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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

1. Stude Student nt and trainer trainer details details Student details Full name: Student ID: Contact number: Email address: Trainer details Full name:

unit of competency 2. Qualification and unit Qualification/Course/Program Qualification/Course /Program Details Code: Name: Unit of competency Code:



Produce desserts

3. Assessm Assessment ent Submission Submission Method Method ☐ 

By hand to trainer/assessor ☐  By email to trainer/assessor Online submission via Learning Management System (LMS) Any other method _________________ __________________________________ ________________________________  _______________  (Please mention here)

☐  ☐ 


4. Stude Student nt declarati declaration on •

I certify that the work submitted for this assessment pack is my own. I have clearly referenced any sources sources used in my submi submissi ssion. on. I unders understan tand d that that a fal false se declar declarati ation on is a form form of  malpractice; I have kept a copy of this assessment pack and all relevant notes, attachments, and reference material that I used in the production of the assessment pack; For the purposes of assessment, I give the trainer/assessor of this assessment the permission to: Reproduce this assessment and provide a copy to another member of staff; and o o Take steps to authenticate the assessment, including communicating a copy of this assessment to a checking service (which may retain a copy of the assessment on its database for future plagiarism checking).

Student signatur signature: e:  

________________________________  ___________________ _____________ 

Date: ____/_____/______________ 

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Authorized by N. Taluja

Review Date: July 2022 Version 1.1


  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

5. Assessm Assessment ent Plan The student must be assessed as satisfactory in each of the following assessment methods in order to demonstrate competence in a variety of ways. Evid Ev iden ence ce numb number er/ / Ass Assess essmen mentt method method/ / Type Type of eviden evidence/ ce/ Sufficient evidence Task number Task name recorded/Outcome Assessment task 1 Knowledge Test (KT) S / NS (First Attempt) S / NS (Second Attempt) Assessment task 2

Assessment task 3

Project (PT)

S / NS (First Attempt)

Skills Test (ST)

S / NS (Second Attempt) S / NS (First Attempt) S / NS (Second Attempt)



☐ NYC ☐

Date assessed:

Trainer signature:

6. Comple Completion tion of the Assessment Assessment Plan Plan Your trainer is required to fill out the Assessment Plan Outcome records above, when: •

• •

You have completed and submitted all the requirements for the assessment tasks for this cluster or unit of competency. Your work has been reviewed and assessed by your trainer/assessor. You have been assessed as either satisfactory or unsatisfactory for each assessment task within the unit of competency. You have been provided with relevant and detailed feedback.

Every assessment has a “Feedback to Student” section used to record the following information. Your trainer/assessor trainer/ass essor must also ensure that all sections are filled in appropriately, such as: • • • •

Result of Assessment (satisfactory (satisfactory or unsatisfactory) unsatisfactory) Student name, signature and date Assessor name, signature and date Relevant and detailed feedback

7. Unit Requir Requiremen ements ts You, the student, must read and understand all of the information in the Unit Requirements before comple com pletin ting g the Student Student Pack. Pack. If you have any que questi stions ons regardi regarding ng the informa informatio tion, n, see your trainer/assessor trainer/ass essor for further information and clarification.

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Authorized by N. Taluja

Review Date: July 2022 Version 1.1


  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Pre-Assessment Checklist: Task 1- Knowledge Test The purpose of this checklist The pr pre-a e-ass ssess essmen mentt check checklis listt hel helps ps studen students ts determ determine ine if they they are ready ready for assess assessmen ment. t. The traine tra iner/ r/ass assess essor or must must review review the checkl checklist ist with with the studen studentt before before the studen studentt attemp attempts ts the asses assessme sment nt task. task. If any items items of the checklis checklistt are incomple incomplete te or not clear to the student, student, the trainer/ trai ner/asse assessor ssor must provide provide relevant relevant information information to the student student to ensure ensure they understand understand the requirements of the assessment task. The student must ensure they are ready for the assessment task before undertaking it. Section 1: Information for Students Make Mak e sur sure e you hav have e com comple pleted ted the nec necess essary ary pri prior or lea learni rning ng bef before ore att attemp emptin ting g thi this s assessment.   Make sure your trainer/assessor clearly explained the assessment process and tasks to be completed.   Make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how.   Make sure you know your rights and the Complaints and Appeal process.   Make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered during the assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix - Appendix A and negotiate these with your trainer/assessor).   Make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer to type the answers).   Make sure that you have all the required resources needed to complete this assessment task.   The due date of this assessment task is in accordance with your timetable.   In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit an an assess ass essmen mentt can be gra grant nted ed by the trainer trainer/as /asses sessor sor.. Evi Eviden dence ce of th the e com compel pellin ling g and compassionate circumstances must be provided together with your request for an extension to submit your assessment work.   The request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made before the due date. Section 2: Reasonable adjustments I con confir firm m tha thatt I hav have e rev review iewed ed the Rea Reason sonabl able e Adj Adjust ustmen ments ts gui guidel deline ines s and cr crite iteria ria as provided in Appendix A and attached relevant evidence as required and select the correct checkbox.   I do require reasonable adjustment   I do not require reasonable adjustment a djustment Declaration (Student to complete)   I con confir firm m tha thatt the pur purpos pose e and pr proce ocedur dure e of thi this s ass assess essmen mentt tas task k has been cle clearl arly y explained to me.  

I confirm that I have been consulted about any special needs I might have in relation to the assessment process.   I confirm that the the criteria used for this assessment has been discussed with me, as have the consequences and possible outcomes of this assessment.   I confirm I have accessed and understand the assessment information as provided in the Training Organisation’s Student Handbook.   I co conf nfir irm m I ha have ve be been en gi give ven n fa fair ir no noti tice ce of th the e da date te,, ti time me,, ve venu nue e an and/ d/or or ot othe herr arrangements for this assessment.   I confirm that I am ready for assessment.  

Student Name: ______________________________________ 

Student Signature: ___________________________________ 

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Authorized by N. Taluja

Review Date: July 2022 Version 1.1


  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Assessment method based instructions and guidelines: Task 1 - Knowledge Test Assessment type ● Written Questions Instructions provided to the student: Assessment task description: ● This This is th the e firs firstt (1 (1)) as asse sess ssme ment nt ta task sk yo you u must must su succ cces essf sful ully ly co comp mple lete te to be deem deemed ed competent in this unit of competency. ● The Knowledge Test is comprised of twenty-nine (29) written questions ● You must respond to all questions and submit them to your Trainer/Assessor. Trainer/Assessor. ● You must answer all questions to the required level, e.g. provide an answer within the required word limit, to be deemed satisfactory in this task ● You will receive your feedback within two (2) weeks, and you will be notified by your Trainer/Assessor Trainer/Ass essor when your results are available. Applicable conditions: ● All knowledge tests are untimed and are conducted as open book assessment (this means you can refer to your textbook during the test). ● You must read and respond to all questions. ● You may handwrite/use computer to answer the questions. ● You must complete the task independently. ● No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory. ● As you complete this assessment task you are predominately demonstrating your written skills and knowledge to your trainer/assessor. trainer/assessor. Resubmissions and reattempts: ● Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission attempt will be allowed. ● The student may speak to their trainer/assessor if they have any difficulty in completing this task and require reasonable adjustments. ● Forr mo Fo more re in info form rmat atio ion, n, pl plea ease se re refe ferr to th the e Tr Train ainin ing g Or Orga gani nisa sati tion on’s ’s St Stud uden entt Handbook Location: ●

This assessment task may be completed in: ☐ a classroom ☐ learning management system (i.e. Moodle), ☐ workplace, ☐ or an independent learning environment. ● Your trainer/asses trainer/assessor sor will provi provide de you with furth further er infor informatio mation n regar regarding ding the location for completing this assessment task. Instructions for answering written questions: ● Complete a written assessment consisting of a series of questions. ● You will be required to answer all the questions correctly. ● Do not start start an answ sweri ering ng questi questions ons withou withoutt unders understan tandin ding g what what is requir required. ed. Read Read the questi que stions ons caref carefull ully y an and d cri critic ticall ally y an analy alyse se them them for a few second seconds, s, this this will will hel help p you to identify what information is needed in the answer. ● Your answers must demonstrate an understanding and application of the relevant concepts ●

and critical thinking. Be concise, to the point and write answers within the word-limit given to each question. Do not provide irrelevant information. Remember, quantity is not quality. You must write your responses in your own words.

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Authorized by N. Taluja

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) ● Use non-di non-disc scrim rimina inator tory y langua language. ge. Th The e langua language ge used used shoul should d not devalu devalue, e, demean demean,, or exclude individuals or groups based on attributes such as gender, disability, culture, race, religion, sexual preference or age. Gender inclusive language should be used. ● When you quote, paraphrase, summarise or copy information from other sources to write your answers or research your work, always acknowledge the source. the assessment assessment   Purpose of the This assessment task is designed to evaluate student’s knowledge essential to produce hot, cold and frozen desserts following standard and special dietary recipes in a range of  contexts and industry settings & Knowledge regarding to the following: ● Knowledge to identify and confirm food production requirements from food preparation list and standard recipes. ● Knowledge to calculate the appropriate amounts of ingredients according to recipe. ● Knowle Kno wledge dge to identi identify fy an and d selec selectt ingred ingredien ients ts fro from m stores stores accor accordin ding g to recipe recipe,, qualit quality, y, freshness and stock rotation requirements. ● Know Kn owle ledg dge e to sele select ct and and us use e di diff ffer eren entt type types s and and size sizes s of eq equi uipm pmen entt suit suitab able le to requirements. ● Knowledge to use cookery methods for desserts and sauces to achieve desired product characteristics. ● Know Kn owle ledg dge e to us use e appr approp opri riat ate e en envi viro ronm nmen enta tall cond condit itio ion n to reta retain in fr fres eshn hnes ess s and and characteristics characterist ics of desserts and sauces. ● Knowledge to evaluate quality of ingredients and finished desserts and make adjustments to ensure a quality product. ● Readin Rea ding g skills skills to locate locate inform informati ation on in food food prepar preparati ation on lists lists and standa standard rd rec recipe ipes s to determine food preparation requirement. ●

● ●

Knowledge to adjust taste, texture and appearance of food products according to identified deficiencies. Technology skills to use food preparation and cooking equipment. Knowle Kno wledge dge to sto store re desser desserts ts and reusab reusable le by-pro by-produc ducts ts accor accordin ding g to enviro environme nmenta ntall conditions. Ability/skill to clean work are and maintain safety at workplace by disposing waste products according to environmental considerations.

Task instructions ● ●

This is an individual assessment. The purpose of this assessment task is to assess the students’ knowledge essential to produce produ ce hot, cold and frozen desserts following following standard standard and special special dietary dietary recipes recipes in a range of contexts and industry settings. To make full and satisfactory responses you should consult a range of learning resources, other information such as handouts and textbooks, learners’ resources and slides. All questions must be answered in order to gain competency for this assessment.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Assesment Task 1: Knowledge Test Provide your responses in the boxes below each question. Li List st en (1 (10) 0) co comm mmod odit itie ies s th that at ar are e re requ quir ired ed ac acco cord rdin ing g to re reci cipe pe Satisfactory response preparation lists for desserts? Yes


Q1: List down any ten (10) commodities that are required according to recipe preparation lists for desserts? 1. Sauce 2. Milk 3. Sugar 4. Na Natu tura rall fl flav avou ourr 5. Fr Fru uit jui uic ces 6. Salt 7. Pi Piec eces es of fr frui uits ts 8. Butter 9. Milk cream 10.Eggs


List any ten (10) common desserts which are prepared using standard Satisfactory recipes. response Yes

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)          


Anzac Biscuits. Caramel Slice. Chocolate Crackle. Fairy Bread. Golden Gaytime. Iced VoVo. Lamington. Pavlova. Tim Tam Gulab Jamun (Black plum)

Write down the meaning of the following preparation methods used to Satisfactory prepare hot and cold desserts and sauces. Write your answer in one (1) response sentence for each method. Yes ☐ No

Pr Prep epar arat atio ion n meth method ods s

Desc Descri ript ptio ion/ n/de defi fini niti tion on of of meth method od


It is the blending of ingredients with a softened form of a solid fat


Baking is a method of preparing food that uses dry heat, typically in an oven, but can also be done in hot ashes, or on hot stones.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Chilling

The e fo foo od th that at is thor thorou ough ghly ly co cool oled ed in a re refr frig iger erat ator or Th compartment, but is not frozen.


It is a cooking procedure in which alcohol is added to a hot pan to create a burst of flames.


temperature e The method of preserving food by lowering the temperatur to inhibit microorganism growth.


Poaching is a moist heat method of cooking by submerging food in some kind of liquid and heating at a low temperature. The reduction is the process of thickening and intensifying the flavor of a liquid mixture.



Steaming is a method of cooking using steam. This is often done with a food steamer


Stewing is a long, slow cooking method where food is cut into pieces and cooked in the minimum amount of liquid.

Stirring and aerating

Stirring simply means to mix ingredients together. Aeration

Selecting Select ing and pr prepa eparin ring g moulds

is the proces ess s of addi addin ng ve verry tin iny y poc ocke kets ts of ai airr to something. selec ectin ting g an and d pre prepar paring ing app appro ropri priate ate ca cake ke tin tins s and It is sel moulds.

Whisking, folding, Whisking, folding, piping piping and spreading


Whisking is to  beat or stir a substance, especially cream or eggs. Fold Fo ldin ing g is co com mbi bini ning ng li ligh ghtt an and d he heav avy y in ingr gred edie ient nts s or mixtures in baking. Pipi Pi ping ng is to sq sque ueez eze e a pa past stry ry ba bag g fo forr th the e pu purp rpos ose e of  decorating or creating special shapes. Spreading is foods that are applied, generally with a knife, onto bread, crackers and similar foods.

Discuss the terms food allergy and food intolerance in 50-100 words.

Satisfactory response Yes


A food allergy occurs when the immune system reacts to a harmless food. Food intolerance occurs when the body has a chemical reaction to eating a particular food or drink.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)


List ten (10) special dietary requirements to consider while producing Satisfactory desserts and list three (3) key health and two (2) legal consequences of  response not addressing the special dietary requirements of customers. Yes ☐ No

Ten special dietary requirements to consider while producing desserts 1. Fat fre ree. e. 2. Lo Low w car carboh bohydr ydrate ate.. 3. Low fat. 4. Lo Low w gl glut uten en.. 5. Gl Glut uten en fr free ee.. 6. Lo Low w ki kilo lojo joul ule. e. 7. Low su suga gar. r. 8. Su Suga garr fr free ee.. 9. Cream 10.

Low fat

Three (3) hea Three health lth co cons nsequ equenc ences es if not ad addre dress ssing ing the sp spec ecial ial die dietar tary y req requir uirem ement ents s of  customers. 1.Food poisoning. 2.Can cause allergy. 3.And stomach spasmodic pain and chances of hospitalization. Two (2) legal consequences of not addressing the special dietary requirements of customers. Civil Lawsuit Monetary penalty

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)


Write down the appearance, colour, flavour, texture/ moisture content, Satisfactory freshness and quality indicators in one (1) sentence for the below given response five (5) ingredients for producing desserts. Yes ☐ No


Appearance, colou colourr and/or and/or shape

Bread and Butter Butt er Pudding Pudding with Crème Anglaise

Rectangular  knife inserted slightly mushy and semi-solid shap sh ape e , Li Litt ttle le ne near ar th the e ce cent nter er dark brown of the pudding comes out clean. Top syrupy and Soft -solid , puffy Round Caramel colour toasty-smelling base yellowish

Creme caramel

P ista istac chi hio o nice ut and caramel cream

Cr Crea eamy my wh whit ite e colou co lourr , Scoo Scoop p shaped


Medium round, Cream colour

Chocolate mousse

shape, Bowl Dark brown chocolate colour

TOID 41406 CRICO Co C ode 03762M Unit Code: ITHPAT006

Freshness and and quality indicators

Descri Desc ript ptio ion n of fl flavo avour ur an and d texture/moisture texture/moistur e content

savory nutt savory nuttines iness, s, Sweet creamy , Savory sweet and creamy not much hard Smooth ,firm ,lig slight crunch with an overall ht, and non- chewy sticky Light and airy

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Light and savory

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Review Date: July 2022 Version 1.1


  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Q7: Write Wri te down down the temper temperatu atures res an and d timing timing for produc producing ing the desser desserts ts Satisfactory below. response Yes

Dessert Vanilla Crème Brulée

Creme Caramel




 170 170-17 -175°F 5°F (77 (77-79°C)

Approx. 2 to 3 hours

180 0 °C °C (35 (350 0 °F) °F).. 18

Appr Ap prox ox.. 1 to to 1.3 1.30 0 hou hours rs

List any ten (10) different eq equ uipment used to prepare desserts.


Satisfactory response Yes


Measuring Cups (Liquid and Dry) and Spoons. Wooden Spoon(s). Rubber Spatula/Scrape Spatula/Scraper. r. Spatula/Metal Turner. Pastry Brush. Whisk. Kitchen Scissors. Rolling Pin. Owen. Mixing Bowl.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)


What is th What the e main main fu func ncti tion on an and d sa safe fety ty feat featur ures es of a robo roboco coup up fo food od Satisfactory processor? Write your answer in one (1) sentence. response Yes


The bowl of the food processor is leak proof. Perfect for chopping and blending alike. Durable and compact (perfect for those with storage issues) Safety features including one for blade and other for motor security.

Q10: List any four (4) contents of stock date codes and reasons to use rotation Satisfactory labels. response Yes


Sell by date Best before Use by date Pack or production date The reason to use rotation labels to give consumers a guide to that food's shelf-life in terms of quality. So they know how long a food can be kept before it begins to deteriorate or becomes unsafe to consume.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Q11: a) What What ar are e th the e fact factor ors s to be co cons nsid ider ered ed to clean clean an and d main mainta tain in th the e Satisfactory equipment? response b) What is th the e purpose purpose of dismantling dismantling the the equipment equipment before before cleaning? cleaning? Yes ☐ No Write your answer in 50-100 words.

a) The factors to be considered considered to clean and maintain maintain the equipment equipment are: -Before cleaning make sure equipment is unplugged. -Single use towels can be used. -Detergents -Detergent s and sanitary agents can be used also time, temperature temperature,, mecha mechanical nical action, chemical reaction and procedures should be considered before cleaning and maintaining the equipment.

b)  Equipment may need to be dismantled to gain proper access to the surfaces that need nee d to be sanitis sanitised. ed. It is good pract practice ice and also also helpful helpful in the long life life of the equipment and improve productivity and keep it in good working conditions also minimise chances of catching fire it should be insured device must be unplugged before cleaning.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Q12: Discuss the steps to use equipment safely and hygienically according to Satisfactory the manufacturer instructions? Write your answer in 50-100 words. response Yes



a) Maintain cookware and other equipmen equipment’s t’s like knives twice in a month. b) Clean all the sinks after washing the dishes c) All the equipment’s should be washed with detergent and hot water. d) Wipe all equipment equipment’s ’s with soft and clean cloth. e) Do not use sharp edge equipment’s on electrical items.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Q13: List five (5) benefits of sorting and assembling ingredients before food Satisfactory production? response Yes

1) 2) 3) 4)


Time saving. Can cook other food at same time. Helps saving cooking gas. Helps ready the order on given time.

5) It makes complicated complicated recipes recipes easier to complete.

Q14: Discuss the methods to measure wet and dry ingredients according to Satisfactory the recipe of desserts? Write your answer in 50-100 words. response Yes


For dry ingredients use digital scale as it is very accurate and measured measured by weight For wet ingredients they are measured by volume in measuring cups.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Q15: Write down seven (7) tips to reduce waste to increase profitability of the Satisfactory food produced? response Yes


Stop over production

b) c) d) e) f) g)

In appropriate processing Unnecessary inventory Purc Pu rch has ase e def efec ectt le les ss raw mate terria iall Save an and ac actually ea eat le leftovers. Keep tr track of of what yo you th throw away Safety stacking.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Q16: Discuss the importance and requirements of mise en place to produce Satisfactory desserts in kitchen. Write your answer in 50-100 words. response Yes


Importance and requirements of mise en place to produce desserts in kitchen is: It is helpful in making every move as effective as possible   

It is a coinventinway to prepare food before start cooking. It is beneficial planning and preparing thewe food within minutes.

 “mise en place” term used to have have all the raw material peeled, measured, measured, sliced etc before before we start cooking the recipe.

Q17: Write a definition of the eight (8) culinary terms and food items in the Satisfactory spreadsheet below. response Yes


Culinary term Sorbet



The dish made from meg yolks beaten eggs ,sauce flavouring purree and then puffs when it is prepared (baked ) The dish is often flavoured with fresh fruits along with vanilla .

Anglaise A1 sugar

 Made from artificial flavour sugar/sw sugar/sweetened eetened soda.

Caster sugar

Used ed wi with th ca cane ne su suga garr me medi dium um cr crys ysta tall an and d mi mini nimu mum m co cont nten entt of  Us moisture White sugar that is grounde grounded d into fine grains


Made from sugar or honey etc

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Fondant Term used for making cake decorations ,it is a kind of sugar glaze Macaroon

Biscuits made with egg whites


It is a sweet sauce made of egg yolks, sugar and wine beaten together until it gets thick.

Q18: List any three (3) desserts and ingredients suitable for diabetic customer Satisfactory and special dietary requirements? response Yes


Three (3) des Three desse serts rts an and d ing ingre redie dients nts sui suitab table le fo forr dia diabe betic tic cu custo stomer mer an and d spe specia ciall die dietar tary y requirements are: 1.Sugar free chocolate 2.Banana mouse (sugar free ) 3. Sugar free fruits to be used

Q19: Explain the five (5) culinary terms terms in the the table below in one (1) sentence. sentence. Satisfactory response Yes

Culinary ter term Diabetic

Gluten free



If the body contain level of blood glucose is high

Gluten free food is a diet which does not contain gluten(gluten free wheat) some persons have allergy from gluten

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Low fat Saturated fat refers to food which is low in fat

Sugar free

Artificial sweetening agents to be used in recipe can say sugar free


Fo Food od an and d by dairy dair item it ems sisma made de fr from om an anim imal al me meat at wh whic ich h ca cann nnot ot be consumed ayperson vegan

Q20: Write down any five (5) thickening agents?

Satisfactory response Yes

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


Flourr used Flou used in maki making ng sauce sauces s Liaison(egg yolks and heavy cream )

White Wash(Thic White Wash(Thickenin kening g agent for soups soups and sauce sauces s) Beurre Beur re Manie( Manie( particle particles s coated coated in butter butter ) Corn Co rn Fl Flou ourr

Q21: Li List st four four (4 (4)) fo food od qual qualit ity y ad adju just stme ment nts s to co cons nsid ider er whil while e prep prepar arin ing g Satisfactory desserts within scope of responsibility. response Yes


1) Appropriate temperature 2) Appearance of food 3) Texture of food 4) Taste of food

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Q22: What What ar are e te ten n (1 (10) 0) co cons nsid ider erat atio ions ns th that at must must be co cons nsid ider ered ed when when Satisfactory portioning desserts? response Yes


1)Method of composition 2)Dietary requirement 3) Nutrition value 4)Prepare according to the number of clients 5) Appropriate time to serve the dessert 6) Prepare according to age group 7) Preparation method 8)Deep frying like poaching etc 9) Select dessert in according to the tasting plate 10) Appropriate use of raw material to save waste

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Q23: List List any four four (4) accom accompan panime iments nts and their their charac character terist istics ics used used to Satisfactory enhance the taste and texture of desserts? response Yes


1) Meringue (Meringue is a type of dessert with Italian ,Swiss French cuisine made from whipped egg whites and sugar. 2) Brandy snap( Flour and ginger with lemon zest and juice and the brandy poring it with butter mixture . 3)Lace (Baked wafer French in origin generally in shape of arced thin crisp sweet or savory also possible from cheese . 4)Tuillese( 4)Tuille se( a crisp recipe can be one of of most versatile of your repertoire shape in curved roof tile.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Q24: Li List st six (6) ty type pes s of ga garn rnis ish hes and deco ecora rati tio ons used for des desser serts. ts.

Satis tisfa fact cto ory response Yes

1) 2) 3) 4)


Oven roast roasted ed bread bread pieces pieces or can can be fried fried Chopped Chop ped nuts to add flavo flavorr Decorate Deco rate with her herb b springs springs Slices of vegetables carrot slivers slivers of onion fried fried vegetables vegetables

5) fruitsflavo fruits canurs can be and usedcolo used for ur. decoratio deco ration n. 6) Dry Artificial Artif icial flavours colour.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Q25: Mention any five (5) guidelines for plating desserts.

Satisfactory response Yes

1) 2) 3) 4) 5)


Garnis Garn ish h Cons Co nsis iste tent nt Temp Te mper erat atur ure e Good Go od te text xtur ure e Decora Dec orate te with with colo colour ur

Q26: What are five (5) factors that need to be considered when presenting Satisfactory desserts with sauces and garnishes? response Yes


  1) Decorate with dry fruits

2) Colour according to the dish 3) Shape according to the dish 4) Flavour 5) Temperature according to the dish

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Q27: Discuss seven (7) tips that must be considered while displaying desserts Satisfactory with sauces and garnishes? response Yes


Q28: List eight (8) steps to dispose of or store re-usable by products accordin according g Satisfactory to the organisa organisationa tionall procedure procedures s and environmen environmental tal considera considerations tions to response ensure food safety? Yes ☐ No

1) All ingredients placed properly 2) Texture for your dish 3) Garnishes purposefully 4) Design create with sauces 5) Colour and contrast must be taken into consideration 6) Decorate properly with required dry fruits 7) Use plate which is perfect

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

a) Cooked food must be separate from raw food b) Avoid refreezing c) Hot food cannot be refrigerated d) Use non-toxic storage utensil e) Freeze below 15 degree Celsius f) Refrigerator must be at least 5 degree Celsius g) Smaller portions of warm food and dishes use quickly as possible h) Avoid wastage of food

Q29: List ten (10) steps to clean the kitchen equipment and premises safely Satisfactory according to food safety standards? response Yes


1) Paste chart of cleaning process in front of washing area

2) Paper towels should be used to clean shelves 3) Chemicals also can be used to clean the floor 4) Clean microwave after use every time 5) Refrigerator must be clean on daily basis 6) Sprays also used to clean the area 7) Clean the sink with detergent 8) Clean all the utensils like knives properly 9) Update your cleaning process time to time 10) Sanitizer must be used to clean hands. TOID 41406 CRICO Co C ode 03762M Unit Code: ITHPAT006

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Assessment Results Sheet: Task 1 – Knowledge Test Unit Code: Unit Name: Outcome

SITHPAT006 Produce desserts First attempt:

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Outcome (make sure to tick the correct checkbox): Satisfactory (S)

☐ or

Not Satisfactory (NS)

Date: _______(d _______(day)/ ay)/ _______(mon _______(month)/ th)/ _______(year) Feedback:

Second attempt: Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox): Satisfactory (S)

☐ or

Not Satisfactory (NS)

Date: _______(d _______(day)/ ay)/ _______(mon _______(month)/ th)/ _______(year) Feedback:


Declaration ●

I declare declare that the answers answers I have provided provided are my own work. work. Wher Where e I have accessed information and/or links to my sources.from other sources, I have provided references I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I used as part of my submission. I have provided references for all sources where the information is not my own. ow n. I unders understan tand d the conseq consequen uences ces of fal falsif sifyin ying g docume documenta ntatio tion n and plagiarism. I understand how the assessment is structured. I accept that the work I submit may be subject to verification to establish that it is my own. I understand that if I disagree with the assessment outcome, I can appeal th the e as asse sess ssme ment nt proc proces ess, s, an and d eith either er re-s re-sub ubmi mitt ad addit ditio iona nall evid eviden ence ce undertake gap training and or have my submission re-assessed. All appeal options have been explained to me.

Student Signature Date Trainer/Assessor TOID 41406 CRICO Co C ode 03762M Unit Code: ITHPAT006

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Name I hold: Trainer/Assessor   Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered Declaration   Current relevant industry skills   Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake   Ongoing professional development in VET  I declare that I have conducted an assessment of this student’s  submission. The assessment tasks were deemed current, sufficient, vali va lid d an and d re reli liab able le.. I de decl clar are e th that at I ha have ve co cond nduc ucte ted d a fa fair ir,, va vali lid, d, reliable, reliab le, and flexible flexible assessmen assessment. t. I have provided provided feedback feedback to the  student.

Trainer/Assessor Signature Date Office Use Only

TOID 41406 CRICO Co C ode 03762M Unit Code: ITHPAT006

Th The e outc outcom ome e of this this asse assess ssme ment nt ha has s be been en en ente tere red d into into the the Stud Studen entt Management System on _________________ (insert date) by (insert Name)  __________________________________  _____________________________ _____

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Pre-Assessment Checklist: Task 2 - Project Purpose of Checklist The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for assessment. The traine tra iner/ r/ass assess essor or must must review review the check checklis listt with with the studen studentt before before the studen studentt attemp attempts ts the assessment task. If any items of the checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, the trainer/assessor must provide relevant information to the student to ensure they understand the requirements of the assessment task. The student must ensure they are ready for the assessment task before undertaking it. Section 1: Information for Students Please make sure you have completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this assessment.   Please make sure your trainer/assessor clearly explained the assessment process and tasks to be completed.   Please make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how.   Please make sure you know your rights and the Complaints and Appeal process.   Please make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered during the assessment (refer to the Reasonable Adjustments Strategy Matrix and negotiate these with your trainer/assessor).   Please make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer to type the answers).   Please make sure that you have all the required resources needed to complete this Assessment Task (AT).   Due date of this assessment task is according to your timetable.  


exceptional (compelling compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit anIn assessment can be grantedand by the trainer/assessor.   Evi Eviden dence ce of the com compel pellin ling g and com compas passio sionat nate e cir circum cumsta stance nces s mus mustt be pro provid vided ed together with your request for an extension to submit your assessment work.   Request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made before the due date. Section 2: Reasonable adjustments  I confirm that I have reviewed “Reasonable Adjustments” guidelines and criteria as  provided in the appendix and attached relevant evidence, with the Unit Student Tool  (UST) as required and select the correct checkbox.  I do require reasonable adjustment adjustment ☐ I do not require reasonable adjustment

Declaration (Student to complete)   I confirm that the purpose and procedures of this assessment method have been clearly explained to me.   I confirm that I have been consulted about any special needs I might have in relation to the assessment process.   I confirm that the t he criteria used for this assessment have been discussed with me, as have the consequences and possible outcomes of the assessment.   I confirm I have accessed and understand assessment information as provided in the RTOs Student Handbook.   I confirm I have been given fair notice of the date, time, venue or other arrangements for this assessment. I have completed a self-assessment of my performance of this unit and confirm that I am ready for assessment.

Student Name: _____________________________________ 

Student Signature: ___________________________________ 

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Assessment method based instructions and guidelines: Task 2 - Project (PT) Assessment type ● Project (PT) - Develop a production plan. Instructions provided to the student: Assessment task description: ● This is the second (2) assessment task you must successfully complete to be deemed competent in this unit of competency. ●

This assessment task requires you to complete a project. You are required to develop a production plan in this assessment task. ● You will receive your feedback within two (2) weeks, and you will be notified by your trainer/assessor trainer/asses sor when your results are available. ● You must must attemp attemptt all activi activitie ties s of the projec projectt for your your traine trainer/a r/asse ssess ssor or to assess assess your your competence in this assessment task. Applicable conditions: ● This Thi s ski skill ll tes testt is un untim timed ed and is con conduc ducted ted as an ope open n boo book k ass assess essmen mentt (th (this is means you are able to refer to your textbook or other learner materials during the test). ● You will be assessed independently on this assessment a ssessment task. ● No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory. ● As you complete this assessment task, you are predominately demonstrating your skills, techniques and knowledge to your trainer/assessor. ● Your trainer/assessor may ask you relevant questions during this assessment task Resubmissions and reattempts: ● Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission attempt will be allowed. ● The student may speak to their trainer/assessor if they have any difficulty in completing this task and require reasonable adjustments. ● Forr mo Fo more re in info form rmat atio ion, n, pl plea ease se re refe ferr to th the e Tr Train ainin ing g Or Orga gani nisa sati tion on’s ’s St Stud uden entt Handbook. Location: ● This assessment task may be completed in: ☐ a classroom ☐ learning management system (i.e. Moodle), ☐ workplace, ☐ or an independent learning environment. ● Your Trainer/Assess Trainer/Assessor or will provi provide de you with further infor information mation regarding regarding the location for completing this assessment task.   Purpose of the the assessment assessment This assessment task is designed to evaluate your following skills and abilities: ●

● ● ● ●

Skill Skill Skill Skill o o o o o

to to to to

develop a production plan. select ingredients for sauces and desserts. select equipment for desserts and sauces. use prepare a workflow plan that includes the following: Production step Cooking temperature and timing Cooking method Hygiene consideration Quality checks

Task instructions

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) ● This is an individual assessment. ● The purpose of this assessment task is to assess the students’ knowledge essential to recruit, select and induct staff in a range of contexts and industry settings. ● To make full and satisfactory responses you should consult a range of learning resources, other information such as handouts and textbooks, learners’ resources and slides. ● All questions must be answered in order to gain competency for this assessment. ● This assessment task requires students to take on the role of/act as Chef. ● The student must carefully analyse the recipes given in the Appendix provided. You must use the provided templates while writing your answers. ●

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Task Number: AT2

Task Name: Project (PT)

Project task: L'Abeille Restaurant: L'Abeille restaurant is located in West Melbourne. L'Abeille restaurant expects to catch the interest of a regular loyal customer base with its broad variety of Italian and French cuisines. The company plans to build bui ld a strong strong marke markett positi position on in the town, town, due to the partners partners'' indus industry try exp experi erienc ence e and a mild mild competitive climate in the area. L'Abeille restaurant aims to offer its products at a competitive price to meet the demand of the middle-to higher-income local market area residents and tourists. The Company L'Abeille restaurant is incorporated in the state of Victoria. It is equally owned and managed by its two partners. Mr Jackson has extensive experience in sales, marketing, and management, and was vice president pres ident of marketing marketing with both Café Barista Barista and Burper Burper Foods. Mr John Fields brings experience experience in the area of finance and administration, including a stint as chief financial officer with both Kealba Restaurant. Products and Services L'Abei L'A beille lle resta restaura urant nt off offers ers a broad broad ra range nge of cuisi cuisines nes includ including ing food food dishes dishes,, sauce sauces s and desser desserts ts produc pro ducts, ts, all from from high-q high-qua ualit lity y ingred ingredien ients. ts. L'Abei L'Abeille lle restau restauran rantt caters caters to all of its custo customer mers s by providing products made to suit the customer, down to the smallest detail. The restaurant provides freshly prepared food dishes and other products at all times during business operat ope ration ions. s. Many Many custom customers ers are being being served served each each day in this this restau restauran rant, t, thanks thanks to the helpfu helpfull teamwork of staff and other employees of this restaurant. The Market L'Abeille restaurant wants to establish a large regular customer base, and will, therefore, concentrate its business and marketing on residents, which will be the dominant target market. This will establish a healthy, consistent revenue base to ensure stability of the business. Also, tourist traffic is expected to comprise approximately 35% of the revenues. High visibility and competitive products and service are critical to capture this segment of the market. L'Abeille restaurant aims to offer high quality Italian and French cuisines at a competitive price to meet the demand of the middle- to higher-income local market area residents and tourists. Scenario: The restaurant wants to add some new desserts on their menu. They have provided you with the following information regarding the new desserts: ● Dessert details: (given in the table provided below). o List of desserts. o Sauces to be used for each dessert. o Garnishes and decorations for each dessert. ● Recipes to prepare desserts and sauces (Appendix B) Dessert details Sauces used




be Garnishes and decorations

Butterscotch sauce

Fresh fruit, Fresh fruit, nuts, nuts, icing icing sugar, sugar, cho chocol colate ate sauce

Chocolate sauce

Jellies, fresh fruit, sugars

Fresh fruit salad

Custard cream

Shaved chocolate, nuts, jellies, fruit syrup

Chocolate mousse

Raspberry Coulis

Fresh fruit, nuts, shaved chocolate



Fresh fruit, nuts, shaved chocolate, jellies

Ice cream

Chocolate sauce

Fresh fruit, nuts

Chocolate souffle Raspber Ras pberrry sorbet

coc ocon onu ut

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man ango go

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Unit Code: ITHPAT006

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Caramel flan

Chocolate sauce

Fresh fruit, nuts


Sugar syrup

Fruits, sugars, icing sugar, nuts

Creme caramel

Fresh fruit, nuts

Chocolate bavarois

Fruit syrup

Shaved chocolate

Custard tart

Raspberry Coulis

Fresh fruit, nuts

The restaurant wants you to develop a production plan for these desserts and sauces. The purpose of  preparing the production plan is to ensure that the preparation processes for the recipes are consistent. Task: Develop a Production Plan This task requires you to prepare a production plan. The purpose of this task is to assess your ability to select and prepare ingredients, equipment, cookery and cooking methods. To prepare the ‘Production Plan’, you need to complete ingredients and equipment lists and a workflow chart, for the given desserts and sauces, before commencing your mise en place and cooking. You must develop a “Production Plan” using the provided below. If you do not understand any part, ask your assessor/trainer. assessor/trainer. To develop a production plan, you need to complete the following parts: Part A: Select A: Select ingredients This part requires you to confirm the quantity and serving requirements from the food preparation list and standard recipes with your trainer/assessor. Considering the information given in the recipes (Appendix 2), you are then required to calculate ingredient amounts. Note: You must adjust the quantity of ingredients considering the number of ‘serves’ you are cooking and minimise wastage by selecting the right quantity of ingredients.

Part B: Select B: Select equipment Part B requires you to list all the equipment and service ware required to prepare desserts and sauces listed in the case study. For each of the sauce and dessert to be prepared, you need to select the type and size of equipment suitable to requirements. For each equipment identified, you need to document the safety measures to operate them. Part C:requires  Workflow Plan Part CC: Workflow you to prepare a workflow plan for the desserts and sauces listed in the case study. This part requires you demonstrate your planning and organising and problem-solving skills along with self-management. When writing a plan for desserts and sauces to be prepared; keep in mind to include the following: ● Production step ● Cooking temperature and timing ● Cooking method ● Hygiene consideration ● Quality checks

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Task 1: Develop a Production Plan Templates for Part A: Template: Select Ingredients for desserts Desserts to be prepared 


Number of  serves

Chocolate souffle

Ingredients required


Caster Sugar

4 ½ tbsp.


60 g

Plain flour

2 tbsp.


160 ml (2/3 cup)



Dark chocolate

210 g

Brown Sugar

2 tbsp.

Ripe Mango

500 g

Fresh Raspberry

125 g

Coconut Milk

236 ml

Cane Sugar

200 g

Lime juice

1 tsp

Sea Salt

1 pinch

Pink grapefruit

1 pcs


1 pcs


1 pcs

3 Raspberry  coconut   mango sorbet 

Fresh salad 

4 fruit   3

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Chocolate mousse


Choux pastry 

3 Meringues


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1 pcs

White & Black grapes

Small bunch

Kiwi, Pear, Apple, Lime

1 pcs


100 mg

Good quality Dark chocolate

300 g


3 pcs

CSR Caster Sugar

¼ cup (55 g)

Good quality cocoa powder

1 tbsp

Thickened cream

300 ml

Grated chocolate

To serve

Unsalted butter

3 tbsp.

Unsalted butter

½ cup (115 g)


½ cup (120 ml)

Whole Milk

120 ml


¼ tsp

Granulated Sugar

2 tsp



All purpose flour

125 g ( 1 cup)

Egg whites

4 pcs


1 pinch

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Ice cream

Caramel flan





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CSR Caster Sugar

1 cup (220 g)

Vanilla essence

½ tsp


3 pcs

Caster Sugar

100g (1/2 cup)

Plain flour

75g (1/2 cup)

Dark cocoa powder

30g (1/4 cup)

Chocolate ice -cream


Pouring cream

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Dark chocolate, chopped finely

100 g


1 ½ cups

Eggs (large)

6 pcs

Sweetened condensed milk

1 can (14-ounce)

Evaporated milk

2 cans (13-ounce)


1 tsp

All-purpose flour

1 cup

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Creme caramel 

Chocolate bavarois



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½ cup


½ cup


¼ tsp


1 tbsp

Caster Sugar

1 ¼ cups

Thickened cream

300 ml


1 ½ cups

Vanilla extract

1 tsp




90 ml

Double cream

90 ml

Vanilla pod


Large egg yolks

3 pcs

Castor Sugar

50 g

Dark chocolate

250 g

Double cream

200 ml

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Custard tart 


 Apricot jam

2 tbsp

Vanilla bean



2 ½ cup



Castor sugar

¼ cup

Ground nutmeg

¼ tbsp

Fresh fruit

To serve

Template: Select Ingredients for sauces Desserts to be prepared 


Number of  serves

Butterscotch sauce

Ingredients required


Unsalted butter

4 tablespoons (1/2 stick)

Dark brown sugar

½ cup

large-flake salt

1 tsp

Heavy cream

½ cup

Vanilla extract

1 tsp

Thickened cream

185ml (3/4 cup)

3 Chocolate sauce

Good-quality dark chocolate, broken into squares Brown sugar



55 g (1/4 cup)

3 TOID 41406 CRICO Co C ode 03762M

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Custard cream

Raspberry  Coulis





Sugar syrup

Whole milk

2 cups

Granulated sugar

½ cup

Egg yolks

4 pcs

Vanilla stick


All-purpose flour

2 tbsp

Fresh raspberries vanilla sugar (optional)

500 g

vanilla sugar

1 tsp

Egg yolks

2 pcs

Caster sugar

1 tbsp

Marsala, madeira or sherry

1 tbsp


1 cup (250ml)

 Ca  C aster sugar

1 cup (220g)

5 TOID 41406 CRICO Co C ode 03762M

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Fruit syrup


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Granulated sugar

1 cup


1 cup


1 ½ cups

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Templates for Part B: Template (Part B): Select equipment for desserts Equipment required to prepare desserts Desserts

Equipment required

Safety measures

Chocolate souffle

Oven Saucepan Wooden spoon

Use gloves while using oven. Take care from hot chocolate.

Bowl Electric beater Baking tray Saucepan Spoon

Raspbe Rasp berr rry y co coco conu nut  t  Churning bowl mango sorbet  Blender

Take care when using churning bowl

Mixing Bowl Spoon Hot scoop

Fresh fruit salad 

Bowl Peeler Saucepan Large bowl

Take care from sharp edges.

Martini glasses

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Chocolate mousse

Heatproof bowl Pan Large bowl Electric beater Large metal spoon Serving glasses

Choux pastry 

Medium saucepan Wooden spoon Stand mixer Large mixing bowl Baking sheets


Oven Baking trays Non-stick baking paper. Electric mixer Spoon Airtight container

Use gloves for oven

Ice cream

Oven Swiss roll pan Electric beater Bowl Baking paper Foil Small saucepan Plate

Care while using oven Wear gloves Don’t wet electric beater socket

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Don't let the bowl touch the water

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Caramel flan

Pan Tablespoons Electric mixer or a whisk large glass, ceramic, or metal baking pan Knife

Use oven properly


Large mixing bowl Whisker Frying pan Griddle

Take care while handling hot pan

Creme caramel 

Oven Saucepan Ovenproof dishes Large baking dish Thin knife

While using knife use it properly it can cause injury

Chocolate bavarois

Heavy-bottomed saucepan Spoon Thermometer Bowl Dariole moulds and spoon

Slowly heat almo Slowly almost st to boili boiling ng point but don't boil or scorch the milk.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Custard tart 

Food processor Oven Cake pan Baking tray Pastry case

Temperature of oven should reduce to 180 to 160 degree C

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Template (Part B): Select equipment for sauces Equipment required to prepare sauces Sauces

Equipment required

Safety measures

Butterscotch sauce

Medi um heav he avyy-bo bott ttom omed ed Medium saucepan Rubber spatula Container

The butterscotch thickens sig igni niffic ica ant ntly ly as it cools ls,, so it it's 's important to not over-boil it or you'll end en d up wi with th ch chew ewy y bu butt tter ersc scot otch ch carame cara mels ls ra rath ther er th than an a po pour urab able le sauce.

Chocolate sauce

Medium saucepan Heatproof bowl Wooden spoon Airtight jar or container

The bowl should fit snugly in the pan with its base reaching halfway into the th e pa pan. n. If th the e ba bas se of th the e bo bowl wl touc to uche hes s th the e wa wate ter, r, th the e ch choc ocol olat ate e may overheat and become grainy.

Custard cream

Large pot Small bowl Whisker Plastic wrap

Mixing Mixi ng ca care refu full lly y so th that at no lu lump mps s are formed.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Raspberry Coulis

Blender Sieve Bowl

If you don't have vanilla sugar, use caster sugar with a drop of vanilla instead.


Double boiler Metal/heatproof bowl Beater Bowl Whisker

Serve immediately

Sugar syrup

Small saucepan Stirrer Refrigerator

Take care while boiling handle with care

Fruit syrup

Mesh strainer Refrigerator Spoon Small bowl

Fruit should be peeled and washed and an d cu cutt in into to sm smal alle lerr pi piec eces es wh when en applicable.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Part C: Workflow Plan: (Note: You are required to identify in your workflow plan; production steps, cooking temperature and  timing tim ing,, approp appropria riate te cookin cooking g method methods, s, hygien hygiene e requir requireme ements nts,, an and d qualit quality y che checks cks to be comple completed ted to demonstrate your planning and organising skills)

Desserts and  Production step  sauces

Cooking temperature

Cooking method 

Hygiene consideration

Quality  checks

Don’t ba b ake it it for too long

The center should appear appe ar thic thick k and an d cr crea eamy my but not soupy.

Don’t contain dairy

Refrigerate correctly

and timing Chocolate souffle

Raspberry  coconut  mango sorbet 

1. Preh Prehea eatt ove oven n to to 375° F (190° C). 2. Me Melt lt bu butt tter er in medium saucepan over low heat. 3. Se Sepa para rate te eg eggs gs.. 4. Co Comb mbin ine e yolk yolk mixture with remaining sauce, blending thoroughly. 5. Be Beat at eg egg g whi white tes s and cream of tartar in large bowl, until stiff but not dry. 6. Ca Care refu fully lly po pour ur into 4-cup (1 L) soufflé or casserole dish.

190 de 190 degr gree ee Baking C 40 minutes

to  Made with fruit and is 10 almost almo st fat-f fat-free, ree, but it degree F is sim impl ply y a syr yru up of  35 min sugar and water that's churned in an ice cre ream am mac ach hin ine. e. we coul co uld d ma make ke a so sorrbe bett with nothing but plain water and sugar.



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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Fresh salad 



Don’t use over ov er ri ripe pene ned d fruits

Co Com mbi bine ne pine pi neap appl ple, e, Room strawberries, temperature blackb bla ckberr erries ies an and d kiw kiwii 25 mins in a large bowl. Serve with yogurt dressing, if  desired.

Airtight cont co ntai aine nerr in the refrigerator

Chocolate mousse

with whip ipp ped 160 degree F Made egg eg g wh whit ites es,, wh whip ippe ped d 50 min crea cr eam, m, or bo both th,, an and d flav fl avor ored ed wi with th on one e or more of chocolate, coffee, caramel, puréed fruits, or various herbs and spices, such as mint or vanilla.


All equipment Light and mus ustt be we well ll airy texture cle lea ane ned d and cross contamination from dirty hands or equipment must be avoided as bacteria flourish in the wet


Make sure that the 225 degree F bowl bo wl an and d be beat ater er th that at 1 hr 50 min you are using to beat your meringue is completely grease and


Don’t ba bake at at  Lift it off the too low baking temperature sheet. If it pulls up eas asil ily, y, it is

moistu mois ture re fr free ee.. Any An y moisture can ruin your meringues. Crac Cr ack k yo your ur eg eggs gs in a sepa se para rate te bo bowl wl wh when en separatin sepa rating g the whit whites. es. Even a tiny bit of yolk can ruin your meri me ring ngu ues es,, so cr crac ack k eac ea ch egg in a smal alll bowll bef bow befor ore e add adding ing it to th the e bo bowl wl th that at yo you u will be mixing the meringue batter in. Add the sugar gradually, one Tablespoon at a time,

ready. If not, continue baking, check ch ecking ing fo forr doneness every few minutes.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Ice cream

Caramel flan

and give it a chance to dissolve before adding more. 1. Blend Ingredients. 2. Pa Past steu euri rize ze Mi Mix. x. 3. Ho Hom mog ogen eniz ize. e. 4. Age Mix ix.. 5. Ad Add d Li Liqu quid id Flavors and Colors. 6. Freeze. 7. Ad Add d Frui Fruits ts,, Nuts Nuts,, and Bulky Flavorings.

155 degree F 30 to 40 min

Pour 1 cup of the 325 degree F suga su garr in a wa warm rm pa pan n 1 hr 50 min over medium heat. Constantly stir the sug ugar ar whi hile le it heat ats s until it browns and turn tu rns s in into to ca cara rame mel— l— that is, becomes a dark-brown liquid. Immediately pour appr ap prox oxim imat atel ely y 2 to 3 tablespoons of caramel in each of 6 individual custard dishes or ramekins rame kins,, tiltin tilting g them so th the e car carame amell sw swirl irls s aroun aro und d on the ins inside ide.. Work Wo rk qu quic ickl kly, y, as th the e cara ca rame mell wi will ll co cool ol an and d harden almost as soon as it hits the dish. Reheat caramel in the pan pa n if it th thic icke kens ns to too o much to work with. In an electric mixer or with a whisk, blend the eggs together. Add all three cans of milk ( 1 condensed and 2 evaporated) and mix.

Pasteuriz e

 Do not refreeze icecream.

Smooth Smoo th an and d soft.


Don’t freeze

Check with a knife inserted inse rted jus justt off-center into one of  the servings; if the knife comes out clean, the flan is ready.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Slowly mix in the rema re main inin ing g 1/ 1/2 2 cu cup p of  sugar, then the vanilla. Ble len nd until smooth after each ingredient is added. Pour



mixamel-l turel-line idnto dis ths, e car carame ined dishe hes, distributing it equally. Place Plac e th the e in indi divi vidu dual al dishes in a large glass, ceramic, or metal baki ba king ng pa pan. n. Po Pour ur ho hott water wat er int into o the bak baking ing pan around the custard dish di shes es to a de dept pth h of  about 2 inches.


Bake th Bake the e fl flan an fo forr 45 minu mi nute tes s in th the e wa wate terr bath. In a large mixing bowl, 400 degree F whisk together the 35 min flour and the eggs. Grad Gr adua uall lly y ad add d in th the e milk and water, stirring to co com mbi bine ne.. Ad Add d th the e salt sa lt an and d bu butt tter er;; be beat at until smooth. Heat a li lig ghtly oiled grid gr iddl dle e or fr fryin ying g pa pan n over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, usin us ing g appr ap prox oxim imat atel ely y 1/4 cup for each crepe. Tilt the pan with a circular motion so that the th e ba batt tter er co coat ats s th the e surface evenly. Cook the crepe for about 2 minutes, until the bottom is lig igh ht brown. bro wn. Lo Loos osen en wit with h a spatula, turn and cook the oth other er sid side. e. Se Serve rve

Shallow frying

Sto torre pr pro oper erly ly

It shou ould ld be slightly thinner thin ner than heavy crea cr eam, m, wi with th no lumps.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

hot. Creme caramel 

Preheat oven 170°C/150°C forc fo rced ed.. Co Comb mbin ine e cup cu p su suga garr an and d 1 cold water in saucepan over

to 17 170 0 De Degr gre ee fan- C 3/4 3/ 4 1 hr 5 min cup cu p a low

he heat Cook Co ok,, st stir ring ng,, forat. 5. minutes orirri until suga su garr ha has s di diss ssol olve ved. d. Increase heat to high. Bring to the boil. Boil, withou wit houtt st stirr irring ing,, for 5 to 7 mi minu nute tes s or un unti till golde gol den. n. Re Remo move ve fr from om heat he at.. Se Sett as asid ide e fo forr 2 minutes to allow bub bu bbl ble es to subs bsid ide. e. Pour Po ur suga garr mix ixtu turre into six 1 cup-capac cup-capacity, ity, ovenproo oven prooff dish dishes. es. Set aside to set. Combine Combin e cre cream, am, mil milk k and vanilla in a saucepan over medium heat he at.. Co Cook ok,, st stir irri ring ng,, for 6 to 8 minutes or until small bubbles form fo rm at ed edge ge of pan. Remove from heat. Whisk eggs and rema re main inin ing g su suga garr in a bowl until pale and cre ream amy. y. Sl Slo owly add cream mixture, whis wh iski king ng cons co nsta tant ntly ly.. Stra St rain in mi mixt xtur ure e in into to a  jug. Divide between dishes. Place dishes in a large baking bak ing dis dish h (se (see e tip tip). ). Pour boiling water into baking dish until halfway up the sides of  smal sm alle lerr di dish shes es.. Ba Bake ke for 30 minutes or until  just set. Remove


Take care from cross contamination

If it comes outt cl ou clea ean n or with just a litt li ttle le so soft ftly ly-sett cu se cust star ard d clinging to it, it's ready

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baking dish from oven. Rem Re mov ove e di dish shes es fr from om water. Set aside to cool. Refrigerate overn ove rnigh ight. t. Ru Run n a thi thin n knif kn ife e ar arou ound nd ed edge ge of  eac ea ch di dis sh. Tur urn n out onto 1cm-deep plates. Serve.

Chocolate bavarois

Combine the milk and 42 Degree C cream in a heavy- 50 min bott bo tto omed sau auc cepa pan n ove verr a med ediu ium m-l -lo ow hea he at. Scrap ape e in the vanilla seeds, add the pod po d an and d sl slow owly ly he heat at almost to boiling point - but don't boil or scorch the milk. Mean Me anwh whil ile, e, be beat at th the e egg yolks and sugar in a large bowl with a mixe mi xerr on hi high gh sp spee eed d until pale and creamy and sugar has dissolved. Rem emov ove e the va vani nill lla a pod from the hot milk mixture. mixtu re. Slow Slowly ly whis whisk k the th e mi milk lk mi mixt xtur ure e in into to the egg and sugar, a little at a time. Return mixture to the saucepan and cook over a very low heat to create cre ate a cu custa stard. rd. Sti Stirr until unt il cu custa stard rd th thick ickens ens and coats the back of a spoon (about 5 minutes, but don't scramble the eggs - if  using usin g a ther thermom mometer eter,, cook to 82°C). Place gelatine in a bowl of cold water and

Simmeri ng baking

Take care from cross contamination

Should firm


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soak until soft. Remove Rem ove the gel gelati atine ne,, squeez squ eeze e it gen gently tly an and d stir into the warm cus usttar ard. d. Str trai ain n the custard through a fine sieve into a bowl and leave to cool. Melt the shaved choco cho colat late e in a dou double ble boiler over gently simmerin simm ering g wate water. r. Stir the chocolate into the cus usttar ard, d, cov ove er, an and d chill in the fridge. When the custard star st arts ts to se sett ar arou ound nd the th e ed edge ges, s, wh whip ip th the e cream until thick. Fold into the bavarois. Lightly Lightl y oil fo four ur 125 125ml ml darrio da iole le moul ulds ds an and d spoon spo on in the mix mixtur ture, e, tapping the moulds to avoid air pockets. Chill in the fridge until firrmly set - abou fi outt 4 hours. Custard tart 

Make e a sm smoot ooth h pas paste te 18 180 0 De Degr gre ee Mak of vanilla custard C powder and milk 1 hr 30 min Boil Bo il an and d si simm mmer er th the e vanilla custard paste Pour Po ur cus usttar ard d in ta tart rt shells and chill for an hour, serve chilled


Refrigerate well

Should be hard

Butterscotch sauce

Melt lt th the e butt tte er in a 17 176 6 Me medium heavy- F


The utensils should not be

The butterscotch


thickens significantly as it cool ols s, so it's

Degr De gre ee

botto bott omed sau auc cepa pan n 20 min (not (n ot no nonn-st stic ick) k) ov over er medium heat.


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Add the brown sugar, saltt and he sal heavy avy cr cream eam and an d st stir ir th the e mi mixt xtur ure e with wit h a ru rubbe bberr spa spatul tula a until it's well blended. Bring the mixture to a boil, scraping down the sides occasionally, and

important to important not over-boil it or you'll end en d up wi with th chewy butterscotch caramels rather than a

b oil it for minutes.

pourable sauce.




Remov Rem ove e th the e mi mixt xtur ure e from the heat and stir in th the e van vanill illa a ext extrac ract. t. Transfer the butterscotch sauce to a container to cool. Chocolate sauce

Quarte rterr fil filll a me mediu dium m 176 degree F Qua sauc sa ucep epan an wi with th wa wate terr 15 min and place a large heat he atpr proo ooff bo bowl wl ov over er the top. The bowl should fit snugly in the pan with its base reach rea ching ing hal halfwa fway y int into o the pan. If the base of  the th e bo bowl wl to touc uche hes s th the e wate wa ter, r, th the e ch choc ocol olat ate e may overheat and become grainy. If the bowl bo wl do does es to touc uch h th the e water, remove the bowl and tip a little of  the water out. Remove the bowl and place the sau auc cep epa an over hig igh h heat and bring the water to the boil. Reduce heat to low so the water is barely simmering.

Place the cream, chocolate and sugar in the heatproof bowl. It is important to use good-quality dark choc ch ocol olat ate e as th this is wi will ll affe af fect ct th the e fl flav avou ourr of 


Serve at room temperature

There will be enough residual heat in th the e bo bow wl for the choc ch ocola olate te to finish melting. This also ens ensures ures the chocolate doesn't overheat.

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the sauce (you can also als o us use e goo good-q d-qual uality ity cook co okin ing g choc ch ocol olat ate) e).. Place the bowl over the pan of simmering water, and heat, stir st irri ring ng of ofte ten n wi with th a metal or wooden spoon, or unfor til 3-4chminutes ocolate almo al most st mel elts ts.. If yo you u are ar e usin ing g a woo oode den n spoon spo on,, ma make ke su sure re it' it's s clean. It is a good idea to keep separate wooden spoons for sweet and savoury cooki co oking ng,, as the wo wood od can absorb the flavours of the food it comes in contact with. Custard cream

Pour ur the mil ilk k int nto o a 180-185 Po large pot, add ½ Degree F vanilla bean and lemon 1 hr peel pe el (c (cle lean aned ed of th the e white fpart, which has a bi bitt tter er ta tast ste) e).. Pl Plac ace e the th e po pott ov over er me medi dium um heat and bring milk to a boil. Pour the egg yolks and sugar into a small bowl bo wl,, whi hisk sk un unti till al alll the mixture is light in color. Add sifted flour to the eggs,, mixin eggs mixing g care carefully fully so th that at no lu lump mps s ar are e formed. When the milk begins to bo boil il,, re rem mov ove e the vanilla and lemon peel, and slowly pour a little hot milk into egg and flour mixture. Mix well, then transfer


If you want to cons co nser erve ve th the e cream for a couple of   days, once the cream has been transfer tran sferred red to a pan to cool, cove co verr it wi with th pla las stic wrap and put the pan in a blast freezer.

Cool the cream and use immediately or store in the fridge for two days maximum.

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the mi the mixt xtur ure e in into to th the e pot wit with h boi boilin ling g mil milk, k, stir st irri ring ng thor th orou ough ghly ly.. Brin Br ing g th the e cr crea eam m to a boil bo il ag agai ain, n, co cook okin ing g it for ano anothe therr co coupl uple e of  minutes.

Raspberry  Coulis


Place the Freezing raspb ras pberr erries ies in a 10 min blender and puree for one minute. Pour the mixture into a fine sieve over a bowl. The rasp ra spbe berr rry y ju juic ice e will drip into the bowl bo wl.. On Only ly us use e the juice and discard the seeds left in the sieve. When done, add the vanilla sugar to the juice. Mix and serve chilled. Vanilla sugar If you don't have vanilla sugar, use caster sugar with a drop of  vanilla instead. 165 De Degr gre ee In the top of the 165 double boiler or a F metal me tal/he /heatp atproo rooff bo bowl wl 55 min that can be suspended over simmering water, beat the egg yolks and suga su garr un unti till th thic ick k an and d foamy. Beat in the wine. Set th Set the e mi mixt xtur ure e ov over er the sim simmer mering ing wat water. er. Make Ma ke su surre th the e wa wate terr


Keep the  It's a sauce, Raspberry so it sh shou ould ld Coul Co ulis is in th the e be a liquid. frid fr idge ge fo forr up to 1 week in a seal se aled ed ja jarr or an air-tight container .

Whisking Simmeri ng

Ensure cleanliness

Should savoury, tannic quality


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doesn't touch the base of the bowl and whisk constantly for about 45 minutes. Continue whisking until it forms a thick creamy foam fo am tha hatt coat ats s the back eggs of nthe eedspoon. to The be cook co oked ed ge gent ntly ly so th the e mixture stays smooth. Serve Serv e im imm med edia iate tely ly , sponge spon ge fing finger er bisc biscuits uits or broken biscotti pieces. It can also be ser erve ved d chi hill lled ed..ove verr fresh fruit Sugar syrup

Co Com mbi bine ne wat ate er and sugar in a small sauc sa ucep epan an St Stir ir ov over er a low heat until the sugar dissolves.

245 De 245 Degr gre ee F 30 min

Heating Boiling

Keep it cold

Pliable, sticky and can be mould lded ed in yourr fin you finger gers s easily


Store foods appropriately both before and after cooking.

Must be processe proc essed d in a boilingwater canner.

Bring Brin g to th the e bo boil il an and d cook for 2 mins. Remove from heat, store in refrigerator.

Fruit syrup

Bring the sugar, 220 220 De Degr gre ee wate wa terr an and d fr frui uitt F to a boil. 22 min Turrn do Tu dow wn th the e heat he at an and d al allo low w the mix to simm si mmer er fo forr 20 20-25 minutes or until the fruit very soft and coming apart. Remove from hea he at an and d po pou ur the mixture thrrough a fi th fine ne mesh strainer. Allow to fully

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cool. Store in the refrigerator.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task 2: Project Trainer/ Assessor to complete ● Assessment activities to Prepare a production plan be completed ● For a full project outline, please refer to the student assessment instructions Resources required for ● Unit assessment guide template the unit assessment task ● Access to live or simulated working environment Does the candidate meet the following Yes No Trainer/Assessor Comments criteria Located information in food preparation lists and standard recipes to determine food preparation requirements. Determined cooking times and temperatures in line with food safety practices. Demonstrated planning and organising skills to efficiently sequence the stages of food preparation and production. Developed production plan incorporated the details of the recipes provided. Identified ingredients were in line with the recipes provided. Incorporated the details of the serves when calculating ingredients. Documented the equipment required to prepare desserts and sauces. Documented safety measures to operate the equipment were in line with the manufacturer instructions. Cooking methods documented were as per the recipe requirements. Production steps were correctly sequenced.

Documented hygiene practices were according to safe food handling safety practices.

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Assessment Results Sheet: Task 2 – Project

Unit Code: Unit Name: Outcome

SITHPAT006 Produce desserts First attempt: Outcome (make sure to tick the correct checkbox): Satisfactory (S)

☐ or

Not Satisfactory (NS)

Date: _______(d _______(day)/ ay)/ _______(mon _______(month)/ th)/ _______(year) Feedback:

Second attempt: Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox): Satisfactory (S)

☐ or

Not Satisfactory (NS)

Date: _______(d _______(day)/ ay)/ _______(mon _______(month)/ th)/ _______(year) Feedback:

Student Declaration

I declare declare that the answers answers I have provided provided are my own work. work. Wher Where e I have accessed information from other sources, I have provided references and/or links to my sources. I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I used as part of my submission. I have provided references for all sources where the information is not my own. ow n. I unders understan tand d the conseq consequen uences ces of fal falsif sifyin ying g docume documenta ntatio tion n and plagiarism. I understand the assessment is structured. accept the work I submit may behow subject to verification to establish Ithat it isthat my own. I understand that if I disagree with the assessment outcome, I can appeal

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) th the e as asse sess ssme ment nt proc proces ess, s, an and d eith either er re-s re-sub ubmi mitt ad addit ditio iona nall evid eviden ence ce undertake gap training and or have my submission re-assessed. ● All appeal options have been explained to me. Student Signature Date Trainer/Assessor Name Trainer/Assessor Declaration

I hold:   Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered   Current relevant industry skills   Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake   Ongoing professional development in VET  I declare that I have conducted an assessment of this student’s  submission. The assessment tasks were deemed current, sufficient, vali va lid d an and d re reli liab able le.. I de decl clar are e th that at I ha have ve co cond nduc ucte ted d a fa fair ir,, va vali lid, d, reliable, reliab le, and flexible flexible assessmen assessment. t. I have provided provided feedback feedback to the  student.

Trainer/Assessor Signature Date Office Use Only

Th The e outc outcom ome eSystem of this this as sess ssme ment nt ha has s be been en en ente tere red d into inby to (insert the the Stud St uden entt Management on asse _________________ (insert date) Name)  __________________________________  _____________________________ _____

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Pre-Assessment Checklist: Task 3 - Skills Test The purpose of this checklist The pre-assessment checklist helps students determine if they are ready for assessment. The traine tra iner/ r/ass assess essor or must must review review the check checklis listt with with the studen studentt before before the studen studentt attemp attempts ts the assessment task. If any items of the checklist are incomplete or not clear to the student, the trainer/assessor must provide relevant information to the student to ensure they understand the requirements of the assessment task. The student must ensure they are ready for the assessment task before undertaking it. Section 1: Information for Students   Make sure you have completed the necessary prior learning before attempting this assessment.   Make sure your trainer/assessor clearly explained the assessment process and tasks to be completed.   Make sure you understand what evidence is required to be collected and how.   Make sure you know your rights and the Complaints and Appeal process.   Make sure you discuss any special needs or reasonable adjustments to be considered durin du ring g the ass assess essmen mentt (re (refer fer to the Rea Reason sonabl able e Adj Adjust ustmen ments ts Str Strate ategy gy Mat Matrix rix and negotiate these with your trainer/assessor).   Make sure that you have access to a computer and the internet (if you prefer to type the answers).   Ma Make ke su sure re th that at yo you u ha have ve all th the e re requ quir ired ed re reso sour urce ces s ne need eded ed to co comp mple lete te th this is Assessment Task (AT).   The due date of this assessment task is in accordance with your timetable. In exceptional (compelling and compassionate) circumstances, an extension to submit an assessment can be granted by the the trainer/assessor. trainer/assessor. Evidence of the the compelling and compas com passio sionat nate e cir circu cumst mstanc ances es mus mustt be pro provid vided ed tog togeth ether er wit with h you yourr req reques uestt for an extension to submit your assessment a ssessment work.   The request for an extension to submit your assessment work must be made before the due date. Section 2: Reasonable adjustments I confirm that I have reviewed the Reasonable Adjustments guidelines and criteria as provided in Appendix A and attached relevant evidence as required and select the correct checkbox.   I do require reasonable adjustment   I do not require reasonable adjustment a djustment Declaration (Student to complete)   I confirm that the purpose and procedures of this assessment task has been clearly  

explained to me.   I confirm that I have been consulted about any special needs I might have in relation to the assessment process.   I confirm that the t he criteria used for this assessment has been discussed with me, as have the consequences and possible outcomes of this assessment.   I confirm I have accessed and understand the assessment information as provided in the Training Organisation’s Student Handbook.   I co conf nfir irm m I ha have ve be been en gi give ven n fai fairr no noti tice ce of th the e da date te,, ti time me,, ve venu nue e an and/ d/or or ot othe herr arrangements for this assessment.   I confirm that I am ready for assessment.

Student Name: ______________________________________ 

Student Signature: ___________________________________ 

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Assessment method based instructions and guidelines: Task 3 - Skills Test Assessment type ● Skills Test (ST) - Produce and present a variety of desserts Instructions provided to the student: Assessment task description: ● This Thi s is the third third (3) asses assessme sment nt task task you must succes successfu sfully lly comple complete te to be deemed deemed competent in this unit of competency. ● This assessment task is comprised of a Skill Test (ST). ● This assessment task requires you to produce and present a variety of desserts. ● Student must submit the following documents to assessor/trainer as an evidence of their skill knowledge. ▪ Completed template of ’Select ingredients for customer order’. ▪ Completed checklists of: ● Sauces: o Checklist 1: Before preparing the sauces o Checklist 2: When preparing the sauces. Checklist 3: After preparing the sauces. o ● Desserts: o Checklist 1: Before preparing the desserts o Checklist 2: When preparing the desserts. o Checklist 3: After preparing the desserts. ● You will receive your feedback within two (2) weeks, and you will be notified by your trainer/assessor trainer/asses sor when your results are available. ● You must must attemp attemptt all activi activitie ties s of the projec projectt for your your traine trainer/a r/asse ssess ssor or to assess assess your your competence in this assessment task. Applicable conditions: ● This skill test is untimed and are conducted as open book tests (this means you are able to refer to your textbook or other learner materials during the test). ● You will be assessed independently on this assessment a ssessment task. ● No marks or grades are allocated for this assessment task. The outcome of the task will be Satisfactory or Not Satisfactory. ● As you complete this assessment task you are predominately demonstrating your practical skills, techniques and knowledge to your trainer/assessor. ● Trainer/Assessor may ask you relevant questions during this assessment task Resubmissions and reattempts: ● Where a student’s answers are deemed not satisfactory after the first attempt, a resubmission attempt will be allowed. ● The student may speak to their trainer/assessor if they have any difficulty in completing this task and require reasonable adjustments. ● Forr mo Fo more re in info form rmat atio ion, n, pl plea ease se re refe ferr to th the e Tr Train ainin ing g Or Orga gani nisa sati tion on’s ’s St Stud uden entt Handbook. Location: ● This assessment task may be completed in: ☐ a classroom ☐ learning management system (i.e. Moodle), ☐ workplace, ☐ or an independent learning environment. ● Your Trainer/Assess Trainer/Assessor or will provi provide de you with further infor information mation regarding regarding the location for completing this assessment task.   Purpose of the the assessment assessment This assessment task is designed to evaluate your following skills and abilities: ● Skill to produce and present variety of desserts.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) ● Skill to prepare sauces for desserts. ● Skill to select ingredients. ● Skill to evaluate the quality of ingredients. ● Skill to measure sauces required for preparing desserts. ● Skill to make adjustments to sauces considering the taste and texture. Task instructions ●

This is an individual assessment.

● ● ●

● ● ●

The purpose this assessment assess the knowledge essential to recruit, select of and induct staff in a task rangeisoftocontexts and students’ industry settings. To make full and satisfactory responses you should consult a range of learning resources, other information such as handouts and textbooks, learners’ resources and slides. All questions must be answered in order to gain competency for this assessment. This assessment task requires students to take on the role of/act as Chef. The student must carefully analyse the recipes given in Appendix 2 provided and the production plan prepared in the assessment task 2. You must read the “Food Safety Program” thoroughly. This food safety program will be provided along with this unit. Word limit to complete each activity is given in the templates. You must use the provided templates while writing your answers. Your trainer/assessor will provide details on the time constraints and deadlines to prepare the dishes.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Task Number: AT3

Task Name: Skills Test (ST)

Task: This task must be completed completed in a commercia commerciall kitchen kitchen or a simulated simulated work environm environment ent servicin servicing g customer. A simulated work environment in this context means a space that has been set up with all the equipment and facilities used in a commercial kitchen. Note: Please refer to the (Appendix 1) for the list of equipment, resources, organisational specificati specifications ons and cleaning material to utilise in the process of preparing sauces and desserts according to the industry standard. Scenario: The production plan was approved. The desserts have been added to the menu. You have received the following customer orders. Note: Your trainer/assessor will provide you time constraints and deadlines for completing this task. Customer order 1: ● ● ● ● ●

1 2 1 1 2

X Chocolate souffle X Raspberry coconut mango sorbet X Fresh fruit salad X Chocolate mousse X Meringues

Special dietary requirements: ● ● ●

The customer wants you to use low-fat milk. Fresh fruit salad must be low in carbs. No nuts to be used in Chocolate moose.

Time constraints and deadlines: Trainer/assessor to complete

Customer order 2: (Pastries) ● 1 X Ice cream ● 1 X Caramel flan ● 1 X Crepes ● 1 X Creme caramel ● 1 X Chocolate bavarois ● 1 X Custard tart Special dietary requirements:

The customer wants you to use non-sugar sweeteners instead of sugar in Caramel flan.  The customer wants you to use gluten-free flour for the custard tarts. Time constraints and deadlines: Trainer/assessor to complete ●

Note: When preparing the desserts, you need to ensure that: ● They are consistent in quality, size, shape and appearance. ● Meet the time constraints specified by the trainer/assessor. ● They Reflect required quantities to be produced. ● You follow procedures for portion control and food safety practices when handling and storing food. ● Customer requests and dietary requirements are met. o Take into consideration the special customer requirements and adjust the ingredients accordingly.

You are required to use the appropriate appropriate methods and equipment equipment to produce produce and present present a variety variety of  desserts by focusing on any special dietary requirements and serve to customers according to company standards. Your trainer will act as the customer for each of the two (2) orders and you need to present these desserts to them. As you have have develo dev eloped ped a “Produ “Producti ction on plan” plan” r in asses assessme sment nt task two (2), you need need to put this produc pro ductio tion n plan plan into into action action an and d prepar prepare e desser desserts ts acc accord ording ing to the organ organisa isatio tional nal standa standards rds and regulations. When preparing the desserts; you must: ● Follow the recipes provided in “Appendix B”.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) ● Follow the portion control procedures: o Ensure all portions are of a consistent standard and size. o Portions are evenly distributed and tastefully presented on the plate. Correct garnish is served with each food item. o ● Follow the procedures for Food safety practices when handling and storing food. Refer to the  “Food Safety program” program” provided along with tthis his unit. Your assessor will judge your performance according to the checklist provided for this assessment tasks. To prepare desserts in a commercial kitchen, you need to complete the following activities: Activity 1: Select ingredients In this activity, your trainer/assessor will take you to different stores to select your ingredients. You can use the production plan prepared in Assessment task 2 to identify ingredients. At the stores, you need to select ingredients from the stores in accordance with the recipe, quality, freshness and stock rotation requirements. These requirements are given below: ● Follow stock rotation requirements: o Locate and read date codes and rotation labels on food products o Check expiry dates of the products. o Select items based on the first in first out basis. ● Check the quality of the product and its impact on the recipes. ● Check freshness of the fresh products. When Whe n select selecting ing the ingred ingredien ients, ts, you ar are e requir required ed to demons demonstra trate te skills skills to evalua evaluate te the qualit quality y of  ingredients considering the requirements specified above. You must complete the templates provided below when completing the task. Order 1:

Name of  dessert

Chocolate souffle

Raspberry coconut mango sorbet



Meet the quality requirement


Meet the stock rotation requirements

Caster Sugar

4 ½ tbsp.


60 g

Plain flour

2 tbsp.



160 ml (2/3 cup)



Dark chocolate

210 g

Brown Sugar

2 tbsp.

Ripe Mango

500 g


Fresh Raspberry

125 g







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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Fres Fresh h salad

frui fruitt

Chocolate mousse

Coconut Milk

236 ml

Cane Sugar

200 g

Lime juice

1 tsp

Sea Salt

1 pinch




Pink grapefruit

1 pcs



1 pcs



1 pcs



1 pcs


White & Black grapes

Small bunch

Kiwi, Pear, Apple, Lime

1 pcs


100 mg

Good quality chocolate





300 g



3 pcs


CSR Caster Sugar

¼ cup (55 g)

Good quality powder




cocoa 1 tbsp

Thickened cream

300 ml

Grated chocolate

To serve

Unsalted butter

3 tbsp.

Egg whites

4 pcs






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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Ice cream

Caramel flan


1 pinch

CSR Caster Sugar

1 cup (220 g)

Vanilla essence

½ tsp





3 pcs

Caster Sugar

100g cup)

Plain flour

75g (1/2 cup)


Dark cocoa powder

30g (1/4 cup)


Chocolate ice -cream


Pouring cream

125 ml (1/2 cup)

Dark chocolate, chopped finely

100 g


1 ½ cups

Eggs (large)

6 pcs

Sw Swee eete tene ned d milk

cond co nden ense sed d







1 can ounce)


Evaporated milk

2 cans ounce)



1 tsp


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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Crepes All-purpose flour

Creme caramel

Chocolate bavarois

1 cup





½ cup



½ cup



¼ tsp


1 tbsp

Caster Sugar

1 ¼ cups

Thickened cream

300 ml


1 ½ cups

Vanilla extract

1 tsp












90 ml


Double cream

90 ml


Vanilla pod


Large egg yolks

3 pcs

Castor Sugar

50 g

Dark chocolate

250 g





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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Custard tart

Double cream

200 ml

 Apricot jam

2 tbsp

Vanilla bean



2 ½ cup



Castor sugar

¼ cup

Ground nutmeg

¼ tbsp

Fresh fruit

To serve

Unsalted butter

4 tablespoons (1/2 stick)

Dark brown sugar

½ cup

large-flake salt

1 tsp

Heavy cream

½ cup

Vanilla extract

1 tsp





Butterscotc h sauce

Chocolate sauce

Thickened cream

185ml cup)

Good-quality dark G choc ch ocol olat ate, e, br brok oken en in into to squares 55 g Brown sugar cup)












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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Custard cream

Raspberry Coulis


Whole milk

2 cups


Granulated sugar

½ cup


Egg yolks

4 pcs

Vanilla stick


All-purpose flour

2 tbsp

Fresh raspberries vanilla sugar (optional)

500 g

vanilla sugar

1 tsp






Egg yolks

2 pcs

Caster sugar

1 tbsp


1 tbsp


Marsala, sherry




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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Sugar syrup

Fruit syrup


1 cup (250ml)

 C  Ca aster sugar

1 cup (220g)



Granulated sugar

1 cup



1 cup



1 ½ cups


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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Activity 2: Prepare sauces for desserts In this activity, you are required to produce the following sauces for the desserts to be prepared. ● Butterscotch sauce ● Chocolate sauce ● Custard cream ● Raspberry Coulis ● Zabaglione ● Sugar syrup ● Fruit syrup You must prepare prepare the sauces acc according ording to the standard standard recipes and production production plan. The production plan prepare includes the details of the: ● Ingredients. ● Equipment. ● Production workflow. For each sauce to be prepared, you must follow each step documented in the checklists provided below and place a tick mark in the checkboxes after completion: ● Checklist 1: Before preparing the sauces. ● Checklist 2: When preparing the sauces. ● Checklist 3: After preparing the sauces.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Checklist 1: Before preparing the sauces. Steps

Sauces Butterscotc  h sauce

Chocolat  e sauce

Custard  cream

Raspberr  y Coulis

Safely assemble the equipment required to prepare the sauces.   Clean the equipment before use. Read the manufacturer instructions (To be provided by the trainer/assessor) and use equipment accordingly. Sortt and as Sor assem semble ble ingred ingredien ients ts ac accor cordin ding g to food food producti prod uction on sequencin sequencing g (Use the steps documented documented in the production plan prepared in assessment task 2). Weig Weigh h an and d meas measur ure e wet wet an and d dr dry y in ingr gred edie ient nts s in accordance with the standard recipes, food production sequencing seque ncing in orde orderr to maximise maximise the prof profita itabilit bility y of  desserts by minimising the wastage. Checklist 2: When preparing the sauces. Steps

TOID 41406 CRICO Co Code 03762M

Sugar  syrup

Fruit  syrup


Fo Foll llow ow stan standa dard rd reci recipe pes s give given n in Ap Appe pend ndix ix B to prepare sauces. Use the appropriate cooking method and small and large equipment (Use production plan as reference) to prepare sauces. Make sure you achieve the desired product characteristics. characteristics. Make sure that the hot and cold sauces are produced to desired consistency and flavour.   Follow special dietary requirements.   Use thickening agents suitable for sweet sauces Make adjustmen adjustments ts to sauces sauces cons consideri idering ng their taste taste and texture.

Unit Code: ITHPAT006

Zabaglion e

Butterscotch sauce

Chocolate sauce

Custard  cream

Raspberry  Zaba Zabag glione ione Coulis

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Suga ugar  syrup

Fruit  syrup

Review Date: July 2022


  ITHPAT006 - Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Checklist 3: After preparing the sauces. Steps

Cl Clea ean n an and d tidy tidy the the kitc kitche hen n by us usin ing g ap appr prop opri riat ate e cleaning clea ning material materials, s, equi equipment pment and clea cleaning ning schedule schedule and to ensure that all bins are taken out before you leave. Dispose of or store surplus and re-usable by-products accordin acco rding g to organisa organisationa tionall proc procedur edures es (Follow (Follow food safety safet y prog program) ram),, envir environmen onmental tal consi considera deration tions, s, and cost-reduction cost-reductio n initiatives.

Sauces Butterscotc  h sauce

Chocolat  e sauce

Custard  cream

Raspberr  y Coulis

Zabaglion e

Sugar  syrup

Fruit  syrup

Unit Code: ITHPAT006

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Activity 3: Prepare, portion, present and store desserts for customer order 1 In this activity, you are required to produce the following desserts for the customer. ● 1 X Chocolate souffle ● 2 X Raspberry coconut mango sorbet ● 1 X Fresh fruit salad ● ●

1 X Chocolate mousse 2 X Meringues

You must prepare prepare the desserts acc according ording to the standard rrecipes ecipes and production production plan. The production plan prepared includes the details of the: ● Ingredients. ● Equipment. ● Production workflow. Note: ●

Your trainer/assessor will provide you time constraints and deadlines for completing this task. You mus mustt cho choose ose gar garnis nishes hes and dec decora oratio tions ns lis listed ted in the cas case e stu study dy con consid sideri ering ng flavours and textures that complement desserts. You must use different garnishes and decorations for each dessert.

For each dessert to be prepared, you must follow each step documented in the checklists provided below and place a tick mark in the checkboxes after completion: ● ● ●

Checklist 1: Before preparing the desserts. Checklist 2: When preparing the desserts. Checklist 3: After preparing the desserts.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Checklist 1: Before preparing the desserts. Steps


Safely assemble the equipment required to prepare the desserts.     Clean the equipment before use. Re Read ad the the manu manufa fact ctur urer er in inst stru ruct ctio ions ns (To (To be pr prov ovid ided ed by the the trainer/assessor) trainer/asses sor) and use equipment accordingly. Sortt and as Sor assem semble ble ingred ingredien ients ts ac accor cordin ding g to food food pro produc ductio tion n sequen seq uencin cing g (Us (Use e the steps steps doc docume umente nted d in the pr produ oducti ction on plan plan prepared in assessment task 2). Weigh and measure wet and dry ingredients in accordance with the standard recipes, food production sequencing in order to maximise the profitability of desserts by minimising the wastage.

Chocolate souffle

Raspberry  coconut  mango sorbet 

Fresh fruit  Chocolate salad  mousse


Checklist 2: When preparing the desserts. Steps

Follow standard recipes given in Appendix B to prepare desserts.   Us Use e the the ap appr prop opri riat ate e co cook okin ing g meth method od an and d sm smal alll an and d larg large e equipment (Use production plan as reference) to prepare sauces. Make sure you achieve the desired dessert characteristics.   Follow special dietary requirements. Make adjustments to sauces considering the following factors: ● ratio of wet to dry ingredients ● taste temperature ● ● texture. Portion desserts according to the portion control procedures to maximise yield and profitabil profitability ity of food production. Use accompaniments according to the recipes that balance and enhance the taste and texture of desserts. Use sauces matching the dessert. (Use table from case study) Select garnishes and decorations from the table given in the case

Unit Code: ITHPAT006

TOID 41406 CRICO Co Code 03762M

Desserts Butterscotc  h sauce

Chocolate sauce

Custard  cream

Raspberry  Zabaglione Coulis


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  ITHPAT006 - Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) study stud y consi consideri dering ng the flav flavours ours and text textures ures that compleme complement nt desserts. Plate Plat e and decorat decorate e dess desserts erts for the practicalit practicality y of service service and customer consumption. Visually evaluate desserts and adjust presentation before serving. This includes: ● accompaniments accompanim ents and garnishes to maximise visual appeal: o balance

colour contrast ● plating food for practicality of: o customer consumption o service ● wiping drips and spills.   Display desserts. Store desserts in appropria appropriate te environmental conditions. Consider: o o

● ● ● ● ● ● ●

atmosphere humidity light packaging temperature use of containers ventilation

Checklist 3: After preparing the desserts. Steps

Clean and tidy the kitchen by using appropriate appropriate cleaning materials, equipment and cleaning schedule and to ensure that all bins are taken out before you leave. Dispose of or store surplus and re-usable by-products according to or orga gani nisa sati tion onal al pr proc oced edur ures es (Fol (Follo low w fo food od sa safe fety ty pr prog ogra ram) m),, environmental considerations, and cost-reducti cost-reduction on initiatives.

Unit Code: ITHPAT006

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Desserts Butterscotc  h sauce

Chocolate sauce

Custard  cream

Raspberry  Zabaglione Coulis

Authorized by N. Taluja Version 1.1

Review Date: July 2022


  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Activity 4: Prepare, portion, present and store desserts for customer order 2 In this activity, you are required to produce the following desserts for the customer. ● 1 X Ice cream ● 1 X Caramel flan ● 1 X Crepes ● 1 X Creme caramel ● 1 X Chocolate bavarois ● 1 X Custard tart You must prepare prepare the desserts acc according ording to the standard rrecipes ecipes and production production plan. The production plan prepared includes the details of the: ● Ingredients. ● Equipment. ● Production workflow. Note: ●

Your trainer/assessor will provide you time constraints and deadlines for completing this task. You mus mustt cho choose ose gar garnis nishes hes and dec decora oratio tions ns lis listed ted in the cas case e stu study dy con consid sideri ering ng flavours and textures that complement desserts. You must use different garnishes and decorations for each dessert.

For each dessert to be prepared, you must follow each step documented in the checklists provided below and place a tick mark in the checkboxes after completion: ● Checklist 1: Before preparing the desserts. ● Checklist 2: When preparing the desserts. ● Checklist 3: After preparing the desserts.

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Checklist 1: Before preparing the desserts. Steps

Safely assemble the equipment required to prepare the desserts.   Clean the equipment before use. Read the manufacturer instructions (To be provided by the trainer/assessor) and use equipment accordingly. So Sort rt an and d as asse semb mble le in ingr gred edie ient nts s ac acco cord rdin ing g to fo food od production sequencing (Use the steps documented in the production plan prepared in assessment task 2). We Weig igh h an and d meas measur ure e wet wet an and d dr dry y in ingr gred edie ient nts s in accordan acco rdance ce with the stan standard dard recipes, food production production sequen seq uencin cing g in ord order er to maxim maximise ise the pr profi ofita tabil bility ity of  desserts by minimising the wastage.


Ice cr cream

Caramel   flan


Creme caramel 

Chocolate bavarois

Custard  tart 

Checklist 2: When preparing the desserts. Steps

Follow standard recipes given in Appendix B to prepare desserts. Use the appropriate cooking method and small and large equipment (Use production plan as reference) to prepare sauces sau ces.. Make Make sur sure e you achiev achieve e the des desire ired d desser dessertt characteristics.   Follow special dietary requirements. Make adjustmen adjustments ts to sauces sauces consideri considering ng the foll following owing factors: ● ratio of wet to dry ingredients taste ● ● temperature ● texture. Po Port rtio ion n de dess sser erts ts ac acco cord rdin ing g to the the po port rtio ion n co cont ntro roll procedur proc edures es to maximise maximise yield and prof profitab itabilit ility y of food

Desserts Ice cr cream

Caramel   flan


Creme caramel 

Chocolate bavarois

Custard  tart 

Unit Code: ITHPAT006

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Page 80 of 102

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) production. Use ac accom compa panim niment ents s accord according ing to the rec recip ipes es tha thatt balance and enhance taste and texture of desserts. Use sauces matching the dessert. (Use table from case study) Select garnishes and decorations from the table given in the case study considering the flavours and textures that complement desserts. Plate and decorate desserts for practicality of service and customer consumption. Visually evaluate desserts and adjust presentation before serving. This includes: ● accomp acc ompani animen ments ts and garnis garnishes hes to ma maxim ximise ise visual appeal: o balance o colour o contrast ● plating food for practicality of: o customer consumption o service wiping drips and spills. ●   Display desserts. Store desserts in appropriate environmental conditions. Consider: atmosphere ● ● humidity ● light packaging ● temperature ● ● use of containers ● ventilation

Checklist 3: After preparing the desserts.

Unit Code: ITHPAT006

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Steps

Clean and tidy the kitchen by using appropriate cleaning mater material ials, s, equ equipm ipment ent and cleani cleaning ng sch schedu edule le and to ensure that all bins are taken out before you leave. Dispose of or store surplus and re-usable by-products accordin acco rding g to organisa organisation tional al proc procedure edures s (Fol (Follow low food safety safet y program) program),, environmen environmental tal consi considera deration tions, s, and cost-reduction cost-reductio n initiatives.

Desserts Ice cr cream

Caramel   flan


Creme caramel 

Chocolate bavarois

Custard  tart 

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Performance criteria checklist for unit assessment task 3: Skills Test Trainer/ Assessor to complete Assessment activities to be ● Prepare sauce and desserts completed ● Forr a fu Fo full ll pr proj ojec ectt ou outl tlin ine, e, pl plea ease se re refe ferr to th the e st stud uden entt assessment instructions ●

Resources required Unit assessment guide template unit assessment taskfor the ● Access to live or simulated working environment Does th the candidate me meet th the fo following cr criteria Yes No Trainer/Assessor Co Comments a) De Dem monstrated skil illls to find and select ingr in gred edie ient nts s fr from om st stor ores es ac acco cord rdin ing g to th the e reci re cipe pe,, qu qual alit ity y an and d fr fres eshn hnes ess s an and d st stoc ock k rotation requirements. o Remo Re move ved d sp spoi oile led d an and/ d/or or co cont ntam amin inat ated ed goods. o Sorted and assemble ingredients according to food production sequencing. Succ cces essf sful ully ly us used ed th the e eq equi uipm pmen ent, t, it its s ke key y b) Su functions and features, in a safe and hygienic manner and according to manufacturepractices r instrto: uctions and safe operational o Demonstrate skills to select the appropriate type and size of equipment required. o Assembled Ass embled the equipment equipment required required before before use. o Followed manufacturer instructions. o Cleaned the equipment before use. c) Porti Portioned oned and prepa prepared red ingre ingredient dients. s. o Sorted and assem emb bled ingredients according to food production sequencing o on the above by: o Demonstrated numeracy skills to weigh and measure ingredients required o

Followed standard recipes, production sequ equenc encin ing g in or ord der to food max maximis im ise e th the e profit pro fitabi abilit lity y of dishes dishes by minimi minimisin sing g the wastage. d) Cook Cooked ed sauces sauces and desserts desserts accordin according g to the standard stand ard recip recipes es and the special cust customer omer dietary requirements. o Followed standard recipes provided. o Incorporated special customer



requirements. Pr Prod oduc uce e ho hott an and d co cold ld sa sauc uces es to desi desire red d consistency and flavour. Used thickening thickening agents agents suitable suitable for sweet sauces.


Cooking used Cooki Co oking ng methods temper temperatu atures res were were wereappropriate. accor accordin ding g to the food safety program. e) Ma Made de ad adju just stme ment nts s to fo food od qu qual alit ity y be befo fore re presenting: o Check Ch ecked ed the temper temperatu ature re of food food before before presenting. o

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) o Checked the food taste and texture as per the standard recipe. f) Po Porrti tion oned ed an and d se serrve ved d fi fish sh an and d she hell llfi fish sh dishes according to the: o Recipe requirements o Portion control procedures g) Foll Follow owed ed st stan anda dard rd re reci cipe pes s sauces and garnishes.

when wh en

addi ad ding ng

h) Visually evaluated and adjusted (if   required): o Accompaniments Accompaniment s and garnishes. o Plating of food. o Wiping drips and spills i) Fo Foll llow owed ed the pro roc ced edu ure res s fo forr Foo ood d sa safe fety ty prac pr acti tic ces when st sto orin ing g fo food od.. Chec ecke ked d envi en viro ronm nmen enta tall co cond ndit itio ions ns be befo fore re st stor orin ing g sauces an and d desserts and ensured the condit con dition ions s are app approp ropria riate te bef before ore st stori oring. ng. Checked: o

atmosphere humidity o light o packaging o temperature o use of containers o ventilation  j) Used appropriate cleaning materials, equi eq uipm pmen entt an and d cl clea eani ning ng sc sche hedu dule le wh when en cleaning the kitchen. k) En Ensu sure red d th that at al alll th the e bi bins ns we were re ta take ken n ou outt before leaving. o

l) Fo Foll llow owed ed the proce procedu dure res s gi give ven n in the food food safety program to dispose of or store surplus and re-usable by-products by-products..

Authorized by N. Taluja

Review Date: July 2022 Version 1.1

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)


Assessment Results Sheet: Task 3 – Skills Test

Unit Code: Unit Name: Outcome

SITHPAT006 Produce desserts First attempt: Outcome (make sure to tick the correct checkbox): Satisfactory (S)

☐ or

Not Satisfactory (NS)

Date: _______(d _______(day)/ ay)/ _______(mon _______(month)/ th)/ _______(year) Feedback:

Second attempt: Outcome (please make sure to tick the correct checkbox): Satisfactory (S)

☐ or

Not Satisfactory (NS)

Date: _______(d _______(day)/ ay)/ _______(mon _______(month)/ th)/ _______(year) Feedback:

Student Declaration

TOID 41406 CRICO Co C ode 03762M Unit Code: ITHPAT006

I declare declare that the answers answers I have provided provided are my own work. work. Wher Where e I have accessed information from other sources, I have provided references and/or links to my sources. I have kept a copy of all relevant notes and reference material that I used as part of my submission. I have provided references for all sources where the information is not my own. ow n. I unders understan tand d the conseq consequen uences ces of fal falsif sifyin ying g docume documenta ntatio tion n and plagiarism. I understand how the assessment is structured. I accept that the work I submit may be subject to verification to establish that it is my own. I understand that if I disagree with the assessment outcome, I can appeal th the e as asse sess ssme ment nt proc proces ess, s, an and d eith either er re-s re-sub ubmi mitt ad addit ditio iona nall evid eviden ence ce

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) undertake gap training and or have my submission re-assessed. ● All appeal options have been explained to me. Student Signature Date Trainer/Assessor Name Trainer/Assessor Declaration

I hold:   Vocational competencies at least to the level being delivered   Current relevant industry skills   Current knowledge and skills in VET, and undertake   Ongoing professional development in VET  I declare that I have conducted an assessment of this student’s  submission. The assessment tasks were deemed current, sufficient, vali va lid d an and d re reli liab able le.. I de decl clar are e th that at I ha have ve co cond nduc ucte ted d a fa fair ir,, va vali lid, d, reliable, reliab le, and flexible flexible assessmen assessment. t. I have provided provided feedback feedback to the  student.

Trainer/Assessor Signature Date Office Use Only

Th The e outc outcom ome e of this this asse assess ssme ment nt ha has s be been en en ente tere red d into into the the Stud Studen entt Management System on _________________ (insert date) by (insert Name)  __________________________________  _____________________________ _____

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Appendix 1: 1. fixtures and large equipment: • •

• • • • •

commercial grademixer work and benches (1.5 m/person) commercial cake attachments: o dough hook o paddle o whisk commercial refrigeration and freezer unit with shelving double sinks with hot and cold water gas or electric stove tops industrial strength food processor ovens with timer and trays: o convection o deck o microwave pastry/dough break storage facilities: shelving o o trays

2. small equipment: acetate plastic sheets beaters blenders bowl cutters commercial mixers and attachments cutting boards cutting implements for nuts and fruits decorating equipment: o blow torch • • • • • • • •


chocolate spray gun fine icing sugar sieves o fine piping tubes o icing and cocoa powder dusters o matfer-type stencils o silk screens o templates deep-fryer dessert service-ware: o

• •

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dessert plates o dishes o glasses o bowl o coupes o cutlery o doilies fine and heavy gauge whisks and strainers fine icing sugar sieves fluted and plain flan rings graters o

• • • •

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) gratin dishes ice makers ice cream machines  juicers knives: o large serrated cake knives • • • • •

• •

• •

• •

ladles in a variety of sizes measurers: o metric calibrated measuring jugs mixers moulds and dishes: o tartlet o darioles oven mitts pans: o crêpe o omelette presentation equipment: o cake boards o cake boxes cake stands doilies piping bags and attachments portion control markers ramekins range of saucepans and pots for small and large production salamander scales scoops serving tongs and trowels sets of stainless-steel bowls skewers: o metal o bamboo soufflé cups spatulas spoons: o wooden spoons o large plain and slotted metal spoons steamer storage containers and trays sweets trolley or dessert buffet table o o

• • • • • • • • • •

• • •

• • •

Review Date: July 2022 Version 1.1

vitamiser wire cooling racks

3. diverse and comprehensive range of commercial ingredients for the desserts specified in the performance evidence 4. cleaning materials and equipment: cleaning cloths commercial cleaning and sanitising agents and chemicals for cleaning commercial kitchens, equipment and food storage areas dustpans and brooms garbage bins and bags • •

• •

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) hand towel dispenser and hand towels mops and buckets separate hand basin and antiseptic liquid soap dispenser for hand washing sponges, brushes and scourers tea towels • • •

• •

5. Organisational specifications: equipment manufacturer instructions curren cur rentt commer commercia ciall stock stock contro controll proced procedure ures s and docume documenta ntatio tion n for orderi ordering, ng, monitoring and maintaining stock food preparation lists mi mise se en pl plac ace e li list sts, s, menu menus, s, stan standa dard rd reci recipe pes, s, an and d reci recipe pes s fo forr spec specia iall diet dietar ary y requirements ordering and docketing paperwork food safety plans guidelines relating to food disposal, storage and presentation requirements safety data sheets (SDS) for cleaning agents and chemicals •

• •

• • •

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack)

Appendix B: Standard recipes for sauces and desserts 1. Chocolate soufflé INGREDIENTS ● Melted butter, to grease ● 4 1/2 tablespoons caster sugar ● 60g butter ● 2 tablespoons plain flour ● 160ml (2/3 cup) milk ● 210g good-quality dark chocolate, chopped ● 3 eggs, separated ● 125ml (1/2 cup) thin cream ● 2 tablespoons brown sugar ● 1 teaspoon vanilla essence ● Icing sugar, to dust METHOD Step 1 Preheat oven to 180°C. Brush six 160ml (2/3-cup) ovenproof souffle dishes with melted butter to grease (using upward strokes on side). Sprinkle the inside with 1 1/2 tablespoons of caster sugar, shake out any excess. Step 2 Melt 30g of the butter in a saucepan over medium heat. Add flour and use a wooden spoon to stir for 1 minute or until mixture is smooth and begins to bubble. Remove from heat, gradually add milk, stirring until smooth and combined. Return to medium heat, stir until mixture thickens and comes to the boil. Boil for 1 minute, stirring. Remove from heat. Step 3

Stir in 125g of the chocolate and remaining caster sugar until combined. Transfer to a bowl. Add egg yolks and stir until well combined. Step 4 Use an electric beater to whisk egg whites in a clean, dry bowl until firm peaks form. Use a metal spoon to fold one-third of the egg whites into chocolate mixture. Fold in remaining egg whites until just combined. Step 5 Spoon the mixture evenly into prepared dishes. Place on a baking tray. Bake in preheated oven for 1520 minutes or until well risen. Step 6 TOID 41406 CRICO Co C ode 03762M Unit Code: ITHPAT006

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Meanwhile: combine remaining chocolate, remaining butter, brown sugar, cream and vanilla essence in a saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring, for 2 minutes or until chocolate melts and mixture is well combined. Simmer, uncovered, for 1 minute. Remove from heat. Place in a jug. Step 7 To serve, place ramekins on plates. Dust with icing sugar. Use a spoon to make a hole in top of each souffle, pour in aCOCONUT little chocolate sauce. 2. RASPBERRY MANGO SORBET Ingredients ● 3 cups packed (500 g) cubed very ripe mango (~2 large or 3 small-medium mangos) ● 1 cup (125 g) fresh raspberries (organic when possible) ● 1 cup (236 ml) full-fat coconut milk* ● 1 cup (200 g) organic cane sugar* (or granulated sugar) ● Pinch sea salt ● 1 tsp lime juice Instructions The night/day before churning, set your ice cream churning bowl* in the freezer to chill. Also add all ingredients to a blender and blend on high until creamy and smooth - 2-3 minutes. Ta Taste ste an and d adjust adjust fla flavor vor/s /swee weetne tness ss as neede needed, d, then then trans transfer fer to a mixing mixing bowl bowl and cover. cover. Set in refrigerator to chill overnight (or for a minimum of 3-4 hours). The following day add your chilled base to the prepared ice cream churning bowl and churn according to manufacturer’s instructions instructions for 30-40 minutes, or until it looks like soft serve. Transfer to a freezer-safe container and smooth top with a spoon. Cover securely and freeze for 4-6 hours, or until firm. Let thaw at room temperature for 10-15 minutes before serving to soften. Use a hot scoop to ease serving. Will keep securely covered in the freezer for 7-10 days, though best when fresh. 3. Fresh fruit salad Ingredients For the fruit salad ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

1 pink grapefruit 1 orange 1 pomegranate 1 banana small bunch white grapes small bunch black grapes 1 kiwi 1 pear 1 apple

● ● ● ● ● ● ●

sprig mint, to decorate (optional) For the syrup citrus juice (from above) 1 lime 100g/3½oz sugar 1 lemongrass stalk, sliced in half  1 thumb-sized piece ginger, roughly sliced


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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) For the fruit salad, segment the grapefruit and orange, catching the juices in a bowl. Squeeze more  juice out of the remaining remaining citrus fruit into the bowl. Set Set aside the orange and and grapefruit segments. For the syrup, measure the juice and add water to make 100ml/3½fl oz. Peel a large strip of lime zest from the lime, avoiding any of the white pith. Reserve the remaining lime. Combine the citrus juice/water mixture and the sugar in a small saucepan. Heat until the sugar has dissolved, stirring or twice. Add the lemongrass, lime zest and ginger and then bring to a boil. Immediately reduceonce the heat to a simmer. Simmer over a low heat for 10 minutes. Turn off the heat and leave the syrup to cool. For the fruit salad, remove the seeds from the pomegranate and slice the banana. Peel another slice of zest from the lime using a vegetable peeler, avoiding any of the white pith. Slice it very finely and reserve this for decoration. Set aside the remaining lime as you will need the juice. Cut the grapes in half and slice the kiwi. Finally chop the pear and apple, pouring a little lime juice over the apple to retain its colour. Combine all the fruit in a large bowl or in individual serving dishes or Martini glasses. Pour over the syrup, to taste. You may not need to use all the syrup – any remaining syrup can be used in cocktails or added as a sweetener to herbal tea. Decorate with strips of lime and a sprig of mint. 4. Chocolate mousse in minutes INGREDIENTS ● 300g good-quality dark chocolate, roughly chopped ● 3 eggs ● 1/4 cup (55g) CSR Caster Sugar ● 1 tablespoon good-quality cocoa powder, sifted ● 300ml thickened cream, plus extra whipped cream to serve ● Grated chocolate, to serve METHOD Step 1 Place the chocolate in a heatproof bowl over a pan of gently simmering water (don't let the bowl touch the water). Stir until melted. Remove bowl from heat and set aside to cool slightly. Step 2 Place eggs and sugar in a large bowl and beat with electric beaters for 5 minutes, or until mixture is pale, thick and doubled in volume. Fold in cocoa powder and cooled chocolate until combined. Step 3

In a separate bowl, whip cream until thickened (be careful not to over-beat). Use a large metal spoon to carefully fold the cream into the chocolate mixture, trying to keep the mixture as light as possible. Spoon into 6 serving glasses and chill in fridge for at least 1 hour. Remove from fridge 15 minutes before serving, then top with extra whipped cream and grated chocolate to serve.

5. Basic meringues INGREDIENTS ● 4 egg whites, at room temperature ● Pinch of salt ● 1 cup (220g) CSR Caster Sugar ● ½ teaspoon vanilla essence TOID 41406 CRICO Co C ode 03762M Unit Code: ITHPAT006

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) METHOD Step 1 Preheat oven to 120°C. Line two baking trays with non-stick baking paper. Step 2 electric mixer to whisk egg whites and salt until soft peaks form. Gradually add sugar, a Use an tablespoon at a time, whisking well between each addition, until sugar dissolves. Step 3 Once all the sugar has been added, continue to whisk on high for 3 mins. Whisk in the vanilla essence. Step 4 Use two teaspoons to spoon meringue onto lined trays. Reduce the oven temperature to 90°C. Step 5 Bake meringues for 1 hour 30 mins. Turn oven off and leave meringues in the oven to cool completely. Store in an airtight container for up to 1 week. 6. Ice cream recipe INGREDIENTS ● 3 eggs ● 100g (1/2 cup) caster sugar, plus extra, to dust ● 75g (1/2 cup) plain flour ● 30g (1/4 cup) dark cocoa powder ● 1L chocolate ice-cream, softened slightly ● 3 1/2 (46g each) Picnic chocolate bars ● 100g dark chocolate, finely chopped ● 125ml (1/2 cup) pouring cream EQUIPMENT 25 x 30cm Swiss roll pan METHOD Step 1 Preheat oven to 180C/160C fan forced. Grease and line a 25 x 30cm Swiss roll pan. Step 2 Use electric beaters to whisk the eggs and sugar in a bowl until thick and pale. Combine flour and cocoa. Sift over egg mixture. Use a metal spoon to gently fold until just combined. Pour into the pan and smooth the surface. Bake for 12 minutes or until dry to the touch.

Step 3 Meanwhile, lay a sheet of baking paper on a clean surface. Dust with extra sugar. Turn the hot sponge onto the paper. Remove lining. Starting from a short end, roll sponge in the paper. Set aside for 30 minutes to cool. Step 4 Lay a large piece of foil on a work surface. Carefully unroll the sponge on the foil. Spoon the ice-cream over two-thirds of the sponge. Top with 2 1⁄2 of the Picnic bars. Roll the sponge to enclose filling, using the paper and foil as a guide. Roll in foil to enclose. Place in the freezer for 6 hours or until firm. Step 5

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Meanwh Mea nwhile ile,, combin combine e the chocol chocolate ate and cream cream in a small small sau saucep cepan an over over medium medium-lo -low w heat. heat. Cook, Cook, stirring, for 3 minutes or until chocolate melts and mixture is smooth. Remove from heat. Set aside to cool slightly. Step 6 Slice the remaining Picnic. Unwrap sponge roll. Place on a plate. Drizzle with the chocolate sauce. Top with Picnic slices. 7. Easy Caramel Flan Recipe What You'll Need ● 1 1/2 cups sugar, divided ● 6 large room-temperature eggs ● 1 (14-ounce) can sweetened condensed milk ● 2 (13-ounce) cans evaporated milk ● 1 teaspoon vanilla How to Make It Heat oven to 325 F. Pour 1 cup of the sugar in a warm pan over medium heat. Constantly stir the sugar while it heats until it browns and turns into caramel—that is, becomes a dark-brown liquid. Immediately pour approximately 2 to 3 tablespoons of caramel in each of 6 individual custard dishes or ramekins, tilting them so the caramel swirls around on the inside. Work quickly, as the caramel will cool and harden almost as soon as it hits the dish. Reheat caramel in the pan if it thickens too much to work with. In an electric mixer or with a whisk, blend the eggs together. Add all three cans of milk ( 1 condensed and 2 evaporated) and mix. Slowly mix in the remaining 1/2 cup of sugar, then the vanilla. Blend until smooth after each ingredient is added. Pour the custard mixture into the caramel-lined dishes, distributing it equally. Place the individual dishes in a large glass, ceramic, or metal baking pan. Pour hot water into the baking pan around the custard dishes to a depth of about 2 inches. Bake the flan for 45 minutes in the water bath. Check with a knife inserted just off-center into one of  the servings; if the knife comes out clean, the flan is ready. Remove the large baking dish from the oven and carefully take the individual dishes out of the hot water. Let cool to room temperature, then place in the refrigerator for an hour or so. (Leave flan in the

dishes they baked in until time to serve.) To serve, invert each individual dish onto a small plate, allowing the flan to drop out and the caramel sauce to flow over the custard. 8. Basic Crepes Ingredients ● 30 m 4 servings 216 cals ● 1 cup all-purpose flour ● 2 eggs ● 1/2 cup milk ● 1/2 cup water TOID 41406 CRICO Co C ode 03762M Unit Code: ITHPAT006

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) ● 1/4 teaspoon salt ● tablespoons butter, ● melted Add all ingredients to list Directions In a large mixing bowl, whisk together the flour and the eggs. Gradually add in the milk and water, stirring to combine. Add the salt and butter; beat until smooth. Heat a lightly oiled griddle or frying pan over medium high heat. Pour or scoop the batter onto the griddle, using approximately 1/4 cup for each crepe. Tilt the pan with a circular motion so that the batter coats the surface evenly. Cook the crepe for about 2 minutes, until the bottom is light brown. Loosen with a spatula, turn and cook the other side. Serve hot. 9. Creme caramel INGREDIENTS ● 1 1/4 cups caster sugar ● 300ml thickened cream ● 1 1/2 cups milk ● 1 teaspoon vanilla extract ● 6 eggs METHOD Step 1 Preheat oven to 170°C/150°C fan-forced. Combine 3/4 cup sugar and 1 cup cold water in a saucepan over low heat. Cook, stirring, for 5 minutes or until sugar has dissolved. Increase heat to high. Bring to the boil. Boil, without stirring, for 5 to 7 minutes or until golden. Remove from heat. Set aside for 2 minutes to allow bubbles to subside. Pour sugar mixture into six 1 cup-capacity, ovenproof dishes. Set aside to set. Step 2 Combine cream, milk and vanilla in a saucepan over medium heat. Cook, stirring, for 6 to 8 minutes or until small bubbles form at edge of pan. Remove from heat. Step 3 Whisk eggs and remaining sugar in a bowl until pale and creamy. Slowly add cream mixture, whisking constantly. Strain mixture into a jug. Divide between dishes. Step 4 Place dishes in a large baking dish (see tip). Pour boiling water into baking dish until halfway up the sides of smaller dishes. Bake for 30 minutes or until just set. Remove baking dish from oven. Remove dishes from water. Set aside to cool. Refrigerate overnight. Run a thin knife around edge of each dish.

Turn out onto 1cm-deep plates. Serve. 10. Chocolate bavarois Ingredients ● 90ml milk ● 90ml double cream ● 1 vanilla pod, split lengthwise ● 3 large egg yolks ● 50g castor sugar ● 2 sheets gold-leaf gelatine ● 250g dark chocolate, shaved ● 200ml double cream TOID 41406 CRICO Co C ode 03762M Unit Code: ITHPAT006

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) ● dark chocolate, grated Method Combine the milk and cream in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over a medium-low heat. Scrape in the vanilla seeds, add the pod and slowly heat almost to boiling point - but don't boil or scorch the milk. Meanwhile, beat the egg yolks and sugar in a large bowl with a mixer on high speed until pale and creamy and sugar has dissolved. Remove the vanilla pod from the hot milk mixture. Slowly whisk the milk mixture into the egg and sugar, a little at a time. Return mixture to the saucepan and cook over a very low heat to create a custard. Stir until custard thickens and coats the back of a spoon (about 5 minutes, but don't scramble the eggs - if using a thermometer, cook to 82°C). Place gelatine in a bowl of cold water and soak until soft. Remove the gelatine, squeeze it gently and stir into the warm custard. Strain the custard through a fine sieve into a bowl and leave to cool. Melt the shaved chocolate in a double boiler over gently simmering water. Stir the chocolate into the custard, cover, and chill in the fridge. When the custard starts to set around the edges, whip the cream until thick. Fold into the bavarois. Lightly oil four 125ml dariole moulds and spoon in the mixture, tapping the moulds to avoid air pockets. Chill in the fridge until firmly set - about 4 hours. To serve, gently tip the bavaroises onto a plate and sprinkle with grated chocolate. 11. Baked custard tart INGREDIENTS ● ● ● ● ● ● ●

2 1 1 2 1 2

tablespoons apricot jam, warmed, strained vanilla bean, halved lengthways 1/2 cups milk eggs egg yolk tablespoons caster sugar

1/4 teaspoon ground nutmeg fresh fruit, to serve ● PASTRY ● 1 1/3 cups plain flour ● 1/4 cup caster sugar ● 125g butter, chilled, chopped ● 1 egg yolk METHOD ●

Step 1 Make pastry: Place flour, sugar and butter in a food processor. Process until mixture resembles fine breadcrumbs. Add egg yolk. Process until dough just comes together, adding 1 tablespoon cold water if  necessary. Turn pastry on to a lightly floured surface. Knead until just smooth. Shape into a disc. Wrap in plastic wrap. Refrigerate for 30 minutes. Step 2 Preheat oven to 200°C/180°C fanforced. Grease a 6cm-deep, 20cm (base) springform cake pan. Line base with baking paper. Roll out pastry between 2 sheets of baking paper until 5mm thick. Cut a 28cm round from pastry. Line pan with pastry. Refrigerate for 10 minutes. Step 3 TOID 41406 CRICO Co C ode 03762M Unit Code: ITHPAT006

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Place pan on a baking tray. Line pastry case with baking paper. Fill with ceramic pie weights or uncooked rice. Bake for 10 to 12 minutes or until edges are light golden. Remove weights or rice and paper. Bake for 5 to 7 minutes or until base is light golden. Set aside to cool. Brush pastry case with  jam. Step 4 Meanwhile, reduce oven to 180°C/160°C. Scrape fromlathe each vanilla bean Disca Dis card rd beans. beans. Place milk, eggs, eggs, egg yolk, sugar sugar seeds and vanilla vanil seeds seecentre ds in aof large lar ge bowl. bow l. Whi Whisk sk half. unt until il combined. Pour milk mixture into pastry case. Bake for 25 minutes or until custard is just set. Sift nutmeg over mixture. Remove baking tray from oven. Allow to cool. Refrigerate for 2 hours or until chilled. Serve with fruit. 2. Sauces: 1. Basic chocolate sauce INGREDIENTS ● 185ml (3/4 cup) thickened cream, at room temperature ● 200g good-quality dark chocolate, broken into squares ● 55g (1/4 cup, firmly packed) brown sugar METHOD Step 1 Quarter fill a medium saucepan with water and place a large heatproof bowl over the top. The bowl should fit snugly in the pan with its base reaching halfway into the pan. If the base of the bowl touches the water, the chocolate may overheat and become grainy. If the bowl does touch the water, remove the bowl and tip a little of the water out. Remove the bowl and place the saucepan over high heat and bring the water to the boil. Reduce heat to low so the water is barely simmering. Step 2 Place Plac e the cream, chocolate chocolate and sugar sugar in the heatproof heatproof bowl. It is important important to use good-qual good-quality ity dark chocolate as this will affect the flavour of the sauce (you can also use good-quality cooking chocolate). Place the bowl over the pan of simmering water, and heat, stirring often with a metal or wooden spoon, for 3-4 minutes or until chocolate almost melts. If you are using a wooden spoon, make sure it's clean. It is a good idea to keep separate wooden spoons for sweet and savoury cooking, as the wood can absorb the flavours of the food it comes in contact with. Step 3 Remove the bowl from the heat and continue to stir until all the chocolate melts. (See microwave tip.) There will be enough residual heat in the bowl for the chocolate to finish melting. This also ensures the chocolate doesn't overheat. Step 4 Serve the chocolate sauce warm or transfer to a clean, dry airtight jar or container. Store in the fridge

for 3-4 weeks. Serve at room temperature or warm (see reheating instructions). Use a clean metal spoon each time you remove the chocolate sauce from the container to prevent mould forming. 3. Raspberry coulis ● ●

500g fresh raspberries 1 teaspoon vanilla sugar (optional)

Method ● Prep:5min › Ready in:5min ● Place the raspberries in a blender and puree for one minute. ● Pour the mixture into a fine sieve over a bowl. The raspberry juice will drip into the bowl. Only use the juice and discard the seeds left in the sieve. TOID 41406 CRICO Co C ode 03762M Unit Code: ITHPAT006

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  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) ● When done, add the vanilla sugar to the juice. Mix and serve chilled. ● Vanilla sugar ● If you don't have vanilla sugar, use caster sugar with a drop of vanilla instead. 4. fruit simple syrups Fruit Simple Syrups Ingredients ● 1 cup granulated sugar ● 1 cup water ● 1 1/2 cups fruit, frozen or fresh, or squeezed fruit juice. Fruit should be peeled and washed and cut into smaller pieces when applicable. Instructions ● Bring the sugar, water and fruit to a boil. ● Turn down the heat and allow the mix to simmer for 20-25 minutes or until the fruit very soft and coming apart. ● Remove from heat and pour the mixture through a fine mesh strainer. ● Allow to fully cool. ● Store in the refrigerator. Notes Use syrups with club soda, lemonade, iced tea, hot tea or water. Pour over cake or ice cream. Possible fruits: strawberries, raspberries, cherries, blueberries, blackberries, peaches, oranges, limes, lemons, rhubarb, grapefruit 5. Sugar syrup INGREDIENTS 1 cup (250ml) water 1 cup (220g) caster sugar METHOD ● ●

Step 1 Combine water and sugar in a small saucepan Stir over a low heat until the sugar dissolves. Step 2 Bring to the boil and cook for 2 mins. Remove from heat, store in refrigerator. 6. Zabaglione INGREDIENTS ● 2 egg yolks

● ●

1 tablespoon caster sugar 1 tablespoon marsala, madeira or sherry

METHOD Step In the1 top of the double boiler or a metal/heatproof bowl that can be suspended over simmering water, beat the egg yolks and sugar until thick and foamy. Beat in the wine. Step 2 Set the mixture over the simmering water. Make sure the water doesn't touch the base of the bowl and whisk constantly for about 4-5 minutes. TOID 41406 CRICO Co C ode 03762M Unit Code: ITHPAT006

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Authorized by N. Taluja

Review Date: July 2022 Version 1.1


  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Step 3 Continue whisking until it forms a thick creamy foam that coats the back of the spoon. The eggs need to be cooked gently so the mixture stays smooth. Step 4 Serve immediately over fresh fruit, sponge finger biscuits or broken biscotti pieces. It can also be served chilled. 7. CUSTARD CREAM INGREDIENTS FOR CIRCA 1 ½ LB OF CUSTARD CREAM ● 2 cups whole milk ● ½ cup granulated sugar ● 4 egg yolks ● ½ stick vanilla ● 2 tbsp all-purpose flour ● lemon zest to taste STEP 1 Pour the milk into a large pot, add ½ vanilla bean and lemon peel (cleaned of the white fpart, which has a bitter taste). Place the pot over medium heat and bring milk to a boil. STEP 2 Meanwhile, pour the egg yolks and sugar into a small bowl, whisk until all the mixture is light in color. STEP 3 Add sifted flour to the eggs, mixing carefully so that no lumps are formed. STEP 4 When the milk begins to boil, remove the vanilla and lemon peel, and slowly pour a little hot milk into egg and flour mixture. STEP 5 Mix well, then transfer the mixture into the pot with boiling milk, stirring thoroughly. Bring the cream to a boil again, cooking it for another couple of minutes. STEP 6 Once ready, you can do to cool the cream and use immediately or store in the fridge for two days maximum. CHEF'S TIPS If you want to conserve the cream for a couple of days, once the cream has been transferred to a pan to cool, cover it with plastic wrap and put the pan in a blast freezer.

8. Easy Homemade Butterscotch Sauce COOK: 10 MINUTES YIELD: 1 CUP INGREDIENTS ● 4 tablespoons tablespoons (1/2  (1/2 stick) unsalted butter ● 1/2  cup 1/2 cup packed  packed dark brown sugar ● 1 teaspoon teaspoon large-flake  large-flake salt ● 1/2  cup 1/2 cup heavy  heavy cream ● 1 teaspoon teaspoon vanilla  vanilla extract INSTRUCTIONS Melt the butter in a medium heavy-bottomed saucepan (not non-stick) over medium heat. TOID 41406 CRICO Co C ode 03762M Unit Code: ITHPAT006

Page 99 of 102

Authorized by N. Taluja

Review Date: July 2022 Version 1.1


  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Add the brown sugar, salt and heavy cream and stir the mixture with a rubber spatula until it's well blended. Bring the mixture to a boil, scraping down the sides occasionally, and boil it for 4 to 5 minutes. Remove the mixture from the heat and stir in the vanilla extract. Transfer the butterscotch sauce to a container to cool. (See Kelly's Notes.) Notes: The butterscotch thickens significantly as it cools, so it's important to not over-boil it or you'll end up with chewy butterscotch caramels rather than a pourable sauce.

Appendix A:  Reasonable Adjustments Write (task name and number) where reasonable adjustments have been applied to:

Reasonable Adjustments •

Students with carer respon Students responsibilit sibilities, ies, cultural or religio religious us obligations, obligations, English as an additio additional nal langua language, ge, disability etc. can request for reasonable adjustments. Please note, academic standards of the unit/course will not be lowered to accommodate the needs of any student, but there is a requirement to be flexible about the way in which it is delivered or assessed. The Disability Standards Standards for Education Education requires institu institutions tions to take reasonab reasonable le steps to enable the student with a disability to participate in education on the same basis as a student without a disability. Trainer/Assessor must complete the section below “Reasonable Adjustment Strategies Matrix” to ensure the explanation and correct strategy have been recorded and implemented.

Trainer/Assessor Trainer/Ass essor must notify the admini administrat stration/comp ion/complianc liance e and quality assurance assurance depart department ment for any reasonable adjustments made. All eviden evidence ce and supple supplemen mentar tary y doc docume umenta ntatio tion n mus mustt be submitt submitted ed with with the ass assess essmen mentt pack pack to the administration/compliance and quality assurance department.

Reasonable Adjustment Strategies Matrix (Trainer/Assessor to complete) Category

Possible Issue


Speaking Reading Writing Confidence



Reasonable Adjustment Strategy (select as applicable)   Verbal assessment   Presentations   Demonstration of a skill   Use of diagrams

TOID 41406 CRICO Co C ode 03762M Unit Code: ITHPAT006

Page 100 of 102

Authorized by N. Taluja

Review Date: July 2022 Version 1.1


  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) Use of supporting documents such as wordlists   Non-   Speaking   Dis Discu cuss ss with with the studen studentt and su super pervis visor or (if applic applicabl able) e) English   Reading whether language, literacy and numeracy are likely to impact Speaking   Writing on the assessment process Backgroun   Cultural   Use methods that do not require a higher level of language d background or literacy than is required to perform the job role  



  Knowledge and Indigenous understanding   Flexibility   Services   Inappropriate training and assessment   Age   Educational background   Limite Lim ited d study study skills  



Educationa l backgroun


Reading Writing Numeracy Limite Lim ited d study study


Use short sentences that do not contain large amounts of  information   Clarify information by rephrasing, confirm understanding   Read any printed information to the student   Use graphics, pictures and colour coding instead of, or to support, text   Of Offe ferr to writ write e down down,, or have have some someon one e else else writ write, e, oral oral responses given by the student   Ensure that the time available to complete the assessment, while meeting enterprise requirements, takes account of the student’s needs   Culturally appropriate training   Explore understanding of concepts and practical application through oral assessment   Flexible delivery   Using group rather than individual assessments   Asses Assessment sment through through completio completion n of practical practical tasks in the field after demonstration of skills and knowledge.   Make sure font size is not too small   Trainer/Assessor should refer to the student’s experience   Ensure that the time available to complete the assessment takes account of the student’s needs   Provision of information or course materials in accessible format.   Chan Ch ange ges s in teac teachi hing ng pr prac acti tice ces, s, e. e.g. g. wear wearin ing g an FM microphone to enable a student to hear lectures   Supp Supply ly of specialise specialised d equipment equipment or services, services, e.g. a notetaker for a student who cannot write   Ch Chan ange ges s in lect lectur ure e sc sche hedu dule les s and and arra arrang ngem emen ents ts,, e.g. e.g. relocating classes to an accessible venue   Changes to course design, e.g. substituting an assessment task   Modifications to physical environment, e.g. installing lever taps, building ramps, installing a lift   Discuss with the Student previous learning experience   Ensu En sure re le lear arni ning ng and and as asse sess ssme ment nt meth method ods s meet meet th the e student’s individual need




skills and/or learning strategies   Speaking   Reading


Identify the issues Create a climate of support


  Ensure access to support that the student has agreed to Writing Numeracy   Appropriately structure the assessment Limite Lim ited d study study   Prov Provid ide e info inform rmat atio ion n or cour course se mate materi rials als in acce access ssib ible le   skills and/or format, e.g. e.g. a text book in braille Chan Ch ange ges s in teac teachi hing ng pr prac acti tice ces, s, e. e.g. g. wear wearin ing g an FM learning   microphone to enable a student to hear lectures strategies   Sup Supply ply of spe specia cialis lised ed equipm equipment ent or servic services, es, e.g. e.g. a note note

TOID 41406 CRICO Co C ode 03762M Unit Code: ITHPAT006

Page 101 of 102

Authorized by N. Taluja

Review Date: July 2022 Version 1.1


  ITHPAT006 - Produce Produce desserts desserts (Student Assessment Pack) taker for a student who cannot write   Ch Chan ange ges s in lect lectur ure e sc sche hedu dule les s and and arra arrang ngem emen ents ts,, e.g. e.g. relocating classes to an accessible venue   Changes to course design, e.g. substituting an assessment task   Modifications to physical environment, e.g. installing lever taps, building ramps, installing a lift Explanation of reasonable adjustments strategy used (If required)

Trainer/Assessor Name Trainer/Assessor Declaration

 I declare that I have attached all relevant evidence to provide reasonable adjustment. The training package guidelines and criteria have not been compromised in the process of providing reasonable adjustment to the student. I declare that I have conducted a fair, valid, reliable, and flexible assessment. I have provided explanation of reasonable adjustments strategy used, as required.

Trainer/Assessor Signature Date

TOID 41406 CRICO Co C ode 03762M Unit Code: ITHPAT006

Page 102 of 102

Authorized by N. Taluja

Review Date: July 2022 Version 1.1

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