Summit 1A 3rd

April 9, 2023 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Contents Learning Objectives for 1A and 1 B To the

Teacher .



. iv















bout the Authors




Outlook and Behavior . . .


Music and Other Arts . .


Money Finance  Finance  and You


Clothing and Appearance .



Referenc Refe rence e Charts .




.. ...







Test--Taking Skills Booster Test











. .

  . . . . . .  38



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Pronunciation Booster



Grammar Booster





. .






. . 122


. . 125








...  ....


Outlook and Behav havii or


Mu s ic and Other Arts . .





Money Finan ce   and You


  .  ... 


Clothing and

pp e aran ce . . .


Communities .







  .  .



W 3








  . W44








• Describe your personality

• Adjectives to describe personality traits

• Gerunds and infinitives: review and expansion

• Discuss so some meone one s behavior • Compare perspectives on world problems • Discuss creat creative ive ways a goal

Word Study: • Adjective suffixes ::fYl and




• Ve rbs that require a noun infinitive


pronoun before an


• Infinitives: Infinitives: review, expansion, and common errors

utlook and Behavior

• Grammar for writing: parallelism with gerunds and i nfinitives



• Describe how you you  ve been enjoying the arts • Express a negative opinion politely • Describe a creative per persona sonality lity • Discuss


benefits of the arts

usic and Other Arts P GE

oney Finance and You

• Talk about financial goals and plans • Discuss good and bad money management • Explain reasons for charitable giving

• Cleft sentences with Wh at

Word Study: • Using participial adjectives


• Finished and unfinished actions: summary • Noun clauses : review a nd expansion

• Des cribing spending spend ing styles • Expressing buyer s remors remorse e • Good and bad money manage manag e ment Word Study: • Parts of speech


• Talk about changes in clothing customs

Clothing and Appearance

• Expressi xpressing ng regrets about the past: ~ + past perfect; should hav have e I ought to have + past participle; parti ciple; if....Qnh past perfect. • Completed future actions and plans plans:: The future perfect and perfect infinitives GRAMMAR BOOSTER

• The past unr ea eall conditional : inver inverted ted form • Th e future conti continuou nuous s • The future perfect cont continuou inuous s • Describe clothing details and formality

• Examine qu questionab estionablle cosmetic procedures • Discuss appearance and se lf es t eem

• Adjectives to describe fashion

• Quantifiers Quantifiers:: review and expansion

• Describing cloth es Word Study: • Compound words with srui:


A k1i I rut I J.i11lg • Quantifiers: Quantifiers: using llf for specific reference • Qu a ntifier ntifiers s use d without referents

• Grammar for Writin g: subject-verb agreement of quantifiers followed by llf


• Politely ask someone not to do something • Complain about public conduct • Suggest ways to avoid being a victim of urban crime

Communities P GE 50


• Ne Nega ga tiv e descr iption iptions s of music • Des cr ibing creat creativ ive e personalities


n P GE

• The present perfect conti continuous nuous

• Grammar for Writing Writing:: noun clauses as adjective and noun complements

• Express buyer  buyer  s remorse


• Elements of music

• Di sc uss




c ommunity

• Types of locations • Community serv service ice activities Word Study: • Using negative prefixes to form antonyms

• Po ssessi ssessive ve ge r und unds s • Pair Paired ed conjunctio n s GRAMMAR BOOSTER

• Conjunctions with • SQ . iQQ ,







short respon responses ses



________ • Use ~ t



soften so ften an assertive opinion

• Use I don t see myself that way to politely cont contradi radi ct another's statement • Say I see [you as to explain explain your own point of view • Use Nilll tll and generalizations

to make




• Listen to activate grammar

Texts: • A survey about positive and negative outl ooks • Descriptions of other people people''s behavior

Task : Task: • Write about your outlook on a world prob problem lem

• Listen to classi classify fy • Listen for main ideas • Listen for details • Understand meaning from context PRONUNCIATION BOOSTER

• Content words and function

w o r


• A newspaper article about a creative so lution to a problem

Skill :

• Paragraph Paragraph structur e : Review

Skills strategies: • Understand Understand idioms and express expressio ions • Determine the main idea • Understand meaning from context • Summarize

• Use To tell th e truth . o be honest. and I hate to say jt but to politely introduce a contrary contra ry opinion

• Listen to activate vocabulary • Listen for main ideas • Listen for supporting information • Listen to take notes • Listen for details PRONUNCIATION BOOSTER

• Intonation patterns

Texts: Texts: • A survey about musical memories • Comme Comm entaries about enjoying the arts • A short biograp biography hy

Task: Task: • Describe your interests and personality Skill :

• Parallel structure

Skills strategies • Understand idioms and expressio expression ns • Infer information • Ident ify supporting details • Exp Expres ress s and support an opinion

• Use You know know,, , , , to i nt roduce a new

• Listen for details

Texts:: Texts

Task:: Task

topic of conversation • Use I hate to say it but to introduce negative i nformation

• Listen to activate vocabulary • Listen to confirm content

• A spend spending ing habi habits ts se lf -test • Interview respo response nses s abo ut financial goals • A guide to charitabl e giv giving ing

• Write personal statement about ahow you manage financiall responsibi financia responsibililities ties

• Ask What do you mean? to invite someone to e laborate • Say That's a sh shame to show empathy • Say I'll think about that when you' you ' r e non non committall about someon committa someo ne's suggestion

• Listen to summarize • Listen to evaluate PRONUNCIATION BOOSTER

• Sentence rhythm rhythm:: thought groups

Skills strategies: • Underst Understan and d idioms and expressions • Understand meaning from c onte ontext xt

Skill : Skill: • Organizing information by degrees of importance

• Draw concl usions • Expres Express s and support an opinion

• Use Can I ask you a ouestjon about. .. ? to introduce a subj subject ect you are unsure of

• Listen for main ideas

• Use l...m.ei n to elaborate on a prior statt ement or que sta ques stion

• Listen to summarize

to assert a point of vi • Use ~ vie ew • Begin a question with SQ to affirm understanding of someone' someone's s ea earli rli er stat ement • Say I th i nk th at might be to gently

• Listen for details


• Linking sounds

Texts: Texts: • Descriptions of pe perso rsonal nal style •

n article about th e evo lut ion of " bus busiiness casua casuall " attire

n article about questionable cosmetic procedures

Task: Task: • Write two paragraphs comparing compar ing tastes in fash ion Skill :

• Compare and contrast contrast:: Review

• Adve Adve rtisem rtiseme e nts for cosmet cosmetii c procedures Skills strategies: • Und Unde erstand idio idiom m s and express expressions ions

warn that somethin g is inappropriate

• Understand meaning from context • Identify s upporting details • Express and support an opinion opinio n • Use Do you mind . ? to ask permission to do so m ething • Use to affirm that you are not bothered or in inconvenienced convenienced • Use That's very [considerate [considerate of yoy to thank someone for acco accommodating mmodating you

• Listen to summari ummariz ze • Listen for details • Listen to confirm content • Li ste sten n to infer PRONUNCIATION BOOSTER

• Unstressed syllables syllables:: vowel reduction to ;J/

Texts: • A questionnaire about comm community unity • Interview respo res ponse nses s about pet peeves peeve s • A magaz magazin ine e article about urb an crime

Task : Task: • Write a formal letter of complaint Skill: • Formal letters: letters: Review

• A website website about about co mmunity projects Skills stra t egies: • Under Understan stand d idioms idioms and and exp r ess ion ions s • Classify • Und Unde erstand meaning from co nt ex extt • Cr Critic itica a l thinkin thinking g



• Categories of animals

• Passive modals

• Describin Describing g pets • An Anima imall social groups and physical features

• Modals and modal-like expressions: expressions: sum summ mary

• Evaluate ways and places to shop

• Ver bs for shopping activities

• Passive forms of ge gerunds runds and in i nfinitives

• Discuss your rea reac ctions to ads • Dis Discus cuss s problem shopping be havior

• Ways to persuade

• Exchange Exchange opinio ns abou t the treatment of animals • Discuss the pros and co con ns of certain pets

Animals P GE 62


• Compare animal and human behavior


• Debate the value of animal conservation


• The passive vo i ce: re review view and ex pans ansio ion n

• Persuade someone to buy a product

Advertising and Consumers P GE 74


• Repeated Repeat ed comparativ com parativ es and double comparatives

• Desc ribing parent and teen behavior

• Describe family trends • Discuss parent parent--teen issues • Compare generations • Discuss caring for the elder elderly ly


Word Study : • Transforming verbs and adjectives i nto nouns

• Making comparisons: review review and expansio expansi on • Other uses of comparatives comparatives,, sup upe e rl rlatives atives,, and comparisons with

Family Trends P GE 8


• Specula Speculate te about everyday situations

• Degrees of certainty

• Present a theory

Word Study : • Adjecti ves with the suffix :illlli

• Di scuss how believable a story is • Evaluate th e tru stwort hiness of news sources

• Perfect modals for speculating about th e past: active and passi passive ve voice GRAMMAR BOOSTER

• Perfect modals: short resp res p onses (active and passive vo ice)

Facts Theories and Hoaxes P GE 98

Your Free Time

• Suggest ways to reduce stress

• Way s t o describe people

• Expressing an expectation with be supposed to

• Describe how you got interested in a hobby • Discuss Discuss how mobile devices affect us

• Ways to r educ duce e stress

• Describing past repeated or habitual ac t ions: and th e past continuo contin uous us with

Word Study: • Adverbs Adverbs of manner


• Compare attit udes about tak ing risks

• Be supposed supposed to : expansion • ' 'lQ.u d : review • Grammar for Writing Writing:: placement of adve adverr bs of manner

P GE 110

Reference Charts Grammar Booster Pronunciation Booster . . .   .  

Test  Taking Skills Booster Test v

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.  . 

.  . 

..  .  .   . 

.  . 

...  .  . 

. page 122 page 125 page 141 page 151


Listen to activate vocabulary Listen to define terms Listen for examples Listen List en for details

• • • •

• Sound reduction

Skills I strategies: • Understand idioms and expressions • Understand m ea ning from con text • Recognize cause an d effect

• Say Quick question to indicate one wants

• Listen to activate vocabulary

Texts:: Texts

Task :

some simple information • Introduc Introduce e an opinion with Lfi rui • Say That's good to know to express satisfaction for information • Use Why don't you ... to offer advic advice e

• List Listen en to infer

• Se lf-te f-tes sts about shoppin hopping g mistakes an d behavior • Descrip Description tions s of techniques us ed in in advertising • Interview responses about compulsive shopping

• article Wri te a summar ummary y of an



• Vowel sounds

and ll

Texts: Texts: • Social media posts about treatment of animal animals s • An article about animal conservation

Task : Task: • Wr it ite e a persuasive essa y about the treatment of animals

• Use I've heard to introduce a commonly held belief or opinion • Respond with In what way? to request further explanation • Use For one thing to introduce a first supporting argument • Use And besides to add another supporting argument • Use But what if to suggest a hypothe hypothetical situation

Skill: • Support Supportiing a point of view

Skill: • Sum marize and paraphrase someone's po int of view

Skills I strategies strategies:: • Understand idioms and expressio ns • Understand meanin meaning g from context • Identify supporting details • Ask Why 's that? to ask someone to elaborate on an opinion • Say I suppose but .. . . . to signal partial agreement

• • • • •

Listen to activate grammar Listen to activate vocabulary Listen List en for supporting information Listen List en for details Listen to compare and contrast


• Stress placement: prefixes and suffixes

t • Use ~ introduce something you're not sure about • Say I'm sure it's nothing to indicate that something is probably not serious • Say I suppos uppose e you ' re right to acknowledge someone's point of view • Say There must be a good explanation to assure someone that things will turn out OK

• Listen to activate vocabulary • Li sten for main ideas • Li sten to draw conclusions

• Say Uh-oh to indicate that you reali realize ze you 've made a mistake

• • • •

• Use I just realized to acknowledge a mistake • Use Well. frankly to indicate indicate that you are going to be honest about something • Us e it's just that or Let s fa face ce it to introduce an hon es t criticism or assessment • Use You know wh at? to introduce introduce a piece of advic advice e


• Reduction and linking in perfect modals in the passive voice

Texts: • A survey about pa rents and teens • A brochure about fa falllling ing birthrates • A report on the increase in global population of older people Skills I strategies strategies:: • Understand idioms and expressions • Summarize

Task: • Wr it ite e a blog post of three or more paragraph paragraphs s about advic adv ice e for paren parents ts and teens Skill: • Avoiding Avoidin g run-on se ntences and comma splices

• Understand mean in ing g from context • Critica Criticall thinking • Draw conclusions Texts: • A quiz about tr i cky facts • An article about Rapa Nui • Facts and theories about mysteries • An article about a UFO conspiracy theory • A survey about the trustworthiness of information so urc es

Task: • Write a news article about a mysterious event Skill : Skill: • Av oi din ding g sen ten ce fragments

Skills I strategies strategies:: • Understand idioms and expression s • Confirm point of view • Infer information Listen to activate vocabulary vocabulary Li sten for main ideas Li sten for supporting details Listen to under understa meaning g from sta nd meanin context


• Vowel sounds /e 1 , le   , 1   , and I

Texts: • A survey about f ree time • Descri escription ptions s of how people got interested in their hobbies • An article about the impact of mobile mobi le devices • A survey survey  about mobile device usage

Task : • Wr Wriite a cr itiqu itique e of an article Skill : Skill: • Pr Presenti esenting ng and support supportin ing g opinions opinion s clearly

Sk i lls I strategies Ski strategies:: • Understand idioms and expressions • Unders Understand meaning meanin g from con t ex t • Identify supporting details • Infer point of view




What is Summit Summit is a two-level high- intermediate to advanced communicative .



db.u  e

hat develops confident, .

culturally fluent English speakers able to navigate the social, tr t r avel, a n d professional situations

they will encounter as they use English in their lives. Summit can f o l l ~


intermediate level o f any

communicative series series,, includi ng the four-level Top Notch .::ourse. Summit delivers immediate, demonstra ble res Summit resul ults ts in every class session through its proven pedagogy achievement-- based lesson is tightly and systematic and intensive recycling o f language. Each goal- and achievement correlated to the Can-Do Statements o f the Common Common European Framewor k o f Reference CEFR). The course is fully benchmarked to the Global Scale o f English (GSE). Each level o f Summit contains material for 60 to 9 0 hours of classroom instruction. Its full array of additional print and digital components can extend instruction to 12 0 hours if desired. Furthermore Furthermore,, the entire Summ Summit it course can be tailored to blended learning with its integrated online component, My nglishLab   Summit offers more ready-to-use teacher resources than any other course available today. This third edition represents a major revision o f content and has a greatly increased quantity o f exerc exercises ises,, both print and digital. Following are some key new features: N W

• Conversation Activator Videos to build communicative competence • Discussion Activator Videos to increase quality and quantity o f expression • A Test-Taki ng Skill s Booster (and Extra Challenge Reading Activities) to help students succeed in the reading and listening sections of standardized tests • An Understand Idioms and Expressions section in each unit increases the authenticity o f student spoken language

Award-Winning Instructional Design* Demonstrable confirmation o f progress Every t wo-page lesson has a clearly stated communication

goal and culminates in a guided conversation, free discussion, debate, presentation, role play, o r project that achieves the goal. Idea framing and notepadding activities lead students to confident spoken expression .

Cultural fluency

Summit audio familiarizes students with a wide variety of native and non-native accents. Discussion activities reflect the topics people o f diverse cultural backgrounds t alk about in their social and professional lives lives..

Explicit vocabulary and grammar Clear captioned illustrations and dictionary-style presentations, all with audio, take the guesswork out o f meaning and ensure comprehensible pronunciation. Grammar is embedded in

context and presented explicitly for form, meaning, and

use. The unique Recycle this Language feature encourages active use o f newly learned words and grammar during

an d

Discussion Activators

and Discussion Activator activities with video systematically stimulate recycling o f social language, ensur ensuriing it is not

forgotten. A unique Pronunciation Booster provides lessons and interactive practice, with audio, so students can i mprove their spoken expression .

Systematic writing skills development

Summit teaches the conventions o f correct English writing so students will be prepared for standardized tests, academic study, and professional communication. Lessons cover key writing and rhetorical skills such as using parallel structure and avoiding sentence fragments, run-on sentences, and comma splices. Intensive work in paragraph and essay development ensures confident and successful writing.

Reading skills and strategies

communication practice.

Each unit o f Summit builds critical thinking and key reading skills and strategies such as paraphrasing, drawing conclusions,

Active listening syllabus

expressing and supporting an opinion, and activating prior knowledge. Learners develop analytical skills and increase

M o r e than 5 0 listening tasks a t each level o f Summit develop critical thinking and crucial listening comprehension skills such

as listen for details main ideas confirmation of content

inference, and understand meaning from context. * Summit is i s the recipient of the Associa Association tion of Educational Publishers Distinguished Distingui shed Achievement Award. viii


Memorable conversation models with audio provide appealing natural social l anguage and conversation strategies essential f or post-secondary learners. Rigorous Conversation Activator

fluency while supporting their answers through speaking.

wish you nd your students enioyment success with Summit e wrote it for you Joan Saslow and Alien Ascher e



COMPONENTS Maxim ize the impa ct o f your Summit les ess sons ons.. Di g i tal Student s Book pa ge s w ith acce ss to

Active Teach

all audio and video provide an interactive clas sroom ex e x perience that can be used w ith o r without an interactive w hi teboard (IWB). lt includes a full arra y o f easy-to-access di g ital an d

printable features.


For plann i ng

For class

Activator videos: increase

students' confidence in oral



·::::::--==.= :.:::.:.=:--:=-:=-

Discussion Activa t or videos : increase quality and quantity o f expression NEW



• A M e thods Handbook f or a communicative c la ssro o m

NEW Conversation








• Detailed timed les less son plans f o r each t w o - p a g e les son



• Sum Summ mit

TV te ac hin g

n ote s

• Comple t e an swe r ke y s, a udio sc ripts, and v id e o scr ipts


NEW Extra Grammar

Exercises : ensure ma stery Exercises: o f grammar


For extra support

• Hundreds o f extra printable activities, w i th teac hing notes

NEW Extra Challenge Reading

Activities: help students succeed at

• Summit

standardized proficiency tests.

TV activity worksheets

For assessment • • . active

Whiteboard tools, i ncluding • notes, Interr and more. Inte


zoom, highlight,


• Ready-made unit and r evie w achievement tests w ith option s to edit, a d d , o r delete items items..

Clickable Audio: instant access to the complete

classroom audio program

• Summit

TV Video Program : fully-revised authentic


documentaries as well as unscripted on - the-street interview s,

featuring a variety o f regional and non -native accents

Ready-made Summit Web Projects provide authentic application of lesson language.

MyEngl ish Lab


An optional online learning tool

Lesson - by - lesson w ritten exerci ses t o accompany the Student's Book

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Y>i-•ncert's.. right up my l l e y



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Read the commentaries. Notice the spotlighted grammar.

I try to get to MASP MASP-- that's the Sao Paulo Museum of of twhenever I can. Because it' it's s not far from work, I've been

Over the past few years, I've been going to see a lot

of ive thea the ater. I've seen some classic but still still-- popular

shows lil ike Les Miserab/es and The Phantom o he Recently,, I booked a trip to New York York,, and Opera Recently I've been checking on ine to see what's playing. playing. I couldn't go to the Big Apple without seeing a few good shows, right?

dropping by about every month or so to see what's new and visit

Music plays a pretty big part in my life. Lately I've been using music to wake me up in the morning, get me moving at the gym, and help me unwind after work. Speaking of work, I've been listening to music more during the day and I'I've noti ce d that it

its excellent excellen t library. Lat Lately ely,, I've been exploring the Antiques Antique s Market outside as we ll. Th The ey always ha have a lot o f interesting stuff to look at at..

actually makes me more productive productive..


llii lll;ll INDU TIVE CIIVfiY

Which person' person 's tastes, interests, and activities are the most like (or the least like) your own? Explain why. MAKE PERSONAL COMPARISONS




Use the present perfect continuous to express a continuing action that ~ g n in the past and continues in the present. Depending on the context, context, the ~ t o n may continue in the future. Use have has + been and a present part1c1ple .

Statements She 's be been en practicin g piano for years. I've been listening to classical music since I was a kid. Questions Have you been playing the piano for a long time? How long has your son been painting portraits? These words and phrases are often used with the present perfect continuous (and the present perfect) when describing continuing actions:

for [two months] for a while since (2013)

lately recently all day

these days this thi s (yea (year] r] How long .. . ?

Note: The present perfect continuous, rather than the present perfect, is generally used used to describe a recent continuous action, especially when there Is

visible evidence that the action has What's Nora 's violin doing on

Remember: The present perfect can also be used to describe a conti n uing action that began in the past. There is no significant difference in meaning signific meaning.. She's practiced piano for years years.. I've listened to class i cal music since I was a kid. Have you played the piano for a long time? How long has your son painted portraits? However, us use the present perfect, continu o us , not the present perfect continuo in senten sentences ces with blready, ~ before,, and ever, ecause they before describe finished actions. She's already practiced piano this week . Have you ever studied piano?


theiust table? Has she bee been n practlcl ng ng? ?


p 1 


Fi ni nis shed and and un fi fini nis shed ac a ctio ns: s umm ary





~ ~ '



NOTICE THE GR MM R Find an example o f the present perfect continuous in Spotlight on page 15 Does it describe an action that has finished or one that may continue in the future?


Check the sentences in which the present perfect continuous can also be used. Then, on a separate sheet of pape paper, r, rewrite those sentences in the present perfect continuous.





0 0

1 He's played with their band for almost ten years.


2 Justin Timberlake has already given two concerts in my town.


7 How many times h av e you seen the musical Les Miserables


4 Since he got promoted to stage manager,

Have you ever visited the Museum o f Contemporary Art?


3 She s looked online this morning for a good deal on show tickets.

0 0

5 We've gone to a lot of concerts la tely.

8 Lately audiences have as ke d them to play more songs from their new a lbum .

Mark s arrived early a t the theater every day.

PRACTICE Complete the questions, using the present perfect continuous when possible. Otherwise, use the present perfect.




1 A: .... . . . ....... . .. . . . ............ .............. music videos o n my tablet? you

watc h

Yes, I have. But I'm done .


2 A: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . the musical Wicked yet? Max


should No, he hasn t. But he shou ld . It's unforgettable.


3 A: .. . .. .... .. .... . .. . ..... . . . .... . . .. .. ? what I you I do

Just now? I've been checking to see if there are any interesting art exhibits this week .


A: ............ . ............... . .... late again? Vlckle


I'm afraid so. But she ll b e heading home in a few minutes .


5 A: . . . . . . . . . . .

Jerry I go


. . . . to a Broadway musical? PRO NUNC I AT ON

Nevee r . But h e' Nev e'ss going to his first on e tonight .



6 A: . . .. . . . . .... . . .. ... . . . . . . . ...... . in line to get in to the concert? how long

Intonatio Intonati on pattern s


About twenty minutes . But it lo oks like w e re finally moving no w.




p . 142



how you ve been enjoying the arts

OTEPADDING Write about your experiences with the arts recently recently.. Explain why you ve been doing some things and not doing others others.. Use the present perfect continuous.



Music I ve been li5feroiro9 to a

pop the5e day5 day5..

lot o f

t help5


haVen t be e n oiro to aroy a rt

e.xhibit5 iately. But to truth,

m e unwind .


tell t he

it'5 root really my thifl9 thifl9··

J l




u ~ ~ ~ ~





ACTIVATOR Discuss the role the arts have been playing in your life recently. recently. Use your notes to discuss what you you  ve been doing (or not doing) lately. Ask your partner questions. Say as much as you can. DISCUSSION

ave you been going to many plays o r m


_ _

.. .

'' ........

~ -

'' .

ce C




Web Project: Tren Trend d Spott ers mj summit3e www.english. 49


1 Politely ask someone not to do something 2 Complain about public conduct 3 Suggest ways to avoid being a victim of urban crime 4 Discuss the meaning of community

  ommunities PR VI W fi

FRAME YOUR YOUR IDEA S Complete the questionnaire about your ideal community How closely do your answers describe wher e you live now? In what ways are they different?

1. What kind o f environment would you prefer t o live in?

0 a densely-populated

urban area with skyscrapers

0 a medium-sized urban area


a suburb just outside a city with convenient transportation


a small town in a rural area with a slower pace of life

2 Which of the following describe your ideal neighborhood?

0 0

is lively and bustling with activity is friendly with people who say hello to each other

0 0

reliable public transportation

a arge modern mall a variety of small businesses such as hair salons dry cleaners   florists   etc.

0 O 0

has a mix of apartment buildings and private homes has mainly private homes


is safe with very little crime

0 0 0 0

is very secure with security cameras and guards


parks and fitness centers


other :


has mainly modern high-rise apartment buildings has lots of well - maintained historical buildings

other :


( I



is peaceful and quiet



amenities would you want easy access to?

is near my school or job



3. Which neighborhood



a arge supermarket a market where you can buy fresh farm produce theaters and stadiums

a hospital and clinics

3 :  1 VOCABULARY TYPES OF LOCATIONS Listen and repeat. Then with a partner write a definition for each of these location types.


an urban area a rural area the suburbs

PAIR WORK Compare your answers in the questionnaire to determine preferences.. Discuss and explain the reasons for your choices choices.. if you have the same preferences



Read and listen to a conversation between two former colleagues. Notice the spotlighted language. 3:0 2 SPOTLIGHT

Hi, Luiz Luiz: Bill? What a surprise Bill: I just wanted to see how yo u 're doing. How's your new place? You a nd Lourdes must be a ll settled in by no w. Luiz: Pretty much. But city life sure t a k e s so me getting Bill:

us ed t o . In what way? Luiz: Well, for one thing , not only do we ha ve to deal with bumper-to-bumper traffic ev ery day, but it 's al most impo impossib ssible to find on-the-street parking. Bill: Yeah, that s a pain. Hey, what about your building? How's that worked out? Luiz: Pretty well. It's safe and well-maintained. But, to be honest , it's been a mixed blessing . Bill: What's the problem? Luiz: Well, it's the n eig hbors on our floor. When ev er they hear someone get off the elevator, they look out their door to check who it is . I don't mean to sound unfriendly, but I wish th ey 'd mind t h e i r o w n bus ines s. Bill: Well, I'm s ure they m e a n well . You s hould look on t h e b r i g h t side . It'ss good to b e in a building where people l o o k o u t for each o t h e r. It' Luiz: That's true. We' r e very lu lucky. cky. And I ha ve to say, I' ve fallen in lo love ve with Bill:

the n e ighborhood.

Bill: That's


Luiz: It's really got a lot t o offer; we ' re n ev e r bored. Sometimes we go out forr coffee and ju s t people wa tc h . fo Bill: Well Well,, all in a ll, it sounds li ke t h ings are going we ll. Luiz: Th ey are. Hey, give my regards to Judy. And le t m e know if you're everr in town. eve Bill: Will do




Write an expression from Spotlight for each definition.

1 c ho ose to ha ve a n optimistic viewpoint . ..   . . ............. . ...... . ....... .. . .... .. .. ... . . .. . ... . . .. . ........ . . . ....... . .... . 2 t a k e care o f other people .... . ............ . . . .. .... .. ........ .. .. .... . ... .... . .. .. .. . . .... . . .. .... . . .   . . .. ... . ........... .. .. .... .. .. ... .. .  

3 so mething that h as both a good and bad si de . ....... .. .............. . .. .. ... ..... . .... .. . . .... .. ........ .. .. ... .... .. . . . 4 not intrude in other people's lives ..... .... .. ..... . .. . ........ .. .. .... . ....... . ..... ....... .... ...... .. .. . .. . .... .. .. . . . . ...... ...... . 5 requires time to get c omfortable with somet something hing ....... ... ........ .... .. .. .. . . . ............... . .. .... . .. ..... .. .... . .. .... ...... . 6 have good intentions .. ..... ... ....... . . ..... .. . . .. . .. ........ .. ........ .. ........ .. . .. .. .... .. ... .. ... .. .. .... ........................ .... . advantagess .. ..... .. . . . .... .. 7 has many advantage .... . . .. ... ......... .... .. ... .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . .... ... .. . .... ......... .. .. ..... . ... . .. .......... .




Answer the questions questions,, supporting your answers with information from Spotlight.

1 What do e s Luiz like about the neighborhood he lives in, and what doesn't he li ke? 2 What does Luiz like about his building, and w hat doesn't he like? KI NG P IR WORK n a separate sheet of paper, list the pros and cons of living in a small town , a big city, and a suburb. Then compare opinions with a partner. Use expressions from Spotlight.


What I don't like about living in the city is the bumper-to-bumper traffic.  


Life in a small town is a mixed blessing. blessing. lt' s l e n and quiet. But there's not much to do 51


lilllli1 1J


r. t l


Listen and repeat.


l ll

1 ac ceptable


unacc eptable

4 proper


im prop er

2 co consid nsideer ate


in consid onsidee r ate

5 re sp e ct ful


d is r es p ec t ful

3 p o li litte


im polit politee

6 r e sponsibl ponsiblee


sponsiblee i r r e sponsibl

WORD STUDY PRACTICE Use a dictionary to find antonyms for these words. Then make a list of other adjectives with negative prefi prefixes. xes.

1 appropriate

5 ho nes t

2 co courteous urteous

6 pl e a s an t

3 ex excc usable

7 r a tional

4 im aginabl inablee

8 mature

ACTIVATE WORD STUDY Write sentences that describe inappropriate public behavior. ACTIVATE behavior. Use adjectives from Exerci Exercises ses A an d B. Example: . .. .lt.'5. i

t / 3 8 ~


Negative prefixes dis-dis irim  un-un in-in


i 1. :

m ~ ~ i

t h ~ .

.... ... ....... .... . ......... .


. .. .... . .. . .. .... .. .... .. .. .. . .. . . ... . .. .... . .. ... .. .... . . . . . . .......... . . .. ··· ·· . . . .. . .. . .... . . . ..... .... .. ... .

2 3

········· · ······ · ··· ·· ······ ····· ······· · ·· · · ·· ·· ·· ···· ······· ···· · ··· ···· · ···· · · ····· · ··········· ·· ·· · · ··· · ·· ·· · · ·


. . . ... . . .. .. .... . ..... . . . .. ...... . .. ..... . . ....... .. ......... . .. . ...... .. .. . . .. . . .... . . .... . . . . . . . ..... . ... ..


..... . . ... . ... .. . ... . ... ... .. ..... .. .... . . ... . ... ... .. ....... . . . . ......... .. .. . . . . ... . ..... . .. .... . . .. . . ..... . .

I ]




Compare the examples you wrote in exercise C. Explain why you consider the behavior inappropriate.


You can use a possessive gerund when you want to indica indicate te the performer of the action. action .

I object to the theiir pl ayin g loud music late at night. Jack's talking during the movie was annoy ing. Does my daughter s playing video games bother you? What bothers me is his not apologizing for texting during class. In informal spoken English, it is acceptable to use a name, a noun , or an object pronoun instead of a possessive, but only if the gerund phrase is the direct object in the sente nce.

I object to them playing loud music late at night. BUT Never use a name , noun, or an object pronoun If the gerund is the subject of the sentence . Use a possessive.

Their playing music late at night is a problem . NOT "i ~t~ CISfS EXfRCISfS EXfR


J:)layiAg music late at night is a prob lem.

UNDERSTAND THE GRAMMAR Write a check mark next to th e sentences that are t m . spea k'mg or wntmg . . . Correct th em . • mcorrec

D D D D D 52


1 Do you you mi min n d m e eatin g lu nc h a t my d e sk ? 2 Your broth e r not sayi sayin ng he ll llo o to h er was d isrespectfu l. 3

Kevin n ot agreeing to remove h is s h oes in my house was ki nd of impo impoli li te . 

4 Is n t P aula ul a h o n king h er c a r h o rn e arly rly in t he morn in g inexcu inexcu sa ble? 5 I don't li like ke you an a n swering you you r ph p h one w hi hille we're ea ti ng d in ne r. 





Combine the two state ments, using a possessive possessive gerund.

1 Th e y allow smoking. I m not in favor of it

. T .t19.t.i.l

. f ~ Y . < ? r ~ f . t h g i r . ~ . l . l . ~ ? ~ . i l 9

. rm9

< i . )9.·

. . .. .. ..... . ... .. .. . ........ .. .... . . . .. . . ... ..

2 He texte d hi s friends during the c oncert. I didn t appreciate that. 3 They eat fast food i n h e car. Does your mother obje objecc t to it? 4 She s talking on her ce ll phone. We don t mind it.


Unstre Unstr essed sy sylllla able s: vow vowel re duction to / J/

5 My brothe r didn t a pologiz pologize. e. I m re r e al allly a nn oye yed d by it.



olitely ask someone not to


p. 1 4 4


Read and listen. Read Notice the spotlighted conversation strategies: strategies: A: Do you mind my smoking here? B: Actually, smoking kind of bothers me. · 3:



t h ~ t

A: Not t a l l I can s te p outside. onsidee rate o f you. B T h a t  s very c onsid Thanks for asking.

mListen again and repeat. repeat . Then practice 3:05 RHYTHM AND INTON TION

the conversation with a partner.

Make a list o f situations in which you would probably ask for permission to do something.



Yourr list You

] ~ m ~ ; / . ~

o  ER


Ways to soften an objection

~ ~ P . ~

Create a conversation similar Exercise A, A, using a s ituat ion from your notepad. to the one In Exercise Start like this: o you min my ... ? Be sure to change roles and CONVERS


then partners. partners.


P . ~ ? ' ?

~ m

I hope you don t mind . I hope it ' s OK I all r ight. I don t mean to inconvenience you.




_ ____ .....

• Explain why the behavior bothers you . • Exp r es s under st and i ng o f y o ur partner s po i n t o f view . • ay as much as as you can can..






Read the intervi ew responses responses.. Notice the spotlighted grammar.

" Well, it really bugs me

" I' ll tell you what really gets to

when people cut in line at

me . I can n ei t h er tolerate n o r

the theater They should

they are?"

understand pe p e ople  s littering in public pl ac es . D o they really expect others to clean up after them ? That's just so inconsiderate . Eithe r they should throw thei r garbage in a tr a sh can o r they should hold on to it t ill they find one."

jean Seyedl

Ken Seeker

Son Francisc sco o USA

Philadelphia   USA Philadelphia

e i t h e r ar r ive early enough for a good seat o r wait in line patiently like everyone else does. W h o do they think

cu t t i n g in line


" Here 's a pet peeve o f mine: I ha hate it

really gets on my

when people forget to turn off heir

nerves when people

dis sgust i ng ng,, b u t it's it di

phones during a lecture o r workshop. N ot only is it distracting t o th e speaker, b u t it's also annoying to the

also unhygienic. it  s important t o think about and d other public he alth an p e ople's feeli f eeling ngs s ."

audience. They should ei t h er have audience. the th e courtesy to turn their phone phones s off o r si mp ly leav leave e them at ho m e. l t r eall y ticks me of f."

spit on the street. N o t only do I find

f o r g e ttin g t o t u r n off on e s phon e



Shangha i  China



Salvad or or   Bra zil

EXPRESS YOUR IDEAS Which of the examples of public behavior described in the interviews bug you the most? With a partner, compare your opinions and explain your reasons. reasons.




Be careful

You can connect related ideas with paired conjunctions.

When joining t w o subjects with either o r

neither, make sure the verb agrees with the subject nearer to the verb verb.. Either the mayor or loc loca a l businesspeople decide.. need to decide Either local loca l businesspeople or the mayor needs to decide decide..

either ... or Either people should smoke outside or they shouldn't smoke at all. Phones should either be turned off or left at home.


neither ... nor -1would allow neither spitting nor littering. Neither eating nor drinking is allowed in the lab.



not only ... but Invert the subject and verb after Not only. Use a comma after the first clause. Not only is it dangerous to text while driving, but it may be illegal. Not only did they forget to turn off their phones , but they also talked during the concert.


• Conjunction Conj unctions s with so, so , too , neithe eitherr, or n ot e ithe r · So, too , nei neithe therr, or not e it her: sho r t responses






Find an examp le of paired conjunctions in Spotlight on

page 51. 54




On a separate sheet of pape paper, r, combine the sentences, using the paired conjunction with or, no norr, or but (also).





p . 133

1 P eo ple sh o uld sp e ak u p about what b ot h ers th e m . Th Th ey s h ou ld ju s t le a rn to li liv ve w it h ot he r people 's habit s. (e it he r) 2 It's It 's r u d e wh w he n p e op le ta lk on t h e ir p ho n es in th eater s. It 's a lso ru de when t h ey ta l k o n th e m on bu s es. (n ot onl y 3 I h ate th e s me ll of c iga r et te s m ok e. I wo wo rry ab abo o ut th e da nge r to my h e alt h . (n ot o nl y 4 My uncl unclee is n t willin willing g to gi give ve up s moking . My gr g ra nd p ar e nt s a r en  t w illin illing g to give u p s moking moking.. (n (ne ither)

omplain bout public conduct


;·-·  ····


Make a list of some of your pet peeve peeves s in public place places. s. Then Then w rite sentences with paired conjunctions to expres express s your o pinion. Use some o f the adjectives with negative prefixes. prefixes. NOTEP


In restaurants: restaurants: tead i   9 e

ma i l


Not o l I}' i 5 t

a d t ex ti 9 dv t i ll

it'5 al al5 5o ve very impolite.


- -

In restaurants:

Ideas • cu t t i ng in l ine • ta l ki ng in th e at e rs • playing loud m usi usic c • ho n k ing a car h o rn • not say sayii ng Excuse m e  

In st o res:


with Adjectives negative prefixes


On buses and trains :


ul disrespectful disrespectf

i mma t ure

On the street:

im po lite in con sid side e r at e

i nexcusa b le ir r es p o n si b l e un acce accep p ta b l e ; u n pl easa easan nt

In offices offices:: In movie theaters:





In a group, group, role play onon-the-str the-street eet intervi intervie ews, with one student as

the interviewer. Use your notepads and the Grammar Spotlight on page 5 4 as a guide. i

H Wh a t really ticks me off is ...


. ······-·-······ ······-·-·······---;..,,.__ ·---;..,,.__

He re 's wh a t really ge t s on my ne rves . . . ·---------··-··--···· ···· •

··--·········-·····- ·-··-··--·------  

l H I'll tell you wh at reall reall_ _y ge g e t s to 11

CTIV TOR Discuss the questions.. Say as much as you can. questions DISCUSSION

1 I n yo u r opin opiniio n , how s h ould people behave in pu bli blicc pl aces? Do yo u t h ink it's impor t a n t to speak up w h e n people b eh ave in c on sid erately in publi lic? c? 2 Do y


Do yo u want t o know what bugs me?


· lt ta ke s getting use sed d t o. · it 's a m i xed bles sin ing. g. · [ Th ey] s hou houll d mind [th e ir] own own bus bu s in iness. ess. · [Th [The ey] mea ean n we w e l l. · Look on th e bri brig ght s ide .

ev e r do t hi ngs t h a t annoy o th e r people? E xp l a in . u


GO L Suggest ways to avoid being a victim of urban crime



lillillm r  l T G IES 1.: 1





Why do you think tourists might make ideal victims for criminals?

Read the interview. Do you agree with Miller  Miller  s advice?


Since the beginning of the century there has been a sleody increase in the number of foreign visitors to the great cities of the world . n this inlerview travel wriler Honno Miller suggests ways for visitors to ovoid becoming victims of urban crime.

And what w hat extra ext ra precauti precautions ons should to touri urists sts take in urban areas?

Mtller: Well, for one th   g, tounsts are more likely than local people to be carryi carrying ng large sums of money or valuables such as jew ewe elry and e lectronics. They are also out of their comfort zone, being unfamiliar with lo loca call customs or places that should be avoided. Because t hey're enjoying themselve themselves s , tourists touri sts ar a re more like kelly than locals to let their th eir guard down, th thinking inking the they y are safe when in fac actt

they are not. And let's face it: tour touriists stan stand out. The They y look different and dress differentl differently from the residents of the p lace they're th ey're visiting.

women: Be care carefu full if you wear a cross-body purse. purse . lt may be harder for a crim crimin inal t o grab, but you could be injured if the purse purs e snatc snatch her is on a motorcycle.

claim that tourists are particularly vulnerable criminal crimin al activities Why is that?

What kinds o crime do tourists need to be concerned about? Miller: All kinds, including violent cr im e, unfortunately.

Tourists, however, a re primari primarilly targeted for th theft eft of the valuab valuables les they have on them and the information ga ined from passports, credit ca rds, and ot her forms of identifi identification. cation. Because ou t -of -town vis visit itors ors t end to cong re gate at tourist att ra ct ions, it' it's s easier easier for cr criminal iminals s to do their work. Not only does thi this s provide the opportunity for a pickpocket to take so som m eo eone' ne's s wallet unnoticed, but it also makes it eas easiier for a purse purse-- snatcher to quickly grab

people need to worry about leaving valuables in their hotel room? o

Miller: Good point Don't leave valuabl valuables es unprotected in yourr room, wh you whe ere a burgl b urglar ar might break in and t ake them them.. you u . Better safe than Ask the fron front desk to keep them for yo sorry Finally, I shou shoulld menti mention on that, al l in all , crime c rime ra tes are down going worldwiide, and the c hances you will become worldw a c rim rime e victim are low low.. So don t let worrying abou aboutt crime interfere wit with h your having a great time

somet hing and run something run.. A mugger ca can n fo llow a vi v ictim until he or she is alo alone ne at an ATM m ac ach h ine, for examp examplle, where the criminall can demand the victim's money and property. crimina

So what precautions do you recommend? M ller: Before you leave home, use th e Int Internet ernet to le learn arn ab out your destinati destinat ion so you can avoid avoid high high-- cr crim ime e neighb ighborhoods. orhoods. The more you know, the be tter you can protect you yourrse sellf. Ph Pho oto copy yo ur passport and make su sure re

you hav have e a list of all your credit card numb numbers. ers. When you  re packing,, cho ose c lothes that don t make you stand ou t as a packing tourist. By the way, way, the insid inside e pocket of a jacket may seem like lik e a good p lace fo r a wa ll et or passport, but it's a favor favoriite target for pickpockets. Yo u shou shoulld eith ither er bring pan pantts and jackets with zippe zipperred or buttoned pockets or cons consid ider buying a money bel belt. And leave unnecessary va valluab uablles at home



Miller: lt goes without sayi saying: ng: Avoid streets that are not well- lit at night. And avoid going out al alone, if you can. While Whil e t here's usually safety in numbers, remember that tourist attractions also attract thieves. Stay aware of what  s happening around y o u - a s if you had eyes in the back of your head. On the street, avoid using a smart phone or t ablet - or fumbling with a map or guidebook- if yo you u don 't need to. Be wary if a stranger asks for directions or starts up a co nver nversat sation. ion. He or she may be sizi sizing ng you up as a potential v ict im im.. Be particularly careful in crowds at festivals or on buses or tr ains. Be suspicious of any sudden disrupti disruption. Thieves Thi eves are known to int inte entionally create a d istraction so you won t realize what they they'' re actually doing. And a warning to







l o o k for the words pickpocket, purse snatcher, snatcher, mugger, and burglar in the reading. Then choose the kind of criminal who comm itted each crime below. reading.


1 "I was looki ookin n g for sou ve ni rs a t t h e m a rk et w he n t h is kid grabs my ba bag g  " oc k e t 0 a pi c kp kpoc 0 a pur se s na tc h er 0 a mu gger 0 a b u rgla r 2 "I left m y laptop in a dresse r drawer un de r my d i rty clo thes , but wh e n I got back t o t h e h ot el it was go gon ne ggerr 0 a p ickp oc ke t 0 a pu rse s n atcher 0 a mu gge D a b ur glar


3 "I was w at chi ng th e p a r a d e wh w h e n all of of a s ud d e n I r e aliz ed so me o n e h a d t a k e n my passport " urg glar 0 a p ickpocke t D a pu rse s nat ch er D a m ugger 0 a bur 4

I ]

"We were w alk i n g on


pic kp oc kets

t h e b ea c h , a nd th ree big gu gu ys s u rr o u n de d u s a n d d e m anded o ur wa ll llee t s ggerr s 0 p ur urse se s n a t c h ers 0 mu gge 0 b ur glars


Read each statement from the interview.

Match each underl ined expression with its meaning.

a not be carefu l

h ey are a lso o u t of t h e ir co com m fort zone.



b be m ore no ticeable than oth e r s

2 Tou r ists a r e m ore li kely th t h a n locals to let t h ei eirr gua rd do wn.

c checking to see if you m ight be a good vi v ictim

3 Tou rists stand ou t.

d le s s risk by doing things w it h others


4 . . . there's us u a ll lly y sa fety in n u m be r s .

e do in ing g what t hey' r e not a cc ustome d to doing


5 He or s h e m ay be s i zing you you u p .


Discuss the questions questions.. Support your ideas with examples.

1 Wh at a r e so m e w ays t h at to ur i sts mi gh t let t h e ir gu ard down w h e n trave li lin ng ? 2 Wh at s h o ul uld d a v i s itor to yo u r co u n t r y do to n ot like o n e when yo you u tr ave l? do to n ot loo k like

l ll lim

c H t m ~ ~



"l oo k

li k e a to u r ist?" Wh lik Wh a t wo ul uld dy

uggest ways to avoid becoming a victim of urb n crime

With a partner, discuss ways to avoid becoming a crime victim in your own notepad.. town or city for each situation on the notepad Summarize your ideas. NOTEPADDING

while riding in a car

while using public



Imagine that you are a tourist visiting a new city, city, and your partner is a local. Tell your partner about what you ve been doing p a rtner makes suggestions during your visit. Your pa for how to avoid crime. Summarize your ideas on the notepad notepad..

r t

t i o n


OPTIONAL WRITING Write a short guide for visitors to your city. Suggest how to stay safe and avoid becoming a crime victim.

h i l e


walking on the

while stayi stayi ng in a hotel

while etting

cash at







li lilffilJ r . t l





Read and listen Then listen again and repeat





Plant flowers or trees • where there aren't any any..



Work without pay in the fire department. a hospital. or a school.

\ ]


Give the gift of life to someone who''s very sick or has been in who a serious accident.


Would you ever consider

doing any community service activities? With a

Mail letters. make phon phone e calls.. knock on doors calls doors.. or set up a table to raise money for cause.. a charity or cause


partner, explain what you would , or would nev never, er, do. do. li lilffilJ


Pick up trash from parks. playgrounds.. or the street. playgrounds




ould never consider volunteering my time to clean up litter. I think they should pa pay y people to do that . "

Listen to the report about the Ice Bucket Challe Challenge. nge. What was it? Describe the idea in your own words. .... 3:1







Read the questions questions.. Then listen

again and answer them.

1 How much money did th t he Ic Icee Bucket Ch all llenge enge su s u ggest donating if someone didn't take the ch all llenge enge?? 2 How much money was donated in just o ne month? 3 Wh a t percentage of the videos posted on Facebook actually le d to donations?



The report mentions that some people criticized the Ice Bucket Challenge. Read Rea d the list of criticisms. Then listen again and check the 3:12 LISTEN TO CONFIRM CONTENT

Pete Frates is credited with starting the Ice Bucket Challenge .

ones that are actually mentioned in the report.

D D D D D D I)

1 It m a d e people feel fee l bad if t h ey c h ose not to participate i n t h e c h a ll enge 2 T h e r e a r e m ore se r ious p r oble oblem m s for wh ic h people co ul uld d h a ve do n a te d mo n ey  3 People s h o uld have h ave pa id more attention to the cause r a th e r t h a n on h aving fu n   4 T h e c h a ll llee n ge di dn  t ra ise a lo t of mo n ey fo r research 5 Du mp in g ice wate r o n your h ead co ul d be dangero u s rities ties took t h e ch all 6 Some ce leb ri llee n ge just to c all atte ntion to t h emselve s  


the report an d your own ideas.

Discuss Disc uss the quest ions ions,, using information from

1 Do you you t hi n k th e Ice Bu Buc ket Ch a ll llee n ge was a good id idea? ea? Do you yo u ag r ee w it h t h e cr it ics o r t h e s upport ers? Wh Why? y? 2 Why d o you t hi n k people on socia l media re s p onded so strongly to t h e Ice Bu Bu cket Ch a ll llenge? enge?


Discuss the meaning of community ·········-.

rl J




With a partner, consider each situation and discuss what you might do.

Based on your answers, answers , how would you define the meaning of community ? My f i rst responsib i lity is to m y · f am il y. I ca n  t imagi ne d oi ng '

storm, and many homes have been destroyed. You re asked to let a family live with you until their home is fixed. fixed . What would you say if they were...

; , I

a. your relativ es? b. your neighbors ?

c. your colleague 's family? d. complete strangers?

There has been a natural disaster with casualtie casualties, s, and someone needs a blood transfusion to survive. You have the same blood type and can dona t e your blood to save that person's life. What would you do if the person were ••• a. a family member?

b. your neighbor? c. your classmate?

a comp lete str stra anger?




th is fo r a to ta l stran g er .  


Of course I'd help a st r anger it  s t h e right 1 th i n g t o d o .   ·

Developers plan to destroy a historic tourist attraction so they can build a new office building.. You ' re asked to donate building your time to write letters and talk to your friends and colleagues to help save it.

Make a list o f id ea s for community projects in which you and your clas classm ates could possibly

participate . Share your list with the cl cla ass and expla expl a in why you think your ideas would be worthwhile. worthwhile .





Study the rules.


When writing to a friend or relative, it is acceptable to use an informal tone, casual language, and abbreviations. However, when writing to the head of a company, a boss, or someone you don t know, standard formal language should be used, and regular spelling and punctuation rules apply. Formal letters are usually typed, not handwritten. The following salutations and closings are appropriate for formal letters: Formal salutations If you know the name name::

If you don t know the


your address date

719 McPherson Avenue Ph i ladelph i a PA 19102

{ une 30, 2018

Red Maple Cafe } 708 West Pine Street Philadelphia,, PA 19102 Philadelphia Dear Sir or Madam: }

Formal closings

Dea r Ms. Krum: Dear Dear Mr. Paz: Dear Professor Lee: Dear Dr. Dr. Smith:


Sincerely, Respectfully, Best regards, Cordially,

recipie nt s address salutation

I live a few blocks from your res restt aurant. For the past several mo nths, I have noticed that i n t he evenings there is a lo t o f trash on the side of your building. Cats in the ne ighbo ighborhood rhood turn ove r the

garbage cans, and the trash goes everywhere.

This is not only un p leasant to look at, bu t it is also a health hazard hazard.. Could you please make sure that when the trash is put out, the garbage cans are closed? Your helping keep our neighborhood clean and

Dear Sir or Madam: To whom it may concern:

beautiful would be greatly appreciated.

Respec Respe ctfully, }


Letters of Complaint

When writing a formal letter o f complaint, first state the reason you are writ writiing and describe the problem. Then inform whomever you are writing what you would like him or her to do about it, or what y u plan to do. The language and tone in your message should be formal and polite.





O lilivia via Krum

Write a salutation appropriate for a formal letter to each of these people. people.

1 a tea c h e r a t a unive rsity whos e family na me is Smith ....   .. ... .... . ...... .  

... .

2 a company manager whose na m e you don don t know . . ... . ... .... . ... .   ... .. .  . . .. 3 a female company manager whose family na me is

osta .... . ... . . . ... ... .  

. ..   . ... .

a ma le bank manager whose family name is Takata . . ............... .............. ............... 5 a physician who manage s a clini clinicc and whose family name is Grimond .. . . .... .   .. . . . . .. ... . . . .... .   lill1ll7.ilJ WRiliNG PRO ESS


APPLY THE WRITING SKILL On a separate sheet of paper, write a letter of complaint about a problem in your city or town. State what you would like to see done to fix the problem. Remember to be polite and appropriately formal.

Exchange letters with a pa Write an appropriate response to your partner s letter as were the person to whom it was addressed. OPTION





0 0



Did I use th the e pr prope operr sa lu luta tatio tio n and clos in g? Are the to ton ne and language in my le tter appropria te fo forr the intend intende ed reader? Di d I use reg ul ular ar spelling and pun unc ctua tuatio tion n and avoid ab br brevia eviati ons ns? ?




Listen carefully to each story. story. Infer the type o f criminal being described described and complete the statements with the details of the crime. 3:13

1 A .... . . . . ....... . ..... ... ... . . took his .............. . ......... . .... while he was riding on a .... ........................ . 2 A .. .

. . . . .. .

3 He saw a . . .

. . st ole . . . . . . . .

. . . .

. .



from her while she was walking with a ................. . ..... . .. .

. running down the street with a girl's . . .




. .. .

4 A .. . .... .. ..... . .............. broke into her ... .. ............ . . . ......... and took her husband's ............................


Respond to each statement or question in your own way. way . 1 "Your texting during the movie kind of bothers me." You :

2 "Would you mind not smoking in here?" You:


What bugs you about living in your town?" You:

4 "Who does things that really get to you? you?"" You:

Make each sentence logical by attaching a negative prefix to the adjective. Use a dictionary

if necessary.

1 Smoking on public buses and trains is really exe1:1sable.. illex c u able exe1:1sable 2 I believe littering and spitting o n the street are both respoRsible respoRsible.. 3 People who play loud music without consideration for the people around them are exhibiting re ally behavior.

5 When a salesperson is rude, I find it not only respeetful but also annoying.

6 I should warn you that the air pollution downtown is really pleasaRt. 7 I think it's fteRest to sell souvenirs to tourists a t higher prices than people usually pay. 8 I t doesn't help when people are emuteo1:1s to ea ch other.

4 I think it's appropriate for people to text their friends during movies.


Combine the sentences   using paired conjunctions. shouldn't ldn't allow smoking. (neither .. . nor) 1 Restaurants shouldn't allow smoking. Theaters shou

2 Smoking should be banned. I t s hould be restricted. (either ... or) 3 Littering doesn't offend me. Spitting doesn't offend me. (neither


4 I think loud music is rude . I think loud people are rude. (Not only .. . bu t)

Web Project: Project: Urb Urban an Communities

ww w.english mj summ it3e



Reference Charts

PRONUNCI TION T BLE These are the pronunciation symbols used in

ummit l


Vowels Symbol


c £


Key Word b ea t, f ee d b it, d id d ate, p ai d b et , be d b a t, ba d


ou u u \



au ::JI


b o x, o dd, f a ther b ought, d o g b oa t, roa d b oo k, g oo d b oo t , f oo d, st stu u dent b ut , m u d, m other

er or >r



Key Word b a nan nana a , a mong sh i rt , m u rde r b i te, c ry ry,, b uy , eye ab ou t, ho w v oi ce, b o y


b t

d k g

b eer b a re ba r d oor to u r

tf d.3


e s


Key Word p ack, hap p y b ack, ru bb er t ie d ie c ame, k ey q uic k g ame, g uest ch urch, na natt ure ure,, wa t c h j ud g e g eneral, maj or f an, ph otogra ph v an th ing, breath th en, breath e s ip, c ity ity,, ps ychology

Key Word z ip, plea pleas s e go e s sh ip, ma ch ine, statt ion, spec sta spe c ial, discu ss ion meas mea s ure, vi s ion

z f


ho t w ho m en, som so m e sun su n , kn ow, pn eumonia su ng , ri ng ing w et et,, w h ite l ight, l ong r ight, w r ong y es, u se, mu m u sic bu t t er, bo t t le bu t t on


m n I


I r

y f


simple past

past partic participle iple

base form

simple past

past parti participl ciple e






fo rgotte rgotten n

beat become begin bend bet bite bleed

beaten become begun bent bet bitten bled blown broken bred brought built burned burnt burst

forgive freeze get give

forgave froze

forgiven froze fro zen n gotten given gone grown hung had heard hidden




beat became began bent bet bit bled blew broke bred brought built burned burnt burst bought caught chose came cost crept






break breed bring build burn burst buy

catch choose come cost

deal dig

drew dreamed drank drove ate fell fed felt fought found

fly forbid

flew forbade




caught chosen come cost



dealt dug

draw dream drink drive eat fall feed feel fight find




dealt dug


done drawn dreamed drunk driven eaten fallen fed felt fought found



lay lead leap learn leave lend let lie light lose

gave went grew hung had heard hid hitt hi held hurt kept knew laid led leaped leapt learned learnt left lent let lay lit lost



go grow

hang have hear hide hit hold hurt keep

mean meet mistake pay

meant met


held hel d hurt kept known laid led leaped leapt learned learnt left lent let lain lit lost made meant met


mistaken pa id

put quit

put quit



read /rid/ ride ring

read /red/ rode rang

q uit read /red/ ridden rung

flown forbidden

rise run

rose ran

risen run


base form

simple past

past participle

base form

si mple past

past participle

say see sell send set shake shed shine shoot

said saw sold sent set

said seen sold sent set shaken shed shone shot shown shrunk shut sung sunk sat s lept sl slid smelled I smelt spoken sped I speeded spelled I spelt

spring stand steal st ick sting st ink s t rike string swear sweep

sprang I sprung





shed shone shot

s h owed shrank shut sang sank sat slept slid smelled I smelt


shrink shut sing sink sit sleep slide smell speak speed spell spend spill spin


sped I speeded spelled I spelt spent spilled I spilt spun spit I spat spoiled I spoilt spread


spoil spread


stung stank I stun stunk k struck struc k strung swore s wep t swam swung


swing take teach tear tell think

swung taken taug tau g ht torn to ld thought thrown understood

taught tore told th ou ght t hrew understood upset woke I waked wore wo ve w ept won wound wrote

unde rstand under upset wake wear weave

spilled I spilt spun sp it I spat spoiled I sp o ilt spread

sworn swept swum




stolen st uc k stung st unk st ruck I stric strick k en strung







woken I waked worn wove n wept

won wound writte n


de s ire


hearr hea imagine include** include


apprec iate apprec astonish be * believe be long care consist of contain


envy equal ex ist ex fear feel* forget hate have** have



look like look*

love matter mean mind

consider delay

be capable

imagine justify keep mention mind m iss postpone practice


R  U N  D

discontinue di sc uss dislike don t mind


be tired of be accustomed to be committed to

I  m

endure enjoy escape ex plain feell like fee finish forgive give up

deny detest

be ex cited about be worried about be responsible for be interested in be accused of

see a tre e . (non - action)


h er t








see s eem m smell* sound s uppose surprise taste** taste think* think* understand want** want weigh * weigh*

please possess prefer real iz e recogni ze recogniz remember** remember resemb le see * see*


* These verbs also hove action meanings. Example :

acknowledg e admit advise apprecia appreci ate avoid ca n t help celebrate celebrat e complete

need owe own


be opposed to be used to complain about dream about I of talk about I of think about I of

believe in participate in succeed in take advantage of take car ca re of insist on

for apologize make an excuse for have a reason for

look forward to

prevent prohibit propose quit

recall recommend repo rt

resent resist risk suggest support to lerate unders under stand

blame [someone or something something]] for ive e [some [som eon e or someth somethiing ] for fo rg iv omethiing] for thank [someone or someth keep [someone or something] f rom prevent [someone or something] from stop [someone or something] f rom













agree appear arrange ask attempt can t wait care

hesitate hope hurry intend learn manage

claim consent decide demand deserve expect fail


advise allow ask* beg cause challenge



choose* convince enable encourage expect* forbid


force get* get* help** help hire instruct invite

need neglect offer pay plan prepare

promise refuse request seem struggle swear

volunteer wait want wish would like yearn

remind request require teach tell

urge want* warn wish* would like*


need** need order pay permit persuade promise*

* In the active voice, these verbs can be followed by the infinitive without an object (example: want to speak or want someone to speak).




afraid alarmed amazed angry anxious

content curious delighted depressed determined

disturbed eager easy embarrassed encouraged

glad happy hesitant likely lucky

proud ready relieved reluctant sad sa d

ashamed certain

disappointed distressed

excited fortunate

pleased prepared


*E x ample: I m

lling to







N INF I NITIVE without a c h nge in me ning

with a c h nge i n me ning

forget (+ gerund) + infinitive infinitive))

forget something that happened forget something that needs to be done

reg egret ret + gerund) + infinitive)

regret a past action regret having to inform someone about an action

remember(+ gerund) + infinitive)

remember something that happened remember something that needs to be done

stop(+ gerund)

stop a continuous action

+ infinitive)

sorry surprised touched upset willing

begin can t stand continue hate hat e like

love prefer start try

stop in order to do something


alarming amazing amusing annoying astonishing boring comforting comfo rting confusing depressing disappointing disgusting





alarmed amazed amused annoyed astonished bored comforted confused depressed disappointed disappoint ed disgus disgu sted



disturbing embarrassing entertaining exciting exciti ng exhausting fascinating frightening horrifying inspiring interesting irritating moving

disturbed embarrassed entertained excited exhausted fascinated frightened horrified inspired interes inter ested ted irritated irritat ed moved

paralyzing pleasing relaxing satisfying sa tisfying shocking soothing startling start ling stimulating surprising terrifying tiring touching

paraly zed paralyze d pleased relaxed satisfied sho hoc c k ed soothed startled stimulated surprised ter ri fied tired tir ed touched




Grammar Booster The Grammar Booster is optional. lt offers more i nformatio n and extra practice, as well well as Grammar for Writing Writing..

Sometimes it further explains or expands the unit gramma r and and points out common errors. In other cases, it reviews and practices previously learned learned gramma r that would be helpful when learning new grammar conce concepts pts.. If you use the Grammar Booster, you will find extra exercises in the Workboo Workbook k in a separate section labeled Grammar Booster. The Grammar Booster content is not tested on any ummit tests.

m nil n f i n i t i v e ~ ·

r e vie w, e x p a n ~ i o n

a n d c o m m o n errors

Statements Using an infinitive as the subject of a sentence sounds extremely formal in speaking speaking.. There are two ways to express the same idea: (1) Make the infinitive a subject complem complement, ent, or (2) use an impersonal i1 To be a mother is my greatest wish.

1 My greatest wish is to be a mother. 2 it's my greatest wish to be a mother.

When making a statement with an impersonal and an infinitive about a specific person or people, use a phrase with for+ a noun or a pronoun to name that person or people.

t isn't hard for me to learn new languages . lt usually takes time for new students to get to know each other. it's it' s too late for Ella and Paul to go out for dinner now.

Be careful careful   You can 't use an adjective of feel in g or emoti emotion in statement statements s with + adjective and infinitive. inf initive. You have to use an actual subject. My sister is happy to graduate . NOT J.t s. ha ppy to graduate.

With causative form,, with causative @1 Use an infinitive, not a base form @1..

Some adjectives of feeling or emotion: Some afraid ashamed exc ited depre ssed amazed glad happy angry di sapp oi nte d anxious embarra ssed pleased - ··

We got eve ryone to fill out the survey. lity.. The teacher got me to compare my personality with my mother's persona lity In ind irect spee speech ch Use an infinitive to replace an imperative in indirect speech. The manager said, Be at the meeting at 2:15 sharp:·

The manager said to be at the meeting at 2:15 sharp .

She told us , Don 't call before dinner: dinner:''

She told us not to call before dinner.

sad shoc ocked ked so rry up se t

n a separate sheet of paper paper,, rewrite each sentence, changing the subject infinitive to a subject complement.

1 To be successful is every new graduate's wish. 2 To cook dinner is my chore for the evening. 3 To win the game is every player's dream.


responsibility of the park police. 5 To win the election is every candidate's task.

Rewrite each sentence, beginning with an impersonal .

1 To be disciplined about an exercise program is

6 To pass the examination is not the easiest t hing in

difficult for an easygoin easygoing g person. 2 To get to work on time is a good idea.

the world. 7 To live in an English-speaking country might be b e an exciting experience.

3 To be outgoing in new situations is helpful. helpful.


To act

friendly friend ly is always worthwhil worthwhile. e.

5 To be too talkative can sometimes be a problem.


4 To rescue hikers lost in the woods is the

8 To know when to use an infinitive and when to use a gerund is pretty confusing.

Insert a phrase with for in each of the following sentences. o r ne\ driverr drive in a lot of traffic. 1 It's  

4 It's too la te to make the early show.

2 It's important to remembe r that some difficult

pellee nt when you c amp 5 It's essential to use insect r e pell

things are just a part of life life..

3 It's smart to realize that it's better to be safe than sorry.

in the woods. 6 t's good to avoid being too outgoing when you're starting a new job. GRAMMAR BOOSTER


I ]

On a separate sheet of paper, rewrite each statement in indirect speech.

1 Celine said, Don't be late for the meeting.

3 M y sister said, Don't call me before 7:00A.M.

2 Last night they told me , Always take care when you

4 The tour guide told them, Just roll with the


go out in the evening.


• Grammar for W r it ing : parallelism w it h g e runds and infinitives A common error in formal written English is mixing gerunds and infinitives when listing items in a series. series . items ms should be either all gerunds or all infinitives. A ist of ite When I take time off from work , I prefer relaxing at home, spending time with my family, and getting things done around the house. NOT I prefer relaxing at home, spending time with my family, and .ffi-get things done around the house. I can t stand getting up late and missing the bus . NOT I can t stand getting up late and


the bus .


In a series, either use tQ with all the infinitives or use it only with the first one.

When I take time off from work , I prefer to relax at home, spend time with my family, and get things done around the house. NOT When I take time off from work , I prefer to relax at home, spend time with my family, and -te get things done around the house.


On a separate sheet of pa paper per,, correct the errors in paral lelism In the following sent sentence ences. s.

1 After she arrived in London, she began to write long letters home and calling her parents night.. a t all hours of the night doing:: speaking in front of large audiences and 2 There a re two things I really can't stand doing chat with people I don't know a t parties. 3 Right be be fore midnight, everyone began to sing, dance, and to welcome in the new year. 4 There's no question I prefer using all my vacation time and take a long vacation.


Complete the following sentences, sentences, using appropriate gerund or infinitive forms. Refer to pages 122- 124 in the Reference Charts if necessary.

1 I would suggest . . .

. . ... ... .. fill

2 Did you r e membe r . . .


door before you left?

out the form immediate immediate ly and . . .

. . . . . . . . . a copy for your r e cords. make

. . . . . . .. . . off the stove stove,, . . . . . . .. . .   . . .   . ... . . . . the windows, and . . .


. .. . . .



. . th e

3 It 's obvious from her e -mails that she really loves .. . .   .... . . . ... . ... . .   . the c ulture ulture,, . ...... ... . ... . . .. . . . .... n e w people, .... .. .. . th e re. and ju st . .. . . . . . . . . .. be 4 They prohibit ... .. . ... . .... .   . . . .   .. photographs or . . . ~




. . . . . . . . . . . a recorder.

5 I re r eally wouldn't mind . . .. . . .. ...take . . ... . .. .... . .. .. them out to dinner o r . .. . .... .show .. .. .... .. .. .... .. . . them around if you'd like m e to . 6 He promised . .. . . . . . . . . . . . the report home , . . . take

questions by the next da y.

.. . .. .. read


it carefully, and . .

. . ..

. . . . . to any


II hil Fini sh e d a nd unf ini sh e d ac ti on s . su m m ar y

Finished actions Use the simple past tense or the past of be for an action finished at a specified time in the past. They watched some movies yesterday.

Use the present perfect for an action finished at an unspecified time in the past.

They  ve watched that movie three time s.




Use the past perfect for an action that was finished before another action in the past. When I arrived, they had already watched the movie movie.. Note: Although the continuous aspect is used for actions in progress, the present perfect con co ntinuous is sometimes


used for very very recently completed actions, especially to emph emphasize asize duration. been n watchi ng movies all afternoon, but they're re done now. They' ve bee Unfinished actions Use the past continuous for unfinished actions that continued for a peri peri od of time or during a specific time in the past.

I was relaxing at home all morning. At noon, I was watching a movie. unfinished ished actions that began in the past and may Use the present perfect OR the present perfect continuous for unfin continue into the future. Use the present perfect continuous to furthe r empha emphasize size that the action is continuous. She 's listened to OR


for years. [And she may cont contii nue.]

She  s been listening to


for years. [And she may continue.]

rl Complete the article, using the simple past tense, the past of be, or the present perfect. World Music is no t really really a true genre of music- it is a combination of musical genres from around the world. More recently recording companies ........ . ....... ... ............. ............... the term to describe the music of artists who 1 use

they felt could appeal to new audie aud iences nces across cultures. The concept of World Music . .... .... . .. .. .... ... .... . ... .. first created after U.S. singer I songwrite r Paul Paul Simon ... . .... .. ..... .. ... .. . .. .. . his hugely successful 3 record

2 be

Grace and


in 1986. At that time, he . ........ . . . ........ . .. . . South Africa's male choir Ladysmith Black Mambazo and rock 4 invite

group Savuk Savuka a to accompany him on the recording. recording . Both groups later .... . .. .. .... .... .. . .. .. . with him around 5 to u r

the world. This exciting collaboration immediately . .... .. .... ..... . .... ....... to European and North American audiences, who were attracted to this different sound.

6 appeal

Since that time, as more artists ... ... .... .. .... . .. . .. .... .. . .... to reach new audienc audiences, es, there .. .. ... .. ............. ... an 7 try

8 be

increased amount of crossover - th a t is is,, musicians influencing each other across cultures. cultures. Enthusiasm for music from other cultures ... . .. . . .. . .. .... .. . . .. . . ... stead steadily. ily. Artists such as Angelique Kidjo and Carlos Vives, who 9 rise

were well-known wi w ithin specific regions such as Africa or Latin America, .. .... . ... . . ... ... . . ... . .. .. international stars, and mainstream music .


10 become

11 incorporate

many of the features of these artists.

Read each statement. Then decide which description is closer in meaning. 1 By the time I heard about it, the concert had sold out.

a First I heard about the concert. Th e n it sold out. b First the concert sold out. Then I heard about it. 2 Aft Aftee r he d won the award, h e got a big recording contract. a First he got the recording contract. Then he won the award. b First he won the award. Then he got the recording contract. 3

We wanted to go to his performance because we d heard

his new album.

a First we heard his album. Then we wanted to go t o his performance. b First we wanted to go to his performanc e . Then we heard his album. 4 He d played at a lo t o f different halls before he performed a t Carneg Carnegiie Hall. a First h e performed at Carnegie Hall. Th e n he played a t a lot o f differen t halls. halls. b First he played a t a lot of different halls. Then he performed a t Carnegie Hall.





u ~ e ~

r eview and expansion

Remember: A noun Remember: noun clause functions as a noun noun and is often introduced with t hat. When a noun clause is a direct object object,, use of that is optional. I didn  t realize ( that) art therapy could be so helpful helpful..

• Be careful Don   t use que ques st ion word order in nou oun n clauses that are embed clauses mbedd ded q ues estt ions.


Introduce a noun clause with if or whether whe when n it is an embedded ru Use a question word when it is an embedded information question.

I don't kn kno ow where the band is performing. NOT I don  don   t know ni lere is ti le ll :l fH'I performi ng. Doe s he und unde erstand what the lyrics mean? NOT Doe s he und unde er stand wi lBt cle ti le lyries me mea an7

no question question..

(Does she come from the U.S.?) Do you know if she comes from the U.S.? (Wh en does the concert begin?) I m n ot sure when the concert begins. begins .

Us e a period with wit h an embe emb edded questio question n with i n a statement. Use a ques question mar m ark k wi w ith an emb embe edded ques que stion with wit hin a qu es ti on. I don't know who is singing singing..

A noun noun clause can also functi on as the subject of a sentence. A noun clause introduced with a question word can also function as a subject complement. What he said was ver very y interesting interesting.. (subject)

Do you know wh o is sing singii ng ng? ?

That she  she  s a therapist surprises me . (subject) Teaching children is what I lov love e. (subject complement)


Complete each noun clause with that, i f (or whether), or a question word. (Some have have more th an one possible possi ble answer.)

1 She thinks .

classicc al music is boring. classi

2 Ca Catching tching up with friends on social media is . . . . 3 I don t remember . 4 ..

. .






. I spend Sat urday morning mornings.

bands we saw in co nc ert last year.

I like most is electronic po p .

5 Did anyone anyon e tell you . 6 Robe Robe rt asked me .

. . .

7 I c an t imagine .






I'm showing my m y painting paintingss at the Henderson galle gallery ry??

I had bought tickets for the concert yet.

life would be like without t he arts.

8 I do n't re ally know . . . .............. . ...... . to cook very we w e ll. 9 New York is . .. .. .. . .. ...... ..... . ... . .. the Empire St ate Building is lo locc at e d. 10 I wonder ... . .. ....... ..... . ........ ..... the c oncert begins.


Complete each sta tement, usi ng a noun clause based on the question in parentheses. parentheses.

1 ( Wh e re did Mozart live? ) I do n't know .... ... .. .... .. .. ........ . ..... . .................. .................... ........ ..... . . ...... ... .. . .......... ............ .. .............. . 2 ( Wha Whatt type of music does our teache r like? like?) I h ave no id ideea .... .. .. . .. . . ... .. . . . . ... .. . ... .. . . ... . . .. . . ... . .... . ... . . ... ... . .... .. . 3 ( Wh e n did the Backstreet Boys re ce ntly perform in Chic Chic ago ?) She asked me

.. ... ..... . ....... ......... .. . .. ..... ... .. .... . . .. .... . . . ...... . .. .

4 (Ar Aree c oncert tickets really expensive xpensive??) I don t know .. .... ... .. .. .. . . ... .. .... . . .. ... . . .. .. . . .......... ............ . .. . .. .. .. . . . ..... . ... .. . . . . .. . . 5 (How long is the musi musicc al Annie? Annie?) I'm not sure . .. .. .. ...... .. .. .. .... ........ ...... . .... ... . ... . . .. ...... .... .... . ..... . .... .. . . .... ... . . . .... . 6 (Will th e movie end before 6: 6:00 00??) He He 's asking ... . .... . .. . ... ... . .... . ... . . . . . . .. . . .. .. .... ... . . . .. .... . . . . . . . .. ... .... . . . . . .. . ... ... ... . .. .. .

As adjective complements verb + an adjective with To more formally make a point, use tl + be or another linki ng verb a noun clause beginning with that. That is option al. research . lt is clear (that) Hensley has done a lot of research. t

seems obvious (that) the band needs a new lead singer.


was surprising (that) th the ey never perfo perforrmed together again. again .

As noun complements To more formally focus on an issue or topic, complete the meaning of a noun phrase

with a noun clause. clause . That is necessary necessary.. The fact that her songs were were extremely popu lar made her ve ry wealthy.

The belief belief that vaccines might be harmful led some people to ref refu use t hem .

Some adjectives used in expressions wi w ith tl +


is wa s will be be coul co uld d be seems

obvi ous obvio importa imp ortant nt essentia essen tia l unacce accept pta abl ble e surp risi ng intt eres ti ng in

(tha (th at)

Some noun phrases used to introduce noun clauses: clauses: The announcement t ha t The idea t hat The argument t hat The news th at The belief th at The possi poss i bility t hat The chance t ha t The proposal th at The claim tha t The recommendation th at The demand t hat The fac t that


The report tha th at The suggest suggestii on t ha t




On a separate sheet of paper, rewrite each sentence, using. + be (or a linking verb)+ an adjective and a noun clause as an adjective complement.

1 That developin developing g countries address the problems caused by global warming is extremely important. 2 That the president plans on resign resigning ing appear s obvious to everyone.


another linking verb :

3 That not providing disas ter relie f will will only worsen the situation seems quite clear. 4 That a cure for cancer will be discovered in the next twenty years is certainly possible possible.. 5 That the governments of Argentina and Chile will reach an agreement looks very likely. 6 That Max Max Bianchi won t be participating in the Olympics next year is not important.


Read each quot e from a radio news program. Then, on a separate sheet of pape Read paper, r, complete each statement, using the noun clause as a noun complement. Example: Volk Volkswage swagen n annou nced t ha t they would unveil a new car design early n e x t

industry.  [T [The he announceme nt . .. ..]] year . This is causing a lot of excitement in the auto industry. TJ e allllOVIlCeme11t t J a t o l k ~ L

e a rly 11e.xt y e a r

c a v ~ i 1 1 9


V a 9 e 1 1

lot o


VI)Veil a

11eL V


e ~ i 9 1 l

e.xciteme11t i11 tJ e a v t o i 1 1 d v ~ t r y

1 The Heal Health th Ministry announced t ha t they will begin vaccinating all infants for measles. This was greeted with criticism from the opposition part party. y. [Th [Thee annou ncem ent ... ] 2

The president said it was possible t ha t he would resign by t h e en d o f this year. This has taken everyone by surprise, including the news media. [The possibility ... ]

3 The London Sun reports t h a t Dr. Regina Blair o f the Glasgow Medical C e n t e r has discovered a new p ro t ei n . This is attracting much interest in the world of science. [The report . . .] New Zealand man h ad b ro kthree en the a t a ninety-five-year-old 4 world The Auckland Times claimetdh tehlongest similar claims reco rd fo r growing beard. This has triggered across continents. [Th [Thee claim ... )

II iiil The conditional clause of past unreal conditional sentences can be stated without if by simply inverting had and the subject of the clause. Clauses using inverted word order are more formal than those using usual (non-inverted) word order order..

Usual word order

Inverted word order

Be car care eful Don t contrac t n.Q1 wi t h had in inve rted negative clauses. the ere , the y Had t he y no t been th wouldn  t have kn ow n the truth. truth . NO T Hafrfl .t the y be en t here , the y truth h. wo uldn  t ha ve known the trut

If I had known it would take up so much room, I wouldn  t have bought it.

- >

Had I known it would take up so much room, I wouldn   t have bought it.

I might have gotten another brand if I had realized it would be so hard to operate.


If we hadn t been so busy, we could have shopped


I might have gotten another brand had I realized it would be so hard to operate. Had we not been so busy, we could have shopped around .

around . If she had told me this thing wouldn t operate without batteries , I would never have considered


Had she told me this thing wouldn  t operate without batteries, I would never have considered getting it.

getting it.


On a separate sheet of paper, rewrite the following past unreal conditional sentences, using the inverted form.

1 They would have lent her their car if she had asked . 2 If I hadn t spent so much money on my vacation, I would have considered buying a stationary bi bicc ycle. 3 If the Carsons hadn t moved into such a small apartment, they would have bought a treadmill treadmill.. 4 Could you have gotten the car if they hadn't raised the price?



paper,, complete DJ On a separate sheet of paper

buyer''s remorse, using the the statements of buyer

inverted form and the Vocabulary from page


1 .. . I wo uld n eve everr h ave gotten that e sp re sso ma ker.


2 . . . we n ever would ha h av e bought su c h a la rge so fa . 3 . . . I co uld h ave got ten an e nt e rtainm rtainmeent c enter with few er p ie iece cess . 4 ... w e pr p r o babl bably y would h av e bought bought a mo re e co n o mical ca r. 5 . .. I wo uld have h ave gotten a DVR with s impl implee r dir di r ectio ections. ns.

The future continuous

Use the future continuous for actions that will be in progress at a specifi specifi c time or over a period of time in the futu future. To form the future continuous, continuous , use will + be + a present participle OR be going to + be + a present partici partici ple .

. { At th is t1 me next week , I

be lying } . .. .. . . . on a be ach 1n Haw a11. [spec1 f1 c 1 me ] ·m gomg to be lymg 11

 11 be studying } . . I{ . . . Engli sh in the Unit ed State s for ab out two years . [penod of t1me] m gomg to be studymg

Sometimes sentences in the simple future and the future continuous have almost the same mean ing . Choose the future continuous to emph asi ze a continuous continuou s or uninterrupted activity. activity. Next yea r, 111 study Engli sh in the United Stat es. Next year, I' ll be studying Engl is h in th e Unit ed Sta t es . Unite Remember:: Do Remember Don' t use a conti cont inuous Questions and short answers form with a stat tatiive verb. St at ive verbs are Will you be working at home ? Ye s, I will  / No , I won ' t. "non-acti tio on" ve rbs suc h as le., ~ know , Are you going to be working at ho me? Yes, I am . / No, I' m not. reme mbe r, l.llie_ s.e.em. , ap orec iate , etc. contin uous wit h stat statiive Do not use the continu Use the or when continuous s and time clauseactivity. with while describe activity that will future occur continuou at the same timeaas another activity . Do not formaincontinuous the time clause . use atofuture I 11 be looking fo r a j ob while my wife continues he r studi es . NOT I' ll be loo kin g fo r a job wh while my wife will ee eeAtiAtliAg her stud ies . Wh en th e teac her is speaking speaking,, we 11 be listening ca refull fully y. NOT When th the e te acher will ee Sf3ealliAg , we ll be listenin g ca refully.

paper,, correct the errors in 1 11 On a separate sheet of paper

ve rbs.

DON T SAY By next mon th th,, f .ll-be- w'o'iftg a ne new car.

For a com pl et e list of sta t ive ver bs, se e pa ge 123 in the Ref ere nce Chart s.

the followi ng sentences.

1 She ll be staying at t h e Newton Newton Hot Hotee l w h en she s going to be atte attendi nding ng th t h e meetin meeting. 2 We wo n  t b e spending mu m u ch t ime sig sigh htseeing wh il ilee we ll be visiting Lon Lon do n . 3 Whe When n he s going to st ay in town, h e  s goi go ing to be m e et etiin g with some fri riends. ends. 4 Sh e ll be c orrecting h o mework w hile the s tud ents w ill ta ke th t h e test. 5 W h il ilee Mich Mich e ll llee will w ill be servi servin n g d essert, Ran dy will will already be washing t h e di d ish e s. 6 Won t t h ey be goin ing g to sle ep in New Yor k w he n yo you u   ll b e getti gettin n g u p in Taipei Taipei??

llJ Complete the following senten sentences ces,, using the future continuous with will when possible. If the future continuous is not possible possible,, use the simple future with will.

1 After I ve co mpleted my s tu dies dies,, I .. .. .. .... .......... .. ..... ... for a job. look

2 Sh e ...... . .. . . ... . . .. . . . .. . . histor historiic si s ites w hil hilee s h e s in in Turkey Turkey.. photograph

3 In a few years, th t h ey . .




reme rem emb mbe er

alll t h e prob lems t h ey h ad. al

.. .. .. .. .. . . .. .. .... . .. .. . he .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . very long be b e tw ee n fligh fligh t s? wait

5 I m sure she .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. w h en yo you u cal calll tonig tonigh h t. not


sl ee p



The future perfect continuous Use the future perfect continuo continuous us to emphasize the continuous quality of an action that began before a specific time in the future. To form the future perfect continuous, continuous, use will (or won ' t) + have been and a presen presentt participle. participl e.

By next year, I'll have been studying English for five years . [Describes an actio n that began before next year and may still continue.]

Combine a statement using the future perfect per fect continuous with a time clause to show the relationship between two future actions. Use the simple present tense in the time clause. By the time I arrive in New York, I ll have been sitting in a plane for over ten hours . NOT By the t i m e in New York , I'll have been sitting in a plane for over ten hours .



Complete the postcard, using the future continuous or the future perfect continuous. Dear Ida

Ve ice w a ~

9reat; butfi ally


to Parid By tomorroW afterf100f1  I

1 stroll a d ................ .. .... .... .... ifl t h e beavtifv l i 9 h t ~ o f t h a t 9reat city. 2 take I t h e eVef if 9· I ................ : .. ........... a opera by Bizet i t h e city Where he W a ~ bor .


h a m p ~

E l y ~ e e ~



by S atvrday I .. .... ...... ........ ...... .. .. d e l i c i o v ~ Fre,ch food for a Whole week 4 eat P l v ~ I ........ .. .......... .. .. .. .... my Fre,ch with real a tiv e p e a k e r ~ . Thef1 a f t e r P a r i ~ , i t ~ of f to 5 practice t h e Riviera, Where I ........................ .. .... a r o u , d on t h e b e a c h e ~ o f Nice a d S ai,t-Tropez 6 lounge for a week. By t h a t time, I .............................. for three w e e k ~ a d it will a l m o ~ t be time 7 travel to c o m e h o m e - a lof 9 trip for a homebody like me( J v ~ t t h i




S ee


~ o o


Pave I

Wiil Quantifiers: a few and few, a little and little

Use a few with plural count nouns and a littl e with non -count nouns to mean some. Use few with plural count nouns and little wit h non -count nouns to mean not many or not much.  

A few I few A few companies are allowing their employee s to dress casually on Fridays. [=some co mpanies] Few companies are allowin g their emp loyees to dr ess casually on Fridays. [ = not many companies] A ittle 1 little Employees are showing a littl e interest in thi s new dr ess code. [ = so me intere st ] Employees are sh owin g little intere interest st in thi this s new dress code. [ = not much interest] -··

m hange the underlined quantifiers to a fe w, few, a little, or little.



Quantifiers used without referents Qua ntifi ers ca n be used without the noun they desc de sc r ibe , as long as th the e context ha s bee n mad e clear ea rli er. Most peop le don't thi thin nk we ' ll find lif life e on


oth ot her plane t s in ou r lif et ime, but a f ew do. Seve ral worke rs in ou r office think peop le sho ul d dress down every day , bu t most don't.

a little

1 Would you like to list listeen to some music? 2 We actually eat almost no meat. 3 There were several new st ud e nts in my cla ss today. today. 4 I've se en hardly any movies in the las lastt m o n t h . 5 I ef\ioy visiting Ames, but t he re 's not much to do there there.. 6


you look in the fridge , there s hould b bee some eggs. GRAMMAR BOOSTER


Quantifiers: using Qf for specific reference

Use Qf when a noun is preceded by a possessive adjective adjective,, a possessive noun , a demonstrative adjective, or the

article the the.. More general

More specific


possessive adjectives = my , her, their their,, etc. possessive nouns = John's, the doctor's demonstrative adjectives = this this,, that, these , those

any frie iends nds

any of her friends

some students

some of his students

one cat

one of my cats

all employees most eo-workers several companies many books

all of our employees most of Jack s eo-workers several of these companies many of those books

a few choices

a few of the choices

a little cake

eake ke a little of the ea

Using Qf after iill or both is optional optional,, with no change in meaning . all of our employees R all our employees

both of those choices


both those choices

Be careful In the superlative, do no t use Qf f t r ~ DON T SAY Tokyo is the ci ty with the most ef people in Japan .

all ef employees both ef choices


One and each are used with singular nouns only. But one of and each of are used with plural nouns only. However, the meaning of both expressions is still singular.

One stud ent

One of the students

Each class

Each of the classes

Qf must be included when using an object pronoun . both of them NOT botl9 tl9effl


, ::: [

Some quantifiers must include Qf when they modify a noun or noun phrase .

a lot of lots of

a majority of plenty of

a couple of a number of


a bit of a great deal of

] ] Only one of each pair of sentences is correct. Check the correct sentence and correct the mistake in the other one one.. 1 a [Z] She went with several of her classmates.


0 D 0 0 0 D 0 0 0

6 a b

D 0

b 2 a b 3 a b 4 a b 5 a

e v e r



classmates went out for coffe coffee. e.

Most of companies in the world re fairly formal. Most of the companies in the United Stat es have dress-down days. All of hot appetizers were delicious.

Everyone tried all of the co ld appetizers. A lot of my friends have traveled to exotic places. There are a lot places I d like to see. I re d a few of Steinbeck s novels l st year. A few of novels by Steinbeck t ke place i n Mexico. Mexico. Several managers were interviewed, nd many them liked the new policy. Many of the employees we spoke with liked the new policy.

Grammar for Writing : subject subject   verb agreement o f quantifiers followed by o f

In quantifiers with Qf the verb must agree with the noun that comes after Qf. Some of the movie is in English. Some of the movies are in English. A lot of the music was pop . A lot of the musicians were young. In formal written English, none of is traditionally followed by a singular verb . However, in spoken English it is almost always used with a plural verb . The plural verb is acceptable and correct. Formal : None of the students was late for class.

i nforma l: None of the stu den ts were late for class.





Choose the verb that agrees with each subject.

1 Ev Evee ry one of t hese choices sound sounds) t e rrifi rrificc   2 On Onee of o f t h e te ac h e rs was were) going to st ay after after class.


Be careful The quantifiers QJN..Qf, and every one of are always followed by a plural noun, but they always take a sing ular ve rb . One of the students likes rap musi c.


3 A lo t of the proble m (is are) that no on e w a nts to w ork s o ha rd. 4 Ea c h of t he employees want wants) to work over time. 5 Half of th e city was were) flood floodee d in th e s t or m. 6 None None of t he playe yerr s (is coming are coming) t o th t h e gam e . 7 Only Only 8 p e r c ent of t he i r worke rs p re fe r shorte r wo rk w ee ks , whil whilee a t le as t 90 9 0 p er erce ce nt do n 't doesn't)

II hij

Conjunctions w i t h

too neither or n_o.t

Notice the subjectsubject-verb order. order. . . . an d so is littering . . . an d littering is, is , t oo .

i t h ~ r

Use and so or and .. . too to join affirmativ affirmative e statements that are similar similar..

. .. and neither does littering. littering. . .. and littering doesn' doesn 't eithe eitherr.

Spitting Spittin g on th e stre tree et is offen sive, and so is littering littering.. OR ... , and litt litte ering is, too too.. bothers s me , and so does smokin g. OR .. . , and smo king does , too too.. Playing loud mus ic bother


Use and neither or and ... not either to join negative statements that are similar similar.. Playing loud musi c isn't po polit e, and neither is smo ki ng . OR .. . and smo ki ng isn't either. either.

Spittiing on th e stree t do Spitt does litte erin g. OR ... and litt tte erin g does n't either. either. es n't both er me, and neither do does es litt If the first clause uses the verb be, an auxiliary verb , or a modal, modal , use the same structure in the second clause. Tokyo Tok yo is a hu ge city, and so is Sa o Pa Paulo . New York doesn't have a lot lot of indu str try y, and neit eith her does Lon do n. Mexic o City has grown a lot , and so has Los Angeles . Nancy can't tol erat rate e loud mu sic , and neith er can Tom . I haven't bee n to Tokyo , an d ne ithe r have you.

Be careful Use a negative ver b, auxilia xiliarry ve rb, or mod al with eit ith her and an an affi rma ti ve wit with h neith the er. . and litt itte erin g doesn doesn'' t either. either . NOT .. . and litt eri ng does ei t her . I· . . . and neither doe does s litte litterring. and Ae itl=ter doesA 't litte tterring. NOT ... an With so and ne it her th e verb (or aux il iar y ve rb or mo modal) goes be for fore e th e subj ect. Tokyo is a hug e cit city y, an d so is Sao

Paulo. Paulo. NOT .. . and so £ao Pa tJi o is . Nancy can 't st st and loud mu sic, an d ne it her can Tom . NO T .. . ne it ith her +effi-€a.ft .

If the first cla clau u se is an affirmative statement in the simple pres ent or simple past tense, tense , use do , does , or did in the second clause . John thinks graffiti is is a big probl em, and so does Hele n. My wif wife e enjoyed vi sitin iting g Pari s, and so did I.

m ind and underline

the nine errors. errors . On a separate sheet of paper paper,, write each sentence correctly. correctly.

New York is one of the most famous cities in the world , and so does London. While these two cities differ in many ways, ways , they also share a number of characteristics characteristics.. Here Here''s a quick comparison: • If you you'' re looking for peace and qu iet et,, New York is not the plac plac e t o be be,, and nei neith er London is. Th T hey ar are e both exciting and noisy places. If you ' re not used to it it,, New Yor York k 's traffic can be deafening at tim es , and so does London 's. • The best way to get around in both cities is the subwa y (o r the Tube in London). New York' York's subway system is quite old and elaborate laborate,, and is London 's , to o . • If you you'' re looking for firstfirst - rate entertainme entertainm e nt nt,, Ne w York is fill ed with t hea eatt e rs , and and so London London do e s . • Hungry? London 's re r est sta a ur ura a nt nts s feature exciting dis di s hes from a round the th e world world,, and and N ew York's York 's ar are , t oo . • Both ci t ie s of fer a hug e choice of mus muse e um s to vi vis s it. The Th e mu se seums ums in Ne N e w York ca can n ' t p ossi bly b e seen seen ies and eithe eith er London  s can 't. in a da y, and • New York York offers some of the world's most famous to u rist site sites s   f o r exampl example, e, th e Statu Statue e o f Libert Liberty y an d th e Empire Stat State e Building - a nd s o is London London,, with Buck ingh ngha a m Pa P a lace a nd the Mille Mill e nnium Whee Wh eel. lt's c lear that New York York shouldn 't be m issed ssed,, and neither London shouldn 't




On a separate sheet o f pap paper, er, rewrite each statement , using the word in parentheses. Make any necessary changes in verbs or possessive possessive adjectives. Example

Both Quito and Cuenca have large historic sections. (so)

1 Both Bangkok and Sao Paulo face many problems caused by

O v i t o J ar a lar9e J irtoric

and ro doer

Cv e n c a

rection 1


too much traffic. (so)

2 Both Beijing and London have hosted the Olymp Olympic ic Game s in the past. (too) 3 Vancouver and Taipei don t ever get very cold. (neither) 4 Seoul and Jakarta won't experience a decrease in their populations any time soon. (not either) 5 Both Hong Kong and Rio de Janeiro are famous for their physical beauty beauty.. (so) 6 Prague and Krakow attract people who like old historic architecture. (too) 7 The Prado Museum in Madrid and the Louvre in Paris shouldn't be missed. (neither) 8 Tokyo and Mexico City haven't lost their places among the world's largest cities yet. (not either)

So, too, neither, or not either: short responses Use so too neither or not either in short responses to express agreement.

I hate littering. B: So do I. OR I do too . A

NOT So do I R-ate.


I do R-ate, too.

I can't stand smoking. I can 't either either.. OR Neither can I. NOT I can't staf\G either either..

Neither can I staf\G.

neither.. it is common to express agreement with Me. too or Me neither I hate littering littering.. B: Me , too .



1 "I've never been to Ulan Bator." 2 I can t figure this out." You:: You

3 I loved going there " You:


I ha hav ve to get some cash." You:: You



I can't stand smoking . Me neither neither..

Agree with each statement three way ways, s, using short responses with so, too, too, neither, or (not) either. You:: You




5 ''I'm getting really tired." You:

6 "I used to travel more . You:

7 "I'l "I'lll call her tomorrow." . You:

8 ''I'm not going to tell h e r she's la te." You:: ' You






The Pronunciation Booster is optional. l t provides a pronunciation lesson and practice to support speaking in each unit, making students' speech more comprehensible.

Content words nouns boss, Julie, happiness verbs find, meet meet,, call adjectives talkative, sma llll,, green adverbs qui et ly ly,, aga in, very possessive pronouns mine, yours, his demonstrative pronouns t his , those those,, that reflexive pronouns ourselves, he rself interrogative pronou pronouns ns what, who , where

lmlill Content words and function words In English, content word words s are generally stressed. Function words are generally unstressed. My BOSS is a PAIN in the NECK   He  s REALLY a TERRIFIC BOSS . MARK is SUCH a SMART GUY .

· · · · · · · - · · · · r . ·

Stress In compound nouns Many compound nouns are made up of two nouns, with the first one modifying the second one. In these compounds, stress usually falls on the first noun. However when a noun is modified by an adjective adjective,, stress is equal on both words . adjective + noun noun+ noun I drink APPLE juice . BUT I like RED APPLES . She  s a PEOPLE person .



it's an APARTMENT building it's building.. They re EXERCISE mach ines .






= : ~ ~ ~ ~

· · ~ ·

..... : .

: : : : ~ ;




· · ·

· · · · · ·

: : · ~ ~ - n : : '

Function words

I m SURE she'll be a GREAT MANAGER .



prepositions conjunctions determiners personal pronouns possessive adjectives auxiliary verbs



of, from, at and , but but,, or a, the, so me he, she, they my, her her,, their have+ (past participle] be + [present participle)

1 ·· ij

Be careful When an auxiliary verb is negat iv e or use d in short answers, it is generally st re ssed . I CAN'T GO . He WON'T LIKE it. Yes , I HAVE . No , they DON'T DON'T..

Listen and practice. practice .

My BOSS is a PAIN in the NECK.



Circle the content words.

Learn to li live ve in i n the present.

3 He asked me to work faster.

2 He reminded me to ca calll my mother.

I prefer to stick closer to ho me.

Now practice reading each sentence aloud and listen to compare. (Note that your choices may differ from audio..) what you hear on the audio ~

6: 2



Listen and practice. I drink APPLE juice. I lik likee RED APPLES .

2 Sh e's a PEOPLE person . She's a NICE PERSON. 3 It 's an APARTMENT building. It's a TALL BUILDING. BUILDING. 4 They're EXERCISE machines machines.. They're NEW MACHINES.


6 :  4

Practice reading each compound noun aloud and then listen to check.

global warming l ll IW




a telephone directory

2 tennis co u rts

5 office managers

3 a reliable person

6 the bullet train

*Note Note:: Wh enever you see a lilist ste enin g activit acti vity y with an aster isk (*). sa y each word, phrase, or sente nce in the ation pau se after yo u hear each number number.. Then listen for confir confirm mat ion .



llm l Intonation patterns




In statements, commands, and information questions, questions, lower pi pitch after af ter the stressed syllable in the last la st stressed word . If the last syllable in the sentence is stressed, lower pitch on the vowel by lengthening it. ---


Don t forget to watch them on YouTube tonight.

I haven t been going to many co ncerts lately.


How long have you be en list liste enin g to that song?


She s been practicing for seve ral months.

Raise pitch after the stressed syllable in the last stressed word in requests.. If the last no questions and requests syllable in the sentence is stressed, raise pitch on the vowel by lengthening it. r

Have you been listening to Christina Perri lately lately? ?


Could you pick up the tickets for me?


Do you think she ha s a nice voice?


6 :05

Has he bee n checking online?

Listen and practice.

1 I haven t been going to many c oncerts lately.

2 Don t forget to watch th e m on YouTube tonight. 3 How long h ave you been list listee ning to that song? 4 She s bee n practicing for several months. 5 Have you been listening to Christina Perri lately lately?? 6 Could you pick up th e tickets for me? 7 Do you think she has a nice voice? 8 Has h e b ee n checking online?


Circle the last stressed content word in each of the following sentences. sentences . f that word has more than one syllable, underline the stressed syllable.

1 That song has a great beat you can perform to. 2 Her catchy lyrics make you want to sing alo a lo ng 3 Didn t you like that song s melody melody?? 4 What time do you think the co ncert will be finished ? 5 How lo ng has she bee n performing to that song? '' tif:

Now practice reading each sentence aloud, using the intonation patterns you have le learne arned d. Listen to check. *





  mn l Sentence rhythm: thought groups

Examples o f thought groups subject+ verb

I do don n 't know

Longer sentences are usually divided by rhythm into smaller thought groups  groups of words that naturally or logically go together. Exactly how how statement s may be divided into thought groups will vary among speakers speakers.. My short-term goal

s to start living

with i n my means. withi

.vithin ffly I ffleans ffleans.. NOT My short terffl / goal is to 1 start li\'ing ·.vithin I don don''t plan

o be financially dependent I for th the e rest of my life life..

noun phrases prepositional phrases predicates noun clauses adjective clauses adverbial clauses

my short-term goal by t he end of the month is drown drowning ing in debt where the money goes thatt I paid off la st year tha when I've finished my report

By next year 1 I hope to have gotten I a good job I as a financ ia l consultant.

Pitch in longer sentences In longer sentences, pitch may fall-or rise-after the la st stressed syllable in each each though t group, with no change in meaning. Onc e he tries keeping

a realistic budget

he'll find it easy I to save money OR



Once he tries keeping 1 a realistic budget I he'll find it easy I to save money money..


6 :07


Listen and practice.

y s hort-term goal is to start living within my means.

2 I don't plan to be financially d ep endent for the rest of my life. 3 By next year, I hope to ha ve gotten a good job as a financial consultant. 4 a Once he tries k ee ping a realistic budget, he ll find it easy to save money. 4 b Once he tries k eepi eeping ng a realistic budget, h e' ll fmd it easy to save money.


Read the follo wing sentences. Decide how you might break each sentence into thought groups.

1 By the end of this month, I ho hop p e to have finished paying off my student loans. 2 In two months, when we ve fmally paid off our house, we're going to ha ve a big party to c eleb ra te . 3 To be perfectly ho nest, I couldn't t e ll you where the money goes. 4 By next year, I will have completed my studies, but I do n  t think I will have gotten married married.. ' '

t ~ ; : woR

Now practice reading each sentence aloud , paying attention to pitch. Listen to compare.* (Note that your choices may differ from what you hear on the audio.) 6 :


W l i nki ng sounds Linking with vowels When Wh en the final consonant sound of a word is followed by a vowel sound, sound , link the sounds together. lt' s.J n style now She bought hi l\ _ an _el egant tie tie..

already bough L a new suit. Linking identical consonants sounds s together as one sound. When the final consonant sound of a word is followed by the same sound, link the sound The blouse


t r i p e d

They preferre d _da rk suits uits.. Wh at an

. . e s t t

ZZili. $l





Listen and practice.

It's in style now. 2 She bought him an elegant tie.


3 I've already bought a new suit. The blouse is striped. 5 They preferred dark suits. 6 What an attractive vest

m nderline

all the

places where you

think the

sounds should be linked.

She wants Susan to dress up next time. 2 It's fashionable and elegant. 3 It's out o f style. I wish she preferred dressing down. down. 5 That blouse isn't trendy enough for my taste. 6 I think Kyle has stylish taste.

''' 'tAl:


Now practice reading each sentence aloud and listen




IIWiij Unstressed syllables: vowel reduction to



ir re span si ble

con sid er ate



dis o be di ent




· ·


in ex cus a ble s


6 :11






3 disobedient





each word and circle


unstressed syllables

un ac cept a ble




sound / ;)/.

7 un i mag i n a ble

ir ration al



3 impolite

6 i mmat u re

Now practice reading each word aloud and listen again



un pleas ant

2 in con si de rate



8 ridiculous



: a : c ~

7 respectful



/n 'diky;:J ;)s/ s


2 considerate


= = = · · = x

Listen and practice.


I•' 'til:



dis re spect ful

9 in ap pro pri ate to check.

Test Taking Skills



Test Taking Skills Booster The Test Taking Skills Booster is optional. lt provides practice in apply applying ing some key logi logical cal thinking and comprehension skill skillss typically included in reading and listening tasks on standardized proficiency tests. Each unit contains one Reading Completion

activity and one or more listening Completion activities. The reading selections in the Boos Booster ter are either adaptations of those from the Summit units or new reading selections selections abou t a related topic. Listening Completion exercises are based on the liste listening ning passages tha t hatt can be found found on the audio from from the ummit units.. None of the Read units Reading ing Completion Completion or Lis Listen tening ing Completi Completion on tasks duplicate what studen ts hav havee already done in the unit. * Note that th e practice activ activiitie ties s in the Booster are not inte nded to test student achievemen achievementt after afte r each unit. Summit can be found in the Summit Act ive iveT Teach.

Co mplete

Achievement Tests for

IIHiill RE DING COMPLETION Read the selection. Choose the word or phrase that best completes each statement The Lost Ring

Last weekend,

.. .. ....... ... .


she was shopping for a new ca car, r, Laura Mil ls found a ri r ing on the floor of one of

the cars she was test-driving . She picked it up and put it


her purse, intending to ask the car salesman if a

customer had . .. . ........ . .. a lost ring. ring . However However,, by the time she arrived back at the car dealership dealership,, she had 2

forgotten abo ut the ring and headed toward home, thinking about she had test-driven. Once home, she opened her purse to put


.. . ... . .. .... .. 3

she should buy one of the cars

her keys and discovered the ring. I felt sort

of like a thief, but I certainly hadn 't ............ ... to steal the ring. ring. I wondered what I should do.   4

............... driving back to the car dealership immediately, immediately, she took the time to examine the ring for any 5

identifying information and found this inscri inscription engraved inside:

o my

love on our marriage

T to LS 2005

In a burst of creative thinking, thinking , Mills thought one of her friends friends might . . .. .. ..... ... . . .. .. the ring ring,, so she posted the 6

........ .. . .. .. . not to show the inscription. She urged her friends to share it, it , with photo of it on Face book but was ...... 7

this message: message : Have you los t this ring? I found it at Spotless Car Dealership Dealership on the floor of a car is yours, identify it with the information on the inscription inside.



...... it

her surprise, surprise , she got a message from the

owner just two hours later. 1

A excep t

B while

C during

D because


A re ported

B said

C wanted

D stole n


A si sin n ce

B no matter

C whether

D after


A meant

B d ec id idee d

C b e li lieved eved

D include includ e d


A Because of

B In spite of

C Rather than

D Due to


A re late

B r e co gnize

C r es e mb le

D resurrect


A afr aid

B satisfied

C n ee dless

D c ar eful


A W h e ther

B No matte r

C Suppose



You will hear a conversation. Read the paragraph below. below. Then listen and complete each statement with the word or short phrase you hear in the conversation. Listen a second time to check your work. work. Th e woman thinks that c ri me is out of ( 1) .. .. . . .. .. .. .. .. .. .. . Sh e says t h a t th e (2) .. .. .. . . .. .. . .. .. .. is full of crime

s tori es. Th e man agrees, and he t hink hinkss cr im e represents the whole br bre e akdown in (3) ... .. ... .. . . .... . . .  

The wom an feels

ho p eless about the situation, situation , but th e man thinks there s something we can (4) .. ................ ... about cr criime . First, he he says crime.. His second suggestion is not to (6) .. . . .. ... ......... .. . th e loc al (5) ............ .. .... . .. n ee d mo re money to fight crime

a lot of j ew e h y on the street.









  utlookand Behavior



For each situation write a possible response from an optimist a pessimist and a realist. a. optimist: Did yo u see the email from

our bos s She wa nts everyone to meet in the con fe re rence nce room at 4:00. I wonder what s going on.

b. pessimist:


realist:: _ realist




a. optimist : Your mother wants you to

call her. She says it s reall y im portant

b. p e s s i m i s t c.




a. optimist: I j ust read an article about th e Zka virus. They say it it  s li   ly to spr spread ead t o ou r cit ity y soon.







_ _

a. optimist: _ _ _ The wea ther report says there s

a hurricane moving up th e coast What do you think w e shou ld do?


pessimist : _ _


realist:: realist







Complete the conversations with expressions from the box

better safe than sorry

what are you going to do

have started getting to me

you ve got to roll with the punches

it s just a matter of time 1

Did you hear that the flu is going around Sophie s school?


B: Yes



I guess



- -

before someone in our family comes down with it.

_ _ _ _ ? again in six   All the news storie stories s about crazy weat her events -  



_ _

I ll try


1 know.


I didn t get the job I really wanted .



months .

- -


But I think you just have to live your life and try not to worry.

-keep applying, and I know you ll find a good job eventually eventually..

With all the stories about terrorism in the news, I don t want to go anyplace that has crowds crowds..

5  A

I think 6


Did you get the raise you asked for?


B: No .


yo u   re just a sitting duck



I know it s scary, but try not to overreact.


Did you lock the car?












Match the vocabulary words with their definitions Write the letter on the line

_ _

1 easygoing






able to be trusted o r depended on





not easily worried or annoyed

4 modest

saying what you mean, not joking or pretending

5 outgoing

e . wanting to meet and talk to new people

6 trustworthy

f   work ing



_ _


g   liking to talk a lot

8 talkative


thinking and caring about other p e ople

omplete the conversation Write the letter on the line A B

seriously with a lot of effort

7  serious




a   unwilling to talk proudly about yourself

How would you describe your sister?

I guess that makes sense. sense . You are pretty talkative .. .


a. Yes I suppose you re right.


Me? Hmm. Hardworking ... serious.



I know. What about y o u - h o w wo u ld you describe y ourself?


Well, she s a lot li ke m e - p r e t t y outgoing, I guess.


Really? I see you as friend ly.

B 3 

Well, I suppose it s possible to be both .



Read the descriptions of Type A and Type B personalities Then answer the questions



An outgoing, impatient, and sometimes rude personality. People with Type A personalities work hard to succeed and to get what they want . They are busy, busy, often stressed out, and don t like to wait . They ea t, talk, walk, and drive fast. They might seem unfriendly and

The oppos ite o f Type A personality. personality . The Type B personality is easygoing, modest, and friendly . People w ith Type B personalities are able to relax and have fun. They live a more balanced life. life .

difficult to get along with .


Name someone you know who ha has s a Type A pers personali onality. ty.

_ _ _


What is this person like? Write three examples to suppo r t your opinion.

3 . Describe your own personality. Are you more like a Type A o r a Type B personal ity?

Outlook and Behavior



What qualities would you like the people in your life to have? Complete each sentence w it h t w o adjectives from the box. Try t o use as many adjectives as you can.



















si ll lly y



I would like a boss who s


I would like eo-workers who are


I would like a spouse who s


I would like classmates who are


I would like friends who are


I would like neighbors who are


I would like a teacher who s

I would like to be more

Complete each sentence wi t h the gerund o r infinit infinitive ive form o f the verb. -- ----- -.,.- - --




hard is important in this company.

Amy v o l u n t e e r e d -----;,........- - - - -- at the shelter after the storm.



3. Shawna s d r eam is - -



.... . ----(be)

- a doctor someday.

- - - - - ; , . - - - , , - - - ,,- - - - a t e . (arrive)

: _. (read)

- - - -

- -

in one n ight?

- - - - , . . . . , - - - , - - - - - y o u r s e l f some time to relax every day.

- - - - - - , : - - - :-


- to California for our vacation.

------,.---..,...,--- ------,.---..,...,(avoid)

- -

the crowds .

-------,----:--- - - - - - - soccer. Let s just go for a walk instead.


Complete the sentences about yourself. Use gerunds o r infinitives and your own ideas.







I r e m e m b e r --


I think it s e x c i t i n g - - - - - -


when I was young.


3. I can t wait _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



I  m opposed to _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


I would like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


I would like to read a book about _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

some day.

7. I am studying English _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _





_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s my favorite form of exercise exercise..



~ ~


I m not quite wealthy enough

10. I avoid _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ f I can . W4



Write a definition for each word o r phrase.

efinitions =

a m ~

a pain in the neck





a people person

a sweetheart

a team player

a tyrant

a workaholic

II l

Rewrite each sentence in t h e active voice. Use the subject in parentheses. 1. The students were reminded to attend the meeting after school. (the teacher) 2.

W e were

T he teac.her reminded

t.he £tvdents- t o a t t e n d t.he meetin9 a f t e r

invited to go on a tour of the museum.

the director) -


- -



- -

3. I was persuaded to donate money to the charity. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _   the ad) _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __



£c hool

- - - - -


_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _  _ _ _ _ _ _ ___

4. janice was hired to supervise the project. the CEO) 5.







The tourists were advised not t o travel without th e group. the guide)

m Complete t he sentences, using your own ideas . 1. I taught



[O J

2. I encourage 3. I d



I told


I asked


I ll



to to to


not to to

Outlook and Behavior



Create sentences using one word o r phrase from each column. You can combine words several ways   Be sure to use a correct form of the verb in column 2 and the infinitive form o f the verb in column 4 LLENGE








her daughter

study hard




eat more fruit

The doctor



make dinner






our neighbor

mow the lawn

The guard

would like


play the violin


1   TaJ Iia I Nould like you to m a k e diMer.

2. 3. 4. 5





Answer the questions   Use your own ideas


What can you do to protect yourself from crime?


What can you do to protect yourself from viruses and epidemics?


What can you do to protect yourself from terrorism?

What are the biggest problems facing the world today? Read the list of problems on page 7 Add two of your own ideas to the list



Now rate the problems from most important 1) to least important 12 ) . global warming

antibiotic-resistant bacteria

pollution in the oceans



political corruption war

destruction of the rainforests

drug trafficking

your idea: your idea:



_ _

Choose your top three problems from Exercise 14. Write some ideas for solving them


o f problems require thinking up new solutions . Suppose you had lost your keys and the door to your home was locked. Name at least three solutions you could try.


DING WARM UP Some types







Adventures in i n Creative Creative Problem-Solving




Picture this: this: you you''re traveling in a foreign city and need to exchange some mone y but can 't find find a bank. You ask someone for help, help, but you don 't speak the local language.. You flip through a phrase book, but you language can' t find the right word. Maybe you've been in this hopeless situation yourself. Art Lebedev was, and it inspired him to come up with an idea. idea . He designed a useful us eful T-shirt covered with comm on symbols for things tourists need, like a restroom, a hotel hotel,, or a post office.. This allows him to simply point to the symbol office on his shirt for the thing he is looking for. for. It' It'ss certainly more painl painless ess than carrying a phrase book around Thinking creatively can help you find a lot of helpful solutions to common problems. Here are a few of our favorite examples of thinking outside the box.

For Safer Buses Just Add Wat Water er The Longxi Longxiang ang Bus Company in China was getting many complaints about careless drivers from passengers who were sick of being bumped around. The bad driving had gotten out of control, so the company came up with a creative idea. To encourage purposeful driving driving,, they hung up bowls of water next to each driver. If the driver turned or braked too quickly,, the bowl would tip over and spill the water. quickly Drivers were required to have a full bowl of water at the end of their shift-and a dry uniform Some felt that the company went a little overboard, but the idea was successful. successful . Just like that, the complaints complaints,, along with the buses, buses , slowe slowed d down.

Sidewal Sid ewal k Art? Art? Watch Watch Where



In Auckland, New Zealand, city leaders had another problem.. Absent-minded pedestrians on cell phones problem were walking into roads and causing accidents. accidents . Unbelievably,, between 2008 and 2102, almost 750 Unbelievably people were hit by cars at a single single intersection intersection So the

N o w answer t he

government decided on a meaningful and inventive way to get people's attention. They commissioned an artist to cr eate 33-D D drawings on sidewalks near busy roads. Th e realistic pictures showed frighte frightening ning animals, anima ls, like like sharks and snakes, breaking out of the sidewalk and the words "Don't step into danger. With these eyeeye-catching safety reminders, pedestrians beca me much mor e careful. careful.

Video Game Chores: Can I Play? Parents know what a pai n in the neck it is to get children to help out around the house. house . But again, creative thinkin g can ev eneffortless. make bori ng chores doing thethinking lau ndry almost effortless . How? Takelike ChoreMonster, ChoreMonste r, a mobile app t hat turn s chores into a game.. As children complete chores that parents have game programmed into the app, they earn rewards from both thee game an d th th t heir parents parents.. For example, by washing the dishes, dishes , a child might earn the chance to see a clip from a new movie-before it hits the theaters As these examp example less show, sometimes all you need to solve a problem is a little imagination. imagination . After all, think of how far you can get with a powerful ide a -in Art Lebedev's case, it took him all the way around the world


What was Art Lebedev s problem?


2 . What was his solution?



What was the Longxiang Bus Company s problem?


Wh a t did they d o to solve it?




What was the problem in Auckland?

6. What did the government do to

solve the problem?

7. What problem do many parents have?

8. What solution is described in the article?

Have you ever experienced a problem t h a t required a creative solution? What did you do?

Write sentences using the adjectives in parentheses. 1



(restll ess) (rest






pitifu )



GR MM R BOOSTER Rewrite each sentence. Change the subject infinitive t o a subject complement o r begin

with an impersona l

i1 .

1. To be al one is my biggest f ea r.

2. To keep track o f expenses is the most important part of Sandy Sandy   s job.

3. To become more outgoing is my goal for this year year..

4. To protect the building is the security guard  s job.


To end political corruption is the purpose of this investigation .

Outlook and Behavior


m Write sentences. Use an impersonal it +

and an infinitive and a phrase with for

a noun or pronoun

1. l t I important I you I know the rules lt 5

impor tafltfor yov t o


tJ e rvle5



l t I time I our government I improve public sanitation

3. l t I easy I ]ana I learn new vocabulary



l t I hard I pessimists I have a positive outlook


l t I not necessary I you I clean the kitchen

Rewrite each statement in indirect speech.

1. Tom said, Meet me at 6:30.

2 . Kate said, Call the client this afternoon . 

3. Al ice said, Don't forget to file the report on time. 4 . Alex told me, Don't wear fancy fancy jew elry out on the street.


Correct the errors in the sentences.

1. lt's difficult for me talk in front of large crowds. 2 

Ellen's goal to finish this project by the end o f the week.

3. He got everyone agree with hi m . 4

lt's too early for to eat dinner.


lt's m y cousin's dream for become a pilot.

6. Tony said don't to be late for the meeting .






List three ideas under each of the topics below. 1. Activities you enjoy

3. Good memories

2. Your goals


To-do list for this week

Now use your lists to complete the sentences. Use gerunds o r infinitives. Make sure the items in each series are parallel. Example:: I enjoy £kiing. running. and painting Example 1

enjoy ______________ ____________________________ _____________________________ _____________________________ _______________________ _________


intend __________ __________ ____________ ____________ __________ __________ __________ _________________________________ _



________________ recall __________________________________________________________ _____________

4. I need ________________ ____________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________

Outlook and



You will write a par agraph describin describing g either optimists or pessimists . Write Write word s and phrases related to each perspective perspective..






Optimists 1 .ave a po£itiye o u t l o o

Pessimists 1 .ave a ne

ative o u t l o o

Usee your ideas to write Us write a topic sent ence for each perspecti perspective. ve. Remember: The topic sent enc e introduces the topic and the focus of the paragraph.) 1. Opt i mi s t s : 2.



Choose one of your topic sentence s. Write Write three to five supp orti ng sentences. Remember: The supporting senten ces give details examples and other facts related to the topic sentence.) 1.

2. 3.

4. 5


Write your topic sentence and supporting sente nces from Ex Exer erci cise se A as a par agra ph. End En d with with a conclu ding sentence . Remember: The concl uding sentence restates [gives the same information in different words] the topic sentence or summarizes the paragraph.)



0 0 0

W 2

Does my paragraph have a topic sentence? Do the supporting sentences in my paragraph all relate to the topic? o I have a concluding sentence sentenc e ?



Music n d Other



Complete the chart

1. a play you d like to


2. a movie you d like to see 3 . a movie you think isn t anything to write home about 4. your favorite musician or musical group


a musician o r group whose music you really don t like

6. an artist whose work you love


an artist whose work isn t really your thing

8 . a museum that you enjoy visiting or would like to visit



Answer the questions

1 . What was the last music you down oaded?


2. Wh i ch mu si cian or musical group do you download most often?

_ _

3. Which of that artist s so songs ngs d o you like the most? The least?


Write three sente senten n c es about the music you down oad. a beat

a performance

a voice

a melody

a sou nd

lyrics lyric s


some o f the words from the box.




Read the weekly guide t o cultural events Then write a reaction to each event Which events would you like to attend and which would you rather not go to? xplain your reasons

1 Saxon

all Q29 in concert : Thi s innovative music band from Can Canada always gives a mem me m orab orablle performance. The Their ir sound is a

mix of old-time music and ne new w. Bring yo your ur earplugs t h o u g h their concerts are known to be loud.

2 Brookstone Theater

Life   a new play by Theodore Watkins: Life Watkins : n t hi s dark comedy, a group of friends reunites reunites ten years after



graduating graduatin g from coll col lege. A series of mishaps some hilarious misadventures.

3 Cooper Gallery

le ads


Theresa Martin, Martin , Recent Paintings: f you are a fan of modern art, this show is righ ghtt up your al ley ey.. Martin Martin s lar arge, ge, bold ca canvases nvases feature bright, intense co lors again agai nst dark dark,, moody backgr backgrounds. ounds.






Read the online review of an event

1. Event:

[ a m i l t o ~

2 Type of event:

j) a

0 6


a talk a comedy show an art exhibit


a play a live performance


a movie a music concert

3 How would you rate this event: 5 stars= best 1 star = worst


o o

4. Your opinion of the event:

is the best thing I ve seen in years Normally, musicals aren t my amilton

thing, b u t this performance blew m e away. The lyrics were so intelligent, and the unique sound made history really interesting. In addition, the

actors voices were t o p notch. I highly

® ®

recommend seeing this musical. I


can get t ickets, that is is..

Now complete a review of an event you ve attended or one you can imagine attending.

1. Event:

2 Type of event:

0 0

a musical a talk a comedy show an art exhibit a play


a live performance a movie a music concert

3 How would you rate this event: 5 stars = best 1 star = worst

4. Your opinion of the event:

o (9

o o

f )*

Music and Other Arts

W 5



Write a sentence about a song, a band, a performance, o r a person you know, using each phrase.

1. nothing to write home 2. isn t my thing   3. hard to p l e a s e





-   -

4. right up my 5



a song with fantastic l y r i c s -- -  

Complete the questions, using the present perfe ct continuous or the present perfect. Then answer t h e questions and provide details. 1.


to lately?

you listen)


any good movies recently?

you see)

you ever



a band or musical group?


4. What types of events _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ hese days? g o to )


How long _ _ _ _ you _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o your favorite musician? listen)


W 6

Check the sentences that are grammatically correct. Rewrite the incorrect sentences, using a correct form of the verb.



I ve already been seeing that movie movie..



Have you been playing any music lately?



He s been going to c oncerts for a while while..



She s been going to three plays this month.



I  ve seen Vanessa Vanessa-- Mae



How many times have you been listening to that song?


D Have you

in concert

twice.. twice

been going to the art museum yet?




Write at least five sentences about singers, bands, o r music you d o n t like. Use the words from the box.







Complete the conversation about musical tastes. Use your o w n words. Try t o use a t least one cleft sentence w it h What.

A: Are you

as much o f




I am?

? To be honest,


A: Really? Why? B



So who


Me? I really like

o you


A: You do?


Rewrite each statement as a cleft sentence with What.

1 . Classical music helps me unwind . WJ at J elp elp£ £

m e vo\

iod i£ c l a u i c a l m v £ i c

2. The ly rics in that musical really impressed me. 3. W e really en joy the musi music c reviews on this radio station .


I miss playing the violin .

5   I find j azz hard to listen to. 6. Taylor Swift s m u sic leaves me co ld.


I d like more than anything to

see Mana in concert.

8. We d really like to hear some live music tonight.

Music and Other Arts


m Read ab o u t jeff Thayer s taste in music. Underline the five cleft sentences with What. I'm not sure when I started really listening to music. I think I was about 14.. What I remember best is listening to pop music while I did my 14 homework.. Now pop music gets on my nerves. homework nerves . What I prefer now is


urban music, though I i k ~ to listen to classical when I'm working or studying. studying . My sister is really into music, too but we have different tastes. tastes . What she loves is music from t he 1950s, but that just sounds too dated for me My taste in music has changed over the years, but what hasn t changed is the role of music in my life I use it to help me focus and get things done. But what I really like is just to sit back when I have nothing else to do and listen listen.. I've been listening to music for almost ten years now, and I can t imagine what I would do without it I belie believe ve that t hat life would be dull and empty without music. Jeff Thayer Detroit M1ch1gan,


Now write a short paragraph ab o u t your musical tastes. Try to use cleft sentences with What. • What types of music d o you listen to? • What d o you like ab o u t t h at music? • Is there anything about that music that you d o n t like? What is it? • How have your tastes changed?






W 8

Do you know someone who ' s gifted? What does this person d o well? Describe his or her personality. What are some o f this person ' s positive qualities? Negative qualities?





Have you ever heard of Ray Charles? What d o you know about him?



Now read t he bibliography.

In 1950, Charles moved to Los Angeles, Angeles , where he found foun d his own unique soun d . He combined jazz and blues with gospel music to create his fir first st big hit recording, I Got a ... On I Got a . . .

Charles began to sing in a more emotional, emotional , intense,

and exciting voice. voice. He later later said said,, When I started to

sing like myself . . . when I started singing like Ray Ray Charles,, it had thi Charles thiss spiritual spiritual and churchy, this religi relig ious or gospel sound. sound.  This recording made him famous famous and marked the beginning of a new mu musical genre, genre, soul. soul.  

/was born with music inside me. hey called called him The Genius Genius  -  the only genius in in the (music] (music] business, according to nger Frank Sinatra. Sinatra. What made him a genius is the original way in which he combined the diverse genres of azz azz,, rhythm a nd blues, gospel, gospel, and country country.. He broke down the walls that had always existed between mus musica icall genre s, creating groundbreaking music that has had a huge influence on the course of rock and po p. t has been said tha t his music can break your heart or make you dance. dance .  Hi Hiss name was Ray Charles, Charles, and he was known as the father of soul. soul.   Ray Charles was born in 1930, 1930, into a poor family in the southeas tern United States States.. At age fiv fivee , he gradually began to los lo s e his vision and was totally blind by age seven. seven . Charles Charl es had s hown an interest in music since the age of three. At seven, he left home to attend the Florida School School for for the Deaf and Blind. There he learned to read, write, write , and arrange music in Braille and play the piano, piano, organ organ,, saxophone saxophone,, clarinet clarinet,, and trumpet. Whil Whilee he was at the school, school , hi hiss mot her died. died . At fifteen, he left school and bega n working working as a traveling jazz musician in Florida, and later in Wa s hington state.

had d iscovered his sound and Although Charles success success, , he didn't stop trying new things things. Alway Alwayss energetic, he explored new genres and brought his unique style to new audiences. audiences . In the 1960s, 1960s, he had bot h country and pop hits, hits, with songs like like Georg Georgiia on My Min Mind d and Hit the Road, Jac k. 

T hroughout his life , Charles continued to write and perform. He also made television televisio n and movie appeara appearance ncess. His participation in the 1985 rel release of We Are the World   brought a renewed intere st in his work. World To th thiis day, day, Ray Charles remains one of the most importa nt influences on popular music. music. His passi pass ionat onatee sing ing and intelligent combining of different musical genres is the ideal that many musicians continue to to measure their work by.

Ray Charles died on June 10, 2004 2004,, at the age of 73. He is su r vived by 12 children children,, grandchildren,, and one great-grandchild. great-grandchild . 18 grandchildren In response to the news news of his death, singer Aretha Franklin said, He was a fabulous man, man , full of hurnor and wit Ray Charle Charless posses sed all of the positive qualities of a creative personality-he was gi gifted, energetic, imaginative, and passionate passionate-- without displlayin disp aying g the negative qualities that often accompan y creative genius. He was not difficult or egotistical. In fact, he was quite humble. humble . In 1983 he said said,, Music Music''s been aroun d a long time, time, and there's going to be music long after Ray Charles is dead . I just wa nt to make my mark, leav leavee some th thiing musically musically good behin d . 

list at least six adjectives from t he reading t ha t describe Ray Charles s music.

Now list five adjectives from t he reading t h at describe Ray Charles s personality.

Music and Other




Match t h e words and phrases from the reading with their definitions. Write the letter on the line.

1. _ _






4. _ _ gospel


a type of music with jazz blue bluess and gospel influences that often expresses deep emotions

b. a form of raise raised d printing that blind people can read by touching

W 9




c. original and important; showing a new way of doing o r thinking about things



d. not considering yoursel yourselff better than others e.

not able to see


a style of religious religious music associate d with the southern U S

Write a short description of Ray Charles s music based o n the reading.

What d o l udw i g van Beethoven and Ray Charles have in common? How are they different? list similarities where the circles overlap and differences in the areas th a t d o not overlap.



hum le



Ray Charles

Complete the sentences with the correct participial adjectives. Use the present o r past participle o f the underlined verb.

1. Classical music soothes her infant son. a. Classical music i s

to her infant son.

b. Her infant son is 2.

by classical music.

Modern art interests Robert. a. Robert thinks modern art is _ _ _ b. Robert is


_ _


_ _

in modern art.



3. Her piano playing amazes me.




I m --


Her piano playing is _ _ _ _ _ _ _

by her piano playing.

The movie s sentimental story touched Samantha.


Samantha was _ _ _ _ _


by the movie.

b. 5


Samantha found the movie to be very _ _ _ _ _ _ _

Concerts excite Alex and Sophie. They re going to one this Saturday. a

Alex and Sophie think concerts are _ _ _ _ _


Alex and Sop hie are _ _ _ _ _ _



Saturday.. about the concert on Saturday

Circle t h e correct adjective and t h e n complete each sentence with your own words 1

I m (soothed I soothing) by





_ _ _

2. I find _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o be very (entertained I entertaining).



I try to avoid

because it's so (depressed I depressing).


I was (disappointed I disappoi nting) when I found out that _ _ _ __ __ _ _ __ _ _ _


For me, _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ s really (relaxed I relaxing).


I m (pleased I pleasing) that

Read t h e advertisement T h en answer t he questions on p a g e 22.

Babies are soothed by classical melodies selected and arranged for their little ears . And when babies stop crying, parents are more relaxed, too'

But that's not all this program has to offer. Research has shown that listening to classical music promotes babies' intellectual development and can make them better at reading and math. As they listen , babies' abstract thinking skills and spatial intelligence are improved . Creativity and imagination are also stimulated. And you can start preparing your " Little Genius " before she's even born This program is highly recommended listening for mothers -to-be . This music has been successful with babies all around the world . Since there are no lyrics, the music is truly international. Try it for yourself and witness your own baby 's amazing responses . You won 't be disappointed  

Music and Other Arts


1. According to the ad, what ar are e five benefi ts of Little




2. What s your opinion? Do you think listening to music is beneficial for babies? Explain.



Choose the correct verb form s) t o complete each sentence. In some sentences, two o r more verb forms are correct.

1. He _ _

professionally when he was a teenager.

sang 2. They _


pop music all day, and it s starting to get on my nerves.


already performed He _ _ that movie last night. saw


have been playing


had already performed

had already been performing

has seen

has been seeing

on the lyrics for her new song for hours, but now she s taking a break for dinner.




have played

3. By the time I got to the concert, my favorite s i n g e r


has been singing

has sung



6. The actors

all afternoon .

were rehearsing

has worked


has been working



have been rehearsing

Find the error in each sentence. Rewrite the sentence, using a correct verb form.

1. What did you listen to lately?


Sarah Cho has been playing that CD for me yesterday.

3. I ve been watching that video four times already. already.

4 . I was buying that DVD yesterday.


How many concerts have you been going to?

already began by the time we arrived arrived.. 6. The performance already





When we got to the ticket window, the movie already sold o u t.


Many people have been going to the theater last year.

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