Success Power Through Psalms

March 30, 2017 | Author: Σία Μπενέτη | Category: N/A
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Donna Rose


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C$aIm 00 afull sheet of parchment paper ei::idecHJp parchment in a conjure bag. Place l Ile ~ as you prepare it.

Xl - Smgle out a close friend and request that h BbIe. Read this particular psalm before Itrts weil when a group participates.


mERS - When your partner is not around, sit 1he psalm. Sprinkle Control Oil on the chair Be sure to anoint the telephone.

.s - Direct your thoughts to success.

1 Success


Bum an Oil, read the psalm and request that

PSALM 164 DEVELOP SELF-CONFIDENCE - Carry a Success Seal anointed with Van-Van Oil. Wash in Van-Van Bath Wash and read the psalm while sitting in the tub. PROTECTION WHILE TRAVELING - Wear an amulet designed for travelers. Anoint it with Protection Oil, read the psalm, and wear the amulet while you travel. MAKE SOMEONE CALLYOU - Anoint the telephone with Control Oil. Read the psalm over the telephone and then relax.

PSALM 165 GAIN GOOD RESULTS IN ANEW BUSINESS - Sprinkle Success Crystals across the front door and success will be yours. Concentrate on the 4th verse to ensure that everything will work out. BE LUCKY IN LOVE AFFAIRS - Use Lover's Oil on your arms and neck. Read this psalm before going out to meet the one of your dreams. Suggest taking a bath or shower together and pour some of the oil over each of you.

PSALM 1166 REMOVE AHEX - Write the psalm on parchment paper, fold it in half and then stamp on it with both feet. Then sprinkle Four Thieves Vinegar and Sea Salt across your front door and into your bath water. STOP ROOT INTERFERENCE - Carry High John the Conqueror Root in your pocket along with a piece of Southern John. This will prevent any 'Root Work' from being done against you. FOR GOOD LUCK WITH GAMBUNG - Take a piece of Rattlesnake Root and wrap it around adollar bill. Then wrap a piece of parchment paper with the 4th verse written on it around both. 26

PSALM 1167 MAKE NEW FRIENDS - Sprinkle Attraction Powder into your shoes, and put some by your telephone. Read this psalm and go to church.

T ,.


MEET SOMEONE NEW - Bum a Yellow candle as you read this psalm. This will draw a new mate into your life. OBTAIN MARRIAGE - Write this psalm on an egg, and throw into a stream near you. Talk to your intended mate and suggest marriage within 48 hours of the time you began the work. FOR FINANCIAL BLESSINGS - Get a handkerchief and asmall towel. Put them both in a bowl and pour three bottles of Glory Water on them. As you rinse the articles in the Glory Water, recite the psalm out loud 3 times. Hang the handkerchief and the bath towel out to dry. Use the handkerchief and towel just as you normally would, but be sure that no one else uses these articles.

PSALM 1168 AVOID GOING TO PRISON - Carry some Vervain herb melted into wax in your pocket when you go into court. Repeat the psalm 9 times the night before. WIN A COURT CASE - 7days before the court date, place Court Powder in a Brown paper bag, sprinkle it with Court Oil, then bum the bag. Save the ashes and sprinkle them across your front door the morning you leave to go to court. Make sure you step in the ashes. Repeat this psalm 9 times while the ashes smolder.

I ·1·

PSALM #6t;

CONQUER OVEREATING - On a Tuesday.1ig this psalm along with the following affirmatior candle burns.

"I eat to live, not live to eat my higher The hunger that I once did feel, I now , I ate for reasons wrong I know. so I b and claim my GLOW

UNCROSS YOURSELF - Use Uncrossing Oii c candle. Bum the candle completely and repeal full moon. Sit in a tub of water and read thIS PI

RECEIVE SOME MONEY - Blow up a baJIoo Drawing Oil on it. Stab the balloon with a pin c times.


GAIN PEACE AND QUIET IN THE HOt.E - Ca the kitchen and sprinkle on the floor. Bum SOl the rest the house as you bum a Pink candle in each t

GAIN CONFIDENCE - Read the psalm each n Gravel Root an your pocket, along with a few L

PSALM '71 WIN FREEDOM FROM A SITUATION - Recrte , Purple candle sprinkle Glory Water across the bed. You will be released from the situa60n i trapped. 27


PSALM 1167 Sprinkie Attraction Powder into your shoes, and ne, Read this psalm and go to church.

- Burn a Yellow candle as you read this psalm. into your life.

Ie this psalm on an egg, and throw into a stream mended mate and suggest marriage within 48 an the 'NOrk.

- Get a handkerchief and a small towel. Put OlI'three bottles of Glory Water on them. As you hy,'Jater. recite the psalm out loud 3 times. d tie oath towel out to dry. Use the handkerchief matt wouk:l. but be sure that no one else uses ~

PSALM 1168

... Carry some Vervain herb melted into wax in m court. Repeat the psalm 9 times the night

lays before the court date, place Court Powder in :ie It wittl Court Oil, then bum the bag. Save the across your front door the morning you leave to IU step in the ashes. Repeat this psalm 9 times

PSALM 1169 CONQUER OVEREATING· On a Tuesday, light a Yellow candle and pray this psalm along with the following affirmation out loud six times as the candle bums.

"I eat to live, not live to eat. my higher power ;s my meat.. The hunger that I once did feel, I now realize was not real. I ate for reasons wrong I know, so I break these habits and claim my GLOW!" UNCROSS YOURSELF - Use Uncrossing Oil on yourself and on a Purple candle. Bum the candle completely and repeat the procedure on the next full moon. Sit in a tub of water and read this psalm as you sit there. RECEIVE SOME MONEY - Blow up a balloon and place some Money Drawing Oil on it. Stab the balloon with a pin after you recite the psalm 5 times.

PSALM 1170 GAIN PEACE AND QUIET IN THE HOME - Carry some Tranquility Oil into the kitchen and sprinkle on the floor. Bum some Peace Incense around the rest of the house as you bum a Pink candle in each bedroom. GAIN CONFIDENCE - Read the psalm each morning. Carry a piece of Gravel Root an your pocket, along with a few Lavender 110wers.

PSALM 1171 WIN FREEDOM FROM A SITUATION· Recite this psalm while burning a Purple candle sprinkle Glory Water across the front door, and under the bed. You will be released from the situation in which you find yourself trapped. 27


PREVENT ILLNESS - Make a paste with Valerian and rub it on yourself each night before showering. Read this psalm to prevent any sickness and protect you.

PSALM 172 FIND MONEY - Stand by an open window and read the psalm. Small amounts of money will flow your way.






to him or her. Give each child a Protection




I !

WIN AT THE DOGS - Write verses 5 and 6 on a dollar bill. Rub the bill on

along with Lovers' Incense. Read the psalm. the pillows and on the sheets.


OBTAIN FORGIVENESS - Bum a Brown CCIl name as you read the verses of the psalm, C the person and things will be worked out

the program and you will pick the lucky numbers.

WIN A LOTTERY - Bum a Green candle on a piece of Green cloth, write

the psalm an Parchment paper and bum it in the flame. Save the ashes and rub them on your tickets when you buy them. Allow no one else to touch the tickets, place them somewhere safe.


AVOID PROBLEMS - Dump some salt in a covering it up, read the psalm. All of your pn hole.

PSALM 17";

PSALM 174 WIN OVER ALANDLORD - On a Saturday, light a black candle and pray this psalm along with the following affirmation out loud nine times as the candle burns. "Your words, yourActs, your promises, have never sounded true. And so it's time that you get yours, right in the Kazoo! For one who lives for profit alone, will never find his place. So here's a piece ofthat pie you stole, right in the face!"

RECEIVE HELP - Read the 14th verse when you become desperate. Bum a White candle each day until help is given.

REGAIN YOUR FAITH - Read all 20 verses c


ke a paste with Valerian and rub it on yourself Read this psalm to prevent any sickness


MAKE YOUR MARRIAGE STRONG - Bum a Red candle in the bedroom along with Lovers' Incense. Read the psalm. Put some White Lace Oil on the pillows and on the sheets. PROTECT YOUR CHILDREN - Stand before each child and read the psalm


to him or her. Give each child a Protection Seal of Solomon.

open window and read the psalm. Small 1# your way.




PSALM #75 OBTAIN FORGIVENESS - Bum a Brown candle and mention the person's name as you read the verses of the psalm. Do this for 7 days, then talk to the person and things will be worked out.

e .~ 5 and 6 on a dollar bill. Rub the bill on pio' 'J'l€ lucky numbers. ~

G"eer ca1dle on a piece of Green cloth, write

::aer aod bum it in the flame. Save the ashes

you buy them. Allow no one else to er" ~e safe.

te!S ~

PSALM #76 AVOID PROBLEMS - Dump some salt in a hole in the ground. Before covering it up, read the psalm. All of your problems will be buried in that hole.



) - Jr a Saturday, light a black candle and pray blowing affirmation out loud nine times as the

REGAIN YOUR FAITH - Read all 20 verses and pray for security in your


IS. .'fOJr promises, have never sounded true. that you get yours, right in the Kazoo! j br profit alone, will never find his place. e of !hat pie you stole, right in the face!"

ttle 14th verse when you become desperate. , day until help is given.



--PSALM 1178

STRENGTHEN YOUR EYES - Write the ::E paper and then press the paper against yoo each day.

GAIN SELF - CONFIDENCE - On a Sunday, light a Red candle and pray

this psalm along with the following affinnation out loud nine times as the candle burns.


"Who I am and what I know, is always known to YOu. $0 never I can really fail, no matter what I do. Whenever I think I'm all alone, I have simply to look around at rocks and trees and birds and things for / stand on Holy Ground. So self- confident I AM as / pass through life, knowing that things are a/ways fine. And that being alive is NICE!"


parchment paper and hold it in your hand as 1 are finished, bum the paper. Repeat the pro

PSALM '8. AVOID POVERTY - Bum Money Drawing

Rose Oil around your home during the day. and place them in a window while the sun is

GAIN ADIVORCE - Bum a Brown candle and read the psalm, be positive. Say the psalm again and add the name of the individual to be divorced.


yourself with Violet Oil.

PSALM 1179

WARD OFF JEALOUSY - Use the Seal of POI Rose. Read the psalm and then put the pet'at:

INTENSIFY YOUR PSYCHIC ABIUTIES - Bum a Purple candle and some

Psychic Incense during your meditation period. This helps improve your capabilities and gives you stronger awareness. The more you concentrate on the psalm, the more help you will receive. Sometimes canying a Purple ribbon in your pocket adds to the power.

PSALM 1180 AVOID ERRORS - Be slow and methodical as you read. Then anoint yourself with Control Oil and you will not make mistakes.

AVOID COURT ACTION - Read the psalm and then read off the names of the attorneys, the judge, and all others involved. Hold a Mandrake Root in your hand and say the psalm again. 31



his clothes. Place some Violet leaves under this psalm before going to bed.




Patron Saint for assistance, after reading !hi Water throughout your home.

WIN AT THE RACES - Bum Success Incense c

Read the psalm and rub some of the Gamblers and you will be directed to the winners. 32


:e - On a Sunday, light a Red candle and pray

oIowing affirmation out loud nine times as the

mat I know, is always known to YOU.

really fail, no matter what I do. never I think I'm all alone, ok around at rocks and trees and birds 15 for I stand on Holy Ground. Rient IAM as I pass through life, 1 U"i.8; tflings are always fine. 1ha. =eng alive is NICE!" ~

18r.:Jw" candle and read the psalm, be positive. D! T€ na'Tle of the individual to be divorced.

STRENGTHEN YOUR EYES - Write the psalm on a piece of parchment

paper and then press the paper against your eyes. Do this for 5 minutes each day.

PSALM #81 CAUSE YOUR ENEMIES CONFUSION - Write your enemies' names on parchment paper and hold it in your hand as you read the psalm. After you are finished, bum the paper. Repeat the procedure for 5 nights in a row.

PSALM #82 AVOID POVERTY - Bum Money Drawing Incense as you read. Sprinkle Rose Oil around your home during the day. Obtain some fresh flowers and place them in a window while the sun is shining in.

STRENGTHEN YOUR LOVE - Be sincere and read the psalm, then anoint


IC A8I.JTES - Bum a Purple candle and some U" '"'""€drtation period. This helps improve your ~ awareness. The more you concentrate P 'PJ !WI receive. Sometimes carrying a Purple ; i: Toe power.


and methodical as you read. Then anoint rld you will not make mistakes.


Read the psalm and then read off the names of rld all others involved. Hold a Mandrake Root in =*n again. 31

yourself with Violet Oil.

WARD OFF JEALOUSY - Use the Seal of Power on a table under a White Rose. Read the psalm and then put the petals of the flower under the bed.

KEEP AHUSBAND FAITHFUL - Anoint his pillow with Control Oil, and then

his clothes. Place some Violet leaves under his pillow. Each night, say this psalm before going to bed.

PSALM #83 GET HELP AGAINST ENEMIES - Bum a Gold candle and pray to your

Patron Saint for assistance, after reading the psalm. Water throughout your home.

Sprinkle of Holy

WIN AT THE RACES - Bum Success Incense as you make your selections.

Read the psalm and rub some of the Gambier'S Luck Powder on the program and you will be directed to the winners. 32


OPEN UP THE FUTURE - Kneel and read the psalm completely out loud.

Bum an Orange candle and hold a sea shell in your hand. Carry the shell with you at all times. Occasionally the procedure must be repeated.

WIN AT BINGO - Dip your finger into a mixture of Lucky Oil and Millionaire

Oil as you read. When you go out, carry a little of the mixture and anoint the boards.

PSALM 185 REPAIR ABROKEN LOVE AFFAIR - On a Friday, light a Blue candle and

pray this psalm along with the following affirmation out loud as the candle bums.

"Our love is not a sometimes thing, our love is like a diamond ring. No anger do I hold toward you, no doubt do I possess. So you now come back and always know, That it's YOU !Iove the bestr


GAIN SUCCESS - Each evening as the sun ~ Read Hagain each morning as the sun rises. door with the legs up. RECEIVE A SMALL AMOUNT OF MOtEY -

Brown wax, bum Money Drawing Incense as the psalm book under your bed. Touch it In tt


REGAIN ALOVER - Bum a Red figure candle Oil, as you read this psalm and cal! on your k

alternate between the reading and the call as ,

MAKE SOMEONE CALL YOU - Place some Mi and then read the psalm over the telephone. until you receive the call you are waiting for.

GAIN FRIENDS - Read this psalm before going out and you will never


HAVE SUCCESS IN BUSINESS - Write this psalm on parchment paper,

HEAL SOMEONE - Write his or her name on name of your Spirit Guide. Hold the parchme you read the psalm and then request the heaiI

have any trouble with friendship.

then bum the paper and mix the ashes into some Vervain herb. Spread the mixture around the business area.


GAIN ENERGY - Read the psalm as you stand

at least 15 minutes and the energy will be yru

AVOID DEFEAT - Stand in the bathroom and repeat the psalm out loud 7 times. Detail what and who your opponents are, and how they are to be


GAIN FORGIVENESS - Read the psalm, and then anoint yourself with

wet. Sit down and relax as you read the pSatTL keep the feet wet. The ocean will cleanse )'OU



Patchouli Oil. Bow your head and pray, then forgiveness will be yours. 33



•Kneel and read the psalm completely out loud. d hold a sea shell in your hand. Cany the shell :asOOally the procedure must be repeated.

. fIlger into a mixture of Lucky Oil and Millionaire


go out cany a little of the mixture and anoint


EAFFAIR· On a Friday, light a Blue candle and I the foHowing affinnation out loud as the candle


tJ'Iing. our love is like a diamond ring.

00 !tWaf'd you. no doubt do I possess. rr: aWci}S know, That irs YOU I love the best!"

lis ::salrn before going out and you will never nds~c;.

SIESS - Write this psalm on parchment paper, nix the ashes into some Vervain herb. Spread JSrESS area.


i"t the bathroom and repeat the psalm out loud 7 IItIo your opponents are, and how they are to be

PSALM #87 GAIN SUCCESS - Each evening as the sun goes down, read this psalm. Read it again each morning as the sun rises. Put a horseshoe over your door with the legs up. RECEIVE A SMALL AMOUNT OF MONEY - Rub your hands with some Brown wax, bum Money Drawing Incense as you read the psalm. Place the psalm book under your bed. Touch it in the morning as you get up.

PSALM #88 REGAIN A LOVER - Bum a Red figure candle anointed with Come To Me Oil, as you read this psalm and call on· your lover to return. Continue to alternate between the reading and the call as the candle bums. MAKE SOMEONE CALL YOU - Place some MisUetoe under the telephone and then read the psalm over the telephone. Repeat this each evening until you receive the call you are waiting for.

PSALM #89 HEAL SOMEONE - Write his or her name on parchment paper with the name of your Spirit Guide. Hold the parchment paper in your hands as you read the psalm and then request the healing. GAIN ENERGY - Read the psalm as you stand in the sun. Stand there for at least 15 minutes and the energy will be yours.

PSALM #90 BECOME CLEANSED OF EVIL - Walk along the beach and get your feet

Read the psalm, and then anoint yourself with head and pray, then forgiveness will be yours. 33

wet. Sit down and relax as you read the psalm. Walk again and be sure to keep the feet wet. The ocean will cleanse you of all negativity. 34

T d

PSALM 1191 OVERCOME NERVOUSNESS OR ANXIETY • On a Thursday, light a Blue candle and pray this psalm along with the following affirmation out loud nine times as the candle bums.

"I now RELAX.. I now LET GO, I now LET GOD so I can GROW My fears are gone, my doubts go too. I feel YOUR LOVE, through and through. With every breath, I breathe in PEACE, and know 'tis YOU, my soul doth keep!" AVOID TEMPTATION· When the occasion arises that you need the strength, tum to the verses and read them all. Anoint yourself with Bergamot Oil and the required strength will be yours. WIN AT THE HORSES - Use Gambling Powder, and rub it on the names as you read the psalm. The winning name will stand out strongly and you have a winner!

PSALM 1192 FOR A JOB PROMOTION - On a Sunday, light a Gold candle and pray this psalm along with the following affirmation out loud eight times as the candle bums.

flLike a giant balloon, to the heavens I soar. Climbing three steps at a time, I now make the touchdown score To claim the job that is mine, that is waiting for me... What others envy, I now 'See. ", GIVE THANKS FOR WHAT YOU HAVE - Sit quietly and read this psalm, giving thanks for your life and all you have. Give a small donation to a church or charity.




AVOID TROUBLE WITH THE LAW - Write thE carry it folded up in your pocket. Anoint yours with Protection Oil and you will be safe,



DEFEAT AN ENEMY - Hold a Willow branch i the moonlight. Point the branch at the moo followed by what you want. Then cast the Wi water. To make the charm stronger, throw SOl

CURE AN ULCER - Write this psalm 00 Part Healing Oil, and hold it against your stomirl! and request a Healing. Repeat this 7 n~ht:s i'

PSALM 1195

IMPROVE YOUR CONCENTRATION - Carry your pocket. Wrap a Quartz stone in parchmer over it. When you take tests or need to study

LOOK INTO THE FUTURE - Place the psail relax, and visions of the future will be yoors

PSALM 196 REMEMBER YOUR DREAMS - Bum aline, recite this psalm before going to sleeoNt remember your dreams vividly. SPIRITUAL HELP - Bum a Purple candle eng with the following affirmation out loud

GAIN CONFIDENCE - Before appearing before an audience or group, read the psalm and you will have no difficulties. PROSPER IN BUSINESS - Bum Prosperity Incense and rub Prosperity Oil all over your business area. Read the psalm by the cash register and you will continue to prosper.

PSALM 11123 RECEIVE KINDNESS - Read the psalm before asking for any favors.


'J are

my heels, Irs you I trust throughout. n rouble. There's never a need to shout. >ryntf?ere. when I need you most. ~ :"ord. my Heavenly Host. " ~ candle each evening as you read. Do

.C:I1d you will gain strong protection against all

FIND OUT THE NAME OF ATHIEF - Write the names of the suspects on a large sheet of parchment paper and sprinkle Angel Sand over it. Read the psalm and then blow on the Angel Sand. The name of the guilty suspect will be uncovered.

PSALM 11124 OVERCOME FEAR OF WATER - Read the psalm before you cross water or go onto a boat. Relax and be assured that you are safe.

'BJNG - Write the first and eight verses on

1St your skin while traveling.

.ALM 11122

IRK - On a Friday, light a Green candle and t ~ng affirmation out loud seven times as

IS things grow, Green is the color ofbusiness ~rful service in a wonderful way,

ne to harvest, there's plenty ofhay."


PSALM 11125 COMPEL SOMEONE TO YOUR WILL -Sprinkle Sea Salt on his/her clothing and then read the psalm. Burn a large Orange candle and repeat hislher name and what you want him or her to do. You will gain control for only a short period.

PSALM 11126 INDUCE PREGNANCY - Sit by your wife's side and read the psalm. She will become pregnant within a three month period. Sprinkle some Red Crystals of Love under the bed each evening to induce the love to be true. 46

LOSE SOME WEIGHT - Place a bowl of fruit on a table and sit there and

read the psalm. Eat a piece of the fruit. Each evening do this and you will start to lose weight slowly but safely.

PSALM 1127 BE A WINNER - Read the psalm each evening before going to bed. Rub

some Success Oil on the pillow and sheet. Put some of the oil on your shoes as you go to work or go shopping.

PSALM 1128 HAVE A PEACEFUL HOME - Sprinkle Tranquility Salts around the house

and read the psalm. The arguments and problems will cease and the home will be quiet.

BUY ANEW HOME - Open up a savings account. Carry, the passbook in your pocket and read the psalm on every, occasion that you can. Gradually you will save the money to obtain the home.

PSALM 1129 ESCAPE FROM FEAR AND OPPRESSION - Sit in a church and pray. Then concentrate on the psalm. The fears and problems will be overcome easily.

GAIN POWER - Sit in a quiet place and bum softly to yourself and the power that yoo de


CONTROL YOUR PRIDE - Read the psatm 4 by heart. Say the psalm each day as




RECEIVE NEW FURNITURE - Read the psc morning. Put effort andall your strengtn into

WIN AT GAMBLING - Read this psalrn betI Make sure that you rub the psalm over the I



psalm along with the following affirmation out bums.

Wew friends I make, new friends I keeo. In them I see the Christ in Me. And ia'r:

GAIN HAPPINESS - Put a Yellow candle In e

PSALM 1130 CONTROL THE THOUGHTS OF OTHERS - Write the name of the person you desire to control on a piece of parchment, then read the psalm by the light of a Brown candle.


the candles as you say the psalm.

RECEIVE GOOD fORTUNE - Sprinkle 30c house and in the closets. Read the psam 0


a bowl of fruit on a table and sit there and ! of the fruIT. Each evening do this and you will IUt safely. :ICe

ISALM 11127

psalm each evening before going to bed. Rub Iiow and sheet. Put some of the oil on your r go shopping.

GAIN POWER - Sit in a quiet place and bum a Red candle, read the psalm softly to yourself and the power that you desire will come to you.

PSALM 11131 CONTROL YOUR PRIDE - Read the psalm over and over until you know it by heart. Say the psalm each day as you eat dinner.

PSALM 11132 ~ALM


: - Sofinkle Tranquility Salts around the house Ci"glJments and problems will cease and the

a savings account. Carry, the passbook in arr IX every occasion that you can. Gradually 00tar the home.

RECEIVE NEW FURNITURE - Read the psalm over a Green candle each morning. Put effort andall your strength into it. WIN AT GAMBLING - Read this psalm before you go out with sincerity. Make sure that you rub the psalm over the money.


'SALM 11129

D OPPRESSION - Sit in a church and pray. The fears and problems will be overcome


'SALM 11130

S OF OTHERS - Write the name of the person ieee of parchment, then read the psalm by the

PSALMS 11133 MAKE MORE FRIENDS - On a Sunday, light a Red candle and pray this psalm along with the following affirmation out loud nine times as the candle burns.

"New friends I make, new friends I keep. For me they feel my love. In them I see the Christ in Me, And know my Father's above. 11

GAIN HAPPINESS - Put a Yellow candle in each room of the house. Bum the candles as you say the psalm. RECEIVE GOOD FORTUNE - Sprinkle Good Fortune Salts around the hOlJse and in the closets. Read the psalm out loud as you do this.


PSALM 1134 PASS STUDIES IN SCHOOL - Read the psalm before taking any test. Each evening, read the psalm before starting your studies. Anointing with Knowledge Oil will add more help.

PSALM 1135 GAIN FORGIVENESS - Put your hands together and read the psalm. It is the strongest when the sun is going down. Placing some Cedar Bark around the room also helps. GAIN UNDERSTANDING - Read the psalm as you sip Peppermint Tea. Do this at least once a day.

PSALM 1136 RESIST ALL EVIL - Read verses 1 and 36 in time of need. Sprinkle Remove Evil Salts all around the bedroom and you will be very successful. GAIN A CONTRACT - When negotiating, read the psalm before starting, then apply Success Oil to your hands before you start talking.

PSALM 1137 OVERCOME HATRED - On a Monday, light an Orange candle and pray this psalm along with the following affirmation out loud seven times as the candle bums.

J1s one mind... one soul, ;s al/ that there is I cannot hate another. For everywhere I throw a stone, I'm sure to hit a Brother. So Love is aliI can give, or toss, or throw or scatter. For anything else is sure to go, pitter, patter, splatterl"


OBTAIN MARRIAGE - Draw a heart on pa'd the person you want in the center. Read t:tM your hands.

PSALM #1: ATTRACT LOVE -If you are a man begin hf blue candle, if you are a woman begin thIS Iii Yellow candle. Repeat this affirmation and ~ the candle bums. Be sure that you have desired mate on the candle.

lilt's me you love, I AJ"lCIM "It's me you love. 'yOu In AVOID TROUBLE - Praying strongly and rea Carrying an Amethyst stone in your ~et __

PSALM #1 ~ SAVE AMARRIAGE OR PARTNERSHIP - Or and pray this psalm along with the followil times as the candle burns. J1love like ours was meant to be, it's TTl And no others do we see. Together. TogetJ WE.' PRESERVE LOVE - Sprinkle Love Crys'La6 the bedroom. Read the psalm over the bed GET UNCROSSED - Read this psalm cxt.b in your hand. Place the branch under the :,e


'SALM #134 Ol - Read the psalm before taking any test. ." before starting your studies. Anointing with re nelp,

OBTAIN MARRIAGE - Draw a heart on parchment paper with the name of the person you want in the center. Read the psalm and hold the paper in your hands.

PSALM #138

t your hands together and read the psalm. It is n is going down. Placing some Cedar Bark

ATTRACT LOVE -If you are a man begin his ritual on a Friday and bum a blue candle, if you are a woman begin this ritual on a Tuesday and bum a Yellow candle. Repeat this affirmation and psalm aloud seven times while the candle bums. Be sure that you have engraved the initials of your desired mate on the candle.

Read the psalm as you sip Peppermint Tea.

"It's me you love, I know it's true" "Irs me you love, You know it too!"

'SALM #135

'SALM #136

¥&"Ses 1 and 36 in time of need. Sprinkle i ~e bedroom and you will be very successful.

" ~ng! read the psalm before starting, W" ~.ands before you start talking.

SALM #137


a ~blday, light an Orange candle and pray

AVOID TROUBLE - Praying strongly and reading this psalm will help you. Carrying an Amethyst stone in your pocket will also help,

PSALM #139 SAVE AMARRIAGE OR PARTNERSHIP - On aFriday, light a Geen candle and pray this psalm along with the following affirmation out loud seven times as the candle bums. ~ love like ours was meant to be, it's me for you and you for me. And no others do we see. Together, Together, Together, WE ... WE ... WE"

OwIng affirmation out loud seven times as the

PRESERVE LOVE - Sprinkle Love Crystals and mb Love Oil all around the bedroom. Read the psalm over the bed each evening before retiring.

i. :s aI/ that there is I cannot hate another.

GET UNCROSSED - Read this psalm out loud as you hold a pine branch in your hand. Place the branch under the bed and leave it there.

row a stone, I'm sure to hit a Brother. grve, or toss, or throw or scatter. is sure to go, pitter, patter, splatter!"




PSALM 1140

PSALM #1 ~

STOP HATRED - Read this psalm in the light of a Red candle. Anoint the candle with Luv Luv Oil.

RECEIVE A BLESSING - Bum tvvo White ca Pray for a message or blessing, and, as yo..

WIN AT POKER - Draw a square on parchment paper and then write your name in the square. Fold up the paper and carry it inside your belt. Before going out, read the psalm.

GAIN PSYCHIC INSIGHT - Sit in front of a Pt read the psalm. Your psychic abilities wi~ b

PSALM 1141



OVERCOME FEAR - Sprinkle some Holy Oil on your feet, and then read the psalm.

REGAIN A LOVE THAT WAS LOST - PJt S palms and then say the psalm. When ~ herbs up into the wind.

OVERCOME DEPRESSION - Sprinkle Sage under your chair, then read the psalm. Do this over and over again.

PSALM #1 ~

PSALM 1142 GAIN RELEASE FROM PRISON - Read the psalm out loud each day and night. STOP A HEX - Anoint yourself with Unhexing Oil, cross your legs, and then read the psalm. When done, take a hot shower.

PSALM 1143 STOP PAIN - Sit in a comfortable position and then read this psalm. Use your finger and direct the Healing to the right spots. Anoint with Healing Oil also. GAIN SKILLAT ATHLETICS - Stop all activity and read this psalm. Do this before going into any sport. 51

FIND FOOD - When in time of need, use thi:: empty stomach.

PSALM #14 FOR INNER PEACE - Whenever needed fi;; this psalm along with the following affirT"latal candle burns.

"PEACE is the name af my nver. ;:;E,.!:::E. Wherever I live, ga ar trave'. ;- S =~4C I ga to the mountains, or dawn to {T';e sec art I stop and close my eyes rigf;( r{"". 3"'d

GAIN TRANQUILITY - Rub some Tra~,: ... "flty read the psalm out loud in the center :; P.I


ISALM #140 psalm in the light of a Red candle. Anoint the

parchment paper and then write your ) the ~ and carry it inside your belt. Before ~ 00

PSALM #144 RECEIVE A BLESSING - Burn two White candles as you read the psalm.

Pray for a mess~ge or blessing, and, as you kneel, it will come to you.

GAIN PSYCHIC INSIGHT - Sit in front of a Purple candle, and, as it burns,

read the psalm. Your psychic abilities will be increased.

PSALM #145

SALM #141



Holy Oil on your feet, and then read

REGAIN A LOVE THAT WAS LOST - Put some Lavender herb in your

palms and then say the psalm. When done, go outside and throw the herbs up into the wind.

• - S-;:.nnlde Sage under your chair, then read :t over again.

SALM #142

PSALM #146 FIND FOOD - When in time of need, use this psalm to obtain food for an

empty stomach.

SON - Read the psalm out loud each day and

PSALM #147 Unhexing Oil, cross your legs, and then t31ir.e a hot shower.



5ALM #143

1abIe position and then read this psalm. Use ~ to the right spots. Anoint with Healing Oil - Stop all activity and read this psalm. Do this


FOR INNER PEACE - Whenever needed, light a White candle and pray this psalm along with the following affirmation out loud seven times as the candle burns. "PEACE is the name ofmy river, PEACE is the name of my game. Wherever I live, go or travel, HIS PEACE is always the same. I go to the mountains, or down to the sea, and PEACE walks by my side. I stop and close my eyes right now, and feel the PEACE insider

GAIN TRANQUIUTY - Rub some Tranquility Oil on your forehead. Then read the psalm out loud in the center of your home.


GET A -NOT GUILTY" VERDICT· Wrap a cloth around a Mojo Bean and carry it into court. Read the psalm before entering the courtroom.

PSALM 11148 BE SAFE FROM FIRES - When moving into a new hone, read this psalm out loud in every room. Repeat this once a month, and you will be safe.

PSALM 11149 GAIN UNDERSTANDING· Sit on a dry towel on the ground. Read the psalm and ask for the capability to understand a particular problem. GIVE THANKS • Say the psalm with respect and add thanks for all you have.

PSALM 11150 THE PRAYER TO GIVE THANKS • This psalm should be said at the beginning of all religious meetings or ceremonies.

The Psalm We

by Robert lar

Work with the Psi Empower. Enrich and Enh

This LARGE PRINT King James "'" Psalms contains nearly 400 Slrrpie ri that can be used to help you accOf"rDis Use the situational index pro'lrl(jec :0 ( pray for your specific need

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