Substantive and Procedural Due Process in Termination of Employment
Short Description
G.R. No. 173151 Under the Labor Code, the requirements for the lawful dismissal of an emploee are two! fold, the substanti"e and the pro#edural aspe#ts. Not onl must the dismissal be for a $ust%&1' or authori(ed #ause,%&&' the rudimentar requirements of due pro#ess ! noti#e and hearin)%&3' must, li*ewise, be obser"ed before an emploee ma be dismissed. +ithout +it hout the #on#urren#e of the two, the termination would, in the e es of the law, be ille)al,%&' for emploment is a propert ri)ht of whi#h one #a nnot be depri"ed of without due pro#ess.%&5' -en#e, the two &/ fa#ets of a "alid termination of emploment are0 a/ the le)alit of the a#t of dismissal, i.e., the dismissal must be under an of the $ust #auses pro"ided under rti#le &2& of the Labor Code and an d b/ the le)alit of the manner of o f dismissal, whi#h means that there must be obser"an#e of the requirements of due pro#ess, otherwise *nown as the two!noti#e rule.%&4' rti#le &2& of the Labor Code enumerates en umerates the $ust #auses for terminatin) the ser"i#es of an emploee0 R.. &2&. ermination R ermination b emploer. ! n emploer ma terminate an emploment for an of the followin) #auses0 a/ 6erious mis#ondu#t or willful disobedien#e b the emploee of the lawful orders of his emploer or representati"e in #onne#tion with his wor* b/ Gross and habitual ne)le#t b the emploee of his duties #/ raud or willful brea#h b the emploee of the trust reposed in him b his h is emploer or his dul authori(ed representati"e d/ Commission of a #rime or offense b the emploee a)ainst the person of his emploer or an immediate member of his famil or his dul authori(ed representati"e and e/ 8ther #auses analo)ous to the fore)oin). G.R. No. &9&::4 Con#omitant to the emploer;s ri)ht to freel sele#t and en)a)e an emploee is the emploer;s ri)ht to dis#har)e the emploee for $ust andn a termination for $ust #ause, due pro#ess in"ol"es the two!noti#e rule0 a/ noti#e of intent to dismiss spe#ifin) the )round for termination, and )i"in) said emploee reasonable opportunit within whi#h to e=p lain his or her side b/ hearin) or #onferen#e where the emploee is )i"en opportunit to respond to the #har)e, present e"iden#e or rebut the e"iden #e presented a)ainst him or her #/ noti#e of dismissal indi#atin) that upon due #onsideration of all the #ir#umstan#es, )rounds ha"e been established to $ustif termination. . >n a termination for an authori(ed #ause, due pro#ess means a written noti#e of dismissal to the emploee spe#ifin) the )rounds at least 39 das before the date of termination. #op of the noti#e shall also be furnished the Re)ional 8ffi#e of the Department of Labor and ?mploment D8L?/ where the emploer is lo#ated. 4. +hat is the san#tion if the emploer failed to obser"e pro#edural due pro#ess in #ases of le)al and authori(ed termination@ >n #ases of termination for $ust #auses, the emploee is entitled to pament of indemnit or nominal dama)es in a sum of not more than 39,999 pesos )abon "s. NLRC, & 6CR 573/ in #ase of termination for authori(ed #auses, 59,999 pesos Ea*a ood Fro#essin) "s. Darwin Fa#ot, 5 6CR 11:/. 7. Aa an emploee question the le)alit of his or her dismissal@ Bes. he le)alit of a dismissal ma be questioned before the Labor rbiter of a Re)ional rbitration ran#h of the National Labor Relations Commission NLRC/, throu)h a #omplaint for ille)al dismissal. >n establishments with a #olle#ti"e bar)ainin) a)reement C/, the dismissal ma be questioned throu)h the )rie"an#e ma#hiner established under the C. >f the #omplaint is not resol"ed at this le"el, it ma be submitted to "oluntar arbitration. 2. >n #ases of ille)al dismissal, who has the dut of pro"in) that the dismissal is "alid@ he emploer. :. 6uppose the emploer denies dismissin) the emploee, who has the dut to pro"e that the dismissal is without "alid #ause@
he emploee must elaborate, support or substantiate his or her #omplaint that he or she was dismissed without "alid #ause Ledesma, Er. "s. NLRC, 537 6CR 352, 8#tober 1:, &997/. 19. 8n what )rounds ma an emploee question his or her dismissal@ n emploee ma question his or her dismissal based on substanti"e or pro#edural )rounds. he substanti"e aspe#t pertains to the absen#e o f a $ust or authori(ed #ause supportin) the dismissal. he pro#edural aspe#t refers to the failure of the emploer to )i"e the emploee the opportunit to e=plain his or her side. 11. +hat are the ri)hts afforded to an un$ustl dismissed emploee@ n emploee who is dismissed without $ust #ause is entitled to an or all of the followin)0 a/ reinstatement without loss of seniorit ri)hts
b/ in lieu of reinstatement, an emploee ma be )i"en separation pa of one month pa for e"er ear of ser"i#e Golden #e uilders, et. al "s. Eose alde, Aa 5, &919, GR No. 127&99/ #/ full ba#*wa)es, in#lusi"e of allowan#es and other benefits or their monetar equi"alent from the time #ompensation was withheld up to the time of reinstatement d/ dama)es if the dismissal was done in bad faith urora Land Fro$e#t Corp. "s NLRC, &44 6CR 2/. 1&. +hat is reinstatement@ Reinstatement means restoration of the emploee to the position from whi#h h e or she has been un$ustl remo"ed. Reinstatement without loss of seniorit ri)hts means that the emploee, upon reinstatement, should be treated in matter in"ol"in) seniorit and #ontinuit of emploment as thou)h he or she had not been dismissed from wor*. +hen a Labor rbiter rules for an ille)al dismissal, reinstatement is immediatel e=e#utor e"en pendin) appeal b the emploer rti#le &&3 of the Labor Code, as amended/. 13. >n what forms ma reinstatement pendin) appeal be effe#ted@ 1. Reinstatement pendin) appeal ma be a#tual or b paroll, at the option of the emploer. 15. 1. +hat is meant b full ba#*wa)es@ ull ba#*wa)es refer to all #ompensations, in#ludin) allowan#es and other benefits with monetar equi"alent that should ha"e been earned b the emploee but was not #olle#ted b him or her be#ause of un$ust dismissal. >t in#ludes all the amounts he or she #ould ha"e earned startin) from the date of dismissal up to the time of reinstatement. 15. +hat is separation pa@ >n termination for authori(ed #auses, separation pa is the a mount )i"en to an emploee terminated due to installation of labor!sa"in) de"i#es, redundan#, retren#hment, #losure or #essation of business or in#urable disease. 6eparation pa ma also be )ranted to an ille)all dismissed emploee in lieu of reinstatement.
14. -ow mu#h is the separation pa@ >n #ases of installation of labor!sa"in) de"i#es or redundan#, the emploee is entitled to re#ei"e the equi"alent of one month pa or one month for e"er ear of ser"i#e, whi#he"er is hi)her. >n #ases of retren#hment, #losure or #essation of business or in#urable disease, the emploee is entitled to re#ei"e the equi"alent of one month pa or one!half month pa for e"er ear of ser"i#e, whi#he"er is hi)her.
>n #ase of separation pa in lieu of reinstatement, the emploee is entitled to re#ei"e the equi"alent of one month pa for e"er ear of ser"i#e. 17. >s proof of finan#ial losses ne#essar to $ustif retren#hment@ Bes. Froof of a#tual or imminent finan#ial losses that are substanti"e in #hara#ter must be pro"en b the emploer to $ustif retren#hment Lope( 6u)ar Central "s. NLRC, 12: 6CR 17:/. 12. re there other #onditions before an emploee ma be d ismissed on the )round of redundan#@ Bes. >t must be shown that there is0 a/ Good faith in abolishin) redundant position and b/ air and reasonable #riteria in sele#tin) emploees to be dismissed, su#h as but not limited to less preferred status e.). temporar emploee/, effi#ien# and seniorit sian l#ohol Corp. "s. NLRC, 395 6CR 14/ #/ one!month prior noti#e is )i"en to the emploee and D8L? Re)ional 8ffi#e as pres#ribed b law. 1:. Aa the ser"i#es of an emploee be terminated due to disease@ Bes. he emploer ma terminate emploment on )round of disease onl upon the issuan#e of a #ertifi#ation b a #ompetent publi# health authorit that the disease is of su#h nature or at su#h sta)e that it #annot be #ured within a period of si= months e"en with proper medi#al treatment. &9. +hat is #onstru#ti"e dismissal@ Constru#ti"e dismissal refers to an in"oluntar resi)nation resorted to when #ontinued emploment be#omes impossible, unreasonable or unli*el when there is a demotion in ran* or a diminution in pa or when a #lear dis#rimination, insensibilit or disdain b an emploer be#omes unbearable to an emploee or an unwarranted transfer or demotion of a emploee, or other un$ustified a#tion pre$udi#ial to the emploee. he emploer has to pro"e that su#h mana)erial a#tions do not #onstitute #onstru#ti"e dismissal lue Dair Corp. "s. NLRC, 31 6CR 91/ &1. Aa an emploee be pla#ed on floatin) status@ Bes, pro"ided it is permitted under #ir#umstan#es for a period of not more than si= 4/ months. eond this period, floatin) status be#omes #onstru#ti"e dismissal whi#h entitles the emploee to separation pa Fhil. >ndustrial 6e#urit )en# Corp. "s. ir)ilio Dapiton and NLRC, 3&9 6CR 1&/ &&. +hen an emploee resi)ned "oluntaril, is he or she entitled to separation pa@ No. n emploee is not entitled to separation pa when he or she resi)ns "oluntaril, unless it is a #ompan pra#ti#e or pro"ided in the C -anford Fhilippines >n#. "s. 6hirle Eoseph, 5 6CR 724, Aar#h 31, &995/.
&3. re quit#laims "alid@ Bes, pro"ided that these are "oluntaril si)ned and the #onsideration is reasonable and is not a)ainst the law or publi# poli#. Aore Aaritime )en#ies "s. NLRC, 397 6CR 12:/ Huit#laims entered into b union offi#ers and some members do not b ind those who did not si)n it Liana;s 6upermar*et "s. NLRC, & 57 6CR 124/. Dismissal of wor*er DU? FR8C?66 required ! G.R. No. 175552 G.R. No. 175552 I = = =. or a wor*er;s dismissal to be #onsidered "alid, it must #ompl with both pro#edural and substanti"e due pro#ess. he le)alit of the manner of dismissal #onstitutes pro#edural due pro#ess, while the le)alit of the a#t of dismissal #onstitutes substanti"e due pro#ess.54 Fro#edural due pro#ess in dismissal #ases #onsists of the twin requirements of noti#e and hearin). he emploer must furnish the emploee with two written noti#es before the termination of emploment #an be effe#ted0 1/ the first noti#e apprises the emploee of the parti#ular a#ts or omissions for whi#h his dismissal is sou)ht and &/ the se#ond noti#e informs the emploee of the emploer;s de#ision to dismiss him. efore the issuan#e of the se#ond noti#e, the requirement of a hearin) must be #omplied with b )i"in) the wor*er an opportunit to be heard. >t is not ne#essar that an a#tual hearin) be #ondu#ted.57 6ubstanti"e due pro#ess, on the other hand, requires that dismissal b the emploer be made under a $ust or authori(ed #ause under rti#les &2& to &2 of the Labor Code. >n this #ase, there was no written noti#e furnished to De Gra#ia, et al. re)ardin) the #ause of their dismissal. Cosmoship furnished a written noti#e tele=/ to 6*ippers, the lo#al mannin) a)en#, #laimin) that De Gra#ia, et al. were repatriated be#ause the latter "oluntaril pre!terminated their #ontra#ts. his tele= was )i"en #redibilit and wei)ht b the Labor rbiter and NLRC in de#idin) that there was pre!termination of the emploment #ontra#t Ja*in to resi)nationK and no ille)al dismissal. -owe"er, as #orre#tl ruled b the C, the tele= messa)e is Ja biased and self!ser"in) do#ument that does not satisf the requirement of substantial e"iden#e.K >f, indeed, De Gra#ia, et al. "oluntaril pre!terminated their #ontra#ts, then De Gra#ia, et al. should ha"e submitted their written resi)nations. rti#le &25 of the Labor Code re#o)ni(es termination b the emploee of the emploment #ontra#t b Jser"in) written noti#e on the emploer at least one 1/ month in ad"an#e.K Gi"en that pro"ision, the law #ontemplates the requirement of a written noti#e of resi)nation. >n the absen#e of a written resi)nation, it is safe to presume that the emploer terminated the seafarers. >n addition, the tele= messa)e relied upon b the Labor rbiter and NLRC bore #onfli#tin) dates of && Eanuar 1::2 and && Eanuar 1:::, )i"in) doubt to the "era#it and authenti#it of the do#ument. >n && Eanuar 1::2, De Gra#ia, et al. were not e"en emploed et b the forei)n prin#ipal. or these reasons, the dismissal of De Gra#ia, et al. was ille)al. = = =.I DU? FR8C?66 >N ?RA>N>8N ND D>6C>FL>NRB C>8N6 A>N>AUA F?R>8D 8R R?FLB 8 6-8+!CU6? N8>C? Fra#titioners in the field of labor or -uman Resour#es -R/, as well as mana)ers and
e=e#uti"e offi#ers of #ompanies, are aware that an e mploee ma onl be dismissed for #ause. Dis#iplinar a#tions, in#ludin) dismissal from wor*, must #ompl with both substanti"e and pro#edural due pro#ess. 6ubstanti"e due pro#ess requires a "alid #ause for the dismissal. or pro#edural due pro#ess, outlined below, an interestin) question is this0 is there a minimum period that must be )i"en to the emploee to answer the show! #ause noti#e@ +e re#entl re#ei"ed a quer as to how man das should be )i"en to the emploee to answer the show!#ause noti#e. +e find this quer Jinterestin)K be#ause there is no pro"ision in the Labor Code, or its >mplementin) Rules and Re)ulations, whi#h spells out a spe#ifi# period. +hat;s more interestin), howe"er, is that the 6upreme Court has #onstrued this period to mean fi"e 5/ das from re#eipt of the show #ause noti#e. he pro#edural requirements, as summari(ed b the 6upreme Court, are0 / he first written noti#e to be ser"ed on the emploees should #ontain the spe#ifi# #auses or )rounds for termination a)ainst them, and a dire#ti"e that the emploees are )i"en the opportunit to submit their written e=planation within a reasonable period. JReasonable opportunitK under the 8mnibus Rules means e"er *ind of assistan#e that mana)ement must a##ord to the emploees to enable them to prepare adequatel for their defense. his should be #onstrued as a period of at least fi"e 5/ #alendar das from re#eipt of the noti#e to )i"e the emploees an opportunit to stud the a##usation a)ainst them, #onsult a union offi#ial or lawer, )ather data and e"iden#e, and de#ide on the defenses the will raise a)ainst the #omplaint. Aoreo"er, in order to enable the emploees to intelli)entl prepare their e=planation and d efenses, the noti#e should #ontain a detailed narration of the fa#ts and #ir#umstan#es that will ser"e as basis for the #har)e a)ainst the emploees. )eneral des#ription of the #har)e will not suffi#e. Lastl, the noti#e should spe#ifi#all mention whi#h #ompan rules, if an, are "iolated and
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