Super Astrology
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sarv chakra...
Varaha Mihira's
Sarvatobhadra Chakra
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Introduction The great VARAHA MIHIRA, whose works on astrology are revered by many, writing about the Sarvatobhadra Chakra says that it is capable of showing immediate results, which can be verified and that this Chakra enlightens the Three Worlds. The author of MANSAGARI (an Astrological text in extensive use in North India) in a chapter entitled Sarvatobhadra Chakra says that this will Illumine the Three Worlds. Another author says that this Chakra will enlighten us about the past, present and future and is, therefore, comparable to TRILOKYA DEEPA (a lamp for lighting up the Three Worlds). These bold statements not only give a clue to the great importance attached to it by the reputed writers but also the fact that the Chakra is a multipurpose tool. In our enquiries we found that this Chakra is used for (1) predicting the price ranges of commodities like cotton, gold, cereals and food stuff etc. (2) the future of nations, results of battles etc. for purposes of political astrology (3) predicting events concerning a native's future, though to a limited extent. Exhaustive literature on this subject is not available. We are, therefore, presenting in this booklet whatever literature we could lay our hands on, in the hope that serious students of astrology would pursue the matter, carry out researches and make their experience available to the public in due course. The opinions expressed by Varaha Mihira and the author of Mansagari is so clear and so firm, this matter really warrants the serious attention of students of astrology and may perhaps prove to be yet another method to make predictions with greater accuracy. This could even be the missing link in the art of prediction, without which we have been unable to predict with complete accuracy. We refuse to believe that a personality of the stature of Varaha Mihira would have left anything for posterity that is not really useful and his expression in the very first Sloka says this Chakra will throw light on the Three Worlds should be taken at its face value and applied with all sincerity and verified. Doubts and ambiguities do exist in this book and will become apparent as the reader covers chapter after chapter. These are: a. Has each Graha one or three Vedha Dristhis? b. 16 cells are allotted for 16 vowels; it seems that a majority of these cells cannot be put to use by persons following languages other than Sanskrit; c. Nakshatra Abhijit has a cell for itself, but is not reckoned for many a purpose; d. Whether weekdays and Janma Lagna are to be considered besides Panchka? Research over a number of years in the different fields in which this Chakra can be used could only provide appropriate answers to these or unearthing other available literature on the subject. Mantreswara's PHALADEEPIKA is one of the big five works on astrology, the most condensed book, clear cut in expression, yet covering a much wider field than other texts. There is a chapter allocated in this book for Nakshatra Gochara, Vedha, Latta etc. viz chapter 26. These are principal items in the S.B. Chakra methodology. In Sloka 47, Mantreswara mentions that Subha and Papa Vedhas (front, right and left Dristhis which pass through cell to cell) have to be considered in predicting transit effects. The mere fact that a highly condensed treatise as PHALADEEPIKA has allocated more than half a chapter to this Chakra illustrates the importance attached to it by an authority like Mantreswara, the most recent writer. Some of the students and researchers in astrology including foreigners have been impatiently pressing us for information and literature on this Chakra. Besides, it also became apparent to the translators that they could not make any further headway into this branch of astrology. Hence, this publication is being released in the sincere hope that further researches will be made by those who have time and make know the results. We are deeply indebted to Shri KM Kharegat for all the help rendered in the compilation of this book and to Karma Yogi Shri Upendra T. Mehta for the financial and other assistance rendered. May the Nava Grahas bestow peace and prosperity on them. OM SADGURU PARAMATHMANE NAMAHA OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE SIVANANDAYA NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary Bombay, 20th January 1962
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Contents Chapter 1 Directions, Nakshatras, Namanakshatras, Swaras, Tithis ...................................................................................................... 5 Chakra ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Directions .................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Nakshatra .................................................................................................................................................................................. 5 Rasis of Zodiac corresponding to Chandr Rasi .................................................................................................................... 6 Tithis (lunar days) .................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Vowels ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 6 Namanakshatras....................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Chapter 2 How to use Chakra ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7 Special Dristhis ......................................................................................................................................................................... 8 Pairs among consonants .......................................................................................................................................................... 8 Classification of Grahas ........................................................................................................................................................... 8 Speed of Grahas........................................................................................................................................................................ 8 Chapter 3 Panchka ......................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Panchka ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 9 Basic vowels .............................................................................................................................................................................. 9 Consonants................................................................................................................................................................................ 9 Table showing relation between vowels, consonants and Tithis .................................................................................... 10 Chapter 4 Strength of Grahas ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10 Strength of Grahas ................................................................................................................................................................. 10 Effects of Juti / Dristhi of each Graha: ................................................................................................................................ 11 Chapter 5 Paksha Phala ............................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Paksha Phala ........................................................................................................................................................................... 12 Chapter 6 Muhurtha (Electional astrology) .............................................................................................................................................. 13 Chapter 7 Diseases ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Method of using Sarvatobhadra Chakra in connection with diseases............................................................................ 15 Chapter 8 Directions .................................................................................................................................................................................... 15 Affliction of Swara (vowels) ................................................................................................................................................. 16 Effects of Subha Dristhi / conjunction to the constituent of Panchka ............................................................................ 16 Deductions .............................................................................................................................................................................. 17
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Chapter 9 Prasna (Horary astrology)......................................................................................................................................................... 17 Multiple Vedha ....................................................................................................................................................................... 17 Nakshatras & communities .................................................................................................................................................. 17 Upagrahas - sensitive points from Surya ............................................................................................................................ 18 Chapter 10 Latta ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 19 Chapter 11 Sensitive points from Chandr ................................................................................................................................................... 20 Chapter 12 Aspects ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 22 Chapter 13 Price variations in various commodities or market fluctuations......................................................................................... 23 Nakshatras & commodities................................................................................................................................................... 25 Method of determining price variations ............................................................................................................................. 25 Chapter 14 Political astrology ....................................................................................................................................................................... 26 Effects of 8 Graha combination in 1962 ............................................................................................................................... 26 Koorma Chakra ...................................................................................................................................................................... 28 Maha Bharata Yuddha........................................................................................................................................................... 28 Sapta Graha Koota ................................................................................................................................................................. 29 Ashta Graha Koota ................................................................................................................................................................. 29 Ashta Graha Koota ................................................................................................................................................................. 30 Chapter 15 Appendix ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 31 Appendix A............................................................................................................................................................................. 31 Location of Hindu Nakshatras, their english names & corresponding Namanakshatras ........................................... 31 Appendix B ............................................................................................................................................................................. 32 Swara & Namanakshatras (consonants & vowels) ............................................................................................................ 32 Appendix C ............................................................................................................................................................................. 33 Price variation ......................................................................................................................................................................... 33 Chart XI & XII - Paksha Phala .............................................................................................................................................. 34 Chart XI ................................................................................................................................................................................... 34 Chart XII .................................................................................................................................................................................. 34
Other text How do you read a horoscope? ................................................................................................................................................... 35 Ayanamsa.................................................................................................................................................................................... 36 Rectification ................................................................................................................................................................................ 36 Aspects ........................................................................................................................................................................................ 37 Yogas ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 37 Dasa Varga Tabulation .............................................................................................................................................................. 38 Sayanadi Avasthas ..................................................................................................................................................................... 38
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Shad Bala ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 38 Nakshatra Chakra ...................................................................................................................................................................... 38 Ashtakavarga .............................................................................................................................................................................. 38 Gulika .......................................................................................................................................................................................... 39 Rasmi Chinta .............................................................................................................................................................................. 39 Major period / sub period effects (Vimshottari) ................................................................................................................... 39 Shanties........................................................................................................................................................................................ 39 Morals from other texts ............................................................................................................................................................. 39
Edited by Chistabo, A.D. 2013, version 2; illustrations done with Shri Jyoti Star 6; all my additions are in [ square brackets ].
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Chapter 1 Directions, Nakshatras, Namanakshatras, Swaras, Tithis Chakra Draw 10 vertical lines and 10 horizontal lines intersecting each other, so that you have 9 x 9 = 81 cells. Ensure that all the cells are square and of equal size, so that the chart may be used with ease. Entry starts from top left.
Directions Top of Chakra represents EAST, top left NORTH-EAST and top-right SOUTH-EAST Right side: SOUTH Left side: NORTH Bottom of Chakra: WEST, bottom-left NORTH-WEST and bottom-right SOUTH-WEST. EAST at the top may seem a bit unusual for we are used to NORTH at the top.
Nakshatra The four cells at 4 corners of Chakra are allotted to 4 long vowels A, AA, E (I), EE (II). The remaining 7 cells each at the top, bottom and the two sides (29 cells) are allotted to 28 Nakshatras (including Abhijit) of Hindu astrology as shown in chart I below. EAST 1 9 32 etc.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Abhijit is a very small Nakshatra and is located on Nirayana Zodiac at 6° 40' Makara to 10° 53' 20" Makara. This is based on the authority of Varaha Mihira and FC Dutt. This Nakshatra is also in use in Ashtottari Maha Dasa system. The above arrangement is based on the assumption that 25 Nakshatras, Aswini to Purva Ashada (20) and Dhanishta to Revati (5) are all occupying equal distances of 13° 20' each and the remaining 3 Nakshatras Uttara Ashada, Abhijit and Sravana occupy varying distances but totaling 26° 40'. For location of all Nakshatras, see Appendix A. There is a school of thought according to which all 28 Nakshatras occupy equal distances on Zodiac, i.e. 360° divided by 28 => 12° 6/7' per Nakshatra. In view of Varaha Mihira's authority about the location of Abhijit as also the distances occupied by the preceding and succeeding Nakshatras, it not be advisable to accept the opinion that all 28 Nakshatras occupy equal distances, just to satisfy mathematical requirements. In our studies, we have also come across some almanacs in the country wherein even today, Abhijit is shown in between Purva Ashada and Uttara Ashada. These two differences of opinion may NOT be accepted until research proves it otherwise.
Rasis of Zodiac corresponding to Chandr Rasi Cells 58, 59, 60, 62, 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 70, 71 and 72 are allotted to 12 Rasis of Zodiac, Vrishabha to Mesha respectively (Vrishabha cell 58 to Mesha cell 72). See also chart I.
Tithis (lunar days) Tithis are allotted among 5 cells comprising the cell right at the center, 81, and 4 cells at the North, East, South and West viz. 74, 76, 78 and 80 as shown here in chart II.
1, 6, 11 Fri 80 4, 9, 14 Thu 79
81 5, 10, 15 Sat 78
76 2, 7, 12 Sun, Tue 77
3, 8, 13 Mon, Wed
1 Pradhama / 2 Dwiteeya / 3 Thriteeya / 4 Chaturthi / 5 Panchami / 6 Shashti / 7 Saptami / 8 Ashtami / 9 Navami / 10 Dasami / 11 Ekadasi / 12 Dwadasi / 13 Thrayodasi / 14 Chaturdasi / 15 Poornima (Full Chandr) OR Amavasya (New Chandr). Weekdays are also being included by some in 5 cells housing Tithis in the following manner: 76 Sunday, Tuesday / 78 Monday, Wednesday / 80 Thursday / 74 Friday / 81 Saturday. Weekdays do NOT form part of PANCHKA (explained later) and may be ignored until research proves it otherwise.
Vowels The 16 vowels (in Sanskrit) are arranged in Sarvatobhadra Chakra as shown in chart I. See also Appendix B for full details. The natural order of occurrence of these vowels is: A (short) / AA (long) / E (short) / EE (long) / OO (short as in Cook) / OO (long as in School) / RE (short as in Rig) / REE (long as in reach) / LE (short) and LEE (long) - these two do not seem to occur in languages other than Sanskrit and some Indian vernaculars / AE (short) / AE (long) / O as in coke / OW as in Cowdrey / AM as in KUM / AHA as in AHAMED. These 16 vowels are the same as those taught in schools in the very first lesson in India. In some vernaculars, only 12 are used.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Namanakshatras Namanakshatras (19 consonants and 1 vowel), 20 in number are arranged as show in chart I. Appendix B explains where the vowels / Namanakshatras are used. It will be observed that A is used both as a vowel (cell 1) and as a Namanakshatra (cell 34).
Chapter 2 How to use Chakra Place Grahas, on any given day and time, on the respective Nakshatras. Appendix A is a ready reckoner showing distances occupied by 28 Nakshatras on Zodiac as per Nirayana and Sayana (western) along with their English names. Tara Grahas (Tara - star, Graha - planet, Tara Graha – planets which resemble stars) namely, Mangal, Budh, Guru, Sukr, Sani:
when in retrogression, Dristhi the right side; when moving fast, Dristhi the left side; when moving at normal speed, Dristhi the front. (Read Rahu's Dristhi from this side facing South)
The right and left Dristhis always pass an angle of 45° either to the right or the left, starting from the cell where Graha is situated, from one corner of Rasi into the other and stops only on reaching a Nakshatra in the cells flanking any one of the sides of Chakra. The front Dristhi is NOT supposed to pass through, Rasi to Rasi, but Nakshatra at the end of Dristhi alone gets the effect. That is to say, the right and left Dristhis have their effects on all cells through which Dristhi passes, but the front Dristhi affects only Nakshatra in front. See pictures 1 – 4 (on this page). Ketu in the second picture has been placed in cell 16 mere for illustrating Dristhi from that position. (Read Ketu's Dristhi from this side facing North) Rahu and Ketu are always retrograde. Surya and Chandr are always considered fast moving. The former two Grahas belong to Chaya Graha (shadow planets), the latter to Raja Grahas (kingly planets). These four Grahas will always Dristhi in all three directions, i.e. left, right and front. Note: On the question of Dristhis, there are serious differences of opinions. Some say all Grahas Dristhi all 3 sides while others who differ, say all Grahas have only 1 Dristhi depending on speed / retrogression. The translator's preference is single Dristhi for Tara Grahas and 3 sides Dristhi for the rest.
(Read Surya's Dristhis from this side facing East)
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
(Read Chandr's Dristhis from this side facing West) As already stated, the left and right Dristhis pass through Rasi to Rasi and affect the vowel, Namanakshatra, Rasi, Tithi and Nakshatra occupying the Dristhied cells, while the front Dristhi affects only Nakshatra at the other extreme.
Special Dristhis Grahas occupying the quarter of a Nakshatra immediately adjacent to the four corner cells (1, 9, 17, 25) affect the long vowels close to it. See second picture on previous page for example (Ketu Dristhis 'i' in bottom-right corner). A Graha in last quarter of Bharani Aslesha Visakha Sravana
A Graha in 1st quarter of Krittika Magha Anuradha Dhanishta
Affects A - cell 1 AA - cell 9 E - cell 17 EE - cell 23
Along with the above, the same Graha also affects Pournami or Amavasya [Editor's note: since center cell 81 is on front Dristhi of those affected cells, viz. 5, 13, 21, 26]. When Nakshatra is affected Ardra Hasta Purva Ashada Uttara Bhadrapada
its Namanakshatra also gets affected EA, KHA, NA, CHA PA, SH, NA, THA BA, DA, PA, DHA DA, THA, JHA, YA
Pairs among consonants There are a few more consonants in actual use than those catered for in Sarvatobhadra Chakra. These are indicated in Appendix B.
Classification of Grahas Subha [benefic] Guru, Sukr and Chandr from 5th Tithi (Panchami) in Sukla Paksha to 10th Tithi (Dasami) in Krishna Paksha (both days inclusive). [Ch - 5 days before and after New Chandr - Amavasya.] Papa [malefic] Sani, Surya, Mangal, Rahu, Ketu and Chandr from 11th Tithi (Ekadasi) in Krishna Paksha to 4th Tithi (Chaturthi) in Sukla Paksha (both days inclusive). Budh Budh is considered a Papa when conjunct with a Papa and their Navamsa [Editor’s note: same Pada – ¼ of Nakshatra] and Nakshatra then happen to be the same; otherwise Subha. Retrograde malefics are considered highly Papa and retrograde benefic highly Subha; when moving fast (more than mean motion), all Grahas retain their original Subha / Papa nature.
Speed of Grahas Graha Mangal Budh Guru Sukr Sani
When the speed per day is greater than 46' 11" [cca. 146 %] 113' 32" [cca. 191 %] 14' 04" [cca. 281 %] 75' 42" [cca. 127 %] 7' 45" [cca. 385 %]
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
They are supposed to be fast [Editor’s note: at max speed, just before they decelerate], and therefore Dristhing the left side. When retrograde (irrespective of speed), Dristhi for the above Grahas is to the right; and at all other time, front only.
Chapter 3 Panchka Panchka Namanakshatra (consonant) occurring first in the name, next Swara (vowel), next Tithi, next Janma Nakshatra and lastly Chandr Rasi are known as Panchka in the order given. Example: Panchka for one with date of birth Example Horoscope: Birth in Purva Phalguni 3rd Quarter Surya in Meena 7° Chandr in Simha 21° Namanakshatra for this Quarter: Ti (vide Appendix A) corresponding to consonant T Chandr has traversed 164° from Surya: 164/12 = 13 +, i.e. birth on 14th Tithi or Chaturdasi Sukla Paksha Chandr is in Simha as Nakshatra falls in Simha The quarter of Janma Nakshatra provides Namanakshatra with Swara, Tithi and Rasi. Thus, Panchka for the native with above birth date would be: Namanakshatra T cell 41 Ti (as 'tea') in 3rd qtr. Purva Phalguni in Appendix A Swara E cell 17 Tithi 14th cell 80 Nakshatra Purva Phalguni cell 11 Rasi Simha cell 62 Lagna Meena cell 71 * Researchers are considering Lagna also in addition to Panchka. Panchka for one without date of birth For those who have no horoscope or recorded time of birth, these particulars are determined with reference to the name of the person concerned in the following manner: The name of the person is the one, using which, a person falls asleep, would wake up, or if walking / awake, would respond to. The mere sound produced when uttering a name is criterion, irrespective of the spelling or the language. The following table would be of assistance in doing it.
Basic vowels A / E / OO / AE / OW
Consonants K Chh D DDh BB V
Kh J DD N M Sh
G/NG Jh Th P Y Shh
Gh T Thh Ph R S
Ch TT Dh B L H
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
This chart has only 5 basic vowels and 30 consonants. All names have to be brought under one of these vowels and consonants. The first vowel and consonant or the first consonant and vowel, as the case may be, are considered and provide the starting point. RAMA has R and A as the first consonant and vowel, while ARUMUGAM has A and R as the first vowel and consonant. In names like RAMA (where first consonant is followed by a vowel), the first consonant is taken into account and in names like ARUMUGAM (where the first uttered sound is a vowel followed by a consonant), the vowel is ignored and consonant taken into account. Thus, in both cases, R provides the starting point. Now, locate the consonant R in the table above, which reveals Swara in this case, AE.
Table showing relation between vowels, consonants and Tithis Tithis Basic vowels Consonants Tithi Consonants Tithi Consonants
Nanda 1,6,11 A E Chh 1 D DDh 6 BB V
Bhadra 2,7,12 E Kh J 2 DD N 7 M Sh
Jaya 3,8,13 OO G Jh 3 Th P 8 Y Shh
Sikta 4,9,14 AE Gh T 4 Thh Ph 9 R S
Poorna 5, 10 OW Ch TT 5 Dh B 10 L H Pournami OR Amavasya
Assuming that Panchka is required for RAMA, details of which are as follows: Namanakshatra R cell 43 Swara A cell 1 basic vowel AE determined from Table VI is a compound of A and E; it is permissible to do so. Where a doubt arises, it is safe to stick to the vowel obtained from Table VI. Tithi 14th cell 80 Nakshatra Chitra 3rd qtr. cell 14 reference to Appendix A shows that RA occurs against Chitra 3rd qtr. Rasi Tula cell 64 Determination of Panchka correctly is of PIVOTAL IMPORTANCE. For those with birth date, the qtr. of Nakshatra of birth provides Swara with Namanakshatra. Tithi and Rasi are determined otherwise. For those without date of birth, the initial consonant in name provides main Swara through Table VI; with the help of main Swara, using Table VII, Tithi is found; Rasi and Nakshatra are determined with the help of Appendix A.
Chapter 4 Strength of Grahas Strength of Grahas All Grahas enjoy full strength or 100% in own Rasi; 75% in friendly Rasi; 50% in neutral Rasi; and 25% in enemy Rasi. The position is different in regard to the strength of Grahas in the matter of conferring effects. Subha confer full or 100% in own Rasi; 75% in friendly Rasi; 50% in neutral Rasi; and 25% in enemy Rasi. Papa confer full or 100% Papa effects in enemy Rasi; 75% Papa effects in neutral Rasi; 50% Papa effects in friendly Rasi; and 25% Papa effects in own Rasi. The effect of an Dristhi will be proportionate to the strength of Graha Dristhing. The word Dristhi used throughout this book means left / right / front Dristhi or all of them as applicable, unless otherwise stated. Aspect to one or more of Panchka is meant.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
The effects of position (Kshetra Bala - strength derived by reason of a Graha's stay in a Rasi) are doubled if Graha concerned is retrograde. If too fast or in exaltation, tripled. Ownership, exaltation, debilitation Rasis are as is generally followed. Thus, after ascertaining the speed, position etc. results should be pronounced. Graha Sy Ch Ma Bu Gu Sk Sa
Friends Ch / Ma / Gu Sy / Bu Sy / Ch / Gu Sy / Sk Sy / Ch / Ma Bu / Sa Bu / Sk
Neutral Bu Ma / Gu / Sk / Sa Sk / Sa Ma / Gu / Sa Sa Ma / Gu Gu
Enemy Sk / Sa None Bu Ch Bu / Sk Sy / Ch Sy / Ch / Ma
As a general rule, 4th Rasi from exaltation / debilitation is known as the neutral Rasi, except where it happens to be otherwise. Rahu and Ketu are mutual friends but enemies to the rest of Grahas. Graha Rahu Ketu
Own Rasi Kanya Meena
Exaltation Mithuna Dhanur
Debilitation Dhanur Mithuna
Effects of Juti / Dristhi of each Graha: Surya Worry; opposition from superiors; fever with cold; headache; travel; loss of property / quadrupeds; fear from quadrupeds; misunderstandings with parents; distress. Full Chandr Gain of conveyance, ornaments, tasty dishes. Weak Chandr Sorrow, bondage, travels. Mangal Stomach or blood disorders; financial loss; loss of discriminating power; loss of relations; agricultural losses; upset of bile; failures; defeat in battle; long distance travel. Budh (Subha) Knowledge; honor from superiors and relatives; gains in business and agriculture; freedom from diseases; fame. Budh (Papa) Opposite results will be bestowed by Budh in combustion, in enemy Rasi, in debilitation or in conjunction with Papa. Sani Sickness, fear, sorrow, loss of servants, friends and relations; intermittent fever; bondage; loss of position; troubles due to or from women in low walks of life; death due to dangerous undertakings; defeat in battle. Rahu Obstruction; heart diseases; fainting; intimacy with widows or low class women; opposition from the learned. Ketu Obstruction; loss of grain / agricultural losses; upset of health to wife; pain in various part of body. Note: When Surya, Mangal and Sani are Dristhing Chandr who is conjunct with one of them, there will be diseases of head, fever, fistula, stomach disorders, bilious disorders and obstruction or impediments from sources higher than human beings. The bad effects flowing from a Papa ceases the moment Papa leaves Nakshatra from which Dristhi originated. Guru All round success; liking by superiors; peace; worship of the Lord; good luck and good health.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Note: When Guru is conjunct with a Papa, sickness; wrath of superiors; failure; loss of reputation; sorrow; travel; sickness to children and bondage will result. Sukr Company of and enjoyments with women including wife; favors from superiors; marriage; abundance of everything; children; happiness. Note: Sukr conjunct with Papa confers loss of money and quadrupeds; dissensions with women and other losses.
Chapter 5 Paksha Phala Paksha Phala Forecast of effects for the ensuing fortnight etc. Somewhat on the lines of Varsha Phala (forecast for natives for the whole year) is foretold based on planetary positions prevailing on 1st day of each Hindu year, the effects for the ensuing Paksha (which is equivalent to a fortnight) either Krishna or Sukla or any particular day or moment can be found. For ascertaining Paksha Phala, Nakshatra on which Surya was standing as per almanac, on 1st day of the fortnight alone, is necessary. Thereafter, proceed to place the rest of Grahas (without reference to almanac or ephemeris) based on the following table: Table VIII Insert Surya on the appropriate Nakshatra and then, place
Ke Bu Sk Ma Ch Ra Sa Gu
Nak. from Sy 12th 28th 3rd 5th 12th 16th 26th 17th
During the month of Oct 1944, the native of the example horoscope was seriously laid up and death was anticipated any day during that month. The major period and the sub period then operating were very bad, capable of inflicting death. Sarvatobhadra Chakra drawn as per above table for the two fortnights commencing on 2nd Oct 1944 and 17th Oct 1944 to ascertain Paksha Phala are attached as chart XI and XII – Appendix D with comments and deductions. Likewise, the effects of a particular day are decided with reference to the position of Chandr as per ephemeris and the rest of Grahas inserted as per the following table. Table IX Insert Chandr on the appropriate Nakshatra using ephemeris / Panchang and then, place
Sy Ma Bu Ra Gu Sk Ke Sa
Nak. from Ch 5th 7th 10th 13th 14th 19th 21st 25th
Similarly, the effects for a given moment or just before embarking on a new venture are found by locating Surya from the ephemeris and inserting Surya on the appropriate Nakshatra and proceed to place the rest of Grahas as per following table.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Table X Insert Surya on the appropriate Nakshatra and then, place
Ch Ma Sa Bu Ra Gu Ke Sk
Nak. from Sy 3rd 7th 12th 13th 19th 20th 25th 27th
A scrutiny of Tables VIII, IX and X may give rise to a host of questions and doubts such as: a. Rahu and Ketu never occupy opposite positions b. Budh does not get away from Surya as much as 11 Nakshatras - Table X c. Chandr is always conjunct with Ketu in Table VIII d. Why assume fictitious positions for Grahas when actual locations are available from ephemeris / Panchang? A possible answer to these questions could be that Sages have devised a quick method of divining effects using only the location of Surya or Chandr and considering the trend of Graha transits as applicable to Sarvatobhadra Chakra. The author assures that surprisingly accurate results, immediately verifiable, will be obtained if delineation is done for fortnight, day and moment on this methodology.
Chapter 6 Muhurtha (Electional astrology) All undertakings done on a Tithi, Rasi, Nakshatra or Navamsa (rising at the time of commencing an undertaking), which is occupied by a Papa in Chakra, will end in failure, i.e. a marriage will not be enjoyed by the couple, a traveler may not return or a disease starting at that time may prove fatal. If Rasi, Navamsa or Nakshatra is afflicted when an undertaking is commenced: Rasi Nakshatra Navamsa Rasi, Nakshatra, Navamsa simultaneously -//afflicted by Sy -//Ma -//Sa -//Ra -//Ke -//Subha -//Bu -//Gu -//Sk
loss of position losses death / failure death / serious loss or failure certain sorrow death / quarrels loss / disease wounds poisonous effects success knowledge well being good effects
Afflicted in the above context means Dristhi or Juti. In Sukla Paksha, Chandr causes good effects by his Dristhi / conjunction, in Krishna Paksha, evil effects. Nakshatra just vacated or occupied or being Dristhied by a Papa should be avoided for all important undertakings, as failure is possible then. Assuming you are sending in your resume or plan to attend an interview on a day when Chandr is occupying Aswini. If that Nakshatra has just been vacated by or is under occupation by a Papa or a Papa Dristhi is falling on Aswini, it is not advisable to go ahead, as failure is likely. If you can afford to wait for a day which is free from these 3 afflictions, go ahead on a day when there is Subha Dristhi on Nakshatra occupied by Chandr.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Where one of Panchka is afflicted, the degree of affliction is as follows: Just vacated [left] Under occupation Going to be occupied
DAGDA - burnt JWALITA - burning DHOOMITA - smoky
the effect has just occurred the effect is taking place the effect is going to take place
When affliction is caused by Papa: DAGDA: JWALITA: DHOOMITA:
death or near effects upset of health by way of illness pains, illness etc. preliminary to a disease
When affliction is caused by Subha, corresponding Subha effects will come to pass. If 1 amongst Panchkas is afflicted 2 3 4 5
- upsets will occur - fear - losses - illness - death
When 1 amongst Panchkas is afflicted by 1 Papa 2 Papas 3 Papas 4 Papas 5 Papas When 1 Papa causes affliction 2 Papas 3 Papas 4 Papas 5 malefics
- upset - fear - losses - illness - death
- there will be confusion - loss of relatives - loss of wealth - troubles - death
Briefly and in broad outline, if Nakshatra is afflicted Namanakshatra Swara (vowel) Tithi Rasi
- there will be confusion - loss - illness - fear - obstruction
In detail, the effects of affliction are as under: Nakshatra Namanakshatra Swara (vowel) Tithi Rasi
fear from relatives; illness; loss of weight or upset of health; failures; confusion etc. fear from ruler / gov.; sorrow and worries; arguments with wife and servants; brooding over losses; loss of quadrupeds; dysentery upset of health; illness; loss of gold; misunderstandings / quarrels with relatives confusion; loss of wealth; fall from height sorrow; upset of health and humors; distress; even death
Any 2 of Panchkas simultaneously under affliction - loss of wealth 3 - defeat in battle 4 - defeat and death
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
Dristhi / Juti of 1 Subha 2 Subhas 3 Subhas 4 Subhas
- good luck - gains - success - wealth
If Tithi is Dristhied by Subha Nakshatra Rasi Namanakshatra Swara (vowel)
- gain of wealth - good health and success - happiness - fearlessness - increase of good luck
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
If all 5 of Panchka are simultaneously Dristhied by Subhas, there will be increases and all round gains. Just as a malefic confers Papa effects, benefic confers Subha effects. When a Papa and a Subha happen to stand on a single Nakshatra, the effect of the resulting Dristhi will be Papa. This is particularly so in the case of Budh and to a large extent in the case of Sukr, Guru and Full Chandr.
Chapter 7 Diseases Method of using Sarvatobhadra Chakra in connection with diseases Erect Sarvatobhadra Chakra for the time at which a disease or sickness starts or an accident occurs, and ascertain Subha as well as Papa Dristhis to Panchka. If Dristhi of a retrograde (Vakra) Papa has caused the start of a disease, death would result; if a fast-moving malefic, the disease will be of a long duration. Surya Dristhi would result in Mangal -//Rahu / Ketu -//Sani -//-
- pains - respiratory disorders - fits / fainting - shooting pains
If at the start of a disease, a Papa Dristhis Nakshatra Namanakshatra (consonant) Swara (vowel) Tithi Rasi
- eye diseases will occur - burning sensation, bronchial disorders, bilious disorders, vomiting - diseases of mouth, teeth or ear - skin diseases, headache, swelling on feet, rheumatic pains - indigestion, fear from water, anger, phlegmatic disorders; nervous complaints
Chapter 8 Directions 8 directions and various Nakshatras allotted to each direction are shown in Sarvatobhadra Chakra chart I. At a given time, ascertain Rasi of Zodiac occupied by Surya and the directions indicated by that Rasi in SBC is said to be eclipsed (the word used in this context means a sort of affliction). The eclipsing of a direction by Surya lasts a maximum of 3 months starting from the time of entry of Surya into the first Rasi in a direction to the time of leaving Rasi in that direction. For example, East will be eclipsed from the time of Surya's entry into Vrishabha to the time of leaving Karka. There is a school of thought which is of the opinion that the eclipsing of a direction is neither forward nor backward but on both sides, that is to say, when Surya is on Ardra (cell 5), the whole of East is agreed to be under eclipse, i.e. the direction covered by Nakshatra under occupation plus 3 Nakshatras each on either side. Similarly, when Surya occupies Aslesha (cell 8), the directions or just that much of the directions covered by Nakshatras in cell 5 to cell 12,
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
both inclusive, will be eclipsed. This may look satisfactory from a mathematical point of view. According to Shastra, when Surya is in the East (cell 2 to 8), East is said to be under affliction; similarly for other directions.
Affliction of Swara (vowels) Just as Nakshatras get afflicted, vowels are liable to get afflicted too. 16 long vowels occupy 4 corner cells, as shown in Chakra. 4 long vowels in cell 1, 33, 57 and 73 are in the East, those in cell 9, 39, 61 and 75 are in the South and the remainder E, RE (short), AE (short) AM in the West and EE, REE, AE (long) and AHA in the North. When a direction is eclipsed / afflicted, the vowels in that direction also get the same affliction, for 3 months. Similar affliction for 3 months also arises for Namanakshatras (consonants), Rasis and Tithis. When one of constituents of Panchka gets eclipsed by Surya, the effects are: Nakshatra Consonant Vowel Rasi Tithi
sickness loss sorrow obstruction / impediment death *
* death here denotes the seriousness of the effect, rather it denotes that the worst could happen under the circumstances. Under these afflictions, no journeys should be undertaken, no marriage should be performed, no Griha Pravesha (entry into house for the first time), no litigation launched or battle waged during 3 months. 112 quarters of 28 Nakshatras have each a Namanakshatra as per Appendix A. When a Papa passes over a quarter of any Nakshatra, Namanakshatra pertaining to that quarter is said to be under Vedha (Papa Juti / obstruction). If both Swara (vowel) and Namanakshatra (consonant) are under Vedha, there will be danger and loss of position. When Panchka as a lot or majority of them are under Vedha, such natives should not engage in battle or join the fighting forces engaged in war, for death is likely. Astrologers should consider these Dristhis carefully before advising their sovereign to embark upon any military adventure against another country. When the Armed Forces attack another country or army, the attack should be made in the direction under Vedha / Papa Juti (particularly Surya), when success is assured. Where both the parties are under Vedha, the side which is under stronger Vedha will succumb. If Vedha is identical, then the one that strikes first will win.
Effects of Subha Dristhi / conjunction to the constituent of Panchka Nakshatra Namanakshatra Swara Rasi Tithi All of them simultaneously
good health gains happiness victory increased lustre all round success and increased prosperity
Even though the chart erected for the time of first attack in Goa Liberation Campaign is fit for discussion under political astrology, chart is studied to illustrate some of the above rules. Nakshatra for GOA - Satabisha, was only recently vacated by Ketu. Hence, DAGDA. Further, chart reveals 5 Papa Dristhis on two of Panchkas simultaneously. GOA Liberation Chakra for midnight 18th Dec 1961
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
The consonant G falls in cell 52 The sound GO represents 1st Quarter of Satabisha cell 27 Nakshatra Satabisha comes under Kumbha.
Deductions West is afflicted because Surya is in the West. The first tangible blow to Goa Government came in the West with the sinking of Alfonso de Albuquerque. Rasi which falls in cell 70 is being Dristhied by malefics from 3 sides. The consonant in cell 52 is being Dristhied from 2 sides by malefics. The afflictions noted above are far too many, which brought in the downfall of Goa so soon.
Chapter 9 Prasna (Horary astrology) Erect Sarvatobhadra Chakra for the moment when a question is asked. Find out the first letter in the question. This 1st letter will be one of the consonants listed in Appendix A Namanakshatra; if not, locate it in Appendix B, which will be coming under one of 20 consonants covered by SB Chakra (cell 33 to 56 barring the four corners). If it is under Papa Dristhi or affliction astrologer should not answer the question. Under such circumstances, evil effects would ensue. If Rasi is Dristhied by benefic, good effects will follow. If there is both Subha and Papa Dristhi to Rasi, mixed results would follow, depending upon the strength of Grahas involved. The rules in the preceding paragraph give only general effects, but if Rasi is under Papa affliction, proceed to answer the question under normal astrological rules for horary astrology, treating the indications given by SB Chakra as corroboration. If Rasi is Chara (movable), lost property will not be regained; a sick person will not recover and a baby born will be short-lived. Sthira (fixed) Rasi indicates reverse or favorable results. Ubhaya (common) Rasis indicate quick recovery of lost articles / property, quick cure and longevity for a child born.
Multiple Vedha When one of the constituents of Panchka is Dristhied by more than 1 Papa from 2 sides, say, right and left (as the consonant GA in Goa Liberation Campaign Chakra was being Dristhied by Rahu and Ketu from 2 sides) OR from a side and front, death is certain. When Namanakshatra is afflicted from 1 side, loss of position will occur; from 2 sides, death is possible. When 2 or more malefics cause simultaneous Vedha, loss of property, position and even death is possible. The district, town or country under Vedha from 2 sides will face destruction.
Nakshatras & communities Brahmins Purva Phalguni Purva Ashada Purva Bhadrapada Krittika
Kshatriyas Uttara Phalguni Uttara Ashada Uttara Bhadrapada Pushya
Vaishyas Revati Anuradha Magha Rohini
Shoodras Punarvasu Aswini Hasta Abhijit
Nakshatras not included above have influence over communities other than the above four [Mlecchas - outcasts / foreigners / non Indians]. When one or more of these are afflicted, the respective community suffers.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Upagrahas - sensitive points from Surya 8 Nakshatras counted from the one on which Surya is standing are supposed to be occupied by the following Upagrahas. Nakshatra under occupation by Surya is called Bhookampa. Table XIV Name Vidhyunmukha Shoola Sannipatha Ketu Ulka Mahakampa Vajra Nirghata
Stands on Nak. from Surya 5th 8th 14th 18th 21st 22nd 23rd 24th
Graha to whom Shanti should be performed Sy Ch Ma Bu Gu Sa Sk Ra
Generally speaking, days corresponding to Nakshatras on which any of Upagrahas stand should be avoided for all auspicious undertakings [Chandr in those Nakshatras?]. Death generally occurs on a Nakshatra which is occupied by an Upagraha and is simultaneously under Papa Dristhi / Juti. For example, a girl married on a day coinciding with a day listed above will face the following consequences: Vidyanmukha Shoola Sannipatha Ketu Ulka Vajra Kampa Nirghata
loss of sons loss of husband loss of husband shortly loss of husband's brother loss of money loss of relations loss of position loss of family
In addition to an Upagraha standing on a Nakshatra, if there be a Papa Dristhi, the indicated evil effect will be severe. For a native born on Purva Phalguni (cell 11), the following are Nakshatras on which various Upagrahas would be standing: [Weird info, since native born in Purva Phalguni has Chandr in Purva Phalguni; Surya can be anywhere else; but we got the point - author probably ment 'native which has Surya in Purva Phalguni'.] Upagraha Vidyanmukha Shoola Sannipatha Ketu Ulka Kampa Vajra Nirghata
Nakshatra Swati Jyeshta Dhanishta Revati Krittika Rohini Mrigasira Ardra
Cell 15 19 26 30 2 3 4 5
By doing appropriate Shanti (propitiatory measure) to Graha indicated in Table XIV (col 3) the evil effects will be minimized.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Chapter 10 Latta Latta is a sensitive point, Papa always, determined from Nakshatra occupied by a Graha and is usually a given number of Nakshatras in front of a Graha (clockwise) OR behind a Graha (anti-clockwise). Irrespective of whether a Graha is Subha / Papa, when Latta of a Graha falls on a Nakshatra, the latter is called as a Graha's Latta and denotes a particular kind of evil. In Latta calculations, Abhijit is omitted. Latta of Sy Ma Gu Sa Ch Bu Sk Ra / Ke
Falls on Nak. 12th in front 3rd 6th 8th 22nd behind 7th 5th 9th
[in front] [12th] [3rd] [6th] [8th] [7th] [22nd] [24th] [20th]
Effect denoting defeat suffering sickness fear fear / death loss of relatives failure / fear death
[Since information is given in 2 directions, instead of only in 1 direction, like 3rd column, there is probably some 'undercover' meaning or effect of those 2 directions - front & behind.] In order that the reader gets familiar with the procedure for finding Latta points, an example chart has been prepared. Janma Nakshatra is assumed as Purva Phalguni and planetary positions assumed are as in example horoscope. Grahas, as they stand on Nakshatras, are shown; the respective Latta points are shown alongside. If Surya's Latta has fallen on Janma Nakshatra and a Graha stands there, effects are as under: Ma Ma & Ch Ch Bu Gu Sa Ra Ke
loss of position; stomach disorders great fear bilious disorders; travel; itches separation from dear ones separation from Ruler loss of wealth / quadrupeds various losses fear from weapons
The following are the effects of Surya standing on Janma Nakshatra while Latta of another Graha has fallen on it. Ma Sa Bu Gu Sk
house break-in, loss of wealth, fever and fear from weapons fever and fear from thieves commits folly suffers pains urinary disorders & dissensions with wife
Note: If Surya and Chandr together stand on Janma Nakshatra under the above Yoga, the effects would be still more severe. If Janma Nakshatra has an Upagraha on it, in addition to Latta and a Dristhi from a retrograde Papa (in SBC), death becomes a possibility. If there is an Dristhi from a Papa who is Dristhing the front only, illness would result. Chakra shows Grahas, as per their actual position, in BLUE, and their Latta points are shown in RED.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
SarvatoBhadra Chakra Krt 8
Roh 9
Mrg 1
Ard 2
Pun 3
E Pus 4
Asl 5
Lg 39
a Bhr 7
Mag 6
Ash 6
P.p 7
Rev 5
U.b 4
P.b 3
Nanda o Ravi au Mang Rikta Purna Bhadra Sukr Shan Soma Budh Jaya ah Guru am
m U.p 8
T Has 9
p Cit 1
Sht 2
Swt 2
Dhn 1
Vis 3
rii Srv 9
Abi 8
UAs 8
PAs 7
Mul 6
Jye 5
Anr 4
Do NOT count Abhijit
For instance, Surya is standing in cell 29 [BLUE one], whilst his Latta falls in cell 10 [RED one].
Chapter 11 Sensitive points from Chandr For a common man, there are 6 kinds of Nakshatras called: Nak. name Janma Karma Adhana Vinasa Samudayika Sanghatika
From Janma Nak. (Ch at birth) Ch was in at birth 10th 19th 23rd 18th 16th
For rulers, there is further: Nak. name Desa (country) Jati (community) Abhisheka Manas Nagar
From Janma 24th 26th 5th 25th consonant of Capital
Papa Juti or Dristhi (some say Juti only) occurs to the above sensitive points from Chandr, called Janma, Karma, Adhana Nakshatra etc., the effects are as follows:
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
Janma Nakshatra Karma Adhana Vinasa Samudayika Sanghatika Desa (country) Jati (community) Abhisheka Manas Nagar (consonant of Capital)
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
death (upset of health inclusive) suffering; sorrow travels; wandering quarrels and misunderstandings with relatives untoward happenings loss of wealth destruction / troubles losses in community bondage sorrow government officials suffer
Subha Juti or Dristhi to these Nakshatras are good and produce Subha effects. If a Papa stands on Janma Nakshatra and is afflicted in 5 ways, the person dies within a month. These 5 ways of affliction are as under: a. Juti b. Dristhi in SBC c. Latta falling on Janma Nakshatra d. Upagraha standing e. Vedha If Karma Nakshatra is afflicted in 5 ways, death would occur in 2 months and 13 days due to troubles from quadrupeds, snakes or fall from a height. If Sanghatika Nakshatra is afflicted in 5 ways, death in 1 to 3 months due to weapons / poison. If Vinasa Nakshatra is afflicted in 5 ways, death in 3 - 5 days in a foreign place. If Manas Nakshatra is afflicted in 5 ways, death in 4 months. If Sy is standing on Janma Nakshatra Karma Sanghatika Vinasa Manas
Ch and Ma stand on Karma Nakshatra Sanghatika Jati Manas Janma
If Ma is standing on Janma Nakshatra Karma Sanghatika Samudayika Vinasa Manas
Sy and Ch stand on Karma Nakshatra Sanghatika Samudayika Vinasa Manas Janma
If Sa is standing on Janma Nakshatra Karma Sanghatika Samudayika Vinasa Manas
Ma and Ch stand on Karma Nakshatra Sanghatika Samudayika Vinasa Manas Janma
Death in 12 nights 1 month 3 months due to disorders of wind 6 months 15 months Death in death by drowning 4 months 1 year due to diseases death due to stomach disorder 1 year 6 months Death in 3 months suicide using weapons 1 year due to fire 4 months 4 days 8 months by women 8 months due to restricted diet / hunger 6 months due to diseases
Upagrahas, Latta Nakshatras and the sensitive points from Chandr determining Karma, Adhana and other Nakshatras are more usefully employed in finding the seriousness of various transits, and do not seem to be meant for wholesale application in reading a horoscope.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Chapter 12 Aspects All Grahas Dristhi 15th Nakshatra counted from Nakshatra on which they are standing [15th Nakshatra is opposite to the one Graha is occupying; Abhijit included]. Just as Guru, Mangal and Sani have additional full Dristhis on Bhavas other than 7th in general astrology, here too there are additional Dristhis as shown below: Graha Ma Sa Gu Sk & Bu Ra Ke
Nak. Dristhied in addition to 15th 7th, 8th, 10th 3rd, 5th, 19th 10th, 19th 9th, 12th 9th 5th
In Sukla Paksha, Subhas Dristhi in front and Papas Dristhi backwards (behind). In Krishna Paksha, reverse. During day, Subhas look in front and Papas behind. At night, the reverse. During first half of the day, Subhas look in front and Papas behind. During the second half of the day, reverse. These Dristhis are as applicable to Nakshatras.
Effects of Dristhis on Nakshatras by various Grahas are as follows: Sy Ch, Ma, Sa Bu, Gu Sk Ra [Ke?]
loss due to war losses gains victory obstruction
The effects produced by joint or double Dristhis (Dristhis falling on a Nakshatra from 2 Grahas simultaneously, irrespective of whether they are standing together or in different Nakshatras) are as follows: Sy - Ch Sy - Ma Sy - Bu Sy - Gu Sy - Sk Sy - Sa Ch - Ma Ch - Bu Ch - Gu Ch - Sk Ch - Sa Ma - Bu Ma - Gu Ma - Sk Ma - Sa Bu - Gu Bu - Sk Bu - Sa Gu - Sk Gu - Sa Sk - Sa
death death fleeing from battle victory death death death loss victory gains death / loss gain defeat gain death defeat gain death gain defeat death
Note: The word death used in the context only denotes that maximum evil indicated is possible under such as Dristhi.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
The joint Dristhis of Surya, Mangal, Sani and Rahu are capable of causing death and obstruction. The joint Dristhis of Subha Full Chandr, Subha Budh, Guru and Sukr cause gains, victory, happiness and prosperity. Dristhis of retrograde Papas are highly Papa and those of retrograde Subhas highly Subha. Papa in mean motion tend to do well. Aspect of a fast moving Subha produces sometimes Papa effects; in mean motion moderate effects; if eclipsed or combust (in general astrology) no effects. Papas in fast motion produces moderate effects; if eclipsed no effects. When the country is engaged in war, the effects indicated by SBC have to be suitably delineated as follows: Papas causing affliction If 1 Papa If 2 Papas 3 -//4 -//5 -//If Sa Ma Sy Ra Subha
Effects fear defeat danger bondage death wound will be inflicted in flesh loss of blood fracture of bones all round losses unhurt and no loss
The time of occurrence of the above effects is when the afflicted Nakshatra is traversed by Chandr. Aspects of Grahas falling on other Nakshatras have to be determined and considered along with all other afflictions.
Chapter 13 Price variations in various commodities or market fluctuations All minerals are called Dhatu; vegetation Moola, and all living beings are called Jiva. The town, the province and the country are but 3 classifications of a place: Lordship Country Province Town Year Month Day Dhatu Jiva Moola
Whichever is stronger Ra / Sa / Gu Ke/ Sy / Sk Ch / Ma / Bu Ra / Ke / Sa / Gu Ma / Sy / Bu / Sk Ch (always) Sa / Ra / Ma Bu / Ch / Gu Ke / Sk / Sy
Controlled by Males Females Eunuchs White Red Yellow Black
Grahas Ra, Ke, Sy, Gu, Ma Sk, Ch Sa, Bu Sk, Ch Sy, Ma Bu, Gu Sa, Ra, Ke
Strength of a Graha for these purposes is to be assessed from Rasi occupied by it [own, friendly, enemy's] and whether it is in retrogression, exaltation etc.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
Rasi Own Friendly Neutral Enemy
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Strength 100% (full) 75% 50% 25%
If Graha is in the middle of a Rasi, these percentages hold good; otherwise, pro-rata reduction has to be made. Similarly, when a Graha is in retrogression, full retrogression strength is assessed at the middle of retrogression, otherwise, pro-rata reduction has to be made. At exaltation degree - full effect; 50% at debilitation; pro-rata in between. Ascertain the Lord of the country and the relation between such Lord of country and Graha causing Papa / Subha Dristhi / Juti. If Lord of the country and Graha causing Vedha be one and the same, assign 100% strength for Vedha Dristhi / Juti; if the latter [causing Vedhs] is a friend of the former [Lord of county] - 75%; neutral - 50%; enemy - 25%. These assignments of strength are when Subhas are considered. If a Papa is causing Vedha and the Lord of the country and Graha causing Vedha be one and the same - 25%; Graha of friendly category - 50%; neutral - 75% and enemy - 100% (full). If in addition to Vedha Graha also Dristhis the consonant the strength will be as under: Table XV Strength
Subha Friend Neutral 15 10
11 ¼
11 ¼
1/2 1/4
Enemy 5
Lord 5
Papa Friend Neutral 10 15
Lord 20
Enemy 20 [100%]
Multiply the above figures by 5 to get percentages. As in general astrology, all Grahas Dristhi 3rd and 10th from Rasi occupied with ¼th Dristhi strength; 5th / 9th with ½ Dristhi strength; 4th / 8th with ¾th Dristhi strength and 7th in full. Dristhis of Sani to 3rd / 10th, Guru to 5th / 9th and Mangal to 4th / 8th are full, instead of the fractional strength for others. Dristhi on a Rasi in Rasi Chakra is deemed to be a Dristhi on the remainder of Panchka. Assume Guru Dristhi on Dhanur. Here, Guru would Dristhi all Namanakshatras falling under that Rasi, their respective Tithis, Swara and Nakshatras. Dristhi of a Graha enjoying own Navamsa but having ¾th Dristhi strength is treated on par with Dristhi of a Graha enjoying 100% (full) Dristhi strength. Example: Guru in Mithuna with Navamsa in own Bhava. Guru Dristhi on Kanya is only ¾ but in this special case, full Dristhi strength is allowed because Guru is enjoying own Navamsa. For these purposes, Dristhis and Jutis have to be reckoned strictly on a mathematical basis allowing an orb of just 1° only. Where slow moving Grahas are involved, even this may have to be further reduced. When is an Dristhi effective? When Dristhi arises in Rasi Chakra and the same Dristhi is also available on one of the constituents of Panchka in SBC. If it is a Subha, and since that Dristhi is assumed to be falling on 1 Panchka only, the strength thereof is assessed at 5/20; if that were to be a Papa Dristhi, its strength is only 4/20 based on the following table:
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Table XVI
Subha 3
Dristhi on Panchka
Full Dristhi 3/4 1/2 1/4
1 0
2 1
Papa 3 2
4 3
5 4 3 2 1
This table uses the measure 60 : 1 (full). The numbers 1 - 5 against Dristhi on denotes Dristhi falling on one or more of the constituents of Panchka. The fractions highlighted are to be added to the values shown above them.
Nakshatras & commodities The following is a list of 28 Nakshatras of Hindu astrology and shows the influence of each of them over certain commodities / minerals etc. In the good old days, when this Chakra originated, the list used to start with Krittika as the first Nakshatra and Vrishabha as the first Rasi of Zodiac. (Vrishabha - Bull for Bullish / Bearish?) 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 00 22 23 24 25 26 27 1 2
Krittika Rohini Mrigasira Ardra Punarvasu Pushya Aslesha Magha P. Phalguni U. Phalguni Hasta Chitra Swati Visakha Anuradha Jyeshta Moola P. Ashada U. Ashada Abhijit Sravana Dhanishta Satabisha P. Bhadrapada U. Bhadrapada Revati Aswini Bharani
Rice, oats, metals, til Grains, liquids, old woolen goods Quadrupeds, resins, yellow gram Oil, salt, seeds, sandal, sweet smelling articles GOLD, SILVER, cotton, millets, black silk GOLD, SILVER, ghee, rice, mustard, asafetida Wheat, ginger, chillies, rice Oil, oil-seeds, horse-gram, jaggery, millets Wool, oil, SILVER Black gram, green grass, rice, salt, garlic Sandal, camphor, roots GOLD, green grass, black / green gram, horses Betel-nut, chillies, mustard, asafetida, dates Oats, rice, wheat, green gram, red gram Yellow gram, rice Guggul, jaggery, camphor, mercury, bronze White articles, liquids, salt, cotton Ghee, roots, rice Horses, bullocks, iron etc. Raisins, dates, betel-nut, cardamom, horses Dry fruits, betel-nut GOLD, SILVER, MONEY, pearls Oil, wine, amber, bones Roots, nutmeg, metals, medicines Jaggery, sugar, rice, pearls Nuts in general, particularly coconut, betel-nut, pearls Rice, grass, camel, mule, ghee, cloth Millets, chillies, medicine
South in 8 months East in 7 days North in 2 months West in 1 month North 2 months South 8 months West 1 month South 8 months South 8 months North 2 months North 2 months North 2 months North 7 days South 8 months East 7 days East 7 days West 1 month West 1 month East 7 days East 7 days East 7 days East 7 days West 1 month South 5 months West 1 month West 1 month North 2 months South 8 months
Method of determining price variations For determining price variations in a particular commodity / merchandise / mineral etc., note the ruling price on 1st day of the year / month / week etc. according to requirements. Erect Rasi Chakra and study the same according to general astrological rules. Simultaneously, erect a Sarvatobhadra Chakra and study it minutely; at every stage, bear in mind mathematical accuracy and consider Dristhis / Jutis as applicable to Sarvatobhadra Chakra (and not general astrology) and see that they are within 1° of application.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Locate Nakshatra influencing a commodity; and also Grahas controlling that particular commodity and note the relevant Dristhis. Divide the ruling price by 20 and treat each 1/20th part as a unit. The price variation, which is going to be determined, will be in terms of these units, up or down by one, two or more. Appendix C illustrates the method of working. There is another ancient method of predicting price variations in commodities, which has the sanction of ancient Sages. Observe Chandr on 2nd Tithi (Dwiteeya; the first occasion when Chandr can be observed immediately after a New Chandr); make a note of the two horns of Chandr - whether each horn is up or down. Chandr on this day very much looks like the horns of a ram. Compare this curve with the one that prevailed on Dwiteeya following previous New Chandr. Of course, this process needs to be carried out every lunar month or at least 2 observations to compare. If any one of the horns is comparatively up or down when compared, some price variation is bound to occur. The price of commodities ruled by Panchka that are affected by Chandr will go up or down. Fall in prices will occur when Chandr is Subha in the general astrological sense. See classification of Grahas - bottom half. And the commodities are those ruled by Nakshatras, as Chandr goes on transiting over each of them. If on Dwiteeya a fall is indicated when Chandr is Papa (due to weak rays or Paksha Bala) and traverses over Nakshatras (ruling a particular commodity), the commodities concerned will record a fall. Left horn, if higher than the one on previous Dwiteeya, indicates that the prices will go down. Right horn, if higher than the one on previous Dwiteeya, indicates rise in prices.
Chapter 14 Political astrology Effects of 8 Graha combination in 1962 Varaha Mihira, based on his famous Koorma Chakra (which is exhaustively dealt with in his classic Brihat Samhita) has divided India into 9 sections allotting 1 section to each triad of Nakshatras commencing from Kartik. Important planetary phenomena like Ashta Graha Koota (convergence of 8 Grahas in one Rasi), scheduled to occur in early Feb 1962 can be studied and the areas, where the evil effects will befall, located. See Koorma Chakra. A number of Pandits professing intimate knowledge of Hindu Shastra have been proclaiming that 8 Graha Koota of the size and magnitude which occurred thousands of years ago during Maha Bharata war is going to recur in 1962 only and that Koota of 1962 would result in World War and major catastrophes. The answer to such critics is that there never was an Ashta Graha Koota during Maha Bharata war. A look at Chakra drawn for that period shows that there was only a combination of 6 Grahas in Meena and that Guru, Mangal and Ketu were far away from the congress of Grahas. Even Nakshatras affected then, Kurukshetra – the place where the battle raged, could be justified based on the division of country through Koorma Chakra. Sapta Graha Koota (convergence of 7 Grahas) which occurred on 15th Jan 1934 in Makara, may be taken as a precedent to assess where the evil effects of the ensuing Koota, much dreaded by many, would most likely befall. Basic differences between 2 Kootas broadly are: a. Instead of Ketu, who is already in Makara for the ensuing Koota, there was Rahu in Makara in 1934 b. Guru was NOT a member of Koota in 1934 but was throwing his Subha Nakshatra Dristhi (10th) on Sani and Mangal, will now be a member of the forthcoming Koota. Yet, Sapta Graha Koota of 1934 is believed to have brought about, in its wake, the Bihar earthquake resulting in loss of 7252 lives (as per government estimates) besides heavy loss of property. The occurrence of the quake in that part of India is broadly justifiable as per Koorma Chakra, for Bihar is divided between 2 triads of Nakshatras, beginning from Krittika whereon the direct Vedha Dristhis of 6 Grahas fall besides other Dristhis from Grahas Nakshatra wise. Grahas
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by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
that would be involved in the forthcoming Koota (1962) also cast their Vedha / Nakshatra Dristhis in much the same position plus Aslesha, thus pointing to Koota effects falling again in Bihar, Assam and Bengal. There is a precedent also for Ashta Graha Koota of 1962, which we propose as a yardstick to measure the evil effects of the same. That precedent is none other than Ashta Graha Koota that occurred in Oct 1186 AD, in Rasi of Kanya. Similarities between 1186 and 1962 Kootas are: a. The same 8 Grahas that are to assemble in Makara in 1962, assembled in Kanya in 1186 b. There was a solar Eclipse in 1186 similar to the one scheduled for 5th Feb 1962 c. Both Rasis - Kanya and Makara - govern India d. Kala Sarpa Yoga is common to both. Using Prof. BV Raman's Ayanamsa, the planetary combination of 1934 was only a Juti of 6 Grahas in one Rasi, Sukr, Guru and Rahu being outside, whilst in 1962, Guru and Sukr are closely involved in Koota, in much the same way as it happened in 1186. One of the greatly respected Sages in the field of astrology, Sage Sukracharya, has stated that Guru, on its own, has the capacity to nullify / counteract all Papa effects in a horoscope and that the combined power of both Guru and Sukr, when in conjunction, is beyond imagination. This is a very important difference between 1934 Koota on one hand and 1186 and 1962 Kootas on the other. 4 Subhas - Guru, Sukr, Budh and Chandr will be literally huddled together within about 3° a few minutes after the eclipse. In spite of Graha Yuddha and combustion, this conjunction of 4 benefics within Koota does strengthen the hands of Guru to swallow the evils of other Grahas. What happened in India after the last 8 Graha combination in 1186? There were no newspapers then; historians were not recording events as we do nowadays. Yet a reference to Indian history pertaining to that period shows that a year later or a bit earlier, Muhammad of Ghor (also known Muhammad Ghori) founded his empire and his flag started flying over Indian soil. Gujrat, Multan, Uch, Lahore, Ajmer, Delhi, Kannauj were successfully conquered and brought under his rule between 1186 - 1202. Conversions on a mass scale went on merrily. What does 1962 Koota indicate for Delhi, based on the precedents and study made using SBC for this Koota? As explained in the chart, no change in government is likely consequent to the general elections taking place within weeks of this Koota. This presages stability and continuance of administration to a great extent. From the chart for this Koota, it will be noticed that Aslesha is receiving Vedha from 6 Grahas on Dhanishta besides Nakshatra Dristhis of Sani and Mangal, and transit of Rahu over it. This looks like the worst hit Nakshatra. This star is in the direction of Bengal, Orissa and Virat in Koorma Chakra. When the Bihar quake occurred, the very same star received maximum number of Nakshatra Dristhis. In 1186 Koota, Uttara Bhadrapada and Revati bore the brunt of Vedha Dristhis as a result of which some portion of our motherland went under foreign rule. It looks, therefore, that Grahas this time are warning us that some portion of our land in North-Eastern direction may be grabbed by foreigners. Incidentally, Aslesha also happens to be Janma Nakshatra of one of the big five in world politics today, who is also our beloved premier, Pandit Nehru. Furthermore, he is running Rahu Maha Dasa, Sani Bhukti, the former in 12th and the latter in 2nd, both with Dristhi of Guru. Astrologically, these seem to be the reasons behind the nasty predictions in circulation about his future. In this connection, it is worth remembering that Sage Sukracharya (in his book 'Sukr Kerala Rahasya' - Secrets of Kerala astrology) says that whilst there are various ways of finding longevity, the term of life of a man is wholesale in the hands of God, more so for a man handling the affairs of a nation not for personal gain. In other words, those dedicating their lives for purely public service or humanity, Karma Yogis and Sanyasis enjoy a sort of planetary immunity from the wrath of Grahas. Thus, this is not a case for making predictions based on Grahas only. We would, however, venture to forecast that he may quit or retire from politics for the reasons given in paragraph 2 below the chart for this Koota. Dhanishta is the next Nakshatra that is worst affected by reason of 6 Grahas occupying that star plus Vedha of Rahu. Next worst hit is Sravana with 2 Papas in occupation plus Vedha of 4 Grahas. These 2 stars point to Gujarat and Rajputana surroundings. Next in the intensity of affliction are Magha and Visakha. The former influences Bengal / Orissa and the latter, Maharashtra. Based on Koorma Chakra methodology and Nakshatras affected, the provinces on the Chinese coast and South Africa come under adverse influence denoting loss of life.
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by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
The next star in the order of affliction is Rohini with Dristhi of 3 Grahas and very little effects of Koota are falling on it. At the worst, only 5 Nakshatras are seriously affected out of a total of 28. So it appears to be a safe proposition to predict that the effects of Koota, in general, will be experienced in just 1/5 of the country, varying in intensity and that border troubles are indicated in NE corner and mid-West of India. In 1186 Koota, India did not suffer from earthquakes, Jala Pralaya (incursion of sea into land) etc. barring consequences of invasion and there should be no earthquakes and catastrophes of that sort. Even with regard to individuals, those born in Nakshatras Aslesha, Dhanishta, Sravana, Magha, Visakha and Rohini alone stand to suffer bad luck. Ill health, adverse / untoward happenings, in the order of priority given, these being conditioned and limited by their current Maha Dasa and Bhukti. Those born on other Nakshatras have nothing to bother about. The severe afflictions of the stars referred to above is likely to make rice, wheat, gold and silver, to some extent, dearer. The above is not Varsha Phala or Gochara Phala but is merely a study covering Ashta Graha Koota only. Mother Earth has been surviving an Ashta Graha Koota once every thousand years. This Koota of 1962 is at the worst, third one, after Lord Jesus Christ.
Koorma Chakra Broadly, the arrangement is as follows: The central regions falling under Krittika, Rohini and Mrigasira is treated as the centre and the surroundings of this centre have been equally divided into 8 directions. In the chart, the first 2 letters of each Nakshatra have been used on the lines of SBC.
Maha Bharata Yuddha Even the planetary positions are NOT accepted by all and the date of the battle varies by almost a thousand years according to those taking the planetary positions from other sources. However, the object of producing this chart is to establish the fact that there was no 8 Graha combination at least according to one good authority and that the spot where the battle raged, Kurukshetra, is justified by the occupation of 6 Grahas in Meena corresponding to Yamuna valley. Almost half the number of Nakshatras stand affected in the above chart; not so in Ashta Graha Koota chart for 5th Feb 1962.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Sapta Graha Koota 15th Jan 1934
[Original picture has Sani with Mangal.] Sukr on this day was Sthamba (stationary) and started on a retrogression march. This Graha Koota is referred to as Sapta Graha Koota, which is justifiable as such under a particular Ayanamsa only and not under all Ayanamsas. Almost the same Nakshatras are affected in this chart as in 1962 Ashta Graha Koota.
Ashta Graha Koota 1186 AD This chart broadly corroborates Koorma Chakra divisions of the country. Moola which is Dristhied from both sides influences Kutch, Ujjain, Malwa, and Sind. P. Bhadrapada, U. Bhadrapada and Revati, which receive Dristhis from Ashta Graha Koota influence Kashmir, Mathura, and Hastinapur. Mrigasira which receives Dristhis from both sides has influence over Ajodhya etc. Due to Moghul invasion and the establishment of a foreign rule
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by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
over the country brought sufferings to inhabitants of the upper half of India. What happened in areas influenced by U. Phalguni, Hasta and Chitra, is NOT known.
Ashta Graha Koota 5th Feb 1962
Grahas shown as they actually stand. Planetary Dristhis shown in small glyphs. [Editor's note: original picture shows Chandr and Budh in Dhanishta.] For instance, Mangal has Dristhis to 7th, 8th, 10th and 15th Nakshatra from the one it occupies - such Dristhis are shown with glyphs. Some suggest that Pushya is the ruling star for India. It will be seen that this Nakshatra is NOT affected in any way. Rasi governing Pushya is also NOT affected. But the consonant for Delhi is affected from both sides. Whilst the Congress Party government is assured of continuance for another term, since Nagar (item 11 under sensitive points) is affected, some changes in top officials / ministers is quite likely. Almost the same Nakshatras that were affected in 7 Graha combination stand affected in this chart as well. Worst affected Nakshatras in order are Dhanishta, Sravana, Aslesha, Magha, Visakha and perhaps Rohini in a slight measure.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Chapter 15 Appendix Appendix A Location of Hindu Nakshatras, their english names & corresponding Namanakshatras #
Hindu name
01 02 03 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28
Aswini Bharani Krittika Rohini Mrigasira Ardra Punarvasu Pushya Aslesha Magha P. Phalguni U. Phalguni Hasta Chitra Swati Visakha Anuradha Jyeshta Moola P. Ashada U. Ashada Abhijit Sravana Dhanishta Satabhisha P. Bhadrapada U. Bhadrapada Revati
Nirayana °-' 0 – 00 13 – 20 26 – 40 40 – 00 53 – 20 66 – 40 80 – 00 93 – 20 106 – 40 120 – 00 133 – 20 146 – 40 160 – 00 173 – 20 186 – 40 200 – 00 213 – 20 226 – 40 240 – 00 253 – 20 266 – 40 276 – 40 280 – 53 293 – 20 306 – 40 320 – 00 333 – 20 346 – 40
English name Beta Arietis Alfa Arietis Beta Tauri Alfa Tauri Lambda Orionis Gama Geminorum Beta Geminorum Delta Cancri Zeta Hydrea Alfa Leonis Theta Leonis Beta Leonis Delta Corvi Alfa Virginis Alfa Bootis Alfa Tula Delta Scorpi Alfa Scorpi Lambda Scorpi Lambda Sagittari Pi Sagittari Alfa Lyra Alfa Aquila Alfa Delphini Lambda Aquari Alfa Pegasi Gama Piscius Zeta Piscius
Sayana °-' 21 – 53 35 – 13 48 – 33 61 – 53 75 – 13 88 – 33 101 – 53 115 – 13 128 – 33 141 – 53 155 – 13 168 – 33 181 – 53 195 – 13 208 – 33 221 – 53 235 – 13 248 – 33 261 – 53 275 – 13 288 – 33 298 – 33 302 – 46 315 – 13 328 – 33 341 – 53 355 – 13 8 – 33
Chu Le Aa O Vay Ku Kay Hu De Ma Mo Tay Pu Pay Ru Thi Na No Yay Bu Bay Ju Shi Ga Go Say Thu Thay
Chay Lu Ee Va Vo Kam Ko Hay Du Me Ta To Sha Po Ray Thu Ni Ya Yo Tha Bo Jay Shu Gi Sa So Sma Tho
Cho Lay U Ve Ka Nka Ha Ho Day Mu Ti Pa Na Ra Ro Thay Nu Ye Ba Bha Ja Jo She Gu Si Tha Gna Cha
La Lo A Vu Ki Cha Hi Da Do May Tu Pi Dha Ri Tha Tho Nay Yu Bi Dha Ji Gha Sho Gay Su Thi Tha Chi
Note: 4 Namanakshatras are given for each Nakshatra. The alphabet / consonant given no. 1 correspond to 1st Quarter, no. 2 to 2nd Quarter etc. [Editor's note: Pada, 3° 20' length.] The location given under Sayana is based on Ayanamsa difference of 21° 53' as on 1st Jan 1962. Suppose you are using Raphael's ephemeris and wish to determine the ruling star on any given day, Chandr at 22° Mesha would be occupying Aswini as per above tabulation. Nirayana positions can be derived from Raphael's ephemeris by deducting Ayanamsa for the year under consideration. Ayanamsa difference increases at approx. 51 ¹/9'' (or say 51 seconds) per year.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Appendix B Swara & Namanakshatras (consonants & vowels) It will be observed that SBC has only 20 cells wherein 20 consonants are incorporated, while Table VI has 30 consonants and Appendix A has still more including some compound consonants. It has to be conjectured, therefore, that certain cells house more than just one consonant. The following tabulation is reconciliation between SBC on one hand and Table VI on the other. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 00 22 23 24 25 26 27
Nakshatra Aswini Bharani Krittika Rohini Mrigasira Ardra Punarvasu Pushya Aslesha Magha P. Phalguni U. Phalguni Hasta Chitra Swati Visakha Anuradha Jyeshta Moola P. Ashada U. Ashada Abhijit Sravana Dhanishta Satabisha P. Bhadrapada U. Bhadrapada Revati
Consonants involved CH – L L A - E - U (OO) – A O–V V–K K - NKA – CHA K-H H-D D M M–T T–P P - SH - N – DHA P–R R – TH TH N N–Y Y–B B - TH - BH – DH B–J J – GH SH G G–S S – TH TH - SMA - GNA – TH TH – CHA
Respective cell no. 55, 56 56 9, 25, 33, 34 73, 35 35, 36 36, 50, 55 36, 37 37, 38 38 40 40, 41 41, 42 42, 53, 46, 54 42, 43 43, 44 44 46 46, 47 47, 35 35, 44, 48, 54 35, 49 49, 50 53 52 52, 53 53, 44 44, 53, 50, 44 44, 55
B & W are housed in cell 35
Note: When any of the following get afflicted, others in the group also get afflicted. W – V - B (cell 35), S - SH (cell 53), SHH (treasury) – KH / KH – NG – CHH / SNN - NNA (Vienna) - THH (Manintha) / PH – DH / D – TH – J – Y / Short vowel and long vowel (A - AA etc.) Aspects on the following Nakshatras also affect Ardra Hasta P. Ashada U. Bhadrapada
Note by translators: With the very limited knowledge of Sanskrit, the translators have attempted this reconciliation to assist students of astrology and foreigners as best as possible. An expert may find some errors and commissions in this. Thus, this may not be useful in all the cases. This shortcoming has to be borne in mind and researchers have to evolve a practical method.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Figure 1 - Bombay, 8th Dec 1961, 12h, Raman Ayanamsa
Appendix C
SarvatoBhadra Chakra Krt 4
Roh 5
Mrg 6
Ard 7
Pun 8
E Pus 9
Asl 1
Price variation
Bhr 3
From the Financial Express of Bombay dated 9th Jan 1962, page 7, Sensitive Index numbers, it will be observed that iron / steel on 8th Dec 1961 was 90 and rose to 94+ early in Jan 1962. Let's take for illustration purposes that an increase of 5% or 1/20th took place between 8th Dec 1961 [Figure 1] and 4th Jan 1962. Iron / steel comes under minerals (Dhatu) and therefore, is ruled by Sani, Mangal and Rahu.
Rikta Sukr
Ash 2
P.p 3
Rev 1
U.b 9
P.b 8
Nanda Ravi au Mang Purna Bhadra Shan Soma Budh Jaya Guru am
U.p 4
Has 5
Cit 6
1 24
2 23
2 22
Locally and elsewhere in the country, there are astrologers who, based on the above rules, have evolved certain modifications and it is said, they are able to correctly forecast price variations of even 5 Naya Paise per Tola in the price of SILVER / GOLD. Some of the modifications are:
1 25
1 18 3 18
3 21
3 18 4 18
Sk 317
1 23
aa Mag 4
uu P.p 5
m U.p 6
T Has 7
p Cit 8
Srv 7
Abi 6
UAs 6
PAs 5
Jye 3
Anr 2
Swt 9
Dhn 8
Ke 223
Asl 3
Ra 49
Jaya Guru
Vis 1
2 22
Mul 4
Sy119 Ma 119
3 21
Sk 118 Bu 418
The first Vedha Dristhi is treated on all fours with the left / Figure 3 - Bombay, 22nd Dec 1961 right Dristhi as passing through cell to cell SarvatoBhadra Chakra E Krt 7 Roh 8 Mrg 9 Ard 1 Pun 2 Pus 3 Asl 4 All Grahas are given one Vedha Dristhi, front, right or yp Ra a aa Ch left depending on speed / retrogression Bhr 6 Mag 5 Dristhi of the Lord is treated as 100% (full), friend 75%, u a v k h D uu neutral 50% and enemy 25% Ash 5 P.p 6 l lri Vrs Mit Kar lrii m Subha Dristhi from the Lord / owner is taken at 100% Rev 4 U.p 7 Nanda whilst that of Papa is taken as only 80% ch Mes o Ravi au Sim T Mang Mere Vedha is of no consequence; Vedha and Dristhi as U.b 3 Has 8 Rikta Purna Bhadra understood in general astrology, Rasi to Rasi, must both d Min Sukr Shan Soma Kan p Budh exist simultaneously, for it to be reckoned P.b 2 Cit 9 Jaya s Kum ah Guru am Tul r Panchka is determined (1) for the commodity in the Lg Sht 1 Swt 1 languages it is dealt / spoken of locally, (2) for the town in g ai Mak Dha Vrk e t which the commodity is sold, (3) for the date. All these 3 are Dhn 9 Vis 2 considered before price variation is arrived at rii kh j bh y n ri Ke The strength of Chandr is 100% on Full Chandr day and 0 Srv 8 Abi 7 UAs 7 PAs 6 Mul 5 Jye 4 Anr 3 Ma Bu Sa ii i Sy when Surya and Chandr are Juti; pro-rata strength in Gu Sk between Strength of retrogression is worked as - ascertain total period of retrogression, 100% at middle, 0 at start and end, pro-rata in between. 4 9
2 25
2 23
4 21
2 22
Anr 9
2 6
4 4
Vis 8
Swt 7
Sht 9
Lg 324
aa Mag 2
Purva Bhadrapada and Krittika, as per list for commodities rules Sht 7 g ai Mak Dha Vrk e metals whereas Uttara Ashada rules iron particularly. As per Lg Dhn 6 Prof. BV Raman's Ayanamsa, Sani was traversing over Uttara rii kh j bh y n Ashada up to 22nd Dec 1961 [Figure 3], later entered Abhijit, Ke th Srv 5 Abi 4 UAs 4 PAs 3 Mul 2 Jye 1 which Sani would be traversing till 27 Jan 1962. Thus, Uttara Bu Ma ii Sy Ch Ashada had conjunction of Sani for major part of December. Gu Sa Thereafter, Sani, while transiting Abhijit, his Vedha was falling Figure 2 - Bombay, 14th Dec 1961 on Purva Bhadrapada (a Nakshatra governing metals). Mangal, SarvatoBhadra Chakra Krt 6 Roh 7 Mrg 8 Ard 9 Pun 1 Pus 2 another Graha governing metals, entered Moola on 14th Dec 1961 a [Figure 2], entered Purva Ashada on 1st Jan 1962 and stepped Bhr 5 into Uttara Ashada on 18th Jan 1962. Papa Vedha of Mangal will u a v k h D be falling on Purva Bhadrapada during the entire period of Ash 4 transit of Mangal through Moola and Purva Ashada (7th and 7th l lri Vrs Mit Kar lrii [8th?] Nakshatra Dristhis). Thus Sani, Lord of base metals and Rev 3 Nanda Mangal, another Graha governing metals, were both conjointly ch Mes o Ravi au Sim Mang throwing their rays on 2 Nakshatras controlling iron / steel. U.b 2 Rikta Purna Bhadra These are sufficiently strong indications for rise in price Index of d Min Sukr Shan Soma Kan Budh iron / steel by one slab or 5%. P.b 1
4 9
2 19 3 19
4 19
4 18
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
Chart XI & XII - Paksha Phala Chart XI Deductions: 1. Janma Nakshatra Dhoomitha because Sani about to enter Janma Nakshatra 2. Namanakshatra cell 41 Dristhied by Surya 3. Tithi Dristhied by both Ketu and Chandr 4. Swara cell 17 has affliction from Mangal though not fully 5. Janma Nakshatrahas Dristhi of Guru. Aspects not affecting Panchka not shown.
Chart XII Deductions: 1. Janma Nakshatra Jwalita by Sani and Dristhied by Rahu 2. Simha Dristhied by Surya 3. Janma Lagna (which is NOT one of Panchka) is being seen by Rahu and Ketu with whom Chandr is Juti 4. Sukr in cell 16 affords some relief being close to Swara cell 17. Conclusion In this chart, 3 Papas are Dristhing 2 of Panchka items, in addition to 3 Papas Dristhing Janma Lagna. In chart XI, Janma Nakshatra is Dristhied by Guru. The sickness was justified - danger to life did not occur because there was a Subha Dristhi to one of Panchkas throughout. Aspects NOT affecting Panchka not shown.
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
How do you read a horoscope? This note is dated October 31st, 1961*
Because many a prediction made by students of astrology fail (the most recent and glaring one being that of election of president John F. Kennedy for one reason or another, the reasons for which they are unable to detect, it is but natural they get dejected and go about asking professionals 'How do you read a horoscope?' I shall, therefore, detail in this note, some of the apparent causes of failure of predictions made by many, as I have been able to guess from my experience. I am also detailing various items of information, tables etc. based on which an opinion could be expressed on a horoscope. First and foremost, both the student and the professional, must have implicit faith in God. Maharishi Parashara says, in the first 6 Slokas of his immortal astrological classic BRIHAT PARASHARA HORA, this is NOT a science for those who: (1) learn astrology with a view to minting money with the help of Grahas and thus change their present plight or (2) want to test the correctness or (3) desire to change the status of a horoscope by knowing its weakness and perform Shanties to overcome such weakness and thus jump over the purpose of creation or (4) desire to go against the Will of God. Actually, this science is for those who implicitly believe in God and sayings like BUDHI KARMAANU SARENA and so on. Just as we believe that every pot of milk we buy contains ghee, we should not doubt the Hand of God behind each horoscope. Credit goes to a Hindu astrologer of Bombay who at the end of 19th Century had the rare courage to forecast beggary in 50th year of a native, who was only a babe in arms then, with an estate to his share of the order rupees fifty Lakhs. The writer knew the native of that horoscope intimately. Not only did the prediction come true 100% but the writer was able to witness how the saying BUDHI KARMAANU SARENA worked. One has to read a horoscope impartially, with an unbiased mind and the horoscope details should be approached in an inquiring mood with utmost respect to Grahas and not as if one is going to do a simple arithmetic calculation.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Almost all Maharishis of India including those who have compiled Maha vakya, Maha Bharata, Ramayana, Veda, Vedanta and Gita have certified and assured us that astrology is the LIGHT with which one can read AKSHARA MALIKA (garland of letters) written by Lord Brahma on the forehead of everyone, said to be the gist of destiny. So, one should have firm faith in astrology and then only proceed further. Where a horoscope does not fit in for a native or where predictions go wrong, approach the matter in a cool and dispassionate manner, locate the error and rectify the horoscope. Like the siamese twins or dionne quintuplets, there may be a freak case, one in a thousand, which may not come within the rules. Leave them alone, as all the secrets of God's creation cannot be known to mankind. Now coming to the subject proper, I am afraid the majority of horoscopes that we are called upon to read nowadays are wrong in certain respects, possibly Graha Sputa (planetary positions expressed in Rasis, degrees and minutes) given in most Indian horoscopes do not tally with the actual positions occupied by Grahas on date of birth when verified with the positions given in standard ephemeris (converted to Nirayana). Today, there no 2 Panchangas (almanac or ephemeris) which tally with each other, subject to making due allowance for the difference in Ayanamsa. The majority of the horoscopes that we see today are those erected with reference to such unreliable Panchangas. The reasons for these discrepancies are our Panchang compilers are still following the out-of-date Siddhantas, Vakyas and what not. Almost 3 decades ago, Jyotishacharya CG Rajan of Madras openly admitted that Vakya method of compiling Panchang cannot be relied upon. My fear that the Indian Panchangas are not accurate is so much that in the last 15 years, I have never read or given an opinion on a horoscope unless I have checked and recast the horoscope with reference to Raphael's Ephemeris for the year of birth and using Prof. BV Raman's Ayanamsa. I think, today, almost all the top-ranking astrologers use Raphael's Ephemeris, where there is no possibility of error, for the planetary positions are periodically verified through large telescopes. While noting down Graha Sputa, I also make a note if there was an eclipse (lunar or solar) on the preceding and following Full Chandr or New Chandr days. The Gahanna Peeda for Rahu, Surya or Chandr has to be taken into consideration. Also, if there are any strong parallel Dristhis between Grahas. I have observed that parallel Dristhis many a time broadly act like a conjunction in one Rasi. Other phenomena to be noted are: whether any Graha is in Ati Manda Gathi, Manda Gathi or Ati Seegra Gathi or Sthamba (stationary). These have their own effects. I once came across a case where, during the major period of Mangal, Lord of 5 and 10 standing in good position, which fooled many astrologers, as they forecast many auspicious events whilst nothing like that happened and the reason I found was that the Lord of major period (Mangal) was stationary on the day of birth.
Ayanamsa Ayanamsa used by me is that followed by my Guru, Prof BV Raman, through whose grandfather's books I first started my study of astrology. I changed over to this Ayanamsa some 20 years ago having read a number of articles by Prof. BV Raman wherein he was reading the horoscopes of natives of different continents using his Ayanamsa and tallying certain personal events in their lives. I have not, so far, found any reason to forsake this Ayanamsa. The reason for failure of a prediction need not always be due to the difference in Ayanamsa. It may be due to wrong time of birth or not reading a horoscope with correct Graha Sputa or failure to do rectification of a horoscope where needed. Further, a majority of horoscopes we now handle are correct only up to Rasi Chakra - even there, with the possibilities of Budh and Sukr finding their way into different Rasis when checked-up.
Rectification There is almost a fancy for many to rectify a horoscope. This is called for only in cases where actual readings begin to fail and not in all cases as a rule. Further, I have explained a method of rectification based on actual events in life and adjusting Garba Sista. Having ascertained correct Graha Sputa, erect Rasi Chakra placing (within Rasis) Grahas as they actually stand on the horizon. Where there are 2 or [more] Grahas, place them in the order of their positions (ascending order by degrees), so that, from Rasi Chakra itself, you could make out whether a Graha is in Subha Madhya or Papa Madhya (hemmed in between benefics / malefics) and the proximity to one another or a malefic. Subha Madhyama or Papa Madhyama occurs rather rarely and is certainly of more than ordinary importance. Broadly speaking, Subha Madhyama for a Graha enables it to confer Subha effects more than what the present astrologers estimate. Navamsa Chakra should be drawn as the astrologer can estimate Kshetra Bala of a Graha from this and Rasi Chakra. Remember the adage GRAHANAAM AMSAKAM BALAM. Navamsa is compared to the roots of a tree. Bhava Chakra is of pivotal importance. Whilst its importance is realized, Hindu astrologers merely find out the ascending degree and also 10th Bhava Madhya; opposites of these being descendant and Nadir; from these, we get Bhava Arambhas. There is thus "equal Bhava" system followed at least for every 3 Bhavas put together. Quite
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
possibly, this system is good enough for equatorial regions and say up to 15° on either side of the equator. Thus, for major part of India, this system may not be found wanting. To ensure greater mathematical accuracy, I cast Bhava Chakra using Western methods and the Table of Houses published by Raphael, with the help of which the individual cusps are obtained for each latitude. This system is known as Placidian. Having worked out this type of Bhava Chakra, it is converted into Nirayana, using the same Ayanamsa used for conversion of Graha Sputa of the horoscope. In other words, the methods of casting a horoscope and compiling Graha Sputa I follow is exactly Western; thereafter, the entire chart is converted into Nirayana by deducting Ayanamsa. Rasi, Navamsa, Dasamsa (profession) and any other Chakra necessary in a particular case are drawn in traditional style. Bhava Chakra (Nirayana) alone is drawn by me in circular fashion (in Western fashion) showing Bhava Arambha of each Bhava (in place of the cusp points) and Grahas are inserted in the same manner as if it were a Western horoscope, so that while giving predictions, the astrologer sees: (1) Whether a Graha is in Bhava Sandhi or Rasi Sandhi, Subha / Papa Graha Madhya (2) Proximity to Papa / Subha if any in same Rasi (3) The gravity of combustion if any or planetary battle and (4) Lordship of a Graha in exact proportion. It happens, in many cases that Grahas like Surya and Chandr will own say half of one Bhava and half of another, thus having two Lordships, whereas the astrologer would be giving predictions based on one Lordship only following Bhava Chakra drawn by him in Hindu fashion. Similarly, Grahas like Sani who own 2 Rasis, may in fact be having Lordship over 3 or 4 Bhavas. The astrologer having a look at the traditional Bhava Chakra (in the absence of Bhava Arambhas) reckons Lordship over 2 Bhavas and bases his predictions on that. I think this is one reason why, in many major periods and sub periods, events not forecast suddenly spring up causing bewilderment both to the native and the astrologer.
Aspects In many cases, Dristhis are not assessed in a realistic manner. For instance, Dristhi between a Graha in the last Navamsa of Meena and another Graha in the first Navamsa of Tula is ignored for the latter happens to be in 8th Rasi from Meena. 7th Bhava Dristhi between a Graha say, in the first Navamsa of Meena and another in last Navamsa of Kanya is taken as full. In other words, Dristhis are being considered as if there's a wall at the end of each Rasi. Aspects should be considered somewhat on the lines of the graph given below, though it may not be necessary to work out Dristhi strength mathematically.
Yogas All Yogas operating on a horoscope, auspicious as well as inauspicious, should be noted along with their effects and whenever a Graha is considered, Yoga effects should also be considered at all stages. It should be remembered that an inauspicious Yoga is like a drop of poison in a pot of milk. Whilst there are actually Lakhs of Yogas, consideration of 120 Yogas given in Hora Ratna Maala - Appendix E, is the minimum requirement. What is the use of Kesari Yoga between Guru as Lord of 8th and Chandr as Lord of 12th, assuming both are weak also? Such insignificant Yogas should be discounted. The same Kesari Yoga between Guru as Lord of 9th and Chandr as Lord of Lagna and if both are strong, is sure to take the native higher up. Not taking note of all Yogas in a horoscope is also a reason for failure of predictions. Yogas applying to 12 Bhavas in a horoscope are given Bhava-wise in SECRETS OF KERALA ASTROLOGY and HORA RATNA MALA. I would draw the attention of readers to the set of CHAMARAADI YOGAS in Appendix B of HORA RATNA MALA. 1, 2 or 3 Yogas are likely to be found in a number of horoscopes, but no notice is taken of them. In brief, if the Lord of a Bhava is strongly placed and Bhava itself is either conjunct or Dristhied by a benefic,
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
one of Chamaraadi Yogas arises concerning that Bhava. Opposite conditions bring in one of Ava Yogas indicating Papa results.
Dasa Varga Tabulation Ascertain from Dasa Varga table the strength of Grahas on the lines of VIMSOPAKBALA as enunciated by Maharishi Parashara in his BRIHAT PARASHARA HORA, so that the strength of a Graha can be assessed and used for determining the quantum of auspicious / inauspicious effects.
Sayanadi Avasthas Sayana Avasthas of 9 Grahas and their effects (vide BRIHAT PARASHARA HORA) have to be found out and used in giving predictions concerning major periods / sub periods. For instance, Surya in NIDRA Avastha is said to cause edema. When it does occur in someone's Surya Dasa, the native gets bewildered, for the astrologer has not worked out these Avasthas and hence, not predicted it. Seldom do we see horoscopes giving details of this type.
Shadbala Do not condemn a Graha the moment you see it in debilitation or debilitated Navamsa, but consider whether it has any of Shadbala (6 kinds of strength). Assess even roughly how it stands with regard to each one of the 6 kinds of strength. In the example horoscope, Budh is in debilitation, but he is on his own star and in Lagna, contributing to positional strength.
Nakshatra Chakra Almost the whole of Nadi Jyotisha is based on Nakshatra on which Grahas are standing. Find out Nakshatra on which 9 Grahas are standing and note down their effects. These effects are given in Nadi Jyotisha published by Meena or in the November 1954 issue of 'Astrological Magazine', page 780. Even though Budh is debilitated, there is a difference when such Budh is standing on Revati, his own star. A Graha standing in its own Bhava is said to be Swakshetra, whilst a Graha on its own star is said to be in Sookshma Swakshetra.
Ashtakavarga The method of ascertaining longevity by Ashtakavarga has been stated by Maharishis to be the best among all the known methods - ASHTAKA VARGA DASA MAARGAM SAVESHAM UTTAMOTHAMAM. Another Sloka by Maharishis say that it is only through Ashtakavarga that the impact of a Papa Yoga on a horoscope or the goodness of an auspicious Yoga could be assessed or weighed. Again, Ashtakavarga is the method by which the day-to-day transit effects could be deduced. What is the use of Guru transiting your 2nd Bhava from Chandr Rasi if there are no Bindus in that Rasi in Guru's Binnashtakavarga? There is a belief among learned astrologers that future indicated by Ashtakavarga methodology never fails. Further, the very same Ashtakavarga tables could be used for assessing the transit effects throughout the course of life of a native. Even the dates of important events like death of father / mother, marriage, birth, sex, number of children can all be predicted from the same set of charts. We have thus far found out various Yogas in a horoscope, call this (1) Yoga Phala. Note these on a separate sheet of paper. Similarly, make a note of Nakshatras on which 9 Grahas stand at birth, with individual effects. Call this (2) Nakshatra Chakra. While so doing, make a note of Grahas, if any, standing on their own star or on auspicious stars. Grahas standing on stars owned by Lords of 1, 5, 9, 10 acquire a special power to confer good effects. (3) Sayanadi Avasthas of Grahas and their effects. (4) Ashta Varga tables for all 9 Grahas, Lagna, Samudaya Ashta Varga and their effects. (5) Note Graha Sputa of 9 Grahas, Lagna and Gulika - on a separate sheet of paper, and in remarks column note down important points (such as Yoga associated with, standing in own / enemy Bhava etc., standing on special star, number of Bindus in Ashtakavarga, combustion etc.) All these inputs help an astrologer form his opinion. The sum of the status of all 9 Grahas, Lagna and Gulika, indicates the summit (or height) which the native will ultimately reach / attain.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Gulika Gulika is accepted as a sub Graha only in Kerala and parts of South India. Others ignore it. Whenever a doubt arises regarding the correctness of Lagna in a horoscope, Kerala astrologers treat Lagna as correct if Gulika is in Lagna or in trines. The sub Graha is looked at so reverently. The position occupied by Gulika is as much a virtual point as Rahu / Ketu. I am convinced that omission of Gulika altogether does contribute to a partial failure of predictions, both in Bhava Phala and in major period / sub period effects.
Rasmi Chinta There is no doubt that this methodology provides us with an easy yardstick to determine in a few minutes how good a horoscope is and to what heights the native would go on the material plane.
Major period / sub period effects (Vimshottari) Maharishi Parashara, who wrote the first great book on astrology, says that Vimshottari Dasa System is the best; and only where it fails, should Kala Chakra Dasa be relied upon. Other Dasa System cannot stand in comparison with Vimshottari in many respects. Only a few Maharishis have written about effects of Maha Dasa, Chidra, Sookshma and Prana Dasas. These can be made use of in cases where rectification of birth time is required. If one knows the date and time of any important event in one's life, such as an accident, narrow escapes, academic achievement etc., rectification could be made if events do not tally with the ongoing Sookshma / Prana Dasa. The English translation MAHA DASA PHALA & BUKTI PHALA is unique in one respect, namely, it gives the special effects for different conjunctions / Dristhis on the Lord of the sub period. It also includes Dasa Phala under Dravida Shastra which gives the particular months and stars when some notable events are likely. Make full use of these. Whilst giving predictions concerning effects of any future sub period in any major period, do consider the transits that are going to occur then, and whether they are favorable or otherwise. Whichever major period may be running, the actual givers of any Subha / Papa effects to a native are Surya, Chandr and Guru, they are the executive officers. It is only through these Grahas that Subha / Papa effects are presented to a native. In general, when favorable transits take place, auspicious effects arise and when transits are not favorable, inauspicious effects come to the fore. Garba Shishta (balance of major period at birth) may be arrived at using the chart for the same given in Brihat Parashara Hora, based on degree occupied by Chandr at birth rather than based on Tithi (lunar day).
Shanties Whilst we hear about the wonders played by Shanties, I am personally of the opinion that there is a limit to depending on these. Miracles may have occurred in individual cases to the extent justified by a native's horoscope, however, a Shanti cannot produce effects beyond what is indicated in a horoscope. For instance, a man destined to suffer poverty cannot be turned into a rich man by any amount of Shanti nor can one destined to suffer diseases be totally relieved of the same by chanting AROGYA SOOKTA.
Morals from other texts A careful perusal of Sukr Kerala Rahasya (Secrets of Kerala Astrology) reveals that opinion on a Bhava has to be pronounced with reference to: a. Bhava Rasi b. Lord of Bhava c. Grahas standing therein d. Grahas Dristhing that Bhava. If any two are GOOD and the rest poor, mediocre or average, Bhava Phala will be average. Here is a yardstick to measure Bhava Phala. A similar moral from Sarwartha Chintamani (Publisher's note: English translation by Prof.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Suryanarayana Rao is a must-read) is when considering a Graha, look also to its Navamsa and the Lord of such Navamsa. If all these are strong, Graha under consideration is taken to be strong. Having translated so many works on astrology, I am convinced that the greater the attention paid to a horoscope, the greater is the accuracy of prediction and that the following data is a MUST: a. Correct Graha Sputa b. Rasi, Navamsa, Bhava and Dasamsa Chakras c. Sayanadi Avasthas and effects d. Nakshatra Chakra with Phala e. Ashta Varga Phala for all Grahas and Lagna f. Reading Maha Dasa and Bhukti Phala with reference to transits that take place when Bhukti runs. OM SADGURU PARAMATHMANE NAMAHA OM NAMO BHAGAVATHE SIVANANDAYA NN Krishna Rau October 31, 1961 [Publisher's note: This is an edited version of the article written on 31st October 1961. Times have changed. Computerized horoscopes are the in thing today. However, Ayanamsa used still vary. Under these conditions, get a free computerized horoscope and apply corrections with reference to Raphael's ephemeris OR Chaitra Paksha Panchang.]
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
Added by Chistabo SBC in Sanskrit and English Please bear in mind that, as with almost ALL Jyotish literature and information, there are few different versions of SBC. This one has been drawn after some cross-comparing various (at least 3) data sources, including web pages. Among those various sources there are only minor differences, particularly related to outer consonants (Pada 'names' - Namanakshatras). Devanagari font is Sanskrit2003, IAST transcription font is URW Palladio ITU, glyphs font is Astro.
NN Krishna Rau & VB Choudhary - Sarvatobhadra Chakra
by Chistabo, A.D. 2013
This one is as per HR Seshadri Iyer's information. Main differences - only outer consonants differ - Sravana, Abhijit 4th Pada, Uttara Bhadra 4th Pada.
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