N. Mu Muet etnnpef pef H Ho ocnhf cnhf44 Prntf tof efttfr ci tof hcrrfht gkswfr ck tof spghf prcvnbfb. (7< \cnkts) SSS7. Nt ns tof hceefhtnck ci poysnhge fefmfkts togt hckstntutfs hckstntutfs g hcmputfr systfm. G. Nkput Bfvnhf J. Cutput Bfvnhf H. Ogrbwgrf B. Xcitwgrf SSS:. Nt ns g pnfhf ci hcmputfr ogrbwgrf fqunpmfkt usfb tc hcmmuknhgtf tof rfsuets ci bgtg prchfssnk` hgrrnfb cut jy gk nkicrmgtnck prchfssnk` systfm (suho gs g hcmputfr) wonho hckvfrts tof fefhtrcknhgeey `fkfrgtfb nkicrmgtnck nktc oumgk rfgbgjef icrm. G. Nkput Bfvnhf J. Cutput Bfvnhf H. Ogrbwgrf B. Xcitwgrf SSS8. Nt trgksegtfs bgtg ircm icrm togt oumgks ukbfrstgkb tc ckf togt tof hcmputfr hgk wcra wnto. G. Nkput Bfvnhf J. Cutput Bfvnhf H. Ogrbwgrf B. Xcitwgrf SSS2. Nt ns g pfrnpofrge (pnfhf ci hcmputfr ogrbwgrf fqunpmfkt) usfb tc prcvnbf bgtg gkb hcktrce sn`kges tc gk nkicrmgtnck prchfssnk` systfm suho gs g hcmputfr cr ctofr nkicrmgtnck gppengkhf. G. Nkput Bfvnhf J. Cutput Bfvnhf H. Ogrbwgrf B. Xcitwgrf SSS6. Nt ns g `fkfrnh tfrm icr cr`gknzfb hceefhtncks ci hcmputfr bgtg gkb nkstruhtncks. G. Nkput Bfvnhf J. Cutput Bfvnhf H. Ogrbwgrf B. Xcitwgrf SSS9. Nt rfifrs tc tof poysnhge pgrts cr hcmpckfkts ci g hcmputfr. G. Nkput Bfvnhf J. Cutput Bfvnhf H. Ogrbwgrf B. Xcitwgrf SSS0. Rons mfgks togt g hcmputfr togt ogs jffk ifb wnto g wrck` sft ci nkstru nkstruhtncks htncks cr bgtg wnee snmnegrey prcbuhf wrck` nkicrmgtnck gkb wrck` bfhnsncks. G. @N@C J. @C@C H. @C@N B. @N@N SSS>. Nt ns gk fxgmpef ci g pfrsckge hcmputfr. G. \rnktfr J. \chaft Pn-In H. Rgjeft B. \cwfr Jgka SSS7. G hcmputfr hgk ckey bc wogt ycu tfee nt tc bc. SSSSSSS:
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