Summer's Desire[1]

March 30, 2017 | Author: Lailah Dizon | Category: N/A
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(from left) Barbie Xu as Yin Xia Mo, Huang Xiaoming as Luo Xi, Peter Ho as Ou Chen Yin Xia Mo – vivacious and seemingly easygoing. Although she is not immensely popular at school, her connection with the wealthy and handsome Ou Chen has all the others eager to please her. However, her outwardly sunny disposition seems to hide a darker side as she readily acknowledges how very much alike she is to Luo Xi, her devilish “older brother”. Luo Xi – the prince of the school. His initial transfer makes all the females crazy about him and he is nothing but sweet and gentlemanly to everyone – except to his “younger sister,” Xia Mo, who clearly recognizes his ruse. It is because of this bond that draws him to Xia Mo – and his own jealousy of Ou Chen and his privileged lifestyle – that spurs Luo Xi to possess Xia Mo, no matter what the cost. Ou Chen – Xia Mo’s boyfriend of four years and the immensely unattainable heartthrob. While it is easy for people to relate to Luo Xi, Ou Chen is the true fantasy to all except Xia Mo. Although a man of few words, he tends to be the most expressive only around Xia Mo but his deep-seated love for her borders on obsession. He will eradicate anyone he deems a competitor for Xia Mo’s affections, including her “brother”. Chapter 1 That young man has the devil’s air about him. Even though she was only 15 years old, Yin Xia Mo remembers the first time she met Luo Xi. Having come home from school that day, Xia Mo was greeted by her dad excitedly telling her the news, “This is Luo Xi! He is going to be living with us from now on – he is the older brother!” Xia Mo’s younger brother, Yin Cheng, was besides himself with excitement as he now had someone to call an older brother. Ever since Luo Xi stepped foot in their house though, all of their dad’s love and attention went to him, even going so far as to give Xiao Cheng’s favored drumstick of the dinner to him. Their mom, on the other hand, was a lot more subdued about Luo Xi’s presence and would always just quietly eat her dinner. Faced with her dad’s overwhelming excitement, Xia Mo reluctantly agreed to take care of Luo Xi. However, she could not resist prodding at her dad; if Luo Xi is the oldest one of the family

now, shouldn’t HE be taking care of her and Xiao Cheng? Xia Mo’s dad then replied that Luo Xi has been through a lot of suffering in the past and so he hopes that she and Xiao Cheng will watch over him. Seeing no choice now, Xia Mo consents. Luo Xi is met with admiration and approval in school; he is a myth. Almost every female student and teacher all fall under his spell. He is the perfect prince, with the handsomest face, graceful air, and warm personality. Regardless of whoever speaks to him, they are all met with his beautiful smile and touching grace, almost as if every single girl was a princess in her own right. However, because Luo Xi was everyone’s dream, no one felt that it was right for one single person to covet him; Luo Xi belongs to everyone! And Xia Mo belongs to Ou Chen, the young and wealthiest heir at the school, her boyfriend of four years. Currently studying abroad in America, Ou Chen had requested his chauffeur to accompany Xia Mo every day to school and granted her personal use of his car. However, much to the chauffeur’s dismay, Xia Mo still prefers to walk herself all the time. At that same moment, Luo Xi is also making his way back home nearby when he is approached by a fellow female pudgy classmate. She shyly gifts him with the cookies that she made herself and declares her adoration. Luo Xi smiles warmly at her and takes the gift, taking the time to sample one and then bestowing a soft kiss on the classmate’s check. Blushing furiously, the classmate hurriedly rushes away having now successfully completed her task. As Xia Mo is walking slowly behind Luo Xi back home, he pauses at a trash can on the side and casually drops the box of cookies in. Taking out a handkerchief, he meticulously wipes his hands and then also throws that away. Xia Mo is taken aback, having just seen how sweet Luo Xi had been to the girl. Luo Xi slowly turns around and looks directly at Xia Mo, smiling devilishly, as if he had known she was watching him the entire time. The next day, that same pudgy classmate is being beaten on by a group of girls. She had foolishly told them of Luo Xi’s kiss and no one had believed her. However, she refuses to change her story to save herself and is subjected to their jeers and violence. When Luo Xi happens across the beating, the pudgy classmate gratefully throws herself at his feet, clutching at him and beseeching him to tell everyone what had happened; he had kissed her! Luo Xi gently brushes her face, commenting on the fact that she’s hurt. However, he’s apologetic; he’s never seen her before in his life – and walks away. As the pudgy classmate is left to the whims of her angry classmates, she is saved by Xia Mo. When their anger is directed at Xia Mo, one of the girls recognizes Xia Mo as the girlfriend of Young Master Ou Chen. Realizing that to mess with Xia Mo would incur the wrath of Ou Chen, the girls quickly back off although their short-haired leader promises retribution later. That night at home, Xia Mo is lying on her bed, deep in thought. Outside in the hallway, she hears Xiao Cheng excitedly talking to Luo Xi, giving him an oil painting that he had made especially for him. Luo Xi takes it with his usual appreciation and compliments Xiao Cheng. However, when Xia Mo later leaves her room, she finds the painting lying in the dirty trash can.

Confronting Luo Xi angrily, Xia Mo warns Luo Xi that if he doesn’t watch himself carefully, she will kick him out of the house. Luo Xi laughs; does she really think she has that ability? Xia Mo also smiles sweetly back; does he really think he can take her on? “You’re on,” Luo Xi promises. “I will make you regret ever treating me this way.” “That’s my problem, isn’t it?” Xia Mo retorts. “We’ll see whether or not I have any regrets after a year.”

Chapter 2 Xiao Cheng’s painting hangs prominently on Luo Xi’s wall now, much to Xiao Cheng’s delight. However, Luo Xi continues to test Xia Mo’s patience. Knowing that Xia Mo was planning on using the award money that Xiao Cheng won to buy him new art supplies, Luo Xi asks Xia Mo’s dad for a new guitar. Luo Xi then proceeds to incessantly play his guitar everywhere in the house. “Hate me yet?” Luo Xi asks cockily. “You’re not worth it.” Xia Mo responds coolly. At school, Luo Xi continues to weave his magic on everyone – the students and all the teachers forget to breathe whenever he’s around them. Until one day, his spell on them shatters with the arrival of Young Master Ou Chen. Young Master’s prideful airs and carefully blank expressions. People crown around him but yet scatter to part a pathway for him; no one has the courage to speak directly to him. All watch silently as he purposefully makes his way through the crowd, only stopping once he has reached Xia Mo. Taking her right hand in his, Ou Chen places a gentle kiss on the back and Xia Mo gifts him with a beauteous smile in return. Luo Xi continues to play his guitar and sing softly in the background but if anyone were to look at him right now, they would notice that his perfection now had a tinge of evilness to it. Ou Chen goes to Xia Mo’s house for dinner, eating his meal silently while the others scrambled to accommodate his every move. The awkwardness of the meal is not lost on Xia Mo. When she is later alone with Ou Chen, she asks him to not come over anymore – they can hang out somewhere else and his presence puts too much pressure on her family. Ou Chen changes the subject though and asks who is Luo Xi. Xia Mo responds simply that he is now their older brother and will be living with them; is that why Ou Chen decided to cut his studying abroad short in America? Because he was feeling threatened? When the dark expression continues to stay on Ou Chen’s face, Xia Mo flirtatiously asks for her present. Handing her a gift-wrapped box, Xia Mo opens it to find a beautiful green silk scarf. Silently taking it, Ou Chen gently ties Xia Mo’s hair back.

“Wear this every day. Only wear your hair down in front of me.” “You’re so bossy. You make me take your calls regardless of how late it is, you sic your chauffeur on me and now you’re even telling me how to wear my hair?” “You are mine.” As Xia Mo stares back at Ou Chen in frustration, he hesitatingly asks, “Unless, you really do like that Luo Xi…?” “The one I like is you.” Ou Chen’s heart calms down. Holding his hand out to Xia Mo, he pulls her into his embrace. The next day, Ou Chen’s followers have retaliated against the short-haired girl for daring to bother the Young Master’s girlfriend. When her own friends dare not save her and publicly go against Ou Chen, Xia Mo steps in and saves her. However, the short-haired girl again promises payback for the humiliation that she has suffered today. Xia Mo looks at her in puzzlement; shouldn’t she be grateful? Her own friends refused to save her, choosing to watch her get beaten instead. On the other hand, she now is saving her; is it not reasonable for her to thank her? Ou Chen’s arrival has more or less affected Luo Xi’s reputation at school. However, while Ou Chen is the unattainable dream – except to Yin Xia Mo – Luo Xi is the more realistic of the two. Even if they can never reach Young Master Ou Chen, they can still reach Luo Xi. Until the day comes when someone from his previous foster family walks up to Luo Xi and asks him when he was released from prison.

Chapter 3 With this new information, Luo Xi’s reputation is completely destroyed and the fact that he is from an orphanage is released. People judge him to be a thief and trash. In his anger, Luo Xi starts a fight with some classmates who called his mom a prostitute. He is taken to the principal’s where he also stands “trial” before the faculty. In desperation, Xia Mo’s dad rushes to the school, gasping out apology after another for Luo Xi’s behavior and taking all responsibility upon himself. Xia Mo arrives with an anxious Xiao Cheng and quickly takes charge – she will handle everything from here now; why don’t you take Xiao Cheng back home first? Faced with a determined Xia Mo, Xia Mo’s dad leaves with Xiao Cheng. When Xia Mo is sure that they both have left, she turns and grasps Luo Xi’s hand, walking out of the room with him, all traces of her trademark smile gone. When the faculty members attempt to stop her, Xia Mo questions their unprofessionalism in handling the situation. Surely they cannot be so quick to judge a student based on rumors alone? Where is the proof stating otherwise that Luo Xi is a thief or is a delinquent? She will figure out what the situation is and if she proves them wrong, she fully expects an apology.

Xia Mo seeks out Ou Chen at his mansion where he is still smarting from the fact that she had earlier brushed him off to save Luo Xi. Although he is aware of her waiting for him, he continues to finish his swimming laps, leisurely climbing out of the pool. Xia Mo is clearly aware of his temper and grabs a towel, efficiently drying him in quick strokes. However, when she gets to his head, she purposely roughens his hair, drying it every which way. Xia Mo admonishes Ou Chen for throwing a tantrum on her. When he continues to glare mutinously back, she asks him whether he will help her with Luo Xi or not. Again, Ou Chen asks what exact relationship Luo Xi has with Xia Mo, and she again says that Luo Xi is Xiao Cheng’s favored brother. “You held his hand.” Xia Mo laughs and then uses Ou Chen’s towel to jokingly scrub clean her hands. “Is that all? Will this make up for it then?” Cocking her head and smiling up at him, “Are you going to help me then?” Ou Chen knows that he is no match for Xia Mo and had already contacted the foster family; she can meet with the mom tomorrow. Ou Chen scolds Xia Mo for taking on something that she couldn’t handle herself; what if he had refused to help her? Then how was she going to take care of things? But Xia Mo is confident that Ou Chen will always help her and he just grimaces back at her. “Don’t get so close to that Luo Xi.” Xia Mo stares blankly back. “You are mine.” Xia Mo’s meeting with Mrs. Song proves fruitful, who breaks down and admits that given the choice between Luo Xi and her own biological son, she had chosen her actual son. She had lied about turning Luo Xi into the cops to appease her own jealous son but then had retracted those statements later. Secretly recording the conversation, she turns the tape over to Luo Xi for his discretion. Luo Xi had previously questioned Xia Mo’s motives for helping him; does she just pity him? If so, then she can save it. However, Xia Mo asks what right does he have to expect pity from people? She too, came from an orphanage; she too, was called a thief by the other kids. While her own dad seems to the think the world of his biological mom, her own biological mom was truly a prostitute – so what right does he have to expect any pity at all? A few days later, Song Ya Min issues a public apology for accusing Luo Xi; suffering from a guilty conscience, he had gone to the police station to investigate himself and found out that Luo Xi had never stolen anything. Much to Xia Mo’s delight, the two young men seem to reconcile and even Mrs. Song appears that moment, rushing up to hug them both. Back at the Yin household, Xia Mo is impressed by Luo Xi withholding the tape; had he done so, Song Ya Min would have hated him even more. However, now he is just too ashamed to ever bother Luo Xi again. When Luo Xi questions how Xia Ma could have been so sure that he would not publicize the tape, Xia Mo only laughs and walks away. She pauses at Luo Xi’s voice though.

Using the most devil-may-care voice he can muster, Luo Xi thanks Xia Mo but the slight tremor gives him away. And Xia Mo feels something move deep within her own cold heart.

Chapter 4 Xiao Cheng has been stressing over a suitable birthday present to give to their mom for her 40th. In a bid to gift something new, he excitedly suggests to Xia Mo that they compete in a local singing contest. In fact, it would be even more fun if Luo Xi participates with them! Luo Xi instantly turns him down and although Xia Mo is less than excited to sing in front of so many strangers, she cannot bear to disappoint Xiao Cheng. Thinking to humor Xiao Cheng and that the contest will be overrun with better contestants anyway, Xia Mo is mildly horrified when they pass onto the next stage due to the fact that not many people showed up for the contest. Although Xia Mo is not in the contest to win first place, neither does she wish to embarrass herself and Xiao Cheng in public and so increases her efforts at practicing. Luo Xi offers to help her practice although he makes it clear that she’ll owe him later. Xia Mo takes Luo Xi up on his offer and the two practice together with Luo Xi playing his guitar and Xia Mo singing, Xiao Cheng sometimes joining in. However, when Xia Mo asks Luo Xi for his honest opinion of her practices, Luo Xi busts up laughing. The day of the competition. Xia Mo is increasingly nervous as she and Xiao Cheng wait for their number to be called. Although she has been practicing with Luo Xi, her stage fright seems to increase every second that she is waiting. Knowing that Xiao Cheng’s mood will follow her’s, she desperately tries to calm herself down. The point of the singing competition is to sing well and long; whoever can sing the longest will continue to advance (I slightly did not understand the setup of the competition here although I do know that it is timed). When it is Xia Mo and Xiao Cheng’s turn, they begin to sing Luo Xi’s Black Cat song – in R&B, stretching out the time with rap. Unbeknownst to Xia Mo and Xiao Cheng, Luo Xi is also at the studio watching them and even he is impressed by Xia Mo’s strategy. As time passes though, Xia Mo is suddenly at a lost – she can’t remember the remaining lyrics! The more she struggles to calm herself down and remember the words, the more she blanks. Just as it seems that she and Xiao Cheng will have to give up though, a warm and gentle voice from the audience starts singing as he slowly makes his way to the stage. It is Luo Xi! Smiling at Xia Mo, Luo Xi moves to stand between her and Xiao Cheng, wrapping an arm around them both. As Xia Mo leans in gratefully, drawing on Luo Xi’s strength, he continues to sing and the three finish together with the longest running time. While flipping channels at home, Ou Chen stumbles upon the competition and watches silently before deftly turning the television off. Xia Mo is ecstatic and celebrates with Luo Xi later that night at home, the two drinking merrily while Luo Xi seems to magically produce one beer after another for her. Xia Mo can sense

herself fast becoming drunk but she is too giddy to care, leaning heavily on Luo Xi. As the two bond over drinks and laughter, Xia Mo realizes that Luo Xi has somehow gotten very close to her – so close that she can feel the breath from his lips on her own. Luo Xi himself is not quite sure of what he is feeling; just that he has never realized how warm Xia Mo was until this night. Leaning closer and closer to her, Luo Xi’s lips are about to meet Xia Mo’s – until she passes out and falls asleep on him. The days go by so fast. Xia Mo, Luo Xi and Xiao Cheng now arrive and depart school together every day, the three spending much of their time together. Ou Chen has become more withdrawn from Xia Mo and although she knows that he is smarting from her contest participation with Luo Xi, she cannot bring him out of his mood. Ou Chen tells Xia Mo that he will be going to France for a month and not to worry; he will bring her back a gift. Xia Mo’s dad stumbles home in a panic the next day; Luo Xi can no longer live with them. Xia Mo instantly asks if it is Ou Chen’s doing and Xia Mo’s dad cannot respond – he has this job because Xia Mo had asked Ou Chen for it. Realizing her error in letting Ou Chen stew about her relationship with Luo Xi, Xia Mo contacts Ou Chen. Although she cannot change Ou Chen’s mind about Luo Xi, the very least she can do is make sure that Luo Xi will not have to go back to the orphanage. Xia Mo accompanies Luo Xi to the airport, where he will be studying abroad in England. Luo Xi bitterly remarks how nice it is that garbage like him gets such a generous donation from Xia Mo and Young Master Ou Chen. Xia Mo is sincere but not apologetic; she cannot let her dad be fired and she will do anything it takes to protect her family. Luo Xi asks Xia Mo if she has fallen for him. If not, why would Ou Chen go to such lengths to get rid of him? Xia Mo tells Luo Xi to become stronger – and then return and prove to those who have hurt him that he is better than them. And then she will truly not have any regrets. Luo Xi promises Xia Mo that he will return – and to tell Ou Chen that he will pay him back double-fold everything that he fears today. Seeing the intense look in Luo Xi’s eyes, Xia Mo involuntarily takes a step back – and Luo Xi pulls Xia Mo in and kisses her deeply.

Chapter 5 5 years later. The same day that Xia Mo was with Luo Xi at the airport, her parents were killed in a car accident and Xiao Cheng was critically injured. She never saw Ou Chen again as he mysteriously disappeared after leaving for France. Left to her own devices, Xia Mo has taken care of Xiao Cheng, taking on endless miscellaneous jobs to pay for their school tuition and his health bills. Although stressful and forced to become completely independent, she and Xiao Cheng have leaned on each other during this time and continue to just barely get by. Xia Mo has also become good friends with Jiang Zhen En, the daughter of Ou Chen’s old chauffeur. Although Zhen En used to be bitter about her father being asked to serve Xia Mo, she

has come to realize that Xia Mo is nothing like the superficial and spoiled girl she used to think of her, and the two spend much of their time at school and working odd jobs together. Zhen En stumbles upon a job listing for personal assistants to Yao Shu Er, a rising pop star and fellow classmate to Zhen En and Xia Mo (this character is currently missing from the cast listing for Summer’s Desire although I believe she is briefly shown in the series trailer). Although Zhen En balks at being a “servant” to a fellow classmate, Xia Mo does not mind so much because it is just another job to her. When Shu Er’s rival, Wei An, also argues for a personal assistant, she is given Zhen En by the recording manager, Jam. Both Xia Mo and Zhen En throw themselves into their work although Zhen En is dismayed to find that her time with Xia Mo has been shortened considerably now that Shu Er is also becoming close friends with Xia Mo. When Wei An attempts to push her own cousin to enter the record company, Shu Er also decides to support Xia Mo for auditions. Although Xia Mo is reluctant to enter auditions – she still clearly remembers the last time she was on a stage – Zhen En convinces her to try anyway as the financial opportunity is too good to pass up. Realizing that this career could comfortably support both her and Xiao Cheng, Xia Mo decides to try the auditions although she purposely keeps it from Xiao Cheng. At the auditions, four other girls are in attendance along with Xia Mo. While the others measure her accordingly, one girl instantly introduces herself to Xia Mo as Pan Nan. Jam informs the girls that they will be choosing two winners out of them to enter the company. In addition, in an effort to increase motivation, they have invited the hottest rising pop star to perform a duet with one participant. As the girls clamor excitedly, wondering if it will be Shu Er or perhaps Wei An, Jam announces the name – Luo Xi!

Chapter 6 Zhen En cannot contain her excitement – the chance to perform with Luo Xi! But why isn’t Xia Mo more excited about this possibility? It’s Luo Xi! However, Xia Mo remains calm and tells Zhen En that what’s in the past is the past. Those memories no longer carry much meaning; what’s most important is the future now. Xia Mo clearly recognizes that out of all the candidates, she is the weakest one and most likely will not be chosen. However, she hopes to do her best anyway. Zhen En completely supports Xia Mo and if she were to decide that the entertainment world is not for her, then they can go back to working together! Luo Xi broods silently in his room while his personal assistant of two years, Jie Ni, watches him. In all her time with him, she has never seen him act like this before. However, she also knows the reasoning behind his moodiness since she previously reviewed the candidate list and saw a very familiar name. Luo Xi then tells Jie Ni that he wishes to personally visit auditions the next morning. At the auditions, it is clear to the other judges that Xia Mo is the weakest candidate; they ask Jam why he would have let her in. Stumbling a little, Jam informs them of Wei An and Shu Er’s rivalry; he could not allow Wei An’s cousin to participate without also accommodating Shu Er.

However, Xia Mo does have her own strengths as she is not only extremely beautiful but also dedicated, possesses great stamina and is a fast learner – her weakness is that she suffers from stage fright, which becomes painfully apparent every time she sings. Luo Xi’s appearance at the auditions surprises everyone and they are consistently blown away by his handsome perfection. Luo Xi tells Jam that he wishes to personally observe auditions because one of the candidates has a personal tie with him; she once helped him in the past and now he has a chance to pay her back for that favor. Jam is besides himself with excitement; of course, Luo Xi’s friend is his friend also! Stopping to directly face each girl, Luo Xi bequeaths each one with his trademark smile and manners. Stopping in front of Xia Mo, he intently stares at her and lifts her face up to his own. As Luo Xi continues to hold tightly onto Xia Mo’s chin, the two stare intently back at each other, neither saying a word. “I’m Luo Xi.” Smiling, Luo Xi moves onto Pan Nan where he excitedly calls her name and enfolds her in a big hug. People are abuzz with excitement; Pan Nan must be the one Luo Xi was talking about! When Xia Mo is later walking back home after auditions, she is stopped by the sound of a car horn. As Luo Xi steps out and says hi, Xia Mo repeats the favor in turn and the two smile back at one another on the street. At a restaurant later, Luo Xi again repeats his name to Xia Mo and she tells him that she remembers him. Luo Xi comments that he was really worried that she would forget him, since she had told him five years ago that she would forget. He once hated her. Hated her for not resisting at all before deciding to send him out of the country, like an old toy that she was no longer interested in playing with. However, now he’s just extremely thankful to her for treating him that way; without her, he wouldn’t even be basking in his current success and glory. Xia Mo is clearly aware that this man sitting before her is no longer the Luo Xi from five years ago; he has grown up to become someone else. Luo Xi laughingly asks Xia Mo although there is no humor in his eyes; why does she think he hated her? Did she really not know how he felt about her five years ago? And by the by, where is that wealthy and pompous Ou Chen now? When Xia Mo calmly tells him that she has also not seen Ou Chen for five years, Luo Xi laughs that he would so quickly fall out of love with her after going through so much trouble to send him out of the country; it must be karma. When Xia Mo moves to leave, Luo Xi quickly grasps her hand and apologizes, surprising Xia Mo. The Luo Xi from five years ago would never have apologized to anyone. Changing the subject, Luo Xi sincerely asks Xia Mo if she wants his help with her auditions. “You are my friend,” Xia Mo says simply. “Do not help me because I am not your friend. But I hope to have the chance to help you because YOU are my friend.”

Chapter 7 The entertainment world is thrown when it comes out that Wei An has supposedly been having an affair with Jam, a married man with children. Rumors begin circulating about Wei An, as people being to wonder if she used this affair as a way to increase her own success. Since Shu Er is the direct rival of Wei An, the paparazzi accost her at the HBS Studio lobby to get her perspective on the scandal and Xia Mo tries her best to protect Shu Er. Amidst the pushing and shoving, Xia Mo ends up falling to the ground and receives a bleeding wound to her head for her efforts and scattering the contents of Shu Er’s makeup box everywhere. Although Shu Er tries to help Xia Mo, she tells her to hurry on to her recording session as she will be late. As Xia Mo starts gathering the items, she fails to notice that the lobby area has suddenly become deafeningly quiet and that even Shu Er’s footsteps have stilled. Reaching over to pick up a tube of lipstick, Xia Mo notices a slim hand entering her sight of vision as it picks up the lipstick first. Slowly raising her head up, Xia Mo sees Luo Xi bending over her, his concentration completely focused on her wound. Shu Er rushes over to thank Luo Xi for his help while everyone is frozen watching him and Xia Mo. Curtly acknowledging Shu Er but his eyes never leaving Xia Mo, Luo Xi then continues his way and the reporters rush to follow him instead. After Shu Er’s recording session is over, she is confronted by Wei An, who angrily slaps her across the face. Wei An accuses Shu Er of trying to ruin her reputation; Wei An promises her that she will not underestimate her again! Xia Mo notices the questionable stiffness in Shu Er’s body but she quickly composes herself again and denies Wei An’s claims in a piteous voice. Wei An promises Shu Er that it won’t be so easy to ruin her. Jie Ni later approaches Xia Mo to accompany her to the hospital. At Xia Mo’s quizzical expression, Jie Ni explains that Luo Xi had asked her to go with Xia Mo; he would have come himself but had scheduling commitments that he could not push back. Xia Mo thanks Jie Ni but explains that her head wound is nowhere near serious enough to warrant a visit to the hospital. As Xia Mo walks away, Jie Ni wonders if Xia Mo will remember who she is. It is the day of the final auditions and each girl will have her chance to perform individually. However, the three strongest girls – including Pan Nan – have been assigned to perform on their own stage while Xia Mo is paired with the next weakest candidate. One of the judges wonders if the group is split too strongly apart although Jam is confident that the strongest possibility will stand out regardless of whether she is in the “strong” or “weak” group. It’s up to each girl now.

Chapter 8 As Xia Mo watches every girl prepare for the final audition, she flashes back to when Pan Nan approached her and offered to be paired only with her. Although Xia Mo appreciated the gesture, she turned down Pan Nan because she hoped to get by on her own efforts. What will happen if they both do get chosen? Will Pan Nan continue to help her forever? Pan Nan then wished Xia Mo luck as she would do her best in the finals; Xia Mo also expressed the same sentiments.

However, come time for everyone’s performances, it is clear that Xia Mo and Ke Xin are quickly becoming overshadowed by the other three girls. Thinking fast, Xia Mo runs up her own stage and calls out to everyone, perfectly setting the stage for Ke Xin’s performance – come listen to the new and wonderful Ke Xin! Yes, she is new so she is kind of nervous but once you hear her sing, you will be pleasantly surprised! Jam and the other judges are impressed by Xia Mo; although Pan Nan remains the strongest contender, Xia Mo was able to draw audience members to their stage with her sincerity and warm personality. Ke Xin satisfactorily finishes her song but is so plagued by nerves that she only manages a stammered introduction for Xia Mo in return. Xia Mo takes to the stage, quietly but emotionally singing the song, “Diamond.” Jam is pleasantly taken aback; this song was once very famous in the bars. Composed and sung by a bar hostess longing for her love to return, record companies had clamored for the rights to sign her but she had resisted, claiming that this song was only sung for her love and so fans had to go directly to the bar in order to hear it. However, when the bar hostess eventually passed away, her coworkers chose to not sing it anymore in honor of her and the song has not been sung since. So how did Yin Xia Mo learn this song?? Meanwhile, Ou Chen sits in his car caught in the traffic resulting from the nearby singing competition, wineglass in hand having just finished some work en route to his business meeting. Butler Shen is with him, thinking that Young Master used to not drink so much but since his car accident five years ago, has developed a taste for it. As Ou Chen stares out the window, the green silk scarf tied around his wrist – slightly faded but still retaining its former beauty – flutters softly in the wind. As Xia Mo is still singing, she is suddenly seized by a panic attack. Forget the people! Forget the people! Xia Mo has never told anyone… how afraid she is of people… especially those in the pitch black darkness… It was her seventh birthday and the first time she ever stepped on a stage. Mom had drunk herself into oblivion and although the boss had relieved her of performing, she had been insistent anyway. Getting on stage, she began to sing “Diamond,” drunkenly dancing along with the lyrics. Even as small as Xia Mo had been, she understood that Mom was singing this song for that Uncle who had left – since then, Mom has never been happy again. Tears start falling down her mom’s face as she continues her song, trapped in the pain of her love having left her. Staring at Xia Mo and yet not really seeing her, she reached out – and collapses, plummeting off the stage. As Xia Mo rushes to the edge of the stage, her mom lies still and unmoving like a broken doll, blood slowly dripping from her mouth. Xia Mo stares out into the abyss, seeing only her mom… just one more step and she’ll be able to join her mom too… Ou Chen catches a glimpse of that girl singing on stage – and it is as if all the sun’s rays are directly emitting from her and her alone. In the sunlight, her hair shimmers and her complexion is like a mermaid’s in the midst of a bubbling fantasy. She sings as if she can see no one – but all he can see is her.

Butler Shen tries to get Young Master’s attention – if they continue to dawdle in this traffic, they will surely be late to the meeting – until he too, catches sight of the girl and his eyes widen in shock. Although the judges are impressed by Xia Mo’s singing ability, it is not enough to redeem her – a singer needs to be able to perform at her best in public and it is still obvious that Xia Mo struggles with that aspect. One of the judges, Cai Ni, shakes her head sadly but crosses out Xia Mo’s name with a red X. The audience members begin to leave the area and Xia Mo realizes that despite her best efforts, she was still unable to control her fear. As she prepares to finish her song and step down from the stage, the remaining people are thrown into a frenzy and Xia Mo freezes as she catches sight of the reason causing the growing excitement. Ou Chen strains his head to find what – who? – SHE is looking at and spots a smiling and handsome young man walking towards her. Is she staring at this man? For some reason, Ou Chen feels a growing sense of jealousy at seeing this man; he tries to chase the feeling away but it continues to sting painfully at him. Butler Shen also sees this man and quickly checks Young Master’s reaction; luckily, he does not seem to recall anything. However, what a day it is to see both of them here… To the amazement of everyone, Luo Xi jumps onto the stage to join Xia Mo. He announces to everyone that Xia Mo is his good friend and that one day, she will become a great singer; please remember her name and support her! Taking Xia Mo’s hand in his own, Luo Xi begins to sing and it is as if every song is sung specifically for Xia Mo. Feeling the strength in his grasped hand, Xia Mo remembers that other time when she leaned on Luo Xi – his left arm holding onto her and his right holding onto Xiao Cheng… The judges are astounded and the other girls are seized with jealousy, although Pan Nan remains expressionless. Since meeting Luo Xi in England two years ago and hearing of his story with Xia Mo, she has always admired this girl… Butler Shen tries one more time to sway Ou Chen’s attention away from Xia Mo and Luo Xi. To Butler Shen’s horror, Ou Chen tonelessly tells him to cancel his meetings – and to find out all he can about that girl singing on the stage.

Chapter 9 Luo Xi’s public performance with Xia Mo has rocked the media and now every news station and broadcaster is clamoring to book Xia Mo even though she is not even officially signed yet. While Pan Nan is a sure pick, Sun Company is still undecided about the remaining spot; given Xia Mo’s instant shot to popularity overnight, it would make the most financial sense to promote her now. But can a singer who cannot sing in public be considered a singer? Luo Xi and Xia Mo are at their usual French restaurant as Luo Xi studies her closely; he was sure that she was going to throw a temper at him about interfering with her auditions but yet here

she sits, silently eating her dinner. Doesn’t he warrant any kind of reaction from her? Does she really hate him that much? True, he wasn’t always the nicest person before but at least to her, to Xiao Cheng and to their parents, he can honestly say that he never once did anything to truly hurt them. As Xia Mo quietly stares back at Luo Xi’s serious expression, the truth of his words ring in her head. And Xia Mo sincerely apologizes to Luo Xi. Just three little words, and Luo Xi feels as if a weight has been lifted off his shoulders, the childish glee in his smile glaringly obvious. The image of that girl holding hands with that man continues to burn in Ou Chen’s mind – and the nightmares have returned. They are all the same; every time he reaches out to her but all he can ever see is her departing silhouette. Calling out to her and begging her but she never once turns around again, only leaving him alone in the darkness. The next day, Xi Meng (assistant and father figure) reports back to Ou Chen – that girl’s name is Yin Xia Mo. Yin Xia Mo… how is it that this name is so unfamiliar but yet still triggers something deep within his heart? Xiao Cheng has learned of Xia Mo’s intent to become a singer and he vehemently opposes such a decision; if she is worried about making money, then he will start taking on jobs himself. In fact, he has already decided to give up on pursuing art and will be working in construction from now on. When Xiao Cheng remains insistent and continues to disregard Xia Mo’s advice, she angrily slaps him. If he does not continue onto art school, then he can forget about calling her “older sister”. When Luo Xi sees that Xia Mo is bound and determined now to become a singer, he takes her to an empty stage and begins to play “Diamond” on the piano. Luo Xi asks Xia Mo to sing for him, since it’s just him right now. Understanding Luo Xi’s intent, Xia Mo hesitatingly begins to sing, continuously chanting in her mind to not be afraid, to not be afraid… Hearing the nervousness in Xia Mo’s voice, Luo Xi gently commands Xia Mo, “Look at me. I am your only audience member. You sing the song only for yourself, not for anyone else. If you need to look at something, then look only at me.” Xia Mo looks at Luo Xi’s peaceful smile and his sparkling eyes – and is taken back to that night five years ago as they laughingly shared drinks together. Filled with a sense of peace, Xia Mo continues to sing, and the nervousness slowly ebbs from her voice. In the darkness of the auditorium, a single person silently walks in – it is Pan Nan who claps enthusiastically for Xia Mo at the end. Xia Mo keeps singing the song over and over, and slowly the auditorium begins to fill with people. First it is Ke Xin, then Jam and the other prior judges and then strangers until the auditorium is completely filled. And Xia Mo continues to sing. Pao Mo Bar (also could be known as Bubble Bar).

Ou Chen silently broods alone as he downs one drink after another. The bartender tries to control his drinks but is stopped short by a single glare. Ou Chen cannot stop thinking about Yin Xia Mo… who is she? Did he forget something from five years ago? Ou Chen has tried asking Butler Shen about it, who said that there wasn’t anything special about those past events anyway, so what’s the point in remembering? Knowing that Butler Shen was not being completely honest, Ou Chen had even tried hiring a private investigator to uncover his own past but to no avail. And so he had slowly given up on ever knowing. Until he saw her – and now his unknown past continues to plague him again. Smiling beautifully, a girl runs up on stage and announces that she will be singing a song called “Remember to Forget.” As she begins to sing, the few people in the bar are instantly entranced by her melodic voice and emotional performance. Ou Chen cannot believe his eyes – the girl who has been plaguing him… Yin Xia Mo… she is standing on that stage! Finishing her song, the crowd calls for an encore but Xia Mo gently declines, thanking them for their support. As she walks off the stage, Ou Chen sees her head towards a man waiting for her in the corner. Xia Mo smiles up at him as Ou Chen continues to tensely watch them both. The man lean towards Xia Mo and whisper something – her smile becomes brighter – and the two walk out of the bar. It is essentially the middle of the night now and there are barely any people or cars on the road as Luo Xi and Xia Mo walk back together. Smiling up at Luo Xi, Xia Mo thanks him for being with her these past few days and for helping her get over her stage fright. Having gone to endless bars to perform tonight, she is confident now that she can sing without fear in public. Luo Xi replies that he should be thanking her – thanking her for liking him. Xia Mo freezes and Luo Xi continues on; because of liking him, she forcefully sent him away five years ago. Because of liking him, she’s never forgotten him all this time. Because of liking him – she can trust him and sing for him. Xia Mo doesn’t respond although Luo Xi can see the battle of emotions playing on her face. Teasing her, he comments that it’s not much fun to be too logical about things. Turning away from Luo Xi but then realizing that he may take that as silent assent, Xia Mo turns her head back around to face him – and is captured lightly by Luo Xi’s kiss. Admit that you like me, Luo Xi urges. Is it really so hard to admit it? You and I are the same, that’s why we like each other, that’s why we’re always drawn to each other. We were meant to be together, Xia Mo… Xia Mo knows that Luo Xi is mesmerizing her right now; entrancing her with his perfect looks and his pretty words… but she can’t seem to maintain her former calmness and nonchalance anymore… Luo Xi again captures Xia Mo in a deep kiss but whereas the last kiss had been soft and gentle, this one is filled with passion and intensity. Xia Mo can only close her eyes as Luo Xi continues to kiss her deeper and deeper, gathering her tightly against his body. Luo Xi dimly realizes that

he probably shouldn’t be kissing Xia Mo like this right now; he had only wanted to break down her wall of coolness and calm control. However, now that he is finally kissing her – truly kissing her – he can no longer control himself. He’s going crazy with wanting her – she’s like poison to him but by God, he will keep kissing her even if it means his death! The two are rudely brought back to reality when they hear the roar of a sports car coming down the road. As she pulls Luo Xi off to the side, she catches a glimpse of the driver’s hands ruthlessly gripping the steering wheel although she cannot see a face. Breathing heavily, Xia Mo starts when she realizes that she is leaning against Luo Xi for support; he lightly chuckles. You like me. Let’s be together. The sports car pulls to the side of the road as Ou Chen sits in the driver’s seat, his hands still tensely wrapped around the wheel.

Chapter 10 After that night, Luo Xi and Xia Mo’s relationship has became a little more complicated. Regardless of where Luo Xi is – the recording studio, in the car on a business trip or right before going to bed – he would always call Xia Mo. Asking her out every so often, casually kissing her when the mood strikes him, while she would always tightly close her eyes during those kisses. Xia Mo never promises him anything but neither does she deny anything. Sun Record is asking Xia Mo to attend the tryouts for Lei Ou Cosmetics model of the year. Although Pan Nan has been officially signed on with Sun, the second representative has not yet been chosen. However, a contract with Lei Ou Cosmetics is a guaranteed ticket to instant stardom and it is one of the most coveted positions in the entertainment world; the company has always chosen the most beautiful and successful actress, model or singer to represent their products. It is rumored that the most likely successor will be Yao Shu Er, now that Wei An’s reputation has suffered from her scandal with Jam. However, Yao Shu Er is in for a rude awakening when she realizes that Shen Qiang has also been invited by Lei Ou Cosmetics. Although Shen Qiang entered the entertainment world a few years after Yao Shu Er, she quickly became one of the most sought after actresses after just a year while Yao Shu Er has continued to bring in mediocre success. Shen Qiang is also the rumored girlfriend of Luo Xi. Once at Lei Ou Cosmetics, Yao Shu Er attempts to place herself higher than Xia Mo by introducing her as her personal assistant while Zhen En has also accompanied them. There is a brief moment of tension when Yao Shu Er casually drops the fact that Luo Xi publicly performed with Xia Mo, and Shen Qiang instantly turns and measures her. However, before the situation gets even more awkward, they are interrupted by the arrival of Lei Ou’s heir. Lei Ou Cosmetics is simply another branch under the Ou Family Corporation. Young Master has returned from France.

When Zhen En catches sight of him, she cannot stop a loud gasp. She quickly checks Xia Mo for her reaction, whose face has gone completely white, the blood completely drained from her lips. Although Xia Mo knew of Ou Chen’s connection to Lei Ou Cosmetics, never in a million years would she have thought that he would return to specific branch. Or that she would also be standing here. No one can take their eyes off Young Master, who is as handsome as he is rich. Even Yao Shu Er and Shen Qiang – the latter whose heart belongs to Luo Xi – cannot believe that there could possibly exist someone not of the entertainment circle who is this handsome and grand. Ou Chen makes his way to the elevator, completely oblivious of the many pairs of eyes glued to his every movement. As an employee holds the elevator open for him, Zhen En risks running over to Xia Mo and quickly hisses her name. The elevator slowly starts closing as Ou Chen steps through; however, his eyes have suddenly drifted to a specific point of the lobby. Everyone jumps when the elevator pings in protest and a pair of hands is seen reaching out and forcing the doors back open. Ou Chen steps back out, his stride purposeful and his eyes quickly scanning the area. Walking towards Xia Mo, her instincts take over and she quickly turns and run. Ou Chen is quicker than her though and stops her, recognizing that this kind of public behavior from him is unheard of but he cannot bear to lose sight of this girl again! Who are you? When Ou Chen repeats his question again, Xia Mo breathes a sigh of relief as she realizes that Ou Chen has seemingly forgotten – or is at least, pretending to have forgotten her. Regaining her composure, Xia Mo calmly answers him; Why, she’s just a representative from Sun Company here to do business. In fact, if Young Master is playing some kind of a game; so sorry, but she really doesn’t have any time to entertain him. Ou Chen asks a random employee on the side to tell him why these women are all here. Briefly measuring Yao Shu Er and Shen Qiang, Ou Chen’s gaze quickly returns to Xia Mo. Before leaving, he murmurs quietly, “She’ll do.” Yao Shu Er and Shen Qiang are stunned while the others stare after Ou Chen in confusion. But Lei Ou has always picked a well-known face to represent the company and not a newbie! However, Young Master himself has requested it… When Xia Mo later meets up with Luo Xi, she can tell by his expression that he has already learned the news. He comments that it seems as if neither himself nor Ou Chen can have an effect on Yin Xia Mo’s emotional state. Luo Xi asks if she ever liked Ou Chen in the past; didn’t her own parents fall over backwards to accommodate him all the time? Xia Mo realizes that she never had the chance to tell Luo Xi about her parents’ car accident and Luo Xi is stunned. On that day she was with him at the airport, she received a frantic phone call from her dad, telling her that he was choosing Luo Xi over his career – she needs to stop him from boarding that plane! However, it was already too late as Luo Xi had departed and Xia Mo never saw her parents alive again.

Luo Xi cannot fathom that for once in his life, someone had wanted to keep him. Seeing the turmoil in Luo Xi, Xia Mo gently tells him to forget what she just said. Anyways, regardless of how she felt about Ou Chen before, he no longer remembers her anymore. And as Butler Shen coldly said to her after Ou Chen had pushed her forward as spokesperson; she has already hurt Young Master enough. Please do not make him remember his past with her. Luo Xi cannot help but ask Xia Mo if she will be taking the contract even though he knows that if he himself was given the opportunity, he would jump at it, no questions asked. Xia Mo, of course, is no exception. And this is why Luo Xi is drawn to Xia Mo – she will never let go of what rightfully belongs to her and the things that should be cherished. In a way, he, Ou Chen and Xia Mo are very alike – and this is probably why their fates will always be tangled with one another’s. They are the same. “Xia Mo, you will like him.” “Are you scared?” “Yes. I’m afraid you’ll leave me and go back to him.” “Luo Xi, don’t love me. There’s no love in my heart; just the desire for success. For success, I will be manipulative. Love is just a very small portion of me. I like you today, so I’ll stay by your side. However, if I like someone else, I’ll be staying by his side.” “You like me right now, right?” “Yes.” Because it is the truth. Whether it was the truth five years ago or when he asked her to sing just for him in the auditorium or when he kissed her on the street. “Then that’s enough. You will love me forever, more and more every day. Until the day I die, you will still love me.”

Chapter 11 Much to the surprise of Shen Qiang and Yao Shu Er, they both later receive an invitation to officially participate in Lei Ou Cosmetic’s tryouts for its model spokesperson – Yin Xia Mo was also included in the list but hadn’t Young Master Ou Chen already decided that it was going to be her? Yao Shu Er can’t believe her stroke of luck although Shen Qiang is disgusted – who does Lei Ou Cosmetics think she is? Ripping up her own invitation, Shen Qiang refuses to participate. The day of auditions, Yao Shu Er is already at Lei Ou preparing for her tryout. However, as Zhen En looks around anxiously, Xia Mo is nowhere to be found! Zhen En’s imagination starts to fly as Xia Mo is never one to be late to anything; has something happened to her? If she doesn’t show up in time for her time, then Yao Shu Er will get the contract by default! As Zhen En is pacing in a panic, two men are currently carrying an unconscious Yin Xia Mo from their car and tossing her into a garage; “Thank goodness she breathed in so much chloroform; she’ll be out for hours!” At Lei Ou, Zhen En continues to worry about Xia Mo. Who can help Xia Mo, who can help — Young Master! Young Master will be able to help Xia Mo! Unknown to Zhen En, Ou Chen has also been wondering about Xia Mo’s absence since he had specifically requested his driver to pick her up and drive her to Lei Ou; she should have arrived a while ago already. It turns out that the driver had actually pulled up to pick Xia Mo and witnessed her being taken against her will;

thinking quickly, the driver then followed them before calling the police. However, Ou Chen himself rushes to save Xia Mo. Luckily for Xia Mo, she had actually not breathed in as much chloroform as her kidnappers had originally thought, and as she slowly comes to, she struggles to untie her hands. She refuses to let such an opportunity slip from her grasp! As she fights with her bindings, she catches sight of an approaching shadow. Like a warm ray of light, the voice asks her if she is all right; is she hurt?? It is Ou Chen. As he gently picks her up, his strength calms her racing heart and she is reminded of the very first time she met him. The young Ou Chen had carried her much the same way he is carrying her now. She was 11 and he was only 14 years old. Thanking him, Xia Mo then requests to be taken back to Lei Ou. Ou Chen refuses at first, saying that she needs to be treated at the hospital for her injuries. When Ou Chen remains persistent about taking Xia Mo directly to the hospital first, Xia Mo asks him if he would rather prefer for her to go back by herself. Seeing the stubborn and obstinate look on Xia Mo’s face, Ou Chen grimly jerks the car towards the direction of Lei Ou. Xia Mo cannot help but quietly laugh; Ou Chen is still Ou Chen after all. Once back at Lei Ou, Zhen En cries in horror to see the injuries on Xia Mo; however, the latter is focused on quickly getting ready for her tryout. Following with the theme of the competition, Xia Mo sings a beautiful but tragic song about the love a mermaid princess has for her human prince – a love so deep that she is willing to cut off her own tail in order to be with him. People had thought Yao Shu Er’s performance was great but Yin Xia Mo’s… although the song is of a tragic ending, it is performed with so much emotion that the audience members are choked up. Ou Chen quietly but intensely watches Xia Mo; Yao Shu Er nervously gauges everyone’s reactions; and the others simply forget to breathe. Zhen En cannot contain her excitement; Xia Mo has won. Ou Chen takes Xia Mo directly to the hospital afterward, where the nurse admonishes them for waiting so long to come in. Ou Chen requests to have an IV briefly set up for Xia Mo, to which Xia Mo objects. However, neither the nurse nor Xia Mo are a match for Ou Chen and a moment later, Xia Mo is resting with an IV drip. Deciding that it’s useless to argue with Ou Chen right now, Xia Mo gives in; she’ll just rest for a little while, that’s all… As Xia Mo lies there, Ou Chen hesitatingly asks, “We… knew each other… five years ago… didn’t we?” And Xia Mo’s face instantly loses all color.

Chapter 12 “We once loved each other, didn’t we?” In that instant, Xia Mo began to panic, her mind busily wondering what to say to Ou Chen’s hesitate questions. However, she begins to calm down as she again remember Butler Shen’s curt advice. Five years ago, she was the one who chose the most cruel way to hurt Ou Chen.

Xia Mo laughs softly and denies knowing Ou Chen. When Ou Chen refuses to believe her, Xia Mo tells him that if she wanted to trick the Young Master of Ou Corporations, it would make more sense for her to say that they did know each other, that they were once deeply in love with one another. But they weren’t. “Then from now on, stay by my side. If you decide that you cannot learn to love me, then you can decide to end it.” “Impossible.” “Why?” “Because… because…” “Because she already has a boyfriend.” Luo Xi swaggers into the room, the air tinged with a bit of cruelty and a bit of arrogance. Going to Xia Mo’s side and intentionally directly facing Ou Chen, Luo Xi jokingly scolds Xia Mo for leading Ou Chen on; why, silly Mo Mo, when someone tells you of his feelings, you should instantly let him know that you are taken already! Otherwise, what will you do when he continues to think that he has a chance with you?? As Xia Mo watches the tension build from the battle of testosterone raging between Luo Xi and Ou Chen, fervently wishing that she could be anywhere but there, Luo Xi clearly stakes his claim on Xia Mo for Ou Chen’s benefit by leaning over and kissing her. And then as punishment, biting down hard enough on her lip to draw blood, causing her to gasp in pain and in surprise. Ou Chen seethes as he watches Luo Xi kissing Xia Mo and then stalks out of the room. Luo Xi finally lets go of Xia Mo as she stares mutinously back at him; don’t worry – you cannot possibly be in any more pain than me right now. Back at home, Xiao Cheng flutters about Xia Mo like an anxious mother hen and the two finally make up from their previous fight. Xiao Cheng has agreed to give up the construction idea and will pursue art school as originally planned. He promises himself that he will take care of his sister and will always protect her. The contract with Lei Ou is official now and Zhen En cannot believe her ears; Xia Mo has requested her to be her agent!! Although worried that she lacks the experience and knowledge, Zhen En promises Xia Mo that she will be the best agent possible and will not let her down! The mood between Yao Shu Er and Xia Mo is frosty, to say the least, although it is more due to the former’s actions. When Wei An later approaches Xia Mo inquiring about the kidnapping on the day of tryouts, Zhen En is horrified to realize that was what had happened to Xia Mo. Wei An presents Xia Mo with photos of Yao Shu Er meeting with the very same two men who had kidnapped Xia Mo. Casually handing them over to Xia Mo, Wei An comments that they may be of more use to her. Xia Mo takes the photographs and thanks her but Wei An says there’s no need – she’s still doing it for herself anyway. Xia Mo and Zhen En hurry to the meeting which will finalize details for the commercial shoot. Ou Chen is also in attendance, which is unusual given the fact that Lei Ou Cosmetics is naught

but a small portion of the greater Ou Corporation. Zhen En suspects that it has something to do with Xia Mo’s presence but Xia Mo brushes it off. The meeting room is completely packed but in utter silence, as the final member still has yet to arrive – Ling Hao. 21 years old and with a modeling background, Ling Hao became famous two years ago from a beverage commercial and has quickly risen to the top since then. With the exception of Luo Xi, the next most prominent and desired male star is Ling Hao. The silence is broken by the ring of a shrill cell phone. Lei Ou’s PR Director quickly picks up the call when he glimpses at the caller. His next comment sends the room into a buzz as all heads turn to stare directly at Yin Xia Mo. “What? You want to switch the lead actress??”

Chapter 13 The atmosphere in the room is tense; no one dares to say anything. Ou Chen studies Xia Mo’s carefully blank expression, noting the lack of color and her tensely clasped hands. “Tell Ling Hao that the Lei Ou spokeswoman is chosen through a rigid and careful process. If he doesn’t show up within the next twenty minutes, his contract with Lei Ou is null and voided, and he can forget about ever working with Ou Corporations again.” The buzz in the room increases. While waiting for Ling Hao, Xia Mo’s phone rings and she pauses when she sees Luo Xi’s name on the caller ID. Since that day at the hospital when Luo Xi stormed off in a jealous rage, Xia Mo has not contacted him. When she answers, the conversation is initially stilted as Luo Xi gruffly asks how her wounds are healing. Unable to hold it in any longer, his voice carrying a bit of petulance, Luo Xi asks Xia Mo if she’s mad at him; otherwise, why else wouldn’t she have called him by now? Because, you know, it’s not a good thing to let someone be mad for so long without even asking! Xia Mo breaks out into laughter at hearing the childishness in Luo Xi’s voice, the issue of Ling Hao completely forgotten now. Luo Xi laughs with her and two resume their previous ease; when Luo Xi asks Xia Mo when she’ll be free, she hesitatingly explains the situation to him. True to his threat, Ling Hao never shows up. While others feel that it is a simple matter to simply switch Yin Xia Mo, Ou Chen holds firm to his decision. Tomorrow’s shoot will be temporarily cancelled until they can find a replacement; however, Yin Xia Mo was the company’s decision and she will be successful. Lei Ou’s PR Director is at a lost until his cell phone again rings – Luo Xi has agreed to work with Lei Ou! Zhen En cannot believe her ears and utterly dances for joy. Xia Mo, on the other hand, is torn; the significance of Luo Xi’s action is not lost on her. She recognizes that she is a cold person – she does not like to get close to other people nor does she want them to get close to her. But in a

moment of panic when she saw her opportunity slipping, she had leaned on Luo Xi and confided in him. However, never would she have imagined that he would actually do something about it. If forced to accept something from him, she would have preferred that he had just contacted Ling Hao instead. Ou Chen keeps a controlled expression when he learns of the latest news – he knows that it is only because of Xia Mo that Luo Xi would agree to work with them. And for a brief moment, Ou Chen entertains the thought that he would rather see this commercial fail than ever give those two the chance to work together! However, he only coolly wishes them luck and then leaves, catching Xia Mo’s eyes on the way. Xia Mo stills, her smile frozen on her face – seconds pass – and she turns her attention back to Zhen En, completely ignoring Ou Chen. Yao Shu Er calls Xia Mo, asking to see her. When Xia Mo finds at her KTV Studio, Yao Shu Er sitting on the couch and grasping a microphone, softly humming with tears in her eyes. Xia Mo asks Yao Shu Er if she’s suffering from a cold; if she’s still running a temperature the next day, she’ll take her to the hospital. Yao Shu Er hesitatingly asks Xia Mo if she believes in her; she swears that she didn’t order anyone to kidnap her that day! Xia Mo shows her the photographs and Yao Shu Er continues to piteously proclaim her innocence. Fed up, Xia Mo tells Yao Shu Er to just man (woman?) up and admit to it; if she has the guts to do it then she should have the guts to admit to it! Realizing her act is up, Yao Shu Er admits to having those men kidnap Xia Mo. The Lei Ou contract was rightfully hers! Who was Yin Xia Mo but her classmate, her personal assistant?! She’s just like Wei An, acting all sweet on the outside but secretly scheming and manipulative. That’s right; Yao Shu Er shouldn’t have had Yin Xia Mo kidnapped; she should have just had her killed! Xia Mo asks Yao Shu Er if she was the one who went to the tabloids about Wei An and Jam. Yao Shu Er says Wei An deserved it; who told her to seduce Jam and steal the success that was rightfully hers? However, Xia Mo tells Yao Shu Er that she had just as many opportunities as Wei An; she was the one who didn’t know how to utilize them. Does she really think that Wei An became famous because she had an affair with Jam? Because she stole what was Yao Shu Er’s? Xia Mo is doubtful. “What right do you have to criticize me? You too, will do anything it takes to get what you want! For your own success, you’ll do anything to yourself, including destroy your own body! How is that different from me?!” “Yes. To get what I want, I use myself. But I’ve never used you, I’ve never used other people. You can use yourself to get what you want but you have no right to hurt others. Yao Shu Er, I have never used you. Yes, I initially felt apologetic towards you when Ou Chen named me as spokeswoman, which is why I asked for the second tryouts so that it would be fair and square. Although I’m sorry that I still ultimately took away the opportunity that could have belonged to you, I have never committed a wrong against you.” When Xia Mo gets up to leave, she tells Yao Shu Er; if as friends, she will forget the whole kidnapping business. But if as enemies, she will be merciless. Yao Shu Er asks Xia Mo why she doesn’t just destroy her. Xia Mo reminds Yao Shu Er of the day they first met – when Zhen En

accidentally bumped into her and caused her to be injured and late to her recording appointment. But Shu Er had turned around and comforted Zhen En instead. That Yao Shu Er will forever be Yin Xia Mo’s friend.

Chapter 14 When Xia Mo returns home, she is greeted by Xiao Cheng, who excitedly exclaims that Luo Xi has been waiting for her for the past two hours. Luo Xi asks Xia Mo how she’s doing and whether the people at Lei Ou have been giving her a hard time. However, no sooner are the words out of his mouth does he laugh ruefully; with HIM there, no one would dare trouble her. Xia Mo quietly asks Luo Xi why he helped her; is he expecting something in return from her? She’s told him already – she is cold-hearted. Don’t try to get close to her, don’t try to help her. She will just hurt him in the end. But of course, Luo Xi murmurs bitterly; now that HE is here, his help is no longer needed and unnecessary. There is no need for him to specify which HE Luo Xi is referring to. However, Luo Xi adds that Ling Hao’s refusal to work Xia Mo is not necessarily because he’s biased against her. She’s a new star and so simply hasn’t proven herself to others yet. Right now, all she can do is to continue to be strong and when she is famous, her success will be a blinding slap to those who once looked down on her. Xia Mo is genuinely surprised when she realizes that Luo Xi purposely came over tonight to comfort her, afraid that she would be hurt by today’s events. Handing over some files, Luo Xi tells Xia Mo that tomorrow’s commercial shoot is important and he has prepared some background information on himself too so that she can familiarize herself with logistics. Seeing the blank expression on Xia Mo’s face shuts him down though and he stiffly tells her that he didn’t do it purposely for her. When Luo Xi suddenly gets up to leave, Xia Mo stops him, taking his hand. Okay. She admits defeat. She no longer wants to struggle – hurting him and then in turn hurting herself. She loses to him. Xia Mo calls out to Xiao Cheng, asking him to bring beer into them. Xiao Cheng is understandably confused – your alcohol tolerance is really bad! – but still brings the bottles in. Xia Mo quickly downs one bottle and opens another one. Luo Xi fumbles to try to stop her. “All those hurtful words… let me treat them like alcohol and down it all, okay?” Luo Xi asks Xia Mo if liking him is really so difficult; is it because they are the same? And so is she afraid of trusting and believing in love? But Xia Mo does want happiness too; she wants to be able to unconditionally rely on someone and to be able to freely love and be loved. But can’t Luo Xi understand; that she’s simply too afraid? There is nothing more trustworthy than yourself

and if one day the person you completely rely on is gone, then you’ll just fall flat on the ground… Luo Xi does understand because he too, feels that same fear. But this one time, he’s willing to take the chance. Because he likes Xia Mo. These past five years, he has never forgotten her. She’s like opium to him – will hurt him, will cause him pain and will even cause his death but yet there is no way he could ever leave her. The pain of leaving her is even harder to withstand than any pain she may cause him. He is really the opium poppy here. Even though clearly knowing that he is dangerous and yet still unable to leave him… being drawn to him time after time… Luo Xi gently kisses Xia Mo. She freezes and stares back. He is breathtaking. Holding him close to her, Xia Mo also softly kisses him back on his cool lips, as if hoping to use her own cold body to warm his… It is a beautiful and warm sunny day when the commercial shoot happens. Ou Chen watches quietly on the side, his eyes never straying from Yin Xia Mo. Xi Meng studies Ou Chen; since being hired by him three years ago, Xi Meng has never seen much emotion from Young Master. When his promotion as CEO to Ou Corporations was officially announced, it was met with much disapproval by people as they did not believe that such a youth could successfully steer the business. However, Young Master had not even acknowledged the criticism and instead took to leading the business; every company and proposal he touched was met with huge success and slowly, the criticism faded. But again, Young Master had absolutely no reaction to his rising success. Xi Meng had thought that Young Master was only focused on career – that he did not care for women. Until Yin Xia Mo appeared. And although Young Master’s expression is still cold on the surface, his gaze never once strays from Yin Xia Mo. During a quick break from filming, Zhen En asks Xia Mo in concern if she’s feeling tired yet. Xia Mo reassures Zhen En that she is doing fine and as Zhen En tries to continue the conversation, Xia Mo’s attention is instantly taken away by Luo Xi. Walking up to the side of the water and wearing a white collared shirt with the top button open, he is handsome enough to make a person drunk and lovesick. Ever since last night, Xia Mo has found it harder and harder to deny him. Luo Xi’s gaze also instantly goes to her and as they stare into each other’s eyes, Xia Mo finds herself strangely at peace. Watching her steadily, Luo Xi breaks into a glorious smile and Xia Mo cannot help but respond in kind. I should let her go… Ou Chen thinks quietly to himself. Since she was no part of my life five years ago… and now she already has someone she loves…

Once shooting started, Xia Mo being a newcomer, had her share of NGs at the beginning but then quickly got used to the environment. Even the director was amazed that a newcomer could adapt so well. Although maintaining a calm outward expression, there was nothing that did not work well with the mood of the commercial. Once filming began, she instantly transformed and her eyes became filled with deep emotion. The coy mermaid was no longer able to speak, a little saddened and desperate to be understood – the price was transfixed by her, slowly lowering his head and kissing her. He continues to kiss her, holding her close and she raises herself higher to meet his embrace. This is a love that will never be parted. Ou Chen cannot tear his eyes away from the scene unfolding before him. He continuously tells himself that this is just an act, that he had reminded himself beforehand that he would not think about her, would think of her as a complete stranger… However, the instant that Luo Xi kissed Xia Mo, Ou Chen found himself thrown into a pit of darkness, consumed by an incredible pain and chill – and he remembers Xia Mo’s cold statement before… I don’t know you. However, Ou Chen suddenly finds himself thinking of Zhen En’s rushed words on the day Xia Mo went missing – “You know that Xia Mo is never the type of person to be late!” How would he know that Xia Mo is never “that type” of person? Did he misunderstand? Or is someone purposely hiding something from him? Filming has finished successfully. Zhen En anxiously asks the director what he thinks – “Yin Xia Mo? She will be famous.” The commercial is met with instant popularity. Originally, people only clamored to watch Luo Xi but then found themselves drawn to his acting partner – her beauty, her smile; they are smitten by her. And the moment that Luo Xi kisses Xia Mo and she kisses him back, they are mesmerized. Soon, the entertainment world is abuzz with Yin Xia Mo and everything related to her. Sun Records officially signs on Yin Xia Mo and releases her first single, Bubble Mermaid. Since the release of Lei Ou’s commercial, gossip has spread like wildfire concerning Xia Mo and Luo Xi, and the two have been unable to go out in public like they used to in the past. Luo Xi has made it a habit to come over to Xia Mo and Xiao Cheng’s house every night; sometimes watching the television with Xia Mo, sometimes engaging in debates with her, sometimes going over his scripts and lyrics and sometimes just sitting with Xia Mo and holding her, not saying a word. Slowly, Xia Mo’s home has also become Luo Xi’s home. In preparation for the upcoming awards show, Luo Xi gives Xia Mo a beautiful white evening gown, whispering that she will be the most beautiful woman that night. Regardless of whether or not she wins an award, the very fact that she is invited means that she has already gained her recognition from the media world. Even if she does not win, there will be plenty of chances later on; in his eyes, she is the perfect woman.

Xia Mo understands that Luo Xi is worried that she will be disappointed. However, with these words, she is no longer worried and filled with warmth. Ever since she told herself to no longer be afraid and to no longer hurt Luo Xi, she has found herself in a completely different world. A world where she is not afraid of being loved and of seeking her own happiness. One week later. Ou Chen is standing in his office, his hands grasping the invitation to the music awards show but his sight focused on the dark night through his window. When Ou Chen has first seen his invitation, his heart had instantly fluttered; since the commercial shoot had ended, he has not seen her since then. But what is the point of seeing her anyway? Her kiss with Luo Xi continues to burn in Ou Chen’s mind. The television in Ou Chen’s office is currently airing a live report of the music awards show, the screen ablaze with the glory of the attendants and the flashing lights. Ou Chen slowly pours drink after drink while he watches – until he sees her. Wearing a white evening gown and making her way down the red carpet, she smiles and greets her fans and reporters. Her beauty is subtle but yet so vibrant that no one could ever look away from her. Perhaps she is his curse – time after time, she causes him to fall into fathoms of pain and yet he is unable to forget her. Perhaps he should give up everything to steal her away, uncaring that she already has a lover, uncaring that he showed up too late to claim a small place in her heart. Take her! Whatever he wants, he will take! However, a small voice in the back of his mind tells him that it is because of this misguided sentiment that caused him to commit a great grievance and threw him into torment… Ou Chen’s head starts to hurt again… Ou Chen’s phone rings. After a moment, Ou Chen quietly commands, “Bring me all the information you found! Immediately!”

Chapter 15 Both Xia Mo and Pan Nan are nominated for Best Newcomer, and the latter is currently sitting to her right. The two share a smile when Pan Nan arrives although Xia Mo is listening to her MP3 and does not engage in conversation. Pan Nan queries Xia Mo when she catches sight of Xia Mo staring off somewhere else, a warm smile lighting her face. She has rarely seen such an expression on Xia Mo before. Pan Nan follows the direction of Xia Mo’s gaze and catches sight of Luo Xi turning his head at the same time. His gaze instantly aligns with Xia Mo’s, and the smiles are both their faces are exactly alike. Almost unconsciously becoming aware of Pan Nan’s surprise, Luo Xi then turns to her, smiling and waving in acknowledgement. When Pan Nan finally looks back at Xia Mo, her expression has resumed its regular calm exterior. In love right now?

Xia Mo feels her ears turn red at Pan Nan’s quiet inquiry, her heart picking up speed. She should instantly deny any such thing but for some reason, Xia Mo finds herself unable to say anything at all. Pan Nan laughs quietly, joking teasing her; Xia Mo’s expression looks just like a regular girl’s right now. And here she had thought that Yin Xia Mo was not capable of any emotion! Changing the subject quickly, Xia Mo asks Pan Nan if she has prepared her acceptance speech yet. Of course, Pan Nan replies, as she laughingly lists, “Thank you HBS, thank you MTV, thank you Sun Records, thanks to my agent, thanks to Dad, thanks to Mom, thanks to Xia Mo…” Xia Mo laughing commends Pan Nan for her very appropriate acceptance speech and the two engage in lighthearted and easy conversation, Xia Mo’s MP3 quickly forgotten. At Ou Chen’s office, the awards ceremony continues to play on his television but his attention is riveted on the scores of pictures littering his desk. Some pictures are in great condition while others show the sign of wear and tear, a rip, a fingerprint… the backgrounds change but always, every single picture contains the same two people. A picture of the school grounds, a younger him that is different from who he is now. The eyes of that younger him carried a brighter light, the camera conveniently catching his gaze on her, a light smile playing on her lips… A picture in the garage, her voice seemingly low with emotion as she whispers to him. His head lowered to meet her as she is nestled in his embrace, her eyes alight and a smile on her face… She once smiled at him so softly? Staying by his side, quietly watching him, smiling at him, and never leaving his side… Ou Chen cannot catch his breath, and he grasps his heart as if in pain… A picture by the swimming pool, he is surrounded by people like him but they all stand a distance away. Only she stands by his side, her hand holding out his towel. A picture by the clear lakeside and the water sparkles. It is as if he has just completed a jog, his forehead slightly sweaty. She is riding a black bicycle at his side, gently using a towel to wipe his sweat away… Ou Chen thinks back to the words of the person who had delivered the photographs: “According to my research, five years ago, Ou Chen and Yin Xia Mo were the school’s favored couple… Ou Chen announced at 14 years old that Yin Xia Mo was his girlfriend, so their relationship was known to everyone… due to everyone’s fascination with them, many people liked to privately take their photographs… this is only a small amount of them; if you are interested, we can get many more… however, five years ago, Yin Xia Mo’s parents were killed in a car accident and Ou Chen mysteriously disappeared… it seems as if the two did not contact each other during this time… If you would like more information on Yin Xia Mo during these past five years, we can also get that for you…” She lied to him. Knowing that he had forgotten everything… she had lied to him…

The awards ceremony announces the winner of Best Female Newcomer – Yin Xia Mo! Everyone bursts into applause as Xia Mo walks up to the stage; she is embraced by the announcer. Ou Chen silently watches, unable to withstand anyone being that close to her. Award in hand, Xia Mo launches into her acceptance speech, her surprise at being able to win such an award when competing with someone so amazing such as Pan Nan, thank you, everyone… At those words, Ou Chen is seized by a sudden memory… Thank you… Xia Mo is clearly aware of his temper and grabs a towel, efficiently drying him in quick strokes. However, when she gets to his head, she purposely roughens his hair, drying it every which way. Xia Mo admonishes Ou Chen for throwing a tantrum on her. When he continues to glare mutinously back, she asks him whether he will help her with Luo Xi or not. Why are you throwing a tantrum at me? If you don’t like seeing me, then I just won’t come find you at all… I knew you would help me! Thank you… Xia Mo, you are mine. Ou Chen’s head splitting, he suddenly rears up and grabs the keys to his sports car, slamming the door in the process as he leaves the office. What happened five years ago?! Why did she lie to him?! He will find out the truth! The awards ceremony has commenced. Pan Nan rushes up to Xia Mo to congratulate her, her expression not carrying an inch of bitterness. Xia Mo apologizes to Pan Nan; this award did not belong to her. However, Pan Nan stops Xia Mo from saying any more “mushy” things as it may seriously make her sick. Xia Mo laughs; since Zhen En, Pan Nan is the second person who is able to creep into her heart. The fans are going crazy as they all shout Luo Xi’s name, screaming their admiration and support for him. Within the mix, Wei An and Shen Qiang’s names are also called out. And then, Pan Nan and Xia Mo; they too, have acquired their own increasing number of fans. A small scuffle breaks out between the fans supporting Xia Mo and those supporting Pan Nan, who are disgruntled that the Best Female Newcomer Award has gone to Xia Mo instead. Pan Nan addresses her fans though; to like her is to like Xiao Mo. To support her is to also support Xia Mo. And the argument is instantly resolved. In the midst of the chaos, Luo Xi deftly walks over to Xia Mo. She stares back. The fans all forget to say anything as they watch them. Luo Xi quietly clicks her wineglass with his own. Congratulations… and next year you will continue to surpass everyone’s expectations. HBS has prepared a private room for Luo Xi’s use, and he and Xia Mo take a moment to sneak away. Once the door closes, Luo Xi enfolds Xia Mo in a hug (the infamous K-drama back hug!), holding her close and whispering in her ear. “The first moment I laid eyes on you tonight, I wanted to instantly take you away from everyone and hold you like I’m holding you right now, taking you into my body. What can I do? It’s like I’ve been poisoned; I just saw you last night but it’s like I can never see you enough, wanting to

be with you every moment of the day. Xia Mo… move in with me.” “What…?” “Let’s… live together…” His voice is like a spell. Amidst the dream though, Xia Mo seems to hear a noise that sounds like a knock on the door but as she turns her head towards it, she is captured by Luo Xi’s kiss. The kiss grows passionate and the two no longer can hear any noise at all… The world only belongs to these two sweet lovers now… The incessant knocking turns to a pounding and then the door swings wide open; the air in the room instantly turns frigid. Luo Xi and Xia Mo look up in surprise – and see Ou Chen standing in the doorway, his lips white and glaring at the couple, a pained expression in his eyes. Xia Mo freezes in shock. And unconsciously moves away from Luo Xi. Luo Xi grabs onto her hand, gripping her as if she is his last anchor in the ocean, afraid of hurting her but yet still unable to let go. Xia Mo looks at him in pain – and then sees the vulnerability in his eyes… and his loneliness, his nervousness and fear of losing her. When Xia Mo finally looks back at Ou Chen, he is already standing directly in front of her. His expression is icy cold. Flinging out his hand, photographs flutter through the air and scatter the ground around them. As Xia Mo catches sight of them, her throat constricts. “You lied to me! Yin Xia Mo, you are mine!”

Volume II

Chapter 1 HBS VIP Room. “Why did you lie to me?!” Seeing Xia Mo’s bruised lips from her recent kisses, Ou Chen tightly closes his eyes and tries to speak past the rage building in his chest. “Since you and I were together five years ago, why didn’t you tell me? Why did you lie to me when I asked you?” Her heart full of pain, Xia Mo cannot think of any response. She had thought that since Ou Chen had lost his memory, the past and all that pain would also fade away like smoke. However, never would she have imagined that Ou Chen would be so stubborn and determined to retrieve his lost memories. “Because… I didn’t think there was any need…” “What is exactly considered “no need”? And even if you thought so, what right does it give you to lie to me?!” Watching the devastated look on Ou Chen’s face, Luo Xi suddenly laughs out loud. Five years ago, due to “Young Master” Ou Chen being threatened by Luo Xi, he had to leave Taiwan and a family that was beginning to feel like home. Although he ended up studying abroad in England, that feeling of being treated like useless garbage continues to haunt him every day. And now look, it has become “Young Master’s” turn to experience the same feelings of pain and mistreatment.

“We had already broken up.” “What?!” Ou Chen hadn’t thought it was possible for the pain in his heart to get any worse. “We broke up five years ago, so there really wasn’t any point in you remembering.” “Why did we break up?” “Why else would people break up? Didn’t like each other anymore, didn’t want to be together anymore, so we broke up.” Five years ago, she threw the green scarf away into the darkness, choosing to leave him. However, faced with the current amnesiac Ou Chen, she cannot bear to bring herself to maintain that same cold exterior. After all, she did once care about him. Ou Chen does not believe that she would make such a decision; he has to know what happened five years ago! He needs to talk to just her… “I don’t believe you. You’re leaving with me!” “Ou Chen!” However, as Ou Chen pulls Xia Mo towards the door, he is suddenly pulled back. Turning, he sees that Luo Xi is pulling Xia Mo’s other hand, a humorless smile playing on his lips. “Let go of her!” “Hey, shouldn’t I be the one saying that right now? What right do you think you have to be doing anything to Mo Mo? Even if she was with you five years ago, she’s mine now.” “She is mine!” “Oh really?” Smiling ruthlessly, Luo Xi slowly lowers his head – silently declaring his right to Xia Mo – as his lips near Xia Mo’s own… And Xia Mo suddenly moves her head, avoiding Luo Xi’s kiss. Last time at the hospital, Xia Mo had only allowed Luo Xi’s kiss as a warning to Ou Chen to back off; she never wanted to hurt him. Luo Xi is stunned. The instant that Xia Mo had flinched from him, he also reflexively lets go of her hand. Ou Chen takes this moment to pull Xia Mo behind him, using his own body to block Luo Xi. Unable to control himself any longer, Ou Chen throws a punch at Luo Xi who then quickly dodges. Luo Xi studies Ou Chen unconsciously protecting Xia Mo, the perfect couple back together again and excluding him, and he is seized with rage. Forgetting his own reason, he responds back in kind at Ou Chen! Frustrated beyond belief, Xia Mo breaks apart Ou Chen and Luo Xi by standing directly between them. In that split second, neither man knows who exactly Xia Mo is protecting. “Please just forget. I wasn’t worth you caring about five years ago. Those memories aren’t worth you fighting for; remembering will only bring you more pain. So please… just forget…” “What happened? Did I do something wrong? I did do something wrong, didn’t I, to make you hate me? So that you would rather I forget you than have anything to do with me…” “You did nothing.”

“Then why?! Just because of something you say, do you really expect me to erase my past? What’s right or wrong should be decided by me and not just because you say so!” “You’re right.” Luo Xi interjects. “What right do you have to expect Mo Mo to tell you about your own past? That’s your problem. But, Mo Mo, you should just tell him the truth. Otherwise he’ll pester you like a heartsick fool forever… Tell him that the reason you two broke up was because of me…” “Luo Xi!” “What? Did I say something wrong?” “Please…” Ou Chen cannot believe it; is it because of this man that Xia Mo gave him up? Xia Mo tries to explain to Ou Chen that it didn’t happen like that, but Luo Xi continues on. Luo Xi will force Xia Mo to see only him; the more she tries to protect Ou Chen, the more his hate for Ou Chen only intensifies. Gripping her face, Luo Xi forces Xia Mo to look directly at him. “Mo Mo, tell him; tell him that you never cared about him. It was because of me that you left him five years ago!” Xia Mo cannot move; Luo Xi is not giving her an inch. Pulling her in and tightly holding her, Luo Xi fervently whispers to her, “Just forget… you said you liked me now… you’ve already given up on me once; are you going to do it a second time? Just let him leave you…” Xia Mo had thought Luo Xi was just acting, using all his abilities to exact his promised revenge on Ou Chen. However, perhaps even Luo Xi underestimated his thespian skills because it is the hoarseness in his voice that causes Xia Mo to lack any strength to push him away. Ou Chen can only see darkness. There is no light in front of him, just death. As he watches those two embrace right in front of him, the pain is unbearable. Until it is so great that he becomes numbed by it – and a burning hatred replaces it. So those memories that he so strongly struggled to reclaim… they are only full of betrayal. And the one who betrayed him is now living so happily in front of his very eyes, laughing at his memories and his resolve. “You both will pay for this.” No! This wasn’t what Xia Mo wanted; she just wanted to get away from Ou Chen, not hurt him so much that he would become obsessed with hatred. Pushing away Luo Xi to try to say something – anything – to stop Ou Chen, Luo Xi only pulls her in again, giving her no chance to face Ou Chen. And the door slams shut with Ou Chen’s exit. “Mo Mo, from now on, just belong to me… okay?” Looking back at Luo Xi, Xia Mo can do nothing but slowly nod her head. *******

Zhen En is ecstatic; after many phone calls and countless begging, she has finally been able to get Xia Mo the second lead female role in an upcoming drama series, “Innocent Love Song”. The series is bound to be an instant hit since the director leading the project is the most successful one in the industry. However, Xia Mo has been distracted by thoughts of Ou Chen – the hate that was so clearly in his voice continues to echo in her mind. If this present Ou Chen is anything like who he was five years ago, there is no way he would just sit and do nothing about this “betrayal”. Should she find him and explain the situation? But really; who can truly say whether or not it wasn’t a betrayal?? When Xia Mo realizes that Zhen En has struggled in secret to get this contract for Xia Mo, she is deeply touched by this show of commitment. In the future though, Xia Mo hopes that Zhen En will be able to share her future struggles with her though; that way, she’ll also have someone to lean on. Zhen En is delighted and readily agrees; however, she suddenly remembers that the male lead is none other than Ling Hao… As “Innocent Love Song” prepares to start filming, advertisements for it only include Ling Hao and the main female lead, An Hui Ni, who is also Ling Hao’s girlfriend of two years. Although movie star couples are not rare, they are the most popular of them all. When Ling Hao first appeared in the media world, it was an instant attraction for already accomplished star, An Hui Ni. Not too long thereafter, the two collaborated on a project together and thus became a couple. It is truly a rarity that Ling Hao is now much more famous than An Hui Ni and yet his feelings have not changed. At the opening press conference, Yin Xia Mo is forced to take pictures with Ling Hao and An Hui Ni, and the atmosphere is tense between her and the other two stars. The reporters quickly catch on to the mood and tell Yin Xia Mo to please be a little more accommodating. Hui An Ni is amused and ask the reporters to have mercy on Yin Xia Mo; after all, she is just a singer – all she has is her voice as opposed to any actual expression! As the reporters break out into laughter, thinking that Yin Xia Mo will silently take such a direct affront, she suddenly turns to An Hui Ni. “Actually, there is no voice either. At the beginning of ‘Innocent Love Song,’ Bing Tong uses her heart to silently like the male lead. She doesn’t dare to see him, doesn’t dare to say anything to him and doesn’t dare to get close to him.” The reporters are stunned. And Ling Hao now looks differently at Yin Xia Mo. Catching the look on Ling Hao’s face and taking note of the surrounding reporters, An Hui Ni laughs lightly and commends Yin Xia Mo for having done her homework so well. The night beforehand, Luo Xi tries to ease Xia Mo’s nerves and to give her advice. Although Xia Mo doubts her ability to be able to successfully play Bing Tong, Luo Xi fully believes in her potential to be a rising actor. Ever since the press conference had ended, the fear and horror in

Xia Mo’s heart could not be erased and she came home only pretending to not have a care in the world. Only Luo Xi… only Luo Xi can so easily step into her heart. Unfortunately, it is not complete smooth sailing on the first day of filming. The director calls cut after cut on Xia Mo, criticizing her acting to be that of a wooden doll. She is a performer, not a corpse! Ling Hao is frustrated beyond belief with Xia Mo; is she out for revenge because he refused to film the Lei Ou commercial with her?? If not, then please hurry up and just finish, for God’s sakes! However, as hard as Xia Mo tries, she is unable to please the director and the film crew are about to pass out from exhaustion and anger, as whispers of her complete lack of acting ability begin to spread amongst them. Late at night, the recording studio is completely open; only Xia Mo is left standing alone. Right before everyone had left, the director had publicly yelled at her, wondering why in the world his second lead role was given to someone with absolutely no acting ability or experience. Ever since she was little, Xia Mo always believed that she could accomplish anything if she tried hard enough. However, after a whole day of filming, her self-confidence is now shattered. She does not blame Director Xu though; it is her own fault. Standing there, Xia Mo tightly closes her eyes, her heart like ice. In the pitch black of the night, there are no stars; just darkness.

Chapter 2 That same night under the same stars, Ou Chen is also standing silently in front of his window, the green silk scarf tied around his wrist fluttering gently. His face is completely devoid of emotion, like a statue that can stand forever still without any movement at all. Since that night of the awards ceremony, his memory seems to have floated back piece by piece. It is almost as if he can slowly start connecting them to one another. If it was the old him, he would have prayed in gratitude for allowing his past to return to him. However, now he is just filled with anger and pain. So what if he remembers how he met her; how they once were so deeply in love? She has betrayed him. If given the choice, he would rather that he never remembered what happened, never remembered that he once loved her so much. However, just as Ou Chen has been determined to forget everything, another piece of his memory now returns to him… He is fourteen years old and had quietly sneaked away with his dad’s car. As he is speeding down the road, he catches sight of a young girl by the side of the road and is instantly entranced by her beauty, so like that of a young fairy in a fairy tale… She suddenly is sprinting into the middle of the road and in his haste, he jerks the wheel, sending the car into a spin bu the little girl is still hit and falls softly to the ground. The fourteen year old him rushes out of the car and clumsily cradles her limp and small body. As he holds her, she looks directly into his eyes… and then faints in his embrace.

So this is how they had met? In her mind, is it simply up to her own enjoyment whether she stays or leaves his life? He has no way of controlling anything? This time, she is wrong. He will not allow her to so easily leave him. Since it is destiny to be tormented together; well then, let them continue to be tormented. And so when “Innocent Love Song’s” producer had contacted him about the possibility of investing in their series, Ou Chen had only one condition for becoming their biggest financial contributor. Yin Xia Mo must be given the second lead role. ******* When Xia Mo is finally leaving the studio, it is so late at night that all public transportation is closed for the day. However, Luo Xi has sent Jie Ni to pick up Xia Mo, and she has been patiently waiting for her this entire time. Luo Xi had hoped to share some good news with Xia Mo and so she follows Jie Ni back to his place. While heading over there, Jie Ni officially introduces herself to Xia Mo – she probably doesn’t remember her, but Jie Ni had been in a lower grade at the same school as her. She had always admired Xia Mo and was ecstatic to have the opportunity to work for Luo Xi; just like herself, Luo Xi has never forgotten Xia Mo and so Jie Ni promised herself that she would always protect the two of them because only Luo Xi is worthy of being with Xia Mo. When Xia Mo and Jie Ni do arrive at Luo Xi’s place, they find him asleep on the couch, a bottle of wine and two glasses waiting on the table. Jie Ni smilingly leaves them to their privacy and Xia Mo quietly sits with him, not wanting to disturb him from this rare chance of rest. However, left to her own thoughts once again, the criticism from that day soon begins to flood her head. Xia Mo’s self-deprecation is broken though when she hears Luo Xi mumbling in his sleep, anxiously calling out for his mom. Xia Mo tries to roust him from the nightmare but it takes a few attempts before she is finally successful. When Luo Xi finally wakes, still caught in that dreamworld, the immediate look in his eyes is one of loneliness and vulnerability. Quickly excusing himself to use the restroom, Xia Mo ruefully understands that he and she are truly one and the same – in front of others, they must always maintain that exterior of control. When Luo Xi returns, he is fully composed and has returned to his usual confident self. He celebrates Xia Mo’s first day of filming – although Xia Mo is mildly chagrined to find that was his celebratory news – but quickly catches onto Xia Mo’s contemplative and sullen mood. Realizing that Xia Mo must have been heavily criticized on her first day, Luo Xi tries to bolster her confidence by assuring her that this bump is something which every performer must go through before becoming successful. And actually, since they both grew up in an orphanage, they are actually masters at acting. Think about it; in order to survive, they had to coax the adults to like them so that they would take them home. In fact, no one else can compare to their ingrained acting abilities; Xia Mo just needs to learn how to draw that out at the right time. Luo Xi offers to run through next day’s scenes with her although Xia Mo initially declines; he must be exhausted from his own responsibilities already. Luo Xi half-jokingly asks if she is

worrying about him, to which Xia Mo lightly agrees. However, when Luo Xi again repeats the question softly but this time completely serious, Xia Mo also responds in kind – yes; she is worried about him. Luo Xi lightly kisses Xia Mo and although this is neither their first kiss nor the most passionate, it is a kiss that will forever be imprinted on both of their hearts. But it turns out that Luo Xi does have something else to give to Xia Mo. Taking her hand in his, he places something hard and cold to the touch – when she opens her hand, she finds a key laying in it, attached to a pink diamond encrusted keychain. Luo Xi casually remarks that once his own series starts filming, his schedule will become increasingly busy; this way, she’ll be able to come visit him anytime she wishes. Xia Mo instinctively starts declining this gift but Luo Xi silences her – if she wishes to toss it aside, then that’s up to her. At least just take it for now so that he can pretend that this place belongs to two people… that perhaps one night while he is sleeping, someone may be coming home to be with him. ******* The second day of filming. No one pays attention to Xia Mo and no one dares to talk to her; everyone is apprehensive about being stuck at the studio until midnight again. Ling Hao is occupied angrily commiserating with An Hui Ni about being stuck with an emotionless, wooden doll. Stalking up to Xia Mo, Ling Hao warns her that if she continues the same “acting” as yesterday, he will not easily let her off the hook! Zhen En is furious; how dare he and An Hui Ni judge Xia Mo! Defending Xia Mo, Zhen En gets in An Hui Ni’s face; yesterday was only Xia Mo’s first attempt at acting! Was she herself that brilliant when she first started in this industry?! Since she has more experience than Xia Mo, she should be helping her and not judging her! SMACK! An Hui Ni’s hand is still flung outward after connecting directly with Zhen En’s face; Xia Mo is stunned. An Hui Ni scathingly remarks that as someone who is less experienced in the entertainment field, she should be treating her seniors with respect as opposed to talking back to them! Who the hell does she think she is?! Xia Mo demands an apology from Hui An Ni and when the latter scoffs at her, Xia Mo bets An Hui Ni that if she can successfully finish the upcoming scene in one try, An Hui Ni will apologize to Zhen En. And what if Xia Mo cannot? Then she will allow An Hui Ni to “teach” her as suited. An Hui Ni smugly laughs; it’s a deal! The present scene only has Ling Hao sitting at his desk while Xia Mo stands silently behind him, quietly pining for him but using nothing but her expression to convey the depth of her feelings for him. Everyone watches on the side. Director Xu has already decided that if Yin Xia Mo cannot perform to his expectations and he is unable to replace her, he would rather give up this directing opportunity than have his name attached to something that is not quality work.

Luo Xi’s words from the previous night echo in Xia Mo’s mind… When acting, you need to have two souls. One soul is directly immersed in the role; you become that person and feel everything she is feeling. Her breath is your breath, her pain and happiness are also your own pain and happiness. Meanwhile, the other soul watches silently, watching you be her but not completely be her, watching every expression on your face… Bing Tong has liked Lu Si ever since she was little; her first encounter with him was like seeing an angel but yet she cannot let him know that she loves him… If he finds out that she’s in love with him, she’s afraid that he will leave her… Just like her father left her and her mother when she was little… So you cannot allow yourself to love him. The more you love him, the more pain you will feel. No matter how hard you try to love someone, ultimately that person will betray you, just like you are nothing but garbage… You like me? It is the sixteen year old Luo Xi again… You like me so much that you want to send me back to the orphanage again? Mrs. Song said she liked me too and look what she did to me? My own mom said she liked me too; is that why she left me at the amusement park and never came back for me? I’m not interested in that kind of love. Xia Mo, remember my expression. If you find yourself unable to express anything tomorrow while filming, remember my expression and use it. All eyes are fixed on Xia Mo’s face as she stares silently at Ling Hao’s back. The emotion in her eyes is fathomless; an emotion that is hopeless and desperate to get away at any cost – and yet unable to leave at all. Director Xu cannot take his eyes off the shot. An Hui Ni is stunned. How did Yin Xia Mo go from emotionless wooden doll to a completely different person in just one day? She is slowly filled with a sense of foreboding… OKAY! The scene is finished and successful, and everyone excitedly prepares for the next scene. Yin Xia Mo finished in one take! Ling Hao turns around and stares in puzzlement at everyone and then looks at Xia Mo; since his back was turned the entire time, he has no idea of what just happened. They’re finished already? Everyone turns to stare at An Hui Ni; her bet with Xia Mo was clearly heard earlier and has now circled around the studio. Will she really apologize to Zhen En?

Chapter 3 Xia Mo essentially clears the next few scenes in one take; in fact, it is on the third take that Ling Hao fumbles. Lu Si is directly confronting Bing Tong; was she the one who told his dad about his relationship with Cai Na? He thought Bing Tong was his best friend! How could she betray him like that? When you are acting this scene, you need to have two different expressions at once, Luo Xi advises Xia Mo. When Bing Tong is speaking, she carries a cool and cold expression – Xia Mo,

you’re good at that so you shouldn’t have any problem. Just think about how you used to treat me! Xia Mo is stunned. And then shamed when she realizes the truth of Luo Xi’s words; to everyone else, to Xiao Cheng, even Ou Chen… she has always been warm and gentle. With the exception of Luo Xi… A sharp pain stabs her heart as she remembers her past treatment of him. Xia Mo looks back at Luo Xi, conflicted but now her expression is intermixed with her present feelings for him – and Luo Xi stares back at her… Yes; this is the expression Bing Tong would have – a deep-seated love in her eyes but yet paired with cold words… Bing Tong responds coldly to Lu Si, “I am not your friend. Only a secretary. If the chairman wishes information, it is my job to report back to him.” Ling Hao wordlessly stares back at Bing Tong – Xia Mo – and is seduced by the depth of emotion in her eyes… He is harshly drawn back to reality when Director Xu calls cut; what is wrong with Ling Hao?! At the end of the day, An Hui Ni has still not personally apologized to Zhen En, although the latter brushes it off casually. Since the bet was heard by everyone in the studio, it only reflects badly on An Hui Ni anyway for being such a drama queen anyway. Xia Mo laughs at hearing the truth and maturity in her friend’s words. ******* When the first episode of “Innocent Love Song” premieres, Xiao Cheng, Luo Xi and Xia Mo all crowd around the television to watch. Although Xia Mo’s scenes are limited in the first chapter, Xiao Cheng cannot contain his glee at how great his sister is on-screen and Luo Xi comments proudly that Xia Mo will be a great star someday. Originally, fans clamored to watch the drama for Ling Hao and An Hui Ni’s pairing as the cute couple; however, interest slowly grows for the cold yet complex Bing Tong who silently supports and loves Lu Si from afar. Netizens begin engaging in heated discussions about who is most suited for Lu Si; the mischievous Cai Na or the solemn Bing Tong. When news breaks out about Xia Mo and An Hui Ni’s supposed backstage bickering, these discussions only grow more intense as more and more fans band together to support Bing Tong over Cai Na. After Xia Mo’s breakthrough performance though, it becomes clear that An Hui Ni is not going to let such a grievance be easily forgiven. The next day of filming, even though her shots come later than Xia Mo’s, she insists on using the makeup artist first, causing a big scene when Jing Jie does not immediately come at her beck and call. Xia Mo easily lets it slide, choosing to not make a big deal out of the situation although Zhen En grumbles in earnest about such a diva attitude. A surprise guest appears at today’s filming; it is Ou Chen! Although it is known that he is the biggest investor in this series, people are stunned that the heir of Ou Corporations would personally come to visit the set.

SMACK! An Hui Ni’s hand goes flying across Xia Mo’s face, leaving her instinctively blinking back tears as her head reels back from the pain. The two leads are currently filming the scene in which Cai Na confronts Bing Tong for betraying her confidence; however, while the scene does call for an intended slap by An Hui Ni, she was never supposed to follow through with it as Cai Na could not bring herself to physically hurt Bing Tong. Everyone is stunned. And An Hui Ni turns to Director Xu, apologizing lightly as she was so into the scene that she simply forgot about stopping. Xia Mo is clearly aware of An Hui Ni’s intentions. Although her face is still smarting from the slap, she quietly suggests that they continue on with filming. An Hui Ni is livid; is Yin Xia Mo trying to tell her how to act?? When Jing Jie rushes to touch up Xia Mo’s face, Xia Mo turns her face and then sees Ou Chen standing in the background, surveying the set. She is horrified and embarrassed that he would be the one to personally witness her humiliation. Filming resumes. SMACK! An Hui Ni again follows through with a vengeance and everyone is aghast. The producer is especially horrified; Ou Corporation’s one condition for investing in the series was to have Yin Xia Mo as the second lead! How can An Hui Ni choose the one day that Ou Chen is visiting to commit such a huge mistake? And not just once but twice?! When Xi Meng offers to do something about the situation though, Ou Chen brushes him off and continues to silently observe. Xia Mo’s already white face has lost all color and a thin trickle of blood has begun to drip from Xia Mo’s mouth. Mid-filming again, An Hui Ni suddenly turns to the director in frustration; she just cannot act like this! Since she is getting so immersed into the scene, why not they just go ahead and film the scene with the slap included? It will work so much better for the heightened emotions! Director Xu is momentarily thrown off-balance, first looking at Yin Xia Mo and then looking at An Hui Ni… and nods his agreement. SMACK! I’m so sorry! I forgot my lines again! SMACK! I don’t think there’s enough feeling in that last one; can we do it again SMACK! Xia Mo’s expression wasn’t right! Let’s do it again. SMACK! I really didn’t feel anything in that last scene; let’s run it one more time! Xia Mo’s face has long become numbed by the pain, as each slap comes down hatefully. She is brought back to when she was still a little girl at the orphanage, and all the other kids ganged up on her and stole her toy away from her, kicking and hitting her as she fell down, laughing viciously as they danced away… So much pain… so much pain that she just wants to die right now…

Another hateful slap… Xia Mo refuses to give in! She will not let An Hui Ni win! However, as her head continues to spin from another slap, An Hui Ni’s laughter echoing in the distance, Xia Mo no longer has the will to stand upright… and she slowly loses consciousness as she finally just sinks to the ground…

Chapter 4 It’s like a dream… so quiet that even the barest hint of breathing cannot be heard… Xia Mo relishes in the quietness; has she died already? Perhaps that is the best thing then… if she dies, she no longer has to pretend to be strong. Yes… let’s just die then… It hurts so much… As Xia Mo slowly falls to the ground, she is suddenly supported gently by a pair of strong arms surrounding her and she catches sight of a beautiful green scarf fluttering in the air. In the haze of numbing pain, these arms are like the warmth of the sun’s rays, giving her the last needed strength. When she is finally able to open her eyes again, she finds herself looking deep into a pair of familiar eyes. As she slowly regains awareness, Xia Mo realizes that Ou Chen is holding her, holding her tightly and gently like a lover. As she stares into Ou Chen’s calm face, she is seized with shame – her humiliation at the hands of An Hui Ni… Ou Chen saw everything very, very clearly… “Let go of me!” She cannot stand to look at him. The director finally calls cut and gives everyone a ten minute break. An Hui Ni silently study Ou Chen and Yin Xia Mo; how romantic, she snarls to herself. Here she was, rightfully dealing out Yin Xia Mo’s just desserts and suddenly some other man comes out to save her? Whatever; as a new person, Xia Mo will be taught her lesson. ******* Huddled alone in a corner hidden beneath the staircase, Xia Mo tightly wraps her arms around herself. No one will come here, no one will find her here… there is no noise here, no one else here… just aloneness… ******* As Ou Chen watches Xia Mo from afar, he is seized with a stabbing pain at every shudder of her body… he should hate her… The cold and ruthless her who betrayed him… seeing her publicly humiliated should give him joy, right…? And yet, seeing her suffer slap after slap at the hands of that woman; he would like nothing more than to viciously return the favor! Does he really like Xia Mo so much? That even after her betrayal five years ago and now her rejection… he yet still likes her. In that moment where he was holding her close, he felt like his life was truly complete. And yet when she had so harshly pushed him away… he had become empty… his life had gone completely empty…

And so as Xia Mo remains shaking in her corner, Ou Chen continues to silently watch over her. ******* A polite-looking girl has intruded on Xia Mo’s solitude. Curiously, she asks Xia Mo if she’s been crying. Xia Mo has no expression on her face but tells the girl to get lost. The girl ignores her though and continues on; Xia Mo cannot continue to cry though. If she cries too much, how will she be able to continue the scene? However, Xia Mo coldly responds that she was not crying, which surprises the girl. Impressed by Xia Mo’s spunk, the girl suddenly starts laughing. “You are really something! Even though you are really vulnerable inside, you still act strong on the outside. Careful; forcing yourself too hard will actually cause you more grief later on. If you had started crying when she was hitting you, you would have instantly won everyone’s sympathies and they would have all hated her. You are stupid for not using that chance. Don’t you think I’m right?” “If so, that would have created dependence. If you start getting used to being weak, then you really will become weak. Too used to dependence, then you will forget to how to rely on yourself. “But aren’t you in pain?” “You get used to it.” “You really are kind of stupid! If you are too strong, others will think you are a cold person; however, you are still quite cute!” Director Xu is reviewing the footage that they had just completed when he is approached by the producer; you really hate Yin Xia Mo, don’t you? When Director Xu responds lightly that he does not, the producer forges on; if not, then why would he let An Hui Ni treat her like that? Seeing Yin Xia Mo’s face slapped to such an extent and yet he can continue on as if nothing was wrong… Even if he despises Yin Xia Mo, he should not treat her like that. Director Xu replies that he is only interested in achieving the best results; An Hui Ni and Yin Xia Mo are playing love rivals so of course that hatred and jealousy will naturally emerge in their scenes. Additionally, Yin Xia Mo is the type of person who seems to thrive the best under pressure and her acting is the most impressive then. If a few slaps is what it takes to produce such a result, then it’s worth it. As the producer marvels at the ruthlessness of Director Xu, he stops abruptly when he sees Ou Chen striding purposefully towards him. Director Xu also inclines his head in respect and maintaining eye contact with him, Ou Chen whispers something to the both of them. After mulling it over briefly, Director Xu nods his head in agreement. ******* Filming resumes. An Hui Ni snidely comments that it will be rather difficult for Xia Mo to continue filming when her face has swelled up so horribly to which Xia Mo calmly replies that if An Hui Ni had been more careful to not NG a thousand times, they wouldn’t be having this problem in the first place. An Hui Ni freezes in shock as the surrounding people snicker under their breaths.

Turning to Director Xu, An Hui Ni apologizes for her situation today; she simply doesn’t know why she’s having so much trouble getting the right feeling today! In fact, she’s simply worried that she won’t be able to complete the scene in one take again…! Laughing silently to herself, An Hui Ni narrows in on Xia Mo’s injured face – she’ll show her! She’s going to slap her so hard that she won’t be able to resume filming for days! “Yin Xia Mo, I want you to take on Cai Ni’s role for this scene and let An Hui Ni try to find the right feeling.” Everyone freezes. Stuttering in shock, An Hui Ni asks Director Xu what the meaning of this is… he cannot possibly mean that he wants Yin Xia Mo to hit her! Director Xu replies that they are just acting here and turns to Xia Mo; can she remember An Hui Ni’s lines? Considering how many times they had gone over this scene, Xia Mo had earlier already committed all the lines to memory. An Hui Ni is in a panic and starts protesting (like a stuck chicken but that’s just me ad-libbing here…); Yin Xia Mo cannot hit her!! However, Director Xu silences her and begins filming. Everyone watches in breathless anticipation. “What… are you saying?” Cai Ni tries to smile, tears in her eyes and although her smile is weak, it still is friendly. “It cannot be true… right?” An Hui Ni is frozen. Originally, all she could think about was the fact that Yin Xia Mo was going to smack her across the face, but staring directly into her eyes in this moment, she cannot help but become drawn by the emotion in Yin Xia Mo’s eyes – and falls wholly into the scene. “It is true.” The betrayal in Cai Ni’s eyes. The pain and betrayal from someone she treated as her good friend has made her lose all reasoning and control… She instinctively raises her hand in the air – the filming crew watch, waiting for that hate-filled slap to come solidly across An Hui Ni’s face; An Hui Ni reflexively closes her eyes, her face starch white – and Yin Xia Mo’s hand goes flying through the air… And stops within inches of An Hui Ni’s face. “I’ve always… treated you like my friend… don’t you know that? Everyone else can hurt me… but you can’t… because you are my best friend…” The sadness. The desperation. The pain from having trust completely destroyed. Everyone is seized with a stabbing pain in their hearts. Jing Jie doesn’t even realize that she has started crying and looks away in embarrassment; only to find that everyone is carrying the exact same expression. Even the polite-looking girl from earlier on is in tears. CUT!

Director Xu starts clapping enthusiastically! And everyone joins in the applause. They are astounded by Yin Xia Mo’s amazing work! The producer is completely impressed. Originally, he had thought Yin Xia Mo was only casted because of her connection to Ou Chen; however, who would have thought she was really such a superb actor? Xi Meng studies Young Master. Ou Chen is silently watching Xia Mo a few feet away; although his expression betrays nothing, Xi Meng can detect the myriad of emotions in him. “But Young Master, she did not hit An Hui Ni back. Would you like me to arrange another take?” “No. I have other business so I’ll be leaving now.” As Ou Chen leaves the studio, he turns to cast one more look at Xia Mo. She has chosen the decision that she deems most appropriate for herself. As for An Hui Ni… he has his own plans for her. In the midst of the people, Xia Mo does not spare a glance for the ashen An Hui Ni but quietly watches Ou Chen’s departing figure. The picture of him leaving is just like that night five years ago when he finally chose to walk away… ******* Back at his place, Luo Xi gently applies ointment to Xia Mo’s swollen face as she winces in pain. Luo Xi feels every wince in his own heart. “Why didn’t you just hit her back? An Hui Ni is not going to remember that you let her go this time. All she’s going to remember is that you embarrassed her. When dealing with this kind of person, you don’t need to be merciful.” “If I slap her back, then what makes me different from her? “Do you need me to do anything?” “I’ll take care of it. If we make too big of a deal out of it, then it could end up being far worse.” “Xia Mo, you try to be too strong.” “Have you experienced something like this before?” “Although I’ve never been slapped repeatedly while filming, how can this kind of stuff not happen in our world? Someone once asked his mafia friends to get me; five to six of them surrounded me in the middle of the night in a dark alley and beat the crap out of me. I was in the hospital for at least two weeks; thank goodness my face was fine but I had a few broken bones.” Taking Xia Mo’s hand in his own, Luo Xi gently places it on his chest; she can feel the steady beat of his heart. “Seven stitches total. It was lucky that the doctor was so good and the wound was shallow; you can barely see it during filming. Only when you feel for it do you know that it’s there.” “Why did they go after you?”

“Because… once I appear, everyone becomes my shadow, regardless of whether or not they’re already famous and accomplished.” Such a proud statement. And yet, as Xia Mo stares at the beauty that is Luo Xi, she cannot help but admit; he has that pride and that ability. “What happened to that person?” “Afterward? He got kidnapped at that same spot too… broke four bones… I got someone to do it for me.” Luo Xi silently stares at Xia Mo. “Do you think I’m ruthless? Are you scared of me…?” “It is scary. If someone had taught him such a lesson earlier on, he wouldn’t have touched you then.” Luo Xi looks at Xia Mo in bewilderment. “Shouldn’t you be judging me right now? Telling me to report it to the police as opposed to dealing with it myself?” “The police? The police only see what’s directly in front of them. I don’t like violence but I cannot refute that there are some things that can only be dealt with violently…” Luo Xi is suddenly uneasy; there is something about Xia Mo’s expression and tone of voice right now… “Xia Mo… Did something happen to you?” “I’m sorry; there are just some things I’d rather forget.” ******* That same night, Ou Chen stands alone in his room with his wineglass (now this is a recurring theme, isn’t it?), thinking back to the events of that day – every slap that Xia Mo suffered now firmly ingrained in his mind and on repeat… That snow white face completely drained of blood… Ou Chen closes his eyes as the piercing headache returns… this time, he won’t fight it anymore. If the memory wants to return, then let it come back to him… Back at the Ou mansion, the little girl is lying on the bed in the guest room, a fourteen-year old Ou Chen watching over her. Silently gazing upon her, he surmises that she cannot be real, unable to resist reaching out a hand to slowly, lightly, poke at her face. And she suddenly opens her eyes! His heart jumps a beat although his face maintains its cool expression. She studies him back and then slowly sits up in the bed. Her name is Xia Mo. Her dad was originally working at Ou Corporations but was laid off a month ago. He hasn’t been able to find a new job and her mom has been crying in the house everyday; she and her little brother will probably be sent back to the orphanage to live… She found out that the car of the CEO of Ou Corporations drives by that road everyday and so decided to wait there for him, to plead with him not to fire her dad.

“How old are you?” “Eleven.” Ou Chen is surprised; don’t most eleven-year olds only worry about begging their parents for toys and chocolate? “Why would your parents send you and your brother to the orphanage?” Even if he lost his job, this seems a little extreme. Xia Mo pauses before answering. “We’re not our parents’ biological children. However, they both treat us really well; I don’t want to go back to the orphanage!” The backyard garden. Little Xia Mo stands with an apple carefully balanced on her head, her eyes tightly closed and her hands scrunched into tiny fists. Standing some distance away, he is wearing a beautiful archer’s clothing… and slowly pulls the arrow back on his bow. He’s only ever seen someone use an apple for practice on television and has always wanted to try it but was scolded by his nanny. Now, he finally has a chance to try shooting at an apple and the little girl even volunteered to do so… He promised her. If she is willing to hold the apple for him, he will get her dad his job back. What he wants to know, is how brave this eleven-year old can be. Xia Mo calmly stares back at him. There is a maturity in her eyes that should not belong to someone so young and actually bold tells him that he needs to prove that he has the ability to reinstate her dad’s position. Nodding his head, he makes a few calls. Even though he is only fourteen, everyone knows that he will one day be the future heir to the business. After hearing his calls, she knows that the agreement is exchanged. He slowly pulls the arrow back again… as he is getting ready to let go, his gaze almost unconsciously moves to her face… standing there in the sunlight, she is almost transparent. She nervously bites her lip, biting so hard that one drop of rose red blood emerges… And the arrow flies across towards her! Ou Chen suddenly opens his eyes! His head is about to split open from the pain, as if that arrow never flew towards her but into his own head. Grasping his wineglass tightly, he picks up his cell phone and dials a number. ******* Due to her face, Xia Mo informs Xiao Cheng that she will be busy with work for the next three days and unable to return home. She does not want him to see the extent of the swelling. Jokingly, Luo Xi smiles at Xia Mo. “It looks like I should be grateful to An Hui Ni; if it wasn’t for her, you wouldn’t have come over today.” “Can you… let me stay for three days?” “What about rent?” “Huh?” “How about you just be my servant for three days?” Laughing, Luo Xi pulls Xia Mo in close, softly breathing in the scent of her hair. “Help me clean the place, cook me dinner, okay? And if

you don’t do it well the first time, then you’ll have to do it all over again. If you do it well, then I’ll reward you by letting you sleep in the master bedroom and I’ll sleep in the guest room.” “Do you normally not make dinner?” “I don’t know how. Anyways, I wouldn’t want to make dinner for myself – cooking by myself and then eating it by myself…” “Okay.” And Xia Mo gently hugs him back. Compared to Luo Xi, Xia Mo is a lot more lucky; she still has Xiao Cheng with her. Everything she’s done, everything that has worth and her very reason for becoming as strong as an unbendable tree – is all for Xiao Cheng to be happy and to live well. Cooking for him or eating what he makes for her… it all makes her unbelievably happy and fortunate. But Luo Xi… he has no one except himself… “Hey, I’m really picky when it comes to my food. If you don’t make it to suit my tastes, I’m going to make you polish the floor!” “I’m not even scared; I’m very confident when it comes to my culinary skills.” “That confident, huh?” Seeing Xia Mo so heartbreakingly cute, he cannot resist reaching out to tweak her nose. She quickly ducks but then succumbs to a huge yawn. It has been a long day for her. When Luo Xi softly asks her if she’s tired, she has already fallen fast asleep. Gently picking her up, Luo Xi carries her to the master bedroom and lays her down on the bed. Seeing her forehead wrinkle in her sleep as if suffering from a bad dream, Luo Xi places a soft kiss there. Hopefully, all those nightmares plaguing her will be chased away to be replaced with sweet dreams… And she stops furrowing her forehead. Laughing softly to himself, Luo Xi gently caresses her face. And sees the bright red swelling of a hand print. However, in his eyes, she is still beautiful. Beautiful like the Sleeping Beauty in a fairy tale. Let her just sleep like this, staying forever by his side. Let them have their fairy tale ending and never have to part again… ******* The cell phone’s shrill rings break the silence of the night. Ou Chen picks up his phone – “Young Master, it has been done like you requested. Tomorrow’s media will be releasing the news.” As Ou Chen later looks out his window – why is it that his original plan of seeking revenge on her has suddenly come to naught?

Chapter 5 An Hui Ni slaps Yin Xia Mo! The next day following the shoot, every media outlet has the same news-breaking headline – due to jealousy over Yin Xia Mo’s rising status, An Hui Ni used filming as an excuse to repeatedly and publicly slap her across the face. The headlines come complete with pictures from that day too, and fans of An Hui Ni are horrified to see such a manipulative and calculating side to their innocent and lovable star. On the other end, fans of Yin Xia Mo are outraged on her behalf and begin protesting that “Innocent Love Song” fires An Hui Ni; otherwise, they will all boycott the series! Due to Luo Xi’s rumored relationship with Xia Mo – and the fact that he has made numerous public appearances on her behalf – the paparazzi clamor to get his opinion on the subject. Faced with the photographs of An Hui viciously slapping Yin Xia Mo, Luo Xi cannot control the automatic clenching of his fingers as he death-grips the newspaper. However, while on the phone with the reporters at the same time, he is calm and his voice betrays nothing of his anger. He wonders if Xia Mo has seen the news yet and if so, what is she doing right now? After a long day of filming, Luo Xi heads home and pauses outside his door, keys in hand. Will she be in there waiting for him? Or is he just being silly? Hoping against hope that someone will finally be waiting for him at home, to greet him and to welcome him back… If he rings the doorbell, will she open the door for him? Of course not. This is how God works; for every moment of warmth, he is given unending coldness. Maybe she will have left him a little note somewhere inside… Mentally shaking himself, Luo Xi reminds himself that he should be used to it by now. The only person who will never leave him is himself. Inserting his key into the lock, he opens the door… and finds himself in a house filled with light and warmth, the smell of a freshly made dinner wafting through the air. Xia Mo pokes her head out of the kitchen, some flour on her face and wearing an apron. Seeing Luo Xi standing in the doorway, she smiles sweetly. “You’re back.” “Xia Mo…” Luo Xi’s throat is caught, the happiness and warmth inside of him causing his voice to barely squeak out. Actually… all he needs is to have her here… The two enjoy Xia Mo’s dinner; a very simple fare but yet a truly appetizing and delicious meal. Xia Mo worries that Luo Xi will not be used to such mediocre food though. “I thought Xiao Cheng was the only one who knew how to cook. Never would have thought that your culinary skills would be so good too.”

“Xiao Cheng’s is much better than mine. After eating his food, I bet eating mine is a lot worse.” “Your cooking is better.” “Xiao Cheng’s cooking is better.” “Yours!” “Xiao Cheng’s!” “Yours!” “Xiao Cheng’s!” And the two suddenly break out into laughter at the same time. “Fine. Xiao Cheng’s is better. So you should just save all that food for me then, because you know, I need to get used to your cooking anyway. One day Xiao Cheng is going to get a girlfriend and then you and I will be living together, so I’ll have to drink your soup.” Xia Mo’s face instantly turns red. Quickly changing the subject, Xia Mo starts explaining the dishes and casually mentions that she had returned home to grab one of the main ingredients. Luo Xi instantly narrows in on her last statement, wondering if that means she has seen the news. When Luo Xi casually asks Xia Mo if that is all she has been up to, she responds neutrally that she has seen the news. In fact, when she had seen the photos of herself being slapped by An Hui Ni, she had instantly turned on her cell phone and found a few dozen frantic messages left by Xiao Cheng and Zhen En, demanding to know what had happened and to immediately call them back. Luo Xi comments that someone may have purposely leaked the news out to the media; however, this person shouldn’t have a grudge against Xia Mo as it is all incriminating against An Hui Ni. Xia Mo had not wanted something like this to happen though because now the chances of the situation simply going away have decreased. Even though the news has no negative repercussions on Xia Mo, if An Hui Ni feels like she’s been backed into a corner, her personality will not let just it rest – it is hard to imagine how she will strike back. A sneaking suspicion suddenly strikes Xia Mo. A cold shadow, a beautiful green scarf tied to that wrist… “Why did you come back here? If you already knew, then why still come back? Aren’t there reporters looking for you? Isn’t Xiao Cheng waiting for you at home? Then why still come back here? Why make me dinner? Why pretend as if you didn’t know?! Are you just pitying me? Let me be stupid in thinking that you didn’t know anything, that you and I could be together and just forget everything?” Not staring him directly in the face, Xia Mo cautiously asks if Luo Xi is mad at her; she doesn’t know what she has done to make him upset with her. Luo Xi closes his eyes. He is unreasonable; she has done nothing wrong. She did not choose to walk away without saying anything and instead came back here to wait for him, making him dinner. Given her personality, the very fact that she has chosen to do this is already a kind of fortune that cannot be begged for. He doesn’t care about what happened with An Hui Ni because these sorts of things happen all the time in the entertainment world; he just didn’t want Xia Mo to know so fast and selfishly hoped to keep their world for just for the two of them…

Luo Xi suddenly realizes how quiet it has gotten and fears that she has left him. Loneliness surrounds him as he hears her clear the dishes, hears her carrying the dishes into the kitchen, hears her light footsteps… And then – complete silence. Horror fills Luo Xi; she’s left, she’s left, hasn’t she? She’s mad because he randomly threw a tantrum at her, and so she just left without even saying good bye, just left, hasn’t she?! Jumping up from the chair, Luo Xi runs into the living room, the master bedroom – both come up empty and dark. Desperately, he rushes into the kitchen! And sees her standing in front of the sink, her back to him, calmly washing the dishes. Quietly calling out her name, Luo Xi walks up to her and hugs her from behind, placing his head gently on her shoulder and sliding his hands down to her own. “I know that to you, safety is something that is easily influenced. You always fear that you will lose it and yet still want it badly, so you are always caught between fear and nervousness.” Clasping his hands in return, Xia Mo smiles softly. “I came back here because I like making you dinner; that’s all. Since we’ve decided to be together, then let’s also decide to trust each other and not doubt or test one another, okay?” Perhaps… he can also be happy… “Okay.” And the two stayed like that for a very long time afterward. ******* In a very short time, An Hui Ni has become the media’s focal news. Criticism of An Hui Ni has spread throughout the public and the internet is flooded by dissatisfied fans. In fact, some fans gather everyday in front of the HBS Studio to protest An Hui Ni, demanding a public apology from her to Yin Xia Mo. Xia Mo has also been bombarded with requests for interviews since the news leakage, and only replied that her face is not too injured, thanking everyone for their concern and said that An Hui Ni was only trying to get the best possible scene from that day. Xia Mo’s gracious answer wins her adoration from even more fans and An Hui Ni has declined to appear publicly since the incident broke out. Her reputation has been severely and adversely affected. Prior to the slapping incident, the film crew had treated Xia Mo rather indifferently but now approach her cheerfully, taking the initiative to say hi and smiling at her. Only when An Hui Ni appears on set does the the atmosphere turn a little awkward, and then only when there is a needed interaction for filming do they talk to her. An Hui Ni and Xia Mo do not actually share many scenes during this time and have very little interaction with one another. Every now and then though, Xia Mo will see a look of intense hatred directed towards her from An Hui Ni but since the latter does not do anything, Xia Mo chooses to let it go.

Ling Hao was not present during the slapping incident and Zhen En originally assumed that he would automatically take An Hui Ni’s side. However, since that day, it is as if Ling Hao has become a completely different person and he approaches Xia Mo with friendliness. When An Hui Ni is not present, he will actually take the initiative to discuss the script with Xia Mo and Zhen En realizes that Ling Hao actually has a great smile, almost like that of a child’s. “I’m sorry. Hui Ni is not a bad person; her personality is actually really nice. It’s only because she’s been in the entertainment world for so long that she’s become paranoid and filled with anxiety, so she would choose to do something like that…” A really nice person would do something like this? He’s joking, right? However, Xia Mo tells Ling Hao that she has already forgotten the past. Perhaps every person has someone he or she really likes and really despises; Ling Hao is someone whom An Hui Ni really likes, and Xia Mo is someone she really despises. Whatever the matter, Xia Mo has already forgotten it. Ling Hao and Xia Mo have established a great working relationship. Their eye contact and their combined emotions – nearly every single scene is accomplished in one take. Sometimes they will be sitting off to the side together, going over the script and their picture will be secretly taken by a reporter, creating a buzz about their “relationship”. Ling Hao and Xia Mo have become the golden couple, and fans of the Lu Si and Bing Tong coupling far exceed those of Lu Si and Cai Ni. However, Zhen En is clearly aware that besides that of a working relationship, there is no other type between Ling Hao and Xia Mo. Perhaps An Hui Ni also knows this because she has not reacted in anyway towards these speculations. ******* The news of An Hui Ni has slowly faded and just as Xia Mo was thinking that they would be able to finish filming for “Innocent Love Song” peacefully and without any more drama, two things happened that Xia Mo would never have imagined. The first major event is the script, which had already been decided to be a total of twenty chapters; Lu Si and Cai Ni would have a happy ending together while Bing Tong would die as a result of protecting Lu Si. After filming to chapter sixteen though and realizing how popular the series was doing, it was extended an additional ten chapters and the ending was modified. When the new scripts are distributed, the screenwriter is also present and Xia Mo is stunned to realize that she is the polite-looking girl from the staircase the other day! Chuckling in secretive glee, Zhong Ya goes up to Xia Mo and tells her that she changed the script specifically for her. The ending has been completely reversed. Lu Si slowly realizes that his true love is not the innocent Cai Ni who always gets into trouble, but the Bing Tong who has always guarded by his side. When Bing Tong is about to leave his life forever, Lu Si then knows that he cannot live without her and the two live happily ever after while Cai Ni is the one who quietly walks away. Bing Tong’s role spans the entire thirty chapters while Cai Ni does not appear again after chapter twenty-five.

Death-gripping the script, An Hui Ni cannot control her shaking rage. Although Ling Hao tries to console her, she angrily shakes him off and her hatred-filled glare narrows in on Yin Xia Mo. Feeling slightly guilty, Xia Mo is aware of An Hui Ni’s stare and is filled with a sense of foreboding. Hurling the script to the floor with all her strength, An Hui Ni stalks from the set, Ling Hao hurriedly following her. The second major event is that SUN has been taken in by another company. SUN is a rather mediocre agency; although it does not have a huge presence in the entertainment world, the combined star power of Wei An, Yao Shu Er, and newbies Yin Xia Mo and Pan Nan still represents some type of influence. Ou Hua Corporations suddenly announced a few days earlier that it was planning on buying SUN, sending the media into a buzz. Ou Hua Corporations holds an enormous financial influence and whoever is backed by them is essentially guaranteed fame and success. However, what is interesting is why Ou Hua Corporations would choose a fledgling agency like SUN when there are other more prestigious agencies that would bring the company even more money – such as the agency that contracts Luo Xi. When placed next to Luo Xi, even the combined star power of the four ladies cannot come to half of Luo Xi’s lure. There must be a hidden reason for this transition. On the day that the handover is official, everyone has convened at SUN to welcome Ou Hua Corporations. Wei An has arrived with her posse of assistants while Yao Shu Er sits to the side listening to her music. Pan Nan stands by a window and watches as a fan-surrounded Xia Mo makes her way up to meet them. Pride fills Pan Nan at seeing how far Xia Mo has come now. Originally, she had been afraid that the incident with An Hui Ni would have adversely affected Xia Mo but she handled it with grace and calm. Although it has been a few days since the two have seen each other, Xia Mo on the phone is still the same as before, happy and steady. When Xia Mo walks in, Wei An begins to clap and announces that the big movie star has finally arrived. She approaches Xia Mo and advises her; congratulations! You have readily risen to fame. However, be careful because the faster you rise could also mean that faster you will fall. There is no such thing as a free lunch and however much you get now will mean you will have to repay it later. The lounge is completely quiet. Zhen En is wondering whether or not Wei An is simply mocking Xia Mo but the expression on Wei An’s face is conflicted… Xia Mo thanks Wei An. Because of Yao Shu Er, Xia Mo and Wei An had a bit of a conflict in the past but Xia Mo realizes that Wei An is actually a very honest person. Wei An returns Xia Mo’s smile and then turns to pick up her phone. The atmosphere in the room resumes its previous state. Yao Shu Er, Pan Nan and Xia Mo end up exchanging some small talk about Xia Mo’s recent rise to success. Yao Shu Er remarks that luck is really on Xia Mo’s side although Pan Nan interjects that it is not completely dependent on luck; if Xia Mo didn’t really have something, why would

An Hui Ni feel threatened enough to instigate that incident? If Xia Mo wasn’t the real thing, neither would she have been able to gain the adoration of so many fans. Wei An warns them to not underestimate An Hui Ni though; compared to her, Yao Shu Er’s past schemes are mere child’s play. Turning to Yao Shu Er, Wei An remarks that her current expressionless personality really causes other people to have no mood… Is Wei An making fun of Yao Shu Er? How come it almost sounds like she’s caring about her…? At this time, their conversation is interrupted by the noise of arriving cars outside. Everyone rushes to the windows and see the horde of reporters clustering together outside, while a lineup of black limousines pull up by the front entrance. The four girls silently watch as the manage for Ou Hua Corporations formally shakes hands with the SUN president, as if to signify the formal handing over. Pan Nan notices that no one has left the very last car in the lineup. After saying a few words and allowing a picture opportunity for the reporters, the Ou Hua manager goes to that car and seems to say something to whoever is inside. And then he opens the door – a pair of long legs emerge, a masculine and handsome shadow – in the dim sunlight, a light green scarf flutters from his wrist. Reporters suddenly realize who this is… and start madly snapping their cameras. Ou Chen walks towards the front entrance – and suddenly stops, as if sensing something. He raises his head and sees her standing there, her white shadow as if a light cloud in the sky. Like the fairy tale’s princess who is being held captive, Xia Mo stands in front of the window of the second floor, looking out towards Ou Chen, her lips slowly turning white. Ou Chen’s vow rings through her head… “You both will pay for this.” Has his revenge started? Was taking over SUN only the first step of his plan? How does he plan on dealing with her? Taking over her contract and then burying her?

Chapter 6 At the same time, Zhen En is sitting with Xiao Cheng at a tea shop. As Zhen En grips her tea in her hand, she cannot seem to stop her pounding heart. Confounded, Zhen En tells herself to get a break; it’s not like this is the first time she’s ever seen Xiao Cheng! But… this is the first time she and Xiao Cheng have been on an official date… Xiao Cheng first thanks Zhen En for being Xia Mo’s friend and supporting and taking care of her. Actually, Zhen En feels a little guilty because Xia Mo has actually helped her more by helping her with homework in school, taking more of the work during their jobs and even now giving her such an opportunity to be her agent. Xiao Cheng knows that Xia Mo doesn’t want him to worry about herself; perhaps she feels that he is always the little brother and so needs to be protected. However, he’s grown up now and wants to be able to take care of his sister. So as a favor, Xiao Cheng hopes that Zhen En will be

able to keep him informed about Xia Mo because he doesn’t want to come across as being too nosy. Xiao Cheng is just too nice of a brother! In fact, Zhen En is seized with a strange feeling of sourness… Is she… jealous…? When Zhen En asks Xiao Cheng why she should help him and is met with a blank stare, Zhen En very quietly says that she’ll help him if he agrees to go out with her… However, it’s too loud in the tea shop and Xiao Cheng has no idea what Zhen En just said. In a regular voice again, Zhen En hurriedly agrees to help him, promising him that she will do everything in her power to help Xia Mo out. Perhaps… he would hate her… If he knew, just how much she liked him. Ever since she first laid eyes on him four years ago, she has liked him. In order to see him everyday, she worked to become Xia Mo’s close friend. She had once hoped to use friendship to become closer to him… At Xiao Cheng’s grateful and sunny smile, Zhen En decides that it is probably better to not let him know after all. Just stay by him, forever stay by him and to help him protect what he treasures the most. Suddenly, Zhen En remembers that she had ditched Xia Mo to come out; hopefully there wasn’t too much of a problem… ******* Xia Mo sits quietly to the side as the mob of reporters surround Ou Chen. Now that Ou Hua Corporations is the new head company, Ou Chen is the newly appointed CEO… Ou Chen is her boss. Now that he owns her company, he owns her contract; he can bury her if he wants, destroy all her audition chances… Staring directly at the approaching Ou Chen, he appears harsh and cold; perhaps he has no emotions… To him, she is nothing but a tiny ant. All he has to do is reach out a hand and completely squash her and easily destroy everything she has worked so hard to accomplish. When Ou Chen’s gaze finally falls on Xia Mo, she has already moved to stare out the window. The sunlight hits her hair, sending out rays of light, so bright that it is almost blinding. Perhaps it is fate… Who cares if she causes him to become a bloody and hurt mess; he still cannot forget her. He cannot even take his revenge on her or leave her side… When she is in pain, his heart is in a thousand times more pain. When he is unable to see her, his heart becomes cold like the grave… Perhaps it really is fate… When the meeting is over and Ou Hua Corporations has officially bought SUN, Ou Chen gets ready to leave and his now employees automatically get up to greet him on his way out. Xia Mo is still standing off to the side when Pan Nan suddenly leans over to whisper secretively in her

ear, murmuring how they are like servants seeing their lord out. Ou Chen is really pretty arrogant. As Ou Chen makes his way towards the front door, a gust of wind suddenly blows in and the green scarf starts fluttering from his wrist. Everyone is looking directly down at the floor as Ou Chen walks by; no one dares to stare at Ou Chen as there is always an air of superiority and prestige about him. Xia Mo is also looking down and as Ou Chen passes by her, his steps slow down and Xia Mo freezes, her heart racing. As she sees the green scarf out of the corner of her eye, Ou Chen continues on past her and Xia Mo slowly relaxes. However, she momentarily forgets herself and finds herself watching that green scarf… Flapping crazily in the wind, the scarf continues to flutter… until it slowly loosens and unwraps itself from Ou Chen’s wrist. As the beautiful green scarf is dancing gracefully in the air, everyone stares after it, transfixed. Ou Chen stops and turns to stare the scarf. Cai Ne reaches out to grab it but is stopped by Ou Chen. At her questioning gaze, Ou Chen shakes his head as the scarf is not falling to the ground. Focused, he follows the dancing scarf and soon thereafter, it begins to flutter back down… lightly fluttering… fluttering… right in front of Xia Mo’s gaze. And she instinctively reaches out and lightly plucks it from the air. Ou Chen feels something in his chest has also been lightly caught by that hand. It is a weak hand… but it has securely caught onto him. Everyone has naturally turned their gaze onto Xia Mo now, as if she is the Cinderella in a fairy tale. When Xia Mo suddenly realizes that everyone’s attention has turned to him, it is as she has waken from a dream; why is the scarf in her hand? Ou Chen stares silently back at Xia Mo – and then steadily makes his way towards her. Stopping in front of her, he holds out his arm and commands, “Put it on.” His tone is that of a master talking to a servant. Xia Mo – and everyone else – freezes at the audacity of Ou Chen’s words. Pan Nan quietly urges Xia Mo to listen to Ou Chen; offending him will not help matters at all. Biting her lip, Xia Mo begins to slowly tie the scarf around Ou Chen’s wrist… around and around… around and around… When the sudden flash of a photographer’s camera goes off, Ou Chen quickly furrows his brow. Cai Ne also notices the reporter but wonders why the typically private young master does not do anything about this intrusion… Ou Chen smirks. Let’s see what kind of pictures the reporter will have tomorrow… *******

That night, Xia Mo helps Luo Xi prepare his luggage for his trip to Japan. Midst packing his belongings, Luo Xi contemplates whether or not to include a picture of him and Xia Mo, and after thinking about it for awhile, decides to include it in his luggage. Cheekily, Luo Xi asks Xia Mo if she will miss him when he’s gone. However, Xia Mo seems to be miles away from Luo Xi, and suddenly asks him if he has remembered to pack everything. Noticing the absence of his medicine, Xia Mo adds it to the contents and reminds Luo Xi to see the doctor if he doesn’t feel well. Angling to receive more of an affirmation from Xia Mo about her feelings for him, Luo Xi then asks if she would come visit him if he ever got sick. What if he got a high fever? What if he was so sick that he was about to die? Would she fly to Japan to see him? Would she… would she give up everything to come see him? “I wouldn’t. I will be right there with you, feeding you medicine, helping you to find a good doctor, and staying by your side. I will not leave you. Even if you make me leave, I will stay by your side.” ******* The next day, Xia Mo is stunned to see a picture of her and Ou Chen in the newspaper. It is a picture of her right as she is tying the scarf on for Ou Chen – and looks as if two lovers were quietly being observed. Zhen En cannot help but question Xia Mo; has she gotten better with Ou Chen now? Actually, Ou Chen does really like Xia Mo. While they were all in school, everyone could easily tell then. Even now, although Ou Chen has become more cold on the outside, he still continues to like Xia Mo… However, Xia Mo is adamant that she simply does not want to be connected to Ou Chen in any way. Zhen En is puzzled since now that Ou Chen is the head of SUN, this naturally means that there will be plenty of chances for the two to run each other all the time. Regardless though, Xia Mo assures Zhen En that at the very least, things are progressing smoothly right now. The next few days go by quietly. Until the public is hit by a scandalous piece of news! An Hui Ni is on the news, a mask of hopelessness and desperation on her face. She cannot contain her silence anymore. So everyone wants to know why she hates Yin Xia Mo so much, why she slapped her so many times that other day…? Because of Yin Xia Mo, her two year relationship with Ling Hao has officially come to an end. Ever since they started filming, Yin Xia Mo has shamelessly tried to seduce Ling Hao, going so far as to approach him at his hotel room in a flimsy negligee. An Hui Ni does not hate Ling Hao though; faced with the beautiful Yin Xia Mo, she believes that no man would be able to resist her. She just never suspected that Yin Xia Mo would go to such lengths to seduce another woman’s man. An Hui Ni can give up the lead role in “Innocent Love Song” to Yin Xia Mo. She can even surrender Ling Hao. However, she will not apologize for those slaps because Yin Xia Mo deserved every single one of them! “I would rather leave the entertainment industry than ever face that shameless harlot again!”

Chapter 7 Fans who originally supported Yin Xia Mo are left in confusion. Although some of them are still wary of An Hui Ni’s words, what kind of movie star would lie about something like this? Additionally, although fans are in adoration of Yin Xia Mo, she is still a newcomer – no one can actually attest to her personality ethnics. Die-hard fans of An Hui Ni are now calling Yin Xia Mo, “slut”, “harlot”, and “third person”. Angered beyond belief, fans are now vowing to defend An Hui Ni. Protect An Hui Ni! Keep An Hui Ni! Refusing to eat or sleep and gathering in front of An Hui Ni’s house, fans swear to do everything in their power to help An Hui Ni. For An Hui Ni, they will not let Yin Xia Mo get away! At Cai Ne’s office, Zhen En cannot get over her anger – it is An Hui Ni who is lying! Xia Mo would never do such a thing! However, Cai Ne is furious over the recent days of negative publicity; since Zhen En is Xia Mo’s agent, then of course she would say such a thing! In this world, Xia Mo could commit murder and arson, and as long as no one found out about it, Cai Ne could care less. However, now that the public is aware of the situation, Cai Ne cannot be expected to do something about it. With this recent news about Xia Mo spreading so fast, Pan Nan is quick to come out and defend her. However, even Pan Nan now suffers from the criticism of fans and has been boycotted by them. Xia Mo believes she may have a fighting chance if Ling Hao will come out and tell the truth; however, Zhen En is incredulous. Ling Hao is on An Hui Ni’s side! Why would he come out and accuse his own girlfriend of lying? It would completely ruin her. Xia Mo does not believe that Ling Hao would be the type of person to lie though and insists that they at least try to talk to him about the situation. When Zhen En and Xia Mo later quietly leave the company – guards were originally assigned to escort them away but the executives had been afraid that this would only serve to make them less inconspicuous – Zhen En continues to worry about approaching Ling Hao. What if Ling Hao and An Hui Ni had earlier conspired to come up with such a plan? With their “golden couple” status, this would not only serve to increase the adoration of their millions of fans, it would also bury Xia Mo. Unfortunately, incensed fans see Xia Mo trying to leave and angrily accost her. In her desperation, Zhen En tries to drag Xia Mo to the awaiting cars but is slowly separated from her by the angry mob, leaving Xia Mo surrounded. Zhen En tries futilely to get to Xia Mo… “You’re that shameless Yin Xia Mo!” “Don’t you know that sluts go to hell?!”

“Apologize!” “We won’t forgive you!” “We’re going to destroy you! We’re going to kick you out of the entertainment industry!” Xia Mo remains calm amidst the screaming female fans. “I didn’t do anything.” “So you’re saying that An Hui Ni is lying then?! I’m going to kill you, bitch! How dare you hurt An Hui Ni and then say that she’s lying?! Go to hell!” “Die! Go to hell, bitch!” “Support An Hui Ni! Kill that slut!” An Hui Ni’s fans have completely lost reason as they have turned into an angry and uncontrollable mob. As they ruthlessly attack Xia Mo, she is unable to get away from them and tries in vain to protect herself from the assault. Suddenly, an object goes flying and hits Xia Mo squarely in the head! The egg yolk slowly drips down from Xia Mo’s head. Everyone freezes for a moment – and then another egg goes flying at Xia Mo while the fans begin to scream again. Eggs are being hurled at Yin Xia Mo as the fans start laughing hysterically. Xia Mo closes her eyes under the assault of the attacks – and is suddenly enfolded in a pair of warm arms, safely enclosed in a comforting hug… Her head dripping with sweat, Zhen En had been unable to make it through the rioting mob to get to Xia Mo. Faced with no choice, she had gone running into the lobby to alert security. Upon her return, she freezes at the sight before her. Like a dream, a strong guardian is now protecting Xia Mo. He is wearing a designer suit, using his own body to block the garbage that is flying at Xia Mo. Such a warm embrace… Xia Mo opens her eyes but can see nothing aside from the arm that is protecting her. She is being warmly held in a comforting hug, being securely protected in this soft embrace… “Move aside!” Ou Chen brusquely commands the fans. The security has finally arrived and assist in moving the fans aside. Although the fans are still disgruntled, faced with the domineering presence of Ou Chen and the security, they can do nothing but let Xia Mo through.

Xia Mo cannot bear to have Ou Chen see her; she pushes him away and starts running in the opposite direction. She would rather be humiliated in front of thousands of people then have him see her again! In her hurry to get away, Xia Mo does not notice the girl who is just then starting her car… “Yin Xia Mo! Go to hell!” Like a bullet, the car shoots out directly towards Xia Mo. Almost as if caught in a dream, Xia Mo freezes and can only stare uncomprehendingly at the car that is now aiming for her – suddenly, she is enfolded in a pair of warm arms and is pushed out of the way, landing hardly on the ground… The pain is unbearable. But as unbearable as the pain is, Xia Mo slowly comes to the realization that she is not dead yet… Looking over next to her, she sees Ou Chen lying motionlessly on the ground, covered in blood and his pale face staring back at her. And he then passes out. Kneeling next to Ou Chen, Xia Mo tries to say something, call out his name or something, but her throat is caught. She starts shaking uncontrollably, her heart feeling like it has completely died as she can only just kneel there and continue to try to say something, anything… So much blood… Butler Shen has arrived to their side by now and lashes out at Xia Mo; what are you just kneeling there for?! Young Master needs peace! Peace…? Then he is not dead…? In that moment that he saw Young Master flying forth to protect Yin Xia Mo, that he would rather use his own body to shield her and to take the impact of that car, Butler Shen saw the tragedy of five years ago playing out right before his eyes again. She is Young Master’s dream. She is Young Master’s curse. When Butler Shen later tried to take Young Master to the hospital, he had refused to let go of Yin Xia Mo’s hand, and so Butler Shen had no choice but to allow Yin Xia Mo to accompany them. Later at the hospital, Ou Chen slowly wakes up, to the relief of Xia Mo and Butler Shen. He had been sleeping for five to six hours already. Xia Mo reflexively clutches Ou Chen’s hand in return. However, when Ou Chen struggles to sit up in the bed and Xia Mo anxiously tries to help him, he flings her hand away from him. Ou Chen tells Butler Shen to leave him and Xia Mo, and although Butler Shen would probably rather cut off his own leg than do so, the look on Ou Chen’s face quickly changes his mind. Xia Mo tries to ask how Ou Chen is doing but he remains obstinately quiet. “Answer me. What’s your relationship with Ling Hao?” “Acting partners.” “There’s nothing romantic about it?” “No.”

“The incident at the hotel…” “Is a lie that An Hui Ni concocted.” “Why would she lie about something like that?” “… Maybe because she’s not happy about having her role lessened.” “Why should I believe you?” “I don’t care whether or not you believe me. I don’t care if the entire world doesn’t believe me.” “I’ll send people to investigate. If you are telling the truth, then the company will take care of things for you. If… Starting tomorrow, the company will assign six bodyguards to protect you; this incident will not happen again. You may go now.” When Butler Shen returns to accompany Xia Mo out of the room, Ou Chen keeps his gaze focused on the window. Until the footsteps clear out of the room and until the door of the room finally closes, does Ou Chen finally allow his own eyes to slowly close. As the door closes behind Xia Mo, she quietly remains standing there in the hallway, a lonely shadow… She stands there for a long, long time… As if the coldness of the ocean was slowly consuming her drowning heart…

Chapter 8 Ling Hao has agreed to hold a press conference with Xia Mo! Cai Ne opens the conference stating that Ling Hao and Yin Xia Mo initially met on set for filming. Aside from a working relationship, there is nothing of the personal nature going on between them. Ling Hao sits quietly next to Xia Mo, his face lacking the usual ease and self-confidence that he normally maintains in the public eye. The reporters instantly narrow in on Xia Mo, asking her questions that become increasingly direct and point-blank. Does she know that Ling Hao and An Hui Ni have been dating for two years? If so, then why was she trying to break them up by becoming the third person in their relationship? How does she think her relationship with Ling Hao has affected her sudden transition to leading female role? If her relationship with Ling Hao is so innocent, then why would An Hui Ni publicly announce her departure from the entertainment industry as a result of breaking up with Ling Hao? Doesn’t Yin Xia Mo feel any repentance for causing so much pain to An Hui Ni? If Yin Xia Mo claims that she has done nothing wrong, then what about the attempted seduction at the hotel? An Hui Ni said you were shameless…! Xia Mo repeatedly and calmly states her innocence; she has done no such thing. She and Ling Hao are only working partners. She doesn’t even own a transparent negligee! If she really was trying to seduce Ling Hao at said hotel, then they should look up the security footage from that hotel! Realizing that they are not going to get a different answer from Yin Xia Mo, the reporters turn their attention to Ling Hao and start firing questions at him. Why do you think Yin Xia Mo is trying to get close to you? Have you officially broken up with An Hui Ni? Why would you give up your two year relationship with An Hui Ni for Yin Xia Mo? We heard that An Hui Ni was recently taken to the hospital; have you visited her? An Hui Ni’s fans have said that if you leave

her, they will instantly boycott you; what do you think of that? Someone close to An Hui Ni has said that she’ll take you back as long as you leave Yin Xia Mo; who will you choose? Zhen En is freaking out. She and Xia Mo had tried to get contact Ling Hao for the past two days and although he had expressed remorse for what was happening to Xia Mo, he declined to come out in public with her to address the situation. Ling Hao had repeatedly apologized to Xia Mo though, and so Zhen En then decided to try another tactic – she called him every ten minutes. And when Ling Hao turned off his cell phone, Zhen En stood by his front door until she finally found him in the middle of the night. She doesn’t know if her three hours of crying and begging changed his mind but Ling Hao finally called her this morning to tell her that he would appear the press conference. However, what if Ling Hao is really on An Hui Ni’s side? The reporters wait anxiously for Ling Hao’s response – whatever he says will ultimately decide the entire situation! Xia Mo stares straight ahead at the cameras but when Ling Hao still does not respond, she cannot help but also incline her head slightly to watch him. “Yin Xia Mo and I…” Suddenly, the doors to the conference room are pushed open! As a few of the reporters turn to see who has entered, everyone else’s attention leaves Ling Hao. It is the person who had to be taken to the hospital a few days ago because she got so sick from stress! An! Hui! Ni! An Hui Ni stumbles to the front of the room, tears in her eyes as she determinedly makes her way to Ling Hao. The reporters are abuzz and crowd anxiously around her, snapping pictures right and left. Ashen and pale… heartbroken… desperate… An Hui Ni only has eyes for Ling Hao. “I’m sorry… I misunderstood you… Ah Hao…” “Hui Ni! What’s wrong??” “I thought… your heart was no longer with me… I thought she used shameless tricks to steal you from me… But, I just realized… you still love me! In your heart, there’s only me! Right? I’m sorry… I should never have doubted you…” “Hui Ni…” “Since I misunderstood you… then let me take care of everything…” An Hui Ni faces Xia Mo, who stands up to look back at her. “Miss Yin, you cannot destroy the relationship I have with Ah Hao. I was at the hospital when I received his engagement ring and letter, and I finally realized that I had misunderstood him. I’m going to accept his proposal. Even though you tried countless times to seduce him, I’m still going to be happy. And so, I am willing to forgive you…” The audience members watching the press conference are touched. The kind An Hui Ni not only does not rightly yell at Yin Xia Mo but also offers to forgive her for her indiscretions! She is too nice…

“Congratulations. Is this the ring that Ling Hao just delivered to you? It is very pretty. However, how come it looks exactly like the ring that Cai Ni received on her birthday when you were filming that scene?” “Ah Hao bought the same design.” “I remember that the jewelry designer purposely designed a one-of-a-kind ring for you to convey his appreciation and support of ‘Innocent Love Song’ and your performance.” Complete silence. An Hui Ni feels the cold sweat breaking out on her. “Well, I must have remembered incorrectly then. There are so many rings in my jewelry box!” “It’s okay if you remembered the wrong ring. However, there are many things that are better to not remember incorrectly. Such as I’ve never been alone with Ling Hao on a rendezvous date, never even had a dinner together by ourselves. How can you incorrectly remember that?”" “You… What exactly are you trying to say? Since you have the audacity to try to seduce Ling Hao, why can’t you just admit to it? You tried to seduce him at the hotel, so you should just face up to it…!” “What hotel? On which day?” “I can’t remember anymore…” “Then maybe you ‘can’t remember’ who that person was either??” The reporters are confused; why is it looking more and more like An Hui Ni is the one lying here? How does she not clearly remember so many things? “Ah Hao! You tell everyone whether or not Yin Xia Mo tried to seduce you!” Embarrassment covers Ling Hao’s ashen face. His conscience forces him to look at Yin Xia Mo, who levels a direct stare back at him. However, shame quickly makes him look away. Looking over at Hui Ni, who is anxiously clutching at his sheet sleeve, he sees the desperation in her pleading gaze. Ling Hao knows… her entire career, her reputation, all her hard-earned work… is all riding on his answer… Ling Hao does not agree with what she is doing – and in fact has had several arguments with her about this very issue – but how can he tell the truth and destroy Hui Ni? “I’m sorry, Xia Mo… I cannot harm Hui Ni…” Chaos explodes! So Yin Xia Mo did try to seduce Ling Hao! The reporters begin to fire question after question at Xia Mo; so weren’t you the one who was just lying then? Ling Hao has already admitted that you are the third party! Are you going to leave the entertainment industry then? What are you feeling right now? Members of the public community are a little confused right now though; Ling Hao has essentially affirmed An Hui Ni’s claim but why does something still feel off about the situation? “You cannot harm An Hui Ni so you choose to not tell the truth?! Do you really think that a simple apology will make everything go away? That you’ll be able to help An Hui Ni cover the truth and make me the one to blame? An Hui Ni, is materialism really that important to you? Because we didn’t throw ourselves before you, so you slapped my agent? Because I didn’t NG and was actually praised by the director, you got jealous and decided to slap me? Because that

incident negatively impacted you and got you changed to second lead role, you make up these lies about me trying to seduce Ling Hao?! “What do you think you’re talking about?! You think I’m jealous of you? What do you have that I should be jealous of? A newcomer with nothing to her name, what right do you have to be talking to me in such a loud voice!” “Ah Hao… perhaps in your mind he is a treasure. But in my mind, he’s just a regular entertainer. Accusing me of seducing him… you first have to see if I would even like him! Fine; you claim that I tried to seduce him! Well, then let’s just bring it all out for everyone to know! Ling Hao, how did I repeatedly seduce you? When? Where? What did I do? Please tell everyone!” But of course, Ling Hao cannot say anything. As he surreptitiously avoids Xia Mo’s glare, sweat begins to form on his forehead. Desperate to save the situation, An Hui Ni jumps in to intervene; the only reason that Ah Hao isn’t saying anything is because he’s trying to save face for Xia Mo! He’s already affirmed the attempted seduction, you despicable woman! An Hui Ni raises her hand and it comes flying down towards Yin Xia Mo’s face! Yin Xia Mo suddenly reaches out and firmly grabs An Hui Ni’s hand – and then lands a sound slap on An Hui Ni! Enraged, An Hui Ni goes crazy and loses her composure. Screaming at Yin Xia Mo, An Hui Ni tries to throw herself at her and is further angered to see that Ling Hao is holding her back. She knew it! She knew that Ah Hao liked Yin Xia Mo! Otherwise Ah Hao wouldn’t have looked at Yin Xia Mo like that while filming! Otherwise Ah Hao wouldn’t be trying to interrupt her plans! She will make Yin Xia Mo leave! She will force her out of the entertainment industry!! “How dare you hit me, you liar! You say that I’m lying, so what evidence do you have that proves that you didn’t do it?! What proof do you have? What’s wrong? You can’t say anything? Then you’re the one who’s lying! Liar!!” “I am her proof.” What a warm and soothing voice. Such a beautiful voice to listen to and yet carrying a dark lure to it… Xia Mo freezes! What a familiar voice but yet it is impossible! Cameras start flashing like mad and everyone’s attention is riveted on the person standing at the front doors. The instant he appears, everyone else becomes nothing but a shadow; the only brightness is that of his beautiful midnight black eyes, his beautiful smile… “Xia Mo – is my girlfriend.” It is Luo Xi! Luo Xi!! Wait… Yin Xia Mo… is his girlfriend?! In an apologetic voice, Luo Xi directs his attention to Xia Mo; he cannot let her suffer this kind of humiliation… so please allow him to publicly announce their relationship. Xia Mo is

conflicted; she knows what Luo Xi is trying to do but she is touched and shamed that time after time, she is always the recipient of his help. An Hui Ni has gone completely pale as she sways unsteadily on her feet. All of the reporters are now only focused on Luo Xi and Xia Mo… how could this have happened?! “I originally was planning on flying straight back from Japan when the news broke out, but Mo Mo didn’t want to worry me and said repeatedly that she could handle it on her own. Unable to protect the person I like, who was worried about my own career… I couldn’t do it and decided to fly straight back to tell everyone, that Mo Mo and I are dating! An Hui Ni, how could Mo Mo possibly give up me to ‘seduce’ your Ling Hao? You’ll be receiving a letter from my lawyer tomorrow.” As everyone stares in shock at the wooden An Hui Ni, her facial expression is her admission of guilt. And they slowly realize the truth – in an attempt to rectify the negative consequences from slapping Yin Xia Mo, An Hui Ni then decided to concoct this story to retaliate against her. And trying to protect An Hui Ni’s career, Ling Hao chose to sacrifice the innocent Yin Xia Mo, which is why he kept apologizing to her… In her shock and anger, An Hui Ni suddenly passes out. Due to Luo Xi’s appearance, Ling Hao had momentarily forgotten to continue to hold onto her and she crumples to the floor! The instant that Luo Xi appeared at the press conference, An Hui Ni’s game was over. Although Ling Hao is a catch, anyone with eyes can instantly see that Luo Xi is by far the better prize – no girl in her right mind would pick Ling Hao over Luo Xi. To give up Luo Xi to seduce Ling Hao? What a joke. “I hope that everyone will bless me and Mo Mo. But even if you don’t, we’ll still be together forever.” ******* Since that day when he momentarily lost consciousness, Ou Chen has now gained back his memory. No longer just fragments of the past, but wholly and complete pictures of his history with Xia Mo. However, gaining his memory has only added to the pain and he would almost rather not have remembered at all. Amnesia… is actually another type of happiness. Luo Xi again… The memory of five years ago now convolving with the present – this name is his life’s curse… If Luo Xi had not appeared, perhaps she would have failed and left the entertainment industry. She should be his; she is not a movie star who belongs to the entire world. Even though this departure may have caused her pain, it would have eventually passed. But to stay in the entertainment world would have created an even greater harm in the future. After she had gotten used to leaving, he would have helped her clear her name and make An Hui Ni pay. But now, Luo Xi has ruined everything.

“Luo Xi…”

Chapter 9 Since the press conference, the media outlets have been playing the same bit of news every day. An Hui Ni’s fans are torn; although Ling Hao is super hot, there’s just no way Yin Xia Mo would give up Luo Xi to be with him… Unable to control her anger, An Hui Ni has also been accepting interviews and rehashing Yin Xia Mo’s “seduction attempts” on Ling Hao. However, every time she breaks down in pitiful tears and sobs, the reporters don’t even bat an eye and instead, ask her for explicit evidence to back her claims. An Hui Ni hems and haws, and can only give an approximate time on January 12 but can’t remember at which hotel. Reporters instantly investigated Yin Xia Mo’s whereabouts on January 12 and found out that she had not been present on set. However, she had been in Zhong Ya’s office all day with Zhong Ya and her assistant, going over the script and had not left until 2am. The saddest thing is that Ling Hao had booked a hotel reservation for that night but had to fly out of the country last minute. There was no way he could have been at the hotel with An Hui Ni that night and then run into a scantily-clad Yin Xia Mo! An Hui Ni’s lies have been completely found out. This has to be the saddest and most pathetic story in the history of the entertainment industry! An Hui Ni’s fans are devastated! Their innocent and kind Ni Ni is actually such a scheming and manipulative person! Not only is she jealous of a newcomer but also concocts such a lie to pull her fans to such incredibly low lengths too! But the one to have hurt them is not anyone else but the very person they were trying to loyally protect! Such a shameless and calculating woman should leave the entertainment industry! They once so dearly loved An Hui Ni and now that has changed to extreme hatred. When fans think of how they once treated Yin Xia Mo, they are seized with shame and guilt. The fan who drove the car at Yin Xia Mo that day initiated an apology to her and begged for forgiveness. Yin Xia Mo did not pursue anything and only told fans to always take things with a grain of salt and not believe so easily at face value. No one agrees to contracting An Hui Ni anymore. She has even been released from her original contract as spokeswoman. At the same time, Ling Hao has also left the country to take some time away. Rumor has it that he has officially broken things off with An Hui Ni but out of respect from their years together, has chosen to not publicly announce the news. No longer does anyone believe any excuse or reason An Hui Ni has to say; her career and romance ruined, An Hui Ni falls ill and has to be taken instantly to the hospital. No friend or fan goes to visit her. Only reporters are there to take pictures of her pale and sickly face – “Karma; An Hui Ni’s Tears of Regret!” Luo Xi and Yin Xia Mo have become the golden couple of the industry. She is the innocent and sweet princess who would rather suffer alone and protect her prince, and he is the charming

prince who will publicly announce his personal life to protect his princess. Although there has been many rumors surrounding Luo Xi and his personal life – Shen Qiang has always been believed to be his girlfriend – this is the first time that Luo Xi has publicly announced to a relationship. Since Xia Mo is the person whom Xi Xi likes, then fans will do everything in their power to guard by this person! One night, Luo Xi and Xia Mo are at his place when she suddenly remembers that given the craziness of the past few days, she has not even had a chance to thank Luo Xi for what he did for her that day. However, Luo Xi suddenly interrupts her. “Did you miss me? The second day I was in Japan, I came down with a little cold but I was really good and instantly took the medicine you packed for me. What about you? Did you follow through with what you promised me and really, really miss me?” Silence. “You… You didn’t even miss me at all, didn’t you? You didn’t even call me once, and turned off your cell phone, and I can’t even contact you… I come back home earlier and see you at your press conference, and all I get is a dazed expression on your face… Are you not even happy to see me again? You really didn’t miss me at all…” Luo Xi worriedly asks Xia Mo if she is mad at him for intervening in her business without first getting her permission. Xia Mo is surprised at such a question; what kind of a person would she be if she got mad at him? Not being afraid of disappointing his fans, not being afraid that his agency will release him from his contract, not caring about anything except coming out to help her… What kind of a person would not be touched by this? Luo Xi laughs; how would he know what she’s thinking? She used to be like that in the past! At his bittersweet words, Xia Mo thinks back to how she used to treat Luo Xi like an enemy and realizes the truth in them. Taking Luo Xi’s hand in her own and playfully swinging it back and forth, Xia Mo lightly chants “sorry” to him, much like a little girl trying to get her way after misbehaving. Luo Xi watches Xia Mo in mild shock. In front of him, Xia Mo has always been cool and collected. Only five years ago, when she was with Ou Chen, did he ever see her act like a little playful kitten. “Are you really Yin Xia Mo? My Xia Mo is made out of ice, but how is this Xia Mo so mischievous?” “That was the outer packaging; this the real thing. You can still return, if you want.” “Too late… I’ve already announced to the entire world. You are mine. And I – am yours. Together forever, and forever loyal.” “Together forever, and forever loyal.” ******* Ou Chen is occupied going through the material that Xi Meng has researched for him. As he is going through all the information, a talk show is currently airing in the background.

She is with Luo Xi yet again! Ever since the press conference, the two have been appearing together everywhere. Their shared eye contact and their easy familiarity with each other – the public has essentially fully acknowledged their relationship together. On the talk show, the host digs for more information from the two – the next question is, where was your first kiss? Ou Chen instantly swivels his head to stare at the television. The hostess requires Luo Xi and Xia Mo to individually write their answers on a piece of paper before sharing their answers with the audience. Xia Mo writes down “airport”, hesitatingly explaining that at the time, Luo Xi was about to leave the country, and… The audience and the hostess oooh dramatically. However, when it is Luo Xi’s turn to show his answer, he has written down “beneath the cherry blossom tree”. What is this? Who has incorrectly remembered the first kiss?? “Neither. At the time, Xia Mo and I were celebrating underneath the cherry blossom tree… she was a little drunk… And so when I stole a kiss, she didn’t even know. That was really our first kiss.” A stabbing pain has pierced Ou Chen’s heart. Beneath the cherry blossom tree… that only belongs to him and Xia Mo! In that garden, that tree contains his happiest and his most painful memories… And yet she has shared memories with Luo Xi under that same tree?! Luo Xi… ******* “Innocent Love Song” has finished successfully and Xia Mo is a saddened to see it end; even though it was filled with obstacles, it was her very first acting project, after all. As she and Ling Hao bid farewell to each other, they both hope to be able to have the opportunity to work with one another again. It is after Ling Hao’s departure that Zhen En receives some shocking news. Luo Xi’s series has stopped filming… because its biggest financial contributor, Ou Hua Corporations, is unsatisfied with Luo Xi’s performance and so is requesting to switch him out with another actor! ******* While driving, Zhen En tries to assure Xia Mo that it could just be some sort of misunderstanding… However, thinking to herself, isn’t the CEO of Ou Hua Corporations Young Master…? Is it possible that Young Master is purposefully out to get Luo Xi? It couldn’t be… Xia Mo is determined to get to Luo Xi’s place but Zhen En cautions her that now may not be the best time to go there – there are bound to be reporters surrounding his house right now. Xia Mo

hesitates at Zhen En’s words, but she has been unable to reach Luo Xi since hearing the news. No one is picking up at the studio or at home and his cell phone is turned off… Seeing the look on Xia Mo’s face changes Zhen En’s mind though, and she promises Xia Mo that she will get her to Luo Xi. True enough, when they arrive at Luo Xi’s, there is a crowd of reporters waiting. Zhen En and Xia Mo push their way through the crowd, and Zhen En serves as distraction by answering the reporters’ questions for her. Luckily, the security at Luo Xi’s is attentive and escort Xia Mo back, and so the reporters are unable to follow Xia Mo. Jie Ni immediately lets Xia Mo in when she rings the doorbell, and she sees Luo Xi lounging casually on the sofa in the living room. When he sees her though, his eyes immediately light up and he holds out his hand to her. Pulling her down to sit next to him, he only smiles at her, holding her hand with both of his against his heart. Don’t worry… Xia Mo is thrown to realize that when it comes to her own business, she can remain unflappably calm and steady. But when it comes to Luo Xi’s business, she completely falls apart? Jie Ni is occupied doing damage control on her cell phone, as she speaks angrily to the other line. How dare they say that Luo Xi’s acting is not up to par! In fact, while filming, the director could not stop praising Luo Xi, so how exactly is his performance lacking, pray tell?! If you’re really so dissatisfied with Luo Xi’s acting, let’s release some of the footage to the public and let them decide whether or not it’s quality! I’m warning you; this is blasphemy against Luo Xi’s reputation! I have the right to take legal action against you! When Jie Ni furiously ends the call, Xia Mo looks worriedly at both her and Luo Xi. Luo Xi, on the other hand, laughs lightly as he doesn’t have a care in the world. Jie Ni asks him if he somehow managed to offend a higher-up at Ou Hua Corporations; this seems to be specifically targeting him… “Ou Hua Corporations… I guess I did. This seems to exactly fit his style.” “Who is it?” “Doesn’t matter. He’s threatening me with something that really doesn’t matter that much to me. And what he wants, I will never give him.” “How can it not matter?! Don’t you know how big of a help this series will be to your career? Ah Luo, you haven’t done anything else these past three months except film this! With so many newcomers entering the entertainment industry, and fans being so fickle-minded… along with this kind of news…” “What if I quit then?” Jie Ni is flabbergasted – Luo Xi has done nothing but work for this since coming back from England! Does he want to just throw it all away? Who is this person at Ou Hua Corporations?! But Luo Xi refuses to disclose the name, telling Jie Ni that no matter what, he won’t be so easily defeated. Seeing herself at a dead end, Jie Ni excuses herself and leaves Luo Xi and Xia Mo to themselves. Luo Xi continues to maintain a light and playful mood with Xia Mo, teasingly

tweaking her nose and telling her not to worry. Until Xia Mo mentions HIM; if he is doing it, then it’s all because of her – she’ll take care of it for Luo Xi. “How are you going to take care of it? Agree to the condition of returning to him, so he’ll graciously let me go? Yin Xia Mo, in your mind, he will forever be the powerful and mighty young master while I will always be the pitiful and pathetic one, right?!?” Angrily flinging out his hand, Luo Xi sends all the newspapers from the coffee table flying to the floor, and then stalks over to face the window. When Xia Mo hesitatingly calls out his name, Luo Xi remains quiet and ignores her. Xia Mo never meant her statement in that way; she had only wanted to offer her help. However, she didn’t realize until now that her making Luo Xi leave Taiwan five years ago still continues to torment him. Xia Mo cautiously walks up to Luo Xi but pauses when her eye is caught by one of the headlines – “Prince Luo Xi Abandoned as a Child!” Luo Xi’s anger is slowly turning into fear. He had thought she would immediately deny his claim, that he was just misunderstanding her – even come up behind him to hug him and tell him that no matter what, she would never leave him. However, it is so deathly quiet… So that’s how it is, isn’t it? She really does want to leave him, doesn’t she? She wants to give him up and go back to Ou Chen, and this just happens to have given her a ready excuse… Is that how it is?! Whirling around to face Xia Mo, Luo Xi then notices her staring fixedly on a newspaper – and realizes which familiar picture she is studying! Ripping the newspaper out of her hand, Luo Xi quickly scans the article before angrily crumpling the newspaper into a ball and throwing it into the garbage can. “Luo Xi…” “How much did you see? Forget it all! It’s all fake! Lies! Forget it all, do you hear me?!” “I can forget! But you have to forget too! It is because of this past that you’re always so afraid, aren’t you? You should be the one to forget, not me!” “I’m meant to always be given up on… this is my fate… To always be thrown away… just like garbage… You’re going to throw me again, aren’t you? Even if you didn’t know this, you would still throw me away… One is a royal young master and the other is just a peasant orphan…” “Are you feeling sorry for yourself now? So what if you’re an orphan, what if you were abandoned as a child? We rely on ourselves to live; every single thing we get, we earn ourselves! What’s so shameful about that?! Even if you were once abandoned, maybe those people also had their own reasons that they couldn’t tell! Didn’t you overcome this already? Why do you have to say such hurtful things? Do you want me to pity you, is that why?” “You…?!” “Let the past be in the past. Just like you just said, the Luo Xi now is strong; he won’t be so easily toppled over. You don’t need anyone’s pity because there are countless people in this world who envy your success. Fate works in interesting ways. Sometimes it’ll take something away from us but it’ll give us something in return. Luo Xi, you are what fate has gifted you. In exchange for your childhood, fate has given you your outer appearance – perfect and beautiful.” “But I don’t want…”

“Since we cannot change fate, then why not accept it? Fate hasn’t given up on you; just given you a different life. From now on… don’t say any more hurtful things to yourself…” Laying her head against Luo Xi’s chest, Xia Mo’s warm presence slowly dissolves the tension from him. As he holds her closet to him though, Luo Xi cannot chase away the feeling of unease in his heart… ******* At Luo Xi’s quiet entreat, Xia Mo ends up staying there to keep him company, watching over him while he sleeps. Luo Xi sleeps fitfully though, his mind caught in the endless nightmare of his childhood past… “Mommy… Mommy…” Mommy had taken him to the amusement park that day; so many fun things to play with! It was the happiest day of his life that he could ever remember! In fact, Mommy even bought him a big and sweet ice cream! So Mommy does love him, she does want him right?? Mommy has been calling orphanages these past few days, begging them to take him. He was so scared that he started crying and begging Mommy; he promises to be good and he’ll do really well in school! Please don’t make me an orphan, Mommy! Mommy finally promised him that she wouldn’t send him away and he was very, very good. Today they’re at the amusement park and while eating his ice cream, Mommy said that she was going to buy him some noodles for lunch so be very good and wait here, okay? One hour later… three hours later… Mommy has not returned yet. The ice cream has long since melted away. Five hours later… It is beginning to get dark and cold… As he sits there, shivering in the cold, he worries that Mommy may have gotten lost… Mommy wouldn’t abandon him; she’s just secretly hiding and making sure that he stays good… “Mommy… Mommy…” Xia Mo tries to gently wake Luo Xi up, her heart clenching at the fear in his childlike voice. The article had detailed how Luo Xi had been abandoned at nine years old at the amusement park; by the time people had found him, he had been waiting the entire night and he had fallen unconscious. He was in emergency care for three days and three nights, and the doctors were finally able to revive him. When the police had attempted to find his mother though, she had already moved away and there was no other choice except to send the child to an orphanage. As Xia Mo continues to whisper to Luo Xi – “it’s just a dream…” – her gentle voice eventually enters his dream thoughts… the voice of the person that he has spent his entire life waiting for…

Chapter 10 Since news of Luo Xi being switched out has been released, some reporters have theorized that it wouldn’t make sense for Ou Hua Corporations to just randomly break the contract when there is so much money riding on it – especially given that so many scenes will need to be re-filmed again. Given that, it has to be that Luo Xi has somehow not performed up to par. On the other hands, Luo Xi’s fans have taken this news personally as they believe that Luo Xi has always given nothing but his best. In fact, the news of Luo Xi’s childhood abandonment has only served to further increase their loyalty to him! Since their beloved Luo Luo had to go through so many trials as a kid, they will do everything they can to protect and support him! If Ou Hua Corporations dares to switch out Luo Xi, the fans will do everything in their power to make sure that the series fails! ******* Ever since he has officially taken on the business, Xi Meng has never seen Young Master let his feelings get in the way of work. Even though Young Master had specifically requested Yin Xia Mo to be the spokeswoman for Lei Ou, he had ultimately allowed the initial auditions to take place and she had won the contract purely out of her own talents. However, Young Master seems adamant about switching out Luo Xi and he won’t even justify his reasoning to the other board members. Xi Meng attempts to reason with Ou Chen on the matter; the board does not believe that there is anything wrong with Luo Xi’s performance and the series could potentially draw in a huge financial boon. However, Ou Chen remains firm to his decision and tells Xi Meng to convey to the board that this is a personal matter – he will not change his mind. As Xi Meng is leaving though, he tells Ou Chen that Yin Xia Mo is waiting to see him. Ou Chen instinctively rises and goes immediately to the door before suddenly halting; he returns to his desk and curtly acknowledges Xi Meng, who then leaves. Ou Chen begins to concentrate on the files on his desk. 4:20pm 5:30pm 7:50pm 9:10pm When Ou Chen finally dons his jacket and leaves the office, it is deep into the night and the pitter-patter of the rain can be heard hitting against the windows. There is a lone figure sitting the lobby, a cup of tea that has long since cooled in front of her. Almost instinctively sensing his presence, Xia Mo raises her head.

******* Ou Chen and Xia Mo are surrounded by darkness as they sit quietly in the dark of the car. Ou Chen steadfastly ignores Xia Mo’s presence although the pounding of his heart continues on. When Xia Mo asks him where they are going, Ou Chen coolly replies that she is free to get out of the car if she pleases. Xia Mo then asks whether he has had dinner yet, to which he tells her that it is none of her business. Suddenly, to Ou Chen’s surprise, Xia Mo tells the driver to stop. The rain is still pounding outside and when Xia Mo intends to head outside without an umbrella, Ou Chen shakes off his jacket and shoves it at her. Slightly thrown, Xia Mo only stares back at him before putting it on – “Wait… for me to come back…” However, the roaring of the rain and the pounding of Ou Chen’s own heart makes it hard for him to understand her as he watches her figure disappear in the darkness. Come back… Will she still come back? Would a person who once so cruelly left him still come back? After some time has passed, the door to the car suddenly opens and a soaked Xia Mo comes flying in. Wiping the rain off her face, Xia Mo opens the brown bag that she is now carrying and pulls out its contents – a bottle of painkillers, warm milk and a sandwich. Opening the milk and the bottle of painkillers, Xia Mo hands two pills to Ou Chen and warms him that the milk may be a little hot. Ou Chen wordlessly looks down at the offering and his heart is consumed with conflicting emotions; however, he then ends up throwing the painkillers out the car. “It’s no use! Do you think that I’m still the old Ou Chen?! The one you could always sweet-talk, the one who always gave in to you and changed his mind? Five years ago, I was the idiot who was just your toy and now you want to use the exact same tactics on me again?! Get out.” He doesn’t want to see her, doesn’t want to see her, doesn’t want to accept any of her fake kindness. Pain in her heart from hearing Ou Chen’s words, Xia Mo nevertheless offers no explanation. She only quietly screws the lid back on the medicine bottle and then opens the car door. However, as soon as she has one leg out the door, she is suddenly pulled back into the car. “Isn’t he that important to you?! Didn’t you come here to plead for him? Why don’t you say anything, why don’t you beg me?!” “What do you want me to say?” “Even if you wanted to take revenge on Luo Xi, why be so obvious? You could have a less obvious way of doing it. Just like when you arranged for me to get the Best Newcomer Award, just like you leaking out the pictures of An Hui Ni slapping me. You should be able to be a lot more subtle about it, so such a public and obvious tactic means that you really wanted me to come find you.” Xia Mo always suspected that based on her ability alone, there was no way she could have beaten Pan Nan and the others for the award. Just like the incident with An Hui Ni. “So why is it that when I do come find you, you’re so angry about it?” “You care about him a lot?” “Luo Xi is innocent, he has nothing to do with our past. If you want revenge, then come after me. Don’t hurt him.”

The pain in his heart has increased! If Luo Xi is so innocent, then why did you choose to so cruelly leave me five years ago?! Have you already forgotten what you said to me that night? The day that Luo Xi left the country, Xia Mo’s parents were killed in a car accident and Xiao Cheng was sent to the emergency room. Xia Mo kneels alone in front of her parents’ memorial; she is not only filled with heartbreak and sadness but also hatred! Ou Chen approaches her with trepidation; how did the accident happen? Will Xiao Cheng be okay? He has never seen Xia Mo like this… it is as if she has become a completely different person… Under that cherry blossom tree… staring at the greater-than-thou young master… she hates him! She has never hated someone as much as this moment! It is his fault… he has taken away everything that matters to her! Both her parents are dead, Xiao Cheng is in the hospital – she is all alone now… she is scared, so scared that she wants to scream and cry… she just wants to die… she’s scared, she’s scared, she’s scared!!! “Are you happy?” “What are you talking about?” “It’s just like what you see – people are gone, dead, hurt… You must be very happy, right? There’s no one left with me now except you… I can only see you from now on. I can only hear you. My world consists only of you… Aren’t you happy? Listen… the world is so peaceful… no one is speaking… no one is crying… peaceful as if in a dream…” “Xia Mo! What is going on? How did the car accident happen? What did the doctor say about Xiao Cheng…” “Didn’t you plan all of this? Why are you asking me?” “What?! I planned this?! You – “ “Am I wrong? You ordered Luo Xi to leave which caused Xiao Cheng to get sick, which then made Dad drive recklessly to get to him… How perfect! No, no… you didn’t actually plan all of this; you just planned the first step and then God did the rest for you.” Ou Chen is horrified! Did all of this happen because he made Luo Xi leave? When he was out of the country, he knew that she would try to change his mind and so purposely avoided her; he didn’t want her to know how much of an influence she actually has on him. However, but then to threaten to leave him if he didn’t return her calls? For Luo Xi, she actually threatened to leave him?! And so he had agreed that as long as Luo Xi left, he could care less where he ended up. But did all of this tragedy happen because of his decision to make Luo Xi leave? “In this entire world, you are the one person whom I don’t want to see the most!” “I never thought that making Luo Xi leave would…” “You never thought? Do you want to know something that I’ve always wanted to say to you in the past? I’ve never liked you! I only chose to be with you in exchange for letting my dad keep his job! I like Luo Xi! Since the first moment I laid eyes on him, I’ve liked him! You can’t even compare to a finger of his! Even though you forced him to leave, we will be together!” She doesn’t even know what she’s saying right now… she just wants to hurt him!!

“For what I’ve done… I’m sorry.” Xia Mo is stunned. This is the first time she has ever heard him apologize. But what use is it now? “Let’s – break up.” Deftly untying the green scarf from her wrist, she holds it out to Ou Chen. When he doesn’t immediately take it back though, she throws it out to the wind and it flutters to the ground. “From this moment on, you and I have absolutely nothing to do with one another!” When Ou Chen pleadingly implores what he can do so that she will forgive him, Xia Mo coldly tells him that there is nothing he can do! Her parents are lying cold and dead! And so Ou Chen kneels before her. Xia Mo freezes – and quickly turns away from him. Although there is so much anger and hate burning in her heart, she cannot bear to see Ou Chen humble himself in such a way. Ou Chen begs for her forgiveness; he promises her that he will change! And Xia Mo can no longer tell if the pain in her heart is from her own anger at him or because of the way she has so obviously hurt him… But then the image of her parents’ bloody corpses flash in her mind… Xiao Cheng who is still in critical condition… “You can never change. Unless… you’re dead.” Sitting quietly by Ou Chen, Xia Mo is brought back to the memories of that fateful night five years ago. She had really lost all reasoning then; all she had wanted to do was to hurt him. Perhaps she shouldn’t have reacted so cruelly but now it no longer really matters who’s wrong or right. What’s most important is the happiness in her hand right now. She couldn’t protect the people she cared about then but she can now. When Ou Chen flinches from his stomach pains, Xia Mo instinctively asks if he is all right; does his stomach still hurt? He should really take the medicine. However, Ou Chen refuses to accept her gesture. “Why?! Five years ago, I only sent Luo Xi away! Why did you so cruelly leave me because of that? Is Luo Xi really so important to you?! Then what am I?!” “Don’t you understand by now? You and I are of two different worlds. As long as you want something, you will do everything in your power to get it. I’m just like your doll. Because you love it so much, no one else can touch it. Not even her own brother. I was once very grateful to you because you gave my brother and my family a carefree lifestyle. But then you yourself took that happiness away from me. So I no longer want to depend on anyone to take care of me; I want to do it myself.” “…I didn’t arrange for the car accident to happen.” “I know that. But what does it matter now? From the moment you sent Luo Xi away… it had all come to an end.”

“I want to know… Were you purposely trying to make me angry that night? You said… you’ve never liked me… that you were only with me because of your dad’s work…” Did she really say that five years ago? How could she have said such words, knowing his feelings for her? Although the time she spent with him may have been like a doll, but how could she have never liked him? Xia Mo’s hesitation made Ou Chen suspicious. Yes, he knew at the beginning that she was only with him for her family. That’s why he was so scared; scared that she would leave him and so he hoped that she would see only him so that maybe one day she would slowly come to like him… “Did you… ever like me?” “No. I’ve never liked you.” “You’ve never liked me… so then you’ve always liked Luo Xi?! You say that it has nothing to do with Luo Xi but yet you refuse to forgive me? I said I would change, said that I would stop trying to control you all the time and you still left without a backward glance! If it has nothing to do with him, then why would you come find me today… You came for him, didn’t you? Then beg me… you should know… that as long as you ask me… I’d promise you anything… Since you’re not here to beg for him, then I’m going to destroy him! Whatever he films, I will destroy him! Don’t you believe that I have that ability! Then beg me…” “Fine, I beg you. Let go of Luo Xi.” She finally said it; he’s known it all along. Ou Chen stares at Xia Mo, consumed with anger and bitterness. “Is he really so important? Is he worth you sacrificing yourself to protect him?! If I said… that as long as you returned to my side, I’ll let him go… would you say yes?!” “Impossible. We can never go back.” Cannot return… Are they of two worlds now… so they can no longer return to before…

Chapter 11 News has leaked out that the young heir to Ou Hua Corporations, Ou Chen, has been sent to the hospital, suffering from severe stomach pains! However, while at the hospital, Ou Chen suddenly changes his mind about Luo Xi’s contract, retracting his previous decisions and claiming that Ou Hua Corporations is actually very pleased with Luo Xi’s peformance. The board of the company is immensely relieved as they had feared losing their financial contributors and suffering from their own economic loss. On the other hand, Luo Xi is wary of what Ou Chen is planning and still bitter on how highhanded this Young Master thinks he is to interfere with someone else’s life. Although Jie Ni and Luo Xi’s other assistants are celebrating over this latest development, he broods in silence.

If Ou Chen loses Luo Xi’s participation and his legions of fans, how will Ou Hua Corporations handle the consequences? He wants to see who will really suffer from Ou Chen’s decisions! The others are horrified that Luo Xi is contemplating refusing to go back to filming. While they understand Luo Xi’s reticence towards Ou Hua Corporations, they fear what would happen as retribution should Ou Chen decided to retaliate. Luo Xi cannot afford to get on Ou Hua Corporations’ bad side! “I’ll return on one condition. That Ou Chen holds a press conference and publicly apologizes!” There is no possible way that Young Master would consent to such a demand, Xi Meng thinks as he relates the latest news to Ou Chen. Young Master despises being in the public eye and then to issue a formal apology to a mere entertainer? Impossible. However, Xi Meng is surprised when Ou Chen not only takes the report calmly but smiles. “I’ll do it.” ******* The day of the press conference, reporters are all gathered around to catch the moment. Ou Chen is calmly waiting at the front of the room when Luo Xi strolls in casually. Catching sight of Ou Chen, Luo Xi smiles his trademark smile and starts walking towards him. Ou Chen returns his demeanor in kind. Ou Chen issues a formal statement that Ou Hua Corporations is very pleased with Luo Xi and that filming will resume immediately. At the reporters’ insistence, the two men firmly shake each other’s hands. Luo Xi smiles cheekily at Ou Chen, who coolly returns the smile. The next day of filming, Luo Xi is riding high and in a great mood; everything is going perfectly for him right now. However, as he is strolling through the set, occupied with typing on his cell phone, Luo Xi freezes as he happens to glance up. Ou Chen smiles back at Luo Xi but the smile does not reach his eyes. This time, Luo Xi’s expression remains impassive. “What are you doing here?” “I’m visiting the set, of course.” Luo Xi regards him with mild suspicion. And then smiles. Ou Chen does not offer any more and neither does Luo Xi ask for more details. However, when Ou Chen turns to leave, Luo Xi’s arrogant statement stops him in his tracks. “Last night’s press conference must have been hard for you; I’m sure it was the very first time you ever had to publicly announce in front of other people.” “I believe you’ve misunderstood the situation.”

“Oh really?”

Chapter 12 News is buzzing now about Yin Xia Mo and Luo Xi’s alleged breakup, and reporters hover around the set for Tian Xia Sheng Shi everyday to try to get the latest scoop. Since Shen Qiang is rumored to have close ties with Luo Xi, she is not left out of the spotlight either as the paparazzi clamor to get her opinion on Luo Xi’s personal life. Shen Qiang remains polite and tells them that she is not aware of the circumstances and unfortunately, cannot give them any definite answer. Luo Xi has declined to answer any questions although his outer appearance remains his ever perfect and unflappable calm, and he continues to smile and greet everyone with warmth. However, Shen Qiang’s gaze never leaves Luo Xi. In the past, whenever he was on the phone with Yin Xia Mo, his voice would become incredibly warm and intimate, chuckling softly and smiling at whatever was being said on the other line. But now, Luo Xi has thrown himself completely into work and his cell phone sits tucked away somewhere, turned off. Have they broken up…? The more pain he is in, the more beautiful he becomes. The more devastated he becomes, the more he acts like he doesn’t care. Luo Xi… is really just like a child sometimes… The reporters excitedly ask for a picture of the leading actors together. Stand closer to one another! Be more intimate, please! As Luo Xi lightly wraps his arms around Shen Qiang, she feels herself becoming heady from his surrounding warmth. However, the expressions of shock on the surrounding reporters and filming crew has them pausing and Luo Xi also turns his head towards their focus. Shen Qiang tries to do the same but is stilled by the sudden tense grip of Luo Xi’s hand. Seeing the cool expression on his face, Shen Qiang thinks of the recent news… Is it… her? Looking perfect and beautiful with a rosy smile on her lips, Xia Mo walks in with none of the typical Prima Donna attitude that most stars possess. Neither does she seem to be at all jealous of the intimate pose that Luo Xi and Shen Qiang are currently in, which actually surprises Shen Qiang. Luo Xi has not said anything, his gaze only on Xia Mo, the expression in his eyes fathomless. Everyone is aware of his relationship with Yin Xia Mo, and even more aware of the rumored breakup and they all wait in tense silence to see what his reaction will be at Yin Xia Mo’s arrival. Xia Mo acts as if nothing is out of the ordinary, holding out a bag of fruit and a big container of sushi. Jie Ni rushes to her side in excitement, asking if she is here to visit the set, to which Xia Mo smiles in kind and nods her head. As the sushi is distributed out, the filming crew are in awe at how meticulously made each piece is and the previous tension fades away. Although Shen

Qiang does not know what Yin Xia Mo’s motives are for coming, this simple act makes Shen Qiang believe that Yin Xia Mo is trying to fix the relationship. The reporters clamor around Xia Mo now and eagerly ask her if she has seen the recent news; has she and Luo Xi really separated?? Xia Mo laughs lightly; you mean people actually believe the gossip that is going around right now? Hesitation momentarily seizes them but then a reporter asks whether or not Luo Xi specifically believes the gossip. At this time, Luo Xi walks up to Xia Mo, placing an arm around her and a gentle kiss on her forehead. “Does it look like we’ve broken up?” The reporters are mildly confused. While it is true that Yin Xia Mo wouldn’t visit the set if they were separated, the feeling between them also doesn’t seem quite right… “Please help us clarify the matter in the news tomorrow; we are very well.” ******* In Luo Xi’s private room, Xia Mo sees the newspaper with the picture of her and Ou Chen at the hospital. Picking it up, her gaze rests on it for a few seconds before laughing lightly and turning to Luo Xi. “Is this why you haven’t been picking up my calls?” “Why are you here?” Xia Mo momentarily freezes at the harshness in his voice and then tries to put up a brave front. “Someone randomly decided to play MIA and so I’m here to see if he’s still on this planet.” Silence. “The fruit is all washed, so you can just eat it straight out of the bag. I made the sushi myself but might have made too much. If you can’t finish it all today, then just throw it out tomorrow.” “Thanks.” Luo Xi does not reach for the box of sushi until it is placed directly in front of him. Under Xia Mo’s direct gaze, Luo Xi only then opens the box to find about twenty pieces of sushi, all different and painstakingly created. Saying nothing, Luo Xi only stares at this offering. Slightly nervous now, Xia Mo hesitatingly asks him if he doesn’t like them. “You know what, Xia Mo? Sometimes I really worry about the day when you will be especially good to me. Someone once gave me a really big, really delicious ice cream cone but after I finished eating it, she was gone. It seems like every time I reach the highest point of my happiness, it is only the beginning of heartbreak.” Pause. “If I eat all this sushi, will you disappear too?” Hugging Luo Xi close to her, Xia Mo whispers fervently, “No, no, I won’t disappear.” “Really?” Luo Xi pushes Xia Mo away. “But, I no longer trust you.” “Is it because of the newspapers? So you’ve been refusing to pick up any of my calls these past few days?”

Luo Xi says nothing, only stares back coolly at her. The pain in Xia Mo’s heart increases. Even when An Hui Ni was so ruthlessly attacking her, Xia Mo has never felt this cold and hopeless. “You said you would believe in me.” “Yes, I did say that. But what have you given me in return?” “I didn’t lie to you.” “No, you didn’t lie to me. But you chose to purposely mislead me… When I asked if you had gone to see Ou Chen, you only said that you hadn’t agreed to some kind of a bargain with him, that you hadn’t promised him anything…” “It’s the truth.” “But I asked you whether or not you had gone to see him…” “Is there a difference? What bothers you? If you mind that I saw Ou Chen, that is a rather difficult thing to not do considering that I work for Ou Hua Corporations! If you mind whether or not I agreed to some condition for your series, I will again say it now – no!” “So… you did see him.” “… Yes.” “Did you seek him out or did he do it?” “… I sought him.” “Didn’t I tell you not to? In fact, even earlier, didn’t I ask you to not see or talk to him, regardless of the reason? And what did you promise me? You said you wouldn’t see him. You said you wouldn’t talk to him. You said that even if he saw you, you would ignore him.” “The only reason I went to see him was -” “I don’t want to hear it! You’re always so full of excuses!” “Because I don’t want our past relationship to hurt you! That has ended!” “Ended… Is that what you call your expression as you guarded over his sickly self in the hospital?! How do you expect me to believe you? You promised me you wouldn’t find him and yet you did it anyway. And then when you did see him, you purposely avoided my question when I specifically asked you. You keep saying you want nothing to do with him and yet you agreed to take on Golden Dance! Maybe you did it for yourself… Didn’t you once say that there is no love in your heart, only the desire to succeed? That to succeed, you will do anything your power. So now you’ve decided to sacrifice me for this chance?” “Is that what you really think of me?!” Seeing the ashen and pained look on Xia Mo’s face, Luo Xi feels his own heart break! No, that’s not what he really thinks of her; he never honestly suspected her! If she is really trying to be opportunistic, then she should just break up with him and not stand here trying to exclaim herself. Given her personality, if she really didn’t care about him, then she wouldn’t repeatedly call him, and even after being ignored by him, she wouldn’t have come to visit the set. But that picture of them together… with Xia Mo looking so gently down upon Ou Chen… It has created a fear and paranoia within himself, a black hole in his heart… Knock knock! “Luo Xi, your scene is up next. The director wants you to start prepping.”

Glancing back at Xia Mo, it seems that Luo Xi wants to say something but then chooses not to say anything at all. Leaving her standing there with pain building in her heart, Luo Xi walks out of the room, closing the door solidly behind him. ******* When Xia Mo later returns home that night, she takes a moment to compose herself and forces a bright smile on her face. However, when she opens the door, Xiao Cheng is not waiting for her with dinner made as is customary, and the house is consumed in darkness. Alarmed, Xia Mo instantly rushes into his bedroom and upon turning on the light, finds a pale and ashen Xiao Cheng lying motionless on the bed. Hearing Xia Mo frantically calling his name, Xiao Cheng weakly opens his eyes and smiles back at his sister. As if in still caught in a dream, Xiao Cheng tries to blink the sleepiness out of his eyes but his gaze seems to remain slightly unfocused. Realizing that Xiao Cheng is running a high fever, Xia Mo is determined to take him to the hospital, although he assures her that he just needs to rest for a little while. Changing the subject, Xiao Cheng implores his older sister to make him some chicken wings – they were so good the last time she made them… he’ll be fine… Xia Mo tells Xiao Cheng that she’ll make him some congee instead and after he’s done eating, she’s taking him immediately to see the doctor. She rushes out of the bedroom and shakily closes the door. Suddenly, Luo Xi’s coldness and harshness no longer seems so important anymore; she just wants Xiao Cheng to get better! She just wants Xiao Cheng to live happily! Xiao Cheng… will be okay… ******* The crew of Tian Xia Sheng Shi have convened at Pao Mo Bar to celebrate a successful day of filming. They are doubly excited because both Luo Xi and Shen Qiang have decided to join them for happy hour and so they are basking in being in the presence of such star power in a public venue. And in fact, Luo Xi is especially nice in person, without any of the usual star arrogance! Sitting amidst the rambunctious and loud bar, there is not a single thing that actually enters Luo Xi’s awareness, only years of training that enables him to successfully handle such social situations. There is a girl singing on stage right now. She looks very familiar to him but yet he cannot think of where he has seen her before. Gazing intently at the girl, she slowly becomes another person… A light smile and soft expression, white skin and ink black long hair, just like a beautiful little mermaid… She gazes intently back at him while singing…

“If I beg with tears in my eyes If I pretend that I don’t know you love her If I kneel before you and plead Would you stay for me” The moment of hearing her footsteps that year under the cherry blossom tree… perhaps his life was fated then. He… has no way of ever achieving happiness. Ever since Mom abandoned him that day. There is a black hole in his heart; some things have already been completely scraped away. Somehow along the way, he has become accustomed to smiling in front of strangers. A smile on his lips and yet a cold, black hole in his heart. During the night he continuously calls out midst laughter; Mom, look now; you gave up the incredibly perfect me. Do you… regret it? The sixteen year old Luo Xi sitting by himself in the backyard of the Yin family under that cherry blossom tree… hoping against hope that his mom now painfully regrets giving him up… Suddenly hearing the light footsteps and looking up in wonder! Mom has returned to find him! And then seeing the fifteen year old her Thinking back on it now, his feelings for her seemed to have appeared out of nowhere. She simply entered his heart, leaving a mark on him that could not be erased. She was able to see into his soul and yet she gave him no thought or concern. Only when he accidentally hurt Xiao Cheng’s feelings did she say anything at all to him, quickly acting like a Mother Hen and warning him off. In her heart, no one can ever compare to Xiao Cheng’s place. Sometimes he has even though that her main purpose to living was simply for Xiao Cheng. And then, she slowly came to accept him, came to accept him as part of the family. When there was fast no more warmth in his life, she gave it completely to him. Perhaps she had thought she was doing him a favor by sending him to study abroad in England; however, she has no idea how much he had hated her then! How dare she send him away simply to protect her dad’s job and allow Xiao Cheng and everyone else to live worry-free?! She didn’t even hesitate on that day. He had thought it was hatred that made her unforgettable to him while he was living in England. Until one day his wallet was stolen – his wallet containing the one picture of her – and he gave chase like a madman down several streets just to get that picture back. Only then he understood, that mixed within that hate was a much more complicated feeling… The girl on the stage continues to sing, her silhouette becoming fuzzy as she sways back and forth. Luo Xi gazes intently at her, his eyes black as night.

Five years later, he meets her again, even more unreachable than before. Perhaps at the beginning he got closer to her for revenge but then he overestimated himself. Because the closer he got to her, the more he started to love her. Even before she had fallen for him, he had already completely drowned. Even though it seems like she has slowly learned to like him, her eyes continue to carry a faraway expression in them, as if one day she will eventually leave him. Although the picture of her and Ou Chen has caused him immense pain, he actually does trust her more than he has let on. If she was really trying to leave him, she wouldn’t visit him on set to explain herself and wouldn’t be trying to so hard to make him happy. He understands – and already regrets being so rash and saying such hurtful things to her. However… he is really scared… Luo Xi’s mental wandering is broken by the sudden applause for the girl on stage; she has finished her song and now exiting. Sometime ago the other crew members had moved to the dance floor, leaving Shen Qiang next to him. “Do you know her?” “No.” Of course it wouldn’t be her. “I was just making a bet to myself… Betting when you would finally realize… that I’ve made them all leave… and that the only one left by your side is me… just me… But… haha… you’ve just been staring at that girl this entire time… not even noticing me…” “How much have you’ve had to drink?” “Drank… a lot… haha… But… I’m just pretending… to be drunk… haha…” “I’ll take you home.” “Why can’t you see me… That Yin Xia Mo… how long have you known her? I’ve been at your side this entire time… don’t you know that?” Shen Qiang suddenly throw herself at Luo Xi, tightly hugging onto him. “You never see me, do you? Even just now… you just see that strange girl… and you don’t even see me…” “Shen Qiang…” “Why can’t you see me?! I heard you and her talking this afternoon! Haha, haha, I purposely eavesdropped on you! Break up with her… If she hurts you so much… if she doesn’t make you happy…” “We’re not going to break up.” “Why?! I met you first! I liked you first! I told you a long time ago… Did you think I was just joking…?” “So what?! The amount of time you know someone and whether or not you have feelings for them are two completely different issues!” That has always been the thorn in his heart. He suddenly realizes why he is so afraid, why he said such hurtful things to Xia Mo today… It’s not that he doesn’t believe her. It’s that the person she knew first… was Ou Chen. Before he had even met her, she had already belonged to Ou Chen.

Does she really have no more feelings for Ou Chen? He still remembers five years ago how coy she was with him under the cherry blossom tree and the expression on her face as she gazed up at him… Doesn’t she realize how similar her expression in that hospital picture is to that same scene? But he realizes it and so has become so frightened that he can no longer breathe properly… “Yin Xia Mo’s feelings for you can’t even compare to a tenth of mine!” “Get away!” “Do you want me to prove it to you?” Luo Xi coldly rejects Shen Qiang’s offer – and she grabs the back of his head, forcefully pulling him towards her as she kisses him passionately. Luo Xi angrily pushes her aside; not only is he livid at the forced intimacy but worries about being caught by the paparazzi and then having Xia Mo see the picture… “That is my proof. Are you worried about the reporters? I’m not! I don’t care what or how they choose to write, even if they decide to call me slutty and shameless for chasing after you! For you, I can give up anything! Can she?! It’s always been you helping her, you sticking up for her! What has she done for you?! She’ll only step on you to get what she wants. The most she’ll do is visit you on set and give you some food, but she won’t come out and publicly announce that she will have nothing to do with Golden Dance, the series that is purposely competing with yours!” Luo Xi becomes more and more pale as he listens to Shen Qiang. Seeing the sudden indecision and pain on Luo Xi’s face, Shen Qiang also hurts with him – and kisses him again… ******* Xia Mo sits quietly in the patient room, having ignored Xiao Cheng’s protests and taken him directly to the hospital. After working with the many doctors, and running several tests, they have all informed Xia Mo that Xiao Cheng will need to stay in the hospital for further care. Seeing the pale and weakened Xiao Cheng laying on the hospital bed and yet trying to maintain a cheerful demeanor for her, Xia Mo’s heart catches in her throat. Looking at him now, she realizes that Xiao Cheng has gotten thinner, his face so pale that it almost seems translucent. But his appetite hasn’t decreased these past few days and so she had thought that he was just as healthy as before if not more… Was she wrong? Has she forgotten to do something for him? “Sis, you know that doctors react hugely to small things. I just had a small fever a few days ago but my health is really good. I can live to be eighty, no problem. Don’t worry, Sis, it’s going to be fine.” Xia Mo has already decided to stay at the hospital with Xiao Cheng, having turned down her scheduled shoots. When she had initially called Zhen En, the latter had instantly freaked out and

started yelling; however, after realizing what had happened with Xiao Cheng, Zhen En had told Xia Mo not to worry and that no matter what, she will handle everything for her! Holding his hand, Xia Mo tells Xiao Cheng to not worry as she has already cancelled her shoots for the next three days. As Xia Mo gently covers Xiao Cheng with the blanket, he tries to convince his sister otherwise but seeing the expression on her face, he decides to let it go. ******* Xiao Cheng is fast asleep while Xia Mo sits quietly at his side. She knows something must have happened. Otherwise, Xiao Cheng wouldn’t be trying so hard to hide the truth from her and the doctors wouldn’t have such a serious expression… God cannot be so cruel. He has never given Xiao Cheng anything; how can he harm him again? No… Closing her eyes tightly, her chest feeling as if a thousand rocks have been stacked against her, Xia Mo can’t even breathe…

Chapter 13 The next day, a shocking picture is published! Although the picture was obviously taken in secret and mildly blurry, but the two people caught kissing are unmistakable – media’s king and queen, Luo Xi and Shen Qiang! The buzz that this picture has created is unbelievable! Even greater than when Luo Xi backed out of Ou Hua Corporations’ series! Shen Qiang’s adoration for Luo Xi has always been public knowledge and while it was rumored that she was his girlfriend, Luo Xi never once came out in public to affirm this story. However, once he publicly declared his romance with Yin Xia Mo, Shen Qiang obviously faded into the background. But now this picture… Perhaps they have gotten back together now? The reporters all desperately try to contact Luo Xi and Shen Qiang, but their cell phones are answered by their assistants. Yin Xia Mo is also nowhere to be found and she cannot be contacted at all! ******* “I need you to prepare yourself. Xiao Cheng needs to immediately have surgery done otherwise… given his current condition, it’ll be hard for him to make it past three months.” Xia Mo has lost all feeling in her body as she stares woodenly back at the doctor. When she brokenly asks the doctor when Xiao Cheng’s condition had started to worsen, she is even more shocked to hear that it had happened last September – Xiao Cheng had known about it all along.

Last September… that was when she had first entered the entertainment industry… The doctor explains that they had tried multiple times to contact her, but she was rarely at home or unreachable at work. Xiao Cheng had promised them that he would inform her of his condition. However, when it became obvious that Xia Mo was still being kept in the dark about it, Xiao Cheng had begged the doctors to not say anything to her. Otherwise he would give up his treatment and run away from home. “Okay. Please set the surgery for as soon as possible! And give Xiao Cheng the best possible treatment! Money is not an issue!” “It’s not the issue of money. There is no suitable match right now. You know that Xiao Cheng has the very rare blood type of RH-B and it is extremely difficult to find such a blood type, let alone matching the right kidney.” Xia Mo is numbed. It’s true; even five years ago when Xiao Cheng had been in that car accident, it had been next to impossible to find enough blood for him. “But we’ve already searched the blood type records for the entire country for RH-B and we hope to find a suitable donor for Xiao Cheng. We’re going to receive some test results back this week, so please be patient; we may be able to find some donors…” ******* When a frantic Zhen En later arrives at the hospital, she finds an ashen Xia Mo standing in the hallway, lost in a daze. Zhen En has never seen such an expression on Xia Mo’s face before. Seeing the worried look on Zhen En’s face though, Xia Mo makes up an excuse about probably coming down with some bug because of the humid weather and the two then enter Xiao Cheng’s room. Xiao Cheng is lying on the bed when they come in, his face so pale that his eyes appear even bigger and blacker than usual. Xia Mo leans over to place a hand against his forehead and although Xiao Cheng instinctively moves away, she acts as if nothing has happened – his temperature is still the same as last night. While handing a glass of hot water over for Xiao Cheng to drink, he accidentally spills the liquid onto his own hand and the girls rush to clean up the mess, getting an ice pack to hold over his reddened hand. Zhen En becomes preoccupied with fussing over Xiao Cheng, and Xia Mo notices the bag of fruit that Zhen En has brought with her. Seeing her purse tipping over precariously, Xia Mo moves to righten the bag and then notices the newspaper lying askew on the very top. Thinking to reorganize the newspaper back into the purse, Xia Mo reaches for it – and freezes at the front picture. Luo Xi and Shen Qiang are locked in a kiss at a bar, and although the lighting is dimmed, there is no mistaking the two faces so intimately close to each other.

“Don’t look!” Zhen En scrambles to pull the offensive newspaper from Xia Mo’s hands; what with Xiao Cheng’s illness and now Luo Xi’s gossip – Xia Mo cannot handle any more shock! “Don’t pay any attention to such gossip! They’re probably just drunk! Or the picture’s just… the picture’s just Photoshopped!” “What else does the newspaper say?” “Nothing!” “Give it to me.” Xia Mo’s face remains blank while scanning the headlines while Zhen En stands worriedly to the side. Xiao Cheng tries to interject on Luo Xi’s behalf but Xia Mo tells him that his health is the most important thing right now; nothing else matters. For the next few hours, Xia Mo does not say anything at all and remains standing by the window, staring impassively outside. When Zhen En finally leaves, Xia Mo walks with her. “Zhen En, please cancel my contract with Golden Dance.” “What?! But… Golden Dance is a dream opportunity! And this series belongs to the Ou Hua Corporations, which you are a representative of! Do you know what could happen if you backed out now?! Your entire career could be ruined!” “I know.” ******* The newspaper of Luo Xi and Shen Qiang’s intimate picture lies open on a black business desk. “What… was her reaction?” Ou Chen hesitatingly asks Xi Meng after staring blankly at the picture for a few seconds. “Reporters have been unable to get ahold of Miss Yin, the company hasn’t been able to contact her either. She hasn’t appeared in any public venue the past two days, only Zhen En has appeared on her behalf, who’s stated that this has nothing to do with Miss Yin.” “Has nothing to do with her…” “Additionally, Zhen En has conveyed to the company that Miss Yin wishes to negate her contract for Golden Dance.” “Reason.” “It seems that Miss Yin’s younger brother is in the hospital and needs care. She hasn’t left his side once since he’s entered the hospital and has cancelled all her scheduled appearances that Ou Hua Corporations booked for her. RBS Studios and others have already expressed extreme displeasure, and Cai Ni and Zhen En are currently trying to take care of the situation. We could sue Miss Yin for backing out of her contract on Golden Dance though…” “How bad is Yin Cheng’s illness?” There is nothing more important to her than this little brother. Since she was little, she has always given the best of everything to Yin Cheng, acting like a mother hen over her hatchling.

He was once very jealous of Yin Cheng because Yin Cheng was always the most important in her heart. She must be very burdened at this time. “Yin Cheng’s illness has considerably worsened and he will need to undergo kidney surgery immediately, otherwise he is not given more than three months to live.” “Has a donor been found?” “Yin Cheng has an extremely rare blood type of RH-B and so they haven’t been able to find a suitable donor yet.” RH-B blood type… ******* The filming set for Tian Xia Sheng Shi is completely surrounded by reporters, and they are quick to follow Luo Xi and Shen Qiang everywhere, hoping for an interview or a picture. Even their homes have been set upon by the frenzied mob of paparazzi. Ever since the intimate photograph was taken, people had thought that Shen Qiang would purposely not appear in any public venues with Luo Xi but the two have continued on as before and still participate in photo shoots together, laughing quietly at a private joke. Reporters speculate whether or not Luo Xi has already decided to publicly announce his romance with Shen Qiang and so has decided to be upfront about it. When the reporters interview Shen Qiang, she simply says that Luo Xi has been her most admired friend. When they directly asked whether or not she and Luo Xi are currently dating, Shen Qiang laughs and says that it’s all up to fate. Additionally, reporters add that although Yin Xia Mo had visited Luo Xi on set the day before, he had treated her indifferently and had actually left her by herself in the dressing room after talking to her for less than half an hour! The headlines scream. LUO XI OFFICIALLY SEPARATED FROM EX-GIRLFRIEND! SHEN QIANG’S ONE-SIDED LOVE FINALLY SUCCESSFUL AFTER SO MANY YEARS! THE ENTERTAINMENT INDUSTRY’S MOST MATCHED COUPLE! CINDERELLA’S FAIRY TALE SHATTERED – THE PRINCE’S OWN LOVE SONG! ******* “No.” Luo Xi sits alone at home, on the phone. His cell phone has been ringing continuously all night and he has been answering the exact same thing to the exact same question.

“… you two aren’t dating? “No.” “That kiss at the bar…” “We were drunk and just messing around.” “That’s it?!” “Yes.” “Then you and Yin Xia Mo have broken up?” “… no.” Originally he had thought that the instant she saw the picture, she would immediately call him, demanding an explanation. And so he had made sure to keep his phone by his side for when she called and yet has received nothing but incessant questioning from reporters. In anger, he had thrusted his phone at Jie Ni and told her that even if she calls him, he doesn’t want to talk to her! But a day passes – and another one – and he finally breaks down and asks Jie Ni if she’s received a call from her yet. When Jie Ni only embarrassedly shakes her head, he feels his heart sinking into a black hole. Is she that confident that he won’t like someone else? Is this her supposed trust? No matter what the newspapers write, she’ll still remain unmoving? Or is it… that she no longer cares about him… And so he has allowed the reporters to write whatever headlines they want about him and Shen Qiang. Knowing that she is unaffected and coolly calm but even if there is a real possibility that he has someone else, that he would possibly leave her… Can she still remain unaffected and calm? But perhaps it is like what Zhen En said on her behalf – that it is none of her business. None of her business… No matter if it is five years ago or five years later. No matter how hard he works to make her like him, no matter how close he is to happiness, she can still so casually and easily leave him. He was wrong from the start. He shouldn’t have fallen in love with her, shouldn’t have allowed her to take the most important place in his life. If he hadn’t had fallen in love with her, then perhaps he could just turn away and leave, date Shen Qiang or whomever else he wished. However, he can’t stand to see the words “break up,” afraid that this will be their curse. The phone rings again. “… no. Xi Mo and I have not broken up.” *******

“Sister, are you and Brother Luo Xi… still okay?” “I told you, I just want you to take care of yourself right now. Don’t worry about other stuff.” Xiao Cheng is worried about Xia Mo though. These past few days, she has become like a stranger to him, talking to him politely and without emotion. Although she is here at his side, it is as if she is far, far away from him. “Sister… do you know… I’m really scared…” “Don’t be scared; you’ll get better.” “… scared that you’ll stay mad at me… Sister, I know you’re mad at me. Because I kept it a secret from you… so you’re mad… so you won’t talk to me… and won’t share anything with me…” “You didn’t want me to worry, so didn’t tell me. Then if I don’t want you to worry, shouldn’t I not tell you anything either?” “Sister!” “Don’t you realize… how cruel that is? I’ve always thought that you were getting better, and then suddenly I realized that it wasn’t true… what should I do… what do you… want me to do…” “I’m sorry! I thought I would get better, I thought I would get better without you knowing first…” “Xiao Cheng, don’t you know? I get scared too. I’m scared, that it’s just going to be me in this world. Mom’s gone now; it’s just you and me. I only have you as my relative. Compared to my life, compared to everything I have – you are the most important. If I could exchange anything for your health, no matter what I have to give up, even if I have to go to Hell for it, I would be willing to do so…” “Sister, I’m sorry…” “You are my life, don’t you know? If you were to live me one day and I wasn’t even able to take care of you… what do you think will happen to me? That I would think you are the world’s best little brother because I didn’t have to worry about you…? Or, do you wish for me to go with you…?” Ever since childhood, Xiao Cheng has never seen Xia Mo so forlorn. She is like a sturdy tree; no matter how strong the winds are, she will never bow down. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry! It’s all my fault… I was scared that you would worry… scared that you would be sad… Everything you’ve ever done has been for me… But yet I burden you… Sister… I want you to live happily just like other girls, laughing and crying as you please… Sometimes, I really envy Sister Zhen En… why can she laugh so happily when my own sister cannot…” “Silly. All I need is you and I’ll be very happy…” “I want Sister to be the world’s happiest woman, not just someone who has a little brother but also a love and an enjoyable career… That way… If I leave one day… Sister will still continue to live happily afterward…” After a shared bonding session between Xia Mo and Xiao Cheng in which the two each try to take the blame, Xia Mo tells him to remain optimistic; they will find a suitable donor for him.

“Sister, what’s going on with you and Brother Luo Xi?” “I… don’t know…” She hasn’t seen the newspapers in a few days and so doesn’t even know what is going on right now, and whether or not Luo Xi’s rumored romance with Shen Qiang is true or false. However, she doesn’t know whether Xiao Cheng’s illness has made her unable to worry about anything else or if she herself really doesn’t mind so much. “You haven’t seen Brother Luo Xi?” “No.” “Have you talked on the phone?” “No.” “Sister… Call Luo Xi, okay? At least let him personally explain to you what’s going on…” Yes… she should call Luo Xi… However, as she reaches to press the power button of her cell phone, she suddenly feels conflicted… ******* Sprawled on the couch of his home, Luo Xi stares mindlessly at his cell phone, as if willing it to ring on its own. He’s already been waiting a really, really long time, such a long time that he feels as if he is becoming a statue… What if she really misunderstood… So that’s why she’s waiting so long to call him… perhaps as he is waiting for her to call him, she is waiting for him to call her… Even though her personality isn’t really one to suspect or wait for others… But yet… there is that tiny possibility. Perhaps she does not really not care about him. Making up his mind, Luo Xi punches in Xia Mo’s number… ******* Xiao Cheng’s IV drip is getting low! Right before Xia Mo can press the power button on her phone “I’m calling the nurse.” “Sister, call Brother Luo Xi…” “I’ll call when I get back.” Perhaps… she really doesn’t want to make that call…

She just wants to find a suitable donor for Xiao Cheng so he’ll be healthy again… For this, she is even willing to sell her soul to the Devil… ******* Three days later. “We’ve found a suitable donor but that person hasn’t decided on whether or not to donate a kidney to Xiao Cheng yet…” “I’ll go find him, I’ll beg him!” Xia Mo can’t breathe – no matter what, she cannot let go of this opportunity! ”What is his contact information?” “His name is Ou Chen.”

Chapter 14 “Please reconsider…” Xia Mo stands in front of Ou Chen’s desk, steadily staring back at him. After standing in the lobby for over three hours, the secretary finally allowed her to come into his office. She hasn’t seen him since taking him to the hospital that night. “If my memory serves me correctly, I already declined. And regarding your contract with ‘Golden Dance,’ the company has the complete right to sue you for financial compensation and we can completely stop your public appearances. I hope you’ll think about it for a few more days so that at least both parties can maintain positive relations with each other. You may leave now.” “Please… No matter what the condition, I’ll agree to it, just as long as you donate a kidney to Xiao Cheng…” “No matter what condition… Do you think you have something that is worth me giving up my kidney?” Xia Mo freezes. “You mean – you think that even after you the way you so cruelly treated me, I would still have feelings for you? That I would agree to anything you ask just to have you? Yin Xia Mo, I think you overestimate yourself.” Xia Mo steadily tries to calm herself. She is the one who is asking a favor of him. Even if Ou Chen decides to not donate his kidney to Xiao Cheng, she has no right to force him. All she can hope for, is that he still harbors a drop of their former feelings for one another… Is this fate’s way of playing with her? Just a few days ago, she had hoped that Ou Chen would be able to forget her… And now, she begs that he still has some feeling left for her…

“Tell me your condition. No matter how much money, no matter what contract you want me to sign… I can sign a lifetime contract with the company, even… take on ‘Golden Dance’…” “It has always been Yin Cheng who was the most important to you. Never was it me nor Luo Xi. For Yin Cheng, you would even take on the series to directly compete with Luo Xi?” “Luo Xi won’t mind.” “He wouldn’t?” Ou Chen walks closer to Xia Mo to measure her carefully; she stands unblinking and unfazed. However, a desperate energy burns in her eyes – only five years ago has he ever seen such an expression on her face. The only difference is that he was the one begging her. And now, she is the one begging him. “Then what if I want something that Luo Xi would mind?” “Like what?” “For example…” Chucklingly softly, Ou Chen gently grasps Xia Mo’s chin as he leans ever closer to her, the distance between his lips and hers slowly decreasing… Xia Mo stares back at Ou Chen as his head descends but right before he can kiss her, she turns her head away at the last minute! “If you can’t even do this, then why even bother discussing conditions with me?” Ou Chen pulls out a handkerchief to wipe his lips, as if even that mere physical closeness with her had been a dirty experience. “Just leave.” “A kiss will do it?” “Perhaps.” “Fine.” It’s not that she didn’t hear the flippancy in his tone but at this moment, she no longer cares. She just wants that kidney! She just wants the kidney that will save Xiao Cheng’s life! Closing her eyes in haste and raising herself on her tiptoes, she leans in towards Ou Chen Staring at that perfect ivory face, Ou Chen feels his heart begin to speed up nervously… those lips – are coming closer and closer to his own… So close… and she will be able to kiss him! Until the moment is suddenly broken by the ringing of Xia Mo’s phone, stopping her in her tracks. Since today was the first day she had left the hospital, she had made sure to turn her phone back on in case Xiao Cheng’s illness had any development. Worried that it may be the hospital looking for her, Xia Mo fumbles for the phone – and freezes when she sees the name “Luo Xi” on the screen. Ou Chen also sees the name. “Aren’t you going to pick it up?”

Xia Mo doesn’t know what to do… she’s so close to getting what she wants! She can’t upset him now… The phone stops ringing. But just when Xia Mo is ready to breathe a sigh of relief, Luo Xi’s name flashes again! This time, Xia Mo hesitates a few seconds before determinedly pushes the power button on her cell. “Even if I kiss you, you still won’t donate your kidney, will you?” “Correct.” Although Ou Chen is flippant with his answer as he turns away from Xia Mo, his heart is clenched in pain. Who knows whether it is from seeing Luo Xi’s name or whether it is because he has been deprived of Xia Mo’s kiss. “What do I have to do to get you to agree?!” “What if I said, nothing you could do would get me to agree?” “I don’t believe you.” “Oh really? That confident, huh?” “If your records had been in the hospital files earlier, then we wouldn’t have just now been able to find you. You must have received word about Xiao Cheng’s illness and then decided to test yourself to see if you were a suitable donor, correct? So that when the hospital notified you that you were the best match, you waited for me to come find you. If so, then why don’t you just tell me what you want in exchange for that kidney? I know you don’t care about money but what about something else? As long as I can do it, I will promise you!” “So smart. But what are you going to promise me? Sex? Moving in with me? Be my lover? Is that what you think I’ll ask you?” Yes – that is exactly what she had thought he would ask her. “Will you still agree?” Xia Mo cannot respond immediately. “If you can’t, then why the big talk?” “It’s sex, isn’t it? We’ll have it a few times, and then you’ll donate your kidney to Xiao Cheng?” Flinching suddenly, Ou Chen angrily brushes a crystal off his desk, shattering it to pieces on the ground. He cannot even speak as he stares back at Xia Mo as if she is some strange creature. “What?!” “It’s only fair, there is no such thing as a free lunch. My reputation is important but your kidney is also important. I can’t just take something away without giving something in return.” However, why has her heart suddenly numbed? It is hopelessness. If she does this, does this mean that she will have to forsake something or someone in the future? But without Xiao Cheng, what meaning of life is there left? The fluttering of crazed emotions in Ou Chen’s eyes is hard to discern – even he does not know whether it it bitterness or pain. “What a self-sacrificing big sister… Except, you guessed wrong.

The reason I’ve been waiting for you is to tell you – that no matter what, I will not donate my kidney to Yin Cheng. I just wanted you to come here so that I could say it to you. Because you see… I despise you.” That night five years ago, Ou Chen knelt before Xia Mo, humbling himself to her in a way that he has never humbled himself to anyone before. “Will this… do? If it was my fault… I promise you that I’ll change… What can I do so that you’ll forgive me?!” There is no forgiveness in Xia Mo’s eyes as she turns around from the kneeling Ou Chen though. “Only… if you die…” “Do you still remember how heartless and cruel you were to me five years ago?! I begged you! And yet you didn’t even deign to turn around to look back at me.” “So are you getting your revenge now?” “If that’s what you want to call it, then yes, I am.” “If you want revenge, then just take it out on me! Xiao Cheng has nothing to do with it!” “Is there a difference? This way, you’ll hurt too.” The pain in her heart is unbearable! Xia Mo sees her mom lying like a bloodied, broken doll on the next to the stage floor… Daddy Yin and Mommy Yin’s bloodied corpses… a bloodied Xiao Cheng being wheeled into the emergency room… the white, pasty walls of the cold hospital building… the scrambling doctors and nurses… telling her to prepare herself for the worse… and now the impending deadline that she cannot escape… if she can’t get that kidney… “Then tell me… what can I do so you’ll agree?” “Nothing you can ever do will make me agree.” Nothing will ever do… nothing will ever do… And so Xia Mo tightly closes her eyes… and slowly kneels before Ou Chen. If anything, this gesture only serves to make Ou Chen angrier. “Do you think that will work?! Do you think just kneeling will make me forgive you?! Do you think kneeling will erase all the pain?!” “Everything I owe you, I will give back to you. Perhaps… if I die, you will finally be satisfied? This will be your condition?” “You…” Is she… threatening him?! Why is it that five years ago when he knelt before her, the one in pain was him. And now five years later, although she is the one kneeling before him, he still continues to be the one in heartache.

Seeing the green silk scarf fluttering in his sight, Ou Chen’s expression slowly calms. Turning away from Xia Mo and facing the window so that she cannot see the surrender in his eyes, he finally states his decision that he had made long before she appeared before him. “Marry me. Marry me, and I will give my kidney to Xiao Cheng.” ******* Xia Mo wanders aimlessly on the street, surrounded by the noise and bustle of children running and playing. She just wants to be surrounded by people so that she doesn’t have to think about anything at all, just numbly follow fate’s hand. Does she accept fate or does she not? Laughing crazily to herself, Xia Mo had originally thought that she would be able to agree to any condition that Ou Chen said – just as long as she could get that kidney for Xiao Cheng. And yet, when he had finally stated his condition… she had hesitated. Even for Xiao Cheng, she had hesitated… When Xia Mo reaches her home, she finds herself facing a mob of reporters. Instantly surrounded, they clamor to get a word in, firing question after question at her. Xia Mo ends up running through the crowd to get through the building, only able to make it inside when the building security rush out to stop the eager reporters. Was it worth it to enter the entertainment industry? She had done it for Xiao Cheng, to be able to pay his medical bills but yet every day has been so busy that her time spent with Xiao Cheng has been less and less. She hadn’t even noticed until now how bad Xiao Cheng’s illness had progressed. And now she has enough money and yet that is not what Xiao Cheng needs in order to get better… Marry me, and I will give my kidney to Xiao Cheng. And yet she had not agreed. Xia Mo is filled with shame; she is an awful sister. She has the way to save Xiao Cheng right in front of her eyes and yet she hesitated. Xiao Cheng’s life is more important than her own life and yet she hesitated. Was it because… of him… As Xia Mo exits the elevator to come to her apartment, she is frozen solid to see him sitting at her front door, as if he had been waiting for her to return for some time now. Luo Xi slowly unfurls himself from his position, smiling lightly. “Why so surprised? You don’t want to see me?” “No. Come in.” As they enter the apartment, Luo Xi finds himself accosted by the black cat, Milk, and after a brief tussle that results in Luo Xi getting nipped by him, Xia Mo gently takes the cat back. Watching her softly handle the cat, Luo Xi finds himself calming down peacefully. Originally he

had wanted to cross-examine her with questions but perhaps she does have her own reasons. Perhaps she did misunderstand… “Where you’ve been these past few days?” “….” Xia Mo hesitates, not even knowing how to answer him back. “Why is your cell always turned off?” “….” “Why haven’t you answered any of my calls?” “….” “Are you mad at me?” “….” “You’re mad so you haven’t contacted me, haven’t come back home, and haven’t answered my calls? Unless, you’re not mad…” “Are you referring to the gossip about you and Shen Qiang?” Luo Xi stares at Xia Mo in shock, his heart frozen in ice. She hasn’t been worried, she hasn’t been sad – just calm and assured, as if nothing has happened at all! So she really doesn’t care and he really doesn’t matter at all to her! “Have you seen the picture?” “Luo Xi…” “It’s true. Shen Qiang and I really did kiss.” “Luo Xi…” She can’t handle it anymore; her head’s about to explode! She’s known all along that the picture was real and not Photoshopped; she just didn’t want to think about it and chose to believe in Luo Xi instead. However, why is he choosing her most exhausted time to tell her all of this… “I don’t want to hear it… I’m really tired… These past few days…” “Does it really not matter to you?! You really don’t care at all?! What am I to you?! Is it because you’re so full of yourself that you don’t think I could like anyone else besides you? Is it because I really don’t matter to you that you don’t even care?!” “Is it wrong that I’m choosing to believe you?” “Is it because you believe me? So you don’t call me, you don’t come back home, you turn off your cell. I finally am able to reach you and then you turn your phone off. This is because you trust me or is it because you really just don’t care?” “I… I was busy at the moment and so couldn’t answer your call…” “What were you doing? Let’s hear it.” “Luo Xi…” “Can’t tell me? You wouldn’t have been with Ou Chen, would you? And so it wasn’t convenient to answer my call.” Xia Mo’s face instantly pales. Luo Xi humorlessly smiles. “Ah, so you were with him.” “It wasn’t like that!” “Then what? The one you like is Ou Chen. It’s always been Ou Chen, right? So you don’t care… Perhaps you were glad to see the gossip about me and Shen Qiang, so you won’t even have to

come up with any excuses and could just break up with me. Even better that I disappear forever from your sight, right?” Xia Mo doesn’t understand what is happening. He is the one who is wrong here g and yet she is the one being blamed. This is his scandal, he was the one caught kissing another woman and when she chose to believe him instead, she is the one in the wrong… “Luo Xi! Xiao Cheng… is really sick. I’ve been at the hospital with him these past few days so I haven’t been able to mind the gossip. And since you came here, doesn’t this prove that there is nothing true to it? Then why shouldn’t I believe you as opposed to believing the gossip?” Luo Xi is stunned, now realizing how quiet and dark the place is, a fine layer of dust coating the furniture. “How is Xiao Cheng doing?” “He’ll be fine.” “Why didn’t you tell me? Such a big thing happens and yet you just now tell me?” “… I can handle it on my own.” She knows that filming for “Tian Xia Sheng Shi” is critical right now. Additionally, he was dealing with all that gossip… is there… really nothing between him and Shen Qiang… “And yet you went to find Ou Chen. When I called you this afternoon, you were at his side, weren’t you? Answer me.” “I had something else to discuss with him.” How could she tell him that she has to marry Ou Chen in order to get that needed kidney? “What?” “… you don’t need to know…” “Oh really…” “There’s nothing going on between me and Ou Chen…” Xia Mo tightly clutches Luo Xi’s hand. With Xiao Cheng in the hospital, he is her closest relative. She wants to lean on him and let him comfort her, tell her that no matter what, everything will be okay… She doesn’t want to fight with him… Luo Xi firmly removes her hand. “How can I believe you?” As Luo Xi sits there on the couch, Milk ambles over and meowing softly, climbs into his lap. In his anger and hurt though, Luo Xi flings him away! Crying in protest, Milk ends up knocking over a box sitting on top of the shelf next to the couch, scattering its contents all over the floor. Pictures of her and Ou Chen’s past together… These were the pictures that Ou Chen had taken to Xia Mo the night of the awards ceremony… She kept those pictures… The pictures that she had thrown away that night… she had kept them by her side…

Xia Mo is stunned and moves to start gathering them together. “The reporters would have found them in the trash and then they would have caused a misunderstanding, so I picked them back up…” Even though it is true, Luo Xi won’t believe it … Xia Mo stops and looks up at Luo Xi hopelessly. “And since you already picked them back up, might as well treasure them, right?” “Luo Xi… the one I like is you.” “Let’s break up.” Such simple three words that require no effort at all and yet from Luo Xi’s lips, they come out hoarse. “Break up?” “It appears that I’m always being given up. So this time around, let me do it.” “… but the one I like is you…” He’s mad, he’s just mad and so that’s why he said such hurtful words… she just needs to explain it better to him… “This time, I don’t believe you anymore. Actually, I really don’t have much right to blame you. I did kiss Shen Qiang and we are getting ready to date each other… Yin Xia Mo, did you really think I couldn’t have anyone but you?”

Chapter 15 Luo Xi and Yin Xi Mo have publicly announced their separation! It is a bit strange though, as a reporter leaked that Luo Xi had personally said that he and Yin Xi Mo were not breaking up. And yet, just a few days later, Luo Xi announces that he and Yin Xi Mo have officially separated and two no longer have any connection to each other. Something must have happened in the middle to suddenly change Luo Xi’s mind… perhaps the rumors between Yin Xi Mo and Ou Chen are true? But Luo Xi has refused to expand any further on details, and so reporters had no choice but to give up. Even Shen Qiang has remained silent about their relationship, only smiling softly and looking at Luo Xi encouragingly every time the two publicly appear together. When they were questioned about impending nuptials, Shen Qiang only answers that it’s up to fate. Headlines read the next day – LUO XI AND SHEN QIANG DEBATING MARRIAGE! ******* At the hospital, Zhen En paces back and forth worriedly. What happened? How can they just break up? Luo Xi really likes Xia Mo; how can he be with Shen Qiang so fast already? Xia Mo must be in a lot of pain right now…

Although Xia Mo had remained impassive and calm when Zhen En had questioned her about the breakup, responding that their personalities weren’t really that compatible anymore, Zhen En knows that Xia Mo had been impacted because she has been continuously losing weight since then, her face getting more and more ashen. Whenever Xiao Cheng is not present, Xia Mo has been sinking more heavily into these quiet and moody periods. But yet… Zhen En cannot help but think it is not completely due to Luo Xi, for when Xia Mo is watching over a sleeping Xiao Cheng, her soul becomes lost in her eyes… Has Xiao Cheng’s condition worsened?! Zhen En notices that Xiao Cheng is now sitting up in bed, his pale face a mask of concentration as he dutifully draws away. “Xiao Cheng… How… are you feeling… I mean… shouldn’t you be resting? You’ve already been drawing for an hour now…” “I’m not tired. I’m almost done.” “Are you… drawing me?” Zhen En blushes as she entertains the possibility of her beloved Xiao Cheng drawing her likeness and peeks over to steal a glance, only to be slightly disappointed when she sees that he is drawing Xia Mo. But this Xia Mo… she is simply radiant in her smile… so happy and carefree in her smile… Zhen En has never seen such a smile on Xia Mo before. “So beautiful… But Xiao Cheng, when you will draw me one?” “If it makes Sister Zhen En happy, then one day I will draw you one too.” “Ah! Really?!!!! Thank you, Xiao Cheng!!!! Ah… that would be awesome…” Even though Xiao Cheng had added on that annoying “sister” to her name, she cannot contain her excitement and grabs his drawing hand in utter glee. However, she is instantly embarrassed and quickly lets go of Xiao Cheng’s hand, who acts as if nothing unusual had happened. “Sorry.” Xiao Cheng laughs. “No worries. I can always fix it.” Pause. “Sister Zhen En, do you think it’s okay that Sister goes to the party by herself?“ Zhen En pauses, as even she doesn’t understand why Xia Mo is suddenly so determined to go to the 20th Anniversary party of RBS Studios. Xia Mo had originally declined all invitations on account of taking care of Xiao Cheng but when she received RBS Studios’ invite, she had asked Zhen En who else would be attending. Zhen En had thus told her that a lot of important people would be attending, reporters would be swarming the place, and Luo Xi and Shen Qiang would most definitely be attending. Perhaps Xia Mo should just decline… However, when Xia Mo specifically asked whether or not Boss Xia [I always feel like I'm referring to a mafia leader whenever I write that... the direct translation means "boss" but it really means "manager" or "president" in this context] would be in attendance, she was adamant that she would also be going to the party.

******* RBS Studios is the most influential company in the entertainment industry and the full-scale party has been prepped days in advance. Everyone who is anyone in the entertainment world is expected to attend tonight’s party, and the reporters are all poised to get a shot of their favorite star. Clad in designer gowns, flashy jewelry and suave tuxes, no one misses a beat as all the stops have been pulled out for tonight’s event. Pan Nan and Xia Mo enter the party together and in this fairy tale land, the two are the perfect princesses. Xia Mo instantly scans the room. “Are you looking for someone? Luo Xi…?” “… no.” “Xia Mo, what is going on with you and Luo Xi?” “…” Xia Mo is racking her brain for a suitable answer when Yao Shu Er comes bumbling over to them in worry. “Xia Mo, what are you doing here? Luo Xi and Shen Qiang are bound to show up and then you know it’ll get really awkward. No one was able to get a word out from you during the whole scandal business, so why would you choose here to show up? There are so many reporters here and although they won’t bug you because it’s a party, you know they’re going to talk about it tomorrow in the headlines.” “You know Shu Er is right.” “I know, but there’s someone here I really need to find. I won’t leave until I find him.” Shu Er thinks to change Xia Mo’s mind but knows that she isn’t a hasty person. If she has a reason to be here, then she must have some kind of a reason. Deciding to let the subject go, Shu Er changes the topic. “Do you know that An Hui Ni is here?” Now there is a name that Xia Mo hasn’t heard in awhile. Since the press conference, An Hui Ni’s contracts and scheduled appearances were all cancelled, and she has essentially disappeared from the public eye. Looking at it now, it seems that the loss An Hui Ni suffered that day was permanent. “An Hui Ni was trying to get into the party but the bouncer said that she needed an invitation. You know that as a movie star, your face alone is invitation enough but the bouncer actually said that he didn’t recognize her! I don’t know if she ended up getting in or not, but she was really upset about it –” Yao Shu Er stops mid-sentence as her eyes widen at something. An Hui Ni has entered the party!

As she stalks into the party, she is flanked by the bouncers – it appears that she has forced her way in. However, RBS Studios’ executives decide to just let An Hui Ni be as opposed to possibly ruining the party atmosphere at forcibly removing her. At the same time, an air of prestige enters the room. A black tuxedo, snow-white dress shirt – and the light green silk scarf tied around his wrist. When the CEO of RBS Studios sees him enter, he instantly flanks to his side, eager to please and greet. Apparently Ou Hua Corporations is RBS Studios’ biggest investor. Apparently RBS Studios started out as a company under Ou Hua Corporations. Apparently this is Ou Hua Corporations’ young master and heir, Ou Chen. Apparently Luo Xi’s ex-girlfriend, Yin Xia Mo, broke up with him for Ou Chen. Xia Mo stands to the side as Ou Chen approaches, quickly lowering her eyes to the ground. Ou Chen steadily walks past her – he doesn’t see her at all. As if his line of sight doesn’t even notice her. She also does not directly see him – just the fluttering green silk scarf from his wrist… She doesn’t know why she didn’t agree to his condition that day. Even knowing that this kidney will save Xiao Cheng, she still didn’t agree, even hoping that she would be able to find another way, another kidney for him… And since learning of Xiao Cheng’s illness, she has been trying to contact that person and yet has been unsuccessful, only coming to this party on a small sliver of hope that she will be able to find him. What if he’s not suitable? What if Ou Chen changes his mind completely? Then she will have no more options left… “Long time no see.” An Hui Ni is standing before Xia Mo now, smiling lightly and looking deathly skinny from before. Pan Nan looks at her in distaste. “I hear you and Luo Xi have broken up. How funny; you two were so romantic at the press conference and in a blink of an eye, you have already separated! You mean… it was just an act that day? You’re really good, that you could convince Luo Xi to play along with you, using such a pathetic excuse to “prove” your innocence!” “Did you come here today just to see me?” “I just wanted to hear your explanation, that’s all.” “Fine. I once thought you were a smart girl but never imagined that you were really so dense. You’ve wasted so much effort on me, and yet it’s only helped me to get better and better. Now look at you and you still haven’t learned. Didn’t you come here tonight so that you could get another chance to reenter the entertainment world? And yet the moment you see me, you forget everything.” “You…”

“If you were just a little smarter, you would pray that everyone would slowly forget what happened to you and then make a comeback that will prove to everyone your talent. And yet here you are, wasting your efforts, making it so that no one will ever be able to forget your sordid past.” An Hui Ni glares back at Xia Mo with hatred burning in her eyes but has no immediate comeback. “Just leave. Don’t waste any more time on me. You don’t want to let tonight’s opportunity slip away.” Both Pan Nan and Yao Shu Er breathe a sigh of relief. Although they weren’t afraid of An Hui Ni, they did worry about her causing a scene. However, who would have guessed that as An Hui Ni walks away, her foot ends up caught in her long dress, and the piece of cake she is currently holding ends up smeared all over the front of Xia Mo’s dress! Everyone is stunned! What an obvious and underhanded stunt! How could RBS Studios let a person like An Hui Ni into the party?! An Hui Ni uncomprehendingly stares at the sticky mess on Xia Mo and then tries to wipe it away. However, the wiping only serves to make the oily substance spread more. Xia Mo also unsuccessfully tries to wipe away the cake. Given any other time, she would have just called it a night but the person she is looking for still hasn’t shown up – she does not want to just leave without having found him yet. Seeing the look of dismay on An Hui Ni’s face, Xia Mo realizes that it was truly an accident. “She didn’t do it on purpose…” Xia Mo’s sentence isn’t even finished before someone claims her wrist in a firm but gentle hold! Looking first down at the green scarf tied around that hand, Xia Mo continues gazing upward to see Ou Chen with a determined expression. He doesn’t look back down at her. “Let’s get you changed.” Keeping a firm grip on her wrist, Ou Chen pulls her through the crowd, weaving between the curious onlookers. ******* Speculations buzz as soon as Ou Chen and Yin Xia Mo exit the room. The nerve of An Hui Ni… Yin Xia Mo and Ou Chen do know each other… Apparently Yin Xia Mo and Luo Xi have broken up…

An Hui Ni can never make a comeback now… What is the relationship between Yin Xia Mo and Ou Chen… However, the questions cease at the entrance of another highly popular topic – Luo Xi and Shen Qiang have entered the premises! Looking at the two of them together, standing next to one another, perfectly coordinated in their brilliant formal wear… they really are a perfectly matched couple. Although this is not the first time that Luo Xi and Shen Qiang have appeared together in public, this is the first time that they have under the the appearance as a couple. Right as everyone was beginning to think that Shen Qiang’s many years of longing for Luo Xi would result in nothing, he and Yin Xia Mo just happen to break up. Although neither Luo Xi nor Shen Qiang have publicly affirmed their relationship, their appearance together at this party is essentially a silent confirmation. But then, everyone’s attention is now riveted to the staircase! It is Young Master Ou Chen again making his way down — But this time, he is accompanied by a petite woman at his side. Wearing a flowing white dress, so beautiful and yet almost giving a translucent appearance so that she appears as an angel descending down to earth. Every movement is enhanced by the glittering diamonds that sparkle down her dress. Her neck is adorned with a beautiful, glittering white gold necklace. A brilliant diamond is nestled at her throat. She is the princess of princesses, invoking a desperation to give her the world’s best things just to have one small smile from her. It is Yin Xia Mo… how very beautiful she is… And the diamond that is currently lying so snugly against her throat – the entranced audience have already recognized it as England’s most prized treasure, the “Moonlight” Diamond. The audience is caught between Shen Qiang and Yin Xia Mo! Shen Qiang carries a cool air around her, her queen-like presence making others afraid to stare too long. On the other hand, Yin Xia Mo’s pure beauty makes people never want to stop staring. Luo Xi stares silently at the two, his eyes darkening and then narrowing in on Xia Mo’s hand that is currently resting on Ou Chen’s arm. Noticing his wavering attention, Shen Qiang laughingly pulls Luo Xi forward to greet a friend, effectively cutting off his line of sight. Xia Mo also sees Luo Xi. Although she had already mentally prepared herself for the possibility of seeing him here, she is still seized with apprehension and nervousness at physically seeing him together with Shen Qiang. Stabbing, empty pain…

Ou Chen quietly studies her. Xia Mo realizes that her hand has instinctively gripped the cloth of Ou Chen’s jacket into a tight fist and she forces herself to loosen her fingers. No… she didn’t come here for Luo Xi… She has far more important things to do… “The person you are looking for is over there.” Xia Mo looks up at Ou Chen in surprise and then glances over to the area he had referred to; it is true! In too much of a hurry to wonder how Ou Chen had known that she was here to look for that person, Xia Mo picks up her pace and follows Ou Chen as he guides her to her target. “President Xia, long time no see.” Seeing that it is Ou Hua Corporations’ Young Master Ou Chen, the fifty-something year old man ends his conversation and turns to smile pleasantly at Ou Chen. “Yes, long time no see.” “If you don’t mind, I would like to introduce a friend of mine to you. This is Miss Yin Xia Mo. Xia Mo, this is Xing Dian Company’s CEO, Mr. Xia Ying Bo.” As President Xia and Xia Mo exchange greetings, a memory flashes through President Xia’s mind. It is the injured girl from that one year, trembling and covered in wounds. Remembering that even then her face had been covered in injuries, and now seeing how flawlessly it has healed. Now she is a famous star. He had seen her face on TV recently but didn’t pay much close attention until now. Well, the past is the past now. Since she is already a movie star, she must not want to drudge up the past again. “I’m sorry but could I have your contact information?” “Don’t you think you’re pushing it a little far?” Xia Mo’s urgent inquiry is cut short by another clear, feminine voice. It is Shen Qiang, guiding Luo Xi besides her. “I know you’re all about bettering yourself but could you at least try to be smarter about it? Your current boss is right next to you and you’re already scoping out your next one?” Xia Mo is momentarily surprised and then understands Shen Qiang’s meaning. Ignoring Shen Qiang, she turns back to President Xia. “President Xia, is it possible?” “It’s not possible.” Shen Qiang snaps. “I’m sorry, I’m asking President Xia here.” “And I’m answering for him.” “Xiao Qiang, let’s be mature here.” President Xia finally intercedes, realizing that Xia Mo must be the person who has been trying to contact him while he was out of the country. He turns back to Xia Mo, who tries to explain why she would like a moment alone with him but Shen Qiang is not having any of it.

“Yin Xia Mo, I’m telling you. I don’t care what business you have, if President Xia contacts you or helps you in any way, then he is forcing me out of his company! Because, it is an insult to be connected to someone like you in any way! Why should I be polite to someone who only steps on others and uses them to get what she wants?!” Insult… Only knows to use people… Steps on others… Is this what he told Shen Qiang?! Unable to control herself, Xia Mo looks wildly at Luo Xi – Who has also been staring at her this entire time, a complex play of emotions running across his face. The instant Luo Xi realizes that her attention is now directed at him though, he smiles softly and places a gentle hand on Shen Qiang’s shoulder. “I haven’t eaten dinner yet, so I’m a bit hungry. Come with me?” Giving one final death glare at Xia Mo, Shen Qiang follows Luo Xi, half-dragged, half-hugged by him. Watching the two walk away, Xia Mo feels her heart completely and wholly die. “President Xia, I heard that the reason you left the country was to undergo treatment?” Ou Chen’s carefully blank gaze finally leaves Xia Mo, as if the previous encounter was a play that had nothing to do with him. Only when Luo Xi leaves, will he finally do what he needs to do. “That’s right; you get older and your body stops listening to you.” “Well, the science is definitely far superior now. A kidney infection isn’t something too severe though, so as long as you continue to take care of it properly…” “Kidney infection…? You have a kidney infection?!” Xia Mo cannot believe her ears as she sees her final hope slipping away from her. She can only agree now… can only agree… As if from a far, faraway place, she hears a noise ringing at her… Numbly pulling out her cell phone from her purse, Xia Mo sees “Zhen En” on the screen and is instantly filled with panic! “Xiao Cheng fainted!!!! Hurry back!!! The doctors are trying to save him right now! I’m scared!!! Xia Mo, I’m so scared!! Don’t leave me here by myself!!! Hurry back!!! I’m scared!!” Xia Mo’s head is spinning, her throat is caught. It’s her, she’s the one who doomed Xiao Cheng… so selfish… she wouldn’t agree and now Xiao Cheng is dead… dead… dead… it’s her… she did it… it’s all her fault… IT’S ALL HER FAULT!!! In the middle of the party-filled room, Yin Xia Mo suddenly lets loose a hoarse cry and then rushes towards the exit. Running faster and faster… faster and faster… like a crazy person she runs out of the building!

A stunned Luo Xi stares at Xia Mo’s departing figure and he instinctively places his fork back down, getting up to chase after her when Shen Qiang stops him, drawing his attention to the now disappearing Ou Chen who had followed Xia Mo out. Luo Xi stands there, numbed. This feeling of emptiness far surpasses any pain she had ever inflicted on him. Pain, but at least they were still together then. And hollowness now, as he feels his life completely shattering. ******* When Luo Xi finally dashes out of the building after them, the night is dark – there are no stars, no wind and the rain steadily drips down onto him. There’s no her… Can’t find her… She’s disappeared… “Why were you so stupid?” It’s her… Is it her… Luo Xi freezes, his heart beating wildly… He was wrong! He was wrong! He shouldn’t have asked for so much! He shouldn’t have demanded that she be jealous! He shouldn’t have demanded that he be the only important person in her life… He knows he was wrong now… Luo Xi blinks as he tries to find her in the darkness, breathing heavily… As long as she gives him another chance… just one more chance… He’ll never let her leave again… The rain continues to fall. It is Pan Nan, holding out an umbrella as she walks towards him. “Since you still like Xia Mo, then why did you cause all that gossip, pushing her away yourself?” ******* Xia Mo sits shaking in the car, her hands tightly clutching her phone in a death grip. The rain from her hair drips down steadily onto her face. Zhen En had just called, informing her that Xiao Cheng is no longer in any immediate danger and to not worry, also apologizing profusely for freaking out earlier and overreacting.

Ou Chen steadily wipes the rain away from her face with a towel. She is like a wooden doll, unmoving and sitting still, so numb that she can no longer even feel the pain in her chest… So numb that she cannot feel anything at all. “Didn’t you once say, that you would give up your own life for Yin Cheng…” Ou Chen continues to gently wipe Xia Mo’s face, his voice hoarse. “… Marrying me… is it really worse than death?”


Chapter 1 The doors to the hospital burst open as Xia Mo rushes through, nearly tripping over her flowing dress in her haste to get to Xiao Cheng! Ou Chen steadies her with a gentle hand, although she seems uncomprehending of anything else except getting to Xiao Cheng as she pushes his hand away. A tear-stained Zhen En looks up when she hears the scramble of footsteps coming towards her and calls out Xia Mo’s name. However, she pauses in concern when she sees Xia Mo, palefaced and her body consumed with shakes. What has happened to Xia Mo? This isn’t her… the Xia Mo she knows is always so composed and collected, just like a steady tree. If Xia Mo collapses too, what will everyone do? “Don’t panic; how is Yin Cheng doing?” Zhen En cannot contain her shock; it is Ou Chen. What is he doing here? “Xiao Cheng… Xiao Cheng is okay now… Xia Mo, you don’t have to worry; the doctors say he’s doing fine now… It was just me freaking out, Xia Mo… I’m sorry…”

Zhen En’s words don’t seem to get through to Xia Mo at first though, who continues to numbly stand there. Ou Chen turns her around to face him, worry and pain in his voice. “Did you hear? It’s okay; Yin Cheng is okay!” “He’s… okay?” “Don’t cry…” Ou Chen’s voice seems to slowly wake Xia Mo from her stupor, and her original self seems to return. Turning back to Zhen En, Xia Mo calmly asks if Xiao Cheng is awake yet, to which Zhen En responds in the negative. However, she cannot stop apologizing for worrying Xia Mo earlier and assuring that Xiao Cheng is in no immediate danger. ******* Xia Mo stands guard over Xiao Cheng in his room, who looks like a sleeping prince in bed. His sallow appearance has not improved and as she gently lays a hand against his shoulder, Xia Mo feels all her energy suddenly leaving her. Someone gently supports her and Xia Mo looks over to see a concerned nurse helping her stand, asking if she is all right. When Xia Mo assures the nurse that she will be okay, she slowly lowers herself to sit next to Xiao Cheng while Zhen En hovers in the corner. Zhen En is consumed by a feeling of helplessness and stupidity; she wishes she could say something reassuring but the only thing it seems she can do right now is to stay with Xia Mo and Xiao Cheng. Watching the peaceful Xiao Cheng lying there and the blank Xia Mo sitting next to him, Zhen En is seized with pain and a tinge of bitterness. It is as if the world only belong to this pair of siblings and she is forever fated to be an outsider. However, she catches sight of Ou Chen through the glass window of the door, patiently waiting outside in the hallway. She had thought that Ou Chen would follow Xia Mo into the room but he had suddenly stopped mid-halt, allowing the door to slowly close in front of him. The distance separating them could just be a pane of glass. Or it could be a much greater and farther distance. The always great and superior young master Ou Chen suddenly seems very lonely and isolated in Zhen En’s mind. His eyes may be cold as usual but as he stands there gazing at Xia Mo with the pane of glass between them, he watches her as if she is the last light of hope in his life – a light of hope that if taken away will be the very death of him. Xia Mo holds Xiao Cheng’s hand lightly for fear of waking him. She remembers the day he was born; she was only four years old but she still clearly remembers what an adorable sight he was, lying next to their mom. She had reached out curiously to poke him in the face and he had actually smiled in glee at her. Because Mom had always been busy working, she had always been by herself – but now she had Xiao Cheng. She fed him milk everyday, changed his diapers, rocked him to sleep, sang him songs and pushed his baby stroller outside so that he could get some sun.

Even Xiao Cheng’s first words had been “sister”. But… but she didn’t take care of Xiao Cheng… but she didn’t know that he had been in the pouring rain for a whole night four years ago and then had to be taken to the hospital… but her blood type doesn’t match Xiao Cheng’s… but her kidney cannot be given to him… ******* Her cell phone is turned off… he can’t find her… he can’t find her in the pouring rain… Since Luo Xi had run out of the party after her, it is as if she has disappeared completely in the night. Where could she have gone? What has happened to her? Why had she run out of the party like that, her face so completely ashen… Something must have happened to her! The instant she had run out of the party with that expression on her face, it was like she was permanently leaving his life forever. Terrified and devastated at this possibility, he could no longer bring himself to care about whatever was going on with her and Ou Chen – he had to find her, he had to immediately find her! But… where did she go… Her home was completely darkened, as if no one has lived there for a long time. He had relentless kept ringing her doorbell anyway, hoping against hope that she would open the door for him. He won’t suspect her again. Even if she is somehow involved with Ou Chen, he won’t ever suspect her again! Where did she go… Luo Xi is filled with fear and trepidation. If he cannot find her now, then he will never be able to find her… He suddenly remembers what she once said… Xiao Cheng is sick and in the hospital… Ripping out his cell phone, he begins calling every single hospital… ******* After some time finally passes, Xiao Cheng slowly wakens. Zhen En excitedly calls his name and Xia Mo slowly realizes that his hand had slightly shifted while being cradled in her own. “Sister… I’ve worried you again…” “Of course not; you were just a bit tired, so you fell asleep, that’s all. I think you’ve been spending too much time drawing though so you need to remember to rest, okay?” “Okay… Sister, your dress is really pretty… About the party… did you have fun…?” “Yeah, I had fun. A lot of friends were there and it was decorated beautifully, just like a fairy tale…” Xia Mo’s soothing voice gently lulls Xiao Cheng to sleep. When she moves away from

his bedside, her movements are stiff and controlled, as if she is shouldering a heavy load on her shoulders. The smile has completely left her expression now, and it is as if she has become a different person now that Xiao Cheng is fast asleep. Walking out of the room and yet seeing nothing, her footsteps bring her closer, step by step, to that person. Until she faces Ou Chen and lift her head to gaze into his fathomless, black eyes as deep as the ocean. Luo Xi races up the stairs, having just acquired Xiao Cheng’s room number from the nurses. Running madly through the hallways to the room, Luo Xi can only silently repeat to himself like a mantra – she must be there! She must be there! “I agree… as long as you give your kidney to Xiao Cheng… then… let’s get married…” Zhen En cannot believe her ears as she stands around the corner; what is she hearing?! Xiao Cheng needs a kidney? And Ou Chen is using that to force Xia Mo to marry him? Has the world gone crazy?! Ou Chen is taken aback as he stares back at Xia Mo. He had thought that he had lost. Actually, the moment he had witnessed her so defeated and ashen, he had already admitted his lost; he does not want to be the one who torments her even if this is his one way of being with her. And so he had planned on telling her that he was retracting his condition — but now she has agreed… However, her pain is so transparent that Ou Chen feels absolutely no joy at her answer. Seeing the emptiness in her eyes also creates a hole in his own heart… But even if it is an eternal pit of darkness, even if there will never be any light again, to forsake this one chance and to thus lose her forever – how will he be able to continue living… And so Ou Chen reaches out and gently enfolds Xia Mo in a hug, bringing her in close to his own body… …As Luo Xi stands watching at the end of the hallway, rain dripping steadily from him onto the ground. He watches Ou Chen holding Xia Mo and can only stand there completely numbed. His heart slowly freezing beat by beat as he watches her being held so closely… And he slowly turns away. “Okay, let’s get married.” ******* That night, Luo Xi runs a high fever. All the windows have been opened, allowing the frigid wind to blow into the place. Luo Xi lies, shivering on his bed, still wearing his rain-drenched clothes. Actually, he hates Mommy… Even if Mommy regrets and comes back to find him, he still wouldn’t forgive her… he’s never going to love her again because he hates her…

But Mommy never came back… So she… she won’t come back either, will she… The stronger the love the stronger the fear… And so when he had been afraid that she was going to leave him first, per his nature he pushed her away first. He cannot bear to be forsaken again and so he had turned her away first… But, if she had just given some small sign, he would come back! He clearly understands that when it comes to her, he cannot resist… But he forgot… that no one would ever want him to stay… “Then… let’s get married…” She has finally… really left him now… The next day, Luo Xi was scheduled to appear at a shoot but never showed up. Out of concern, Jie Ni went to his place and found a feverish Luo Xi still shivering and shaking. The doctor of the apartment complex said that the fever is a result of being out in the cold too long; if it doesn’t break soon, then Luo Xi needs to be taken to the hospital. Luo Xi runs a fever for two days and two nights. Although Jie Ni is never able to quite understand what he says in those fever-induced hazes, she can clearly hear the name he hoarsely cries out repeatedly, leading her to suspect that something must have happened between him and Xia Mo. Jie Ni tries to call Xia Mo during this time but her cell phone is always turned off. Probably hearing the news from the studio company, Shen Qiang sits with Luo Xi day in and night out, even through the moments in which Luo Xi pleads repeatedly for Xia Mo. The sadness on Shen Qiang’s face becomes so apparent that even Jie Ni feels her own heart breaking with Shen Qiang’s. Slowly, Luo Xi’s fever breaks. Jie Ni is still racking her brain for a way to get in touch with Xia Mo, who most likely is not even aware that Luo Xi has been sick. However, she sees that day’s newspaper bearing the headlines and can only gape open-mouthed at them – LUO XI’S GIRLFRIEND YIN XIA MO ABOUT TO MARRY INTO THE WEALTHY! YIN XIA MO AND YOUNG MASTER OU CHEN’S MARRIAGE DATE SETTLED! ******* Media is buzzing with the news of Yin Xia Mo’s impending marriage to the wealthy heir of Ou Hua Corporations! What kind of a woman is this Yin Xia Mo that she can not only make Entertainment King Luo Xi fall for her but also the typically shielded and private young master Ou Chen??

Reporters have been clamoring to get an interview from Luo Xi but the young star has remained secluded since the news broke out; rumor has it that Luo Xi fell ill due to receiving the shocking news but his studio company has refuted such claims, and said that filming for the new series has simply been too consuming. Due to the hectic schedule, Luo Xi has had to cancel some originally scheduled shoots. Luo Xi is still weakened by his fever but has thrown himself completely into filming. Jie Ni is explaining the upcoming week’s schedule to him, adding that he has received another invitation to a public appearing. Luo Xi flippantly and quickly agrees to the invite even though Jie Ni advises him against adding another commitment to his already full plate. Their conversation is eventually brought to a halt though when Jie Ni spies more newspapers with the same headlines of the past few weeks. In the past, Luo Xi had declined all public appearings that were not important just to have time during the night to spend with Xia Mo. However, now he accepts anything that is offered and his schedule is completely filled with no time to rest and even no time for himself. Even when Shen Qiang calls repeatedly for the tenth time, he always has Jie Ni answer for him. Hesitatingly, Jie Ni asks Luo Xi if perhaps he wishes to find Xia Mo… “Find her? So that I can congratulate her?” “No! I just think… that there must be some kind of misunderstanding… perhaps the gossip about you and Shen Qiang caused her to misunderstand the situation… or Xia Mo has some reason… perhaps… it can still be fixed…” “What if I saw it with my own eyes?” “Even if you saw it with your own eyes, there’s still a possibility of it being false. Like the gossip about you and Shen Qiang, and that picture… you weren’t really dating her…” Still a possibility of it being false? Yes… didn’t he once purposely riled up the gossip about him and Shen Qiang and even initiated the breakup? Then would Xia Mo… also just be faking it… to get back at him, to make him jealous… Remembering all the hurtful things he once said to her, Luo Xi’s lips whiten… ******** At the bookstore, Xia Mo concentrates on finding art books, pulling each one out to study carefully. The doctors had advised her that Xiao Cheng would need a lot of rest in preparation for the surgery and so he has been very obedient, listening to her and not drawing as much. And so as a reward, Xia Mo decides to buy him some art books. Originally, she had planned on coming by herself but since Ou Chen happened to stop by, he has also accompanied her. As Xia Mo browses through the books, she notices that she and Ou Chen are the only customers in the store. When she has visited the bookstore in the past though, while it may not have been bustling, there have always been at least a few customers… Xia Mo quickly sneaks a glance over at Ou Chen, who is quietly selecting his own stack of books.

Since agreeing to Ou Chen’s condition at the hospital that night, the media seems to have already received word about their upcoming marriage. Xia Mo has no idea how they figured it out so soon already and has no desire to know; she had earlier already become numbed by the media craze. This is the price she has to pay. There is no such thing as a free lunch and if she wants something, then she must pay for it. Xia Mo is taken aback when she realizes that Ou Chen has caught up with her and deftly taken her books from her. Although hesitating for a brief moment, she allows him to do so. Since she has already agreed to marry him, she might as well start getting used to his presence. However, there is still a book she has yet to buy… where is that “From Monet to Picasso”? Unfortunately, the bookstore does not seem to carry this book and so Xia Mo goes to pay for her purchases. As the cashier is ringing up her price, Xia Mo begins to take cash out of her purse when she realizes that Ou Chen has already brought out his gold card and handed it over. However, Xia Mo insists on using her cash and the cashier wavers momentarily. Xia Mo does not turn to look back at Ou Chen, only holding out her money and staring straight back at the cashier. And so Ou Chen slowly takes his card back. However, as Ou Chen pays for his own purchases, Xia Mo sees that all of his books are also art books, and yet not one of them is a repeat of her own purchase. “Do you have ‘From Monet to Picasso’?” Xia Mo looks up in surprise! On their way over, she had briefly shown Xiao Cheng’s list of desired books to Ou Chen but it had only been but a glimpse. And yet he remembered everything that had been listed. The cashier apologetically tells Ou Chen that they are out and will be receiving more stock in a few days. Ou Chen nods his head in acceptance and the two make their way out of the store. As they are exiting, Xia Mo notices the “Temporarily Closed for Business” sign hanging on the front door which is quickly flipped back over upon their exit. Even when they were younger, he was always like this. Surrounded by the public, she has always felt like she was naught but a small pet he was keeping. However, from a different perspective, perhaps this is also his way of protecting her… Sitting silently in the car on their way back to the hospital, Ou Chen is first to break the silence. “I’m sorry; those headlines must be troublesome to you.” “No worries. Since we’ve decided to get marry, they were bound to find out sooner or later.” “I’ll take care of it.”

“Thank you.” “Will you… regret it?” “Do you regret it?” “No.” “… There’s something I’ve been meaning to say to you but haven’t had the chance to…” “What is it?” “Thank you… for giving your kidney to Xiao Cheng. These past few days I’ve been thinking… perhaps I’ve been too selfish. The surgery will obviously have a potential of risk to yourself and yet I’ve been demanding that you must give your kidney up. Thinking about it now, I went too far.” “You don’t hate me?” “At the beginning, I did hate you. But what reason do I have to hate you? Xiao Cheng is my little brother, not yours. Your body and your health are most important to you and even if you say no, I have no right to blame you.” Ou Chen gazes back at Xia Mo. Sitting there surrounded by the afternoon sunlight and glistening raindrops on the window next to her, she is so obviously physically next to him and yet he feels as if he could never touch her. “Perhaps… we could push back the wedding date… until Yin Cheng gets better…” Until she can truly accept him… But then, how long must he wait? He’s been waiting since he was fourteen years old; how much longer does he need to wait? And will Luo Xi even give him that chance… Staring at Ou Chen in surprise, a few beats pass before Xia Mo responds. “Since the wedding date has already been decided, then let’s just keep it. I willingly agreed to this and after the wedding, I will do my best to be a good wife to you.” Wife… Ou Chen slowly feels a warmth seeping through him… They arrive at the hospital when Xi Meng calls Ou Chen, reminding him about a five o’clock appointment. Xia Mo thanks him for his company and politely declines his offer to walk her to Xiao Cheng’s room. Hefting the books herself, Ou Chen silently watches her departing figure as she makes her way through the misting rain to the front door of the hospital. She never once turns back around to look at him. ******* Xia Mo does not calm down until she is well beyond the front doors and can no longer feel that steady gaze on her back. Only then does she allow herself to relax her stance. Whenever she is with him, she always feels a sense of judgment passed on that makes her feel a need to repent for something.

She is the one who pleaded for his kidney to give to Xiao Cheng. She is the one who agreed to his condition. Then, she should try her hardest to meet him halfway. It is only fair… But, she cannot do it. She tried to use her acting skills to the best of her ability but she knows that they cannot trick Ou Chen. Has she somehow hurt him again today…? She has already forgotten the memory of five years ago, no matter if it was the hate for him under that cherry blossom tree or swearing in that black pit that she would never forgive him… it has all turned into smoke. Perhaps in his mind, her existence is even more of a traumatic event… Without even being aware of it, Xia Mo has arrived at Xiao Cheng’s room. Pasting a smile onto her face, Xia Mo lightly knocks on the door before entering. “Sister…” Xiao Cheng is currently right in the middle of drawing something as he sits up in bed, drawing pad in lap. Xia Mo lightly admonishes him for disobeying her but then delightedly shows him what she has purchased for him from the bookstore. As Xia Mo begins laying book after book in front of Xiao Cheng, she notices a fidgeting Zhen En standing in by the window. Xia Mo greets her but then notices the strange expression on Zhen En’s face, as if Xia Mo’s entrance wasn’t very well-timed – and then her eyes slide to a corner of the room right behind Xia Mo. Xia Mo follows her gaze – Luo Xi slowly stands up from the couch, his eyes ink-black as they stare straight into her own. “Long time no see.”

Chapter 2 “I’m sorry that I just now came to visit Xiao Cheng… I did look for you… and tried calling you… but you never turned on your cell…” “It needs to be quiet at the hospital, so I turned it off…” “Really…” Luo Xi studies the carefully composed look in Xia Mo’s eyes, her expression as if she is simply looking upon a friend whom she has not seen in awhile. In that moment when she had entered the room and noticed his presence, a look of surprise and desperation had flared in her eyes, leading him to believe that perhaps he still has a place in her heart… did he see wrong… Luo Xi asks how Xiao Cheng’s illness is faring and Xia Mo responds neutrally, the conversation between the two slightly stilted and a bit unnatural. Hesitatingly, Luo Xi tells her that he may occasionally come visit Xiao Cheng… if that’s not too much of a problem… “There’s no need.”

Luo Xi is stunned. The words that he so painstakingly rehearsed on his way over here are instantly forgotten by her simple three words. Feeling bitterness course through him, Luo Xi is unable to control his next statement. “What? Are you worried that I’ll run into Ou Chen? That I’ll cause you trouble?” “If that’s what you think, then fine.” She can’t even bother with making up an excuse now, can she? Then what is he still even doing here?! Luo Xi no longer wants to stay there but just as he is about to turn around and walk away, reasoning comes back to him. Although there is still a stabbing pain in his heart, Luo Xi realizes that this is his last chance. If he walks away now, then he’ll never be able to get her back… “I’m sorry.” Actually, those are words that she should be saying to him! Seeing his tormented expression, her originally numbed heart begins to feel pain again; however, what can she say to him now? Since agreeing to Ou Chen’s condition, she no longer has the right to say anything at all… A few moments pass without either person saying anything. Luo Xi then mentions that he ran into a media executive the other day who still remembered who they were. At Xia Mo’s inquiring gaze, Luo Xi reminds her of the singing contest they participated in along with Xiao Cheng – and begins softly humming the song they sang together… Xia Mo watches Luo Xi as he hums to her, and the smallest of smiles begins to spread on her face. It is as if the past few days never even happened and time simply stands still in that moment for them… “When I was by myself in England, I often thought I was stupid for even thinking of this memory, that I would let this brief moment of happiness trick me. Haven’t I learned enough from past experiences already? But without these memories… perhaps I would have given up on myself in England. So I told myself, I will come back and ask why I was the one who was given up. But now, it no longer seems so important.” Pause. “But why am I the one being given up again this time?” “Luo Xi… weren’t you the one who wanted to break up?” ******* Ou Chen stares broodingly out the car. Can finally be with her. Can finally combine his life with her life together. Can finally wake up every day and have her be the first one he sees, can have her warmth infuse his world, can always see her face, can no longer be afraid of having her forget him…

But her unhappiness is like a knife that cuts harshly through his heart. Even though she smiles at him and tries so hard to act in front of him, she cannot hide the hollowness in her eyes from him. He knows that in reality she… And so Ou Chen clenches his cell phone tightly in his fist for the longest time before finally making a call, staring out the window into the rain and yet seeing her departing figure. “… the wedding… postpone it.” ******* “Did I say that?” Luo Xi laughs although it is self-deprecating. “But don’t lovers do that when they fight? And then they make up and they’re even better than before? Isn’t that how it’s supposed to be…” Xia Mo starts laughing incredulously as she looks away; she cannot look at him, she cannot listen to him… she forces herself to become completely numb! She no longer has the right to choose… everything has been decided already… “There’s no Shen Qiang, there’s no one else…” “It has nothing to do with her. I once trusted that there was nothing between you and Shen Qiang, and yet that ended up hurting you, making you think that I didn’t care about you. Perhaps, we are not suited for each other. Because you don’t trust easily, you need to have someone who can completely and wholly love you. Someone who’ll get jealous if there are dating rumors; someone who will worry about you if you come home late; someone who’ll get mad if you end up spending more time working than with her…” “You mean you can’t?” “I can’t. I won’t get jealous. If I trust you, then I won’t believe that the rumors are true. If I don’t believe you, then I’ll just leave. In fact, there are a lot of things that are more important to me than love. You won’t be my everything.” And so, they are not really suited for one another and will probably end up breaking up, anyway. Perhaps it is better to separate now to lessen the pain. She assures herself repeatedly of this, not daring to look into his eyes. “Like what? What else would be more important than me? Xiao Cheng is more important than me, right?” “… yes.” “And what else? Your career?” Xia Mo’s lips tremble, not knowing whether to refute his claims or to continue making excuses. But what’s the point? She needs to completely end things as opposed to standing here and giving them a reason to fight. But, how come… she can’t say anything at all…

“And your friends, Zhen En, Pan Nan, even Yao Shu Er, Jie Ni… they’re all more important than me?” “Luo Xi…” “No problem. What if I can accept everything, then will it be okay?” Luo Xi smiles softly at Xia Mo. “If I accept everything, if I promise to not be so rash in the future, if I apologize for all the cruel things I said to you in the past… then, will you not be mad anymore and stop talking about breaking up?” ******* When Ou Chen is asked what specific date he would like to postpone the wedding date to, he cannot respond properly and only says that preparations are being temporarily delayed. How long… until she’ll truly accept him… Or will this day never even happen… Glancing down, Ou Chen realizes that his bag of books is still sitting there. Originally, he was going to give it to Xia Mo to give to Yin Cheng together but she had left in such a hurry that he had completely forgotten. The paper bag lies there inconspicuously as if someone had simply thrown it away. Noticing an art store, Ou Chen instantly stops the driver. Later returning back to the car, he carries “From Monet to Picasso” in his hand and tells the chauffeur to drive back to the hospital. ******* “Xia Mo, I was wrong… I like you too much, I was too afraid of losing you… so I over-analyzed everything and acted immaturely… but, since it was my first time, there’s still another chance to fix it, right?” “I’m sorry… It’s not you… it’s me…” She does not understand why she suddenly can’t seem to breathe properly. She thought that with the exception of Xiao Cheng, she could give up anything. She had thought that she would be able to maintain an icy front towards him. He shouldn’t be saying such things… That young and handsome man who had the devil’s air about him, always so confident and perfect without any weaknesses… how can such a person say such things? Especially, since the one who is wrong… is her… “Why say sorry? Wasn’t I the one who said we should break up? It should be me…” “No, even… even if you didn’t want to break up, I would have said it…” “… really…?” Pause. “He’s blackmailing you, isn’t he? Just like last time, he’s blackmailing you again.” “No. He did not blackmail me.” “No… then, what other reason could there be? We’ve already gone through all the possible

reasons… Unless… you really do like him… we just broke up and yet you’re already together… so fast…” Xia Mo says nothing although her throat is caught. “I don’t believe you. Everything you just said – I don’t believe any of it. You’re lying to me, aren’t you? It’s all fake. My Xia Mo, such a good actress…” “Luo Xi…” Luo Xi continues to smile softly at her – and suddenly, his hand reaches out and pulls her into him as he kisses her passionately! The kiss is infused with a touch of desperation and yet still carrying the last bit of pleading hope. It is that desperation that breaks Xia Mo’s heart. She tries to move away from him but he is relentless, and she feels her body slowly falling under his curse. Xia Mo does her best to control her own reaction, forcing herself to not respond to Luo Xi’s desperate kiss and closes her eyes tightly without reacting. The sound of footsteps approaching. Luo Xi lets go of Xia Mo, the stiffness of her body vibrating through his own. He cannot believe that she could just stand there without any reaction and cannot think of anything to say in that moment. The footsteps come closer… and closer… Until Luo Xi finally looks up and then sees him, his fingers loosening their hold! Ou Chen appears out of the shadows, his face unreadable. He steadily approaches Xia Mo, as if she is the only person there. Lightly grasping her by the shoulder, Ou Chen gently draws her into his own body – and Luo Xi numbly lets go. Xia Mo looks back at Luo Xi but for an instant, and then giving up, she turns her face into Ou Chen’s warmth. Keeping one arm around Xia Mo, Ou Chen uses his thumb to gently wipe away her lips as if there is something dirty there. “I just received a call; the church is completely booked for next month, so we can’t change the wedding date. It’ll be at the end of this month.” Ou Chen informs Xia Mo this in the most casual of voices, completely ignoring Luo Xi’s presence. Keeping his arm around Xia Mo, Ou Chen turns to guide her away when he pauses at Luo Xi’s sudden outburst of laughter. Luo Xi’s previous moment of weakness completely gone now as he reverts back to the public image of him, confident and carefree as he strides purposefully away. “Shouldn’t I be the one who needs to leave?” ******* The original criticism towards Yin Xia Mo has reversed and now some newspapers are calling her a fairy tale Cinderella; her romance with young master Ou Chen was fated to be. Rumors

also say that once Yin Xia Mo marries into the Ou family, she will be retiring from the entertainment industry, and so media channels have started to re-air her original MV and “Innocent Love Song” is premiering again for its second run. Critics say that the entertainment industry will dearly miss such a great newcomer actress but can only wish her well on her pending nuptials. “Sister, have you really thought it through?” Xiao Cheng watches his sister pace back and forth in his room, holding a bouquet of white flowers while she readies a vase of water for them. A small smile is on her face and for all intents and purposes, she appears to be happy. However, that day when Brother Luo Xi had visited, her sudden tenseness at seeing him had caused Xiao Cheng to wonder that maybe things weren’t really so simple. They had walked out of the room later and although Xiao Cheng doesn’t know what Brother Luo Xi had said to her, he did not return back to the room with her, and it was Ou Chen who accompanied her. “You and Brother Ou Chen’s marriage… why is it so rushed? Is it because…” Of some unspoken reason? “You wouldn’t understand. This is called chong xi. There was a saying in ancient times, if there was a sickness in the family, then they would “rinse” some happiness into the family to wash the bad things away.” “Sister… so that’s why you’re doing it?” “Of course!” Laughing… “… of course, not.” “Being able to see Sister getting married, I’m really happy! But I want to know… don’t you like Brother Luo Xi? Then why is it Brother Ou Chen?” “You’re still young; there are a lot of things you wouldn’t understand. When you first like someone, it’s really simple but later you’ll realize that there are many reasons for breaking up. It could be because of personality, it could be because of the environment or perhaps that are many more things that are more important than love…” “I don’t understand. Are you saying that you don’t like Brother Luo Xi anymore? Because of the rumors with Shen Qiang? Did you ever ask him about them?” “You don’t need to understand. You just need to worry about getting better; I can handle the other stuff. I can’t help you with this so it’s up to you, okay?” “I will.” Originally he had thought the chances of finding a suitable kidney were really small but suddenly a match had come up. Although he understands that there’s still a possibility of something going wrong even after the surgery, just being able to find a new kidney will increase his chances of living! For Sister, he will take advantage of this chance! Although he doesn’t know who the donor is, he is filled with gratitude for that person. The doctors tell him that the donor wishes to remain anonymous and to simply be a Good Samaritan. “But Sister, why exactly are you marrying Brother Ou Chen?” “You… of course it’s because I like him, I want to be with him, and so I’m marrying him.”

Xiao Cheng simply cannot believe her though. The memory of that day five years ago, the bloody and teary memory, her being locked in that dark and scary place, and him fainting in the pouring rain… he had thought that she would never forgive Ou Chen. So how would… Sister like Ou Chen again? Ou Chen has been visiting more and more often these past few days, bringing something with him every time. Sometimes green plants, sometimes painting supplies, but he always brings art books with him, often bringing ten books or more at one time. When Xia Mo fast thinks that Ou Chen must have bought the entire country’s supplies of art books, he then brings international ones with him to give to Xiao Cheng. He is surrounded by art books in his room and then even to his greater surprise, Ou Chen has people bring in an art easel, turning his room into a lavish drawing studio. One night, Xiao Cheng is deep in concentration on drawing, staring fixedly at his ink as he prepares it. So lost in thought is he that he doesn’t even hear the knocks on his door, only looking up in surprise when he suddenly realizes that Ou Chen is standing next to him. Xiao Cheng hurriedly covers his drawing to prevent him from seeing it although he does briefly glance down. “Didn’t Xia Mo want you to rest more?” “I’m tired of lying down, and I haven’t drawn in awhile… and I really want to draw again…” “What are you drawing?” “Um… nothing… it’s a present to give to Sister…” “Really?” Ou Chen smiles. “Well, still don’t make yourself too tired; Xia Mo will worry.” Xiao Cheng is taken aback as he watches Ou Chen organize the things that he had brought with him this time with the other things in the room. Watching him, Xiao Cheng realizes that Ou Chen isn’t quite the same person that he once knew. He remembers that in the past, Ou Chen didn’t really care for other people, only talking to Xia Mo and ignoring anyone else who was there. Even he himself was not really allowed to talk to Sister when Ou Chen was there. However, even though this Ou Chen still doesn’t really like to talk that much, his coldness has greatly decreased. Even when Zhen En laughs crazily and makes a lot of noise in the room, Ou Chen will only sit quietly and do his work without being bothered. Xiao Cheng has never suspected Ou Chen’s feelings for his sister; no matter what he ever did in the past, Xiao Cheng knows that Ou Chen deeply loves Xia Mo. But will Ou Chen display that same possessive love from before and harm Sister? And does Sister really not like Brother Luo Xi anymore? “Why are you getting married so fast?” “Did you ask Xia Mo? What did she say?” “She said — because she likes you.” “… Of course it’s because we like each other that we want to be together forever. If you want to keep drawing, then go ahead. I’ll sit by the door and let you know when Xia Mo comes.”

When Xia Mo and Zhen En later come to visit, Xiao Cheng has already placed all his art supplies away under Ou Chen’s notice. Xia Mo walks in carrying a bag of fruit, smiling when she sees Ou Chen. He offers to buy whatever she wants to buy next time as opposed to her doing it herself, and she warmly accepts. Xiao Cheng studies the two of them carefully, but his attention is diverted by Zhen En who notices the art supplies hidden by his bed. She innocently asks him what he’s drawing, to which Xiao Cheng looks back and forth between her and Xia Mo in warning. Of course, Xia Mo notices the exchange to Xiao Cheng’s dismay. “Didn’t you promise me that you’d spend more time resting?” “I haven’t drawn for awhile and lying on the bed all the time is starting to make my back hurt, so I thought I would draw some to move around a little.” “It’s okay as long as he doesn’t do it all the time.” Xia Mo is startled at Ou Chen’s quiet statement. Ou Chen has always been strict concerning the people around her, not even liking it when she is especially close with her family members and yet he is speaking on behalf of Xiao Cheng… At the same time, Zhen En is messing around with Xiao Cheng, making him laugh at her silly antics. Xia Mo suddenly feels like everyone here is part of a family who’s known each other for a long time… After peeling some of the apples, she hands one to both Xiao Cheng and Zhen En, and the last one she walks over to give to Ou Chen. Ou Chen is currently working on his laptop and going over some files though and looks up quietly at her when he senses her presence. Seeing that he is currently working though, Xia Mo does not hand the apple to him. Pulling out a small plate, she slices the apple into small pieces and then places that along with a small fork by his side. Zhen En cannot resist poking fun at Xia Mo. “Ah! Xia Mo, you’re playing favorites! That’s not fair! Our apples are so simple and yet you are so sweet to Ou Chen! Please, even if you and Ou Chen are getting married soon, save the PDA for later, some people still don’t have a boyfriend yet and will be traumatized…” Xia Mo’s face turns red. Ou Chen gazes unblinkingly at Xia Mo, deeply stares into her eyes, and she returns his gaze. There is an emotion that begins to unfurl between them, a feeling that can never be finished completely… ******* “Sister Zhen En…” It is just Xiao Cheng and Zhen En in the room now. Although Xiao Cheng has seen his sister be much closer to Ou Chen these past few days, he still can’t get over this feeling… “Why are Sister and Brother Ou Chen getting married?” Zhen En is taken aback as she remembers what she overheard that day. “I agree… as long as you give your kidney to Xiao Cheng… then… let’s get married…”

“I’m sure it’s… I’m sure it’s because Xia Mo likes Ou Chen! Ou Chen has liked her since he was young, has liked her for a really long time. Even though he’s kind of chauvinistic, but his love for Xia Mo is so strong! So I’m sure Xia Mo was really touched by it!” She cannot let Xiao Cheng know the real reason for why Xia Mo is marrying Ou Chen! If Xiao Cheng finds out, he would definitely not agree with what she is doing and then what about the surgery? Xiao Cheng’s life will be endangered! “And just look, their relationship is going along great! Even though Ou Chen doesn’t like to talk, just then the way he looked at Xia Mo was so intense and romantic! Doesn’t Xia Mo look happy? So let us congratulate them because they’re going to be very happy together, yes, they’re going to be very happy together!” “Really…” ******* “Thank you.” As they’re standing in the hallway, Xia Mo softly thanks Ou Chen. She cannot let Xiao Cheng suspect anything, otherwise it will adversely affect his health. She also definitely cannot let Xiao Cheng know that Ou Chen is the donor, otherwise he will never allow her to use marriage to Ou Chen to exchange for the kidney. She can only let Xiao Cheng think that she’s fallen in love with Ou Chen, that it’s because of her own personal reasons that she wants the marriage to happen so quickly. And so, she needs Ou Chen’s cooperation to make sure that Xiao Cheng is convinced. “These past few days… have you just been acting?”

Chapter 3 The memory of that day at the hospital, where Xia Mo told him so calmly that she would have wanted to break up anyway, continues to haunt Luo Xi. He is surrounded in darkness, voices laughing as ghost arms clamor to get to him, relentlessly grabbing at him as if to swallow him whole. Luo Xi knows that he is in a nightmare right now… She once woken him from his nightmares, giving him a chance of reprieve. But this time, he no longer cares to wake up – there is no point to being awake. What is the point of continuing to pretend to everyone else that he is the perfect and stunning Luo Xi… Suddenly there is a light! A pale hand reaches out to softly shake him and Luo Xi slowly opens his eyes, seeing someone bathed in white light and standing so close to him…

“Xia Mo…” “Luo Xi!” It is Jie Ni, shaking him awake. Of course not… how could it be her… Blurry-eyed, Luo Xi slowly sits up, his hair mused and sticking every which way. A few minutes pass by with him sitting there numbly before he asks if his scene is up next. Jie Ni is concerned over his health but Luo Xi brushes her concerns aside. Shen Qiang is waiting for him on set and she hands over a container of soup when he happens to sit down next to her. However, Luo Xi turns down the soup, leaving Shen Qiang awkwardly holding the container mid-air. Flustered now, Shen Qiang struggles to find a new conversation topic and asks him whether or not he has today’s newspaper headlines. Initially, Luo Xi has no interest in what Shen Qiang has to say but instantly straightens when he hears Xia Mo’s name. Taking the newspaper for himself, his eyes widen to see the words. YIN XIA MO’S UPBRINGING REVEALED! BIOLOGICAL MOTHER WAS A BAR ENTERTAINER! [The literal translation is "to sell smiles" which essentially points to a less than savory occupation, such as a bar hostess or even prostitute.] The article is written by a reporter named Hua Jin, and clearly lists details of Yin Xia Mo’s birth mother, including her name. It is clear that the reporter has done some thorough research for this article. “No wonder she’s so good at always trying to reach above her station! … She’s not worth you doing this to yourself!” “Since when did you start reading these gossip tabloids? Even though she may not be the best, she would never talk about someone else behind her back.” Seeing the cold features on Luo Xi’s face before he walks away, Shen Qiang can only motionlessly sit there and watch his departing figure. ******* Yin Xia Mo has once again become the topic of discussion for the media circles. The wave of criticism against her slowly begins to increase as people start to wonder if this news will affect her impending marriage to Ou Chen. Ou Hua Corporations is such a prominent and prestigious family; how is it possible that they will accept someone with such a pitiful background as their daughter-in-law? “Don’t let Xiao Cheng see the newspapers. And don’t let him see anything on television.” In the hospital gardens, Zhen En reassures Xia Mo that she will not let Xiao Cheng see anything from the media for the next few days. Additionally, she had already asked the nurses to do the same thing. Xia Mo thanks Zhen En for her help, to which the latter lightly scoffs; it’s not like she is a stranger or something. However, as Zhen En looks back on the newspaper, her attention focuses in on the picture of a young Xia Mo, pale and sunken-faced. While she had always

known that Xia Mo had gone through some hardships as a child, she never quite realized the extent of those experiences until she read this story. “That kind of past… it’s painful, isn’t it…” “It was painful at the time, but you grit your teeth and bear it.” “This reporter, Hua Jin… it seems like she’s especially interested in you. As if she’s specifically targeting you…” Xia Mo also has the same feeling, as if this Hua Jin knows her from somewhere. And the type of research and homework she had to have done for this article; it wasn’t impulsively finished. However, Xia Mo has no recollection of such a person in her past… ******* Xi Meng stands to the side as he relates his report to Ou Chen. Using bribery and threats, the majority of the media outlets have already agreed to not pursue Xia Mo’s background as a headline. However, two magazines have not agreed, one of them being the original publisher of the headlines. Although the two magazines are known for being tabloids, their influences are wide-reaching and can even compare to that of Ou Hua Corporations. And all harmful media to Xia Mo has originated from them. “Any chances of fixing this?” “There’s still a possibility of discussion but it will take some time.” “Do what you can.” Looking down at the newspaper, the image of a young Xia Mo kneeling next to her mother’s body is burned into Ou Chen’s mind. ******* Those two magazines are relentless in going after Xia Mo and go to incredible lengths to get more information, even interviewing “yesterday’s news”, An Hui Ni about the incident with Ling Hao. The hospital’s atmosphere remains peaceful and calm in comparison to the turbulent media news. Xia Mo stays with Xiao Cheng every day, and the two quietly pass the time until one day, Xiao Cheng begs his sister to let him go out of the hospital. “Sister, the weather today is SO nice… It’s been such a long time since we’ve gone out together; ever since I started college and ever since you entered the entertainment industry, we haven’t had a chance to eat dinner out.” Pause. “And the doctor said my health is doing pretty well and I just had a check yesterday, so going out won’t be too much of a problem.” Pause. “Sister, I’m going to go crazy being stuck at the hospital every day… Let’s just go out for an hour or even just go to one store! Please….”

Perhaps if they don’t go to a really busy place and only just for a little while… if they see any reporters they can just immediately leave… What are the chances of actually running into reporters at one store? ******* The salesgirl happily greets them as they enter the bridal store. Xiao Cheng asks to see the dress which they had special-ordered. The salesgirl, Xiao Lu, is pleasantly surprised to meet Xiao Cheng personally as he had designed Xia Mo’s dress herself. The store originally did not accept personal designs for gowns but had been so impressed by Xiao Cheng’s design that they had immediately agreed to take on the dress. While waiting for the dress, Xia Mo looks over at Xiao Cheng who also happens to be nervously staring back, as if anticipating her reaction. Xia Mo then realizes that it has been this dress design that Xiao Cheng has been working so hard on lately. She knows… that Xiao Cheng harbors suspicions of her marriage to Ou Chen; his mistrust of him from five years ago may never be absolved. Originally, she had thought that she would need to spend a lot of time and effort to convince Xiao Cheng but he took the news surprisingly well, only softly asking her if she was sure of her decision, as if afraid of accidentally hurting her feelings. And now — he even goes to so much trouble to prepare such a present for her? “Your girlfriend is so pretty. She’s going to look stunning once the dress is on.” “She’s my older sister.” “Sorry! Sorry! But, she really is pretty, and looks just like this movie star…” When Xia Mo nonchalantly brushes aside the reference though, Xiao Lu turns to point out the wedding dress, hanging in the middle of the store, pink crystals sparkling against the pure white material – the dress is like a dream, beautiful in its conveyed innocence. “This dress is simply beautiful; everyone who works here is just in love with it, which is why we placed it here. However, since yesterday we’ve had customers coming in and requesting this dress, which is great and yet not at the same time.” Xia Mo cannot believe how much effort it must have taken Xiao Cheng to create this dress. Xiao Cheng only smiles at his sister, as he tells her that he hopes that she will be the most beautiful bride possible. But first, she’ll need to try on the dress so he can make any necessary adjustments! As Xiao Lu is ushering Xia Mo towards the dressing room though, a loud commotion entering the store pauses them – a mob of reporters have suddenly rushed into the store, surrounding two people. Xiao Cheng freezes when he sees this and cannot help but look back at his sister. Xia Mo instinctively looks up to see what is causing all the noise and is thunderstruck! In the middle of the throbbing crowd are Luo Xi and Shen Qiang. Dressed completely in black, Luo Xi has lost significant weight, the paleness of his face making his typically dark eyes even blacker. Only the tinge of color on his lips still make him appear as seductively as before. Shen

Qiang is cool and collected next to him, her gaze only leaving Luo Xi when she is answering a reporter’s questioning. Xia Mo’s blood runs cold at the sight of Luo Xi. She had thought that she would never see him again. She would step out from the media industry and given Luo Xi’s pride, he would never appear in front of her again. Perhaps she may see him on television every now and then, but their two worlds would never again collide… But… in that moment that she laid eyes on him, her gaze could not move away… her breathing is slowly taken away… only her resolve to never surrender forces her back to her senses, and she slowly, slowly looks away… and then finally notices the surrounding paparazzi… “It’s Luo Xi and Shen Qiang!” Xiao Lu cannot contain her excitement. A popular magazine is doing a wedding-themed shoot today, and so Luo Xi and Shen Qiang have arrived to complete the photographs. In her awe at seeing this power couple though, Xiao Lu is embarrassed to find that she has momentarily forgotten Xia Mo and Xiao Cheng. Hurrying to grab the dress for her, Xiao Lu pauses at seeing the whitened reaction on Xia Mo’s face — she really does look a lot like that movie star… Shen Qiang forges ahead into the store. Reporters clamor around Luo Xi to ask him what he thinks of the recent headlines regarding his ex-girlfriend, Yin Xia Mo and whether or not there is another secret reason for today’s wedding shoot… Luo Xi remains silent. The reporters can tell that Luo Xi is no longer the same carefree star from before, having become much more quieter. His sallow appearance also does not escape their notice and they wonder if it has something to do with the recent news of Yin Xia Mo’s marriage to Ou Chen. However, they choose to not bother him with any more questions because Luo Xi has always treated the reporters with graciousness, not displaying any of the arrogance that is typical of most movie stars and doing his best to work with them. Shen Qiang suddenly stops when Xiao Lu brushes past her, pulling a dress from the center display. That dress… Shen Qiang cannot take her eyes off that dress. The dress is simple in its elegance and yet only befitting to be worn by a spring princess… That dress… is what girls’ dreams are made of… “That dress, I’ll buy it.” Shen Qiang lovingly touches the fabric lightly, as she gazes in awe at the dress. The reporters go crazy. “Is there a wedding date set already, Miss Shen?” “Have you and Luo Xi already discussed a wedding date?” “Is the wedding shoot for today really part of your future wedding?”

“When is the wedding date?” ……. “My upcoming MV will be filming a wedding scene and I’ll need a dress for that section. I’m just buying it now so that I don’t have to waste time later to buy one.” “I’m sorry! But this dress is specially requested by another client and it’s not for sale. I’m really sorry!” “Oh really? But I want it.” Xiao Lu freezes. Sizing up the situation, the store manager runs over to greet Shen Qiang. “We’re so thankful that Miss Shen likes the dress but our client had already booked this in advance. Additionally, it was actually designed by the client, so there is really no way for us to sell it to you. If Miss Shen is interested, we have many new dresses in our store. Yesterday, we just had dresses shipped in from France and Japan; they’re simply gorgeous…” “I’ll pay twice the amount.” “Miss Shen, I’m really sorry…” By this time, Luo Xi is running out of patience and tells Shen Qiang that it’s time to go. Seeing the exasperated look on his face though only makes Shen Qiang want that dress even more. “Ten times.” The store manager is stunned and even the reporters are confused; what exactly is it about this dress that makes Shen Qiang so determined to have it? “I’m sorry but it’s really not the issue of money…” “Please call that client. Perhaps she will be willing to sell it for ten times the price or she can state any condition she wants.” The manager is torn. She does not want to offend a famous movie star such as Shen Qiang but to call the other client to ask such a thing is really bad business ethics. Xiao Lu seeing the awkward position that the manager is in, helpfully points towards the direction of where Xia Mo and Xiao Cheng are waiting hidden in the shadows, informing Shen Qiang that the client is coincidentally in the store at that moment. Luo Xi’s entire body tenses. Looking first over at Xia Mo and then slowly to the wedding dress in question. A snow white dress with blinding shimmers of light emitting from every angle, he feels his mind going completely blank as the blood rushes to his head. “This dress is Miss Yin’s?” Pause. “But I thought her dress was made from out of the county, with 999 diamonds sewn by hand? This dress is so old-fashioned, how can it even be worthy of her? How can it compare to her trouble of marrying into the wealthy…”

My goodness! It is Yin Xia Mo! The reporters cannot control their excitement; who would have thought that they would run into Yin Xia Mo here? With the exception of one female reporter who lags behind, the rest of them rush forward and surround Yin Xia Mo! Seeing Luo Xi’s lost expression in that instant had momentarily frozen Xia Mo but then the rush of the reporters had wakened her again. She’s not by herself; she still has Xiao Cheng with her! Grabbing Xiao Cheng by the hand, Xia Mo tries in vain to head for the exit. “Miss Yin, about your biological mother…” “Miss Yin, will this news affect your wedding with Ou Hua Corporations’ heir…” “Miss Yin…” The reporters will not let Xia Mo get through! Xiao Lu and the store manager stand off to the side, transfixed by the scene before them. Shen Qiang watches unblinkingly; she cannot stand women like Yin Xia Mo, who step on men to get what she wants as opposed to using herself. This kind of a woman deserves to suffer a little punishment. Snow white dress… The shards of light shooting from the dress, as if laughing at him… she’s getting married, she’s really getting married… So definitely walking away, just peacefully leaving him… can he really continue to lie to himself that she’s just playing a joke on him? Until he saw that dress. And his heart bled drop by drop, draining until it became nothing but a black hole. There’s nothing left, just a lonely death now. Finally, Luo Xi moves his glance away from the dress and to Xia Mo currently being surrounded by the crowd of reporters. It’s none of his business now… Once she chose to leave his life, once she chose to wear that dress to marry Ou Chen, wasn’t that her way of saying that she no longer wants to see him? Does he think that she will fall over with gratitude if he helps her now? She wouldn’t… she has already shoved you to the back of her mind… ******* Xia Mo just wants to leave with Xiao Cheng! Standing in front of Xiao Cheng, pulling him by his hand and using her other hand to try to shove her way through the throng of reporters, Xia Mo desperately tries to make her way to the exit. However, the reporters pay no mind to her protests. “Didn’t you come to interview me? Then why are you still messing around with her?”

Although the voice isn’t loud, it is a soothing and gentle one. The reporters stop for an instant to see Luo Xi smiling softly, emitting a devilish air that is seductively beautiful. The reporters instantly know that Luo Xi is trying to help Xia Mo. There are unspoken rules to the entertainment world. Actors rely on reporters to get publicity out, and reporters rely on actors to increase their own journalistic reputation. It’s a quid pro quo arrangement, so as to maintain good relations between the two groups. Luo Xi has always taken care of the paparazzi during his career and the reporters really do not want to offend him. However, Yin Xia Mo’s news is just too juicy of an opportunity to let go. “Ah Luo, haven’t you and Miss Yin already broken up?” “You mean Ah Luo and Miss Yin still have a chance of getting back together?” “Since we were able to meet her here by coincidence, why don’t we give her an opportunity to explain a little?” “Do you think I’m trying to help her? A little actor who’s about to leave the entertainment industry is still worthy of stealing my news?” The reporters look at each other in amazement. Does Luo Xi actually think that Yin Xia Mo is stealing his spotlight? Impossible! Xia Mo cannot help but steal a quick glance at Luo Xi. Is he helping her? But his tone of voice and cold expression causes her chest to constrict. Luo Xi casually flicks a blank glance at her too, as if she is some stranger. He quickly looks away though. “I’m going to be leaving soon for my next appointment, so I only have thirty minutes and it’s really noisy here… It looks like there’s a quiet coffee shop across the street; if you’re looking for an interview, then you best hurry up about it and follow me there.” “Luo Xi, she already dumped you so what’s the point in still putting up a charade?” Luo Xi looks like he has just been stabbed in the gut, his face instantly paling. The reporters are horrified and instantly crane their heads to see who dares to so offend Luo Xi. It is a reporter from the infamous tabloid magazine, known for releasing much of the most scandalous gossip. In fact, just a little while ago, he had gone after a new actor, causing so much damage to his reputation that the actor ended up committing suicide. In a separate incident, the reporter offended another actor who had a mafia connection and ended up getting beaten within an inch of his life, but still didn’t learn from his experience, as if he has made it his life’s commitment to be a sensationalized reporter. Without waiting for a response from Luo Xi, Reporter Liu sticks his face directly into Xia Mo’s and rapidly fires question after question at her. “Yin Xia Mo, your biological mother worked in a bar, so why did you keep this a secret from us all this time?”

“You’re an illegitimate child, aren’t you?” “It’s rumored that you started performing at a bar with your mother at age seven, so then aren’t you the rumored prostitute performer?” Xia Mo struggles to retain her composure. She remembers this reporter from the incident with An Hui Ni, he had endlessly pestered her then too and even after the truth had been found out, he had not been satisfied that she had gotten off the hook. “I have no response now please move!” In a shockingly bold move, Reporter Liu grabs hold of Xia Mo’s wrist, refusing to let her leave. “Don’t leave! Am I wrong? Of course, your mother is not a bar hostess! Should be… a hooker… that’s right, hahahahaha…“ Realizing that Reporter Liu has no intention of letting her go, Xia Mo anxiously turns to Xiao Cheng and urges him to quickly leave! Xia Mo never told him the truth about their mother’s occupation, only that she greatly loved them… Reporter Liu narrows his gaze on the hovering Xiao Cheng. “You’re Yin Xia Mo’s little brother, right? Little boy, are you an illegitimate child also? Have you seen your biological mother entertaining her “clients”? Your sister prostituting herself when she was young…” SMACK! Xia Mo’s hand flies across Reporter Liu’s face! “Are you a crazy dog? Forget about barking at someone from the media industry, but to also attack someone who isn’t even part of that world?” The other reporters are speechless. An actor actually dared to publicly slap a reporter! The store manager, Xiao Lu and the remaining clients all gape open-mouthed. Shen Qiang only studies Xia Mo and then looks over at Luo Xi. Since seeing Xia Mo in the store, it is as if he has lost part of his existence, body frozen and a look of vulnerability and isolation on his face. His gaze has not once left Xia Mo since then. Will she never be able to replace her? “Yin Xia Mo! I will sue you! Yin Xia Mo! I will not let this easily go! I’m going to destroy you! You prostitute-raised piece of crap, how dare you…” “Do whatever you want. But let me warn you again. I can easily just as sue you for all your defamatory remarks. Regardless of my mother’s occupation, she is still the world’s best mother. No matter if she chose to sing and perform, or to work at a bar, just as long as it was her decision, then I will support her as much as I love her. Only poorly-raised people will say such poor things.” She is like a queen. Luo Xi watches her, the look of fierce protectiveness in her eyes. The younger her, threatening him off in order to protect her little brother… She is normally so calm and warm, but every now and then will bear teeth at others. It is this contradiction that makes her

so compelling to others but will also mean that no one can ever really possess her. She is always so mentally composed; only when the person she cares most about is threatened will she ever explode… And the one she cares most about… was never him… “Look who’s talking about being poorly raised! Your prostitute of a mother had you two illegitimate children and then actually killed herself in front others for a man! You think people don’t know about this?! Pretending to be a little princess, you’re just a…” Luo Xi’s calm voice cuts through Reporter Liu’s rampage. “Miss Manager, please don’t tell me you actually allow your customers to be treated like this in your store?” The store manager finally comes to her senses and calls security. “Does everyone have time for coffee?” Luo Xi is all smiles. “Except, Reporter Liu, you are not welcomed. In fact, you are never welcomed again.” The reporters awkwardly laugh, mentally blaming Reporter Liu for being way too obnoxious and making such a public menace of himself. “Ah Luo, you are too kind…” “Yes, yes, how can we not give some face to Ah Luo…” Luo Xi glides past Xia Mo as the trailing Shen Qiang levels a stare at her. However, Luo Xi ends up stopping right in front of Xia Mo and Shen Qiang’s heartbeat quickens. Luo Xi takes in the ashen Xia Mo and then directs his attention to the annoyingly persistent Reporter Liu who has not left Xia Mo’s side. “Are you waiting for the police to come, Reporter Liu?” Reporter Liu hesitates briefly, realizing that the other reporters have already started walking towards the coffee shop and then seeing the store employees call security. Knowing that it won’t do him any more good to stay there, he can only glare at Xia Mo with hatred and then stalks out of the store. The store is suddenly quiet. Luo Xi walks out without a backwards glance. Xia Mo stands in the center, watching his departing figure. Since he cannot see her, she uses this chance to watch him one more time. Perhaps, this will be the last time she sees him again… “Sister…” Xiao Cheng walks up to Xia Mo, gently supporting her and she allows herself to lean against him. “Xiao Cheng, I’ll tell you all about Mom when we go back. Don’t listen to the nonsense

that he just said, it’s not true…” “Sister! You don’t think…” CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! One young female reporter has remained in the store, and she claps for Xia Mo as if clapping for an amusing show. While the entire situation had been happening, she had watched from the side but did not follow the other reporters out – she is much more interested in Yin Xia Mo. “Long time no see. You’re just like before, always the center of everyone’s attention.” “Who are you?” “You mean you forgot me? You shouldn’t have. I am the reporter, Hua Jin, and as a reporter, it is my duty to make sure that the public knows everything.” Hua Jin… Xia Mo stares at her, trying to figure out exactly what she is getting at. “Oh yes, I have another name too — it’s Fang. Jin. Hua. And as Fang Jin Hua, I will return all the suffering you dealt me right back to you!”

Chapter 4 The black limousine pulls up alongside the sidewalk, and as a formal-dressed man opens the door, Xia Mo gets in, lost in thought. Last night Ou Chen visited the hospital and yet did not ask about the incident at the dress store, only asking if she would be able to set aside some time today to see an important person with him. Originally, Xia Mo had feared that Xiao Cheng would be harmed by the nonsense that the reporters were spouting. But when they had started talking about it that morning in the hospital gardens, Xiao Cheng had actually lightly laughed. “Sister, I’ve known the truth since I was little. Mom always came back home late at night with the smell of alcohol on her, sometimes shouting loudly at home, sometimes playing the music loudly to sing and dance to, sometimes suddenly just bursting into tears…” “Xiao Cheng…” “I didn’t understand why Mom always drank so much or why she suddenly killed herself, but I liked Mom. Prior to leaving for the bar, she would always kiss me good bye, before going to sleep she would kiss me good night… Even though she always woke me up, even though sometimes the smell of alcohol on her was unbearable, sometimes her tears would be cold.” “Yes. Mom was exactly that kind of a person. When I was younger, I never liked it that she would leave me by myself at home while she went out, never liked it that she left the house so messy all the time nor did she make dinner for me. However, she always bought pretty dresses for me to wear. Even though there was a time when we had no money, she would still call me ‘little princess’, and bought me shiny necklaces. Mom loved you a lot too. The need for alcohol was her life and yet when she was carrying you, she didn’t drink a drop of it.” “Sister, Mom really loved me, didn’t she?” “Yes. Xiao Cheng, do you know? There is no such thing as a perfect person in this world.

Perhaps Mom was different from other moms; she loved to sing, loved to drink, loved to party, loved appearances, loved men, even being careless enough to drunkenly stumble off the stage and kill herself. But she loved us. To us, she was a good mom.” “I understand. Sister, you don’t have to worry; I understand…” Since he was young, Xiao Cheng had always understood things. He never once asked about his father, as if having a sister was already enough for him. As long as nothing harms Xiao Cheng, she doesn’t care what the media writes. Only… Xia Mo worries about that look on that reporter’s face… When she said she will expose everything… does that even include those dark and buried secrets? In the car, Xia Mo takes a deep breath to calm herself. Telling herself to not think about those things anymore, Xia Mo is startled to realize that this is the road that goes directly to her old school. It was here that she first met Ou Chen. She was eleven and he fourteen years old. Waking up from fainting, she had found him leaning curiously over her, his eyes looking straight into hers as if she was a doll. He had agreed to her request and he had asked her to act as his shooting target, holding an apple on her head. Wearing a white archer’s uniform, he had calmly looked at her before pulling the arrow and letting it fly! When that arrow had pierced directly through the apple, that rush of air past the top of her head, she had felt the sweat gather on her back. And had wondered how this young boy called Ou Chen could be so carefully composed. After that time, it was like he was determined to barge into her life. Every time he would return from out of the country, he would come find her, bringing her all different kinds of gifts. Sometimes it was a pink beaded necklace, sometimes a jeweled bracelet; one time she wanted a doll, and he actually brought back a doll that had looked exactly like her, saying that the doll had been made from her picture. At the same time, her dad’s position was secured, work became a lot less stressful and his salary continued to increase, and the food at the table got better and better. And every day Xiao Cheng grew, his happiness at home and at school infectious. Although Ou Chen’s possessiveness sometimes burdened her, compared to what she received in return – she was grateful. That was her most peaceful period when she was young. And sometimes she was selfish enough to wish that it would last forever. Until Luo Xi appeared, until that terrible day, until she became haunted by horrific nightmares night after night did she finally realize… the happiness that results from relying on other people is just like a castle in the air, and will collapse any moment! When they finally arrive at the Ou mansion, Xia Mo steps out and gazes upon it. Although it is currently spring, the tended gardens are lush and vibrantly green. A white bench is placed in the perfect spot to admire the view and off in the distance, one can see the sparking blue waters of

the swimming pool. Xia Mo knows that there is also an indoor pool that was Ou Chen’s favorite place to swim. Although it has been six years since she’s been here, the place has not changed at all. Almost as if none of the past had ever happened, and time had simply stopped during the time that she and Ou Chen were younger. When Xia Mo walks into the living room, Ou Chen is currently in conversation with a French man, the maids pouring their coffee. When Ou Chen hears the approaching footsteps, he looks up into Xia Mo’s eyes and gets up to meet her, guiding her to meet the other man. “Xia Mo, this is my father, Mr. Luo Bei Er, Mei Si Mei Er.” Xia Mo is taken aback at Ou Chen’s introduction and her eyes fly back to the other man, who is already rising up from his seat to greet her. This is the first time she has ever met Ou Chen’s father. Since meeting Ou Chen, he had never brought up the topic of his parents and she had never seen a picture of them. “Pleased to meet you.” Mr. Luo Bei Er [Robert??] appears to be in his fifties, with golden hair and handsome, carrying the often-talked about “French romance”. Although Ou Chen does not look like his father at all, she surmises that it is possible that he looks more like his mother. “Father, this is my fiancée, Miss Yin Xia Mo.” “She is definitely a beauty.” Xia Mo’s heart stumbles. At Ou Chen’s introduction to his father, it is as if she is finally waking from a dream. She is really getting married at this month’s end. Just six more days and she will be a wife. She will be married Ou Chen. “I congratulate you both on your upcoming marriage. Ocean, even though your mother may be in Heaven, I know that she will feel blessed because of your happiness.” “Thank you, Father.” “Until the wedding, I will be staying in the vacation home on the outskirts of the city. If you need my help for anything, just let me know.” “You can just stay here…” “No, I don’t want to bother you. I have scheduled a lunch with a friend, so I will be on my way now. Once you’ve determined the time of the wedding, please let me know.” “Yes, Father.” As Mr. Luo Bei Er walks by, he inclines his head at Xia Mo, smiling in acknowledgement as he leaves. Xia Mo notices that there is still smoke rising from his cup of coffee on the table. Ou Chen and his father… how is it possible that they only speak like polite strangers to one another?

His fingers unconsciously tightening a little on Xia Mo’s shoulder, Ou Chen watches the departing figure of his father with the disappointed eyes of a child. However, the disappointment is tempered by the ease of someone who has become accustomed to such a feeling. After awhile, Ou Chen resumes his usual self and turns to Xia Mo. “I have something I want to show you.” ******* A white car has been parked for some time just outside the wedding dress shop. Luo Xi numbly watches the couples enter and exit the store, each couple so intimate with one another… Unable to take their eyes off the other and sharing secretive smiles… Is she… like that also? When he is not able to see her, is she that intimate with Ou Chen? So intimate that she will cook Ou Chen dinner, so intimate that while he is sleeping, she will lightly brush aside his hair… Luo Xi tightly closes his eyes against the images, pain in his heart like a poisonous snake slowly biting away. He doesn’t know what is the right thing to do. He wants to hate her and yet the instant he sees her or even hears her name, he is utterly diverted. He wants to forget her but yet she haunts him every night in his dreams… Six days later she will be married. When he had seen her yesterday, there had been no apparent regret or lingering love left in her eyes for him. Thinking back, had he a moment of weakness, he would have given up everything to beg her, giving up his self-respect, uncaring if ultimately she would end up hurting him again — he just wants her, he just wants her to peacefully stay by his side like in the past! Her eyes… there had been darkness in them… He picks up his cell phone but just as he is about to the press the button, the doors to the wedding store open wide again – and he notices that her wedding dress is no longer there. Did she take the dress… His heart beating crazily; is she really so anxious to get married?! The phone slips out of his hand as Luo Xi starts laughing bitterly to himself. But of course, since six days later, she will be getting married. ******* When Xia Mo walks into another room, she is surprised to see her wedding dress waiting for her. Standing off to the side are several maids, holding boxes of different jewelry. What surprises Xia Mo the most though is to find Xiao Cheng standing there! When she had left the hospital, he had been currently drawing though!

“What are you doing here?” “Because I don’t want to be slower than Brother Ou Chen to see you wear your wedding dress!” Xiao Cheng laughs as he glances back at Ou Chen, the two men seemingly sharing a silent joke together. Because of yesterday’s incident with the reporters, Sister never had the chance to try on her wedding dress. However, Ou Chen had approached him privately that night back at the hospital. “You designed a dress for Xia Mo?” “Yes…” Xiao Cheng tensed up, realizing that if Ou Chen knows about his dress then it must mean that he also knows about the incident at the store and that Sister had bumped into Luo Xi… “But I had already commissioned an international designer for the dress and it will be shipped in from Japan tomorrow.” Pause. “However, I’ve decided to use your dress instead.” “Really?” “Yes. And I will hire the best seamstress to help you finish it. I just have one condition –” “What is it?” “That I be there for the first time Xia Mo tries it on.” Xia Mo stands there in Xiao Cheng’s dress, the crystals shimmering gently as if a gentle halo surrounds her body. She is a princess. She is perfect. Ou Chen cannot take his eyes off her. The maids open the boxes of jewelry and Ou Chen chooses a delicate diamond necklace after giving a cursory glance over the selection. Approaching Xia Mo, he gently clasps the necklace around her neck, and she lowers her head for him, her eyes ink black. Ou Chen’s hands briefly pause around her collarbone after he is done, and as the diamond necklace shimmers around her neck, she raises her head to look back at him as they both stand there staring into each other’s eyes. The sunlight surrounds the two together, creating a shadow of one – a beautiful painting. “Sister, you’re beautiful.” Xiao Cheng has always known that his sister was beautiful but yet it still could not compare to the vision she made wearing a wedding dress. When his gaze finally moves away from her, he notices that Ou Chen’s has not wavered from her at all. As Xia Mo stares in the mirror at herself in awe, Ou Chen continues to watch her, as if the very meaning of his life is dependent on what she feels – her happiness, her bitterness, her sadness. Ou Chen is really deeply in love with Sister… In this moment, Xiao Cheng no longer wants to know why Sister is in such a hurry to marry Ou Chen. Perhaps, Ou Chen will bring her happiness after all.

When Xiao Cheng excuses himself from the room, Xia Mo realizes that she has been in a daze since staring at herself in the mirror, and that even the maids have exited the room by now, leaving her and Ou Chen alone. Ou Chen stands next to her in his tuxedo, a bouquet of white flowers placed between them. Six days from now. They will be married. “Will you regret it?” “What about you?” “Yin Cheng once told me… that you told him… that you are marrying me because you have feelings for me…” Hearing the quiet hesitation in his words, Xia Mo’s heart constricts with pain, remembering their past memories together… Although the young him was always so cool and confident, every now and then he would display a lonely and childish air. During those times she was always with him, eating meals with him in the school cafeteria, doing homework with him in the home office, waiting to dry him with a towel after his swims… The young him always seemed like a lonely little cat. His eyes would light up whenever he was happy and then sink into blackness when he was angry, sometimes enough to hurt others. However, a few soothing words was all it took to make him happy again. “Xia Mo, no matter if you do regret…” Realizing that an answer may not come, Ou Chen lightly caresses her face and gently places a kiss on her forehead. “…this life you are my bride.” Xia Mo’s heart seizes with pain and unconsciously reaches out to push him away! That pain… it is too much for her to bear… Not because of Luo Xi, not because of herself but because of him… She suddenly feels like she is an executioner, cruelly using a knife to sentence him and yet still maintaining an innocent and kind facade! She had already decided to forget the past. It is her asking him to give his kidney to Xiao Cheng, he is using his own health in exchange, and yet she… she continues to hurt him again and again, deeper every time… Ou Chen’s entire body tenses! The previous warmth on his face is instantly washed away as his eyes blacken. Chuckling bitterly, he slowly lowers his hand. Xia Mo does not dare to look at him but out of her peripheral, she sees his lowering hand and softens her voice. “Xiao Cheng… should be going back to the hospital by now… let me change first and we’ll go together.” We…

Ou Chen is in a daze from hearing that word from Xia Mo’s lips. Even when she returns from having changed out of her dress, he is still standing there. It is Xia Mo gently taking him by the arm that causes him to wake up again. As they walk out of the room, Xia Mo keeps her hand on his arm and she quietly looks up at him. This man by her side… six days later, he will be her husband. ******* Xiao Cheng is sitting on the couch watching the television when they enter and he excitedly calls for her to come over. Reporter Liu is currently on the television but is nothing like the pompous person he was yesterday at the store. His face has clearly been repeatedly punched, and all his teeth have been broken, making him look like a sad little clown. Staring mutinously at the camera, it is apparent that Reporter Liu wants to say something but with a mouth of broken teeth and a swollen face, it is difficult for him to make any noise. The reporting journalist explains that Reporter Liu had been roughed up by some teens last night and while the police are still investigating the incident, it is rumored that this is connected with the suicide of the newcomer actor from last year that Reporter Liu had indirectly caused. Close friends of the actor had promised retribution against Reporter Liu and so he had been trying to avoid them but apparently they had received word of Liu’s whereabouts last night… Xiao Cheng cannot contain his mirth at hearing the news; a reporter like Liu deserves to be taught a lesson! Is it really a coincidence? Just a few hours after she had her altercation with Reporter Liu, after he had threatened to expose the incident to the public, he is so conveniently taught a lesson? Xia Mo turns to look at Ou Chen. “Thank you.” Ou Chen furrows his brow, briefly glancing at the television. “It wasn’t me. I only asked the media to not report the slapping incident, and that even if he reports it himself, that the other reporters stand out and tell the truth of what really happened. As to him being ganged up on, I have no idea.” Xia Mo is taken aback; could it really just be a coincidence? Unless… no, it couldn’t be… he wouldn’t… “Xiao Cheng, we should go back to the hospital now.” Although Xiao Cheng appears to be full of energy, he must be tired by now. “Sister, you don’t have to stay with me all the time. I am doing fine. You should stay with Brother Ou Chen some more; you two are about to get married and I’m sure there are a lot of things for you to talk about, such as the invited guests and where to go for your honeymoon…

Oh yes, and I wanted to invite some classmates to come so that they can see my sister and brother-in-law…” Brother-in-law… Ou Chen feels his chest filling with warmth, unconsciously smiling in delight. Sister, brother-in-law and little brother… they… will be a family from now on. Reacting instinctively, he covers the slim hand that is still resting on his arm with his own. Seeing the obvious happiness on Ou Chen’s face, Xia Mo’s heart is thrown into confusion and she looks away from him. She tells Xiao Cheng that it is fine for him to invite his friends to the wedding but they can discuss details later back at the hospital. Xia Mo’s avoidance stiffens Ou Chen but yet she does not remove her hand from his arm. Perhaps, she just needs a little more time… Xiao Cheng is about to turn off the television when he freezes in shock at the screen. “Journalist Hua Jin has just reported that actor Yin Xia Mo, the fiancée of Ou Hua Corporations’ heir, Ou Chen, was once jailed on accounts of injuring someone…” Xia Mo’s blood runs cold as her entire body freezes and she can only stare at the television in shock. The anchorman continues with the story – Hua Jin had found out that Yin Xia Mo had been jailed five years ago for injuring another person and should have been rightfully sentenced to three years in jail with possibility of parole. However, because of an unknown benefactor’s protection, Yin Xia Mo not only escaped the law but the entire incident was virtually erased from her record. The only evidence of her being jailed was the fact that a statement of hers had been left in the evidence room with her name clearly written on it… And as Fang Jin Hua, I will return all the suffering you dealt me right back to you! It is her… the girl from high school who was beating that fat girl… that girl whose face she momentarily saw as she ran down that long and dark corridor… She had tried so hard to forget those nightmares and yet they all come flooding back to her. In that darkened hell, she had thought she would die there… she had thought that she would never be able to leave… that sense of hopeless and fear… Seeing the shakes that have begun to consume Xia Mo’s body, Xiao Cheng runs over to his sister, taking her in his arms and trying to calm her. She leans gratefully into his warmth, turning her face into his shoulder. Ou Chen definitively turns off the television. “Don’t worry; I will take care of these lies.” However, Ou Chen is uneasy. Xia Mo and Yin Cheng’s reactions are so extreme… unless… But he once had private investigators look into her background and nothing like this was ever mentioned. Are they just lies made up by Hua Jin? Hua Jin… Fang Jin Hua… He will not allow anyone to harm her!

“Lies…?” Xia Mo gently pushes Xiao Cheng away as a humorless smile plays on her lips, a creepy laugh escaping her. “Yes, perhaps your memory hasn’t come back completely yet…” Forget it. There’s no point in telling him now; the past is in the past. She had once purposely destroyed him; perhaps that was her just punishment. However, to have Xiao Cheng innocently drawn into it too, she cannot forgive herself. “I don’t understand. Unless… you really…” “Have you forgotten? Didn’t you arrange all of this to happen? You mean you have really forgotten?” Directly outside the entrance to the room, Butler Shen stands in stunned shock. “Tell me! What happened in the past?! Why — why do you think I arranged it?” How can this person stand there so innocently and dare to ask her what happened in the past! “Taking our house, evicting us – wasn’t this your real master plan? Even arranging to have those people come humiliate me… those people…” ******* Because she could not afford to continue to pay the hospital bills, she had no choice but to bring the still weak Xiao Cheng back home. However, upon their return home, they find that the doors are wide open and five to six people are currently moving their things out of the house. The television, refrigerator, washing machine – anything that is worth any money at all is being taken away. The yard is a mess, covered in their belongings that the men apparently did not want and so carelessly threw out. When Xia Mo demands to know who these men are and what they are doing in her home, they laugh at her, saying that ownership of the house has already been moved back under Ou Hua Corporations, which means that everything in it also belongs to them. Xia Mo remembers being notified that Ou Hua Corporations was seeking reimbursement for a sum of money that her father had borrowed from them. It was Ou Chen who had taken that money to buy them the house. With the many surgeries that Xiao Cheng had, Xia Mo had nearly gone through all the life insurance money they had received from their parents’ deaths and any money left in the bank was nowhere near that sum. The court had determined that the house would be used as collateral to repay Ou Hua Corporations, giving her and Xiao Cheng one month to move out. Yes, returning the house is the rightful thing to do but they do not have to force them out like this…

“We still have a month left to move out so this place still belongs to me! You have no right to touch anything here! If you don’t immediately move everything back and get out of here, I will call the police!” One of the young men laughs in Xia Mo’s face and grabs her hair painfully. “Go ahead and call the police! Let’s see who dares to touch us when Ou Hua Corporations can so easily destroy the police! Even if you die today, no one would care!” The men have surrounded Xia Mo now and start to push her around. “You little bitch!” “Let’s teach her a lesson!” “If we don’t show her now, she won’t realize how much power Ou Hua Corporations has!” The men shove Xia Mo to the ground like she is nothing but a puny little ant. “Let go of my sister!” Xiao Cheng tries to attack the men but his weakened body is no match for them. The young men turn on him, laughing at his pitiful attempts. The expression in one of the men’s eyes changes as he stares at Xiao Cheng, a sick hunger flitting through them as he pulls Xiao Cheng towards him. “You still have some growing to do but that is exactly what I like! Come, give Big Brother a kiss!” Xia Mo is horrified, having heard of the sick things that some men have done to young boys, even kidnapping them to other places! Surging up and launching herself at that man, she sinks her teeth into his arm, causing him to cry out in pain and letting Xiao Cheng go. “RUN!” Xia Mo grabs Xiao Cheng’s hand, and they run like hell is chasing after them. However, Xiao Cheng is unable to keep up with Xia Mo and ends up tripping on the street! “Precious, did you hurt yourself?” One hand ruthlessly yanks Xia Mo away from Xiao Cheng as that man grips Xiao Cheng’s chin in his hand. “Come, why run? Let Brother take care of you and you can be his little lover. I’ll let you eat whatever you want… “ Xia Mo yanks Xiao Cheng away from the man, holding him close. “You can have whatever you want in the house! Just let us go!” However, the man laughs, refusing to let Xiao Cheng go and although Xia Mo tries desperately to hold onto Xiao Cheng, she can feel him slowly slipping from her grasp. No! He cannot have Xiao Cheng! She will not let him take Xiao Cheng away from her!

Xia Mo sees darkness in front of her; she will not let go of Xiao Cheng!! The man continues to laugh, promising Xiao Cheng that he will take very good care of him, and love him, and kiss him… Xia Mo finally feels her grip loosening, and she falls to the ground as Xiao Cheng starts being dragged away. He screams her name, begging her to help him… and as Xia Mo fumbles to get back up, her hands touch something cold and hard… CRACK! She slams down on his head with all her might! And then… drop… by drop… the blood drips down onto her face… and the darkness fades from her eyes as she sees the fresh blood slowly dripping… ******* “Sister… Sister…” Xia Mo surfaces from her recollection as she looks down at the concerned Xiao Cheng; why does he still look as sickly as he did six years ago? Had Ou Hua Corporations not been so heartless, Xiao Cheng wouldn’t have had to leave the hospital sooner than necessary. Had she not been in jail, Xiao Cheng wouldn’t have fainted in front of the Ou house after being in the rain all night. He could have taken better care of himself and not be so weak today… “I wouldn’t!” Ou Chen’s vehement proclamation catches Xia Mo’s attention. Although he is still not too positive about what exactly happened, but he… no matter what time, no matter how unreasonable he may be, he would never do anything like that to harm her! “If you really have forgotten, such a small thing isn’t worth trying to remember then.” Pause. “I’m sorry, but I’m really tired so I should be going.” Ou Chen watches Xia Mo leave with Xiao Cheng. Just like that night six years ago, she never once turns back around to look at him; no lingering feelings and no regrets. Ou Chen has never felt such coldness consume him before. Finally seeing the immobile Butler Shen, Ou Chen asks icily. “Butler Shen, can you tell me what exactly happened?”

Chapter 5 Xiao Cheng worriedly watches his sister standing by the window from his hospital bed. She has already been standing there for some time, seemingly watching the stars up in the night sky. Remembering when Sister had come out from the darkness, her entire body covered in wounds and even a fresh cut on her face. Xiao Cheng had tried to ask her what had happened but she had not expanded. Slowly, that wound had healed from her face, leaving no visible scar. She had

slowly gotten better, going back to her usual warmth and smiling as before. Only that night in that darkness… it became something that they never talked about again. Why can’t he and Sister just completely forget those memories… KNOCK! KNOCK! When the door opens, Xiao Cheng is surprised to find Butler Shen standing there. “Miss Yin, first please forgive me for my intrusion and also understand that Young Master did not ask me to come here. I come for personal reasons.” “Please speak, Butler Shen.” “Miss Yin, forgive my bluntness but you have no right to hurt Young Master’s feelings for your personal suspicions.” “….” “The court’s decision to move the house’s title back to Ou Hua Corporations, even bringing up the debt in the first place, and then taking the house back – it had nothing to do with Young Master. Because… it was my decision.” “What did you just say?” Xia Mo looks at Butler Shen in shock! She has known Butler Shen since she was little and he has always been by Ou Chen’s side, loyal and a father figure to him. “Yes. I had received a report of what to do with your father’s debt upon his passing and I made the decision for Young Master to settle the matter of repayment in court.” “Ou Chen would let you decide for him…” “Young Master had no idea.” “….” “On the night you and Young Master broke up, Young Master was driving by himself in the rain and got into a severe car accident. He was in a coma for more than two months and when Young Master finally awakened, he had forgotten everything.” Car accident?! A light finally lights up in Xia Mo’s head and she cannot move! Remembering the first time she had run into Ou Chen at Lei Ou Company, and how Butler Shen had mentioned Ou Chen’s amnesia… She had always thought it was just an ordinary accident… In actuality… Ou Chen got in an accident on the night they broke up?! Six years ago underneath that cherry blossom tree, she had angrily thrown the green scarf into the air, anger and devastation making her say such cruel things to hurt him, his ashen and torn face as he knelt before her… Ou Chen… Ou Chen…

The night that she lost control of herself and said such horrible things to him… that was the night that he got in an accident… She is Young Master’s curse. Seeing the lost and devastated look on Xia Mo’s face, Butler Shen feels sadness in his own heart. When he had first met her, he had thought that she was Young Master’s light. For her, Young Master would smile, would hope, would worry and would stay up to the middle of the night to personally make her presents. But on that night, she was so cruel and composed! Standing by the main entrance, he had been unable to hear the conversation but he had seen everything! He had seen Young Master kneeling before her and had wanted to rush forward to help him stand back up! But his prideful Young Master would not have wanted someone to see such a thing… When Young Master finally walked out, it was four hours later. He was completely soaked by the still pouring rain, his hair sticking to his face while drops of water dripped down. Young Master walked out slowly and even then he still turned around to gaze back at the yard; even to this day Butler Shen has been unable to forget that broken expression on his face. Young Master had requested the driver to get out of the car and before either him or Butler Shen could react, Young Master had peeled off into the distance at a frightening speed! When he had received the phone call from the police, Young Master was already covered in blood and being taken to the emergency room. The surgery lasted a whole day and even Old Master had returned from France. Yet Young Master never wakened from his coma. The doctors told them that aside from the external injuries, Young Master also had a blood clot in his brain, and that the situation was dire. Was Young Master’s car accident really an accident, or… he doesn’t dare to think, that for such a girl, his prideful Young Master would actually… But the hurt that she dealt to Young Master… he cannot forgive her! So when that report had been delivered to Old Master, he had convinced him that she must pay the price for hurting Young Master. “I didn’t realize that the men who were sent to take over the house would be so violent, and assault you and your brother, causing you to be jailed on account of injuring someone. Although this apology may be too late, I still want to express apologies to you and your brother.” “Everything… it was you?” “Yes.” “Even including Xiao Cheng passing out in front of Ou house, letting him lie there in the rain and yet not even checking on him or calling the ambulance… it was you?” “Sister, it wasn’t Butler Shen…” When Sister had been taken to jail, Xiao Cheng had been consumed with worry. In his panicked state, he had thought of the one person who could help her and so had went directly to the Ou

house. However, no matter how much he pleaded outside the house, no one would let him in and under the plummeting rain, Xiao Cheng finally passed out on the ground. “I ordered them to not let anyone in the house.” “You seem to think that everything you did was rightfully so.” Since that night of being in the rain, Xiao Cheng’s health has never been completely better. And now, the only viable option is to have the kidney surgery and the doctors said that even with the surgery, Xiao Cheng may… “After seeing Young Master suffer so much, of course I saw everything I was doing as right.” “If you want to come after me, I have nothing to say. But Xiao Cheng was just a kid! Don’t you feel bad at all?” A flash of remorse flashes in Butler Shen’s eyes. “I will take responsibility for what I’ve done. But you misunderstanding that it was Young Master’s doing really caught me by surprise.” Pause. “Young Master uses his life to love you. He would never do something that would cause you pain. Please treasure Young Master’s feelings and not hurt him time after time.” ******* “Yin Xia Mo again…” At the bar, Shen Qiang mutters in distaste as she drinks while placing an old newspaper back down on the counter. Out of curiosity, President Xia reaches over to read it. Hua Jin? This reporter must have some incredible ability; that year he had ordered people to clear Yin Xia Mo’s record and yet his efforts were still in vain. Yin Xia Mo… President Xia wonders what she had wanted to find him. He would rather not talk about the past again but if she does have a need… For that person, he wouldn’t just ignore the situation… “Perhaps the wedding will be cancelled. I can’t imagine Ou Hua Corporations wanting that kind of a daughter-in-law.” Shen Qiang glances at Luo Xi to gauge his reaction. Although Yin Xia Mo’s jail time has been published, headlines in the media are like bubbles; after one day in the news and everyone will stop talking about it. However, society now knows about everything – and there’s evidence to support the story. Luo Xi acts as if he has not heard nor seen anything, only silently drinks glass after glass. Shen Qiang actually hopes that Yin Xia Mo does marry into the wealthy so that Luo Xi will finally see what kind of a person she really is; such a girl is not worth him treating himself like this!

“You can’t drink anymore!” Unable to take it any longer, Shen Qiang takes the glass out of his hand. Luo Xi stares blankly at his empty hand, looking as if his life’s most important possession has just been stolen from him. “Is she worth it? What’s so great about her?! She’s just a flippant girl, manipulating others to get her fame and fortune, only wanting to climb higher and higher! You’ve done so much for her and yet the instant she had a chance to marry into the wealthy, she shoved you to the back of her mind…” “Enough!” Unwilling to listen to this, Luo Xi stands unsteadily on his feet. Whether it is from drinking too much or the fact that he hasn’t slept in the past few days, Luo Xi sees darkness in front of his eyes and ends up falling to the ground! Shen Qiang rushes to help him stand back up, trying to see if he has hurt himself and Luo Xi brushes her off. Excusing himself to President Xia, Luo Xi turns to walk away. He just wants to be by himself in his room, he doesn’t want to see anyone and he doesn’t want to hear anything that has to do with her. “Luo Xi!” Shen Qiang moves to chase after Luo Xi but is stopped gently by President Xia. “Let him go. There are just some wounds that a person has to heal alone. Give him some peace and quiet.” “But he drank a lot…” “I’ll take care of it.” ******* Luo Xi stumbles drunkenly down the street, grasping railings and leaning against buildings when possible. However, he doesn’t make it far down an alley before finally giving up, sliding against the wall down to the ground. She was once jailed… Even with her composed and rational personality, she could be forced to do something against the law… it must have been something horrific. During those days, she suffered so much… He wants to see her! He wants to know what happened, wants to know if she has fully recovered from the past… And if she doesn’t want to say anything, then just let him sit quietly by her side… But, she doesn’t need him… she already has someone else at her side… Will Ou Chen give her up because of her past? His chest suddenly constricting with pain, Luo Xi curls up and begins vomiting, his face ashen white and transparently thin. In the midst of violently vomiting, his eyelashes slowly become wet by his tears.

If so, he will go laugh at her, will make her regret ever dumping him! And then… he will forgive her… he will hug her, love her and spoil her, give her everything she could ever want… and he will never let her leave him again… The strength has completely left his body now that his stomach has emptied its contents, and two tears slowly creep down Luo Xi’s face. Those tears glisten in the darkness of that darkened corridor. Ou Chen… how can he possibly give her up… Countless times he has seen himself Ou Chen’s feelings for her… so intensely he looks at her, as if she is life’s only light… How can he possibly give her up because of her past… He’s just only dreaming… fate has intertwined her life with Ou Chen’s and he… he is just pointless. Ever since he was born, he was just pointless… “Mr. Luo!” President Xia’s employee has finally caught up to Luo Xi and rushes over to help him back up. Luo Xi declines his offer though and weakly gets back up, using the wall to support himself and slowly starts walking back towards the main street. “Mr. Luo, I’ll take you back home.” “There’s no need.” No way to get it back… Three days later, she will be someone else’s bride… ******* The next day. An opened leather suitcase is sitting on the desk filled with years of mementos and prized possessions. An aged hand gently picks up the picture frame by the bedside. Framed by sunlight, the picture is of a two year old Young Master, who had been playfully chasing a small cat in the gardens when he had almost tripped in his haste. He had caught Young Master from behind just in time, and Young Master had turned his head to smile back at him, a child’s charm and exuberance. He stared at that picture for a long, long time. Butler Shen then slowly places that picture frame into the suitcase and zips it close, the sound final and almost deafening in the quiet bedroom. “I heard you resigned?” It is Xia Mo standing at the entrance to the bedroom, staring at Butler Shen who by now has his suitcase in hand. When she had learned the news of Butler Shen’s deception from six years ago,

she had originally thought that she would hate him for what had happened to her and Xiao Cheng. However, staring at this weathered and elderly man, she cannot bring herself to feel any hatred. She had originally been waiting in the living room for Ou Chen but when she had not seen the ever present Butler Shen, she had casually asked a maid of his whereabouts and had then been informed of his resignation. Taken by surprise, Xia Mo had then asked to be shown to his bedroom. “Yes, Miss Yin.” “Because of what happened six years ago?” “Yes.” “I thought you didn’t regret any of it.” “Yes, I don’t regret it. If given the choice again, seeing a comatose and injured Young Master lying helplessly in bed, I would choose to do the same thing. However, my actions caused you to misunderstand Young Master, caused you to needlessly suffer and also caused your innocent brother to be pulled in. I should take responsibility for all of that.” “And so your way of taking responsibility is to leave Ou Chen?” “You will be marrying Young Master soon, and most likely would not be able to stand constantly seeing the person who caused you and your brother so much suffering.” “If you are leaving because of me, then, stay because of Ou Chen.” “…” “Who can clearly say who’s right or wrong in the past. Although it had been the worst time then, the truth is that my father had a debt to pay and to seek repayment for a debt is just. Even though I am very bitter that you once allowed Xiao Cheng to stay out in the cold and rain that night, I also once immaturely tortured Ou Chen. Perhaps it is simply karma but I cannot say that I am completely innocent in what I’ve done so what right do I have to make you leave?” “Miss Yin… your well intentions are much appreciated but I have no right to stay any longer.” “If you leave, what will that fix? So stay… don’t let Ou Chen lose another family member… Ou Chen can’t leave you and you… can’t leave Ou Chen either. As for me… if I need to, I can easily let my eyes not see what I don’t wish to see.” Having said her piece, Xia Mo takes the suitcase from Butler Shen and places it back on the desk before walking out. ****** Leaving Butler Shen’s room, Xia Mo’s heart is strangely at peace, now knowing the truth of what had happened in the past. She had once hated him, believing that this had been his revenge against her, that his feelings for her were just like treating a doll – because he liked it, he wanted to possess it. But if he could not have it, he would destroy it. But… she misunderstood him… “You… came to find me?”

Ou Chen is standing in another room staring out the window when he realizes that Xia Mo has walked in. When a maid had informed him that she had been waiting for him, the brief flash of happiness in his heart had quickly been replaced by panic. He had heard her conversation with Butler Shen and although he is grateful to her for convincing Butler Shen to stay, he worries that it is because she will no longer be staying with him. She came to find him… Is it because she cannot forgive the suffering from six years ago or because she wants to cancel the wedding? “Yes. I would have come sooner but Xiao Cheng’s treatment at the hospital has been more intense than usual and so couldn’t make it until now.” “Is he better now?” “Much better.” Walking together while talking, they end up in the office. Xia Mo used to be in this office often when she was young, doing her homework while Ou Chen would go over business papers. Every now and then she would look up, and find Ou Chen just gazing at her, his eyes as deep as the lake’s water and just as bright. The office is essentially the exact same from six years ago. The only difference is that a few picture frames have been placed on his desk. Looking at the pictures, some from a long time ago, Xia Mo had thought that there was only one original set – the one that she hidden away at home. A picture of him placing a kiss on her forehead at school… a picture of them by the lake as she holds out a towel for him after his run… And then a picture of her modeling for the Lei Ou commercial, standing against a backdrop of blue ocean waters, looking like a little mermaid… a picture of her lowering her head as she ties the green scarf back onto his wrist, the background light framing them like a painting… Seeing all these pictures on his desk, Xia Mo feels her heart squeeze with pain… “I just received a report from the private investigator and was going to bring it to the hospital to show you. Although it was Butler Shen who ordered the repayment of the debt and taking back the house, he did not send those group of men. They were just riffraff from the streets and wanted to take advantage of the fact that Ou Hua Corporations was taking the house back. Unfortunately, you stumbled upon them just as they were emptying the house and so they pretended to be our employees.” Staring at the picture of that man in the report, Xia Mo’s hand begins to tremble as she remembers his heinous laugh echoing in her head… how they had all surrounded her… “He’s dead.” “Because of me…” “No. He was in the hospital for some time and then got better. However, three years later he was killed in a fight.”

He had originally intended to go after this man who had dared to harm her and then let her decide his punishment but who could have guessed that he would already be dead. Xia Mo slowly places the report back down on Ou Chen’s desk as she stares out the window. Perhaps everything is already arranged by fate… “If you came today to cancel the wedding because you cannot forgive what happened in the past… I don’t agree. I’ll make it up to you, everything you suffered in the past, I’ll make it all up to you. I will make you happy, love everything that you love, and I won’t ever let you be scared. I won’t let you be sad or cry and I will do my best to make you happy.” Suddenly reaching out, Ou Chen pulls Xia Mo into his warmth, lowering his chin on top of her head. Hoarsely, he continues. “So… don’t cancel the wedding. Don’t send me back to hell right before I can dare to believe in my own happiness…” “Ou Chen…” Xia Mo tries to raise her head to look at him but Ou Chen continues to tightly hold her, as if afraid that she will leave him at any second. “I came to apologize.” “…” “I’m sorry. I’ve always thought it was your doing and so I’ve hated you for a very long time.” Ou Chen’s breath catches. Has she… started to accept him then? “That night… you were in a car accident?” Xia Mo stares at Ou Chen, remembering Butler Shen’s words and the guilt increases in her heart. Even though she tells herself that it was simply a coincidence, she cannot escape her remorse. Car accident… Those two words repeat themselves in Ou Chen’s mind as he recalls that uncontrollable night from six years ago… The highway is empty as he crazily presses down on the gas pedal, dangerously increasing his speed. In that hazy and rainy night, he knows that she has completely pushed him out of her world… she never once liked him and will never forgive him! Suddenly a flash of light appears – a truck is coming towards him! Both hands gripping the steering wheel, he had only been paying attention to the steady rain bouncing off the windshield, her words echoing constantly in his mind – her cruel and definitive words as she walked away from him without a backwards glance…

“What can I do so that you’ll forgive me?!” “Unless… you die.” Death… then she will forgive him… As the lights come closer, he slowly closes his eyes, allowing his hands to slip away from the steering wheel… Death… then she will forgive him… ………. “It was just an accident.” Ou Chen looks away from her eyes, not wanting to talk about it anymore. Turning away from her to his desk, he hands over a list of names. “The wedding invitations have been sent out already; why don’t you look it over to make sure none of your friends are missing.” “Really…” Although her remorse can be slightly decreased by the fact that the accident was just a coincidence, why is it that her heart becomes even heavier while looking at Ou Chen? Was she wrong… her so immaturely hurting him… “Yes. You don’t have to worry about it. We’ll be getting married the day after tomorrow and the past isn’t important anymore. You just need to remember… I will do everything in my power to make you the world’s happiest woman.” Happiness… Under his intense stare, Xia Mo feels her head go white and she is suddenly filled with a feeling of warmth that is hard to describe… But then it quickly disappears as a pang of loneliness chases it away. She is not meant to be happy. Perhaps, she does not need that kind of happiness. Happiness is only an illusory bubble, beautiful and floating carefree in the air but even the lightest touch will shatter it. ****** Originally Xia Mo had planned on leaving straight from the hospital to the wedding ceremony but Xiao Cheng wouldn’t have any of it, saying that it’s not lucky to leave from a hospital. Xia Mo thought it was a riot to hear the words “lucky” come from Xiao Cheng’s mouth although he paid no mind to his sister’s teasing. The doctors were thus persuaded to let Xiao Cheng go back home for two days.

Going back home, Xia Mo had thought that the house would be dusty and cold, and yet it was spotless when she opened the door, the floors scrubbed so clean that they reflected. Even the covers of the couch looked as if they had been washed and re-covered. A vase full of white flowers sat on the table in the living room. Milk runs out to greet them with an excited “meow”. It was Ou Chen… Ou Chen bought this house that she and Xiao Cheng have lived in for so long. Xia Mo takes in the house that now looks completely new. She had given a set of keys to Ou Chen, asking him to temporarily take care of Milk. When had he been such an attentive man? Is it because he has changed from six years ago or because she never realized it six years ago? ******* That night Xiao Cheng prepares to make dinner for them but Xia Mo tries to drag him out of the kitchen, ending up in a brief tug-of-war between the two. Finally, the two agree to share dinner duties. She made his favorite dish and he made her favorite dish. During the meal, Xiao Cheng is bubbling with excitement. Pestering her with questions about details of tomorrow’s ceremony and whether or not she is sure she wants him to walk her down the aisle… does she need to find another father figure for her? What about if he accidentally steps on her dress? Or what if he can’t bear to give her to Ou Chen? The wedding should really have fresh flowers – he’ll wake up early tomorrow to go to the flower shop to buy them! Laughing at his questions, Xia Mo finally sends Xiao Cheng to bed for fear of his excitement disturbing his rest. ******* Later that night, Xia Mo sits in her room, staring at the wedding dress that is hanging by her bed. Milk stealthily enters her room and climbs into her lap, and she instinctively begins to pet him, her mind a white cloud. She doesn’t know what she’s thinking or whether she’s not thinking at all. This is the best she can do – what she can do – this is the best. ******* That same moonlight. Ou Chen stands out on his balcony, his hands grasping the railing, the green silk scarf from his wrist dancing gently in the wind. His eyes are as green as the forest. Perhaps he will be punished for forcing her hand… but to be able to be married to her… able to place their names together forever… he is willing to forsake everything.

He prays to the heavens. Please let him have this one last chance to be with her. ******* That same moonlight. Luo Xi sits numbly on his couch at home; he has been there for one day and one night, not having eaten anything but not feeling hungry at all. The moonlight shines down on him through the window, illuminating his face and his black eyes. Tomorrow she will be someone else’s bride… She really… will leave him all by himself… Tomorrow… Does he still even have a tomorrow…

Chapter 6 Early morning, Zhen En is already knocking on the door, wearing a rose pink dress and clutching the bridal bouquet in her hands. After excitedly thrusting the bouquet into Xiao Cheng’s hands and twirling around in the living room to show off her dress, one would think that she is the lucky bride as opposed to the calmly smiling Xia Mo who is currently sitting down on the couch. “Sister Zhen En is very pretty; your dress too!” After carefully placing the bouquet down on the table, Xiao Cheng enthusiastically nods his head in affirmation, happiness in his heart blossoming like the flowers. Sister is getting married today. Although he is a little saddened that she is marrying and that she will one day have someone more important than him in her life, but Sister will be able to have her own family with her own kids one day. This should be the happiest day in Sister’s life. “Ou Chen ordered the dress and also booked the makeup artist. Xia Mo, Ou Chen really spoils you and doesn’t want you to trouble yourself at all! He even took care of all the wedding details himself! Even Pan Nan’s bridesmaid dress… Haha, you’ll know once you see it!” The morning sun reflects off Xia Mo’s face, illuminating the whiteness of her skin. Her smile is peaceful as she quietly listens to Zhen En’s excited chattering. “Xia Mo…” Zhen En sits down next to Xia Mo and clutches her hand. “You will be happy, you definitely will be happy! Ou Chen loves you so much, he can easily place the entire world at your feet! Oh yeah, do you know that that awful magazine tabloid [Reporter Liu's] has been bought by Ou Hua Corporations? And Ou Hua Corporations is now a major shareholder for

Hua Jin’s? So now you don’t ever have to worry about them saying negative things about you! Today’s wedding will be extremely, extremely successful!” Xia Mo is startled. She doesn’t really care about the business with the media but Zhen En’s obvious exuberance causes her hand to stiffen nervously. “Zhen En…” “You have to be happy! You will be happy! Xia Mo… really, you will be happy, you didn’t choose wrong, you will be the world’s happiest woman!” Zhen En vehemently tries to convince herself; yes, Xia Mo has always made the right choice – this time won’t be any different! However, she cannot contain the sudden tears that fall from her eyes and she dips her head down in embarrassment. “Sister Zhen En!” Rushing over with a handkerchief, Xiao Cheng feels his heart sour a little at Zhen En’s tears. Laughing quickly, he thanks her for buying the flowers as now there is no need for him to make an extra trip. “I will.” Xia Mo grasps Zhen En’s hand reassuringly. “Everything will be all right. I won’t regret it. Don’t worry; I will also try very hard… to be happy…” Laughing and crying at the same time, Zhen En nods her head emphatically. “Ah, I’m so silly… My make up, my make up must be a wreck!” It is during this moment of happiness and sweet bitterness that Pan Nan finally arrives. It is just as Zhen En said; Pan Nan’s bridesmaid outfit is definitely worth another glance. Since she has never been a fan of the color pink or dresses in general, Ou Chen’s commissioned designer especially created a bridesmaid outfit for her that was not only unique but also carried a slightly masculine air. White cuff linings to a tight, pink doublet that is stitched with link pink silken threads over a pair of white, form-fitting pants and white boots. The final look is as handsome as a boy but yet still carrying a young girl’s daintiness. Pan Nan enters with none of Zhen En’s tears and sobbing, and after giving her congratulations, begins to help Xia Mo get into her wedding dress. Zhen En rushes to help her after fixing her tear-stained makeup. The morning sunlight is as transparent as a crystal. Already wearing the snow-white dress, Xia Mo quietly sits in the bedroom in front of the vanity mirror, the sunlight’s glow illuminating her translucent skin. Pan Nan gently does her hair, while Zhen En brushes blush onto her cheeks. Pan Nan picks the most fitting pair of shoes out of the dozens that Ou Chen had bought for Xia Mo while Zhen En places the crown of flowers gently on top of her head. Quietly, Xia Mo sits in front of the vanity mirror. “So beautiful…”

Zhen En breathes in awe as she stares at Xia Mo, looking like the goddess from the heaven’s legends. Pan Nan also watches Xia Mo. She doesn’t know why Xia Mo has suddenly decided to marry Ou Chen and doesn’t know what happened with her and Luo Xi. She had once asked Xia Mo, who had only responded after a long moment’s time that this is her decision. Even though she is saddened by the fact that ultimately, she and Luo Xi were not able to be together, and had hoped that they would be able to move past whatever had happened – Xia Mo is still her friend and she will respect whatever decision she makes. Smiling happily at his sister, Xiao Cheng hands over the bridal bouquet to Xia Mo. “Sister, I wish you happiness.” ******* A long, white limousine waits on the street while its formally-dressed driver waits patiently next to it. The interior of the car is extremely spacious. Pan Nan and Zhen En sit together on one side, facing Xia Mo and Xiao Cheng. Xia Mo is cradling her bridal bouquet in her lap, a light smile playing on her lips, a peaceful and yet faraway smile. The mood in the car is extremely infectious, Zhen En laughing nonstop, asking Xiao Cheng if he’ll be nervous walking Xia Mo down the aisle… asking Xia Mo where she and Ou Chen are planning on going for their honeymoon and to remember to throw the bouquet towards her at the end of the ceremony… Shame and guilt not allowing Zhen En to look directly at Xia Mo, only laughing endlessly, her hands dancing in the air as she speaks… She doesn’t dare to allow herself to stop, doesn’t dare to have a second of silence crush the mood. Xia Mo will be happy, everyone will be happy, everything will be all right! The car suddenly lurches to a stop! The four girls swivel their hands to try to see what is happening and then hear the driver honk a few times. After a few moments, he honks again, as if wanting the other car to move aside. Craning her neck to get a better view, Zhen En sees through the glass window the car that is currently blocking the road and then a very familiar silhouette! Her mouth falling wide open, she turns to look at Xia Mo. “He really came…” Starting directly at that person, Pan Nan cannot tell what exactly she is feeling. Last night she had been really worried about Luo Xi and unable to stand it any longer, finally calling him. When the call had gone through, the hoarseness and weakness of his voice had stiffened her. And so in a moment of rashness, she had told him the location of Xia Mo’s wedding ceremony. This is the last chance… the last chance of these two people…

The winds increase, causing the branches and leaves of the nearby trees to whip around crazily. The golden yellow of the leaves, the peacefulness of the road, the white BMW parked on the street… Luo Xi quietly standing there. It is as if he has been there a long, long time already. The bridal bouquet quietly lays in Xia Mo’s arms, her face now even whiter than the whitest of the flower buds as she stares at that person. They could have been separated by mountains and waters. Tensing as she sits up straight, her fingers unconsciously clenching at the ribbon that is tied around her bouquet. ******* The peacefulness of the wedding chapel. The sunlight shines through the stained glass windows, creating a picture of dancing rainbows. The wedding guests are all congregated outside; only Ou Chen stands alone in the vastly empty chapel. He is wearing a sharp, black tuxedo as he is lost in thought. A second passes before Ou Chen slowly turns around, his gaze roving past every empty seat until falling on the entrance to the chapel, his chest filled with a sudden warmth. Today she will be wearing a snow-white dress and walking towards him… from now on her name will be linked forever to his… she will be his bride. ******* In the car, Pan Nan lets out a breath; she only wants Xia Mo to truly know what it is that she wants. However, there is fear on Zhen En’s face as she first looks at Xia Mo and then Xiao Cheng, and seeing the sudden whiteness on his face, her heart further constricts. “Sister…” Xiao Cheng nervously looks at his sister, not knowing whether or not Brother Luo Xi’s appearance will ruin Sister’s wedding. Sitting still for a moment, Xia Mo then places the bouquet down next to her. Her hands clutching tightly at each other for a few seconds and then loosening one to reach for the car door. “Xia Mo!” Zhen En rushes to grab Xia Mo back but is stopped by Pan Nan. “Give her one more chance to consider!” As the strong winds turn the frigid, Xia Mo steps out of the rose-covered white car, her veil and dress following the fluttering of the winds. Luo Xi is wearing a white formal wear, and as he watches her walking towards him, his body stiffens, becoming even more and more nervous. She walks very slowly towards him, as if it is a scene shot in a movie, enthroned by the sunlight, this innocent bride, as she comes ever closer to him.

“What are you doing here again?” “Yes… what am I doing here again… Can I beg you to not marry him… But… you’re so cool and composed… you would never change on my account… Xia Mo, what can I do… if for me, will you not marry Ou Chen?” Even knowing that it’s impossible, Luo Xi stares deep into Xia Mo’s eyes, looking for that sliver of hope… and yet, there is no light at all in her eyes… “… I know you won’t, even knowing how much pain I’m in, you still won’t give in. That’s who you are, Xia Mo; I know you too well. Your heart is made out of the world’s toughest thing and I can’t meld you…” Her heart is frozen with pain, encased in ice and being cut piece by piece, every piece covered in blood! And yet the more pain she is in, the clearer she becomes. “Yes, I am exactly that kind of a person, cold and emotionless, anyone would be better than me… Did you come here just to say these things to me?” “I’m here to ask you to marry me.” “What?” Xia Mo cannot believe her ears as she stares at him out of the corner of her eyes, unable to look directly at him. “I came, before you are about to marry him, to ask you to marry me.” Grabbing onto her wrist, Luo Xi suddenly pulls her towards him! His eyes fathomless black pearls, a bittersweet smile playing on his ashen white lips. Enfolded in his arms and surrounded by his warmth, Xia Mo can only look hopelessly around her… That life… does not belong to her… Biting her lip painfully, she pushes him away with all her might. “Have you lost your mind?” “Probably… Xia Mo, I wasn’t originally going to come because I know… I would just be a glutton for punishment… But, I had a dream last night… I dreamt… that I died…” The sunlight is so bright that it is blinding. As the wind blows Xia Mo’s wedding dress in the air, he watches her, her face whiter than the white of her dress, and he suddenly feels one last rush of courage in his chest. “I was thinking, that before I died, I have to do everything that I want to do… Do you know… a long, long time ago, I wanted to ask you to marry me…” “What nonsense are you talking about… Why would you die…”

Her heartbeat begins to race, and she steels herself to calm it back down. No, he wouldn’t… he’s just scaring her… “Why wouldn’t I? If there’s nothing else left in this world for me to care about… then why not just die…” Zhen En is anxiously pressed up against the car window; she cannot hear their conversation and she cannot see the expression on Xia Mo’s face. Will Xia Mo… do what what they do in the movies and just run away right before the wedding ceremony… Zhen En again tries to grab for the door handle and yet again is stopped by Pan Nan. “Isn’t it better to at least let her think through her choice?” “No! Xia Mo is getting married today, all the guests have been notified and everything is prepared! If Xia Mo runs away, then… then…” Xiao Cheng’s surgery… what are they going to do… Doesn’t Ou Chen love Xia Mo too? Being with Ou Chen, will make Xia Mo happy… Then it is the happiness of three people; Ou Chen, Xiao Cheng and Xia Mo all together will be happy… If Xia Mo rashly gives up her wedding to Ou Chen and chooses to be with Luo Xi but then Xiao Cheng ends up dying, how will she be happy?! That will be everyone’s tragedy!! “Sister Zhen En… As long as Sister is happy, it doesn’t matter if she calls off the wedding. As long as she can live happily, nothing else matters…” In a haze of horror and confusion, Xia Mo tightly closes her eyes, clenching at her hands. A few moments pass before she opens her eyes again, staring straight at him. “You’re threatening me.” Really? Is he threatening her? Luo Xi mentally asks himself; is he so desperate to get her back that he has resorted to such despicable methods? “If you think so… then yes…” “Unfortunately, it won’t work.” In the cold, bitter wind, her voice is like a biting and sharp needle. “Because… I love him. I love Ou Chen.” She repeats it again, in case he wasn’t able to hear it the first time, staring into his widened eyes, the blood fast draining from his already sallow face. She continues to clench her hands in a death grip. “I misunderstood him in the past. I once thought that he was the one who caused the car accident from six years ago, had thought that it was him who took our home away, forcing me and Xiao Cheng out into the streets. So I hated him and promised myself that I would forget him

and never forgive him.” Pause. “But then I later realized, that it was all a misunderstanding and had nothing to do with him. I was wrong in blaming him and the feelings from the past… they still exist…” He should hate her… and then forget her… Let her suffer the consequences of her punishment and allow him to leave her shadow… he will have a much better life then… “You’re lying!” The hand that is still holding onto hers has suddenly turned ice cold and he reflexively lets go, stepping away from her in shock. “Impossible… You’re lying to me… Even though I don’t know why you’re marrying him… But the one you love is me! No matter if it was six years ago or now, the one you love is me. You’ve never loved him! Why… why are you lying to me…” “Why do you keep coming back to look for me?! Do you think… do you think that I haven’t hurt you enough already?! Do you really want to hear me say such cruel words to you before you’ll finally realize the truth?! Don’t forget that I once warned you, don’t fall in love with me…” “You’re lying… right…” The light dims in Luo Xi’s eyes as he stares at Xia Mo desperately. “You once said… the one you like is me… you once said… forever loyal… neither person will ever leave the other… was everything… just a lie…” Xia Mo cannot say anything at all. The pain in her chest causing complete darkness in front of her eyes and fog in her ears… She must be close to dying now… “Are you really… so uncaring… Even… not bothering to give me a paltry excuse…” “I’m sorry…” He should hate her… and then forget her… And then start a new life. As long as it doesn’t have her, he will be happy… “Even if I disappear from this world in the next second… you still will unhesitatingly marry him…” “Luo Xi!” “Are you scared…” Luo Xi avoids Xia Mo’s outstretched hand as a bitter smile plays on his lips, as he turns away from her. “But don’t worry… you’re not worth me dying… This world is so beautiful… I will live happily ever after… and will see if you later do regret…” The sunlight is blinding. His back is facing her, a lonely shadow. And slowly, he walks away from her. The wind is unnaturally rampant that day as her wedding dress flutters rapidly with the gust.

“I… will not wish you happiness…” ******* “Sister…” Xiao Cheng has stepped out from the car, coming over to gently support Xia Mo. He worriedly glances over towards Luo Xi’s fast departing car and then glances back at his sister. The paleness of her face instantly scares him and he quickly places an arm around her shoulders. “Sister, if you can’t let go of Brother Luo Xi, then let’s not go to the chapel! I’ll explain everything to Brother Ou Chen and tell him that you’re not feeling well or just say that you need a little more time to consider… Sister…” “I’m fine…” Her voice comes out hoarse and weak. Expanding a great effort to compose herself, Xia Mo is finally able to paste a small smile on her face for Xiao Cheng. When they step back into the car, Zhen En looks as if she wants to ask something but then ultimately decides not to say anything at all. Pan Nan’s heart is heavy, knowing that the instant she saw Luo Xi leave, that there was no going back. ******* The wedding chapel. The lavishly-dressed guests have begun to enter the chapel, which is infused by the entering sunlight, creating splashes of rainbow color everywhere it hits. Smiling and laughing, the guests each shake Ou Chen’s hand at the entrance, congratulating the lucky groom. There are not a lot of people invited to the wedding, the majority of the guests being long-time friends or acquaintances of Ou Hua Corporations and just a few close friends of Xia Mo’s from the entertainment industry. Even fewer are Xiao Cheng’s classmates. The ceremony has been closed to all paparazzi, with security closing off all roads to the chapel to ensure that the wedding ceremony is not disrupted. “Congratulations.” “Thank you.” “We wish you and Miss Yin a happy marriage.” “Thank you.” “We wish you both many years of happiness.” “Thank you.” Every guest is taken by surprise as they greet Ou Chen, whose blatant happiness is so very transparent, his typical cool composure completely transformed by warmth. He is unable to contain the happiness in his smile and remains oblivious to the curious stares directed at him from his guests. Even though all he hears are simple wishes of congratulations, there is a burst of

warmth in his chest every time. When there are no more guests waiting to be greeted, his gaze unconsciously moves towards the aisle in front of him… It turns out… that happiness could be this sweet… The torrential winds from before have significantly calmed down. Ou Chen looks towards the road that leads to the chapel. She — wearing her wedding dress, walking towards him, as they step into the chapel together… ******* The white BMW races recklessly down the road! Luo Xi sits there in a daze. He suddenly has no idea where he should be going; nowhere belongs to him, nowhere needs him. His eyes are blank as blackness dances before him; where should he go… the world is empty… only he is pointless… ******* Xia Mo sits quietly in the car as Zhen En and Xiao Cheng laugh together over some silly joke. The sunlight cuts through the window, momentarily piercing her eye and so she slowly closes them. ******* The white limousine slowly turns around the corner — Ou Chen’s body suddenly straightens, as if enchanted by a spell! He unsteadily draws in a deep breath, his green eyes suddenly darkening. The wind gently blows. As the car comes closer, Ou Chen steadily makes his way towards it. When the car finally comes to a stop, Ou Chen is already there, waiting. The romantic and gentle music from the chapel can be heard drifting softly through the air. The driver quickly steps out to open the door — Ou Chen holds out his right hand. A slender, white hand appears from the car and lightly drops onto his hand. As Ou Chen watches, his own hand firmly grips that hand in return. Xia Mo exits from the car, slowly lifting her head towards the sunlight, her eyes halfway closed as if not used to such direct light. From afar, the guests gasp in awe to see such an innocent and fairy-like Xia Mo and even the butterflies forget to dance. Ou Chen stares deeply into Xia Mo’s eyes. And then suddenly — he pulls her in tightly towards him, enfolding her in his warmth.

The guests laugh lightly in delight, watching the formally-dressed Ou Chen walk with Xia Mo held closely by his side. She raises her head to look up at him. He watches her in return as they walk together towards the chapel, his happiness like a child’s delight, the sudden smile on his face threatening to split it wide open as they walk together towards the chapel. ******* The door opens wide to darkness. There is nothing here, no air, no hope – an eternal nightmare. Luo Xi walks in woodenly as if in a trance, double-bolting the door and locking himself in after entering. Standing in the living room, he quietly stands there for a long, long time. And then, numbly makes his way towards the bathroom. Turning on the faucet, he watches the warm water stream down into the dark tub. ******* The bride’s room of the wedding chapel. Xia Mo quietly sits in front of the vanity table, absently studying her reflection. In front of so many friends and acquaintances, she has been polite and smiling, and slowly, that smile has almost become a permanent part of her face. “Tired?” Ou Chen looks at her in concern. “Nervous?” Xia Mo was planning on just lightly laughing as a response, not knowing the proper answer to Ou Chen’s questions but then hears him softly add. “I’m really nervous.” Pause. “It feels like I’m in a dream; I’m scared that I’m just going to suddenly wake up…” The old Ou Chen used to seem so unyielding and solid, as if he had control of everything. But this present Ou Chen as he stares deeply at Xia Mo, his eyes full of the possibility of such happiness and yet still carrying a tinge of vulnerability and fear. “It’s not. And even if it is a dream, I will still be there with you.” Everything was her decision and even if it is just a play, she will still act her role to the end. As for those who suffered because of her choices, while she may never be able to make it up to them, at least she can make the people who are by her side happy. ******* The tub is now completely full of water. Still wearing his clothes, Luo Xi peacefully climbs into the tub. Relaxing his body, he lies in the water, staring up at the skylight of the bathroom. His face is ashen, his lips red and in the darkness of the tub, there is an eerily beautiful quality to the picture.

The knife gives off a flash of brilliance before the pale hand holding it angrily slashes down! A line of red instantly appears on his wrist, and slowly, the stark blood begins to drip from the wound… Until finally, it starts to fall faster… and faster… Drip… Drip… Drip… Following the slope of that wrist… each drop falls gently into the warm water… ******* “Sister, have you really thought it through?” “… yes.” Xia Mo looks at Xiao Cheng’s pale and weakened face. Three days after the wedding will be the date of his surgery. Xia Mo smiles softly at Xiao Cheng as he gently replaces one of the wilted flower buds from her crown. “Ah! That’s perfect! Xiao Cheng, you are just too sweet!” Zhen En bumbles excitedly, enviously glancing over at Xia Mo. “Xia Mo, you are so lucky! You have the world’s best little brother and soon you will have a husband who loves you dearly! And the wedding decoration is just too romantic and beautiful!” “Yes. Brother Ou Chen paid a lot of attention to today’s details; Sister, you will be happy!” “You will be happy!” Pan Nan also warmly adds. Since Xia Mo’s final decision is Ou Chen, then she must be happy. ******* So… this is what it feels like to have your skin tear opened… A bitter smile dances on those ashen lips… So, it really doesn’t hurt that much… the bleeding is peaceful enough that you just sort of go numb… Slowly, he closes his eyes, allowing his bleeding wrist to slide gently into the water. In the warm water, the wound will never close… The clear water. A thin ribbon of red slowly and gracefully unfurls from his wrist to rise to the surface, slowly transforming the clear water to a clear sea of red… ******* The ceremony has begun.

At the pastor’s signal, the music begins. Pan Nan and Zhen En, their faces vibrant with smiles, start to walk slowly down the aisle. And then Ou Chen walks in. As Ou Chen walks down the aisle, he is as handsome as Apollo, the sun god, his eyes as green as a spring lake. The green silken scarf flutters gently from his wrist, as if dancing lightly to the music that is wafting through the chapel. He arrives in front of the pastor – and then turns around to face the entrance. His eyes intense, as if still unable to believe the happiness that is awaiting him as he watches that path. The path that his bride will soon walk on towards him. ******* His body is getting colder and colder – it is becoming harder and harder to breathe. It is becoming darkness in front of Luo Xi, his lips roughen and dried. Even the warm water that is still gushing from the faucet can no longer keep him warm. Just like that one night so long ago… that cold, winter’s night as snowflake after snowflake fell on top of his head and face – he patiently waited on the bench in the amusement park, waiting for Mommy to come back for him… Mommy just got lost. As long as he keeps waiting for her, she’ll come running out towards him… So he waited… and waited… and waited… But only the snowflakes kept him company… The world is so cold, so cold… He swore that he would never again love somebody… He will never be given up by someone he loved again… Until… until he met her… Her calmness, her mockery, her warmth, her laughter, her intelligence, her beauty, her cruelty, her heartlessness… He fell in love with her… crazily, stupidly, irrevocably and with his life… he fell in love with her… ……………. “Luo Xi, welcome to this home.” “Are you worried about me?” “Yes.”

“Are you… worried about me?” “Yes.” “What if I’m so sick that I’m about to die, and right before I do die I just want to see you one more time – would you… would you give up everything just to come to my side?” “I wouldn’t. I will be right there with you, giving you your medicine, finding the best doctors for you and staying by your side. I won’t leave you and even if you make me leave, I will still stay with you.” “Okay. Forever loyal, forever unwavering.” Forever loyal… Forever unwavering… ******* Xia Mo stands in the entrance to the chapel. As the music changes for her bridal walk, she raises her head. She sees the excited and expectant looks on the guests’ faces and sees Ou Chen’s steady gaze on her. Taking a deep breath, she takes the first step – And suddenly she feels pain seize her heart, so much pain that she can only bite down on her lip and frantically try to control the shivers that have come over her body… If there’s nothing else left in this world for me to care about… then why not just die… Even if I disappear from this world in the next second… you still will unhesitatingly marry him… “Sister…” Xiao Cheng urgently whispers to his sister. She has paused long enough that the guests have begun to take notice and they began to murmur amongst themselves. Brother Ou Chen’s expression has become slightly nervous. “Sister…” At this moment, Xiao Cheng was planning on telling her, that even if she were to hesitate right then, he would support her regardless. But then Xia Mo seemed to come out of her daze and then steadily taking another deep breath, starts to walk down the aisle towards Ou Chen. Step by step… she slowly comes forward. Holding onto Xiao Cheng’s arm, she slowly comes closer to Ou Chen. The chapel’s music continues to softly float through the air.

Zhen En is so touched by the picture that she cannot help the sudden tears in her eyes. Watching Xia Mo walk towards Ou Chen, she fervently prays that Xia Mo will be happy – she must be happy; she must, must be happy… If possible, she will gladly give her own happiness to Xia Mo… Suddenly, the mood of the ceremony is broken by the shrill ring of a cell phone! The ring is familiar, ringing nonstop and in a panic, Zhen En realizes that the noise is coming from her own purse! Scrambling to open the purse, she realizes that it is Xia Mo’s cell phone – who could possibly be calling Xia Mo at this time… Zhen En feels her head about to explode! ******* “There’s nothing between me and Ou Chen…” “Luo Xi… the one I like is you…” “…. I like you…” The redness of the warm water in the tub. Bloody red… As life is slowly leaving him, Luo Xi clutches at the phone with his bloodied hand as if it is the most important thing in the world to him. Drip… drip… Darkness in front of his eyes. The phone continues to ring steadily. ******* Zhen En’s face loses all color, the name “Luo Xi” on Xia Mo’s phone causing her hands to start shaking, and she drops the phone back into the purse, that incessant ringing still going! “What’s wrong? Who’s calling?” Pan Nan looks over in concern. Zhen En hurriedly shuts her purse closed, not wanting Pan Nan to see. “No… nothing…” As Xia Mo walks past the guests, her gaze falls on the people she knows. Ling Hao watches her. Cai Ni looks at her in comfort. Yao Shu Er smiles at her. Even Wei An smiles brightly at her. And even Jam and all the other people who once helped and support her…

As Xia Mo finally reaches to the front, she can suddenly hear two different sounds playing at once. One is the music of the chapel and the other is a faraway and muffled song… So familiar… “Sister…” Xia Mo suddenly comes to a halt when Xiao Cheng stops walking. And sees that she has stopped directly in front of Ou Chen. ******* I just want to see you one last time before I die… The water has long overfilled the tub as it continues to relentlessly stream down from the faucet. The ground is covered in fresh blood water… He can no longer hold onto the phone and it clatters heavily to the ground. Will she… ******* In front of everyone, Xiao Cheng gently places a kiss on Xia Mo’s forehead and after a glance at Ou Chen, respectfully places her hand into Ou Chen’s awaiting one. Ou Chen firmly holds onto her hand, as if it is his life’s treasure. In that moment, his warm hand enfolding her own cool one, Ou Chen feels his heart skip a beat, the happiness that he dares not believe in threatening to spill forth from his blood… Forever unwavering… forever together… ******* Will she… In that eternal darkness… His heart seems to no longer have the strength to beat… So cold… Luo Xi lies there, his eyes blank and his lips bloodless, the water gently lapping at his shirt… let Death come take him… Will she… *******

“Ou Chen, do you take Yin Xia Mo to be your lawfully wedded bride? To love her, to cherish her, through poor and rich times, through sickness and in health? To pledge your love and respect, your forever loyalty and to be together forever?” Ou Chen can only see Xia Mo. “I do take Yin Xia Mo to be my lawfully wedded bride. To love her, to cherish her, through poor and rich times, through sickness and in health, to pledge my love and respect, my forever loyalty, to death do we part.” “Yin Xia Mo, do you take…” ******* To give up everything… ******* She cannot, cannot let Xia Mo know! The ringing of the cell phone continues to ring heinously from deep within the purse and as Zhen En fidgets nervously, she can already tell that Pan Nan has caught on. “Zhen En, your cell phone…” “It’s nothing!” Frantically thrusting her hand inside the purse, she cannot let Pan Nan see it! If Pan Nan sees that Luo Xi is trying to call Xia Mo, then everything will be ruined! Anxiously fumbling around in her purse, Zhen En finally manages to press the power button! ******* To give up everything… The phone stops ringing, emitting a busy signal. The sound is deafening in its finality, as if the very last string of hope has been brutally cut off… There is nothing left to hold him here… Can just peacefully leave… …to come to my side… ******* “I do.” Watching Xia Mo, Ou Chen then slowly, begins to uncurl the green scarf from his wrist. That green scarf which hast lasted so many long years.

Lightly taking her hand, he starts wrapping that scarf around her own slender wrist, that beautiful green silken scarf… Around… and around… Until finally, he secures it with a butterfly knot. Lowering his head, he places a deep kiss upon her hand… ******* “LUO XI!” “LUO XI!” Outside the door, Shen Qiang and Jie Ni both pound the door in a panic; Yin Xia Mo’s wedding ceremony is happening right now and yet they haven’t been able to contact Luo Xi! The door appears to have been double-bolted because Jie Ni cannot get in with her own key! They finally call upon security to break the door down but upon entering, can only hear the peaceful noise of water from the bathroom. “Luo Xi….?” They both rush towards the bathroom and as the door is opened halfway, they are greeted by the grotesque, blood water-covered ground and then see the dark figure lying in that blackened tub of red… as if… as if… As if he was already long dead… “LUO XI!!!!” Their horror-filled screams echo throughout the empty home.

Chapter 7 As the sound of the shower comes from the bathroom, Ou Chen quietly sits by the bed, staring at the flower crown that she had worn during their ceremony. He can still almost smell her scent from them. Ou Chen is very aware of the pounding of his heart. Lightly reaching out with a finger, he tentatively pokes at one of the flowers. Images of that day’s ceremony flashes through his mind, her in her snow-white dress as she walked towards him, her softly repeating her vows in front of the pastor, in front of their guests, her throwing her bridal bouquet towards the open sky…

The flower buds are cold. Just like her finger, for when he was tying on that scarf, he had lightly brushed against her hand. The shower is turned off. And then the door to the bathroom opens. Ou Chen lightly places the crown back down and then raises his head. Xia Mo is wearing a white bathrobe, a white towel wrapped around her hair, her skin still lightly moist and heated from her shower. “You…” Ou Chen is stunned to realize that his voice has come out hoarse. Quickly swiveling his head around from her, he nervously clears his throat. “You have showered.” Xia Mo had taken a really long shower. Although she has already mentally prepared herself that she will need to perform a wife’s duties, she had still been unable to turn that faucet off. Until the heat from the shower was fast causing her to become heady, did she realize the futileness of her actions. Even if she hesitates and fights, there is no point to it now. “You… can take your shower now…” Xia Mo’s face instantly reddens. “You must be tired. You should go to bed.” Ou Chen stands up and then turns back around to look at her. “If you need anything, just call one of the maids. Or you can call me; I’ll be in the room across the hallway.” Xia Mo looks up in astonishment! “Good night.” Ou Chen walks past her towards the door. “Wait a minute!” Xia Mo bits down on her lip nervously when she hears his footsteps pause. “You don’t have to do this… Stay. We are… already married…” As Ou Chen watches her, it takes all of his will power to control the sudden thumping of his heart again. She is as beautiful as a goddess. However, her hands continue to fist nervously at her side. “We need to prepare for Yin Cheng’s surgery tomorrow, so you should get a good night’s rest. As for us… we have plenty of time in the future…” He smiles slowly, as if he still hasn’t gotten used to smiling. Although there is a stiffness to his smile, there is also warmth. “Good night.” “Good night.” As the door slowly closes in front of Xia Mo, the master bedroom instantly becomes quiet. Xia Mo’s body suddenly relaxes and she slides down onto the bed, as if all her energy has been expended. Numbly sitting there, her gaze reflexively falls onto the purple red, silk window coverings.

That color… just a flash of red… Looks so much like blood… Her heart clenches for a moment; she doesn’t know what’s wrong with her and why she would suddenly have such a feeling of fear consume her, almost as if something horrific has happened somewhere else… ******* “Luo Xi…” “Luo Xi!” The heart monitor in the emergency room suddenly lets out a piercing shriek, as the line becomes solid straight. In a rush, the nurses push Shen Qiang and Jie Ni out of the room! “LUO XI…!!” Her voice hoarse from crying, tears stain Shen Qiang’s face while Jie Ni can only clutch at her mouth to try to muffle her own cries. They can only watch helplessly as the doctor uses a defibrillator to try to start Luo Xi’s heart again. Once… twice… Luo Xi lies there with no apparent signs of life, his face white and his hands motionlessly on the bed… ******* Xia Mo suddenly lurches awake from a nightmare! Her entire body is drenched in sweat, her lips paper thin. That dream had felt so real… so real that every detail is still clearly depicted in front of her – Luo Xi’s body soaked in blood as it continuously drips… No… she can’t continue to think crazy thoughts… She tries to chase away the lingering nightmare as she comforts herself; there’s no one in this world who would be unable to keep living just because s/he lost someone else… As for her, she no longer has the right to think about other people… From today on, she is someone’s wife… ******* “Xiao Cheng, tomorrow is the day of surgery. Are you nervous?” After some debate, this is all that Zhen En could think of to say. Perhaps it is because the recently wedded Xia Mo and Ou Chen are also in the room, Xiao Cheng looks extremely well.

However, Zhen En cannot get rid of the feeling of shame and does not dare look Xia Mo directly in the eye. She did not tell Xia Mo about the phone call and had even deleted the call record before handing the phone back. It shouldn’t be a big deal… She just didn’t want anything else to adversely affect Xia Mo’s wedding. Luo Xi… Luo Xi just called out of bitterness… But why does she feel so uncomfortable? “I’m not nervous; the surgery will proceed smoothly,” Xiao Cheng smiles at his sister and Brother Ou Chen. “Because I still want to see Sister and Brother-in-law have a baby together, and then the baby can call me ‘Uncle!’ “ Xia Mo instantly blushes and she sneaks a quick glance over at Ou Chen, who is already watching her with bright eyes. Confused, she quickly looks away, turning towards Xiao Cheng and reminding him that he will need to prepare for his surgery soon; he should be resting right now. Ou Chen places a gentle hand on Xiao Cheng’s shoulder. “The surgery will be successful.” “Hmm, I know.” Pause. “Brother-in-law, could I ask you a favor?” “Go ahead.” “The donor… I’m really grateful to him and would like to personally thank him myself.” “I think, he already knows of your gratitude. However, he may not necessarily have agreed to the surgery out of charity but to thank the Heavens for having given him a precious chance. Perhaps, he needs to thank you instead.” “Do you know him?” “Yes.” “Can I meet him?” “He doesn’t want other people to know who he is.” “Why not?” “It’s time for a check-up, so we should go.” Xia Mo stealthily interrupts the conversation as she begins to push Xiao Cheng’s wheelchair away. Zhen En breathes a sigh of relief and Ou Chen moves to push the wheelchair for Xia Mo but the slight shaking of her head dissuades him. “Sister.” “Yes?” “After the surgery, I’ll be able to leave the hospital.” “….” ………………….. “Xia Mo, you clearly know, that after that car accident, Xiao Cheng suffered a lot of external damage to his organs. And since he wasn’t able to receive proper care in time, the damages that he sustained caused his illness to considerably worsen. His kidney has already reached the stage

that is threatening to his life and although a replacement will temporarily extend his longevity, if he becomes ill from anything else…” ………………………………. “Sister…?” “If you get better, of course you’ll be able to leave the hospital.” “Can I live with you and Brother-in-law?” “Of course you’ll live with us.” “That’s great! That way, I can still see Sister every day…” Zhen En feels a calming warmth feel her, watching the picturesque quality of Xia Mo and Ou Chen, the happiness on Xiao Cheng’s face – she knows that she made the right decision! It’s a good thing she didn’t tell Xia Mo about that phone call… It’s a good thing she didn’t let Luo Xi’s shadow ruin the wedding… “Yin Xia Mo!” Suddenly, a hatred-filled voice rings out in the hallway! Shen Qiang rushes towards them, ire burning her face. She stalks purposefully towards Xia Mo, her glare never leaving her, as if she will use her stare to sentence her to death! Just as Zhen En is about to ask her what exactly is going on, Shen Qiang roughly shoves her off to the side before stopping directly in front of Xia Mo. “Miss Shen…” Xia Mo begins, not understanding why Shen Qiang would show up here. SMACK! Shen Qiang’s hand flies across Xia Mo’s face! Zhen En gasps in shock! How dare Shen Qiang publicly slap someone without any reason?! “Sister…!” Xiao Cheng instantly stands up from his wheelchair, concerned that his sister may be hurt. Ou Chen is incensed as he moves protectively to stand in front of Xia Mo, watching as her face instantly swells up. Seeing the hand imprint, he is suddenly filled with a rage to kill. “Yin Xia Mo! You’re totally full of yourself, aren’t you?!” Shen Qiang is filled with righteous anger as the rage boils over her. Xia Mo can only dumbly stand there, as if in a dream. She doesn’t know what exactly happened, only that her face is now smarting from the pain and that she is currently the target of Shen Qiang’s uncontrollable rage. “You’ll do anything for power, manipulating everyone just to climb on top! Congratulations, Yin Xia Mo, you’ve finally married into the wealthy! But don’t you have nightmares? Aren’t you

afraid of karma?! Aren’t you afraid… aren’t you afraid that the people you hurt will turn into vengeful spirits and take you to hell?!” “What are you talking about…” “You will get your punishment! Yin Xia Mo! Someone with a viper’s heart like you should have already gone to hell! I will never forgive you! I swear, as long as I live, I will never let you be at peace!” “Please better control your emotions.” Ou Chen keeps Xia Mo close behind him as he levels a stare at Shen Qiang. “You will pay for today.” “Haha, pay! I’m so frightened! Even if you’re the great and all-mighty heir of Ou Hua Corporations, do you think I’ll be scared of you?! Even if you can control the world with one hand, even if you bribe the media, even if you can squash me like an ant with your one finger, do you think I’ll be scared of you?! You’re just another one of Yin Xia Mo’s poor little dolls to play with!” Pause. “Why do you think she married you?! Because she loves you? Hahaha, it’s only because of your assets and status! Because of you, she can so callously hurt Luo Xi, stepping all over him to get what she wants! One day she’ll throw you to the curb too for someone else who has more power and status than you! The pain that Luo Xi suffers today, you will suffer ten times more!” “Luo Xi…” That nameless fear begins to surround Xia Mo again… Shen Qiang’s tirade wouldn’t be completely baseless, yes… something must have happened… “Luo Xi, he…” No… no… “What, you mean you still remember his name? You’re now a rich mistress and you still remember your old lover’s name? Aren’t you afraid that your bank teller will be unhappy? In fact, what right do you still have to ask about him! Didn’t you already throw him away like trash, why would you still worry whether or not he lived or died?!” Lived or died… “What did you just say…” “He tried to kill himself…” Shen Qiang’s voice is hoarse and she looks as if she has suddenly aged five years. The earlier rage from her eyes has calmed down, as if she doesn’t know whether to be angry at Xia Mo or angry at herself. That man’s heart has never had a place for her and yet she still unconditionally loves him… Even when he attempts suicide for another woman, all she can think of, is to help him achieve his last wish. “Yin Xia Mo, do you feel smug now? He actually tried to kill himself for you… actually used that knife to slice open his own wrist…” Xia Mo numbly stands there; she cannot understand anything, she cannot hear anything… In her haze, she can only see Shen Qiang’s mouth moving as if saying something and then slowly, she cannot even see anything anymore… The world is so silently empty…

“It was yesterday… the same time as your wedding… he tried to kill himself… he lost a lot of blood… the bathroom floor was covered in blood…” Zhen En covers her mouth in horror, her eyes wide open, unable to say anything. Xiao Cheng is also frozen dumb and he falls limply back into the wheelchair. Ou Chen’s entire body stiffens! A rush of cold air floods his body as he looks over at Xia Mo, seeing her lost and whitened expression, and that coldness fills his blood like a curse. As if even before he is able to reach his happiness, it has already been frozen solid. “Brother Luo Xi… how is he doing…” “The doctors have been working on him since yesterday… they said that he’s lost too much blood… chances of survival are low… he’s currently in a coma… critical condition…” Shen Qiang looks at Xia Mo with hopelessness in her eyes. “Do you know… that when we found in him that blood-covered tub… he had called you… as he was fast dying… he called you… why… why didn’t you stop him…” Phone call… that phone call! Zhen En begins to shake uncontrollably! “Follow me! If you still have any sort of conscience left, make him wake up! I don’t care what you do, just make him wake up again, do you hear me?!” Unable to take this feeling of despondence any longer, Shen Qiang grabs Xia Mo by the hand and begins dragging her. “Xia Mo!” Ou Chen instinctively grabs Xia Mo’s other hand in return, the fear in him tightening his grip. No, he can’t let her leave! If he lets her leave, then… she may never come back… But she dumbly stares back at him. Her eyes are empty, as if they can no longer recognize who he is, staring right through him. It is as if the instant her soul had heard about that man’s suicide, it had already fluttered away… Ou Chen’s hand loosens – and Shen Qiang pulls away with Xia Mo in tow. Xiao Cheng watches the wooden figure of his sister depart and then seeing the obvious pain on Ou Chen’s pale face, his own heart is thrown into confusion. Guilt and remorse have taken over Zhen En’s body. It was that phone call… that phone call… it’s her fault that another life was taken… she has killed someone… ******* It is like she is in a dream; Xia Mo stumbles over a whitened landscape of fog. Someone is pulling her – her wrist is in pain but she can’t hear or see anything… memories continue to flash hideously through her mind…

I think that before I die, I want to complete the things I’ve always wanted to do… Do you know… that I’ve actually wanted to propose to you a long time ago… If there’s nothing left in this world to care about, then just die… She doesn’t know where she is but she hears the distant noise of a car door… someone is yelling at her… She doesn’t understand, just that the voice is filled with rage at her! But she doesn’t hurt. The car seems to be moving… her body seems to be moving along with it but her brain is completely empty and numbed… She doesn’t understand – isn’t this a dream? Then why… why hasn’t she waken up yet… Even if I disappear from this world in the next second, you still will unhesitatingly marry him… The car seems to be moving at the fastest speed possible — it won’t stop — it just keeps pushing down on the gas pedal… That piercing noise is like demon’s shrill laughter; her body is consumed by chills, her head is about to explode and the sudden need to puke is rushing up at her! And then… she begins to vomit. In great heaves and gasps, she vomits everything out. Until someone places a napkin in her hand. Are you scared… I… will not wish you happiness… The car finally stops. Someone is forcefully pulling her out of the car and she is unceremoniously yanked out, her wrist crying out in pain. She is instantly swathed in blinding white light and her nose begins to itch from the smell of disinfectant. She cannot see clearly where she is but the feeling of sickness still plagues her, as if she will not feel better until she has puked out every organ in her body! He tried to kill himself… Are you happy now… He actually tried to kill himself for you… ruthlessly used that knife to cut down on his vein… Someone seems to be saying something again and the chills start over; she dumbly stands there, unable to move like a hurt little animal. Her breathing thunders in her ear, and she cannot hear that someone is standing and talking next to her. Someone is pulling on her but she doesn’t want to move a single step! Until someone roughly shoves her into the room – that white and spotless room. And she hears the steady beep… beeping… noise…

It was yesterday… the same time as your wedding… he tried to kill himself… he lost a lot of blood… the bathroom floor was covered in blood… “Senior Xia Mo…” In that blank whiteness, someone is calling her name… She numbly walks forward, and then stops. Through her darkened and crazed vision, she slowly, slowly feels her way forward – and then her vision clears to see the deathly pale person lying in the sick bed. That snow-white bed. The weak wrist lying motionlessly on top of the cover. And the starch white bandage wrapped endlessly around it. How deep the wound must be… to require such a thick wrapping… His ashen face. Closed eyes. Black eyebrows. Bloodless and chapped lips. He lies there peacefully as an IV drip methodically drips down; his chest doesn’t even appear to rise, the only sign that he is still living is the steady beep of the heart monitor that is attached to him. Peacefully lying on the bed. So peaceful that he appears to be a newborn baby, so peaceful that he doesn’t know anything, doesn’t know that she has arrived, doesn’t know that she’s now standing there next to him, doesn’t know her hopelessness and fear… doesn’t know that he has already forced her to the edge of the cliff… “You…really did it…” After standing there for a long, long time, Xia Mo numbly stands by the bed, her voice seemingly coming from a faraway place. Drained of strength now, Shen Qiang sags against the wall and closes her eyes. This is all she can do now. The world is just so contradictory; she despises Yin Xia Mo and would be happiest if Luo Xi never saw this woman ever again. But when faced with the comatose Luo Xi who has completely lost his will to live, all she can do is bring Yin Xia Mo to him and have her try to save him. Jie Ni’s eyes are red and her head lowered, tears silently rolling down her face. In that instant when they had discovered Luo Xi in that blood-covered bathroom, she had hated Senior Xia Mo. Hated her for being so cruel to leave Luo Xi to marry someone else. But watching the pale and shaking Xia Mo standing next to the unconscious Luo Xi, she suddenly realizes – that under Senior Xia Mo’s tough exterior may perhaps lie an even more vulnerable heart. “Luo Xi… you really… really hate me that much… So much that you have to use such a cruel way… to announce your victory… But, do you think you have really won…” Xia Mo hesitatingly

reaches out as if to touch his hair but then her hand freezes. “You’ve only… only made us both losers… you’ve hurt yourself… and used that to hurt me…” “Wake up…” “Why are you just lying there without moving…” “Don’t you think this is stupid…” “What if I don’t care about you… even if you die… it doesn’t hurt me at all…” Xia Mo starts laughing uncontrollably, continually to speak to Luo Xi as if he has indeed waken up. “You’re just doing this because I like you… I like you… so you can cruelly send me to Hell, right…” “What the hell are you saying?!” Shen Qiang angrily stalks forward, first looking at Luo Xi and then over at Xia Mo. “He’s about to die! He’s about to die!! Because he’s lost so much blood and had to be saved five times, he’s still in a coma! Why are you saying such nonsense? Do you really have such a viper’s heart?! You won’t be happy until you’ve watched him die?! What is your heart made out of?! Are you really not afraid of karma?!” “Miss Shen…” Jie Ni hurriedly interjects. “You misunderstand Senior Xia Mo. She’s not mocking Luo Xi, she’s also distraught, don’t you see that? And you should lower your voice; the doctors had warned us that it would affect his healing…” “Distraught?! She’s like a wooden figure! She’s not even crying! She doesn’t have blood; it’s ice!” The anger in Shen Qiang’s chest is about to implode, but she knows that Jie Ni is right; Luo Xi cannot be disturbed. Having said everything that was bottled up inside of her, she grits her teeth and walks out of the room, slamming the door shut. The room becomes instantly quiet. “Will you die… You’re just scaring me, right… then I… I admit defeat… okay… don’t scare me… do you know… I… I… I’m scared.” Xia Mo looks hopelessly at him. “Maybe… you have to use death to punish me… but… you’re really stupid… even if you die… it won’t scare me…” So cold… she’s so cold… He’s just lying there like the dead. As if he can’t even hear a word she just said; there isn’t the slightest reaction from him. Just like… he was already dead… Slowly… Xia Mo turns away… slowly… she walks towards the door… Luo Xi… you can’t scare me… She dumbly opens the door and slowly… walks down that vast, white hallway…

You can’t scare me… She quietly walks outside into the rain and is covered by the splattering of the cold water… there appears to be the sound of a car and even someone yelling at her from the car… and even someone seems to be worriedly helping her… If… you die… She continues walking in that haze-filled rain… it is all an illusion… She cannot see the road in front of her… the rainwater is so cold… but she is so numb that she is now used to it… No matter what she encounters, she won’t be scared… yes… she is Mommy’s strong little daughter… she’s not scared of anything… Then… I will give you this life in return… Numbly walking, she doesn’t know how long she has walked or even how far; it seems that daylight has turned into night. The rain slowly stopped and then slowly started again, her body is soaked and then dried, dried and then soaked again. She is in the hospital gardens. And then standing right outside the patient room. And the sudden realization comes back to her, as reasoning slowly returns thread by thread. No, she cannot be weak, she will not be defeated! She still has Xiao Cheng and his surgery is tomorrow; even if the demons have swallowed whole her entire soul, she cannot be defeated right now… Xia Mo slowly reaches out to push the door open… …when the door suddenly flies open! “Xia Mo!!” Zhen En flies out of the room at Xia Mo, grasping her with unsteady and shaking hands. “Is he… is he dead?” Xia Mo numbly stands there and under Zhen En’s crazed shaking, what little reasoning she had earlier recovered instantly scatters from her grasp. “He’s dead… he’s dead, isn’t he…” Zhen En’s face is ashen; since hearing the news of Luo Xi’s attempted suicide from Shen Qiang, she has been filled with horror and fear. She’s been waiting for Xia Mo to return but yet Xia Mo never came back, and now that she’s back, her expression is one of blankness. It is as if what she has most feared in the world has come to pass! “I’m sorry… it was me who harmed Luo Xi! It was me! I killed him! He called you during the wedding ceremony, right as you were walking down the aisle and had arrived in front of Ou Chen! I saw the call; I’m sorry, Xia Mo, I didn’t know he was about to die, I really didn’t know!

I didn’t give the phone to you and hung up on the call and then I even erased the call record! I’m sorry, Xia Mo! It was me! I killed him! I killed Luo Xi… if I had given you that call… perhaps he wouldn’t have died…” “Zhen En…” Her head in so much pain that it’s about to split wide open and the air conditioning from the vents causing chills to Xia Mo’s body… she feels both hot and cold… it is extremely hard to take… Xia Mo fights to control her body’s internal shaking. “He’s still alive… he…” “Xia Mo, I’m sorry! I was too selfish! I know the truth, I’ve known from the very beginning; I heard everything you said with Ou Chen! You’re doing it for Xiao Cheng’s surgery, only Ou Chen’s kidney is a match for Xiao Cheng and so you agreed to marry him…” “You…” Xia Mo is stunned. So Zhen En has always known then? “But that’s not right, isn’t it? Marriage should about mutual love and respect; it shouldn’t be for this kind of an exchange, right?!” “But, I was too selfish…” “I didn’t try to stop you! I clearly knew why you were marrying Ou Chen and yet I didn’t stop you! I wanted Xiao Cheng to live and so I just silently watched you sacrificed and even tried to reassure myself that you would be happy! I’m so selfish, Xia Mo… I’m not worthy of being your friend…” Pause. “I thought, as long as Xiao Cheng lived, then any price would be worth it! But I was wrong! Happiness can’t be received as a condition… You married someone you don’t love and I didn’t try to stop you! And even knowing Luo Xi’s pain, knowing he would be heartbroken and even in that moment when he was committing suicide, I didn’t even tell you! I killed him, I killed Luo Xi! It’s all my fault! Xia Mo, I’m sorry, I’m sorry…!” Standing underneath the biting and frigid air of that vent. Xia Mo can almost no longer stand upright, her head severely pounding… suddenly, she senses another presence and swivels her head around! Xiao Cheng is quietly standing there, dumbly staring at the tear-stained Zhen En and then dumbly staring at her, his eyes sunken dark holes and his bloodless face. “Sister… is that true… because Brother Ou Chen can give his kidney to me… so you married him..” And some distance behind Xiao Cheng… is Ou Chen… Quietly standing there, Ou Chen watches her, as if he has been waiting a long time for her and will continue to wait forever… however, he does not know if she despises him waiting for her… doesn’t know whether in her mind, his waiting is actually another form of torture for her…

Chapter 8 That night, Xiao Cheng dumbly sits in bed, not eating and saying a word. It is like he is deaf, unable to hear any noise and blind, not seeing anything in front of him. He does not hear the

cries of Zhen En, he does not hear a word of Xia Mo’s explanations nor does he register her increasingly sickly pallor. One full night. No matter how the doctors and nurses order for him to rest, no matter how Xia Mo begs him, no matter how Zhen En wildly cries that she was just lying, and no matter how Ou Chen quietly says anything – he does not hear a word of it. The next day, the doctor is taken aback to realize how much weaker Xiao Cheng has become. But what causes her the most surprise is when Xiao Cheng tells her – he refuses the surgery! “You can’t!” Zhen En’s eyes are red and swollen from continuously crying and not sleeping that night. “I was just spouting nonsense! I actually don’t know anything! The surgery is already prepared; you can’t give up now! You have to go through with the surgery! I beg you! I was just making stuff up, it’s not true, really, it’s not true…” “Then where is Ou Chen? If he isn’t lying on that surgery table, waiting to give his kidney to me, then tell him to come here right now.” Zhen En freezes! Yes, Ou Chen has already gone into surgery and is waiting for the anesthesia. It’s all her fault, she caused all of this, why isn’t she the one who’s sick? A pale and tense Xia Mo walks into the room. “Doctor… the surgery will depend on you.” “I refuse.” The doctor first looks at the stubborn Xiao Cheng and then the paper-thin Xia Mo, and worriedly asks her if she is all right. However, she is interrupted by Xia Mo. “I am the family elder; I have the right to to make such decisions for him. I will sign the surgery papers, so please ready today’s surgery preparations.” “I told you, I refuse! Even if I die the next instant, I will not accept such a surgery! If I don’t personally agree, then no one else has the right to agree for me! Even you – do not!” Xia Mo is stunned. Ever since they were little, she has never heard Xiao Cheng use such a tone of voice with her. “You…” Pause. “Unless your meaning is to deny me as your sister… then today’s surgery is happening!” “Xia Mo…” “Regardless of using your own happiness as the price…” Pause. “Sister… why do you think… I was born… I only exist in this world, just to cause you trouble, right… Ever since we were little… in order to take care of me… you couldn’t play with other children… at the orphanage… in order to protect me… you would always get into fights with the other kids… in order to protect me… you hurt someone and was locked up… and when you came out, your body was covered in wounds… but you wouldn’t talk about what happened… you took care of me… in order to heal my illness… in order for me to go to school… you would work every day… only sleeping three to four hours each day… in order to save money… you entered that complicated entertainment world… Sister… I know… you love me… but… if for me… you have even have to

give up your world’s happiness… What am I… the leech that takes away your life and your happiness…” Pause. “If I am your little brother, so I have to hurt you… then… I’d rather… I’d rather…” “It’s not because of you! It’s not because of that kidney that I chose to marry Ou Chen… it’s because I like him… Even if there was no surgery… I would still marry him…” “The one you like is Brother Luo Xi! Because of me, you broke up with Brother Luo Xi… it was Ou Chen who forced you, he used that kidney to force you to marry him!” “No… the one I like is Ou Chen…” An image of Luo Xi lying motionlessly on his bed suddenly flashes in front of Xia Mo and she stubbornly shakes her head to clear it away. Yes, it’s an illusion, Luo Xi didn’t try to kill himself, she’s just having a nightmare… “I beg you… Xiao Cheng… Sister begs you… please believe me this one time, please… it’s not because of you, it’s really not because of you…” Xiao Cheng… does not believe her… “Xiao Cheng… I beg you… accept the surgery… even if it’s just for me… Sister wants to be with you forever… Sister cannot lose you…” A single teardrop silently makes its way down her face. And then another… and another… “… yes… it is Sister’s fault… please forgive Sister… Sister promises you… Sister will do her best to be happy… But without Xiao Cheng… what point will Sister have with that happiness…” Zhen En watches the tears fall down Xia Mo’s face… is this Xia Mo? The Xia Mo who would rather bleed than let any tears fall… Zhen En feels her own heart breaking and more tears fall down her own face… Even the doctor, who has become used to seeing such despondent situations cannot help but feel the same pain… Xiao Cheng’s heart twists at seeing those crystal tears fall down his sister’s pale face and he unconsciously reaches out with his hand to wipe them away. However, he takes a deep breath as if steeling himself and fists his hand back in. “Sister… you’ve already sacrificed so much for me… and now you have to sacrifice your life’s happiness, I’d rather die…” “What are you talking about! You’re not going to die! Stop worrying yourself! Do the surgery! As long as you do the surgery, you’ll be fine! Listen to Sister; be good. The surgery is already prepared, so just listen to Sister this time. Just this one time, okay?!” The doctor glances at the desperate Xia Mo. Only they know that even if Xiao Cheng goes through with the surgery, possible complications from other issues may arise and so there’s still the possibility…

“Sister, I want to live too… I want to take care of you, even if it’s just for half a year or just one month… I don’t want you to worry about me anymore and to let me take care of you instead… So I was really happy to learn that there was a possible kidney… Even if just to live for a short time… I still want to be at your side…” Pause. “But… this comes at the price of your happiness… and Brother Luo Xi… he loves you so much… you both like each other so much… but for me… you gave it all up…” “I don’t care! I just want you, Xiao Cheng! I don’t care about anything else! Just as long as you live! I just want you as my family! If you die, what’s the point in me still living! There is no meaning! Xiao Cheng! I just want you to live! I just want you to live!” “So Brother Luo Xi can go die then?! Tears are blinding Xiao Cheng but he will not allow Sister to scare him. He cannot let her continue to be wrong. “Brother Luo Xi has already tried to kill himself because of that wedding! He’s lying in that hospital bed waiting to be saved! I am your brother, you love me but do you really not care about him at all? You’re not afraid that he really will die?!” She feels as if she has been struck by a bolt of frigid ice! Xia Mo’s body freezes up, her eyes sunken, black holes in her white face and her dry lips open as if to say something but yet no words come out. Luo Xi… That cold and white room… that peaceful body lying motionlessly, his wrist encased in thick wrapping… bloodless face and closed eyes… As if he was already dead… “And Brother Ou Chen… for me… he has to give up his kidney… which will impact his health for the rest of his life… for me… do we really have to sacrifice so many people…” Ou Chen… Her vision has gone white. Her body feels like it is being split into a million pieces, as if a demon has grabbed hold and is now mercilessly biting on her… Is everyone’s pain because of her… Everyone’s pain… “Sister… I know you love me… but… I won’t accept the surgery… Sister… no matter what you say… I… will not… accept the surgery…” She already knew… that she would be punished… She is filled with the urge to puke, the ground seems to be wildly swaying beneath her! Her back seems covered in icy cold and burning hot sweat, as if she is trapped underneath the ocean’s

surface, slowly drowning by the crashing waves! She is so insignificant, so helpless – that she uses any selfish means necessary, betraying Luo Xi, hurting Ou Chen… but, there is no way to turn it back… There is no more hope… Xiao Cheng is that adamant… there is no more turning back… In a foggy daze, someone seems to be calling her but there is no waking from this nightmare… The doorknob is cold to the touch and the hallway endless outside… She walks like a zombie, not knowing where she should go or how far she should go… “Xia Mo!!” When Zhen En rushes out of the room in concern and looks down the hallway, she sees that weak figure slowly slide down onto the cold ground. ******* The cold came on hard and sudden, a raging and desperate fever slowly burning Xia Mo’s body. She ran a temperature of 104 degrees, her lips so dry that they began to crack, her skin hot and feverish. No matter how many ways the doctors came up with to try to burn her fever out, their efforts were in vain, as if she had already given up and would rather stay in her feverish and cationic state, and never wake up. “Xia Mo…” A hoarse Ou Chen numbly stands by her bedside, unable to believe that the previously healthy her would suddenly collapse! Her eyes are tightly closed, her face red, as if she is caught deep in a terrible nightmare as her body shakes uncontrollably, a child caught in the throes of her own horror. Her head thrashes restlessly on the pillow, her expression filled with pain as if she is trying to wake herself up, trying with all her might to wake herself back up… “Xia Mo…” He holds on tightly to her hand, his heart consumed by so much torture that he is unable to breathe. “What did you do to her?!” He directs his wrath at the pale-faced Xiao Cheng who is currently standing in the corner of the room. He knows, that only Xiao Cheng has the ability to deal such a weakening blow to her, because only Xiao Cheng is the most important person to her. And he… is nothing… As he was lying there on the bed waiting for the surgery to begin, he suddenly realized how lonely his existence was. He walked into the surgery by himself; no one was by his side. When he signed the paperwork for the surgery, no one was by his side. And when he was lying on that

bed in the operation room, only accompanied by the anesthetist and surgeon, there was no one waiting for him in worry. Perhaps… she hadn’t even noticed his absence… She only loves her little brother. It is only because of her intense love for her little brother that he suddenly became important, because he had something that he could give her. If it wasn’t for that kidney, she wouldn’t even spare him a glance. In that moment, his heart was thrown into confusion and he became thrown by the irony of the situation. To use a kidney to force her is such a despicable method, but he only has this way, this one way to keep her with him! But when Yin Cheng found out everything… did he even lose this one tiny hope… When the doctor had informed him of the surgery’s cancellation, he had quietly sat back up on the bed, the loneliness in his heart like the winter’s snow. He had thought that his heart would slowly freeze over but seeing the comatose and feverish Xia Mo, he then realized that he had overestimated himself. He can withstand the loneliness and the cold – but her ashen face and painful writhing… they are like knives to his heart. He would rather face a thousand times more loneliness and coldness than ever see her in pain. “And what did YOU do to her?!” Xiao Cheng in turn, directs the question back at Ou Chen. “….” The fire burning in Xiao Cheng’s eyes cause him to look nothing like the normally obedient and easygoing Yin Cheng. Ou Chen grimaces, unable to respond to Xiao Cheng’s biting question. “Even if it’s for your sister, you should go through with the surgery.” Xiao Cheng is her everything. She will do anything just so Xiao Cheng can live happily. It is most likely because Xiao Cheng turned down the surgery, essentially destroying all her hope that she suddenly collapsed. “I won’t take your kidney and allow her to give away her happiness for it.” Xiao Cheng slowly stands up and his gaze falls on Xia Mo. However, he cannot bear to look any longer because an extra moment of seeing her ill causes his heart to feel as if it is being slowly burned by a hot iron. He walks out of the room and then dumbly stands in the hallway, his mind a blank cloud. Sister has always been healthy, she will get better, he can’t surrender simply out of a moment of weakness, she’ll be better very soon… Still sitting in the corner of the patient room is Zhen En, who has apparently been forgotten by everyone else. She numbly watches Xiao Cheng’s disappearing figure and then watches Ou Chen standing over Xia Mo. Her eyes are swollen with tears still wet on her face, and she is painfully distraught. The events of these two days have caused her brain to be completely thrown and she

no longer knows what is right or wrong. Perhaps there is no such thing in the world as black and white; only tragic stories that disappoint people, causing tears to endlessly fall. Ou Chen continues to stand there. There is no light in his eyes as he relentlessly repeats to himself; he didn’t do anything wrong, he won’t regret anything! However, when the weak and hot hand twitches involuntarily in his hand from her shaking, he feels his last resolve scatter, just like weeds being blown away by the gusts of wind at the water’s edge… ******* The fever never passes. Ou Chen has the country’s most renowned doctors try to heal her but although they try everything from needles to various methods to try to warm her body temperature, their efforts are in vain. On the third day, the doctors inform Ou Chen that Xia Mo’s illness has turned into a severe case of pneumonia. ******* The white pillow. The IV drip that is connected to her arm thrashes around as Xia Mo’s face scrunches in pain, struggling to free herself from the demons in her nightmares… ……………………….. Yin Cheng’s illness has considerably worsened and he will need to undergo kidney surgery immediately, otherwise he is not given more than three months to live… Yin Cheng has an extremely rare blood type of RH-B and so they haven’t been able to find a suitable donor yet… We’ve found a suitable donor but that person hasn’t decided on whether or not to donate a kidney to Xiao Cheng yet… His name is Ou Chen… ………… She is stumbling in the hazy fire and cannot see the road before her… ………………….. Marry me, and I will give my kidney to Yin Cheng. Even if I disappear from this world in the next second… you will still unhesitatingly marry him… …………….

Struggling painfully and surrounded by the merciless fire… was she wrong… was she wrong from the very beginning? She tightly closes her eyes, the nightmare has her caught by the throat, burning her lips and she mumbles nonsense over and over… ………………….. … even if you go through with the surgery… there are still possible complications… you need to prepare yourself… Are you happy now? He actually tried to kill himself for you… used that knife to slice down on his own vein… So Brother Luo Xi can go die then… Brother Luo Xi has already tried to kill himself because of that wedding! He’s lying in that hospital bed waiting to be saved! You’re not afraid that he really will die?! And Brother Ou Chen… for me… he has to give up his kidney… which will impact his health for the rest of his life… for me… do we really have to sacrifice so many people… But… I won’t accept the surgery… Sister… no matter what you say… I… will not… accept the surgery… ……………. ………………………….. From morning to night time, the feverish Xia Mo continues to mumble to herself in her sleep, writhing on her bed like a young, sickly girl. She has no strength left… no hope… it is as if she has already completely given up… “Mommy… Mommy…” The forever-guarding Ou Chen has never left her side and when he suddenly hears this clearlyenunciated phrase from her, he nervously takes hold of her twitching hand, his eyes deep with pain as he watches her tortured expression. Watching with her with the fear that her life will so easily slip away from her, wave after wave of despondence comes crushing down on him… “I promise you… Xia Mo… as long as you get better… I’ll do whatever you ask me…” Holding tightly onto her hand, Ou Chen gently lays his face against her burning chest… his shadow a lonely figure in the room, his shoulders shaking ever so slightly… *******

Xiao Cheng cannot bear to stand watch in his sister’s room nor can he silently watch her continue to be tormented by her feverish dreams because that will only chip away at his resistance, making him rather accept the surgery if just to see his sister get better! But what is the difference… Even if that is able to make Sister better, it will take away her right to happiness… Reasoning tells him not to and so he has not been allowing himself to stay in Sister’s room. He has asked Zhen En to find out from Shen Qiang the hospital that Brother Luo Xi is at and learning that he has not waken either, he decided to visit Brother Luo Xi. “Brother Luo Xi…” Is that Brother Luo Xi? No matter if it is his younger memory or the present; Brother Luo Xi has always been smiling and warm, carefree and perfect like an angel… even when he had been harmed, he would smile and say that everything will be all right… But now… Brother Luo Xi would actually choose to commit suicide… “I’m sorry…” Xiao Cheng whispers softly to the comatose Luo Xi. He really loves Sister deeply, choosing to end his life rather than losing her. Although this way ultimately caused Sister to be thrown into Hell but in that moment of choosing, that heartache and distraught could not have been easy for him to endure either. “Please don’t hate Sister… It’s not her fault… it’s all because of me… that Sister would make such a decision…” The door to the room is softly pushed open. However, the whispered noise causes Jie Ni’s hand to pause at the door, as she listens — and raises her head in shock, her expression mirroring that of the accompanying Shen Qiang. “It’s because of me… that Sister would marry Ou Chen… Ou Chen used his kidney as an exchange… as long as Sister married him… then he would be willing to give his kidney to me… so… their marriage is only an agreement…” Shen Qiang is dumbfounded by what she hears; she does not dare believe her ears. Her heart makes a thump and she cannot even articulate what she is feeling. “I think… that Sister does love you… otherwise she wouldn’t always smile at you like she did… wouldn’t have such a hurt expression… after seeing you each time afterward… Brother Luo Xi… Sister is used to hiding everything… she never says what she’s really feeling…” Pause. “Brother Luo Xi… if you still love Sister… please get better… do you know… that she’s sick… she’s really, really sick… just like how you’re in a coma right now…”

BEEP. BEEP. The heart monitor steadily emits. Luo Xi quietly lies on the bed; he has lost a lot of weight and there is no color to his lips. He is the sleeping prince, but the princess who can wake him can no longer return. “Sister has always struggled everyday… even though she may come across as being as strong as an unflappable tree… but she gets tired too… and she needs rest… I may not be able to stay with her much longer… Brother Luo Xi… please get better soon… from now on… you’ll have to take care of her for me… okay…” A long time passes. Finally, Xiao Cheng tiredly gets up but before leaving, he glances one last time at Luo Xi’s sleeping face… Jie Ni is still standing at the door and seeing Xiao Cheng walk by in front of her, she opens her mouth to ask him, to clarify what exactly he meant by everything – but then seeing the despondent expression on his face, she says nothing. Shen Qiang numbly walks over to Luo Xi’s bed. She cannot even begin to process what she has just heard; it just is too unrealistic to grasp. And Luo Xi… did he hear any of it… ******* Ou Chen continues to watch over Xia Mo, having gone days and nights without rest now and stubble has begun to gather on his face. Having refused the nurse’s assistance, he personally places the wet towel on Xia Mo’s forehead although it is nearly dislodged due to her feverish thrashing. Her body continues to be so very hot. Like a furnace that keeps burning forever. “Xia Mo…” He lightly traces her face with his finger and it is as if the burning desperation inside of her transmits to him, splitting his heart open piece by piece. He still has lost… Ou Chen’s finger tenses. Whenever he faces her, he always loses pathetically. Even when happiness is easily within reach, he still loses. She is now his wife, he can be by her side forever, take care of her, make her happy… no one else has the right to split them apart!

But… seeing her unconscious and tortured expression, he knows that he has once again completely lost… everything he has done, the happiness he manipulated and fought for so desperately… it was all for nothing… “Ah… ah…” Xia Mo’s eyes suddenly open wide! “Xia Mo!” “Mommy…” “You…” Originally, Ou Chen couldn’t believe his eyes as she hasn’t woken up once these past few days. However, he realizes that she is currently blankly staring at the ceiling, the cold towel thrown to the side, sweat pouring down her face as she cries out hoarsely. “How are you doing? I’m going to get the doctor!” “Mommy!!” Ou Chen rushes to grab her hand, and Xia Mo moves her gaze from the ceiling to him. She intently stares at him and two tears slowly make their way down her face. Those tears become streams and suddenly she is openly crying, crying like a six or seven year old little girl. “Mommy… Mommy…” “Xia Mo! Xia Mo!” Ou Chen is besides himself in a panic, unable to see her so distraught. He would give everything in the world to be able to take her pain for himself. “Mommy… Xiao Cheng… is going to die… save Xiao Cheng… Mommy… please… save Xiao Cheng… what do I do without Xiao Cheng… you’ve all left… and it’s just me now… I’m really scared… Mommy… please… save Xiao Cheng…” “Xiao Cheng will not die.” His hand painfully gripped by hers, Ou Chen stares intently back at Xia Mo, his voice hoarse. “I swear to you! Xiao Cheng will no die.” “Why are you punishing Xiao Cheng… it’s my fault… everything was my responsibility… Mommy… I did a lot of things wrong… If I hadn’t let Yin Daddy let Luo Xi stay… no… if I had let Luo Xi stay… Xiao Cheng wouldn’t have gotten sick… and then he wouldn’t have needed to go to the hospital… and he wouldn’t have gotten in the car accident…” Pause. “If I hadn’t blamed Ou Chen… if I hadn’t used my life to hurt him… then I wouldn’t have been caught… and caused Xiao Cheng to be left out in the rain… making his health even worse… Do you see… Mommy… it’s all my fault… But why… is Xiao Cheng the one being punished… and not me… they got it all wrong… Mommy… please… you’re in Heaven… you go tell them… the one who

should die should be me! Not Xiao Cheng… not Xiao Cheng…” “Xia Mo, wake up!” Ou Chen grasps her by the shoulders, frantically shaking her, trying to wake her from her feverish murmurings. Her body is burning hot, each tear streaming down her face burning into his heart. She cannot stop shaking as if she does not hear a word he says. Suddenly, she stops and looks at him. “You… are you dead too…” Gently pushing him away, she stares right through him, as if looking somewhere far away. “I’m sorry… I didn’t know you would commit suicide… I thought… you would just hate me… and then forget me… Luo Xi… You’re dead, aren’t you… so… you came to see me one last time… does it hurt… even if you hate me… but doing it like that… it must have hurt a lot, right…” The tears continue to silently fall. “I didn’t know… I really didn’t know… that you would choose to use death to punish me… how can you be so cruel…” She suddenly breaks out into a crazed laugh. “So… Luo Xi… this is my punishment… right… I caused you pain because of Xiao Cheng… and so God is taking Xiao Cheng away… to punish me…” “Then… are you punishing me?!” Ou Chen cries out, the pain and sourness in his heart causing him to momentarily forget that she is currently running a high fever, and he grasps her by the shoulders again, forcing her to open her eyes again, desperation and heartache in his voice. “Because I used marriage to force you! Because I wasn’t willing to just give my kidney to Xiao Cheng! So all of this happened! Luo Xi’s suicide, Xiao Cheng refusing the surgery – it’s all because of my own selfishness! So you’re punishing me now?!” Something in Ou Chen’s cries freezes her, piercing through her hazy mind. She stares back at him woodenly. A sliver of clarity appears in her mind although she continues to be in a dream world. She doesn’t know what he is saying but yet the transparent pain in his eyes breaks her own heart. “Selfishness… who else… could be more selfish than me… for Xiao Cheng… I sacrificed everyone else… knowing it would hurt Luo Xi… knowing that such a marriage… would only bring you pain… knowing that even if Xiao Cheng has the surgery… he could still leave anytime… and I still wanted your kidney…” “I don’t care…”

Ou Chen purses his lips, watching those tears on her face. In this moment, is she crying for him? Even in her feverish state, there may still be a tiny, tiny spot for him in her heart? Then… that can be worth a life’s worth of happiness… “You didn’t do anything wrong… the one who was wrong is me… Xia Mo, I wanted too badly to have you… I held onto you too tightly… and so caused you so much pain…” He gently wipes away her tears. And then, he lightly enfolds her into his warmth; he does not hold onto her as tightly as before but very lightly, so lightly that she only has to twist away to gain her freedom to leave. But she no longer has any strength left and she weakly leans against his strength, her body still running hot and cold. Xiao Cheng’s words continue to flit through her mind – …………………….. So Brother Luo Xi can go die then… Brother Luo Xi has already tried to kill himself because of that wedding! He’s lying in that hospital bed waiting to be saved! You’re not afraid that he really will die?! And Brother Ou Chen… for me… he has to give up his kidney… which will impact his health for the rest of his life… for me… do we really have to sacrifice so many people… …But… I won’t accept the surgery… Sister… no matter what you say… I… will not… accept the surgery… ……………… ……………………………….. Perhaps… this is better… Xiao Cheng won’t be alone… Mommy won’t be alone… And Luo Xi won’t be alone… Against Ou Chen’s chest, Xia Mo faints again, her eyes tightly closed shut and her face a deathly white. She can feel the burning in her bones, as if her life is currently burning away in there… perhaps she will simply burn away into ashes… If she dies too… then she can be with them forever… But… Ou Chen… he will be by himself…

******* The door is quietly shut, footsteps echoing softly in the hallway. Ou Chen walks out, his face completely devoid of emotion, only his tightly lips are tightly clenched and his eyes an endless chasm. In the middle of the hallway is a lonely figure. Xiao Cheng dumbly stares at the ground, his hands uselessly pulling at his own hair. He doesn’t know what to do, it is as if God is playing some big joke on him, wanting him to choose between letting his Sister’s fever continue to burn or sacrificing her life’s happiness… Which decision is the right one… The footsteps stop in front of Xiao Cheng. “Please take care of your sister for me.” Xiao Cheng looks up in surprise, not because Ou Chen is finally leaving after spending the past few days at the hospital but because he would actually ask him to take care of his own sister. That’s his sister and without Ou Chen even saying, of course… Suddenly, bitterness washes over his heart. He has forgotten, Ou Chen is now his sister’s husband and is Sister’s “closest” relative… “Okay.” As Xiao Cheng watches him, the bitterness becomes more intense. These past few days Ou Chen has watched over his Sister day in and day out; Xiao Cheng has known since he was little that Ou Chen’s feelings for Sister are deep and real. If not for using the surgery as an exchange for marriage, he would have blessed Ou Chen and his Sister, and would have congratulated Ou Chen on finally having a happy ending to so many years of loving Sister. But yet… as Xiao Cheng watches Ou Chen’s departing figure, the loneliness emitting from him causes Xiao Cheng to catch his own breath in sadness. In the room. Xia Mo continues to lie there comatose, the fever causing her to shake every now and then. However, her thrashing has significantly decreased now, as if she has already long given up, her face covered in hopeless tears. Xiao Cheng sits by her bedside, lightly wiping away her tears even as his own stream down his face. “Sister… what should I do…” *******

That same night. Luo Xi lies on the bed, his pale hand lying uselessly on top of the bed covers. He appears dead, if not for the life support machine that he is currently hooked up to, causing his chest to very slowly rise up and down. Shen Qiang watches over him. “Yin Xia Mo’s little brother came to see you today… he said some things that you must have heard… then why aren’t you waking up… He said that the one Yin Xia Mo loves is you… He said that the marriage was only an agreement between Yin Xia Mo and Ou Chen… He asked you to take care of his sister for him…” The night is silent. Only the steady beeping of the hospital machinery. “Perhaps… it’s better if you don’t wake up… I heard that Yin Xia Mo is sick too and has been running a high fever for the past few days… Perhaps she feels guilty because of your suicide… If you can’t ever wake up again… she will never get better either…” “I think… you must hate her…” “Then let her go with you and leave this world together…” ******* In the middle of the night. Xia Mo’s fever continues to burn and Xiao Cheng uses a cold towel to gently wipe her face. ******* Shen Qiang is fast asleep by the bed. As if blown by a gentle breeze, one of Luo Xi’s finger begins to twitch a little. ******* The next morning around 10 o’clock, Ou Chen returns to the hospital. “You’re refusing the surgery because you don’t want to use Xia Mo’s marriage as a condition, right?” Ou Chen looks like he has not slept another night and the previous stubble from yesterday has grown even more. As he stares intently at Xiao Cheng, the latter does not say anything, and instead directs his gaze outside the window.

“These are the divorce papers I’ve already signed.” A thin document appears in front of Xiao Cheng, the sunlight reflecting off the black ink of the signature. Xiao Cheng looks at it in shock before looking up at Ou Chen, who continues on hoarsely. “As long as you agree to the surgery, these divorce papers will be in your keeping. My marriage with Xia Mo… can end anytime…”

Chapter 9 “If there are no problems, please sign this paperwork.” Ou Chen places the divorce papers on the bedside table and then pulls out another set of documents to give to Xiao Cheng. The top of the paperwork reads, “Surgery Acknowledgement.” “No!” Xiao Cheng wildly shakes his head. “What else do you want? Say it. As long as you agree to go through with the surgery, no matter what your request, I will do it.” “Why…? Everything you did… it was so that you could be with Sister, right? Then why are you signing divorce papers? Why are you still giving your kidney to me? Ou Chen does not say anything. “No, I won’t agree to the surgery. I can’t take away your kidney and let you lose Sister; that’s too unfair to you. If Sister found out… she wouldn’t be comfortable…” “Then, do you want to watch her die?” “Sister is not going to die! She’s just sick with a fever! She’ll be better… she’ll be better very soon!” “You know what you mean to her! You know why she suddenly got so sick! If you really care about her, what you can do is to accept the surgery! Become healthy again and then stay by her side forever! Don’t worry about the stuff that has nothing to do with you! Sign!” Ou Chen shoves the pen into Xiao Cheng’s hand, his lips grim, fire dancing in his eyes crazily. “No…” Guilt and shame does not allow Xiao Cheng to make a decision and he sets the pen back down. “Then I beg you, please sign it, please take my kidney, please… save Xia Mo!” “Ou Chen…” The pain in Ou Chen’s voice takes Xiao Cheng aback. Ever since he was little, Ou Chen was always so intimidating and superior; this person with his lowered head who is currently pleading with him… is this really Ou Chen?

“All the pain that she is currently in is because of my doing, and the only thing that I can do now, is to go through with the surgery. As for you, I am not asking you to forgive me; that isn’t important to me. However, I hope that you can give me a chance to make it up to her.” Ou Chen places the pen back into Xiao Cheng’s hand and like someone possessed, he mindlessly signs his name onto the surgery paperwork. “Thank you!” Relief instantly spreads across Ou Chen’s face and he hurriedly gathers the paperwork before leaving, as if afraid that Xiao Cheng may change his mind again. That “thank you” twists Xiao Cheng’s heart. Shouldn’t he be the one thanking him instead? How did it all end up flipped the other way? Xiao Cheng watches the relieved Ou Chen leave. “Ou Chen, you really, really love Sister, don’t you?” ******* The morning sunlight dances off Luo Xi’s face. His eyes slowly open. He stares up at the ceiling, as if finally waking up from a long dream, unsure if he is currently still in a dream or whether his memory of the past was the real dream. …………………. Can I beg you to not marry him… But… you’re so cool and composed… you would never change on my account… Xia Mo, what can I do… if for me, will you not marry Ou Chen? Unfortunately, it won’t work… In the cold, bitter wind, her voice is like a biting and sharp needle. Because… I love him… I love Ou Chen… ……………………………………. …………………….. His lips cracked and dry, he closes his eyes. Why is he still alive, why didn’t Death take him away, why does he continue to be tormented by those haunting memories? His heart has already been numbed by the pain and yet each wave of crushing hopelessness takes him back into the darkness.

“Luo Xi…” Jie Ni worriedly says his name. Although Luo Xi has finally waken from coma, the doctor informed her and Shen Qiang that his will to live is dangerously low, which does not bode well for the healing progress. In fact, if they are not able to get his resolve back up, even if he does make it out this time, he may choose to commit suicide again in the near future. Shen Qiang looks at the hopeless expression on Luo Xi’s face and although her heart sours, she neutrally informs Luo Xi. “Yin Xia Mo and her brother came to visit you; do you remember?” The hand on the bed lightly twitches. In his hazy dream, he had thought he had seen her shadow but before he could thank her, she had disappeared… Did she really come… it wasn’t just a dream… Why would she still come to see him… doesn’t she no longer care about him at all… she loves… Ou Chen… doesn’t she… she already married Ou Chen… “Her brother came by himself, and he sat by your bedside and told you…” Shen Qiang tightly clenches her hands into a death grip before forcing herself to continue on. “… he said that the one Yin Xia Mo likes is you… Yin Xia Mo married Ou Chen for her brother, that Ou Chen used his own kidney as a bargaining chip, that as long as Yin Xia Mo married Ou Chen, he would then go through with the surgery…” His lips turn even whiter, and his eyes fly open, his breathing speeding up. Then, it wasn’t a hallucination, Xiao Cheng’s words in his dream state… “So… that marriage was only an exchange…” Pause. “But, in that exchange, she still chose to give you up!” “Luo Xi!” Jie Ni stares at Luo Xi’s reaction in shock. She does not know how he has mustered such strength, but he suddenly sits up ramrod-straight in bed and then falls to the ground, knocking over the IV drip in his haste. “What are you doing?!” Jie Ni rushes to his side, trying to help support him and trying to call for the doctor at the same time. “I… have to see her…”

His heart pounding in his chest, there is a glow of light burning in Luo Xi’s eyes, as if amongst the ashes of death, there is still a sliver of hope left. ******* Xiao Cheng is going through with the surgery! Zhen En does not dare to believe the news; why would he suddenly change his mind? She is ecstatic and yet torn at the same time but seeing the solemn Ou Chen and solemn Xiao Cheng wearing the exact same expressions, she does not dare to ask them. The preparations are readied quickly and the surgery begins that afternoon. “Sister, I’m going into surgery now. You sleep for a little while longer; after the surgery is done, I’ll come back to keep you company.” “Xia Mo, don’t worry, the surgery will be very successful!” Zhen En infuses her words with as much excitement as possible, as if a kidney surgery was nothing but a minor thing. Xia Mo lies there quietly, as if she cannot hear a single word. Ou Chen gently places her hand back underneath the blanket and then warmly readjusts the blanket to cover her. After checking to make sure that she is as comfortable as possible, does his gaze finally move from her. “During the surgery, please take good care of her.” “Yes…” Zhen En’s heart stills for a moment and she worriedly looks over at Xiao Cheng, filled with a sense of foreboding. If she’s not able to stand by the operation room, she’s afraid that she won’t be able to rest. However, neither does she want to leave Xia Mo all by herself here. She suddenly realizes that the surgery is taking place on the same floor and as long as she takes all of the seats in the hallway, she can still see everything happening in the operation room just by standing in the doorway of Xia Mo’s room! “Okay, don’t worry!” The door to the room softly closes, leaving Zhen En alone with Xia Mo. After watching Xia Mo for a long time, Zhen En bites her lip and starts in remorse. “I’m sorry… I always cause trouble… If I tried to stop you from the very beginning… If I told you about Luo Xi’s phone call… If I didn’t carelessly talk about the truth and allowed Xiao Cheng to accidentally hear… maybe everything wouldn’t have become so messy… and you wouldn’t have gotten so sick…”

“I’m sorry… Even though I’m your friend… but it’s like I can’t do anything to help you… while you are always taking care of me… If it was Pan Nan… she would be able to help you… I am the world’s most useless person…” “If after you wake up… because you can’t stand me… and want to stop being friends… that would be my just punishment… but, why won’t you wake up now? Xiao Cheng and Ou Chen are going into the surgery soon… will the surgery be dangerous… aren’t you worried at all?” “Xia Mo… I know… the surgery isn’t that simple, right… I’ve seen you and the doctor talking, even though you didn’t say anything to me, but… there’s a risk to the surgery, isn’t there…” The more she thinks about it, the more she worries, and finally Zhen En can no longer sit still. Opening the door slightly ajar so as to avoid letting a draft in, Zhen En walks out into the hallway so that she can see the entrance to the operation room. A crowd of doctors and nurses rush by. Some of those doctors Zhen En recognize while some others are internationally-renowned doctors who were explicitly invited to help in the surgery. Xiao Cheng’s doctor also follows suit, the seriousness of her face worrying Zhen En. After awhile, Ou Chen is wheeled into the room on a bed. After awhile, Xiao Cheng is also wheeled into the room. The doors to the operation room close. Zhen En nervously bites at her lip, staring at those closed doors, her heartbeat steadily increasing. She glances back at the comatose Xia Mo and as if sensing the tenseness of the atmosphere, her body has begun its slight shaking again. God, please let the surgery be successful! Zhen En clasps her hands in front of her chest, praying with all her might! ******* “See her…” A pale-faced Luo Xi struggles to get down from his bed, the doctors and nurses try to restrain him, telling him that his health is extremely poor right now and he needs to be resting in bed for at least a few more days. However, Luo Xi hears none of this, only three things ringing endlessly in his head – kidney, exchange and marriage – as they are fast going to make him go crazy! “I want… to see her…”

Amidst the nurses’ protests, Luo Xi clumsily rips off the IV drip and is instantly dizzy. He stumbles towards the door on weak legs while Jie Ni holds him upright, trying to change his mind. “Let’s see Senior Xia Mo in a few days, you… you may scare Senior Xia Mo right now… why don’t you wait until your health is a little better…” He wants to see her! He wants to know exactly what happened! This need is about to make him crazy, no, he cannot stop, he has to see her, he has to know what happened! This urge fuels him and suddenly filled with an incredible strength, he pushes away Jie Ni’s hands and rushes towards the door, grasping that cold doorknob and then yanking with all his might! An empty wheelchair waits outside. “I’ll take you.” Shen Qiang is standing outside the door, her hands on the wheelchair. “But Ms. Shen… his body…” “If we don’t let him go, he may just die again.” ******* Surrounded by an intense fire. The figures around her are hazy and the sounds muffled. She reaches out to grasp onto them but they scatter like bubbles. It is like they are playing with her, no matter how hard she runs or how much she tries to look, she cannot catch onto anything within reach. But when she is about ready to give up, those figures come back to her as if trying to say something important to her but she cannot understand a word of it… Xia Mo tosses and turns on the bed, sweat pouring off her forehead and her hand begins to fist and uncurl, fist and uncurl… the rise of her chest becomes more pronounced. Zhen En doesn’t notice the change in Xia Mo, her attention riveted on the operation room. The surgery has already been going on for some time now and yet the door has not opened once, and no doctors or nurses have come out… This should mean that the surgery is going successfully, right… She begins pacing back and forth, nervously chanting a prayer to the Heavens – God, please let the surgery go smoothly! Suddenly – the doors open! A nurses rushes out of the room, her expression causing unease in anyone who saw it. Zhen En remembers; this was the nurse who had originally gone in with Xiao Cheng!

******* Operation room. The sound of the surgical scissors become hurried as the heart monitor emits a warning noise! The whiteness of Xiao Cheng has become paper-thin and as the head surgeon looks back at the monitor, he quickly picks up his pace. “Blood pressure 70 – 40!” “60 – 30!” “50 – 20!” “His blood pressure’s going down!” The room instantly tenses up and the doctors all stop their work. The nurse continues to wipe at the sweat of the head surgeon who also pauses. “Inject the adrenal glands!” When that same nurse runs back into the operation room with an unfamiliar-looking doctor, Zhen En has already rushed over from Xia Mo’s room! Her mind brimming with horrific scenarios, she anxiously grabs onto the nurse. “How’s the surgery going? Is something wrong?!” “The patient’s life monitor is displaying some unusual signs; we’re currently doing everything we can, please move out of the way!” Xiao Cheng… Xiao Cheng… ******* “Blood pressure 45 – 15!” “Continue the injection of the adrenal glands!” “Blood pressure 40 – 10!” “Increase the dosage!” ******* “Xiao Cheng!!” As if emerging from a horrible nightmare, the urgency of her struggles causes Xia Mo’s body to snap reflexively! Sweat covers her face as if she has just come from the bottom of the water and as she dumbly sits up in bed, her lingering fear of the nightmare causes her to momentarily be confused with her whereabouts. She had seen Xiao Cheng in her dream, his body so thin that it appeared transparent and no matter how hard she tried to catch a hold of him, he would slip out of her grasp, as if he was saying good bye to her…

“Xiao Cheng…” Xia Mo takes in her surroundings, clearly realizing that this is a patient’s room but the room is completely devoid of anyone else, and it is definitely not Xiao Cheng’s room! What is she doing here? A convoluted slideshow of memories seems to run through her brain but she brushes them aside; she has no time to think about those right now! She has to see Xiao Cheng! She has to see that Xiao Cheng is still doing okay! Her legs are completely weak. The instant Xia Mo’s feet touch the ground, she falls to the ground! She rips the IV drip away and heaves herself back up, her vision going blurry as she leans heavily against the wall. She doesn’t know what level this is but instinctively tries to make her way towards an elevator. Zhen En frighteningly sits in front of the operation room, her hands nervously gripping at one another, trying desperately to control the shaking of her body. What does she mean that a life monitor is displaying unusual signs; is Xiao Cheng in danger? Xiao Cheng… Xiao Cheng… She starts softly crying. And the cries become more pronounced; she’s so useless, she can’t help with anything, all she knows how to do is cause trouble after trouble, if she hadn’t said anything, Xiao Cheng would have already gone through with the surgery many days ago… “You… why are you crying…” A teary-faced Zhen En does not dare believe her own ears and she raises her head in shock. The sunlight in the background causes the approaching figure to appear ghostlike, as if it is just a mirage standing there. A pair of eyes stares back into hers, fear and vulnerability chasing one another in them. “Xia Mo –!” Zhen En cries out, rushing towards her to help her sit back down on the bench, using her hand to test Xia Mo’s temperature on her forehead. Although there is sweat there, Zhen En’s hand comes away cold, meaning that the fever has completely burned itself out. “When did you wake up? Why did you come out here by yourself? Let me take you back!” “… Xiao Cheng? Why are you here? Why… are you crying?” As Xia Mo looks at Zhen En’s tear-stained face, clarity begins returning to her as her memories begin to piece themselves back together, including her falling unconscious and then hearing their conversations. Xiao Cheng and Ou Chen are currently in the surgery, right? But Zhen En’s fear and her tears, unless… “Has something gone wrong with the surgery?” “…… No, the surgery is going along very smoothly; I’m just sitting here and freaking myself out

with the waiting, and so I started crying. Xia Mo, let me take you back; you were just running a high fever and so you need rest.” “Really…” Xia Mo stares unblinkingly at the lit-up “Operation Room,” these two bright red words like two red eyes. And that dream of a fading Xiao Cheng comes back to Xia Mo’s mind… “Then, don’t cry…” Xia Mo tightly holds onto Zhen En’s hand, her eyes tightly closed. “They’re in a surgery right now… they need to be taken care of… we cannot cry…” The time passes by with each minute… each second… Zhen En paces back and forth restlessly, her hands nervously fisting at each other as she bites down nervously on her lips. Xia Mo sits up completely straight, not leaning against the wall or against the chair, waiting as if her life depended on it. In the operation room, Ou Chen and Xiao Cheng are only separated by a curtain, both of them unconscious due to the anesthesia. The doctors have already begun to close up Ou Chen’s wound while the other doctors nervously keep track of Xiao Cheng’s blood pressure and heart monitor for any changes – “Blood pressure is rising again!” “50 – 20!” “60 – 30!” “70 – 40!” “90 – 60!” “Blood pressure has returned to normal!” “Okay, let’s continue with the procedure. Keep track of any changes in blood pressure!” The sound of the surgical scissors are heard again as the doctors proceed. Xiao Cheng continues to lie there quietly. The time passes by with each minute… each second… The afternoon sunlight has already lowered itself back behind the mountains and sunset bathes the hospital hallway in a soft, red light. Zhen En has now cemented herself directly in front of the operation room, relentlessly tapping her foot, wanting to rush straight in there! Xia Mo never moves her gaze away from the lit-up “Operation Room” sign. On the other end of the hallway, the numbers on the elevator begin to suddenly move – 1, 2, 3 – and then – DING! The elevator stops at that floor and smoothly opens. A wheelchair is pushed out, a thin and weak figure sitting in it… PING!

The doors to the operation room open! Zhen En starts jumping up and down, and rushes forward! Xia Mo also stands up although she struggles to overcome a sudden wave of dizziness that hits her, nervousness and fear causing her to have trouble breathing. Her legs numbly carry her forward, and she can see that the doctors and nurses are pushing a sick bed out, the person lying on it still unconscious from anesthesia. “Doctor! How did the surgery go! Was it successful?! Xiao Cheng… how’s Xiao Cheng doing!” Briefly hearing Zhen En’s rapid firing of questions, Xia Mo grasps onto the sick bed, her blurry vision causing her unable to clearly see who the patient is… “The surgery was relatively successful; Yin Cheng’s surgery still needs about one to two hours more before completion but you don’t have to worry. As for Ou Chen, he needs to be closely monitored for a little while longer but his health is good, so there shouldn’t be any problem.” “That’s great…” Zhen En grabs Xia Mo in a big hug, tears of joy bubbling up in her eyes. “That’s so great… The doctor said the surgery was successful… I had thought… I had thought…” The darkness in front of her eyes begins to slowly clear and after being endlessly suspended in the air, her heart finally begins to settle back down as if she has spent days upon days relentlessly running a marathon and now can finally see that finish line right in front of her. Xia Mo shakily takes in a deep breath and the person lying on that sick bed comes clearly into focus for her – It is Ou Chen. His normally confident and royal complexion sallowed, he peacefully lies there, his thin lips set in a straight and narrow line, as if he has never truly experienced happiness before. And what brief happiness that has been given to him has only brought him even more heartache. He is like a stubborn little child, no matter how much pain he experiences, he will only set his teeth and bear it. His kidney… has been given to Xiao Cheng… Tightly holding onto the railing of the bed, she walks along with the nurses, helping to push Ou Chen down the hallway. She suddenly senses the proximity of his own hand by hers, alone and isolated, separated only by the distance of that thin blanket. The bed is gently pushed down the hallway. The soft red light of the sunset enshrouds Ou Chen and Xia Mo’s lowered head together, so they appear as one. Her attention is so focused on him that she never even notices the long figure at the other end of the hallway. Luo Xi sits in his wheelchair. His shadow is stretched out endlessly. She is holding onto Ou Chen’s bed as she walks right in front of him, her head lowered, her long hair falling gently down her face. She has lost a lot of weight, her chin has become sharpened, her eyes reddened and there is a shimmer of wet tears on her eyelashes.

He stares intently at her. And yet she is so focused on Ou Chen that she never even notices his presence. His throat catches as he stretches out his hand towards her. That hand is suspended in the air – whether to catch onto her or to make her notice him, he doesn’t even know. He can only feel his body becoming encased in coldness, a coldness that even surpasses the moment in which he had been at Death’s door. And all she can see is Ou Chen. Luo Xi’s hand remains frozen in the air, his entire body frozen like a statue that is slowly being blown away to dust by the wind… ******* The middle of the night. Finally unable to take the fact that she hasn’t slept in so many days, Zhen En has gone home to rest, leaving Xia Mo to stand alone outside the patient observation room, watching over Xiao Cheng and Ou Chen. Both of them are connected to various machines, both are so pale and weak, and both are deep in a coma-like state, the IV drips steadily feeding into their veins while the monitors beep consistently. The surgery was successful. The doctors said that as long as they can make it past this probationary period, there shouldn’t be any problem. Xia Mo suddenly feels like she is in a dream. Although Xiao Cheng is a warmhearted person, he is also extremely stubborn; she had thought that he would never accept the surgery. Why was it that the instant she woke from her dream, Xiao Cheng had already gone into the operation room? She had thought that there was no more hope left. It was her selfishness that hurt both Luo Xi and Ou Chen, so God decided to take Xiao Cheng away from her to punish her. She had already lost all hope, and had no more strength left to fight or struggle but once she woke up, everything had changed. Xiao Cheng’s surgery has now been successfully completed. And Luo Xi… Luo Xi…

After accompanying Ou Chen to the observation room, she had hurried back to wait for Xiao Cheng’s surgery to finish. In the dimming sunlight, the presence of Luo Xi sitting in a wheelchair had been like a lightning bolt, completely shocking her! His eyes like black pearls had been steadily staring off into space. His pasty pallor and skinny figure was like a fallen cherry blossom that had been relentlessly blown by the winds during the night, color completely leeched away. His complexion was so transparent that it was frightening. His two hands rested lightly on his knees. The bandage from his right hand had already been removed, and a long and jagged scar now marred his right wrist. She dumbly stands in place. Her mind is completely blank – life and death, love and hate intertwined. In a moment they had been separated by two different worlds and yet when they met again, everything was no longer the same anymore. Luo Xi sits quietly in the wheelchair. He does not say a word to her. As if he no longer recognizes her. It seems that he came only for Xiao Cheng. When Xiao Cheng was finally pushed out of the operation room and the doctors had informed them of its success, Luo Xi had disappeared into the night. In that instant, while she had been holding onto the bed of Xiao Cheng, she had tightly closed her eyes… She has no right to look at him. She not only deeply wounded Luo Xi but she also did the same to Ou Chen… Even if she were to chase after him, what could she possibly say now? Ou Chen no longer has a kidney. And she is now Ou Chen’s wife. She no longer has the right to feel pain for another man. ******* Xia Mo takes a deep breath, watching the two men lying in the observation room. One is her little brother. One is her husband. They are her relatives, they are her life and her world. If desperation and remorse had caused her to want to give up before, now she must use twice the effort to watch over them. *******

Lying in the observation room, Ou Chen’s eyebrows begin to twitch slightly before he slowly opens his eyes. He sees Xia Mo standing directly outside the window and the moment his eyes lock with hers, he feels his blood suddenly stilling, the depth in her eyes like the ocean and bringing a feeling of warmth… He watches her through that pane of glass… She is like a mirage. Deeply. Intensely. He watches her, not daring to breathe, afraid that the lightest of breaths will blow away her illusion… ******* The window to the patient room is opened. A light breeze blows through, causing Luo Xi’s hospital gown to gently flutter in the air as he sits by that window. Shen Qiang quietly stands behind him, pain and sourness in her heart, not knowing whether this pain is because of Luo Xi or because of herself. In front of the operation room, she had been completely invisible. Even though she had just been standing directly behind Luo Xi in his wheelchair, both Luo Xi and Xia Mo had not seen her. Their world only has each other… She had always assumed that Yin Xia Mo was the one who had forsaken Luo Xi; Yin Xia Mo is the most cold-blooded and emotionless woman she has ever met in this world. But the Yin Xia Mo that she had seen today, so pale and frail that she had even seemed weaker than Luo Xi, it is as if the Yin Xia Mo she known before was only a mask. That once that outer, strong and composed mask was stripped away, she is really much more vulnerable. Which one is the real Yin Xia Mo… The one whom she used to see in the past… Or this one whom she doesn’t know at all… However, no matter which Yin Xia Mo, it appears that neither are suited to be with Luo Xi. The same habits mean the perfect ruse; the same habits mean that both people will be careful to maintain a cool distance; the same habits will mean that they both will hide their vulnerabilities deep within themselves… Such two people will only bring about mutual coldness and will never be able to provide warmth for the other person.

The moonlight splays across Luo Xi. He sits quietly in the wheelchair, completely motionless, and his face devoid of any expression. ******* After the surgery, Ou Chen spent one night in the observation room and seeing no cause for concern, was then moved to a regular patient room. When he finally woke up again, it was the afternoon, the sunlight spraying directly across his face. Her face was even warmer than the sunlight, as she lowers her head towards him in concern. She gently uses a warm towel to wipe his face and hands and seeing him struggle to sit up, attentively readjusts his pillow so that he may lean against the headboard. “Are you hungry? Why don’t you eat something?” She brings over a warm container and opens it, the aroma of fresh congee wafts through the air. Is she better now? The first time he saw her standing outside the window may not have been his imagination but then the second time, in the middle of the night… was that his imagination? Ou Chen stares intently at Xia Mo. “The congee was made personally by Young Mistress.” A familiar voice rings through the air, and only when Ou Chen raises his head does he notice Butler Shen also standing in the room. He had not informed Butler Shen of this surgery so Xia Mo must have told him the news. “Young Mistress asked to use the hospital kitchen, and personally made you the congee while watching over you. Please eat more, Young Master.” There is a suspicious tinge of moisture in Butler Shen’s eyes, although it is unclear whether it is from worry over the weakened Young Master or from gratitude for Young Mistress taking such obvious care of Young Master. “The doctor said you can only have liquids right now, so I made you some rice congee; just drink the soup and you’ll be fine.” Xia Mo blows gently on the spoon of congee before bringing it to Ou Chen’s mouth. “Eat as much as you can; it’ll help you get better faster.” For some reason though, Ou Chen does not open his mouth, his eyes dark like the night. Xia Mo is startled. “Do you not like it? But, I remembered…” A long time, he had caught a really bad cold and a high fever, refusing to eat anything except for rice congee, and so she had thought it was it was one of his favorites.

“Oh, I know…” Xia Mo laughs lightly. “You like to have a little sugar in your rice congee; it tastes better sweetened, right? But the doctor said that you can’t have anything sweet right after the surgery because you might get high blood sugar. Just be patient for now; I’ll cook you even more later to make it up to you.” Her voice is so gentle. Just like a sweet wife trying to soothe a grumbling husband… The two nurses in the room blush as they look at each other, lightly chuckling. Butler Shen shoots them both a look and the two nurses leave the room. He also backs out discretely, lightly closing the door. Xia Mo carefully feeds Ou Chen spoon after spoon, not making a single drop of mess. Ou Chen silently watches her as she tucks the container away and then lightly wipes at his mouth with a napkin. “You don’t have to do this…” Ou Chen’s voice comes out hoarse. Now that the surgery is over, their lives no longer have any reason to be connected; her caring and warmth will only cause him further pain later when she is no longer in his life. “Sleep a little more and when you can get out of bed, we can take a stroll through the gardens to get some fresh air.” Xia Mo acts as if she did not hear anything, placing the pillow back down on the bed and then warmly covering him with the blanket. “Sleep; I’ll stay with you.” ******* The next day, Xia Mo is able to get the doctor’s approval to take Ou Chen outside. Slowly pushing his wheelchair through the grass, the winds gently blow through the air, and her fragrance flutters into his body. “You were running a high fever a few days ago…” “It’s all better now.” Pause. “I know, I must have worried you all sick and I probably said a bunch of weird things too.” “Xia Mo…” “But no matter what, let’s let the past stay in the past, okay?” Pause. “Look, let’s go sit by that tree over there.” ******* They pass the observation room on their way back to the room.

Xiao Cheng has finally woken up from the anesthesia and a nurse is currently checking his blood pressure and replacing his bandaging. Although still obviously weakened, his smile is exuberant as he catches sight of Xia Mo and Ou Chen through the window, waving enthusiastically. Xia Mo smiles in return, waving back. Ou Chen watches their reflection in the window, seeing his image next to Xia Mo’s… a feeling that he and she are now a family that cannot be broken apart… Chapter 10 It is spring at the Ou house, with lush green gardens while faraway a few trees have already began to turn red, its leaves fluttering to the ground and lightly scattering. Much to the kitchen maid’s distress, Xia Mo is busily tending to the cooking herself. When the kitchen maid anxiously reaches for the spoon, Xia Mo gently brushes her off and instead asks her to check on the progress of the main cook. Don’t forget to make sure that nothing spicy is added to the meal! After some time, Xia Mo finally turns off the stove and makes sure to cover the soup so as to keep it warm. Looking up and outside the kitchen window, she can see the two figures below one of the garden trees. In the daylight, those two figures seem so peaceful there. She watches them peacefully, a light smile playing on her lips. Who would have thought that the days would go by so fast; it’s already been a month since Ou Chen and Xiao Cheng have been released from the hospital. Every day she takes care of their daily activities and their meals, watching them slowly become more and more healthier – and her heart becomes more and more at peace. Life passes by so simply as if the drama of before has simply disappeared. She has not experienced this kind of peace in a long time. “Young Mistress, the meal is ready. Would you like me to notify Young Master and Young Master Cheng?” The kitchen maid is extremely courteous. Ever since this beautiful mistress has arrived, the once cold and quiet house has become warm and alive. Even though this mistress does not seem to enjoy talking much, she does everything with detail and painstaking care, and she is extremely polite to the help. Not only do all of the servants like her, but even Butler Shen constantly sings her praises. “I’ll go.” Pause. “It’s still a bit cold right now, so please wait until we get back before moving the dishes to the table.” “Yes, Young Mistress.” *******

There is a bite to the spring wind but the sun is out at full blast, adding a touch of warmth to the air and shining down on the two people currently under the tree. Ou Chen is wearing a thick, black sweater and a green knitted scarf around his neck as he sits on a bench, his laptop resting on his knees as he reads over reports. The expression on his face is as serious as if he was in his very office. Xiao Cheng’s orange sweater is also extremely thick, with a white knitted scarf around his neck and a white wool hat sitting on top of his head; a blanket also covers him, and he looks especially warm in this cold weather. He is deep in thought while reading one of his art books, every now and then looking up with a look of intense concentration. Although his complexion is still a bit pale, the smile on his face is bright. “It’s time to eat.” Both men look up at the sound of Xia Mo’s voice, seeing her smiling and walking towards them. Xiao Cheng laughs as he places his book back down, telling his sister that he has so many art books now, he could open up his own bookstore. It’ll take him months to finish all the reading! “Your brother-in-law was afraid that you’d get bored, and so he purposefully sent people to also buy the international books. Who knew that he’d buy so many at one time? If you’re going to blame someone, blame him then.” The hand stills on the laptop. Brother-in-law… This is not the first time that he’s heard her say this to Xiao Cheng and yet every time she does, his heart is always infused with a ray of warmth. “Is it cold here? Do you need to wear another layer tomorrow? The doctor did say that you both needed to get a lot of fresh air and sunshine right now but you can’t get sick either, so you need to be careful.” “Sister, you’re dressing me and Brother-in-law like polar bears; how can we get cold? Touch my hand! I’m sweating!” “If you’re sweating, you need to be even more careful to not get sick!” Xia Mo pulls the blanket up higher on Xiao Cheng and then looks over to Ou Chen, who is currently turning off his computer. “Are you still working on business matters?” “Just periodically checking it.” The obvious worry in her eyes brings forth a burst of warmth in Ou Chen’s heart. Ever since the surgery, she has been attentively taking care of him, cooking his favorite food, taking walks with him every day, and even while she has been busy with also taking care of Xiao Cheng, she has not once forgotten him. Even the scarf… she knitted one for both him and Xiao Cheng at the same time.

Ou Chen unconsciously touches the green scarf around his neck. When she had painstakingly knitted each stitch on that scarf, he had originally thought she was making it for Xiao Cheng, that she will forever only have Xiao Cheng in her heart. And yet she had given it to him. “Don’t tire yourself out; you need to rest for a period of time before you’re completely better.” “Okay.” Ou Chen looks away from her and stands up, closing the laptop in the process. But before he can react, Xia Mo reaches over to grasp the laptop from him, volunteering to carry it for him, looking as if this is a normal thing for any wife to do for her husband. “You guys, the most important thing to do right now is to eat regularly and rest; any manual labor should be given to me. Don’t forget to eat more at lunch today!” The table is covered in delicious-smelling food. Most notable is the bowl of soup that is currently giving off a tasty aroma and Xiao Cheng curiously asks his sister what kind of soup that is. While scooping some into a bowl for him, Xia Mo responds that it is pigeon soup; shouldn’t he recognize the taste from when he used to make it for her? However, Xia Mo is dismayed to find out that the soup does not quite have the same taste as Xiao Cheng’s although he nevertheless praises her for the taste as does Ou Chen. When Xia Mo jokes that the taste difference is probably be due to the fact that it was cooked in a different pot as opposed to the one at her old home, she glances over at Ou Chen, whose gaze has not wavered from her. However, he quickly averts his eyes, avoiding her stare when she places a piece of pigeon meat in his bowl. “Pigeon soup is really good for healing the surgery wound but you also need to eat more of the meat.” “Sister, you’re fast becoming a nutritionist!” “Of course, I’m learning everything about it right now. When I become a professional nutritionist, I’ll be able to take care of both of you.” “Then… you’re not going back to the entertainment world?” “Nope.” “Why not? You once really wanted…” Ou Chen’s inquiry is quiet while Xiao Cheng just balks. “Now I just want a family who is well and happy together. Being able to cook you dinner everyday and being able to watch you both get better everyday… that is already the best happiness possible. Nothing in the entertainment world could entice me back now.” “Sister…” Xiao Cheng’s eyes redden from the flood of emotions he is feeling and Xia Mo lightly ruffles his hair. “You better eat; the food’s not as good after it’s cold.”

******* After lunch, Xiao Cheng returns to his room to rest. Ou Chen goes downstairs, followed closely by Butler Shen with his laptop but then pauses when he walks by the patio. Xia Mo is sitting in the sunlight, her head lowered as she concentrates on knitting a thick and long, forest-green scarf. With the sunlight surrounding her, the picture she makes is a peaceful one. Until she unconsciously rolls her shoulders back and raises her head, does Ou Chen realize that her attention has already shifted to him. “You… are knitting another scarf?” Ou Chen tries to cover his embarrassment at being caught staring openly at her. “Yes, it’s going to be winter soon. Your and Xiao Cheng’s scarves may be too thin and so I wanted to start knitting another one.” “You were sick for a long time before the surgery and then have been working this entire time since the surgery… If the scarf isn’t warm enough, we can just buy one. You need to rest more.” “It’s not tiring at all to knit. But don’t worry, I’ll be sure to rest because I want to make sure I have enough energy to take care of you two.” Xia Mo laughs lightly and then notices that Ou Chen is not wearing a thick sweater that she normally has him wear but instead is now wearing his business wear. “Are you going somewhere?” “There’s a meeting this afternoon that I need to attend.” “It’s really windy today, could you wear another layer?” Her gaze falls on the scarf that is currently wrapped around Ou Chen’s neck. Ever since she gave him that dark green scarf, he has nearly worn it everyday. There is a twist of pain in the bottom of her heart; this is perhaps one of the reasons why she is choosing to knit him another scarf first. “Yes, Young Mistress.” Butler Shen bows respectfully and immediately goes to search for another jacket. The two are left alone in the room and Xia Mo studies the scarf in her hands, hesitatingly asking if knitting the same color would be too boring. Ou Chen is momentarily thrown off track. “What?” “I was talking about the color of the scarf.” Pause. “I’ll give you one in a different color next year.” Next year… Ou Chen stills, his gaze intent on Xia Mo. Next year… she’ll still be here? “Don’t work so hard.” She takes the jacket from Butler Shen upon his return, helping Ou Chen to put it on and then lightly pokes him in the face. Ou Chen’s entire body freezes and yet she continues to smile lightly as if nothing extraordinary has happened.

“Come home soon.” ******* Come home soon… Ou Chen’s mind is elsewhere almost the entire afternoon meeting as it continuously replays her expression as she said those parting words to him. Come home… They’ve been home for almost a month since the surgery and Yin Cheng has apparently not mentioned anything about the divorce papers to his sister, while she now essentially sees herself as his wife, perfectly doing everything a wife would do for her husband. The once-cold Ou mansion has slowly become a warm home. She personally knits a warm sweater and scarf, tirelessly learning the nutrition information for every meal and painstakingly making every dish compatible with the doctors’ instructions for him and Yin Cheng… laughing and talking with them every night and then ordering them to bed in a timely manner. And when he wakes up in the middle of the night, she is pouring over health books in the office or searching on the computer for health tips. Just like a wife… Because of her presence, the normally stoic Ou Chen has suddenly become more alive, less cold and no longer alone… Her existence is like a ray of sunshine, enticing him to fly towards her like a butterfly to catch its warmth, even if it’s only for a moment. Night has already fallen by the time the meeting is let out. The black limousine is on its way back home, the lights reflecting off the window bouncing off Ou Chen’s face, making him appear even more subdued. But is this warmth real? The gentle smile that she wears everyday… does it come from her heart? Ou Chen silently closes his eyes, his fingers grasping at each other a bit nervously. Ever since she was young, she has always had the ability to hide her true feelings. Since the wedding was simply an agreement, how can she be truly happy? Everything she is doing is probably out of guilt. Because he has lost a kidney, so she feels the need to make it up to him. “Don’t go home yet.” He wants to be able to think clearly first before going back to her because all his reasoning and logic always scatters whenever she is near.

******* The night has gotten darker and darker. The black limousine passes by an ordinary-looking house and Ou Chen has the driver pull over. The windows of the neighboring homes are alight and the aroma of dinner faintly wafts through the air. This was where Xia Mo and Xiao Cheng originally lived. Ou Chen raises his head to look at a specific window which is not lit. In the past, he used to come here often, quietly looking up from his spot to the warm light. Only during that time, Luo Xi was constantly there too, leaving his own lonely figure downstairs. Now she no longer lives here. She lives in their home and may currently be making dinner, may currently be waiting for him to return… When he had left today, she had even told him to come home sooner… His mind a confused pile of warring emotions, Ou Chen laughs bitterly at himself. Perhaps, he does not want to think too clearly so soon… Pulling out the key that Xia Mo had lent to him when Xiao Cheng had been in the hospital, Ou Chen begins to make his way forward, thinking to bring that old pot back for her. Thinking of how happy she’ll be when sees that old pot again, Ou Chen’s footsteps quicken in pace. In fact, she is probably waiting for him to come home to eat dinner and may worry if he comes home too late. Suddenly, Ou Chen’s pace comes to a complete halt, his body freezing as if encased in ice! There is a white BMW sports car parked underneath her window. A lone and thin figure quietly stands next to the car, his head raised up to look at that same darkened window; it seems he has been standing a long, long time already. Underneath the glow of the moon, his complexion appears pale and translucent, but still carries a surprising aura of light. That person stiffens at the noise of footsteps. He then instinctively swivels his head around and when he catches sight of Ou Chen, his black eyes darken even more. After a long while, he closes his eyes, a mocking smile playing at the corners of his mouth, as if he is laughing at Ou Chen, or as if is actually laughing at himself. “What are you doing here?” Ou Chen’s voice is icy cold and carries a bit of threat, like a lion who has returned to his cave only to find something that doesn’t belong there.

“What about you? Shouldn’t you be with…” Luo Xi’s voice trails off as pain flashes across his chest. “Why don’t you just hurry up and disappear from my sight? Or did you come here just to brag?” Why is he there? Like he can actually tell Ou Chen that since being released from the hospital, he has come here everyday? “Brag…” “If it wasn’t for the fact that you just lost a kidney, I would just punch you in the face right now!” “So you already knew.” “Yes, I already knew.” Luo Xi’s voice is frigid. “I used to think that even though Young Master Ou Chen was a bit of a totalitarian, at least his ways weren’t underhanded. However, I can’t believe you could be so despicable, actually using a kidney to force her hand in marriage! Aren’t you disgusted by yourself?!” “And didn’t you use suicide to threaten her? Because she married me, you chose to use suicide, used your own life to force her to carry the cross of punishment. Aren’t you also disgusted by yourself?!” Both men relentlessly stare each other down, caught in a war like two headstrong lions – only when one dies will it finally all end. “And you’re wrong. As long as I could be with her, I never cared whether I was despicable and underhanded or not.” Pause. “And now I can tell you, that the day I visited you on set – everything I said to you was a lie.” “What?” “Even though she had come to find me, she never promised to any agreement. But yet you still suspected her. You thought that she must have agreed to some nefarious bargain, which is why the filming situation suddenly changed.” The realization hits Luo Xi hard in the head! He remembered that Ou Chen had implied that day that the only reason filming had commenced again was because Xia Mo had agreed to some kind of an agreement. And it was because he had then suspected Xia Mo that he became so paranoid, eventually breaking up with her. “You are truly a bastard!” The rage in his chest burning uncontrollably, Luo Xi momentarily forgets about Ou Chen’s physical condition and his right fist goes flying towards his face! Ou Chen averts his head so that Luo Xi’s punch only slides harmlessly past his head but Luo Xi’s fingernail ends up leaving a red, ragged line! “Do you think that using such underhanded tactics to break us up will mean that she will fall for you? Ou Chen, I’m telling you, Xia Mo will not like you! She never did! She doesn’t now! No

matter if you force her to marry you!” “Really…” Ou Chen’s voice is caught, a cold wind blowing through his chest. He takes a deep breath and and steels himself. “But I believe, that I am the only one who can give her the most happiness.” Pause. “And all you can give her is only pain.” “….” Luo Xi does not want to say anything anymore, a feeling of disgust coursing through his body making it so that he cannot stand to be near Ou Chen for one minute longer! “You lost your ability to love someone. Since your mother abandoned you, your heart has already long been closed off.” “You had someone investigate me.” “Yes. You are extremely paranoid and lack security, and so all it took was a few words from me for you to suspect her and hurt her. What you need is a woman who will forever guard at your side and will always make you feel secure at any time, and Xia Mo is not that kind of person. In her heart, she has many other things that are more important to her than love. Even if you and she had never had that misunderstanding, given the glamor and glitz of the entertainment world, you would have eventually come to doubt her because of your own insecurity and then you would have only hurt her even more.” Pause. “In fact, before the surgery, when she had been in the most pain, except for you suspecting her time after time and then using suicide as your final blow, what else have you given her? Perhaps my tactic was underhanded but at least it gave her that most needed kidney.” A cold wind blows through the night. Luo Xi’s clenched fingers slowly loosen from lack of strength, and he realizes that he cannot find anything to say in retaliation! Perhaps, Ou Chen is right about some things. When he had fallen for Ou Chen’s trap and started to suspect her, she had done everything she could to fix the situation and yet he had hurt her again and again, even using the gossip with Shen Qiang to ultimately destroy all her efforts, leaving her to walk out by herself. At that time, she had been worried about Xiao Cheng’s impending surgery and thus had no chance to tell him… he was the one who pushed her to Ou Chen’s side. And yet… “That’s just your excuse… even if I wasn’t the one who appeared at her side and was a different man, a different man who was perfect and simply incomparable, you would have still used the same methods to steal her away, wouldn’t you?” “Yes, because only I can protect her. Only I can give her the most happiness.” “Then… is she happy now?”

The wind is cold enough to bite to the bone, the lights in the other houses ablaze with light. Only her house is darkened as Ou Chen stares silently at that window, letting moments and moments pass before finally responding. “If she is not happy, I will give her the chance to choose differently.” ******* The night wind is getting colder and colder. Xia Mo finally gathers her knitting, turning off the patio lights before stepping back inside the house. Xiao Cheng has already gone to sleep and the housekeeping staff have long retired to their rooms. She passes by the kitchen and suddenly pauses, her gaze falling on the old pot that is currently sitting on the shelf. Zhen En had visited this afternoon and so she had requested to have more dishes for dinner, the three people talking and laughing while waiting for Ou Chen to return home. However, Ou Chen never came back and so she had no choice but to have Xiao Cheng and Zhen En eat first. It wasn’t until an hour after Zhen En had left did Ou Chen finally step through the front door, his expression a little out of sorts and serious, saying that he had already eaten that night. In his hands had been a faded white bowl with a few gold fishes painted on the sides – the very same bowl that she and Xiao Cheng used to use all the time. Was he so late in getting back because he had purposefully gone back to her old house just for this bowl? Her heart is warmed and yet his somber expression prevents her from actually asking him the question. He walks up to the second floor and the light from his office sprays out into the hallway. Passing by, she can see Ou Chen sitting behind his desk. The room is only illuminated by a small light sitting on his desk, accompanied by piles of documents. In the dim and weak light, his features appear carved from a sculpture, his lips tight as he stares steadily into open air. Xia Mo watches him for a long time. She wants to leave and let him have some space to himself. But, there is such a lonely and somber air about him tonight. If she just leaves him like that, will he just sit there all night long? She lightly bites her lip; he just went through surgery and hasn’t completely healed yet. A little while later. Xia Mo turns off the stove, placing the midnight snack into a warmer and then after pouring a cup of warm milk, takes everything up with her back to the office. KNOCK! KNOCK! Ou Chen looks up to see Xia Mo enter with her tray of offerings. “You’re not working right now, are you? Keep me company while I eat.”

Xia Mo’s voice is light as she places the tray down on the desk and then starts carefully scooping out the red bean dessert soup into a smaller bowl. “This is red bean dessert. It was my favorite when I was young. Why don’t you try some to see if you like it too?” “How come you haven’t gone to bed yet?” “Try it first to see if you like it.” She suddenly seems like a little kid waiting expectantly for an answer. Ou Chen watches her for a moment. He lowers his head for a taste, and the sweet and delicious taste fills his body with warmth. He actually has not eaten dinner yet, and finally realizes after eating this bite that he actually is a bit hungry. “I like it.” “That’s good that you like it. I’m going to have some too as I haven’t had any dinner yet.” Xia Mo begins scooping her own bowl, a smile breaking out across her face as she starts eating. Ou Chen lowers his spoon. “Why haven’t you eaten yet? Your health isn’t good and you just had a fever…” “The fever already happened a long time ago, so you don’t always have to bring it up.” Xia Mo impishly holds up her now empty bowl for him to see. “We still have time to eat and besides, two people eating together is much more exciting. See, I already finished one bowl.” Ou Chen looks at the polished bowl, his voice hoarse. “Were you waiting for me?” She stares deep into his eyes, seeing a tiny thread of vulnerable hope quivering in them. She feels her heart twist and purposefully pouts at him, thrusting her bowl at him. “Yeah, and as punishment for making me wait so long, you have to scoop me another bowl.” “I’m sorry…” Ou Chen takes her bowl and begins to fill it, and then seeing the look of happiness on her face as she receives it in return, murmurs his apology. However, he is unable to finish the statement; he does not know whether her happiness is faked or whether it is how she honestly feels. The picture of her feverish and tortured expression flit through his mind; how is it possible that she had been in enough pain to die then but can now be so peaceful and happy? “Why are you sorry? Because you came home late? No worries, you helped me scoop a bowl already, so you’re forgiven now. And, you also brought me that pot back. I made the red bean dessert with that pot; there’s definitely a familiar taste to it. Thank you for remembering…” No, he wasn’t talking about that. “Xia Mo… don’t you hate me? I used my kidney to force you to marry me. Why are you acting like you don’t care, going out of your way to take care of me… Shouldn’t you hate me?”

“Did you forget? I once said, I will be very grateful to you, because you let Xiao Cheng have another chance at life. Besides, I am your wife now. We are a family. Relatives should have mutual love and care for one another. Let the past be in the past; we still have a long road to travel together.” Xia Mo scoops the last of the dessert into his bowl. “And even if you’ve already had dinner, you could still be hungry after so much time has passed, so you should eat some more.” Xia Mo waits until Ou Chen has cleaned out his bowl before returning everything back to the tray, leaving only the cup of warm milk. “I won’t bother you any more. Remember to not work so late; drinking the milk before you go to bed will help you sleep better.” Xia Mo stands up to leave, pausing at the door to turn back around one last time to address Ou Chen, laughing lightly before closing the door. “Remember not too late; I’ll come back to check on you.” The office is quiet. Ou Chen stares at that cup of milk, his fingers unconsciously tightening around the warm glass. The glass is warm, as if emitting the warmth from her. A family… she and Xiao Cheng will forever be relatives while he has no blood connection to her. The moment that Xiao Cheng hands over those signed divorce papers to her, then he and she will probably no longer be a family… And then there’s that other person… Can she really forget him… Is her smile for real… If that person appears in front of her again… ******* Outside the office. Xia Mo stands right outside the door, her smile slowly slipping away. Has she not done enough and so Ou Chen seems so wary… There was an instant, in which she really did not know what to do and so she had no choice but to run away. She only wants to have a peaceful life, Xiao Cheng to live healthily afterward, Ou Chen to never be hurt again, and although there is a tinge of pain in her heart, she still hopes to use everything she can to allow these peaceful days to go on forever. But… has she still unwittingly hurt Ou Chen… ******* It is as if he is aware of her worry.

The Ou Chen who appears in front of her the next day is a completely different person, no longer somber and distant but unusually peaceful and warm. It is as if he has thought everything through, no longer busying himself with work and spending his time going through Xiao Cheng’s drawings, using this time to rest and get better. It his life’s most perfect vacation. The time goes by day by day as the fall season draws nearer to an end and winter fast approaches. To keep warm, Xia Mo asks the staff to start the fireplace early in the morning, filling the house with heat. Milk the black cat constantly falls asleep in front of the fireplace too. Xiao Cheng’s face continues to be pale, no matter how many ways Xia Mo thinks of to improve his nutrition, she is not able to help him gain any weight. He feels the same helplessness but seeing the despondent look on Xia Mo’s face, he jokingly says that God must have purposefully made him look this weak so as to get other people’s pity. He actually got better already. Secretly, he has began to draw again. At first Xia Mo tried to stop him but then seeing how bored he became, cautioned him to only draw two pictures a day and to not exceed more than one hour at a time. Xiao Cheng’s excitement overflew. He drew the sleeping cat, he drew the strict Butler Shen, he drew the last red leaf on the tree, he drew Ou Chen while his head was lowered over an art book and the most he drew was always of his sister. One morning, Xiao Cheng was drawing Xia Mo as she arranged flowers. The white flowers and the green leaves, her hands carefully arranging each stem into the vase as her slender wrists moved lightly. “Sister, your wrist…” Xiao Cheng curiously exclaims, as Ou Chen also raises his head from his position on the sofa. In the morning sunlight, her wrist is smooth like jade, her left wrist delicately encircled by the flowing green silk scarf and knotted with a beautiful butterfly knot. In front of the pastor, he had used that scarf to replace the wedding ring but then had not seen it again afterward. He had thought, that she must have hidden it away in some place. “It’s really pretty, isn’t it?” Xia Mo looks back to that wrist, lightly smiling, as if her wrist being encircled by the scarf is the most natural thing in the world. That night, Ou Chen does not sleep at all. He stands in front of the window, staring out into the night sky, drinking glass after glass.

His room is only separated from hers by a door. She peacefully sleeps, her hand carelessly resting on top of her pillow, the beautiful green scarf lying prominently on that white bedding. ******* The days seem to quietly go by. With the exception of Zhen En who constantly visits to play, it is as if the Ou mansion is apart from the rest of the world. The time seems to speed by just as it seems to crawl along, and Xiao Cheng comes to realize that Sister and Ou Chen have slowly reached a silent understanding. Although their exchanged words are not frequent, they seem to always know what the other is thinking. At dinner time, Sister wants to get some salt and Ou Chen has already given it to her. Ou Chen places down the art book and Sister has already placed a glass of water by his side. Just like a couple who has lived together for years, even their smiles have slowly become similar. If time could go by so peacefully and happily. One night after eating dinner, Xia Mo is midst pouring milk into the black cat’s bowl when Milk begins to entwine itself around Xia Mo’s legs, meowing happily. Xiao Cheng begins to hurriedly capture her laughter while playing with the cat. Even Ou Chen lightly smiles at seeing the black cat pounce back and forth under Xia Mo’s playful fingers, her green scarf dancing in the air from their antics. The television is currently on in the living room, no one is paying any mind to what is airing but suddenly Xia Mo’s finger tenses and Milk meows pitifully as if in pain. “…a few days ago Luo Xi tried to commit suicide and ended up in the hospital on account of Yin Xia Mo’s wedding but his company has repeatedly refuted…” “…but at this afternoon’s press conference, the rumor of Luo Xi leaving the entertainment world has finally been confirmed. Luo Xi’s agent has said that since starting his career, Luo Xi has been extremely busy and so has decided to rest for a period of time. He will be leaving for America to go back to his studies and will most likely not take on any new contracts for the next three years…” Xiao Cheng looks uncomfortably at his sister, her back stiffly facing the television. Ou Chen’s previous smile has also slipped away and as he watches Xia Mo, his eyes darken in intensity. Only Milk came bouncing back, climbing back onto Xia Mo before consuming the milk, lick by lick. “…after the news was released, the reaction of Luo Xi’s fans was severe, as thousands of fans all converged in front of the studio building, begging Luo Xi to not leave –”

Ou Chen turns off the television with the remote. Xia Mo slowly stands up and heads towards the kitchen. “I’m going to slice some fruit to eat.” ******* The night is peaceful. Xia Mo stares motionlessly at the cell phone laying on her bed. She had thought that she was cold enough to forget the name Luo Xi and yet this tiny piece of news is enough to cause all the old memories and remorse to come rushing back at her. He wants to leave the entertainment world? His career is currently in its highlight right now; doesn’t he know what leaving for three years will do to it? Unless his leaving the entertainment world is because… because… Her finger wavers hesitatingly over the phone — and then she pulls back as if suddenly burned by fire! She… what kind of right does she have to persuade him… Slowly closing her eyes, her face ashen and transparent… Yes, when it comes to Luo Xi, she is naught but a horrific sinner. She chose to forsake him and so no longer has the right to say anything at all to him. At this time, the cell phone on her bed slowly begins to vibrate! Her attention suddenly divided, she breaks out in a cold sweat of fear. Opening her eyes, she looks down at that flashing name – Luo Xi.

Chapter 11 Perhaps, it was that night that winter suddenly arrived. After that day, the weather became colder and colder, and Xia Mo decreased the time that Ou Chen and Xiao Cheng could spend outside, only allowing them to take a stroll in the gardens during the late morning hours. She seems to have slowly forgotten the news about Luo Xi until one day, while Zhen En is helping her cook that night’s dinner, she hesitatingly asks Xia Mo whether she has heard about Luo Xi leaving the entertainment world. Xia Mo momentarily pauses while preparing the fish and then continues with her task. “I heard.”

That night, her cell phone had continuously vibrated, relentlessly flashing the name, “Luo Xi”. Xia Mo’s body is frozen like a statue. The pain in her heart is so prevalent that it seems like something is repeatedly pounding in her chest; she doesn’t even know what she would say to him if she picked up that call. The pain that she has dealt him cannot be fixed with just a few words. If she picks up the phone and is not able to give him a satisfactory explanation, then wouldn’t that just be another blow? As for her, she already has no right to listen to his voice. She is now Ou Chen’s wife; if she is affected by another man, that is perhaps another kind of pain to Ou Chen. The phone vibrates for about three minutes before finally silencing, and she quietly sits on the bed, unable to sleep the rest of the night. “So…” Zhen En looks over at Xia Mo hesitatingly and then continues on at her seemingly unaffected expression. “I hear that he’s flying to America the day after tomorrow and so his company is throwing him a farewell party tomorrow night, and actually… you were sent an invitation, you…” “Tomorrow night?” “Yes.” “I actually have something to do tomorrow night so won’t be able to go. Please take care of the invitation for me.” “Okay.” Zhen En glances down at the cooking fish, wondering if she should tell Xia Mo that she has forgotten to add the garlic and ginger to the pot. ******* The next night after dinner. The crackling fireplace is burning strongly, filling the the living room with warmth. The house is missing Xia Mo, making it appear a little more empty than usual. Ou Chen is currently sitting on the sofa and after closing the art book, looks over to Xiao Cheng who is sitting across from him. His complexion continues to be a bit sallow, even the fire seemingly unable to bring any color to his face. Ou Chen furrows his brow. Although Xiao Cheng’s pallor has not improved, his mood seems to be good, a smile on his face and his eyes bright. While drawing, he would suddenly pause to admire his work and giggle quietly to himself in appreciation and then continue with his drawing. Ou Chen walks over to Xiao Cheng. “What are you drawing?” On the drawing pad, Xia Mo is wearing the expression that she had while calling out to him and Xiao Cheng when they were underneath the tree, the golden sunlight spraying down onto the red

leaves of the tree. She is holding onto Xiao Cheng while at the same time, laughingly telling Ou Chen something. The smile she is wearing in that drawing is so incredibly bright, beautiful enough so that no one would ever want to look away. Ou Chen cannot take his eyes away. Has Xia Mo laughed like that before? It seems that since the first day he’s known her, her smile has always been somewhat distant. “Sister’s really beautiful, isn’t she?” Xiao Cheng cannot contain his mirth, like a little kid who is bragging about his most prized treasure. His attention completely focused on the three sunlit people in the drawing, a bright light slowly appears in Ou Chen’s eyes, and he does not register anything that Xiao Cheng says. After a long time, he finally quietly asks. “Can you give this to me?” “Okay. But I still have a little more to draw, so I’ll give it to you tomorrow.” “Thank you.” When Ou Chen’s gaze finally moves away from that drawing, a sense of disappointment fills his chest. After dinner, Xia Mo had left to go back to the old house to pack some more clothes for Xiao Cheng in preparation of winter. Unconsciously, he has become used to her constant presence at his side, only realizing how lonely he is when she is gone. “Don’t stay up too late drawing; you should go back to your room to rest after awhile. I’ll be in the office; call me if you need anything.” “I will.” Hearing the words that Sister constantly repeats to him coming from Ou Chen’s mouth causes Xiao Cheng to chuckle lightly, and he nods his head in acknowledgement. As he is watching Ou Chen’s departing figure though, he suddenly remembers something and calls out to him. Ou Chen turns back around to look at Xiao Cheng, seeing him pull out a document from within his art supplies – “Divorce Papers”. Ou Chen is dumbstruck. “You should take these back. It doesn’t really make sense for me to have them.” “You want me…” Ou Chen struggles to get the words out. “… to give them to Xia Mo myself?” At last, this day has finally arrived. Just like a beautiful bubble in the air, the bigger it becomes, the more beautiful it is, and just as you begin to pray that this bubble will never be popped, it suddenly disintegrates. “I don’t know.” Xiao Cheng is brutally honest, having thought long and hard about this since leaving the hospital, not knowing which answer is the right one. “When I found out that the only reason Sister married you was to get me a kidney, I hated you for forcing her, for destroying her happiness. But even though your method was completely wrong, I cannot help but be touched by

your feelings for her. Between you and Brother Luo Xi, I don’t know who loves Sister the most and neither do I know who she should be with in order to have the most happiness. But Sister has been very happy these past few weeks and she has a smile on her face everyday. Perhaps if she is with you, she will be happy like this forever.” Xiao Cheng raises his head to smile radiantly at Ou Chen. “Brother-in-law… I am very grateful that you have allowed Sister to become happy again and am very glad that you are my brother-in-law.” ******* After placing some winter clothing of Xiao Cheng’s into a suitcase, Xia Mo also adds a few more of his favorite art books. Xia Mo chuckles a little; Ou Chen seems to have suddenly become entranced with art of late, and has been reading even more than Xiao Cheng. He should be happy too when she brings those over with her. Lugging the suitcase to the living room, she suddenly stops to take in the mostly emptied house. Having been gone for so long now, the house now almost seems unfamiliar to her. Turning off the lights and looking one last time, she makes her way slowly down the stairs with the suitcase. It’s actually snowing! Xia Mo walks out and looks up in surprise to see the many little snowflakes falling through the sky. There had been no previous signs of an upcoming snowstorm when she had first arrived here and now everything has been virtually peppered in snow. The whiteness of the landscape causes the night to become more brilliant in light, and setting down the suitcase, Xia Mo reaches out with a hand to capture one of those wayward white flakes. Crystal clear, it instantly melts away in her hand, leaving only a cool feeling behind in her palm. She stares fixedly. Is this snow sending him off? Right now he should be at his company’s farewell party and tomorrow… tomorrow is the day he will be flying off to America. She doesn’t know why but on this night before his departure, she realizes that she is unable to stay by Ou Chen’s side like usual, unable to carry a peaceful smile on her face like usual. She only wants to be by herself for a little bit, and so she declined the chauffeur’s offer to accompany her. Perhaps temporarily leaving the entertainment world will not be a completely bad thing for him. If he doesn’t have to face the media and the public eye everyday, then perhaps he will be happier and more at ease. Perhaps, he will meet a really nice girl who can wholly and completely love him. Her love for him will be as deep as the ocean and he will also fall in love with that girl and then completely forget her. In that cold and biting wind, Xia Mo looks down at the footsteps that she has left in the snow, silently telling herself that there is no such thing in the world that cannot be forgotten. Even in that imprinted snow, a small wind would be able to erase those footprints.

So, he will forget her. All she can do now is to not bother him. Xia Mo is lost deep in concentration as she makes her way across the snow-covered path, and although there seems to be a rushed sound of footsteps behind her, she pays no attention. The snow has become thin and slippery in that one spot though and in her distraction, she loses her footing and finds herself falling backwards! ******* There is a single light on in the office. Ou Chen’s eyes are dark and intense as he stares fixedly at the divorce papers lying on his desk, a single light of vulnerability flashing in his expression. He suddenly stands straight up and walks over to open the window, letting the wind and the flurries of snow blow into the room. He had always assumed, that the day Yin Cheng gave those divorce papers to Xia Mo was the day that everything would end. Those divorce papers that he had signed would end everything; she would leave him and all those past memories of happiness would pop like bubbles. And yet Yin Cheng actually gave them back to him. It is as if right before a death sentence was about to be carried out, he was suddenly granted a last-minute chance at freedom. Perhaps, he can allow this dream to continue on and never wake up. This thought is enough to drive him to insanity though; he wants to do everything he can in his power to keep this chance, to keep her by his side! But then, why is there a feeling of unease in his heart… When he gets his chance at breaking free, does that mean that her own sentence will be lengthened? Has she really been happy these past days or has she just been acting… The snowflakes lightly dance into the room. Ou Chen clenches his fingers, not letting himself to think about it any longer; perhaps he will consider it more closely after some time has gone by. Just let this dream continue on. In this instant, he really wishes that she was by his side, her warmth and her peaceful smile… Only when she is by his side is his heart able to be at peace. But why hasn’t she come back yet? When she had left, she had only said that she was going out for some fresh air and was adamant about not needing a chauffeur. Staring at the white snowflakes falling against the dark night sky, Ou Chen’s heart becomes heavier and heavier. Walking out of the office, he grabs his car keys and strides purposefully out of the house.

Turning on the ignition, Ou Chen’s hands suddenly tense around the steering wheel, his mind flashing on that pale and transparent figure standing underneath her window… Would she have seen… No, she wouldn’t have! He should be at his farewell party right now… ******* A pair of slender hands firmly support Xia Mo’s flailing body! And at this moment of being supported by those hands, a light goes off in Xia Mo’s head as her vision suddenly goes white and the world around her becomes so quiet that even her breathing stops. Only his scent surrounds her, like the last falling snowflake, cold and transparent and slightly vulnerable… “It really is you.” That voice thunders in her head and Xia Mo numbly stares down at the snow-covered ground, her hand clenched tightly around the handle of the suitcase, her only source of strength. “When I saw you walking out of the house, I had thought I was just imagining it… What are you doing here? Are you coming back…” The tinge of hope in that voice is like a knife to Xia Mo’s heart, painfully slicing through and she gnaws heavily down on her lip before raising her head to look at him. “Aren’t you… going to America tomorrow? What are you doing here?” “I’ve… always been here.” Xia Mo’s heart freezes. “Just now, I was asleep in the car when I suddenly just woke up. I saw you coming out of the house and thought that God was giving me a miracle… But then maybe… I was supposed to just sit in the car and watch you leave, that I shouldn’t be chasing after you…” The snow peacefully continues to fall. Silvery white snowflakes that flutter to and fro, dancing lightly between the two of them. “I’m sorry; I’m causing you more problems by telling you this.” Luo Xi’s voice carries a twinge of bitterness. “But I’m kind of dumb; if you were coming back, you wouldn’t be leaving with your suitcase.” Xia Mo is completely stunned, the pounding in her heart causing her unable to utter a single word.

“Why did you come here by yourself; where’s your chauffeur? If you don’t mind, I can take you back; it’s really hard to call a taxi right now.” Luo Xi’s gaze finally moves from her face, and he places a hand on the handle of the suitcase. “That’s… that’s okay… Xia Mo unconsciously backs a step but then her voice is caught as she stares down at Luo Xi’s hand on her suitcase. That hand also freezes. “I’m sorry; my mistake… If I take you back, someone will get angry. I’m… no longer suitable…” It seems his words have fallen on deaf ears as Xia Mo continues to numbly stare down at his hand, transfixed. He follows the direction of her gaze, to the jarring scar on his wrist that carries a fresh red color. He visibly starts and then hurriedly pulls his sleeve down to cover it. “I’m sorry; I scared you.” “Don’t say sorry anymore. The one who should be sorry is me, not you.” “But, I made a lot of mistakes. I never believed you, regardless of how many times you tried to explain to me, I stubbornly rejected you. I even purposely used the gossip with Shen Qiang to try to get a rise out of you, break up with you and then purposely rub it in at the party…” He stares at her, both sympathy and pain flaring in his eyes. “During that time, you must have been in the most pain… Ou Chen used his kidney to blackmail you and yet all I did was relentlessly doubt you…” “How do you know?!” “Yes, I know.” A long moment of terse silence passes before Luo Xi’s eyes lower to the ground. “When I first found out, I actually hated you for not telling me, for deciding everything yourself. But then, after being here for so many days, I finally thought it through… The me of the past, has no right to blame you, because in your eyes, I was a completely undependable person.” “Luo Xi…” “If I had had some patience then, perhaps you wouldn’t have married him… then, you wouldn’t have married him… right…” The snow falls harder and harder as the night winds pick up speed. He and she both silently stand and stare at one another, the falling snow rapidly covering their hair. Faraway, they both seem to look like snow people. “It’s not like that… Even if we hadn’t broken up, I still would have made the same decision. So, it’s not your fault at all, you didn’t do anything wrong.” “…”

Luo Xi suddenly can’t breathe through the pain in his chest, and after a few long seconds, starts laughing crazily. “Do you have to be so cruel? You can’t even try to lie to me? You have to make it so obvious to me, that you can so easily sacrifice me? Will you only be satisfied when you destroy the last of my dream?” “Because there’s no longer any point in talking about this; I’m married now. The most important things to me now are Xiao Cheng’s health and… and Ou Chen. Everything doesn’t matter anymore.” Her gaze falls onto the covered scar. “Please don’t hurt yourself again. It will only hurt those who care about you.” “And you no longer care about me…” There is a look of blankness in Luo Xi’s eyes as he stares at Xia Mo, as he unconsciously rubs at that scar. “You blame me for using suicide to threaten you, don’t you?” She inhales sharply and looks away; the snow is fast turning everything into a whitened world as even the farthest tree has become completely white. “Life is precious; don’t throw it away on people who don’t deserve it. You’ll find someone in the future who will need your adoration and you’ll come to regret the senseless things you’ve done now.” “No, I won’t regret it. Even though I was selfish and immature at that time. I wanted you to remember me forever. Even in death, I wanted to have the most important place in your heart… Lying in that tub, all I felt was this incredible lethargy… But, there is something you have to know, at that time I just wanted the pain to go away and it wasn’t because I was using suicide to threaten you… But now, I’m actually really happy that I didn’t die… God has already treated me really well, letting me meet you and giving me so many wonderful and happy memories… If I had just died, that would have been incredibly irresponsible and would have given you a cross to bear that you shouldn’t have had to… I was too immature, so, Xia Mo, I’m sorry…” “You really are a cruel person too, Luo Xi…” Xia Mo’s smile is bitter. “You should know, that if you hate me, if you never forgive me, I may actually be better off…” “You caught me,” Luo Xi’s returning smile is in kind, as he lightly brushes the snow off her hair. “Yes, I want you to owe me. I want you to never forget me. You and I are the same, so we use the same cruel ways…” “So we are not suited to be together. We both do not feel secure and we will only mutually hurt one another.” “I would change!” Luo Xi’s finger tenses as he lightly plays with a strand of her hair, desperately keeping the smile on his face. “I would practice getting rid of that paranoia and fear. I think I had already found a way, just that, you wouldn’t give me another chance…” “Luo Xi…” She bites down on her lip and averts her head away from his finger. Luo Xi’s hand freezes in the middle of the air, his voice hoarse.

“But, will you be happy? That so-called marriage is only an exchange, if you’re not happy, then…” “I’m really happy.” “You’re not lying to me this time? Don’t lie to me again, Xia Mo.” “I’m not lying; I am very happy. These past few days have been extremely peaceful. It’s been a long time since I’ve had that kind of a peaceful living.” “Peace is happiness?” “To me it is.” Her eyes carry a thread of serenity as Luo Xi stares back at her. Actually, he already knew, that regardless of her initial reason for marrying Ou Chen, once she married him, she would do her darnedest to be a good wife to him. Ou Chen is now like family and in her mind, family is much more important than love. So he knew early on that he had lost. Not at this moment but the instant she had decided to marry Ou Chen, he had already completely lost. “Then… did you love me…” Amidst the fluttering snowflakes, Luo Xi stands motionlessly, his voice barely making it past his constricted throat, his lips white as paper. Xia Mo’s heart pulls and after awhile, finally responds quietly. “I did.” The snowflakes dance crazily in the air as her words seem to vibrate throughout the silent snowy night. A light sheen of tears slowly simmers in Luo Xi’s eyes. “Even if it’s just to comfort me, I’m still really happy.” These words are enough for him; for the days that no longer have her in them, he will live well. Because she once loved him. Truly loved him. “Thank you, Xia Mo.” “Forget me, okay? When you get to America and start a new life, forget me, okay?” “Is this what you wish for?” “Yes.” “Okay, then I will forget you.” Pause. “But on one condition.” “Tell me.” “Don’t forget me. No matter how much time passes; never forget me.” He stares intently at her, as if carving her face into his memory. “Even if it’s just placing me in a tiny little corner.”

Luo Xi reaches out with both hands to lightly pull her into his warmth. The snow lightly peppers them as they stand together, his arms very lightly enfolding her, as if she is a friend that he may never see again. His voice is also light as he whispers in her ear… “Xia Mo, I wish you happiness.” She closes her eyes and raises her arms, lightly returning the hug to a friend. “I wish you happiness as well, Luo Xi.” A light from faraway flashes across as a deep blue sports car drives towards them, its headlights temporarily blinding the hugging Luo Xi and Xia Mo. She raises her hand against that piercing light as Luo Xi has already moved her protectively behind him, watching the car slowly pull to a stop. In that snowy night, there is no way to see the face of the driver but as Xia Mo lightly pushes away from Luo Xi, she already knows who it is. As the car door opens, the snow seems to have increased in its ferocity as Ou Chen’s hair is instantly covered in white. He is wearing a black jacket with the green scarf around his neck, his footsteps making a distinct crunching noise in the icy snow. His face is completely blank save for the intensity of his eyes. “Did you get everything?’ “…yes. Ou Chen, Luo Xi and I were just…” “Then let’s go home.” Ou Chen lightly brushes the snow off her back before taking his own jacket off to drape over her shoulders. It is like he doesn’t need to listen to her explanation, and he takes her snow-laden suitcase himself before placing his arm around her and guiding her back to the car. Walking someways, Xia Mo suddenly stops in her tracks, turning her head to look back at Luo Xi. Her voice is as light as a snowflake. “Farewell.” But Luo Xi hears. And Ou Chen also hears. In that moment, Ou Chen’s arm around her shoulders suddenly becomes heavier and yet he says nothing at all, only continuing to walk towards the car. ******* The blue sports car disappears into the night.

The night landscape has suddenly become so peaceful and quiet, as the light snow continues to flutter through the air – he is the only one left in this world. Just like when she had first left the house, Luo Xi holds out his palm towards the sky and watches as a small snowflake lightly falls into his hand. However, this snowflake does not melt and only quietly lies there like a small pearl of light. Even a snowflake can be so stubborn… Luo Xi takes a deep breath and fists his hand, looking at the footprints that she has left in the snow… The white BMW steadily makes its way down the road and as Luo Xi keeps his attention ahead of him, he turns on the music player and her song fills the car. “If I beg with tears in my eyes If I pretend that I don’t know you love her If I kneel before you and plead Would you stay for me” To be able to see her one last time before he leaves… God has already bequeathed him with a precious gift. What else can he do, he was the one who pushed happiness away, he was the one who pushed her to someone else. Any more pleading will only cause her even more pain and he will not longer hurt himself to hurt her. Then, perhaps all he can do is to leave. Only, in that moment in which Ou Chen had taken her away, in which she had bid her last farewell to him… that moment caused his world so much pain that it instantly became enshrouded in darkness. The snow noiselessly falls onto the windshield as Luo Xi violently grips the wheel. From now on, he will never be able to see her again… Because without him… she will be very happy… “I can pretend that I don’t know you love her I can beg with tears in my eyes If kneeling before you will make you give in Or is is that even if I die You still won’t stay with me…” ****** “Ou Chen…”

Following those heavy footsteps into the house, Xia Mo cannot help but call out his name again. On the way home, he had woodenly maneuvered the car without saying a word the entire time. Acting as if he didn’t hear her, Ou Chen has already silently made his way to the second floor. The hallway has a dim light on, illuminating his shadow onto the carpeted floor, lonely and cold. “Ou Chen…” Biting nervously down on her lips, she tries to catch up to him to stop him but he brushes aside her attempts and continues walking. So she reaches out to grab him by the arm, hurriedly explaining. “Luo Xi and I only coincidentally ran into each other there, it wasn’t on purpose!” “I know.” “Then… are you angry?” “Angry… Do I have the right to be angry?” Xia Mo is taken aback. “Being the despicable third-party who broke you and Luo Xi apart, I still have the right to be angry?” “Why are you saying that! We’re already married, aren’t we? I just happened to run into Luo Xi tonight. If I knew that he was going to be there, I definitely wouldn’t have…” “Definitely wouldn’t have what?! Definitely wouldn’t have hugged him?!” Torture evident in his voice, Ou Chen’s voice echoes hollowly in the hallway. Milk’s “meow” calls out from downstairs, as if complaining about being so rudely awakened. Xia Mo’s heart quickens, worried that her conversation with Ou Chen will wake up Xiao Cheng. For a brief instant she considers giving up talking to Ou Chen; her heart is in shambles right now. Not having fully recovered from the shock of seeing Luo Xi and now having to deal with Ou Chen’s intensity, a sense of helplessness has now completely surrounded her. In that moment, she just wants to run away, she just wants to bury her mind away like an ostrich would bury its head deep into the sand. But… she cannot run away. She cannot destroy the peaceful life that has come by so hard. After already hurting Luo Xi, she cannot also hurt Ou Chen. “Can we talk about it, please?” Xia Mo’s hand slides down his arm to grasp his hand. At her touch, Ou Chen’s fingers lightly twitch but she seems to have no reaction, only a sweet wife pulling him towards her bedroom…

****** This is the first time that Ou Chen has set foot in her bedroom. The wedding night had been in a different section of the house and they had then slept separately in a suite that had been divided by a single door. Because that section of the house is too big, they moved here to sleep after being released from the hospital and until tonight, Ou Chen has never come into this room. Her room is an ocean blue, the wallpaper dotted with small flowers. The bedspread is a light blue, and her nightstand has a vase of white flowers with two picture frames next to it. One picture is of her and Yin Cheng but the other picture is harder to see. “Luo Xi is leaving for America tomorrow; the hug you saw was just a farewell. I will not see him again.” Not see Luo Xi again. This is her explanation, so he shouldn’t mind, right? They’re already married, everything has reached a conclusion, she isn’t the type of person who would continue to have any connection to Luo Xi, so he is the winner, Luo Xi is the loser, why should he still mind so much… When Yin Cheng had returned the divorce papers back to him, he had been filled with a sudden illusory hope… Perhaps this marriage can continue on, perhaps he can be with her forever. But when he had seen her being embraced by Luo Xi against that snowy night, those deceptive illusions were finally and completely destroyed… …………………………… Do you think that using such underhanded tactics to break us up will mean that she will fall for you? Ou Chen, I’m telling you, Xia Mo will not like you! She never did! She doesn’t now! No matter if you force her to marry you! …………………………………………. ……………………… “Perhaps, the one you shouldn’t see is me.” His voice hoarse, Ou Chen stares deep into her eyes. Her expression is peaceful, almost too peaceful, as if she has lost the vitality that her youth should have allowed her to have right now. “Sometimes I think, perhaps I am too forceful and possessive. If I never existed in your life, would you be happier…” “No.” Xia Mo starts, shaking her head.

“If I didn’t meet you when I was eleven years old, Daddy Yin would have lost his career, and Xiao Cheng and I would have been sent back to the orphanage and who knows what family we would have ended up in. If I didn’t meet you five years later, Xiao Cheng wouldn’t have been able to find the right kidney.” Xia Mo’s voice is warm. “Ou Chen, if it wasn’t for you, I probably would have been forced into a dead end with nowhere to go. So I am very grateful that fate has allowed me to see you again and again.” “But… You once hated me enough to want me dead. I forced you again this time, using a kidney to force you into marrying me… you should hate me.” “That is my fault. If I had done better, if I had been able to convince you six years ago that there was nothing between me and Luo Xi, perhaps all that tragedy wouldn’t have happened, so what right do I have to blame you…” “…” “And tonight, even though Luo Xi and I just happened to run into each other and the hug that you saw was just a gesture of farewell, I know that it probably hurt you because you didn’t know the entire story.” Pause. “I want to apologize for tonight; can you… can you forgive me?” This sudden apology stiffens Ou Chen in surprise! She didn’t get angry, didn’t get upset over his jealousy and actually so warmly explained herself. This is not something the old her would have done, that calm and yet prideful her. “You don’t need to apologize, you didn’t do anything wrong, it’s always been me…” “Because I don’t want you to be in pain anymore, and neither do I want us to continue to torment the other. Ou Chen, we are already married, we are a family now. Let’s just let the past be in the past and live a peaceful life from now, okay?” Can they… His heart warming, Ou Chen stares deeply at her, her smile is so bright and warm like the ocean under the sun, and he has a sudden desire to reach out and pull her close to him. But although her eyes are peaceful, there seems to be something hidden deep within their recesses, as if it will be forever hidden away. “Then, are you happy?” His rough voice echoes in the bedroom. He does not dare to believe and so he finally asked the question, only realizing then by the quickened beating of his heart how much he longs for and yet fears her answer. “Very happy.” “Why?” “Because I have a home, I can be with my family everyday and the days are peaceful and warm. I’m happy that it’s like being in Heaven.”

“And this is enough?” “Yes.” “Then marrying me, you still feel happy?” “Yes.” Hearing her answer, Ou Chen closes his eyes, unable to articulate what exactly his heart is feeling. There is a sudden rush of warmth, a mild taste of bitterness and the ever-increasing feeling of sour pain. “Then, if I ask you to do something that you don’t want to do…” Ou Chen opens his eyes, an increasing fire of desire in them as he reaches out to caress her hair and then gently moving to her face. “Will you still be happy?” Xia Mo’s eyebrows slightly quiver, her body not moving an inch. “Why don’t you answer me? Is it because you just can’t accept me?” “No, I can.” “Then what about this…” Watching her breath catch, Ou Chen instinctively leans closer to her so that their breaths are only separated by a tiny fraction. Feeling the warm air expel from her lips, that warmth causes his heart to thunder a beat and all his suppressed emotions and feelings for her suddenly come rushing up! “What about this…” Slowly, desperately trying to control the thundering fire in his heart, he ever so lightly kisses her. He can sense the surprise in her as she maintains completely still but the moment in which his lips touch hers, she tightly scrunches her eyes shut and they become cold and tense. “You said you could!” The rushing fire in his heart extinguished by an icy wave of coldness, Ou Chen’s eyes are bitter and hopeless. That feeling of being in Heaven and then suddenly being thrown into Hell causes him to ruthlessly kiss her! Like a raging fire, that kiss grows deeper and deeper, and her body shakes slightly under his embrace as he crazily kisses her! Desperately kissing her! As if he is trying to take her into his own body, never letting her go! He wants to take her warmth into his own, he wants her to become him, he wants to become her… Even if they die, even if they turn into ash, they will still be together forever! “Ou Chen…”

Under that fervent kiss, Xia Mo tries to wake him back up but she is being held so tightly in his steel embrace and as her lips are bruised by his desperate kisses, her struggles are abruptly cut off. Until she falls onto the bed and he continues to crazily kiss her, his heated kisses turning the air into fire as the ceiling starts to spin, she is unable to push him off. On the bed, he desperately and painfully kisses her, the passion of that kiss far surpassing what she can handle as everything around her becomes a raging fever! “Ou Chen —” Her world spinning, confusion and panic causes her to start struggling to fight him off, her brain becoming consumed by waves of blankness. The more intensely he kisses her, the more she is aware of the scalding heat of his body pressed against her! In that struggling, she reaches out and touches a cold object on the nightstand table, thinking to use that to knock him back into his senses! However, he crazily reaches out to catch onto her hand and she loses her grip on it – That cold object thuds heavily down onto the bed! Xia Mo slowly gives up her will to fight, realizing that there is no point to it, isn’t there? What right does she have to reject him as this should have already happened on the night of their wedding. He has already given her plenty of time. And yet Ou Chen has suddenly stopped. He stares at that object lying on the blue bedspread – it is a picture frame, a picture of him and her. He is wearing a black tuxedo, she is wearing her snow-white wedding gown, standing on the lawn in front of the wedding chapel… He is holding her close to him, his head dipped down to steadily watch her. She actually – Placed this picture next to her bed. Ou Chen’s heart turns, as this warmth reverses his cold desperation. At this time, as if waking from a dream, he realizes that he is lying on top of her, her hair mussed and her face ashen… What is he doing?! Shock and remorse explode inside his head! Xia Mo also stares silently at that picture frame, the picture of them as bride and groom; they are married. He is her husband, the person with whom she will spend the rest of her life with, and even prior to this moment, she had repeatedly said that even married to him, she is very happy… She knows that as her husband, he would ask her to do this sort of thing…

Then, how can she hurt him so soon already? Plus he is her husband, she is his wife, on the day that they were married, didn’t she already wholeheartedly accept this? “I’m sorry…” Xia Mo pulls at Ou Chen’s shoulders, stopping his intent to move away from her, her voice low. “The one who should be apologizing is me.” There is a hitch in Ou Chen’s voice as he tries to restrain the still simmering fire in his body, pulling her hand off, wanting to leave her body. “I’m sorry, I just… It happened too fast, I just wasn’t ready yet.” She continues on as if she hasn’t heard him, raising her face up to smile at him, the unease in that light smile completely hidden away. “…I’m ready now.” “You…” Ou Chen stares down at her in shock, unable to believe what he has just heard. Xia Mo doesn’t expand further. She pulls him down, pressing her lips against his own. His lips are cool, but the heat inside them seems to forever burn. Her kiss seems to rekindle this simmering fire, and as she lightly kisses him, slowly, the fire between them begins to burn! “Do you know what you’re doing…” Desperately trying to control himself, Ou Chen pulls his face away to look at her, his eyes intense as he stares at her. His mind is in shambles and he is unable to control his mental state. He wants to give her happiness even if it means letting her leave, but then he wants so badly for her to stay, even if it’s only for one night. “I know…” Her face is rosy, her eyes as fathomless as the ocean. “I am your wife.” ******* The snow flurries gently fall outside as the winds swirl against the deep blue night sky. The flakes are crystal clear, and dance beautifully mid-air as the warmth inside the house begins to slowly churn… ****** The aroma of the white flowers gently waft through the air. She is peacefully sleeping, her long hair splayed carelessly on top of her pillow as her white hands lie nestled on top of her chest. She sleeps like a child, deeply and restfully. Ou Chen watches her while sitting up against the headboard. His infatuated expression stays on her for a long, long time, his eyes as green and deep as the forest. He wants to touch her ivory white face, wants to help her readjust the blanket cover but then thinking that any such gesture would only disrupt her peaceful world.

Is this all real… A happiness that seems to seep into his very bones, a feeling like the Heavens… This night, she truly became his wife. There was moment in which he had thought he had reached the highest point of his happiness and would simply fade away… If time had simply stopped in that moment, he would have been happy forever… But the truth slowly returned to him… ………………… Do you think that using such underhanded tactics to break us up will mean that she will fall for you? Ou Chen, I’m telling you, Xia Mo will not like you! She never did! She doesn’t now! No matter if you force her to marry you! ……………………….. ……………. He had once thought, that just as long as he could keep her at his side, tie her completely to him, he wouldn’t care what methods he had to use in order to accomplish it. Since he was younger and then meeting her again five years later, he had always been like this. He believed that only he could give her happiness, only he could make her happy, so when he was eliminating every single obstacle that was stopping him from being with her, he never once hesitated. Then when did it start to happen, that he slowly began to have his doubts? When Luo Xi tried to commit suicide, when Xiao Cheng refused the kidney surgery, she had ran a fever for so many days and then fell unconscious… Then did he know, that his forceful nature could cause her to be in so much pain, could even cause her death… ……………. Then… is she happy now? …………………………….. Is she happy now… In the dark, Ou Chen watches the deeply sleeping her, her white hands clasped on top of her chest. Her sleep seems fitful as she writhes around like a little shrimp and wrapped around her wrist, that long, green and slightly faded silk scarf. ……………… In the moonlight, he takes out a box, nestled within it a green silk scarf. It is long and beautifully knitted, and with a soft blow of the wind, flutters a light dance in the air.

“From now on, wear this everyday.” “Why?” “Only wear your hair down in front of me.” Silently taking the scarf from her, he gently ties her hair back. …………………. ………. He’s always been that possessive of her, because he hadn’t wanted anyone else to see her with her long hair down, and so he ordered her to tie it back. Watching her slight twitches in her dream sleep, Ou Chen’s heart becomes heavier and heavier. He had thought that he could give her happiness but can he really give her that? What right does he have to force her? When a person has lost her very freedom to choose, how can she be truly happy? Such simple logic – does he realize it now because he has finally thought it through or because he is running away? The snow quietly falls outside. She flinches in her sleep, causing her wrist to follow suit. Leaning over her and careful to not make a sound, Ou Chen softly unties the scarf from her wrist and pulls it free before placing a gentle kiss on her forehead. He… is hers. And she… is free. ******* The morning sunlight splashes through the window onto Xia Mo’s face. She gets up and momentarily pauses, the soreness in her body reminding her that last night had not been a dream. Ou Chen has already left, leaving her in the room by herself. After dressing, Xia Mo walks over to pull open the window blinds. The snow has finally stopped and the outside world is completely blanketed in white and the air is clear. She breathes deeply as a bright smile lights up her face, feeling a peace that she has never felt before. As she is preparing to leave to start preparing breakfast for Xiao Cheng and Ou Chen, she notices something on her nightstand table that gives her pause. Curiously, she walks over, clearly remembering that there had been no documents on the table last night; perhaps it is something that Ou Chen has left for her.

As she picks them up, the words “Divorce Papers” piercingly reflect back at her under the sunlight! Xia Mo stands there completely numbed. She feels nothing in that brief moment and after a long time, looks down at her wrist to see that her green scarf is no longer there. Ou Chen… Clutching those documents, she blinks rapidly a few times before rushing out of the bedroom, running out to the hallway and down to the first floor! She must find Ou Chen! She knows him too well, she knows what he’s thinking… she will make him realize, that last night wasn’t just an act of impulsiveness. “Young Master Cheng! Young Master Cheng!!” Suddenly, the cries of one of the housekeeping members causes even more panic in Xia Mo as she rushes toward the source of those cries, only seeing the art supplies scattered on the ground as a pale Xiao Cheng sits unconscious in his chair!

Chapter 12 The snowstorm has started again. At least ten days have passed since the day Xiao Cheng fainted and had to be taken to the hospital. The snow from that night had earlier melted but then it was covered again by fresh snow. This year’s winter seems to bring about more snow than usual, as snowstorm after snowstorm passes through, as if it will never stop. Xia Mo stands motionlessly, staring out the window. Wasn’t everything getting better already, wasn’t everything starting to become more peaceful and happy for everyone? Then why is it so white and icy cold outside now? The atmosphere inside the hospital is even colder than outside. “… although the surgery did temporarily increase his time, his other organs have started suffering, and the current medical knowledge won’t be able to help him…” “What about another surgery?” Ou Chen’s quiet voice rings steadily in the room, his gaze finally moving from Xia Mo. “He’s already been through four surgeries in a short amount of time, and surgeries do carry a risk to the body. Every surgery will weaken him even more… And looking at it right now, a surgery wouldn’t help him…”

At first, Xia Mo had been listening to the conversation but then slowly, her ears closed up, she cannot hear anything at all, only numbly staring out the window. Will Xiao Cheng get better? Yes… he will! So many times he managed to get better… This time… This time… The silence in the room is deafening as the doctors stare at Xia Mo worriedly. In the ten days that they’re returned to the hospital, Xia Mo actually has been losing weight faster than Xiao Cheng, her body as thin as a piece of paper, her eyes big and sunken into her face. Her eyes are like death, only flashing a dim light of vulnerability every now and then, the only thing supporting her body and mentality. “Xia Mo…” Her completely lost expression causes Ou Chen’s heart to twist and he cannot help but try to wake her from her daze. “Xia Mo! Doctor!” Zhen En suddenly rushes into the room, breaking out into tears and laughter upon seeing Xia Mo. “Xia Mo — Xiao Cheng is awake!!” ******* Since entering the hospital, this is the third time that Xiao Cheng has fainted. After six hours of being unconscious, he has finally waken up. When Xia Mo rushes into the room, he has finally opened his eyes and although he is hooked up to various machines with an oxygen mask covering half of his face, his eyes light up with a childish delight at seeing his sister. “Sister…” He reaches out with an unsteady hand, a wavering smile on his face and as Xia Mo grasps his shaking hand, her throat constricts heavily and she is unable to say anything. “Sister, don’t worry… I’m fine…” Gripping her hand as tightly as possible, Xiao Cheng’s eyelids begin fluttering shut and his voice begins to break a little, as if his show of strength was just simply that – a show. “Sister… I’m going to sleep some more… and then I’ll wake up…” Xia Mo stares down at the sleeping Xiao Cheng and then sees out of the corner of her eye a figure pass by as it supports her. After some time, the darkness in front of her finally clears

enough for her to see the doctors checking Xiao Cheng and she follows them out into the hallway. “Will he be fine as long as he wakes up?” “This…” “Then what’s the next step for treatment?” “We can only keep with his current treatment right now; Xiao Cheng needs to have some time for his body to heal. If he has no problems later, then we can discuss other possible surgery options.” “Keeping with his current treatment… If keeping with his current treatment… how much time does he have…” The doctors look at each other hesitatingly. “That is really dependent on his health condition. If it improves, then he may have two to three months’ time. If it suddenly worsens, then it could be within a month… But everyone is different and the human body can be rather amazing. If the patient’s will to live is strong, then there could be a miracle… So, Xia Mo, you and Xiao Cheng cannot give up…” A miracle… Her body slowly freezing over and her ears deafening, Xia Mo feels her blood rushing over and over in waves. A miracle… is Xiao Cheng’s entire life only dependent on these two tiny and insignificant words? The doctor gets called out to check in another patient. Unable to stand in that hallway a moment longer, Xia Mo numbly continues to walk forward, her head staring at the ground as she continues walking in her own black hell… Suddenly there is a light coldness on her face. Someone has placed a jacket around her, lightly brushing away that coldness on her face and in her hair… “As long as you believe, a miracle will happen.” A steady and warm voice is by her, the last root of hope to a dying plant and Xia Mo raises her head to look at that person in desperation. After some time, the haze clears from her vision and she realizes that she has walked out onto the balcony at the end of the hallway. In front of her are fluttering snowflakes and Ou Chen’s intense eyes. “I never believed in fate.” The snowflakes flutter down from that vast sky, covering her and Xia Mo closes her eyes. Ever since she was little, she has never believed in miracles or fate. Everything can only be earned and fought for; to her, miracles are just an illusion, like bubbles that children blow out.

“And perhaps because of that, fate will give all its luck to Xiao Cheng…” In that snowflake-filled world, Ou Chen’s hands rest lightly on her shoulders, drawing her in close into his warmth, using all his strength to give her heat and support. In his embrace, her eyebrows lightly wrinkle, as if there is still a small sliver of hope left. ******* It is as if a miracle really did happen. After being unconscious for two hours, Xiao Cheng wakes up again, fulfilling his promise to his sister. Although his face is as white as the outside snow, his body even weaker than before, his illness really does seem to be improving. He is spending more and more time outside of his bed, slowing become more alert and his smiles have become even more pronounced. “Sister, it’s snowing outside again.” Xiao Cheng sits in bed, his eyes alight as he watches the dancing, silvery flakes. “Yes, there seems to be a lot of snow today. The kids must be excited.” “I like it too! Sister, let’s go have a snowball fight, okay? When Brother-in-law gets here, we’ll go together!” Xia Mo stills, her gaze fixed on the flowers that she is currently arranging in their vase, the words “brother-in-law” bringing a steady stream of warm emotion to her heart. Ou Chen has nearly been at the hospital all day these past few days, having handed over business matters to his employees. He has been busy everyday, discussing other treatment possibilities with the doctors, inviting other doctors and medical students for their opinions and even personally flying out of the country to request medical experts. He doesn’t say much when he is in the room but has taken over every detail of Xiao Cheng’s care. If he hadn’t been at her side, she doesn’t think she could have taken it again… “The doctor said you still can’t go outside yet; after you’re a little better, we’ll go then.” Xia Mo chuckles at the childish disappointment on Xiao Cheng’s face. Ever since he was little, he has always liked to have snowball fights and has always liked to make snowmen, approaching every snow day with as much joy as a holiday. “Those doctors always make things sound worse than they really are; actually, I’m doing a lot better.” Xiao Cheng exaggeratedly flexes his muscle arm for Xia Mo. “Sister, see? Look how strong I am; I think I’m getting some muscle!” “Yes, I think you’re becoming more alert too,” Xia Mo’s heart pulls at the paper-thin color on his face and his ever-weakening body, but forces herself to paste a smile on her face. “Perhaps after some time, you’ll be released from the hospital.” “That’s right, especially since I don’t have to do any more surgeries, I should be released very

soon. Ah, I really want to go back home; Milk must be really bored by himself. After being released from the hospital, there are a lot of things I want to do…” “What about putting on an art exhibit?” “Art exhibit?” “Yes, your own art exhibit. Let’s put all your works on display. Before you only participated in other exhibits or in competitions; it’s about time you officially put them on display for the public to see!” “Sister, only famous people have their own art exhibits.” “Says who! Who said that only they can hold their own exhibits? Besides, your work is better than theirs, so you have more right to open one! You’ll need to invite all your classmates and professors, and of course me, Ou Chen, Zhen En…” Xia Mo’s voice trails off as a memory from childhood suddenly flits through her mind, a memory of that person… “If I have a chance to have my own exhibit, I don’t want that many people to come, because the majority of those paintings were specifically drawn only for you, Sister. As long as you like them, then that’s enough for me.” “Xiao Cheng…” Xia Mo stills, a bittersweet feeling flooding her vision as that person becomes more prominent in her mind. She doesn’t know if Xiao Cheng still remembers that person, that person who caused Mom so much pain and threw her into Hell, that person who only appeared a long, long time ago in their childhood… “Do you want to see… anyone else?” She questioningly asks Xiao Cheng. He was only a child back then, perhaps he no longer remembers anything. “Huh?” “For example… do you still remember, that there used to be an Uncle Xia… he…” If possible, she would rather never mention this person in front of Xiao Cheng. But this person is still Xiao Cheng’s… She doesn’t want Xiao Cheng to have any regrets; if Xiao Cheng wants to see that person, she will use any method possible to make him appear in front of Xiao Cheng… Xiao Cheng’s entire body freezes! He numbly sits there, the previous light in his eyes slowly bleeding away. The words “Uncle Xia” from her mouth are like a nightmare from his past. He should have already overcome it but every time it is let loose, it leaves a wake of bloody scars in its path. Seeing his expression, Xia Mo knows. Even though he was still young at the time, he has not forgotten anything… …………………………………. “Why did you look for her?! What exactly did you say to her!”

A young Xia Mo anxiously pulls Xiao Cheng away to hide under the entranceway to the room, listening to the tense conversation in the living room. She’s really scared; she knows that this Uncle Xia has connections in the mafia and may have killed someone in the past, and now he is yelling at Mommy like he wants to kill her too. “I told her that you are my man! Didn’t she already give you up? And she’s married now, so she has no right to bother you anymore!” SMACK! A loud slap rings across Mommy’s face and her face instantly turns white in her shock. She wants to rush out there to protect Mommy but the quaking, three-year old Xiao Cheng does not let her go. “You slapped me?! What right do you have to slap me?! How have I treated you all these years? I protected you at the risk of my own life, saving you from your enemies! Look at the scars on my chest! Look at the knife wounds to my back! And your son! You won’t even claim the son I bore you, won’t you?!?” Mommy rushes out of the room, throws open the doors and drags Xiao Cheng over to face that man. “He is your son!” That man stares evenly at Mommy, his eyes not even looking at Xiao Cheng. “He is not my son. You are of no relation to me!” Slamming the doors behind him as he leaves, he never once turns back around. Mommy stares motionlessly at that closed doors, crazed tears streaming down her face. The young her stares at Mommy in shock and then looks at Xiao Cheng, his little body shaking. ……………. From that day on, that man never appeared at their house again. Mommy stopped going to work, hiding in the house everyday to cry and to drink, and then drunkenly searching the streets at night for that man, dragging Xiao Cheng in tow. She doesn’t know what kind of places Mommy took Xiao Cheng to and she doesn’t know whether or not Mommy ever actually found that man. Every time she would come back home either in the middle of the night or early morning, completely intoxicated, her face stained with tears. And Xiao Cheng would appear like a frightened little kitten, his eyes filled with horror and cradled in her embrace. ……………

Finally one day, Mommy gave up. “You don’t have a dad.” Mommy glared at Xiao Cheng, her eyes bloodshot and her body reeking of alcohol. “Your dad is dead! Do you hear me?!” The young her tightly hugged Xiao Cheng, feeling his little body shaking and he seemed to nod his little head. …………………………………………………… She had always thought that God was fair; however much He gives to someone is how much He will take in return. But in regards to Xiao Cheng, fate has dealt him a far too cruel of a hand, forcing him at the tender age of three to bear such a hard truth. And then Mom passed away, the orphanage, the car accident… It is as if his life has never had a true moment of happiness, and now, God wants to take his life away too! Staring at Xiao Cheng’s ashen face, Xia Mo’s heart pulls heavily. No matter how much she tries to trick herself into believing otherwise, she very clearly knows that Xiao Cheng is only living on borrowed time right now. Everyday he loses more and more weight, his face becoming more and more white, his bouts of unconsciousness increasing each time and his moments of alertness ever shortening… “Except for you and Brother-in-law, I don’t have any other relative.” Pause. “I don’t want to bother him nor do I want him to come bother me.” “Xiao Cheng…” The complex of emotions consuming her heart makes Xia Mo unable to continue on. Perhaps Xiao Cheng is right. Even if President Xia appears in front of Xiao Cheng now, even if he claims him as his son, what would be the point? He cannot redo the past ten years and Mom is long dead now. “Why isn’t Brother-in-law here yet?” Xiao Cheng purposely changes the conversation. “Isn’t Brother-in-law always at your side; how come he hasn’t shown up yet? Is it because you’re always keeping me company and so now he’s envious?” KNOCK! KNOCK! As if responding to Xiao Cheng’s question, someone knocks on the door and then Ou Chen walks into the room, holding a large food container. His gaze instantly falls on Xia Mo first, noticing the slight despondence in her expression but also her relatively peaceful demeanor before focusing on Xiao Cheng.

“How are you feeling today?” Ou Chen places the container on the bedside table. “A little better than yesterday. I was just discussing with Sister what we want to do after I’m released from the hospital.” Xiao Cheng laughs. “What’s the plan?” “Sister wants to help me open an art exhibit but I really just need her as my one guest because if the opinions don’t fit, then my head starts hurting.” “Then let’s open the art exhibit for a few days. The first day will just be for Xia Mo and the second day will be opened to the public. ” Ou Chen opens the container’s lid and the warm aroma of food drifts out. “Let me deal with the logistics for the art exhibit; you two should eat dinner.” Meal items were carefully planned out by the doctor and Xia Mo, and then given to the staff back at home for preparation. Because they were afraid that Xiao Cheng wouldn’t have much an appetite eating by himself, meals are always prepared for two so that Xia Mo can keep him company. Each meal is kept simple and plain. Xia Mo places the individual dishes in front of Xiao Cheng but is taken aback when she opens the final box to find a piece of peppered beef. “This is…” Xia Mo remembers that Ou Chen knows that Xiao Cheng cannot eat anything with spice right now so why would he bring something like this? Did the chef make a mistake? “This is for you.” Ou Chen stares at her ever-thinning face. Whenever she is keeping Xiao Cheng company, she eats the same bland things that he eats and her appetite has decreased everyday, barely eating a few bites before putting her chopsticks down. The beef was something that she loved to eat when she was younger, saying that the spices were perfect for increasing her appetite, so hopefully it is still something she likes. A warm feeling rushes up through Xia Mo and she looks up at Ou Chen, suddenly realizing that he too, has lost a lot of weight. Since Xiao Cheng had to live in the hospital again, all of her focus has been placed on him, and she and he have not had a chance to talk about the divorce papers currently sitting inside her the drawer of her nightstand. “Ah, it smells really good,” Xiao Cheng takes a big whiff of it, laughing. “Sister, you’re so lucky; Brother-in-law is really sweet and attentive. He hasn’t forgotten your favorite dish from before. Sigh, I really want to have some too but I can’t right now, so Sister, you have to eat my share of it too, okay?” “Okay.” Xia Mo smiles in return and as she prepares to dig in, she pauses, asking Ou Chen, “Have you not eaten either?” Calculating his schedule for that day, he would have take a doctor from the airport to the hospital, and then returned home to pick up the specially-prepared dinner. Such a tight schedule essentially guarantees that he was was unable to stop to eat anything at all.

Before Ou Chen even has a chance to respond, Xia Mo has already placed a bowl and chopsticks in front of him, saying warmly, “Let’s eat together. If you don’t eat on schedule, you’ll get a stomachache.” Xiao Cheng smiles in glee at the obvious caring between Sister and Brother-in-law, his heart warming and his eyes alight. Perhaps Sister marrying Ou Chen is God’s greatest comfort to him. Ou Chen so deeply loves Sister and it is starting to look like Sister is accepting Ou Chen more and more each day… So that when he leaves, Sister will still be happy… “From now on, let’s eat together everyday!” Xiao Cheng announces. “It’ll be just like at home!” Xia Mo starts and then glances over at Ou Chen, and seeing his intense gaze back on her, her heart is calmed and she adds, “Okay, as long as your brother-in-law has time to come over, then we’ll eat together.” “Okay.” Ou Chen places a piece of beef in Xia Mo’s bowl and watches her eat it. “However, three people eating together still isn’t that much fun,” Xiao Cheng teases. “Sister, you need to step on it, so I can personally feed my nephews and nieces at dinner time. Having kids will be much more exciting…” The sounds of their laughter echo throughout the room, as if enthusiastically welcoming a beautiful future up ahead and they will be spending the rest of their days just like this. ****** The time passes day by day, and within a blink of an eye, winter’s coldest day is already a thing of the past as daylight becomes longer and the nights shorter. Even the flowers have begun to bloom. Since Xia Mo is currently visiting with the doctor and Ou Chen has momentarily stepped away, only Xiao Cheng and Zhen En are left in the room. Xiao Cheng is sitting up in bed, his attention on the blooming flowers, his hand idly drawing. “Why don’t you rest for a bit; you’ve already been drawing for more than half an hour.” Placing a glass of hot water by his bed, Zhen En looks at Xiao Cheng with pain in her heart. His face is abnormally white and his breathing labored, and he constantly has to stop drawing in order to rest, closing his eyes momentarily before resuming his work. “I’m almost done.” Xiao Cheng smiles, staring adoringly at his work. It is a picture of Sister watering the flowers in the gardens, smiling radiantly. Zhen En stares back at Xiao Cheng as a creeping realization slowly hits her.

Whenever Xia Mo is in the room, Xiao Cheng appears to be healthy and happy, just like he is filled with a child’s energy, harping endlessly about wanting to go outside and play in the snow. But whenever Xia Mo is not in the room, he suddenly becomes very quiet and with the exception of drawing, has no energy to do anything besides sit in bed, sometimes sleeping, sometimes fainting, his face so pale that it is as if his life is slowly draining from him. “Xiao Cheng… You’re faking it, aren’t you? You’re scared that Xia Mo will worry, so you pretend in front of her that you’re really healthy and strong, as if your health was steadily improving but the truth is nothing like that, isn’t it?” Xiao Cheng suddenly stops his drawing. “Why are you doing this? Pretending in front of Xia Mo everyday – isn’t it tiring? Can your body even handle it? Why can’t you just rest? Xia Mo wants to see you really become healthy and not just you faking it.” “But, this is the last happiness I can give her.” “What are you talking about?!” “I will not get better and so while I’m still alive, I want to make Sister happy. I don’t want her to be sad because of me.” “That’s nonsense! Why do you have to say such things?” Zhen En’s entire body begins to shake and the darkness of her fear begins to surround her, her heart shattering. “How can you possibly die! Aren’t you the one saying everyday that you’re getting better?! You said you’re gaining weight, you said you can go outside and have a snowball fight… Weren’t you the one who said you wanted to go out and make snowmen?! How can you suddenly say that you won’t get better?!” Zhen En’s voice suddenly breaks and she starts violently shaking her head, tears streaming down her face in rivulets, her entire mind a haze. “It’s impossible! You’re not going to die! You’re going to live! Xiao Cheng, you’re mistaken; you probably just over-analyzed everything, you’re not going to die, you’re going to get better, you’ll be released from the hospital soon…” It is a snowy world outside the window. The flowers just outside the window are starting to blossom. “I’m sorry. Forget what I just said.” There is a tinge of pain in Xiao Cheng’s voice although his smile is warm. “Sister Zhen En, I once promised you that I would do a drawing of you, right?” He pulls out a drawing from his bedside table, smiling. “It’s finished now, see if you like it.”

The drawing is of the road going to the cake shop that she used to work at, the lavender flowers by the side of the road are in full bloom. He is riding a motorcycle while she sits behind him, her face rosy and joyfully flinging her hands out while singing a song. The Zhen En in the drawing is so happy and carefree… Zhen En numbly stares at the drawing. During that time, both she and Xia Mo had been working at the cake shop and Xiao Cheng would stop by often to visit them. She and Xia Mo would greet the customers while he would sit quietly in a corner and draw. Looking back now on it, that was really a time of happiness then. The only thing she had minded the most back then was that Xiao Cheng would always let Xia Mo sit in front of him while she was always relegated to the back… A single tear falls down onto the drawing, blurring the lavender blooms. “I really like this drawing. It’s just of you and me,” Zhen En roughly scrubs at the tears on her face. “Actually you’ve never come over by yourself to find me. Only when Xia Mo is there, do you take me on the motorcycle. If Xia Mo is not there, then you’ll rush off to find her, as if I was nothing but empty air.” “Really?” “Of course!” The tears rolling down her face cannot be stopped now. “I was really jealous back then, hoping that one day you’d notice me, slowly notice me and not just because I was Xia Mo’s friend. That kind of jealousy really scared me then because I was afraid that I would become a horrible woman, someone who would eventually come to despise Xia Mo for stealing all your attention away.” “Sister Zhen En…” “In order to not become a bad person and to not make you hate me, I did everything I could to become Xia Mo’s best friend. I got close to her, I cared about her… As long as I was good to her, then you would be good to me. But, look, I’m still a horrible person because my friendship to Xia Mo has an ulterior motive. I only got close to her to get close to you!” The tears fall drop by drop now and Zhen En’s voice breaks. “Everything you just said… it is true?! You’re really going to die, there’s no more chances of you getting better… Perhaps you’ll die really soon and so you said everything you just said, right?! I know why you said that to me! Because you’re scared that Xia Mo will worry, so you in front of her you pretend to be strong and healthy! But… but… you’re scared that after you die, Xia Mo will still be devastated, so you want me to comfort her then… That’s why you said all of that to me, right?!” “Sister Zhen En…” “Don’t call me Sister Zhen En; I’ve said it over and over again! Call me Zhen En; I’m not your sister, Xia Mo is your sister and I’m not!” “I’m sorry, Sister Zhen En, but in my mind, you have always been like another sister to me. No matter what your reasoning was for becoming Sister’s friend, but you’ve always wholeheartedly helped her. I’m really grateful to God for letting Sister have a good friend like you and I’m really grateful that you’ve been by her side all this time.” “Xiao Cheng…”

The tears on Zhen En’s face are damp and painful, and her heart is also damp and painful. “If there is a next life, I will try calling your name and not treat you like another sister.” “Really?” “Really.” “You said so yourself, you can’t back out now! I will remember what you said and if there really is a next life but you forget it, I will hate you!” Crying and laughing at the same time, Zhen En again roughly scrubs her tears away, although it seems like her tears are endless like the river. “Okay.” Smiling softly, Xiao Cheng hands a tissue over to her. She quickly wipes at her face and breathes in deeply. She cannot cry, she still has something to say to Xiao Cheng. “Then I promise you too.” Pause. “Even though I’m really stupid, even though I have nothing redeeming, even though I don’t have that much of an influence but, I swear, I will use my entire life to protect Xia Mo. If you’re not here, I will use your part too, to stand by her and take care of her so that she may have a lifetime of peace and happiness!” “Sister Zhen En…” Xiao Cheng’s eyes redden. “But, you have to promise me, you cannot give up. Perhaps you are just being pessimistic, perhaps you will get better, perhaps a miracle will happen!” ******* But a miracle never appeared and Xiao Cheng becomes weaker with each passing day, his face becoming whiter than the snow. He is the complete opposite of the changing season now, his moments of unconsciousness becoming longer and longer while his moments of alertness steadily decrease. Whenever Xia Mo is standing watch over him, he keeps to his old habit of desperately trying to maintain a healthy and exuberant face in front of her, while she carries on without ever suspecting him, as if he will be getting better soon. Zhen En also tries her best to match with Xiao Cheng, lightening the atmosphere but when she sees the smiling Xia Mo and the smiling Xiao Cheng, the growing sadness inside threatens to overwhelm her. Does he really think that he’ll be able to trick Xia Mo? That Xia Mo really knows nothing? Outside of the patient room. Xia Mo sits on a bench outside, staring woodenly down the hallway, as if all her strength was completely taken away from her the instant she left Xiao Cheng’s side. A moment ago she had handed a glass of water to Xiao Cheng and yet his fingers had been so weak that he couldn’t even pick up the glass. She closes her eyes, her face even more pale than Xiao Cheng’s. “Xia Mo…”

Zhen En walks out into the hallway, worry evident in her voice. Suddenly hearing Zhen En’s voice, Xia Mo snaps her eyes wide open, a crazed horror in them. “Is Xiao Cheng…” “No, he’s just sleeping.” Zhen En hurriedly explains. “Do you want to sleep for a little bit? I don’t think you’ve slept at all this past week.” “I’m fine.” Exhaling a deep breath, Xia Mo stands up. “I’m going to the consulting room for a moment.” Watching the slowly departing figure of Xia Mo, Zhen En stands there motionlessly. Xiao Cheng, are you the one putting an act for Xia Mo or is Xia Mo putting an act on for you? Perhaps, both people clearly know but because they cannot stand to see the other suffer, they are both choosing to wear a mask of happiness. ******* As Xia Mo approaches the closed room, she can hear voices coming through the door. Just as she is raising her hand to knock though, she pauses as she catches onto Ou Chen’s conversation with the doctors – “Can’t you do anything at all?!” Ou Chen’s voice is hollowed and bitter. “… we’ve already thought of everything and we’ve run all possible tests but everything we tried did not help the patient’s condition. The truth is, the fact that he’s even still alive is a miracle in itself. A week ago, we had originally thought…” “What about another surgery? Although there’s a risk involved, it would still be better than just watching him get worse!” “A surgery will only further weaken him and we’ve already looked into it. The risk attached to the surgery is too great; he essentially has no chance of living through the operation.” “I didn’t hire all of you to listen to you say this! As doctors, you need to heal the patient and come up with ways to save him! I don’t believe he will die! He’s only twenty years old! There cannot be no hope left for him!” Ou Chen’s bitter cries echo hollowly through the room though – the silence is deadening. Finally, his broken voice can be heard through the door. “Don’t let Xia Mo know. If she asks, tell her that you are still thinking of something, that Xiao Cheng’s illness isn’t completely hopeless…” ******* Out on the balcony, Xia Mo’s footsteps make a light click as she walks forward, stopping only until the cold railing is directly in front of her. Her eyes no longer move as she numbly stares straight down. Her brain is completely wooden. Just like the blanket of snow down below her, cold and empty.

******* Winter in New York has also brought heavy snowstorms. Every time it snows, Luo Xi always goes outside to silently stand there, his hand outreached to let a snowflake lightly flutter into his palm. The crystal coldness of the snowflakes are just like that night he left her, as if her scent is still with him, as if she has only just disappeared from his sight. Since leaving the entertainment world and coming to New York, thus ridding himself of all that paparazzi, he has found his life suddenly empty. Perhaps a long time ago, he has already become used to a chaotic schedule, just like a a spinning top that is constantly turning, and now that he has suddenly stopped, he finds himself at a lost as to what he actually wants to do for himself. His apartment is in the most affluent neighborhood of New York. Everyday looking down on the bustling traffic and crowds of people on the street, his loneliness cloaks him like the night. He’s learned how to smoke, learned how to drink and is now staying awake throughout the nights, staring mindlessly at the phone. Countless times he had wanted to pick up the phone and enter that familiar number, not even to say anything but just to hear her voice once. He had thought that he could leave her. He had thought that as long as he left the city she was in, distanced himself away from her scent, he would slowly forget her. But he did leave. And yet has left his heart there. The snow is falling down thickly in New York. He stands out in the snow, letting it completely cover his body. He knows that it is also snowing there; perhaps it is also the same snow that is falling on her. ******* The snow is fluttering lightly outside the window. A pale-faced Xia Mo sits by the bed while Ou Chen organizes all the drawing supplies. Xiao Cheng has not waken up once in this past week. Ou Chen stands behind her, his hands laying firmly on her shoulders, trying to get her to lean against him for support but her body is completely frozen solid, as if it has completely lost any flexibility. The container of food on the bedside table is untouched, its contents having cooled down a long time ago. ******* Winter slowly leaves but the snow stubbornly refuses to stop.

It is fast becoming spring. And yet the flowers outside the window have now drooped. ******* Luo Xi chose to study filmography at New York University. Having worked in the entertainment industry for so long now, performance has unconsciously become an important part of his life now and he cannot bear to completely give it up, so he has decided to study it from a completely new perspective. Ever since he was young, he was always able to quickly adapt to the academic life, and now his constant flow of homework has completely filled his time, his bedside table covered in textbooks and materials. Just like any other student, he drives himself to school everyday, eating lunch in the cafeteria, and then having take-out or leftovers for dinner. His insomnia has slowly improved. At the highest points, sometimes he would even fall asleep. In his dreams, he is sometimes sitting underneath the cherry blossom tree, sometimes he is standing underneath her window, sometimes waiting by the road that she travels to go home… But no matter how long he waits in his dreams, she never appears… One day, when Jie Ni calls him to check in, he finally asks her hoarsely how she is doing. Jie Ni pauses for a few seconds before telling him that it’s been a long time since any news about her has surfaced. Perhaps no news is good news. She should be doing okay. At the least, better than being with him. ******* Zhen En is currently rushing down the hospital hallway as if her very life depended on it, holding a vibrant yellow flowers in her hands, anxiously looking forward to giving Xiao Cheng a surprise. However, when she arrives in the doorway, she again sees Xiao Cheng in a lifethreatening situation! The ashen Xiao Cheng is lying unconscious on the bed while the doctors hurriedly try to revive him. Zhen En is pushed back outside by the rushing nurses, and she watches the scene in horror through the window from the hallway. Every time the doctors have to revive him, it seems to get harder and harder, as if the devil who is trying to steal Xiao Cheng away is getting stronger and stronger. Ou Chen is standing next to Xia Mo, his hands gripping her shoulders, silently watching the doctors and nurses, silently watching her.

Xia Mo’s eyes are completely ink black as if she cannot see anything anymore. Her entire focus is centered on the comatose Xiao Cheng, her body lightly shaking, as if her last fragile support is slowly folding over on itself. ****** His academic career becoming more busy, Luo Xi’s stellar work is gaining him praise and recognition from his professors, and more and more of his classmates are becoming his friends. A director who has won Asia’s Best Director award twice is a friend of his previous mentor, and while visiting his alma mater one day, he spots Luo Xi on campus and is instantly caught by the way he carries himself. Learning that Luo Xi was once a known and brilliant performer, the director watches all of his past works and then relentlessly tries to persuade Luo Xi to be the male lead in his next project. However, Luo Xi declines all invitations to re-enter the entertainment industry. He still eats his simple meals for dinner every night, does his homework, or silently stands by the window of his bedroom. He had promised her that he would forget her, and that he would never again appear in front of her. ****** The flowers outside the window have begun to rise up again in blossom. Xiao Cheng does not see those flowers. He lies in bed, never waking up from his coma. After repeated tries of helping him, the doctors can only temporarily leave in defeat. He is deep in his coma, only the constant beeping of the heart monitor giving proof that he is still alive. Days go by. Xiao Cheng continues to sleep. The doctors are increasingly more somber and the dosage of Xiao Cheng’s medications are increased but it seems to have no effect on him and his heart continues to grow weaker. One afternoon, the heart monitor suddenly emits a shocking noise – BEEP —— BEEP —— Seeing the weakening line on the heart monitor, a pale Xia Mo quickly rushes up to call for help but ends up stumbling from her lack of sleep this past few weeks, her eyes flitting crazily. Ou Chen supports her with one hand while pushing the emergency button with the other, seeing the

look of death on Xiao Cheng’s face and feeling the heavy shakes beginning to consume Xia Mo’s body, his own heart falls heavily. When the doctors and nurses rush into the room, Zhen En has already completely lost it. Having witnessed this scene so many times already, the horror of this moment completely overshadows all those other times and she desperately covers her mouth, so scared that she wants to cry out, a fear slowly taking over her body. “Please move!” A frantic nurse pushes them into a corner away from the bed. “His heart has stopped!” A doctor cries out and starts to push down on Xiao Cheng’s chest! “Blood pressure approaching zero!” “I need adrenal injections!” “Yes!” “Blood pressure at zero!” “Increase the dosage!” Like a silent movie, the doctors anxiously try all ways to revive him, as the heart monitor emits a strangled cry. Xiao Cheng silently lies on the bed, as if he has only just fallen peacefully asleep, and the hand that is connected to the IV drip slowly slides off the bed. “….” Xia Mo’s wooden body begins to shake violently and Ou Chen tightly holds onto her, feeling her coldness like a block of ice, the intensity of her shakes vibrating through him! “Xiao Cheng—” Zhen En can no longer maintain her emotions as tears start rolling freely down her face and she cries out. “Give me the heart defibrillator!” Sweat is pouring off the doctor’s forehead as the line on the heart monitor turns completely straight. PING! Xiao Cheng’s body bounces straight up. “More voltage!” PING!!

Xiao Cheng’s body again bounces straight up and then falls limply back down. “More voltage!” PING!!! Just like before, Xiao Cheng’s body bounces straight up and then thuds heavily back down, the heart monitor emitting a continuous, streaming beep, and a straight line… “… I’m sorry but we did our best…” The voice flutters in brokenly into Xia Mo’s ears. She raises her head up, as if to be able to listen to the doctor more clearly, her eyes are hollowed… And then a hoarse and broken sound seems to come from her throat and no one is able to clearly hear what exactly she is saying. “You’re lying! Xiao Cheng wouldn’t die! Why aren’t you helping him! Xiao Cheng’s not dead, he’s still alive! He’s still alive! What are you doing just standing there! Hurry up and save Xiao Cheng! Save Xiao Cheng –!” Zhen En clutches at the doctor’s coat, bitterly crying out as tears of pain dampen her face. Xiao Cheng wouldn’t die, no matter how cruel God is, he wouldn’t just heartlessly take away such a young person! “Miss, please calm down!” The nurses restrain Zhen En from the doctors and she continues to scream at them. “Hurry up and save Xiao Cheng! Otherwise I’m going to sue you! He’s still alive, he’s not dead!” Staring at the peaceful Xiao Cheng who simply looks like he is just in a deep slumber, Ou Chen feels his heart roll over in pain and he rapidly blinks his eyes. His gaze falls on Xia Mo and he sees her just dumbly standing there, her attention riveted as if listening to something. “…” Her cracked lips move quietly as if whispering something, her eyes warm and empty. “Xia Mo.” Ou Chen’s heart quickens, remembering six years ago when her parents were killed, how she had appeared lost and crazed underneath that cherry blossom tree. “….” A quiet murmuring, she appears to be talking to someone, her voice is low and soft as a smile flits on her face. “Xia Mo!”

Ou Chen calls out painfully, his hand outstretched to pull her into him, a creeping horror beginning to fill his entire body. He would rather see her scream and shout like Zhen En as opposed to this strangely quiet expression. “….” She quietly listens and moves away from Ou Chen’s reaching hand, her head cocked to the side as she flutters over to the bed, her footsteps light like a dream, quietly murmuring as she makes her way. The silence in the room has become deafening. Ou Chen’s eyes are dark as he watches her. Zhen En also numbly watches her, her hands slowly loosening their grip on the doctor. The doctors and nurses don’t know what she is planning on doing as they all watch her head towards the bed. It is so quiet. Her low murmurings are slowly heard by everyone. “Everyone listen…” Xia Mo’s voice is quiet as she stands next to the bed, leaning over and lightly caressing Xiao Cheng’s cold face. “Everyone listen…” Her eerily soft voice flutters through the room. BEEP! BEEP! Suddenly the heart monitor begins to emit a beeping noise again and the straight line begins to move! The nurses’ mouths fall wide open as the doctors rush forward to check on Xiao Cheng, seemingly saying something and then silently leaving the room. Xiao Cheng’s eyebrows wiggle slightly and then slowly, so slowly, his eyes open. “Sister…” “You’re finally awake.” Xia Mo lightly brushes aside his hair as two teardrops silently fall. The afternoon sunlight turns the room into a rainbow color, silently spraying down on his snow-white bed. “Do you know? Everyone just said you were dead.” Xiao Cheng’s eyes are warm like the lake. “How could I die? I promised you, I would be with Sister forever, and I would never leave your side…” “Yes, I remember, so I didn’t let them trick me.” Her finger lightly traces his face. “You see, Sister didn’t cry, Sister didn’t fall for it…”

“Sister…” In that golden sunlight, Xiao Cheng’s smile is so bright that it is transparent and he lightly holds onto her hand. “I don’t die, I can’t bear to leave you.” “I know, you won’t die.” She pulls him into her embrace, lightly holding on him. “God is fair. Whatever he gives to people, he’ll then take away something else. He hasn’t given anything to you though, so he definitely will not take away your life.” “Sister… the way you’re hugging me right now, it’s like when I was little… You used to always hold me like this when I was little, helping me to go sleep, singing me songs and always making me chicken wings, they smelled so good and are so yummy…” “You want to eat it.” Xia Mo is saddened. Since he has entered the hospital, he has only been eating bland meals. “Yeah, I haven’t had them in a long time…” “Sister will go make them then, okay?” “But, I want Sister to keep holding me like this, I don’t want you to leave.” Xiao Cheng holds onto her tightly. “Then I’ll wait for you to fall asleep before making it, okay?” She gently pats his back. A long, long time ago, when he was just a newborn baby, she would hold him like this everyday. He would never cry or make a fuss, and would quietly fall asleep as long as she was patting his back. “Sister…” In her embrace, he slowly falls asleep. “Sister, I won’t die, I’ll be with you forever…”

Chapter 13 The snow has finally melted. Milk stealthily climbs up the window, his pan of milk in front of him still virtually untouched, uneasily staring back and forth between the milk and the general room. The eerie silence in the house causes him to lick once at the milk before quickly raising his head to check his surroundings. This is Xia Mo and Xiao Cheng’s old house. Everything is the same as before the wedding, all the kitchen supplies have been returned to their original places and even that goldfish plated white pot is now sitting its old spot. Ou Chen stands in the doorway of the kitchen. His posture is as straight as always but he has lost a lot of weight, his face bearing a light shadow of facial hair as he watches her busily work in the kitchen, repeating the same actions that have become her daily habit.

The smell of rice wafts from a pot. Xia Mo washes the chicken wings a second time, turning on the stove and then carefully flipping the wings over while she cooks them. Waiting for the soup to start bubbling, she then places the chicken wings into the pot, smiling to herself as she scoops another bowl of rice and heads towards the kitchen table. Ou Chen moves aside from the doorway. Her eyes don’t change at all, as if not even noticing Ou Chen’s gesture and she flutters by him like a cloud. Placing the dishes on the table, a warm smile playing on her lips, she calls out brightly towards Xiao Cheng’s room. “Xiao Cheng, it’s time to eat!” Ou Chen feels his heart gripped tightly in a cold vise. He silently watches her sitting at the kitchen table, silently watches her pull out that empty chair, and he stares at those chicken wings that sit on the dining table everyday and that single bowl and pair of chopsticks. He has already long become accustomed to her actions but yet the pain consuming his heart continues to increase day by day. “Is it good?” Xia Mo stares lovingly at that empty chair, its only occupant the warm glow of the afternoon sunlight. “You need to eat more if it’s good.” She places a chicken wing into Xiao Cheng’s bowl, smiling exuberantly, her eyes gentle and warm, as if her entire happiness is dependent simply on him having a full stomach. “Do you still remember, that this recipe was taught to us by Mommy?” Smiling at the memory, she places another chicken wing into the bowl. “You have to first cook the chicken wings in freshly boiled water before frying it. This way it won’t burn so easily… remember to put some oil in the pot, some sugar, and then place the chicken wings in upside down to flip over while frying… The first time I made it, I essentially cooked the sugar before putting the chicken wings in and completely messed it all up but yet you still said that it was good… You were lying to me then, weren’t you…” “…………………..” In that bright sunlight, her gentle voice lightly dances through the room as Milk continues to slurp at his milk. The chicken wings slowly pile up in that bowl and she stops in surprise when it can no longer be filled.

And then, she is silent. The light in her eyes slowly bleeds out and she numbly sits there, numbly staring at the chicken wings piled precariously in that bowl and at that sunlight-soaked empty chair. Her face is completely devoid of expression as if she has no thought at all. If no one bothers her, she could simply sit there forever. “You should eat some too, okay?” A man’s hand carefully carries a spoonful of rice to her lips. “Just a little bit, okay?” The voice is extra warm and pleading and the spoon is brought slightly closer to her mouth as Ou Chen tries to get her to eat something, even if it’s only a tiny bit. Since Xiao Cheng fell into a coma and up until the day he passed away, she has essentially not eaten anything. These past few days she hasn’t even had a drop of water or food in her system. “Xia Mo…” Watching that blankly closed mouth, a feeling of tormented helplessness and fear again takes over Ou Chen’s body and he gathers her wooden body into his arms, closing his eyes and crying out hoarsely, “Don’t be like this. Xiao Cheng will be sad to see you like this from Heaven.” In his embrace, she blankly stares straight ahead of her, her eyes big and sunken, hollowed and soulless. Her body is so skinny that she is nothing but bones now, all her flesh and blood slowly draining out from her. “I beg you…” Ou Chen tightly holds onto her, wishing that he could push his own life into her body. “Just eat a little bit, okay?” As if hearing the pained cry in his voice, her body seems to loosen slightly and letting go of her, he again brings the spoon to her lips. Her cracked lips continue to remain numbly shut though, and so hardening his heart, he pushes the spoon through her closed mouth. Watching her woodenly swallow that spoonful down her throat, Ou Chen’s eyes brighten a little, and he gently wipes at her mouth with a napkin. Scooping another spoonful, this time purposefully adding a bit of chicken meat, he brings the spoon to her mouth again. “That’s right, let’s eat some more…” At this time, her face suddenly whitens as her chest starts pounding, and she swings her face to the side, opening her mouth and begins to violently vomit! She completely empties that last bite of rice.

And she still continues to vomit. Mouthfuls and mouthfuls of vomit, her face paper white and her entire body covered in sweat, everything she is expelling now is only clear liquid. “Xia Mo!” A pained Ou Chen supports her, feeling the shaking of her ice-cold body, vomiting as if she is trying to force out her organs. But yet there is no pain on her face, completely at peace even while she is consumed with vomiting, and this only increases his torment and helplessness. Her body has already lost its ability to take in food. No matter what is prepared for her, no matter how much pleading to make her eat, she will only dumbly stare straight ahead of her. And if she is forced to eat, she will only end up expelling everything immediately afterward. She is frighteningly thin. All day and all night, she remains wide-eyed, as if her body no longer even needs sleep. Only the prescribed sleeping pills help her to go to sleep and it is only because of the drugs that she is still able to maintain her body. ******* “LOVED BROTHER’S UNFORTUNATE DEATH, YIN XIA MO’S UNSURMOUNTABLE DESPAIR!” On this day, these headlines clutter every newsstand and storefront, capturing the attention of every single passerby! Ever since Yin Xia Mo left the entertainment world and married into the wealthy, she has slowly faded from the public eye. Even though some paparazzi had been determined to report about her life after marrying into the Ou family, she was so well-protected by Ou Corporations that they had no way of getting close to her and finally had no other choice but to give up. With so many new stars appearing on the scene, the media thankfully slowly forgot about her. Until the release of this new headline, bringing Yin Xia Mo back to the forefront of the public eye! Hua Jin leaked the news that Yin Xia Mo’s twenty-year old brother died nearly two weeks ago. Given the extremely close relationship that Yin Xia Mo had with her brother, she was unable to handle this shock and now suffers from a mental disorder. Huan Jin also leaked at the same time that according to a trustworthy source, Yin Xia Mo’s marriage to Ou Chen wasn’t because of Ou Corporations’ prestigious background and reputation but because Yin Cheng had needed a kidney then and Ou Chen was coincidentally a match. This marriage is nothing but a business exchange. The public is completely shocked!

Every single reporter is sent to further investigate the story and Ou mansion becomes completely swarmed by the anxious paparazzi. Even the hospital that Hua Jin mentioned in her report is not neglected as reporters rush there to see if any doctor or nurse has more details. After a few days of research, the death of Yin Cheng is confirmed and although no hard proof can be found to show that Ou Chen did indeed, donate his kidney to Yin Cheng, reporters surmise that this must also be true. They are unable to find any evidence in regards to Yin Xia Mo’s mental state and whether she has really progressed to such a debilitating state though. Having surrounded the Ou mansion for several days, the reporters never see Yin Xia Mo appear and have no way of capturing her photo. Reporters also relentlessly dial Yin Xia Mo and her agent’s cell phones but both remain stubbornly turned off. They are unable to find Ou Chen at the same time. It is as if he has simply gone missing and even standing watch over his mansion has proven useless. Supposedly, it has been a few weeks since he’s appeared at the company, having delegated all matters to his assistants and employees. According to this, then perhaps Yin Xia Mo’s state isn’t very good after all, if the normally workaholic, CEO Ou Chen hasn’t appeared at his office for so many weeks. The reporters theorize that he may be busy with taking care of his distraught wife. ******* “How is Xia Mo doing right now?” Only a small handful of close people know the number to Zhen En’s home. Yao Shu Er and Cai Ni had just called and no longer than a few minutes after getting off the phone with them, Pan Nan called. Hearing the panic in Pan Nan’s voice, Zhen En suddenly doesn’t know how to respond. Xia Mo… Xia Mo is… “Is Yin Cheng…” Without waiting for a response, Pan Nan continues on, her voice brittle, “… really dead?” Zhen En’s hand shakes, her head suddenly flooded by pain. It has already been a month since Xiao Cheng’s passing but yet it every it is mentioned, this wound continues to endlessly bleed. “… yes.” Controlling her shaky throat, Zhen En tries her best to project a calm demeanor until she looks up and sees the drawing on the wall. The drawing that Xiao Cheng had given to her when he was still alive. And her eyes instantly redden. “Then Xia Mo… is Xia Mo…”

Hearing the concern in Pan Nan’s voice, Zhen En’s heart squeezes again, thinking of Xia Mo blankly sitting by the window everyday, her fast disappearing body and paper-white face — and her tears begin to fall again. She had promised Xiao Cheng that she would take good care of Xia Mo but the Xia Mo now… “Is she doing really bad? Where is she right now? I want to see her!” “You can’t… Xia Mo doesn’t recognize anyone anymore and she still thinks… that Xiao Cheng’s still alive…” ******* At the same time. Jie Ni reads the newspaper in shock, her hand shaking as she repeatedly punches in Xia Mo’s number on her phone but all she ever gets is “We’re sorry; the number you have dialed is currently unavailable.” Hesitating for a split second, she then punches in a different number. In faraway New York, the phone in Luo Xi’s apartment begins to steadily ring. ******* The winds outside the window are incredibly strong. Spring has arrived. The flowers have begun to blossom as the grass becomes a vibrant green and yet the Xia Mo that Zhen En sees everyday remains the same. Xia Mo will peacefully make her rice and chicken wings in the kitchen, call out to Xiao Cheng to eat, and then proceed to place chicken wing after chicken wing into his bowl until it cannot be filled anymore. And then, she would spend the rest of the day in silence. The only thing that is different is that she is fast becoming skinnier and skinnier, so skinny that that it is shockingly frightening, so skinny that she appears to be a whiff of smoke and a light puff will instantly blow her away. Ou Chen has asked for a psychologist. But no matter how hard or persuasively the psychologists work with Xia Mo, she only numbly sits there as if she does not hear a word they say, her world separated from the outside by a thick wall. “You can’t continue on like this!” Staring at Xia Mo’s sunken eyes and her gaunt figure, Zhen En exclaims again. “You have to wake up! You’ll die if you keep going like this!” She’ll die…

Some of the chicken sauce had splashed onto Xia Mo’s hand and Ou Chen is currently wiping it carefully off when Zhen En’s words cause his entire body to stiffen coldly! Her hand is icy, icy cold, so light that it is like she is boneless and as he stares at her unfocused gaze, a chilling fear rushes through his heart. Will she… die… “Xiao Cheng has already left!” Zhen En takes Xia Mo by the shoulders, her voice cracking. “Xiao Cheng is… he’s dead! You know how much Xiao Cheng loves you! You know that he wouldn’t be able to bear seeing you like this! Xia Mo, wake up! Xiao Cheng is dead, I know that you’re devastated but you still have to go on living!” Xia Mo blankly stares at Zhen En. Her eyes are empty and there is an eerie calm about her, as if there is no such thing as sadness or happiness in her life. “Do you hear what I’m saying, Xia Mo? Xiao Cheng is dead! He’s dead! That day at the hospital, when the doctor said that she could no longer help him, he was dead! He didn’t say he wanted to eat chicken wings, he didn’t say anything to you; when you walked over to his bedside, he was already dead!” Tears are pouring down Zhen En’s face as she screams desperately at Xia Mo, trying to wake her back up. Even if it causes Xia Mo another moment of pain, she cannot just sit back and watch her just wither away and die! The sunlight outside the window is vibrant. Xia Mo swivels her head around to watch the fluttering white curtains in the wind, her eyes and her body motionless. Zhen En’s cries slowly lose their intensity. It is as if no matter how hard she cries, she is unable to get any sort of response. Xia Mo only quietly sits there, from sunrise to sundown, and from sundown to sunrise. No matter that Ou Chen sits with her throughout that entire time, no matter that Zhen En determinedly tries multiple ways of getting through to her – she will only silently sit by the window in the living room. On this day, the wooden Xia Mo suddenly starts searching the refrigerator in a mad frenzy, becoming more and more anxious as her a strangled noise seems to come from within deep her throat, her expression of increasing fright and she starts pulling and throwing each item out! “Chicken wings…” She tosses everything around, her eyes increasingly panicky. “What did you do?!” Ou Chen looks at Zhen En furiously, as he had seen her busying about in front of the refrigerator this morning and it had originally been stocked with enough chicken wings for Xia Mo to make for days.

“I took the chicken wings away. Look, it’s working, isn’t it? She has some kind of a reaction! This is good, isn’t it?!” As if trying to cheer herself on, Zhen En takes a few deep breaths and walks over to the dumbed Xia Mo to try again to wake her up. “Xia Mo, don’t make chicken wings anymore, Xiao Cheng won’t be able to eat them… Xiao Cheng is dead… People in Heaven can’t eat anything from this world…” Will it work… Watching Xia Mo’s figure numbly standing in front of the refrigerator, that slightly shaking figure that stretches out a long and black shadow on the ground, the hollowed desperation in Ou Chen’s heart grows bigger, hopelessness and fear filling his entire being. Before he had felt this similar feeling from not being able to have her in the past but next to this desperation now, those old feelings cannot even compare. He would give everything just to have her lucid again. No matter if it is his fortune, no matter if it is his life, no matter… if it is leaving her forever… Once he was able to possess her, once she could never leave him, he finally realized… all his selfish and possessive ways of loving her cannot even compare to her being able to live happily. “Chicken wings… Chicken wings…” The anxiety on her face growing more apparent, Xia Mo pushes the still-speaking Zhen En aside, her footsteps stomping heavily on the floor as she walks towards the front door, calling out, “Xiao Cheng, you’re hungry, aren’t you… Just wait a moment… Sister is going to go buy some…” “Xia Mo! Haven’t you heard anything I’ve been saying to you? I’m saying, Xiao Cheng is already dead! Even if you make chicken wings everyday, he’s not going to be able to eat them! Xia Mo, I beg you, please wake up, okay!” Zhen En clutches at her, her face pleading as tears roll down her face. “Xia Mo, you’ve always been so strong, so fearless, and unwavering like a solid tree! Wake up, please! Xiao Cheng is no longer here but you still have Ou Chen, you still have me! I swear, I will take care of you like Xiao Cheng would have and forever keep you company! I beg you, Xia Mo, don’t be like this!” But Xia Mo does not hear anything. She continues to murmur to herself, shoving aside the weeping Zhen En and as she heads for the front door, Ou Chen catches up to her and right as he grabs hold of her, she pushes the doors wide open! There is someone standing at the entranceway. He most likely had not expected the doors to suddenly open and there is a surprised look on his face, and then he intensely takes her in, his

own body weary and fatigued from his long-distance traveling. His hair is slightly longer, his face thinner and as he stares deeply at her, unwaveringly staring at her, the clear hope in his eyes slowly becomes a pitied pain. Ou Chen freezes. Seeing Luo Xi after such a long time, seeing his old and intense love for her still so obviously present in his eyes, Ou Chen’s hand on Xia Mo stiffens and he slowly lets go. “Chicken wings…” Xia Mo’s gaze hurriedly passes over that person currently blocking her path and instinctively reaches out to move him aside; she needs to go to the grocery store to buy chicken wings for Xiao Cheng, his health isn’t very good right now and will get sick if he gets hungry. “Xia Mo, you can’t go out!” Zhen En wakes up from her daze from seeing Luo Xi but too occupied to acknowledge him with a greeting, she chases after Xia Mo. Right now all the reporters are debating whether Xia Mo’s mental state is stable or not and if she goes outside and is discovered by them, the reporters will aggressively surround her! “Chicken wings! Chicken wings!” Unable to move away from Zhen En’s hands, a crazed expression begins to take shape on Xia Mo’s face and as her breathing becomes heavy and labored, she begins to violently fight back, struggling to get free! “Okay! I’ll give them to you! I hid them, so I’ll get them for you and you won’t have to go outside…” Zhen En finally surrenders. Xiao Cheng, I have failed again; I’m too stupid, I’m unable to take good care of Xia Mo and unable to follow through on my promise to you… The afternoon sunlight splays into the small kitchen. The clear water is quietly falling down into the sink and Xia Mo’s face has regained her peacefulness as she carefully washes the chicken wings, her fingers going over every inch. Every time she finishes washing a wing, a pair of long hands takes it from her, carefully using a towel to dry the wings before finally placing them in the pot. Pouring some oil into the pot, she turns on the stove, and watches the oil slowly start to heat. That person gently pulls on a pair of oven mitts for her and then opens a blue container of white sugar for her, placing it in front of her. She quietly scoops a spoon out and places it into the pot. When the white sugar begins to boil, that man’s long hands pull her slightly away, placing the chicken wings into the pot and then waiting for the sizzling and crackling oil to settle back down before giving her the pot.

Her gaze passes over him. And then she turns her head back down, a blank look in her eyes, and she slowly begins to flip the chicken wings over in the pot. She watches them slowly turn a golden color as the man passes her the soy sauce and then some cold water, and the smells from the pot slowly begin to fill the room. Watching Luo Xi stand shoulder to shoulder with her, surrounded by the enveloping sunlight, she and Luo Xi seem to have a silent understanding of one another. It is as if Luo Xi can easily know what she is feeling every moment. Silently watching those two people, Ou Chen suddenly feels his own isolation. Zhen En uncomfortably stares at Luo Xi as he helps Xia Mo with the cooking, and then uncomfortably stares at Ou Chen. Luo Xi has lost some weight, adding an even more masculine air to his previous pretty boy image. His face no longer has that old smile playing around on his lips, his ink-black eyes now conveying an unflappable calm. Ou Chen has also lost a lot of weight. Although his expression has still retained its coolness, although his posture is still forever ramrod-straight, his eyes are pained and the shadow of facial hair left to grow from not having taken care of it for so many days. When Xia Mo does not sleep for days and nights, he also stays awake with her. And his gaze as he intently watches Luo Xi and Xia Mo, suddenly startles Zhen En, as if he has already reached some kind of a decision in his mind. “Xiao Cheng, time to eat.” Xia Mo places the dishes on the table, calling out towards Xiao Cheng’s bedroom and then sits back down to quietly wait, waiting for Xiao Cheng to come down, sitting across that empty chair that is already pulled out for him. A long time passes. The bedroom door remains quietly closed. No one comes out. And no one sits across from her. Surprisingly, she does not murmur quietly to the empty chair like she normally does, only quietly placing chicken wing after chicken wing into Xiao Cheng’s bowl. When the bowl becomes completely full, the last chicken wing begins to slide off the pile and is readily caught by a pair of chopsticks. “Perhaps Xiao Cheng is just tired and wants to eat in his room. I’ll take the food in to him, okay?” Luo Xi carefully stacks that chicken wing back on top of the pile, murmuring softly to her. Xia Mo slowly raises her head to look at him, as if trying to listen very carefully to what he is saying.

And then after a long time — she numbly nods her head imperceptibly. Zhen En’s mouth drops open in shock! After such a long time, this is the first time that she has seen Xia Mo have any reaction to something, even if this action is still so very minor. Afterward, Xia Mo finishes her work for the day. She sits by the window in the living room, her eyes motionless as she stares fixedly out the window, lost in focus. It is not obvious as to what she is thinking about but every now and then, a small smile will flit about on her lips. Luo Xi sits peacefully by her side. He does not disturb her. He does not try to say anything to her. He knows that Xiao Cheng was her life, that in her entire world, Xiao Cheng was her one priority. Perhaps Xiao Cheng was weak, perhaps it seemed like she was the one constantly supporting Xiao Cheng but during the same time that she was supporting him, he became her life’s support. He understands that feeling. That desperation and emptiness from feeling the entire world collapsing in on you… it will destroy your soul and turn someone completely numbed and emotionless. The afternoon sunlight slowly becomes early evening, and a light breeze blows through the window to ruffle her hair. As the rays from the sunset enter the living room, Luo Xi places a light blanket over her and after intense staring at her for a moment, slowly stands up. “May I come see her often?” Luo Xi’s footsteps pause on his way out the front door as he stops in front of Ou Chen. Ou Chen stares at the peaceful Xia Mo sitting by the window, an especially serene expression on her face and hoarsely responds. “If you can make her better, then the one who should be leaving is me.” ******* After that day, Luo Xi visited often. Sometimes he would bring the freshest chicken wings from the farmer’s market, sometimes he would bring fish, sometimes he would sing songs to Xia Mo, singing “Black Cat and Milk”, singing “Diamond”, singing “Bubble Mermaid”… She would always just numbly sit there and he would continue to warmly sing to her. But her condition did not improve.

As if her soul had been scattered, she displayed no interest in the outside world, not eating or drinking, her eyes wide open for twenty-four hours and not sleeping at all, her body becoming thinner everyday. The anxious Zhen En receives a phone call from Cai Ni, who told her that Director Wu is specifically requesting Xia Mo’s participation in the auditioning for his next project. Zhen En was originally going to decline the invitation since Xia Mo is currently in no condition to do any filming. Much to her surprise though, Cai Ni tells her that the project would be worthy of consideration. Although Zhen En hasn’t spent a lot of time in the entertainment industry, but from the mouths of other old-timers, Director Wu’s name is renowned and worthy of respect. Director Wu is one of the country’s fewest big directors and all his projects have always been stellar and essentially perfect, having won Asia’s Best Director Award and being consistently nominated. It is every actor’s dream to be able to star in one of Director Wu’s projects and not just because it would open countless opportunities for future projects but also because it is a recognition of the actor’s talent. Director Wu’s next project will be in preparation for a film festival and headed under President Xia’s company; however, he will be choosing actors from the entire Asia as opposed to just President Xia’s company. Actors from Korea and Japan will be personally flying out to meet with Director Wu. Cai Ni says, that Director Wu was originally not considering Xia Mo, only the recent news about her brother’s death sparking his interest. Director Wu believes that Xia Mo’s present state would make her the perfect candidate for his new female lead. Because this movie happens to talk about a sister and brother’s interdependent lives when the brother passes away from an accident. “Perhaps this movie will be able move her in some way, and shock her into escaping from the pain of losing a loved one?” Cai Ni’s voice over the phone gives Zhen En pause as she looks over at the dazed Xia Mo sitting by the window. Xia Mo is frighteningly skinny now. Her already thin body has lost at least ten pounds, and her bones can be readily seen through her wrist and legs, and hollowed eyes that are abnormally huge, her face completely bloodless. Sitting in front of the open window, she gives the impression that she will be easily blown away by the wind. She has no feeling. Except for when she is making the chicken wings, she does nothing but numbly sitting by the window, her gaze unfocused outside, as if waiting for the last bit of strength in her body to be expended. “You need to think of something to wake her back up.” In the afternoon, as the doctor is packing up his needles and supplies, he glances at Xia Mo and somberly tells Ou Chen that if she continues to get her nutrients explicitly through injections, it will significantly harm her body in the long run.

Wake her back up… That night, Ou Chen uses a spoon to feed her some apple juice that he had personally mixed and lightly brings it to her mouth, hoarsely pleading with her to eat it. She sits woodenly. “Be good, eat just a little.” Placing the spoon into her mouth, he watches her blankly swallow the apple juice down. His voice is nervously pleading. “Swallow it down, don’t spit it back up, Xia Mo…” WAH—She begins to vomit in big mouthfuls, the clear liquid splashing all over herself. Wake her back up… Ou Chen helps her to take off her dirty clothes, using a warm towel to gently wipe at her face and hands. In the bathroom, he silently washes her clothes in the sink, using a bar of soap to scrub everything clean as the soap bubbles begin to fill the bathroom. In the bathroom mirror, he appears wary and dissipated. Wake her back up… The middle of the night, she stares out at the night scenery, her body poised in her neverchanging posture as Milk curls himself around her feet and she blankly continues to look outside. Ou Chen watches her in pain. And then, reaching out with a hand, he pulls her from the chair, her body so light that the slightest pull sends her toppling out. He supports her, wrapping his arm around her paper-thin shoulders and then heads towards Xiao Cheng’s bedroom! The door opens. Xiao Cheng’s bedroom is as clean as before, his presence still lingering in the room as if he was just sitting up in bed and drawing. In that moment when the door opened, he would raise his hand, a bright smile breaking across his face and calling out happily, “Sister –” Xia Mo dumbly stares at that empty bed in stilted surprise. She does not understand why Xiao Cheng still isn’t home when it is already so late. Ou Chen can feel her body slowly turn cold, slowly turning into stone and his heart turning over, he instinctively hugs her closer into his warmth. And then he forces himself to harden his heart, settling Xia Mo down on the bed.

The room is filled with Xiao Cheng’s old drawings. Oil paintings, watercolors and pencil drawings, some are from a long time ago, some are from when he was living in the hospital, detailed and complex. Some are simple pencil drawings and vary in sizes, some big, some small, all placed neatly in a corner of the room. All of these drawings were gathered by Ou Chen, as he was originally planning on opening Xiao Cheng’s art exhibit. After Xiao Cheng passed away, her memory seemed to stop only in the past, not returning to her life at Ou mansion after her wedding, and so the drawings came with her to Xiao Cheng’s old room. “Do you still remember this one?” It is a small and simple drawing, a young girl with long hair is holding onto the hand of a younger boy, while raising her head to smile at another boy. The drawing is during the fall, a vibrant and red sun enveloping the three people. The drawing bears signs of age and Ou Chen uses his finger to lightly wipe at it, reminiscing, “Xiao Cheng was seven when he drew this. I thought he was a bit scared of me, not liking it when I was with you but then on my birthday, he gave this drawing to me.” Xia Mo blankly stares at that drawing. “Xiao Cheng drew these too.” Ou Chen pulls out drawing after drawing to show her, each drawing always with her in it, like photographs chronicling her life from when she was very young to now. Some are of her reading a book, some are of her walking on the road, some are of her greeting customers at the bread shop, some are of her cooking. “Have you noticed…” Ou Chen stares adoringly at each drawing’s depiction of her, softly whispering, “… that no matter which drawing, Xiao Cheng always draws you smiling, vibrantly smiling, as if you have no worries and live happily and simply.” Drawing after drawing. The golden sunlight caressing the deep red leaves of the trees, it is when she was calling out to him and Xiao Cheng for dinner, at the same time that she is holding Xiao Cheng’s hand, she is also raising her head to laughing say something to Ou Chen. In the patient room, while the flowers are deep in blossom outside the window, she is holding a water pot while smiling… Such simple strokes of the pencil, able to depict the creeping smile that is spreading across her face… Her sitting by the ocean…

Her in the gardens… In all of Xiao Cheng’s drawings — she is so beautiful that she entrances everyone’s attention. Because all of them are of her smiling, lightly smiling, teasingly smiling, broadly laughing… Every smile reaches from her mouth to her eyes, just like a flower opening itself to the sun. “What Xiao Cheng most wanted to see, was your smile.” Pain in his heart, Ou Chen lightly gathers her into his embrace, “If he could see you right now from Heaven, he would want you to live happily, he would want to see a smile always on your face.” Her body is woodenly numb. Unblinkingly staring at those drawings, as if being held frozen, her body stays stiffened, becoming colder and colder. “Xia Mo, wake up…” He tightly holds onto her, trying to use his own warmth to chase her cold away. “Xiao Cheng is already dead… Xiao Cheng is already dead…” In that dark night, Ou Chen tightly hugs her, talking to her. To wake her back up, how to wake her back up… If ripping open that bloodied and cruel truth will wake her back up, then no matter how harsh, he will still choose to do it. But… does she really not know? Perhaps deep within her conscious she does know, but because she is unable to admit to her own weakness, unable to admit to losing Xiao Cheng, so has chosen to close herself deeply away. Will waking her up cause her to be reborn or completely destroy her? But allowing her to continue on like this will only bring about one ending. “Xiao Cheng is already dead…” She numbly stares at the drawings scattered all over the bed, the bright colors of all those drawings, all those drawings of her lightly smiling, teasingly smiling and broadly laughing… That statement plays endlessly through her mind like a nightmare that never ends. Her body slowly goes from cold to wooden, from wood to shakes. Her lips seem to move slightly. And then she numbly stands up, leaving Ou Chen’s embrace, walking out of Xiao Cheng’s bedroom and out to the living room where the winds are blowing heavily through the open window, the curtains flapping crazily. She does not sit in her chair like she normally does, only leaning heavily against the wall for support and then slowly sliding down to the ground. Her body is curled up like a little shrimp, constantly shivering. And she quietly stares out into the night landscape.

She stays in this position for the rest of the night and Ou Chen covers her with a blanket, staying by her side. Through the middle night until dawn, she does not move from her curled position against the wall, looking like an unblinking doll. The morning sunrise splays across her body. She does not move an inch. When lunchtime arrives, she does not go to the kitchen to make her chicken wings, only blankly sitting there, as if enveloped now by an even thicker wall. Wake her back up… How can he wake her back up… Ou Chen helplessly closes his eyes, his brain desperately wracking itself for ideas when he suddenly remembers Zhen En telling him of that issue. Was that today? Yes, it is this afternoon. And he slowly opens his eyes. Staring at her shriveled up against the wall. His eyes darken and he grimly purses his lips, picking her up in a swift movement and carrying her to the bathroom. He wipes her face clean and clumsily brushes her hair, selecting a dress from her closet for her to wear and then just carries her out the front door! ******* Auditions for the film, “Hua Jing”. The main reason for these auditions is to find someone for the female lead and since Director Wu’s works have always been the gem of the entertainment industry, “Hua Jing” is especially warranting high expectations. Almost all reporters have congregated here, each one eager and pushing and shoving to get the best angle of the auditions. President’s Xia company has thought of every detail, allowing for plenty of personal privacy for the actors to get ready and rest, and also allowing reporters the chance to interview them. Since Director Wu has personally invited five actresses to participate in the auditions, four of them have already arrived in the makeup room. Shen Qiang arrives in a black cocktail dress, a sharp white jacket over it as she sits demurely in front of the mirror, her assistants anxiously preparing her hair and makeup. Yao Shu Er nervously sips at her water while looking surreptitiously over at Shen Qiang, knowing that her participation in today’s audition is just to watch the rich people play. Shen Qiang has always claimed the title of queen in the entertainment industry and now having just completed a collaboration with Luo Xi… Additionally, she is represented by President Xia’s company and this film is being financed by them, so no matter how one looks at it, Shen Qiang’s chances far surpass anyone else’s.

But Yao Shu Er does not care because simply participating in “Hua Jing’s” auditions will create new opportunities for projects and publicity. If she does well in today’s audition, perhaps she will have a chance to work with Director Wu in the future. For Director Wu to have invited her to participate in the audition means that he has already recognized her talent. Hearing the sounds of nearing footsteps, Yao Shu Er turns her head to see Korea’s top actress, Pu Su Ji entering. She smiles at Yao Shu Er, using slightly stilted Chinese to warmly greet her. Yao Shu Er also returns the greeting, mentally marveling at herself for being able to retain such a gracious attitude after dealing with Shen Qiang’s cold front. No matter if it’s Shen Qiang or the beautiful Pu Su Ji, Yao Shu Er can accept the possibility of losing to either of them. The only thing that makes absolutely no sense to her though is how An Hui Ni managed to appear here! Yao Shu Er levels a glare over at An Hui Ni. Pu Su Ji is now greeting her and An Hui Ni barely even acknowledges her before addressing the makeup artist. That woman… She had once used such low methods to hurt Xia Mo and had already been dismissed by the public with no chances of ever reappearing in the entertainment industry – and yet she still has the chance to recover and to participate in today’s auditions. So then the circulating rumors must be true; An Hui Ni used her body to seduce certain powerful businessmen. “I hear you’re Yin Xia Mo’s friend?” As if sensing Yao Shu Er’s glare, An Hui Ni places her makeup powder back down onto the table and smirks at her. Yao Shu Er stills, noting the people surrounding them and realizing that having any sort of public conflict with this kind of person would not be a smart thing to do. “I hear that she’s also invited to today’s audition,” An Hui Ni says in fake surprise, “since you’re her friend, then do you think she’ll come?” “An Hui Ni, I haven’t seen you for so long and yet you haven’t changed at all.” Yao Shu Er’s smile is warm. “Really? I’m actually afraid that I’m getting old!” An Hui Ni studies her reflection thoughtfully, as if not hearing the ulterior meaning in Yao Shu Er’s words. She then sighs deeply and continues on in a pitying voice. “Too bad that Yin Xia Mo isn’t the same as before though. I hear her little brother died and she went crazy. What a great actress, she can so easily turn black into white so how could she just lose her mind? I would love to see her again…” An Hui Ni’s voice fades away as a sudden disturbance takes everyone’s attention. The rumbling noise is growing in intensity as it seems like all the reporters have suddenly just rushed together like a gigantic wave of noise like an explosion and yet nothing can be heard clearly. Director Wu has arrived! An Hui Ni cleverly stops provoking Yao Shu Er, returning her attention to the mirror as she hurriedly brushes her hair, a respectful smile painted on her face and a reverent light in her eyes when the doors to the makeup room burst open –

“Director Wu!” After seeing the person in the doorway though, An Hui Ni’s smile freezes solid on her face. That person is wearing a white dress and is being gently supported by Ou Hua Corporations’ little shareholder. She has long, wavy black hair, frighteningly thin and yet also shockingly beautiful. That person is — Yin Xia Mo!

Chapter 14 “Xia Mo!” Yao Shu Er runs over to her in surprise. She hasn’t seen Xia Mo since her wedding and when the news about Xia Mo’s possible mental instability from her brother’s death surfaced, she had called Zhen En in concern, who had hemmed and hawed about not really knowing the situation. Although she had somewhat prepared herself, Yao Shu Er is still unable to contain her shock at seeing such a deathly thin Xia Mo. Additionally, Xia Mo’s eyes are unfocused as if she cannot see anything and startled, Yao Shu Er waves her hand in front of Xia Mo’s face. “Please move.” Ou Chen’s voice is tense. Had he not remembered that Xia Mo had invited this woman to their wedding, he would have already broken that hand. “Oh, sorry, I was just…” Yao Shu Er awkwardly comes back to her senses and hurriedly moves to the side, staring at the expressionless Ou Chen as he passes by while supporting Xia Mo. The sudden burst of laughter comes from An Hui Ni as she smugly watches the embarrassed Yao Shu Er and then looks towards Ou Chen as he helps Yin Xia Mo into a chair. When she had first caught a glimpse of Yin Xia Mo, she had been startled and bitter, and filled with a strange fear. But… this unstable Yin Xia Mo cannot even be her match! “Does Xia Mo need some makeup applied, my artist is here, she could help Xia Mo…” Seeing that the quiet Xia Mo is currently wearing no makeup, An Hui Ni briefly hesitates before walking over to them, trying to make up for her lack of manners. “There’s no need…” Ou Chen stares adoringly at the doll-like Xia Mo, his gaze only seeing her and no one else, his quiet voice heard by everyone else in the unusually quiet makeup room, “… she already looks beautiful as she is.” “Yes, yes…” On the other side of the room, Shen Qiang levels a measuring glance at Xia Mo before turning her head back, her face resuming its normally cool expression. Pu Si Ji doesn’t seem to know what exactly just happened and she quickly says something in Korean to her assistant, as if

realizing that Xia Mo’s state is off somehow and thus does not know whether she should go over there and greet her. At this time, there is a loud commotion outside the room and the doors burst open – Director Wu walks into the room, closely followed by “Innocent Love Song’s” producer, Zhong Ya! An Hui Ni rushes over to greet Director Wu, followed by both Pu Su Ni and Yao Shu Er. Even Shen Qiang stands up to smile at him as the atmosphere in the room quickly livens up! Director Wu casually nods his head in acknowledgement as some members of his crew follow him across to the conference room, leaving some others to explain the upcoming schedule and logistics – “Everyone, please start getting ready; you’ll be prepped by Producer Zhong Ya in five minutes and auditions will then commence. We ask all assistants and other members to wait here.” So An Hui Ni, Pu Su Ji and Shen Qiang all entered the conference room while their assistants are left to wait for them. “Don’t worry, I’ll take care of Xia Mo.” Yao Shu Er warmly supports Xia Mo back up as she addresses Ou Chen. Ou Chen lightly caresses Xia Mo’s hair, watching as she disappears behind the doors. ******* “The film is about a sister and brother, whose parents both died when they were young and the little brother is a well-known painter…” As Zhong Ya explains the film’s story, she measures each female star. Shen Qiang is not the most suitable for the female lead role as the film’s sister carries a strong front but a vulnerable heart while Shen Qiang’s coolness seems to emit from her very core. But since Director Wu invited her to participate in the audition, then perhaps her acting skills are enough to make up for this divide. Yao Shu Er, Pu Su Ji and An Hui Ni all appear to be warm-hearted and vulnerable girls but both Yao Shu Er and Pu Su Ji’s warmness carries an additional element that is not fitting to the character. Looking at An Hui Ni, Zhong Ya wrinkles her forehead, always feeling that behind An Hui Ni’s warm smile lurks something that really does not impress her. The outer appearance of these three all better fit the lead character but yet there is still a feeling missing from them. As for Yin Xia Mo… She has really lost weight since filming “Innocent Love Song” and Zhong Ya was shocked by the change. But although she is a lot skinnier than before, she still has retained that frightening beauty and that beauty seems to all originate from a type of hopelessness. If Yin Xia Mo’s beauty had kept people at a distance before, one can only say that the quiet her now invokes a feeling of pained sympathy.

But now it does look like there is something mentally wrong with Yin Xia Mo… Zhong Ya stares at her hesitatingly; can she still film in such a condition? “Although the siblings’ lives were hard, they were very happy together. Little brother, Xiao Cheng [the character's name is 小成 as opposed to 小澄 but both names sound phonetically the same] is about to open his own art exhibit, and that late night he is walking through the market to pick up his sister, Ah Jie, from her night shift when he unfortunately runs into robbers…” Zhong Ya carefully explains from the script’s lines. Everyone in the room is quiet, and although Yin Xia Mo is the only one who has not read the script yet, they all listen attentively. Xiao Cheng… Art exhibit… Those words flutter through the room. Xia Mo’s entire body is bathed in sunlight as a golden yellow reflects off her hair, and she does not move a muscle as if struggling to listen to something and yet not hearing anything at all. ……………………………… “If I have a chance to have my own exhibit, I don’t want that many people to come, because the majority of those paintings were specifically drawn only for you, Sister.” ………………….. ………… “… Xiao Cheng is lying in a puddle of blood, fresh blood covering the paintings lying next to his body in a vibrant red as Ah Jie cradles his blood-soaked body in her arms, painfully crying for help…” ……………………………… PING! Xiao Cheng’s body bounces straight up. “More voltage!” PING!! Xiao Cheng’s body again bounces straight up and then falls limply back down. “More voltage!” PING!!!

Just like before, Xiao Cheng’s body bounces straight up and then thuds heavily back down, the heart monitor emitting a continuous, streaming beep, and a straight line… “… I’m sorry but we did our best…” ………………………….. In that sunlit and quiet room, Yao Shu Er suddenly feels that something is amiss and turns her head, and is taken aback! It is a quietly shivering Xia Mo, her pallor that of a sickened patient, her entire body shaking as if she is caught outside in the frigid cold air, as if she is caught deep in the throes of a horrible nightmare and struggling between consciousness… “… Ah Jie is unable to accept the death of her little brother, and she stares, day in and day out, at those blood-covered paintings. She continues to believe that Xiao Cheng is not dead, that he’s still alive…” …………………. “Do you hear what I’m saying, Xia Mo? Xiao Cheng is dead! He’s dead! That day at the hospital, when the doctor said that she could no longer help him, he was dead! He didn’t say he wanted to eat chicken wings, he didn’t say anything to you; when you walked over to his bedside, he was already dead!” ……… “Xiao Cheng is already dead…” …….. “Xia Mo! Haven’t you heard anything I’ve been saying to you? I’m saying, Xiao Cheng is already dead! Even if you make chicken wings everyday, he’s not going to be able to eat them! Xia Mo, I beg you, please wake up, okay!” ……… “Xiao Cheng is already dead…” ……. “What Xiao Cheng most wanted to see, was your smile.” Pain in his heart, Ou Chen lightly gathers her into his embrace, “If he could see you right now from Heaven, he would want you to live happily, he would want to see a smile always on your face.” ……. “Xiao Cheng is already dead…”

……………………… …………….. Zhong Ya finishes reading from the script, and slowly, as if drawn by some external force, everyone’s gazes unconsciously falls in the same direction — in that sunlit corner of the room, Yin Xia Mo sits shivering with her eyes closed as a single tear slides down her face. “Miss Yin!” Zhong Ya begins to call out in concern but is stopped by Director Wu. “Don’t disturb her…” Director Wu studies the tears on her face and says satisfactorily, “Amazing. She only had to hear the script to become fully immersed in the story.” The tears slide quietly down Yin Xia Mo’s face. It is like she has suddenly just collapsed, as if she is caught in a hopeless dream as the tears roll endlessly down her face, quietly falling down her face onto the conference table, each teardrop becoming a splash of pain as she tightly scrunches her eyes, her body continuing to shake. Everyone’s gaze is on Yin Xia Mo. After hearing Director Wu’s praise, some gazes became appreciative, some sour and some bitter, while An Hui Ni’s eyes only become more filled with a raging and jealous poison! Yin Xia Mo does not notice any of this. She only continues to cry, as if her entire life is only filled with tears. Until Zhong Ya finishes explaining the film’s plot and the rest of the crew fills them in on the audition details, and Director Wu leaves to go to the next room – and Yin Xia Mo has not moved from her original position. Her tears have been completely used up. Her wet eyelashes are tightly closed against that white face. “Xia Mo, here’s the script.” Her heart conflicted, Yao Shu Er places the script in front of Xia Mo but then thinking over it, realizes that the little brother in the story has a phonetically-same name to Xiao Cheng’s. Perhaps this is fate. Regardless if Xia Mo expresses nothing, this female lead role will still never be hers. “What a show.” An Hui Ni slowly saunters over to them. She had already memorized the entire script by heart, so there is no reason for her to do any more last-minute practice. Seeing the tearstains on Yin Xia Mo’s face, the hate in An Hui Ni’s heart only increases. Yin Xia Mo must be her curse. This chance had been so hard for her to come by and after learning that Director Wu would not favor Shen Qiang specifically because of her representing company, she had done everything to get her hands on the script, hoping to become one of Director Wu’s prized actors and then reclaiming her status!

But who would have thought… that Yin Xia Mo was only faking her craziness, causing An Hui Ni to underestimate her! “You really know how to act; you can just turn on your tears like a water faucet. What? Are you still acting? Too bad that Director Wu has already left and can’t see it!” Pu Su Ji is the first one to audition and she glances over at them but does not understand what is being said and so walks out of the room towards the room across the hall. Shen Qiang pays no mind to them and concentrates on her script. “An Hui Ni, can you not talk so much?” Yao Shu Er crinkles her forehead; no one is unaware of Xia Mo losing her brother and it is obvious that she just got caught in her emotions. “Wow, you’re still speaking on her behalf? I remember she used to be your assistant and accompanied you to audition for the Lei Ou commercial, and then simply stole the opportunity that originally belonged to you! Don’t you remember? Or is it because her career is stable now and she’s hooked up with Ou Hua Corporations’ little heir that you’re suddenly so “gracious” and “loyal” to her!” “You…” Yao Shu Er’s face turns red and white. An Hui Ni’s attention turns to Yin Xia Mo, hatred burning in her eyes. What dead little brother – she doesn’t believe that this woman would go crazy just because of her brother dying! Yin Xia Mo only wants to steal the media spotlight and is actually daring to play this game in front of her! And how dare she pretend to be all pitiful and pathetic in front of Director Wu! “Yin Xia Mo! Stop faking! Come fight me for real! Pretending to simper and cry while listening to the script, pretending to be so immersed in the story! And then tricking Director Wu into thinking that you are actually suited for this role! Are these underhanded tricks all you’ve got?!” An Hui Ni is positively stewing in her anger and she is only further enraged when she sees that Yin Xia Mo does not react to her words. Leaning in right next to her, An Hui Ni spits each word out. “Just keep acting! Karma will eventually happen to a vapid woman like you! Wait, that’s not right; your karma already happened! Do you know why your little brother died at such a young age? It’s because God is punishing you!” Xia Mo’s eyes suddenly snap wide open! “An Hui Ni!” Yao Shu Er interrupts An Hui Ni as she looks uneasily towards the other conference room and then back at the pale Xia Mo. “Well said.” Shen Qiang sets down her script and stands up. “Since you’re here to participate in the auditions, then that’s where you should be actually showing your talent. Don’t you think it’s rather meaningless to be yelling about such useless things here?” Having said her piece, Shen Qiang walks out coolly as she is the second person to audition. An Hui Ni levels a stare at Shen Qiang’s departing back, finally lets out a rushed breath of air and then returns back to her original spot, opening the script back again. That’s right, the most

important thing right now is the result of the auditions; if Yin Xia Mo thinks that she’ll be able to beat her with such paltry acting skills then she’s got another thing coming to her! Isn’t it just crying? An Hui Ni laughs smugly to herself; she used to be the Jade Girl of the entertainment world! There’s no way her crying skills would be worse than anyone else’s. Yin Xia Mo’s mediocre talent does not even make her worthy of scrubbing her shoes! ******* “I wonder if the auditions have started…” In the makeup room, the assistants quietly murmur to one another. Since following the actors to so many various events, they’ve long become accustomed to such situations. The only thing is, this time around, they are going out of their way to keep their conversations subdued since there is another man in the room. He looks like the young heir to Ou Hua Corporations. He’s really hot. Even though he looks kind of serious, he’s got such class, and with those green eyes… he is definitely yummy. While fervently discussing the audition progress of the actors, the assistants continue to sneak glances over at the oblivious Ou Chen. Ou Chen sits quietly as if he has no care for his surroundings but then every now and then, his forehead would suddenly wrinkle up in concentration, as if trying to hear what noises are coming from the conference room. The assistants now just realize that someone seems to be speaking really loudly from the conference room, almost as if yelling. Their curiosity piqued, An Hui Ni’s assistant actually rushes to the doorway and stealthily pulls it open a few inches to peek outside. The yelling seems to have stopped and the assistants only see An Hui Ni suddenly leave Yin Xia Mo’s side. “Did Pu Su Ji already audition…” “Yes, Shen Qiang has gone too…” “Who’s next then…” “Is it Yao Shu Er or An Hui Ni…” “Yin Xia Mo should be last. There’s something not really normal about her expression…” “Ssh!” One of the assistants makes a face and the others hurriedly stop talking. Glancing over at Ou Chen, he does not appear to have heard anything, only quietly standing in the spot which Yin Xia Mo had previously left, staring through the halfway opened door to watch her figure in the other room.

In that sunlit room, her hair falls carelessly down the sides of her face, emphasizing how gaunt and white it has become while her eyes seem red and swollen. She has cried… Ou Chen’s heart squeezes as he instinctively begins to make his way over to her. But, her eyes… His breathing stills for even though they are separated by such a divide, he suddenly has this strange feeling that her eyes no longer carry that extreme expression of lost and and distance… “It’s probably Yao Shu Er’s turn…” As a way to pass the time, the assistants begin to guess who will be walking out of the conference room next. The clock on the wall ticks by. Ou Chen watches her as she sits by herself at the table, her pale face staring straight ahead of her, the script lying untouched on the table. ******* Auditions. Director Wu, Zhong Ya and the other crew members watch as the actresses take turns performing the same scene. Pu Su Ji carries the natural grace that all Korean actors seem to possess, flowing with the emotions of the scene; Shen Qiang’s carries her own unique style of performance, a strong and cold front yet carrying just a tinge of vulnerability; Yao Shu Er seems to have a great handle on the lead character’s warmth, tears shimmering in her eyes and able to invoke strong stirrings of empathy and caring. Each person has her own uniqueness. It is hard to determine who should be scored higher. Zhong Ya begins to more appreciate Director Wu’s eye; every single person he has chosen each has her own valid strength for the role. It is no wonder that every one of his projects is always such a success. Realizing this, Zhong Ya looks towards the entering An Hui Ni; perhaps Director Wu has his own reasons for selecting her to participate. The camera zooms in on An Hui Ni. She quietly stares off into a distance, a clear emotion beginning to simmer in her eyes as two teardrops slowly roll down her face. And then these two teardrops become many more as they begin to rush down from her eyes and she cries out brokenly “Xiao Cheng!” Her face is completely covered in tears as she cries devastatingly, the strength of her cries emitting from deep within her body as she wails heartbreakingly.

“Xiao Cheng, don’t leave!” Her hand stretched out mid-air, An Hui Ni seems to try to grasp at something as her tears flow like the river, her cries slowly becoming noiseless, hopelessly crying, crying as if the world was going to be completely destroyed! “Xiao Cheng —!” An Hui Ni’s desperate cries echo throughout the room and into the hallway! Those cries enter the neighboring conference room and Xia Mo sits up straight in shock! Xiao Cheng… someone is calling Xiao Cheng’s name… She looks around her in confusion but there’s nothing here… who’s calling Xiao Cheng, where is Xiao Cheng… She numbly makes her way towards the sound of those cries. “OK!” Director Wu holds up his hand to call a stop to the audition. Zhong Ya studies the tear-stained face of An Hui Ni in surprise, impressed by the ease and intensity of her crying skills. Even though she does not admire the things that An Hui Ni has done in the past, she cannot help but admire her skills as an actor. Although she cannot glean any sort of reaction to her performance from Director Wu’s expression, the expressions of everyone else in the room fills An Hui Ni with glee! Before she even has time to take her seat though, the doors to the room open wide and she coolly stares at the entering Yin Xia Mo. Ha, she really cannot wait to see what Yin Xia Mo can do to be better than her at this audition. There’s just no way Yin Xia Mo can cry better than her; this role is going to be hers! Xia Mo quietly walks into the room, a slightly panicked look in her eyes as she looks around her, as if searching for something. In the afternoon sunlight, her white dress sways lightly back and forth with her steps, making her entire self seem invisible, her soul also invisible. “Miss Yin, you may begin!” After a long pregnant pause in which Xia Mo has no inclination of beginning her performance, Director Wu wrinkles his forehead and the assistant director calls out to her in embarrassment. An Hui Ni’s mouth curves into a smug smile. She can’t hear anything. Xia Mo stands there numbly. Her eyes fall to the the pot of flowers at the window. A long, long time ago, Zhen En had carried a similar pot of flowers to place at the window of Xiao Cheng’s hospital room… But… he was always in a coma… he didn’t wake up…

He never saw those flowers… That’s not right… he did wake up… Why do they all keep saying he’s dead, he’s obviously still alive! She heard him! In that chaotic and death-filled moment, she had heard him breathing! She had walked to his bedside and in that instant, she had heard his heartbeat and his breaths! …………………. “Sister…” “Xiao Cheng!” “How could I die? I promised you, I would be with Sister forever, and I would never leave your side…” “Yes, I remember, so I didn’t let them trick me.” Her finger lightly traces his face. “You see, Sister didn’t cry, Sister didn’t fall for it…” ………………………………. Xiao Cheng didn’t die… Xiao Cheng wouldn’t leave her… ………………. “Sister…” Xiao Cheng’s smile is bright and exuberant as he clings onto her hand like a child. “I won’t die, I can’t bear to leave you.” ……….. “Sister, I’ll be with you forever…” ……………………… “Xiao Cheng…” She knows, she knows that Xiao Cheng wouldn’t leave her. She has no mom in this world, she only has Xiao Cheng and he wouldn’t so cruelly leave her behind… ……………………… “Do you hear what I’m saying, Xia Mo? Xiao Cheng is dead! He’s dead! That day at the hospital, when the doctor said that she could no longer help him, he was dead! He didn’t say he wanted to eat chicken wings, he didn’t say anything to you; when you walked over to his bedside, he was already dead!” ……………………… The flowers by the window are so bright that they are blinding to the eye.

It is like her blood is all rushing to her ears and she has become deaf to the world, and her body becomes consumed by chilling shakes… and then shattered into millions of pieces and blowing away in the wind. He’s dead… is he really… That’s why even though she makes chicken wings everyday, really good chicken wings everyday, he never comes out of his room to have a bite even though she relentlessly calls out to him… He’s dead… is he really… Because regardless of whether or not she does a good job of making them, he would always smile so happily, swallowing everything with a hearty appetite, praising her for making the world’s most delicious food… “Xiao Cheng…” A flood of tears simmer in her eyes. Xiao Cheng is dead, Xiao Cheng is dead, why is she still alive, why would Xiao Cheng also lie to her! Why did Mommy leave her alone, why did Yin Daddy and Yin Mommy leave her alone, why even now, Xiao Cheng has to leave her alone! Why didn’t she die too? Why is she the only one left living! Tears brim at the edge of her eyes, ready to rush forward from deep within her body! And then she remembers all those paintings, every one that Xiao Cheng made just for her… Those tears boil in her eyes, her eyelids soaking wet but not a single one falls as she ruthlessly holds them in… not a single teardrop will fall… ……………………….. “Have you noticed… that no matter which drawing, Xiao Cheng always draws you smiling, vibrantly smiling, as if you have no worries and live happily and simply.” ………… “What Xiao Cheng most wanted to see, was your smile. If he could see you right now from Heaven, he would want you to live happily, he would want to see a smile always on your face.” ……………………… There is not a sound in the conference room.

Zhong Ya stares breathlessly at Xia Mo’s image in the camera, only coming to with a gasp of shock when she realizes that tears of wrenching pain have covered her face. What’s wrong with her… Xia Mo hadn’t even cried, only standing there with a numbed expression on her face, the most simplest of actions and what murmuring of the scripted words weren’t even that clear and yet… Looking around her, Zhong Ya is taken aback to see that essentially everyone else has the exact same reaction as her. Even though Yin Xia Mo did not let out a single tear, everyone who watched her felt the same joy, shattered illusion, hopelessness, and the most vulnerable warmth hidden underneath that surface of courage… A long moment later, Director Wu walks over to Xia Mo. “Very good, you are very suited to this role.” An Hui Ni cannot believe her ears as she fires a hatred-filled glare at Yin Xia Mo! Xia Mo continues to quietly stand there, as if she has not yet emerged from the story. At this time, the crew members begin to chatter excitedly amongst themselves, endlessly praising Xia Mo’s stellar performance. Pu Su Ji walks over to Xia Mo, a smile on her face as she congratulates her in stilted Chinese. However, she pauses awkwardly when Xia Mo does not give any response and so takes her leave of Director Wu. Shen Qiang briefly looks over at Xia Mo, not saying a word and then also takes her leave. “Xia Mo, you are simply amazing; you brought out the feeling of the film’s sister perfectly!” Since the filming of “Innocent Love Song,” this calm – almost to the extent of being cold – girl had already left a deep impression on Zhong Ya. “It’s only because her brother just died.” A voice filled with bitterness rings through the room as An Hui Ni stalks up to Xia Mo, her eyes raking carelessly over before turning to Zhong Ya with a smug smile on her face. “Producer Zhong Ya, if the story you wrote is about a girl who goes psycho after her little brother dies, then of course she would be perfect for it! Actually, she doesn’t even have to actually act; why, having Miss Yin Xia Mo as herself is enough already!” Zhong Ya wrinkles her forehead in surprise and looks at the still-quiet Xia Mo. Although she really doesn’t care for An Hui Ni’s hidden meaning, but it could it possibly be true? “Miss Yin…” Director Wu raises his voice to catch Xia Mo’s attention. “She can’t hear you; she’s already gone completely crazy!” Shrieking with laughter, a crazed fire dancing in her eyes, An Hui Ni waves her hand back and forth in front of Xia Mo’s face, as if pretending to play a joke on her.

“Hey, this is an audition; how come the nurses at the asylum didn’t do a better job of watching you and allowed you to escape? Why, weren’t you giving a stellar performance just now? How come you can’t even say a word now?! Hey, look here, look here; do you even remember who I am?” Just as An Hui Ni is giving her most smug laugh, a tall figure stands in front of Xia Mo, protectively pulling her behind. That man levels a stare down at An Hui Ni, a threatening vibrating in his voice. “An Hui Ni, it appears that the price you paid in the past was far too low.” It is Ou Chen… The icy calmness in his eyes causes An Hui Ni to unconsciously take a step backward, aghast. It is this man who had ruined the career that she had earned and fought so hard to establish! Otherwise given her reputation, she would never have fallen to a state in which she couldn’t even get a single film opportunity! She had once thought that she would portray just a small little role but she was actually denied by all of them, who had secretly implied that they could not afford to offend Ou Hua Corporations. It was only because of her newfound reliance on a rich businessman that she was able to get an inkling of a chance back. As much as she despises Yin Xia Mo though, even An Hui Ni knows that further angering Ou Chen would be sheer stupidity, and so she can only close her mouth in anger. “Xia Mo, let’s go.” Ou Chen lowers his head to Xia Mo, studying her tear-stained face with pain in his heart. She cried! She actually cried! Perhaps, bringing her to the audition was the right thing to do. She finally had some kind of a reaction as opposed to completely shutting herself off. But, why did she cry? Because of the script or because she was being humiliated? Remembering this, he looks back levelly at the ashen An Hui Ni! “Please wait a minute.” Director Wu’s gaze does not leave the ever-quiet Xia Mo. “Miss Yin, I really admire your performance just now. Would you be interested in taking on the female lead?” “She just auditioned?” Ou Chen is startled. Xia Mo was able to come in and audition like usual? “Yes, and it was simply brilliant.” Zhong Ya pipes in. “Xia Mo…” A rush of indescribable emotion surges through Ou Chen, momentarily halting his breath. His right hand squeezes Xia Mo’s shoulder as a way of proving to himself that this isn’t all just a dream. Finally, when he has calmed himself down again, he quietly asks her. “Do you want this role?”

Everyone in the room waits for Xia Mo’s answer. Although An Hui Ni glares daggers at her, she does not say a word. Xia Mo quietly stares at the pot of blooming flowers by the window, as if she does not hear anything. “The little brother in the film is called Xiao Cheng.” The forgotten Yao Shu Er addresses Xia Mo warmly. When Xia Mo was auditioning, only she knew that Xia Mo was calling out “Xiao Cheng” (小澄) and not “Xiao Cheng” (小成). “This Xiao Cheng, also really likes to draw, and has an older sister just like you who loves him very much. Xia Mo, I think, perhaps Xiao Cheng wants you to do this film… Also, the sister and brother have a very happy ending in the film…” A light breeze seems to come through the window, ruffling the petals of those flowers, as if they are laughing and nodding their heads. Xia Mo’s eyebrows seem to move just a bit and then after a long time, she repeats that same motion — and nods her head imperceptibly. ****** Xia Mo has actually accepted the lead female role of “Hua Jing”! Zhen En could barely contain herself when she initially heard the news! The Xia Mo who had completely closed herself off from the world, expressing no interest in anything, would suddenly accept a new film? And it was Xia Mo herself, nodding her head in acceptance! But, Zhen En is taken aback when she finally sees the script; the little brother is actually called “Xiao Cheng”, also likes to draw and also passed away at a young age. The film is of a paternal cousin [in Chinese custom/language, cousins who share the same last name are considered as close as siblings; although this Xiao Cheng is the younger cousin of the female lead, he is regarded just like a little brother] whose sister closes herself off from the world after his death, only numbly staring at the paintings that he has left behind. Until one day, she is somehow able to mysteriously enter those paintings, returning to the past and seeing her brother again. In the world within the paintings, they live together forever… It is because of this story that Xia Mo agreed to do the movie… Seeing the happy ending to the storyline, tears lightly fall down Zhen En’s face. Since news of Xia Mo taking on “Hua Jing” as her next project has been released, the entertainment world has been buzzing as the media have all expressed great interest in this tidbit, speculating crazily about the story – What is going on with Yin Xia Mo mental state right now, why would Director Wu pass over Shen Qiang and Pu Su Ji, two rising and established starlets just for Yin Xia Mo, who’s only had one series under her name? How could the young heir to Ou Hua Corporations allow his new wife to reenter the entertainment industry again, has their young marriage already begun to encounter problems? Various theories and guesses all connected to Yin Xia Mo’s name flutter throughout the media like a wildfire, becoming the headline for every news report!

And then — and even more startling news piece! “Hua Jing’s” publicity announces that the lead male role has already been given to the recently-returned from America, king of stars, Luo Xi! Luo Xi’s fans go wild and all converge in front of his representing studio to scream and chant their support, endlessly showering Luo Xi with gifts and flowers and netizens post their adoration and love on discussion boards. However, the most important question to the media is why Luo Xi would accept the role in “Hua Jing”. Does his addition have anything to do with Yin Xia Mo, are the two ex-lovers getting back together or is it because Yin Xia Mo’s marriage is in a rocky spot, using filming as an excuse to get away from it while Luo Xi can now use their collaboration as a way of comforting her? When Zhen En finds out about Luo Xi’s involvement in “Hua Jing,” she is seized by a twinge of nervousness. According to Ou Chen’s past behavior and personality, there is simply no way he would allow Luo Xi and Xia Mo to interact alone. Although Ou Chen has allowed Luo Xi to consistently visit Xia Mo during this time, but there are bound to be some instances during filming when the two may need to have a more intimate interaction… Will Ou Chen stop Xia Mo from filming? But, since accepting “Hua Jing”, Xia Mo seems to have slowly gotten better; she no longer sits mindlessly by the window everyday but will solemnly study her script. Following the turning of each page, her expression will change accordingly from joy to sadness, as if she now has a new life meaning, and now has immersed herself in the story as opposed to her former, isolated world. If Ou Chen stops her from filming, will she go back to how she was before? But, Zhen En’s worry seems to pointless as Ou Chen does not seem to mind Luo Xi’s involvement at all, and he still continues to delegate his work to his employees, staying by Xia Mo’s side everyday and even learning how to make dinners for her. ******* The first day of filming for “Hua Jing”. The early morning sunlight shines onto Xia Mo, her script book lying in her lap. Ou Chen walks out of the kitchen, the aroma of freshly-made breakfast wafting through the air. Placing the bottle of warmed milk in front of her first, he begins to assemble a sandwich for her, placing the crisply fried egg on top of the bread, some slices of ham, tomato and lettuce and then carefully bringing the completed sandwich to Xia Mo’s lips. “Xia Mo, eat something, okay? You may be filming for awhile today…” Ou Chen patiently tries to persuade her, bringing the sandwich a little bit closer, “… if you don’t eat something, you won’t have any strength, what if you pass out during the middle of filming…”

“Just a little bit… come on…” “The egg smells really good, you should try it…” The hand holding the sandwich has blisters from the splashing of hot oil… who knows how many eggs had to be fried in order to get this one perfect, golden result. She stares at those blisters. Xia Mo’s eyebrows wrinkle slightly and slowly, her gaze moves warmly upward towards Ou Chen, the lightest flickering of emotion in her eyes. And then, she takes a a bite of the sandwich from his hand, slowly chewing it, and then, slowly swallowing it down. Because of nerves, Ou Chen’s hand had become stiff and frozen. She didn’t spit it out! She didn’t spit it back out after eating it! Ecstatic joy seizes him, and unable to pay more mind to whether or not he had just imagined her looking at him just then, he holds the milk up to her lips, trying to coax her to drink some. Like a miracle, she drinks the milk, and eats a few more bites of the sandwich. Although it is still very little, it is enough to send him into fits of happiness. After cleaning up breakfast, Ou Chen places her script into her bag, helping her to put on her jacket and then driving her to the studio. His mood is so good that a small smile continuously dances around the corners of his mouth during the drive. Zhen En is still worried though. Can Xia Mo still film in her condition? Can she remember her lines, can she hold up her own under such pressure and in front of so many people? ******* The cameras are rolling. It is the middle of the night, and Xia Mo stands at the edge of the marketplace, looking out expectantly – it is a bright-eyed and smiling Luo Xi as as he appears at the entranceway, calling out to her, his arms full of the paintings that he will soon be displaying at the exhibit. The camera zooms in on Xia Mo’s face. Her smile is full and brilliant as she stares at Luo Xi, like he is the world’s most precious treasure, her eyes alight with pure happiness and joy… ******* The ground is covered in blood.

Xia Mo cradles Luo Xi in horror, blood flowing from the bullet hole in his chest as she cries out hoarsely for help, crazed tears dripping down from her face onto Luo Xi’s own face. She tries to staunch the bleeding from his chest with her own hands, her body beginning to tremble in desperation, her throat becoming scratched from her terrified and helpless cries… ******* Zhen En stands off to the side, watching those six, seven cameras surrounding Xia Mo. The present Xia Mo is like the day that Xiao Cheng passed away, her broken gaze looking everywhere. Every emotion in her tears, in her laughter, are all deeply immersed in the story – every smile, every teardrop is completely moving. Perhaps Xia Mo will get better? Zhen En quietly prays, praying to the Xiao Cheng in Heaven that he created this film for Xia Mo and that this will be her turning opportunity to finally heal. “OK!” But it seems that Zhen En’s prayers do not result in anything because the instant that Director Wu calls a stop to the filming and the lights lower, the light in Xia Mo’s own eyes instantly dim. She quietly returns to her spot on the side and waits for her next scene to be called. It is as if Xia Mo has returned to her own little world, unaware of the ever-present Ou Chen by her side, unaware of the silently attentive Luo Xi. She only lowers her head into the script, such a short amount of time, and the script book has already become dog-eared and worn. ******* Day by day. Xia Mo essentially has become two different people, the Xia Mo who completely immerses herself in the film and then the Xia Mo who becomes closed off and isolated. Somehow, this Xia Mo actually causes Zhen En to worry even more. Zhen En has a creeping fear that because Xia Mo is putting her entire life’s effort and meaning into this film, what will happen when filming has completed… Zhen En does not dare to reveal her own fears to Ou Chen. Ou Chen has long stopped being the cold and arrogant Young Master Ou Chen, and while his increasing weight loss is surprising, what is even more surprising is his increased warmth. Taking on all of Xia Mo’s daily tasks, he is so thoughtful to even take care of her nails for her. And when Xia Mo quietly sinks into her own world, Ou Chen also quietly watches her, as if his life is now connected to hers and when her spirit disappears, his also follows suit.

The days go by one at a time. Due to the constant protection by Ou Hua Corporations in fending off noisy reporters and curious onlookers, “Hua Jing’s” filming progresses rather smoothly and peacefully. “OK! Very good!” Director Wu’s voice is the only one that rings on set. After hearing that this scene has successfully finished, the film crew get ready to prepare for the next scene. Today’s scene will be filmed at the oceanside. Xia Mo quietly stares at the crystal blue of the ocean waters, the wind mussing her hair every which way. A coat is placed around her shoulders, still carrying the scent of Luo Xi’s warmth and yet she remains oblivious to all of this, only staring silently out towards the ocean. “When I was in New York, I went to church a lot, and one time, I made this prayer.” Luo Xi also stares out at the waters, the wind carrying his voice to her ear. “I prayed to have a peaceful heart, to allow me to accept the truths of what I cannot change…” The ocean carries a golden reflection. “…I prayed for courage, to change that which I could change…” As the wind blows against the water, that golden reflection disperses into a thousand shards of light. “…I prayed for wisdom, to allow me to be able to clearly separate the two things.” Xia Mo watches the geese flying above the waters, their wings stretched out endlessly. “Everything that could have been done, you’ve already done it for Xiao Cheng. And what cannot be changed now, should be accepted.” Luo Xi stares intently at the waif-like Xia Mo. “So can you continue on living for Xiao Cheng?” ******* The ocean wind lightly blows. Ou Chen watches those two figures sitting by one another, his hand holding onto Xia Mo’s jacket, his footsteps pauses from his original intention of walking over there. The golden light splays across her and Luo Xi, his jacket resting around her shoulders, Luo Xi’s devoted stare at her while he appears to say something, and she sometimes appears to be listening and sometimes not. Even from such a distance, Ou Chen can sense the depth of emotion from Luo Xi’s eyes. If he had never forcefully stolen her from Luo Xi… If the one who had been at her side the day Xiao Cheng passed away had been Luo Xi instead of him…

With the vibrant blue waters lying against the golden sandy beach, the enveloping sunlight against the two of them depict a beautiful oil painting… and he is the pointless detail which has destroyed such perfection. “Young Master.” A familiar voice calls out besides Ou Chen, and intensity still brewing in his eyes, he turns to see Butler Shen standing next to him. Since they have not returned to Ou Mansion since Xiao Cheng’s passing, Ou Chen had asked Butler Shen to stay there since Xia Mo’s old house is much smaller and he hoped to decrease the possibility of any disturbances. “Young Master, this is a letter that just arrived, it appears to be…” Butler Shen tries desperately to control the nervousness in his voice but his slightly shaking hands bely his underlying panic. Just then a college student had arrived at Ou Mansion, claiming to be Young Master Xiao Cheng’s classmate and that he was asked to deliver this letter – Butler Shen had been so surprised that he had immediately decided to deliver the letter straight to Young Master. “…appears to be a letter from Young Master Xiao Cheng…” “Xiao Cheng?!” Accidentally hearing the conversation, Zhen En is taken aback, the blood rushing to her head as she jumps up from her chair, rushing over to stare fixedly at that letter in Butler Shen’s hands! Ou Chen’s body has also tensed and he stares nervously at the right corner of that light blue envelope, his eyes falling on that familiar handwriting – “Cheng”. Xiao Cheng… Faraway, Xia Mo seems to also hear that name and she lightly swivels her head. She focuses in on that letter, rushing up from her seat as Luo Xi hurriedly supports her, not letting her fall down. The ocean wind has become colder. Xia Mo takes the letter from Ou Chen with shaking hands. The letter is sent from Heaven; there is no stamp marring that light blue envelope, addressed simply to “Sister” and from “Cheng”. She stares at that letter for a very long time. Two teardrops splash down onto that letter, blossoming instantly. It is Xiao Cheng’s favorite stationary, as he once said that light blue is the color of the ocean and is the most suited for her. It is as if he is still laughingly calling out to her – Sister:

If you have received this letter, then that means I am now in Heaven. Don’t be sad; I’ll be very happy in Heaven with the only exception that I will really, really miss you. Sister, I really don’t want to leave you… But, just like you always said, Heaven is fair – whatever He gives, he will also take something in return. Heaven gave you to me, letting you be my sister, letting me be your brother, and this is His most precious and most luckiest gift to me. Sister, do you know how I much I love you? That even if Heaven gave me another chance to choose between you and life, no matter if I had to choose a hundred times, I would still always want to be your little brother. I would give up everything else. So, I really am happy. Sister, don’t be sad because of me leaving, okay? I’m only leaving you temporarily, and I’ll be returning to your side really soon. During the days that I’m gone, you have to live happily and healthily, and see all the beautiful sights in the world for me, eat all the good food for me, and don’t get sick or too tired. Sister, I’m only leaving you temporarily. I’ll come back to you in my next life and at that time, I hope I’ll be your older brother so that I can take care of you instead, spoiling you like a little princess. Or perhaps, I won’t even have to wait that long and I’ll return, perhaps as the tiny little life that will grow inside of you. Sister, see, it’ll just be a short amount of time that you won’t see me but I’ll be able to see you everyday from Heaven. Every time I see your smile, I’ll be filled with happiness, and when I see you sad, I’ll be filled with pain. Sister… For me, please live happily, okay? I will love you forever. Your Xiao Cheng. The sunlight falls onto that light blue letter, as tears roll down Xia Mo’s face, her body shaking as the wind blows in her hair, her hands tightly clenching that letter as her tears smear the writing. And then – she suddenly faints, her tears sliding diagonally across her face. Luo Xi’s heart pulls and he reaches out hastily to try to catch her but someone else has already tightly pulled her into his embrace as her tears soak into his chest. “Xia Mo!” Ou Chen’s voice rings out hollow, cradling her cold body.

******* There seems to be an endless number of shadows moving back and forth, nonsensical murmurings by her ear as someone tightly clutches her hand, emanating such pain and fear that it slowly seeps into her own heart. It is as if she has been dreaming for a long, long time. She had thought… that she would die in that eternal nightmare. ******* “Mr. Ou, congratulations, your wife is two months’ pregnant…” Separated by a thick blanket, someone seems to be talking to the person who is gripping her hand. Those fingers suddenly tighten on her own. And then quickly warm. That grasping hand on hers begins to shake lightly. A man’s face seems to lay itself against her heart and there seems to be warm tears falling as a hoarse voice breaks out, “Xia Mo, did you hear? A child, we have a child…” Child… ……………….. Or perhaps, I won’t even have to wait that long and I’ll return, perhaps as the tiny little life that will grow inside of you. ……………….. Listening to the broken murmurings of Ou Chen next to her, she lies in bed, her eyelashes soaked in tears. The moment she had felt his tears falling, her own tears had also leaked out from her tightly closed eyes… As those tears fell, she slowly lost track of time… As daylight and night slowly became intertwined together… As if while a life may be ending… the beginning of a new life is just around the corner…

Chapter 15 The shelves in the grocery store are filled with different brands of baby formula, and Ou Chen carefully studies the expiration dates and nutrition values of every single one, and then finally selecting a few of them to place in his hand basket. Still worried about Xia Mo being left alone back at home, he also buys some fresh eggs and fish and then goes to check out. “Daddy, I want an electric car!” The pitiful cries of a little boy echo from the aisle as his dad tells him no, there are enough electric cars back at home already, unless he can recite 99 reasons for buying a new one. Seeing the unwilling little boy being pulled away by his dad, Ou Chen unconsciously makes his way over to the shelves. It’s the aisle for children’s toys but since it is still the grocery store, the selection isn’t too varied. Some toys are for older kids, guns, electric cars and dolls, and some other toys are for babies. Ou Chen picks up one of the toys and it gives off a squeaky noise. Hearing the noise, Ou Chen feels a warmth fill his chest and thinking over the lunar calendar, theorizes that the baby will be born in the year of the pig; it will be a healthy, golden pig. The next aisle is full of baby clothes. Ou Chen very carefully pokes at one of the baby outfits, its material soft and smooth just like a newborn’s. Feeling that small outfit, he suddenly feels like he can see the sparkling eyes of the baby, such tiny little hands and tiny little feet, laughing and cooing with that fresh baby smell of milk… ******* Standing in front of the house, he looks into his bags that not just contain milk and groceries, but also a baby toy, a baby outfit, a stuffed pig animal that oinks when its tail is pulled – and Ou Chen is suddenly abashed, as if his secretive giddy mood has been discovered by the world. Placing all the baby things at the bottom of the bag, Ou Chen heavily exhales, pushing away that strange paranoia and awkwardness, and pulls out his house keys. She hasn’t waken up yet as the house is still silent. Last night she returned home rather late because of filming, so it is a good idea to have her sleep some more. Ou Chen stares at her closed room door, a smile playing at the corners of his mouth warming his normally cold and stern expression. Ever since she received Xiao Cheng’s letter, ever since she found out that she was with child, like a miracle, she has been slowly getting better. As if there is a new hope in life, she has started to eat regularly every day and although she will still sometimes spit some of it out, she continues to eat determinedly. She has started to rest regularly and even though the hectic schedule of filming has made that difficult, she would still

try hard to make sure she gets enough sleep. She no longer closes herself off from other people, and she has started to speak again, even slowly smiling. He doesn’t know whether this change is from receiving Xiao Cheng’s letter or because she is now pregnant but seeing her daily improvement is already enough to fill him with gratitude. In the kitchen, Ou Chen cleans and slices the various fruits to prepare a smoothie for her, carefully filling a glass full with it. He then warms a glass of milk, toasting some bread and taking care to cook the egg so that it is seventy-five percent done for her. Glancing at the clock on the wall, he realizes that it is about time she should get up. “Xia Mo.” Holding the tray of breakfast and standing outside her room door, he lightly knocks on it. There is absolutely no signs of movement inside. He hesitates briefly – perhaps she is still sleeping – but she has a commitment in the afternoon and sleeping in too late will cause her to be rushed. “Xia Mo!” The room continues to be quiet. Ou Chen suddenly feels a rush of panic. There is something unsettling about that lengthy silence and so he opens the door – the blinds have already been drawn open, the empty bed perfectly made – she is nowhere to be found in the room! “Xia Mo!” Setting down the tray, Ou Chen rushes through all the other rooms, desperately looking for her, but they all turn up empty. Pulling out his cell phone, he quickly punches in her number but only gets the voice greeting in return. “Xia Mo!” Ou Chen stands motionlessly in the living room, his body frozen with fear as scenario after scenario relentlessly pass through his mind, each one filling him with a growing sense of horror. What if Xiao Cheng’s letter had actually destroyed her last lingering hope instead and now that she has finally realized that he is truly gone, she no longer wants to live anymore?! So her serenity these past few days was only just to trick him, so that she could finally just leave?! Where is she, where is she right now, is she still alive… No, she was still here when he had left this morning, she couldn’t have left that long ago; he’ll find her, he will definitely find her! Crazed in his hurry to get to her, the pale Ou Chen rushes to the door, his hand just reaching the door when it suddenly opens itself! That slender figure staring back into his eyes in surprise and surrounded by the outside light, the trembling him doesn’t immediately know whether she is real or just a figment of his imagination.

“Xia Mo!” Ou Chen rushes forward, grabbing her in a tight hug, using his entire life to hug her, wanting to take her into his own body. His body flashes cold and hot, shaking like a little child, his voice hoarse and trembling as he continuously cries out her name in relief. “Xia Mo! Xia Mo! Xia Mo…!” “Ou Chen…” Xia Mo raises her head to look at him, his tight grip bordering on painful that she feels her bones about to splinter. However, she has never seen Ou Chen in such a state before, that the normally calm him could be so panicked, as if he would go completely insane if she had appeared any later. “I’m sorry…” Oddly, her heart twists at having caused his ashen expression, at having caused his pain and torment as regret, empathy and heartache all intertwine with one another to fill her body with warmth. “… I should have left you a note, I’m sorry…” During this time, although her mental state has been in and out of awareness, she’s known that Ou Chen has always been at her side, feeding her dinner, talking to her, helping her to clean herself and having her lean against his warmth to allow her to sleep. Briefly, she had wanted to leave like that to follow Xiao Cheng. But he stayed by her side day in and night out, serving as her last thread of connection to this world. Even during her most painful moments, she could always feel him holding onto her, tightly holding onto her, not letting her leave – if she ended up giving up everything to submerge in her own hell, she knew that he would do the exact same just to follow her there. His life is already connected to hers. “Xia Mo…” Her words and her body’s warmth slowly bring reasoning back to Ou Chen as he slowly loosens his grip on her, his eyes staring deeply into hers although his face still retains a sallow appearance. “… where did you go?” “I went to the doctor’s.” Her voice is gentle as she unconsciously smooths a hand over her stillflat stomach, a whisper of a soft smile playing on her lips. “I asked the doctor that my condition wasn’t too well the past two months and that I didn’t really eat much, and whether this would affect the baby’s health.”

Ou Chen stills; she can actually so smoothly carry a conversation with him now, as if she has already completely reverted back to the old Xia Mo. He stares at her in a daze; she had left the house for the baby too. Baby… He suddenly feels a rush of panic; he had just held onto her so tightly too, who knows if that had harmed the baby! Carefully supporting her to sit on the couch, he asks hoarsely what the doctor had said. “The doctor said that the first three months are most important for the baby to get nutrients from the mother’s own body so it shouldn’t be too much of a problem. The doctor also said, that the mother’s emotional state has a big impact on the baby’s development and so it’s important that I maintain as much of a calm and positive outlook as possible. However, you just…” Laughing lightly at Ou Chen, she adds, “… you could have already scared the baby.” Ou Chen stares at her, from her gentle smile down slowly to her stomach. It still looks exactly the same as before but now the baby is inside, isn’t it? He dumbly reaches out to lightly feel her stomach. Perhaps it is an illusion. He feels the lightest of movement under her stomach, almost like the heartbeat of an infant, and his hand suddenly grows warm as his breathing becomes broken! “The baby’s moving…” Looking at her happily, he grabs her hand to place it under his own. “Feel it, the baby’s moving!” Feeling for a moment, she suddenly breaks out into laughter. “That’s my blood vessel moving. The doctor said that when there’s about four months or so left in the pregnancy, we’ll be able to feel the baby move every now and then. And the baby’s heartbeat will be really fast, beating at about 140 every minute.” “Oh…” His hand is intertwined with hers, resting together on top of her warm stomach, and this intimate gesture suddenly embarrasses Ou Chen. She doesn’t like it when he acts like this because in her heart… His hand tenses up. Slowly, he stiffly draws away from her hand, leaving her warm body. Every time he’s with her, that feeling of happiness always causes him to selfishly want to stay by her side forever and he forgets her own freedom and happiness. Because of his dominance, he has already hurt her time and time again; does he want to keep hurting her forever… But his hand is not able to leave. Xia Mo has lightly flipped her hand over to grasp his in return. “I’m sorry…” She stares sadly at his painfully thin face, no longer trying to control her feelings and letting everything just completely fill her. “… you’ve lost a lot of weight taking care of me these past few days. I’m not a good wife at all. Not only did I not take care of you since we got married, I always cause you to worry about me.” She grasps onto his hand, her expression gentle.

“Give me another chance, okay? I will take very good care of you, I’ll take care of the baby, and I will learn how to be a good wife and a good mom.” Her warm voice filling his ears, Ou Chen simply stares back at her, a complicated mix of emotions filling his entire mind. He is unable to say anything for a long, long time, only feeling the warmth of her hand like the sun, his life’s one sun. ******* Xia Mo once considered backing out of filming “Hua Jing” for the baby’s health. But since the film was long scheduled to be entered into an awards festival, her backing out would cause a lot of complications for the crew. And besides, she cannot stand to give up the movie’s material, as she and Xiao Cheng are able to have a happy ending in it. She asks for Ou Chen’s opinion. If he does not want her to continue filming, then she will respect him. Ou Chen purposefully seeks Director Wu for a discussion. Director Wu tells him that “Hua Jing” is progressing along very satisfactorily right now and will probably finish filming in a month or so. Also, he will be compiling all of Xia Mo’s scenes together so that she will be able to finish faster than the other actors. So Ou Chen tells her that if she likes this movie, then to continue with filming. But the instant she doesn’t feel up to it anymore, she needs to immediately rest. Ou Chen continues to make Xia Mo breakfast everyday. If she can’t come home in time for lunch or dinner because of filming, then he has Butler Shen deliver meals to the set, and if she does come back home for dinner, he has her rest in the living room or bedroom while he personally cooks for her. He doesn’t allow her to do the laundry, clean the house or the bathrooms – he won’t even allow her to wash the fruit, washing it himself and slicing them into little pieces before placing it in front of her. “Is it okay that you haven’t gone back to the office in so long?” Xia Mo watches Ou Chen as he stands in front of the sink, washing the fruit. Xia Mo’s heart stumbles a little at seeing the normally cool him actually wearing an apron and doing kitchen duty, and a stream of warmth rushes through her. “I’ll go in a few days.” Turning off the faucet, he moves to grab a towel to start drying off the fruit but she has already picked it up and lightly begins to dry his hands, carefully scrubbing them clean. He suddenly returns to that long ago memory by the pool, in which she had used a towel to lightly dry his dripping wet hair…

****** Before filming everyday, Xia Mo always finds a quiet corner, placing a loving hand on top of her stomach and whispers gently, “Baby, in a few minutes, Mommy is going to be laughing and crying, and will probably be very unstable but don’t be scared because that’s all just for the movie and is fake…” She repeats this reassurance over again, heading off to film only after she senses that the baby has heard her words. Everyday, Ou Chen stands quietly to the side, watching her every expression under the bright lights. She is a natural performer, carrying a stage presence in both her smiles and her tears – whenever she is in the spotlight, no one’s gaze is able to leave her. The sunlight pierces through the haze covering the forest. A scenery like a fairytale. In front of the cameras, Xia Mo numbly stares at the drawing Luo Xi as he lounges against a tree. She has gone through so many obstacles and hardships to have finally found him; she wants to call out to him but her throat is dry and hoarse, as tears softly roll down her face. Suddenly sensing something. Luo Xi’s pen pauses and as the forest wind gently blows through, he slowly turns his head, perfect and devastatingly handsome. When he sees her, his fathomless black eyes are filled with an unspeakable emotion, as if he has been waiting for her all this time, ever since he left her, he has been waiting here for her all this time… The camera purposefully zooms in on those two faces. Time stands still in their Heaven. As long as she is with him, no matter if it is in reality or in a dreamworld, it is just like being in Heaven… ****** Ou Chen knows that they are just acting. But seeing her and Luo Xi exchange such longing glances at one another, his heart silently plummets, sinking into a black hole. He turns around to leave. He tells himself that it is not because he minds her shared feelings with Luo Xi in the movie but because there is just too much for him to personally take care of at the office. He has Butler Shen deliver her meal to her. He sits in the conference room, reading document after document after document; there are countless things for him to decide, countless proposals that need his approval, and returning to Ou Hua Corporations needs him to put forth his best work.

Since returning from the conference room to his office, Ou Chen’s desk is now piled high with mountains of files and when he finally raises his head from reading one of them, it is already night time. Staring out the window, the scene of her and Luo Xi staring lovingly at one another continues to flit through his mind, and that feeling of twisted bitterness finally forces him to admit to himself – he did not leave because of work but because he was running away. Lost in thought, he stands in front of the window for a long time. Ou Chen takes a deep breath; he has already hid for a long time, a long enough time to hurt her again and again. ****** Ou Chen rushes back to the forest where they had been filming. The filming crew is still in the midst of filming but in the sea of people, he is not able to find Xia Mo! “Xia Mo left, but she’ll be back in an hour because she has another scene to film after it gets dark.” Zhen En looks at Ou Chen’s return in surprise. “Where did she go?” “I don’t know… She just said that she’ll be back before the next scene.” “Luo Xi…” Ou Chen suddenly realizes that even amongst the hordes of people, there is no sight of Luo Xi. He continues hoarsely, “… Luo Xi left with Xia Mo?” Seeing his fallen expression, Zhen En fears that he will misunderstand the situation and rushes to explain, “That’s not it at all, just that Xia Mo and Luo Xi went to visit Xiao Cheng’s grave and just left a little while ago. You know too, that Xia Mo was a bit out of it when Xiao Cheng was buried and since there happened to be a break during filming, she wanted to visit him. She didn’t tell you because she was going to come back soon, and Luo Xi only went with her because he hasn’t gone before…” Xiao Cheng’s grave… Ou Chen closes his eyes. Perhaps he didn’t do it properly, afraid that she wouldn’t be able to handle seeing Xiao Cheng’s grave, he never went with her to visit the site. And now — it is her and Luo Xi at Xiao Cheng’s memorial. “Wait a second!” Zhen En stops Ou Chen from turning away, her hands shaking nervously. He’s misunderstood Xia Mo, hasn’t he? There’s really nothing going on between her and Luo Xi, and Xia Mo has finally started to get better… how can Ou Chen misunderstand Xia Mo again! She hurriedly pulls out her cell phone, punching in a number, listening to the ringing on the phone while stopping Ou Chen from walking away! “Afraid that she might miss filming, Xia Mo took her cell with her when she left; I’m calling her right now, so don’t leave yet!” “There’s no need…”

Ou Chen is startled. Was his old possessiveness and jealousy over Xia Mo really so extreme in the past, that Zhen En would be so fearfully explaining to him right now, afraid that he would misunderstand? “Ah! She picked up! Xia Mo! Ou Chen came back, he’s standing next to me right now, do you want to say something to him…” Zhen En happily thrusts the phone into Ou Chen’s hand. “Xia Mo wants to talk to you!” “….” “… hello? Ou Chen?” Her gentle voice comes through the phone; there seems to be wind blowing at Xiao Cheng’s grave, as her voice sounds muffled and far away. “… it’s me.” Her voice is warm. “… there must be a lot of work to do at the office, you must be tired today, aren’t you?” “… you’re at Xiao Cheng’s grave?” “… yes, I wanted to come see him. But, if you’re waiting for me, I can be back sooner.” “… there’s still a lot of work at the office; I need to take care of some files. You stay longer with Xiao Cheng, he probably really wants to see you.” Ou Chen smiles lightly, struggling to not let himself influence her emotional state. “… okay, I will tell Xiao Cheng that you and I will come together to see him in a few days.” “… okay. Are you coming home tonight for dinner?” “… yes.” “… then I’ll be going back to the office now. I’ll wait for you at home.” “… okay, I will be back as soon as I can. But if you get hungry then eat first, don’t just wait for me, okay?” “… okay, I’ll wait for you. Talk to you soon.” “… talk to you soon.” Staring at the “Call Ended” on the phone’s screen, Ou Chen’s smile slowly falls from his face and the light in his eyes slowly dims. Ever since their conversation from that day, she has really followed through on what she promised, doing her best to be a good wife, treating him with warmth and attentiveness, so careful that it is almost as if she is afraid of hurting a hair on him. Perhaps, she feels that she owes him. Perhaps, she is trying to make it up to him. But she is wrong, because from the very start, it is he who owes her, he who forced her. ******* The evening wind blows through the cemetery. Xia Mo stares down at the now unlit cell phone. Although Ou Chen’s voice had come across as warm, there was something not quite right in it. However, she is unable to figure out where exactly it didn’t sound right, only that there is a twist in her heart. She owes Ou Chen too much. Ever since she was young to when they met up again, she had always hurt him time after time, causing him nothing but pain. Perhaps it is because his love for

her was too intense or perhaps it is because she had thought that too intense of a love was a frightening thing. And then, slowly, she realized that it was this intense love that had always protected her, supported her. Every time she encountered a hardship, every time she felt weak and lacked support, Ou Chen always spread his wings for her to carry her back up – and yet she caused those wings to become bloody with pain. Luo Xi crouches in front of the grave, placing a bouquet of white flowers on top of Xiao Cheng’s marker. He lightly wipes away the dust that has gathered over Xiao Cheng’s engraved name. There is a picture of Xiao Cheng on the marker, smiling so innocently that he looks like an angel from Heaven. He quietly stares at Xiao Cheng. He can almost feel Xiao Cheng’s presence in the blowing wind, as if talking to him. Lightly blowing. Luo Xi smiles softly. He had long thought everything through. During his time in America, his heart had become peaceful, so Xiao Cheng no longer needs to worry about him. And she… When she had picked up that phone call, Xiao Cheng had known that it was Ou Chen, right? Her voice when she talking to Ou Chen, warm and full of feeling, the way she stared at the phone afterward… everything is so obvious that even Xiao Cheng would be able to tell from Heaven, right? She is very happy now, with Ou Chen by her side, tirelessly loving and protecting her… she will be very happy and peaceful from now on and so Xiao Cheng can rest easy, right? He hears her footsteps coming closer. He turns his head to look at her, enveloped in the fading sunset, her face a smooth, white jade. Her hair flutters lightly in the wind, and as she looks down at Xiao Cheng’s marker, her eyes become filled with a deep reminiscence and a warm emotion. “Xiao Cheng, Luo Xi and I have come to see you.” Xia Mo crouches down next to Luo Xi, staring at Xiao Cheng’s smiling face and thinking of everything that has happened since his passing. Milk the black cat has gained some weight and now sleeps even more than he did before; she has taken on the movie, “Hua Jing,” and the little brother is called Xiao Cheng, so that their names are phonetically similar, and in the movie, the sister is able to find her lost brother. “I’m playing that little brother.” Luo Xi laughingly tells Xiao Cheng. “But I don’t know how to draw, so all the paintings in the movie are actually yours, and the entire filming crew say that you did an amazing job on all of them.” “Luo Xi is doing a really good job; sometimes it’s just like… just like you’re right in front of Sister again…” Her voice breaks a little, and taking a breath, she suppresses the light glistening of water in her eyes, smiling again, “… and, I have some good news to tell you.”

She lightly stands back up. “I’m pregnant; the baby is already three months along.” Xia Mo lightly rubs her stomach, a maternal glow of happiness on her face. “Xiao Cheng, you’re going to be an uncle.” The white flowers lightly rustle in the wind. “You said, that you would become the little life growing inside of me… is that true?” She shakes her head in laughter. “No matter if you were just joking or not, I will love him like I love you, and have him start learning how to draw at a young age just like you…” The petals of the white flowers softly flutter through the air, landing on Xia Mo and Luo Xi. They both stay at Xiao Cheng’s grave for a long time, until the sun finally lowers itself behind the mountains do the two people finally walk back to the car that is stopped at the front entrance. “When the baby is born, don’t forget to let me know; I’ll send a present from New York.” Luo Xi slows down his footsteps so as to walk alongside her. He recently has read a lot of books about newborns and so knows that expectant mothers shouldn’t walk so fast. “You’re still going back to New York?” “I’ve already selected a major at New York University and I want to finish it,” Luo Xi takes a deep breath of the fresh spring air. “It’s been a really good feeling to go back to school. I feel like I’ve really gotten myself together.” “You’ve always been a good student.” “But yet you never even recognized such a stellar quality in me that year. You only said to me – quite rudely – ‘Luo Xi, I will make you leave!’ ” His laughter is infectious. “Yes.” She also begins to lightly laugh, suddenly thinking back to that drunken night in the backyard, her eyes hazy from the alcohol as she raised her bottle up in the air, welcoming him into their family. Who would have thought… that time has already passed by so long. She had once treated him like an enemy, once been tightly enfolded into his embrace, once promised him an eternal oath to never leave him, once became devastated because of his misunderstanding and breakup… and now, all those past events are now scattered like the wind, and she and he have now become natural old friends. “Are you happy in New York? If you’re not used to it, you should come back.” “Actually, it’s the same anywhere.” Luo Xi turns his gaze towards her, his smile as light as the wind. “Before, I used to never feel safe, always fearing that I would lose the person I loved the most, that it would be some kind of a destructive hell if I ever did lose her. That intense fear caused me to become weak and dangerous, and I ended up hurting you again and again. Now I understand, when you love someone, it’s enough to put that love in your heart; a love in your heart cannot be taken away by anyone and you don’t have to be afraid of losing it. So now my

heart is full because no matter where I am, I am at peace. Thank you, Xia Mo, thank you for giving me a peaceful heart.” “…” Xia Mo’s eyebrows lightly flicker – and then she smiles softly at Luo Xi, her heart also at peace. “Thank you, Luo Xi.” ******* That day, it is 9pm by the time Xia Mo returns home. Ou Chen has already prepared a pork liver congee and seeing her return, begins to cook the already washed vegetables. When she emerges from the bedroom, changed from her day time clothes, dinner is already prepared on the table. “I never would have thought, that you would learn how to cook and also be such a good one at that.” She takes a bite of the congee, and the delicious flavor explodes in her mouth. The once calm and collected Young Master Ou Chen, and now this apron-wearing husband who bustles busily around for her – so much has changed. “You should eat more. The books say that the nutrients in pork liver are important for pregnant women.” Ou Chen watches her as she eats and seeing her eat with such gusto, the corners of his mouth begin to quirk upwards. Suddenly though, his eyes darken again and he briefly hesitates before continuing, “There’s a lot of work that I have to handle at the office these next few days, so I won’t be able to take you to the filming set and I may not be able to come back home in time to have dinner with you.” “… hmm.” Xia Mo freezes for a moment and then laughs lightly. “No worries, I’ll take care of myself so don’t worry… You should eat more. You went to the set, went to the office and then came back home to make dinner; you must be tired.” She places a small rib into his bowl. He eats the rib. She places a piece of tofu in his bowl. He eats the tofu – and then places a piece of chicken into her bowl. She eats the chicken. And as she is praising the taste of the chicken, she starts piling many more pieces into his bowl. Like two little kids, they become occupied with placing food into each other’s bowls, as if playing a fun game. Seeing that the other person has eaten everything, they both share a look at the same time and then simultaneously break out into laughter. Her laughter is exuberant, her eyes brilliant – and she does not see that his smile hides a thread of loneliness and isolation. *******

Afraid that she will not have anyone to take care of her at home after he’s gone to the office, they move back into the Ou mansion. After making sure she is settled in, Xia Mo almost never sees Ou Chen afterward. Ou Chen leaves home early everyday and returns late at night. When she wakes up, all she sees is the breakfast that he has prepared for her while lunch and dinner are carefully prepared by Butler Shen. If she is busy with filming, then Butler Shen will deliver the meals to her. The maids carefully take care of every detail for her, making sure the bedrooms and bathrooms are all spotless. Afraid that she will slip on the clean floors, they switch out her slippers for rubber-soles and place a fluffy rug on top. “Hua Jing” is nearing its filming. Xia Mo is busy with with filming on the set everyday but sometimes when there happens to be a break during the day, she finds herself searching amongst the crowd of people for that familiar face. At first, she didn’t even realize what exactly she was looking for until one day, the shadow of a tall and calm figure appears on set and she rushes up to her feet, a burst of happiness threatening to explode from inside her! Until she realizes that that person isn’t Ou Chen. Her heart feels suddenly empty. It seems to be a long time since she’s seen Ou Chen. Sometimes, she will call him on the phone but his voice seems far and distant somehow. Sometimes, she will wait for him deep into the night and perhaps it is Butler Shen secretly informing him because if she is still awake past 11pm, then Ou Chen will call her, telling her to get some rest for the baby. In her dreams, she sometimes feels Ou Chen nearby. Senses him lightly sitting next to her on the bed, lightly caressing her face and her hair, lightly covering her with the blanket and then staying next to her for a long, long time. The only thing is that the pregnancy has caused her to become lethargic and although she struggles every time to wake from her dreams just to see him, she is never able to fully emerge from them. ******* Zhen En keeps her company every day while filming. “Xia Mo, there are a lot of superstitions associated with being pregnant, it’s so interesting!” Since finding out about the pregnancy, Zhen En has developed an interest in newborns, buying a

lot of books and even going online to research the various information associated with pregnancies. “For example, don’t use nails by a window, don’t sit on your bed to cut anything…” Hearing Zhen En spout such strange nonsense, Xia Mo cannot help but laugh. “Wow, look at this one! This one is really strange! It says that pregnant women shouldn’t eat grapes!” “Why not?” “Because eating grapes will mean getting wrinkly children!”* “Whatever!” Xia Mo laughs again, as the pages of information in Zhen En’s hands are all printed from an online website. “… pregnant women can’t eat lamb!” Zhen En’s eyes are big. “Why not?” “Because if you eat lamb, then the baby will get lamb pox!”* “Nonsense again,” Xia Mo feels her stomach about to split from her laughter, “then what about people who raise lambs? Are all their kids sickly then?” “Yes!! Haha…” Zhen En feels herself relax at seeing Xia Mo laugh so heartily. “All of these are jokes from the internet but Xia Mo, you’re way too smart to fall for any of them! You’re so cool!” Zhen En turns her attention towards Xia Mo’s stomach, commenting in awe, “There’s a little bump now but it’s a good thing that we’re almost done with filming because then you can stay at home and rest. Oh yeah, you don’t have to buy anything for the baby because I’m getting everything! I am the godmother, after all. Haha, my cute little godson or goddaughter…” Zhen En begins to hum a nonsensical tune to Xia Mo’s stomach, who can’t help but laugh at her antics. A thought suddenly occurs to Xia Mo though, that it would probably be a lot more amusing if Ou Chen was here for the conversation too… She starts in surprise the instant this thought enters her head. Ou Chen… When did it start happening… that she would always think of him now…

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