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Concursul judetean de limba engleza “VALUE YOUR ENGLISH” Sectiunea TEST YOUR YOUR ENGLI SH  Clasa a VI-a Etapa judeteana –  judeteana –  29  29 martie 2014 SUBIECTE: I. Read the article article about the life presented above. above. Are the sentences ‘Right’  or „Wrong ‟? ‟? If there is not enough say’ (20 points) information to answer „ Right’  or  or ‘Wrong’ , choose ‘Doesn’t say’ (20 A Voyage to Lilliput

There is another amusement which is only shown to the Emperor, the Empress and the Prime Minister on special occasions. The Emperor rewards the best performers with silk threads: a blue, a red and a green. In this performance, the Emperor holds a stick in his hands. One by one, the candidates jump over the stick or creep under it backwards and forwards. Whoever performs with the greatest agility is rewarded with the blue silk. The red is given to the next and the green to the third. They wear this silk wrapped twice around their middle. Only the most important persons of the Court wear one of these belts. After a while the horses of the cavalry were no longer frightened of me. Riders could jump their horses over my hand on the ground. One even leaped over my foot, shoe and all. I amused the Emperor one day in an unusual way. I asked for several sticks two feet high. I fixed nine of these firmly in the ground in a large square. Then I tied my handkerchief to the nine sticks. I pulled it on all sides until it was as tight as a drum. Then I asked the Emperor to let twenty-four of his best horses and riders come and exercise on top of my handkerchief.  From Gulliver’s Travels, Jonathan Swift  Questions 1- All the courtiers the Court were able to see an amusement. TRUE/ FALSE/ DOESN’T SAY 2- The so called performers were dealing with a stick during their performance. TRUE/ FALSE/ DOESN’T SAY 3- The Emperor used to deal with as many riders and horses as the hours of a day. TRUE/ FALSE/ DOESN’T SAY 4- The performers did not use to put the soft material somewhere between the head and feet. TRUE/ FALSE/ DOESN’T SAY 5- The green silk has been offered to the first performer. TRUE/ FALSE/ DOESN’T SAY 6-The man who intended to entertain the Emperor was passing underneath the stick. TRUE/ FALSE/ DOESN’T SAY 7- The man asked for some sticks more than half a meter high. TRUE/ FALSE/ DOESN’T SAY 8- The Emperor did not use to treat the winner with the colour of the sea. TRUE/ FALSE/ DOESN’T SAY 9- The author did not put the sticks onto the ground in a big square. TRUE/ FALSE/ DOESN’T SAY 10- The Emperor was holding a candle during the performance and the Empress was assisting him. TRUE/FALSE/ DOESN’T SAY

II. Correct the mistake in each sentence below, without adding any more words: (10 points) 01. Mr Fred Harris decided to leave from home. He had been unemployed for three months. 02. His wife was getting more and more angry. He could not go on with any longer. 03. So, one Wednesday morning, he packed together a small suitcase and left his home in Newcastle. 04. He went on to the railway station and, when after buying a platform ticket for five pence, 05. boarded on on the express train to London. Fred was hungry, so he borrowed a waiter’s jacket 06. he found that hanging behind a door in the dining carriage. 07. He went into a lavatory and put on the jacket. From then he went back to the dining car. 08. He hoped, he said that, to get a quick snack. However, he was seen by the head waiter, who said: 09. “Where have you been? Get on with serving out the lunches, will you!” 10. This opened a new life for Fred. He travelled there backwards and forwards for six weeks.

III. Complete each of the following sentences using the word in bold so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence. You must use between two and five words including the word given: (20 points)

1. If you don’t study hard, you won’t pass your exam. UNLESS You won’t pass your exam………………..hard 2. Maybe Anna is at the bookshop. BE Anna…………………………………………….the bookshop. 3. Martin is repairing the car. BY The car…………………………..Martin. 4. The world’s green places are under threat of destruction. RISK  The world’s green places………………………………………. destruction. 5. “ Could you pass me these notebooks, please?. ” ASKED She…………………………………… the notebooks. 6. We are sure he is preparing his presentation. BE He……………………………preparing his presentation. 7. Tom last phoned me seven weeks ago. HEARD I……………………………….Tom for seven weeks. 8. Music does not interest Margaret. INTERESTED Margaret………………………………….music. 9. There are very few students in the school smarter than him. ONE He is ………..………………………students in the school. 10. They let me go to the rock concert last Saturday. ALLOWED I……………………………………to the rock concert last Saturday. IV. Fill in the correct word derived from the words in bold. (10 points)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

The wedding ceremony was extremely……………….………….…….... The moment he passed the exam was a truly……………..……. occasion. There is a …………………………..for a manager assistant in that company. I have to confess that, in my opinion, there is no………….between the two skirts. Her relatives have been building an …………………………..onto their house. After the…..…………… of his ninth tooth, Richard felt much better. She’s a ………………………..……. at the moment, and she works part -time. I’ll always remember my……………………… a very happy period of my life. We can’t go on unless we have his…………………………..   Good manners belong to civilized……………………………...


V. Write a story entitled “ Th e best pr oof of bei ng a bosom f ri end  ”. Write 120-150 words. (30 points)

P1: set the scene (who-when-where-what-why-how) P2-P4: development (describe facts leading up to the main event itself in detail; use time words such as: at first, before, until, till, whereas, eventually, ever, once in a while, at times) P5: end of the story (you have to refer to moods, inner states of feelings, human relationships, ideas, comments) Toate subiectele sunt obligatorii. Timp de lucru: 2 ore Se acordă 10 puncte din oficiu.

Concursul judetean de limba engleza “VALUE YOUR ENGLISH” Sectiunea TEST YOUR ENGLI SH  Clasa a VI-a Etapa judeteana –  29 martie 2014


SUBIECTUL I 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. F

5. F 6. T 7. T 8. F

SUBIECTUL II 1. From 2. With 3. Together 4. When 5. On

6. That 7. From 8. That 9. Out 10. there

SUBIECTUL III 1. unless you study 2. may be at 3. is being repaired by 4. are at risk of 5. asked me to pass her 6. must be 7. haven’t heard from/of 8. is not interested in 9. one of the smartest 10. was allowed to go

SUBIECTUL IV 1. romantic 2. joyful 3.vacancy 4.difference 5.extension

9. DS 10. DS

6. removal 7. student 8. Childhood 9. agreement 10. behaviour

SUBIECTUL V - marking scheme for narrative essays

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