goal roll.

Pre-Measuring  Te fast-paced action of an S2 game allows fast-paced allows no time for pre-measurpre-measuring ranges between models. When making ranged attacks, it is up to a player’s judgment whether or not his model’s attack is in range of its target. Te attack is first declared, and then range is measured. If the target is within the attacker’s stated range, the attack continues, other wise the shot falls short or goes goes awry, awry, and and no dice are are rolled. Cover 

becomes necessary necessary to target a spot on the battlefield instead (i.e., Area Area of Effect attacks or Trowing/Leaping to a location rather than at a target model).  o target a spot on the battlefield, models make an  o an Agility (plus any any bonus targeting dice) goal roll with a difficulty 2 if the spot is within half their power’s stated range and 4 if it is greater than half their stated range. If the roll fails to hit the spot directly, the shot deviates.  Te effect, object, or leaper’s actual landing landing spot careens careens off 2 D6” (roll two six-sided dice and add the results) in a random direction determined by the roll of 1 D6 on the scatter diagram shown below:







Ranged Attacks in Close Combat

 Tere are two types of cover in S2, S2, hard and soft. Hard cover is is any substance with stopping power like a wall, car, or other structure. Soft cover is a less durable form of cover that still might spoil an attacker’s aim or deflect a shot. Examples Examples of soft sof t cover include hedges, clotheslines, or hostages.

 A model in close combat combat who possesses possesses a Ranged Attack power may may use this power against an opponent in close combat with them with no penalty. Tis attack still costs 4 AP. However, if they choose to fire at a target that isn’t in close combat with them, all models in close combat  with them can launch launch an immediate immediate free attack (no AP cost) on on the firing model.

Models in hard cover receive +2 dice to their defense rolls.


Models in soft cover receive +1 die to their defense rolls.  As models in S2 are thought to be in constant motion, motion, a model need only be partially obscured by the cover to receive its full benefits. If even just a leg or arm is obscured, the model is in cover!

Firing into Close Combat Models can fire ranged attacks into close combat, but but their targets

 When a target is struck for a Vitality loss from a physical attack (not (not mental) there is the possibility the t he target will be knocked back (KB). Roll 1 KB die for each vitality inflicted; the target is knocked back 1” per goal rolled. If the original damage roll benefited from a Super Attribute (granting (granting re-rolls), then the KB dice dice also benefit. argets not KO’d by KB attacks may make a Difficult (3) Agility goal roll to stay on their feet, otherwise, they are knocked down. Tere is no extra damage inflicted by KB, even if the target hits something solid. Te damage inflicted inflicted from the original attack and KB is summed up in the

make their opposed Agility roll at +1 die. If the firing model misses, there is a chance that the other models in the close combat could be hit by the attack. Assign Assign each additional model in the close combat a number between one and six, then roll a D6. If a model’s number is rolled, it is hit by the errant attack. Te damage caused is the base damage of the attack.

original attack damage. Models Models knocked from great heights do take additional damage for falling unless they possess an appropriate power (i.e., Flight, elekinesis).

Stacking Modifiers Modifiers for ranged combat stack. For instance, if Lamprey unleashes an electro-burst at a target standing in soft cover while battling one of her allies, her target would have a +2 dice bonus to its defense roll for the shot (+1 die from the soft cover and +1 dice for firing into close combat).

 Targeting a Spot on the Battlefield Most of the time models target other models, but it sometimes

Knocked back models travel in a path directly opposite the facing of the model that struck str uck them, and will blast through any normal solid objects they encounter, but will travel 1” less for each object passed through. Knocked Knocked back models that travel off of a board edge are placed at the edge of the board they exited, and begin their next turn at 1/2 their AP, and may not charge. Flying models are easier to KB, and suffer +2 dice of KB, but but automatically pass the knockdown check.  Te Precision Precision Attack maneuver maneuver does not cause KB. KB. Models Models possessing possessing the Density Increase or Growth powers, or the Massive power reduce KB by -1” per active level. Models possessing the Shrinking power increase KB by +1” per active level.





cannot exceed +5 dice. Tis cannot be used in conjunction with the Rapid Fire special effect.

Combat maneuvers provide models with additional options in battle. Some combat maneuvers have special prerequisites involved in their use,  while others must be be used used at a speci specific fic time time during during the model’s turn. turn.

Example: Five Lemurian Shark Troopers with Aqua Blasters decide to Concentrate re on the Blur. The attack would cost 5 AP and give them a +2 die bonus to their Agility goal roll for the shot.

Concentrated Fire   AP Cost: 5 Effects: Henchmen groups possessing Ranged Attacks can concentrate their fire on a single target for more effective results. Concentrated Fire adds +1 die to the Henchmen Group’s Agility goal roll for every two members beyond the first one in the group. Tis bonus

Fight Defensively  AP Cost: 4 Effects: As the final action of their turn, models in close combat can choose to Fight Defensively. Tis costs 4 AP, and gives the model +1 die to its Agility for its defense goal rolls against all attacks it faces until its next turn.

Grab  AP Cost: 2/4 Effects: Grab Maneuver: Models can use this maneuver to pick up objects or other models that they wish to throw or squeeze for damage later. It costs 2 AP to pick up an unresisting object, unconscious model, or friendly/willing model, but costs 4 AP to pick up a resisting model (it takes

more effort to grab opposing models than it does to




strike them). If a resisting model is grabbed, a damage goal roll may be made as normal (if the grabbing model decides it wants to squeeze its captured foe). Melee Attack dice are not added to this roll. Because of the difficulty of getting a solid hold on a resisting foe, targets receive +2D to their Agility goal rolls to avoid being grabbed. Once grabbed, models models may simply apply their Strength damage to the model or object automatically as a normal 3 AP attack (no attack roll needed while squeezing grabbed models, but normal damage resistance rolls apply), but after every such attempt resisting targets receive a free escape attempt (see below). By spending 5 AP, or after each squeeze attack, models that are still able to resist can try to escape the hold, but cannot move, perform close combat, or ranged attacks while held. Tis is an opposed Strength check, but both models receive +1D for each active level of Growth, and escaping escaping models get +1D for each level of Escape Artist and active Shrinking levels. If the escaping model *beats* its captor’s goal total, it escapes and is placed adjacent to its opponent. Grabbed models that are significantly larger than their attacker (3+ size categories larger) do not have to try to escape on their action as they aren’t restricted in their ability to act. A grabbed model of this size may act as normal, despite its unwanted passenger, including moving, charging, attacking and performing other actions. Te smaller model still gets to apply damage as per the rules presented above until the larger model successfully swats it off (either with free f ree attempts or as a full turn action). Models possessing the Damaging Aura power (whether they are the attacker or the defender) deal DA damage when the successful Grab is first made, and at the beginning of each model’s turn, as well as on each Squeeze attempt (see above).

dice that must be preceded by its player delivering a long, haranguing monologue about how he or she will crush/defeat/overcome his or her foe because his cause is righteous/evil/ destined etc. Tis Tis Soliloquy must be role-played to the hilt.

Super-Club  AP Cost: 3 Effects: Models wishing to strike foes with large, heavy objects should use the Size Benchmark Chart (see Sidebar) to determine whether they are capable of lifting it. Super-Clubs provide super-strong characters with a better means of striking otherwise elusive foes. o use a club, a model must first be adjacent to the object, and then spend 2 AP to pick it up, uproot it, tear it free of its moorings, etc. Once held, the object can be wielded as a club at will. Because of their awkwardness, models may not charge with makeshift clubs of Class B or larger size. Models wielding such clubs should be marked with an appropriate counter or piece of modeled terrain to indicate their makeshift weapon.

Super-Clubs grant a bonus to both attack and damage goal rolls.  Te bonus is based based on the size of the object: +1D for Small, +2D for Medium, and +3D for Large or bigger Objects. If a model only barely qualifies to lift the object and use it as a club, any club attacks with it are considered “slow” and cost +1 AP. If a model possesses more strength than what is required, club attacks with the object are made at the normal Close Combat AP cost. Super-Clubs cannot be used in conjunction with the Melee Attack power.



Example: The Ox acts before Pyros (DA 6D[1]) during a combat round, and has just successfully Grabbed him. After resolving the damage for the Grab, the Ox takes damage from Pyros’ DA. With 3 AP remaining for that round, the Ox





Squeezes Pyros, damage, but then his must resist the damage fromresolving Pyros’ DAthe (and Pyros receives free escape attempt from the Squeeze). When Pyros’ turn begins, he rolls his DA against Ox. He may then attempt to escape the Grab or perform any other actions he is capable of doing.

Class A

S-Strength x 1

Class B

S-Strength x 2


EXAMPLES Grocery Cart, Cash Register,@80 lbs. Cement Bag, Standard model, @400lbs. Motorcycle, Massive x 1

model,@1 on x 2+ model,    ruck, ruck, Massive Massive Dumpster, @5 ons Small ank, Density Increased Model, Large  ruck   ruck @25 ons

 AP Cost: 6 Effects: Models with Super-Strength level 1 or greater may elect to throw a Haymaker punch at their opponents. Tis adds +3 dice to the model’s Strength for the attack.

Class C

S-Strength x 3

Class D

S-Strength x 4

Precision Attack 

Class E

S-Strength x 5

 AP Cost: +1 AP Effects: Models in Combat may make a precise attack at +1 die to their Agility. Precision attacks do not cause knockback.

Quick Attack   AP Cost: 2 Effects: Models in Close Combat with only two AP remaining at the end of their turn can elect to make a Quick Attack. Quick Attacks give their opponents +1 die for their defense rolls.

Soliloquy Attack   AP Cost: 5 Effects: Once per game a model may make a Soliloquy Attack at +3

Locomotive, Large ank @100 ons Small Ship, Empty rain @500 ons Loaded train, large building, @1 kiloton

Object Size: Descriptor of the size of the object required to lift or wield the object (SStrength: Minimum Strength required Strength refers to Super-Streng S uper-Strength) th) Examples: Real-world examples of objects

 Throw Object  AP Cost: 4 Effects: Models may choose to throw t hrow something as a 4 AP maneu ver.. A model may only throw an item that it has already  ver already grabbed grabbed (see the Grab maneuver described above). Te Size Benchmark Chart in the sidebar on this page describes the amount of strength needed to 13



lift/wield an object as a club. If a model barely qualifies to lift/wield it, it can only throw the object 1d6-1”, but if its Strength level is above that which is needed, it can make a Strength roll to throw the object either Long or High with the maximum distance based on the number of goals achieved. If the model chooses Long, the target travels a maximum distance of 5” long and 3” high per goal rolled. If the model chooses High, the target travels a maximum distance of 3” long and 5” high per goal rolled. If the distance rolled matches or exceeds the distance to the target, the object arrives at the t he target destination, and the throwing model makes an attack goal roll using its Agility plus any other applicable powers,  while the target target attempts to evade in the normal fashion. fashion. It’s easier to strike and damage a foe with a larger object. Te attacker’s bonus to attack and damage dice pools is based on the size of the object. It is +1D for Small, +2D for Medium, and +3D for Large or bigger Objects.  A model may throw throw other models using using this maneuver. maneuver. Friendly models must be adjacent to the throwing model and it must first spend 2  AP to grab them. Trown models models will suffer 6D of damage at the end of the throw if they do not make a difficult (4) Agility goal roll. Tis damage is resisted normally, and rolled by the opposing player. Models possessing a power do thatnot would Parachute, elekinesis) have negate to makethis thiscondition test, and(i.e., take Flight, no damage. Friendly models thrown into enemies count as Charging, and if they have a Held action may make an attack at +2 dice. Enemy models may be thrown using this maneuver, but they must first be successfully grabbed by their opponent.

 Trown objects objects that miss their mark mark go careening careening off 2 D6” (roll two six-sided dice and add the results) in a random direction determined by the roll of 1 D6 on the scatter diagram shown below:







It up to on players to set ground rules on the nature of thrown objects. If is playing a board with a lot of well-modeled terrain features, it’s it’s easy to determine whether a Super-Strong S uper-Strong hero or villain has the ammunition at hand to throw at his foes. In a situation where appropriate terrain features are not available, clearly clearly marked paper or card counters  will do the trick. Te players players can place these before the battle begins in mutually agreed upon locations.




DAMAGE IN SUPERSYSTEM  TRACKING DAMAGE Every character model in the S2 has a Vitality rating tracked along the bottom of the SuperSheet (See Appendix). Damage Damage for Henchmen groups is discussed in Chapter III: Henchmen. A model always begins Onein Shot battlecan at its peak Vitality (Strength + Resolve). Modelsevery involved a Series have injuries carry over from f rom battle to battle. For more information on the nature of Series battles see the  Appendix. Vitality is lost whenever a model model is hit and then loses loses the opposed damage contest. Te number of points lost in a single attack equal the difference between the attacker’s damage goal total and the defender’s resistance goal total.

Example: Ox has just struck Wildman with one of his patented haymakers and rolled 6 goals on damage. Wildman rolls 3 goals on his resistance, and thus takes 3 points of Vitality loss. Vitality is marked off moving from left to right on the track.

KO Checks  Te last box in the Vitality track has the letters KO KO printed in it. KO is short for Knockout, and when a model has its last Vitality box marked off, it must make a difficult unopposed Resolve check to remain standing. Te model must roll at least 4 goals on this check, or it is placed face down on the table where it last stood. Unless it possesses the Regeneration power, or a comrade can use the Healing power on it, the model is effectively out of the battle. If the model makes its KO check, it can remain standing and fight as normal. However, if it sustains any further Vitality loss, it is KO’ed  with no further Resolve checks. Te model is placed placed face down to await its fate.

Initiative for KO’ed Models KO’ed models are activated as normal during the course of the round. Once they activate the affects of any powers or special conditions (like

is necessary as the KO’ed model is utterly defenseless; only the 2 AP need be spent to deliver the killing blow. A model who is in base contact with both a KO’ed and a fully functioning enemy model cannot spend 2 AP to deliver a Coup de Grace as it must fully concentrate on battling the more dangerous foe.

‘Cuff ‘Em Heroic models unwilling to compromise their ideals by using excessive force can choose a gentler option when disposing of KO’ed enemies. ‘Cuff ‘Em works just like a Coup de Grace, but treats killed rolls on the Coup de Grace table as the next higher result. Healing  Te only ways a KO’ KO’ed ed model can rejoin rejoin the battle are are through HealHealing or Regeneration (see the Powers section below). Models in S2 do not normally recover Vitality points in the midst of a battle, but certain superpowers can allow for Vitality recovery recovery.. No matter how much Vitality loss a KO’ed model has sustained, it is always healed as if it were starting at 0 Vitality; Vitality ; any overrun is ignored because a model cannot be dropped to negative Vitality.

Example: Wildman is at 0 Vitality, but has made his KO check and has kept ghting. Unfortunately for him, MisMis tress Nightmare hits him with a nasty mental bolt that fries him for 4 Vitality points. As a model operating at 0 Vitality, any amount of damage will KO Wildman with no further KO checks. He drops to the ground a babbling ruin of a hero. But, Wildman possesses the Regeneration power, allowing him to recover 1 Vitality point per turn. Even though at 0 Vitality he took 4 more points, his Regeneration power will bring him up to 1 next turn (unless Mistress Nightmare or another enemy model can get to him before hand and deliver a Coup de Grace).

LIVE TO FIGHT ANOTHER DAY... Sometimes when comrades are falling all around you the best thing  you can can do is cut your your losses losses and quit the battle battle.. If a team team has lost two character models, or 50% of its force in points, whichever comes first,

Regeneration) take effect.

Coup de Grace  KO’ed models are at the mercy of their enemies. An enemy model in base contact with a KO’ed foe can elect to spend 2 AP and deliver a Coup de Grace blow that removes the model from the table. No roll

its player may elect to Live to Fight Another Day and flee the field at the beginning of a round, before Initiative has been determined. At this point, the game simply ends, and the heroes or villains make a convenient escape. However, this ensures the t he opposing player total victory, victo ry, and any scenario special conditions count in his favor. See Chapter V: Series in SuperSystem for more details on scenarios and victory conditions.



BUILDING A CHARACTER Building a character in SuperSystem involves spending Build Points on Attributes and Powers. Tere are four basic steps to building a character:      

1.) Determine otal Build points 2.) Assign Attribute values 3.) Determine Powers (and Power Mods) 4.) Determine Affiliation (eam Name or Free Agent)

Guidelines  Te amount ofnumber points players points ma y spend a model’s model’sinAttributes Attrib utespowers and the maximum of dice may that may beonpurchased certain are governed by the total number of points to be spent on the model. Players may spend up to half of the model’s total BP cost or 45 pts. on a model’s Attributes, whichever is higher. Individual models should be built with a team goal in mind, as most all SuperSystem games will involve whole teams of opposing characters and henchmen. Game sizes can vary depending upon the amount of time the players have in which to play a session, or because of the structure of a particular Series. Individual models and henchmen groups are usually built at 85 pts. Guidelines for running Series and One-Shot games will be provided in a later section, but the total number of Build Points available to players for team creation is of some importance and is addressed in the chart below:  

* Small Battle: 3 models per side (265 pts. each)

power (85/10=8.5, rounded up to 9). Example: Dave is creating a 100 pt. powerhouse called Ox. Dave has already purchased Strength 7 for Ox, but also wants to add some dice in the Melee Attack power to represent Ox’s massive, massive, pummeling pummeling sts. Following the rules of the Dice Pool Cap, Dave may purchase up to 3 dice in the Melee Attack power for the Ox. Example: Scott wants to build a 100 pt. misty villainess called the Wisp. Because of her mist-like powers, she will be tough to hit. To represent this, Scott only buys the Wisp Agility 3, but then purchases 7 dice in the Force-Field

power forCap. her, taking her right up to the 10 dice maximum Dice Pool Example: Heavy-D is an 85 pt character who possesses a combination of Strength, Melee Attack, and Density Increase that totals 10 dice. In play, Heavy-D may never have more than 9 dice in his base DR pool, so the 10th die is lost. Example: Super-Charge Super-Charger’s r’s sidekick, Kid Dynamo, is built with 60 pts. Kid Dynamo possesses Agility 6 and may only buy one level of Combat Sense to take him right up to his at dice pool cap of seven dice. He may also buy up to a seven dice ranged attack. Powers marked with an asterisk (*) count, or stack, toward the dice pool cap limit.




* Medium Battle: 5 models per side (425 pts. each) * Large Battle: 8+ models per side (680+ pts. each)

 Te game plays best best when all members members of the team begin begin at the same point level (the default is 85 pts). Players can agree to vary the costs of individual models, i.e., having one 100 pt powerhouse on each five-model team, and splitting the remaining points among the group’s other four members. Henchmen groups are especially appropriate for  villainous teams, and special rules rules for building henchmen henchmen are discussed discussed in Chapter III: Henchmen. Official Four-Color Earth Super teams can be found in Chapter VI.

 Attributes are purchased purchased by the die, die, with each die costing costing a number of build points based on the Attribute’s game utility.


Strength 3 pts. per die Agility: 3 pts. per die Mind: 2 pts. per die Resolve : 2 pts. per die

No matter the total points spent, a model must purchase at least 1 die in each attribute.

Dice Pool Caps  A dice pool is a total number of dice in a power, power, or a number of total dice adding an attribute and a power. power. Dice Pool Caps limit the capabilities of characters based on the total number of points spent on the character. Models may never have more base dice in a pool than their BP/10 or 7D which ever is higher. A model may possess combinations of powers and attributes that add up to more dice than its cap allows, but only the maximum allowable dice are used in play.

 Attribute Scale

It is helpful to compare attributes to the human norm when judging a character’s capabilities, and the following table provides an Attribute scale as a guide.

Example: Manticore is an 85 pt. character. Manticore’s player, Lou, wishes to purchase a Ranged Attack power for him. By rule he may purchase no more than 9 dice in this 16



 # DICE 1-3 4-5 6-7 8+

RATING Feeble/Normal/Elite Feeb le/Normal/Elite Human Heroic Super Heroic Cosmic



POWERS Superpowers are the backbone of the SuperSystem. Superpowers, or Powers, generally do one of three things:   * Grant Re-Rolls * Provide special attacks or defenses. * Add extra dice to attack, defense, or resistance rolls. Some Powers also provide some sort of special game effect like Density Decrease, Healing, or Enhanced Senses. Every power is written in the following format: Power Name  (what  (what the power is called) BP Cost (cost in Build Points)  AP Cost (the cost to activate the power, if any) Effects (what the power does in the game) Special Effects (extras that can be purchased for the power)

Powers Break the Rules Some powers allow models to break the rules set out in the preceding sections. Whenever a power’ p ower’ss effect comes into conflict with a basic game rule, it is the power’s effect that takes precedence.

SuperSheet of the primary form. When the model suffers 2 or more points of Vitality loss from a single source while in primary form it must make a difficult (3) Resolve + Iron Will goal roll or change into its Alternate Form at the beginning of its next turn (this costs 2 AP as normal). Models Models that change due to this special effect may attempt to change back on the following turn by making a difficult (3) Resolve + Iron Will goal roll and spending 2 AP.

 ARMOR* BP Cost: 2 pts. per die  AP Cost: none Effects: Adds extra dice dice to the model’s Strength attribute for Damage Damage Resistance goal rolls.

Special Effects Super (+3 pts. per level, max 3): Models possessing this extra may re-roll a number of damage resistance dice equal to its level.  Tis power stacks with wi th Super-Strength Super-St rength for a possible po ssible maximum of six re-rolls.

Maximum Levels


 A power listed with with “max “max x” in parenthesis next to its cost may never never be raised beyond the indicated maximum level.

BP Cost: 2 pts. Effects: Berserker models are crazed battlers resistant to the effects of fear and pain. A Berserker model automatically passes its KO check  when it loses its last last Vitality point, and and adds +3 dice to its its Mind and Resolve when resisting the effects of Dominate, Mental Attack,  errifying   errifying Aura, and Mind or Resolve-based Resolve-based Flares. Flares. Unless Unless they pass a Difficult (4) Resolve goal roll, Berserker models must charge the nearest, accessible enemy model, and must always enter combat via a charge. Berserkers never have to attack KO’ed models.

 What’s in a Name? Powers in SuperSystem are generally effects-based. Players can think of powers like Force-Field Force-Field and Armor as just what their names suggest, or something else entirely, but no matter how they define them thematically, the mechanics of the powers do not change.

If no active enemy models are within line of sight to a Berserker


 ALTERNATE  ALTERNA TE FORM BP Cost: 7 pts.  AP Cost: 2 Effects: Models possessing Alternate Form have two separate profiles created prior to the start of play. Te Attributes and Powers of each form may differ as much or as little as the creating player likes, but both of the model’s forms must account for the 7 pt. cost of the Alternate Form power. Vitality loss suffered in one form is also sustained in the other, and vice versa. Injured models that revert to a lesser form may need to make a KO check once they complete the change. As long as it is the first action of its turn, shifting into Alternate Form does not preclude a model from charging, and models may also change forms  while in close combat combat with no no penalty. penalty.

 When a model purchases a power which has a limited number of uses per scenario it is only usable by the form or forms that have it, and when used all forms mark off a use for that scenario for the base power name.

Special Effects  Additional Form (+5 (+ 5 pts.): Te model may assume one additional form. A third SuperSheet should be created for the model prior to the start of play, and each form should take t ake into account the total to tal cost of Alternate form. for m. Tis effect cannot be taken in concert with Involuntary Change. Involuntary Change (-2 pts.): One of the model’s forms must be designated as its primary form; do so with a check mark on the 18

model, must make a difficult (3)models Resolveout goal the nearest itfriendly model! Berserker of roll, line or of charge site other models may act normally.

Special Effects Pain Threshold (+2 pts.): Some models are more resistant to their Berserker fury than others. Models possessing Pain Treshold Treshold do not benefit/suffer from the effects of Berserker until they have suffered at least 3 points of Vitality loss.

BODYGUARD BP Cost: 6 pts.  AP Cost: none Effects: Models possessing the Bodyguard power can absorb the

effects of ranged attacks targeted at friendly models within 3” of their position. A bodyguard bodyguard can only use this power if a friendly model is successfully struck by a physical ranged attack. Te Te ensuing damage roll is then made against the bodyguard model, and it resists using any means at its disposal (i.e., Strength, Armor, Kinetic Absorption, etc.). When a model activates the Bodyguard power, place it directly in the path of the incoming attack (if it is not already in this position).  A model may only use Bodyguard on one one friendly model against one source of attacks per round. Models that use Bodyguard to absorb attacks with Area of Effects suffer two hits f rom the attack.

Example: Zoya is standing 2” away from her teammate, Red SuperSystem


Bolt, when some unseen foe targets him with a Ranged Attack. When Red Bolt is struck by the attack, Zoya decides to use her Bodyguard power to absorb it. The damage from the attack is now rolled versus Zoya’s Strength + Armor, not Red Bolt’s, and any damage that gets through goes to Zoya. Had the successful attack also possessed the AoE special effect, Zoya would have had to absorb two hits, rst the one on Red Bolt, and then the one that would have struck her.

BOOST/DRAIN BP Cost: 5 pts. per p er die  AP Cost: 2 Effects: Models possessing this power can enhance or diminish the attributes of a model in base contact. Dice from this pool may be used to augment or diminish another model’s Attributes on a one-for-one basis. Models receiving a Boost or Drain must be in base contact, and it costs the Booster 2 AP for each model in base contact it wishes to affect. Models being Drained must first be struck

by a close model combatmay attack, and2 once worked out, the Draining spend AP todamage activatehas its been power. A close combat attack directly followed by a Drain does not cause knockback, but rather the attack sets up a quick clutch or grab that allows the Drain to do its work. When the Boosting/Draining model spends its 2  AP,, it may allocate its pool dice in any way it sees fit to  AP t o the receiving model, except that no single attribute may be affected by more than 2 dice per turn. An attribute may be assigned any number of dice, dice, with dice exceeding the max of 2 taking effect on subsequent turns. Active dice remain in effect until the beginning of the Boosting/Draining model’s next set of actions. A model’s Boost/Drain pool p ool replenishes at a rate of 2 dice per turn. Drain may never reduce Attribute levels below 1. AP and Vitality are not recalculated due to Boost/Drain. Models possessing Extra Reach

The next time Mr. Mystic goes, the Captain’s drain ef fects are reduced from 4D to 2D on both his Agility and Strength drains (so he’s still at -2D) and Mr. Mystic’s drain pool recharges by 2D. On Mr. Mystic’s next turn, the Captain will be completely recovered and Mystic’s drain pool will be up to 4D. If Mystic had only drained one stat, his recharge rate would keep up with the recovery rate. Example: Super Agent Leonard Jones possesses 4 dice of the Boost power and wishes to use it to augment the abilities of his lycanthropic teammate, Quickclaw. Moving into base contact with his feral teammate, he spends 2 AP and assigns +1 die to her Strength and +1 die to her Agility. Until the beginning of Jones’ next turn, Quickclaw will enjoy the benets of enhanced Strength and Agility, and Jones will have a depleted Boost pool of 2 dice. Example: The international super-criminal Serpent pos-

sesses a venomous energy eld that saps vigor to of make foes in base contact. Serpent’s player, Ralph, hasthe decided the reptilian villain a dedicated Drainer, with no access to the Boost aspect of the power, and then further limit it to affect only a target’s Strength or Agility attributes. The total cost for the Drain power is thus 3 pts. per die.

CLIMBING BP Cost: 3 pts.  AP Cost: Standard Movement Costs Effects: Te model is capable capable of moving up or down down vertical surfaces surfaces as if they were normal ground. If a model climbs a vertical surface that it cannot reach the top of in one round, mark its progress and place it

or Stretch Attack abilities may use Boost/Drain at their allowable

at the base of the wall until its next turn. Models that possess Super

distances, but the power may never be used beyond 6”. Soulless models are not immune to this power.

Leap and Climbing can leap to a point on any vertical surface and begin Climbing from there on there next turn. Climbing models may not Charge up vertical surfaces.

Special Effects

Special Effects

Boost/Drain Only (-1 pt. per die): Models possessing this special effect must choose either Boost or Drain.

 Vertical Charge (+2 pts.): Te model possesses possesses sufficient power power to charge full-tilt up or down vertical surfaces, and if needs be, can split its charge movement over multiple turns.

Limited Boost/Drain (-1 pt. per die):  Tis effect may be applied as a limit to what attributes a model’s Boost/Drain may effect. When purchased, the player must choose either physical (Strength/Agility) or Mental (Mind/Resolve) attribute. Boost/Drain dice may only be applied to the specified set of attributes.


 Vitality Transfer (+1 pt. per die): Tis effect gives +1 Vitality for each drain dice assigned, restoring restoring lost Vitality V itality on a one for one basis.  Any vitality over and above the model’s normal maximum maximum vitality is temporary and fades at the beginning of their next turn, but should the model take damage in the interim, it is first deducted from this excess Vitality.

Example: Mr. Mystic has an 8D drain pool that he uses on Captain Fantastic. After successfully striking him in close combat, he decides to apply a 4D drain to the Captain’s Strength and another 4D drain to his Agility.

BP Cost: 2 pts. per die  AP Cost: none Effects: Adds +1 die to the attack attack attribute for attack goal rolls. Combat Sense dice apply to both close combat and ranged attacks, but must be bought separately for Agility-based or Mind/Resolve-based attacks. If a model possesses multiple attack forms that are not all based on the Agility attribute, it should be noted which form Combat Sense augments.

Special Effects

Until Mr. Mystic goes again, the Captain’s Strength and Agility are at -2D each, but Mr. Mystic’s drain pool is entirely depleted to gain this powerful effect.

Specialized (+0 pts.): Models with this extra restrict their combat sense to only working with a single attack type ty pe (the model must have more than one attack type that the combat sense would normally affect for this option to be chosen). With the chosen attack type, ty pe, the model’s combat sense is increased by one level (this can allow the model to exceed the normal Dice Pool Cap).



Super (+3 pts. per level, max3): Models possessing this extra may re-roll a number of attack dice equal to its level. Tis power stacks  with Super-Agility or Super-Mind/Resolve Super-Mind/Resolve for a possible possible maximum of 6 re-rolls.

rounds the power is copied (minimum 1 round). Tis does not work  with the Absorption special special effect.

Example 1: Tarantula possesses Combat Sense x 2. When attacking, he would add his Combat Sense dice to normal close combat attacks, attempts to throw objects, super-club attacks, etc. Any attack based on his Agility attribute would benet from Combat Sense dice.

power. Tis effect may be purchased multiple times. Nullify (+0 pts.):  Te model does not not Copy the power, power, but but removes it, as in Absorption, above. Choosing this special effect removes the model’s ability to Copy powers, essentially making it a dedicated Nullifyer. Tis special effect may be purchased in conjunction with both the Automatic and Extra Powe Powers rs special effects.

Example 2: Mistress Nightmare, the psychic vampire has 4 pts. to spend on Combat Sense for her two primary powers, a Mind-based Flare and Boost/Drain. Since Boost/Drain requires an Agility goal roll to hit in close combat, Mistress Nightmare must buy Combat Sense twice, once for her Flare and once for her Agility-based drain attack (she could also use this die on any other Agility-based attack she made). In order to avoid confusion, Mistress Nightmare’s player would note on her SuperSheet that she possesses Combat Sense

(Mind) x 1 and Combat Sense (Agility) x 1. Example 3: Sniper (Agility 6, 85 total BP) takes Combat Sense x 3 for his Agility based powers, but Specializes in his Range Attack power. This means that his attack roll with that power would be Agility + 4D, for a total of 10 dice. However, on all of his other agility based attacks (i.e., close combat, throwing, etc.) he would roll to hit only using his base Agility attribute.


Extra Powers (+5 pts.):  Te model can copy copy and retain an extra

 Tactile (+0 pts.): Te model uses uses its Agility rather than its Mind/ Resolve to make the opposed Copy/Nullify check, but it must be in base contact to do so. Te check is still opposed by the enemy model’s Resolve attribute. Models Models that choose this effect may no longer Copy/ Nullify at range.

Example: The Sponge possesses Copy Power based off of his Mind. Moving to within 10” of Ladyblade, the Sponge at-

tempts to Copy Ladyblade’s Melee Attack power. His player makes a Mind check scoring 5 goals, while Ladyblade’s player resists by rolling her Resolve, scoring only 2 goals. The Sponge has successfully copied Ladyblade’s melee attack for 2 rounds (3 net goals, divided by two, rounded up).

COWARDLY  BP Cost: -5 pts.  AP Cost: none Effects: Models with this trait aren aren’t’t the bravest of souls. If a f riendly model is KO’ed or removed from play within 20” of a model possess-


BP Cost: 20 pts.  AP Cost: 4 Effects: Te model can copy the powers of other models, using them as if they were its own. Only one power may be copied at a time, and before the attempt is made, the copying model’s player must state  which power she is attempting to copy. copy. All All of a power’s special effects are also copied. If a model has copied one power, and wishes to copy a second power, the first power copied is lost when the second is gained. Copying a power is a 4 AP Mind or Resolve attack with 10” range.  Te copying model model makes a Mind or Resolve (player’s (player’s choice) choice) goal roll vs. the target model’s Resolve goal roll. If the defending model ties or wins this opposed roll, no powers are copied. If the copying model  wins, it copies the power or powers for a number number of rounds equal to the net goals scored divided by two (counting the round in which the power was first copied).

ing this trait, the model must make a Difficult (4) Resolve goal roll or retreat back toward its starting area on its next turn. t urn. Tis retreat must be a charge. At the end of its turn the Cowardly model may make another Difficult (4) resolve goal roll to collect itself. If it fails it runs again on its next turn. Te Te removal of single henchman models does not provoke a Cowardly roll; an entire henchmen group must be removed to provoke this roll. If a model should move off of the board as a result of this effect, players should keep track of how many total inches it moved. Models that have fled off of the board return the following turn at the point  where they left play, but they must cover the total distance necessary to make it back.

Models can copy powers from friendly f riendly models, but this requires requires only an unopposed Mind or Resolve (player’s choice) goal roll to determine


success and duration.

 none  AP Cost: Te Effects: model is surrounded surrounded by a dangerous aura aura of energy that can damage foes that engage it in close combat. Any model striking a character or henchmen group with Damaging Aura in close combat is automatically hit by it and must make an opposed Strength vs. Damaging Aura roll. Te attacking model’s strike is considered to be simultaneous with the effects of Damaging Aura, so even if he is felled by it, his attack will still carry through, and should be resolved normally. normally.

Special Effects  Absorption (+15 pts.): Te model doesn’t just copy another model’s power, it steals it! Tis is resolved just as outlined above, but the net goals scored by the absorbing model are also equal to the number of rounds the target model is without its power. If a model purchases absorption, the effect is always working, meaning that whenever it copies a power it absorbs it, no matter if the target model is f riend or foe.  Automatic (+10 pts): If the model gets in base to base contact  with its target it can automatically copy any any power that it wants. Te opposed goal roll is still made, and the net goals are the number of 20

BP Cost: 4 pts. per die.

Models possessing the DA power that successfully hit in close combat first roll its effects, followed by the normal damage from their close combat attacks. Net Net goals from the attack goal roll are not added to the DA damage goal roll.



 A model with active Decrease and Damaging Damaging Aura still still active Density Decrease inflicts DA damage when struck in close combat, and can make close combat attacks as normal to inflict DA damage as well. No normal Strength-based damage will be dealt by the Density Decreased model,

Impenetrable (+2 pts.): Te area also blocks the senses of those  with an equal level level of Enhanced Senses or less. Tis effect may be be purchased multiple times.

only DA damage, but this can be combined with Phase Attack to inflict separate Phase and DA damage.

Range (+3 pts.): Instead of the area of effect staying with the model, the character can also cause the center of the effect to appear anywhere within 12”. Tis version of the effect is stationary.

Special Effects Super-Aura (3 pts. per level):  Te model’s Damaging Aura Aura is super-charged! After rolling for their DA, models possessing the Super Aura special effect may re-roll re-roll a number of dice dice equal to its level. level.

Example: Pyros, a villain composed of living ame, possesses a Damaging Aura of 6[1], Strength 4[1], and Melee Attack x 2. When Pyros strikes a foe in close combat, he would rst resolve his Damaging Aura 6[1] damage, then, make a second damage goal roll using his Strength and Melee Attack, plus any dice netted from the attack goal roll.

DARKNESS BP Cost: 6 pts.  AP Cost: 2 Effects: Models possessing this power can block normal Sight perception and line of sight in a 1” radius around themselves. Tis power does not normally inhibit the perception of models with Enhanced Senses or the Second Sight S ight special effect. Te nature nature of this effect  varies (Darkness, (Darkness, Weather eather,, Bright Bright Light, etc.). etc.). A model may only ever ever have one Darkness field in play at a time, and the effects of multiple Darkness fields do not stack.

Second Sight Immunity (+5 pts.):  Te Darkness Darkness blocks the Second Sight special effect from working in or through the area.  X-Ray Sight Immunity (+5 pts.): pts.):  Te Darkness Darkness blocks the X-Ray X-Ray Sight special effect from working in or through the area.

DENSITY DECREASE BP Cost: 15 pts.  AP Cost: 5 Effects: Te model reduces reduces its density density and becomes intangible. intangible. In this state it cannot be affected by most physical or energy attacks, but is still subject to the effects of powers that do not test against the Strength attribute when they do damage. A model using decreased density cannot affect other models in normal close combat, but can use ranged powers to do damage at a distance or in close combat. A model using Density Decrease may move or charge through walls and other solid objects as if they were open ground. Density Decreased models may not pick up or carry models or objective counters, and drop any objective counters or models they’re currently carrying when they activate the power.

It costs 5 AP for a model to activate Density Decrease, and and it must do so as the first action of its turn. Te effects of this power last until the beginning of the model’s next turn. Models using Density Decrease should be marked with an appropriate counter to avoid confusion.

Darkness moves with the model and the model may pay the AP cost to maintain the effect from previous rounds (as the first action of its turn); this does not preclude the model from charging.

Special Effects

Models within the area of effect (even partially) receive +2D to their  Agility goal rolls when attacked attacked by models affected affected by the Darkness Darkness (this effect is cumulative with bonuses from other powers, like Flight or Force-Field). Tis power affects both close and ranged combat.

Ghost Touch (+3 pts.): Density Decreased models purchasing this effect may interact with other models or objective counters while their power is active. Tis effect does not allow the model to make physical attacks or be attacked, and and it does not convey the benefits of the

Darkness blocks line of sight to all models affected by it. Models only partially touched by the t he Darkness effect may be targeted normally. AtAttacking models can target the center of the darkness effect with ranged attacks, but this will have no effect unless the attack is a radius attack or unless it’s it ’s a mobile Darkness centered on its controller (in the latter case, the controller receives the defense bonus detailed above). Darkness provides no defensive bonuses bonuses to models f rom the physical damage from f rom radius ranged attacks. However, However, models even partially within the Darkness area are immune to Agility-based Flare attacks and if the Second Sight Immunity effect below is purchased, they are also immune to Mind-based Flare Attacks (but only while they remain in the Darkness area). Models affected by Darkness move at half speed, 1” per 2 AP spent, and cannot charge. Models possessing the Enhanced Senses power may move normally and charge.

Special Effects Extended Area (+2 pts.):  Te area of effect is increased increased by 1” Radius. Tis effect may be purchased multiple times. Immunity (+2 pts.): Te model is immune to the effects of its own Darkness (but not the Darkness of other models). SuperSystem


Density Decrease power to models being carried. Phase Attack (+6 pts.):  Te intangible model can make a 4 AP close combat attack by thrusting its ghostly hand for ward into its foe, and then slightly increasin increasingg its density density,, shocking its assailant’s system and causing tremendous pain. Te attacking model makes a normal opposed close combat goal roll, but the attack does 6 dice of damage (plus any net goals scored on the attack) opposed by the Resolve attribute. Tis attack may be used at the end of a charge.

DENSITY INCREASE* BP Cost: 10 pts.  AP Cost: none Effects: Adds +3 Dice to damage resistance resistance goal rolls and +1 Level of Super-Strength to the model. Density Density Increase costs no AP to activate, but it must be activated at the beginning of the model’s turn before any AP are spent. When using Density Increase, all of the

model’s count as being and cost +1 AP. Te effects of Density attacks Increase last until the slow, beginning of the model’s model’ s next turn.

 THE DIFFERENCE BP Cost: 1 pt. per level (max 3)  AP Cost: none Effects: For each level purchased, a model may use the Difference to  win a tie on an opposed Attack or Initiative Initiative goal roll, or when determining who goes first during opposed Held Actions. Te Te Difference is applied after goals are compared. When used on Initiative ties it allows the model to go first even if it would have lost on other tie-breakers. If opposing models both posses the Difference and wish to use it on the same throw, its effects are cancelled, the rolled results stand, and both models count as having expended one level of the power for the game. In these cases the acting model announces its intention to use the Difference first, and the opposing model can respond. Models may never possess more than 3 levels of this power.

DISPEL  BP Cost: 3 pts. per die.

 AP Cost: 4 Example: Heavy-D (Strength 5[1], 7 AP) is a super-tough Effects: Models possessing this power have the ability to dispel active protector of the streets possessing the Density Increase instances of power effects within a range of 15”, but cannot keep oppower. While battling Stoneower, a villainess from the posing models from f rom using the power again. Te effects of Dispel last Crusaders of Crime, Heavy-D activates his Density Increase. until the beginning of the t he model’s next turn. He now possesses Strength 5[2] and +3 dice to damage re sistance goal rolls, and all of his attacks will cost +1 AP more  Te Dispelling model model makes a Mind Mind + Dispel roll versus versus the target than normal. model’s Mind + Power roll. Te dice used for “Power” are calculated by the higher of the number of dice in the power or the total points in


Special Effects

the power divided by 3 (for Armor/FF, the number of dice will likely be higher).   Models with this power can Dispel effects that have a duration or a game existence separate from their creator like Boost, Copy/Absorb Power, Entangles, Darkness Fields, etc. When doing so the effect simply ends and goes away. For example, any bonus dice from the Boost power that the target had are lost, stolen/copied powers return to their source, entangled entangled models are freed and the entangle disappears from the board, previously darkened areas now have normal lighting, etc.

Immovable (+2 pts.):  Te model can become so dense dense that it is immune to Knockback. Tis special effect is activated automatically when Density Increase is activated.

If a model using Dispel has a Hold Action, they can also attempt to dispel instant effects (like that from a Ranged Attack) if either the model using the power or target are within range (choose the closest point when determining range). It is possible for a model with a Held  Action to even try to dispel a different model’s model’s dispel dispel attempt!

Special Effects Extra Powers (+5 pts.):  Te model can Dispel Dispel and/or Suppress Suppress an extra power on the target. When doing so, the target defends with the power that has the most dice in defense, but only one defense roll is made. Tis effect may be purchased multiple times. Super Dispel (3 pts. per level, max 2):  After a dispel dice dice throw, throw, models possessing this special effect may re-roll a number of dispel dice equal to its level. Suppress (+5 pts.): Models with this extra can also temporarily Dispel effects that are normally constant, like Flight, Armor, ForceField, Damaging Aura, etc. If the Suppress attempt is successful, the targeted power is briefly shut down. Te dispeller (and any models  with held actions) actions) can then immediately immediately make 2 + Net Suppress Suppress Goal  AP worth of attacks on the defending model model as if they didn’t didn’t possess the suppressed power. Te power is automatically fully reinstated after 22



opportunity.. this opportunity If an action takes more AP than the suppress roll allows, then the


defending model’ s power is Armor reinstated to the resolution action. So ifmodel’s the defender’s wasprior suppressed with 3 AP of of the suppress effect, then attackers with Held Actions wanting to perform a ranged attack on the defender could still do so, but the Armor would come back into effect prior to opposed damage rolls (unless the ranged attacker had Rapid Fire and could perform a 3 AP ranged attack).

pts. BP cost:  AP Cost: 6none Effects: Models possessing Elasticity have a rubbery body that is resistant to damage and grants them +2 dice to Strength for damage resistance goal rolls (this stacks with all Dice Pool Cap limits). Models possessing this power also add +2 dice to Agility goal rolls for grab attempts and +2 dice to Strength for sustaining or escaping any grabs, holds, or entangles.

Extra suppress AP cannot be carried over to an attacking model’s next turn. If the net suppress roll allowed 6 AP worth of attacks a model  with a Held Action Action and 4 AP remaining remaining could only only perform 4 AP  worth of attacks on the defender defender and that attacker would loose the opportunity presented by the extra 2 AP of the suppress effect. A different attacker with a Held Action and 6 or more AP remaining could take full advantage of the situation. Note that simply the act of Suppressing a power could cause damage.

Special Effects Parachute (+1 pt.):  Te Elastic model model can land safely safely from great heights by re-shaping its body into a parachute and gliding to the ground. Tis special effect works like a modified charge, allowing the model to drop safely f rom any height, but consuming consuming all of its AP for that turn. Te model is placed on the ground at the edge of the point it dropped f rom. A model may combine the Parachute ability with a

For instance, suppressing Flight on a flying model would cause them to take falling damage (unless they had some other means of a safe landing, were caught by an ally with Elasticity, etc.).

normal charge to, for instance, run the length of a rooftop and then leap off, activating Parachute, and finishing the turn at the foot of the building. Models that land in base contact with an enemy model may make a close combat attack as if they had charged, but do not receive the +2 dice due to their slow descent.


Slingshot (+2 pts. per die): Models possessing this effect add its dice to any Trow maneuver attempts, and count as having SuperStrength level 1 for determining the size of objects they are capable

BP Cost: 10 pts./lvl (max 3)  AP Cost: 4

Effects: Models possessing this power can use their minds to possess, control, or terrorize target models, effectively effectively controlling their movement and behaviors. Dominate is a 10” ranged attack requiring an opposed Mind (attacker) versus Resolve (defender) goal roll. Each level of Dominate purchased allows one turn of power use per game. Dominate may not be used on more than one model at a time. Successive attempts to Dominate the same model in one turn grant the target +2D to Resolve on attempts after the first for that turn.

of throwing (stronger models use their actual strength level for this determination).  Additionally, models  Additionally, models possessing this special special effect can aid falling or knocked back models. Once per turn, models possessing this power can cancel the damage done to a falling model within 6” of them.  Alternately,, once  Alternately once per turn, models possessing possessing this power can “catch “catch”” models knocked back within 6” of them, negating the effects of the knockback.

If successful, the attacking model’s player takes control of the defending model on its next activation. Tis counts as that model’s activation for that round of play.  Te controlled model model acts as if itit is on the dominating dominating model’s model’s team for that turn, and completing whatever actions it would normally be capable of under its own control. At the end of its turn, the model reverts back to the control of its owning player. Controlled models may not attack themselves or otherwise perform actions that would directly harm themselves (like turning off Flight  while in the air). Due to the confusion caused by being being controlled, Dominated models may leave any close combat without provoking

Stretch Attack (+6 pts.): Model can make a Close Combat attack from up to 20” away. Stretch Attacks beyond 6” made by Henchmen, or directed against models already battling in close combat (or both), do not receive the bonus dice for numbers. Stretch Attacks can be combined with special close combat maneuvers and powers. Stretch  Attacks of 6” or less count as a close combat attack and and cost +1 AP (unless in base contact with target) and Stretch Attacks beyond 6” count as a ranged attack and cost +2 AP to perform.

Super-Strong models possessing the Stretch Attack ability can reach out and grab objects up to 20” away, hurling them a distance equal to their Super-Strength level from the point at which they grabbed them.

free attacks. Models may not Dominate models on their t heir own team, except to cancel an unfriendly Dominate. Tis counts as one use of the power and requires the opposed roll, but at +2D for the attacker to f ree his friend. f riend. Dominated Dominated models forced off the board via a Warp may return when the Dominate ends without expending a further use of Warp.

Special Effects Fear Only (-50%):  Te Dominate Dominate effect instills terror terror into the target, but allows no finer control. All the controlling player may do is move the controlled model directly away f rom the Dominating model using its fastest movement method or power power..

Example 1: Stretcharm wants to use his Stretch Attack against a foe 5” away. The total cost of his attack is 4 AP. Example 2: Polymer wants to combine Stretch Attack and the Haymaker maneuver against a foe 14” away. The total AP cost of his attack is 8 AP (+2 for the Stretch Attack and 6 for the Haymaker maneuver). Stretch Climb (+2 pts.):  Te model can stretch its body to step onto high surfaces, or pull itself up using its outstretching arms. Tis special effect allows the model to move over or onto surfaces up to 20” high as if they were normal ground.



Invisible models, or models that are out of sight.


Special Effects

BP Cost: Variable  AP Cost: 2 Effects: Models possessing this power can define a pool of points for a group of thematically linked powers, and can shift points among those powers in a given turn.

Shielded (2 pts.): Models purchasing this effect have senses that not only are acute, but that are also resistant to extreme stimuli. Shielded models are immune to the effects of Agility-based Flares.

 Te points in the base pool are paid paid for on a 1 for 1 basis, basis, i.e., i.e., if a model wants a 30-point pool to draw from, it costs 30 points.


Once a pool is purchased, models can add power slots to it, each of these slots costs 1 point per 5 pool points they could draw upon, so a slot that could use all 30 points would cost 6 points, but one that could only use 10 would cost 2 points (round off normally). Slots don’t don’t have to use the full amount of points they’re they ’re entitled too, so a Ranged Attack slot that could use all 30 points might only use 14 on one turn, leaving 16 points for other powers. Power slots receive one Special Effect for the power for free. f ree. Purchasing Purchasing additional Special Effects costs one point extra per effect (up to a maximum of double the base slot cost). For example, buying all of the special effects of a power costs double the base slot cost. If the base pool has a power modifier all the slots do as well and all

BP cost: 2 pts. per die.  AP cost: 4 Effects: Entangle is a special kind of ranged attack that can f reeze an enemy model or vehicle in place. Te base range of an Entangle attack is 15” and is opposed by the target model’s Agility. A model struck by an Entangle attack is stuck fast to the spot where it was hit, but can attempt to escape on its next turn. Attempting to escape entanglement costs 4 AP, and can be attempted multiple times in one turn. Escaping the Entangling attack requires an opposed Strength (entangled model)  vs. Entangle Entangle (entangling (entangling model) goal roll. If the entangled model wins, it is f ree. If If the entangled model ties or loses, it is still trapped, but every goal scored on the opposed escape roll reduces the strength of the entangle by the same number of dice for the next escape attempt.  Tis reduction is cumulative cumulative over multiple attempts. attempts. Te entangling entangling model can attempt to entangle the target again to reinforce its bonds, but the number of Entangle dice can never exceed the base number of


are reduced by the appropriate amount. However, if a slot has a power modifier, only its points are reduced (a model could have a slot with the One-Shot Power Mod that would cost less, only affecting that slot, but if the entire pool had the One-Shot Power Mod, it would only be able to use it once).

dice in Entangle. Entangled models cannot make ranged or close combat attacks, but they can make Mind or Resolve based attacks. Entangled Entangled models can receive help to escape from f riendly models. A friendly model must be adjacent to the entangled model to aid its escape, and can spend 4 AP to try to free it in the same manner as above.

Example: Solar wants to have many Sun/Light related powers, but not necessarily be able to use them all at once, so

he decides to buy them using Elemental Control. Here’s what he buys: 30 Solar Control Pool Points 3 Flight+Swoop Attack (13) 2 Darkness (8) [Bright Light that he wants Immunity to] 2 Ranged Attack (12) 2 Flare Attack (12) 2 Damaging Aura (12) 1 Force Field (6) -42 Points

Models possessing Density Decrease can escape entanglemen entanglementt by simply spending 5 AP to activate the power (see Density Decrease listed earlier). Models possessing the Hyper Movement power can escape entanglement by spending 4 AP and making an unopposed, difficult difficult (3) Hyper Movement goal roll. Flying models that are entangled are assumed to be tethered to the ground, and are subject to the above conditions for escape. Entangled Entangled flying models do not receive their normal +2 dice to Agility to avoid attacks. Entangle costs 4 AP, and cannot be used in close c lose combat. Entangled Entangled models possessing Super Agility do not enjoy its benefits benefits on dodge rolls. rolls.

Special Effects

On turn 1 Solar spends 2 AP to assign his pool points and decides that this turn he wants Flight (10), Darkness with Personal Immunity (8), Force Field x 2 (4), and Damaging Aura x 2 (8) up for a total of 30 points. He gures to y in closer this round being protected from most visual contact and protected by FF against those who might spot him. He doesn’t need to spend any AP next turn to keep this conguration, but if he makes any changes to it (like swapping out darkness for Ranged Attack) he has to pay 2 AP regardless of how minor or major the changes/swapping is.

 Armored (+5 pts.): Entangles created by characters with this special effect are more resistant to damage, and possess a number of armor dice equal to 1/2 the Entangle power dice. Tis extends to any Walls created by that character if they also have purchased the Walls extra. Immunity (+2 pts.):  Te model is immune immune to the effects of its own Entanglement. Tis immunity does not extend to the entangles of other models, even models whose Entangle has a similar special effect (the exception to this is duplicates are immune to each other’s attacks too, see Extra Forms). Slick (+1 pt.): Purchasing this special effect also requires Area of Effect and Sticky (and the Wall Wall extra doesn’t apply to Slicks). Models  with this extra can generate generate Slicks as well well as normal Entangles. Entangles.

ENHANCED SENSES* BP Cost: 2 pts. per die  AP Cost: none Effects: Adds +1 die to Mind Mind goal rolls when spotting Hidden or 24

Unlike Entangles, Slicks don’t grab models, but are slippery areas on the Battlefield that only inhibit movement (so they are resisted by Agility and not Strength). Models moving into a Slick or those



initially in the area of effect, make an opposed Agility roll versus the dice of the Slick. Unless they score a net of 1+ goals, they fall prone (Instant Stand doesn’t doesn’t help versus this effect). In addition to falling prone, models models moving into the Slick that failed their roll also slide 1D6” into into the slick in their last direction of travel (it is possible that the model could slide all the way through it). Models moving into the Slick that make their roll continue to move, but can’t change direction until out of the slick, and they move twice as far as normal while in the Slick (2”/AP normal, or 4”/AP if charging). Models beginning their turn in a Slick, must roll again to see if they fall, unless they are already prone. Prone models in a Slick may attempt to move by making an opposed Agility roll versus the slick, this attempt takes 4 AP and any extra goals allow them to move 1” in any direction per goal (they could also spend 2 of those goals to stand up and use the remaining for movement).  Alternately, prone  Alternately, prone models may may elect to stay prone and move 2” in any direction (this attempt takes their entire turn). Slicks can also be placed on vertical surfaces like the side of a building, but for ease of play play,, not both vertical and horizontal within the same area of effect. Vertical Slicks cause climbing models failing their roll to fall to the ground taking falling damage.

Super Entangle (+3 pts. per level, max 3): Models possessing this special effect may re-roll a number of Entangle dice equal to its level.  Wall (+5 pts.): Tis ability allows the character character to create create a wall with a length, height, and vitality equal to the half the number of dice in the Entangle power. Te wall acts as impassable terrain to anyone on the ground. Walls created in this way remain in play for the duration of the battle unless they are destroyed, and and can block line of site and provide cover. Walls can be destroyed by physical attacks that reduce their vitality to zero. A wall’s “defense” goal roll total in combat is effectively 0. Creating a wall costs 5 AP. Multiple walls cannot be stacked on top of each other.

ESCAPE ARTIST* BP Cost: 1 pt. per die  AP Cost: none Effects: A model possessing this power is tough to hang onto, and may add its dice to Strength checks when attempting to escape the effects of Entangle, K Grab, and other confining powers and maneuvers.


Climbing models making their roll must roll again for each inch they climb within the Slick and each inch costs double AP (and they fall if any of the rolls fail). reat vertically charging models as if entering on horizontal ground, if they fail though, they fall unless their 1D6” slide takes them through it. Like Density Decreased and Hyper Move models, airborne models are resistant to Slicks. Tey can automatically fly away during their turn even if prone (though they still pay the AP to leave the prone position). Unlike Entangles, Slicks don’t stop ranged or close combat attacks. Models within and affected by a Slick (prone or not) do not attack as  well as they they normally could. could. Defend Defending ing models receiv receivee +2D to their their defense rolls versus close combat or range attacks from affected models. Like Entangles, Slicks can be Dispelled, but unlike Entangles, you can’t tear down Slicks. However, they can take damage from f rom Area of Effect attacks that inflict Vitality loss. If any part of a slick is within the AoE of the attack, make an opposed roll, any goals the AoE attack exceeds the Slick roll by reduces the Slick by that many dice (though the Slick does get to add any Armor dice it may have to its Slick dice during the defense roll). Models affected by a Slick add +2D to any Knockback f rom attacks they may receive (so even 0D knockback becomesresult 2D). from Like Darkness, a model may only have one Slick in effect at any one time. Tey are assumed to be keeping it in effect with their power. If they create a new slick, the old one melts, dissolves, dissipates, etc. Slick Only (-10 pts.): Requires Slick. Models with this disadvantage can’t perform normal Entangles, they can only generate Slicks. Sticky (+3 pts.):  Any model coming coming in contact contact with a Wall Wall or Entanglement with this upgrade becomes entangled in it, just as if they had been successfully targeted with a normal Entangle attack. All normal Entangle rules apply.

BP Cost: 2 pts. per AP (max 6 AP)  AP Cost: none Effects: Adds extra AP for attacks each turn. turn. Tese APs APs don’t don’t count for any other purpose (initiative tiebreakers, tiebreakers, for example) and are lost to AP-draining effects only after all basic APs are exhausted.

EXTRA FORMS BP Cost: 15 pts.  AP Cost: 3 Effects: Models possessing the Extra Forms power are able to create/control 1 other character model or henchmen group built on the same number of points as them, minus any points spent on Extra Forms (including any Special Effects). Created models must enter play within 5” of the original model (they may be summoned into base contact with an enemy model). Once created, these models may act independently of their creators, but must remain within line of site of them. If a created model finds itself outside of line of site of its creator at the start of its turn, it may do nothing save move in the direction of its creator.

Once an extra form is created, it cannot be removed f rom play unless it is KO’ed in combat. If a created model is removed from play, another may notround be created to take itsarrival. place. Extra their first turn on the following their If the Forms creatortake is removed from play by being cuffed, coup de graced, or by another scenario rule, the extra forms also leave play. Models created using the Extra Forms power may not possess the Extra Forms power themselves. Only one model per team may possess the Extra Forms power, and players using models with this power must prepare their created models before the start of the game. It is a good idea to have the created model built onto a separate SuperSheet for ease of play.

Special Effects  Additional Form (+10 pts.): Allows the model to create/control create/control 1 additional character model or henchmen group. If the creating model



possesses sufficient AP, both forms may be created during the same round.

If a model does not meet the required difficulty, difficulty, but still gets a positive goal total, it still creates an extra form, but suffers -10 points to the

Banish (+2 pts.):  Tis special effect effect trades stability for versatility versatility,, allowing Extra Forms to be removed from play before they are KO’ed.  Tis costs 2 AP and and requires requires no roll if a model model wishes to Banish models that it has created. A model created by a character possessing the Banish special effect can be Banished by an opposing model also possessing the Extra Forms power and the Banish special effect. In order for a model to Banish a model created by another character, it must win an opposed Resolve goal roll.

extra form, and 0 Goals reflects aafailed attempt entirely. ease creof play, players should put together “modified” package forFor models ated using the Variable special effect that reflects their capabilities at both +10 and -10 points. Example: The Homunculoid possesses Extra Forms with the Variable and Extra Range special effects. The total cost of

Extra Range (+1 pt.):  When first created, created, the extra form may be placed +1” further from the creating model. Additionally, the Range special effect allows created models to operate out of line of site of their creators, provided they remain within their creator’s range number. Tis effect may be purchased multiple times. Duplication (-25%): Cannot be selected with Variable. All additional forms must be identical to the model’s base form. Duplicates are fully independent models, with no need to worry about line of site to their creator. Creating models may spend 2 AP and remove their duplicates from play as in the Banish special effect above. A duplicate

his Extra Forms power is 17 pts. Normally, he could create an extra form built on 68 pts., but since he has chosen the Variable special effect, he will either summon a 78 pt. or 58 pt. extra form (depending on the results of his Resolve or Mind goal roll). The Homunculoid’s player therefore prepares two SuperSheets prior to play detailing the model’s extra forms in both 78 and 58 pt. versions.


BP Cost: 1 pt. per AP  AP Cost: none Effects: Te model is exceptionally fast, or just good at covering extra ground, and gains +1 AP for movement. Tis extra AP may only be


may not be removed by other models possessing either Duplication or the Banish special effect.

used for movement, and not attacks, or the activation of most powers. Unless otherwise noted, this extra AP is added to the model’s AP total before doubling or halving due to charges or the effects of powers. Extra Movement AP may be used to pay for the Hyper Movement power. Tis effect may be purchased multiple times.

Renewable (+10 pts.): Models possessing this special effect may create a new extra form if their first extra form was KO’ed, Banished, or otherwise taken out of action.  Variable (+0 pts.): If this option is selected, the created model or models are built using variable points. When paying the 3 AP cost to create a model, the original model must make a Difficult (4) Mind or

 Tese APs APs don’t don’t count count for any other purpose (initiative (initiative tiebreakers, tiebreakers, for example) and are lost to AP-draining effects only after all basic APs are exhausted.

Resolve (player’s choice). If theatcreating model scores goalstotal. on the roll, roll the Extra form is created +10 points to its Build4+Point

EXTRA/LESSER VITALIT VITALITY  Y  BP Cost: ±1 pts. per Level (max ±3) Effects: Every positive level of this power adds 1 Vitality V itality to the model’s starting Vitality rating and each negative level subtracts 1. Models may never possess more than three positive levels of this power.

FLARE BP Cost: 15 pts.  AP Cost: 4 Effects: Flare is a special kind of ranged attack that does not inflict  vitality loss, but rather impairs a model’s model’s actions for a certain certain period of time. Flare has a base range of 15”. Flare may be used in close combat.

 When Flare is purchased, purchased, the player must decide decide if the attack attack will be based off of the model’s Agility or Mind. Agility-based Flares add half the target’s rating in Enhanced Senses to the attacker’s Flare dice total before rolling. Agility-based Agility-based Flares are opposed by the target’s Agility + Force-Field, while Mind-based Flares are opposed by the target’s Mind + Iron Will. If the attacker wins the opposed roll he blinds or stuns the target until the end of its next turn. A blinded or stunned model suffers impairment during this period. Blinded or stunned models may not charge, pay twice the normal AP to move (including twice the normal cost to activate the Hyper Move power), and have no line of sight to targets at range. Models opposing blinded or stunned models receive +2D to attack and defense goal rolls. 26



Subsequent attempts to flare a model that has previously been affected grant the defender +2D to their defense as their familiarity with the attack allows them a better chance to avert it.

Special Effects Super Flare (+3 pts. per level, max 3): Flare Attacks from models possessing the Super F lare special effect may re-roll a number of attack dice equal to its level.


radius for each level of the Force-Field power the model possesses, up to a maximum of 6”. Tis is effective against ranged attacks only. If any part of a f riendly model’s base is touched by the field, itit receives the protection.  When targeting a spot on the battlefield covered covered by a Dome, Dome, models add +1 to the difficulty required to hit. Using the Force Field in this way is a defensive action and costs no AP.  Te +2 dice from this effect effect may allow a model to exceed exceed its current current dice cap limit, but do not stack with other combat modifiers like the +2 dice a model receives when flying.

BP Cost: 10 pts.  AP Cost: none Effects: At the beginning beginning of its turn, the model may declare declare that it is in flight. If the model does so while in base contact with an enemy model, it suffers the normal penalty for leaving close combat. Flying

Super (+3 pts. per level, max 3): Models possessing this extra may re-roll a number of combat defense dice equal to its level. Tis power stacks with Super-Agility for a possible maximum of 6 re-rolls.

models areclose considered be airborne, and cannot targeted con ventional combattoattacks. combat For purposes of playability plabeyability, , thebymodel is always assumed to be hovering above the battlefield at twice its base  AP in inches. Flying models receive +2D to Agility defense goal rolls rolls

FORTUNE BP Cost: 4 pts. per Level (max 3)

due their speed, maneuverability, and vertical distance. Flying models do not receive this bonus against other Flying models. “aking off ” costs no AP, but movement is measured normally. nor mally. If a flying model enters close combat with a grounded model, it is assumed to have landed, and can be struck as normal by ranged or close attacks. Flying models should be marked with an appropriate counter to avoid confusion. Models that are KO’ed in flight fall a distance equal to twice their AP in inches. Models Models targeting flying models with attacks should simply measure the linear distance between them. Flying models are automatically able to carry one object or passenger commensucommensurate with their Strength level.

Special Effects Carry Object (+3 pts. per level):  Te flying model is capable of carrying additional passengers or objects for each level purchased.  When carrying friendly models, see the Held Action rules rules presented in Chapter I for ideas about applying this Special Effect in game situations. Models Models possessing Super-Strength can pick up and fly with objects appropriate to their Strength level. Picking up and dropping off objects costs 2 AP per object. Swoop Attack (+3 pts.):  Allows the flying model model to make Close Combat attacks without landing. Tis maneuver costs 4 AP, and does not count as a charge. Models leaving leaving combat as a result of a Swoop S woop  Attack d not provoke a free attack. Powerdive (+2 pts.):  An aerial slam which serves as an improved charge adding +2 dice to the Agility attribute and +2 dice to Strength for the attack roll and damage rolls.

FORCE FIELD* BP Cost: 2 pts. per die  AP Cost: none Effects: Tis power adds adds extra dice to the model’s model’s Agility attribute for opposed defense rolls.

Special Effects Dome (+6 pts.):  Allows a model to expand expand the field’s protection to models around it, providing +2 dice to any affected models’ Agility defense goal rolls against ranged attacks. Te field extends out to a 2”

 AP Cost: none Effects: Models possessing fortune can alter probabilities to aid them in battle. Each round, before Initiative is rolled, models possesing Fortune roll a number of dice equal to their level in the Fortune power. Tese dice should be noted and kept aside. During the course of the Round, before any die rolls, models possessing Fortune may swap these dice for dice that would have been rolled for or against them. Once a die has been swapped, it is gone for that round. Fortune Fortune dice may not be altered by re-rolls generated from super-attributes or other powers.

Opposing models that both possess Fortune dice may use them on the same throw, but their dice cancel each other out on a one-for-one basis, with any left over dice applied as normal. Only one model per team may possess the Fortune power, and a model may never possess a Fortune rating higher than 3.

Special Effects  Against Any Roll (+6 pts.): Tis effect allows the model to spend its Fortune dice to modify rolls affecting other models in addition to rolls affecting itself.

Example: Crazy-8 (Agility 4) possesses Fortune level 3. Before initiative is rolled he rolls his Fortune dice and gets a 2, 4, and 6. He places these dice aside. Later on in the round, Crazy-8 is targeted by the aming repower of Ember, who possesses Agility 5[1]. Crazy-8 decides he wants to use his Fortune to make Ember miss him, so before any dice are rolled he “gives” Ember his 2, and assigns his 4 and 6 to his defense roll. Ember now attacks with 4 dice, and Crazy-8 defends with 2 dice and 3 automatic goals from his Fortune.

GROWTH* BP Cost: 8 pts. per level (max 3).  AP Cost: 2 Effects: Te model can increase its size, Strength, and Vitality. Using Growth adds +1 die of Strength and +2 Vitality V itality for each level of the power. When it activates the power, a model may choose how many levels it wants to grow, and on subsequent actions, can spend 2 AP to add or subtract levels of Growth up to its maximum. A model model using Growth possesses 2” of extra “reach” for every level of the power



it activates, and +2AP for movement (this works just like the Extra Movement power listed above).  A model using Growth Growth cannot hide, and cannot use terrain to gain a cover bonus against ranged attacks. A model that reverts to its normal size loses any Vitality points gained from the Growth power, and and if its current vitality loss warrants it, the model must make a KO check upon reverting to its normal size. Models using growth should be marked with an appropriate counter to avoid confusion, or better yet, replaced with an appropriate model.

Example: Dr. Atlas has activated two levels of Growth, increasing his Vitality total from its base of 9 to 13. Several rounds later, Atlas is the victim of several vicious attacks that cost him 12 of his 13 vitality points. If he reverts back to normal size, Atlas loses the extra Vitality he gained from Growth, but not the damage he took while in his giant form,

so he must immediately pass a KO check or go down.

situations. No matter how many objects or friends f riends come along for the ride, using this power while encumbered is difficult, and models move only 3” for every goal scored on the attribute check. Forced Landing (+3 pts.):  Te hyper powered powered model can pluck pluck a flying model out of the air by using teleportation, an air vortex, or other similar effect. Tis maneuver costs 6 AP, but the attacker must move into position adjacent to the flier and win an opposed Agility goal roll for it to be successful. Hyper Attack (+6 pts.): Models possessing Hyper Movement can make a special, 4 AP close combat attack using this special effect. Te nature of this attack could a series of high-speed, pinpoint punches, a number of highly uncomfortable teleports, a ram of debris carried along in the model’s mo del’s Hyper-Movement “corona”, a “phase” attack, or anything else the model’s player can think of. Te attacking model makes a normal opposed close combat goal roll, but the attack

does 6 dice of damage (plus any net goals scored on the attack) opposed by the target’s Resolve attribute, plus any Iron Will the model may possess.


HEALING BP Cost: 10 pts.  AP Cost: 4 Effects: Te model can heal itself or other models, restoring lost Vitality points. Te model must make a Mind or Resolve goal roll (player’ss choice), and for every 2 goals scored, 1 Vitality point is (player’ restored. Vitality cannot be restored beyond its starting level. A KO’ed model cannot heal itself. A model must be in base contact to Heal another model. Models Models locked in close combat may attempt to heal themselves, but doing so provokes a free f ree attack in the same manner as leaving a close combat does. If other friendly models are embroiled in the same combat, the Healing model may use its power without suffering a f ree attack.

HYPER MOVEMENT BP Cost: 15 pts.  AP Cost: 3 Effects: Te model can transport itself to another point on the board with incredible efficiency. Tis movement could be the result of eleportation, Super-Speed, Psionics, or the ability to simply will oneself someplace else. Hyper Movement requires an unopposed Mind, Agility, or Resolve (player’s choice) goal roll, and the model can move 5” for every goal scored on the check. Players must choose which attribute works with Hyper Movement when they purchase the power. Hyper Movement ignores vertical distances, so a model may move

onto the roof of a building--just distance between the model and the pointmeasure it wishesthe to straight-line reach.  A model can attempt attempt to Hyper Move out of close combat combat without suffering a free attack against it, but it must win or tie t ie an opposed Mind,  Agility,, or Resolve  Agility Resolve (moving model) vs. Agility Agility (attacking model) goal roll to do so. A model possessing Hyper Movement can attempt to attack a flying model, but it must score enough goals on the movement roll to move adjacent to it, and it must finish its turn with another successful movement roll, or fall twice the flying model’s AP in inches.

Special Effects Carry Objects (+3 pts. per level):  Te model is capable capable of carrying along a single passenger or object (appropriate to its Strength) for each level purchased. See the Held Action rules in the basic SuperS uperSystem rulebook for ideas about applying this Special Sp ecial Effect in game 28


Speed Burst (+2 pts. per level, max 3): Each level of Speed Burst adds +1 die to the Hyper Movement goal roll. No Penetration (-1 pts.):  Te hyper powered powered model can’t can’t pass into into closed terrain features or vehicles. Tey can still travel over or past any terrain in a direct line (without needing to go around it), but unless there is an open door, window, etc., they can’t use this power to get inside. Additionally, models with this disadvantage can’t purchase the Hyper Attack extra and can can’t’t use their Hyper Movement power to escape Entangles.  Warp (5 pts/level, max max 3): During the model’s turn it may instantly move to anywhere on the battlefield it could reach, without spending  AP,, regardless  AP regardless of distance. distance. If there is another another related battle battle going on at the same time that the model is aware of, it could also use this ability so show up anywhere on that board instead. Te model may do this a number of times per battle equal to the level purchased. Models Models possessing this ability can also expend one of its uses to begin a scenario anywhere on the battlefield, regardless of the set-up parameters. Tis does carry the risk of a free f ree attack if the model is Warping Warping out of a close combat. Tis Tis is handled in the same fashion as a standard Hyper Move out of close combat.

Example: Super Agent Marylin Walters possesses Hyper Movement and Hyper Attack, and after moving into base contact with John Henry, attempts to attack him. Spending 4 AP, Walters activates her Hyper Attack and scores 5

goals attack goal Johnthen Henry scores goals on on her his defense goalroll, roll.while Walters rolls 9 diceonly for2 damage (6 for the Hyper Attack plus 3 for her net goals), while John Henry resists only with his Resolve dice.

INSTANT STAND BP Cost: 1 pt. Effects: Active models possessing Instant Instant Stand are never never considered considered prone or knocked down f rom any effect, unless they choose to be.  Whenever they are knocked knocked down, they may immediately immediately stand back up for no AP cost if they choose (before any other effects are resolved).




INVISIBILITY  BP Cost: 20 pts.  AP Cost: 5 Effects: By whatever means, a model possessing this power is able to to make itself invisible, essentially essentially hiding in plain sight. It costs 5 AP for a model to turn Invisible, and it must do so as the first action of its turn. Spending Spending AP to activate Invisibility does not preclude a model from charging. Te effects of Invisibility last until the beginning of the model’s next turn.

Enemy models must win an opposed Mind (enemy model) vs. Agility, Mind or Resolve (Invisible model’s choice) goal roll to charge or move into contact with the invisible model. Te same roll must also be made to target the invisible model with ranged attacks. Te Te invisible

dealt to it from physical attacks and shifting it into temporary Attribute increases. Whenever the model takes damage f rom a physical (non-mental) attack, make a Mind or Resolve goal roll (player’ (player’ss choice). For For every two goals scored on the roll, subtract subtract one point of  vitality loss. On the model’s next turn, it can add dice equal to the  vitality points absorbed to its Strength Strength or Agility attributes in any combination. Tese added points fade at the end of the model’s turn. A model may not add more than 6 total points per round to its attributes in this way, and it cannot add more than 3 points per round to a single attribute. Vitality in excess of this may still be absorbed, but further attribute increases are not allowed. Attributes increased in this fashion do not affect a model’s Vitality or Action Points.

Example: The Sponge is struck by a haymaker from Stoneower, suffering 4 points of vitality loss. Luckily for him, the Sponge possesses Kinetic Absorption and Super-Resolve


model receives +2 dice to this roll. An invisible model benefits from a surprise advantage when it moves into close combat. While in close combat the invisible model gains +2 dice to Agility for its attack and defense goal rolls. If an Invisible model charges, it also receives the +2 dice Charge bonus.

x 1. He rolls his Resolve and scores 4 goals, 2 of the 4 Vitality points he would have lost. Hisabsorbing player marks down the two points of damage he did take, and notes that on his next turn, he will have 2 dice to add to his Strength and/or Agility attributes.

Multiple models in close combat with invisible models do not receive the friends fr iends in close combat bonus. If an Invisible model is embroiled in close combat, it can be charged by other models with no detection goal roll required, but the invisible model still receives its +2 dice to  Agility for opposed attack and and defense rolls.

Special Effects Charge (+3 pts.): Te model may choose choose to use points of vitality vitality loss absorbed to enhance the damage dice of its ranged attack. On the model’s next turn, it can add any vitality points absorbed as damage dice to its ranged attack value. A model may not add more than 4 dice of damage per round to its attack. Dice added in this way fade at the end of the model’s turn.

Models possessing the Enhanced Senses power have a chance to negate an Invisible model’s advantage in close combat. At the beginning of its turn, a model with Enhanced Senses may spend 2 AP and make a difficult (4) Mind + Enhanced Senses goal roll to pinpoint the invisible model’s location. If the roll succeeds the advantages of Invisibility in close combat are negated for that model for the remainder of the round. Invisible models suffer an increased chance of detection when making  Agility-based ranged  Agility-based ranged attacks. attacks. Models Models trying to detect detect an Invisib Invisible le model that has used a Ranged Attack during the current round of combat gain +2 dice to their detection goal rolls to spot the Invisible model. Invisible models that make Mind or Resolve-based attacks may be detected more easily, but only by the specific models targeted by their attacks. Models targeted by Mind or Resolve-based attacks gain +2 dice to their detection rolls to spot the Invisible model. Invisible models should be marked with an appropriate counter to avoid confusion.

IRON WILL  BP Cost: 2 pts. per Level  AP Cost: none Effects: Te model adds its rating in Iron Will to any defensive Mind and Resolve based Goal rolls.

KINETIC ABSORPTION BP Cost: 10 pts.  AP Cost: none

capable of absorbing absorbing some or all of the damage damage Effects: Te model is capable 30

Sponge (+2 pts. per die):  Te model is capable capable of soaking up kinetic energy like a sponge! Models with the Sponge special effect

add their rating to their Resolve checks when attempting to absorb damage. Tis effect is subject to dice pool stacking.

KNOCKBACK RESISTANCE BP Cost: 1 pt. per level  AP Cost: none Effects: Models possessing this power subtract 1” from any Knockback they incur from attacks. Tis effect may be purchased multiple times.

LINKED POWERS (Power Framework) BP Cost: 0  AP Cost: none Effects: Models use this Power Framework to link 2+ powers p owers together so that they will count for all purposes as a single power. So the entire Framework can be Copied, Absorbed, Nullified, Dispelled, etc. as if it was all one power. Since this is a slight disadvantage, each power inside the Framework receives receives a -10% reduction in cost (assuming it isn’t already at the -50% maximum from Power Mods).

Players should use this Framework sensibly to efficiently build thematic characters by linking up multiple powers into a single power effect. Players should not use this framework f ramework as a cost min/max device. Players are encouraged to put all powers that make sense for the Frame work into it (even ones ones for which you won’t receive cost cost reductions). Leaving powers out that fit the theme just because they’re cheaper than 5 points is bad form.  Additionally,, players  Additionally players can’t can’t move existing existing powers into the framework



later, butArmor newlyxpurchased can beinside bought it. So even though 2 won’t bepowers any cheaper theinside Framework at the start, players should include it (if it makes sense) so when it reaches to  x 3 they receive the savings. Players cannot put a Power Framework inside another Power Frame work (i.e., no Linked Powers Powers inside an an Elemental Control Control Pool and and  vise versa).

LIMITED MOBILITY BP Cost: -10 pts.  AP Cost: none Effects: Models possessing this trait can move only move half their

model can choose Extra Reach (+1 pt. per inch, max attacks 6”):  Te to extend the range of its close combat with the Melee Attack power.. Models striking targets at range with this ability are considered power to be in close combat with their foes, and can enjoy the benefits of multiple friends in close combat. However However,, missed strikes using Extra Reach have a chance of hitting other combatants in close combat with the target in the same way as for standard ranged attacks. Models not in base contact (but still within the reach) of opponents possessing Extra Reach who leave combat still suffer a free attack from them. Soul Fire (+15 pts.):  Te model can switch the attack’s attack’s effects effects to non-physical, soul-singeing damage. Before the attack goal roll, the model must announce it is switching to Soul Fire, and the damage

 AP under their own power (and may never charge). charge). Models possessing possessing

from the attack is opposed by the Resolve attribute (plus any levels of

this power may not purchase Extra Movement or Hyper Movement.

Iron Will) instead of Strength. Tis attack ignores the protection pro vided by “physical” powers like Armor, Armor, Density Increase Increase and Elasticity. Elasticity. Super-Damage (3 pts. per level, max 3): Models making Melee  Attacks that possess the Super-Damage special effect may may re-roll a number of dice equal to its level on damage goal roll. Super-Damage Super-Damage Level 1 provides one re-roll, Level 2 provides 2 re-rolls, and Level 3 provides 3 re-rolls. Tis Tis power stacks with Super-Strength for a possible maximum of 6 re-rolls.

LUCKY  BP Cost: 5 pts.  AP Cost: none Effects: Once per game, the model may re-roll any one dice pool throw, or force a foe to re-roll one throw that would have affected it.  Te Lucky model may select the better of the two goal results (either the first one or the re-rolled one). Tis power may be purchased with Omni-Power or Elemental Control Pool once per game, and models  with Copy Power Power may copy copy it once per game. game.


Lucky re-rolls may be altered by re-rolls from super-attributes and other powers. Lucky re-rolls may not be altered by Fortune dice.

MASSIVE BP Cost: -2 pts. per Level (max 5)  AP Cost: none Effects: Massive can be “purchased” for larger profile models whose lack of nimbleness represents represents an easier-to-hit target. Each level of Massive grants opposing models +1 die to their Agility goal rolls to hit in close or ranged combat.

BP Cost: 3 pts. per damage die.  AP Cost: 4 Effects: Te model possesses possesses a ranged psychic psychic attack based based on the Mind attribute. Defending Defending models oppose it with their Mind attribute. Although the damage is physical in nature, it is opposed with the target model’s Resolve attribute. By its nature, Mental Attack affects intangible targets as if they were solid. Te base range is 30”. Tis attack can be used in close combat, and ignores the effects of cover.

Special Effects Super-Damage (3 pts. per level, max 3): Models making Mental  Attacks that possess the Super-Damage special effect may may re-roll a number of dice equal to its level on damage goal roll. Super-Damage Super-Damage Level 1 provides one re-roll, Level 2 provides 2 re-rolls, and Level 3 provides 3 re-rolls.

MELEE ATTACK* BP Cost: 2 pts. per bonus damage die  AP Cost: none Effects: Te model possesses possesses a melee weapon, weapon, or special hand-tohand-tohand attack, which it may use to augment its Strength attribute in close combat attacks. Examples might include a mystical hammer hammer,, enlarged fists, focused chi, claws, ball and chain, etc.

MONOLOGUER BP Cost: 1 pt.  AP Cost: none Effects: Monologuer models are big talkers, and because of this they may make 1 additional Soliloquy Attack (see Combat Maneuvers in Chapter I) per game.

Special Effects  Affect Other (+2 pts. per level): level): For each level of Affect Other the model possesses it can bestow one die of its damaging attack to friendly models in base contact, effectively effectively granting them the melee attack power for one round. Tis action costs 2 AP, and its effect lasts until the beginning of the bestowing model’s next turn. Levels of Affect Other are subject to the rules for Dice Pool Caps.


 Affects Ethereal (+5 pts.): Te attack can affect density decreased, decreased, ethereal, or intangible models just as if they were solid.

BP Cost: 10 + Variable (see below).  AP Cost: 2 Effects: Some models seem to possess just the right gadget or ability for any situation they find themselves in. Omni-Power allows a model to purchase a pool of points that it can use to temporarily “purchase” “purchase” other powers on the spot. Powers Powers bought in this way can only be used one at a time, but remain remain in effect until the model chooses a different



power. A model may purchase any Special Effects relating to a power along with the power; this does not count against the one-power limit. Using Omni-Power to choose a new power costs 2 AP, but does include any special effects the model wants to purchase in addition to the main power. However, if a model decides to add a special effect of a power it is currently using later in the turn, or in another turn, it must pay 2 AP to do so.  After paying the initial 10 1 0 pt. Cost, models can purchase their Omni-Power pool of build points. Te pool is purchased in 5 pt. increments. In a series, points can be added to this pool at double the starting cost (i.e., 10 pts. for an additional 5 pts. worth of the power). Omni-Power may not be used to purchase the Extra Forms power.

RANGED ATTACK* BP Cost: 2 pts. per damage die  AP Cost: 4 Effects: Te model can attack attack at range using using its Agility attribute. Te nature of the attack is up to the player. Examples include eye beams, eldritch bolts, force blasts from the hands, fireballs, etc. Te base range for this attack is 30”. Ranged Attack may be used in close combat.

Special Effects  Affects Ethereal (+5 pts.): Te attack can affect ethereal ethereal or intangible models just as if they were solid.


Only one hero or henchmen group per team may purchase Omni-Power.

Special Effects Multi-Power (+5 pts. per additional power):  Tis model can use more than one power at the same time, in addition to any or all of the special effects associated with those powers that it decides to purchase.  Adding each each power after the first first costs 2 AP per power. power. Powers Stay Swapped Out (-25%): Once a model swaps a power out of its Omni-Power pool it may not be swapped back in for the remainder of the scenario.

Example: The villainous mimic Tabula Rasa possesses a 25 pt. Omni-Power plus 10 pts. of the Multi-Power special effect. When his turn comes up in the combat round, he decides to activate his Omni-Power and pick up SuperStrength level 1 (2 AP). He then decides he wants to add

some andand Melee Attack up (2 and AP).ready He has spent Armor a total(2 ofAP) 6 AP, is powered tonow battle.

Chain Attack (+5 pts.):  Allows the model to make make 5 AP ranged attack that can also hit a second target up to 5” away. Te second target must also be within the attacking model’s LOS. Te attacking model makes one goal roll versus separate defense goal rolls from both targets. Te attacker makes separate opposed damage rolls based on the results of the defense rolls. Tis special effect may not be used in conjunction with Area of Effect power mods.

Example: Super Agent James Wu is ring a Kinetic Blast at Super-Charger as another foe, Kid Dynamo looks on nearby. Guessing that Kid Dynamo is close enough, Agent Wu elects to use Chain Attack with his K-Blast, making a 5 AP ranged attack goal roll. After checking the range, he nds that Dynamo is standing 4” away from Super-Charger, so both models must make defense goal rolls against his attack. Immunity (+2 pts.):  Te model is immune immune to the effects of its

own Ranged Attack (including Knockback). Tis immunity does not extend to the Ranged Attacks of other models, even models who’s RA has a similar special effect (the exception to this is duplicates are immune to each other’s attacks too, see Extra Forms). Rapid Fire (+5 pts.): Reduces the cost of Ranged Attacks from 4  AP to 3 AP. AP.

PERFECT TIMING BP Cost: 1 pt.  AP Cost: none Effects: Once per game, models possessing this power may use a Held  Action at no AP AP cost.

Example: Hawkwind possesses Perfect Timing and wishes to hold his action on his next turn, waiting until Ironhide emerges from a doorway in order to ambush him. When his turn comes up, HW’s player announces he is using his Perfect Timing and holding his action, thus avoiding the normal 2 AP cost.

Soul Fire (+15 pts.):  Te model model can switch switch the attack’ attack’s effects to non-physical, soul-singeing damage. Before the attack goal roll, the model must announce it is switching to Soul Fire, and the damage from the attack is opposed by the Resolve attribute (plus any levels of Iron Will) instead of Strength. Tis attack ignores the effects of Armor, Density Increase, or any other power that adds to a model’s Strength. Super-Damage (3 pts. per level, max 3): Models making Ranged  Attacks that possess the Super-Damage special effect may may re-roll a number of dice equal to its level on damage goal roll. Super-Damage Super-Damage Level 1 provides one re-roll, Level 2 provides 2 re-rolls, and and Level 3 provides 3 re-rolls.



BP Cost: 1 pt.  AP Cost: none Effects: Once per turn, a model with Vitality remaining may add +2 dice to any goal roll (except KO checks), but must decide to do so before rolling any dice. Pushing costs the model -1 Vitality. Tis Vitality may not be recovered by the use of any power. power. If Pushing costs a model its last Vitality point, it may complete its action before rolling rolling

BP Cost: 10 pts.  AP Cost: 3 Effects: Tis power allows the model to turn certain certain damaging attacks attacks back on its foes, whether through deflection, reflection, or some other means. Models Models using Reflection can deflect errant attacks away from them as they arrive. When Reflection is purchased, a model chooses  whether it will reflect reflect one of three three types of attacks: Close Close Combat,

for KO. Pushing models that havetheir already reached KOturn. automatically go down once they’ve completed actions for the

Ranged (Agility-based), or Ranged (Mind/ResolveTis should be noted on the model’s SuperSheet to avoid based). confusion.




 At the beginning of its turn, a model must decide decide whether it is spending AP on Reflection or not. If the model spends the AP, it may use Reflection against any attacks of the appropriate type until the beginning of its next turn. Spending this AP does not preclude the model from charging. During the course of combat, if an attack of this type fails to strike the model by two or more goals, it may choose to Reflect the attack to another target up to 12” away away (in the case of a Ranged  Attack), or turn it back on the model that launched launched it (in the case of Close Combat attacks and Ranged Attacks made in base contact). Reflected Ranged Attacks require a second ranged attack roll made

hiding. Shrinking Shrinking models should be marked with an appropriate counter, or better yet, replaced with a smaller model to indicate their condition. Shrinking costs 2 AP to activate, and a Shrinking model receives +1 die to its Agility for defense rolls per level of the power activated, and +1 die to its Agility for close combat attack rolls per level of the power activated. Models Models using the Shrinking power at Level 3 cannot be targeted beyond a half of a ranged attack’s stated range. Because of their small size, Shrinking models also receive +2 dice per level to any Agility goal rolls for hiding, and require no terrain in which to mask themselves. Foes Foes attacked by a Shrinking model in

by the Reflecting model, opposed as normal by the new target, and using the original base damage value for their ranged attack damage. Reflected close combat attacks require a second attack roll made by the Reflecting model, opposed as normal by the original attacker. If the

close combat receive +1 die to their Strength to resist damage per level of their opponent’s current Shrinking.

Reflected attack hits, it deals of dice of damageMind/Reequal to the original attacking model’s basea number attack damage. Reflected solve-based attacks also require an appropriate opposed roll to t o hit, and use the attack’s base damage, resisted normally by the original attacker or a new target up to 12” away.

mode model l conducts a charge cha rge Growth (+2 pts.):  Te at the endAttack of which it grows back Shrinking to its normal size. If it’s close combat attack hits, it adds +1 die to its damage goal roll for every level of Shrinking it deactivated that turn. Models using this maneuver do not pay the normal 2 AP cost for deactivating the power. A model may use this special effect on any charge, even even if it does not result in a close combat attack.

Special Effects  Additional Reflection (+10 pts. per type): Te model is capable capable of Reflecting the effects of additional attack types. Each additional attack type costs 10 pts. and should be noted on the model’s model’s SuperSheet.

REGENERATION BP Cost: 5 pts.  AP Cost: none beginning of each of its turns, turns, the model regenerates regenerates Effects: At the beginning 1 lost Vitality point. Tis costs no AP. Henchmen groups may not purchase the Regeneration power.

Special Effects

Mighty Mite (+5 pts.):  Te Shrinking model maintains maintains its normal normal  weight and enjoys enjoys increased density in its shrunken state. Close combat opponents of the Shrinking model do not get the normal bonuses to their Strength for being attacked by a tiny foe, and the shrinking model receives +1 die to its Strength attribute to resist damage.


BP Cost: 1 pt. per level (max 12)

Special Effects  Accelerated Recovery (+2 pts.): Te model can actively actively push its regeneration to work faster, but must forego the automatic Vitality point recovery in lieu of a Resolve check. Every 2 goals rolled on the Resolve check equal 1 Vitality point recovered. Tis costs 2 AP, and may only be attempted once per turn.


none  AP Cost: Effects:  Te model is capable of attacking multiple opponents without incurring the penalty for breaking from close combat. Tese attacks cost only 2 AP, but the model must be able to attack at least two combatants to use the power, and must alternate its attacks between multiple foes. argets cannot be more than 5” apart, and the model must still pay the AP cost for moving between targets. A model may Ricochet attack even if it begins its turn in close combat with an enemy model or models. Tis power may not be used in concert with the Ranged Attack power power..

SHRINKING* BP Cost: 5 pts. per Level (max 3).  AP Cost: 2

decrease its size, making it more difficult difficult to Effects: Te model can decrease attack in close and ranged combat, and more difficult to spot when SuperSystem


Effects: Models with this power have a sidekick! Tis sidekick could be a young protégé, animal companion, robotic familiar, or anything the player can think of! Every level of the Sidekick power purchased grants the model 5 build points with which to create its sidekick. During the game, a Sidekick acts as an independent character in every respect. A sidekick earns and spends experience like normal character models. Sidekicks may not have the Sidekick power.

If a Sidekick perishes during the post-battle sequence of the game a new Sidekick based on the same starting points level can be built, but

powers like Mental Attack, Dominate, and Mind-based Flares.

SUPER-RESOLVE BP Cost: 6 pts. per level (max 3) Effects: Models with this power may re-roll a number of dice equal to its level on each throw involving its governing attribute. Super-Resolve Level 1 provides one re-roll, Level 2 provides 2 re-rolls, and and Level 3 provides 3 re-rolls. Additionally, each level of Super-Resolve pur-


chased adds +2 Vitality to the model’s starting Vitality total. Re-rolls Re-rolls from super-attributes should be noted on the SuperSheet in brackets after the attribute’s standard dice number, i.e. 6[2].

this new Sidekick is not added to the game until the second scenario following the previous Sidekick’s demise.



BP Cost: 10 pts.  AP Cost: none Effects: Te model is immune immune to the effects effects of all Mind or ResolveResolvebased attack powers; attacks on the mind and the spirit simply do not  work against it. Soulless models are not affected by the the Healing power. power. Soulless models do not possess the same fighting spirit as normal creatures, and thus automatically fail all KO checks.

BP Cost: 6 pts. per level (max 3) Effects: Models with this power may re-roll a number of dice equal to its level on each throw involving its governing attribute. SuperSuperStrength Level 1 provides one re-roll, Level 2 provides 2 re-rolls, and and Level 3 provides 3 re-rolls. Re-rolls from super-attributes should be noted on the SuperSheet S uperSheet in brackets after the attribute’ attribute’ss standard dice number, i.e. 6[2].

Soulless must be purchased at character creation, and cannot be taken during the course of a battle with Omni-Power, or copied with Copy Power. Models possessing Alternate Forms may not take the Soulless power for their other profiles unless the base form also possesses it.  Te cost of Soulless may may not be reduced reduced by Power Power Modifications Modifications (see the section on Power Mods below).

SUPER-AGILITY  BP Cost: 6 pts. per level (max 3) Effects: Models with this power may re-roll a number of dice equal to its level on each throw involving its governing attribute. att ribute. Super Agility Level 1 provides one re-roll, Level 2 provides 2 re-rolls, and Level 3 provides 3 re-rolls. Re-rolls from super-attributes should be noted on the SuperSheet in brackets after the attribute’s standard dice number, i.e. 6[2].

Special Effects Rage (+3 pts.): Models possessing this special effect receive +1 level of Super-Strength while their current Vitality level is less than or equal to 1/2 their maximum Vitality Level (round down) of their current form. Shockwave (+2 pts.):  Te model can pound its fists on the ground  with earthquake-like force, force, creating a large large seismic shockwave shockwave and forcing anyone in its path to win an opposed Agility vs. Strength roll or instantly be knocked down. Shockwave Shockwave costs 3 AP and requires a Strength goal roll, and is opposed by any models in its path. Te model has two effect options when using Shockwave, Line or Radius. Line shockwaves travel in a straight-line 15” for every level of SuperStrength the model possesses, and have a 4” wide path of effect.

Radius shockwaves emanate 5” out from the model in all directions, and affect all models within this radius except for their creator. creator.

Special Effects Lightning Reflexes (+2 pts.):  Te model gains +1 die on Initiative goal rolls. Tis effect may be purchased multiple times.

Shockwaves ignore terrain, and and do not affect airborne or Density Decreased models.


Super-Knockback (+5 pts.):  Tis effect works just like the standard Knockback rules (see the appropriate rules section in Chapter I), except that opposing models struck by a model possessing SuperKnockback are knocked back 5” for every goal scored on the KB check.

BP Cost: 6 pts. per level (max 3) Effects: Models with this power may re-roll a number of dice equal to its level on each throw involving its governing attribute. Super-Mind Level 1 provides one re-roll, Level 2 provides 2 re-rolls, and Level 3 provides 3 re-rolls. Additionally, each level of Super-Mind purchased adds +1 AP to the model’s starting AP total. Re-rolls from superattributes should be noted on the SuperSheet in brackets after the attribute’s standard dice number, i.e. 6[2].

Special Effects Lightning Strategist (+2 pts.):  Te model gains gains +1 die on Initiative goal rolls. Tis effect may be purchased multiple times.

SUPER-ENERGY  BP Cost: 10 pts. per level (max 3) Effects: Models with this power may re-roll a number of dice equal to its level on each throw involving any of their Energy Based powers (Ranged Attack, Damaging Aura, Flare, etc.). Super-Energy Level 1 provides one re-roll, Level 2 provides 2 re-rolls, and and Level 3 provides 3 re-rolls. Note that this does not stack with any Super levels they may have bought as a power specific extra.

Second Sight (+5 pts.): Models possessing Second Sight may target models that they cannot see with Mind and Resolved-based 34



charge while levitating f riends. Te models all move in the th e same direction as the K model.

SUPER LEAP BP Cost: 6 pts.  AP Cost: Charge Effects: Models with this power can leap, swing, or bound high up into the air while also covering some horizontal distance! distance! For every goal rolled on a Strength or Agility (player’s choice) check the model

If the K model is KO’ed while levitating friends, they are all dropped, falling a number of inches equal to twice the levitating model’s AP. Manipulate Object (+2 pts.): For 3 AP, the model can grab and move objects or friendly models up to 12” away. away. Objects and friendly

may leap 5” vertically and 3” horizontally, or 3” vertically and 5” horizontally (the model must decide which before it leaps). Super Leap is a special kind of charge maneuver where where the leaper can either use the ‘argeting a Spot on the Battlefield’ rules to make it to a specific spot on the terrain or attack a flying or ground-bound model

models can be moved 2” for every goal scored on the K model’s Mind or Resolve check. Objects of medium size or larger, or models that are Massive x 2 or greater, are moved 1” for every goal scored on the Mind check. Players need only consider horizontal distance when deciding  where to place objects or models moved moved with this effect. Once the model or object has been moved, it is back on the ground. Tis effect cannot be used to set up midair attacks on F lying models.

using a normal opposed attack roll. If the attack hits, the leaper lands successfully successfully at his target t arget location. If it fails, the leaper uses the normal S2 scatter rules to determine where he ends up. Te scatter occurs from f rom the desired end point, which if attacking a flier may be different than the attack point, because the attack occurs somewhere along the leaper’s arcing path. Te range is determined from the target model, but the scatter from the desired end point (which is the same when attacking a ground model). Tis represents that the target dodged, or tossed them off course slightly. slightly.

Special Effects Extra Bounce (2 pts. per die, max 3): Models may add their dice in Extra Bounce to their Super Leap L eap dice pool totals before rolling for Super Leap.

Example: Hardcore attempts a Super Leap attack against a ying foe 14” in the air. She rolls sufcient distance (5 goals for 25” horizontal and 15” vertical) on her leap check and then makes her attack goal roll, beating her foe and resolving the damage. Had her attack missed, she would have continued on with her leap, scattering in random direction measured from the end point of her leaping arc.

 TK Grab (+5 pts.): Te model can grab grab a foe at range with its K field. K Grab is a 3 AP, Mind or Resolve (K model) vs. Agility (target model) attack with a range of 15”. Instead of making a damage goal roll after hitting, the attacking model simply grabs his foe in a paralyzing field of K energy. On each of their subsequent turns, the models must make an opposed Strength (defender) vs. Mind or Resolve (attacker) goal roll to see if the K Grab continues (any ties go to the defending model). Tis Tis opposed goal roll costs 5 AP for the acting model AP for that turn. At the beginning of its turn, the grabbing model can choose to release its foe at no AP cost, however, it may not attempt to K Grab the same model again that turn.

Grabbed models may not make any physical attacks on their turn; they can make Mental Attacks, activate non-attack powers like Density Decrease, or try to free Decrease, f ree themselves via the aforementioned opposed Strength roll. Grabbed models attacked by third parties resist using their Agility as normal, but do not get the benefits of Super-Agility or Flight. Models attacking a grabbed model receive +2 dice to their  Agility goal roll to hit.

 TERRIFYING AURA   TELEKINESIS BP Cost: 7 pts.  AP Cost: 2 Effects: At the beginning beginning of its turn the model can can declare that it is levitating off the ground, and and can remain in the air until the beginning of its next turn. For purposes of playability, the model is always assumed to be hovering at twice its base AP in inches above the battlefield.

 A Levitating model may choose choose to move or charge normally normally.. On On successive turns, the model can remain aloft by spending 2 AP to keep the power active; this does not preclude the model f rom charging. Levitating models are considered to be airborne, and cannot be targeted by conventional close combat attacks, but unlike Flying Fly ing models, do not receive any bonus dice to defense.

BP Cost: 8 pts.  AP Cost: none Effects: Some models are so alien horrifying that effectively attacking them proves difficult. At the beginning of its turn, and when it first enters the area of effect, any enemy model within 10” of a model possessing this power must make a Difficult(4) Resolve goal roll or be  errified.   errified. Models possessing possessing errifying errifying Aura receive receive +2 dice dice on attack and defense goal rolls versus models they have errified. Once a model has passed its errifying errifying Aura check against a model it does not need to make another one against that particular model for the remainder of the game. Models possessing this trait ignore the effects of other  errifying   errifying Auras.


Levitate Friends (+3 pts.):  Te K model makes an unopposed mind goal roll, and in addition to itself, can levitate a number of friendly models equal to the number of goals scored on this check.  Te model can levitate friends up to 12” 1 2” away away.. Tis check costs 2 AP. AP.

BP Cost: -5 pts.  AP Cost: none Effects: Once per game, an opposing player can force a model with Unlucky to re-roll one dice pool throw, or re-roll a throw of their own that would have affected the Unlucky model. When models with Unlucky re-roll their dice, they must accept the lesser of the two results as

On successive turns, levitated models can remain aloft with the K model spending an additional 2 AP as above. Te levitated models move at a rate equal to t o the K model, and the K model may not

the If the is made by the Unlucky mayofficial not beone. altered by second re-rolls throw from super-attributes or othermodel,  When the model opposing the Unlucky Unlucky model re-rolls re-rolls its throw, throw, it

Special Effects



may take the better of the two throws.

Example: The Glock-Roach is an Unlucky hero. He’s battling Thunderst and gets a great shot on him scoring 8 goals! But Thunderst’s player remembers that the GlockRoach is Unlucky, and decides to force the roach’s player to

 which must be noted noted at the time of purchase purchase (Forward, (Forward, Left, Right, or Rear). Passengers with ranged attacks can fire in any direction. Vehicle close combat attacks are Rams and must come at the end of a charge. Tis precludes the vehicle f rom performing most other close combat maneuvers. When a vehicle rams it adds its level as extra dice to its damage goal roll.


re-roll his excellent attack throw. He does and scores only 3 goals—the Glock-Roach curses his lot in life as his shot careens off a passing bus, just missing Thunderst. Had Glock-Roach’s player rolled an even more miraculous 9 goals on his second throw, he would have been required to accept the rst, lesser throw.

age should be rolled separately or with different colored dice since it doesn’t apply to the vehicle’s passengers).

 VEHICLE BP Cost: variable  AP Cost: none Effects: Models purchasing this power count as a vehicle (henchmen groups may not purchase this power). Te size and carrying carry ing capacity of the Vehicle varies based on the level of the power purchased. All Vehicles share the same basic traits: Soulless (as the power of the same name), Massive (based on Level taken in the power), requires operator.  When building some vehicle-like vehicle-like models, this power may not not be appropriate. In these cases levels of Massive and other powers will serve to create the desired effects.

Models purchasing the Vehicle Vehicle power may not also purchase the following powers: Berserker, Elasticity, Escape Artist, and Instant Stand. Mounting/Entering a vehicle takes 2 AP for adjacent models and at the end of that time the driver is ready ready to operate the vehicle. Models may not charge into a vehicle. A vehicle will not move or fire without an operator. Operating a vehicle costs the driver 3 AP, allowing the  vehicle its full AP worth of movement and and attacks for that turn. However,, enemy models trying to do the same must spend 4 AP and make ever a difficult (3) Mind goal roll to successfully bring it into an operational state. Enemy models may only enter empty vehicles, vehicle s, and may not operate enemy vehicles with the Independent special effect. Leaving a  vehicle also requires requires 2 AP. AP. Models wishing to operate a vehicle during their turn become Dedicated Drivers. If a model begins its round within the vehicle and spends only the 3 AP necessary to make it operational its turn ends and the  vehicle model model may be activated activated immediately immediately,, essentia essentially lly melding the operator and vehicle actions into a single activation in the initiative sequence. Models to operate the vehicle for to their turnthe may do nothing else exceptwishing for spending the 3AP necessary make vehicle operational. Models may begin the game already within a vehicle. If the vehicle’s Agility is better than the Driver’s, it is assumed to possess a battle computer which allows it to attack more deftly than the driver normally could. If the driver’s driver’s Agility is better than the  vehicle’s,  vehicle’ s, its its Super-Agility is raised to that that of the driver’s and an addiadditional +1 Super-Agility is granted for every extra 2D Agility the driver has more than the vehicle’s (representing the driver getting the most out of his vehicle). However However,, this cannot grant more Super Agility to the vehicle than it has dice in Agility (i.e., a 3D Agility vehicle can’t become more than 3D [3]).

If a vehicle is knocked back, its passengers go with it. If it is knocked down, it can’t be moved until righted, but can still fire any ranged attacks it has. Players should determine the orientation of the knocked down vehicle using the random direction chart from the appendix. If a model possesses enough strength to lift the vehicle, it can right it. If a vehicle is used as a Super-Club S uper-Club,, the vehicle and all its occupants all take the same damage as the target (but the occupants receive +2D to resist the damage). Vehicles are purchased in three levels: Lvl 1 (10 pts.)  Tis is a small vehicle vehicle with a maximum maximum of two occupants (Size Class Large). Tis vehicle counts as Massive 1. Lvl 2 (14 pts.)  Tis is a medium medium vehicle with a maximum maximum of 6 occupants (Size Class A). Tis vehicle counts as Massive 2, receives +1 re-roll for Strength on damage resistance resistance goal rolls, and has a base handling of 10”. Lvl 3 (25 pts.)  Tis is a large vehicle vehicle with a maximum maximum of 11 occupants (Size Class B). Tis vehicle counts as Massive 3, receives +1 re-roll for Strength on damage resistance resistance goal rolls and has a base handling of 10”.

Re-rolls from vehicle levels do not count against the maximum allowed for characters. Models with levels of Shrinking up no transport slots.slot Each level of active Massive a model possessestake consumes an additional of space, so a Massive level 2 model would take up three spaces, and a massive level 5 model would take up six! Each active level of Growth a model possesses also adds extra slots in the same manner. For example, a model with 2 active levels of Growth would take up three t hree spaces. A Massive 2, Growth 2 model would take up 5 spaces.

Special Effects Enclosed (+5 pts.): In comic book battles, the occupants of vehicles are never completely safe from f rom attacks of any kind, but vehicles possessing this effect grant their passengers +2D to Agility to avoid attacks directed against them. Tis is in addition to the normal +2D to to damage resistance goal rolls.

Vehicles can only make a 45 degree turn at the start of their turn and again after traveling at least 5”. Add +5” to this distance if Flying. Flying . Tis 5” move requirement represents the vehicle’s base Handling rating.

Extra Fire Arc (+2 pts.): Ve Vehicles hicles possessing this trait gain one

If the vehicle has any ranged attacks, they receive a 180 degree arc

Giant Robot (+5 pts.):  Te vehicle is some some sort of Giant Robot



 Attacking the vehicle with a ranged or melee melee attack happens happens normally, normally, but if an occupant is attacked directly or via an AoE attack, they receive +2D to their damage resistance resistance roll. AoE attacks work a little differently against the actual Vehicle. Vehicle. Being larger than most normal models, vehicles vehicles take more of the damage from AoE attacks, but not as much knockback. Te attacker gets +2D to the damage against the vehicle, but doesn’t get the +2D for knockback (this bonus dam-

extra fire 90 degree arc that must be defined at vehicle creation.




complete with a set of manipulators that allow it to perform normal close combat attacks and combat maneuvers. Provided they have the strength to do so, Giant Robot vehicles may pick themselves up from

ity, super-technology, or some combination of these factors, they are much tougher to bring down in a fight. Henchmen Groups possessing the Veterans Veterans power can withstand 2 points of damage per man rather


a knocked down state. Independent (+5 pts.):  Te vehicle’s battle-computer or integral pilot allows it to function without an operator. It may still be operated by another model in lieu of its own capabilities. Nimble (+5 pts.): Subtract 5” from the vehicle’s Handling distance. If this takes the Handling to 0 (it would for a ground based Level 1  vehicle), the vehicle can move move like normal models. models. Ve Vehicles hicles possessing this effect still need to define their facing after movement to account

for arc of fire on any weapons they may have. No Carrier (-1 pts./-1 occupant): Vehicles may select this effect to reduce their cost by eliminating the vehicle’s ability to transport other models. Models selecting this effect may reduce their passenger capacity to 0, but must also purchase the Independent effect.  Turret (+5 pts.): Must be Level 2 or larger larger to buy this extra. A  urret   urret increases increases the arc of fire for all Ranged Ranged attacks the vehicle vehicle may have to 360 degrees.

 Vehicles in Comics Past treatments of vehicles in SuperSystem attempted to simulate the action of vehicles in combat with a level of detail unwarranted by their true role in the superhero comics. In comic books, vehicles blow up, get smashed, used as clubs, and generally abused. In SuperSystem 2nd ed. we take a more abstract view of the role of vehicles in the game.

 VETERANS BP Cost: 10 pts. Effects: Some Henchmen Groups represent the finest talent money can buy, and whether by virtue of excellent training, genetic superior-

than the normal 1 point per man, effectively making them twice as hard to take out. Any odd points of damage dealt to a Veteran Henchmen Group are lost, and do not carry over to later attacks. Because Veterans are rare and expensive fighters, a player may only have one Henchmen Group on his team with this power. Te cost of Veterans may not be reduced by Power Modifications.

Example: A ten-man Henchmen Group of Veteran Lemurian Shark Troopers is struck by an attack from the superstrong Ox dealing 13 points of damage. Because they pos-

sess 6the Veterans power,ofthe Henchmen Group would lose only members instead being wiped out.

 X-RAY SIGHT BP Cost: 5 pts. Effects: Te model can ignore ignore the effects of terrain when determining determining line of sight for charges. Models in cover targeted by a model using XRay Sight do not receive the normal protection bonuses from f rom cover. A model using X-Ray Sight cannot fire at targets through solid objects like buildings, vehicles, or thick copses of trees.

POWERS AS GEAR SuperSystem uses the Powers rules to model gear or equipment carried by models. If a group of henchmen is armed with rifles, they have the Ranged Attack power. If the same group is also wearing flak vests, give them one level of the Armor power. Te same goes for characters. If the super assassin Adder carries two pistols, she’s got the Ranged  Attack power, power, and and perhaps even the Rapid Fire Fire special effect. effect. For For ease of play, no distinction is made between the gear a model carries and the powers it possesses.

POWER MODS Not every hero or villain is the same, and even characters and henchmen groups possessing the same powers might wield them differently. Power Modifications, or Mods for short, allow players to tinker with their models’ powers when they build them, or even later on as they grow in experience during a Series. S eries. Power Power Mods allow players to maximize their points and create powers that are distinct from each other. Power Mods can either reduce or increase the cost of a power by reducing or increasing its effectiveness in some manner. Te description for each Power Mod will explain exactly what sort of power it can be applied to.   Power Mods are most often employed at Character Creation, but can also be added to a character as a result of a Weird Radiation Special Event during a scenario. A Power Mod’s point reduction is always applied after the power or special effect’s total cost has been calculated. Beyond any specific limitations it might call for, a Power Mod may never reduce a power’s point cost to lower than half its original or iginal total. If a situation arises where a Power Mod would reduce a power’s total by more than half, it reduces it to half-cost, and no further. Models can realize no further point savings from mods that reduce a power’s power’s cost by more than half. Power Mods should be noted on the model’s 38



SuperSheet under the power that they affect (in the same manner as

successful hit). But when spread out to an area, the attacker uses the

Special Effects).

Example: The Link possesses a Melee Attack power that her player, Jo Ann denes as an energy sword that she must concentrate to summon. She decides to apply the Activation Goal Roll power mod to save some points on this power and make it a bit more in step with her character. The total cost of the Melee Attack power is 6 pts. (+3 Dice of damage at 6 pts.) Jo Ann may purchase up to -3 BP worth of the Activation Goal Roll Power Mod, which makes the total cost of the Melee Attack power for The Link only 3 pts., but she’ll have to score two goals on a Resolve check each time she wants

argeting a Spot on the Battlefield rules presented in chapter I. After the hit or scatter, all models even partially within the area are affected. However, area attacks never receive dice carried over from the attack roll (the damage is spread all over the targeted models and not focused on a vulnerable spot). Models may adjust the size of the area each time they use this modifier.. For each 2D of damage they choose to remove from their normal fier attack, they may spread the new reduced affect over an increment of area of the appropriate type. Removing 4D would give them two increments, etc., they can pick how far they spread it each time, but the attack can’t be reduced below 1D in effect. Te types of areas and respective increments are defined below:

to use it (see the text below)!

 Activation Cost BP Cost/Reduction: -2 pts. per AP Effects: Tis mod may only only be taken for powers powers which have no AP cost to activate. Reactive powers like Reflection and Force-Field, and some active powers like Flight normally cost no AP to use, but this power mod assigns such powers an Activation Cost that is paid either during the model’s current turn (in the case of an active power like Flight), or at the beginning of its next turn (for reactive powers like Force-Field and Reflection). In the latter case, players should place a die on the model’ model’ss SuperSheet indicating how many AP were spent “out-of-turn.” Spending AP in this fashion does not preclude a model from charging. In the case of reactive powers, a model may always choose not to pay the Activation Cost, and thus not receive the benefits of the power.

 Activation Goal Roll BP Cost/Reduction: -2 pts. per goal required (max 3) Effects: Tis power mod may may not be used on on powers that already already require a goal roll to activate them. Using Using a power with the Activation Goal Roll mod requires concentration concentration (in addition to any AP cost that also has to be paid). o use the power, a model must make a Resolve goal roll and score the necessary number of goals to activate it; this goal roll costs no AP, but if it is failed, another activation roll may not be attempted until the model’s next turn. Iron Will may not be added to this roll.

 All (+6 pts.): Models with this modifier have access to all three area of effect types (Bolt, Cone, and Radius). Blast (+4 pts.): Adds a Spherical area of effect effect to the attack. From the initial target, targ et, each increment grants a 1” Radius to the effect. So a 3 increment Radius would create a 3” Radius sphere. Bolt (+4 pts.):  Adds a 1” wide Linear area area of effect to the attack. From the initial target, the Bolt travels in a path that’s directly away from the attacker. Each increment increment grants +4”L to the Bolt. So a 3 incrementt Bolt is 1”W x 12”L. Note: Players may want to also select incremen the No Range mod when trying to create a traditional superhero “bolt-thrower.” Cone (+4 pts.): Adds a Conic area of effect to the attack. From the initial target, the Cone travels travels in a path that’s that ’s directly directly away from f rom the attacker. Each increment grants 2” in length and width to the Cone. So for a 3 increment Cone, from the target spot, you’d measure 6” directly away from the attacker and 3” to the left and right of that spot.  Te resulting resulting Cone is the triangle defined by the target spot and the left/right points. Note: Players may want to also select the No Range mod when trying to create a flamethrower style power.

Even models who are fully or partially in the area of effect are automatically hit and must make a resistance goal roll against the attackers damage roll. However before the damage roll, any defending model can take a free and immediate ‘Dive for Cover’ action to drop prone. Models that are prone (for any reason) and models only partially  within the area of effect add +2D to their defense roll roll (so +4D to models that meet both these conditions).

 Always On BP Cost/Reduction: -25% Effects: Tis modifier is for models which have have some debilitating debilitating or altered physical state on at all times. Te following powers may be purchased with this modification: Damaging Aura, Density Decrease, Density Increase, Growth, and Shrinking.

BP Cost/Reduction: 4 or 6 pts Powerss with this modifier can be fired at full normal effect against Power a single target or spread out to a lesser effect against a spot on the battlefield, possibly possibly affecting multiple targets.

 Area of effect effect attacks are inherently inherently more concussive concussive than normal attacks. Some of the energy damage loss is due to the widening of the attack energy, energ y, but some of it is converted to concussive concussiv e force. If the  Area of Effect is is an attack that could cause Knockback, Knockback, it receives receives +2D to its Knockback dice total per increment increment in area. So even if a model suffers a 3 increment area of effect attack and takes no damage from the initial blast (and thus normally no KB), it could still be knocked back by the concussive force (0+6D=6D). However, any KB resistance they may have will still subtract from f rom the distance rolled and thus may prevent them from moving. Any Knockback is in the direction direction directly away from the initial target spot for the area of effect, regardless regardless of the firing model’ model’ss location.

 When fired as normal, normal, the model’ model’ss attack roll must defeat defeat the defenddefender’s Agility goal roll as normal (getting all bonus dice in damage on a

 Te following powers powers are eligible for this modifier: Dispel, Entangle, Flare, and Ranged Attack.

 Area of Effect




Example: Ms. Megapulse wishes to use her wide-band radian blast (30”, AoE 5”) against a trio of villains 24” away. Ms. M’s player picks a spot on the battleeld roughly equidistant to the villains and gures her difculty for the shot. The range of 24” means the base difculty will be 4 (because it’s more than half her attack’s stated range). If Ms. M. rolls 4+ goals on her attack goal roll, all al l models within 5” of that spot will be hit by her radian blast. Note: AoE Ranged Attacks with the No Range mod emanate from the model possessing the attack, and also automatically hit the originating model.

Charge Only BP Cost/Reduction: -50% Effects: Tis modifier may be applied to any any power that the model model  would normally be capable capable of using more more than once each each turn (i.e., in order to buy this for Melee Attack, the model must normally have at least 6 AP). Powers with this modifier are restricted to only being used as a charge maneuver instead of a normal AP maneuver, but qualify for the free attack at the end of their charge move should their move end in base contact with an enemy model.

No Range BP Cost/Reduction:-50% Effects: Any ranged attack power may apply this modifier to eliminate its range entirely, thus making it a Close Combat attack. Tis attack still costs 4 AP as a normal ranged attack does.

One-Shot BP Cost/Reduction: -50% Effects: Te power or special effect can only be used once per battle. Characters with Omni-Power may not purchase powers with this Power Mod.

Only Versus BP Cost/Reduction: -50% Effects: Tis modifier modifier may be applied applied to any defensi defensive ve power that  works versus versus a broad broad range range of attacks attacks (i.e., (i.e., Armor Armor,, FF FF,, Reflecti Reflection, on, etc.).  A descriptor descriptor is also requir required ed for what what it works works against. against. Possible Possible values are Ranged Attacks, Close Combat Attacks, or a significantly restricted special effect (i.e., Fire Attacks, Cold Attacks, Sonic Attacks, etc.).

Obviously if the power only works against the above descriptor, then it’s not valid. So no buying Deflection versus ranged attacks and then

Costs Vitality BP Cost/Reduction: -3 pts. per Vitality point (max 3) Effects: Using a power with this mod carries with it a heavy price. Every time the power is used, the model must mark off a number of Vitality points equal to the rating of the power mod. Damage from this power mod cannot be Healed or Regenerated, or regained through the use of Boost/Drain. Vitality loss from this mod returns between battles.

Does Knockback BP Cost/Reduction: +5 Effects: Tis modifier may be purchased purchased for any Vitality damaging damaging power that normally doesn’t qualify for knockback on its own.

Extended Range

trying to say ‘Only Versus Ranged Attacks’ :), however ‘Only Versus Fire Attacks’ would still be permissible.

Only While  BP Cost/Reduction: -25% Effects: Tis modifier may be applied to any power that only works under certain conditions. A descriptor is also required for the condition. Possible values are Flying, Shrunk, Intangible, etc. For example, Flight with the Only While Intangible modifier is an appropriate use of this modifier.

Obviously if the condition is always present or almost always present, then this modifier wouldn’t be valid. So for example players may not purcahse Shrinking with the Always On modifier and then try to buy Flight with the Only While Shrunk modifier as the model is never not Shrunk.

BP Cost/Reduction: 1 pt Effects: Any ranged attack power (except (except Dominate and and Copy Power) Powe r) may apply this modifier to increase its range.

Reduced Range  If the range of the attack is normally 15” or less, then this extra increases the range by 1” for each level purchased, otherwise it increases it by 2” for each level purchased.

No Knockback BP Cost/Reduction: -2 Effects:  Tis modifier may be purchased for any power that normally

BP Cost/Reduction: -1 pt Effects: Any ranged attack attack power may apply apply this modifier to decrease decrease its range. However the normal limit of a power not being reduced below 50% of its cost still applies.

If the range of the attack is normally 15” or less, then this extra decreases the range by 2” for each level purchased, otherwise it decreases it by 4” for each level purchased.

qualifies for Knockback and if purchased, that power no longer qualifies.

Slow Power  BP Cost/Reduction: -2 pts. per +1 AP Effects: Tis Power Power Mod affects affects any kind of power power that requires requires  40



 AP to activate or use, use, including, but not limited to Entangle, Entangle, Hyper Movement, Melee Attack, Mental Attack, and Ranged Attack. Slow  Attacks cost +1 AP per -2 BP of the power’s total cost. Slow Attack Powerss cannot be used to Quick Attack, but can used as HaymakPower ers and in other special combat maneuvers. Slow Powers can be purchased for and applied specifically to a power’s special affect. For example, a player could purchase the Super-Damage special effect for her character’s Ranged Attack, but assign it the Slow Power special effect, making making the ranged attack cost more AP when Super-Damage is employed.

Unreliable BP Cost/Reduction: 1/2 Base Points Effects: Unreliable powers powers work only about half the time! At the beginning of every round, all models possessing Unreliable powers roll a D6; if the result is an even number, the powers work as normal, but if the result is an odd number, they do not function for the entire round.  A model may only possess possess one power that that is Unreliable. Unreliable.

at the normal rate. For example, if a character has -4 pts. worth of the  Activation Goal Goal Roll power mod, it would cost 4 BP to buy off.

 AFFILIATION  AFFILIAT ION  Te last thing determined determined when building building a character character is his or her  Affiliation. A model’s Affiliation really really encompasses two things: things: belief and team membership. A player must decide where his model’s beliefs lay--Hero, Villain, or Mercenary. Tis choice can become important in certain scenarios. Te other aspect of Affiliation involves what team a character belongs to when the series begins. Chapter Chapter VI details well over a dozen official teams and a number of Free Agent characters.  Tese write-ups can be used directly directly from the book or used as inspirainspiration for original creations.

Unstable  BP Cost/Reduction: -3 pts. per level (max 3) Effects: Unstable models suffer from personal demons or distractions (drug abuse, alcoholism, ailing family member, etc.) which can inhibit their performance during a battle. Before the battle begins, roll a D6 for each level of Unstable a model has purchased. Any even results on these die rolls prompt a roll on the table below:

Unstable Effects Roll Effect 1 2 3 4 5 6

-1 Strength -1 Agility -1 Mind -1 Resolve -2 AP -2 Vitality

Reductions in a model’ model’ss attributes do not reduce figured characteristics like AP and Vitality. Unstable may be bought off with experience. Special Effects Models may purchase Power Mods for special effects of a given power, but the point reduction gained from the mod cannot equal more than one-half the total cost of the Special Effect. Power Power Mods that only affect a specific special effect of a power should be noted by placing the special effect’s name in parenthesis next to their listing on the SuperSheet.

Example: Tryckster possesses the Hyper Move power and wants to add 5 levels (15 pts.) of the Carry Objects special effect. Her player decides to purchase Carry Objects with 3 levels (-6 pts.) of the Activation Goal Roll power mod. The total cost of the Carry Objects special effect is now 9 pts., and Tryckster must score three goals on a Resolve Check every time she tries to teleport with passengers. Buying Off Negative Power Mods Characters and Henchmen Groups can buy off negative power mods  with accumulated accumulated experience points. Once a player player converts his model’s experience to Build Points, he may buy off any negative mods SuperSystem



Henchmen are built in groups, and act as one model for purposes of movement, combat, and most other factors. A Henchmen group makes one goal roll on attack and defense goal rolls. Henchmen Group attributes and powers are purchased just as heroes and villains are. Henchmen Groups purchase attributes and powers the same way as characters do, and face the same Dice Pool Cap restrictions. Henchmen Groups begin with 5 free members, and for every 2 pts. spent, another henchman can be added to the group.

Example: Jo Ann wants to build a Henchmen Group serving the sinister mastermind Dr. Simian. Her Series is using an 85 pt. Power Cap. She rst buys the group’s attributes, deciding that the Plasti-Men will have Strength 4 (12 pts.), Agility 4 (12 pts.), Mind 2 (4 pts.), and Resolve 4 (8 pts.) for a total of 36 pts. She then decides to spend 10 pts. to purchase 5 additional Plasti-Men for the group for a total of 10. Now she can move on to buying her group’s powers.

players should arrive at a consensus on henchmen power limitations, and then stick to it. It is not recommended that henchmen groups ever possess more than 4 levels of re-rolls.

Example: Jo Ann wants to purchase Super-Strength level one and one level of Super-Armor for the Plasti-Men. She could not also purchase Super-Agility for them, as they may not have more than two total levels of re-rolls.

Henchmen Affiliation Henchmen Groups must be assigned an Affiliation in the same manner as characters.

Henchmen Grouping Power Limitations Henchmen groups may be built with any of the powers presented earlier, but may only purchase two total levels of re-rolls between superattributes and other powers. In higher level games, or to model elite henchmen, players may wish to allow henchmen groups more levels of re-rolls. Before a one-shot or series, all

Henchmen must remain close to each other during the course of a battle. Each model in the group must be within 2” of another member of the group. Tey may move in a line, or as a looser formation, but this 2” limit must be maintained. Since Vitality loss against henchmen groups results in the removal of members of the group, casualties should be removed in such a way as to preserve group integrity.

Henchmen in Close Combat Henchmen Groups attack in close combat as one model, but as long as they outnumber their foe, they gain a bonus to attack in close combat similar to the multiple friends rule. Unlike character models, all henchmen in a group do not have to be in base contact for the group to enjoy the friends in close combat bonus. If a character or henchmen group charges and makes contact with at least one model in a henchmen group, the entire group is considered to be in the combat. For purposes of clarity, once a charge is completed against a henchmen group, move all of the henchmen into base contact (or as close as possible) with the charging model or models. Henchmen groups receive +1 die to Agility for close combat attacks for every two t wo models they outnumber their foe by beyond the first. No matter the henchmen group’s size, it can never gain a bonus higher than +5 dice from multiple friends in close combat. Note that unlike character models, henchmen groups only receive the bonus to agility f rom greater numbers numbers on attack rolls, not defense rolls. Since they are treated as one model in most respects, Henchmen groups groups convey only a +1 bonus to f riendly character  42



models in close combat with them, and no bonus to other, friendly henchmen groups. Henchmen groups are trained to fight together, but often get in the way of other, friendly henchmen groups.

Example: Five Plasti-Men have charged Ox. The Henchmen make one attack goal roll at +4 dice (+2 because they outnumber him, and +2 for the charge). Example: Ten Shark Troopers and the Lemurian enforcer Megladon are in close combat against Brute. The Shark Troopers would receive +5 dice to their Agility goal rolls in the close combat. If Spine-Strike, another Lemurian ally,  joined the battle next round, round, their bonus would remain remain +5.

Hurling Henchmen Entire henchmen groups may be thrown in one attempt by a sufficiently strong character. A five or ten-model henchmen group counts as a Large object on the Size Benchmark able, while a fifteen or twenty-model group counts as a Class A object. Groups larger than twenty models count as Class B objects. Hurling henchmen represents a bit of an abstraction, as as the character model is thought to be  wrapping the whole whole group up in some appropriate appropriate piece piece of terrain and chucking them across the board. Henchmen groups may not throw other henchmen groups.

Henchmen and Vehicles Multiple Foes Against Henchmen  When a friend rushes in to help in close combat against against a Henchmen Group, simply split the henchmen group’s members as evenly as possible across the enemy models, keeping keeping in mind that as long as they enjoy a numerical advantage, each sub-group still gets its bonus f rom superior numbers as described above. Henchmen groups split in this  way make multiple multiple attack goal rolls rolls as if they were were separate groups, groups, but they still take damage as one group. Cowardly henchmen groups that are split in these instances still make Resolve checks as one group.

Example: The Blur rushes in to close combat to aid his comrade, the Ox, who has been besieged by ve Plasti-Men. Both the Ox and the Blur get two Plasti-Men apiece, and the Henchmen Group’s player assigns the third one to the Blur, reasoning that it will be easier to hurt the eet-footed mutate than his massive comrade.

Later in the battle, the Ox takes out his two henchmen with another 2 points of damage left over. These extra points carry back over to the three t hree henchmen still battling the Blur, taking two of them out as well.

Henchmen in Ranged Combat Henchmen in ranged combat make only one attack goal roll per 4 AP spent. Henchmen groups purchase ranged attacks just as character models, but players should keep in mind the Concentrated Fire maneuver when making attacks.

Henchmen and Damage   A Henchmen Group’ Group’s Vitality rating is based on their numbers. numbers. If a group of seven of Dr. Simian’s Plasti-Men is hit by a ranged attack and takes two Vitality V itality points worth of damage, two members of the group are removed. Henchmen groups are tracked on SuperSheets just like character models, but the Vitality track can be ignored, as each member of the group is essentially equal to one Vitality point.

For purposes of determining the number of passengers a model with the Vehicle power can carry, each Henchman in the group counts as one model.




chap was like a lion among a pack of hyenas.” Te name stuck, and thus was born Te Lion of England.

Maybe there have always been heroes. Te many tales of valor and superhuman feats that exist in every culture’s lore bespeak of people  with great powers. powers. ales tell of Heracles Heracles besting the Nemean Nemean Bull, Samson raising the temple of God’s enemies with his bare hands, and  John Henry besting a machine of iron iron and steam. steam. And And what of the many tales of the supernatural-vampires, werewolves, ghosts? Legends. Flights of fancy. Or at least that’s what the world believed until that faithful day in 1919 when all the rules began to change.

 And he was but but the first. Some weeks later, later, in Africa, a man man calling himself Shango began a war on poachers using powers of weather control. He was joined in his struggle by several other heroes, and their deeds became legends. As more heroes began to emerge, so to did their opposite numbers. In New York during the summer of 1923 a string of bank robberies was committed by a woman who simply kicked-in the back of the banks’ walls walls and ripped open their vaults  with her bare hands hands in the dead dead of night.

On April 8th, 1919, two tremors rocked the planet Earth. Te first occurred near the Bermuda riangle off the coast of the Caribbean, and the second struck twenty miles off of the coast of Sri Lanka (then called Ceylon under the control of Great Britain). Following Following the tremors was the emergence from the waves of two great, mythical cities, Atlantis in the Caribbean, and Lemuria in the Indian Ocean. Long thought by Greek scholars and armchair historians to be entire continents, in truth these two t wo marvels were great floating cities built  with a technology undreamed undreamed of by mankind. mankind. Why they chose to re veal themselves themselves on that fateful day day is still unknown, but their resulting resulting effects on the course of human events have transcended the pages of anyone’s mythologies, and become a matter of historical fact.

It took the efforts of a collection of good Supers (as anyone exhibiting strange powers of any origin had come to be called) to bring her down. Te battle leveled two city blocks. After this series of startling events classifications of the various types t ypes of Supers began to emerge. Mutants, mutates, experiments, elites, cyborgs, robots, androids, aliensthe scientists and the media could barely keep up with who was calling himself what and why.

 Just beginning beginning the long road road back from the devastation of World World War War I, the world community did not know how to approach the inhabitants of either Atlantis or Lemuria. Cryptic cables were received received in the houses of the world’s world ’s governments governments from f rom both cities, messages messages that spoke of peace but hinted also at the overwhelming power looming  within their domed domed edifices. Tey identified themselves as Atlantis Atlantis and Lemurian Progenitors.  And, at over fifty miles in diameter diameter,, neither neither city seemed to stay put,  with one moving hundredsfashion hundreds of miles in a single night’s night’s travel.each Each one movedatinwill haphazard around the globe, always careful to keep well out the reach of the other ot her.. No one ever observed anyone (or anything) entering or leaving the eerie marvels, but little did the world’s populace know that the two implacable hemispheres hemispheres  were acting acting like great great gardeners, gardeners, seeding seeding the Earth to later later reap a harvest of a marvelous new age. An Age of Heroes.

 Te Scientific community did not sit sit idly by while the Supers took center stage. Amazing and sometimes bizarre advances in energy research and weapons development were made during the 1920’s and 1930’s. Walking tanks, ray guns, solar power, weather control, and much more were posited by a few gifted minds of the times. Many of the devices tested ended in horrible disasters, but a few succeeded, and some were even adapted to the assembly line, and became commonly accepted as “modern” technology.  While science science asserted asserted itself itself,, the powers powers of Magic were also taking taking hold, hold, as more and more people who believed in its power began to realize it. Some theorized that the coming of the cities from beneath the waves had sundered some barrier between the “real” world and the place where magical power had fled to when the industrial revolution hit. Supers  with purely purely magical magical powers powers were becomi becoming ng more more common, common, and items items of magical power were being discovered with increasing frequency.

 After two years of mysterious mysterious movements around around the globe, globe, confoundconfounding all efforts to make real contact, Lemuria and Atlantis vanished again. Tings really started to get interesting after that. Te first widely recognized sign of the supernatural manifested in post-war England.

Many world and local governments, not wanting to squander the precious and strategically vital resource that Supers of any origin represented, created whole programs to test, monitor, and control their activity. Some Supers welcomed government’s role in their lives, others recoiled at the idea, and resisted any attempts at recruitment. Suddenly, some Supers who had been seen as heroes became villains in the eyes of a fickle public. Some independent Supers managed to turn public opinion back in their favor through good deeds, but others gave in, and became villains in fact as well as name.

On December 25, 1922, a group of Irish dissidents attacked a mansion  where a Christmas Christmas party was being being held for prominent prominent members members of the local English aristocracy. aristocracy. Heavily armed and filled with a terrible purpose, the the dozen terrorists descended upon the mansion in the cold  winter darkness. darkness. Just as they burst into into the mansion’s mansion’s main main ballroom, a brightly clad figure leapt on them from the t he rafters. In an instant he  was among them, them, moving moving with blinding blinding speed and and striking with immense strength, he dispatched the terrorists in short order. Someone in

Many villains formed secret societies built around them as sole leader and driving force. Some of these societies worked with corrupt world governments to commit acts of unspeakable evil. Te Asgardian Brotherhood worked with the German government to capture and incapacitate Jewish Supers during WWII. Lead by the giant enforcer  Jotunheim, the Asgardians Asgardians became a group feared feared and hated around around the world. It was only through the efforts of Allied Supers that the  Axis powers and and their Super minions minions were brought to heel.


the crowd who had just returned from an Af rican safari uttered, Tat  44


Others also gained infamy for their deeds, and and a pair of o f societies




in particular enjoyed a series of brutal victories over government authorities that catapulted them to prominence during the 1950’s.  Te Atlantis Front Front and the New New Lemurians claimed to be heirs of the mysterious beings they called the Progen Progenitors, itors, the forces behind the return of Atlantis and Lemuria L emuria in 1919! Both groups possessed technology beyond even what the most gifted gadgeteers of the time could produce, and members of both groups talked in veiled terms of the Progenitors’ “great plan” for the Earth.

 With limitless drug money to finance finance his mad mad inventions, inventions, and and access to the technological legacy of the Progeni Progenitors, tors, Simian attracted Super followers by the dozen. Only the power of the Indian Super-Agent Shakti put an end to Simian’s bid for power, and sent the Super-Ape and his chief minions into hiding. A triumphant Shakti was introduced to the Indian and world media as the country’s premier weapon against terrorism in all forms. Supers like Shakti, a member of a lesser caste before her powers emerged, changed Indian Culture more in one decade than in half a century of government reform.

Seemingly unstoppable, both the Atlantis Front and the New Lemurians undid with were internal str ife. strife. Leaders clashed, andthemselves splinter groups formed f rom both and mainlieutenants bodies.  Without a unified power base, Atlantis Front and Lemurian factions picked each other off cell by cell, and many of the splinter groups  went into deep cover. cover. Te self-proclaimed voices of the Progenitors Progenitors grew silent, or were drowned out by the turmoil of the 1960s and the Cold War. Both sides used Supers extensively during the Cold War. One of the Soviet Unions greatest symbols of power and unity during the 1960s  was Te Te Siberian, a massive Super Super Russian who looked looked like Josef Stalin reborn. Te product of a Soviet Super Soldier program that dated back to the last days of WWII, the Siberian was all about Communism in action. His epic slugfest with the American agent Capitol was broadcast on Soviet and American television. Te Te pair of iconoclastic titans battled it out on the streets of Helsinki for nearly an hour with neither man asking for quarter. Before the battle could be decided, a rogue Lemurian cell made its move, and attacked both Supers with powerful operatives of their own. Both Capitol and the Siberian were taken down, but only the Siberian survived the treachery treacher y. Most of Helsinki was wiped out that day,, and to this day the Siberian is still day stil l believed to be hunting the Lemurians responsible. Secret societies not withstanding, the 1970s and early 80s brought  with them a Super and conventional conventional arms race race that made the whole whole  world hold its breath. But capitalism, and détente, eventually won the day, and the Soviet Union collapsed under its own weight. Amidst its ruins the Russian Federation emerged, and the entire planet breathed more easily. Tat is, until dozens of forcibly retired Soviet Supers tried to lead a coup on Moscow. Te Red Patriot Movement, as the group came to be called, was eventually repulsed by Russian opposition and multiple defections, but enough of them survived to seize and control the Russian state of Georgia. With the backing of the RPM, the birthplace of Joseph Stalin himself, Georgia Georgia has remained a Soviet stronghold in a sea of capitalistic reform.  With the collapse of the Soviet Soviet Union, the United States remained remained the world’s lone super power. But in the early 1990s, India and China began to take their places as power brokers on the world stage. China became especially adept at using Super operative to further its foreign and domestic ends. In India, New Delhi became a hotbed of Atlantis Front activity, as a powerful new threat seized control of one of the most storied of the old Atlantis secret societies. Dr. Simian, once known to the world Dr. Reddy Singh, a respected biologist and engineer, managed to transplant his brain into the body of a bio-enginee bio-engineered red super-ape! With his amazing intellect and powerful new form, Singh, now calling himself

Meanwhile, Pakistan’s Muslim wasand having trouble coming grips with the role of Supers in regime its affairs, lagged behind Indiatoin Super development. Tis tipped the balance of power in the 1980’s in India’s favor, and allowed them to win a crushing and decisive victory in the Kashmir Border War of 1991. With Pakistan subjugated, and Indian Supers dismantling the Caste system barrier merely by crossing it, India was finally able to concentrate on the development of her infrastructure. Working closely with the Norway, a European model social safety net was created that managed to reach out to at least some of India’s many disenfranchised people. In five short years, India became a superpower among nations, taking her place with the United States as a world leader.  Te decade of the 1990s was was a tumultuous period period for the rest of the  world as well. Increasing Increasingly ly more Atlantean Atlantean and Lemurian technology technology  was making its way way into the hands of Super Villains and fringe groups.  Te world’s weather weather satellites began detecting detecting climatic changes changes around the globe. Sea levels began to rise alarmingly in areas where land was most precious. Super violence rose dramatically in overcrowde overcrowded d cities  where the poor and and disenfranchised dwelled dwelled in misery. misery. Heroic Supers did their best to keep a handle on things, and more and more of them t hem organized into teams, t eams, micro-militias micro-militias capable of dealing  with the groups of villainous Supers and fringe operators threatening threatening  world peace. Events seemed seemed to be building toward some unknown unknown climax, and on January 1st, 2000, Atlantis and Lemuria returned.  Te floating cities cities were spotted spotted around the same time, Atlantis off the coast of Australia, and Lemuria somewhere near Iceland. Tis became known around the world in hundreds of different languages simply as  Te Return. Teir only message, message, broadcast over radio, radio, television, and the Internet, “We have returned. Te time of testing is near at hand.” Like before, they rebuffed any further attempts at communication, and  when the world’s world’s Supers tried to intervene, intervene, they were either either repelled or captured by beings possessing superior powers and technology.  Te mysterious cities had returned, returned, and and it seemed that that for the entire  world some dark fate fate was drawing nearer nearer,, as as signals from several deep deep space probes suddenly went silent.

 THE INVASION INVASION ARRIVES Shortly after the probes went silent, the first Host attack craft descended on the Earth. Te first supers to engage the aliens had been the Scions of Atlantis, and they had not fared well. Around the world the Host began to ravage the Earth’s nations. Where would the heroes and their governments find the strength to defeat this implacable foe from beyond the stars?


Dr. Simian, staged a brutal coup of the local Atlantis cult. From there he branched out and wrested control of the New Delhi drug cartels from the local gang bosses.  46

 Te heroes heroes and governme governments nts reached reached out to Dr Dr.. Simian, Simian, one of the the  world’s deadliest villains, for aid. And the often malevolent malevolent super-ape super-ape answered. He brought his high-tech minions and bio-engineered cre-



ations to battle against the Alien threat. When other villains saw him battling the alien Host (as they came to be known), they also took part. It was then that the mysterious floating cities reached out with aid, revealing to a stunned world that they indeed were fugitives from the  Alien Host, and that the aliens aliens had come chiefly chiefly to collect their errant errant “children.” Te two feuding cities threw their technological might into the fray f ray and added their own unique supers as well. Slowly the tide t ide turned and the Host’s Host ’s Invasion was thrown back.

 THE GALACTIC GAMESMAN  A short time after the invasion, invasion, a cosmic being being known as the Galactic Gamesman sent pawns to earth to test some of its supers for possible inclusion in his intergalactic blood-sport. One One of his regular servants, Dark emplar, formed a new team of villains in order to draw these heroes out for testing. But emplar grew envious of the freedom he saw other supers enjoying on Earth, and eventually betrayed his cosmic master in order to remain and reap his own criminal profits.  With the help of several other other teams of heroes heroes and villains, emplar imprisoned the Gamesman in the X-Dimension. Now with invasions

and cosmic threats put aside, heroes and villains have returned to their accustomed roles of ages-old foes. But there are many villain groups now, and internecine conflict often ensues. Sometimes even heroes battle each other when they are at cross-purposes. Shifter, the heroic leader of the Scions of Atlantis often quotes this dark aphorism from f rom his forebears, “When mere humans wield the power of immortals, it is their battles that are never-ending.”

 THE FACTIONS FACTIONS TODAY  TODAY  In the wake of the Invasion a number of factions and teams have survived and prospered. Te brief but effective alliance between villains and heroes ended once it became clear aliens and cosmic threats were beaten. Atlantis and Lemuria have now settled beneath the waves and have sought recognition as sovereign states with the United Nations. Listed in Chapter VI are all of the official super teams and free agent heroes and villains populating the Four-Color world. West Wind  will periodically release release more character character models and and henchmen groups groups to help players further explore the amazing world of SuperFigs and SuperSystem.




COMIC BOOK BATTLES  Te essence essence of SuperSystem is telling telling stories with miniatures. miniatures. Replicating the pace and action of comic book battles, and the characters that take part in them, is best accomplished in the context of a Series. Before discussing the nature of a Series, it is also important to discuss the One-Shot style of game. In comic book publishing One-Shots are single-release comics that are not intended as ongoing series. In S2 a One-Shot is a one-off battle exclusive of any larger stor y or continuity.

In a One-Shot game the players simply choose a scenario (see below) and play the game, whereas in a Series each scenario played can add to the mythos myt hos of the Four-Color World. World. Series games make decisions during individual scenarios all the more important. Should you continue to battle with two of your teammates already already down early in the fight, or pull back and lick your wounds, living living to fight another day? Both One-Shot and Series games share a common need, a reason for conflict, a story. Tat’s where the Scenarios come in.

 THE NATURE NATURE OF EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE MATCH-UPS IN S2 Opposing teams in a SuperSystem games are usually balanced in the number of total build points on either side. Before any battle players must decide on what size game they will play. Players can choose an arbitrary number of build points, or use the following guidelines: • Small Battle: 3 models per side (265 pts. per player) player) • Medium Battle: 5 models per side (425 pts. per player) • Large Battle: 8 models per side (680 pts. per player)

Characters in a SuperSystem Series are not static beings; they change and grow based on the trials they face on the battlefields of FourColor Earth. Playing Series games in S2 yields specific experience re wards for participating participating models. Every Scenario has a Rewards Rewards section section that lists the amount of experience earned by surviving models. Tis  value is usually expressed expressed as a split split total like “2/1.”  Te number before before the slash is earned if a model survives the scenario standing,  while the number number after the slash is the amount earned by KO’ed or removed models who manage to survive the post-battle repercussions.

BOUNTY/HEAD-HUNTING  Additional experience experience rewards rewards can be earned earned  when models KO KO foes during the course course of a scenario. Each enemy a model KO’s earns it +1 + 1 experience for the scenario.

SPENDING IT Experience is saved until a model wishes to spend it on improving an attribute or power. After each session, the note the experience earned on the back of the SuperSheet. Saved experience can be spent to improve powers and attributes, or to add new Special Effects to existing powers. Every four experience points earned counts as one build point (4 EXP= 1 BP).  Adding new powers powers can only be done done in conjunction conjunction with a Series Special Event or special circumstance scripted by an arbitrator (see Scenario Scripts below for more details).

EXPERIENCE AND DICE POOL CAPS  When a player upgrades upgrades a model’s powers and attributes, or purchases new powers, the model’s overall BP total will change. After upgrading or adding powers, adjust the model’s total BP rating accordingly.  48






Models that grow in power through experience over the course of a Series will see their Dice Pool Cap number increase.

HENCHMEN AND EXPERIENCE Henchmen groups earn experience just as characters do, but they spend it in slightly different ways. A henchmen henchmen group may spend 4 experience to add their a newattributes, member tobut thethey group. groups maypoints not improve can Henchmen improve existing powers and add new special effects, using the same 4/1 exchange that characters do. Teir total BP cost increases just as normal character models do. Henchmen groups may not increase a super-attribute beyond level one. Adding new powers can only be done in conjunction with a Series Special Event or special circumstance scripted by an arbitrator (see Scenario Scripts below for more details).

 TEAM EXPERIENCE EXPERIENCE  eams in S2 earn  eams earn Fame points points (or Infamy in the case of villains) villains) for every battle they fight. If a team wins a battle, it earns 20 pts. Losers earn 10 pts. Note these Fame points on the back of the team leader’s SuperSheet. Tese points can be spent to add new characters or henchmen groups to the team. Fame Points translate into Build Points on a 2 for 1 basis, with every two Fame Points equaling one Build Point. Tese new members can be built using the character creation system, or duplicated from an official o fficial list, but all Series Power Caps and other guidelines must be followed in their creation.

SCENARIOS Scenarios provide the story f ramework for SuperSystem battles.  Whether playing a One-Shot or a Series, players choose a Scenario to play before beginning their game. If a specific Scenario Script has not been defined for the Series, or if players are just doing a One-Shot, they can roll on the table below to randomly generate a Scenario to be played. Once the Scenario to be played is known, players should each roll 1D6, with the lower roll acting as the defender and the higher the attacker. Some Scenarios will not require such distinctions; see the individual descriptions for details.

RANDOMLY CHOOSING TEAM MEMBERS Some scenarios and special events will require players to roll randomly to determine if team members show up, benefit or suffer from some game effect, etc. Whenever a player is required to choose team members at random, each character or henchmen group on the team is assigned a number between 1 and 6, and a D6 is rolled to determine which model is chosen, affected, etc. If a team has fewer than six models, simply ignore higher die results and roll again. If a team has more than six models, assign two models to a single number, and if their number is rolled, roll a second time, a result of 1-3 indicates model A is the chosen one, and 4 -6 indicates that model B is the chosen one.

Random Scenario Generator  DIE ROLL


1 2 3 4 5 6

 Ambush  Assassination Agenda Getaway   Te Rescue Rooftop Rumble Slugfest

 Te Scenarios below below represent represent some of the most common common themes of the comic genre. All Scenarios have the following characteristics: NAME DESCRIPTION (the nature of the scenario) SETUP (where the models begin the scenario on the board) SPECIAL RULES (any special circumstances in the scenario) OBJECTIVE (what each player must do to win the scenario) 50



END GAME (the number of rounds the game lasts and any special vic-

tory conditions which might exist in the scenario) REWARDS (the experience earned by each model in a Series game) SPECIAL EVENTS BOX  (contains  (contains a matrix of 1 - 6 complications players may choose at random to add extra interest to the battle. Te specific details of each Special Event are detailed in a later section. Unless noted, Special Special events are always rolled for prior to the setup of teams on the table.)

POST-BATTLE Models KO’ed ed or Removed from f rom the board might suffer minor or serious consequences based on the post-battle sequence. No matter the scenario fallen models roll on a set of Post-Battle tables presented after the scenario descriptions. KO’ed ed models make unopposed unop posed Resolve goal rolls roll s on the KO able, able, and models removed from play make unopposed Resolve goal rolls on the Coup de Grace able. able. Players running One-Shot scenarios can simply ignore the PostBattle tables, or work through them for the fun of it, not bothering to note the results.

of his five-model team (choose randomly which models show up, but they cannot add up to more than half his team’s total points) in the exact center of the board. Te attacking player may distribute her team members wherever she chooses, but each model must begin play at least 15” away from enemy models.  Ambushed players players with larger teams should setup 50% of their total models, while players players with smaller teams should always deploy at least two models in the center of the board.

SPECIAL RULES: NONE OBJECTIVE: Defender: Get all of their team off of the board via any edge.  Attacker: Prevent the defending defending team from moving all of their

models off the board. immediEND GAME:  Te battle can last up to 5 rounds, but ends immediately after the last defending model exits the table.

REWARDS:  Attackers 2/1 Defenders 3/1

 As noted earlier, earlier, models models removed with with the ‘Cuff ‘Em option ignore killed results on the Coup de Grace tables.

SPECIAL EVENTS BOX  1 Cover of Darkness 2 Civilians 3-4  eammates  eammates Arrive! Arrive! 5 Sixth Sense 6  Weird  W eird Radiation Radiation

Certain scenarios might warrant special circumstances circumstances for models,  whether they roll on the tables or not. Tese are noted noted in the Post Post Battle Specials line of the scenario description.

BENEFITS OF EXPERIENCE Heroes and villains who’ve been through a few battles know how to stage amazing escapes, coming coming back whole after af ter suffering seemingly grievous injuries. Before making a Resolve goal roll on either table, a model can decide to spend some of its saved experience to add extra dice to the roll. For every experience point a model spends in this way, it gains +1 die on the t he Resolve goal roll on either the KO or Coup de Grace table.


Confidence Shaken! If the attackers allow all of the outmanned defenders to get away their confidence becomes shaken. Tis lack of confidence becomes apparent before the next battle, and any opposing team receives +1 die to attack and damage goal rolls for the first two rounds of combat. Defender 

 eam Acrimony!  eam Acrimony! If the balance balance of the defending defending models’ team never HENCHMEN POST-BATTLE shows up, the survivors may bare a grudge against their absent fellows.  All surviving models that participated participated in the battle should should make a Not as critical to the story as characters, Henchmen Henchmen Groups roll postdifficult (4) Resolve Goal roll or suffer team disunity during the next battle results on a separate table presented after the ones for characters, battle. Tis disruption in teamwork means that the opposing team regardless of the circumstances. A henchmen group need only roll if it automatically wins the Initiative on the first round of action. In multi was completely wiped out. player games the disrupted team automatically activates last.



made some powerful enemies, and an DESCRIPTION: A VIP has made

 AMBUSH DESCRIPTION: Enemy Supers catch their foes at half-strength!  Te attackers can’ can’t resist the chance chance to pound on their foes when they’re outnumbered, and all the ambushed Supers want to do is get out of the t he area before they’re completely overwhelmed. square playing surface so that SETUP:  Ambush works best with a square the defending player has an equal distance to get to any of the four table edges. Te defending (ambushed) player places three members

order has been given to silence him! One team is sworn to protect him at all costs, and the other has been contracted to eliminate him with extreme prejudice. Te ensuing battle will determine the VIP’s fate.

SETUP:  Te defending player must place all of his models and the VIP in the middle of the t he board, a maximum of 5” from the center.  Te attacking player may distribute her team members wherever she chooses, but each model must begin play at least 15” away away from enemy models. well-being of the VIP is the central central theme SPECIAL RULES:  Te well-being 51



of this scenario. Te attacking team must try tr y to take t ake him out, and the defending team must try to protect him. He or she is a fully functioning character in terms of this scenario, with statistics given below. o receive full scenario awards the attacking team must KO then Coup De Grace the VIP, while the defending team must keep the VIP on his or her feet. It is assumed that the attacking team has cut all avenues of escape off, and thus forced a pitched battle--the VIP may not be whisked off of the board to safety!    

 VIP AP: 5 Vit: 4 Attributes: Str 2 Agl 2 Mnd 3 Res 2 Powers: None

Protector: During the scenario one friendly fr iendly model in base contact

 with the VIP may may declare itself the VIP’s Protector. Protector. Tis declaration may only happen once, and and occurs just before the damage from a successful attack on the VIP is resolved. Te damage goal roll is resolved against the Protector. Protecto r. In any game, the VIP may only have one Protector. Protect or.

OBJECTIVE: Defender: Keep the VIP alive and well for the duration of the battle.

Even if the VIP is KO’ed, Defenders can still claim victory as long as he is on the table after the last round of combat.


Six counters numbered 1 - 6 should be assigned to an escaping character or henchmen group. At the end of the game, one of the players rolls a D6 and the result indicates which of the six counters is the critical one. Te model that escapes with the critical counter will receive an added experience reward for doing so. No model may carry more than two counters. KO’ed models automatically drop counters where they fall down.

OBJECTIVE: Defender: Keep the opposing team from getting any models off their

own board edge. A defending model that recovers the critical counter from the attacking team receives an added experience reward.  Attacker: Get away as quickly as possible by leaving via the defend-

er’s board edge. Each escaping model should carry carr y a numbered counter that represents the loot or other items they’re absconding with.

END GAME:  Tere is no limit limit on the length of this scenario, but it  will end immediately immediately after the last attacking model model exits the board. board. REWARDS: 2/1, +2 Experience to character that escapes with/recovers critical counter.


 Attacker:   ake ake out the VIP by by any means necessary necessary.. If If the VIP is not

removed from play after the last round of combat has been fought, the  Attackers lose the scenario.

1 -2  W  Weird eird Radiation 3-4    achyon achyon Field Field 5 Unexpected Ally  6 Civilians

END GAME:  Te scenario lasts lasts 5 rounds, or until the defenders defenders have beaten back the attackers, or the attackers have succeeded in taking out the VIP.

REWARDS:  2/1, +1 Experience to each model on the winning side,


+1 to the model that takes t akes out the VIP.


SPECIAL EVENTS BOX  1 Old Friend/Old Flame 2 Civilians 3  Weird  Weird Radiation 4 Unexpected Ally  5 Cosmic Powers 6 Grudge Match


On a difficult (5) Mind + Enhanced Senses roll (the defending player chooses his best model for this roll) the defenders trail the attackers back to their hideout/base. Te defending player has the option of running an Ambush scenario (as the attacker) within the next two battles. Te battle occurs in the from this scenario, and they are base/hideout the defenders.ofIfthe thisattacking battle is team not fought within the next two battles of this scenario’s attacking team, the opportunity is lost.


Negative Media Coverage!

If the defenders allowed the VIP to be KO’ed or taken out of action they suffer under a blitz of negative media coverage. All members of

DESCRIPTION: Opposing teams battle atop one of Steel City’s Cit y’s larg-

est skyscrapers, or perhaps amidst ruined rooftops of o f the Warehouse

the defending team must make difficult (4) Resolve goal rolls or be distracted at the start of their next battle. Any model failing this goal roll is at -4 AP on his or her first activation of the next battle.

SETUP:  Te opposing forces forces begin on opposite table table edges; roll a die,  with the high roller deciding deciding which board board edge to place his team on, and his opponent choosing the opposite edge.

 THE GETAWA GETAWAY  Y  DESCRIPTION: One team has stolen or recovered a valuable artifact, hi-tech device, or large sum of money, and now they’re trying to make good their escape. Te opposition shows up to stop them.

SETUP: Each team begins the game on opposite board edges. SPECIAL RULES: 52


District. No matter what, it’s a long way down for unfortunate supers  who find themselves themselves flung from the roof.

SPECIAL RULES:  Te following special rules are to be used for the scenario: High Anxiety:  Any models knocked knocked off a board edge edge must make a

Difficult (3) Agility goal roll to grab the edge and hang on. Models failing this roll lose their next turn and take a further 10 dice of damage from the fall. Tey can return to play from the edge they were SuperSystem




knocked off of after 2 rounds. Models possessing Flight, Hyper Movement, or elekinesis ignore this special rule.


pound away at each each other, other, trying OBJECTIVE: Te opposing teams pound to KO or take out as many enemies as possible. rounds. END GAME:  Te battle lasts 5 rounds.


Cover of Darkness  Weird  W eird Radiation Unexpected Ally  Doppelganger Late Arrival Cosmic Powers Intervene


Old Friend/Old Flame  Alien Artifact Unnatural Darkness  Weird  W eird Radiation


SLUGFEST DESCRIPTION: Te opposing teams meet to settle an old score, or


 THE RESCUE DESCRIPTION:  A VIP has fallen into the hands of an enemy Super team, and the kidnappers have been tracked and cornered, setting up a dangerous confrontation. Te VIP is too important to kill or just abandon, so the only recourse for the kidnappers is conflict. defending player must place place all of his models models save one SETUP:  Te defending (chosen randomly), and the VIP in the middle of the board, a maximum of 5” from the center. Te leftover defender will not participate in the battle, as he or she is piloting the escape craft! Te attacking player may distribute their team members wherever they choose, but each model must begin play at least 15” away from enemy models.

 just happen to get in each each other’s way way.. No No matter the reason, reason, a slugfest ensues, and the results are quite explosive.

SETUP:  Te opposing forces forces begin on opposite table table edges; roll a die,  with the high roller deciding deciding which board board edge to place his team on, and his opponent choosing the opposite edge. SPECIAL RULES: None. Just slug away!

OBJECTIVE: Te opposing teams pound away at each other, trying to KO or take out as many enemies as possible. rounds. END GAME:  Te battle lasts 5 rounds.


SPECIAL RULES: Use an appropriate model or counter to mark the location of the VIP; he or she must remain within 2” of a kidnapping model at all times. Should the VIP become separated f rom his kidnappers, at least one of them must spend its next turn moving toward him. Te VIP cannot be attacked or harmed in combat, and in order to be carried off, must be in base contact with a model. Grabbing Grabbing and carrying the VIP costs no extra AP, but if he is already in base contact with an enemy model, opposed Agility vs. Agility goal rolls must be made (this also costs no  AP), with the winner gaining gaining possession of the VIP. VIP. ies go to the

Old Friend/Flame Civilians  Weird  W eird Radiation  Alien Artifact Cosmic Powers Grudge Match

POST-BATTLE SPECIALS: Collateral Damage!

 Te savage battle battle caused untold millions millions of dollars of collateral collateral dam-

model that started the turn in possession of the VIP.

OBJECTIVE:  Attacker: Te rescuing rescuing team must battle battle through, free the VIP, VIP, and and

age to the surrounding area. Each player chooses a representative from his team to make a difficult (4) Resolve goal roll. If the team representative fails the roll the team loses ten Fame Points.

carry him or her off of the nearest board edge to win the scenario. Defender: Te kidnappers must must prevent this by by any means necessary necessary,,

and hold out long enough for an evacuation craft to arrive and whisk them away. last up to 4 rounds, but ends the END GAME:  Te battle can last moment the VIP is carried off of the board. If after 4 rounds, the VIP is still in the custody of the defending team, the evacuation craft picks up the team and they have won the scenario.

SCENARIO POST-BATTLE TABLES Models that finished the battle KO’ed or Coup de Graced must make a Resolve + Iron Will Goal roll on the appropriate chart below below,, taking into account any special circumstances relating to the scenario that  was just played.

POST-BATTLE TABLE ABBREVIATION LEGEND  AG- Agility  Agility  AP- Action  Action Points Points

REWARDS: Attacker 3/1 Defender 2/1


 ATT- Attacks  ATT Attacks CC- Close Combat



CCD-Close Combat Damage RS-Resolve ST-Strength INT-Initiative  VT-Vitality  MD-Mind RA-Ranged Attacks


tive is rolled, they move in a random direction based on the random direction chart in the appendix. Civilians have no combat values, and can be taken hostage and used as shields (soft cover) for 2 AP. Tey can also be protected and moved from harm’s way for 2 AP. Interacting with Civilians requires no die roll, only base contact. Captured or Protected Civilians Civilians do not move randomly at the beginning of a new round. A character character or henchmen group holding a Civilian cannot



charge. Releasing a Civilian costs no AP.

0 1 2 3

Hospital/Prison Stay-miss next battle! Bum Leg: -2 AP next battle Bum Arm: -1D S next battle battle Vow of Vengeance: +1D A against the enemy team the next time you face them Vow of Vengeance: +2D A against enemy model that hurt you the next time you face-off   oughened:   oughened: +2 Experience

Cosmic Powers: Cosmic powers intervene on the behalf of two

4 5+




 Apparent death! death! Model gone from series (but (but save that SuperSheet)! Crushed leg: -2 AP (permanent) Hospital/Prison Stay-miss next battle! Slow Recovery: -3 V next battle. Inspired Recovery: +2D RS next battle Miraculous Recovery: +4 Experience

1 2 3 4 5+




 Te recruit pool is is dry-henchmen group is completely lost. Only the bravest come forward: for ward: -2 Members next battle. Good help is hard to find: -1 Agility for next battle.  Alert: +1D on first round Initiative Initiative next battle.

1 2 3

of the models in the battle. Before placement placement of the figures roll randomly to determine which model on each team receives a cosmic favor during the battle. Cosmically favored models that survive the battle standing receive +1 experience reward, and KO’ed or removed models get +2 dice to their Resolve checks on the post-battle tables. Cosmically favored models that are killed in post-battle results might not be as dead as they seem. After After every subsequent battle the deceased model’ss team fights, make a Difficult (4) Resolve check for the demodel’ ceased model. On a successful successful result the model returns from apparent death, the beneficiary of Cosmic Powers.

Cover of Darkness:  Te leader of the attacking team receives +2 dice to his Initiative goal roll for the first round of combat. All models on the Attacking team receive +2 dice to Hide checks for the first Round of combat due to darkness.

Grudge Match:  Tese two teams really hate each other, and their character models receive +1 die for close combat attack goal rolls.

Doppelganger: Unbeknowns Unbeknownstt to both teams, the VIP that is the center of the conflict is actually a demonic Doppelganger who could transform at any moment. At the beginning of each Round, before initiative is rolled, roll 1D6. On a result of 6 the VIP transforms into a hideous demon. Replace Replace the VIP model with an appropriate monster model. Te demon is now a full-fledged combatant working for neither side! Players should take turns rolling initiative for the demon, and also roll for it when it is in combat against each other’s ot her’s models. It  will attack the nearest nearest model and continue continue to do so until that that model is KO’ed. If two or more models are equidistant from the demon, roll a die for each one-the lowest rolling model gets attacked. Te demon has the following abilities:   AP: 10  Attributes


Strength 5[1] Agility 6 Mind 4 Resolve 5




Membership drive: +1 free member.  ougher   ougher training - Roll Roll a D6: (1-3) +1 Agility, Agility, (4-6) +1 Strength (next battle only).

4 5+


Combat Sense x 1 Super-Strength x 1 Melee Attack x 3 Armor x 1 Vitality: 10

evacuation craft is late! Te game lasts an an adLate Arrival:  Te evacuation


ditional 2 Rounds.

Alien whispered of an by Alien Atlantis and  Alien Artifact: Lemurian scholars is An found on Artifact the battlefield. Place Artifact counter in the center of the board. A model carrying it at the end of the battle gains an additional +2 experience reward bonus, and and may elect to purchase a new power during the post-battle following its next two scenarios. non-combatants nts have wandered onto the Civilians: 1D6 pesky non-combata Super battlefield. Use appropriate models or counters to keep track of  where the Civilians Civilians are. At the beginning beginning of each round, before initiainitia-

 wo wo of the models on opposing sides are old Old Friend/Flame:   friends, or perhaps even old flames. Before the first Round of combat begins, but after models have been placed on the table, each player should roll randomly to see who has an Old O ld Friend/Flame among the opposition. Te Te two models share some tie that keeps them t hem from harming each other. Tey both must make difficult (3) Resolve checks to enter close combat with each other, or make ranged attacks against each other. Tey must continue to make difficult resolve checks each turn in order to carry out any hostile action against each other.



Sixth Sense:  Te ambushed team team’s ’s leader leader gets a premonition premonition of the coming attack, and gains +2 dice each on the Initiative roll for the first Round of the battle. permeates the  Tachyon  Tac hyon Field: A powerful alien energy field permeates battleground, limiting the effectiveness of certain powers. Models possessing Hyper Move and Super Leap L eap halve the distances rolled when they use these powers, and extras like Warp may not be used at all.

shop. He decides he wants to run a series set in the aftermath of the Host’s failed invasion of Four-Color Earth. He has four interested players: Lou, Bill, Brian, and Dan. Lou wants to play a team of Host aliens seeking a way back to their home galaxy (and willing to do anything to find it), while Bill wants to run a team of femme fatale villains, and Brian and Dan each want to play heroic teams (the Defenders-5 and the S-Men respectively). With two hero and two villain teams, Scott is set to run his series. Now he just needs a story to build around.

Unexpected Ally:  An Unexpected Ally arrives to aid one one of

Scott decides that one of the reasons the Aliens lost the invasion war  was that they failed to deploy a secret secret weapon that had had been hidden on earth many centuries ago, before even Atlantis and Lemuria had arrived to begin changing the world. Many centuries ago an alien exploration team detected a nascent space-god, a cosmically powered being slumbering within the bowels of the Earth.

the teams in the battle. At the beginning of Round 3, before initiative is rolled for, each player rolls a D6 and adds the number of KO’ed or removed models on his side to the total. Te higher roll gains an Unexpected Ally. Place an appropriate model on a random board edge.  Te ally is controlled controlled by the player player who won the roll, and his abilities abilities are listed below:   AP: 9

Unwilling to waken him lest they suffer his wrath, they let him sleep and slowly grow in power power.. Flash-forward some few thousand years to the current time and the alien host battles for its life against the heroes and villains of the Earth. Guildspeaker Guildspeaker Nalan learns of the slumbering space-god through his archival studies, but the team he sends to awaken him is taken out by a group of free-agent heroes. Soon after

 Teammates  Team mates Arrive: At the beginning of Round 3, before Initiative is rolled, the ambushed team gets reinforcements in the form of the other half of their team! Place the new arrivals together on any board edge, but they must be at least 10” away from all enemy models.


the invasion ends and most of the alien fleet leaves.




Super-Agility x 1 Ranged Attack (7D, 30”) --Super-Damage x 2 Force-Field x 2 Vitality: 8

Now a band of remaining Host aliens (possibly led by Nalan) wishes to try again to awaken the god, but a number of heroes and villains are on to them! A different Host alien has become something of a religious guru to impressionab impressionable le Earth youth, and has established a Church of the Space-Gods, making him an overnight millionaire.



Strength 4 Agility 5[1] Mind 4 Resolve 4

Unnatural Darkness:  An inky-black, Unnatural Darkness Darkness descends over the battlefield. Ranged Attacks may not be conducted beyond half their stated range, and all models receive +1 die to avoid all ranged attacks. Models possessing two or more dice in Enhanced Senses ignore this effect.

Unfortunately, he’s been speaking openly about Earth’s slumbering space-god, and Nalan’s Host group wants to shut him up. An assassination seems in order. Meanwhile, the egghead member of the Femme Fatales has discovered an artifact that could lead to the location of the slumbering god’s subterranean temple. Te first battles are now set:

strange glow manifests manifests on parts of the  Weird Radiatio Radiation: n:  A strange

 Te Host vs. Defenders-5 (Assassination (Assassination Agenda) Agenda) Femme Fatales vs. S-Men (Te Getaway)

battlefield, possibly affecting some of the combatants. Before the first Round, but after models have been setup, roll to randomly choose  which model model is affected affected by the Weird Weird Radiation. Radiation. If the chosen chosen model model survives the battle and has the necessary experience built up, it may elect to purchase a new power during the post-battle following its next

Now that he has set the stage for the series first battles, Scott can branch out from there, taking the results of the first battles and spinning them into a narrative that takes the teams toward a dramatic climax somewhere in the bowels of Four-Color Earth. If the alien


two scenarios. Additionally, radiated models that are killed in postbattle results might not be as dead as they seem. After every subsequent battle the deceased model’s team fights, make a Difficult (4) Resolve check for the deceased model. On a successful result the model returns from apparent death, the beneficiary of Weird Radiation.

guru survives the assassination attempt, does he tell the Defenders-5  where the slumbering slumbering god’s temple temple really is? Do the Femme Fatales escape with the key artifact that shows them the same information as the guru possesses? Will the two hero teams have to battle until they suddenly realize they’re both working on the side of good?


 With these basic scenarios and a little imagination, there is no limit to what an inspired arbitrator can do when crafting a Series in SuperSystem.

 A Scenario Script provides provides a special way way of running a Series in SuperSystem. As the name implies, a Scenario Script is a group of scenarios played in a certain order that tells a very specific story. A Scenario Script works best when it is designed and run by a neutral third party, or Arbitrator, who first analyzes the Series participants, builds a plot, and then matches it to a number of scenarios set in a certain order. Te  Arbitrator overseas overseas the battles and makes makes adjustments adjustments on the fly to tailor their outcomes to the evolving story.

Sample Scenario Script: The Slumbering Space-God! Scott, a SuperSystem arbitrator wants to run a Series at his local game 56


 THE TRA TRACKER  CKER Series racker Players SERIES should use the S uperSystem SuperSystem racker in the back of this book (permission granted to photocopy for personal use) to help keep track of the battles, events, and injuries of their series.

NEW SCENARIOS Creating new scenarios can be very rewarding, and many new scenarios are born of modifications to existing existing ones. Check the SuperFigs  web site at for more more scenarios and and ideas.




 Te following groups are examples of character and and team creation creation in the SuperSystem. Most of the characters were built with the 85 point Power Cap in mind. Players should choose teams they like and transfer their statistics to copies of the blank SuperSheets that follow follow.. Included in brackets next to each character or henchmen group’s name is an appropriate stock code and description for the character in the SuperFigs line of Superhero miniatures. Tese suggestions will guide  you in quickly acquiring acquiring the figures necessary necessary to build your team. SuperSheets are also handy for building original or iginal characters and henchmen groups, and may be photocopied for personal use only.

 The Super Simians Created by the mad super-ape genius Dr. Simian, the quintet of super-apes known as the Super Simians refused to serve and struck out on their own after their first mission, a battle-royal versus the world famous Shock Force. Since then the errant super apes have been both heroes and villains, robbing banks and large multi-national corporations to fund their operations, and and showing up when least expected to lend a hand against super menaces and natural disasters. No one is really sure where they stand, but most heroes would rather have them t hem as allies than foes.

Harangutan [ZB1]  Affiliation: Super Simians BP: 85  AP: 10  Attributes Strength 4 Agility 4 Mind 5[1] Resolve 5 Powers

--Slingshot x 2 --Stretch Attack  Enhanced Senses x 2 Instant Stand Melee Attack x 2 Super-Agility x 2  Vitality: 9  Te chimpanzee who who became Elasti-Ape Elasti-Ape was born the runt runt of his family. Always picked on by the larger members of his social group, he learned to adapt, to evade pursuit, but his elusiveness proved lacking against Dr. Simian’s Elasti-Men. Tey captured the little chimp, and he became one of Simian’s greatest laboratory successes. Once injected  with Simian’s Simian’s mutagen mutagen serum, the little chimp began began to transform into the creature Elasti-Ape. Elasti-Ape, or Roy scout Band,and as he calls himself now whenknown not onasduty, always acts as the Simians’ forward observer. He’s good in battle, but it’s his driving curiosity that makes him excel at wet-work.  [ZB3]  The Hyboriape  [ZB3]  Affiliation: Super Simians BP: 85  AP: 6[11]  Attributes Strength 6[2] Agility 4 Mind 2 Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 3 Enhanced Senses x 2 Extra Move x 5

Iron Will x 2 Melee Attack x 3 --Extra Reach 2”


Combat Sense x 2 (Mind)  Te Difference Difference x 1 Flare (Mind-based, 15”) --Super x 1 Healing Super-Mind x 1 --Lightning Strategist x 1  Vitality: 9 Genetically uplifted from a basic orangutan, the Harangutan developed a brilliant mind and a love for the finer aspects of human culture.  Art, sculpture, sculpture, and classical music music are favorites, favorites, but his training also also forced him to study great military thinkers as well. His even temper and knowledge of the works and lives of Sun zu, Hannibal, and Rommel make him the ideal choice to t o lead the Simians.

Elasti-Ape  [ZB2]  [ZB2]  Affiliation: Super Simians BP: 85  AP: 8  Attributes Strength 5 Agility 5[2] Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers Combat Sense x 2 Elasticity 58


--No Knockback Super-Strength x 2  Vitality: 11  After he was uplifted the mighty mighty man-ape known as Koroc learned learned the mysteries of steel and metal-work. Utilizing Utilizing the super-science de vices of Dr. Dr. Simian Simian he forged himself himself an unbeatable unbeatable blade and and began calling himself the Hyboriape. He realized that one day a kingdom might be his, someplace deep in the remote jungles, but first he must tread the world of men upon sandaled feet, for evil runs amok, and evil must be slain.

 The Gibbon Glider  [ZB4]  [ZB4]  Affiliation: Super Simians BP: 85  AP: 10[12]  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 7[1] Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 2 Enhanced Senses x 1 Extra Move x 2 Flight




Iron Will x 1 Perfect iming Ranged Attack (8D, 30”) --Only While Flying Super-Agility x 1

Iron Will x 1 Limited Mobility Knockback Resistance x 2 Perfect iming Super-Mind x 1

 7 Glider first showed  Vitality:  Te Gibbon showed his mettle as one one of the first subjects subjects to test Dr. Simian’s new anti-gravity harness. Te suit’s mechanisms meshed perfectly with the Gibbon’s unique mutagenic structure, allowing him to produce powerful bursts of kinetic force while in flight. Te sheer joy of flight awakened in the Glider a desire for freedom, not  just for him, but for all creatures. creatures. Tese thoughts made made him an ideal ideal partner for the Harangotan’s escape plan, and the rest is history. An avid activist for many causes, the Glider is always pushing the rest of the team to be more socially active.

-Lightning  Vitality: 7 Strategist x 1 Developed by a secret government project incorporating the brain of a captured Alien telepath with highly experimental Lemurian technology, the Zero Device has become a quasi-sentient machine bent on its own self-preservation.

Goradiator  [ZB5]  [ZB5]  Affiliation: Super Simians BP: 85  AP: 6[9]  Attributes Strength 7[3] Agility 4 Mind 2 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 1 Extra Move x 3 Iron Will x 2 Melee Attack x 3 Super-Strength x 3 --Rage  Vitality: 11 “Goradiator crush weak humans!” Not all of Dr. Simian’s uplifts were grand successes. Unlike his teammates, the Goradiator has never learned to let go of his more primal emotions. Te Hyboriape may be savage at times, but he also possesses a curiosity and cunning that gives him and edge. Not so for the Goradiator. His fury knows no boundar-

 Jumpmonkey [ZA3]  Affiliation: Zero Foundation BP: 85  AP: 7[13]  Attributes Str 2 Agl 5[1] Mnd 2 Res 4 Powers Combat Sense x 1 Extra Movement x 6 Flare (Agility-based, 15”) Hyper Movement --Carry Objects x 2 --Speed Burst x 1 Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 6  Te Zero Device Device met his companion, companion, Jumpmonkey Jumpmonkey,, in in the X-DimenX-Dimension, and the two became fast f riends. Now Now Jumpmonkey never strays  very far from his master’s master’s side, using his eleportation powers to facilitate the super-brain’s movements.

Mr. Cranium [ZA1]  Affiliation: Zero Foundation BP: 85  AP: 10


ies, and the things that seem calm himwith are flowers children, andonly he will protect both from ftorom harm his life.and It issmall these qualities alone that caused Harangotan to take pity on him, and made him a member of the team.

 The Zero Foundation  Tis seemingly seemingly innocuous charitable foundation champions champions the goal of eliminating all poverty in the world, yet beneath its shining veneer of good deeds lies a sinister purpose. Te product product of a melding of alien and terrestrial technologies, the Zero Device is a vile alien brain encased in a mobile machine. Te Device runs the foundation and one of its missions is to gather an army of super-humans under its banner.  What is the Device’s ultimate goal? World domination.

 Zero Device [ZA3]  Affiliation: Zero Foundation BP: 85  AP: 8  Attributes Str 2 Agl 1 Mnd 6[1] Res 5 Powers  Armor x 3 Copy Power -Nullify  -Extra Powers x 5 60

 Attributes Str 3 Agl 3 Mnd 6[1] Res 5 Powers Force-Field x 2 Omni-Power (18 pt. Pool) --Multi-Power x 1 Super-Mind x 1 --Lightning Strategist x 1  Vitality: 8  A highly sought after weapon smith for the criminal criminal underworld, Mr. Cranium has recently begun an active criminal career of his own. In time he grew bolder and sought alliance with his one-time rival the Zero Device. He created robotic servants to aid him in his endeavors, and his favorite of these became the diminutive Microbot.

Microbot [ZA1]  Affiliation: Zero Foundation BP: 85  AP: 9  Attributes Str 5[1] Agl 6[1] Mnd 3 Res 2 Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Prowess x 3 Melee Attack x 2 Knockback Resistance x 1 Shrinking x 1 --Always On



--Mighty Mite Soulless Super-Agility x 1 Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 7  Te pint-sized powerhouse powerhouse packs an unexpected unexpected punch, and has proven invaluable as a bodyguard for Cranium. Built from a metal alloy formed using elements f rom a rare meteorite, Microbot is as tough as he is reliable.

 Ape-Austen [ZA2]  Affiliation: Zero Foundation BP: 85  AP: 6 [11]  Attributes Strength 6[1] Agility 3 Mind 3 Resolve 6 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 4 Enhanced Senses x 2

ExtraWill Movement x5 Iron x2 Knockback Resistance x 5 Melee Attack x 2 Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 12 One-time subject of Dr. Simian’s uplift project, Ape-Austen was horribly injured by the hero Ember during a botched bank job. Recovered Recovered by Mr. Cranium, Austen was subjected to a series of newly developed bionic implants crafted by the super-armorer. super-armorer. Chief among them was a Cognitive Controller allowing Mr. Cranium complete control over his recalcitrant simian. When he fully recovered, Ape-Austen became another cog in the wheel of the Foundation’s growing criminal organization. Yet still locked deep within him lies a yearning for freedom, and a hatred for the man who made him a monster!

Serpent, Smetana went to work for the Foundation.

Kid Boomerang [ZA5]  Affiliation: Zero Foundation BP: 85  AP: 8[10]  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 5 Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers Combat Sense x 3 Extra Movement x 2 Instant Stand Omni-Power (23 pt. pool) --Multi-Power x 1  Vitality: 7 Orphaned at a young age and raised by the dreaded gang of criminal performers known only as Circus Doom, Kid Boomerang is a villain  with plenty to be angry about. After leaving Circus Circus Doom at age fifteen, he went solo for two years until he was recruited into the Zero Foundation. Now he works for the Zero Device while pursuing his ul-

timateKid goal of vengeance against a world accuracy that he believes him. Boomerang combine combines s unerring with a has bevywronged gadget boomerangs, allowing him to achieve numerous and powerful effects.  [ZA7] Steel Razor  [ZA7]  Affiliation: Zero Foundation BP: 85  AP: 7[11]  Attributes Strength 6 Agility 5[2] Mind 2 Resolve 4 Powers Combat Sense x 4  Te Difference Difference x 2 Extra Movement x 4 Instant Stand

Melee Attack x 3

Serpent [ZA4]  Affiliation: Zero Foundation BP: 85  AP: 8[13]  Attributes Strength 5[1] Agility 5[1] Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers Boost/Drain (4D) --Drain Only  --Agility/Strength Only  Combat Sense x 2 Extra Movement x 5 Instant Stand Melee Attack x 2 --Extra reach x 3 Super-Agility x 1 Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 9 Crippled smuggler ony Smetana didn’t think twice when offered the chance to walk again. His body adapted well to the super-chemicals the Zero Foundati Foundation on scientists pumped into him, and his damaged spinal column was outfitted with neural inputs for a special, bionic bionic snake rig. Once the connections were completed, Smetana could move again, his crushed legs amputated, and and his torso tucked into the trunk of a super-tough snake-like lower body. In this form he was extremely fast, and the chemical treatments had increase increased d his physical prowess, and granted him the ability to envelop his fists in a bio-electric energy field that he dubbed his “venom-punch.” Now calling himself

--Extra Reach x 1 Super-Agility x 2 Super Leap  Vitality: 10

Battering Ram [ZA8]  Affiliation: Zero Foundation BP: 85  AP: 7[15*]  Attributes Strength 5[2] Agility 4 Mind 3 Resolve 6 Powers  Armor x 4 Combat Sense x 3 Extra Movement x 8 --Charge Only  Massive x 2 Melee Attack x 4 Super-Strength x 2 Super Leap  Vitality: 11 Created from the ruined r uined remnants of a pair of failed supers, the Zero Device designed Steel Razor and Battering Ram to be his most loyal and dangerous servants. Organic matter encased in steely shells, the pair are quite lethal in close combat, their exo-skeletons capable of generating attacks of tremendous power. Filled with murderous rages, the woman now known only as Steel Razor channels her rage into every battle she fights. Her partner, the barreling Battering Ram is



deceptively fast for his bulk, capable of tremendous speed bursts while on the charge. Both Razor and Ram possess jet thrusters allowing them to attack flying foes.

 The Knights of Dis  Te Knights Knights of Dis serve the forces forces of disorde disorderr and chaos. chaos. Tey do this by committing acts of robbery and violence, and occasionally by participating in world-changing plots. Te Knights’ leader Tunderfist claims he communes with a mysterious cosmic force he calls the Lord of Chaos. Whether this supernatural connection is true remains to be seen.

 Thunderfist [ZB11]  Affiliation: Knights of Dis BP: 85  AP: 9[11]  Attributes Strength 4 Agility 6[1] Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers Combat Sense x 3 Extra Movement x 2 Iron Will x 2 Melee Attack x 5 --Super-Damage x 2 Regeneration Super-Agility x 1 --Lightning Reflexes x 1  Vitality: 8  Tunderfist is is a master martial artist artist who claims to draw his power power from a cosmic being he calls the Lord of Chaos. His hands shatter armor plate as easily as they do bone, and he leads the Knights with a reckless bravado that earns him their admiration and total loyalty.

Elasticity  --Slingshot x 2 --Stretch Attack  Melee Attack x 3 Super-Agility x 1 Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 10 Super-Ball fancies himself the second-in-co second-in-command mmand of the Knights of Dis, but he is actually loathed by his teammates. An inveterate gambler and womanizer, Super-Ball often makes untoward advances to Scorpia, which enrages Squat. However, the elastic villain’s unique combination of strength, speed and versatility make him a deadly foe.

Scorpia [ZB14]  Affiliation: Knights of Dis BP: 85  AP: 11  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 6[1] Mind 5 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 2 Boost/Drain x 3 --Drain Only  --Physical Only  Combat Sense x 3  Te Difference Difference x 1 Ranged Attack (7D, 30”) Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 7  A one-time super-assassin super-assassin and and current international international criminal, criminal, Scorpia Scorpia is the team’s team’s ranged specialist. specialist . Her mysterious energy energ y powers manifest through her sleek armor, and also include a withering “scorpion’s touch” that can leave foes slowed or weak. She speaks very little, and


has shown no inclination to accept any of Super-Ball s advances.

Squat [ZB12]

Pawns of Dis [ZB15]

 Affiliation: Knights of Dis BP: 85  AP: 7  Attributes Strength 6[2] Agility 3 Mind 4 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 3 Combat Sense x 5 Knockback Resistance x 3 Melee Attack x 3 Super-Strength x 2 --Super-Knockback   Vitality: 10 Squat is just that, a massive, brute of a man who is the Knights’ enforcer. He’s also the team’s airplane pilot and mechanic. He secretly loves Scorpia, but has resolved to never tell her. Still, he goes to great lengths to “protect” her in battle, but if she has noticed that he harbors any feelings for her, she’s not showing her hand.

Super-Ball [ZB13]  Affiliation: Knights of Dis BP: 85  AP: 8  Attributes Strength 4[1] Agility 5[1] Mind 3 Resolve 6 Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 2 62

 Affiliation: Knights of Dis BP: 38  AP: 6[9]  Attributes Strength 4 Agility 4[1] Mind 2 Resolve 5 Powers Combat Sense x 3 Extra Movement x 3 Iron Will x 2 Melee Attack x 4 Super Leap --Extra Bounce x 2 Super-Agility x 1 Veterans  Vitality: Henchmen—5 members

 Te Pawns oftrained Pawns Dis represent repr esent the pinnacle pinnacleenhanced of humanwarriors perfection. perfection. Tey are superbly and supernaturally driven to do the bidding of the Lord L ord of Chaos. Drawn from various criminal organizations from around the world, the Pawns often accompany accompany the Knights on operation against superhuman foes. Teir Teir marital training allows them to take on some of the mightiest heroes and survive.

Freedom’s Five  Freedom’s Five became one of the Allied Powers greatest assets when facing the threat of the Axis Powers and their own super-human SuperSystem


agents. Formed of heroes from England, Denmark, and the United States, Freedom’s Five often took the fight to Hitler and his superfascist goon squads. In his mad pursuit for artifacts of power, they even chased him through time itself, turning the modern-day streets of

Combat Sense x 2 Force-Field x 3 Iron Will x 1 Melee Attack x 4

Steel City into a WWII battleground. Although casualties sometimes sometimes changed their lineup, the group’s most consistent and stalwart members are listed below.

--Soul Fire --Super-Damage x 1 Perfect iming  Vitality: 8  When the war came to London, London, Neal Neal Howard was was deemed too frail to fight, but when he discovered the mystical sword, armor, and shield of his forefathers in his family’s ancestral home, all that changed. Neal became Silver Knight, defender defender of the Crown! He soon joined up with the other members of the FF and helped take the battle to the Axis.  After the war Howard Howard and his amazing amazing weapons disappeared. disappeared. Some say his amazing armaments, and the man himself, were needed in another war somewhere else in time.

Shield Maiden [ZB6]  Affiliation: Freedom’s Five BP: 85  AP: 7  Attributes Strength 5[2] Agility 5 Mind 2 Resolve 5 Powers Combat Sense x 3  Te Difference Difference x 1 Iron Will x 1 Melee Attack x 2 --Extra Reach x 6 Super Leap --Extra Bounce x 2 Super-Strength x 2  Vitality: 10 One of Denmark’s only super-humans of the war-time era, Shieldmaiden claimed she was touched by the old Norse Gods, her mission to stamp out the foul fascists who would misuse the old tales in their propaganda of hate. Although Shieldmaiden’s connection to the gods could never be proven, her tremendous strength, fighting prowess, and beauty showed no signs of lessening even up to her disappearance in 1958.  The Golem [ZB7]

Druid [ZB9]  Affiliation: Freedom’s Five BP: 85  AP: 11  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 5 Mind 5[1] Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 1 Fortune x 2 --Against Any Roll Hyper Move --Carry Object Perfect iming Super-Mind x 1  Vitality: 8

 Affiliation: Freedom’s Five BP: 85  AP: 9

 Te mystery man who became became known as the the Druid first appeared appeared in 1939 near Glastonbury Glastonbury.. He possessed amazing powers that included altering probabilities and teleportation. He used these powers to fight

 Attributes Strength 4 Agility 5 Mind 4 Resolve 5[1] Powers  Armor x 3 Combat Sense x 4 Iron Will x 3 Ranged Attack (7D, 30”) Super-Resolve x 1  Vitality: 11  While helping fellow Jews escape escape from Nazi Germany, Germany, American American expatriate Richard Berman was pursued into a remote mountain cave in the Bavarian hinterland. Tere Tere he came across a mysterious humanoid creature of earth and stone chained to a strange obelisk. On the stone  was an inscription in Hebrew: “Only he who is of noble spirit and pure of heart may possess the Golem.” With a Nazi patrol hot on his tail, Berman, a student of archaeology, followed the rituals set out on

the and that enoughhis fortrue W inston Winston to induct him intoNazis, Freedom’s Five.was Although name Churchill or origin was never re vealed, the Druid remained remained a favorite son son of Britain long after the war war,, continuing his crime-fighting career into the 1970’s.

the obelisk and transported his spirit into the body of the Golem. Just as he completed the ritual, the Nazis riddled his human form with bullets. As the Golem he crushed them, and continued battling their ilk for the remainder of the war.

Silver Knight [ZB8]  Affiliation: Freedom’s Five BP: 85  AP: 8  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 5 Mind 3 Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 3 SuperSystem


Hawkwind [ZB10]  Affiliation: Freedom’s Five BP: 85  AP: 9  Attributes Strength 4 Agility 6[2] Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 3 Flight --Swoop Attack  Melee Attack x 4 Super-Agility x 2  Vitality: 8  Wil Featherstone Featherstone joined the U.S. U.S. Army to fight the Axis, but he got more than he bargained for when he was selected to participate in an experimental super-soldier program that involved some recently recovered Atlantean technology. Several months later Featherstone found himself with amazing powers, a mutate master of flight. With

enhanced fighting prowess and a good head for battle, the newly named Hawkwind became the leader of Freedom’s Five.

R.A.T. Mecha  Affiliation: Freedom’s Five BP: 85  AP: 6  Attributes Strength 5[1] Agility 4[1] Mind 2 Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 2

--Chain Attack  --Rapid Fire --Super-Damage x 1 Super-Strength x 2 Vehicle --Level 3 --Giant Robot --Independent --No Carrier (-8) --urret  Vitality: 13

 The Sub-Atomics  Te denizens of a sub-atomic world imperiled by the scientific testing of a top military milit ary research lab, the Sub-Atomics were sent to make the presence of their home known to the people of “Macro-Earth.”  After convincing the U.S. U.S. Military to halt their tests, the members of the team decided to remain in the larger world and act as ambassadors and protectors of their people against further reckless scientific testing. Along the way they have become heroes, participating in the Invasion war going up against Dr. Simian and his Atlantis Front on several occasions. o ccasions.

Max Megaton [ZB16]  Affiliation: Te Sub-Atomics BP: 85  AP: 8[10]


Combat Sense x 3 Enhanced Senses x 2 Iron Will x 1 Massive x 2 Melee Attack x 3 Ranged Attack (7D, 30”) Super-Agility x 1 Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 10  Te RA RA (Recon Airborne Airborne ransport) ransport) was developed by the United Kingdom’s RAF as a heavy lifter, and adapted by the elite paratrooper units as a light mech that would allow a normal infantryman to effectively engage Axis super-agents super-agents toe-to-toe. It was designed to have light armor and utilized an ultra light aluminum frame f rame making it very useful as an air-landing asset. Te standard version mounted twin Vickers HMGs and various other payloads could be carried on its back. Whenever the Freedom’s Five worked closely with the RAF, R.A..’s were never far from the scene.

 Attributes Strength 5[1] Agility 5[1] Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 2

Extra FlightMove x 2 Melee Attack x 2 Shrinking x 1 Super-Agility x 1 Super-Strength x 1 --Lightning Reflexes x 1  Vitality: 9 Max Megaton leads the Sub-Atomics and has provided them a moral compass in a strange new world. His speed and power make him a frontline leader, and his courage has never failed him. He misses the sub-atomic realm, but realizes the value of his team’s continued presence in the macro-world.

M203 Mech Walker 

Dr. Halflife [ZB17]  Affiliation: Te Sub-Atomics

Freedom’s Five  Affiliation: BP: 170  AP: 8[18]  Attributes Strength 7[2] Agility 5 Mind 3 Resolve 6 Powers  Armor x 4 Combat Sense x 4 Extra Attacks (+1 AP) Extra Move x 10 Knockback Resistance x 3 Melee Attack x 3 Ranged Attack (9D, 30”) --AoE (Blast)

BP: 85  AP: 11  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 6 Mind 5 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 2 Damaging Aura (6D) --Super-Aura x 2 Knockback Resistance x 1 Shrinking x 1  Vitality: 7 Dr. Halflife is the team’s science expert, but in battle his touch can mean death! A seething cauldron of atomic energy, Halflife possesses




an energy aura that exudes extreme heat and dangerous radiation. AlAlthough he does not take to battle as readily as others on his team, he is always willing to put his deadly body in harm’s way to aid a comrade.

More adept than his teammates at size manipulation, Damian Masters, the Particle, uses his abilities to literally crawl into the minds of his foes, blocking their neural pathways and synapses, causing intense

Megapulse  [ZB18]  [ZB18]

pain and unconsciousness.

 Affiliation: Te Sub-Atomics Sub-Atomics BP: 85  AP: 9  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 5[1] Mind 4 Resolve 5 Powers Combat Sense x 2 Force-Field x 2 Ranged Attack (8D, 30”) --Rapid Fire --Super-Damage x 1 Shrinking x 1 Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 8

Megapulse provides the Sub-Atomics’ ranged support, blasting foes  with pulsed beams of coherent light that that hit like battering rams. rams. In her old world she was Dr. Halflife’s assistant, but she was transformed in the same accident that gave the doctor his deadly touch.

 The Fission [ZB19]  Affiliation: Te Sub-Atomics Sub-Atomics BP: 85  AP: 6

 The Freebooters In the wake of the Invasion, nations nations not lucky enough to have large populations of super-humans sought to import them to ensure their security. Tis gave rise to a trend of super-mercenaries working for nations large and small. Te Freebooters were formed to take advantage of this trend.

Fastlane  [ZB21]  [ZB21]  Affiliation: Te Freebooters Freebooters BP: 85  AP: 8 [13]  Attributes Strength 4 Agility 5[1] Mind 3 Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 1 Extra Move x 5 Combat Sense x 2 Force-Field x 2 Hyper Movement --Hyper Attack   Vitality: 9

 Attributes Strength 5[1] Agility 4 Mind 2 Resolve 2 Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 2 Extra Forms --Duplication --Only While Shrinking Extra Vitality x 1 Instant Stand Melee Attack x 4 Shrinking x 1 --Mighty Might Soulless Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 8 Built by Dr. Halflife to handle hazardous materials, the Fission is a robotic duplicator who is handy in a brawl. Although his duplication only works in his shrunken state, he and his double pack a micro-wallop that foes find hard to withstand.

Particle [ZB20] Sub-Atomics  Affiliation: Te Sub-Atomics BP: 85  AP: 11  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 4 Mind 6[1] Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 2 (Mind) Instant Stand Mental Attack (8D, 0”) --No Range --Super-Damage x 1 Shrinking x 3  Vitality: 8

 Te female half half of the cyber-speed duo of Fastlane Fastlane and High Gear, Gear, Fastlane does not know the true origin of her powers. In truth, like her loyal partner, she does not even know her real name. Her only memory is of a race and a terrible accident. When she next awoke she was in the halls of the Zero Foundation, lying on a table next to a man in much the same condition as her. Not interested in the Zero Device’s plans for world domination, the super-fast couple made good their escape and struck out on their own to find their origin and their t heir destiny. destiny.

High Gear [ZB22]  Affiliation: Te Freebooters Freebooters BP: 85  AP: 8[11]  Attributes Strength 5[1] Agility 5 Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 2 Extra Movement x 3 Hyper Movement Instant Stand Iron Will x 1 Melee Attack x 3 Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 9 High Gear wants to know who he is and where he came f rom. He also wants payback against those who transformed him into gleaming engine of destruction. He’s grown to care about Fastlane; the bond they share is one of pain and loneliness. It was his idea to accept Coil’s offer and join the Freeb Freebooters, ooters, hoping that it would lesson the t he pain of the mysteries that plague their lives. Coil [ZB23]  Affiliation: Te Freebooters Freebooters BP: 85



 AP: 10  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 6[1] Mind 4 Resolve 5

 Te Ego-Bot was created created by by Mr. Mr. Brain Brain from a mix mix of alien alien technology technology and the remains of several aliens and mutates. Like the Zero Device, he is a unique blend of man and machine, but unlike the Device, he

Powers Combat Sense x 3 Instant Stand Iron Will x 2 Melee Attack x 5 --Extra Reach x 3 --Super-Damage x 1 Regeneration Super-Agility x 1 --Lightning Reflexes x 1  Vitality: 8  Te woman the world knows only as Coil Coil founded the Freebooters Freebooters after the Invasion of Earth by the Host. Unlike other teams, her motives were not altruistic. Seeking profit, her team hires itself out to the highest bidder. Tere are some jobs they won’t take, assassination being chief among them. Coil’s mutate powers allow her to generate a bioelectric field that she projects along her super-strong whip. She also possesses uncanny reflexes reflexes and the ability to heal at a rapid rate.

is almost child-like and docile unless ordered to act by his master, Mr. Brain. When he does act he makes an implacable foe. Resistant to both physical and mental assaults, his only weaknesses are his slow footspeed and his undying loyalty and concern for his master and creator.

Mr. Brain [ZB24]  Affiliation: Te Freebooters Freebooters BP: 85  AP: 13

 The Shock Force   Tis team of Free Free Agent Supers Supers used to have ties ties to the Canadian Canadian government, but went rogue four years ago and have since lead a shadowy existence on the fringes of society in North America. Although they bill themselves as high-priced mercenaries mercenaries for hire, they have been known to take charity cases, and and they have refused jobs offered to them by representa representatives tives of both the Lemuria and Atlantis. During the Invasion they acquitted themselves well, single-handedly single-handedly saving  oronto   oronto from a massive Host strike force.

Doc Shock [BL1]  Affiliation: Shock Force BP: 85  AP: 10  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 6[1] Mind 4 Resolve 4


 Attributes Strength 2 Agility 4 Mind 7[2] Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 2 (Mind) Mental Attack (8D, 30”) --Super-Damage x 1

Super-Mind x 2  Vitality: 6 Mr. Brain is not human. An alien telepath abandoned on Earth after the Invasion, Mr. Brain realized the only way he could survive was to  join a super-team. super-team. Tat’s when Coil Coil found him. Now the diminutive diminutive brain-blaster works happily for his newfound team, and has developed a giant, cybernetic bodyguard to aid them against tougher foes.  Although still homesick for his native world, Mr. Brain has developed developed a taste for Italian cuisine, and loves old Noir films.

 The Ego-Bot [ZB24]  Affiliation: Te Freebooters Freebooters BP: 85  AP: 6  Attributes Strength 7[2] Agility 3 Mind 3 Resolve 4[1] Powers  Armor x 2 Bodyguard --Only For Mr. Brain Combat Sense x 4 Enhanced Senses x 1 Knockback Resistance x 2 Massive x 1 Melee Attack x 2 Super-Resolve x 1 Super-Strength x 2 --Shockwave  Vitality: 13 66

Powers  Armor x 2 Force Field x 2 Iron Will x 1 Combat Sense x 3 Knockback Resistance x 1 Pushing Ranged Attack (9D, 30”) Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 7 Doc Shock is a brilliant tactician and field leader, and the unchallenged master of electrical forces. His mastery of his powers makes him a deadly ranged fighter, but also grants him enhanced toughness and a potent force field.

 Tenpin [BR5]  Affiliation: Shock Force BP: 85  AP: 7[13]  Attributes Strength 5[1] Agility 4 Mind 3 Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 2

Combat Sense x 2x 6 Extra Movement Knockback Resistance x 3 Melee Attack x 2 Ricochet Attack  Super Leap --Extra Bounce x 2 Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 10 Nearly as wide as he is tall, enpin enpin is the SF’s muscle-man, regularly tangling with some of the strongest members of the team’s opposition. His compact bulk belies his acrobatic mobility and amazing leaping proficiency, sometimes allowing him to get the drop on unsuspecting foes! SuperSystem


Split-Second [SP2]  Affiliation: Shock Force BP: 85  AP: 10  Attributes Strength 4 Agility 6[1] Mind 4 Resolve 3 Powers Combat Sense x 2 Force-Field x 1 Extra Attacks (+1 AP) Hyper Movement --Phase Attack --Warp x 1 Instant Stand Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 7  Te daughter of a pair of scientists from the mysterious Nth Dimension, Split-Second lives her life in constant motion. Her tremendous

speed and close-in hitting power make her a dangerous foe, and valuable advance scout for the team.

Stretcharm [S1]  Affiliation: Shock Force BP: 85  AP: 8

Combat Sense x 2 Kinetic Absorption --Sponge x 2 Elasticity  --Stretch Climb --Stretch Attack  Melee Attack x 2 Super-Resolve x 1  Vitality: 11 Roland Dobbs life-long passion for Chemistry resulted in a host of valuable patents, and the development of a formula that would transform him into a human rubber band! Ingesting the only workable sample of the formula before it could fall into the wrong hands, Dobbs became Stretcharm, and joined the SF to battle the forces of evil.

Kondor [FL2]  Affiliation: Shock Force BP: 85  10  AP:  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 4 Mind 5[1] Resolve 4 Powers Combat Sense x 2 (Mind) Force-Field x 1 Flight

 Attributes Strength 4 Agility 5 Mind 3 Resolve 5[1] Powers

Mental Attack (8D, 30”) Super-Mind x 1



 Vitality: 7  Te high-flying Kondor Kondor was once only helicopter pilot Dan Ace, but

aflight near-death, mid-air collision mutate-powers. and mental attack powersawakened make himhis a formidable foe. Kondor’s

 Yin-Y  YinYang [BA4]  Affiliation: Shock Force BP: 85  AP: 8  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 5[2] Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers Combat Sense x 2 Enhanced Senses x 2 Instant Stand Iron Will x 2 Super-Agility x 2 Super-Leap --Extra Bounce x 2 Melee Attack x 6  Vitality: 7 Orphaned at an early age during the Viet Nam War, the Cambodian girl ri ri Ning was rescued by traveling Laotian monks and taken to

Devil’s Knight [BA3]  Affiliation: Atlantis Front Front BP: 85  AP: 11  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 5[1] Mind 5[1] Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 3  errifying   errifying Aura Melee Attack x 5 Regeneration Super-Agility x 1 Super-Mind x 1  Vitality: 7 Not above using Free Agent talent, Simian and the Front often employ the services of the pumpkin-headed fiend, Devil’s Knight. Just one glance from his glowing yellow eyes can send even the bravest hero running in fear.

Devils Knight Henchmen [HE15]  Affiliation: Atlantis Front BP: 85


their monastery to be raised in an atmosphere of mystical asceticism. Under their tutelage, ri grew into a woman of consummate power and discipline, eventually becoming the hero known as Yin-Yang, for her noble and gentle spirit hides the power of a warrior-born.

 AP: 7[10]  Attributes Strength 5 Agility 5[1] Mind 2 Resolve 2 Powers  Armor x 2  Te Difference Difference x 1 Extra Attacks x 2  The Atlantis Front Extra Movement x 3  Te Atlantis Front Front is Four-Color Four-Color Earth’s most prominent prominent Atlantis cell. Melee Attack x 4 --Extra reach x 1 Claiming to possess a direct connection to the alien technology of the

Progenitors themselves, its leader Dr. Simian wages a campaign of terror and intimidation in his home country of India. Te Front Front (as they have come to be called by many in the media) makes frequent forays into other countries, including the United States.

Dr. Simian [GA1]  Affiliation: Atlantis Front BP: 85  AP: 10  Attributes Strength 4[1] Agility 5 Mind 5 Resolve 4 Powers Climbing Combat Sense x 3 Iron Will x 1 Force Field x 2 Instant Stand Melee Attack x 4 Super-Strength x 1 Super-Leap --Extra Bounce x 2  Vitality: 8 Reddy Singh was once India’s most brilliant geneticist, but it was that very genius that t hat drove him mad, and prompted him to transform himself into the super-ape Dr. Simian! His gadgets and tremendous physical powers make him a dangerous foe, and his genius has allowed him to assemble a legion of o f artificial minions to do his bidding. His genius and powers were sorely tested during the Invasion, but he rose to the occasion and defended the planet p lanet he so desperately wishes to conquer. 68

Soulless Super-Agility x 1 Veterans  Vitality: Henchmen Group-5 Members If Devil’s Knight’s powers emanate from the supernatural source he claims, then his inhuman Henchmen lend credence to these boasts.  Tese pumpkin-headed pumpkin-headed fiends fiends are little more than shambling husks husks of animated plant matter, but their uncanny speed, reflexes, and hitting power make them a force to be reckoned with.

Bot [BR4]  Affiliation: Atlantis Front Front BP: 85  AP: 6  Attributes Strength 6[2] Agility 4 Mind 2 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 3 Combat Sense x 2 Enhanced Senses x 2 Extra Attacks (+3 AP) Knockback Resistance x 4 Massive x 1 Melee Attack x 2 Super-Strength x 2 --Super-Knockback   Vitality: 10 Simian rarely undertakes any operation without his faithful creation and bodyguard, Bot, a massive robot capable of razing whole city blocks on its own. Bot has worked in Simian’s service for so long that he has recently begun to take on sentience and develop independent



thoughts and actions. o this point he remains loyal to his creator.

 The Plasti-Men [HE1 x 2]

 Affiliation: Atlantis Front Front BP: 85  AP: 6[11]  Attributes Strength 4 Agility 4 Mind 2 Resolve 3 Powers Combat Sense x 2 Elasticity  --Stretch Attack  --Stretch Climb Enhanced Senses x 1 Extra Movement x 5 Melee Attack x 3 Soulless  Vitality: Henchmen Group-10 members Synonymous with Simian and the Front are the Plasti-Men, more more products of the super-ape’s twisted genius. He is usually never without two cadres of them on any given operation. Teir super-pliable bodies make them tough and unpredictable foes in close combat.

 The S-Men  Te S-Men are are the United States’ most popular and enduring enduring Super team. A group of Free Agents with strong ties to the Federal Bureau of Investigations, the S-Men are comprised of mutates who were products of various super soldier programs throughout the late 1970s and early 1980s. Te “S” in S-Men is short for “Super”, which was how the team was often called by the media in their early years of existence.

Ember [BL2]  Affiliation: S-Men BP: 85  AP: 8[11]  Attributes Strength 2 Agility 5[1] Mind 3 Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 2 Extra Movement x 3 Instant Stand Monologuer

Mecha-Gor [VH1]  Affiliation: Atlantis Front Front BP: 170  AP: 6[16]  Attributes Strength 7[2] Agility 4 Mind 2 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 5 Combat Sense x 5 Enhanced Senses x 3 Extra Movement x 10 Melee Attack x 5 Ranged Attack (10D, 30”) Sidekick x 12 (Ape-Ace) Super Leap --Extra Bounce x 2 Super-Strength x 2 Vehicle Ve hicle (Level 3) --Giant Robot --Independent --No Carrier (-10)  Vitality: 11

 Ape-Ace   Affiliation: Atlantis Front Front BP: 60  AP: 6  Attributes Strength 4 Agility 4[1] Mind 2 Resolve 4 Powers Combat Sense x 3 Super-Agility x 1 Enhanced Senses x 3 Iron Will x 3  Vitality: 8

Pushing Ranged Attack (9D, 30”) --AoE (Blast) --Super-Damage x 2 Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 7  Te flaming heroine heroine Ember is the unchallenged unchallenged leader of the S-Men. Her affinity for flame includes energy projection, enhanced agility, and “thermal” armor armor that helps protect her when things get rough.

Giantess [BR3]  Affiliation: S-Men BP: 85  AP: 8  Attributes Strength 5[2] Agility 5 Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 3 Combat Sense x 3 Iron Will x 2 Knockback Resistance x 5 Melee Attack x 3 Super-Strength x 2 --Shockwave  Vitality: 9 One of the team’s mainstays, Giantess is the group’s muscle, deputy leader, and senior member. Her tremendous strength and ability to

knock foesanoffasset balance with tremendous stomps of her booted feet make her in any fight.

Grav-Girl [FL1]  Affiliation: S-Men BP: 85  AP: 11[15]  Attributes Strength 2 Agility 4 Mind 6[1] Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 2 (Mind) Enhanced Senses x 1 Extra Movement x 4 Flare (Mind-based, 15”) SuperSystem


Flight Super-Mind x 1  Vitality: 7  A flyer with psionic psionic abilities, little is known about about the mysterious Grav-Girl. She is the S-Men’s newest member, and some speculate the origin of her powers may be alien in nature.

before in the history of Super activity. It remains to be seen who, if anyone, can end the SoP’s murderous rampage.

Lord Tridan [BR6]

Brute [BA1]  Affiliation: S-Men BP: 85  AP: 7[11]  Attributes Strength 4 Agility 5[2] Mind 2 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 2 Enhanced Senses x 3

 Affiliation: SoP BP: 85  AP: 8  Attributes Strength 5[1] Agility 5 Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 2 Iron Will x 1 Melee Attack x 2 --Extra Reach x 2 Ranged Attack (8D, 30”) --Super-Damage x 1

Extra Move x 4 Instant Stand Iron Will x 2

Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 9  Tis imposing, green-skinn green-skinned ed Lemurian has lead lead his elite Shark Shark


Regeneration Melee Attack x 4 Super-Agility x 2  Vitality: 8 Brute is a brawler who can recover from nearly any wound, a savage, haunted man with a shady past and a heart of gold. His super-tough body and incredible reflexes make him a deadly adversary at close quarters.

 T-Bolt [SU1]

 roopers in battle against the earth’s  roopers earth’s heroes heroes and villains, villains, testing their might so that his masters know the state of the planet’s defenses. But he also follows his own criminal agenda, using his formidable physical powers and Lemurian technology to build tremendous, ill-gotten  wealth. When the Invasion hit, hit, ridan realized he didn’t didn’t want to give give up the rich life of plunder, and like many others, he committed his team to battling the alien menace, but but unlike others, the SoP carefully picked these battles to ensure maximum survivability and potential for salvage of alien technology.

Megladon [BR7]

 Affiliation: S-Men BP: 85  AP: 7[13]  Attributes Strength 5[1] Agility 4[1] Mind 3 Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 1 Extra Movement x 6 Flight --Powerdive Iron Will x 1 Melee Attack x 2 Super-Agility x 1 Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 10 Often called the most versatile member, -Bolt is a hero who can do it all. His combination of flight, strength, strength, and agility make him tough for

 Affiliation: SoP BP: 85  AP: 6[12]  Attributes Strength 6[2] Agility 4 Mind 2 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 3 Combat Sense x 2 Extra Attacks (+3 AP) Extra Move x 6 Iron Will x 2 Massive x 2 Melee Attack x 3 Super-Strength x 2 --Rage  Vitality: 10  Te massive Lemurian mutate known known only as Megladon Megladon is ridan ridan’s ’s

foes to handle. His alter-ego, Louis Smith, is one of the East-Coast’s foremost businessmen and financiers.

chief enforcer. Half-shark, half-man, Megladon rage and power, and wields a great scythe with devastating effectisinallcombat.

 The Shark Troopers (Power Tridents) [HE2 x 2]

Sons of Poseidon  When Atlantis and Lemuria Lemuria re-emerged re-emerged from beneath the ocean ocean  waves in the year 2000, both floating cities remained remained strangely strangely aloof for a time. However, the more aggressive Lemurians decided that after several months of waiting, it was time to test the planet’s inhabitants to see if they had the mettle to t o survive the Return of the Progenitors. Several small groups of operatives were chosen for this task, and leading one of them was the Lemurian noble Lord ridan. However, in recent months Lord ridan has begun to follow his own agenda, and begun a campaign of murder, grand larceny, and rapine unlike any seen 70

 Affiliation: SoP BP: 85  AP: 6[7]  Attributes Strength 5 Agility 4 Mind 2 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 3 Enhanced Senses x 2 Extra Movement x 1 Melee Attack x 3 --Extra Reach x 2



--Super-Damage x 1

assaults on alien hard targets.

Veterans  Vitality: Henchmen Group-10 members Fanaticallyy loyal to ridan, the Shark roopers Fanaticall roopers follow his every ever y command, using using superior Lemurian L emurian technology and breeding to over whelm lesser foes. foes.

Rigger  [GA2]  [GA2]  Affiliation: VanG.U.A.R.D. BP: 85  AP: 7  Attributes Strength 2 Agility 3 Mind 4 Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 4 Combat Sense x 4 Extra Attacks (+ 1 AP) Flight Force Field x 3 Iron Will x 1 Ranged Attack (8D, 30”)  Vitality: 7 Swedish scientist Lars Olsen always believed in the U.N.’s power to

 The Shark Troopers (Aqua Blasters-1 Squad) [HE3]  Affiliation: SoP BP: 85  AP: 7  Attributes Strength 5 Agility 5 Mind 2 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 2  Te Difference Difference x 1 Enhanced Senses x 2

Extra Attacks (+3 AP) Ranged Attack (8D, 30”) --Rapid Fire --Super-Damage x 1  Vitality: Henchmen Group-5 members Fanaticallyy loyal to ridan, the Shark roopers Fanaticall roopers follow his every ever y command, using using superior Lemurian L emurian technology and breeding to over whelm lesser foes. foes.

Spine Strike [BA5]  Affiliation: SoP BP: 85  AP: 7[14]  Attributes

Strength Powers 4[1] Agility 5[2] Mind 2 Resolve 4  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 3 Extra Move x 7 Melee Attack x 4 Regeneration Super-Agility x 2 Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 8 Spine-Strike is one of the Lemurians’ deadliest operatives. Although slightly built and quite lithe, her sea-born muscles have made SpineStrike superhumanly strong and resistant to damage. Her Her reflexes and speed on land and in the water are legendary. Any injuries she does manage to sustain seem to heal in minutes, and her razor-sharp talons are capable of rending flesh and bone with ease.

 The VanG.U.A.R.D.  Tis group of ragtag Supers Supers was gathered by the G.U.A.R.D. G.U.A.R.D. (Global United Armed Reaction Division) gadgeteer Rigger, who plucked the team’s membership from among the dregs of Super society. Along  with his Super companions, companions, Rigger usually brings a G.U.A G.U.A.R.D. .R.D.  ac  ac- eam into conflicts conflicts for backup. Te team’s team’s mission mission is to engage rogue supers and Lemurian or Atlantean aggressors on smaller scale operations. Rather than reacting to events as they unfold, Rigger’s team will at times seek out threats and proactively neutralize them before they can bring their t heir evil power to bear on society. During the invasion Rigger and his teams of G.U.A.R.D. agents were instrumental in defending key installations and even took part in several pivotal

change lives. Enraged Enraged by the many atrocities in Africa and Eastern Europe, he finally decided to use his genius to take a more pro-active stand against the world’s many injustices. His specially designed titanium armor, rocket belt, and blasters, along with his fighting spirit, serve to make him the equal of most super foes.

 Artemis [SU3]  Affiliation: VanG.U.A.R.D. BP: 85  AP: 9  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 6[1] Mind 3 Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 1

Combat Sense(20 x 2pt. pool) Omni-Power [Example]: Flare (15”, Super x 1) [Example]: Ranged Attack (9D, 30”) Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 8  A supreme supreme archer archer and excellent excellent gadgetee gadgeteer, r, Artemis is one of G.U.A.R.D.’s most effective super-operatives. She enjoys a close working relationship with fellow super-operatives the VAN G.U.A.R.D.

Ox [BR1]  Affiliation: VanG.U.A.R.D. BP: 85  AP: 5[10]  Attributes Strength 6[2] Agility 3 Mind 2 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 4 Extra Attacks (+1 AP) Extra Movement x 5 Knockback Resistance x 3 Massive x 1 Melee Attack x 3 Super-Strength x 2 --Rage --Super-Knockback   Vitality: 10  Te Ox is the VanG.U VanG.U.A.R.D.’ .A.R.D.’s resident strongman, strongman, a 10 foot tall powerhouse with the heart of a poet who had fallen under the sway of Atlantis mind control device. Once freed by Rigger, the massive mutate swore a vow of loyalty to his rescuer and has served faithfully



ever since. His punishing punches have been known to send foes flying for whole city blocks.

Hardcore [BA2]  Affiliation: VanG.U.A.R.D. BP: 85  AP: 8  Attributes Strength 4[1] Agility 5[1] Mind 3 Resolve 5[1] Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 2 Extra Attacks (+1 AP) Melee Attack x 3 Super-Agility x 1 Super Leap

BP: 85  AP: 7  Attributes Strength: 4 Agility 4 Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 3 --Super x 2 Combat Sense x 3 Force Field x 2 Knockback Resistance x 1 Ranged Attack (8D, 30”) --Rapid Fire --Super-Damage x 1  Vitality: Henchmen Group-5 members G.U.A.R.D. Power Armor troopers are heavily armed and armored fighters tasked with the job of taking out hard targets such as super-


--Extra Bouncexx12 Super-Resolve Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 11 Hardcore was a street-level vigilante who took justice into her hands one too many times, and was caught herself, but now fights crime on a more global scale under the watchful eye of the U. N.

Emerald Alien [BL3]  Affiliation: VanG.U.A.R.D. BP: 85  AP: 10  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 5 Mind 5 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 2

Combat Sense x 4 Enhanced Senses x 2 Fortune x 2 Instant Stand Ranged Attack (9D, 30”)  Vitality: 7  Te Emerald Alien Alien is just that, an extra-terrestrial extra-terrestrial being who made made it to earth ahead of the Progenitors to warn the planet’s populace of their coming. After rotting in a U. N. holding facility for three years, he was deemed low-threat, and released into the custody of Rigger.

G.U.A.R.D. Tac-Team [HE4 x 2]  Affiliation: VanG.U.A.R.D. BP: 85  AP: 7  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 4 Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 4 Perfect iming Force Field x 3 Ranged Attack (8D, 30”) --Rapid Fire  Vitality: Henchmen Group-10 members G.U.A.R.D. ac-eams are composed of highly trained and wellequipped elite troopers. Teir weaponry represents the pinnacle of modern technology.

tough bricks and alien tanks. It’s a tough job, but these veterans relish it. G.U.A.R.D. Grav-Sled [VH4]  Affiliation: VanG.U.A.R.D. BP: 100  AP: 8[17]  Attributes Strength 5 Agility 6 Mind 2 Resolve 2 Powers  Armor x 2 Extra Move x 9 Flight Ranged Attack (7D, 30”) --Chain Attack Sidekick x 7 Vehicle --Level 1  Vitality: 7

G.U.A.R.D. Pilot [Sidekick] BP: 35  AP: 7[8]  Attributes Str 2 Agl 4 Mnd 3 Res 4 Powers Combat Sense x 1 Extra Move x 1  Vitality: 6  Te G.U.A.R.D. G.U.A.R.D. Grav-Sled is a fast fast attack and recon recon craft designed to quickly gauge an enemy’s strengths and fend off his initial attacks, reporting porti ng back to base wit any findings. G.U.A.R.D. Grav-Sl Grav-Sled ed jockeys are among the boldest pilots in the entire organization. Tey Tey combine a reckless fury with extensive training and a love for flight that makes them unmatched in a dogfight.

G.U.A.R.D. Grav-T Grav-Tank ank [VH5]

G.U.A.R.D. Power Armor [HE12]

 Affiliation: VanG.U.A.R.D. BP: 170  AP: 6[16]  Attributes Strength 8 Agility 4 Mind 2 Resolve 6 Powers  Armor x 5 Combat Sense x 5 Extra Move x 10 Ranged Attack (12D, 42”) --AoE (Blast)

 Affiliation: VanG.U.A.R.D.

--Extended Range x 6




--Rapid Fire Sidekick x7 Sidekick x 7 Vehicle --Level 3 --Enclosed --urret  Vitality: 14

G.U.A.R.D. Pilot x 2 [Sidekick] BP: 35  AP: 7[8]  Attributes Str 2 Agl 4 Mnd 3 Res 4 Powers

only two crew, and has enough space left over to carry a squad of 10 and G.U.A.R.D. troopers.

G.U.A.R.D. Attack Drones [HE11]  Affiliation: G.U.A.R.D. Defense Forces BP: 85  AP: 8  Attributes Strength: 3 Agility 5 Mind 3 Resolve 2 Powers  Armor x 3 Combat Sense x 3  Te Difference Difference x 1 Enhanced Senses x 2 Extra Attacks (+1 AP)

Combat Sense x 1

Ranged Attack (7D, 30”)

Extra Move x 1  Vitality: 6  itans of the 21st century battlefield, G.U.A.R.D. G.U.A.R.D. GravGrav- anks give even the mightiest supers pause. At nearly 80 tons, and with its Ruger 110mm 1 10mm “Brick-Buster” main gun, and pintle-mounted Sirsi Missle rack, it’s been known to take out raging mutates at 500  yards. Its hyper efficient assembly assembly allows optimum performance with

--Rapid Fire --Super-Damage x 1 Soulless  Vitality: Henchmen Group-5 members G.U.A.R.D. Attack Drones are precision killers capable of strafing targets with withering fire, while remaining remaining immune to mental attacks.



G.U.A.R.D. Defense Drones [HE10]  Affiliation: G.U.A.R.D. Defense Forces BP: 85  AP: 7[16]  Attributes Strength: 3 Agility 5 Mind 2 Resolve 2 Powers  Armor x 6 Bodyguard Enhanced Senses x 2 Extra Move x 9 Force Field x 3 --Dome

Iron Will x 2 Growth x 1 --Always On Linked Hammer Powers --Melee Attack x 3 --Elasticity  ----Stretch Attack  Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 15 Stepping from f rom the pages of Russian mythology, Perun Perun is the avatar of the god of war, capable of felling even massive vehicles with his mighty hammer hammer..


Red Bolt [SP1]

Soulless  Vitality: Henchmen Group-5 members G.U.A.R.D. Defense Drones are programmed to absorb hits as the Operations Group moves forward for ward into battle, increasing the unit’s overall battlefield survivability survivability..

 Affiliation: RPM BP: 85  AP: 8  Attributes Strength 4 Agility 5[1] Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers Combat Sense x 2 Extra Attacks (+1 AP) Instant Stand Melee Attack x 2 Hyper Movement --Forced Landing --Speed Burst x 2 --Warp x 1 Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 8 Red Bolt, a Soviet Speedster who hits like a hurricane, is the Siberian’s

 The Red Patriot Patriot Movement (RPM)  When the Soviet Union collapsed collapsed in 1989, a new Russia was was born.  Tat didn’t didn’t sit well well with some Russians Russians who believed Communism Communism got a raw deal. Tey didn’t like the new Russia, and they rebelled against it, bringing many Super Communists to bear in the struggle. Ultimately, the Red Patriot Movement lost, but still managed to retain control of their power base in the Russian state of Georgia, birthplace of Josef Stalin, and home to a new Proletariot.

 The Siberian [BR2]

right-hand man and thean RPM’s field scout. During sion he fell in love with alien primary warrior named Nevra while the she invawas held in RPM custody. She later escaped amidst the chaos of an alien counter-attack, and Red Bolt has never seen her again.

 Affiliation: RPM BP: 85  AP: 7  Attributes Strength 4[1] Agility 4 Mind 3 Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 3 Combat Sense x 3 Density Increase --Immovable Iron Will x 2 Knockback Resistance x 2 Melee Attack x 2 Super-Strength x 1 --Super-Knockback 

Katyusha Rockets [HE5]  Affiliation: RPM BP: 85  AP: 5[9]  Attributes Strength 5 Agility 3 Mind 2 Resolve 3 Powers  Armor x 3 Combat Sense x 3 Extra Attacks (+1 AP) Extra Movement x 4 Flight Ranged Attack (9D, 30”) --Rapid Fire  Vitality: Henchmen Group-5 members  Te RPMs primary primary shock troops are the dreaded dreaded Katyusha Rockets. Rockets.  Tese power-armor power-armor wearing troopers troopers are tough to bring down, down, and a five-man squad packs the punch of battle tank.

 Vitality: 9  Trough all of its struggles, the most visible member of the RPM has been the Soviet Super Soldier known only as the Siberian. His seemingly ageless body a bastion of Communist Party strength since the 1950s, the Siberian now leads RPM operatives in actions around the world.

Perun [BR11]  Affiliation: Red Patriot Movement BP: 85  AP: 8[10]  Attributes Strength 6[1] Agility 5 Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 3 Extra Vitality x 3 74

 T-34 [GU3]  Affiliation: RPM BP: 85  AP: 8  Attributes Strength 5 Agility 5 Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers

 Armor 3 Combatx Sense x3 SuperSystem


Iron Will x 1 Knockback Resistance x 1 Ranged Attack (9D, 30”) --Super-Damage x 1 --Rapid Fire  Vitality: 9  Te product of an advanced Soviet weapons development development program, Ivan Korkov is now half-man, half-tank. When his mighty personal armament is working, it wreaks devastation on the battlefield, giving pause to hero and villain alike.

 Zoya [BR10]

 Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 3 Extra Movement x 1 Melee Attack x 1 --Extra Reach x 1 Ranged Attack (9D, 30”) --Rapid Fire  Vitality: Henchmen Group-10 members  Te Omega Shocktroops are the backbone backbone of any Host Attack Attack Group.  Tey are prized by by Warlords Warlords for their tenacity tenacity,, and and their Shock-Staves give even the most stalwart foes pause.

Host Repto Warriors [AL2 x 1]

 Affiliation: RPM BP: 85  AP: 7

 Affiliation: Te Host BP: 85

 Attributes Strength 5[1] Agility 4 Mind 3 Resolve 5 Powers Bodyguard Combat Sense x 2 Instant Stand Kinetic Absorption --Sponge x 2 Knockback Resistance x 3 Super Leap --Extra Bounce x 1 Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 10 Called the “Lethal Guardian” by her comrades in the RPM, Zoya’s powers make her nigh-indestructible nigh-indestructible,, and an ideal complement to 34’s erratic firepower. Her loyalty to the Soviet ideal is surpassed only by her love for its most legendary champion, the Siberian. Siberian.

7  AP:  Attributes Strength 5 Agility 4[1] Mind 3 Resolve 3 Powers  Armor x 4 Combat Sense x 3 Extra Attacks (+2 AP) Iron Will x 1 Melee Attack x 3 --Extra Reach x 4 Super-Agility x 1 Veterans  Vitality: Henchmen Group-5 members  Te elite of the Host Host Attack Groups, the Repto Warriors Warriors are bionibionically altered killing machines specializing in close-up mayhem.

 The Alien Host Sweeping across the Earth in inexorable waves, the Alien Host was a nigh-irresistible force composed of many disparate elements. Now small remnants of the aliens remain, marooned on Earth by their fleeing fellows when their invasion fell to pieces. Tese remaining units have managed to maintain their discipline and many eke out an existence as hired super-muscle. Others dream of building up enough resources to return to the stars.  Te backbone of any Host attack unit unit are the various castes of Shocktroops, including the dreaded Repto-caste elites and a number of troops from f rom the hundreds of conscript races conquered conquered by the Host over the intervening centuries. A typical Alien warband is composed of at least one unit of basic Host Omega Shocktroops, and either one Repto Warrior Squad or one Alpha Shocktroop squad. Special missions might also include a unit of Omega Shockbots or a unit of  Warsloths.  W arsloths. Host warbands are are always lead by by one to three members members of the Warlord caste. Tese are individuals who have attained high status in the Host’s warlike society. Phaedra, Karthoum, and Nalan are examples of typical Host Warlords Warlords with varying vary ing powers.

Host Omega Shocktroops [ AL1 x 2]  Affiliation: Te Host BP: 85  AP: 6[7]  Attributes Strength 5 Agility 3 Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers SuperSystem


Host Alpha Shocktroops [AL3 x 2]  Affiliation: Te Host BP: 85  AP: 9  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 6 Mind 3 Resolve 3 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 3 Iron Will x 1

 Attributes Strength 4[1] Agility 5[1] Mind 4 Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 4 Fortune x 2 Knockback Resistance x 2 Super-Agility x 1 Super Leap Super-Strength x 1


Ranged Attack (9D, 32”) --Extended Range x 1 --Rapid Fire  Vitality: Henchmen Group-10 members  Te Alpha-caste Alpha-caste troops are the Host’s Host’s long-range attack attack specialists, and bear Shock-Staves specially calibrated to unleash hellish bursts of crimson energy on their designated targets.

Host Omega Shockbots [AL4 x 2]  Affiliation: Te Host BP: 85  AP: 5[8]  Attributes Strength 5[1] Agility 3 Mind 2 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 3 Combat Sense x 3 Enhanced Senses x 2 Extra Attack (+1 AP) --Extra Move x 3 Melee --ExtraAttack Reachxx42 Soulless Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: Henchmen Group-6 members Emotionless killers, the Omega Shockbots are often used to reinforce recently taken areas of the battlefield. Teir toughness and close-in firepower make them excel at holding ground. Teir clawed hands project a field of deadly electricity that can envelop foes who stray too close.

 Vitality: 9 Known for his resourcefulness in battle, Warlord Karthoum prefers to lead his troops f rom the f ront. He despises the Atlanteans, Atlanteans, and during the war took great pains to inflict harm on them. Now he has put  vengeance aside to find a way way home.

GuildSpeaker Nalan [AL7]  Affiliation: Te Host BP: 85  AP: 10  Attributes Strength 2 Agility 3 Mind 6[1] Resolve 5 Powers Combat Sense x 2 (Mind) Extra Forms --Banish --Extra Range x 3 Flare (Mind-based, 15”) Monologuer Super-Mind x 1 --Lightning Strategist x 1  Vitality: 7 One of the few Host Guildspeakers who battled on the f rontlines of the Invasion, Nalan Nalan bore nothing but contempt for the armchair commanders of the rest of his order. He believed that only through direct action can the members of his caste achieve their ends, and balance out the over-aggressive nature of the Warlords. Now that the Invasion has failed, Nalan is among those stranded aliens trying to collect enough resources to escape the Earth.

 Affiliation: Te Host BP: 85  AP: 6  Attributes Strength 4[1] Agility 4 Mind 2 Resolve 5

Host Warlord Phaedra [AL8]  Affiliation: Te Host BP: 85  AP: 9  Attributes Strength 4 Agility 5[1] Mind 4 Resolve 5

Powers  Armor x 1 Climbing Combat Sense x 2 Enhanced Senses x 2 Extra Attacks (+3 AP) Kinetic Absorption --Sponge x 3 Melee Attack x 2 Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: Henchmen Group-6 members One of the many conscript races fighting for the host, the savage  Warsloths  W arsloths are most at at home in the thick of melee melee combat.

Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 2 Flight Iron Will x 1 Ranged Attack (7D, 30”) Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 9 Unlike her rivals in the Warlord caste, Phaedra lobbied to spare Atlantis and Lemuria, believing something could be salvaged from them. Her great skill in combat allowed her to survive the terrible t errible losses to the Host, and she has since developed a growing interest in Earth and may wish to remain.

Host Warlord Karthoum [AL6]

Host Warlord Grom [AL12]

Host Warsloth Conscripts [AL5 x 2]

 Affiliation: Te Host BP: 85  AP: 9 76

 Affiliation: Te Host BP: 85  AP: 6[8] SuperSystem


 Attributes Strength 5[2] Agility 3 Mind 3 Resolve 6[1] Powers  Armor x 3 Combat Sense x 4 Extra Move x 2 Iron Will x 1 Massive x 2

Little more than a giant, rolling metal disc with crew pods, the War Wheel was most often used in the North American American theater during the Invasion. Since the Invasion ended, very few remain in service. It is generally piloted by a pair of Gamma-Class pilots, but but its onboard battle-computers are often the equal of the skillful controller.

 War-Wheel  War-W heel Pilots (Sidekicks)  Affiliation: Te Host

Melee Attack x 3 Super-Resolve x 1 Super-Strength x 2  Vitality: 13  Warlord  W arlord Grom leads leads the Warsloth Warsloth Conscripts into into battle. Tis vile alien has sold his own people into slavery for the Host, and when the Invasion went sour, deftly freed a cadre of Warsloths and bound them to his service on the promise he would engineer a way home for them. Now he serves Warlord Warlord Karthoum and hopes to make good on his bargain before his troops grow restless.

Host Battle-Frame [VH3]  Affiliation: Te Host BP: 85  AP: 7  Attributes Strength 5[1] Agility 4 Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 3 Combat Sense x 2 Melee Attack x 3 Ranged Attack (8D, 30”)

Cult of Super-Assassins  Tis group group of international international super-ter super-terrorists rorists is dedicate dedicated d to spreading spreading mayhem around the world. Lead by the mysterious villain Saber-Skull, the Cult has carried out operations on nearly every major continent in the world. Its rotating roster of super-villains is always supplemented by a several groups of fanatical fighters called the Assassin Acolytes. No one knows who is really behind the Cult, or where it will strike next!

Super-Strength x 1 Super Leap  Vitality: 9 Host Battle-Frames are armored suits that transform a normal alien  warrior into a foe to rival any of Earth’s supers. Combining firepower firepower,, strength, and durability, durability, those battle-frames that remain left over from the Invasion are guarded closely by the warlords who possess them.

Host War-Wheel [VH2]  Affiliation: Te Host BP: 170  AP: 9[20]  Attributes Strength 7[3] Agility 6 Mind 3 Resolve 3 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 3 Enhanced Senses x 3 Extra Move x 11 Extra Vitality x 3 Ranged Attack (9D, 30”) --Rapid Fire --Super-Damage x 3 Sidekick x 8 Sidekick x 8 Super-Strength x 3 Vehicle --Level 3 --No Carrier (-9) --Extra Fire Arc --Nimble

BP: 30  AP: 6  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 3 Mind 3 Resolve 3 Powers none  Vitality: 6

Saber-Skull [BA6]  Affiliation: Cult of Super Assassins BP: 85  AP: 9  Attributes Strength 4[1] Agility 5[1] Mind 4 Resolve 4 Powers Combat Sense x 3 Force-Field x 3 Melee Attack x 3 Soulless Super-Agility x 1 Super-Strength x 1 Extra Vitality x 2  Vitality: 10 Saber-Skull is one of the most feared international terrorists in the  world. Te full range of Saber-Skull’s Saber-Skull’s power is unknown, unknown, but he has exhibited super-strength and durability, along with an inhuman resistance to mental attacks. He wields twin swords that glow g low with an eerie energy and can cut through most any substance, including armored cars and super-tough heroes with equal ease!

 Adder [GU1]

 Affiliation: Cult of Super Assassins BP: 85  AP: 9  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 5[1] Mind 4 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 2 Enhanced Senses x 1 Forced-Field x 3 Perfect iming Ranged Attack (8D, 30”)  13  Vitality:  Te Host War-Wheel War-Wheel is is a fearsome machine machine designed designed to move quickly --Rapid Fire --Super-Damage x 1 over rough terrain and bring its twin ion-guns to bear on super-foes. SuperSystem


Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 7 Elisabeth Kreutz is Adder, a German diplomat turned international assassin. After After manifesting her powers of enhanced Agility near-prefect aim, she decided to make a life for herself as a hero. Ten she met Saber-Skull, and fell under his sway. It’s been several years and much blood has been spilled. Adder is unsure if she can ever go back to her

--Rapid Fire  Vitality: Henchmen Group-10 Members Recruited from the worst scum and human detritus in the world, the  Assassin Acolytes Acolytes serve the Cult of Super-Assassins Super-Assassins with fanatical fanatical loyalty. Te Gunners are crack shots and wield a specially designed submachine gun with a built-in silencer that is deadly at close range.


original life. Te life of the assassin is the only thing she knows now.

BlackBird [FL3]

 The Larcenous Legion Leg ion

 Affiliation: Cult of Super Assassins BP: 85  AP: 9  Attributes

One of the Four-Color world’s most daring and dangerous groups of super-villains, the Larcenous Legion suffered severe losses after their failed attempt to parley with the Alien Host upon their arrival in Earth orbit. Tree of the group’s mainstays, Kriegshunde, Wisp, and Deadeye survived the attack and joined in the Earth’s desperate defense. Te LL has battled nearly every ever y prominent super-team over the last decade, including the ShockForce, the S-Men, and the VanG. U.A.R.D. Now in the aftermath of the Invasion, they seek to re-build their ranks with alien cast-offs and other super-recruits.

Strength 4 Agility 6[1] Mind 3 Resolve 3 Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 2 Enhanced Senses x 2 Flight --Swoop Attack   The Wisp [SU7] Lucky   Affiliation: Larcenous Legion Melee Attack x 3 BP: 85 --Super-Damage x 1  AP: 11[16] Super-Agility x 1  Attributes  Vitality: 7 Strength 2 Agility 6 Mind 5 Resolve 4  Te high-flying Black Black Bird serves as Saber-Skull’s Saber-Skull’s primary primary aerial recon Powers scout, but she also presents a dangerous foe in close combat. Combat Sense x 3 Density Decrease  Assassin Acolyte Brawlers [HE5] --Phase Attack   Affiliation: Cult of Super Assassins  Te Differen Difference ce x 3 BP: 85 Extra Movement x 5  AP: 7[9] Force-Field x 2  Attributes Iron Will x 2 Strength 3 Agility 5 Mind 2 Resolve 3  Vitality: 6 Powers  Te brilliant, but malicious mutate mutate known only as as the Wisp uses  Armor x 3 her vaporous powers and magnesium flash to commit crimes and Combat Sense x 3  wreak havoc. She has worked for the diabolical Dr. Dr. Simian, Simian, and the Climbing super-gangster Capone, but recently found a home as leader of the Extra Movement x 2 Larcenous Legion. After the defeat of the villainous delegation, she Force-Field x 3 grudgingly joined the battle against the Alien threat. When the InvaInstant Stand sion was turned back, she resumed her life of crime along with the rest Melee Attack x 3 of the Legion. L egion. --Extra Reach x 1  Vitality: Henchmen Group-15 Members  [BR8] Kriegshunde  [BR8] RecruitedAcolytes theserve worstthe scum human detritus thefanatical world,  Affiliation: Larcenous Legion  Assassin Afrom colytes Cultand of Super-Assassins Super-As sassinsin with fan aticalthe BP: 85 loyalty.. Te loyalty Te Brawlers specialize in close combat and use all sorts of  AP: 7[9]  weaponry various martial arts arts styles from around the world.  Attributes Strength 5[2] Agility 5[2] Mind 2 Resolve 4  Assassin Acolyte Gunners [HE6] Powers  Affiliation: Cult of Super Assassins  Armor x 2 BP: 85 Combat Sense x 2  AP: 7[9] Enhanced Senses x 1  Attributes Extra Attacks (+1 AP) Strength 3 Agility 5 Mind 2 Resolve 3 Extra Movement x 2 Powers Melee Attack x 2  Armor x 3 --Extra Reach x 1 Climbing Super-Agility x 2 Combat Sense x 3 Super-Strength x 2 Extra Attacks (+1 AP) Extra Movement x 2 Instant Stand Ranged Attack (8D, 30”) 78

 9 the Neo-Nazi movement of 1980’s Germany, Kriegshunde  Vitality: Born from eventually found greater potential for profit by moving beyond his SuperSystem


political agenda. He joined the Larcenous Legion and began a career as an international super-criminal.

Deadeye  [SU5]  [SU5]  Affiliation: Larcenous Legion

One of many alien refugees left in the wake of the Host’s Host ’s departure after their defeat, Krong Krong was recruited by the Wisp to join the Legion post-Invasion. With no other options presenting themselves, the exgladiator accepted, and now acts as the team’s primary enforcer.

BP: 85  AP: 10  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 6[1] Mind 4 Resolve 4 Powers  Archery Control Pool Pool (29) --Ranged Attack + Chain (17, 8D Max, 30”) --Entangle + Sticky (17, 8D Max, 15”) --Super Leap (6) Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 7  Te mercenary mercenary archer known only only as Deadeye Deadeye is one of the founding founding members of the Larcenous Legion. Along Along with two cohorts f rom the Legion, he was one of the few survivors of the super-villain delegation delegation that initially attempted to join the alien Host. Now, in the aftermath of the Alien Invasion, Deadeye and his compatriots are working to rebuild the Legion into a force that exceeds even its previous villainous might.

Elasti-Woman [S2]  Affiliation: Larcenous Legion BP: 85  AP: 8[14] Strength: 5[1] Agility: 5 Mind: 3 Resolve: 4

 Affiliation: Larcenous Legion BP: 85  AP: 7  Attributes Strength: 5[1] Agility 4 Mind 3 Resolve 3 Powers  Armor x 3 Combat Sense x 3 Iron Will x 2 Melee Attack x 2 Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: Henchmen Group (15 models) Recruited around the same time as Krong, the Warriors found themselves stranded on Earth with few options. Given renewed purpose by their acceptance into the Legion, this disciplined band of alien fighters provides both hard-hitting support and guard g uard duty at the Legion’s re-built base.

 The Scions of Atlantis

Powers Combat Sense x 3 Extra Movement x 6 Elasticity --Sling-Shot x 2 Lucky Iron Will x 1 Melee Attack x 3 Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 9 Elasti-Woman stayed out of sight for most of the Invasion war, and once things seemed safe, she rejoined the Legion, claiming to have been a captive of the aliens. Krong and members of the Warriors have closely questioned her about her time with the aliens, but but she has thus far been able to bluff them into believing her. In the meantime, she has shown no cowardice in taking on heroic supers, taking taking great glee

in recently ambushing Super-Charger and Kid Dynamo and beating SC’s young protégé into unconsciousness.

Krong the Mighty [AL9]  Affiliation: Larcenous Legion BP: 85  AP: 7  Attributes Strength: 5[2] Agility 4 Mind 3 Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 3 Combat Sense x 3 Iron Will x 2 Massive x 2 Melee Attack x 4  errifying   errifying Aura Super-Strength x 2 --Shockwave  Vitality: 10

 The Warriors [AL11]

 Te sons and daughters of the original original heroes of Atlantis Atlantis that emerged in the 1920’s, the Scions have been on the world scene for nearly two decades. Although their membership has changed over the years, their mission has always remained the same: protect the people of Earth from evil of the Lemurians and prepare for the eventual coming of the greater alien threat. When the Host did arrive the Scions were instrumental in the eventual victory of the Earth.

Cat [SU4]  Affiliation: Te Scions BP: 85  AP: 8  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 5[1] Mind 3 Resolve 5 Powers Combat Sense x 2 Enhanced Senses x 3 Force-Field Hyper Movex 1 --Carry Objects x 1 Melee Attack x 4 Pushing Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 8 Cat’s eleportation and Enhanced Senses make her an ideal “pointguard” for the Scions. When the battle is joined, she will move quickly to the trouble spots, aiding her teammates where she is needed most.

FireFlight [FL4]  Affiliation: Te Scions BP: 85  AP: 9  Attributes Strength 2 Agility 6[1] Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 1 SuperSystem


Combat Sense x 3 Flight Force-Field x 1

Massive x 1 Melee Attack x 2 Super-Strength x 2


Ranged Attack (8D, 30 ) Regeneration Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 6 FireFlight is the son of the 1950’s flaming hero, Magma. Living up to his father’s legacy has not been easy, but as his own flame-based powers developed, he has grown into the role.

--Shockwave  Vitality: 11 Born from f rom the geomantic experiments of Atlantean scientists and made the strongest of the Scions, ekton uses his thick hide and seismic attacks to protect his teammates and keep his foes off balance.

Servitor Defenders [HE8 x 2]  Affiliation: Te Scions BP: 85  AP: 6[7]

Killshot [GU2]  Affiliation: Te Scions BP: 85  AP: 8  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 6 Mind 2 Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 2 Extra Attacks (+1 AP) Force-Field x 1 Fortune x 2 Ranged Attack (9D, 32”) --Extended Range x 1 --Rapid Fire  Vitality: 8  Te self-proclaimed self-proclaimed “deadliest “deadliest gunman alive,” alive,” Killshot’s confidence confidence is only surpassed by his fabled luck. His deadly pistols fire a variety of

 Attributes Strength: 4[1] Agility 4 Mind 2 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 3 Extra Movement x 1 Bodyguard Kinetic Absorption --Sponge x 2 Knockback Resistance x 6 Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: Henchmen Group-10 members Genetically enhanced and fanatically loyal to the Scions, the Servitor Defenders are used in the most dangerous assault missions.

sophisticated ammunition capable of spectacular and explosive results.

BP: 85  AP: 6[8]  Attributes Strength: 4 Agility 4[1] Mind 2 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 3 Enhanced Senses x 2 Extra Movement x 2 Knockback Resistance x 1 Ranged Attack (8D, 30”) --Affects Ethereal --Rapid Fire Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: Henchmen Group-5 members  Tese genetically engineered warriors use high-tech Atlantean blasters to pin down enemy targets at range and cover the advance of the Scion heroes.

Shifter [BL5]  Affiliation: Te Scions BP: 85  AP: 7[10]  Attributes Strength 2 Agility 3 Mind 4 Resolve 6[1] Powers  Armor x 1 Extra Forms --Banish --Extra Range x 4 Extra Movement x 3 Force-Field x 2 Healing Iron Will x 2 Super-Resolve x 1  Vitality: 10  Te elder statesman statesman of the Scions, Scions, Shifter’s Shifter’s powers lie in the summonsummoning of creatures from other dimensions. His His specialty is in summoning elementals of various types, but he is also able to heal ailing comrades using various mystical techniques.  Tekton [BR9]  Affiliation: Te Scions BP: 85  AP: 6  Attributes Strength 6[2] Agility 3 Mind 3 Resolve 5 Powers

 Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 4 Kinetic Absorption --Sponge x 2 80

Servitor Blasters [HE9]  Affiliation: Te Scions

 The Crusaders of Crime  Formed by enigmatic criminal mastermind Dark emplar, the Crusaders of Crime have proven a thorn in the side of more than one enemy super-team. Beyond amassing as much wealth as possible, the CoC’s mysterious leader, Dark emplar, serves another agenda. He is actually a 500+ year-old agent of a cosmic being known only as the Galactic Gamesman. Te Gamesman is actually a cosmic showman, dedicated to finding and recruiting new talent t alent for the Galactic Bloodsport. He had originally recruited Dark emplar over 500 years before, but then forgot about the t he Earth and its superhuman potential. Earth’ Earth’ss riches were again brought to light when the invasion of the Alien Host was soundly beaten back by a number of superhuman defenders. defenders.



 Te Gamesman’ Gamesman’s spies among the Host reported to him on the great number and variety of potential gladiators g ladiators among Earth’s population.

Homunculoid is super-tough and capable of summoning random duplicates of itself from a pocket dimension to do its bidding.

Dark emplar, who had not been back to his home planet in centuries,  was dispatched to Earth Earth to form his own team of super-humans and and test the worthiness of the rest of the super-population. Tose foes deemed suitable would be targeted by one of the Gamesman’s intergalactic press gangs and recruited for the Bloodsport in far off galaxies. Dark emplar emplar eventually turned on his cosmic master but kept his team together to forge their own way on Earth.

Dark Templar [BL6]  Affiliation: Crusaders of Crime BP: 85  AP: 10  Attributes Strength: 4 Agility 5[1] Mind 5 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 2 Fortune x 3 Ranged Attack (8D, 22”) --Reduced Range x 2 Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 8 Born in the 16th century, the man named Simon emple was abducted by one of the Galactic Gamesman’s Press Gangs and taken across the galaxy where his latent super powers were unleashed. After decades battling in the arenas of the Galactic Bloodsport, emple, who had since changed his name to Dark emplar, earned the respect of the Gamesman and became one of his recruiters.

Homunculoid-Beta [SU9]  Affiliation: Crusaders of Crime BP: 78  AP: 8  Attributes Strength: 4[2] Agility 5 Mind 3 Resolve 6 Powers  Armor x 4 Combat Sense x 2 Melee Attack x 4

Pushing Super-Strength x 2  Vitality: 10  When the Homunculoid’s Homunculoid’s energies energies are at their their peak, it is able to summon a stronger, tougher version of itself from a pocket dimension. Ruthlessly efficient in combat, Homunculoid-Beta Homunculoid-Beta secretly longs to

Dark emplar was sent home to form a team of his own and select the mightiest and most able candidates for “recruitment.” However, he grew tired of servitude and betrayed his master, revealing his true nature to his teammates, but still retaining their loyalty. Dark emplar emplar combines an uncanny luck power with his mastery of an energy force that he calls the Ebon Glamour. He is capable of discharging bolts of destructive force at foes, while also affecting probabilities around him, turning the tides of any situation in his favor.

 The Homunculoid [SU9]  Affiliation: Crusaders of Crime

85 BP:  8  AP:  Attributes Strength: 4[1] Agility 5 Mind 3 Resolve 6 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 3 Extra Forms --Extra Range x 2 --Variable Melee Attack x 3 Pushing Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 10  Te rogue creation of a Lemurian sorcerer, sorcerer, the creature creature known as the Homunculoid spent the first year of o f its independence on the run from f rom the Sons of Poseidon. It did not find refuge until the Dark  emplar   emplar found it. Homunculoid Homunculoid instantly accepted emplar’s emplar’s offer of protection in exchange for serving as the primary enforcer of the Crusaders of Crime. SuperSystem



have an existence of its own. Until the moment comes when it can break free of its master’s control, it continues to serve him.

Homunculoid-Gamma  [SU9]  Affiliation: Crusaders of Crime BP: 58  AP: 8  Attributes Strength: 4 Agility 5 Mind 3 Resolve 6 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 2 Melee Attack x 2 Pushing  Vitality: 10  Te smaller of the the Homunculoid’s pair of servitors, Gamma is called into service when his master’s energies are on the wane. Although diminutive in stature, Gamma does his master’s bidding with great zeal, hurling itself into combat against foes of any size.

 Vitality: 8 Unchallenged master of the martial arts, the man known only as Black Claw holds a dark secret. In In his early life in the Orient, Claw was only a fair martial artist at best, but he made a deal with a Chinese Demon to enhance his physical abilities to superhuman levels, and and he made himself a master of Black Fist Kung-Fu.

No matter how many successes he enjoys, he cannot forget his grisly blood debt to his demonic master, master, and must pay a tithe to him in human victims each year, or forfeit his powers, and his soul!

Mistress Nightmare [BL7]  Affiliation: Crusaders of Crime BP: 85  AP: 10

StoneFlower [BR13]  Affiliation: Crusaders of Crime BP: 85  AP: 8[14]  Attributes Strength: 5[2] Agility 5 Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 4x 6 Extra Movement Knockback Resistance x 4 Melee Attack x 3 --Extra Reach x 1 Super-Strength x 2  Vitality: 9 StoneFlower is the heavy-hitter of the Crusaders of Crime, a brick combining great foot-speed with tremendous strength and hitting power. Before manifesting her mutate powers, StoneFlower was mild-mannered mild-manner ed Betty Ochs, the owner of a small chain of floral shops in greater Steel City. Her family was killed in the same accident that caused her powers to manifest, a super-battle between the S-Men and a group of unknown villains. Alone and angry, Betty was very receptive to Dark emplar’s emplar’s offer of membership in the CoC. She blames the S-Men for her family’s demise. Once started on a new life of crime, StoneFlower has never looked back.

Black Claw  [BA12]  [BA12]  Affiliation: Crusaders of Crime BP: 85  AP: 8  Attributes Strength: 4 Agility 5[1] Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 3 Darkness --Immunity   Te Difference Difference Escape Artist x 1 Force-Field x2 Instant Stand Melee Attack x 4 Regeneration Super-Agility x 1 82



 Attributes Strength: 2 Agility 4 Mind 5[1] Resolve 6 Powers  Armor x 2 Boost/Drain (2D) --Limited (Mental) --Vitality ransfer Combat Sense (Flare) x 1 Combat Sense (Drain) x 2  Te Difference Difference x 2 Flare (Mind-based, 15”) Force-Field x 1

he found that his touch could enhance the abilities of living organisms, or even heal them. His internal energy also granted him enhanced reflexes and toughness, and sharpened his mental acuity. After earning a degree in Electrical Engineering from f rom Steel City University University,, along  with his Eagle Scout merit merit badge, Vernon Miles decided decided to use his special gifts to help humanity. humanity. He took on a young protégé who also possessed electrically based powers, and adopted the name of Super Charger. He developed a talent for leading supers, and when the Host attacked, he quickly formed the Defenders-5 to help oppose them. Now the Defenders-5 have remained together in the wake of the Invasion to fill the void left by fallen or otherwise occupied o ccupied heroes, and Super Charger is at the helm.

Super-Mind  Vitality: 8 x1  Azael Xshin is not not from this plane. A student of the occult occult arts in her own dimension, she was brought to Earth during a foolish Wizard’s botched summoning, and she longs to go home. Dark emplar has offered her just such an opportunity, provided she serves him first. Believing there is no other way, Xshin took on the mantle of Mistress Nightmare, and became a super-criminal in emplar’s employ.

Kid Dynamo [SC’s Sidekick]  Affiliation: Defenders-5 BP: 60  AP: 8  Attributes Strength: 2 Agility 6[1] Mind 2 Resolve 3 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 1 Ranged Attack (7D, 30”) Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 5 Super Charger’s young protégé, Kid Dynamo is an electrically charged power-house! He can shoot lances of lightning from his finger-tips, stunning or incapacitating even the mightiest foes.

Nightmare’s powers allow her to reach into a foe’s mind and draw out his greatest fears, paralyzing him with anguish and terror. She then sweeps in and attacks, draining as much of his life essence as possible before he recovers.


Brought together by their leader Super Charger and his sidekick, Kid Dynamo, the Defenders-5 are Steel City’s newest heroes. Actually six members strong when Kid Dynamo is added in, the D-5 were one of several teams to form in the aftermath of the Alien Invasion. Originally a rag-tag group of free Agents, the D-5 realized that they enjoyed working together to defend humanity against the Alien threat, and were offered start-up funds by billionaire industrialist and biotech developer Felix Kroog to remain together and continue to counter threats to Steel City and the world. With so many of Steel S teel City’s established heroes continuing to battle Alien holdouts f rom the Invasion, someone had to step into the breach and challenge the new uprising of super-villainous forces around the country.  Te current current line-up of the Defenders-5 Defenders-5 consists consists of Super Charger and his partner Kid Dynamo, the mistress of mentalism, MindHawk, the enigmatic arantula, John Henry, the reincarnation of one of America’s greatest folk heroes, and LadyBlade, master of the katana.

Super Charger [SU10]  Affiliation: Defenders-5 BP: 85  AP: 8  Attributes Strength: 3 Agility 4 Mind 4 Resolve 6[1] Powers  Armor x 2 Boost/Drain (3D) --Boost Only  Healing SideKick x 12 Super-Resolve x 1  Vitality: 11  A freak accident changed changed mild-mannered mild-mannered Vernon Vernon Miles into into a human super-conductor. His body was filled with excess electrical energy, and

 Tarantula  Tara ntula [BA12]  Affiliation: Defenders-5 BP: 85  AP: 7[11]  Attributes Strength: 4[1] Agility 5[1] Mind 2 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 2 Climbing --Vertical Charge Combat Sense x 3 Enhanced Senses x 2 Extra Movement x 4 Iron Will x 1 Melee Attack x 2 Regeneration Super-Agility x 1 Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 8  Te arantula arantula is a mysterious mysterious vigilante who worked worked alone until until he was approached by Super Charger and asked to join the Five. His superhuman strength, endurance, and preternatural agility serve him well in any conflict. His super-resilient super-resilient body allows him to recover from even near-fatal wounds in record time.

 Although little is known about him, the arantula arantula’s ’s rivalry with Black Black Claw is well documented. Te two have fought several well-publicized brawls in the Oakland district of Steel City, near the campus of Steel City University, leading to speculation that one or both supers may be based somewhere in that area.

MindHawk [BL8]  Affiliation: Defenders-5 BP: 85  AP: 9




 Attributes Strength: 2 Agility 3 Mind 5[1] Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 3 (Mind)  Te Difference Difference x 2 Enhanced Senses x 1 Force-Field x 2 Iron Will x 2 Mental Attack (8D, 30”) Super-Mind x 1  Vitality: 7

Instant Stand Melee Attack x 3 --Soul Fire  Vitality: 7 Raised in a warrior culture that excluded females from martial training, the woman who would become LadyBlade eventually proved herself the equal of any man. rained by the reclusive monks of a mystical realm, she became became the master of a deadly sword known only as the Black Blade. Said to be able to slice into a foe’s soul, its dark flames have become the stuff of many criminals’ nightmares.

Kristin Hawkins was the product of a government research project into the development of psychic powers in children. After spending her formative years in a federal facility for psychic and psionic research, she was deemed a failure when she showed no appreciable development of “the gift.”

her assignments allowed her to best male foes. When the Host arrived to threaten Earth she joined with Super Charger to help found the Defenders-5. It was Super Charger’s tremendous empathy and respect  which won LadyBlade LadyBlade over to his cause, cause, and and she has since since embraced her role as hero and protector, and softened her stance on men.

In her early career she was a sword for hire, taking the most joy when

Orphaned at birth, with no known family, Hawkins used her expensive government education to land a decent job in Steel City’s City ’s financial financial sector. Tings in her life were going well until the Alien gene-bomb hit her office. Te bomb’s energy, designed to neuter the super-potential of anyone in its area of effect, had just the opposite effect on Kristin. Her latent psionic powers were unleashed! MindHawk was born, and she quickly joined with the D-5 to defend humanity against all threats.

 John Henry [BR14]  Affiliation: Defenders-5 BP: 85  AP: 7  Attributes Strength: 5[2] Agility 4 Mind 3 Resolve 5[1] Powers  Armor x 3 Combat Sense x 3 Iron Will x 1 Knockback Resistance x 4 Melee Attack x 3 Super-Resolve x 1 Super-Strength x 2  Vitality: 12 No one knows if John Henry is really the man he claims to be, a walk-

ing piece of folklore with the power and the spirit to back up his claims. It certainly doesn’t matter to his teammates or his foes, as the man who calls himself John Henry believes, and that is all that matters. One blow from his mighty hammer, or one of his iron-hard fists, is enough to fell most foes, and those who would oppose the Defenders5 quickly learn that the legend of John Henry lives.

LadyBlade [BA11] [BA11]  Affiliation: Defenders-5 BP: 85  AP: 8[13]  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 5 Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 3 Enhanced Senses x 2 Escape Artist x 2 Extra Movement x 5 Force-Field x 2 84

G.A.R.O.U.  Te Government Government Authorized Rabid Operative Operative Unit was was first conceived by the CIA in the mid-1980’s. Realizing the need for a versatile, Super covert-ops team, CIA brass decided to take several low-level mutates and subject them to a new lycanthropic process that would give them a physical edge if their other powers failed. Although Although the team enjoyed some early successes, it was also responsible for several atrocities in the field in the early 1990’s, 199 0’s, making it an easy target for budget cuts in the late 1990’s. However, certain members of the CIA believed so strongly in the project that they have secretly kept it going, taking it underground and reserving the use of G.A.R.O.U. agents for only the most important and dangerous missions.

Leonard Jones [WW1]  Affiliation: G.A.R.O.U. BP: 85  AP: 9  Attributes Strength: 5 Agility 4 Mind 4[1] Resolve 4 Powers  Alternate Form Form  Armor x 1 Boost/Drain (3D) --Boost Only Force-Field x 3 Fortune x 1 Iron Will x 2 Perfect iming Super-Mind x 1  Vitality: 9  Alpha [WW1]  Affiliation: G.A.R.O.U. BP: 85  AP: 8[12]  Attributes Strength: 5[1] Agility 5[1] Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers

 Alternate Form Form  Armor x 3 Combat Sense x 3 Extra Movement x 4 Melee Attack x 3 SuperSystem


Super-Agility x 1 Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 9 Leonard Jones was a good man, a brilliant agent, and a mutate with the ability enhance the powers of others. When Jones ran afoul of a rival in the department his career was jeopardized on trumped up corruption charges. Disgraced, Jones accepted the only out given him, service in the G.A.R.O.U. program. His body readily accepted the Lycanthropic treatments, and Jones  was codenamed codenamed Alpha, the first successful successful G.A.R.O.U. G.A.R.O.U. agent, agent, and the team’s designated field leader. Isolated from his family now that G.A.R.O.U. has gone underground, Jones does what he can to keep his team from crossing the line. He knows that every day serving in G.A.R.O.U. is like walking a razor’s edge.

Marylin Walters [WW2]  Affiliation: G.A.R.O.U. BP: 85  AP: 9  Attributes Strength: 2 Agility 5[1] Mind 4 Resolve 6 Powers  Alternate Form Form --Involuntary Change  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 1

Force-Field x 1 Hyper Movement --Carry Objects x 2 --Hyper Attack  Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 8

Quickclaw  [WW2]  [WW2]  Affiliation: G.A.R.O.U. BP: 85  AP: 8[14]  Attributes Strength: 5 Agility 5[2] Mind 3 Resolve 3 Powers  Alternate Form Form --Involuntary Change Combat Sense x 4 Enhanced Senses x 1 Extra Movement x 6 Force-Field x 2 Melee Attack x 3 Super-Agility x 2  Vitality: 8 Marylin Walters craved action, and as a member of a C.I.A. Super-Black-Ops squad, she she got it. When her unit was wiped out battling paramilitaries in Bolivia, Walters Walters was left as the sole survivor. G.A.R.O.U. brass wanted a teleporter on the team, and Walters was a prime candidate. After her body accepted Lycanthropic process, Walters developed into a deadly close-in fighter fighter,, almost too blood-thirsty for her own good. She was one of the agents responsible

for the slaying ofncy several innocent civilians during counter-insurgency counter-insurge operations in W est Af rica.

Lucius Clay [WW3]  Affiliation: G.A.R.O.U. BP: 85

 AP: 8  Attributes Strength: 4[1] Agility 4[1] Mind 4 Resolve 6 Powers  Alternate Form Form --Involuntary Change  Armor x 3 Combat Sense x 3 Iron Will x 3 Melee Attack x 3 Super-Agility x 1 Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 10

Fenris [WW3]  Affiliation: G.A.R  G.A.R.O.U. .O.U. BP: 85  AP: 7[11]  Attributes Strength: 6[2] Agility 4 Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers  Alternate Form Form



--Involuntary Change  Armor x 2 Berserker Combat Sense x 2 Extra Movement x 4 Instant Stand Melee Attack x 3 Super-Strength x 2 --Rage  Vitality: 10 Every team needs a brick, and Lucius Clay is G.A.R.O.U.’s heavy-hit-

 Alternate Form Form --Involuntary Change  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 2 (Mind) Copy Power (14”) --Extended Range x 4 --Nullify  Force-Field x 1 Instant Stand Super-Mind x 1  Vitality: 8

ter. Formerly the super-criminal known as the Junk-Yard Dog, Clay  was recruited into G.A.R.O.U. G.A.R.O.U. because because of his body’s high adaptability to the process. His unpredictable rages and berserker fury have made him a difficult operative to control when things get hairy hair y.

Ironwolf  [WW5]  [WW5]  Affiliation: G.A.R.O.U. BP: 85  AP: 8[11]  Attributes Strength: 5[1] Agility 5 Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers  Alternate Form Form --Involuntary Change  Armor x 4 Combat Sense x 2 Enhanced Senses x 2 Extra Movement x 3 Melee Attack x 3 Regeneration Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 9  Julia Dryer is the ultimate soldier soldier.. She does what she is told when she is told to do it. No more. No less. She acts as Alpha’s enforcer when Fenris or Quickclaw get out of hand, using her ability to nullify powers while in her human form, or switching to her bruising lupine form and dealing out discipline up close and personal. She also desperately  wishes to return to a family that believes she died some years ago. ago. It is only fear for their safety that keeps her focused on G.A.R.O.U G.A.R.O.U.’s .’s  various missions.

 James Wu [WW4]  Affiliation: G.A.R.O.U. BP: 85  AP: 10  Attributes Strength: 2 Agility 6[1] Mind 4 Resolve 3 Powers  Alternate Form Form  Armor x 1 Extra Attacks (+1 AP) Instant Stand Iron Will x 1 Ranged Attack (8D, 30”) --Super-Damage x 2 Combat Sense x 2 Super-Agility x 1 Extra Vitality x 1  Vitality: 6

Longfang [WW4]  Affiliation: G.A.R.O.U. BP: 85  AP: 9  Attributes Strength: 5 Agility 6[1] Mind 3 Resolve 3 Powers

 The Blitzkrieg Brigade   orn from time and space,  orn space, from a world where where WWII still rages, rages, comes the Blitzkrieg Brigade, a group of super-fascists to challenge the heroes of any era. Lead by Elite Wehrmacht Officer Hans von Stahl, wielder of the Spear of Destiny, the team also features the massive Brown Shirt Schlaeger Siegf ried, and several deadly super-mecha  walkers.

 Alternate Form  Armor x 2Form Melee Attack x 2 Combat Sense x 2 Regeneration Super-Agility x 1 Super Leap Hauptman Hans von Stahl [ZB25] --Extra Bounce x 2  Affiliation: Blitzkrieg Brigade  Vitality: 8 BP: 85  James Wu Wu is G.A.R.O.U.’s G.A.R.O.U.’s gunner gunner,, capable capable of generating generating powerful  AP: 8 kinetic bolts from his hands or eyes. Wu is a reluctant close combatant,  Attributes however, and dislikes changing into his wolfen form. His gentle soul Strength: 2 Agility 3 Mind 5 Resolve 6[1] and willingness to back Alpha’s Alpha’s more moderate attitude on operations Powers provides a balancing force on the conflicted team.  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 2  Julia Dryer [WW5]  Affiliation: G.A.R.O.U. BP: 85  AP: 10  Attributes Strength: 3 Agility 4 Mind 5[1] Resolve 5 Powers

Iron Will x3 x5 Melee Attack --Soul Fire Regeneration Super-Resolve x 1  Vitality: 10





Hauptman Hans von Stahl witnessed the terrible power of the Spear of Destiny firsthand when the Reich’s special agents used it in battle on French partisans. Uneasy about the supernatural implications of using such a relic for war, he stole it and used it to tear a hole into time and space, taking a few of his favorite operatives and gear with him to carve out his own empire in a new dimension. However, possessing the spear has changed him, and now he intends to use it to conquer the modern world not for the glory of any nation, but to create a new  world of perfect order. order.

it proved a very reliable design due mainly to the highly efficient  Anhalder twin Diesel engines. engines. At At first used as a terror weapon in night attacks on allied lines, it was equipped with a Stuka Siren giving it the nickname of “ Wraith Wraith”. ”. Tis Tis extremely flexible design gave rise to numerous variants such as the 75mm assault, the 88mm tank hunter, and others.

Free Agents

Schlaeger Siegfried [ZB26]  Affiliation: Blitzkrieg Brigade BP: 85  AP: 6[11]  Attributes Strength: 5[1] Agility 4 Mind 2 Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 3 Bodyguard Combat Sense x 4 Extra Move x 5 Iron Will x 2 Knockback Resistance x 1 Melee Attack x 3 Super-Strength x 1 --Shockwave

10  Vitality: Loyal to Hauptman von Stahl because he was the only one to ever show kindness to him, Schlaeger Schlaeger (“Bruiser”) Siegfried Siegf ried decided to follow him through time and space. He is very good at his primary job, protecting Hauptman von Stahl. His secondary job, busting heads, comes in a close second.

Mecha Panzer   Affiliation: Blitzkrieg Brigade BP: 170  AP: 8[15]  Attributes Strength: 6[2] Agility 5 Mind 3 Resolve 6 Powers  Armor x 5 Combat Sense x 4

Enhanced Senses x 5 Extra Move x 7 Knockback Resistance x 4 Melee Attack x 6 Ranged Attack (10D, 40”) --Extended Range x 5 --Super-Damage x 2 Ranged Attack (8D, 0”) --AoE (Cone) --No Range Super-Strength x 2 Vehicle --Level 2 --Giant Robot --Independent --Nimble --No Carrier (-5) --urret  Vitality: 12  Te German Recon Recon Mecha or Mecha Panzer Panzer is a robust design built built

Not heroes andprefer villains the Four-Color World in tightly knit all teams. Many theinmercurial life of the Freework Agent, working for the highest bidder or performing solo acts of heroism. Still, many many Free Agents often find themselves working with established teams, or even each other, when the need arises, or their goals closely match.

Big Lou [GU6]  Affiliation: Free Agent BP: 85  AP: 6[7]  Attributes Strength: 5 Agility: 4 Mind: 2 Resolve: 5 Powers  Armor x 3 Combat Sense x 3 Extra Attacks (+6 AP) Extra Movement x 1 Ranged Attack (7D, 30”) --Rapid Fire  Vitality: 10 Big Lou is Capone’s right-hand man, helping to keep his master’s rackets in line. Super-tough and good with his gat, Big Lou doesn’t bat an eye when he’s asked to take on super-foes. He personally took out a squad of alien infantry when the Host came to Steel City. His favorite line is “Whatever you say, Boss.”

Capone  [GU5]  [GU5]  Affiliation: Free Agent BP: 85  AP: 9  Attributes Strength 4 Agility 6[1] Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 1 Boost/Drain (2D) --Physical Only  Combat Sense x 2  Te Difference Difference x 2 Melee Attack x 1 Ranged Attack (6D, 30”) --Rapid Fire Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 8 Capone is Steel City’s premier super-gangster, and the unchallenged leader of Te Mob. His remarkable run of 75 years at the head of Te Mob shows no sign of ending any time soon. [BA9] Dark Avenger  Affiliation: Free Agent BP: 85  AP: 10

and designed by Schemmer Armor Works. Te original concept called for a light assault mech capable of carrying carry ing various payloads. In battle

 Attributes Strength: 4 Agility 5[1] Mind 5 Resolve 4



Powers Combat Sense x 2 Iron Will x 1 Omni-Power (20 pt. pool) --Activation Goal Roll x 1 Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 8

Slipping through the night like a shadow, the Dark Avenger fights a  war on crime in the gritty streets of Steel City. City. His His almost limitless cache of super-devices and preternatural Agility make him a formidable foe.  [HE16]  The Demon Biker  [HE16]  Affiliation: Free Agent BP: 85  AP: 8[14]  Attributes

Strength: 5 Agility 4[1] Mind 4 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 2 Extra Movement x 6 Melee Attack x 3 --Extra Reach x 3 --Soul Fire Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 9  Te Demon Biker Biker is a powerful, extra-dimension extra-dimensional al being whose true goals and allegiances are unknowable. A large man dressed in black leather riding garb and sporting a nimbus of red flame for hair, the Demon Biker has at times both helped and hindered the Defenders-5. He claims to be the scion of a hellish, other-worldly other-worldly realm where evil men suffer a thousand deaths every ever y day, only to be born again to suffer anew at the next dawn. DB rides into battle astride a custom motorcycle of vintage design, and though his bike has been destroyed in many a battle, he always manages to return with it on his next appearance. In addition to his amazing mobility while astride his hellish hog, DB wields a chain with a corona of cold fire that not only physically burns his foes, but can also singe their very souls!

Dr. Atlas [SU6]  Affiliation: Free Agent BP: 85  AP: 8  Attributes Strength 4[1] Agility 4 Mind 4 Resolve 6 Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 2 Growth x 2 Knockback Resistance x 1 Melee Attack x 2 --Extra Reach x 1 Shrinking x 1 --Growth Attack  Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 10  Trough his experiments experiments in particle physics, Dr. Atlas has become become a master of size-shifting. His versatile powers always make him the right r ight hero for the job.

 The Glock-Roach Free Agent  Affiliation: BP: 85  AP: 8


 Attributes Strength 4 Agility 5[1] Mind 3 Resolve 6 Powers  Armor x 3 88



Climbing --Vertical Charge Combat Sense x 2 Extra Attacks (+1 AP) Ranged Attack (6D, 30”) --Rapid Fire Regeneration Super-Agility x 1 Unlucky   Vitality: 10 Stalking the sewers of Steel City and fighting crime amidst the grime, the Glock-Roach provides an object lesson in the excesses of corporate research gone wrong. Once a mild-mannered lab tech for yber Inc., Ralph Roache discovered his company’s illegal experiments on homeless test subjects. Before he could blow the whistle he was thrown in a  vat of mutagenic chemicals where where his body’s DNA mixed with with that of an irradiated roach who was sharing his “bath.” Ralph did not die, but emerged transformed, and as the Glock-Roach, took his vengeance on his ex-bosses. After alerting the police, he slipped into the sewers to begin his never-ending battle against crime of all kinds.

 The Hunter [GU4]  Affiliation: Free Agent BP: 85  AP: 8  Attributes Strength 5 Agility 4[1] Mind 4 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 2 Instant Stand Melee Attack x 3 Ranged Attack (9D, 22”) --Affects Ethereal --Reduced Range x 2 Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 9  Te aging crime-buster crime-buster known as the Hunter is actually actually the third man to wear the costume since its first appearance in the 1930’s. 1 930’s. Street toughs and super-villains alike fear the trademark shock-sword and percussion gun of the Hunter, his skull-like visage the stuff of evil-do-

ers’ nightmares.

Kragg [BR12]  Affiliation: Free Agent BP: 85  AP: 6[11]  Attributes Strength 6[1] Agility 3 Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 5 Extra Attacks (+1 AP) Extra Movement x 5 Fortune x 2 Iron Will x 1 Knockback Resistance x 3 Melee Attack x 2 Super-Strength x 1

transformed into the super-tough form of Kragg. Now the intrepid Geologist fights crime around the world in his new guise.

Manticore  [GA4]  [GA4]  Affiliation: Free Agent BP: 85  AP: 9  Attributes Strength: 3 Agility 5[1] Mind 4 Resolve 4 Powers

 Armor x 2 Climbing Combat Sense x 2  Te Difference Difference x 1 Instant Stand Ranged Attack (9D, 30”) --Chain Attack  --Super-Damage x 1 Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 7  As a child, German industrialist industrialist Ralf Brinker always always wanted to be a hero, but over time his many business commitments took him away from such dreams. Ten the Alien Invasion hit Germany and the rest of Europe. Brinker’s company had been working on a secret battle-suit project for the German government, but it was untested, untried in combat. Sensing the threat to his homeland, Brinker donned the only  working prototype of the Manticorps-II Manticorps-II Battledress and took to the streets to fight the alien hordes. After the war he landed in the United States under an assumed name, and began to make his name as an independent hero.

Mecha-Samurai [HE13]  Affiliation: Free Agent BP: 85  AP: 7  Attributes Strength 5[1] Agility 4 Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 4 Enhanced Senses x 1 Extra Attacks (+2 AP) x 1 Knockback Resistance Melee Attack x 3 --Extra Reach x 1 Super Leap --Extra Bounce x 3 Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: Henchmen Group-5 members In his early attempts to create a robotic force to counter the creations of Dr. Simian, the super-gadgeteer Rigger built the Mecha-Samurai. But he built them too well, and they developed sentience, and a code of honor similar to the samurai of old. When they failed to protect an important diplomat during a mission, they became Ronin, or masterless samurai, roaming the Earth in an attempt to atone for their failure.  [BL4] Mystick  [BL4]  Affiliation: Free Agent BP: 85

 Vitality: 10 Serbian national Viktor Kragan was one of the world’s world ’s foremost Geologists, specializing specializing in the study of volcanoes. During a trip to Ha waii, he was caught in the crossfire of a super-battle that that knocked him into the heart of a live volcano. Instead of perishing, Kragan’s body was

 AP: 9  Attributes Strength 2 Agility 4 Mind 5 Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 2



Combat Sense x 2 (Agility) Combat Sense x 2 (Mind) Omni-Power (20 pt. pool) --Multi-Power x 1  Vitality: 7 Once a slave to the power of Dr. Simian, the mighty Mystick  was freed from his mental control control by Rigger. Rigger. She worked with G.U.A.R.D. for a time, but decided to go it alone as a freelance hero and mystical advisor. Her magical powers allow her to summon forth energies that prey upon both the mind and body of her foes.

Patriot [ZA6]  Affiliation: Free Agent BP: 85  AP: 9[20]  Attributes Strength 4[1] Agility 5 Mind 4 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 1 Extra Movement x 11 --Only While in Flight Flight Ranged Attack (7D, 30”) Super-Strength x 1 8 was one of the world’s foremost engineers and industri Vitality: David Ziegler alists. Until he ran afoul of the Zero Foundation. After some clandestine investigation, he discovered what they were really up to, and tried to warn the authorities. But the Zero Device learned of Ziegler’s intentions, and launched a pre-emptive strike on Ziegler’s financial empire and public reputation that seemingly crushed the man and made him a homeless outcast. But the cagey Ziegler had planned for every possibility, having having secured himself a secret laboratory and base far below the streets of Steel City. With funds f rom several untraceable Swiss accounts, Ziegler began his second life, using his vast engineering skills and considerable wealth to build a suit of powered armor capable of taking on the minions of the Zero Foundation. aking the name of Patriot, Ziegler now fights crime up close and personal, and hopes to one day crush the mastermind behind the dreaded Zero Foundation.

Polymer [S3]  Affiliation: Free Agent BP: 85  AP: 8  Attributes Strength: 4[1] Agility 5 Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers Combat Sense x 2 Elasticity  --Parachute --Slingshot x 3 --Stretch Attack  Enhanced Senses x 1 Extra Attacks (+2 AP) Extra Vitality x 3

the package struck by an energy bolt and exploded. Brown’s body was transformed. He became super-pliable, strong, and tough. He decided to use his newfound powers for good, and came up with the name of Polymer. He approached the local G.U.A.R.D. recruitment station and requested formal training in exchange for status as a reserve agent. Now outfitted with a special suit to fit his pliable form, Polymer defends the streets of Steel City f rom all threats great and small.

Scrounger [GA3]  Affiliation: Free Agent BP: 85  AP: 8[10]  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 3 Mind 5 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 3 Combat Sense x 2 Extra Movement x 3 Flight Force-Field x 3 Iron Will x 1 Ranged Attack (9D, 30”)  Vitality: 7  A seemingly mild-mannered mild-mannered neighborhood neighborhood handyman for the poor and disenfranchised, Jack Gallows is in reality one of the greatest inventors all times! Bythe night he dons Scrounger! his custom-made powered powered armor andoffights evil as sensational

Seeker [BA10]  Affiliation: Free Agent BP: 85  AP: 9  Attributes Strength: 4 Agility: 4[1] Mind: 4[1] Resolve: 6 Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 1 Enhanced Senses x 2 Escape Artist x 2 Force-Field x 1 Fortune x 3 Lucky Super-Agility x 1 Super-Mind x 1  Vitality: 10 Many good supers fight crime, but but the solo hero Seeker finds the lost. During the course of his searches he has aided teams in battling  villains, and even run across across the international international thief ryckster. Tis meeting sparked some intense interest over the origin of their similar probability altering powers, and the mercurial ryckster even taunted Seeker about his unknown parents. However, the master finder has come up empty in his investigations into this relationship.

Shakti [SU4]  Affiliation: Free Agent BP: 85  AP: 8


Melee Attack x 3 Super-Strength x 1  Vitality: 11 Lazarus Brown was an ace courier for riangle riangle Messenger Service  when a package he was delivering delivering turned out to be a batch of highly unstable, experimental liquid plastic. Caught Caught in a battle for the package between villains and heroes, Brown didn’t know what to do. Ten 90

 Attributes Strength 4 Agility 4[1] Mind 4 Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 2 Flight Force-Field x 2



Ranged Attack (8D, 30”) Super-Agility x 1  Te Difference Difference x 1  Vitality: 9 Shakti is the greatest heroine of India, a powerhouse possessing possessing mastery of the elements of air and lightning. Shakti’s trademark lightning bolts and high-flying combat style have made her the pride of country that was initially slow to accept its super population.

--Against Any Roll Iron Will x 1 Melee Attack x 4 Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 8 International jewel thief ryckster ryckster has worked with numerous other super-villains over her career, but she always works the t he biggest heists alone, counting counting on her uncanny luck and preternatural agility to pre vail in battle against against super-foes. No one knows her her true identity, identity, but

Stalker [BA8]  Affiliation: Free Agent BP: 85  AP: 12  Attributes Strength: 3 Agility 5[1] Mind 5[2] Resolve 4 Powers Combat Sense x 2 (Mind) Flare (Mind-based, 13”) --Reduced Range x 1 Force-Field x 1 Healing Super-Mind x 2 --Second Sight Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 7

she has actively pursued a romantic interes interest in fellow free-agent super Manticore, but the neophyte German herothas thus far spurned her advances.

Quiet and sensitive, Stalker was the philosopher and healer of the Scions of Atlantis, ready to render aid to his teammates whenever the need arose. However, the violence and losses incurred during the Invasion left the Atlantean hero disillusioned, and he left the team to  wander the world alone. alone. Now he helps out when when and where where he can, trying to wrestle with the horrors he experienced and make a new life for himself.

Succubus [HE16]  Affiliation: Free Agent BP: 85  AP: 8  Attributes Strength: 4 Agility 5[1] Mind 3 Resolve 5 Powers  Armor x 1 Combat Sense x 2 Melee Attack x 4 --Extra Reach x 6 --Soul Fire Perfect iming Super-Agility x 1  Vitality: 9 Little is known of the Demon Biker’s beautiful companion, save her name: Te Succubus. Her flaming whip and lightning fast reflexes make her a deadly foe in close combat. Te whip displays the same soul-burning properties as DB’s chain.  Tryckster [BA7]  Affiliation: Free Agent

 Zorn the Swift [AL10]  Affiliation: Free Agent BP: 85  AP: 8[19]  Attributes Strength 4 Agility 5[2] Mind 3 Resolve 4 Powers  Armor x 2 Combat Sense x 2 Extra Attacks (+1 AP) Extra Movement x 11 Iron Will x 1

Melee Attack x 3 --Super-Damage x 1 Super-Agility x 2  Vitality: 8 His planet long ago conquered by the marauding Host, Zorn the Swift  was forced to battle battle in his masters’ masters’ Bloodsport Arenas, while also being used as a special operative by certain Host warlords. He escaped his Host masters when his attack group was defeated by the Shock S hock Force.  With little hope of ever returning returning to his planet, he has decided decided to make his home on the Earth, and use his special powers as a hero. He has taken up residence in River City, Ohio, and has fast become one of its premier heroes.

Be sure to look for more official Four-Color teams and characters on our web site at

BP: 85  AP: 9  Attributes Strength 3 Agility 5[1] Mind 4 Resolve 5 Powers Combat Sense x 2  Te Difference Difference x 1 Force-Field x 2 Fortune x 3 91



Goal Roll Averages Dice Pool

Average  Roll

------- ----1 [0]: 1 [1]: 1 [2]: 1 [3]: 1 [4]: 1 [5]:   2 [0]: 2 [1]: 2 [2]:

0.67 1 1 1 1 1

2 [3]: 2 [4]: 2 [5]:  

1.99 2.01 2

1.32 1.83 2

Dice Pool

Average  Roll

------- ----3 [0]: 3 [1]: 3 [2]: 3 [3]: 3 [4]: 3 [5]:   4 [0]: 4 [1]: 4 [2]:

2 2.57 2.89 2.99 3.01 3

4 [3]: 4 [4]: 4 [5]:  

3.96 4.01 3.99

2.65 3.29 3.72

 Above players will find the average average goals achieved for 10,000 goal rolls. In dice pools affected by re-rolls only initial rolls of less than 4 were considered considered candidates for re-roll.

Dice Pool

Average  Roll

------- ----5 [0]: 5 [1]: 5 [2]: 5 [3]: 5 [4]: 5 [5]:   6 [0]: 6 [1]: 6 [2]:

3.32 4.02 4.53 4.88 4.99 4.99

6 [3]: 6 [4]: 6 [5]:  

5.63 5.92 5.98

3.99 4.64 5.28

Dice Pool

Average  Roll

------- ----7 [0]: 7 [1]: 7 [2]: 7 [3]: 7 [4]: 7 [5]:   8 [0]: 8 [1]: 8 [2]:

4.65 5.32 5.95 6.44 6.78 6.95

8 [3]: 8 [4]: 8 [5]:  

Dice Pool

Average  Roll

------- ----5.98 6.67 7.28 7.96 8.43 8.78

5.33 6.02 6.64

9 [0]: 9 [1]: 9 [2]: 9 [3]: 9 [4]: 9 [5]:   10 [0]: 10 [1]: 10 [2]:

7.21 7.67 7.91

10 [3]: 10 [4]: 10 [5]:

8.59 9.2 9.58

6.62 7.33 7.99





  s   s   o    L   n    i    W

 XP Earned Participated

  :   s    t   n    i   o    P    d    l    i   u    B    t   n   e   r   r   u    C

 XP Earned Participated

    s   e   o    F

  o    f   n    I   m   a   e    T

  r   e    k   c   a   r    T   s   e    i   r

  :   e   m   a    N     m   a   e    T

  :   e   m   a    N   s   e    i   r   e    S

  :   s    t   n    i   o    P    d    l    i   u    B   g   n    i    t   r   a    t    S

  :   e   c   n   e    i   r   e   p   x    E     m   a   e    T

  :   s   e    t   o    N    /    d   n   u   o   r   g    k   c   a    B     m   a   e    T

   XP Earned Participated

  s    t   n   e   v    E    l    i   a   c   e   p    S

   XP Earned

  e    S


  m   e    t   s   y    S   r   e   p   u    S

  o    f   n    I   r   e    t   c   a   r   a    h    C

  o    i   r   a   n   e   c    S

  e   m   a    N    /   r   e    b   m   u    N   e   u   s   s    I

  o    f   n    I   s   e    i   r   e    S


    e   u   s   s    I


SuperSystem Counters

Density Decrease 

Density Increase 


Density Decrease 

Density Increase 



Density Decrease 

Density Increase 

Small Object

Medium Object

Large  Object

Class B Object

Small Object

Medium Object

Large  Object

Class C Object






 Alien  Artifact














Small Object

Medium Object

Large  Object

Class D Object

Small Object

Medium Object

Class A  Object

Class E Object











   O    K

  :   e   :   m   n   o   a    i   s    N   t   a   r    i   e    l   e    d   i    f   w   o   f   o    C    A   P   :   s    t   n    i   o    P    d   :    l    i    P   u    A   B

   O    K

  :   e   :   m   n   o   a    i   s    N   t   a   r    i   e    l   e    d   i    f   w   o   f   o    C    A   P   s   e    t   :   :   u   h   e    t   :    b   y   :    l   v   g   t    i    i   n   r    d   o    l    t   e   n   s   r    i    t    t   g   i   e    A   S   A   M   R

  s    l   o   o    P   y    t    i   :    l   e   :   :    M   :    L   a   c   T    F    i    T   E   A   R   I    t    i    D   A   D   D   D   W   V

  :   s    t   n    i   o    P    d   :    l    i    P   u    A   B

   O    K

  s   e    t   :   :   u   h   e    t   :    b   y   :    l   v   g   t    i    i   n   r    d   o    l    t   e   n   s   r    i    t    t   g   i   e    A   S   A   M   R

  s    l   o   o    P   y    t    i   :    l   e   :   :    M   :    L   a   c   T    F    i    T   E   A   R   I    t    i    D   A   D   D   D   W   V

   O    K

  :   e   :   m   n   o   a    i   s    N   t   a   r    i   e    l   e    d   i    f   w   o   f   o    C    A   P   :   s    t   n    i   o    P    d   :    l    i    P   u    A   B

  :   e   :   m   n   o   a    i   s    N   t   a   r    i   e    l   e    d   i    f   w   o   f   o    C    A   P   s   e    t   :   :   u   h   e   :    t    b   y   v   g   :    l    i    i   n   t   r    d   o    l    t   e    i   n   s   r   g   i    t    t   e    A   S   A   M   R

  s    l   o   o   y    P    t    i   :    l   e   :   :    M   :    L   a   c   T   F    i    T   E   A   R   I    t    i    D   A   D   D   D   W   V

  :   s    t   n    i   o    P    d   :    l    i    P   u    A   B

  s   e    t   :   :   u   h   e   :    t    b   y   v   g   :    l    i    i   n   t   r    d   o    l    t   e    i   n   s   r   g   i    t    t   e    A   S   A   M   R

  s    l   o   o   y    P    t    i   :    l   e   :   :    M   :    L   a   c   T   F    i    T   E   A   R   I    t    i    D   A   D   D   D   W   V




Index  Action Costs, Costs, 7

Darkness, 21 Growth, 27

 Action Points, Points, 7  Activate Device, Device, 8

Density Decrease, 21 - Ghost ouch, 21 - Phase Attack, 22

Healing, 28 Held Action, 7

 Activation Cost, Cost, 39

Density Increase, 22 - Immovable, 22

 Activation Goal Goal Roll, 39 Dice Pool Caps, 16  Always On, 39 Dice Pools, 7  Area of Effect, 39 - All, 39 - Blast, 39 - Bolt, 39 - Cone, 39

- Rapid Fire, 32 - Soul Fire, 32 - Super-Damage, 32

Hyper Movement, 28 - Forced Landing, 28 - Hyper Attack, 28 - No Penetration, 28 - Speed Burst, 28 - Warp, 28

Ranged Combat, 10 - Attack Ranges, 11 - Cover, 11 - Firing into Close Combat, 11 - argeting argeting a Spot on the Battlefield, 11 Reduced Range, 40 Reflection, 32

Difficult Rolls, 6 Hiding, 8

Regeneration, 33 - Accelerated Recovery, 33

 Alternate Form, 18

Dispel, 22 - Extra Powers, 22 - Super Dispel, 22 - Suppress, 22

 Armor, 18

Does Knockback, 40

Invisibility, 30

 Attributes, 6 - Build Point Guidelines, 16 - Scale, 16

Dominate, 26

Iron Will, 30  Jumping, 8

Shrinking, 33 - Growth Attack, 33 - Mighty Mite, 33

Berserker, 18 - Pain Treshold, 18

Elasticity, 23 - Parachute, 23 - Stretch Attack, 23 - Stretch Climb, 23

Sidekick, 33

Bodyguard, 18

Elemental Control Pool, 23

Kinetic Absorption, 30 - Charge, 30 - Sponge, 30 Knockback, 11

Boost/Drain, 19

Enhanced Senses, 24 - Shielded, 24

Knockback Resistance, 30

Slow Power, 40

Limited Mobility, 31

Soulless, 34

Linked Powers, 30

Super-Agility, 34 - Lightning Reflexes, 34

Initiative, 7 Re-Rolls, 6 Instant Stand, 28 Ricochet Attack, 33 Rounding, 6

Charge Only, 40 Charging, 8 Climbing, 19 - Vertical Charge, 19 Close Combat, 9 - Aid in, 10 - Interrupted Charges, 10 - Knocked-Down Models, 10 - Multiple Foes, 9 Combat Maneuvers, 12 - Concentrated Fire, 12 - Fight Defensively, 12 - Grab, 12 - Haymaker, 13 - Precision Attack, 13 - Quick Attack, 13 - Soliloquy Attack, 13 - Super-Club, 13 - Trow Object, 13 Combat Round, 7

Entangle, 24 - Armored, 24 - Immunity, 24 - Slick, 24 - Slick Only, 25 - Sticky, 25 - Super Entangle, 25 - Wall, 25 Escape Artist, 25 Experience, 48 - eam, 50 Extended Range, 40

Size Benchmark able, 13

Lucky, 31 Massive, 31 Melee Attack, 31 - Affect Other, 31 - Affects Ethereal, 31 - Extra Reach, 31 - Soul Fire, 31 - Super-Damage, 31 Mental Attack, 31 - Super-Damage, 31

Extra Attacks, 25

Super Leap, 35 - Extra Bounce, 35 Super-Mind, 34 - Lightning Strategist, 34 - Second Sight, 34 Super-Resolve, 34 Super-Strength, 34 - Rage, 34 - Super-Knockback, 34 - Shockwave, 34

Monologuer, 31 Extra-Forms, 25 - Additional Forms, 25 - Banish, 25 - Extra Range, 25 - Duplication, 25 - Renewable, 25

Super-Energy, 34 No Knockback, 40 No Range, 40 Omni-Power, 31

 elekinesis, 35  elekinesis, 35 - Levitate Friends, 35 - Manipulate Object, 35 - K Grab, 35

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