Student Feedback System-Complete Documentation

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Dot Net / Student feedback system complete document/ Word Format/50 Pages document....



Online student feedback system is the web based feedback collecting system from the students and provides the automatic generation of a feedback which is given by students. We have developed developed student feedback system to provide feedback feedback in a quick and easy manner to the particular department. We have developed Student Staff Feedback System to provide feedback in an easy and quick manner to the college principal and Hod’s. So we call it as Student Staff Feedback System which delivers via the student staff interface as online system which acting as a Service rovider. So we called it a student’s feedback system which delivers via the student staff interface as online system which acting as a service provider. !y using this technology we can make fast feedback about the staff by students on time to head of departments as they referred in online system. !y using this technology we can give feedback in online system as fast as compare to the e"isting paper feedback system. #his  pro$ect has four kinds of users Student% Staff% Hod’s% Hod’s% and rincipal. #he student can give feedback in online system provided by college staff. #he e"isting system carries more time to do a piece of work for this reason the online system feedback is implemented. First of staff  can prepare questions & add% update these questions to the online system. 'fter that it was viewed by the students and can give feedback about the lecturers.Students will fill online feedback using a standard form. (n this pro$ect security is also maintain that is the result of  feedback is only visible to authentic user. #his feedback report was checked by the Hod’s. He can view grades and view the grades obtained to the lecturers and give this report to the  principal and he give counseling to the college staff. EXISTING STUDENT STAFF FEEDBACK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM

)oming to the e"isting system the feedback is done by manual process. (n the e"isting system students can give feedback about the lecturers by using paper and pen. #he purpose of  this pro$ect is to make the process of taking feedback from the students in online regarding the lecturer’s teaching. 's of now this task was done manually with the use of papers and  pens. #his has many drawbacks and evaluating this hand written forms is a difficult process. !ut the restriction here is once the student submits the report then he cannot modify it later. With this the student can successfully submit feedback on lecturer’s teaching in a very efficient manner without any loss of data. #he administrator and the faculty members can access these feedbacks from the students and take appropriate actions. !y this process. Student can give feedback in online system without waste his time in writing. 'fter giving feedback by every student. With this% the institutes can access the feedback reports in a faster  way and without any loss of data.#his age *ay )ontain What is student staff feedback  system on +ava 'nd ,atest (nformation-ews 'bout student staff feedback system on +ava%(f   ot /se Search.apers are collected by the Hod’s Hod’s and calculate the overall grade for each sub$ect and each lecturer. Student needs to logging into the website of online feedback system and giving his-her feedback and can perform modifications too. Online Student Feedback  System System ro$ect ro$ect #opics% opics% One student student is allowe allowed d to give give only only one feedback feedback in one turn0 however however they are allowed allowed to change change it at any time 'fter 'fter that those all grade report is viewed

 by the principal which is given by the Hod’s. for both staff and a nd students in an institution. For  Staff to provide student feedback collection form pro$ect in core me student feedback system Hence estimating the performance of lecturers and giving counseling to college staff. PROPOSED STUDENT STAFF FEEDBACK MANAGEMENT SYSTEM

#he Online Online Studen Studentt Feedba Feedback ck System System is a manage managemen mentt inform informatio ation n system system for  educati education on establi establishm shment entss to manage manage studen studentt data. data. Studen Studentt Feedbac Feedback k System Systemss provid providee capabilities for selecting particular sub$ect for feedback and generate the report automatically%  build student details% student1related data needs in a college. /sing the latest *icrosoft technology% technology% the .et framework and 'S.et% 'S.et% our system is a complete feedback management and staff interaction system with built1in features proofing that easily supports (ntegration with the latest student staff feedback system providers. ' Online Student Feedback System is an automatic feedback generation system that provides the proper feedback to the teachers as  per the categories like always% poor% usually% usually% very often% sometimes. 2ownload Student Staff  Feedback System ro$ect 3eport .#he provision may as well have a database of survey which can be given to the understudies following a secured. (n the e"isting system students can give feedback about the lecturers by doing manually. !y this process student can give feedback in online system without wasting his time in writing. #his system is designed to be simple to use% simple to understand and easy to implement and configure to fit. 'fter giving feedback   by every student s tudent papers are collected by the faculty and calculated c alculated the overall grade for each sub$ect and each lecturer. 'fter that those all grade report is viewed by the HO2 which is given by the faculty. (t is provided as an 'pplication Service rovision thus offering low setup setup costs.stude udent nt staff staff feedba feedback ck system .docc 4Si5e6 4Si5e6 7.8 *! - 2ownlo 2ownloads6 ads6 9:9;. 9:9;. Hence Hence estimating the performance of lecturers and giving feedback to college staff. So% the e"isting system carries more time to do a piece of work for this reason the online system feedback feedback is implemented implemented.. (#3O2/)# (#3O2/)#(O (O We have developed developed Student Student Staff Staff Feedback Feedback System System to  provide feedback in an easy way. way. #his is the main disadvantage of the e"isting system for  giving giving feedbac feedback k about about the lecture lecturers rs and viewin viewing g report report of lectur lecturers ers manual manually ly.. Studen Studentt feedback on courses is an essential element in quality assurance. Here we aimed to design online web application for issuing the feedback about the lecturers by students% this is named as student staff feedback system. mbedded System 6 )reate a ro$ect6 #he aim of this is to save time for staff in academic departments and to allow a minimum level of  statistical analysis of the data across the )ollege. So we call it as Student Staff Feedback  System which delivers via the student staff interface as online system which acting as a Service rovider !y using this technology we can make fast feedback about the staff by

students on time to head of departments as they referred in online system. #his recogni5es that whilst the information remains the property of the )ollege. Students should be told how the feedback will be s ubmitted% when and how the results will will be publis published hed%% and that that their their contri contribut bution ion is import important ant and taken taken serious seriously ly.. units units to implem implement ent module module feedbac feedback k system system and studen studentt ,earni ,earning% ng% Studen Student1S t1Staf tafff ro$ec ro$ectt is co1 ordinated by a Student Feedback on *odules. #he Head of 2epartment should discuss a dispassionate summary of the feedback on each course with the lecturers concerned0 #hese feedback reports were checked by the Hod’s. He can view overall grades and view the grades obtained to the lecturers and give this report to the principal and he can give counseling to the college college staff. staff. 'n analysis of questionnai questionnaire re returns returns which concern the department as a whole whole should be published within the department% and referred to as appropriate in the 'nnual 3eview report. ro$ect *anagement Suite. H3 (nformation System0 >mployee Self Service0 Feedback *anagement System% Student Feedback% 's compared to the manual system% online system is very simple to use and also understand. OBJECTIVES

?; 2ecision making power is provided by this system. 7; 'ccurate result can be obtained. 8; #his system makes Selection process more effective @; #o #o increase efficiency proposed system is depend on classification method. :; roposed system is used to reduce confusion at the time of processing feedback  average

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(n this pro$ect we implemented the system which works on the concept of online feedback from students which is the replacement of e"isting paper feedback system which is so compli complicate cated d method method for findin finding g an averag averagee for partic particula ularr sub$ect sub$ect feedbac feedback k which which is submit submitted ted by studen students. ts. #his pro$ec pro$ectt has four four kinds kinds of users users Studen Student% t% Staff Staff%% Hod’ Hod’s% and rincipal. (n this system we have design main three forms student login form% admin login form% faculty login form. Student will login in their login form with proper id and password which is provided by admin at the time of registration. #he student can give feedback in online online system provided provided by college staff. First of staff can prepare prepare questions questions and add% update update these questions to the online system. 'fter that if student want any changes in his profile then there is an option for edit such particular information of his own. ro$ects Skip to content Skip to content0 Online Student Feedback System. Student Feedback. 8. 3eports. 'fter that the sub$ect contains page is displayed% where the sub$ect is located in it and as per the selection from student students continued to their feedback after this page the feedback page is displayed. #his system can be developed using 'fter that it was viewed by the students and can give feedbac feedback k about about the lecturers. lecturers. #his page contain containss a form form which which includ includes es such such questions about the teachers where it contains some simple question regarding particular  sub$ect faculty. 'fter giving the feedback the page appeared which contains a message like you are feedback is submitted. #hen after feedback is submitted there is a log out button after  click on it student will successfully log out from their profile. (n main page it contains some hyperlinks like contact us% frequently ask questions% and submit the queries. 'nd contains three particular modules like student login% admin login% staff login etc. 'dmin will fill the information of students as well as view their feedback% add and delete student and generate the average report of that feedback. 'fter that log out button occurs and admin simply logout from the system. Student will login by using user id and password and after the login page will be open contains sub$ects% suggestion bo"% submit suggestions% submit fe edback and after  their occurs a log out button for logout successfully from the system.

*O2/,>S OF S#/2># F>>2!')B *''C>*># SAS#>* #he proposed system consists of four modules6 Student 6 Student can give the feedback about the lecturers on the scale of five. Students can give feed back about the lecturer based on interaction of lecturer in the class room with students. Here we shared complete list of student pro$ects that we shared in this page. Screenshot of >mployee and ayroll System0 ro$ect S3S. (>>> Standard S3S. 'ccording to that% students can give feedback as per the given grades.

Staff6 #he feedback given by the students can be viewed by the staff and improve their   performance in teaching and other aspects Head Of 2epartments 6 #hese feedback reports were checked by the Hod’s. He can view overall grades and view the grades obtained to the lecturers and give this report to the principal and he can give counseling to the college staff  rincipal 6 Finally% report was referred by the principal and give suggestions to lecturers to improv improvee their their teachin teaching. g. #hese are the four modules modules present present in the pro$ect pro$ect so we have have developed these things in very easy and clearly understandable way. So% by seen above description the proposed system having many advantages as compared to the e"isting system. Highlights6 

Saves your time

*anage the entire process in easy and quick way

>nhance the staff 

(mprove the issuing standards



#he pro$ect is mainly divided into three modules. #hey are ?; 7; 8; @;

Student module Staff module Head of the departments module rincipal module


S#/2># *O2/,>6 #he student will have the authorities on this as following6 ?; 7; 8; @;

'dd questions /pdate questions Diew questions Civing feedback about the lecturers

'dd questions6 (n this module the student or staff or Hod’s can add questions if he is add another question to database to rate the lecturers.

interested to

Civing feedback about the lecturers6 (n this student can give feedback about the lecturer according to questions given in the database

S#'FF *O2/,>6

#he staff will have the authorities on this as following6 ?; 'dd questions 7; /pdate questions 8; Diew questions @; Diew report

'dd questions6 (n this module the student or staff or Hod’s can add questions if he is interested to add another question to database to rate the lecturers.

/pdate questions6

(n this module the student or staff or Hod’s can update questions.

Diew questions6 (n this module students can view all questions in the database to give feedback  about the lecturers

Diew report6 'fter giving feedback by the students0 lecturers% Hod’s% principal can view report


Microso!"NET Fr#$%&or'  #he .># Framework is a new computing platform that simplifies application development in the highly distributed environment of the (nternet. #he .># Framework is designed to fulfill the following ob$ectives6 

#o provide a consistent ob$ect1oriented programming environment whether ob$ect code is stored and e"ecuted locally% e"ecuted locally but (nternet1distributed% or  e"ecuted remotely.

#o provide a code1e"ecution environment that minimi5es software deployment and versioning conflicts.

#o provide a code1e"ecution environment that guarantees safe e"ecution of code% including code created by an unknown or semi1trusted third party.

#o provide a code1e"ecution environment that eliminates the performance problems of scripted or interpreted environments.

#o make the developer e"perience consistent across widely varying types of  applications% such as Windows1based applications and Web1based applications.

#o build all communication on industry standards to ensure that code based on the .># Framework can integrate with any other code.

#he .># Framework has two main components6 the common language runtime and the .># Framework class library. #he common language runtime is the foundation of the .># Framework. Aou can think of the runtime as an agent that manages code at e"ecution time%  providing core services such as memory management% thread management% and remoting% while also enforcing strict type safety and other forms of code accuracy that ensure security and robustness. (n fact% the concept of code management is a fundamental principle of the runtime. )ode that targets the runtime is known as managed code% while code that does not target the runtime is known as unmanaged code. #he class library% the other main component of the .># Framework% is a comprehensive% ob$ect1oriented collection of reusable types that you can use to develop applications ranging from traditional command1line or graphical user 

interface 4C/(; applications to applications based on the latest innovations provided by 'S.>#% such as Web Forms and E*, Web services. #he .># Framework can be hosted by unmanaged components that load the common language runtime into their processes and initiate the e"ecution of managed code% thereby creating a software environment that can e"ploit both managed and unmanaged features. #he .># Framework not only provides several runtime hosts% but also supports the development of third1party runtime hosts. For e"ample% 'S.># hosts the runtime to provide a scalable% server1side environment for  managed code. 'S.># works directly with the runtime to enable Web Forms applications and E*, Web services% both of which are discussed later in this topic.(nternet >"plorer is an e"ample of an unmanaged application that hosts the runtime 4in the form of a *(*> type e"tension;. /sing (nternet >"plorer to host the runtime enables you to embed managed components or Windows Forms controls in H#*, documents. Hosting the runtime in this way makes managed mobile code 4similar to *icrosoft 'ctiveE controls; possible% but with significant improvements that only managed code can offer% such as semi1trusted e"ecution and secure isolated file storage. #he following illustration shows the relationship of the common language runtime and the class library to your applications and to the overall system. #he illustration also shows how managed code operates within a larger architecture. F%#!(r%s o !)% Co$$o* L#*+(#+% R(*!i

%$#he common language runtime manages memory% thread e"ecution% code e"ecution% code safety verification% compilation% and other system services. #hese features are intrinsic to the managed code that runs on the common language runtime. With regards to security% managed components are awarded varying degrees of trust% depending on a number of factors that include their origin 4such as the (nternet% enterprise network% or local computer;. #his means that a managed component might or might not be able to perform file1access operations% registry1access operations% or other sensitive functions% even if it is being used in the same active application.

#he runtime enforces code access security. For e"ample% users can trust that an e"ecutable embedded in a Web page can play an animation on screen or sing a song% but cannot access their personal data% file system% or network. #he security features of the runtime thus enable legitimate (nternet1deployed software to be e"ceptionally feature rich. #he runtime also enforces code robustness by implementing a strict type1 and code1 verification infrastructure called the common type system 4)#S;. #he )#S ensures that all managed code is self1describing. #he various *icrosoft and third1party language compilers Cenerate managed code that conforms to the )#S. #his means that managed code can consume other managed types and instances% while strictly enforcing type fidelity and type safety. (n addition% the managed environment of the runtime eliminates many common software issues. For e"ample% the runtime automatically handles ob$ect layout and manages references to ob$ects% releasing them when they are no longer being used. #his automatic memory management resolves the two most common application errors% memory leaks and invalid memory references. #he runtime also accelerates developer productivity. For e"ample% programmers can write applications in their development language of choice% yet take full advantage of the runtime% the class library% and components written in other languages by other developers. 'ny compiler vendor who chooses to target the runtime can do so. ,anguage compilers that target the .># Framework make the features of the .># Framework available to e"isting code written in that language% greatly easing the migration process for e"isting applications. While the runtime is designed for the software of the future% it also supports software of today and yesterday. (nteroperability between managed and unmanaged code enables developers to continue to use necessary )O* components and 2,,s. #he runtime is designed to enhance performance. 'lthough the common language runtime  provides many standard runtime services% managed c ode is never interpreted. ' feature called  $ust1in1time 4+(#; compiling enables all managed code to run in the native machine language of the system on which it is e"ecuting. *eanwhile% the memory manager removes the

 possibilities of fragmented memory and increases memory locality1of1reference to further  increase performance. Finally% the runtime can be hosted by high1performance% server1side applications% such as *icrosoft S# Framework collection classes implement a set of interfaces that you can use to develop your own collection classes. Aour collection classes will blend seamlessly with the classes in the .># Framework. 's you would e"pect from an ob$ect1oriented class library% the .># Framework types enable you to accomplish a range of common programming tasks% including tasks such as string management% data collection% database connectivity% and file access. (n addition to these common tasks% the class library includes types that support a variety of speciali5ed development scenarios. For e"ample% you can use the .># Framework to develop the following types of applications and services6

)onsole applications.

Scripted or hosted applications.

Windows C/( applications 4Windows Forms;.

'S.># applications.

E*, Web services.

Windows services.

For e"ample% the Windows Forms classes are a comprehensive set of reusable types that vastly simplify Windows C/( development. (f you write an 'S.># Web Form application% you can use the Web Forms classes. C,i%*! A//,ic#!io* D%0%,o/$%*!

)lient applications are the closest to a traditional style of application in Windows1based  programming. #hese are the types of applications that display windows or forms on the desktop% enabling a user to perform a task. )lient applications include applications such as word processors and spreadsheets% as well as custom business applications such as data1entry tools% reporting tools% and so on. )lient applications usually employ windows% menus%  buttons% and other C/( elements% and they likely access local resources such as the file system and peripherals such as printers. 'nother kind of client application is the traditional 'ctiveE control 4now replaced by the managed Windows Forms control; deployed over the (nternet as a Web page. #his application is much like other client applications6 it is e"ecuted natively% has access to local resources% and includes graphical elements. (n the past% developers created such applications using )-) in con$unction with the *icrosoft Foundation )lasses 4*F); or with a rapid application development 43'2; environment such as *icrosoft Disual !asic. #he .># Framework incorporates aspects of these e"isting products into a single% consistent development environment that drastically simplifies the development of client applications. #he Windows Forms classes contained in the .># Framework are designed to be used for  C/( development. Aou can easily create command windows% buttons% menus% toolbars% and other screen elements with the fle"ibility necessary to accommodate shifting business needs. For e"ample% the .># Framework provides simple properties to ad$ust visual attributes associated with forms. (n some cases the underlying operating system does not support changing these attributes directly% and in these cases the .># Framework automatically recreates the forms. #his is one of many ways in which the .># Framework integrates the developer interface% making coding simpler and more consistent.

/nlike 'ctiveE controls% Windows Forms controls have semi1trusted access to a user=s computer. #his means that binary or natively e"ecuting code can access some of the resources on the user=s system 4such as C/( elements and limited file access; without being able to access or compromise other resources. !ecause of code access security% many applications that once needed to be installed on a user=s system can now be safely deployed through the Web. Aour applications can implement the features of a local application while being deployed like a Web page. C1"N%! or Wi*2o&s A//,ic#!io*

Overview of the .># Framework  #he .># Framework is a managed type1safe environment for application development and e"ecution. #he .># Framework manages all aspects of your program’s e"ecution. (t allocates memory for the storage of data and instructions% grants or denies the appropriate  permissions to your application% initiates and manages application e"ecution% and manages the reallocation of memory from resources that are no longer needed. #he .># Framework  consists of two main components6 the common language runtime and the .># Framework  class library. #he common language runtime can be thought of as the environment that manages code e"ecution. (t provides core services% such as code compilation% memory allocation% thread management% and garbage collection. #hrough the common type system 4)#S;% it enforces strict type1safety and ensures that code is e"ecuted in a safe environment by also enforcing code access security. #he .># Framework class library provides a collection of useful and reusable types that are designed to integrate with the common language runtime. #he types provided by the .># Framework are ob$ect1oriented and fully e"tensible% and they allow you to seamlessly integrate your applications with the .># Framework. ,anguages and the .># Framework  #he .># Framework is designed for cross1language compatibility% which means% simply% that .># components can interact with each other no matter what supported language they were written in originally. So% an application written in *icrosoft Disual !asic .># might

reference a dynamic1link library 42,,; file written in *icrosoft Disual )I% which in turn might access a resource written in managed *icrosoft Disual ) or any other .># language. #his language interoperability e"tends to full ob$ect1oriented inheritance. ' Disual !asic .># class might be derived from a )I class% for e"ample% or vice versa. #his level of cross1language compatibility is possible because of the common language runtime. When a .># application is compiled% it is converted from the language in which it was written 4Disual !asic .>#% )I% or any other .>#1compliant language; to *icrosoft (ntermediate ,anguage 4*S(, or (,;. *S(, is a low1level language that the common language runtime can read and understand. !ecause all .># e"ecutables and 2,,s e"ist as *S(,% they can freely interoperate. #he )ommon ,anguage Specification 4),S; defines the minimum standards to which .># language compilers must c onform. #hus% the ),S ensures that any source code successfully compiled by a .># compiler can interoperate with the .># Framework. #he )#S ensures type compatibility between .># components. !ecause .># applications are converted to (, prior to deployment and e"ecution% all primitive data types are represented as .># types. #hus% a Disual !asic (nteger and a )I int are both represented in (, code as a System.(nt87. !ecause both languages use a common type system% it is possible to transfer data between components and avoid time1consuming conversions or hard1to1find errors. Disual Studio .># ships with languages such as Disual !asic .>#% Disual )I% and Disual ) with managed e"tensions% as well as the +Script scripting language. Aou can also write managed code for the .># Framework in other languages. #hird1party tools and compilers e"ist for Fortran% )obol% erl% and a host of other languages. 'll of these languages share the same cross1language compatibility and inheritability. #hus% you can write code for the .># Framework in the language of your choice% and it will be able to interact with code written for  the .># Framework in any other language. "NET Fr#$%&or' Arc)i!%c!(r%

#he Structure of a .># 'pplication #o understand how the common language runtime manages code e"ecution% you must e"amine the structure of a .># application. #he primary unit of a .># application is the assembly. 'n assembly is a self1describing collection of code% resources% and metadata. #he assembly manifest contains information about what is contained within the assembly. #he assembly manifest provides6

(dentity information% such as the assembly’s name and version number 

' list of all types e"posed by the assembly

' list of other assemblies required by the assembly

' list of code access security instructions% including permissions required by the assembly and permissions to be denied the assembly

>ach assembly has one and only one assembly manifest% and it contains all the description information for the assembly. However% the assembly manifest can be contained in its own file or within one of the assembly’s modules.

'n assembly contains one or more modules. ' module contains the code that makes up your  application or library% and it contains metadata that describes that code. When you compile a  pro$ect into an assembly% your code is converted from high1level code to (,. !ecause all managed code is first converted to (, code% applications written in different languages can easily interact. For e"ample% one developer might write an application in Disual )I that accesses a 2,, in Disual !asic .>#. !oth resources will be converted to (, modules before  being e"ecuted% thus avoiding any language1incompatibility issues. >ach module also contains a number of types. #ypes are templates that describe a set of data encapsulation and functionality. #here are two kinds of types6 reference types 4classes; and value types 4structures;. #hese types are discussed in greater detail in ,esson 7 of this chapter. >ach type is described to the common language runtime in the assembly manifest. ' type can contain fields% properties% and methods% each of which should be related to a common functionality. For e"ample% you might have a class that represents a bank account. (t contains fields% properties% and methods related to the functions needed to implement a bank  account. ' field represents storage of a particular type of data. One field might store the name of an account holder% for e"ample. roperties are similar to fields% but properties usually  provide some kind of validationwhen data is set or retrieved. Aou might have a property that represents an account balance. When an attempt is made to change the value% the property can check to see if the attempted change is greater than a predetermined limit. (f the value is greater than the limit% the property does not allow the change. *ethods represent behavior% such as actions taken on data stored within the class or changes to the user interface. )ontinuing with the bank account e"ample% you might have a #ransfer method that transfers a  balance from a checking account to a savings account% or an 'lert method that warns users when their balances fall below a predetermined level.

CLR E3%c(!io* Mo2%,

)ompilation and >"ecution of a .># 'pplication When you compile a .># application% it is not compiled to binary machine code0 rather% it is converted to (,. #his is the form that your deployed application takesJone or more assemblies consisting of e"ecutable files and 2,, files in (, form. 't least one of these assemblies will contain an e"ecutable file that has been designated as the entry point for the application. When e"ecution of your program begins% the first assembly is loaded into memory. 't this  point% the common language runtime e"amines the assembly manifest and determines the requirements to run the program. (t e"amines security permissions requested by the assembly and compares them with the system’s security policy. (f the system’s security policy does not allow the requested permissions% the application will not run. (f the application passes the system’s security policy% the common language runtime e"ecutes the code. (t creates a  process for the application to run in and begins application e"ecution. When e"ecution starts% the first bit of code that needs to be e"ecuted is loaded into memory and compiled into native  binary code from (, by the common language runtime’s +ust1(n1#ime 4+(#; compiler. Once

compiled% the code is e"ecuted and stored in memory as native code. #hus% each portion of  code is compiled only once when an application e"ecutes. Whenever program e"ecution  branches to code that has not yet run% the +(# compiler compiles it ahead of e"ecution and stores it in memory as binary code. #his way% application performance is ma"imi5ed because only the parts of a program that are e"ecuted are compiled. 76 #he .># !ase )lass ,ibrary #he .># base class library is a collection of ob$ect1oriented types and interfaces that

 provide ob$ect models and services for many of the comple" programming tasks you will face. *ost of the types presented by the .># base class library are fully e"tensible% allowing you to build types that incorporate your own functionality into your managed code. #he .># Framework base class library contains the base classes that provide many of the services and ob$ects you need when writing your applications. #he class library is organi5ed into namespaces. ' namespace is a logical grouping of types that perform related functions. For e"ample% the System.Windows.Forms namespace contains all the types that make up Windows forms and the controls used in those forms.  amespaces are logical groupings of related classes. #he namespaces in the .># base class library are organi5ed hierarchically. #he root of the .># Framework is the System namespace. Other namespaces can be accessed with the period operator. ' typical namespace construction appears as follows6 System System.2ata System.2ata.S# amespaces

2escription #his namespace is the root for many of the low1level types required


 by the .># Framework. (t is the root for primitive data types as well% and it is the root for all the other namespaces in the .>#  base class library. #his namespace contains classes that represent a variety of  different container types% such as 'rray,ist% Sorted,ist% 2! data access. #his namespace contains classes that are optimi5ed for interacting with *icrosoft S# amespaces





2escription #his namespace provides support for obtaining information and dynamic creation of types at runtime. #his namespace is home to types dealing with permissions% cryptography% and code access security. #his namespace contains classes that facilitate the implementation of multithreaded applications. #his namespace contains types involved in creating standard


Windows applications. )lasses that represent forms and controls reside here as well.

#he namespace names are self1descriptive by design. Straightforward names make the .># Framework easy to use and allow you to rapidly familiari5e yourself with its contents. 3eference #ypes and Dalue #ypes #ypes in the .># Framework come in two varieties6 value types and reference types. #he  primary difference between value types and reference types has to do with the way variable data is accessed. #o understand this difference% a little background on memory dynamics is required. 'pplication data memory is divided into two primary components% the stack and the heap. #he stack is an area of memory reserved by the application to run the program. #he stack is analogous to a stack of dinner plates. lates are placed on the stack one on top of another. When a plate is removed from the stack% it is always the last one to have been placed on top that is removed first. So it is with program variables. When a function is called% all the variables used by the function are pushed onto the stack. (f that function calls additional functions% it pushes additional variables onto the stack. When the most recently called function terminates% all of its variables go out of scope 4meaning that they are no longer  available to the application; and are popped off the stack. *emory consumed by those variables is then freed up% and program e"ecution continues.

#he heap% on the other hand% is a separate area of memory reserved for the creation of  reusable ob$ects. #he common language runtime manages allocation of heap memory for  ob$ects and controls the reclamation of memory from unused ob$ects through garbage collection. 'll the data associated with a value type is allocated on the stack. When a variable of a value type goes out of scope% it is destroyed and its memory is reclaimed. ' variable of a reference type% on the other hand% e"ists in two memory locations. #he actual ob$ect data is allocated on the heap. ' variable containing a pointer to that ob$ect is allocated on the stack. When that variable is called by a function% it returns the memory address for the ob$ect to which it refers. When that variable goes out of scope% the ob$ect reference is destroyed but the ob$ect itself is not. (f any other references to that ob$ect e"ist% the ob$ect remains intact. (f the ob$ect is left without any references% it is sub$ect to garbage collection. 4See ,esson K of this chapter.; >"amples of value types include primitives% such as (nteger 4int;% !oolean 4bool;% )har  4char;% and so on% as well as user1defined types such as Structure 4struct; and >numeration 4enum;. )lasses represent the ma$ority of reference types. Other reference types include the interface% delegate% and array types. )lasses and structures are discussed in ,esson 8 of this chapter% and other reference and value types are discussed in )hapter 8. /sing .># Framework #ypes in Aour 'pplication When you begin writing an application% you automatically begin with a reference to the .># Framework base class library. Aou reference it so that your application is aware of the base class library and is able to create instances of the types represented by it. Dalue #ypes

int my(nteger0 #his line tells the runtime to allocate the appropriate amount of memory to hold an integer  variable. 'lthough this line creates the variable% it does not assign a value to it. Aou can assign a value using the assignment operator% as follows6 my(nteger L @70

Aou can also choose to assign a value to a variable upon creation% as shown in this e"ample6 int my(nteger L @70

3eference #ypes )reating an instance of a type is a two1step process. #he first step is to declare the variable as that type% which allocates the appropriate amount of memory for that variable but does not actually create the ob$ect. #he following synta" declares an ob$ect6 System.Windows.Forms.Form myForm0 #his line tells the runtime to set aside enough memory to hold a Form variable and assigns it the name myForm% but it does not actually create the Form ob$ect in memory. #he second step% called instantiation% actually creates the ob$ect. 'n e"ample of instantiation follows6 myForm L new System.Windows.Forms.Form4;0 #his line makes a call to the constructor method of the type System.Windows.Forms.Form by way of the ew 4new; keyword. #he constructor is a special method that is invoked only at the beginning of an ob$ect’s lifetime. (t contains any code that must be e"ecuted for the ob$ect to work 4assigning values to properties% for e"ample;. (f any parameters were required by the constructor% they would be contained within the parentheses at the end of the line. #he following e"ample shows declaration and instantiation of a hypothetical Widget class that requires a string as a parameter in the constructor. Widget myWidget0 myWidget L new Widget4M#his string is required by the constructorM;0 (f desired% you can also combine both declaration and instantiation into a single statement. !y declaring and instantiating an ob$ect in the same line% you reserve the memory for the ob$ect and immediately create the ob$ect that resides in that memory. 'lthough there was a significant performance penalty for this shortcut in previous versions of Disual !asic% Disual !asic .># and Disual )I are optimi5ed to allow this behavior without any performance loss. #he following e"ample shows the one1step declaration and instantiation of a new Form6

System.Windows.Forms.Form myForm L new System.Windows.Forms.Form4;0 !oth value types and reference types must be initiali5ed before use. For class and structure fields in Disual !asic .>#% types are initiali5ed with default values on declaration. umeric value types 4such as integer; and floating1point types are assigned 5ero0 !oolean variables are assigned False0 and reference types are assigned to a null reference. (n )I% variables of a reference type have a default value of null. (t is recommended that you do not rely on the default value. #hese variables should not be used until they have been initiali5ed. /sing Dalue #ype and 3eference #ype Dariables ' variable that represents a value type contains all the data represented by that type. ' variable that represents a reference type contains a reference to a particular ob$ect. #his distinction is important. )onsider the following e"ample6 int "% y0 " L ?:0 y L "0 " L 8N0 -- What is the value of y (n this e"ample% two integer variables named " and y are created. E is assigned a value of ?:% and then y is assigned the value of ". e"t the value of " is changed to 8N% and the question is  posed6 what is the value of y #he answer to this question might seem obvious% and it is y L ?: because " and y are two separate variables and have no effect on each other when changed. When the line y L " is encountered% the value of " is copied to the value of y% and there is no further connection between the two variables. #his situation changes% however% in the case of reference types. ,et’s reconsider the previous e"ample using a reference type 4Form; instead of a value type. System.Windows.Forms.Form "%y0 " L new System.Windows.Forms.Form4;0

".#e"t L M#his is Form ?M0 y L "0 ".#e"t L M#his is Form 7M0 -- What value does y.#e"t return What value does y.#e"t return #his time% the answer is less obvious. !ecause System.Windows.Forms.Form is a reference type% the variable " does not actually contain a Form0 rather% it points to an instance of a Form. When the line y L " is encountered% the runtime copies the reference from variable " to y. #hus% the variables " and y now point to the same instance of Form. !ecause these two variables refer to the same instance of the ob$ect% they will return the same values for properties of that ob$ect. #hus% y.#e"t returns P#his is Form 7Q. #he (mports and /sing Statements /p to this point of the chapter% if you wanted to access a type in the .># Framework base class library% you had to use the full name of the type% including every namespace to which it  belonged. For e"ample6 System.Windows.Forms.Form #his is called the fully1qualified name% meaning it refers both to the class and to the namespace in which it can be found. Aou can make your development environment PawareQ of various namespaces by using the (mports 4Disual !asic .>#; or using 4Disual )I; statement. #his technique allows you to refer to a type using only its generic name and to omit the qualifying namespaces. #hus% you could refer to System.Windows.Forms.Form as simply Form. (n Disual !asic .>#% the (mports statement must be placed at the top of the code window% preceding any other statement 4e"cept Option;. (n Disual )I% the using statement must occur before any other namespace element% such as a class or struct. #his e"ample demonstrates use of this statement6 using System.Windows.Forms0 When two types of the same name e"ist in more than one imported namespace% you must use the fully qualified name to avoid a naming conflict. #hus% if you are using *yameSpaceOne and *yameSpace#wo% and each contains a Widget class% you would

have to refer to *yameSpaceOne.Widget or *yameSpace#wo.Widget to ensure the correct result. (n )I% you can resolve namespace conflicts such as these by creating an alias. 'n alias allows you to choose one name to refer to another class. Aou create an alias using the using keyword% as shown below6 using my'lias L *yameSpace#wo.Widget0 'fter implementing an alias% you can use it in code to represent the aliased class. For  e"ample6 -- Aou can now refer to *yameSpace#wo as my'lias. #he -- following two lines produce the same result6 *yameSpace#wo.Widget anotherWidget L new *yameSpace#wo.Widget4; 0 my'lias anotherWidget L new my'lias4; 0 Aou cannot create aliases for types in this manner in Disual !asic .>#. 3eferencing >"ternal ,ibraries Aou might want to use class libraries not contained by the .># Framework% such as libraries developed by third1party vendors or libraries you developed. #o access these e"ternal libraries% you must create a reference. #o create a reference to an e"ternal library ?. (n the Solution >"plorer% right1click the 3eferences node of your pro$ect. 7. From the pop1up menu% choose 'dd 3eference. #he 'dd 3eference dialog bo" appears. 8. )hoose the appropriate tab for the library you want to reference. .># libraries are available on the .># tab. ,egacy )O* libraries appear on the )O* tab% and local Disual Studio pro$ects appear on the ro$ects tab. @. ,ocate the library you want to reference% and double1click it to add it to the Selected components bo". )lick OB to confirm the choice of that reference.

I*!ro2(c!io* !o O-4%c!5Ori%*!%2 Pro+r#$$i*+

rogramming in the .># Framework environment is done with ob$ects. Ob$ects are  programmatic constructs that represent packages of related data and functionality. Ob$ects are self1contained and e"pose specific functionality to the rest of the application environment without detailing the inner workings of the ob$ect itself. Ob$ects are created from a template called a class. #he .># base class library provides a set of classes from which you can create ob$ects in your applications. Aou also can use the *icrosoftDisual Studio programming environment to create your own classes. #his lesson introduces you to the concepts associated with ob$ect1oriented programming. Ob$ects% *embers% and 'bstraction 'n ob$ect is a programmatic construct that represents something. (n the real world% ob$ects are cars% bicycles% laptop computers% and so on. >ach of these items e"poses specific functionality and has specific properties. (n your application% an ob$ect might be a form% a control such as a button% a database connection% or any of a number of other constructs. >ach ob$ect is a complete functional unit% and contains all of the data and e"poses all of the functionality required to fulfill its purpose. #he ability of programmatic ob$ects to represent real1world ob$ects is called abstraction. )lasses 're #emplates for Ob$ects )lasses can be thought of as blueprints for ob$ects6 they define all of the members of an ob$ect% define the behavior of an ob$ect% and set initial values for data when appropriate. When a class is instantiated% an in1memory instance of that class is created. #his instance is called an ob$ect. #o review% a class is instantiated using the ew 4new; keyword as follows6 When an instance of a class is created% a copy of the instance data defined by that class is created in memory and assigned to the reference variable. (ndividual instances of a class are independent of one another and represent separate programmatic constructs. #here is generally no limit to how many copies of a single class can be instantiated at any time. #o use a real1world analogy% if a car is an ob$ect% the plans for the car are the class. #he plans can be

used to make any number of cars% and changes to a single car do not% for the most part% affect any other cars. Ob$ects and *embers Ob$ects are composed of members. *embers are properties% fields% methods% and events% and they represent the data and functionality that comprise the ob$ect. Fields and properties represent data members of an ob$ect. *ethods are actions the ob$ect can perform% and events are notifications an ob$ect receives from or sends to other ob$ects when activity happens in the application. #o continue with the real1world e"ample of a car% consider that a )ar ob$ect has fields and  properties% such as )olor% *ake% *odel% 'ge% Cas,evel% and so on. #hese are the data that describe the state of the ob$ect. ' )ar ob$ect might also e"pose several methods% such as 'ccelerate% ShiftCears% or #urn. #he methods represent behaviors the ob$ect can e"ecute. 'nd events represent notifications. For e"ample% a )ar ob$ect might receive an >ngineOverheating event from its >ngine ob$ect% or it might raise a )rash event when interacting with a #ree ob$ect. Ob$ect *odels Simple ob$ects might consist of only a few properties% methods% and perhaps an event or two. *ore comple" ob$ects might require numerous properties and methods and possibly even subordinate ob$ects. Ob$ects can contain and e"pose other ob$ects as members. For e"ample% the #e"t!o" control e"poses a Font property% which consists of a Font ob$ect. Similarly% every instance of the Formclass contains and e"poses a )ontrols collection that comprises all of the controls contained by the form. #he ob$ect model defines the hierarchy of contained ob$ects that form the structure of an ob$ect. 'n ob$ect model is a hierarchical organi5ation of subordinate ob$ects contained and e"posed within a main ob$ect. #o illustrate% let’s revisit the e"ample of a car as an ob$ect. ' car is a single ob$ect% but it also consists of subordinate ob$ects. ' )ar ob$ect might contain an >ngine ob$ect% four Wheel ob$ects% a #ransmission ob$ect% and so on. #he composition of these subordinate ob$ects directly affects how the )ar ob$ect functions as a whole. For e"ample% if  the )ylinders property of the >ngine subordinate ob$ect is equal to @% the )ar will behave

differently than a )ar whose >ngine has a )ylinders property value of 9. )ontained ob$ects can have subordinate ob$ects of their own. For e"ample% the contained >ngine ob$ect might contain several Sparklug ob$ects. >ncapsulation >ncapsulation is the concept that implementation of an ob$ect is independent of its interface. ut another way% an application interacts with an ob$ect through its interface% which consists of its public properties and methods. 's long as this interface remains constant% the application can continue to interact with the component% even if implementation of the interface was completely rewritten between versions. Ob$ects should only interact with other ob$ects through their public methods and properties. #hus% ob$ects should contain all of the data they require% as well as all of the functionality that works with that data. #he internal data of an ob$ect should never be e"posed in the interface0 thus% fields rarely should be ublic 4public;. 3eturning to the )ar e"ample. (f a )ar ob$ect interacts with a 2river ob$ect% the )ar interface might consist of a CoForward method% a Co!ackward method% and a Stop method. #his is all the information that the 2river needs to interact with the )ar. #he )ar might contain an >ngine ob$ect% for e"ample% but the 2river doesn’t need to know about the >ngine ob$ectJall the2river cares about is that the methods can be called and that they return the appropriate values. #hus% if one >ngine ob$ect is e"changed for another% it makes no difference to the 2river as long as the interface continues to function correctly. olymorphism olymorphism is the ability of different classes to provide different implementations of the same public interfaces. (n other words% polymorphism allows methods and properties of an ob$ect to be called without regard for the particular implementation of those members. For  e"ample% a 2river ob$ect can interact with a )ar ob$ect through the )ar public interface. (f  another ob$ect% such as a #ruck ob$ect or a Sports)ar ob$ect% e"poses the same public interface% the 2river ob$ect can interact with them without regard to the specific implementation of that interface. #here are two principal ways through which polymorphism can be provided6 interface polymorphism and inheritance polymorphism.

(nterface olymorphism 'n interface is a contract for behavior. >ssentially% it defines the members a class should implement% but states nothing at all about the details of that implementation. 'n ob$ect can implement many different interfaces% and many diverse classes can implement the same interface. 'll ob$ects implementing the same interface are capable of interacting with other  ob$ects through that interface. For e"ample% the )ar ob$ect in the previous e"amples might implement the (2rivable interface 4by convention% interfaces usually begin with (;% which specifies the CoForward% Co!ackward% and Halt methods. Other classes% such as #ruck% Forklift% or !oat might implement this interface and thus are able to interact with the 2river  ob$ect. #he 2river ob$ect is unaware of which interface implementation it is interacting with0 it is only aware of the interface itself. (nterface polymorphism is discussed in detail in ,esson (nheritance olymorphism (nheritance allows you to incorporate the functionality of a previously defined class into a new class and implement different members as needed. ' class that inherits another class is said to derive from that class% or to inherit from that class. ' class can directly inherit from only one class% which is called the base class. #he new class has the same members as the  base class% and additional members can be added as needed. 'dditionally% the implementation of base members can be changed in the new class by overriding the base class implementation. (nherited classes retain all the characteristics of the base class and can interact with other ob$ects as though they were instances of the base class. For e"ample% if the )ar class is the base class% a derived class might be Sports)ar. #he Sports)ar class might be the base class for another derived class% the )onvertibleSports)ar. >ach newly derived class might implement additional members% but the functionality defined in the original )ar class is retained.







(ntel i8 rocessor

Hard 2isk


:NN C! H22



?7Q minimum needed

's this application can be accessed via internet% only web server is required as a hardware interface to be able to run it. (t is assumed that web server is in a secure environment with necessary firewall and network setting done. SOFTWARE RE6UIREMENT

Operating System


Windows R - 9 - ?N



Coogle )hrome - Firefo" - Opera - Safari



D!.># and )I

 !ack >nd


*icrosoft S /S>2


*S Disual Studio


Feasibility Assessment :

Feasibility study is a test of system proposal according to the workability% impact on the organi5ation% ability to meet user needs and effective use of the available resources. #he ob$ective of feasibility study is not to solve the problem but to acquire a sense of its scope. #hree key combinations are involved in the feasibility analysis. #hey are6


>conomic analysis is the most frequently used method for evaluating the effectiveness of a client system. *ore commonly known as cost-benefit analysis% the procedure is to determine the benefits and savings that are e"pecting from a client system and compare them with cost. 


#echnical feasibility centers on the e"isting system and to what e"tent it can support the proposed system. #he benefits such as high accuracy% minimum response time and user  friendliness of the proposed system over weights cost for designing and implementing the new system 


#he time schedule required for the development of the pro$ect is important% since more development time affects machine time and cost of delay in the development of other  systems


Software design is an interactive process through which requirements are translated into a !lue rint’ for constructing the software. #he design is represented at high level of abstraction% a level that can be directly translated to specific data% functional and  behavioral requirements. reliminary design is concerned with the transformation of  requirements into data and software architecture. 2etailed design focuses on refinements to the architectural representation that lead to detailed data structure and algorithmic representation for software. 7 I*!ro2(c!io* !o UML

#he /nified modeling language 4/*,; provides a blueprint to Software >ngineers and 2evelopers. (t is a ,anguage for Specifying% 2ocumenting% Disuali5ing and constructing the various aspects of a Software System. /*, is an (ndustry1Standard *odeling ,anguage. (t )ontains a number of graphical notations and symbols 4diagrams; that allow the analyst and designer of a 'pplication to describe the architecture of the application in a graphical form. D%i*i!io*:

/*, is a general purpose visual modeling language that is used to ?. Specify 7. Disuali5e 8. )onstruct @. 2ocument #he artifacts of the software system 8" R(,%s o !)% UML

#he /*, has semantic rules for  


6 (t will call things% relationships and diagrams


6 #he content that gives specific meaning to a name


6 How those names can be seen and used by others


6 How things properly and consistently relate to


>E>)/#(O 6 What it means is to run or simulate a dynamic model

 9" B(i,2i*+ -,oc's o UML

#he vocabulary of the /*, encompasses 8 kinds’ building blocks ?. #hings 7. 3elationships &2iagrams 9"7 T)i*+s: #hings are the data abstractions that are first class citi5ens in a model. #hings are

of @ types a. Structural things  b. !ehavioral things c. Crouping things d. 'n notational things 9"8 R%,#!io*s)i/s: 3elationships tie the things together. 3elationships in the /*, are

a. 2ependency  b. 'ssociation c. Cenerali5ation & Speciali5ation 9"9 Di#+r#$s: 2iagrams in the /*, are of 7 types 

Static diagrams

2ynamic diagrams

Static diagrams are i;

)lass diagram


Ob$ect diagram


)omponent diagram


2eployment diagram

2ynamic diagrams are i;

/se case diagram


Sequence diagram


)ollaboration diagram


State chat diagram


'ctivity diagram

9"7 UML Di#+r#$s

' diagram is a graphical representation of a set of elements. #he various diagrams in /*, are as follows6 "7 CLASS DIAGRAM6

' )lass diagram shows a set of classes% interfaces% and collaborations and their  relationships. )lass diagrams address the static design view of a system. )lass diagrams that include 'ctive classes address the static process view of a system. ' )lass is a description of a set of ob$ects that share the same attributes% operations% relationships% and semantics. ' )lass implements on or more interfaces. "8 OBJECT DIAGRAM:

'n Ob$ect diagram shows the relationship between a group of ob$ects and their  relationships. Ob$ect diagrams represent static snapshots of instances of the things found in class diagrams. Ob$ect diagram address the static design view or static process view of a system. "9 USECASE DIAGRAM6

' /se case diagram shows a set of use cases and actors4a special kind of class; and their relationships. /secase diagrams address the static use case view of a system. #hese diagrams are especially important in organi5ing and modeling the behaviors of a system. " SE6UENCE DIAGRAM6

' Sequence diagram is a visual representation of a scenario. ' sequence diagram shows the various actors in the scenario% and the way they interact with all the subsystems. ' Sequence diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasi5es the time ordering of  messages.


' )ollaboration diagram is an interaction diagram that emphasi5es the structural organi5ation of the ob$ects that send and receive messages. )ollaboration diagram address the dynamic view of a system. "< STATECHART DIAGRAM6

' State chart diagram shows how an ob$ect dynamically changes its lifetime. ' State is a condition or situation in which the ob$ect satisfies some condition% does some task% or  waits for an event to trigger. ' State chart diagram address the dynamic view of the system. "= ACTIVITY DIAGRAM:

'n 'ctivity diagram is a special type of state chart diagram. (t usually depicts the flow of events within an ob$ect. 'n 'ctivity diagram addresses the dynamic view of a system. #hey are especially important in modeling the function of a system and emphasi5e the flow of control among ob$ects. "> COMPONENT DIAGRAM6

' )omponent diagram shows the organi5ations and dependencies among a set of  components. )omponent diagram address the static implementation view of a system. #hey are related to class diagrams in that a component typically maps to one or more classes% interfaces% or collaborations. "? DEPLOYMENT DIAGRAM6

' 2eployment diagram shows the architecture of the e"ecution time details of a system. 2eployment diagram address the static deployment view of an architecture. #hey are related to component diagrams in that a node typically encloses one or more components. #he following shows usecase diagrams% sequence diagrams for describing the system


' 2atabase *anagement System is a set of pre1written programs that are used to store% update and retrieve the database. #he Darious 2ata #ables used in this pro$ect are61




#'!,> '*>

)O,/* 2>S)3(#(O

S#(O(S>3#(O% S#(O(2  /*!>34?N;% D(>WS#(O,(S#% S#(O /2'#>FO3* D'3)H'34?N; #'!,> ?



#'!,> '*>

)O,/* 2>S)3(#(O

S#/2>#F>>2!')BFO3* S#'FF(2 D'3)H'34?N;% 3O,,O D'3)H'34?N;% S#(OO  /*!>34?N;


" ># is a Psoftware latformQ. (t is a language1neutral environment for 

developing rich .># e"periences and building applications that can easily and securely operate within it. When developed applications are deployed% those applications will target. ># and will e"ecute wherever .># is implemented instead of targeting a particular Hardware-OS combination. #he components that make up the .># platform are collectively called the .># Framework. #he following code is used to design student staff feedback system


7" So!&#r% T%s!i*+

Software testing is a critical element of software quality assurance and represents the ultimate reuse of specification. 2esign and code testing represents interesting anomaly for the software during earlier definition and development phase% it was attempted to build software from an abstract concept to tangible implementation. #he testing phase involves% testing of the development of the system using various techniques such as White !o" #esting% )ontrol Structure #esting. 8" T%s!i*+ T%c)*i@(%s 8"7 W)i!% Bo3 T%s!i*+

White bo" testing is a test case design method that uses the control structure of the procedural design to derive test cases. 'fter   performing white bo" testing it was identified that 

 #he ,eave 3ecording System 4,3S; software guarantees that all independent paths within the modules have been e"ercised at least once.

 (t has been e"ercised all logical decisions on their true and false sides. (t was tested to e"ecute all loops at their boundaries and within


Operational bounds 

(t was tested for the internal data structures to ensure their validity.

8"8 Co*!ro, S!r(c!(r% T%s!i*+

#he following tests were conducted and it was noted that the !)!S is performing them well.

!asic path #esting

)ondition #esting

2ata Flow #esting

,oop #esting

!lack bo" testing methods focuses on the functional requirements of  the software by conducting black bo" testing using the methods >quivalence artitioning !oundary Dalue 'nalysis and )ause1>ffect1Craphing techniques. 

Functional validity of ,3S checked.

)hecked the isolation of the boundaries of a class.

#he tolerance of the system for the data rates and data volumes 9" T%s!i*+ S!r#!%+i%s

' strategy for software testing must accommodate low1level tests that are necessary to verify that a small source code segment has been correctly implemented as well as high level against customer requirements. 9"7 U*i! T%s!i*+ 6

/nit testing focuses verification on the smaller unit of software design such as form. #his is known as form testing. #he testing is done individually on each form. /sing the unit test plan% prepared in design phase of the system development as a guide% important control paths are tested to uncover within the boundary of the module. (n this step% the module is working satisfactorily as a regard to the e"pected output from the module

9"8 I*!%+r#!io* T%s!i*+:

2ata can be lost across an interface% one module can have an adverse effect on another sub function when combined% may not produce the desired ma$or function. (ntegration testing is a systematic technique for  constructing the program structure while at the same time conducting tests to uncover errors associated with the interface. 'll the modules are combined in the testing step. #hen the entire program is as a whole. 2ifferent integrated test plans like top down integration and bottom up integration are tested and different errors found in the system are corrected using them. Finally% all the combined modules are performed well. 9"9 S.s!%$ T%s!i*+ 6

#esting the entire system as a whole and checking for its correctness is system testing. #he system is listed for dispensaries between the system and its original ob$ectives. #his pro$ect was effective and efficient.




#he ro$ect PStudent Staff Feed!ack systemQ is designed in order reduce the burden of maintaining bulk of records of all the students feedback details of  who study in an >ducational (nstitution. (nserting% retrieving and updating the feedback details of a student are easy when it is compared to the manual feedback and storing. *aintaining the pro$ect is also easy which can is easily understandable. *aintaining the details in the database is manageable. FUTURE ENHANCEMENTS 6

2ue to the lack of time% the design part is not done so attractive. Further  enhancements can be made in designing the screens. Some more forms can also  be added so as to better retrieve the feedback details. Darious other options can also be added for the better usability of pro$ect.

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