Sue's Class-Structure Module

August 26, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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SUBJECT AND VERB AGREEMENT What is Subject–Verb Agreement? Key : The subject of the sentence and the verb of the sentence must agree with each other

in number. If the subject is a plural noun, then the verb must match the plural noun. If the subject is singular, then the verb must match the number of subject (singular). That’s why we call it agreement . Perhaps the most critical thing for you to know is that in present-tense, the third person-singular person-sin gular subject (she; he; he; it) always goes with a singular singula r verb which which ends in “-s /-es”. While other subject pronouns pr onouns (I / you / we / they) always go with verb without “-s/-

es” ending. Take a look at these examples: Masha goes fishing with Miskha. In this sentence, the subject is Masha (she / a third person singular subject), so that the verb must be singular verb with “-s /-es” ending. Since the base word verb is ended with “o” -sound, the verb is then ended with -es. Most Students in my classroom are diligent. Most Students in my classroom go fishing with Miskha. In this two sentences, the subject is most students (they / a plural subject), so that the verb must  be in plural verb form “are” or without “-s /-es” ending “go”. Therefore, in order to support your understanding of Subject and Verb agreement, you need to know both subject and predicate makers. In these following tables are presented kinds of subjects, kinds of verbs, and the summary of basic grammar rule to support your Subject & Verb Agreement skill. Common Terms Used in Structure: St ructure:

Word ( Kata) Phrase ( kelompok Kata) Sentence (kalimat: S + V) Clause (Anak Kalimat, SV) Subject (Subjek/Orang) ( Subjek/Orang) Verb /predicate (kt. kerja/Predikat)  Noun (Kata Benda) Benda)

Pronoun (Kata ganti orang/Benda) Adjective (Kata sifat) Adverb (Kata Keterangan) Preposition (Kata Depan) Conjunction (Kata Hubung) Object of a preposition ( Prep + N S) Appositive (Informasi tambahan adj & N)

Table a. a. Subject Makers .

(1) Noun (Kata ( Kata Benda), (2) Pronoun (kata ganti org/benda), org/benda), (3) Noun Phrase (kelompok kata benda), (4) Gerund, (5) To Infinitive (To + V1), (6) Clause (anak kalimat)



Subject Makers 1. Noun (can function as a Subject or an Object) 

2. Pronoun

 Kata ganti org, ( Kata benda/binatang) 


A Car, Masha, people a Cow, love, sadness, water, length, news Government, etc. I; You; She; He; It We; You; They One, Each, every, few, a little, a number of, some, Whoever,… (See table skill #15 for definite pronouns ) 

Sentence Examples Masha buys a car


P O Water in our village is abundant. S P   We love Masha very much. •

  Every student is taking online courses.   Each of my students is here.   Both Dewi and Desi are medical

doctors.   A number of people are infected.

Pronoun (Kata Ganti Benda/org)

Jane/mother/woman/Girl/Lady/auntie/grandmother/sister/niece/(satu Jane/mother/woman/Girl/Lady/auntie/grandmother/sister/niece/(sa tu perempuan)-------perempuan)------------------- SHE Budi/father/man/Boy/guy/policeman/uncle/grandfather/brother/nephew Budi/father/man/Boy/guy/policeman/uncle/grand father/brother/nephew (satu org laki-laki) -----HE Jane and Budi/ the cats/book s/people/ all plural noun (jamak/lebih dari satu) --------------------------------THEY Jane and I / the children and I / People and I / ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WE Jane and you/ they & you; ... & you; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Kalian ---------------- You A cat/a car/an apple / one marble / an office/ A company/ a book ---------------------------------------------------------------------- IT Semua benda yang Tidak bisa dihitung (e.g., water, money, milk, dll) selalu dianggap tunggal -IT Table f. Indefinite Pronouns & Always Singular Words SUBJECT / VERB AGREEMENT AFTER CERTAIN WORDS


These words Always take singular verb (SHE / HE / IT : menyesuaikan) Everybody (person) Somebody (person) Anybody (person)  Nobody (person) Everyone (person) Someone (person) Anyone (person)  No one (person)

These words Always take plural verb Selalu THEY  Both Many others Several (PN) A variety of (PN) Various + PN A number of (PN) A total of (PN)

Everything (thing) Something (thing) Anything (thing)  None  No one  Nobody  Nothing  No + SN / No + UCTN A / An One Each + singular Noun (SN) Every + singular noun (SN) Each of PN (Plural Noun) Every of PN (Plural Noun) One of (PN) Lots of Much + Uncountable Noun (UCTN)

Few A few Those These There are There were  No + PN

Always singular words Selalu IT (Tunggal)  Information, advice, leisure, architecture, assistance, mail,  blame, luggage,  baggage, clothing, recreation, news, courage, enjoyment, traffic, evidence, furniture fame, pride,  prestige, trouble, music, relaxation, research, reliability, sadness, safety,


scenery, significance, software, wealth, wisdom, etc.

Another + singular CTN An amount of (UCTN) A little / Little (UCTN)

*Dalam sebuah kalimat, Jika 2 kata benda (subject) di hubungkan dengan OR / NOR, maka Kata  benda/ subjek yang terletak paling dekat dengan dengan posisi PRDIKAT PRDIKAT (Verb) – lah yang dihitung sebagai Subject tersebut. e.g. (+) J ohn or kalimat my sisters are in the living li ving room now. (?) Is John or my sisters in the living room now? Exercise Pronoun. Please write down the Word Phrase

1. Cats and horses 2. Jack and I 3. You and Dave 4. Cheese 5. Marrying you 6. Children 7. A Bicycle 8. Sugar 9. To watch a movie 10. One of the boys 11. Each of the birds 12. Few monkeys 13. Every student 14. A number of cats 15. The cheapest car

pronoun of these following words or phrases.

Pronoun They 

Word / Phrase


16. A ladybug 17. An amount of sand 18. mice 19. My sadness 20. A spectacular show 21. Shopping in Alfamart 22. Our Father 23. The dogs’ cage 24. None of the women 25. Consuming sugar 26. Both Paula & Rufina 27. Our economic growth 28. My marriage status 29. To learn English 30. None of boyfriends

e.g., One of our female f emale teachers has been teaching in this School for f or more than 30 years. S must Agree with its V a. A good student  b. Beautiful girls 3. Noun Phrase (Kelompok kata benda) can function as a subject or an Object) 

c. A Washing machine d. A fried chicken

  A good student reads module

regularly.   Beautiful girls were coming to  party.   A washing machine needs to be fixed.   A fried chicken is yummy.

Singing, Reading, 4. Gerund  A verb which functions as a  Noun.(Verb1+ing)  Pronounnya = IT IT (tunggal)


swimming, loving, Leaving, etc.

 Swimming is my hobby.  Loving you requires a lot of

money, so  Leaving you is the best solution.  Learning English needs a lot of efforts.  Doing regular practices makes  perfect.


To + Verb1

5. To Infinitive  A noun infinitive which which is located at the beginning.

and as a Subject or a Subject Complement

 Pronounnya = IT IT (tunggal)

Noun Clause   Noun

6. Clause  A unit of grammatical organization next below the  sentence in rank, traditionally it consists of a Subject and a predicate. predicate.

 Adj. Clause using

subject- relative  pronoun.  That clause

 To swim in Sungai Kapuas may be

dangerous.  To make mistakes is human.  My main goal is to graduate this year.

• •

pr esident said makes  What our president

Someone who has a lot of friends  sense.

is lucky.  Whoever comes to my house must eat.  That Corona Virus is so dangerous makes a global panic.

Table b. b. Predicate Makers (Kinds of Verbs)

(1) To Be, (2) Auxiliary Verb (kata kerja bantu), (3) Linking Verb, (4) Action Verb/ Verb Word, (5) Modal (s)

Predicate Makers

Structure Patterns

Subject + To be + adjective Subject + to be + noun Subject + to be + V-ing (Sedang) Is / am / are Was / were Subject + to be + V 3 (passive) Subject + to be + OP (obj of  prep.) 2.Auxiliary Verb  *Present Tense (S + Verb1) (she/He/it—V1 +-s/-es) Do / Does / Did Have /Has / Had Auxiliary: She/He/it -- Does  I /You/They/We – Do 1. To Be

*Past (S + Verb2) all Sub. – DID

Sentence Examples

  She is beautiful.  Jane was a teacher 2 years ago  We are taking online classes.  Shane was elected a president.  Now,   he is in White House House !.

• • • • •

 (+) Jane eats an apple everyday.

(-)She does not eat an apple. (?) Does she eat an apple?  (+) Jane ate an apple.

(-) Jane did not eat an apple.

(?)Did Jane eat an apple?  (+) She has eaten five apples. (+)We have eaten five apples. (?) Had you eaten five apples?

*Present Perfect Tense She/He/It + has + V3  I/you/They/We + have + V3 *Past Perfect Tense All Sub. + had + V3



3. Linking Verb Always LV:

A verb that links (connects) the subject of the sentence to information about the subject.

 Ugh! Your voice sounds awful.

 Well, I can be your date.

 She looked so pretty last night. ni ght.

(is/am/are/was/were)  (has /have/ had, S + LV + Information about the has/have/had subject   (e.g., adjective, noun or +been), complement). 

 Anna proves me wrong.

 Susi and Sue now become 


e.g. appear, become, feel, grow,  Be, being, been been 

look, remain, seem, smell, sound, stay, taste, turn, prove.

 The flower smells so fragrant.  UPT Bahasa May be open next

• •


Plus Verb Phrases: Can be, could be, may be, should be, etc.

4. Action Verb / Verb Word

A verb that describes an action. e.g., run, jump, eat, cry, walk, smile, think, kick, swim, etc.  penggunaannya menyesuaikan ( penggunaannya

Masha cleans her house every morning, but yesterday she woke up late and rushed to school, so she did not clean her house until she came back from school.

dengan Tenses & bentuk  structure)

5. Modals

* Modal + Verb1(Murni Tanpa -s)

Will / would/ can Could / must /shall/should / may/ might. Ought to

* Modal + be + Verb1 -ing * Modal + be + adjective * Modal + be + Noun * Modal + be + Object of Prep. * Modal + be + Verb3 

 Our govt will cancel National


 She must be sleeping now.  We must be aware of the Virus

• •

spread.  This might be love !   He must be in love.   Homeless ought to be provided  shelters.

• •

Modal Exercise. Each of the

following sentences co contains ntains a verb formed with a modal. Underline the verb. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or  __ 1. You should try try to respond politely. politely.  __ 2. Everyone must must leaves the rooms immediately.  __ 3. I could sat sat on the beach for ho hours. urs.  __ 4. He may lie to you because he is not very truthful.  __ 5. This course will satisfy satisfy the graduation requirement. requirement. Table c. Properties of Pronoun and their respective verbs   n   o   s   r   e    P   r   a    l   u   g   n    i    S

   l   a   r   u    l    P


Subject Pronoun (Who) I (Saya) You (Kamu) She (Dia, F) He (Dia, M) It (B’nda/b’tng

Pres Am Are Is Is Is

Past Was Were Was Was Was

We(K’mi/k’ta) You (Kalian) They (Mereka)

Are Are Are

Were Were Were

To Be

Auxiliary Verb: (aux) Have Pre. Past Pre. Past Do Did Have Had Do Did Have Had Does Did Has Had Does Did Has Had Does Did Has Had Plural ( lebih dari 1) Do Do Do

Did Did Did

Have Have Have

Had Had Had

Ob.Pron (whom)

Poss.Adj (Whose)

Poss. Pron

Me You Her Him It

My Your Her His Its

Mine Yours Hers His Its

Us You Them

Our Your Their

Ours Yours Their Theirss


 Study the following paragraph paragraph and find the usage of pronouns pronouns properties. properties.

singer-songwriter. She is known for Taylor Alison Swift is an American singer-songwriter. narrative songs about her personal life. Her songs always have received widespread media coverage, and both teenagers and adults are so crazy about them, due to their crazy lyrics. At age 14, she became the youngest artist signed by the Sony/ATV Music publishing house and, at age 15, she signed her first record deal that made her a famous singer. A. SENTENCE WITH ONE CLAUSE _________ One Subject + One Predicate _____ Predicate _____  Skill 1. BE SURE THE SENTENCE SENTENCE HAS A SUBJECT SUBJECT AND A VERB VERB

The most common types of problems that you will encounter in the Structure section of the TOEFL test have to do with subjects and verbs:  perhaps the sentence is mi missing ssing either the subject or the verb or both, or  perhaps the sentence sentence has aann extra subje subject ct or verb. Exercise 1.a Now let’s look at some simple sentences and underline the subjects once and the

verbs twice in each of these following sentences. Do these following steps: a. Decide the subject  of  of the sentence, and determine whether it is  singular or plural.  b. Find the verb of the sentence; does it suit the subject?

c. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I) (I ) is

0. My best friend always helpful with problems.  ___ 1. The bus schedule schedule have have changed ssince ince last we week ek  ___ 2. Accidentally Accidentally dropped the glass glass on the floor.  ___ 3. The customer customer paying the cle clerk rk for the clothes clothes..  ___ 4. The professor professor handed the ssyllabus yllabus to the sstudents. tudents.  ___ 5. That man the one one who painte paintedd our house las lastt summer.  ___ 6. Each of my friends fr iends are looking for a part-time employment in Transmart Mall.  I


Please take a look at table c. for Properties of Pronoun on page 5, and Make sure that you correctly determine and use the Properties of Pronoun in a sentence.   !"#$%& ($)*%+ ,-)./  ,-)./ !" "# $%&'()"# *(#+&',*-#+.'(/&'0 ,01 ,01  !" 1#-.# 2-' #"''"/(3& *-#+* "4-5/

01& 6&'*-#"7 01&  6&'*-#"7 7(2&8 "#9 %-*/ :-5#+ 6&-67& 7-3& /;&%0



Exercise 1.b. Please consult consult with table c.(p.5) for the Properties of Pronoun and write down the appropriate; verb to have; possessive adjective, and possessive pronoun in each sentence. 

Example: Jane has a doll. Her doll is beautiful. The beautiful doll is hers. 1.  I ___ an umbrella. ____ umbrella is ye yellow. llow. This yyellow ellow umbrella is ___ __________ _______ . 2.  Bon and you ____ a bicycle. ____ bicycle is Polygon. That Polygon Bicycle is _______. 3.  Maria ____ two dogs. _____ dogs are Bonnie & Cipluk. So, Bonnie & Cipluk are ____. 4.  Our rich uncle ____ three kids. ____ kids are so naughty. Now they are visiting us and those naughty kids are _____ . 5.  They _____ bananas. These are _______ bananas. Yeah, the bananas are __________. 6.  Paula Ureso ______ a coffee shop. ____ shop is named ‘The King’. The coffee shop is  ____ . 7.  My hen ____ three legs. One of ___ legs is very sshort hort and dangling. The extra short, cute cute and funny leg is ____ . 8.  Betina ____ two goats. _____ goats are healthy. These healthy goats are _________ . 9.  My brothers or Roman _____ an expensive car. _____ expensive car is red. The expensive red car is ____ . 10.  Bens and I have six marbles. These are our marbles. These marbles are _________ . Exercise 1.c. Each of the following f ollowing sentences contains at least one subject or

object pronoun. Circle the pronouns. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). C 1. John and I saw Steve and Masha at the movie studio last night as we left it after watching Moana, but they did not call us.

 ____ 2. Perhaps you would like to go to the semina seminarr with they and their friends friends..  ____ 3. The mother took took her son to the doctor’s doctor’s office bec because ause he wa wass feeling sick.  ____ 4. I did not know that you and he herr were working toge together ther on the project.  ____ 5. Mary and Mark Mark invited theirs parents to see their new ap apartment. artment.  ____ 6. When my roommate roommate paid her ha half lf of the rent, I paid mine mine.. Exercise 1.d. Circle

the pronouns, object of pronouns, and possessives. Draw arrows to the nouns they refer to. Then indicate if the sentence sentencess are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

I 1. If a person really wants to succeed, they must always work hard.  ___ 2. If you see the students students from the math cclass, lass, could you return their exam exam papers to him?  ___ 3. Some friends an andd I went to see a movie, and afterwards we wrote a critique about them. them.  ___ 4. If you have a problem, you aare re welcome to ddiscuss iscuss it with me before you try to resolve them.  ___ 5. I know you had had a terrible time last last week, but you mus mustt try to forget about it.  ___ 6. Helicopters are be being ing used more and and more in eme emergency rgency situations because because of its ability to reach r each out-of-the-wa out-of-the-wayy places.



TOEFL EXERCISE 1: Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is

not correct. 1. Superman made their comic debut in 1938 in  Action Comics. A B C D 2. Commercial letters of credit are often oft en used to finance export export trade, but them can A B C have other uses. D 3. When children experience experience too much frustration, its behavior cea ceases ses to be integrated. A B C D 4. On March 30,1981, President Reagan was shot as his was leaving a Washington hotel. A B C D 5. Although the destruction that it causes is often terrible, cyclones benefit a A B much wider belt than they devastate. C D 6. President Andrew Jackson had an official cabinet, but him preferred the advice of his A B C D informal advisors, the Kitchen Cabinet. 7. After Clarence Á Day’s book Life with Father  was rewritten as a play, they B C ran for sixDyears on Broadway. 8. Almost half of the t he Pilgrims did not survive theirs first winter in the New World. À B C D 9. There was no indication from the Senate that he would agree with the decision made A B C D in the House. 10. A baby learns the meanings of words as they are spoken by others and later uses him A B C D in sentences.  Skill 2: BE CAREFUL CAREFUL OF EXTRA INFORMATION: INFORMATION: OBJECT OF PREPOSITION PREPOSITION &  APPOSITIVE a. Object of Preposition

An object of a preposition is a noun or a pronoun that comes after a preposition. OP = Preposition + Noun, where an OP a subject.  Near, inside, throughout, concerning, regarding, regarding, by, , in, at, of, to, by, behind, on, under,

 between, beside, beside, in front of, by, up up,, about, after, from, for, during, during, including, around, around, as, out, into, onto, over, before, upon, beyond, within, with, without, against, down, according to, relate to, in accordance with with,, with regard to, with respect to, because of, …

around the many riders  was speeding V OP    curve.  TheScar   with OP  8


The first thing you need to do is to find the subject of the sentence, a subject should be independent/free independen t/free (no preposition that comes before the subject). The subject of the first sentence is “The car” while many riders is the object of preposition with, and the curve is the object of preposition around . The windows of that house need to be repaired soon. S



While, In the second sentence, “The windows” is the subject of the sentence, and that house is the object of preposition of . Briefly, one noun cannot be both a subject and an object at the same time. Exercise skill.2.a. Please

determine the subject (S), predicate (P), and Object of Preposition (OP) of each sentence. Indicate if each sentence is correct (C) or incorrect (I).

 ___ 1. To Mr. Jose M Mujica ujica his Blue VW Be Beetle etle a symbo symboll of his humble lifestyle.  ___ 2. The leader leader wanted to offered $1m $1m for the humble humble car.  ___ 3. Laundry Laundry outside the house are strung next next to Mr. Mujica’s small ga garden. rden.  ___ 4. The water comes comes from a well in a yard, overgrow overgrownn with weeds.  ___ 5. In his house house only two police of officers ficers and a dog ke keeps eps watch outside. outside. *Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the t he sentence.

6. One of the many cultures studied by anthropologists__ Indians. A. are the Kwakiutl B. the Kwakiutl C. is the Kwakiutl D. Kwakiutl 7. This group of Indians __ in the Canadian Coast. A.  living B. C.   Lives Live D.  is live *Please Choose the letter of the t he underlined word or group of words that is not correct.

8. No one of all of the singers in town ggive ive finer lessons. A B C D 9. The former former President of Uruguay dubbed ‘the world’s poorest president. president. A B C D 10. Mr. Mujica donate a huge chunk of his salary salary to charity while maintaini maintaining ng a small portion portio n A B  just enough to live by. by. C




b. Agreement After a Prepositional Phrase.

A prepositional phrase is a group of words consisting of a preposition, its object, and any words that modify the object. ... The object can be a noun, a gerund (a verb form ending in “-ing” that acts as a noun), or a clause.  clause.  The key (to the doors) are* in the drawer. Singular plural The keys (to the door) is* in the drawer. Plural singular (* indicates an error) In the first example you might think that doors is the subject because it comes directly in front of the verb are. However, doors is not the subject because it is the object of the  preposition to. The subject of the sentence is key, so the verb should be is. In the second example you might think that door is the subject because it comes directly in front fr ont of the verb is. You should recognize in this example that door is not the subject because it is the object of the preposition to. Because the subject of the sentence is keys, the verb should be are.

The following chart outlines the keyphrases information that you should understand about subject/verb agreement with prepositional phrases: : SUBJECT/VERB AGREEMENT AFTER PREPOSITIONAL PHRASES Subject (Prepositional Phrase) Verb When a prepositional phrase comes between the subject and the verb, be sure that the verb agrees with the subject. This rule is similar to the use of object of a preposition in skill 2. Exercise 2.b. Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.

 ___ 1. To Kwakiutl, one of the copp copper er pieces equal equal ccedar edar bark blank blankets. A the Kwakiutl, B a thousand C D ets.  ___ 2. The exhibit exhibit of the artist’s paintings we were re very interesting. D A B DC C  ___ 3. Some Polynesian Polynesian divers in Hawaii Hawaii descends almost forty-five feet without sspecial pecial A B C D equipment.  ___ 4. The special special effect in the movie we were re particularly original. original. A B C D  ___ 5. The girls from Sungai Sungai Jawi is arriving early early for English 101 cclass. lass. A B C D

10  10


b. Appositive (Extra Information)

An appositive is a noun that comes before or after another noun and noun and has the same meaning or functions as the explanation and extra information. information .  It can be in a form of a word or a  phrase and it should be in correct structure structure form. If a word or phrase phrase is an appositive, appositive, it is NOT  the subject . An appositive is generally set off from fr om the noun with: a. Commas , ___ ,  : Masha, the most beautiful girl in her village, is very naughty.  b. Parenthesis ( ___ ): Masha (the most most beautiful girl in her village village)) is very naughty. c. Hyphens –xxxx– : Masha – the most beautiful girl in her village– is very naughty. Examples: Tom, a really good mechanic, is fixing the car. S  Appositive (App) V 

A really good mechanic, Tom  is fixing the car App. S  V Tom  is fixing the car , a really good mechanic. S V App Exercise 2.3. Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.

1. ____, George, is attending the lecture. (A) Right now. (B) Happily (C) Because of the time (D) My friend 2. The tetracyclines, ____antibiotics, are used to treat infections. (A) are a family of (B) being a family (C) a family of (D) their family is *Please Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.

3. South Korea, which previously has the second biggest infectant number, have used mostly A B PCR-based testing to aggressively trace and isolate infected i nfected patients. C D 4. Thomas Jefferson, author of the Declaration of Independe Independence, nce, were educated. A B C D 5. The novel coronavirus, SARS-CoV-2, SARS-CoV-2, have been globally spread sinc sincee the end of December A B C D 2019.  Skill 3: BE CAREFUL CAREFUL OF PARTICIPIAL PARTICIPIAL ADJECTIVE: PRESENT PRESENT PARTICIPLE A present participle is the -ing form of the verb (e.g., talking, playing) which functions as adjective when it is not preceded  by a verb to be (is/am/are/was/were). Verb-ing can be either a part of the verb when it is preceded by verb to be. 

11  11



John is talking to me at the moment. He is my lab partner. Verb "  John talking to

me at the moment is my lab partner. Adj (reduced) V





In 1066, a brightS comet appearing   in adj the sky attracted much attention. Verb In this sentence appearing is an adjective and NOT a verb because it is not accompanied by verb to be (is/am/are/was/were). While the verb of this sentence is attracted. The adjective “appearing” indicates that the subject “a bright comet” has a character of an active player here (muncul ). ). ING - ING

Subject is Active (Subjek  bersifat aktif)

does the Subject action of the verb


A present is the -ing form of the verb. The present participle can be (1) part of the verb or (2) an adjective. It is part of the verb when it is accompanied by some form of the verb be. It is an adjective when it is not accompanied by some form of the verb be.

1. The boy is standing in the comer. S V 2. TheSboy standing adj in the corner was V naughty.

Exercise. 3: Circle the present participles, and label them as adjectives or verbs. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

 ___ 1. The crying baby baby needs to be picked up up..  ___ 2. For her birthday, birthday, the child is getting a talk doll.  ___ 3. The ship is sailing to Mex Mexico ico is leaving tonight. tonight.  ___ 4. The setting sun sun creating a rainbow of colors in the sky.  ___ 5. Most workers workers working at the res restaurant taurant are friendly but her. her.  Skill 4: BE CAREFUL CAREFUL OF PARTICIPIAL PARTICIPIAL ADJECTIVE: PAST PARTICIPLE. PARTICIPLE.

The past participle often ends in -ed / Verb3. It functions as an adjective, and written without  verb ‘To Be / auxiliary” (is, am, are, have, has, had).   Initial: The earth’s plates  meet each other at ccracks racks in the earth. They are called   faults. S V S V(passive) TYPE - ED ED / V3 


Subject is Passive

-ED / V3 as ADJECTIVES USE EXAMPLE Subject receives The Earth’s plates  meet each other at the action of the S V verb cracks in the earth called  faults.  faults.


12  12

The earth’s plates which are called  faults  faults meet each other at cracks in the t he earth.


Reduced: The earth’s plates called  faults  faults meet each other at cracks in the earth.




In this sentence “called” is an adjective and NOT a verb because it is not accompanied by verb ‘have’ or ‘to be’ (is/am/are/was/were). While the verb of this sentence is meet. The adjective “called” indicates that the subject “The earth’s plates” has a character of a passive object which is given an action (yang di namai namai). PAST PARTICIPLE

A past participle often ends in -ed but there are also many irregular past participle. For many verbs, including -ed verbs, the simple past and the past participle are the same and can be easily confused. The -ed form of the verb can be (1) the simple past, (2) the past  participle of a verb, or (3) (3) an adjective.  1. She painted this picture. 2. She has painted this picture. S V S V 3. The picture painted by Karen is now in a museum S adj V Exercisee .4. Past Participle Exercis

Circle the past participles, and label them as adjectives or verbs. Then indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). C 1. The food served in this restau restaurant rant is delicious.  ___ 2. The unexpected unexpected guests guests arrived just at dinnertime dinnertime..  ___ 3. The courses courses are listed in the catalogue are re required quired courses courses..  ___ 4. The tree was was blown over in the storm was cu cutt into logs.  ___ 5. The students students registered in this course course are listed listed on that sheet ooff paper.  ___ 6. Some Covid-19 Covid-19 rapid test kits we were re imported from China have have poor accuracy accuracy rate. Participial Adjective Exercise Skills. 3 - 4.

Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the following foll owing sentences. sentences. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). damaging  people. (Orang yang bersifat merusak) C 1. do not want be friend  ___ 2. IThe news wastodamage damaged d towith his reputation.  ___ 3. Some people people find documentary films are boring.  ___ 4. The students students were annoying by the boring lecture.  ___ 5. It seems that that the online courses giving by most most lecturers are online aassignments ssignments..  ___ 6. The ladies living living in the apartment ne next xt to my patio is planning planning to look for another another job.  ___ 7. My nephews nephews were amus amusing ing by the clown.  ___ 8. It’ s so frustrated to join an online class class when your internet internet connection does not work well.  ___ 9. I think her new new idea is absolute absolutely ly fascinating.  ___10. The film was so depressed! depressed! There was no hhappy appy ending for any of of the characters. characters.

13  13



S + P Connector S + V or Connector S + P, S + P She will


sign the check before  you you go V Con S V

John loves wild animals, but  his sister dislikes them. S V Con S V Many sentences in English have more than one clause. (A clause is a group of words containing a subject and a verb.)   Whenever you find a sentence on the TOEFL test with more than one clause, you

need to make sure that every subject has a verb and every verb has a subject.    Next you need need to check that the va various rious clauses in the senten sentence ce are correctly joined. joined. There are various ways to join clauses in English.


When you have two clauses in an English sentence, you must connect the two clauses correctly. One way to connect two clauses is to use Conjunction Connectors: FANBOYS

clauses. s. (For , And, Nor , But, Or , Yet, So) between the clause Tom is tall , but Paul is short.

Tom must write the letter, or  Paul will d o it.




Clause(s) Tom told a joke, so Paul laughed.

Tom is tired, yet he is not going to sleep.

In each of these examples, there are two clauses that are correctly joined with a coordinate conjunction and, but, or, so, or yet, and a comma (,). Coordinate Conjunction only can be  placed in the middle between between clauses. clauses. EXERCISE 5: Each of

the following sentences contains more than one clause. Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice. Circle the connectors. Then indicate if the sentences sentences are correct ‘(C) or incorrect (I).  ___ 1. The lawn needs needs water eve every ry day, or it will turn brown brown..  ___ 2. The book was not long, it di difficult fficult to read.  ___ 3. It was raining, so decided not not to go camping.  ___ 4. The material material has been cut, and and the piece piecess have bee beenn sewn together.  ___ 5. The patient took all the medicine, medicine, he did not feel much better.

14  14



An adverbial clause is a dependent clause that ffunctions unctions as an adverb. That is, the entire clause modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. As with all clauses, it contains a subject and predicate, though the subject as well as the (predicate) verb may sometimes be omitted and implied. There are some type typess of Adverbial clause as as listed in this following table. 6.A. USE ADVERBIAL CLAUSE OF TIME CONNECTORS CORRECTLY Types of Clause


Time (to answer the question When) Show how ideas are related in time. 

After, before, as, as long as, once, as soon as,  just as, whenever, whenever, by the time, when when,, while, Until, till, since, every time, …

Examples: I took a long vacation after we broke up. Main Clause time clause As soon as you trust yourself, yourself,

Time clause

you will kknow now how to live. Main clause

Read each question question and answer answer choice carefully carefully and choose the ONE bes bestt Exercise 6.a.  Read answer

1. I always take a bath ____ go to bed. (A) after (B) I as (C) before (D) before I

4. Do not disturb me __ I am busy with my work. (A) after (B) before (C) when (D) until

2. Will you wait here ____ ready? (A) before I (B) until (C) until I am (D) until I

5. As soon as she finished that project, __ working on the next. (A) started (B) she started (C) after that she started

3. I was not at home when __ to see me. (A) he came (B) he (C) came (D) after he came

(D) once she started 6. Whenever __ of this global pandemic, my eyes get misty. (A) I (B) I think (C) think (D) every time I think 


15  15


6.B. USE ADVERBIAL CLAUSE OF CAUSE & REASON CONNECTORS CORRECTLY Cause & Reason ( to answer the question why )  (Show that one idea is a cause, effect or consequence of another)



as, because, since, now that, for, so, inasmuch as

Because the study sample is small, additional research r esearch is needed needed..

Teresa went inside because it was raining   Exercise 6.b. Please Exercise 6.b.  Please Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.

1. As it raining again we will have to canc cancel el going ttoo Pasir Panjang Panjang beach beach . A B C D 2. Aming had not paid paid the bbill, ill, the electricity electricity was cut off. A B C D 3. Since we have to study from home due to Covid-19, get a long three-month-b three-month-break reak from A B C studying on campus D 4. As don’t live in London anymore, I can’t see see Tower Bridge from small bedroom window window.. A C second month, the White House has D issued 5. The epidemic since has beenB entering the A B C specific social distancing guidance. C 6.C. USE ADVERBIAL CLAUSE OF PLACE CONNECTORS CORRECTLY Place 


(to answer the question Where) Where, wherever, everywhere, anywhere Examples: Wherever I go, I always see McDonald’s. I am not sure where she lives. The government will track COVIC-19 infected people wherever they go. choice carefully carefully and choose the ONE best Exercise 6.c.  Read each question and answer choice answer

1. The beach __ a small villa two years ago is Pantai Kura-Kura. (A). family built (B). my family built (C). where my family (D). where my family built

16  16

2. Pulau Padar, Labuan Bajo,___ Bajo,___ destinations where tourists can do  photo-shooting , snorkelling and diving. (A) the only oceanic (B) to be the only oceanic (C) is one of the best oceanic (D) one of the t he best oceanic


3. Windsor Castle is a royal residence where __ Easter along with other members of her family. (A) the Royal Family usually celeb celebrate rate (B) the Royal Family usually (C) usually the Royal Family (D) the Royal Family 4. During this global pandemic the there re will  be a social distancing distancing banner ___ , and you need to obey it. (A) where (B) whenever you go (C) wherever you (D) wherever you go

5. Hundreds of people come come to Wisma Atlet Jakarta to have a rapid test t est for COVID-19 __ treated and observed. (A) where patients positive COVID-19 (B) patients positive COVID-19 are (C) patients positive COVID-19 (D) where patients positive COVID-19 Are 6. People are gathering in a market close to my house where some traders ____. (A) sell fresh f resh and organic vegetables (B) fresh and organic vegetables (C) they sell fresh and organic vegetables (D) sell fresh and organic vegetable

*Please Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.

7. He later established a private paediatric paediatric practice, taught at medical schoo schooll and volunteered B at a hospital where comfortedAparents of dying children. C D 8. Known for its exceptional beauty, moderate climate, adventure activities New Zealand is A B one of dream countries I plan to live after my retirement. C D 6.D. USE ADVERBIAL ADVERBIAL CLAUSE OF CONTRAST/CONCESSION CONNECTORS CORRECTLY Contrast / Concession



Although, Even though, Though, While, Whereas,  Nevertheless,, Nonetheless, However.  Nevertheless However. Although the tests were done in a Wuhan lab, the findings fi ndings should be applicable to the real world. Pak Saloy speaks French and Arabic fluently whereas his wife is not good at languages at all.

Exercise 6.d. * Please Choose Exercise Choose the letter of the underline underlined d word or group group of words that that is not correct.

1. The parents parents left a pho phone ne numbe numberr with the baby baby-sitter -sitter in ca case se a problem with the children. children. A B C D 2. The director is ready to start the meeting not all of his staff members is in the room. room. A B C D 3. Whereas most of the students ready to study, the teacher still stil l has not come to campus yet. A B C D 4. It is impossible for the airplane to take off while is snowin snowingg so hard. A B C D 5. We did not go out to dinner tonight even though would have preferred not to cook. A B C D 17  17


*Read each question and answer choice carefully and choose the ONE best answer

6. While in reality Alpha Centauri is a triple star,___ to the naked eye to be a single star. (A) it appears (B) but it appears (C) appears (D) despite it 7. ____creation of such a community was a desirable step, the requisite r equisite political upheaval had to be accepted. (A) Since the (B) The (C) Later, the (D) It was the 8. Although thunder and lightning are produced at the same time, light waves travel faster  _____, so we see see the lightening befo before re we hear the thu thunder. nder. (A) than sound waves do (B) do sound waves (C) than sound waves are (D) sound waves 9 . (A) Some snakes lay eggs, but others _____ birth to live offspring. give (B) giving (C) they give (D) to have given 10. While responding to the protests most guard members__, and it was largely impossible to maintain any social distancing. (A) not wearing masks (B) was not wearing masks (C) they they were nnot ot wearing weari ng masks (D) were not wearing masks



It shows that something will occur if certain If, In case, Unless, Providing / Provided, Provided that, whatever, whether conditions are met. Example: You will get a high TOEFL score provided you study hard. Unless you practice frequently, you will fail

the exam.

I will cook for dinner if  you  you are home this evening. Please don’t hesitate to call me in case you have a problem with the machine.

18  18



Exercise 6.e. Part 1. Please 1.  Please Choose Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.

1. Cold air hovers near the earth earth becaus becausee is hea heavier vier than hot aair. ir. A B C D 2. Now that Masha finally caught up on her work, can go on vacation and visit her cousin. A B C D 3. Because our TV set set is broken, cannot watch the breaking news on COVID-19 update, so A B C we then listen to the news on the radio. D 4. Many young people move to the cities in search of employment since there few jobs A B C available in their kampongs. D 5. Ahmad can propose Amina for a marri marriage age as soon he graduates and gets a settled job. A B C D *Read each question and answer choice carefully and choose the ONE best answer!

6. If it rains, __ to swim in the beach. (A) we going (B) we will not (C) will (D) we will not not go go  7. Masha will come to yo your ur ___ you invite her. (A) if birthday party (B) to birthday party (C) birthday party if (D) birthday party 8. You will never pass this test unless __ hard and practice frequently. (A) you study (B) to study

9. We cannot travel abroad __ . (A) unless if this global pandemic ends (B) If this global pandemic ends (C) unless (D) this global this global pandemic pandemic ends ends 10. We will have plenty to eat during this city lockdown lockdown due to COVID-19  pandemic___ sacks of rice, five boxes of of  Indomie and three kilo grams of dried dr ied fish. (A) that we buy ten sacks of rice, (B) we buy ten sacks of rice, (C) provided that we buy ten (D) provided that we

(C) youto study (D) ifyou study





Connectors :

As though; As if; As; In that; like

Examples: Seolah-olah & seperti  as though she was in pain. ( yakin  yakin memang itu yang terjadi/dilakukannya terjadi/dilakukannya a. She  b. Ichalooked walked past as if  she  she hadn’t seen us. (guessing/tak yakin benar/tidak begitu) ) c. She treated me like I was a child. ( seperti  seperti) d. Our government first responded r esponded to Covid 19 as if  it  it would not spread to our country. Exercise 6.f. Place the appropriate connector word word in the gap using the wo words rds provided in the box.

as, in that, as though, as if, like 

1. During my vacation I spent my money as if    I was a millionaire. millionaire. 2. The secretary typed the letter _____________ it was requested by the manager. 3. a lot of you may do ___________ you are the owner of this globe. 4. When We doyou not have like when shemoney, treats us _______________ her slaves. 5. The salesman behaved ___________________ he owned the company. 6. The plastic flowers looked ___________they were were real. I had to touch them just to be sure. 7. You need to do ____________ she says and stop arguing with her, or she will cut you off. 8. We watched in amazement when the strong man carried the heavy box _____________ it was empty. 9. Why do you look at me _____________________ I was someone else? 10. Jakarta coronavirus death toll increases _______________ cases spike. 6 .G. USE ADVERBIAL ADVERBIAL CLAUSE OF DEGREE DEGREE of COMPARISON COMPARISON CONNECTORS CORRECTLY. (This topic will be discussed further in Skill #19) Degree of Comparison


Answer the question How much, how little, how many.  Correlative comparison:

Examples: a. I love her very much as you do.  b. Masha is as intelligent  as she is beautiful. ( as adjective / adverb as) c. During this lockdown I am so bored as you (are). d. Nobody loves you better than I do.


As, As … as So… as Than The … the



e. She is older than f. The older  you  you grow the wiser  you  you become. *In adverb clauses of degree or comparison, the verb is often understood and not expressed. It is obvious that Dini is i s more beautiful than Sue (is). Exercise 6.g. Read 6.g. Read each question and answer choice choice carefully and choose the ONE best answer.

1. New York State has more COVID-19 cases ___ in that country. (A) any states (B) than any states (C) any states than (D) instead than any states 2. I think Queen Elizabeth II ___ looks. (A) is older than t han she (B) she is older than (C) older than she (D) older than she is

3. You will regret what you did to me since  ___ than I do. (A) no one loves (B) no one loves you (C) no one loves you best (D) no one loves you better 4. Masha, the most famous girl in her village, is ___ is active. active. (A) as naughty she (B) as naughty as she (C) naughty as she

(D) she as naughty as 5. The bigger your salary is, __ you spend on things you sometimes do not really need. (A) more bigger (B) the more (C) the most (D) more

*Please Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.

6. I always co come me home from Campus early than my brother does. health benefits, mood, libido, and sexual 7. Saffron has been A linked to B C such as improved D A B function, as well reduced PMS symptoms and enhanced weight loss. C D 8. As many 36 prisoners in Iran are feared dead after security forces used lethal force to A B C control protests triggered by fears of Covid-19. D 9. Life is a journey, the more mistakes we make, than more we learn. A B C D 10. The number of Coronavirus victims in Italy is not as many it in the US. A B C D



  Notes to remember: Subordinators and coordinators connect clauses within a single sentence. •  A connector is always followed by One subject and One predicate ( # CSV). •  Subordinators join two clauses and de-emphasize the clause they are attached to. •  Coordinators (e.g., but, yet) : Join two independent clauses and give equal emphasis • 

to the idea they t hey join. A comma should be placed before the coordinator. The study’s design has some flaw, but the results are promising EXERCISE. skills 5-6 : Underline the subjects once and the verbs twice in each of the

following sentences. Circle the connectors. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).  ___ 1. Until the registrar makes makes a decision decision about your sta status, tus, you must stay stay in an unclassified category.  ___ 2. Or the bills can be be paid by ma mail il by the first of the mon month. th.  ___ 3. The parents left a phone numbe numberr with the bab baby-sitter y-sitter in case a problem problem with the children.  ___ 4. The furniture will be be delivered as so soon on it is paid for.  ___ 5. Whenever Whenever you want to hold the meeting, we will will schedule it.  ___ 6. The government government was overthrown in a revolution, the king has not returned to his homeland.  ___ 7. Whereas most of the documents documents are comple complete, te, this form still needs to be notarized.  ___ 8. Trash will be collected collected in the morning, morning, so you should should put the trash ca cans ns out tonight.  ___ 9. It is impossible impossible for the airplane to take off while is sno snowing wing so hard.  ___ 10. We did not go go out to dinner tonight tonight even though though I would have ppreferred referred not to coo cook. k.  SKILL 7: USE NOUN CLAUSE CLAUSE CONNECTORS CONNECTORS CORRECTLY CORRECTLY A noun clause  is

a dependent clause that functions as a noun.

Because is a noun, it is used inora the sentence as of either an objectthe of anoun verb,clause an object of a preposition, subject the sentence. Noun clauses often begin with relative pronouns, subordinating conjunctions, or other words. The introductory word generally has a grammatical function in the sentence.   Relative pronouns: that, which, who, whom, whose, what Indefinite relative pronouns: whoever, whomever, whatever, whichever, whether, if Subordinating conjunctions: conjunctions: how, if, when, whenever, where, whether, why

How to identify a Noun Clause in a sentence: -   NC Pattern: Introductor  Introductoryy word/ WH-word WH-word + S + V -  It Contains a subject and a verb.



  -   NC is a Dependent Dependent clause, and It func functions tions as a no noun un (S/O/OP) -  It begins with words (e.g., what, when, that, …) as listed in this following table. Table d. Noun clause introductory words and Use Intrd.Words Examples What you did last summer was terrible. (NC as a subject   )) What

Whatever How

You can buy whatever you need. (NC as a direct Object ) How the waitress behaved was very polite. (NC as a subject)


We all asked when you will get married. (NC as a direct Object)


I know where you went on your last last vacation.(NC aass an Obje Object ct of Verb) We don’t know whether (or not) this pandemic ends in July.(NC as dirt.O)


Which car is yours is not important, I


need a ride soon! (NC as a Subject)

You may sleep in whichever bed you like. (NC as an OP)


It is who we are. (NC as a Subject complement)

Who Whoever

I will tell whoever will listen to my love story.(C/S, NC as an indrect.Obj)

Whomever Why

OP) My love life is a business between you and with whomever I’m. (NC— OP That is why most kids adore Barbie. ( NC as a Subject complement)

I didn’t realize that the directions were wrong ( NC as an Object)


The fact that we were late to class really upset the teacher. (NC as a Subj.)

The fact that

   Lots of these words words are flexible. flexible. They do different things in different sentences. sentences. Connector / Subjec Subjectt (In this case a connector also functions as a    Noun Clause Connector  subject). Wh-word + Verb a. I know what  is in your mind. (*What  functions  functions as a connector and a subject in

• •

the same time.)

 b. Whoever comes to my party must bring a gift. c. We


know who stole our cats. S/C

Exercise 7.1. Instruction: Please identify identify each noun clause. Is it used as a subject, a direct

object, an indirect object, a subject complement, or an object of a preposition?

You know that the telephone uses electricity. S V NC / O (direct object) 1.  Basically, this is how a telephone operates. 2.  What you said on the phone to my parents creates chaos. 3.  An electric current carries the sound to whoever is listening. 4.  You can talk to whomever you like and say whatever you think. 5.  Campaign workers use whatever helps them to win the election. 23


  Exercise 7.2. Please 7.2. Please Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.

1. I know what it happened yesterday in front of UPT Bahasa Untan between the girl and you. A B C D 2. She is prepared for what that will happen with her household after she ccaught aught her husband A B C red-handed cheatingDon her with their maid. 3. We finally found out which what are her favorite things, and we know what to buy A B C for her birthday. D 4. Jane saw what in the box inside my closet, a doll, which I have prepared for her B-day gift. A B C D 5. I knew who she came to my room last night, and I could not recognize her, a woman A B with apparently long hair, since it was so dark C D *Read each question and answer choice carefully and choose the ONE best answer.

6. She had an accident and took her car to the garage. Her husband then asked her where ___. (A) is her car (B) her car was (C) her car is (D) was her car 7. The old lady next door must have a lot of cats. I don’t know how many __ . (A) cats does she have (B) does she has cats (C) she (D) catshas shecats has 8. Do you know ___ from the earth? (A) how far the moon is (B) how far is the moon (C) how the moon is far f ar (D) how long far is the moon 9. Masha is playing her music too loud, so Piggy cannot concentrate on what  ___ . (A). is he reading. r eading. (B) he is reading. (C) reading he is (D)


10. __ is long holiday after passing your exam. (A) you need (B) why you needed (C) it is needed (D) what you need 11. I didn’t understand __ (A) why he did it (B) why he does it (C) he did it (D) why does he do it 12. Upik didn’t want to go to the car show. Her husband insisted that __ with him. (A) she had come (B) she came (C) she come (D) she comes 13.___ made me angry most was that our government did not bother to t o do lockdown our airport for China airplane once the China Coronavirus broke out. (A) It (B) Which (C)The fact (D) What


  14.__ he learned English in one year was a great success. (A) What (B) Who (C) Which (D) That

15. The fact that a dozen detainees in Indonesia ___ due to the Corona  pandemic worried members members of the community. A. released from prison B. were released from prison C. they released from prison D. they were released from prison


An adjective clause is a dependent clause that describes or modifies a noun or a pronoun  providing a description or further information. It does does not change the basic meaning meaning of a sentence but rather clarify the writer’s intent. Initial Clauses: Masha is filling the glass. She put the glass on the table. O "  Masha is filling the glass that she put on the table. Adjective Claus Initial Clauses: The man asked me to be his wife. I met him last night. " 

The man whom I met last night asked me to be his wife.

In the first example, Masha is the subject of the verb is filling. While she is the subject of the verb ‘put’. That is the adjective clause connector connector that joins these two clauses clauses,, and the adjective clause that she put on the table describes the noun glass. The initial sentences for the first sentence are: *Essential (restrictive) adjective Clauses

A restrictive adjective clause provides information that is necessary for identifying the word it modifies. I don’t like the children who eat ice cream with their hands. The person whom I called last night is my mother. * Non-essential  (non-restrictive)  (non-restrictive) adjective clause It gives extra or additional  description   description that is not strictly required to understand the writer’s intent. Example: Bang Lapok, who was the oldest member of our gang, finally finall y got married yesterday. The adjective clause gives extra information, but it isn’t necessary to get the gist of the sentence about Bang Lapok getting married, if you remember skill #2, it has a similar pattern as an Appositive set in the middle by commas (,). The house on the left, which belongs to Jamila, is up for sale.



  (Which belongs to Jamila is a nonessential adjective clause. It contains the subject which and the verb belongs. The clause modifies the noun house, providing additional, nonessential information about it.) Table e. Adjective Clause Relative words & Patterns to remember !   Structure Relative Examples Function Pattern Words Who  (Relative  Pronoun)


Yang , Kata ganti orang

untuk Subjek . (she/he/they …)

Kata ganti orang Untuk Objek   (her/him/them…) Whose Yang … -nya,  (Relative Kata ganti untuk  Pronoun) kepunyaan  ( her/his/its/their,…) her/his/its/their,…) That Yang, (Relative Kata ganti  Pronoun) orang/benda untuk  Subjek/Objek  

(Relative  Pronoun)

Where (relative  Adverb)

" Jane who has

2 babies is my sister adj. clause


(Relative  Pronoun)


Who + verb 

Yang mana (spesifik) Kata

ganti benda Untuk Objek / subjek  

Whom+ S+P 

Jane is a singer. Her voice is hoarse. Whose + Noun  "  Jane whose  voice is hoarse is a singer The house stands firmly. It is built on that + verb  Or  That + S + P 

which + verb  Or  which + S + P 

Kata ganti untuk where + S + P 

(there / here)

When (Relative adverb)

Why (Relative adverb)

Waktu/ ketika   Adding detail about the noun &  pronoun, using adverb of time)

(mengapa) The clause modifies the noun reason.

Jane is a singer. I like her  Jane whom I like is a singer.

adj. clause



Jane is my sister. she has 2 babies

When + S + P 

the cliff. " The

house that is built on the cliff stands firmly.

A white house, which is built on the cliff, belongs to Jo. ( Non-restrictive  Non-restrictive) A house which Jo bought last year is  built on the cliff. (a) Waikiki is next to DH. (2) I always spend my free time in Waikiki / there. "  The Waikiki beach where I

always spend my free time is next to Diamond Head.

The baby woke up when  her mom turned on the lamp. I can remember when  you proposed me for a marriage. (a) I want to buy Urus SUV Lambo. (b) The reason is you.

Why + S + P "  The

reason why I   I want  to  to buy Urus SUV Lamborghini is you.



   Note: Things to remember remember about An adjective adjective clause: clause:   It is positioned directly after the noun or pronoun that it describes.   It is dependent or subordinate clause clause that contains a subject  and a verb or verb phrase   but does not express a complete though t.   It cannot stand alone as a sentence.   An adjective clause begin with words such as , who, whom, whose, that, which, which,

and why, when, where.  where.  Connector/Subject    Adjective Clause Connector/Subject Some Adjective Clause’ relative words can act as a Connector or a Subject in the same sam e time.(C/S), if the pattern is Wh-word + Verb


Initial Sentences: Sentences:

The notebook  has  has four sections. It is on the table.

Adjective clause:

S S The notebook which is on the table has four sections.

In this sentence notebook  is  is the subject of the verb has, and which is the subject of the verb is. Which is also the connector  that  that joins the two clauses. Initial Sentences: Sentences:

The boy is a

travel agent. He is checking some tickets.

Adjective clause:

The boy who is checking some tickets is a travel agent.

Exercise 8.1 (Skills 8): Circle the connectors. Put boxes around the clauses. Then, indicate if

the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I).

 ____ 1. No one explained explained to me whe whenn was coming coming to my house.  ____ 2. The part part of the structure that ha hass already been been built needs to be torn down.  ____ 3. The girl who she just joined the Softball team is a grea greatt shortstop.  ____ 4. I was shopping shopping when I cau caught ght Bob red-ha red-handed nded chea cheating ting on me.  ____ 5. Café Alibaba Alibaba is the place w where here I first met him there. Exercise 8.2. Please 8.2. Please Choose the letter of the underlined word or group of words that is not correct.

1. I don’t know a girl in pink gown gown who you invited to our wedding party last last night, A B C can you give me an explanation? D 2. The gardener’s wife who she has been married for six years has just had her third baby last A B C D night. 3. The man whom daughter you fall in love with teaches at our university, universit y, and he is strict A B C and demanding. D



  4. Implanting Microchips Microchi ps in humans has gained some popularity in Sweden who already has A B C a robust digital society. D 5. The newspapers who were piled up on the front porch were an indication that the residents A B C had not been home in some time. D  Exercise 8.3.Re 8.3.Read ad each question question and answer choice ccarefully arefully and choose the ONE best best answer.  

1. I didn't know __, and I was too confused to decide. (A) which job I (B) job I wanted (C) which job that I (D) which job I wanted 2. Dini whom Sue __ is the smartest student in her class. (A) that t hat she bullies everyday (B) she bullies bulli es everyday (C) that bullies everyday (D) bullies everyday 3. Due to Coronavirus pandemic students  ___ have online class. class. (A) who enrol TUTEP Training will (B) who they enrol TUTEP Training will (C) whom enrol TUTEP Training will (D) whose enrol TUTEP Training will 4. I visited my granny __ lives in a ddifferent ifferent city. (A) who (B) which (C) when (D) which 5. The movie … we saw last night in Mega Mall XXI won three t hree awards. (A) who (B) when (C) which (D) where


6. Do you know the reason ___ there are no  penguins at the North Pole? (A) where (B) why (C) whose (D) what 7. The students__ names are not on the live presence list list will be considered absent. absent. (A) whose (B) where (C) that (D) why 8. Most of people __ I know will be invited to my wedding party, but you! (A) who (B) what (C) whom (D) where 9. Can you find the girl __ you talked to last night? Hmm..I think I like li ke her !  (A) who (B) what (C) which (D) whom 10. Some countries reported that COVID19 Rapid test-kits ___ are imported from China are some damaged and infected by the virus itself. (A) that (B) who (C) where (D) whose


  TOEFL REVIEW EXERCISE (Skills 1 – 8):   Choose the letter of the words or group of words that best complete the sentence.

1.  ____ loom high above above the north and north-eastern boundaries of the expanding expand ing city of Tucson. (A) The Sa Santa nta Ca Catalina talina mounta mountains ins (B) (C) (D)

Becaus Becausee the Santa C Catalina atalina mountains The Santa Catalina mo mountains untains are That the Santa Ca Catalina talina moun mountains tains

2. The benefit_____the study is that it  provides necessary necessary information to anyone who needs it. (A) of (B) which (C) that (D) house 3. The same symptoms that occur_____ occur with cocaine. (A) amphetamines can (B) with amphetamines ca cann (C) so amphetamines (D) with wit h amphetamines they 4. If a food f ood label indicates that a food is mostly carbohydrate, it does not mean  ____is a good food to eat. (A) and it (B) and (C) that it (D) when


5. A total of 470 boxes of surgical masks  ___ stolen from Pagelaran Pagelaran General Hospital in Cianjur, West Java. A. have reportedly been B. has reportedly C. reportedly beenbeen D. They have reportedly been 6. _____in the first draft of the budget will not necessarily necessarily be in i n the final draft. (A) Although it appears appears (B) It appears (C) What appears (D) Despite its appearance appearance 7. If a food label indicates that a food is mostly carbohydrate, it does not mean  ____is a good food to eat. (A) and it (B) and (C) that it (D) when 8. Radioactive_____provides a powerful way to measure geologic time. ti me. (A) it (B) dates (C) dating (D) can


  SKILL 9. COMPARATIVE DEGREES 9.a. Comparative and Superlative

The problem with some of the comparative and superlative superlative sentences on the TOEFL test is that the comparative or superlative is formed incorrectly. You should therefore understand understand how to form the comparative and superlative to answer such questions correctly. The comparative is formed with either -er (for short adjective) or  More (forlong adjective) and than. While in the superlative is formed with the, either -est or most, and is followed by in, of  , or a that- clause. Upin is strong . (adjective) Mas Jarwo is Stronger  than Upin. (Comparative) Miskha is the strongest  of  of all. ( superlative superlative )  Miskha is the tallest man in the room. Mas Jarwo is the most handsome of all the men at the Gym. The spider over there is the largest one that I have ever seen. The fastest runner wins the race. (No in , of, or that-clause) The following chart outlines the possible forms of comparatives and superlatives: THE FORM OF COMPARTIVES AND SUPERLATIVES COMPARTIVE

More + (long adjective)

(it is used to compare two equal things.) 

(short adjective) + -er

Than (dari)


(it is used to show which one of many (more than two) is in some way the  th e most outstanding ) 

Most + (long adjective) The

in / of / that- clause.

(Short adjective) + -est

However, are some Masha adjectives take irregular forms for isboth comparative and  good  swimmer, better  superlative,there for example, is a which  swimmer, but PingPing . Table f. Irregular Comparison Positive Comparative Comparati ve (+ than)

Good (adj) Well (adv, health) Bad (adj) Many (CTN) Much (UCTN) Little (adj/adv, size) Little (amount) Late Far (adj/adv, extent) Far (distance) ( distance)

Better Better Worse More More Littler / more little Less Later Further Farther

(The +) Superlative

Best Best Worst Most Most Littlest / most little Least Last Furthest Farthest 30


  The comparative and superlative also have different uses, and you should understand these different uses to answer such questions correctly. The comparative is used to compare two equal things. Take a look at this following example: (a). The Math class is 30 M2, (b) The History class is 422, (c) The English class is 48 M2  # The

history class is larg er  er  than  than the math class, but the English class is the largest  of  of all.

# The

er  than the English class, but the Math class is the small est  est  of all. history class is small er  In the first example the history class is being compared with the math class, class, while the

 English class is compared with both Math and and History classes and the most outstanding of all.

Look at this second example, Comparative degrees with long adjective (a). Sue got a C on English 101 class; (b) Dini got an A on English 101 class; (b) Bar got an A+ on English 101 class. " 

Dini is more intelligent than Sue, but Bar is the most intelligent  of  of all.



  Dini is more unintelligent than Bar, but Sue is the most unintelligent  of all

. The superlative is used when there are more than two items to compare and you want to show the one that is the best, the biggest, or in some way the most outstanding. The history class is the largest  in the school. Mary is the most intelligent of all the students in the class. Exercise 9. 1: Circle the comparatives and superlatives in the following sentences. Then, indicate if the sentences are correct (C) or incorrect (I). ( I).

I 1. The coffee is more stronger today than it was yesterday. yesterday.  ___ 2. The tree that was was struck by lightning had bee beenn the tallest of the trees we had in the yard.  ___ 3. He will buy the most fuel-efficient car that he can afford.  ___ 4. Cheetahs Cheetahs run more faster than an anyy other anima animals. ls.  ___ 5. The business business dep department artment is bigger of the departments in the university.  ___ 6. Urus SUV Lamborghini Lamborghini is ex expensive pensive than Lex Lexus us RX. 9.b. Use the Correlative comparison/Double Comparative The comparative, The comparative Structure Correctly.

A double comparative structure that has been appearing frequently on the TOEFL test consists of two parallel comparatives introduced by the. Double comparatives are phrases commonly used in English to express increasing or decreasing returns, see the  patterns in the following table table and the exa examples mples below. (Sema (Semakin kin …., Semakin ….)  31



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