Study Guide

April 24, 2018 | Author: DharavGosalia | Category: Aerospace Engineering, Aviation, Aeronautics, Nature
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Interview Question Bank Technical Questions and Answer 1.

What is HAT? HAT? •


What is MDA? •


$t means no rocedure turn authorized. #-A%

What is oute M5A? •


unway enterline Mar2ing #-A%

What does 456T mean? •


Minimum *ectoring Altitude. The lowest M+, altitude at which an $- aircraft will be vectored by a radar controller' e(cet as otherwise authorized for radar aroaches' deartures and missed aroaches. This altitude meets $- obstacle clearance criteria. $t may be lower than the M/A' and the charts are normally only available to controllers. #A$M%

What is ,M? •


Minimum Descent Altitude. Altitude. The lowest altitude' e(ressed in feet above mean sea level' to which descent is authorized on final aroach or during circle"to"land maneuvering in e(ecution of a standard instrument aroach rocedure where no electronic glide sloe is rovided. #non" recision aroaches% #A$M%

What is M*A? M*A? •


Height Above Touchdown. The height of the Decision height or Minimum Descent Altitude above the highest runway elevation in the touchdown zone of the runway. HAT is ublished on instrument aroach charts in con!unction with all straight"in minimums. #A$M%

oute Minimum 5ff oute Altitude. This is an altitude a ltitude derived by 8eesen. The oute M5A altitude rovides reference oint clearance within 19nm of the route centerline and end fi(es. oute M5A values clear all reference oints by 1999: in areas where the highest reference oints are 3'999: M+, or lower. oute M5A values clear all reference oints by &'999: in areas where the highest reference oints are 3'991: M+, or higher. #A$M%

What is 1%' if there is no art >; aroach' then weather allowing descent from the M/A and aroach and landing under basic *-. #-A% What constitutes a ceiling?


 Any bro2en' overcast or obscuration not classified as thin thin or artial. $f the current altimeter altimeter setting setting is &=.09' what is the lowest usable usable flight level?


-,&99 What seed restriction restriction is there there below below lass lass J airsace?


4o erson may oerate an aircraft underlying a lass J airsace area designated for an airort or in a *- corridor designated through such an area at an indicated airseed of more than &992ts. #-A% What is the number in arenthesis arenthesis ne(t to the MDA on an aroach aroach late?


HAA #circling #circling aroaches% or HAT #straight"in #straight"in aroaches%. #8eesen% What is a M/A and what does it loo2 li2e? #find one on a chart%


M/A #Minimum #Minimum /nroute Altitude%. ,owest ublished altitude between radio fi(es' which assures accetable navigational signal coverage and meets obstacle clearance re@uirements between those fi(es. $t rovides for 1'999: of obstruction clearance in non"mountainous terrain and &'999: of obstruction clearance in mountainous terrain within 0nm either side of an airway. #A$M% How can can you tell what the the M+A M+A is based or centered centered on?


$t will say so ne(t to the M+A circle on the aroach late. #8eesen% What class of airsace are the !et routes in?


lass A. #A$M% Where are changeover oints located?


The changeover oint is located midway between two navigation facilities or as secified by the change over oint symbol. #A$M% What is the difference difference between between a solid solid blac2 triangle and an unfilled unfilled triangle?


The solid triangle reresents a comulsory reorting oint in a non"radar environment and the other is not comulsory. comulsory. #8eesen% How can you tell if there is a M/A change at a fi(?


"""l fi( l""" #8eesen% What is 10'099T along a route?


& I /ngine aircraft not more than one hour from the dearture airort at normal cruising seed in still air with one engine inoerative.

The T at end signifies that the altitude is a Minimum 5bstruction learance Altitude #M5A%. #M5A%. $t meets obstacle clearance re@uirements #1'999: non"mountainous E &'999: mountainous% for the entire route segment and in the +A assures accetable navigational signal coverage only within &&nm of a *5. #8eesen% What does the the a mean on an altitude along an airway? airway?


The a at the end of the altitude denotes a oute M5A. #8eesen% What would would indicate indicate the highest altitude altitude allowed on on a route segment? segment?


MAA #A$M% What direction are standard turns in holding?


ight turns are standard and ,eft turns are non"standard in holding. #A$M% At what oint during during an $,+ aroach are are you on final? final?


 At the ublished glidesloe intercet or when AT AT directs directs a lower than than ublished glidesloe glidesloe intercet altitude' it is the resultant actual oint of glidesloe intercet. #A$M% Where is the -A-A- for a ,5 aroach?


The -A- is a Maltese cross symbol on the aroach late. #8eesen% What are the three tyes of Hydrolaning?

Dynamic I > ( s@uare root of tire ressure

everted ubber I +2idding on steam oc2et

*iscous I +2idding on ainted or sliery surface


6rior to the the -A-' -A-' you are informed that that the weather has gone below minimums. minimums. What do you do? do? •

ontinue the aroach ground trac2 at or above the MDA and e(ecute a missed aroach at the missed aroach oint. #A$M%

)7. After interceting glidesloe glidesloe on an $,+ you are told the the weather is is below minimums. minimums. What do you do? •


ontinue the aroach to DH and if the runway environment is in sight and the aircraft is in a osition to land using normal rocedures' land. #-A% #-A% alculate a *D6 for an aroach with a HAT HAT of 039: and -A-A- to MA6 is 1B03?


Timing method HAT ( 19K C seconds to be subtracted from timing of -A- to MA6. 039 ( 19K C 03sec. 1B03 I 03sec. C 1min. /(ecute missed aroach 1 minute after assing the -A-. -A-. 92tas )>92tas with with a )92t tailwind' how far will you you go in in 09 minutes? minutes?

)>9 B )9 C 0&92gs or ;nmEmin. ;nmEmin ( 09min C &=9nm

)>. 4o erson may attemt to act as a crewmember of a civil civil aircraft within how many hours after after consumtion of alchohol? •


= hours #-A% What is the Mode  *eil?


The airsace within )9nm of generally rimary airorts within lass J airsace areas' from the surface uward to 19'999:msl. nless otherwise authorized by air traffic control' aircraft oerating within this airsace must be e@uied with automatic ressure altitude reorting e@uiment having Mode  caability. #A$M% What is lass  airsace?

9 1)9994/ ne(t to to a fi(?


Minimum crossing altitude at fi( of 1)999: traveling northeast along * 1>9. A climb must be e(ecuted to cross the fi( at or above this altitude when traveling in that direction. #8eesen% When do you switch 4A*A$Ds 4A*A$Ds on an airway?


 At the designated change over oint or halfway if none is deicted. #8eesen% an you you shoot the WL WL && $,+ DM/ with DM/ inoerative? inoerative?


4o' with DM/ in aroach name' it is re@uired. #8eesen% What would be a 6D6 for a )79 HAT with both the *5EDM/ and MA6 at the threshold?


)79E)99 for ) degree sloe C1.& DM/ $f you lose lose communications communications what route will will you fly? fly?

Jy the route assigned in the last AT AT clearance received

$f vectored' from the oint of failure direct to fi(' route or airway secified in the vector clearance

$n absence of a route' by the route that AT AT has advised may be e(ected in a further clearance

$f none of the above' then by the route filed in flight lan. #A$M%



Les Les #A$M%

What does a flashing white Air Traffic ontrol Tower Tower ,ight .

$f there is no ublished holding attern' enter a standard holding ho lding attern at the clearance limit.  Aircraft altitude altitude determines the the length of the legs legs and holding airseed. airseed. #A$M% What is lass A airsace?



When tower controllers have received runway bra2ing action reorts which include the terms oor  or nil' or whenever weather conditions are conducive to deteriorating or raidly changing runway bra2ing conditions. #A$M% What are the recommended thunderstorm avoidance criteria?

 Avoid thunderstorms thunderstorms in altitude altitude by 1'999: for every 192ts of wind at altitude altitude

 Avoid by at least least &9nm on the uwind uwind side. #A$M% #A$M%


At what altitude are you re@uired to have oerable DM/? DM/? •

Lou must have DM/ to oerate P-,&09. #-A%


What are the aroach categories? •

at A less than >12ts

at J >12ts"1&92ts

at  1&12ts"1092ts

at D 1012ts"1732ts

at / 1772ts and greater. #A$M%


How is an aircraft:s category determined? •


1.) times stall seed in the landing configuration at ma(imum gross landing weight. #A$M% How do you determine determine what the aroach light configuration configuration is is for an airort?


,oo2 on the bac2 of the airfield a irfield diagram to determine aroach lighting configuration for each runway. What does the the designation designation #H% ne(t to the the *5 *5 indicate? indicate?


High altitude designated *5 service volume. 1='999: through 03'999: C 1)9nm #A$M% How can you determine ressure altitude inflight?


+et &>.>&inHg in the altimeter What is density altitude?


$t is ressure altitude corrected for deviations from standard day temerature What is the the service service volume volume for a #T% designated *5?


1'999: I 1&'999: C &3nm #A$M% What is a dislaced threshold?


 A dislaced dislaced threshold is is a threshold located located at a oint on the the runway other than than the designated beginning of the runway. $t reduces the length of the runway available for landings. The ortion of the runway behind a dislaced threshold is available for ta2eoffs in either direction and landings from the oosite direction. #A$M% What is H$WA+?

199. •


H$WA+ #Hazardous $nflight Weather Advisory +ervice% broadcasts +$5 to -.

# ( &% I 19K B )& C -

> ( & C 1=' #1= I & C 17%' 17 B )& C 0= 5-

19&. •

19). •


When turning turning from a tailwind tailwind to a headwind' what will will haen to your $A+? 4othing' only the groundseed changes. What is significant about a letter in in a *5 *5 aroach aroach designation' ie. *5"A? *5"A? The use of an alhabetical designation indicates the rocedure does not meet the criteria for straight"in landing minimums #will be circling%. #8eesen% $f airfield tem is 795-' what is the robable freezing level?

R#- I )&% B 19KS E& C  then I & 5E1999N

79 I )& C &= B ) C )1 E & C 13.35 C ;';39:

193. •

Doing )192tas )192tas with with a 392t tailwind' how long will itit ta2e to go ;3 miles? )19 B 39 C )79 C 7nmEmin ;3nm E 7nmEmin C 1&min )9sec

197. $f you arc from the 9>& 9>& radial northwest northwest on the the 1& DM/ arc to intercet intercet the ))& ))& radial. How many miles will you travel on the arc? •

 At 1& DM/ C 3 radialsEnm for 1&9 radials' 1&9 E 3 C &0nm.

19;. Lou Lou weigh 1=&'999lbs 1=&'999lbs and need to dum to 133'999lbs. With a dum rate rate of )999lbsEminute )999lbsEminute how long will this ta2e? •


1=&'999lbs I 133'999lbs C &;'999lbs. &;'999lbs E )'999lbEmin C >min. How long long will it ta2e ta2e to dum dum 79'999lbs of fuel at a rate rate of &'399lbsEmin?

&'399 ( & C 3'999 ' 79'999 E 3'999 C 1& ( & C &0min or

&'399 ( 0 C 19'999' 79'999 E 19'999 C 7 ( 0 C &0min

19>. Lou Lou need to descend to cross cross a fi( at 3'999: 3'999: from -,&39' doing )992gs. At 0'999:Emin 0'999:Emin 5D' how far out must you start the descent to cross the fi( at 3'999:? •

119. 119. •

111. 111. •

11&. 11&. •

11). 11). •

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113. 113. •

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11;. 11;. •

&3'999: I 3'999: C &9'999:. &9'999: E 0'999:Emin C 3 min. )992gs C 3nmEmin. 3min ( 3nmEmin C &3nm from fi(. Lou Lou need to loose loose &9'999: in 3min. What rate of descent descent is re@uired? re@uired? 0'999:Emin. Lou Lou are going )792tas with a 792ts headwind. headwind . How long will it ta2e you to go ;3nm? 13min Lou Lou traveled )13 miles in 03 minutes. What is you seed in nmEmin? )13 E ) C 193' )13 B 193 C 0&92ts C ;nmEmin. Lou Lou are going 1392tas with no wind' how long does it ta2e to to travel 19nm? 19nm? 0min What:s the recirocal &79? 9=9 What is the recirocal of 19&? &=& What is the recirocal of 91&? 1>& What are the three classes of aircraft? Heavy #P&&3'999lbs%' ,arge #P01'999lbs I &&3'999%' +mall #01'999lbs and less% #A$M%

11=. 11=. Aroach states the altimeter altimeter is &>.>3' but you you accidentally set &=.>3. What does the the altimeter read at landing' and will you touchdown before or after you thin2 you should? •

$f your altimeter is set below the local setting' then you will read lower than the actual altitude and in this case by 1'999:' and will land after you thin2 you should.

11>. Lou Lou are at -,039 and need to descend to -,&39' with &'999:Emin 5D' how far will will you travel in the descent at 0=92ts?

1&9. •

1&1. •

1&&. •

1&). •

1&0. •

1&3. •

1&7. •

1&;. •

1&=. •

1&>. •

1)9. •

1)1. •

1)&. •

032 I &32 C &92' &9 E & C 19min. #0=9 C =nmEmin% 19min ( =nmEmin C =9nm. Traveling Traveling at =.3nmEmin' how far will you go in )9min? )9min? =.3 C 3192ts. 319 E & C &33nm in )9min. Descend from -,)39 to -,1>9 -,1>9 with a &999:Emin rate rate of descent' descent' how long will itit ta2e? )32 I 1>2 C 172. 17 E & C =min. At &092tas with with no wind' wind' how long will will it ta2e to travel )>9nm? )>9nm? &092ts C 0nmEmin' )>9nm E 0nmEmin C >;min )9sec. Lou Lou need to descend descend from -,&>9 -,&>9 to 10'999: at &'399:Emin. &'399:Emin. How long long will itit ta2e? 13'999: E &'399:Emin C 7min #&.3 ( & C 3' 13 E 3 C )' ) ( & C 7min% $f you need to dum &9'999lbs &9'999lbs of fuel at 7'999lbEmin' how long will itit ta2e? &9 E 7 C ) B &9. ecirocal of 1)>? )1> Lou Lou need to dum dum )3'999lbs of fuel at a rate of &399lbsEmin. How How long will will it ta2e? 10min #&.3 ( & C 3' )3 E 3 C ;' ; ( & C 10% or #)3 E &.3 C 10% '999lbs B )'999lbs C 1&'999lbs $f you go );3nm in in 03min' 03min' what what is is your ground seed? );3 E ) C 1&3' );3 B 1&3 C 3992gs C 09 minutes. 5n a standard day day what altitude would we we encounter the freezing freezing level? level? #I &5 E1'999:% 135 to 95 C 13' 13 E & C ;.3 ( 1'999: C ;'399:

1)). Assume you you are burning ='999lbsEhr. ='999lbsEhr. 5n an $- flight' flight' what is is the fuel re@uired re@uired for a 1B)9 tri' tri' with an alternate being 9B)9 minutes away? •

='999lbEhr ( 1.3hr C 1&'999lbs B 0'999lbs #to fly to the alternate% B 7'999lbs #03 minutes of flying time%. 1&'999 B 0'999 B 7'999 C &&'999lbs.

1)0. B 3 C ;0nm. Lou Lou traveled )79nm in 03 minutes. What is your . •

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100. •

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10;. •

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139. •


onvert 1&5  to -. 30 What is a +D #onstant +eed Drive%? omonent that converts the variable 6M roduced by the engine to a constant 6M for the generator. What is a TE? Transformer E ectifier What does the Transformer Transformer E ectifier do? Transforms 113v to &=v and ectifies A to D ower. Why do aircraft use A ower?  Allows smaller smaller motors and wires wires thereby reducing weight due to the the higher voltage and low current of the A system. What is a battery for on an aircraft?  AE bac2u in the the event of generator failure of when when the generators are inoerative. inoerative. What is the urose of a slat? High"energy air flows from under the wing to energize the boundary layer which then delays a stall to a higher angle of attac2 than would normal. Why do some aircraft have two sets of ailerons? -or increased maneuverability during slow seed flight. When are outboard ailerons designed to wor2? 5utboard ailerons are designed to wor2 at slower seeds for increased controllability and maneuverability' maneuverability' but the mechanization on latforms may differ. What is the function of a fuse lug? 6revent tire blowout. What is a cabin outflow valve? The valve that allows internal ressure to escae' thereby controlling aircraft ressurization. The valve is oen on the ground gradually closes on a schedule as the aircraft climbs. What does  mean in a M/TA? Maintenance needed on the system. What is an AM?  Air ycle Machine Machine #AM% How does an Air ycle Machine wor2?  An air cycle machine machine mi(es both hot and cold air to regulate regulate the temerature temerature of the cabin. Jefore the air is cooled' it is routed through the rimary heat e(changer to be cooled by outside air. The air then flows to the air cycle machine comressor. The comressor increases both air ressure and temerature. The air then goes to secondary heat e(changer and is cooled again. The air is then directed to the AM turbine resulting in even more heat loss as it hels to ower the turbine and in doing so it e(ands losing more heat. ,astly' the now cold air is routed to a water searator that removes moisture rior to the air entering the cabin. $t is at this oint that the air mi( valve regulates the flow of both hot and cold air to maintain the desired temerature. What are the uroses of a hydraulic hydraulic accumulator?

+tore hydraulic ressure

6rotect system against ressure surges

13&. •

What has occurred ifif the accumulator ressure gauge gauge reads U9: ressure? The accumulator has lost it:s recharge.

13). 5n climbout there is a windshear that that results in a tailwind tailwind decreasing to calm wind. wind. What are are the indications? •

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+ame as an increase in headwind. Altitude' Altitude' itch' and indicated airseed increase. #A$M% What is the e@uation for Mach? M C TA+ E +eed of +ound $f you conduct a constant Mach climb' what what will haen to TA+? TA+? TA+ will decrease #as temerature decreases' so must the TA+ to maintain Mach% What is *-/? Ma(imum fla e(tended seed. #A$M% What if */-? +eed at which the critical engine is assumed to fail. #A$M% What is *1? $t is the ma(imum seed in the ta2eoff at which the ilot must ta2e the first action to sto the airlane within the accelerate"sto distance. $t also is the minimum seed in the ta2eoff' following a failure of the critical engine at * /-' at which the ilot can continue the ta2eoff and achieve the re@uired height above the ta2eoff surface within the ta2eoff distance. #sometimes Ta2eof Ta2eofff Decision +eed% #A$M% What is *&? Ta2eoff Ta2eoff +afety +eed. A referenced airseed obtained after lift"off at which the re@uired one" engine inoerative climb erformance can be achieved. #A$M% What is * A? Design maneuvering seed #A$M% What is *4/? 4ever"e(ceed seed #A$M% What is *M5? Ma(imum oerating limit seed #A$M% What is wind shear? Wind shear is a change in wind seed andEor direction over a short d istance' either horizontally horizontally or  vertically. #A$M% What causes wind shear' and how is it reorted? reorted? Windshear is normally associated with strong temerature inversions' surface obstructions' thunderstorms or frontal activity. 6$/6+' ,,WA+' +$. •

1>9. •

How is an aircraft ressurized? The air conditioning ac2s' for the most art' continuously um air into the aircraft:s cabin. The cabin outflow valve will vent all ressure in e(cess of a reset value. What is the urose of the fuelEoil heat e(changer? The fuelEoil heat e(changer cools engine oil and can aid in heating fuel to revent ice formation. What is the urose of the cabin outflow valve? The urose of the outflow valve is to vent or release all ressure above a reset amount allowing control of cabin differential differential ressure. What is anti"s2id used for?  Aid bra2ing in wet' wet' icy or otherwise otherwise sliery runway runway conditions. How does anti"s2id wor2? The anti s2id system monitors each wheels deceleration. $f one slows too raidly' the system reduces bra2e ressure to that wheel until its rate of deceleration is normal. no rmal. Anti"s2id Anti"s2id systems are normally automatically automatically disabled below about &9mh I )9 mh so that the aircraft can be stoed. What does the the D mean in the *5 *5 information bo(? 6aired DM/ caability #8eesen% What is a Diode and what does itit do?  A Diode Diode is a comonent on a circuit board board allowing electricity electricity to flow in only one direction. direction. What color is the left wing navigation light? The left wing navigation light is red and the right navigation light is green. #A$M% When you chec2 a hydraulic hydraulic accumulator accumulator ressure ressure gauge during during reflight' reflight' what what is shown? shown? 4itrogen or air re"charge ressure. How can you tell ifif a generator is at its roer roer 6M Lou Lou may chec2 the generator fre@uency gauge' as that is a reresentation of generator seed. What effect effect will a forward forward moving moving < have on an aircraft? aircraft?  An aircraft:s aircraft:s *M will increase

+talling angle of attac2 will be reached at a higher seed.

ruise seeds will be slower

1>1. •

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What are the airseed airseed limitations limitations associated associated with lass  and D airsace? nless otherwise authorized or re@uired by AT' AT' no erson may oerate an aircraft at or below &'399: above the surface within 0nm of the rimary airort of lass  or D airsace area at an indicated airseed of more than &992ts. #A$M% What are the the airseed airseed limits limits in lass lass J airsace?  Airseed shall be at or below &392ias &392ias when below 19'999:msl' 19'999:msl' or as assigned assigned by AT' AT' there there are no other airseed restrictions when inside lass J airsace. #A$M%

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What does a flashing flashing red and green light from the control tower mean? /(ercise e(treme caution for both' on the ground and in the air. #A$M% What should should you be concerned about in cold temeratures with regards regards to fuel? 7. •

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What do you do if you go $M while circling to land? land? $f visual reference is lost while circling"to"land from an instrument aroach' the missed aroach secified for that articular rocedure must be followed. To To become established on the missed aroach course' the ilot should ma2e an initial climbing turn toward the landing runway and continue the turn until established on the missed aroach course. #A$M% What is the most imortant instrument during start? /(haust 67+M 4+W +O M/TA O4G 971)3;G 5 &&913;=MO +,6903 T91=&913> &11. &11. an you ta2eoff with a & engine aircraft aircraft #6art #6art >1%? >1%? •

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4o' weather is below

39 or 1sm #6art >1% #-A%


an we ta2eoff with a ) engine aircraft #6art >1%? Les' weather is above *&0 or 1E&sm #6art >1% #-A% What is the current ceiling? 1999: 5* #A$M% $f we we lanned to to arrive arrive at 4G 4G at 1)03' is a destination destination alternate alternate re@uired? Les' Les' weather is forecast to be below &999:' )sm BE" 1 hour of lanned arrival. #-A% Are you ready to start again?  Are you 2idding?

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