Study Skills in English For Academic Purposes (EAP)

August 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Far Western University Faculty of Engineering Mahendranagar, Kanchanpur  Course Title: Study Skills in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) Code Co de:: SH 125 125 Cred Credit it Hour Hour:: 3 Level: B.E. Civil Total Hours: 45 Degr De gree ee:: Bach Bachel elor ors' s' Degr Degree ee in Ci Civi vill Engi Engine neeri ering ng Year Year:: I; Se Seme meste ster: r: II 1. Course Introduction This course aims at developing study skills and academic English skills in students. The course covers reading academic texts efficiently and effectively; taking notes from lectures and books; books; doing doing basic basic research research;; using using library library or comput computer-b er-based ased resourc resources; es; writin writing g academic academ ic papers; papers; taking taking part in discussions; discussions; presenting presenting papers; managing study time and  preparing for examinations In this course the students analyse characteristics of written and spoken academic texts, develop awareness of academic culture and learn to avoid  plagiarism. The course also aims to develop independent learning skills and critical thinking and allows for personalisation of learning.

2. General Objectives

General objectives of this course are to: a)  b) c) d) e)

introduce introduce studen students ts to the basic basic concepts concepts of academic academic skills help them develop different types of academic reading skills enable enable them to be successful successful in academic academic listening listening and speaki speaking ng help them manage manage study study skills skills for academic academic purpose purpose writ writee aca acade demi micc p pap aper erss

3. Contents with Specific Objectives

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Specific Objectives Contents in Detail ex expl plai ain n the the basi basicc con concept ceptss of  Unit One: Introduction to Academic Skills 1.1. Thinking Thinking about academic academic culture academic skills 1.2. Thinking Thinking critically critically talk about the academic culture 1.3. Avoiding Avoiding plagiarism plagiarism 1.4. Academic Academic vocabulary vocabulary research texts for various kinds of  Unit Two: Academic Reading 2.1. Researching Researching texts and understand understanding ing implicit implicit meaning meaning read and prioritize ideas 2.2. Selecting Selecting and priorit prioritizing izing ideas ideas read for detail understanding 2.3.. Readin 2.3 Reading g for detail detail recognize plagiarism 2.4. Recognizin Recognizing g plagiarism plagiarism organize information 2.5. Organizing Organizing information information read critically 2.6. Reading Reading figures figures and tables

2.7.. Critic 2.7 Critical al reading reading



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understand lectures and take notes make presentations follow an arguments work in groups reach consensus

Unit Three: Listening and Speaking in Academic Settings 3.1. 3.1. Unde Underst rstan andi ding ng lectu lectures res 3.2 .2.. Tak akin ing g note notess 3.3. 3.3. Maki Making ng pr prese esent ntati ation onss 3.4. 3.4. Foll Follow owin ing g an arg argum umen entt 3.5.. Workin 3.5 Working g in groups groups and reach reaching ing conse consensu nsuss Unit Four: Academic Writing 4.1. 4.1. Orga Organi nizat zatio ion n of the the essay essay 4.2.. Using 4.2 Using and suppor supportin ting g clai claims ms 4.3.. Referri 4.3 Referring ng to to other other people people’s ’s work  work  4.4.. Writin 4.4 Writing g skills skills in in academ academic ic writi writing ng 4.5. 4.5. Writ Writin ing g voc vocab abul ulary ary 4.6. Describing Describing informatio information n in figures figures and and tables tables

organize essays use claims refer to other’s work  use ac acaademic emic vocabular ary y in writing describe information in tables and figures Unit Five: Grammar in Academic English  be aware of plagiarism 5.1. 5.1. Avoi Avoidi ding ng re repe peti titi tion on use complex noun phrases 5.2. 5.2. Comp Comple lex x noun noun ph phras rases es use conjunctions and connectors 5.3.. Conjun 5.3 Conjunctio ctions ns and sent sentenc encee connecto connectors rs Unit Six: Managing Study Skills Improve reading skills 6.1. 6.1. Imp Impro rov vin ing g read readin ing g effi effici cien ency cy take notes 6.2. Note-taking sk skills learn through discussions 6.3. 6.3. Basi Basicc re rese sear arch ch te tech chn niq iqu ues manage study time 6.4. Writing skills 6.5. 6.5. Lear Learni ning ng th thro roug ugh h di disc scus ussi sion onss 6.6. Managing yo your st study 4. Methodology and Techniques  Modes of instruction: instruction: 

Lecture, Seminar, Exercises , Guided study, Tutorial, Independent study, Project work   

 Modes of learning: learning: 

Attending lectures, Doing assignments, Writing papers, Independent and private study, Reading books, books, reviewing journals and papers, Critiquing, Group Group study Peer discussion

6. Prescribed Texts a) Hewings, M. (2012). Cambridge academic English: Upper intermediate. Cambridge. Cambridge University Press .(All Units) Wall llace ace,, M. (2 (200 009) 9).. Stu Study dy skills skills in Engli English sh.. Cambridge. Cambridge. Cambridge University University b) Wa Press .(All Units)


1. Horn Hornby by.. A. A.S. S. (2 (201 010) 0).. Eigh Eighth th Edit Editio ion. n. Oxfo Oxford rd Adva Advanc nced ed Lear Learne ner’s r’s Dicti Diction onar ary. y. Oxford: Oxford University Press.




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