Superman’s Family Tree
Short Description
Just something i worked on, with a lot of research. References are on the last slide...
Superman’s Family Tree
MGK = Mark G Kaye
The Focus Focus
• Feln to Hyr El – Slide 3 • Tio El, a! El, Shu El, Sul El, "o# El, $ar El, Kem Kem El – Slides % • • • •
to & "o# El Family 'ine – Slide ( Kem El Family 'ine – Slide ) Shu El Family 'ine to Kal El – Slides ) to *+ Kalya ar El Family 'ine – Slide **
The Family Family Tr Tree
Feln to Hyr El
From The -. /ikia – The House o! El0 “The earliest known members of the El family line existed during Krypton's pre-industrial age when Kryptonians were known by only a single name. The rst recorded member of the family line was eln eln!! who was the father of "u #od! #od! who was the father of Tam $u. $u. Tam $u's son! Erok became became the rst Kryptonian to create clan names and called himself Erok-El! or! Erok of the %tar. &is wife was ilia! the daughter of an opposing (ethgar named )*ed. Erok-El and ilia ga*e birth to Kal-El Kal-El the the irst! who became the second (ethgar of the continent of )rrika )rrika.. Kal-El's son! +ab-El +ab-El did did not share his ancestor's noble ,ualities and became a *icious warlord. +ab-El had two sons! ad-El and &yr-El &yr-El.. ad-El became a tyrant like his father! and &yr-El disowned the
Tio Tio El, a! El : Sul El Family Family 'ine "The Race to Overtake the Past” Superman and Super1irl Superman and Super1irl learn learn the histories o! Kil2Gor Kil2Gor and and $ur2El, inentors4 a!2El, a prophet o! 5ao 5ao,, and Tio2El, his 6rother, 7ho 7ere spared 7ith seeral others !rom a 8ood 7hich deastated ancient Krypton9 MGK: “No Mention of any other siblings, or parentage. But the passage indicates a flood that the two brothers survived along with several others, could it be possible that the rest of the faily survived the flood too!"
Sul El Biography from DC Comic Wikia The !ouse of El “s it turned out! %ul-El's greatest fears pro*ed true. warlike alien race known as the rangs in*aded Krypton and took control of the continent of /ur*an. They ensla*ed the Kryptonian populace and put them to work in the mines of the 0rystal ountains. E*en %ul-El's young son! &atu-El! worked alongside his father! father! bound in chains! mining minerals for their rang masters. /ittle did %ul-El reali1e that &atu-El would one day lead a sla*e re*olt that would liberate Krypton from rang control.2
"o# El Family 'ine -. .omic /ikia 2 The House o! El0 ;#o$%El 7as a natie o! the planet, Krypton9 Krypton9 "ot only 7as he a respected mem6er o! the no6le House o! El, El, he 7as also a 7orld class entertainer ne o! the leadin1 li1hts o! the Kryptonian theater9 He 7as the !ather o! Fil2El Fil2El,, a direct ancestor o! the hero kno7n as Superman9?
'&o(& Relatives Fil2El Fil2El @!ather, @!ather, deceasedA4 Bm2El Bm2El @son, @son, deceasedA4 Cir2El @1randson, Cir2El @1randson, deceasedA4 D deceasedA4 Du2El u2El @1randson, @1randson, deceasedA4 T deceasedA4 Tala2El ala2El @1reat @1reat
1randson, deceasedA4?
; )u%El )u%El 7as a natie o! the planet, Krypton Krypton and and lied in the ori1inal capital city o! Kandor durin1 Kandor durin1 the latter hal! o! the rst Kryptonian millennium9 He 7as the son o! Bm2El Bm2El and and the 6rother o! Cir2El Cir2El99 Du2Els nephe7 2 Tala2El T ala2El99?
;Tala El '&o(& Relatives %
Gam2El @son, Gam2El @son,
MGK: No% $l has no ention of a father, and and clearly clearly his faily faily line ends with deceasedA4 Cym2El Cym2El @son, @son, deceasedA4? Ga $l and &y $l
$ar El : Kem El Family 'ine
*rom +ll Star Superma& ,Bar%El 7as the rst space astronaut !rom Krypton 7ho 1ot lost in space and dri!ted 7ith his 7i!e, 'ilo2El, 'ilo2El, !or decades9 He is the liin1 ancestor o! Superman Superman9? 9?
MGK: No Mention of a father or any faily, as Bar ' (ilo are alive )
DC Comic Wikia % Ra& El *amily an2' an2' @sonA, @sonA, Eyra @7i!eA, Eyra @7i!eA, an2' @1randsonA, an2' @1randsonA, Kem2' Kem2' @!ather, @!ather, deceasedA
MGK: Ke $l has no ention of a father f ather
Shu El Family 'ine DC Comic Wikia % The !ouse of El Shu El 7as an ancient natie to the planet, Krypton Krypton and and a respected respected scientist9 He 7as reco1nied !or his contri6utions to the elds o! mathematics and computer theory9 Shu2El and his 7i!e 1ae 6irth to t7o children, Thar children, Thar2El 2El and and Fedra Shu2El Shu2 El99 His direct !amily line 7ould one day lead to the 6irth o! Kryptons last male heir, Kal2El9 Kal2El9 Ple&%El, Thar El’s son, continued the !amily 6loodline ultimately leadin1 to the 6irth o! Kryptons last male heir, Kal2El9 Kal2El9 -al%El is a direct paternal ancestor o! the super2 hero kno7n as Superman Superman99
MGK: #hu $l has no ention of any parentage, and there is no record connecting &len $l to Bur $l, But according acc ording to &len $l*s history, he continued the bloodline of which +edna arried into with Bur $l, having two ids al $l ' /ro $l.
;The Gap? DC Comic Wikia %The !ouse Of El3 El3 “&yr-El's direct family lineage is what e*entually e*ol*ed into the modern &ouse of El2
MGK0 Hyr El has no mention on his entry on any 7ikia data6ase on 7ho is sons are Tio, a!, Shu, Sul, "o#, $ar, : Kem hae no mention on any data6ase o! si6lin1s or parents9 parents9
So is it possi.le to safely assume that !yr El is their father/
/ir El to Sey1 El DC Comic Wikia The !ouse of El Wir%El 7as an ancestor o! the Shu2El !amily Shu2El !amily line, and a direct paternal ancestor o! Superman Superman99 -ar%El discoered a means !or crossin1 lon1 interstellar distances and Iourneyed to a planet in the Sol system called system called Earth9 His discoery later inspired his 1reat nephe7, or2 nephe7, or2El El to to send his child to Earth shortly 6e!ore Krypton Superma& Wikia Ter%El is thee#ploded9 !ather o! Sey12El Sey12El99 MGK: /here is no inforation confiring the r elationship between between ar $l and /er $l, but it would have to ae sense. ar $l*s wor wor inspired 0or $l to t o send a baby Kal $l to earth. /he 12 2oic +iia - 3ouse of $l, credits ar as 0or $l*s grandfather, but the #uperan +iia credits /er $l as the t he father of #eyg $l 4who in turn is 0or $l*s father.5 6or the purpose of this, 7 thin t hin it aes sense if ar ar and /er /er are brothers.
DC Comics % Earth O&e Wikia 'ru%El is the second cousin o! Superman,, as 7ell as or Superman as or2El 2El,, Jor2El, Jor2El, "im2El, "im2El, and many other cousins9 Kru2El is the son o! Jim2El Jim2El and and $yma 5uth2r9 5uth2r9
MGK: 8n the +iipedia page about #uperan*s 1ynasty, 1ynasty, it states that 9y $l is the brother of #eyg $l Tale of Time and Tide7. fro %uperman $o. 456! ' Tale
Sey1 El Family 'ine
DC Comics Wikia The !ouse of E0 0 1or%El, alon1 7ith his identical t7in 6rother "im2El , 7ere 6orn in Kryptonopolis, Kryptonopolis, Krypton Krypton to to his !ather Sey12El and his 7i!e "imda n2-or9 n2-or9 'ater on his mother 1ae 6irth to his youn1er 6rother Jor2El Jor2El99 Superma& Dy&asty 2Wikipe3ia4 Kalya ar2El is the sister o! or2El, "im2El, : Jor2El and aunt o! Kal2El and Kara Jor2ElA
Superman’s Family #183 8 Superman’s Girlfriend, Lois Lane Vol 1 # 21 3 an Jee, Gem Jee, : -ik Jee make appearances9 The three o! them are the sons o! or2Els sister Kalya ar2El : "im Jee DC Comics Wikia The !ouse of El Do&%El 7as a natie o! the planet Krypton, residin1 in the city o! Kandor Kandor99 n esteemed mem6er o! the no6le House o! El, El, he 7as the only son o! scientist "im2El and "im2El and his 7i!e, -ond -ondra ra Klu Klu22Ta9
Super Man : Super Girl
MGK0 B! B need to e#plain Kal El and Kara Jor El in this slide, you clearly need to 1et your head e#amined9 Kal El’s Human name is .lark Kent, a9k9a Superman9 Kara Jor El, adapted the name o! Kara Kent in some 'iterature, and 'inda -aners in other 'iterature9 She is 6etter kno7n as Super Girl9 nother lias she is kno7n as is i s Co7er Girl9
Kalya ar2El Family 'ine Superma& Dy&asty 2Wikipe3ia4 Tes k2ar @rst appearance ction 0omics nnual :94;ugust! 4
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