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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. 1.1INTRODUCTION JOB SATISFACTION: Job satisfaction is a set of favourable or unfavourable feelings and emotions with which employees view their or relative or dislike like towards something. The term job satisfaction derived from the job by work but their surroundings. Superiors and managers. His way of approaching and handling workers, nature of communication, work place, work facilities etc. if one company want to sustained permanent in the market that concerns should work with satisfied employees satisfied employee not only increase the companies corporate status in the society, but also increase the social values. Job satisfaction cover the satisfaction derived from being engaged in work or any work in any pursuit of a high order, it is essentially related to human needs and their fulfillment through work. It is generated by the individual perception of well his job satisfied his various needs. Meaning: Job satisfaction to a persons feeling of satisfaction on the job, which acts as a motivation to work it is not to self-satisfied, happiness are self- containment but the satisfaction on the job. The term relates to the total relationship between the individual and employer for which he is paid satisfaction thus mean the simple feeling-state accompanying the attainment of any goal, the end-state is feeling accompanying the attainment by an attainment by an impulse of the objectives. Job dissatisfaction thus means absence of motivation at work. Research workers differently described the factors contribution to job satisfaction and job dissatisfaction. Hop pock describes is “any combination of psychological, psychological and environmental circumstances that cause the person truthfully to say I am satisfied with my job” Job satisfaction has been defined as a pleasurable emotional state resulting from the appraisal of ones job; an effective reaction to ones job; and an attitude towards ones job. Weiss (2002) has argued that job satisfaction is an attitude but points out that researchers APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. should clearly distinguish the objects of cognitive evaluation which are affect (emotion), beliefs and behaviors. This definition suggests that we form attitudes towards our jobs by taking into account our feelings, our beliefs, and our behaviors. One of the biggest preludes to the study of job satisfaction was the Hawthorne studies. These studies (19241933), primarily credited to Elton Mayo of the Harvard Business School, sought to find the effects of various conditions (most notably illumination) on workers‟ productivity. These studies ultimately showed that novel changes in work conditions temporarily increase productivity (called the Hawthorne Effect). It was later found that this increase resulted, not from the new conditions, but from the knowledge of being observed. This finding provided strong evidence that people work for purposes other than pay, which paved the way for researchers to investigate other factors in job satisfaction. Job satisfaction can also be seen within the broader context of the range of issues which affect an individual’s experience of work, or their quality of working life. Job satisfaction can be understood in terms of its relationships with other key factors, such as general wellbeing, stress at work, control at work, home-work interface, and working conditions. The old view that „a happy worker is a productive worker’ does not clarify the complex relationship between job satisfaction and productivity in today’s world. It was traditionally said that high job satisfaction leads to improved productivity, decreased turnover and less stress in long run. But the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity is not definitely established. Job Satisfaction is the favorableness or un-favorableness with which the employee views his work. It expresses the amount of agreement between one’s expectation of the job and the rewards that the job provides. Job Satisfaction is a part of life satisfaction. The nature of one’s environment of job is an important part of life as Job Satisfaction influences one’s general life satisfaction. Job Satisfaction, thus, is the result of various attitudes possessed by an employee. In a narrow sense, these attitudes are related to the job under condition with such specific factors such as wages. Supervisors of employment, conditions of work, social relation on the job, prompt settlement of grievances and fair treatment by employer. However, more comprehensive approach requires that many APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. factors are to be included before a complete understanding of job satisfaction can be obtained. Such factors as employee’s age, health temperature, desire and level of aspiration should be considered.
Further his family relationship, Social status,
recreational outlets, activity in the organizations etc. Contribute ultimately to job satisfaction. DEFINITION: “Job satisfaction as an attitude that results from balancing and summation of many specific likes and dislikes experienced in connection with the job”. -BULLOCK (1952) “Job satisfaction as the employee’s judgment of how well his job on the whole is satisfied his various needs”. -SMITH (1955) “Job satisfaction as the pleasurable or positive emotional state resulting from the appraisal of one’s job or job experience”. -LOCK (1969) The above definitions seem to indicate that job satisfaction is essentially an effective attitude resulting from the intrinsic aspect of the job. FACTORS INFLUENCING JOB SATISFACTION: The major factors influencing job satisfaction are presented below: supervision to a worker, Supervision is equally a strong contributor to the job satisfaction as well as to the job dissatisfaction. The feelings of workers towards his supervisors are usually similar to his feeling towards the company. The role of supervisor is a focal point for attitude formation. Bad supervision results in absenteeism and labor turnover. Good supervision results in higher production and good industrial relations.
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CO-WORKERS: Various studies had traced this factor as a factor of intermediate importance. One’s associates with others had frequently been motivated as a factor in job satisfaction. Certainly, this seems reasonable because people like to be near their friends. The workers derive satisfaction when the co-workers are helpful, friendly and co-operative. PAY: Studies also show that most of the workers felt satisfied when they are paid more adequately to the work performed by them. The relative important of pay would probably changing factor in job satisfaction or dissatisfaction. AGE: Age has also been found to have a direct relationship to level job of satisfaction of employees. In some groups job satisfaction is higher with increasing age, in other groups job satisfaction is lower and in other there is no difference at all. MARITAL STATUS: Marital status has an important role in deciding the job satisfaction. Most of the studies have revealed that the married person finds dissatisfaction in his job than his unmarried counterpart. The reasons stated to be are that wages were insufficient due to increased cost of living, educations to children etc. EDUCATION: Studies conducted among various workers revealed that most of workers who had not completed their school education showed higher satisfaction level. However, educated workers felt less satisfied in their job. WORKING CONDITION: The result of various studies shows that working condition is an important factor. Good working atmosphere and pleasant surroundings help increasing the production of industry. Working conditions are more important to women workers than men workers. On represents a complex assembling of conditions, emotions and behavioral tendencies.
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. Gradually, it was realized that like any-other attitude, job satisfaction represents a complex assembling of condition, emotions and behavioral tendencies. Attitude towards their job and the discussion of the organization. Job satisfaction is the focuses on employee’s attitude towards their job and the discussion of organization. Smith & Hulin have suggested that there are five job dimensions that represent the most important characteristics of a job about which people have effective response, these are 1. The work it self: the extent to which the job provides the individuals with interesting tasks, opportunities for learning, and the chance to accept responsibility. 2. Pay: the amount of financial remuneration that is received and their degree to which this is viewed as equitable vis-à-vis that of others in the organization. 3. Promotion opportunities: the chances for advancement in the organization. 4. Supervision: the abilities of the supervisors to provide technical assistance and behavioral support. 5. Co-workers: the degree to which fellow workers are technology proficient and socially supportive. 6. Level of job satisfaction: The level of job satisfaction across groups is not constant, but is related to a number of variables; the key variables revolve around age occupational level and organizational size; the important aspects of job satisfaction for many people are the amount of personal closeness, friendship and small group team work. The simple path of “satisfaction leads to performance” accurate statement is that high performance contributes to high job satisfaction. Better performance in turn leads to higher economic, sociological, and psychological rewards. If these rewards
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. are seen as fair and develops because employees feel that they are receiving rewards in proportions to their performance. Stability of job satisfaction: Attitudes are generally acquired over a long period of time. Similarly, job or dis satisfaction emerges as an employee gains more and more information a out the work place. Never the less, job is dynamic, for it can decline even more quickly than it develops. Managers cannot establish the conditions leading to high satisfaction now and later neglect it.for example needs may fluctuate suddenly. Managers need too pay attention to employee attitudes week after week, month year. Determinants of job satisfaction: According to Abraham a. Korman there are two types of variables who determine the job satisfaction of an individual. Organization level: Occupational level: The higher the level of the job greater the satisfaction of the individual, this is because higher level jobs carry greater prestige and it self control. This relationship between occupation level and job satisfaction stems from social reference group theory is that our society values some jobs more than others. People in higher level jobs find most of their needs satisfied than when they are in lower level ones. Job content: Greater the variation in job content and the less repetitiveness with which the task must be performed, the greater the satisfaction of the individuals involved. Consideration leadership: people like too be treated with consideration. Hence consideration leadership results in higher job satisfaction than in consideration leadership. APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. Interaction in the work group: Interaction is more satisfying when 1) It results in the cognition that other person attitudes are similar to one’s own since this permit the ready calculably of the others behavior and constitute a validation of ones self. 2) It results in being accepted by others. 3) It facilitates the achievements of goals. Personal variables: Age: Holding factors like occupational level constant indicates that these is generally a positive relation ship between age and job satisfaction, upon the per retirement years and then there is a sharp decrease in is an individuals aspires between and more prestigious jobs in later years of his life. Finding his channels for advancements blocked his and decline. Educational level: With occupational level held constant there is relationship between the educational level and job satisfaction. The higher the education the higher the reference group which the individual looks to for guidance to evaluate the job rewards. Effect of job satisfaction: Job satisfaction has a variety of effects. These effects may be seen in the context of an individual’s physical and mental health, productivity, absenteeism, and turn over. Physical and mental health:
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. The degree of job satisfaction affects an individual physical and mental. Since job satisfaction is a type of mental feelings, its favorableness or unfavourableness affects the individual psychologically, which ultimately affects his physical health. Productivity: There are two views, about the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity. 1) A happy worker is a productive worker. 2) A happy worker is not necessarily a productive work. The first view establishes a direct cause- effect relationship between job satisfaction and productivity. When the job satisfaction increases, productivity increases, when job satisfaction is decrease the productivity decrease. The basic logic behind this is that a happy worker will put more efforts job performance. However, this not be true in all cases. The overview, which is a satisfied worker, is not necessarily a productive worker explains the relationship between job satisfaction and productivity. Various research studies also support this view. This relationship may be explained in terms of the expectations from individuals for job performance. Absenteeism: Absenteeism refers to the frequency of absence of a job holder from the work place either unexcused absence due to some avoidable reasons or long absence due to some unavoidable reasons. It is the former type of absence, which is due to is a matter of concerns. This absence is due to lack of satisfaction from the job which produces a worker from work as for as possible, thus job satisfaction is related to absenteeism. Employee turnover: Turnover of employees is the rate at which employees leave the organization with in given period of time. When an individual feels dissatisfaction in the organization. He APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. tries to over come this through various ways of defenses mechanism. If he is not able to do so he opts to leave the organization, thus in general case, employee turnover is related to job satisfaction. How ever job satisfaction is not the only cause of employee turn over, the other cause being better opportunity else where, for example: - in the present context the rate of turn over of computer software professional is very high in India. How ever this professional leaves their organization simply because they are not satisfied but because of opportunities offered from other sources particularly from foreign companies located abroad.
THEORIES OF JOB SATISFACTION: There are vital differences among experts about the concept of job satisfaction; basically there are four approaches or theories of job satisfaction. They are 1. Fulfillment theory 2. Discrepancy theory 3. Equity theory 4. two-factor theory 1. Fulfillment theory: The proponents of this theory measures satisfaction in terms of rewards a persons, receives or the extent to which needs are satisfied, further they thought that there is a direct positive relationship between job satisfaction and actual satisfaction of the expected needs. The main difficulty in this approach is that job satisfaction as observed by willing, is not only a function of what a person receives but also what he feels he should receives as these would be considerable difference in the actual and expectations of how much a person receives from his job. Another important factor, variable. That should be including predicting job satisfaction. Accurately is the strength APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. of the individuals desires of his levels as aspirations in a particular area, this led to the development of the discrepancy theory of job satisfaction. 2. Discrepancy theory: The proponents of this theory arguments satisfaction in the function of what a person actually receives from the job satisfaction and what he thinks he should receive or what he expects to receive. Which the actual satisfaction derived less than expected satisfaction, it results in dissatisfaction. As discussed earlier, job satisfaction , dissatisfaction are functions of the perceived relationship between what one want one perceives it is offering. ”this approach does not make it clear whether or not over satisfaction is a part of dissatisfaction” and if so, how dies it differ from dissatisfaction, this led to the development of equity theory of job satisfaction. 3. Equity theory: The proponents of these theory are of the view that a persons satisfaction is determined by his perceived equity, which in terms is determined by his perceived equity, which in terms is determined by his input-output balance compared to his received ratio of what a person receives from his job relative and what he contributes to the job this theory is of the view that both under the over rewards leads to dissatisfaction. While the under-reward because feeling of unfair treatment, over-reward lead to feelings of guilty and discomfort. 4. Two- factor theory: As discussed earlier this was developed by Herzberg, manusner, Peterson and capwell, who identified certain factors as satisfiers, and dissatisfies. Factors such as achievement recognition, responsibility etc. are satisfiers, the presence of which causes satisfaction but absence should not result in dissatisfaction on the other hand, factors such as supervision, salaries working conditions etc, are dissatisfaction, the absence of which cause dissatisfaction. Their presence how ever does not result in jobs. The studies designed to test their theory failed to give any support to this theory as it seems that as persons can get both satisfaction and dissatisfaction at the same positive, which is not valid. FACTORS OF JOB SATISFACTIONS:
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. Job satisfaction refers to a general attitude, which employees retain on account of many specific attitudes in the following area. 1. Job satisfaction 2.individual characteristics 3.relationship outside the organization. There are different factors on which job satisfaction depends, important among then is discussed here under. PERSONAL FACTORS: They include worker’s sex, age, education, marital status and their personal characteristics, family background, socio-economic background and like.
FACTORS INHERENTS IN THE JOB: There factors have recently been studied and found to be in the selection of employee. Instead of being guided by the co-workers and supervisors, the skilled workers would rather like to be guided by their own inclination to choose jobs in consideration of what they have to do, these factors include: the work it self, conditions, influences of internal and external environment of the job which are uncontrolled by the management etc. FACTORS CONTROL BY MANAGEMENT: They include the nature of supervision, job security, kind of work group wage rate, promotional opportunities, transfer policy, duration of work and sense of responsibilities all these factors influence the workers. Their presence in he organization motivates the workers and provides a sense of job satisfaction. Through performance and job satisfaction are influenced by different set of factors, these two can be related if management links rewards to performance. It is viewed that job satisfaction is a consequence of performance rather than a cause of it, satisfaction strong influence it productivity efficiency of an organization where as APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. absenteeism, employee turn over alcoholism, irresponsibility un commitment are the result of job dissatisfaction. How ever job satisfaction or dissatisfaction forms, opinions about the job and organization which results in employee morale. IMPROVING JOB SATISFACTION: Job satisfaction plays, significant role in the organization. There fore, managers should take concrete steps to improve the level of job satisfaction. These steps may be in the forms of job redesigning to make the job more interesting and challenging improving quality of work life linking rewards with performance and improving overall organization climate.
1.2 INDUSTRY ANALYSIS Barbara Murray (2009) explained the soft drink industry by stating, “For years the story in then on alcoholic sector centered on the power struggle between Coke and Pepsi. But as the pop fight has topped out, the industry's giants have begun relying on new product flavors…and looking to noncarbonated beverages for growth.” In order to fully understand the soft drink industry, the following should be considered: the dominant economic factors, five competitive sources, industry trends, and the industry’s key factors. Based on the analyses of the industry, specific recommendations for competitors can then be created. Dominant Economic Factors Market size, growth rate and overall profitability are three economic indicators that can be used to evaluate the soft drink industry. The market size of this industry has been changing. Soft drink consumption has a market share of 46.8% within the non-alcoholic drink industry, also found that the total market value of soft drinks reached $307.2 billion in 2004 with a market value forecast of $367.1 billion in 2009. Further, the 2004 soft drink volume was 325,367.2 million liters clearly, the soft drink industry is lucrative with a potential for high profits, but there are several obstacles to overcome in order to capture the market share. The growth rate has been recently criticized due to the U.S. market saturation of soft drinks. Stated, “Looking ahead, despite solid growth in consumption, the global soft APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. drinks market is expected to slightly decelerate, reflecting stagnation of market prices.” The change is attributed to the other growing sectors of the non-alcoholic industry including tea and coffee (11.8%) and bottled water (9.3%). Sports drinks and energy drinks are also expected to increase in growth as competitors start adopting new product lines. Profitability in the soft drink industry will remain rather solid, but market saturation especially in the U.S. has caused analysts to suspect a slight deceleration of growth in the industry (2008). Because of this, soft drink leaders are establishing themselves in alternative markets such as the snack, confections, bottled water, and sports drinks industries (Barbara Murray, 2009c). In order for soft drink companies to continue to grow and increase profits they will need to diversify their product offerings. The geographic scope of the competitive rivalry explains some of the economic features found in the soft drink industry. According to Barbara Murray (2009c), “The sector is dominated by three major players…Coca-Cola is king of the soft drink-empire and boasts a global market share of around 50%, followed by PepsiCo at about 21%, and Cadbury Schweppes at 7%.” Aside from these major players, smaller companies such as Catt Corporation and National Beverage Company make up the remaining market share. Would not be able to compete with the established brand names, distribution channels, and high capital investment. Likewise, leaving this industry would be difficult with the significant loss of money from the fixed costs, binding contracts with distribution channels, and advertisements used to create the strong brand images. This industry is well established already, and it would be difficult for any company to enter or exit successfully. Three leading companies have prominent presence in the soft drink industry. The leaders include the Coca-Cola Company, PepsiCo, and Cadbury Schweppes. The Coca-Cola product line has several popular soft drinks including Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Fanta, Barq’s, and Sprite, selling over 400 drink brands in about 200 nations (Murray 2009a). PepsiCo is the next top competitor with soft drink sales grossing $18 billion for the two beverage subsidiaries, PepsiCo Beverages North America and PepsiCo International (PepsiCo Inc., 2004). PepsiCo’s soft drink product line includes Pepsi, Mountain Dew, and Slice which make up more than one-quarter of its sales. Cadbury
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. Schweppes had soft drink sales of $6 billion with a product line consisting of soft drinks such as A&W Root Beer, Canada Dry, and Dr. Pepper (Cadbury Schweppes, 2004). Financial Analysis: The carbonated beverage industry is a highly competitive global industry as illustrated in the financial statements. According to John Sicker of Beverage Digest (2008), Coca-Cola was the number one brand with around 4.5 billion cases sold in 2004. Pepsi followed with 3.2 billion cases, and Cadbury had 1.5 billion cases sold. However, the market share shows a different picture. Coca-Cola and PepsiCo control the market share with CocaCola holding 43.1% and Pepsi with 31.7%. The American Beverage Association (2009) states that in 2004, the retail sales for the entire soft-drink industry were $65.9 billion. Barbara Murray (2009e) analyzed the industry averages for 2004 and average net profit margin was 11.29%. The current ratio average was 1.11 and the quick ratio average was 0.8% .To analyze the financial statements of the major corporations in the industry. Overall, the financial statements of the three top competitors in the soft drink industry show that the industry is highly competitive and has little growth. Net profit margins increased for all three corporations, however only at a small rate. It also seems that all three companies lack sufficient current and quick ratios, but are all within a reasonable range of the industry average (2009e). This may be due to expanding their product lines to include energy drinks and noncarbonated beverages in order to increase profits and diversify their business. The soft drinks market is now in the matured stage of the life cycle. Growth in the industry has remained stagnant, and the financial statements of the major corporations in the industry illustrate that their sales and income are following this trend. The companies are in good financial positions; gross profits and net profit margins are continuing to increase each year. The leverage and activity ratios are all within reasonable range. However, one area all three corporations need to improve on is the liquidity ratios. Their quick and current ratios are low and need to be increased so they are able to meet short-term OBLIGATIONS: APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. Five Competitive Forces for Coca-Cola Company the soft drink industry is very competitive for all corporations involved, with the greatest competition being that from rival sellers within the industry. All soft drink companies have to think about the pressures; that from rival sellers within the industry, new entrants to the industry, substitute products, suppliers, and buyers. The competitive pressure from rival sellers is the greatest competition that Coca-Cola faces in the soft drink industry. Coca-Cola, Pepsi Co., and Cadbury Schweppes are the largest competitors in this industry, and they are all globally established which creates a great amount of competition. Though Coca-Cola owns four of the top five soft drink brands (Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Fanta, and Sprite), it had lower sales in 2008 than did PepsiCo (Murray, 2009c). However, Coca-Cola has higher sales in the global market than PepsiCo. In 2004, PepsiCo dominated North America with sales of $22 billion, whereas Coca-Cola only had about $6.6 billion, with more of their sales coming from overseas, PepsiCo is the main competitor for Coca-Cola and these two brands have been in a power struggle for years (Murray, 2009c). Brand name loyalty is another competitive pressure. The Brand Keys’ Customer Loyalty Leaders Survey (2004) shows the brands with the greatest customer loyalty in all industries. Diet Pepsi ranked 17th and Diet Coke ranked 36th as having the most loyal customers to their brands. Refer to List 15 for the brand loyalty rankings of the various competitors. The new competition between rival sellers is to create new varieties of soft drinks, such as vanilla and cherry, in order to keep increasing sales and enticing new customers (Murray, 2009c). New entrants are not a strong competitive pressure for the soft drink industry. Coca-Cola and Pepsi Co dominate the industry with their strong brand name and great distribution channels. In addition, the soft-drink industry is fully saturated and growth is small. This makes it very difficult for new, unknown entrants to start competing against the existing firms. Another barrier to entry is the high fixed costs for warehouses, trucks, and labor, and economies of scale. New entrants cannot compete in price without economies of scale. These high capital requirements and market saturation make it extremely difficult for companies to enter the soft drink industry; therefore new entrants are not a strong competitive force (Murray, 2009c). Substitute products are those APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. competitors that are not in the soft drink industry. Such substitutes for Coca-Cola products are bottled water, sports drinks, coffee, and tea. Bottled water and sports drinks are increasingly popular with the trend to be a more health conscious consumer. There are progressively more varieties in the water and sports drinks that appeal to different consumers’ tastes, but also appear healthier than soft drinks. In addition, coffee and tea are competitive substitutes because they provide caffeine. The consumers who purchase a lot of soft drinks may substitute coffee if they want to keep the caffeine and lose the sugar and carbonation. Specialty blend coffees are also becoming more popular with the increasing number of Starbucks stores that offer many different flavors to appeal to all consumer markets. It is also very cheap for consumers to switch to these substitutes making the threat of substitute products very strong. Suppliers for the soft drink industry do not hold much competitive pressure. Suppliers to Coca-Cola are bottling equipment manufacturers and secondary packaging suppliers. Although Coca-Cola does not do any bottling, the company owns about 36% of Coca-Cola Enterprises which is the largest Coke bottler in the world (Murray, 2009a). Since Coca-Cola owns the majority of the bottler, that particular supplier does not hold much bargaining power. In terms of equipment manufacturers, the suppliers are generally providing the same products. The number of equipment suppliers is not in short supply, so it is fairly easy for a company to switch suppliers. This takes away much of suppliers’ bargaining power. The buyers of the Coca-Cola and other soft drinks are mainly large grocers, discount stores, and restaurants. The soft drink companies distribute the beverages to these stores, for resale to the consumer. The bargaining power of the buyers is very evident and strong. Large grocers and discount stores buy large volumes of the soft drinks, allowing them to buy at lower prices. Restaurants have less bargaining power because they do not order a large volume. However, with the number of people are drinking less soft drinks, the bargaining power of buyers could start increasing due to decreasing buyer demand (Murray, 2009a). Porter’s Five Forces Model identifies the five forces of competition for any company. The recognition of the strength of these forces helps to see where Coca-Cola stands in the industry. Of the five forces, rivalry within the soft drink industry, especially from PepsiCo, is the greatest source of competition for Coca-Cola. Industry Changes the soft APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. drink industry is affected by macro environmental factors of the industry that will lead to change. First, the entry/exit of major firms is a trend in the industry that will likely lead to change. More specifically, merger and consolidation has been prevalent in the soft drinks market, causing some firms to exit the industry and then re-enter themselves. Several leading companies have been looking to drive revenue growth and improve market share through the increased economies of scale found through mergers and acquisitions. One specific example is how PepsiCo acquired Quaker Oats, who bought Gatorade which will help expand PepsiCo’s energy drink sector. This trend has increased competition as firms’ diversification of products is increasing. A second trend in the macro environment is globalization. With the growing use of the internet and other electronic technologies, global communication is rapidly increasing. This is allowing firms to collaborate within the country market and expand into world markets. It has driven competition greatly as companies strive to be first-movers. Specifically, the global soft drink market’s compound annual growth rate (CAGR) is expected to expand to 3.6% from 2004 to 2009. Third, changing societal concerns, attitudes, and lifestyles are important trends. In the United States and Europe, people are becoming more concerned with a healthy lifestyle. “Consumer awareness of health problems arising from obesity and inactive lifestyles represent a serious risk to the carbonated drinks sector”. The trend is causing the industry’s business environment to change, as firms are differentiating their products in order to increase sales in a stagnant market. Thus, the long-term industry growth rate, the fourth trend, shows low growth in recent years. Since 2000, the CAGR is 1.5 per cent. The low growth rates are of concern for soft drink companies, and several are creating new strategies to combat the low rates. This leads to the fifth trend of growing buyer preferences for differentiated products. Because soft drinks have been around since as early as 1798 (American Beverage Association, 2009), buyers want innovation with the products they buy. In today’s globalizing society, being plain is not good enough. According to Barbara Murray (2009c), “The key for all of these beverage companies is differentiation. The giants have new formulations and appearances. Whatever the strategy, be it a new color, flavor, or formula, companies will strive to create the greatest brand awareness in the minds of the consumer in the hopes of crowding out its APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. competitors.” Thus, the last trend, product innovation, is necessary to combat buyers need for variety of tastes. Firms are already differentiating by taste, with the Coca-Cola Company as an example. The firm’s product line includes regular Coca-Cola, Diet Coke, Diet cherry Coke, cherry Coke, Vanilla Coke, Coca-Cola with Lime, and Coca-Cola with lemon and many more (Murray, 2009a). Key Success Factors: Key factors for competitive success within the soft drink industry branch from the trends of the macro environment. Primarily, constant product innovation is imperative. A company must be able to recognize consumer wants and needs, while maintaining the ability to adjust with the changing market. They must keep up with the changing trends (Murray, 2009c). Another key factor is the size of the organization, especially in terms of market share. Large distributors have the ability to negotiate with stadiums, universities and school systems, making them the exclusive supplier for a specified period of time. Additionally, they have the ability to commit to mass purchases that significantly lower their costs. They must implement effective distribution channels to remain competitive. Taste of the product is also a key factor for success. Furthermore, established brand loyalty is a large aspect of the soft drink industry. Many consumers of carbonated beverages are extremely dedicated to a particular product, and rarely purchase other varieties. This stresses the importance of developing and maintaining a superior brand image. Price, however, is also a key factor because consumers without a strong brand preference will select the product with the most competitive price. Finally, global expansion is a vital factor in the success of a company within the soft drink industry. The United States has reached relative market saturation, requiring movement into the global industry to maintain growth.
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1.3Company profile History: The Coca-Cola Company is a beverage company. “It owns or licenses more than 500 nonalcoholic beverage brands” (Mint Global, 2014). It primarily serves sparkling beverages but also wide range of still beverages such as water, juices, ready-to-drink teas and coffees, and sports drinks. The Coca-Cola Company was founded in 1886, by John S. Pemberton and served Coca-Cola at a local Pharmacy in downtown Atlanta, Georgia (The Coca-Cola Company, 2014).In 1892, As a Candler purchased and incorporated the CocaCola Company as a Georgia Corporation (The Coca-Cola Company, 2014). Fourteen years later, under Candler’s leadership, bottling operations began in Canada, Cuba, and Panama. In 1919, the Coca-Cola Company was purchased by a group of investors led by Ernest Woodruff for $25 million. From its early years, Coca-Cola Company made significant innovations in the beverage industry, such as six-bottle carton and steel 12ounce cans. Additionally, it continued to expand internationally . In 1923, Robert W. Woodruff was elected as president of the Coca-Cola Company, who also served as a Chairman of the Board in 1939. The very first new product distributed by the Company APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. was Fanta Orange in Naples, Italy. After the success of this product, it established a diverse portfolio through acquiring Minute Maid Corporation and adding a line of juice products. In 2008, “Sprite became the third Company product to sell more than 2 billion cases annually, joining Coca-Cola and Diet Coke” (The Coca-Cola Company, 2014). Current Scenario: Today, the Coca-Cola Company has been serving for more than 127 years and is one of the largest beverage companies headquartered in Atlanta, United States. The company is engaged in the production, distribution, and marketing of nonalcoholic beverages and syrups. It is listed on the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the Dow Jones Industrial Average (DJIA) (Mint Global, 2014). On March 16, 2014, the share price of the Coca-Cola Company is recorded at $38.17 under NYSE (The Coca-Cola Company). The Coca-Cola Company has over 3500 products and serves over 200 countries. Some of its brands include Coca-Cola, Sprite, Fanta, Diet Coke, Dasani, Minute Maid, Power Ride, Simply Orange, Fresca, and Vitamin Water. Moreover, it has partnered with approximately 250 bottling companies worldwide. “The company’s segments include Eurasia and Africa, Europe, Latin America, North America, Pacific, Bottling Investments and Corporate” (Mint Global, 2014). “Some of the company’s customers include bottling and canning operators, distributors, fountain wholesalers, and fountain retailers” (Mint Global, 2014). Lastly, in the beverage industry, the Coca-Cola Company competes with PepsiCo, Inc., Nestle, and the Dr. Pepper Snapple Group Inc. Vision and Mission The Coca-Cola Company and its bottling partners developed a 2020 Vision in 2009. This vision is a roadmap to doubling their global system revenues in the next 10 years by focusing on six key areas: profit, people, portfolio, partners, planet, and productivity (The Coca-Cola Company, 2014). The mission statement of the Coca-Cola Company is: To refresh the world in mind, body and spirit. To inspire moments of optimism through our brands and actions. To create value and make a difference everywhere we engage.
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Increase profit by cutting down costs through productive and efficient
production facilities. Focus on environment friendly bottling production and enforce
sustainability. Continue to diversify its portfolio through innovations and partnerships,
keeping consumer demands in mind. Increase annual operating income by 6-8% in order to double their revenue by 2020. Financial Performance
External analysis General Environment can be broken down into six segments. Below is a brief analysis on the general environment. Demographic Segment Coca-Cola provides products and services to wide range of age groups, with the largest portion of this focus on teenagers to middle aged adults. According to index mundi’s world demographic profile in 2013, 57.4% of the world’s population. Years of age (World Demographics, 2013). This indicates that Coca-Cola is focusing on the largest demographic in the world for potential customers, which can be seen as a suitable strategy for sustainability and growth. Political and Legal Segment Coca-Cola being the global leader in soft drink production and sales must abide by the rules and regulations in which countries it sells its products. For instance in Canada the maximum amount of caffeine allowed in a soft drink is 200ppm (Health Canada, 2010). That being said there are only two countries in the world in which Coca-Cola does not sell its products officially because of prior legal trade embargos, Cuba and North Korea. Coca-Cola states that if their products are being sold in these countries that are embargoed then the product is finding its way there through unauthorized means. Economic Segment
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. From 2009- 2012 the rate of inflation for food and beverages was higher than the overall price inflation in the United States. This translated into consumers having less disposable income to spend on these commodities (Volpe, 2013). This coupled with the increased amount of transportation cost worldwide due to oil price inflation means that costs will also be higher to transport their product. This means that costs have increased in this industry, while the disposable income from potential customers have decreased translating to lower revenues for the companies in this industry. The fluctuations in the US currency in 2013 have also led profit margins declining due to increased costs associated with doing business in foreign countries. Despite these facts, however, CocaCola had a worldwide growth of 1% in their annual report in 2013 (Coca-Cola, 2013). Socio-cultural Segment Currently in the last decade there has been an increase in health awareness leading to a social movement towards healthier lifestyles worldwide. In particular soft drinks have been linked to the cause of type-two diabetes and as a result consumers have been moving towards healthier alternatives (Walter, 2012). This may result in Coca-Cola losing its market share as consumers begin to substitute for healthier beverages. CocaCola, however, has been developing products to meet the needs of the health conscious consumer such as Coke Zero and Diet Coke in order to sustain its market share. Technological Segment In order to increase brand awareness and demand, many soft drink companies are using social media tools such as Face book and YouTube as advertising channels because of their high traffic of users. By advertising on these sites they are able to expose their brands to a larger amount of people much more efficiently and effectively. Also, the development of Total Quality Management Systems used in the industry allows the efficiency of the company’s operations and distribution to increase. Global Segment As the global economies continue to develop, newly industrialized countries can be seen as high potential consumer markets that have risen. This translates to a new amount of market share that has not been exploited previously by the industry, allowing for growth APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. from companies like Coca-Cola. The global market is continuously growing and remains as a high opportunity market for the soft drink industry. Industry Environment: The Porter’s five forces of competitive model is used to examine the industry environment. Threat of New Entrants The threat of new entrants is very low because of the well-established brands already in this market. New entrants would have a hard time competing with Coke and Pepsi especially in advertising as in 2000 Coke and Pepsi spent a combined $2.58 billion in advertising and marketing (MBA, 2010). As a result of such expenditures brands are well established and thus customer loyalty is relatively strong with these brands. It is also hard to enter the market because Pepsi and coke will not make it easy for competitors to gain market share. For instance, they have done this by creating bottling contracts with manufacturing in certain geographic areas, which forbids these manufacturing from taking on another client. So will be hard to establish and production and distribution network for new entrants. Threats from Buyers Bargaining power of buyers is high because margins for this industry are low and consumers buy in bulks. Since the products are similar they will purchase whichever brand offers the most for the cheapest amount. At stores or fast food restaurants where a brand is exclusively offered the threats from buyers will be relatively low because they have no alternatives. Threats from Suppliers The raw materials for soft drinks are very basic such as sugar, artificial flavor and water leaving the power of suppliers relatively low since they can substitute between them. So switching cost between suppliers will be extremely low. The threat of forward integration from suppliers is also low since soft drink manufacturing need huge capital investments such as manufacturing plants and distribution networks, which they could not afford. Overall the threat of suppliers remains low in the industry. Threat of Substitutes APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. The threat of substitutes in the industry is very high because of the amount of alternative beverages available for example water, tea, coffee and energy drinks. This threat also remains high because the prices of these products are relatively the same so the consumer faces low switching costs between them. The way that soft drink companies combat this threat is by using intensive advertising campaigns in order to create differentiation between their brands and these substitute products. Industry Rivalry The makeup of this industry mainly composed of Coca-Cola and Pepsi who hold a large majority of the market share with a few other competitors holding very small amounts of market share. As result the rivalry in the industry is relatively low because there are basically only two firms competing. The majority of this competition takes place in the advertising rather than the price sector as the brands compete to differentiate their brands from one another and thus gain some market share.
Competitor Environment The Coca-Cola Company’s main objective is to maintain its diet carbonated beverage sales in developed markets. As the demand for carbonated beverages in emerging markets is increasing, such as markets in Middle East and Africa, may double 2010’s revenues by 2020 (Euromonitor,2013). Additionally, as the trend of health and wellness is shaping the soft drink industry, the Coca-Cola Company is trying to increase its non-carbonated beverages sales in the market by acquiring other drink companies. PepsiCo The main competitor of the Coca-Cola Company is PepsiCo. PepsiCo is the world’s second largest food and beverage company and has a presence in over 200 countries (Market Line, 2013). In order to meet consumers’ health and wellness requirement, PepsiCo has acquired Nutrition as a subsidiary (Euro monitor, 2013). PepsiCo is temporarily focusing on reshaping its brand image that emphasizes on healthy food and drinks. Like the CocaCola Company, PepsiCo has established well-known brands including, Pepsi, Gatorade, MAIN STRATEGIC CHALLENGES Increasing revenue streams from all fronts In order to achieve its goal of doubling the revenue in ten years, Coca-Cola needs to sell its products in new geographic areas and APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. expand its product like that meet the consumers’ changing preference and behaviors. Maintaining its current market size in the developed market, the company also needs to increase sales in developing markets (Euro monitor, 2013). Diversification Carbonated beverages are the company’s bread and butter business so that the company is heavily relied on their sales. This implies that the company needs to increase awareness and sales on other drinks, such as bottled water, juice, ready-to-drink tea, and even Asian specialty drinks since the consumer preferences are changing. Moreover, in order to maintain their share of sales in the increasing competitive market, Coca-Cola has to continue to strengthen their brand loyalty, innovation, and expand into other product categories in the beverage industry. Diet products cannibalizing standard variants As consumers have growing concerns about their health, such as obesity issues, which results in a reduce demand of standard cola. Therefore, the amount of sugar in regular soft drinks needs to be reduced accordingly. Although the introduction of the diet cola successfully addressed this issue, the increasing demand and sales of diet drinks cannibalized the sales of standard cola (Euro monitor, 2013). The company needs to find a way to sustain their revenues while anticipating consumers’ preference changes. Acquisition targets in developed markets with the strong penetration power in the mature soft drinks industry, the Coca-Cola Company’s revenue growth can be generated from secondary markets or new markets. However, in developed markets, an acquisition option is limited because of market consolidation (Euro monitor, 2013). It is challenging for the company to make large acquisitions in all markets.
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Job satisfaction is how to motivate employee to work more productively and to increase their feelings of satisfaction, involment and commitment job satisfaction mean different things to different people.
There are many aspects of work life influence employee satisfaction and dissatisfaction with job.
It is evident that satisfies employees are more productive and efficient. Job satisfaction needs to multiple benefits to both management and employees.
2.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY The objectives of the study are 1. To identify the factors which are influence the job satisfaction . 2. To know the level of job satisfaction among the employees coca-cola company. APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. 2.3 RESEARCH DESIGN Descriptive research procedure is used for describing the resent situations in the organization and analytical research to analyze the results by using research tools. Descriptive Research: This research includes surveys and facts finding enquires of different kinds. The major purpose of
descriptive research is that the research can only describe the state of affairs
existing at present in the organization. 2.4 SAMPLING TECHNIQUE Simple random sampling was followed for selecting the sample size of respondents.
2.5 SAMPLE SIZE A total sample size of 111 employees was taken. The sample was selected in such a way that it covers all most all the departments throughout the organization. The analysis was made with available data. 2.6 RESEARCH INSTRUMENT The research instrument used for study is questionnaire. 2.7 DATA COLLECTION METHODS Data for this research was collected both from primary and secondary sources. There are two types of data of data sources. A) Primary data B) Secondary data A. PRIMARY DATA APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. It consists of original information gatherer for the study. The first hand information has been collected through administering the questionnaire by direct contract methods and through in formal meetings. B. SECONDARYDATA: It consists of information that already exits gave been collected for the study purpose. The second hand information has been collected through company previous records, annual reports, journals, Industrials magazines, and broacher’s internet. 2.8 DATA ANALYSIS The data collected through survey have been carefully, meaningfully analyzed by well-established statistical tools like percentages method and chi squire test.
Simple Percentages Methods: The percentage method was used to get the percentages for the tabulated data by the calculated the analysis and interpretation has done by the type of information, which is collected by me.
The numbering for each table and graph has been given and the suited name was given to each table and graph. The inference was given at the bottom of the page. The information in the inference is qualitative and it gives more meaning. Each question interprets its importance and significance towards remuneration and their satisfaction levels. Chi-square test It is used to check accuracy of the statements given by respondents with he help of hypothesis. All hypothesis used in research are null hypothesis.
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. To test the hypothesis of the study, the following χ2 statistic is considered for independence of tributes.
Oi = Actual frequency. Ej=Expected frequency C= Number of Columns R=Number of Rows χ2 cal≤χ2tab, Accept the null hypothesis H0. The research has collected the required data. The Collected data was raw data has been corrected and made in to proper meaning. The meaningful data has been edited and tabulated. The tools like scaling & the graphs were taken for putting the edited and tabulated data into structural. 2.9 Hypotheses:
H1= the promotional opportunities are correlated positively and significantly with work motivation and satisfaction.
H0= the promotional opportunities are not correlated positively and significantly with work motivation and satisfaction.
H1= The different facets of satisfaction are correlated positively and significantly with work motivation.
Ho= The different facets of satisfaction are not correlated positively and significantly with work motivation.
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. 2.10 LIMITATIONS OF THE STUDY: a. Due to lack of interest of some employees many questionnaire which were administered could not be collected. b. The interpersonal relations among the employee are a great hurdle for obtaining unbiased responses and for receiving back the administered questionnaires. c. Accuracy of the study is purely based on the information as given by the respondent. d. The cause of job satisfaction of employee may be difference from person to person. e. As it was a manufacturing site workers and result interviews should not be conducted continuously. 3.1. Appreciation or reward system provided by the management TABLE 3.1: Appreciation or reward system provided by the management
No. of Respondents
Percentage (%)
Highly Satisfied 23 21 Satisfied 42 38 Neutral 28 25 Dissatisfied 15 13 Highly dissatisfied 03 3 Total 111 100 CHART-3.1: Appreciation or reward system provided by the management
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INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents 23(i.e, 21%) of respondents are highly satisfied, 42(i.e. 38%) of respondents are satisfied 28(i.e., 25%) of respondents neutral, 15(i.e13%) of respondents dissatisfied, 3(i.e3%) of respondents highly dissatisfied about appreciation or reward system provided by the management. 3.2. Management allows performing job effectively. TABLE-3.2: Management allows performing job effectively Opinions Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total
No. of Respondents 10 45 32 7 17 111
Percentage (%) 9 41 29 6 15 100
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. CHART-3.2: Management allows you to performing job effectively.
INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents 10(i.e. 9%) of respondents are highly satisfied, 45(i.e. 41%) of respondents are satisfied 32 (i.e., 29%) of respondents neutral, 7(i.e6%) of respondents dissatisfied, 17(i.e15%) of respondents highly dissatisfied about Management allow you to perform job effectively. 3.3 Response of concerns about voice in the organization. TABLE-3.3: Response of concerns about voice in the organization. Opinions
Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total
Respondents 14 60 23 10 4 111
of Percentage (%) 13 54 21 9 3 100
CHART-3.3: Response your concerns about your voice in the organization.
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INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents 14(i.e.13%) of respondents are highly satisfied, 60(i.e.54%) of respondents are satisfied, 23(i.e.21%) of respondents are neutral, 10(i.e. 9%) of respondents are dissatisfied 4% of respondents are highly dissatisfied about the response your concern about your voice. 3.4. Satisfaction of bonus and incentives in the organization. TABLE-3.4: Satisfaction of bonus and incentives in the organization. Opinions Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total
No. of Respondents 8 50 32 16 5 111
Percentage (%) 7 45 29 14 5 100
CHART-3.4: Satisfaction of bonus and incentives in the organization.
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INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis observed that out of 111 respondents 8(i.e.7%) of respondents are highly satisfied, 50(i.e.45%) of respondents are satisfied, 32(i.e.29%) of respondents are neutral, 16(i.e.14%) of respondents are dissatisfied 5(i.e.5%) of respondents are highly dissatisfied about the satisfied with bonus and incentives. 3.5. Rate of job satisfaction in the department. TABLE-3.5: Rate of job satisfaction in the department. Opinions Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total
No. of Respondents 25 36 30 10 10 111
Percentage (%) 23 32 27 9 9 100
CHART-3.5: Rate of job satisfaction in the department
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INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents 25(i.e.23%) of respondents are highly satisfied, 36(i.e.32%) of respondents are satisfied, 30(i.e.27%) of respondents are neutral, 10(i.e9%) of respondents are dissatisfied 10(i.e. 9%) of respondents are highly dissatisfied about the rate of job satisfaction in the department.
3.6. Issues in work area to management. TABLE-3.6: Issues in work area to management. Opinions Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total
No. of Respondents 13 32 45 12 9 111
Percentage (%) 12 29 40 11 8 100
CHART-3.6: Issues in your work area to management
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INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents 13(i.e.12%) of respondents are highly satisfied, 32(i.e.29%) of respondents are satisfied, 45(i.e.40%) of respondents are neutral, 12(i.e.11%) of respondents are dissatisfied 9(i.e.8%) of respondents are highly dissatisfied about the issues in work area to management. 3.7. Opportunity for beneficial package. TABLE-3.7: Opportunity for beneficial package.
Opinions Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total
No. of Respondents 9 68 17 14 3 111
Percentage (%) 8 61 15 13 3 100
CHART-3.7: Opportunity for beneficial package.
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INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents 9(i.e.8%) of respondents are highly satisfied, 68(i.e.61%) of respondents are satisfied, 17(i.e.15%) of respondents are neutral, 14(i.e13%) of respondents are dissatisfied 3(i.e.3%) of respondents are highly dissatisfied about the opportunities for beneficial job related training. 3.8. Overall compensation package. TABLE-3.8: Overall compensation package. Opinions Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total
No. of Respondents 57 10 35 4 5 111
Percentage (%) 51 9 31 4 5 100
CHART-3.8: Overall compensation package
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INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents 57(i.e.51%) of respondents are highly satisfied, 10(i.e.9%) of respondents are satisfied, 35(i.e.31%) of respondents are neutral, 4(i.e.4%) of respondents are dissatisfied 5(i.e.5%) of respondents are highly dissatisfied about the overall compensation package. 3.9. Current evaluation process of organization TABLE-3.9: Current evaluation process of organization Opinions Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total process of organization
No. of Respondents 8 72 26 2 3 111
Percentage (%) 7 65 23 2 3 100
CHART-3.9: Current evaluation
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INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents 8(i.e.7%) of respondents are highly satisfied, 72(i.e.65%) of respondents are satisfied, 26(i.e.23%) of respondents are neutral, 2(i.e.2%) of respondents are dissatisfied 3(i.e.3%) of respondents are highly dissatisfied about the current evaluation process of organization. 3.10. Promotional opportunities are handled fairly TABLE-3.10: Promotional opportunities are handled fairly Opinions Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total are handled fairly.
No. of Respondents 30 22 50 3 6 111
Percentage (%) 27 20 45 3 5 100
CHART-3.10: Promotional opportunities
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INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents 30(i.e.27%) of respondents are highly satisfied, 22(i.e.20%)of respondents are satisfied, 50(i.e.45%) of respondents are neutral, 3(i.e.3%) of respondents are dissatisfied 6(i.e.5% )of respondents are highly dissatisfied about the promotional opportunities are handled fairly. 3.11. Ability and loyalty towards the organization. TABLE-3.11: Ability and loyalty towards the organization. Opinions Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total
No. of Respondents 7 59 33 8 4 111
Percentage (%) 6 53 30 7 4 100
CHART-3.11: Ability and loyalty towards the organization.
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INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents 7(i.e.6%) of respondents are highly satisfied, 59(i.e.53%) of respondents are satisfied, 33(i.e.30%) of respondents are neutral, 8(i.e.7%) of respondents are dissatisfied 4(i.e.4%) of respondents are highly dissatisfied about the show your ability and loyalty your organization.
3.12. Respective job in the society.
TABLE-3.12: Respective job in the society. Opinions Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total
No. of Respondents 23 43 15 19 11 111
Percentage (%) 21 39 13 17 10 100
CHART: 3.12 Respective job in the society.
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INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents 23(i.e.21%) of respondents are highly satisfied, 43(i.e.39%) of respondents are satisfied, 15(i.e.13%) of respondents are neutral, 19(i.e.17%) of respondents are dissatisfied 11(i.e.10%) of respondents are highly dissatisfied about the respective job in society. 3.13. Satisfaction of employees regarding present salary. TABLE-3.13: Satisfaction of the employee regarding present salary. Opinions Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total
No. of Respondents 8 55 26 15 7 111
Percentage (%) 7 50 23 14 6 100
CHART-3.13: Satisfied with present salary.
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INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents 8(i.e.7%) of respondents are highly satisfied, 55(i.e.50%) of respondents are satisfied, 26(i.e.23%) of respondents are neutral, 15(i.e.14%) of respondents are dissatisfied 7(i.e.6%) of respondents are highly dissatisfied about the Satisfied with present salary. 3.14. View of job in the organization TABLE-3.14: View of job in the organization Opinions
Challenging Responsible Motivating Secure Useful in career Total
Respondents 6 67 20 8 10 111
of Percentage (%) 6 60 18 7 9 100
CHART-3.14: View job in the organization.
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INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents 6(i.e.6%) of respondents are challenging, 67(i.e.60%) of respondents are responsible, 20(i.e.18%) of respondents are motivating, 8(i.e.7%) of respondents are secure 10(i.e.9%) of respondents are useful in career about the job in organization. 3.15. Job provides good future prospects. TABLE-3.15: Job provides good future prospects. Opinions
No. of Respondents
strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Total
12 80 16 2 1 111
(%) 11 72 14 2 1 100
CHART-3.15: Job provides good future prospects.
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INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents 12(i.e.11%) of respondents are strongly agree, 80(i.e.72%) of respondents are agree, 16(i.e.14%) of respondents are neutral, 2(i.e2%) of respondents are disagree, 1(i.e.1%) of respondents are strongly disagree about the job provides good future prospects. 3.16. Opinions of employees regarding receiving good guidance, co-operation from superiors. TABLE-3.16: Opinions of employees regarding receiving good guidance, co-operation from superiors. Opinions Strongly agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly disagree Total
No. of Respondents 11 63 18 12 7 111
Percentage (%) 10 57 16 11 6 100
CHART-3.16: Opinions of employees regarding receiving good guidance, co-operation from superiors.
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INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents 11(i.e.10%) of respondents are strongly agree, 63(i.e.57% )of respondents are agree, 18(i.e.16%) of respondents are neutral, 12(i.e11%) of respondents are disagree, 7(i.e.6% )of respondents are strongly disagree about the You
receiving good guidance, co-operation from
superiors. 3.17. Welfare facilitates in organization TABLE-3.17: Welfare facilitates in organization Opinions Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total
No. of Respondents 12 57 26 9 7 111
Percentage (%) 11 51 24 8 6 100
CHART-3.17: Welfare facilitates in organization.
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INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents, 7(i.e.11%) of respondents are highly satisfied, 57(i.e.51%) of respondents are satisfied, 26(i.e. 24%) of respondents are neutral, 9(i.e.8%) of respondents are dissatisfied, 7 (i.e.6%) of respondents are highly dissatisfied about the welfare facilities in organization. 3.18. Boredom in doing work in the organization. TABLE-3.18: Boredom in doing work in the organization. Opinions Always Often Occasionally Rarely Never Total
No. of Respondents 3 5 21 17 65 111
Percentage (%) 3 5 19 15 58 100
CHART-3.18: Boredom in doing work in the organization.
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INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents, 3 (i.e.3%) of respondents are always, 5(i.e5%) of respondents are often, 21(i.e19%) of respondents are occasionally, 17(i.e.15%) of respondents are rarely, 65(i.e.58%) of respondents are never about the boredom in doing your work. 3.19. Individual development programs provided by the organization. TABLE-3.19: Individual development programs provided by the organization. Opinions Strongly agree Agree Neutral disagree Strongly disagree Total
No. of Respondents 11 59 24 11 6 111
Percentage (%) 10 53 22 10 5 100
CHART-3.19: Individual development programs provided by the organization.
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INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents 11(i.e.10%) of respondents are strongly agree, 59(i.e.53%) of respondents are agree, 24(i.e22%) of respondents are neutral, 11(i.e.10%) of respondents are disagree 6(i.e.5%) of respondents are strongly disagree about the Individual development programs provided that organization. 3.20. Performance in organization is rightly recognized and rewarded in time. TABLE-3.20: Performance in organization is rightly recognized and rewarded in time. Opinions Strongly agree Agree Neutral disagree Strongly disagree Total
No. of Respondents 17 45 33 13 3 111
Percentage (%) 15 40 30 12 3 100
CHART-3.20: Performance in organization is rightly recognized and rewarded in time.
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INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents 17(i.e.15%) of respondents are strongly agree, 45(i.e.40%) of respondents are agree, 33(i.e.30%) of respondents are neutral, 13(i.e.12%) of respondents are disagree, 3 (i.e.3%) of respondents are strongly disagree about the Performance in organization is rightly recognized and rewarded in time. 3.21. Satisfaction level of employees regarding Security of their jobs. TABLE-3.21: Satisfaction level of employees regarding Security of their jobs. Opinions Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total
No. of Respondents 10 18 70 6 7 111
Percentage (%) 9 16 64 5 6 100
CHART-3.21: Satisfaction level of employees regarding Security of their jobs.
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INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents, 10 (i.e.9%) of respondents are highly satisfied, 18(i.e.16%) of respondents are satisfied, 70(i.e.64%) of respondents are neutral, 6(i.e.5%) of respondents are dissatisfied, 7(i.e.6%) of respondents are highly dissatisfied about the Secure in your job. 3.22. Achieve the goals by working in the organization. TABLE-3.22: Achieve the goals by working in the organization. Opinions Highly Satisfied Satisfied Neutral Dissatisfied Highly dissatisfied Total
No. of Respondents 8 31 59 9 4 111
Percentage (%) 7 28 53 8 4 100
CHART-3.22: Achieve the goals by working in the organization.
Page 51
INTERPRETATION: From the above analysis it is observed that out of 111 respondents, 8 (i.e.7%) of respondents are highly satisfied, 31(i.e.28%) of respondents are satisfied, 59 (i.e.53%) of respondents are neutral, 9(i.e.8%) of respondents are dissatisfied, 4(i.e.4%) of respondents are highly dissatisfied about Achieve your goals by working in that organization. Chi-square:
PROMOTIONAL OPPERTUNITIES THE ORGANISATION Highly dissatisfied dissatisfied neutral Promotional Salary 7 15 26 opportunities Compensation 5 4 35 incentives and 5 16 32 benefits Recognisation 3 13 33 reward system 3 15 28 APGCMS, RAJAMPET
ARE PROVIDED BY Satisfied 55 10 50
Highly satisfied 8 57 8
Total 111 111 111
45 42
17 23
111 111
Page 52
co- 7
Total 30 75 172 265 124 H1= the promotional opportunities are correlated positively and significantly with work motivation and satisfaction. H0= the promotional opportunities are not correlated positively and significantly with work motivation and satisfaction.
Chi-Square Tests Value df Asymp. Sig. (2-sided) a Pearson Chi-Square 140.524 20 .000 Likelihood Ratio 138.938 20 .000 Linear-by-Linear Association .066 1 .797 N of Valid Cases 666 a. 0 cells (.0%) have expected count less than 5. The minimum expected count is 5.00.
Interpretation: From the above analysis it is observed that the chi-square value is 140.524 with degree of freedom 20 at 5% level of significance. The significant value is (0.000) is less than the 0.05 hence we do accept we conclude that the promotional opportunities are correlated positively and significantly with work motivation and satisfaction. H1= The different facets of satisfaction are correlated positively and significantly with work motivation. Ho= The different facets of satisfaction are not correlated positively and significantly with work motivation.
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111 666
Different facets
different facets of job satisfaction Highly dissatisfie satisfie dissatisfied d neutral d welfare facilities 7 9 26 57 security 7 6 70 18 supervision and 1 2 16 80 growth job effectiveness 17 7 32 45 job satisfaction 10 10 30 36 rate 42 34 174 236
highly satisfied 12 10 12
Total 111 111 111
10 25
111 111
Chi-Square Tests Asymp. Pearson Chi-Square Likelihood Ratio Linear-by-Linear
Value 127.979 125.951 .003
Association N of Valid Cases
Df 16 16 1
(2-sided) .000 .000 .954
Interpretation: From the above analysis it is observed that the chi-square value is 127.979 with degree of freedom 16 at 5% level of significance. The significant value is (0.000) is less than the 0.05 hence we do accept we conclude that the different facets of satisfaction are correlated positively and significantly with work motivation.
4.1. FINDINGS 1. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 65 respondents are satisfied 28respondents are neutral 18 respondents are dissatisfied about appreciation or reward system provided by the management. APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. 2. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 64 of respondents are satisfied, 30 of respondents neutral, 17 of respondents dissatisfied, about Management allow you to perform job effectively 3. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 74 of respondents are satisfied, 23of respondents are neutral, 14 of respondents are dissatisfied about the response your concern about your voice. 4. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 58 of respondents are satisfied, 32 of respondents are neutral, 21 of respondents are dissatisfied about the satisfied with bonus and incentives. 5. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 61 of respondents are satisfied, 30 of respondents are neutral, and 20 of respondents are dissatisfied about the rate of job satisfaction in the department. 6. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 45 of respondents are highly satisfied, 45 of respondents are neutral, and 21 of respondents are dissatisfied about the issues in work area to management. 7. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 77 of respondents are satisfied, 17 of respondents are neutral, and 17 of respondents are dissatisfied about the opportunities for beneficial job related training. 8. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 67of respondents are satisfied, 35 of respondents are neutral, and 9 of respondents are dissatisfied about the overall compensation package. 9. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 80 of respondents are satisfied, 26 of respondents are neutral, and 5 of respondents are dissatisfied about the current evaluation process of organization. 10. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 52 of respondents are satisfied, 50 of respondents are neutral, 9 of respondents are dissatisfied about the promotional opportunities are handled fairly. 11. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 66 of respondents are satisfied, of respondents are neutral, 12 of respondents are dissatisfied about the show your ability and loyalty your organization. APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. 12. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 66 of respondents are satisfied, 15 of respondents are neutral, and 30 of respondents are dissatisfied about the respective job in society. 13. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 63 of respondents are satisfied, 26 of respondents are neutral, and 22 of respondents are dissatisfied about the Satisfied with present salary. 14. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 6 of respondents are challenging, 67 of respondents are responsible, 20 of respondents are motivating, 8 of respondents are secure 10 of respondents are useful in career about the job in organization. 15. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 92 of respondents are agree, 16 of respondents are neutral, 3 of respondents are disagree, about the job provides good future prospects. 16. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 74 of respondents are agree, 18(i.e.16%) of respondents are neutral, 19 of respondents are disagree, about the you receiving good guidance, co-operation from superiors. 17. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 64 of respondents are satisfied, of respondents are neutral, 16 of respondents are dissatisfied,
about the welfare
facilities in organization. 18. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 3 of respondents are always, 5 of respondents are often, 21 of respondents are occasionally, 17 of respondents are rarely, 65 of respondents are never about the boredom in doing your work. 19. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 70 of respondents are agree, 24 of respondents are neutral, 17 of respondents are disagree about the Individual development programs provided that organization. 20. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 62 of respondents are agree, 33 of respondents are neutral, 16 of respondents are disagree, about the Performance in organization is rightly recognized and rewarded in time. 21. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 28 of respondents are satisfied, 70 of respondents are neutral, and 13 of respondents are dissatisfied, about the Secure in your job. APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. 22. It is founded that out of 111 respondents, 39 of respondents are satisfied, 59 of respondents are neutral, 13 of respondents are dissatisfied, about Achieve your goals by working in that organization.
4.2. SUGGESTIONS These are the survey outcomes, opinions, and views. These may help the organizations to revise it current strategies take corrective actions. 1. The company is necessary to provide appreciation or reward system to the employee. APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. 2. To create the employee job satisfaction in the department. 3. It is necessary to provide the promotional opportunities to the employees. 4. It is necessary to provide good future prospects to the employees. 5. To provide good guidance and co-operation to the employees. 6. It is necessary to provide the welfare facilities in the organization. 7. Most of the employees expected more salary bonus and incentives from the organization
4.3. CONCLUSION After the study on job satisfaction in Hindustan Coca-Cola Beverages Pvt. Ltd. Finally it is concluded that the most of employees are satisfied with the salaries, incentives, bonus, and recognisation system of the organization. Employee’s participation in the decision APGCMS, RAJAMPET
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HINDUSTAN COCA-COLA BEVERAGES PVT. LTD. making process will made them more courageous and enthusiastic towards working in the organization. The organization provide periodically salary increments, allowances, bonus, fringe benefits and other compensations on regular and specific periods keeps their moral high and makes them more motivated. How ever the research is very important in building the relationship between employees and employer.
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