Summary of Doctrines Civil Law

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The Supreme Supreme Cou Court rt had already already ruled ruled that under the priniple priniple! ! o" 

Catalan v. Louella Catalan-Lee G.R. No. 183622 February 8, 2012

omity, our #uri!dition reo$ni%e! a &alid di&ore obtained by a !pou!e o" "orei$n nationality.

MARRIAGES Declaration of Preu!ptive Deat" Repu#lic of t"e P"ilippine$ v. %olanda Cadacio Granada G.R. No. 18'(12 )une 13, 2012

The belie" o" the pre!ent !pou!e mu!t be the re!ult o" proper and hone!t to $oodne!! in*uirie! and e""ort! to a!ertain the +hereabout! o"  the ab!ent !pou!e and +hether the ab!ent !pou!e i! !till ali&e or i! alr alrea eady dy dead dead.. h heth ether er or no nott th the e !pou!e !pou!e pre!ent pre!ent a ated ted on a +ell+ell"ound "ou nded ed belie belie"" o" deat death h o" the ab ab!e !ent nt !p !pou! ou!e e depe depend nd! ! up upon on the in*uirie! to be dra+n "rom a $reat many irum!tane! ourrin$ ourrin$ be"ore and a"ter the di!appearane o" the ab!ent !pou!e and the nature and etent o" the in*uirie! made by pre!ent !pou!e.

V&ID MARRIAGES 'i(a!ou Marria(e Merlinda Cipriano Monta)e v. Lourde *a+oloa Ciprian G.R. No. 18108/ tober 22,2012

The element! o" the rime o" bi$amy are a the o""ender ha! been le$ally married4 b the marria$e ha! not been le$ally di!!ol&ed or, in a!e hi! or her !pou!e i! ab!ent, the ab!ent !pou!e ould not yet be pre!umed dead aordin$ to the Ci&il Code4  that he ontrat! a !eond !eo nd or !ub! !ub!e*ue e*uent nt marria$ marria$e4 e4 and d the !eond !eond or !ub!e*u !ub!e*uent ent marr ma rria$ ia$e e ha! ha! all the e!! e!!ent entia iall re re*u *ui!i i!ite! te! "or &alidi &alidity ty.. Th The e "elony "elony i! on!ummated on!umma ted on the elebration o" the !eond marria$e or !ub!e*uent marria$e.

A,,LME,* & MARRIAGE P/c"olo(ical Incapacit/ Ara#elle 0. Mendoza v. Repu#lic of t"e P"ilippine and Do!inic Mendoza G.R. No. 1('65/ No&ember 12, 2012

&en i" the epert opinion! o" p!yholo$i!t! are not ondition! sine qua non in non  in the $rantin$ o" petition! "or delaration o" nullity o" marria$e, the atual medial eamination o" 7ominia +a! to be di!pen!ed +ith only i"  the totality o" e&idene pre!ented +a! enou$h to !upport a "indin$ o" hi! p!yholo$ial p!yholo$i al inapaity inapaity.. Thi! did not mean that the pre!entation o" any "orm o" medial or p!yholo$ial e&idene to !ho+ the p!yholo$ial inapaity +ould ha&e automatially en!ured the $rantin$ o" the petition "or delaration o" nullity o" marria$e.

Repu#lic of t"e P"ilippine v. Court of Appeal G.R. No. 1(/(/5 No&ember 12, 2012

The Court ha! delared the ei!tene or ab!ene o" the p!yholo$ial inapaity ba!ed !tritly on the "at! o" eah a!e and not on a priori  a!!umpti a!!u mption!, on!, pre predile diletio tion! n! or $enerali $enerali%ati %ation!. on!. ndeed, ndeed, the inapai inapaity ty !hould be e!tabli!hed by the totality o" e&idene pre!ented durin$ trial, ma9in ma 9in$ $ it in inum umbe bent nt upon upon the pe petit tition ioner er to !u !u""i ""iie ientl ntly y pr pro&e o&e the ei!tene o" the p!yholo$ial inapaity. 1


San Beda College of Law 2013 Centralized Bar Operations

PR&PER*% RELA*I&,S 'E*1EE, 2S'A,D A,D 1IE E3cluive Propert/ of Spoue Antonia R. Dela Pe)a$ et al. v. Ge!!a Re!il/n C. Avila and ar Eat 'an4 5 *rut Co.

The phra!e :married to; i! merely de!ripti&e o" the i&il !tatu! o" the +i"e and annot be interpreted to mean that the hu!band i! al!o a re$i!tered o+ner. :Sine there i! no !ho+in$ a! to +hen the property in *ue!tion +a! a*uired, the "at that the title i! in the name o" the +i"e

G.R. No. 18'5/0 February 8, 2012

alone alon e i! dete determin rminati&e ati&e o" it! nature nature a! paraph parapherna ernal, l, i.e., belon$in$ belon$in$ elu!i&ely to !aid !pou!e.;

PR&PER*% RELA*I&,S 'E*1EE, 2S'A,D A,D 1IE Cri!inal Inde!nitie Pana v. 2eir of 0oe 0uanite$ Sr. G.R. No. 165201 7eember 10, 2012

Contrary Contra ry to "ren "reneleia, out o" the partner!hip a!!et! a!!e t! e&en e&en be"o be"ore re the! the!e e are li*uidated. li*uidated. ndeed, ndeed, it !tate! !tate! that !uh indemnitie! :may be en"ored a$ain!t the partner!hip a!!et! a"ter the re!pon!ibilitie! enumerated in the preedin$ artile ha&e been o&ered.;

PR&PER*% RELA*I&,S 'E*1EE, 2S'A,D A,D 1IE 1"en no A(ree!ent in t"e Marria(e Settle!ent 'ri(ido '. 6uiao$ v. Rita C. 6uiao$ 7itc"ie C. 6uiao$ Loti C. 6uiao$ Petc"ie C. 6uiao$ Rita 6uiao G.R. No. 1'6((6 )uly 5, 2012

 =t the time o" the ehan$e o" marital &o+!, the operati&e la+ +a! the Ci&il Code o" the ?hilippine! R.=. No. 386 and !ine they did not a$ree on a marria$e !ettlement, the property relation! bet+een the petitioner  and the re!pondent i! the !y!tem o" relati&e ommunity or on#u$al partner!hip o" $ain!.

SPP&R* Eta#li"!ent of iliation C"arle Gotardo v. Divina 'ulin( G.R. No. 16(166  =u$u!t 1(, 2012 2012

There are "our !i$ni"iant proedural a!pet! o" a traditional paternity a ati tion on that that pa parrtie! tie! ha ha&e &e to "a "ae e a prima facie a!e a!e,, a""irmat a""irmati&e i&e de"en de"en!e! !e!,, pr pre!u e!ump mptio tion n o" le le$it $itim imay ay,, an and d phy!i phy!ial al re re!em !embla blane ne bet+een the putati&e "ather and the hild.

PARE,*AL A*2&RI*% PARE,*AL A *2&RI*% Guardian"ip A#ad v. 'iaon G.R. No. 1/1//3 )uly (, 2012

t i! a +ell-e!tabli!hed rule that the relation!hip o" $uardian and +ard i! nee!!arily terminated by the death o" either the $uardian or the +ard. The !uper&enin$ e&ent o" death rendered it pointle!! to del&e into the propriety o" @ia!onaura ha! already been di!!ol&ed.




PROPERTY  PRESCRIP*I&, Application to Re(itered Land Ro(elio 0. 0a4oale! and Godofredo '. Dulfo v. Ro#erto S. 'aran(an G.R. No. 1'(02( February 1(, 2012

)uri!prudene on!i!tently hold! that Apre!ription and lahe! an not apply to re$i!tered land o&ered by the Torren! !y!temA beau!e Aunder  the the ?r ?rop oper erty ty Re$i Re$i!t !tra rati tion on 7er 7eree ee,, no ti titl tle e to re re$i $i!t !ter ered ed la land nd in de dero ro$a $ati tion on to that that o" the the re re$i $i!t !ter ered ed o+ne o+nerr !h !hal alll be a a*u *uir ired ed by pre!ription or ad&er!e po!!e!!ion.A

P&SSESSI&, Accion Pu#liciana *olentino et al. v. Laurel et al. G.R. No. 181368 February 22, 2012

VSD Realt/ 5 Develop!ent Corporation v. ni8ide Sale$ Inc. and Dolore 'aello *e+ada G.R. No. 1'06'' tober 25, 2012

t i! a rule that a erti"iate o" title annot be the !ub#et o" ollateral atta9. =! pro&ided in Setion 58 o" ?re!idential 7eree No. 1(2/ it annot be altered, modi"ied, or aneled, eept in a diret proeedin$ in aordane +ith la+.

The reo&ery o" po!!e!!ion o" the !ub#et property doe! not depend on pro&in$ pro& in$ +hether or not the re!pond re!pondent< entetropolitan Trial Court may pa!! upon !uh i!!ue!.

,LA1L DE*AI,ER 1"en Poeion 'eco!e Ille(al iorello R. 0oe v. Ro#erto Alfuerto$ Erneto 'aca/$ Ilu!inado 'aca/$ et. al.$ G.R. No. 16/380 No&ember 26, 2012

The de"endant= i! i" at any $i&en time, Goldloop abandon! the on!trution or other+i!e ommit any breah o" it! obli$ation! and ommitment! thereunder.

P.L. / Realt/ Corporation v. ALS Mana(e!ent and Develop!ent Corporation and Antonio S. Liton+ua G.R. No. 166562 tober 25, 2012

 =rt. 1306 o" the Ci&il Code $uarantee! $uarantee! the "reedom o" partie! to !tipulate the term! o" their ontrat pro&ided that they are not ontrary to la+, moral!, $ood u!tom!, publi order, or publi poliy. Thu!, +hen the pro&i!ion! o" a ontrat are &alid, the partie! are bound by !uh term! under the priniple that a ontrat i! the la+ bet+een the partie!.

C&,*RAC* Requiite to C"aracterize a Contract a Entered into upon uture In"eritance Mila(ro De 'elen Vda. De Ca#alu et al. V. Sp. Renato *a#u and Dolore La3a!ana G.R. No. 18851' September 25, 2012

?ara$raph 2 o" =rtile 135', harateri%e! a ontrat entered into upon "uture inheritane inheritane a! &oid. The la+ applie! +hen the "ollo+in$ re*ui!ite! re*ui!ite! onur 1 the !ue!!ion ha! not yet been opened4 2 the ob#et o"  the ontrat "orm! part o" the inheritane4 and 3 the promi!!or ha!, +ith re!pet to the ob#et, an epetany o" a ri$ht +hih i! purely hereditary in nature.

C&,*RAC* or! of Contract La(ri!a de 0eu  =rtile 13(8 o" the Ci&il Code pro&ide! that at! and ontrat! +hih :a!ora v. Sp. 'eatriz ha&e "or their ob#et the tran!mi!!ion o" real ri$ht! o&er immo&able :a!ora 2idal(o Miranda property or the !ale o" real property mu!t appear in a publi doument. and Arturo Miranda et. al. " the la+ re*uire! a doument or other !peial "orm, the  the   ontratin$ partie!   may ompel eah other to ob!er&e that "orm, one the ontrat partie! G.R. No. 162/30 ha! been per"eted. 7eember (, 2012

C&,*RAC* Stipulation in avor of a *"ird Peron Sp. 'en+a!in Ma!aril v. *"e 'o/ Scout of t"e P"ilippine G.R. No. 1'/382 )anuary 15, 2013

" a ontrat !hould ontain !ome !tipulation in "a&or o" a third per!on, he ma may y de dema mand nd it! it! "u "ul" l"il illm lmen entt pr pro& o&id ided ed he omm ommun uni iat ated ed hi hi! ! aeptane to the obli$or be"ore it! re&oation. = mere inidental bene"it or intere!t o" a per!on i! not !u""iient.




C&,*RAC* Perfection of Contract 2eir of auto C. I(nacio v. 2o!e 'an4er Savin( and *rut Co!pan/ G.R. No. 1'''83 )anuary 23, 2013

The aeptane mu!t be idential in all re!pet! +ith that o" the o""er !o a! to produe on!ent or meetin$ o" the mind!. here a party !et! a di""erent purha!e prie than the amount o" the o""er, !uh aeptane +a! *uali"ied +hih an be at mo!t on!idered a! a ounter-o""er4 a per"e per "eted ted o ontr ntra att +ould +ould ha ha&e &e ari ari!en !en on only ly i" the other other party party ha had d aepted thi! ountero""er.

SIMLA*ED C&,*RAC* 'indin( Effect and Enforcea#ilit/ Eillaeran &. 7e Gu%man G.R. No. 16/0(( February 22, 2012

" the partie! !tate a "al!e au!e in the ontrat to oneal their real a$reement, the ontrat i! only relati&ely !imulated and the partie! are !til !tilll bo boun und d by thei theirr real real a$ a$re reem emen ent. t. en ene, e, +her +here e th the e e! e!!e !ent ntia iall re*ui!ite! o" a ontrat are pre!ent and the !imulation re"er! only to the ontent or term!bet+een o" the ontrat, theand a$reement i! ab!olutely bindin$ and en"oreable the partie! their !ue!!or! in intere!t.

RESCISSI'LE C&,*RAC*S Requiite in Cae of *"in( under Liti(ation Ada v. lorante 'a/lon G.R. No. 18253(  =u$u!t 13, 2012 2012

The re!i!!ion o" a ontrat under =rti =rtile le 13815 o" the Ci&il Code only re*uire! the onurrene o" the "ollo+in$ "ir!t, the de"endant, durin$ the pendeny o" the a!e, enter! into a ontrat +hih re"er! to the thin$ !ub#et o" liti$ation4 and !eond, the !aid ontrat +a! entered into +ithout the 9no+led$e and appro&al o" the liti$ant! or o" a ompetent  #udiial authority. authority. =! lon$ a! the "ore$oin$ re*ui!ite! re*ui!ite! onur, onur, it beome! the duty o" the ourt to order the re!i!!ion o" the !aid ontrat.

V&ID C&,*RAC*S Effect of Service Rendered DP12 v. 6ui8a G.R. No. 183555, tober 12, 2011

t !hould be pointed out that there i! no no&elty re$ardin$ the *ue!tion o" !a !ati! ti!"yi "yin$ n$ a laim laim "or o on!t n!tru ruti tion on o ontr ntrat at! ! en enter tered ed into into by the $o&ernment, $o&ernme nt, +here there +a! no appropriation appropriation and +here the ontrat! +ere on!idered on!idered &oid due to tehnia tehniall rea!on!. t ha! been !ettled in !e&era !e& erall a! a!e! e! that that paym payment ent "or !er&i !er&ie! e! do done ne on aou aount nt o" the $o&ernment, but ba!ed on a &oid ontrat, annot be a&oided.

PRESCRIP*I&, Interruption of Period of Precription Ma(di8an( Realt/ Corporation v. *"e Manila 'an4in( Corporation G.R. No. 1/((/2

The ten 10-year pre!ripti&e period to "ile an ation ba!ed on the !ub# !ub#e ett prom promi! i!!o !ory ry no note te! ! +a +a! ! in inte terr rrup upte ted d by th the e !e&e !e&era rall le lett tter er! ! ehan$ed bet+een the partie!. Thi! i! in on"ormity +ith the !eond and third irum!tane! under =rtile 11(( o" the Ne+ Ci&il Code NCC +hih pro&ide! that the pre!ription o" ation! i! interrupted +hen 1 9


San Beda College of Law 2013 Centralized Bar Operations September (, 2012

they are "iled be"ore the ourt4 2 there i! a +ritten etra#udiial demand by the reditor!4 and 3 there i! any +ritten a9no+led$ment o" the debt by the debtor.

,GEI Multi-purpoe Cooperative Inc.$ and

hate&er proedural de"et! that may ha&e attended the "inal eeution o" the adde addend ndum um,, the!e the!e are on!id on!ider ered ed +ai&ed +ai&ed ando andorr impli impliedl edly y

2ernancito Ronquillo v. ilipina Pal!oil Plantation Inc.$ and Denni Villareal G.R. No. 185/(0, tober 11, 2012 2 012

aepted or on!ented to by Complainant! +hen it! General a!!embly rati"ied it! eeution and li&ed +ith "or the net "our 5 year!. bli$ation! ari!in$ "rom ontrat! ha&e the "ore o" la+ bet+een the ontratin$ partie! and !hould be omplied +ith in $ood "aith. nle!! the !tipulation! in a ontrat are ontrary to la+, moral!, $ood u!tom!, publi pub li ord order er or publ publi i poliy poliy,, the !ame are bindin$ bindin$ a! bet+een bet+een the partie!.

LAC2ES Definition Metro#an4 v. Centro Develop!ent Corporation

Dahe! i! de"i Dahe! de"ined ned a! the "ailu "ailure re or ne$let ne$let "or an unrea!onab unrea!onable le and uneplained len$th o" time to do that +hih, by eeri!in$ due dili$ene, ould or !hould ha&e been done earlier4 it i! ne$li$ene or omi!!ion to

G.R. 180/'5 )une No. 13, 2012

a!!ert a ri$ht +ithin rea!onable time, a pre!umption the party entitled to aa!!ert it either ha!+arrantin$ abandoned it or delinedthat to a!!ert it.

LAC2ES Ele!ent 0ac4 Arro/o v. 'oca(o Inland Develop!ent Corp.$ ;'IDEC&< GR. No. 16'880 No&ember 5, 2012

*"e follo8in( ele!ent !ut #e preent in preent  in order to on!titute lahe! 1 Condut on the part o" the de"endant, or o" one under +hom he laim!, $i&in$ ri!e to the !ituation o" +hih omplaint i! made "or +hih the omplaint !ee9! a remedy4 2 delay in a!!ertin$ the omplainantan$ondato to redeemrepurha!e the property, it i! deemed to ha&e +ai&ed +ai &ed,, or e&en e&en a$ree a$reed d to eten etend, d, the or ori$i i$inal nal limite limited d pe perio riod d o"  redemption.

PA%ME,* Preu!ption 8"en in Poeion of Deed of Sale Metropolitan 'an4 and *rut Co!pan/ v. Servando Ar(uelle et. al. G.R. 1'6/85  =u$u!t 2/, 2012 2012

Sine the onditional !ale ontained an underta9in$ that the balane +ill ha&e to be paid in in!tallment!, then it ould be a!!umed that the in!tallment! +ere paid !ine the Trinidad! +ere "ound in po!!e!!ion o"  a deed deed o" !al !ale. e. The The =r$ =r$ue uelle lle!e! !e! e&en e&en $a $a&e &e up po!!e po!!e!!i !!ion on o" their  their  o+nerotion "or Reon!ideration and allo+in$ petitioner! petitioner ! to pre!ent their e&idene in hie".




AGE,C% Pa/!ent of Co!!iion *an v. 2eir of Antonio Anto nio  %a!on  %a!on G.R. No. 163182 tober 25, 2012

 = plain readin$ o" the =uthority to Doo9 "or @uyer@uyer! @uyer@uyer! re&eal! that no+here in the !aid doument i! it indiated that the !ale o" all !e&en lot! lot! +a! a pre prere re*u *ui!i i!ite te to the pa payme yment nt by petit petition ioner! er! o" Iam!on am!onH! H! ommi!!ion. " petitioner!H intention +a! "or Iam!on to loate a buyer "or  all their propertie!, then they !hould ha&e had thi! ondition redued to +ritin$ and inluded in the =uthority to Doo9 "or @uyer@uyer! that they eeuted.

AGE,C% Special Po8er of Attorne/ C"in( v. 'antolo

There i! no *ue!tion that the S?= eeuted by re!pondent! in "a&or o" 

G.R. No. 1''086 7eember (, 2012

petitioner petitioner! ! i! aontrat ontratdepend! o" a$enyupon oupled +ith intere!t. Thi!it i! beau!e their bilateral the a$eny. ene, annot be re&o9ed at the !ole +ill o" the prinipal.

*RS* *rut Receipt La8 Land 'an4 of t"e P"ilippine v. Perez G.R. No. 166885 )une 13, 2012

nder the Tru!t Reeipt! Da+, intent to de"raud i! pre!umed +hen 1 the entru!t entru!tee ee "ail! "ail! to tur turn n o& o&er er the proee proeed! d! o" the !ale o" $o $ood od! ! o&ered by the tru!t reeipt to the entru!ter4 or 2 +hen the entru!tee "ail! to return the $ood! under tru!t, i" they are not di!po!ed o" in aordane +ith the term! o" the tru!t reeipt!.

CREDIT TRANSACTIONS  GARA,*% Application of Statute of raud ideliza 0. A(li#ot v. In(erol L. Santia G.R. No. 18(/5( 7eember (, 2012

 =rtile 20(( o" the Ci&il Code al!o pro&ide! that a $uaranty $uaranty i! not pre!umed, but mu!t be epre!!, and annot etend to more than +hat i! !tipulated therein. Thi! i! the ob&iou! rationale +hy a ontrat o"  $uarant $ua rantee ee i! une unen"or n"oreab eable le unle!! unle!! made made in +ritin$ +ritin$ or e&iden e&idened ed by !ome +ritin$.

*"e Manila Inurance Co!pan/$ Inc. v. Spoue Ro#erto and Aida A!urao G.R. No. 1'/628

 = ontrat o" !urety!hip i! de"ined a! Aan a$reement a$reement +hereby a party, party, alled the !urety, $uarantee! the per"ormane by another party, alled the prinipal or obli$or, obli$or, o" an obli$ation or underta9in$ in "a&or o" a third party, alled the obli$ee. t inlude! o""iial reo$ni%ane!, !tipulation!, bond! or underta9in$! i!!ued by any ompany by &irtue o" and under 

)anuary 16, 2013

the pro&i!ion! o" =t No. (36, a! amended by =t No. 2206.A



San Beda College of Law 2013 Centralized Bar Operations

SRE*%S2IP Lia#ilit/ of Suret/ in Cae of Default of Principal De#tor  P"ilippine C"arter Inurance Corporation v. Central Colle(e of t"e P"ilippine and D/na!ic Planner and Contruction Corporation G.R. No!. 180631-33 February 22, 2012

n le$al parlane, demand i! the a!!ertion o" a le$al or  proedural ri$ht. t i! the obli$orH! ulpable delay, not merely the time element, +hih $i&e! the obli$ee the ri$ht to !ee9 the per"ormane per"ormane o" the obli$ation.

I,*ERES* Interet Rate 2er!o+ina Etore v. Spoue Arturo and Laura Supan(an G.R. No. 1'(13/  =pril 18, 2012 2012

The phra!e A"orbearane o" money, $ood! or redit!A i! meant to ha&e a !eparate meanin$ "rom a loan, other+i!e there +ould ha&e been no need to add that phra!e a! a loan i! already !u""iiently de"ined in the Ci&il Code. Forbearane Forbearane o" money, money, $ood! or redit! !hould there"ore there"ore re"er to arran$ement! other than loan a$reement!, +here a per!on a*uie!e! to the temporary u!e o" hi! money, $ood! or redit! pendin$ happenin$ o" ertain e&ent! or "ul"illment o" ertain ondition!.

C2EC7S Iuance of C"ec4 San Mi(uel Corporation ;SMC< v. 2elen *. 7alalo G.R. No. 18((22 )une 13, 2012

Che9! Che 9!,, ho ho+e +e&e &err, are are not not i! i!!u !ued ed mere merely ly "o "orr th the e pa paym ymen entt o" a preei!tin$ obli$ation. They may li9e+i!e be i!!ued a! a $uarantee "or  the per"ormane o" a "uture obli$ation.

DEP&SI* Requiite to "ave ,ovation fro! a Contract of Leae to Contract of Depoit RC0 'u Line$ Incorporated v. Mater *our and *ravel Corporation G.R. No. 1''232 tober 11, 2012

n order to ha&e no&ation aordin$ to =rtile 12/2, the t+o obli$ation! mu!t be inompatible at e&ery point, the !eond obli$ation mu!t no&ate the "ir!t, in a ontrat o" lea!e i! the en#oyment o" the thin$4 in a ontrat o" depo!it, it i! the !a"e9eep !a"e9eepin$ in$ o" the thin$. They thu! reate e!!entially di!tint obli$ation! that +ould re!ult in a no&ation only i" the partie! entered into one a"ter the other onernin$ the !ame !ub#et matter.

REAL ES*A*E ES*A*E M&R*GAGE M&R* GAGE orecloure Proceedin( C"ina 'an4in( Corporation v. 6'R&

hile there +ere indeed t+o di""erent orporation! that eeuted t+o !eparate mort$a$e!, there +a! in "at only one loan aount, 14



i"in( Enterprie$ Inc. G.R. No. 185((6, February 22, 2012

that o" TFRC. Con!iderin$ that the etra#udiial etra#udii al "orelo!ure proeedin$! initiated by petitioner pertain to only one loan aount, +e uphold the &alidi &al idity ty o" the "or "orel elo!u o!ure re !ale !ale +hih +hih inlud inluded ed the pr prop oper ertie tie! ! o"  re!pondent a! third-party mort$a$or.

Spoue C"arlie ortaleza and &felia ortaleza v. Spoue Raul Lapitan and Rona Lapitan G.R. No. 1'8288  =u$u!t 1(, 2012 2012

 =ny *ue!tion re$ardin$ the re$ularity and &alidity o" the mort$a$e or it! "orelo!ure annot be rai!ed a! a #u!ti"iation "or oppo!in$ the petition "or the i!!uane o" the +rit o" po!!e!!ion. The ration rationale ale "or the rule i! to allo+ allo + the purha! purha!er er to ha&e po!!e!! po!!e!!ion ion o" the "orelo!ed "orelo!ed propert property y +ithout delay, !uh po!!e!!ion bein$ "ounded on the ri$ht o" o+ner!hip.

Pal! *ree Etate$ Inc. and 'elle Air Golf and Countr/ Clu#$ Inc. v. P"ilippine ,ational 'an4 G.R. No. 1(/3'0, tober 3, 2012

For a +rit to i!!ue, there mu!t be an ei!tene o" the ri$ht to be proteted and that the "at! a$ain!t +hih the in#untion i! to be direted are &iolati&e o" the !aid ri$ht. t i! an etraordinary e&ent +hih mu!t be $ranted only in the "ae o" atual and ei!tin$ !ub!tantial ri$ht!.

*ML Ga4et Indutrie$ Inc. v. 'PI a!il/ Savin( 'an4$ Inc. G.R. No. 188'68, )anuary ', 2013

To be entitled to an in#unti&e +rit, the ri$ht to be proteted and the &iolation a$ain!t that ri$ht mu!t be !ho+n. ?etitioner! do not ha&e any lear ri$ht to be proteted !ine they indi!putably "ailed to meet their  obli$ation! in !pite o" repeated demand!.

REAL ES*A*E ES*A*E M&R*GAGE M&R* GAGE 1"en Equita#le Mort(a(e not Preu!ed *"el!a Caulla Velaco and M/rna Caulla Vda. De Retuer!a v. elipe R. 'uenvia+e$ An(elina Milan-'uenvia+e and t"e Court of Appeal Special Ei("t" Diviion G.R. No. 182316 )une 13, 2012

The reord! are bere"t o" anythin$ to !upport the ontention o" the Ca!ulla! that the ?roperty +a! inade*uate in prie. The mere "at al!o that Ca!ulla! remained in po!!e!!ion o" the ?roperty doe! not $i&e ri!e to the pre!umption o" e*uitable mort$a$e prei!ely beau!e the lo+e lo+err our ourt! t! ha&e ha&e alre alread ady y ru rule led d th that at th they ey ha&e ha&e no ri$h ri$htt to th the e po!!e!!ion o" the ?roperty.

REAL ES*A*E ES*A*E M&R*GAGE M&R* GAGE Second Morta(ee Pa#lo P. Garcia v.  %  %olanda olanda Valdez Valdez Villar  G.R. No. 1(88/1 )une 2', 2012

The !pirit o" the Ci&il Code i! to let the obli$ation o" the debtor to pay the debt !tand althou$h the property mort$a$ed to !eure the payment o"  !aid debt may ha&e been tran!"erred to a third per!on E.C.  E.C. McCulloug McCullough h & Co. vs. Veloso and erna! "# $hil. ! %'". %'" .

REAL ES*A*E ES*A*E M&R*GAGE M&R* GAGE &8ner"ip Required 15


San Beda College of Law 2013 Centralized Bar Operations P"ilippine ,ational 'an4 v. Spoue Ale+andro and M/rna Re#lando G.R. No. 1/5015 September 12, 2012

 =rtile 208( o" the Ci&il Code pro&ide! that a mort$a$e mort$a$e ontrat, to be &alid, mu!t ha&e the "ollo+in$ re*ui!ite! a that it be on!tituted to !eure the "ul"illment o" a prinipal obli$ation4 b that the mort$a$or be the ab!olute o+ner o" the thin$ mort$a$ed4 and  that the per!on! on!titutin$ the mort$a$e ha&e "ree di!po!al o" their property, and in the ab!ene o" "ree di!po!al, that they be le$ally authori%ed "or the purpo!e.

REAL ES*A*E ES*A*E M&R*GAGE M&R* GAGE Mort(a(ee in Good ait"?'ad ait" P"ilippine 'an4in( Corporation v. Arturo D/$ 'ernardo D/$ 0oe Del(ado and Cipriana Del(ado G.R. No. 183''5 No&ember 15, 2012

hile it i! !ettled that a !imulated deed o" !ale i! null and &oid and there"ore, doe! not on&ey any ri$ht that ould ripen into a &alid title, it ha! been e*ually ruled that, "or rea!on! o" publi poliy poliy,, the !ub!e*uent nulli"iation o" title to a property i! not a $round to annul the ontratual ri$ht +hih may ha&e been deri&ed by a purha!er, mort$a$ee or other  tran!"eree +ho ated in $ood "aith.

P"ilippine 'an4 of Co!!unication v. Pridion Realt/

The !tandard indu!try pratie "or ban9! i! to re*uire loan appliant! to di!lo!e the nature and purpo!e o" the loan, and the ourt 9no+! that the di!lo!ure o" loan purpo!e and pre!entation o" loan doument! i!

Corporation$ et. al. G.R. No. 1((113, )anuary /, 2013

epeted on!iderin$ the appliant ?R7SNS +a! a realty ompany.

I,A,CIAL RE2A'ILI*A*I&, A,D I,S&LVE,C% AC* Corporate Re"a#ilitation E3pre Invet!ent III Private Ltd. And E3port Develop!ent Canada v. 'a/an *eleco!!unication$ Inc.$ et. al. G.R. No. 1'55('-(/, 7eember (, 2012

Situ Dev. Corporation$ Dail/ Super!ar4et$ Inc. and Color Lit"o(rap" Pre$ Inc. v. Aiatrut 'an4$ Allied 'an4in( Corporation$ et. al. G.R. No. 180036, )anuary 16, 2013

The !e !eur ured ed re redit ditor! or! anno annott en en"or "ore e pre"er pre"eren ene e by &irtue &irtue o" a ontrat ont ratual ual a$r a$reem eement. ent. Reh Rehabil abilitati itation on i! an attempt attempt to on!er&e on!er&e and admini!te admi ni!terr the a!!et! o" an in!ol&ent in!ol&ent orpora orporation tion in the hope o" it! e&entual return "rom "inanial !tre!! to !ol&eny.

Se. 156 o" the FR= learly !ho+! that it i! appliable to all "urther  proeedin$!. n no +ay ould it be made retro!peti&ely appliable to the Stay rder i!!ued by the rehabilitation ourt ba9 in 2002.

TORTS AND DAMAGES  6ASI-DELIC* Caue of Action Equita#le 'an4in(

 = *ua!i-delit *ua!i-delit i! an at or omi!!ion, there bein$ "ault or ne$li$ene, ne$li$ene, 16



Corporation v. Special Steel Product$ Inc. and Au(uto L. Pardo G.R. No. 1'(3(0 )une 13, 2012

+hih au!e! dama$e to another. Jua!i-delit! ei!t e&en +ithout a ontratual relation bet+een the partie!.

DAMAGES Lia#ilit/ for Da!a(e ,anc/ Lorzano v. 0un *a#a/a( 0r. G.R. No. 18/65' February 6, 2012

>oral >o ral dama dama$e! $e! ar are e not inten intended ded to en enri rih h th the e ompl omplain ainan antt at the epen!e o" the de"endant. The a+ard thereo" i! aimed at a re!toration +it +ithin hin the the lim limit! it! o" the the po po!!i !!ible ble,, o" the !pirit !piritual ual !tatu! !tatu! *uo *uo ante4 ante4 there"ore, it mu!t al+ay! rea!onably approimate the etent o" in#ury and be proportional to the +ron$ ommitted.

'ri("t Mariti!e Corporation Corporatio n ;'MC< ? Deiree P. *enorio v. antonial

@>C i! liable to re!pondent "or eemplary dama$e!, +hih are impo!ed by +a +ay y o" e eam ampl ple e or o orr rre eti tion on "o "orr th the e pu publ bli i $o $ood od in &i &ie+ e+ o"  petitionerEC*I&, & P'LIC I,S*RME,* Preu!ption Spoue Eroto Santia(o and ,elie Santia(o v. Mancer Villa!or$ et al. G.R. No. 1685// No&ember 26, 2012

The eeution eeution o" a publi publi in!trument in!trument $i&e! ri!e only to a  prima facie pre!umption pre!umpti on o" deli&ery, +hih i! ne$ated by the "ailure o" the &endee to ta9e atual po!!e!!ion o" the land !old.

AC*I&, &R REC&,VE%A,CE 1"en Action for Reconve/ance i Proper  Gaudencio Pacete v. Inocencio Aoti(ue G.R. No. 188('( 7eember 10, 2012

 =n ation "or reon&eyane reon&eyane i! an ation in per!onam a&ailable to a per!o per !on n +ho!e +ho!e pro prope perty rty ha! be been en +r +ron$ on$"u "ully lly re re$i! $i!ter tered ed unde underr the Torren! !y!tem in another
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