Structural Engineers Professional Practice

January 6, 2017 | Author: Gaurav Kamat | Category: N/A
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ANCIENT TIMES In ancient times Civil Engineers were also Structural Engineers & vice versa; since there were only two disciplines in Engineering then; namely Military & Civil. While Military enveloped knowledge & building of Forts & Moats; Civil involved Building & other Construction areas. So therefore the role of Structural Engineers as a specialization was limited to a subordinate & complimentary role in Construction; since Construction of all these structures was largely from the Government or those of individuals. After the Architect had made the concept the Structural Engineers role was limited to that of the design & after that it was the responsibility of the Constructor to put it up. Most multistory structures were limited to four floors; including the ground; which was within the easy climbability of the habitants.


MULTIDISCIPLINARY & MULTIDIMENSIONAL KNOWLEDGEBASE Civil Engineering Construction per-se primary involves; Concept, Design, Work  Methods & practices, which has to be correlated; with local men, material & equipment resources & optimized for delivering to cost & time. Earlier if it was a building the Architect was responsible for the concept & thereafter the Structural Engineer considered the balance factors; used his expert knowledge & evolved the structure. This was an easy affair; when the services component were simple; limited to water supply, drainage, lighting, fans & the structure was designed to certain predetermined live & dead loads as statutorily specified in respective Countries Codes. Today it is not so simple as that; the structure has to additionally provide the dynamics of Optimized Facilitation, Energy Conservation, Telecom, Air Conditioning, Lifts, I.T. & Technology requirements on the structure that would enhance its value aesthetically & livability. These requirements therefore put the responsibility on the structural engineer to have multi disciplinary basic knowledge of Electrical, Electronics & Mechanical; since equipment foundations or appurtenances or conduits; would have to be built into the structure. Moreover it would require that in all these areas their dynamic & service loads would have to be considered not only for Construction & installation period; but during the total LIFETIME of the structure. The technology improvement in these services addons as also the earlier ones; changes almost at a annual periodicity; just as you have a new car model every year; therefore the Structural Engineer has to keep himself or herself updated & upgrade themselves on their knowledgebase. Locational requirements determined structure configurations & frame works whether it should be in Concrete or Steel; depending on Availability & Cost Considerations. However in the Globalised status of today material can be sourced & delivered to suit individual requirements of specific size at cost competive delivered cost. Therefore this earlier issue is no longer a constraint; so 1

therefore the role of a structural Engineer has changed to that of THINK GLOBALLY & ACT LOCALLY. Since composite structures which includes steel, concrete & other materials have also come into play; a much wider & expanding knowledgebase for structural engineers has become a basic necessity. Specific utility structures & Industrial structures that came about; after the th Industrial revolution from the early part of 19 century; have dramatically put in the place; a PARADIGM SHIFT in the ROLES & RESPONSIBILITIES OF STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS; around the world. The Architect can dream a concept or a structure; subject to the structural engineer being able to provide the means & framework to do so; such as the CURTAIN WALL which not only provided Energy conservation, light ventilation acted as a structural wall; but also enhanced the aesthetic vision of the building. Moreover the Structural Engineer had to be aware of the latest & modern Construction practices; as also well versed in concrete technology; & steel material characteristics. This had to include the expertise for structures with large spans & at heights; being put in position; through mechanized means; such that the cost & time element on such structures was optimized. 2.01

TECHNOLOGY The technology dimension in Construction has thrown up the challenge of  matching innovative knowledgebase to that of design & specific structure demands. These relate to; design of concrete mix moving from nominal mix; to high strength concrete & high performance concrete; correlated to optimization of  designs through prestressed concrete wherein the compressive, tensile & shear stresses are balanced with concrete & pretensioning steel, limiting reinforcement steel to temperature, creep stresses etc. This has particularly opened up new vistas for concrete structures in Industrial Plant Structures, Dams, Thermal/Atomic Power Plants, Airports, Ports, Water Supply, Commercial & Tall Structures Auditoriums etc which were earlier in the domain of steel structures due to their large span & Construction without intermediate columns requirement. Therefore it is necessary that the Structural Engineer; keeps abreast of the latest in Construction, Concrete & Structures technology; particularly so since the design concept from Elastic Theory has moved to ultimate load – finite load – limit state stress etc. Moreover the advent of computers & its leverage for design; including reprographics for a three dimensional view of concept; wherein complex calculations for a number of people through days; has now been transformed to that of results in minutes & seconds; has opened up opportunities multifold & in exponential terms. Earlier every design Engineer had a Draftsman assigned for converting the designs into drawings; in a few days thereafter. Today with the availability of Cadd – Cam Software the requirement of a Draftsman no longer exists & the design drawings & computation of quantities from design drawings towards concrete, reinforcement steel, prestressing steel etc; would be available in minutes after design is completed. Similarly the transmission of drawings through mail/courier with its consequent transit time lag etc is non existent; because digitalized data transmission in minutes through the net; is the present Global Norm. All these factors while improving the quality & delivery time from the output of the Structural Engineer; have also generated the EXTRA LOAD PARADIGM SHIFT on the Structural Engineer. Consequently one would have to 2

work more & harder; in most cases racing against time & overcoming the differential International time zones; if you have to be successful in the present day world. 3.0

ETHICS The code of Honour & Conduct governs professionalism; in the ARMED FORCES – the country comes first & always & the only Institution where “AN OFFICER & A GENTLEMAN” philosophy is preserved all over the world; for the POLICE it is that the law of the country is above all & to be preserved/implemented without fear or favour. For the CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT; it is compliance within the ambit of the law & the statutory requirements as mandated in any country; for LAWYERS that the Officers of the Court would have to juggle themselves between; TRUTH & JUSTICE; either in the public interest or that of their clients. Whereas for Doctors; it would be saving & preservation of life being their Supreme & Prime noble duty at every time & all times. However to the best of my knowledge even though there are such pronouncements on code of conduct made by many institutions; such as Institution of Engineers etc; very rarely it is being practiced by Structural Engineers either within themselves or within a group. Since there is yet to be a case where an errant structural Engineer has been taken to task or punished for unethical conduct. At the Chennai - Venkatramana centre the owner cum builder had an Architect to design & give drawings; up to four floors; however after dispensing with the Architect at fourth floor; the same design & drawings were implemented for subsequent six floors without either the consent or knowledge; nor due payments to the Architect – designer. Consequent to which the basement columns cracked & at that time the Professors from an Academic Institution in Chennai were brought in by the owner – builder & strengthening carried out. The Structural Engineering Professors had no compunction to associate themselves with the owner – builder in this context; without checking back with the Architect – Designer; whether it was in order to do so. Such a conduct would not be acceptable in the Medical profession when a patient moves from a particular Doctor to another. Since without the consent & concurrence of the first Doctor the second Doctor will not treat him. This being so why should Structural Engineers & that to Professors of that; have carried out this misdemeanor. It is something on which Structural Engineers and academics would have to decide for themselves; towards their Professional responsibility; to themselves, their colleagues & the professional fraternity; they belong to. •


STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY Over & beyond the constructor & Consultant; it has become an International practice for Owners to have; an OWNERS ENGINEER; to specifically safeguard holistically the Owners interest; towards the concept, design, Construction, quality, time, cost & payments due. In this context the role of the Structural Engineers becomes that of a WATCH DOG – CONCILIATOR; & DETERMINATOR; therefore; the scope of responsibility would extend to; 3

commercial, financial, contractual & Construction issues in totality. As a Conciliator & Determinator the Structural Engineer would have to also advise the Owner; as well as the Constructor on Construction related disputes & be an intermediary for MEDIATION – CONCILIATION; & act fairly; for resolving the Disputes. If the matters move over to Arbitration or legal process in Courts; the Owners Engineer may be brought in as EXPERT WITNESS to stand up & speak  the “TRUTH” before the respective tribunals or courts. This is a “GRAY AREA” where the evidences of Structural Engineers have been found to be in default through partisanship & at most times highly controversial & dubious; resulting in non acceptance & non cognizance off; in its entirety. In Mumbai after every annual monsoons atleast half a dozen structures collapse; immediately after that an enquiry commission is announced. However for the last 30 years; none of the reports or their recommendations have been put up in the public domain or acted upon. We have in this instance a leading Structural Engineer Consultant who for a number of years running was part of these Statutory Enquiry Commission regularly without fail; until in one subsequent year the building he had designed; also collapsed & he was arrested for culpable negligence not amounting to murder under the Indian Penal Code. Fortunately as it happens in all such cases it has got completely bogged down in the millions of cases backlogs; which remain unattended & uncared for; in the Indian courts. Does such conducts constitute an ethical practice or not; would be a matter of conscience for Structural Engineers in the days to come. It would be better for Indian Structural Engineers; to take PROFESSIONAL LIABILITY INSURANCE; front end safeguard; in adequate manner; as is done in other countries around the world; for their own survival; since vicarious Public interest litigations against all real & perceived default has now become a common Indian trait. 5.0

PROOF CHECK & DUE DILIGENCE There is another area where a Structural Engineer is called to play a significant role; whenever major structures of mega costs & design complexity & intricacy are involved; wherein it is a global practice; to have an independent PROOF CHECK & DUE DILIGENCE. This practice was adopted for the second Godhavari bridge of the Indian Railways; since it was the first time a large span prestressed concrete Bowstring girder bridge was constructed; vis-à-vis earlier Construction in steel. Such independent safeguards must and would become the order of day for all future major constructions contemplated in India & abroad; since they involve national interests & public costs.


BUILDING CODES & REGULATION OF PRACTICE India does not have a regulation of practice for the Engineering profession; leave alone for Structural Engineers. In the absence of a statutory body through an Act of Parliament; as is available for Doctors, Lawyers, Architects & Chartered Accountants; the Engineering profession today can be sued for misrepresentation & malpractice by a public interest litigation from any affected party. The status of  Engineers in India stands jeoparadised; since in an Allahabad High Court  judgment where the legality or otherwise of a valuation provided by an Architect from one side & from the other side that of an Engineer; was adjudicated upon & an adverse ruling made; to that of the Engineer. The High Court has ruled; that in 4

the absence of an Act of Parliament; governing its education, professional practice & standards & a duly constituted statutory body to implement same; the Engineering profession was an unrecognized entity. Consequent to which Indian professional Engineers today do not have either the sanctity of law to practice the profession of Engineering or the immunity from exercising professional judgment on it; during the course of their duties & responsibilities. Moreover the professional certifications including valuations provided by Engineers; would now stand legally untenable nor find acceptance anymore in the eyes of the law. This led to the Govt of India sending out a draft ENGINEERS BILL for circulation; to receive comments & observations for appropriate modifications, incorporations; before the final bill is presented to the Parliament & enacted upon. It has been in circulation for quite sometime now & become point of dispute within the Engineering fraternity due to personality clashes & Ego’s; arising out of which; the draft bill is in KUMBAKARNA YOGA of deep slumber & presently in LIMBO somewhere up in stratosphere. While it is mandatory for Government & public Sector buildings Construction to CONFORMITY & CONFIRMITY with BUREAU OF INDIAN STANDARDS – B.I.S CODES; the private Sector Construction gets away with the bland assertion that it GENERALLY CONFORMS with the INDIAN CODAL REQUIREMENTS. Only when a consequent accident occurs the CONFORMITY OR CONFIRMITY TO INDIAN CODAL REQUIREMENTS gets into CONFLICT & CONFRONT WITH THE STATUTORY AUTHORITIES. It is because of this dichotomy in Indian Construction; even the NATIONAL BUILDING CODES have been in the public domain for a number of years; & its implementation has been left to the discretion & judgment of individual organizations; which are in the GOVERNMENT - PUBLIC & PRIVATE SECTOR domain. 7.0

PROFESSIONAL REGISTRATION & DEVELOPMENT Professional registration in the absence of a Statutory Act of Parliament for Engineers; has more form than substance; since there are atleast a dozen Engineering Insitutions each one claiming; right & responsibilities towards Indian Engineers. The oldest Indian organization; THE INSTITUTION OF ENGINEERS (INDIA); has the maximum membership, particularly from the Government Sector & has also a nationwide spread; however a number of  Engineering organizations; have come up at DELHI – the capital of India & disputed its claim to represent the Engineering profession. To add punch to the melodrama a group of Academics have in Delhi got together & created another Institution called the NATIONAL ACADEMY OF ENGINEERS & gone about giving Memberships & Fellowships; rather freely to all & sundry. In this context. The Institution of Engineers (India) had been issuing “CHARTERED MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATES” to practicing Engineer; which everyone presumed & assumed; was equivalent to that of a CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT MEMBERSHIP CERTIFICATES. Until on investigation it was found that the Institution of Engineers (India) was founded by the ROYAL CHARTER issued by the; KING EMPEROR of UNITED KINGDOM – GREAT BRITAIN when it was part of the BRITISH COLONIAL EMPIRE; therefore it was no different than that of the CHARTER issued to the EAST INDIA COMPANY for TRADE IN INDIA; & consequently would have no legal sanctity 5


or validity; after Indian Independence on 15 August 1947. Various technical development programmes are conducted from time to time; by Indian Engineering Academic Institutions & the various professional Institutions including Institution of Engineers (India). However the training programme have more of Academic content & become MONEY SPINNERS for the organizations; but have limited value addition to the participants because in their course content there is very little EXPERIENTIAL SHARING from that of those in the profession & have very few CASE STUDIES; from FIRST HAND KNOWLEDGE OR EXPERIENCE. 8.0

MANAGEMENT ISSUES & PROFESSIONAL PRACTICE Today we do not have in India any structured professional practice standards & in consequence; very often; Engineers do without demur; whatever is the bidding; of  whoever is the PAYMASTER of their services. This is a rather sad at & atrocious & true state of affairs; that presently exists as the behaviour characteristic; & equation; that is generally practiced as a norm; between Engineers & Indian Corporate management.


INTERNATIONAL REGULATIONS & MUTUAL RECOGNITION India has not been so far successful at WTO for granting International recognition & practice acceptance; for Indian Engineers to practice anywhere in the world. The present Industries & Commerce Minister at Govt of India; is fighting to get acceptance UNDER THE WASHINGTON PROTOCOL; for all those who have studied in Institutions recognized by; the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE - a statutory body founded by a notification of the Human Resources Ministry at Govt of India). The paradox being Indian Engineers can continue higher studies abroad in any country but cannot practice there; only on the strength of their Indian qualifications; whereas for Foreign Engineers their practice in India is freely permissible. We have had in this context Carpenters & Tradesman qualified in their Guilds & Draftsman; as also Diploma holders; being brought in as Foreign expatriate experts & appointed as Senior Project Managers at various mega projects in India; without any compunction what so ever; until they stood exposed in the public domain. A few of them subsequently managed to rise up to top Corporate management positions in the Private Sector Construction organizations; therefore the less that is said on this disgraceful aspect of colonial slavish mentality; the better it would be for all of us.


PEER REVIEW, INSPECTION & CERTIFICATION PROCESSES Unlike abroad; all the above said in a structured & regular authenticated manner is yet to take place in India. Certain individual Institutions such as Military Engineering Services (MES) & Govt of India Director General of Supplies & Disposals (DGS&D) have created specific groups to attend to these functions. Construction Development Council of India (CIDC), set up by the Planning Commission Govt of India & Construction Industry; has set up an EXPERT GROUP for certain public Sector institutions such as OIL & NATURAL GAS CORPORATION (ONGC) for such specialized services. However presently these specialized activities are specifically attended to by foreign individual classifying Institutions such as Llyods Register (U.K), Buero Veritas etc; from their respective Indian offices across the country. 6


ALTERNATE DISPUTE RESOLUTION MECHANISM Structural Engineers in the absence of knowledge on commercial practice, contracts, finance & legal practice; have found role as expert witnesses in arbitration tribunals & that of technical member in arbitration tribunals - where technicalities are the bone of contention. Unfortunately after the passage of Indian Arbitration Act 1996; the whole Arbitration process has been taken control of by the Lawyers & retired Judges; further the amendments sought to make them compatible with UNCITRAL clauses as to jurisdiction, enforceability & specified time schedule for completion of arbitration proceedings and pronouncement of  award are moving round without resolution in the draft stage; for the last three years. Therefore unless the draft amendment is enacted by parliament; the very purpose of speedy resolution by arbitration stands aborted; thereby leading to considerable delay & abuse both by the petitioner & the defendant. CIDC has constituted the Construction Industry Arbitration Association Centre in collaboration with & on the model of Singapore International Arbitration Centre. They have run three National Workshops & certified around 200 Arbitrators from all disciplines including Structural Engineering, Contract, Finance & Banking. However it is yet to take off as an Institutionalized means for Construction related Dispute Resolution; since neither the Construction Industry nor Government of  India Public Sector Institutions have accepted the need for it. Somehow for some unknown reason; everyone seems to be happy to dispense favours & patronage through arbitrator appointments & thereafter maneuver & manage matters to the extent that it could get prolonged. Under the Indian Arbitration Act 1996 Adhoc Arbitration; has proved to be; identical to FIRING UNGUIDED MISSILES into space & in the dark during AMAVASYA - a moonless night. In 2007 the Construction Sector with an annual turnover of 200,000 Cr directly and an another 200,000 Cr indirectly inhousing, real estate etc; has the dubious distinction of; unresolved disputes totaling up to 100,000 Cr; with the compounded annual growth rate of 20% further thereof. In certain instances these disputes had been pending for 10 years & more at Courts & other Dispute Resolution Mechanisms; without getting sorted out. It has been established that 80% of these cases relate to disputes with Government & public Sector Institutions; who believe in the theory; that the money held back from disputes created; could be diverted at their whim & fancy; to other unrelated areas; which were not specified in the Central or State budgets earlier. Further 80% of the contention of disputes so generated; were from disagreements on extension of time for contract completion; or compensation towards extended time required for completion. It was no wonder therefore that the litigants & lawyers & retired Judges would like to rely on Adhoc Arbitration; rather than through Institutionalised arbitration; where matter would be decided upon; on merits to time & cost; through the expertise & services of professional Engineers who have duly distinguished themselves through probity & rectitude within their PEER GROUP & in the Engineering profession. •



The role & responsibility of Structural Engineers in today’s context is a dynamic state of continuous evolution & innovation; therefore must be compatible with the st challenges & technologies of 21 century. However in the absence of an Institutionalised or individual code of honour & conduct; the Structural Engineer would neither be able to achieve; respect for himself; in his own eyes or that of  the others within his own PEER GROUP. In India value Engineering & Constructability; value addon; have not been considered; as seriously as it should be. In all other countries other than India, a Constructor has the option to provide alternate design & proposals & equitably share with the clients; the ensuing & resulting cost savings In India however Consultants/Architects to owners; consider this an affront to their competence & capability; and shoot it down or specifically mention in bids tendered; that alternate proposals would be disregarded. Such dog in the manger & mindset; needs to change; since it curtails the ingenuity & enterprise of Structural Engineers to think out of the box & provide alternate proposals & solutions. Global experience indicates that value Engineering; which would ensure an indepth analysis; of FUNCTION COST AND WORTH; could result in around 15% cost savings. Identically around the world it has been the general experience that a minimum of 15% savings in cost/time is a definitive possibility; in any standard design of an Architect/Structural Engineer; if thrown open to an alternate design/proposals & competivity challenge. L&T – ECC has been a pioneer in India on both value engineering & alternate design/proposals; right from its onset; leading to its present NUMERO-UNO status & as the only Indian successful Construction multinational. A serious incorrect practice; which needs immediate correction is being carried out by; Structural Consultants; as also Architects With the advent of CADD – CAM; dubious software are being marketed & used by these organizations; for computer outputs. About a year back  had occasion to be invited at launch of such a software in a major Academic Institution at Chennai On this occasion; had “CONFRONTED” the “SOFTWARE” marketers; regarding authenticity & accuracy & sensitivity of their products; & identity of their programmer; as also its relevance; to the dynamic changes required; with specific reference to nuances & criticalities of individual projects To my unpleasant surprise had found; that the MARKETEERS of the Software; were not in a position to identify the Structural Engineer who had made the program. A computer programmer had done it with assistance received from certain STRUCTURAL ENGINEERING PROFESSORS who had been “MOONLIGHTING”; therefore would have found it; as a serious embarrassment; to the regulations governing their services; towards professional emoluments received; from the Academic Institutions they served; if they had to identify themselves with the computer program made & delivered as a product. •



To my further horror; it came to my knowledge; that almost all the Architects & Structural Consultants; were using such spurious – uncertified, unauthenticated & unidentified software for all their designs & calculations. In case of any future mishap; the credibility of Indian STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS; would stand destroyed; further everyone associated with such acts of using uncertified, unauthenticated & unidentified software; would get charged under MISREPRESENTATION & FRAUD; as also GROSS NEGLIGENCE & in the event of fatalities in the Structural mishap; liable for prosecution under; 304 (A) – IPC, culpable homicide not amounting to murder. Checks & balances are absolutely vital & critical to the Profession of Structural Engineers The role models that could be possibly emulated; could be; that of the legendary Karnataka Engineer Statesman Dr.Vishweshwaraya; who was responsible for the Major Irrigation and Power Projects; as also Industrial Investments; into the then State of Mysore. It was his endeavour that put in place; the Krishna Raja Sagar Dam; Shimsha, Sivasamudram Hydro Electric Power Projects as also the Mysore Iron & Steel Plant at Bhadravathi. His sense of Professional dedication and commitment was one of Exemplary Probity, Rectitude, and Statesmanship in Public Life; to the extent he refused; payment towards services rendered to the then Govt. of Mysore. The Maharaja of Mysore therefore set up the Engineering Institution and Museum that bears Dr.Vishweswaraya’s name; so that this selfless KARMAYOGI’S name would be; remembered for Posterity. All over India Dr.Vishweswaraya’s Birthday is celebrated as ENGINEERS DAY; in commemoration of him as a person; & the Distinguish, Merit & Esteem; with which he is held; by the fraternity of Engineers. In identical circumstances the present role model for Engineers in India in today’s times; is Padmashri Sridharan; the Managing Director of DELHI METRO; and earlier that of the KONKAN RAILWAY CORPORATION. Both these mega projects; executed and completed; to global standards of quality and performance; within envisaged cost and time; represent the TEMPLES OF MODERN INDIA; which could be revered and cherished; for all times to come. Dr. Vishweshwaraya and Mr.Sridharan; were polite & soft spoken; however as; Engineers & Administrators; not only were they completely committed and dedicated professionals; but also while exercising their respective responsibilities did it; without fear or favour; but with firmness, intellectual honesty and integrity. In consequence the Govt. of India exempted Mr.Sridharan’s Professional engagement; from the age rules of Govt. of India; even though he is presently around 75 years of age. •


SATHYAMEVA – JAYATHE (Dharma is the Practice of Values & Sathya that of Eternal Truth; embodiment of  both therefore represents all that is good and would ensures that all actions would be successful & benefit mankind). 9


M. Subramaniam, Honorary Professor & Dean Emeritous, CIDC


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