Subject and Object Questions in English

July 8, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Subject and Object Questions in English ectandObj ecti nEngl i sh Subj ubj ec tandanobj e ct . Fi r s t ,l et ’ sr ev i ewt hedi ffer enc ebet weenas

Thes ubj ec tofas ent enc ei st heper s onort hi ngt hatperf or mst heact i on: 

We  wants omef r ui tj ui c e.

Kar en  l i k esFr ed.

Smoki ng  c a us e sc a nc e r . Dani el   madea   sandwi ch.

Theear t hquakedamage dmyhou s e.

Je nni f e r   l i e dt oSa m. m.

sa ct e dupon,orr e ce i v est heac t i on: Theobj ec tofas ent enc ei st heper s onort hi ngt hati 

omef r ui tj ui c e. Wewants

Kar enl i k esFred.

Smoki ngcaus escancer.

Dani elmadeasa ndwi ch.

Theear t hquakedam ma agedmyhouse.

J enni f erl i edt oSam.

Obj ectquest i onsi nEngl i sh Mos tques t i on si nEngl i s har eobj ectquest i ons–wewantt ok no w aboutt her ec ei v eroft heac t i on. Thes eques t i onsf ol l o wt heQUASM f or mul a:Ques t i onwor d–Aux i l i ar yv er b–Subj ec t–Mai nv er b. Forques t i onsi nt hes i mpl epr es ent ,t heaux i l i ar yver bsar edoanddoes: 

Whatdoy ouwantt odr i n k?

Wewants omef r ui tj ui ce . 

WhodoesKar enl i k e?

Kar enl i k esFred. 

Whatdoessmo moki ngcause?

Smoki ngc ausescancer . Forques t i onsi nt hes i mpl epas t ,t heaux i l i ar yver bi sdi d: 

Whatdi dDani elmake? ch. Dani el madeasandwi

Whatdi d  t heear t hquakedamage?

Theear t hquak edama magedmyhouse. 

Who  di d  J enni f erl i et o?

J enni f erl i edt oSam.

Subj ectquest i onsi nEngl i sh ’ t k n o w  ect .Wedon However ,some met i meswewantt oaskaboutt hesubj t h epe r s ono rt h i n gwh o p er f or medt h ea c t i on ,a ndwewa ntt ofi ndo ut .

ubj ec tques t i on,andsubj Thi st y peofques t i oni sc al l edas ec tques t i onsdoNOTus et heaux i l i ar y d. v e r b sdo,does,anddi


of or m subj ectquest i ons: How t 

Who/Wha t+v e r bi ns i mp l epr e sen to rs i mp l ep as t+ob j e c t?

Examp mpl esofsubj ectquest i onsi nt hesi mpl epr esent : 

Who  want ssomef r ui tj ui c e? Wewants omef r ui tj ui c e.

Who  l i k esFr ed? Kar en  l i k esFr ed.

What   causescancer ? Smoki ngc a us e sc a nc e r .

Examp mpl esofsubj ectquest i onsi nt hesi mpl epast : 

Who  madeas andwi ch? Da ni e lmadeas andwi ch.

What   dama magedyourhouse? Theear t hquake  damage dmyhous e.

Who  l i e dt oSa m? m? Jenni f erl i e dt oSa m. m.

Subj ectandObj ectQuest i onsi nOt herVer bTenses I not herv er bt ens es–pr es entc ont i nuous ,pr es entper f ec t ,et c .–t heaux i l i ar yver bsar ef or msoft he v e r b sbeandha v e.I nt hes ev er bt ens es ,wes t i l l us et hev er bsbeandhavei nbot hs ubj ec tandobj ec t ques t i ons : Pr esentcont i nuous: 

Subj e ctQ:Who  i swas hi ngt hec ar ?

Ob j e ctQ:What   i sPaul was hi ng?

hec ar . Answer :Paul   i swas hi ngt

Pastcont i nuous: 

Subj e ctQ:Who  wast al k i ngab outt hepr obl em?

Ob j e ctQ:What   wa st h ema na ge rt a l k i n ga bo ut ?

manager hepr obl em. m. Answer :Thema   wast al k i ngab outt Pr e se ntpe r f e ct : 

Subj e ctQ:Who  hasspent$1000onacomp mput er ?

Ob j e ctQ:How much  h av ey o urp ar e nt ss p en to nac omp ut e r ?

Answer :Mypar ent s  h av es pe nt$1000  onacomp mput er .

Pr esentper f ectcont i nuous: 

Subj e ctQ:Who  hasbeenwor k i ngont hi spr oj ec t ?

Ob j e ctQ:What   haveyoubeenwor ki ngon?

Answer :I   havebeenwor ki ngont hi spr oj ect .

Fut ur ewi t hWI LL: 

Subj e ctQ:What   wi l l hel pt hes t udent s ? Ob j e ctQ:Who  wi l l t hi sbookhel p?

Answer :Thi st ext book  wi l l hel p  t hest udent s.

Fut ur ewi t hGOI NG TO:


Subj e ctQ:Who  i sgoi ngt oor derdes ser t ?

Ob j e ctQ:What   ar ey ougo i ngt oor der ?

Answer :Wear egoi ngt oor derdessert .

Thesi mpl estr ul ef orsubj ect / obj ectquest i ons mpl epr esentorsi mpl epastus ,ask Whe ny o uar ego i n gt oas kaque s t i oni nt hesi i ngwhoorwhat

y our s el f , e ce i v er “ Am Ia sk i n gab outt h edoer   oft heac t i onort her   oft heac t i on?” / subj ect ,t I fy ou’ r eas ki ngaboutt hedoer henDON’ Tusedo/ does/ di d: Whodoes  wantf r ui tj ui c e? 

Whowant sf r ui tj ui c e? 

What di d  dama mageyourhouse? Whatdama magedy ourhous e?

I fy ou’ r eas ki ngaboutt her ecei ver / obj ect ,t henYES–usedo/ does/ di d: 

What doy ouwantt odr i nk ?

di dt What heear t hquakedamage?


z :Subj ec t&Obj ec tQues t i onsi nEngl i s h Qui Question 1

Mys i s t ere nj o y edt hemo mo vi e.

 A B

Who did enjoy the movie? Who enjoyed the movie?

Question 2

e s av i s i t sGe r man ye v e r ys u mme mm r . T e r

 A B

What country does Teresa visit every summer? What country Teresa Teresa visits ever every y summer?

Question 3

Thedogbr oket heTV.

 A B

What did the dog break? What the dog broke?

Question 4

ef tmyk ey satt heoffic e. Il

 A B

Who did leave their keys at the office? Who left their keys at the office?

Question 5

t h anga v eme meabo t t l eo fwi n e. Na

 A B

What did Nathan give you? What Nathan gave you?

Question 6

epai r manfixedmy myr oof . Ther

 A B

Who did fix your roof? Who fixed your roof?

Question 7

Thet r afficma mademe mel at ef orwor k.

 A B

What did make you late for ork? What made you late for ork?

Question 8

n s ur a nc ec os t s$ 10 0p ermo nt h . I

 A B

!o much does insurance cost? !o much insurance costs?


Question 9

Al y ss ahi r edJ oef ort hej ob.

 A B

Who did "lyssa "lyssa hire for the job? Who "lyssa "lyssa hired for f or the job?

Question 10

Thebeaut i f ul beac hdr awst our i s t st ot hi sar ea.

 A B

What does dra tourists to this area? What dras tourists to this area?

Question 11

Pe t e rwa r n edRa l p ha bo utt h ed an ge r .

 A B

Who did arn #al$h about the danger? Who arned #al$h about the danger?

Question 12

Wei nv i t eev er y onet oourpar t i es .

 A B

Who do you invite to your $arties? Who you invite to your $arties?

Question 13

Myf r i endhel pedmemo movet oanewapar t ment .

 A B

Who did hel$ you move to a ne a$artment? Who hel$ed you move to a ne a$artment?

Question 14

Henr yp l a y st het r umpet .

 A B

What musical instrument does !enry $lay? What musical instrument !enry $lays?

Question 15

Iwanty out ol eadt hi spr oj ec t .

 A B

Who do you ant to lead this $roject? Who you ant to lead this $roject?

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