
May 5, 2017 | Author: Mark Balogh | Category: N/A
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The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

Supernatural Seduction System - Volume I: Self Discovery

The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

Testimonials "Thanks Maurice Jackson, Your Own Wingman! I was so heartbroken when my last girlfriend left me, but after reading the chapters outlined in your book I realized I could do so much better - and I did! The girl that I'm dating now is a quality woman, and not emotionally messed up nor high maintenance. She's much better than the one that dumped me, and I wouldn't be able to have been able to be with her had it not been for directly applying the theory and teaching in your guide! In fact, it was a good thing that my ex broke up with me, because of that experience and getting dumped, I started looking for books and I came across firstly your website ( then I later found your Supernatural Seduction System. After reading the system, I realized that I was making all the mistakes that you said drove women away. And it did drive her away! But I guess it was a good thing overall, because it gave me the chance to explore a new world. The world of seduction and meeting and seducing attractive women - this was a world I never imagined to exist, let alone live in it now. If it had not been your Supernatural Seduction System, I would probably be just another one of those average weak minded guys begging and crawling trying to get my ex back. I would have always been a lesser man and could never ever be in the control of the relationships I found myself to be in. Now, I am able to integrate the seduction techniques and methods into my everyday life and I no longer worry about "how to pick up girls" because I can meet, attract and seduce them naturally. Seriously, what your explain in your system is like giving me the key to access the universe of attractive women. I highly recommend anyone who hasn't had a look at the system, take a look for himself" - Steve K from Australia


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

“…I have a date already planned for this Friday…” "Maurice, I just want to say thank you. My girlfriend of 7 months just broke up with me. I found out later that she left me for another man and was sleeping with him the day after she left me. I was heartbroken and needed someone or something to set me back on the right path. There was so much in your book that led to an "aha" moment that helped me realize why she broke up with me and how I can move on with my life and find the real girl of my dreams. It's funny -- when I was with her, I never thought she was perfect for me, just "the best I could get". Now, thanks to the knowledge of your guide, I can finally get past the point of settling and really get the girl I want. Instead of being heartbroken, I have hope for an even better life. I've already focused on your tips to being a more sexual man and, believe me, it helps! I even had a girl comment on how much happier and attractive I look today (trust me, I didn't do anything too much beyond focusing on my inner game and the parts of my appearance I can control). In fact, I have a date already planned for this friday with a girl I met at a coffee shop. Listen, I know this e-mail doesn't mean much, but your guide changed my life. Before reading your guide I thought I wasn't even good enough for the girl I settled with. Now, I have hope for a new life. Rock on and thank you for this hope!" - Ricky Staunt from Princeton, NJ


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

All Rights Reserved Copyright © No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted or distributed in any form or by any means, electrical or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage or retrieval system without permission in writing from The information contained in this book is provided ‘as is’ without warranty of any kind. The user assumes the entire risk as to the results and the performance of the information, and in no event shall be liable for any consequential, incidental or direct damages suffered in the course of using the information in this book.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

Supernatural Seduction System Volume I: Self Discovery Table of Contents Introduction..............................................................9 What Makes The Supernatural Seduction System Unique? .............................................................................14 Chapter 1 – It Starts With You....................................20 1.1 Working on YOU............................................... 23 1.2 Inner game.....................................................32 1.3 Looks and money don’t matter...........................38 1.4 Destroy all negative self talk, doubt and self limiting beliefs.................................................................. 44 Chapter 2 - Step up and be the man you were born to be .............................................................................48 Chapter 3 - How and where to meet girls.....................54 Chapter 4 – What do women desire in a man?..............63 Chapter 5 – Don’t be like this guy .............................. 87 Chapter 6 – How to make her like you.......................104 6.1 How to build comfort with a woman?.................107 6.2 How to increase her attraction to you................123 6.2.1 Make her invest in you.................................130 6.3 How to make her feel like you two have rapport and a deep connection................................................ 139


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

6.3.1 Treat her like your annoying little sister .........144 Chapter 7 - The approach........................................147 7.1 Disarming obstacles........................................ 155 Chapter 7 - Group theory.........................................161 7.2 How to deal with OTHER MEN and Their Negativity ......................................................................... 171 Chapter 8 - The meet up......................................... 179 8.1 Should you pay for her?.................................. 186 Chapter 9 - Flirting and Physical Escalation................188 9.1 Negging........................................................189 9.2 Double meaning words.................................... 196 9.3 Escalating Physically.......................................203 9.4 The blatant joke style of flirting........................206 9.5 Supernatural Seduction Flirting.........................208 9.6 The process of flirting and sexual escalation.......210 9.7 Problems men suffer when flirting.....................213 9.8 How to talk dirty............................................ 216 Chapter 10 - How to talk to girls and conversational tips ............................................................................ 221 10.1 Flirtatious bargaining.....................................222 10.2 Conversational contribution............................226 10.3 Questions versus statements..........................233 10.4 Future/Past Projections.................................. 237 10.5 Always lead a conversation............................239


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

10.6 Should you compliment a woman?..................246 10.7 What to do is she’s unhappy or sad.................251 10.11 How to break down her resistance.................256 10.12 Showing anger to woman.............................259 10.13 What if you really are angry? .......................264 Chapter 11 - How to tell if a girl likes you?.................267 11.1 How to confirm if a girl has been checking you out ......................................................................... 272 11.2 Passing a woman’s test ................................. 275 11.3 Dealing with rejection....................................285 Chapter 12 - How to close the deal? .........................290 12.1 Why men fail at closing .................................291 12.2 General tips when closing..............................303 Chapter 13 - Seduction routines ..............................306 13.1 Openers......................................................307 13.2 Building comfort routines...............................309 13.3 What do you do?.......................................... 320 13.4 How to handle shit tests from a woman...........321 13.5 Testing her interest in you..............................322 13.6 Getting her number...................................... 325 13.7 Kiss close routines........................................326 13.8 When she asks “Do you have a girlfriend”........327 12.9 Rejection savers...........................................333 13.10 How to get her back to your room for the


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

seduction close.................................................... 334 13. 11 Phone/Texting/Chat routines........................336 Chapter 14 - Last Minute Resistance..........................340 14.1 Why do women put up Last Minute Resistance?.341 14.2 How to prevent Last Minute Resistance............343 14.3 Overcoming Last Minute Resistance to Your Advances............................................................ 347 14.4 Overcoming Last Minute Resistance Techniques.350 14.5 Last Minute Resistance Vs No, means No..........354 Chapter 15 - Escaping the “Friends Zone”..................356 15.1 Steps to get out of the friends zone.................361 Chapter 16 - Behind every great man is a great woman ............................................................................ 370 Highly Recommend Reading.....................................377


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

Introduction Are you sick of watching the women you are interested in walk away from you? Are you tired of being totally helpless around the women you are attracted to and not knowing what to say? Do you really want to be able to be “that guy” who gets all the women? Well, my dear friend, I know EXACTLY how you feel. We have all been there at one stage. You know that feeling… …where you’re by yourself… … replaying the moments of rejection like a broken record in your own mind… …and watching yourself fail over and over and over again. It’s depressing.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

It’s heart breaking. And you know what? It hurts to know that you could have done things differently… You know in your own mind that you should have said something… …but didn’t. And if that wasn’t bad enough…. This starts to happen… …all the “what if” questions start popping into your mind… “What if I told her how I felt…” “What if I told her earlier….” “What if I didn’t tell her friends…” The questions just never end and the whole world seems to revolve around the fact that you failed…


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

… because you just let the girl of your dreams slip right through your fingers… Seriously, buddy. I am your own wingman, and I know exactly that feeling… … the feeling you get, where you have hit rock bottom and you’re at that stage where you realize that your life should not be like this. You know deep down inside that you deserve much better and you shouldn’t be having such a severe hang up over a girl who doesn’t feel the same way you do. Logic tells you that you should just move on. But your emotions tell you otherwise… “Maybe I do have a chance”… “Maybe there is hope”… “Maybe I can get her back”… Well…


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

My friend, the good news is – yes, you can get that girl back. In fact, I will teach what exactly you need to do, to not just get THAT girl, but ANY girl you desire. But the bad news is… you have to take time to read and applied the principles given in this system. In fact, once you understand the system involved to becoming a Supernatural Seducer you can get pretty much any woman you desire. But by that time, I’m sure you wouldn’t want to get the girl that rejected you. You would be having so much more success with hotter and more desirable women. I dare say, that in time you’ll look back and laugh at yourself that you were once so useless around women. Once you master the Supernatural Seduction System, you will be the guy that effortlessly attracts and draws women closer to you. You’ll be put in situations where you have to actively put yourself in positions where you will NOT meet new women – otherwise you’ll get yourself in trouble because of your popularity other women in general.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

This may sound like a fantasy to you at the moment. It may sound too far-fetched to be real. You might even be thinking that I am just telling you lies and comforting words to make you feel better. But I guarantee you, and you can hold me to my word. Once you finish reading the Supernatural Seduction System and the APPLY the concepts taught, you will be an entirely new man. You’ll leave that man that was impotent around women and evolve into one of the coolest guys to hang around. You’ll have an aura that simply pulls attractive women closer to you. You’ll be the one that decides whether or not you want to date this girl. You’ll be the one to decide how many women you want in your life. You’ll be the one to decide what kind of women you like.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

You’ll be in the drivers seat. You will have the power to decide.

What Makes The Supernatural Seduction System Unique? So you may be thinking, why is the Supernatural Seduction System different than all the other dating books out there? What makes it different to the Mystery Method, Double Your Dating the teachings of Real Social Dynamics and all the other dating methods out there? Well first and foremost. Unlike most of the other pickup and dating guides who give you general theory and advice. The Supernatural Seduction System provides a systematic framework for which to build your dating and relationship skills. It provides detailed examples and the actual words to say for you if you don’t know how to implement the general theory into practice.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

So instead of generic tips and information that require you to pull your hair out to understand the application, this system gives you exactly what you need to do or the words to say so you will come across as a smooth Casanova. It is also a tested system that is proven to give you the results that you seek as the routines have been field tested – unlike many of the other methods out there that just sound cool, but have never work in real life. Secondly, and most importantly, the Supernatural Seduction System stands out from the rest of the other dating products because it is the only system that incorporates your mind, body and soul in unison to bring about a rapid evolution inside you to become a man that will effortless and magnetically pull women towards him. So what do I mean by this? • Mind Connection – The great Earl Nightingale was quoted in his famous speech, The Strangest Secret that people become what they think about. Whether you like to believe it or not, it’s a well known and documented fact that the most successful people envisioned their success


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

in their own minds long before attaining it. The Supernatural Seduction system will teach and train your mentality in every aspect. After learning the secret of the female code, you will know exactly what to say at every moment in time so that you’ll be feeling as if your mind and the women you are seducing are as one. In fact, you’ll be so in tune with women and the way they think you would be able to write their intimate and personal diary entries for them – because you will be able to figure them out and read them like a book. • Body connection – Let’s face it, as men whenever we see an attractive women we instantly have a bodily reaction towards her. It could either be in the form of wanting to look at her a few more seconds or it could be simply the urge to want to go up and have a conversation with her. After completing and understanding the concepts and becoming a supernatural seducer you will be the guy that will be able to not only connect with women mentally, but also you’ll have the ability and capacity to follow through with your physical wants.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

Yes, I am saying you’ll be able to seduce nearly every woman you want and be able to connect with her body and engage in passionate sex. No longer will you be lost for words not knowing what to say, but rather your problem would be how are you going to reject her politely without hurting her – so she’ll give you more time for you to spend with other women! The other aspect about the body connection is the importance of prioritizing yourself as number one. As a supernatural seducer you will come to the understanding to develop and evolve into a man that is naturally desirable to the women that you seek. This may entail some changes in your body. Whether it is you making a commitment to improve on your health or perhaps make a change on your wardrobe for a better you. The focus would no longer be on what the woman wants. But instead, it would shift to what YOU as a man want and what the women you desire can give you to compliment you. • Soul connection – As humans we are always longing for the need and touch to socialize with another person. Throughout history and different cultures there has always been the


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

concept and notion of finding that one special soul mate. The one person for you that no one else in the world can replace. Whether this is true or false, there is no proof. However, what I can guarantee to you is this. You will be able to let the woman that you engage in feel as if you were her soul mate. You will have the power to give the woman you are with the emotional connection so deep and meaningful that to her, there can be no other explanation but for the fact that perhaps you are in fact her soul mate. After becoming a supernatural seducer and following the Super Natural Seduction system, then you will have the final say in your relationships and you can be the one in control. In fact, chances are that there are will be so many other women who also see you as their soul mate, because you would be the only one that would be able to understand them on a whole new level that no other man has been able to achieve. I hope you are excited at the potential following this


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

system will do for you. So I strongly urge that you do not only read the contents of this guide but also spend the time in applying the concepts taught here and refine it so you will become a masterful seducer.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

Chapter 1 – It Starts With You The first and most important thing you need to understand to begin your transformation is this. You are in 100% total control of the situation you are in. I know that a lot of people, especially encouraged by our modern day society that “it’s not your fault” if things don’t go your way. Or “things just are out of your control” and that there’s nothing you can do to change your situation. I am telling you this. If you do nothing to your current situation and do not make a conscious effort to change where you are right now then you will not be able to improve upon anything – especially in relation to getting to succeeding with women. You are in 100% total control of your life.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

In fact you MUST take control of it right now. You have taken the first steps of changing the situation you’re in, because you have purchased this system in a positive action to make sure you improve on an area of life where you are lacking. By taking that simple act, you have done much more than most men would do already. You were able to man up and acknowledge that there’s a problem you need to fix. You went online to find a solution to it. Which eventually led you to this system. Now you must follow the system. It is imperative that you follow the contents to change your life, slowly. It may take some time but eventually you’ll look back at yourself and smile to the woman lying next to you – after you made love to her and tell her “did you know, I used to be super shy around women” and she’d laugh and punch you softly on the arm and tell you she doesn’t believe you.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

This might sound like a far away dream, but that’s where I came from and I know that within a few months or perhaps weeks of following this system you too will be able to turn things around. Because if you don’t change anything now. No one will change it for you. Read that again. No one else in this world cares about you more… No one else in this world can help you more… And no one else in this world can live your life… But you. Everything is up to you. So you must make a conscious decision to learn the teachings in this book because if you don’t. No one else will.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

So enough of me talking rambling… Let’s start with what you need to start doing now. The first step to improving yourself is understanding how you are perceived by others. Have you ever thought about this? What do other people think of you when they take a look at you or meet you for the first time? You also do this on a subconscious level to other people but perhaps you never noticed it… Here is a list of things that you’ll notice in others, and others will also notice in you. These are the things that we need to start working on right now.

1.1 Working on YOU • Body Language – did you know that 70% of human communication is not through the words that you say, but rather how you present yourself when you say it? That is why body


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

language is such a crucial factor when you are meeting people. Here are some of the most common types of poor body language that people display that demonstrates to others that they are feeling uncomfortable, nervous or simply not sure of themselves. If you see any of these, then please make a conscious effort to correct it yourself so that you do not give the women you meet the wrong impression. Since most of the time you only get one shot at creating a good first impression. 1. Lack of eye contact - Force yourself to look others in the eye when greeting, talking, and especially when listening. It takes some skill, so learn from others who do it well. Just make sure you don’t end up staring at her. 2. Speaking not clearly or too softly - Do not mumble when you talk. That is an unconscious need to avoid being heard. Do speak up loudly and with confidence in what you have to say.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

3. Twitching your body when not required Avoid extraneous body movements that do not positively support what you are saying. Finger drumming, scratching, twitching, and darting eyes around the room all discredit what you are saying. 4. Not standing tall and comfortably - Do stand tall and proud to be you and believe in what you are saying. Be comfortable with yourself in the presence of others. 5. Hiding your hands when talking - Evasive people with secrets don't show their hands. Whereas women show their soft wrist underside to flirt. If you’re the type of guy who likes to put your hands behind your back or pocket, make sure you get them out and start using them to help you express what you say. 6. Closed body postures, like arms folded across chest - Keep your posture open, except your legs. Crossed at the knee or ankle is fine, but this depends a lot on the culture. For example, in Thailand don't cross your legs and point your toes at anyone! But for most Western societies, this should be fine.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

7. Unnecessarily touching your face - Avoid touching your own face when excessively when speaking. Rubbing nose, eyes, ears, head, or neck shows doubt in what you are saying or hearing. 8. Have normal facial expressions - Avoid an unblinking stare and the same facial expression. Blink normally and nod your head to show agreement, and that you are still alive and not bored to death. • Personal Grooming – the great thing about being a man is that women are less judgmental about your natural born looks than we are in relation to theirs. If a woman is unattractive, then no matter how sexy she dresses, we’ll just refer to her as “the ugly chick in a mini skirt” and her attire or grooming does not increase her overall sexual desirableness by much. The fact of the matter is, you still wouldn’t really want to sleep with that “the ugly chick in a mini skirt” unless either you were really drunk and/or your friends would never know about it. However for men, if you were not blessed genetically, or you live a less healthy lifestyle and are overweight,


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

there are a few basic things that you can do to increase your overall sexual attractiveness to women by a long shot. This means that women would willingly sleep with you as long as you keep some basic personal grooming notes in your mind – and she wouldn’t need to be drunk or embarrassed to tell her friends about it either! To make things simple, here are the most common things you need to keep in mind in relation to personal grooming: 1. Shaving – some men look good clean-shaven. Some do not. You should figure out which one you are and then keep your beard or facial hair in good condition. Do not look scruffy or have unsightly hair dangling around your face. Some women are very particular about facial hair and you should be too. Facial hair is an important factor to consider it can either make you look more friendly or less approachable. Generally speaking, the more hair you have on your face the harder it is for women to feel comfortable around you - unless of course you’re one of those grand father figures who have


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

a long wizard like beard. Otherwise, having facial hair on most men make them seem more aggressive looking. I know this may sound basic, but I cannot mention the number of times I see a guy walking around without tidying up his facial hair. If you are going to go for the “one day unshaven look”, make sure that it suits your face otherwise you’re just reducing your chances of attracting people in general and not just women. 2. Hair – The benefit about being a man is that you do not need to do much to your hair to make yourself look 10 times more appealing than most women with a lot of makeup. I personally prefer shorter hair and put wax in my hair to make it look spikey. This look really suits my face and my style. I look horrible with long hair and I am not nearly as attractive with very short stubbly hair. You have to figure out what kind of hairstyle suits you, then stick to it. If in doubt, most women prefer men with shorter


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

hair. I also recommend 95% of men I meet to cut their hair shorter. The simple reason is this, it makes it easier to keep and you will look younger and more energetic. 3. Clothing – I know that there is a lot of debate about what kind of clothes you should wear. Some gurus say you have to wear something outrageous to help you get the attention of the women you want, others say you need a special gadget on your clothing to help you in your openers. My take on this is simple. Figure out the type of women that YOU want to attract and dress accordingly. Mystery, the famous Pickup Artist dresses like he is a rockstar and wears weird clothing compared to the rest of us because he wants to target girls who are interested in that sort of identity. If you want sophisticated and elegant women, then perhaps the clothing you should wear should match your target market. If you are into hip hop dancing and like girls who wear baggy clothes, then you need to wear clothing to suit that.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

My point is you need to decide what YOU want as a man and then dress accordingly. But make sure whatever you do decide to wear does confirm with the overall theme of your dress code. If in doubt, go with simple colors. Dark grey or black suits most guys if it is matched with white and blue. Do not go for anything too fancy like light green or light yellow, unless you are certain that you’ll be able to pull it off. 4. Shoes – The type of clothing you wear should dictate the type of shoes you wear. Make sure that the shoes you have do match with the clothing you are wearing. For example, you would look silly if you were dressed up in a business suit but wearing slippers. Alternatively it would equally look unsightly if you were wearing board shorts with a pair of dark dress shoes.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

5. Scent – A lot of men neglect this, but did you know that your scent alone can get a women interested in you? Make sure you take good care of yourself in terms of taking daily showers and if you do have a problem with body odor, then it is vital you take care of it. I know many guys who think it’s just “manly” to walk around smelling like they have just been to the gym when they want to meet new women. But let me ask you this. Have you ever met a woman that smelt bad? If you did then I guarantee you would not want to be in the same bed as her. Women feel the same way about men who smell bad as well. 6. Hygiene – you do not need to pay too much attention to this aspect as we were blessed as men. What I mean by that is we do not need to shave our legs, or armpits and make our entire body itself look appealing.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

Instead, what we need to do is just take daily showers, make sure our nails are well kept, make sure we brush our teeth and make sure overall we do not look like we are homeless. Yes, this is basic I know, but there are still plenty of guys walking around wondering why they are not getting women when they look as if they cannot find a house to live in to keep themselves clean.

1.2 Inner game It’s funny when most people learn about seduction and dating they are always wanting to know what’s the coolest line or what should they do or say in order to get the girl. I must admit, I was like that also. However, after being in the seduction game for a while you come to a realization. No matter what routine you have, no matter what line you use, no matter how good you are with memorizing games, you will not have succeeded but for inner game and confidence.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

The reason for this is because the inner game is the personality and confidence in yourself that you are able to convey to women. It is through this they see the “real you”. The routines and lines only help to illustrate what type of man you are. There are situations where you can say the right thing at the right time, but you still do not get the results that you seek. Why is that the case? It is because you did not have the capacity both mentally, emotionally and the internal validation within yourself to back up what you said. Before I explain further, I need to clarify what is inner game. Inner game is essentially how you perceive yourself. It is the way you think to yourself. It is the way you talk to yourself. It is what you see yourself as. The reflection of your inner game is what you project into the world and into others. A truly confident person walks out the door without a care in the world with a swagger, because he knows himself that he is the man. Regardless of what other people might think, say or act, he doesn’t let their thoughts interfere


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

with how he thinks of himself. That is a truly confident person. Some may say that he would be delusional. But I would argue it is much better to be delusionally confident than having no confidence at all. Your confidence and personality that you demonstrate to others is simply a mirror of how you see yourself. This explains why the truly confident guys out there do not need any routines or lines and can say the most lamest and dumbest things and still end up seducing the women they want. That is why so many women just say “be yourself” and you can attract women. It is because there are guys like this around. I was not born like that. Neither were you. But the good thing is this is a personally trait that can be moulded and built upon.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

Here are some of the elements of a confident personality that is attractive to women and comes with a solid grounding of good inner game: 1. Extreme optimism – everyone likes being around a person who is optimistic and happy. The vibes of people can be felt and transmuted among individuals. That’s why if you walk into a room after someone has just had a huge fight, you don’t need to say anything, you can just feel the tension in the air. The same goes with positivity and optimism. If you are an optimistic individual, you’ll not only be liked by others, but you will make others actually more happy because you will be able to transfer your “good vibes” to them. This is a trait of solid inner game because you will be able to the affect the emotions of others and not be affected in turn. 2. Extreme belief in being able to handle any challenge – Have you ever noticed what makes the great people in history great? Take a look back at the empires of the past and the cities of the present. The people that appear in your mind as being worthy of mentioning such as the likes of Alexander the Great, Julius Caesar or in more modern time Henry Ford or the Wright brothers.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

What did they do to set themselves apart from the rest of the people around their time - so much so that their names would be mentioned in the history books for thousands of years to come? They simply had an extreme belief that no matter what happened to them, they could deal with any challenge presented and then push on forward with their plan. They were trail blazers who created a legacy and did not follow in the paths of others. Now, what I am not saying is that you need to be a historical figure to seduce women, but what you do need to have is a “go getter” attitude and have the belief that no matter what you encounter you will be able to deal with it, handle it and then manage it like the man that you are. This type of independence in your personality is not only attractive to women, it is also vital for the success in your own personal lives. That is why it is one of the most important attributes that you can posses. It is what separates boys from men and what makes you a Supernatural Seducer. It will make you stand out from the crowd.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

What you need to do is always look for an answer to “why not”. Instead of being like most people who find reasons to justify why they should fail, be the person who wants to discover how to make things happen and not look for more excuses to hide your own inadequacies. Only real mature men have the bravery and confidence and will power to go through with a trial and tribulation when the others have just all but given up. 3. Great sense of humor – The last element that makes an extremely confident personality and attractive persona is the ability to have a lot of fun. That’s why women love James Bond. He not only does the dirty work well, he has a lot of fun doing it at the same time! Nothing speaks more about confidence than being in a bad situation, handling it well and then walking away from the experience with a cool smile on you face whilst being able to tell a funny joke at the same time. That is why it’s so imperative that you go out of your way and become a less serious person. I know a lot of guys would succeed so much more with women if they were less serious about things in general.


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As a rule of thumb, you should always have a great sense of humor and not take anything too serious unless it is a matter that involves consequences that would be hard to remedy. Otherwise you should make it a habit of yours to make jokes about anything and everything and lighten up the attitude around you. This will make you much more carefree and be seen as a much more happy go lucky type of guy – which is very attractive to women.

1.3 Looks and money don’t matter Now one of the biggest myths in the dating world that we encounter is the notion that looks and money and flashy cars get you women.

In fact, there are some guys who think that the basic prerequisite to have women in their lives start off with having a BMW in his garage and possessing head turning looks.

I am going to tell you that is not the case at all.

Only your inner game and your personality are able to get


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you women that you desire.

Now don’t get me wrong, having looks ad money do not tarnish your ability to get with girls, but they are not ESSENTIAL.

A lot of guys have no self-confidence in themselves in general, so they attribute their lack of success with the notion that they are not rich enough or not attractive enough to get women.

Most of the time this is just another excuse to make themselves feel better and to comfort themselves in order to justify their failures.

Having great looks and material wealth does benefit you in certain ways. For example, women might take a little longer to shoot you down after an approach or they might stay and chat with you a little while longer before walking away and rejecting you.

What looks and money do for you is simply create another opportunity for you to use. But, if you don’t have inner game and the personality, no matter how many opportunities open up to you, you’re still going to be going home alone.

I have spoken to many girls who would tell me “oh I was


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interested in that guy because he was so cute” then I asked “well, what went wrong?” she responded, “until he started talking…”.

This is one of the biggest distinctions between how men and women think.

A guy will willingly jump into bed with a woman based on her physical traits.

A woman will not do this.

No matter how good looking or rich you are, you’re just going to get a little more leeway in your interactions with women.

That is why if you’re a guy caught up thinking to yourself “oh man, I’m not very attractive” or “oh man, I don’t have that kind of money to spend” then GET OVER IT.

It doesn’t matter if you’re not wealthy or attractive, as long as you come across in a presentable manner, that is being clean and dressed somewhat decently, you’ll be fine.

Because that’s not where women are focused upon.


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In order for a woman to sleep with you, you have to possess the characteristics and traits that good looks and money do NOT grant you.

So what’s that?

It’s having a unique and one of a kind personality and having a presence that no amount of money can buy you.

In fact sometimes good looks and having a lot of money can be a hindrance then benefit.

I know plenty of good-looking men, who are unable to seduce women properly (unless the girls are really drunk) because they just don’t know what to say in order to charm and seduce a woman.

Now the reason why their looks make it harder for them is because, other girls automatically assume that since he is good looking, will be a player, so they increase their guard up against him.

Which of course makes it all that more difficult to succeed.

So this brings me back to my point.

If you’re an ordinary looking or ugly you can turn it into a


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You don’t even come across as a threat.

I know a guy that was not blessed in terms of his physical attributes, being he’s short, fat and ugly.

Seriously, I felt sorry when I first met him, and I sincerely doubted his stories of picking up girls.

Plus, he didn’t have money, so in my mind I thought he was just a guy who would like to boast about approaching women and bedding them.

That was until I got to know him more and would constantly appear and sleep with many attractive women.

So why is this short, fat and ugly guy with no money able to succeed in his dating life?

The reason is because he goes under the radar of most women, and he was the ability to get their number without feeling like he is picking them up.


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The women look at him and don’t feel threatened.

Until he starts charming them and before they know it, they have been seduced by him already.

This is proof again that looks don’t matter.

Here’s another important point that most men do not realize when they think of money and women.

If you use money to attract women, then you’ll only attract women who are attracted to money.

If you move the focus and your attention away from materialistic things that you cannot change, then you’re going to be in a position where failure with women is not you’re fault. So that means you don’t need to take responsibility and fix your mistakes, because “it wasn’t really your fault”… right?

But if nothing was ever “your fault”, then you’re never ever going to be able to really meet the women you want truly desire.

Because even if you do meet them, you’ll have no ability to capitalize on your opportunity and you’ll her walk away from you right before your eyes.


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You didn’t take the time to develop the personality to allow you to exploit opportunities presented to you because you have no inner game or confidence in yourself.

I guess the best analogy to describe the relationship between looks and money is like having a very big and expensive looking rocket launcher going into a war. But it is your personality and inner game that makes up the ammunition.

If you don’t have what really matters (the ammunition), you’re just going to end up looking as if you’re going to be able to do a lot of damage (since you carry a big gun), but when you press the fire trigger, nothing’s going to come out of it but a big bunch of disappointment leaving smoke in the air.

So don’t focus on what doesn’t matter, and work on yourself and your inner game.

1.4 Destroy all negative self talk, doubt and self limiting beliefs

Before you can succeed on this journey and become a supernatural seducer you must, do this.


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You need to believe in yourself.

You need to believe in the fact that you can succeed with women.

Sure, in the past you didn’t have the best success.

I was there.

Other men have been there also.

But the good news is, you can change it.

You need to believe that you can in fact succeed with women before it happens.

The simple reason is this.

Our subconscious mind does exactly what we want it to do.


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As long as you believe you can do it, chances are you’re going to think of a strategy or a plan and then implement it.

Subconsciously, you would think that it is not beyond something you can achieve, so if it happens, it’s no big deal.

For instance, you have no doubt in your mind that you can talk naturally with other men.

So I guarantee that you have no problems with talking to men.

But when you start talking to women, if you have doubts in your mind, then you’re planting seeds of failure in your subconscious and it will reap what you sew.

So make sure before you begin on this journey, you remove all negative self talk and doubt about whether or not you will succeed with women.


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Take away all self limiting belief, and for just one moment in your life, pause the negative thoughts and test and see if what I’m going to show you with women will work.

All I am asking is for you give it a chance to work.

Do not subconsciously sabotage your only chance of succeeding with women in the future based on negative experiences in the past.

Make yourself this promise.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

Chapter 2 - Step up and be the man you were born to be

Have you ever paused and took notice that men in this world especially, in our western society are becoming more and more like women?

Men in ancient times were responsible for hunting and warfare and the separation of the roles of sexes were very clear.

Women did the house duties whilst men did the dirty work outside.

But ever since our society has become more and more civilized, with less of a requirement and emphasis on manual labour, the value of male traits have also dwindled.


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It used to be a good thing to be active and running around the house as a child.

I mean causing trouble and grief to your parents used to be seen as a badge of honor for a child.

However, nowadays this is totally different. In our modern times, if you are a little more hyperactive than other kids, then there are whispers that perhaps you need to become medicated for your “out of control behaviour”.

Male aggression and other “dominant” characteristics that men posses are also constantly portrayed in a negative light by the media.

Love movies today falsely create an atmosphere that give men the wrong impression that they need to bear out their hearts and shower women with flowers and gifts in order to attract them.

I mean, even the movie, Hitch starring Will Smith who was “pick up and dating guru” only won the girl of his dreams by declaring his emotions and love for the girl in


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the end of the movie in a totally whimpish way in order to win her love.

So why am I mentioning all this and what does this have to do with you?

As a whole, men, are becoming brainwashed to act more and more like women.

We are given the wrong idea on what works in order to really understand a woman.

In the same process we’re misinformed by the lies and misconceptions that Hollywood movies dictate regarding the dating and seduction process.

We are told that we SHOULD act like a chump by putting women on a pedestal and treating them as a superior than us.

But I have noticed something really interesting.


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Have you ever looked a homosexual couple?

Do you notice that even between gays and lesbians there is a person who plays the act of a man, and the part of a woman.

Doesn’t that tell you something?

Deep down, it is within the essence of human bonding, there lies a need for someone to be a man and another to be a woman in order for the relationship to work, regardless if both parties are of the same sex!

What I’m saying is this.

Listen to your core as a man.

If you have an urge to want to talk to an attractive woman, and the only reason you want to talk to her is because she is attractive, then you’re not shallow.

You are just a man.


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You’re merely acting on the impulses that are within you.

As a man you are genetically predisposed to want to attract and then mate with a woman whom you find desirable in order to produce the offspring that theoretically would be the best at surviving.

Don’t fall for the nonsense that is pushed into your face by modern day media, and women who accuse you of being shallow because you’re attracted to an attractive woman.

The feelings and emotions that you feel towards someone who you find desirable due to her physical traits is exactly the same as a woman who finds a man who is confident to be attractive.

For men, mostly it is the physical attributes that plays the initial role of sparking the attraction process.

For women, it has more to do with feeling safe and protected.


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Both of these needs and desires are valid.

It’s ironic that society is unable to make the distinction between what triggers the attraction switch for men and women. But are quick to point the finger and accuse men of being shallow, and thus should be looked down upon.

Have you ever thought to about this?

Why is that when a woman who likes a guy who is “confident and ambitious” is not shallow, but when a man who wants a “hot girlfriend” then he is immediately labelled as being shallow?

The woman is equally, or if not more “shallow” than the male, because in the end she’s thinking about self perseveration for both herself and also her potential offspring. Why else would they be attracted to a confident an ambitious male?

Confidence and ambition in a person generally means that they will be wealthy and successful, which in turn means


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that they will have money and riches. This ultimately satisfies a woman’s feeling of being safe and protected. So my point is this. You should not make excuses or feel bad for having urges as a man to want to meet, attract and seduce the woman that you desire.

It is coded within you.

It is your nature to do so.

You are a man, so step up and act like it.

You do not need to apologize for what you want.

Chapter 3 - How and where to meet girls


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

Meeting women is a very common problem that most guys face. They often ask the question where do they need to go and meet the girls or women that they are attracted to? I mean sure you’re a good guy and you have a good job and an awesome personality, but you just can’t seem to find the girl of your dreams to share your experiences with. So what’s wrong with you? Well the vast majority of guys live life like they are walking robots. They never stop to think about what they are actively doing day to day that is PREVENTING them from meeting the women that they desire. The reason for this is twofold, and it’s due to the following: 1. Most men don’t know what they want in a woman – What I mean by this is simple. If I asked you what kind of girl you’re looking for, you’d probably have a criteria list that included something


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along the lines of “good looking, nice body and cool personality”. Now, it is correct to say that most men do want a good looking woman with a nice personality, that alone is not a criteria for them to really know what kind of woman they want. The reason for this is because they are not specific enough in their wants. You wouldn’t go to a car yard and tell the salesman you want something that moves and drives you around right? You would be very specific, for example you would look at your own life cycle and determine the type of car you would want to drive. If you were a younger man you would probably look for a car that would more suit your personality and your finances at the time. Perhaps a two door sports car or a sporty looking sedan would be what catches your eye. Whereas if you were are more established man you would probably be looking more towards prestige vehicles and you value more about the comfort of the car you are driving.


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The same thing applies to choosing women too. But amazingly if you ask a guy what they want in a girl they are not able to tell you exactly what they want. Then it’s not surprising that they are not able to succeed with the kind of women they desire – because they really don’t know themselves and chances are they end up with whatever comes along. So the first step to meet the women you truly want as a Supernatural Seducer is to determine exactly what kind of woman you want in your life. Make sure you define the following: o Age o Appearance o Body type o Body height o Interests o Religious values o Personality type Once you have a good idea of what you’re looking for then it’s much easier to find the woman that you seek.


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2. Most men don’t put themselves in a position where they’ll be able to meet desirable women that they actually want. Remember before how I said that most guys don’t know what kind of women they want, hence they fail with women? Well once you know what kind of woman truly satisfies your desires, then you can use it as a starting point to put yourself in a position where you can actively meet these women. If we will in the criteria listed above with an example of the type of women I desire, then it’ll be much easier for me to find the girl that I want. Let’s apply a real life case study. o Age – I like younger women. Generally I am not looking for a serious long-term relationship and marriage is far off and far-fetched for me, so I am looking for girls under 25 years old. o Appearance – I like girls who are more feminine looking, that is they have long hair that needs to be at least shoulder length and have a look that is


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either cute or sexy. o Body type – I prefer slimmer woman with large hips and large breasts. Yes, I’m a typical male. o Body height – I like girls who are shorter than me in high heels. o Interests – I’m interested in dancing and like listening to Hip Hop and R&B music, so hopefully the girl I find would be interested in the same things as me. o Religious values – Since I’m not looking to be married, I don’t mind what she believes in. o Personality type – outgoing, fun loving and not looking to settle down for the long term to have kids any time soon. So if you took an inventory of the criteria I just listed, it’s very easy to imagine where the type of girl that appeals to me would hang out. Chances are they would be either still studying at university or who just entered the work force. These kinds of women who like R&B and dancing would most likely go


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to night clubs and bars. Alternatively, if I do not like going to nightspots I can join a local dance studio and take lessons to meet these kinds of girls. So now I know what kind of girl I like, I need to actively change my own routine and fit my lifestyle around looking for the type of woman I desire. This is the final step that most guys are either unwilling or unable to complete. They like to stick to their own routine. Day in and day out. They do the same things. Meet the same type of people. Indulge in the same past times. Live a lifestyle that involves nothing new. So is it any wonder they don’t meet the girls they really want? So my question to you is…


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After you define the kind of girl you like, are you wiling to take proactive steps in order to change your lifestyle routine to be able to put yourself in a position to meet the type of girls you like? Or are you just going to sit there and whine and complain about not being able meet new women? You have to actively MAKE time to meet girls. Yes, I know, I know, you’re a busy guy and you just don’t have the time. But let me ask you… Are you content and happy with your current level of success with women right now? If not, then it is time to make a change. You are the only one that is able to change things. So take action. Here is a list of common places where you’ll be able to meet women in general. However, if you are very


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particular about the type of girls you want, then you’ll have to be able to clearly identify what you want before you can get it: • Bars and clubs (not the best place to meet quality women) • Tea bars • Coffee shops • At work • University, learning institutions • Through friends


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

Chapter 4 – What do women desire in a man? Have you ever thought to yourself “what the hell is she thinking” and “women just don’t make sense”. Well you’re not the only one like that my friend, we were all at that stage at one point. What I eventually figured out is we men, think in ways that women do not consider to be logical. That is why they think men are irrational and do not understand us. It’s also why we do not understand them. But once you understand their sense of logic and the reasoning behind how they feel you’ll be able to read a woman like an open book. Once the code has been cracked you’ll be able to decipher the hardest woman emotionally and open up to yourself a new world of women you never imagined possible. What I’m going to teach you in order for you to become a Supernatural Seducer is to understand chick logic.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

Unlike men, girls and women care a lot more about how other people feel. In fact the entire existence of a woman is determined by how well she interacts with the people around her. So the number one priority for a woman is to maintain her social status or gain more of it. This to a woman is much more important than anything, it is more important to them than even more than having sex. This is the basic premise – women treat social status like how men treat sex in terms of importance. Let me rephrase that. Women and their social status perception to them it’s just as important, or more important than the urge for men to have sex with a woman. That is why you need to understand the qualities of becoming what is attractive to women to essentially increase your social value around women. This would make it logical for women to want to sleep with you. Here is a list of the qualities of a high status person that


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you should strive to possess. If you have these characteristics and you’re able to show her this, then you’re Demonstrating Higher Value (DHV) and you’re making her more attracted to you. The trick to this is you want to show as many of these qualities as you can within the shortest amount of time possible. The faster you do it, the easier and quicker it is for you to complete the seduction process: 1. People of high social value are admired and thus desired by others – Admiration and desire has a cyclical relationship. A person who is admired by others of the same sex is normally desired by members of the opposite sex. That’s why guys think rockstars are cool but girls want to sleep with them. This is also why girls envy supermodels and guys just want to have sex with men. So status and admiration and desire go hand in hand. 2. People of high social value are always chilled out and relaxed – one of the biggest things you notice when you meet a person is whether or not they are chilled and relaxed or if they are all stressed out. I know you might not know this consciously but as


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humans we are all looking to know what the emotional feeling of the people around us are like. Have you ever been placed in an environment and you naturally just get tensed and stressed out because the people around you are all too busy? Well that’s because the vibe of others can affect you. In order to be a high status person, you have to be chilled out and relaxed all the time. The reason for this is because there’s no better indicator for others to prove that you are the man – if you’re calm and collected in all occasions. If you are a confident person you are relaxed in the knowledge and understanding that you can handle anything that life throws at you and you can succeed at whatever comes your way – no matter what the challenge is. This also means that you are not needy and other people will actually need you to be around in order to feel good around themselves. 3. People of high social value are natural in their behavior – I know that one of the worst pieces of dating advice around is just “be yourself”. What this essentially means is be naturally like the person who you are. It doesn’t mean you can just walk around in your underwear, but it means you should not try too hard to look good.


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Sure, there are times that you need to fake it till you make it, as everyone starts off somewhere, but as a Supernatural Seducer you need to be able to make it, and before you do that, you have to find a style for you to “fake” so that it’ll be very natural for you so you’ll be able to make it effortlessly. The reason for this is simple. Women have a very good intuition and can read whether or not a guy, especially someone who is attracted to them, is nervous or not. If you are nervous and unnatural you’ll be making the woman feel uncomfortable and then it will just all go downhill from there. 4. People of high social value are recognized and appreciated by other people - Other women and also men like you because you or your work is appreciated by others. For example, other people may come up to you and say “Oh man, what you did was fantastic!”. Or you have good-looking friends around you and actually saying good things about you. There is no better indicator of how women feel around you, then having a group of attractive girls being in your presence and enjoying themselves. If you have a group of good-looking women constantly around you


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and laughing at your jokes, obviously other women will see this. These other women will think that you are socially dominant because you have so many girls around you, and they look like they are having the time of their lives so you must be very cool.

5. People of high social value have other people seeking approval from them – for example you might be walking and talking to a woman in a club, and a friend asks your opinion of something. This shows that you are a decision maker and whatever you say is important. If other people care about what you have to say, then your opinions have higher value.

6. People of high social value have standards – most men who do not succeed with women don’t actually care who they attract and they have an “anything with a hole is a goal” attitude. This is extremely unattractive because it shows desperateness. Have you ever paused to ponder why men with standards always get attractive women?

It’s because, unlike the guys who don’t get girls, these men have a set criteria.


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Let me demonstrate this to you through an analogy.

For example, if you were purchasing a vehicle, and you had all the money in the world, would buy just any car?


Because you know that if you are the richest man alive you would want something that no one else would get!

Having standards make you standout, because women and will see you as a guy who is picky and choosy with women. This will imply to them, that first of all you are a man who is confident with himself. Secondly, women to you must be in abundance, so you must have something other women desire. That’s why you are able to reject women and because most men cannot do this. So in general this will increase your natural ability to attract women.

Being picky with standards increase your attractiveness because having criteria makes you standout unlike


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other guys.

7. People of high social value have their own rules and live in their own world - women find men enjoying life by their own rules as being incredibly sexy. If you’re a man that determines his own destiny and decides what you want, then you dictate the future and lead people. This is a characteristic of a true leader and a natural seducer.

8. People of high social value are unaffected by other people, and nonreactive - if a woman sees that you are not affected by things around you whether they are internal or external, she will be extremely impressed because most men who are not confident or supernatural seducers will be affected by emotions around them. This is especially true if she knows she can affect their emotions. For example, if a woman is able to get your angry or annoyed at her and emotionally charged because she’s flirting with another guy, she knows she has you in the palm of her hand. But if she acts out in such a way, and you act like you don’t give a damn. It tells her you must be something special. You need to disarm beautiful women of their most


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powerful weapon of mass manipulation. That is their looks.

What you need to do communicate to her that, yes, she is attractive and hot, you may notice it, but it’s not going to change the way you act around her.

If you do this, then you’re taking her away her most powerful mechanism of control over men.

You will standout from other guys because she’ll think “who is this guy? I’m hot, and I’m flaunting my goods, other guys are drooling all over me, but he’s not affected? He must be some big hot shot”. This will in turn make you even more powerful and attractive in the eyes of women.

9. People of high social value don’t care about the outside world are not validated by it – There many men out there who do or say things just to get the attention of others. They seek external validation. For example they might dress up in a fancy costume to get comments from people. But this only goes to show that


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they are not confident in themselves and need other people to push up their self worth. A person of high social status knows internally what he is worth and does not need to prove nor express it to the world.

10. People of high social value are great company Have you noticed that the men who succeed with women are not only cool to be around with guys in general but are also good at entertaining women? If you show her a good time, women will also be attracted to you because you are a cool and fun loving guy. 11. People of high social value are selfless givers – the truly powerful people are the ones that give things and do not expect anything in return. This is powerful and is attractive because only people who are truly abundant can give like this. I’m not talking about donating to charity, but also about providing help and services to people in desperate need when you know you get nothing out of it. Now this doesn’t have to be anything newsworthy, it could be small things like providing interest free loans to your friends when they are in times of distress. The point I’m trying to make here is that you do things out of the goodness of your


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heart without needing anything in return. 12. People of high social status have men following their command – Since most women follow others, if you can lead men, then you truly are a person of high status.

13. People of high social status are preselected by other girls – men who are successful with women have social proof. This means there are always girls, and attractive ones by their side. Other women will see this and think to themselves that they can not only trust this guy but also will most likely enjoy their presence, since so many other girls do so already. 14. People of high social status protect people they care about - women want to know if they are safe around you. Women are generally regarded as the weaker sex and they will need some men for protection. This is great for men who are slightly overweight, because you’re able to work what others regard as a disadvantage (your weight) to your advantage (you’re big and you’re not easy to bully).

15. People of high social status click with girls – the men who understand women as emotional creatures


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get laid the most. As their foresight in the minds of female psychology is rare and this makes a guy like this stand out from the other guys, as you “get it”.

16. People of high social status are humble but confident - you know that you’re powerful but you don’t brag. This will make you stand out for because most other guys don’t do anything but brag to make himself look good.

17. People of high social status are extremely positive - did you know that emotions affect others? Negativity destroys an interaction and makes you just horrible to be around in general. People run away from negative individuals, as it’s not only boring to be around someone like that, it’s depressing.

18. People of high social status are self-fulfilling you don’t need anything from other people because you are not desperate. In fact, the guys who get the most attention from women are the ones that direct their attention at women and they focus on making the woman feel good. You do not need the energy of others to build you up, but instead you can provide the building blocks to make others feel great.


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19. People of high value’s time and energy have a lot of value – If you are perceived to have high social value, then others will recognize that your time and your presence is valuable. For example, this means that you are able to cut off a conversation before it actually finishes even when you’re chatting to people that you find attractive.

Take for example you might be in the middle of a conversation and suddenly realize that you have a phone call to take, so you finally say “Oh sorry, I have to take the phone call - I’d like to talk to you again, but I really need to take this call right now” and if you are able to do that and walk away from an attractive woman, this means that they will see you as a more attractive person.

Why is this so?

Because unlike most men who wouldn’t miss this great opportunity to talk to her, and who would just let the phone ring through, you’re actually cutting her off, thus showing her, that your phone call is more important to you than she is.


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This tells her that you live in your own reality and your own world.

If you do things like this, soon enough women and people in general will understand that you are an important person because you value your time and energy despite her looks.

20. People of high are socially intelligent- this is very important for women because in order to be a supernatural seducer you need to understand that women value the social status of a relationship above everything else.

Getting a grasp of social intelligence is very critical. By doing this you are able to feel the vibe of the people around you. It’s imperative to develop an intuition that can see different people of various social hierarchies so you are able to tell and decide who is more socially important and who is not.


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So in other word you don’t need to say how you feel, rather you feel what you need to say and you are able to understand how people interact around you. Once you understand the energy between social interactions you can be the one that is able to keep the group together.

This means you don’t need to actually verbalize how you feel.

It should come naturally to you.

An example of this would be, let’s pretend you’re sitting around with your mates during a football game.

Do you actually say to your buddies “look that guy just scored a goal”!

No, because it would be so painfully obvious and if you did, you would actually demonstrate a lower understanding of the situation and thus lose the respect of your peers. The same thing goes with understanding the connection


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between social beings.

You don’t need to tell people what it actually is if you understand the situation, because everyone there knows the score and you know the score as well you don’t need to tell people, this is what I mean by social intelligence, you don’t need to mention the obvious.

Now the bad news that I’m going to say about social intelligence is that most girls have much more social understanding of the situation than you.

The good news is that this skill is very easy to develop, and all it takes is for you to understand reactions between people by looking on how people interact with a talk.

You don’t actually need to do much in order to develop an understanding social interaction.

Just in the future when you go out in a group, watch and observe to see who is the one that is always asking questions in a needy way. These people have lower


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social value. The people that answer questions and come across in a more dominating manner have higher social value.

Possessing social intelligence also means you are able to think like a chick and you understand how women think. You do this by not saying silly things, not doing stupid things, and not making her feel uncomfortable. Rather you are making the woman around you laugh, have a good time and really enjoy herself.

Please note, you don’t want to be the comedian or “the funny guy” that women don’t take seriously. Rather you want to be the guy that all those girls want to be around by showing social intelligence.

How do you do this?

You are able to keep the group together, you are able engage everyone’s emotional levels by keeping the people around you happy and high all the time.

In other words you are drug of the group, without you the group is bored and has nothing to do. With you the


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group is fun and high at the same time because it’s so fun to be around you.

21. People of high social status offer value to the world – This means that instead of seeking to gain something from others, since a man of high status is self fulfilling he is more than happy to provide value to his surroundings. In social settings, this can be expressed by being entertaining and funny, thus creating a vibe that is accepting for everyone there. Not only does he have a great time, the people around him and especially, women, love to be in his presence. It’s as if he has all the time in the world for everyone and he’s just a cool guy. 22. People of high social status have an abundance mentality – as a high value male, you need to understand that the world is full of hot gorgeous and desirable women. That means you know that if for some reason you mess up with this particular woman, you don’t let it affect you emotionally. You shrug off rejection and keep on moving. The abundance mentality that you possess makes you impervious when women try to make you jealous by talking to other men, because you know that you have other girls just waiting to get your attention, so you won’t feel


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threatened by other men. 23. People of high social status are willing to leave an attractive woman – You need to be able to actually like a woman beyond her looks and let her know that you care for her personality. Attractive women have been complimented for their looks since they were 13. You need to stand out. How do you do this?

Well, you don’t let the women get away with being rude or being a brat.

If she does, you don’t just take it like any other chump.

Rather you are willing to either ignore her or walk away.

This is exactly how the rich or celebrities act.

They don’t take shit from no one, and if they receive shit, they don’t accept it.


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That’s why these people are perceived as being special by our society and glorified as such.

24. People of high social status do not give a damn about what others think and take risks doing what others would consider “crazy” – the most successful people in our world got there by doing the most unconventional things. For example, who would of thought a university drop out would be the founder of one of the world’s biggest organisation’s Microsoft? Imagine what would have happened if Bill Gates took seriously the criticisms other people were directing at him when he was a geeky teenager starting his software business in his home garage. The fact of the matter is, people rarely think about anything useful when it relates to others. Most of the time society focuses on the negatives when it comes to other people. Just look at gossip magazines and you’ll get the less than desirable opinions of columnists who like to point the finger at famous celebrities.


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But in the end, you have to think to yourself, does it really matter what others think of me? To succeed with seducing women, you have to have the attitude that you don’t care about what other girls or guys might think of you. You have to throw out the thoughts relating to “oh I wonder if this will work, will she think I’m strange”. Because at the end of the day, it really doesn’t matter what other people think. Also, I’d like to highlight this one very important quote: “You wouldn’t care about what other people think about you if you knew how little they did.” Let’s face it, we live in a self centred society where the only thing valuable to us, is ourselves. We hardly devote any of our time thinking about others, if at all. So really, if you’re putting your life on hold because you’re worried about what others might think or say about you, then it’s time to release your reigns.


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The world is your oyster. The women you meet are ready for your taking, if you really want it to be that way.

When you start to apply the principles I listed above it is as if you’re a lion in the animal kingdom.

You dominate the world you live in and women are drawn to that.

The best thing is that women will become attracted to you and drawn to with irresistibly.

The reason is, because like David DeAngelo famously said “Attraction is not a choice”.

Women are naturally attracted to high value men, just like how men are drawn to gorgeous looking women. In order to attract women you need to show women that you are extremely high value and show that you are a man with high social status and confident with yourself.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

Did you notice in the above comprehensive list of attractive qualities of a man, I did not once mention looks or money?

It’s interesting to note that our society places so much emphasis of a man needing to be wealthy or physically attractive in order to get the women that he desires.

The fact of the matter is that this is simply not true.

I know plenty of ugly, overweight and BROKE men who are able to date extremely hot and attractive YOUNG women.

Attracting women is all about it’s all about your personality and the way you present yourself.

It has nothing to do with your reflection in the mirror or how big your wallet is.

This means that if you want to attract women, make sure


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you don’t chase her too much, and you don’t let what she says affect you.

Be the life of the party!

Be the guy that people want to be around!

Be the one that doesn’t give a damn about what others think!

Be the man you were born to be!

Be a Supernatural seducer.

Be the guy that gets all the women naturally.

Be the man that you were born to be.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

Chapter 5 – Don’t be like this guy

In all situations you need to avoid being perceived to be a male of low status. Here are a list out the qualities of people with low social status posses and you need to avoid these things like the plague.

If you do the following, then you are Demonstrating Lower Value to a woman (DLV), which means you’re actually pushing her away. The more you do it, the more you’re going to repel her away from you. The less you do it, the higher the likelihood that she’ll find you less annoying:

1. People of low value status try to seek acceptance - they are always asking questions like “oh what do you think of this? Do you think I can do well on this? do you think I can do good on this?”. They always find ways to be evaluated by the people from the outside.

The reason why it is risky to seek approval from other people is very simple, it shows that you don’t have


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much confidence in yourself to make a decision based about ultimately what will affect your life.


Let alone as a man!

Therefore, you don’t want to be perceived for someone like this and you don’t want to ask silly questions.

Sure, there are some legitimate but stupid questions you may ask at times, but you need to ask a question that directly affects upon how you are as a person, present it in a way that is more dominating.

For example you don’t need to say, especially when you ask a woman “Oh what do you think about me? Do you think I’m attractive? Do you think I’m ugly?” that kind of question tells the woman that you are not comfortable in your own skin and whatever her answer is it affect you directly.


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Instead, you could say something like this “I know you think I’m attractive, but how sexy do you think I am”.

Not only does this reverse the situation around, and makes you beam with confidence, the statement is worded in a way that makes the interaction and conversation both arousing and interesting at the same time.

There’s always a way to word a weak question to get a positive outcome.

2. People of low social value are extremely predictable – have you noticed that the men who fail with women always seem the same in terms of personality?

It’s as if they came out of the same factory and are the least intriguing, least entertaining and least fun to be around?

I’m sure you’ve had friends like this before, when every time you want to do something fun they have no


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interest in taking part and just sit back and spectate.

This not only makes their presence useless (I mean what’s the point of being there if they don’t want to be) but also kills the joy in the situation and they are essentially “kill joys”. You do not want to be seen as the guy who’s a kill joy, as this demonstrates super low value.

3. People of low value status are very anxious and easy to scare- have you ever noticed that James bond in the bond movies never gives a shit? He is never lost for words and he never jumps because a problem comes his way.

You want to be like James bond, and once you learn the art of supernatural seduction you will be.

People of low social status as I’ve mentioned before have no confidence. Therefore, they react to things around them in a reactive way, they are not proactive and they are perpetually scared on what may happen to them.


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An example of this if you have a group of friends and you want to go to a new club, then the guy without confidence will say something like “Oh no I’m feeling really safe here so I don’t want to go to a new club” but then your friends want to make him go and he will be angry and make everyone else feel uncomfortable and then ruin the night for himself, but the whole group.

4. People of low value status buy what they can’t earn – a big problem for most men is they think that they can purchase the affection of women - this is wrong!

Please understand you cannot BUY approval.

Have you ever paused for a moment to think that everything you can spend money on to purchase is actually more in abundance than things you can get for free?

You can always buy a new house, a new car and new boat…


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

You get these things with money.

But you cannot replace your friends, your family, your parents.

You cannot replace these with money.

So it’s ironic our society places so much emphasis on things money can attain, as they are much more easily replaceable than things that cash cannot exchange.

Let’s talk about this in terms of seduction.

You need to know that you should not spend a lot of money on women - especially women, who you like if you cannot attract them with your personality, in the first place.

If they are not attracted to you, and then you end up first buying things and giving them gifts in order to seek their attraction – when they don’t deserve it, then they will know that you are trying to purchase their


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affection which turns you to be like every other guy. By actively trying to buy their approval this means that you actually lose the value in their eyes.

I’m not saying be a jerk and forget about her birthdays, but please give gifts in proportion to your relationship status to the woman.

Chances are the more sexual the relationship the more expensive your present can be.

If you’re not sleeping with her, stay away from expensive jewellery and rings and the like.

In order to be THE MAN and attract women, and to be a supernatural seducer, you need to be able to seduce a woman without spending cash on them - how to do this?

You do this with your personality.

That’s something that’s unique in this world and


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definitely something money cannot buy.

5. People of low value status dislike what they cannot get – This is a syndrome of low social status people, they will complain or talk shit about things that they cannot do or get. For example a guy might actually hate a very attractive women, because he has never dated one. Or if you talk to ugly women, they might hate other attractive women, because she feels inferior to other girls who are prettier than her. This shows extreme low confidence and low value, and it is something you want to avoid.

6. People of low value are not socially intelligent and cannot calibrate with interactions – it is important for a guy to understand that social value and social intelligence is very important to women. I’ve mentioned this in many parts of this book, but I have to mention again.

An example of being not socially intelligent is making dirty jokes (extremely crude ones) when you don’t know how the women will react around you. Another example of extreme social stupidity is trying to touch women in general, or touching them too often when


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you don’t know them well enough or that they are not yet comfortable with you.

Social intelligence is probably one of the biggest keys for any men to attract women after extreme confidence. 7. People of low value are dependent on the outcome and get attached to it - Have you ever noticed the guys who just go out and are focused on picking up, have the least amount of fun?


Because, they make the picking up the entire goal, and if they fail to meet a woman they like or they do not pickup they get angry and disappointed.

They lose the plot and do not focus on themselves. They do not understand that women should only be ONE part of their life.


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The goal of you going out is so that you have a great time, WHILST meeting new women at the same time.

That is the goal, first and foremost, is for you to have fun whilst meeting women at the same time.

Not to meet women ONLY.

You have to enjoy the process and that’s more important!

Remember, the focus here is you!

I’m not saying meeting women shouldn’t be a big part of your life, but if seduction and pickup is all you have going for your life then you’re in big trouble.

If you’re only purpose in life is to pickup and meet women, then chances are you’re going to care too much about what a woman says or thinks – then end up being too attached to her!


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If you do that then you are handing all your power over to women.

You are losing value and admitting to her that she’s better than you.

Instead, when you go out don’t actually care about the outcome or whether or not you picked up that night. Rather you should be chilled and enjoying the company of your friends and having fun during the process.

If you are have the mentality of where you see nothing but picking a women, then she’ll become too important to you.

Women around you will realize that whatever they do will affect you emotionally. This means, you’ll reactive to her, then she will be in control, thus making you less attractive.

The best example of why you should not be outcome focused is this.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

Let’s imagine you meet a great girl who’s sexy and extremely friendly.

You hit it off and then you feel like the two of you have a great connection, so you ask for her number and then she gives it to you.

It’s as if everything is going really well, then you invite her to go to your place.

She politely declines, then your friends come and suddenly you turn around, but to your surprise she disappears.

You give the number a call and realize that it’s the wrong number.

You look around and can’t seem to find her.

What happens next to you, is based on the way you perceive things.


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If you’re outcome dependent, you start thinking in negative terms. “Man that girl just gave me a fake number”, “I can’t believe she pretended to like me”, and then bad thoughts clog up your mind. You start getting very angry and upset and you ruin the whole night out with your friends.

Instead of having a great time out with the guys you decide to go home and start replaying the images of rejection in your head over and over again.

Then the next day, you bump into the same girl at the bus stop and you give her a death stare and swear at her then leave.

Sounds like a bad ending right?

But guess what, if you were focused on having a great time, things would have been different.

What if she didn’t give you the wrong number but you typed it in your phone incorrectly?


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What if she declined to go to your place because she was having her period?

What if she actually did like you but was shy around her friends?

What if the next day you saw her, and didn’t get mad, you might have been able to seduce her!

Do you see what I’m getting at?

Being outcome focused not only makes you more negative, but because of the way it changes your thoughts to think of the worst outcomes, it not only ruins your own day, it makes people around you miserable as well!

8. People of low value chase all the time - Do not do this! You don’t want not to be seen as the guy who actively chases ALL the time. Women who actively chase men are called sluts because they LOSE value by giving other men sex. This is the same for men. If


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you’re a guy who actively chases women exclusively all the time, you will lose value extremely quickly!

What you need to do is chase, bait then wait.

You should chase a little and see if the woman reacts, if she reciprocates and then you chase a little bit more, and if she does something then you do a little more. As you can see this cycles on and on, on and off.

An example of this is maybe you call to ask her out a few times, and then stop. You want to see if she calls to invites you out as well. If she does, you can continue with the interaction.

What you don’t want to end up becoming is the guy who calls her so much that she ends up pretending to be busy, but then later you find her out with another man. If you do this, then your actions can be analogous to a man adrift in the ocean and hanging onto a piece of wood, he’ll never let go. Why is the man doing this? It’s because he is desperate and knows if he lets go he will die.


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The same principle applies here, you want to let her know that you’re a man who’s popular with girls, and she’s privileged to have your interest, and you’ll give her more interest if she behaves in the way you like – but you’re willing to walk away anytime she does something stupid. The two of you would be fantastic together, but you’re perfectly fine to be without her. That is what a true alpha and dominant man is like.

In short, the distinction between a successful seducer and an average chump is the way these two people think. The mindset that you have in your head dictates your outcome.

People who are successful at life and also in seduction have a predominantly positive mindset, thus they are able to act in the ways that I listed in the previous chapter to demonstrates extremely high value. Whereas, people who fail at dating have a predominantly negative mindset, and they display the characteristics that I just explained in this chapter. Perhaps in the past you didn’t know what you were doing that resulted you not being able to get the women you desire.


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That’s perfectly ok.

I was once there before.

So were plenty of others.

Now you do know what you’re doing, or what you should be doing.

It’s now your time to shine in the spotlight.

It’s time for you to shed the old persona that was repelling women.

It’s time for you to evolve into a supernatural seducer.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

Chapter 6 – How to make her like you As stressed in earlier parts of this book, the thing that will really attract a woman is a man’s perceived social value. Therefore, it is not surprising that a woman will not take the energy to hang out with you or give you her phone number, let alone talk to you, unless you let her know that you’re able to provide a contribution to the interaction and you’re valuable. Most guys who fail with women and end up being perceived as being losers or jerks in clubs or bars because they simply do not understand the importance of value in an interaction. That is why I am spending so much time stressing this point. The average guy would say to a woman: “hey can I buy you a drink? or “what’s your name?”


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If you look at the way the man presents himself, he comes from a position of lower status and in those few words, the girl can tell that he is talking to her in order to make himself feel good. The more attention she gives him, the more validated he becomes. This is unattractive and it’s not surprising that most men who try and pick up women like that fail miserably. The woman will immediately think in her head “oh, gosh if I talk to this guy, I wonder how long he’s going to bother me for”. The reason behind the way she feels about the interaction is routed in the basics of human psychology. Would you place your money in the hands of an investment trust unless you know that it’s going to be worth it? Chances are, you’d want to know how much you’d be getting before you put it in. Otherwise, you would perceive the transaction to be risky.


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

The same principle applies here. Women in general, especially the attractive ones have been hit on so many times in their lives they cannot remember how often it occurs. So if you want to get their attention, you need to let her know that you will provide her with a positive return and give her value in the interaction, and that you will give all of this upfront. Otherwise, there are so many other guys out there trying to get into her pants, what makes you any different than the rest? So how do you give women value upfront in a way that she will be willing to reciprocate? It’s much easier and simpler than you think. Instead of focusing on the woman, we should turn our attention to you. You need to ensure that you’re having a good time and being enjoyable to be around. If you come across as being fun loving, happy, cheerful and non-needy, then you’re display a large portion of the characteristics of a high value individual and she’ll begin


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to look at you in a different like. Once you understand that you need to work off the framework of a high status male, then next well turn our attention regarding the actual “how to” of attracting the women you desire. So how do you actually attract women? Now this is probably the hardest part for most men to understand, how to attract women to be more than just a friend. In order to understand and become a supernatural seducer, you need to understand the following: to make her trust you; to increase her attraction to you; and to make her feel like you two have rapport.

6.1 How to make her trust you?

Well, it’s very simple, but to get started let’s look at the things you need to actively avoid and not do at all costs:


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

1. Trying too hard to look good – there are a lot of guys who try very hard in order to try and make themselves









Women are able to identify whether or not you are feeling comfortable and cohesive in the way you act or interact around her. It’s very easy for a girl to just pickup the vibe that you are being not you. If you end up doing this you not only make it feel weird, because she knows she just changing your behaviour, but you’re also are making yourself feel strange to be around. An example of trying too hard to look cool would be to trying to talk about topics that you don’t understand in order to impress a woman. Then not being able to accurately explain things in more detailed when asked.

2. Trying to put others down – there are some guys out there who are naturally able to make fun of people whilst having fun at the same time. It’s very important that if you do make fun of a person, that the person involved knows it’s a joke so that the victim and others feels comfortable. Do not end up being like a type of guy who makes others feel bad when they put them down -without ensuring at the same time that it’s for the greater fun and entertainment of the group. Making


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fun of others should be something to actually increase the group cohesion not something that will separate people within a group.

3. Being annoying – now this point comes across in a variety of ways, some guys are annoying by just being too immature, some guys are annoying by just saying the wrong things, and some guys are just being annoying because they hang around the girl too much.

What you need to understand is that women like most other people have a temper; you need to be able to read her emotional charts and understand her level of interest in you. The higher the level of interest she has in you, the more you are able to hang around her and get away with immature things or saying stupid things. However, if she is already not attracted to you, and you end up saying silly immature things, she will feel very uncomfortable and not want to be around you.

The most common mistake of being “just annoying” is when a guy tries to call a girl too often and hang out too much. The mere fact that you see a person a lot makes that person less attractive to you because, in their eyes, you’ll be “common” and not rare, and they


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will not value the time they have with you.

4. Bragging – a lot of men feel uncomfortable in their own skin, so they end up thinking they need to make themselves look better in front of the women by exaggerating things or adding extreme color to their stories. Bragging is something that women can smell immediately from a guy. If you end up bragging not only will you make her feel uncomfortable but you will look like a fool then in turn will be considered of extreme low value. This is because she would know that you’re only bragging to try and impress her. Which in turn will make her understand you are reacting to her and she can affect you emotionally.

5. Being too clingy – what I mean by being to clingy is that you are always trying to be around the woman that you are attracted to. I have mentioned this before, this is a how to be annoying. You need to give the women you’re pursuing space to be alone, and without you.

Give her time to actually miss you.

If you are too clingy this tells women that you cannot


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live your life without her, and she is not only a part of your life but rather she IS your life and your world revolves around her.

Most people like I’ve mentioned before, do not like to have a burden of responsibility of taking care of other people, especially grown men. So if you are to clingy then this means it’s going make you look really bad like you cannot handle life without her.

As a rule of thumb the maximum times you should see a woman you’re interested in is 3 or 4 times a week. This is assuming that you’re not sleeping with her.

If you are already in the sexual stages, then clearly she is far more interested in you than just being a friend, so you can see her a bit more, but you don’t want to see her every single day. That would be tiring for the both of you.

6. Standing there with nothing to say – now this


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

problem appears a lot when guys hang around a woman too much. They end up with nothing interesting to provide to the woman of conversational value. And then it makes the whole situation very awkward and weird because she knows that you want to talk to her, but then you’ve got nothing to say, so you end up talking about silly topics which eventually make you look like a fool.

Why do you end up looking stupid?

This is because of the fact that most men eventually think of topics that they talk about with other guys, to talk about women and it does not work most of the time. For example, they may start talking about football, work issues or anything and everything else that would bore a woman to death.

In order to get around the issue, all you need to do is to make sure that you do not talk to the girl that you are attracted ALL the time, and you only talk to her when you know you have a conversational topic that is interesting to both of you.


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7. Standing in a group of guys without smiling of being friendly to her – a lot of guys are not confident or comfortable with themselves. That’s why they hang out in groups to give each other support. In order to be a supernatural seducer, you need to understand that your presence needs to be not only approachable but extremely friendly and at all times fun.

If you are standing around a group of guys, then women will notice you and will not only see you being aggressive, but will actually avoid you. You need to understand that this is a natural human reaction to a group, especially a group of men.

If you can, branch out from the group with a selected wingman. This will make you much more easier to talk to and bring down the defences of the women much more.

8. Showing way too much interest in a woman they are not romantically involved with – This is a newbie mistake that a lot men make. In order to attract women properly, you need to give her the feelings that you’re not interested to her. Sure she might get the impression that you have good vibes for her, but you


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don’t want to be like a puppy dog and fall head over heels for her – then let her know about it!

What you need to do is stand out unlike the other guys who act like puppy dogs and just run into her and who start missing her and throwing as much attention in terms of both time and money at her as they can.

What you need to do is let her know that you have a great personality. Without being over bearing. Let her know that you might find her attractive, but you also let her know that you not an easy guy.

How do you do this?

I will demonstrate using an example. Guys often buy girls things they do not deserve – especially to girls who they do not know, but are physically attractive.

Now why is this a big problem?

Because, this woman will realize that this man, and


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men like this in general could be used and manipulated.

If you show too much interest too quickly, you give the girl the option of rejecting you.

You become the one that is getting chosen, not the one in the pilot’s shoes.

That is why you do not want to show too much interest too quickly.

You don’t want to be seen as just another guy who the woman can use.

You would be seen as a sugar daddy (if she wants something you might buy it for her) or a driver (she’ll call you to pick her up and take her places) when she’s in need.

What you do instead is show a little interest, then wait.

If she reciprocates then you show a little bit more


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It’s kind of like pushing and pulling the interest of the woman.

If she’s interested in you, you pull her a little bit closer to you by giving more attention, but then when she likes you a little you ignore her a bit. That pushes her away and this increases her initial attachment to you making you much more attractive and making her more comfortable.

If you care too much for a woman that you are not with or romantically dating then you are showing her that you like her too much and she’s too important to you. People in general do not want to carry that burden of responsibility of being so important to someone else that they are not officially together with.

So if you are caring too much for the girl that you are not dating, say for example, calling her all the time wondering what she’s doing, wanting to know what her plans are all the time, wanting to know everything about her life – when you’re not with her, then you’re


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simply caring too much. Not only can she tell that you care too much for her, she will eventually be feeling so much pressure from you that you’ll make her feel so uncomfortable and she will not want to be around you.

9. Being too serious – a lot of guys make the mistake of being serious all the time. This is very boring. Not only for you, but also for her.

Do you want to hang out with a guy that is always serious all the time?

I don’t think so…

That’s why women don’t want to hang out with guys who are always too serious and cannot take a joke. Lighten up and perhaps sometimes don’t take things so seriously - remember the most attractive men are those who are relaxed all the time.


Trying to force responses in a needy way– This

happens when a guy is too obvious when he’s trying to test if a girl likes her. For example, a guy would ask a girl


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directly “do you like me” or he’d ask for opinion about something in relation with him, for example he’d say “do you think I’m good looking?” This shows to a woman that the man is not confident with himself, that’s why he does not know the answer himself and secondly he cares a lot about what women think of him.

These two things tell a beautiful woman this this man has low self-value and needs to be elevated other people around them to make him feel better. This is very unattractive and does not create comfort.

11. Being goofy to hide nervousness – some guys are nervous when they meet girls, so instead of trying to look cool they try to be funny, too funny. This causes big problems because they end up looking like a 13year-old child who does not know what to do around the presence of women and this extremely unattractive. Say for example, they might start telling dirty jokes when they’re not good a telling dirty jokes, so the joke becomes very crude and vulgar. Or they might start making fun of others where it’s not within their personality to do so. This shows extreme nervousness and makes both of you extremely uncomfortable.


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12. Freaking








emotional response – a lot of guys care too much at the outset, therefore anything that the girl does, or whatever event that might involve her, affects the emotions of the guy pursuing her way too much. This is so severe that they end up of becoming of the girl’s father.

For example if you just meet a girl and another guy starts talking to her in a club what would you do?

If you are a supernatural seducer what you will do is just wait and see.

If the conversation lasts for a little while, you would introduce yourself to the other guy and see how they react to one another. However, most guys will freak out and start becoming aggressive or tell the other guy to fuck off. This will make the moment actually very awkward because she doesn’t know you that well to be that loyal to you as a friend - therefore the new guy might be more attractive to her. That’s why it’s very important to keep your head cool and not freak out and have







proportion to the situation.


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13. Complimenting her too easily and way too often – if you are too nice, you’ll be seen as another puppy dog guy who would just do exactly what she says all the time without her asking for it. In fact, you will be begging to do her every command.

This is very unattractive as you will no longer be a challenge and you’ll no longer be an attractive male. You’ll just be easy to walk all over.

That’s why it’s vital to no complement a girl too easily or be too nice.

In fact you should be more of a nice and funny jerk.

Be mean most of the time and be nice just sometimes, this will make her keep her in the toes, and make you standout from the other guys.

14. Make the girl more important compared than your friends - I know a lot of guys make the mistake of just ditching their friends to get a new girl.


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This is a big no no and should be avoided.

If you are backstabbing your friend just to make the girl impressed this causes serious problems. As the old saying goes “bros before hoes” make sure your girl is not more important than your friends.

Friends in general should be above women in terms of priority except for the woman that you marry.

The reason for this is simple. Girls come and go, but you’re friends were there before this girl arrived on the scene and chances are if you don’t betray them, they’ll be there for years after the girl has gone.

15. Asking too many unrelated question – in general guys want to know a lot about a girl, but they don’t know how to start an interesting conversation.


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So what do they do?

They ask random questions about random topics, which are not only boring to both parties, but do nothing to make the conversation more interesting. I have heard stupid things “what was their favorite car? Or what’s their favorite fruit?” or something as stupid as that.

My point is, don’t ask unrelated questions.

Even if she does answer it properly, like “I like blue cars” or “I like apples”, what are you two going to discuss after?

Is it going to make her want to jump into bed with you?

If you ask a question make sure they count. What I mean by this is, make sure everything you say to a girl makes her more attracted to you by increasing the emotional attachment to the conversation.

Don’t ask random questions that don’t have any


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positive consequence for your seduction purposes.

16. Too eager to answer questions – a lot of guys show way too much interest by demonstrating extreme eagerness to answer question when the girl does not ask them for it. This shows that the male is throwing all their attention to the girl. The girl at this stage, normally did nothing in order to work for it. Thus, cheapening the value of the guy’s contribution, as she just gained something for nothing.

This will reduce your attraction and make her less comfortable around you because you will be just like another guy who has no spine and do whatever that she says.

6.2 How to increase her attraction to you

In order for you to succeed with women, you must understand that you need to prove to her that you are interested in her for something more than just her looks.


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You have to show her that your desire for her is not just on the surface but you want a deeper connection.

Regardless of the fact that you may simply want a woman because you find her attractive, you still need to somehow let her know that you like her personality.

It’s generally advised that if you do pursue a woman, you should look for other things than just her looks.

But I do know that you’re not going to marry every single girl that you meet and there are some relationships that you may pursue purely based for sex. However, I want to make sure you’re prepared to be able to keep the women that you genuinely and truly admire.

So in order to let a woman know that she is the target of your affection rather for factors beyond her physical beauty you need to qualify her.

What do I mean by this?


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You want to show her, through a progression of steps, that she initially wasn’t very special but eventually through the passing of time and throughout your interactions the two of you built a connection that you cherish.

The process of qualifying a woman to attract her is as follows:

1. Ask her open-ended questions about deeper and more meaningful topics where you truly are able to discover her characteristics and qualities. 2. Let her know that you approve or disapprove of her qualities. 3. Then hint to her that it is because of the values she demonstrated whilst answering your questions you two have connected on a level that would make her special in your eyes.

A working example is as follows:

You: If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?


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Her: wow, that’s an interesting question. I guess I would start an orphanage and help children who are less fortunate than I am. I would then… blah blah blah

(after 5 minutes of explaining what she would do in detail)

You: really I never thought you were such a kind and gentle person. There truly is more to you than just meets the eye. I totally agree with you, as I also have a World Vision child that I am caring for and I really like the fact that we’re on the same standing here.

You would then repeat the process of asking her more deep and personal questions, so that she’ll open to you more and more.

After doing this a few times, the two of you would have shared your deeper and more personal thoughts.

This is what sets you apart from other men and proves to her that you’re attracted to her for more than her looks and as such, she’ll start liking you much more.


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The critical thing to bear in mind is that you should never ever stop qualifying a girl.

You always need to let her think in her mind that you’re interested in her for more than just the sex.

Another reason why letting a girl know the reason WHY you like her is the fact that it further enhances your superior social standing.

When you make sure the woman that you sleep with need to possess traits and qualities that you actively filter, you show her that you have other options and that you clearly are a man that other women desire.

You’re not just like the other guys who like her simply for her looks.

Instead you’re a guy who wants to know what she’s like beyond her physical reflection in the mirror and you let her know that.


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In general, you should spend a lot more time to qualify a girl the less you know her.

Typically at the start of the pickup, you ask






woman and move into more deeper topics as shown in the example above.

Here are a list of common questions you ask a girl to qualify her at the start:

1. Tell me what’s special about you? 2. What ‘s the most proudest and coolest thing you’ve done 3. Are you an adventurous person? Tell me something that you’ve done that makes you so. 4. What do you do for fun in your spare time? 5. Tell me something interesting that you do to annoy others? 6. What’s the worst pickup line you’ve heard? Later on in the pickup, you can ask these deeper questions:


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1. What would you want to do if you could change the world? 2. If money wasn’t a problem what would you be doing? 3. Who are the most influential people in your life? 4. What would you consider to be more important? Loving someone but knowing they will leave you or not loving at all? 5. Would you first cheat on someone if you knew that they were going to cheat on you?

I cannot stress how important it is for you to properly qualify a girl. Do not rush this stage and spend a lot of time at it. Also, make sure you actually LISTEN to her responses intently.

The reason for this is because it further opens up the lines of communication and she would be sharing her thoughts with you.

This would make your presence more comfortable and soon she’ll be able to relax and really let down her guard.


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Now you have her initial interest, you need to work on amplifying her attraction towards you.

Creating a lot of attraction is not something extremely hard once you understand the theory about it.

6.2.1 Make her invest in you

In short it’s all about her emotional involvement in you.








attracted to you, especially women?

What you need to do is to get them mostly attached to you, more specifically; you need to get their emotions connected to you.

You have a greater emotional attachment to the people you love the most.

So if you are able to make a woman interested in the


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dealings with you, you will be more attractive to her, far more than compared to other men.

Let me explain this theory to you through an analogy.

For example, let’s pretend you purchased a cheap run down car worth $100.

If you spend six hours a day, every single day working on that car worth 100 dollars, you will most likely be attached to that vehicle. If something happened bad to the car you will be affected in a negative way.

This is despite the fact that the monetary value of the car was only $100 when you purchased it.

You would take it personally because you spent so much of your time and invested your blood sweat and tears trying to make the vehicle better.


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You had your emotions embedded into the car chassis despite the fact, that no matter how you time you have spent on the car to increase the value, it’s still going to be a cheap car.

This is the same thing with human interactions.










conversation or interactions with you. She will turn be more attracted to you and you will be liked by her in a romantic sense.

So how to do this?

How do you get her to open up her emotional bank and invest her hard earned feelings into you?

You do this by asking the right questions.

What you need to do is ask her questions that she doesn’t share with other people, so you get responses out of her, that are so private and personal that you will be able to


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connect to her in the core.

What do I mean by this?

Her inner core is part of her personality that she doesn’t show to everybody.

In fact she only shows it to her closest friends - if she shares it at all.

Most people in this world have two type of personality and personas.

The first is the outward face that they show the world, this is the face where they show in the street they show in public and to co-workers. This is their “everyday face”.

But in reality there is an inner core being, this is a person that they only show to their close friends and family. What you need to do is talk to her core.

Ask her personal questions that make her slightly let down


The Quickest System To Meeting, Attracting And Seducing Women: Supernatural Seduction System

her guard.

Say for example rather asking what she does for a living, say something like this “don’t you find it interesting that most people try to make friends by introducing each then they start asking superficial questions about each other’s education or qualifications. It’s as if they are interviewing each other to see if they are worthy of being friends. So unlike those guys, I want to talk about something interesting. What was the funniest or worst pickup attempt that you had experience?”.

Now if you asked a girl about the worst pickup event that she has experienced she will share with you a very funny story.

This will in turn make the interaction interesting and she would not share the story to other friends. However, she will remember it very because it’s funny and she will talk about it. Not only will this open you up for the two of you to talk about relationships, this will also give you access to that zone inside her life where she talks to you about guys and people she’s been with, or what she looks for in a man and what’s important to her in a relationship.


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All this talk that she’ll share with you would be very personal to her, and she would not have just shared it with anyone.

By doing that, it would be as if she’s taking a chance with her emotional bank and opening up the vaults and putting some in your keep.

If you’re able to do this over and over again, she’ll realize that you’re more than just a friend material.






attraction to you from women, you need to ask questions that are personal to her.

Make sure these questions allow her to open up and be a bit more vulnerable when she tells you it.

Every time she tells you a little secret. It’s as if she’s taking a little bit more of her emotional bank and putting


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in your keeping.

Don’t be like a chump and ask her superficial questions that really do not matter.

In order to do this, and ask these probing questions, you need to be good at introducing topics.

The best way to make someone open up to you personally is by sharing with her a little secret of your own.

In the above example, you could tell her the time when a girl tried to pick you up and failed miserably.

Now, apart from getting her to open up her emotional bank through probing questions, you can also do it by asking her to do small favors for you.

By making her actively take action to do things for you, you’re making her invest in you.

That’s what you want her to do.


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For example, you can start by asking her buy you some cookies once the two of you know each other a bit better. If she does that, thank her and then tell her that home made cookies are even better.

So that means next time she’ll be going to the shops, spending time and effort and standing there in the kitchen waiting for the cookies to be baked. Just for you!

The point is, the more things she does for you, the more she will subconsciously be attracted to you.

It’s just like how you spend so much time and energy adding modifications and doing up the cheap car.

People like to rationalize their actions, AFTER they have done the action.

So if a woman starts baking you cookies, or bringing you


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lunch or starts doing things that a girlfriend would do, she would have to rationalize it.

She would then think to herself, AFTER she’s brought you lunch, “I wonder why I’m doing this, maybe it’s because I like him”. Just like how you would rationalize all the effort and time spent in repairing such a run down vehicle.

You must do it because the car is special.

So she must be doing things and opening up for you, because you are special to her.

Once you set this pattern up, she’ll start seeing you as the person she wants to connect with romantically whether she likes it or not.

If you can get her to do things that only a girlfriend would do, then in her mind she’ll actually convince herself AFTER she’s done the act, then she’s doing all these things because she likes you and you’re special to her.


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6.3 How to make her feel like you two have rapport and a deep connection

In order to make a woman feel close enough to you for her to want to sleep you with you need to have a special connection with her.

You create this connection through having rapport.

What is rapport?

Rapport is the feeling of closeness between two people and the best way to create is by using this analogy.

Think about this quote:

“its you and me baby alone against this mad, mad world.”

If you are able to let the woman think that it’s the two of you are alone together, and there is no one else around


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then you would have created something. You now become a team. You are no longer alone in this world, but you have someone else who will be there by your side to back you up wherever you’re in need.

What this does is makes you connected to that woman, emotionally, intellectually and in time physically. This bond between you two is valuable to her and because of this, you’ll be extremely important in her life.

This is powerful.

If you are able to make your presence and persona connect with her inner core and become apart of her, then you would have succeed in seducing her mind and soul.

She will feel as if she has found a soul mate in you and you’re the only person that truly understands her.

It’s just you and her versus everyone else in this world.

So once you establish in her mind that you and her have a


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connection that is exclusive between the both of then you will be the only one she cares about. This is because once you connect to her at an inner core in a level that most people can’t even reach, you’re presence would be engraved in her happiness.

That’s the theory relating to the importance of rapport and building an inner connection.

But what are

the step-by-step things you

can do

practically to start this process?

Here’s a list of things that I found to be easy to implement, but it’s important to start getting a role play between the two of you. After that’s done you do this: 1. give nicknames for each other 2. create personal jokes between each other 3. make a distinct language between yourselves 4. make fun of things together in a certain way.

Once you’re able to converse and talk to each other in the way I described above it will be as if it’s just the two of


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you in the world and you’re growing stronger that special bond you have.

It’s very important to get this right; you need to do this at the start, when you first meet a woman. The reason for this is if you don’t give her during the beginning but you try it later, it will feel awkward.

I find a great way to initiate this is by just giving the woman I meet that I’m attracted to a nickname the first time I see her, and I call her that repeatedly throughout the interaction.

I say “oh, I like your skirt, it’s so full of color and flowers, I’ll call you a little flower girl now. I think that nickname is cute”.

Then I observe her reactions and see how she plays along. What I’m looking for is for her to reciprocate back to give me a nickname of sorts or reacts in a flirty manner.

When you start building off these cute nicknames, or talk


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to each other in similar ways that others do not, you start to flirt with the woman on a level that is only reserved for lovers and people who are dating already.

This sets up the future interactions to be much more romantic and flirtatious as you’ll be creating a feeling with her that you understand her. You and her are alone in this world and that you truly are something that she cannot live without.

In my first interaction, with a girl I’m attracted to, this is the process I go through: 1. give her a cute and creative nickname 2. start making jokes that only she and I would understand 3. start talking in a way that is funny, and if she laughs, I tell her that she can be my student and I’ll teach her the art of being insanely funny 4. make her using the words that I teach her, otherwise she’s a bad student and I’m going to punish her


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As you can see, this is a natural pattern and is fun as heck!

What you need to do is get comfortable with being a bit silly and giving women nicknames and start roleplaying.

Once you have the role-play scenario going on, then it’s pretty much a confirmation on her part that you can start flirting with her.

6.3.1 Treat her like your annoying little sister

In short, the easiest way to think about creating rapport and a deep connection with women is that you should act like she’s your annoying little sister that you make fun of.

Guys who have little sisters always enjoy making fun of them and playing jokes on them, but when it comes to serious matters of safety and protection they step in an defend their sibling with their life.

That’s how you need to come across.


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So keep this in your mind, most of the time you should be mercilessly teasing the girl that you’re interested in.

Make fun of everything she does or says.

Don’t take her protests too seriously, unless you know that you’re done something really bad.

The reason why this strategy works so well is because only people who know each other very well act in such a way.

Think about this, men who are good friends constantly make fun and pester each other in a way to build bonding and strengthen friendships.

Generally the more you know a guy the more you like to make fun of them.

Then the more they want to get back at making fun of


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The same goes with women that you’re interested in.

The more you make fun of her, the more she feels the two of you are close and have a deep connection, and the more she’ll want to get back at you.

The only difference is unlike men making fun of each other, when you make fun of a woman, use subtle hints of sexual innuendo and make it as if she’s constantly trying to hit on you and seduce you.

Not only does it make for a funny conversation, but this shows to the woman that you’re not just “a friend” you’re a guy that wants much more than that, and you’re not afraid to hint it to her.

Most women are able to pick up the cues and hints that you drop in when you’re flirting and teasing her and if she flirts back or reacts to your teasing, then you know that it’s on.


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This is the end of Volume I: Self Discovery I hope by the end of this volume you would have made a promise to yourself that for the next 90 days, you will actively take what you have just learned and apply it to your day to day life. If you need to know exactly what to say to take it to the next level, then read the next volume, Volume II: Breakthrough


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