Students in Politics

November 23, 2018 | Author: sandeepyr | Category: Politics
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The student community, being young and energetic, are a bundle of inflammable material, which at the touch of a spark ignites into a large uncontrollable unco ntrollable fire like forest fire. They, being young have no patience, are lively and malleable. In India, the trend of students actively participating in politics began in the early 20th century, when India was fighting for its freedom. The elders being busy with their bread earning, they actively encouraged the youngsters to enter the arena of politics. Besides, they were young and would be easily enthused to join the mass movement at the drop of  a hat. Political parties at that time started enlisting the support of the young students who organized themselves happily, to help one party or the other. This trend started in the early years of 20th century and continued and even expanded up to date. However, once independence was won, it was to be reconsidered if students should be allowed or couraged to enter e nter politics. Some sections of society now started believing that students should stay away from politics and keep to their study schedules only. While the society kept debating on this issue, the politician took the younger generation as their  work cum energy tanks and this participation of students in politics has come to stay. The present scenario in India is thus a keen struggle of political parties engaged in enlisting support of students. This obviously results in the students getting sharply divided as if they were of this political po litical party or that so much so, even the campus elections become tainted with a touch of politics. There is of course nothing without advantages and disadvantages, so does this involvement of students in politics. There are bo th serious disadvantages and may be few advantages too of students being on the centre stage of politics. Disadvantages outnumber  the advantages. Firstly, while the students, have primarily entered college for studies they get distracted from their prime objective and become entangled in the dirty game of   politics. The energy and time they use or waster in masterminding political moves, could well be used to study. This entry of politics po litics in the premises of educational institutions has caused many a damage to several students. Students have got rusticated owing to their  active participation in politics, thus losing their hold on studies. Politics teaches students to put an end to all rules and regulations and become rowdy and violent. This leads to closure of institutions which again take a toll of students' study time. The very innocent and loving appearance of children gets lost and they become rude, arrogant and disobedient. When there is too much of hooliganism entering into educational institutions, even police is to be called sometimes and there is utter disorder in the campus and even bullets find their way among the students. The disadvantages of  students entering politics are numerous and destructive. When we study the advantages of this system, they do exist but, are very few and hardly significant. Children entering the arena of politics learn the art of public speaking. They learn to be assertive and impressive. This medium is a good stepping stone to the art of  leadership. The important and real advantage is that students in these prime years of life

gain a lot of knowledge of politics which gives them training to enter the arena as trained  politicians. After studying the pros and cons of students' p articipation in politics, the disadvantages are more damaging than the gains acquired in the sequence. For, all the advantages students gain, can as well be achieved so in other ways also and there is no need for their  entry into politics. Students must stay away from politics and retain their interest in studies which alone c an help them steer the ships of their lives.

The most progressive, articulate, inspired and dynamic segment of the country’s population is the student’s community. The formative period of student’s life should be utilized for an all round balanced development of his/her personality. Political experience constitutes an essential part of this learning experience. This period prepares one to face the challenges better and enables one to succeed in life. The much hyped dirty murky nature notwithstanding Politics has the potential to inculcate qualities like general awareness, keeping abreast with current happenings and above all leadership qualities in an individual. Student’s who join politics are good orators. They become assertive by shedding their timid ness and shyness. Tackling problems and solving disputes and handling crisis situations however small or big they may be, infuses confidence in them. It helps in developing skills to deal with people from all backgrounds and of all shades of  opinion. Moreover, politics cannot be divorced from a student’s life as he continuously interacts with the Student’s Union and various other student associations in college. Students also have a great deal of exposure to mediums like the press, television, cinema, etc. which are important agents of political expression. Political science is a vital part of the syllabi both at the school and college level. This underlines the role that politics plays in various stages of a person’s life. Hence, it is futile to shut out students from politics. History is replete with examples of students playing a vital role in over-throwing corrupt dictatorial regimes, freeing their people from foreign yoke and launching relentless crusades against social injustice and exploitation. Majority of the great leaders entered politics during their student life. Therefore, political education or  training during student life is important for success in life. Many students’ organizations like all Manipur students union (AMSU) are big and powerful students’ organizations in the north eastern part of India. Their clout is so great that they could even go against the general people’s verdict. Where politicians fail, they succeed easily. The power of the youth is a mighty river, waiting to be channelized. The politics of a particular system determines whether this happens in a constructive or destructive manner.

However, there is a limit to the extent of a students’ involvement so that a balanced participation does not affect his main purpose, which is to study. While he is not expected to remain passive in the face of criminalization of politics, dismantling of democratic organizations, corruption, communalism and casteism, he should not indulge in factional or partisan politics, or give into the unjust directions of senior party leaders. The student wing should herald the new, only then do they deserve to be called the promise of tomorrow. A better tomorrow.

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