Stress Questionnaire for College Students Sample

December 29, 2016 | Author: Priyanka Bhowmik | Category: N/A
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Stress Questionnaire for College Students Sample: Name: Address:

_______________________ _____________________

Phone Number: ________________ Email id:




Q1. What are you currently pursuing? a) High school b) Graduation c) Post-graduation d) PhD e) Other ___________________ Q2. How many hours of academic training are held per week? a) Less than 20 b) Between 20-40 c) Between 40-60 d) More than 60 Q3. How frequently are examinations held in your college? a) Every week

b) Once in a month c) 1-2 times in a quarter d) Half-yearly e) Annually Q4. Do you get the support of your family for pursuing your studies? a) Yes b) No Q5. Does your classmate bully you? a) Yes b) No Q6. How difficult is it to find the job of your choice after completing your education? a) Very difficult b) Difficult c) Moderately easy d) Very easy Q7. What kind of assessment marking is following in your college? a) Absolute percentage b) Percentile

c) CGPA d) Other ______________________ Q8. Is your family financially sound? a) Yes b) No Q9. Are you experiencing trouble finding a partner or maintaining a relationship? a) Yes b) No c) I’m not searching for one

Academic Stress Questionnaire Sample: Name: Address:

____________________ ____________________

Phone Number: ____________________ Email id: Class/Course:

____________________ ____________________

Q1. Are you able to concentrate in classes? a) Yes b) No c) Mostly

d) Rarely Q2. What is your general feeling while attending classes? a) Classes are boring b) I feel sleepy during classes c) Classes are interesting d) Classes are difficult to understand e) Others ______________________________ Q3. Do you have trouble coping with homework and assignments? a) Always b) Never c) Normally d) Occasionally Q4. How frequently are you late to class? a) Never b) Always c) Rarely d) Once in a while Q5. Do you or your family have trouble paying for educational expenses?

a) Yes b) No Q6. Are you finding it difficult to find a job? a) Yes b) No Q7. Do you experience trouble meeting new people and maintaining relationships? a) Yes b) No Q8. Have you gained or lost weight significant in the last two years? a) Yes b) No Q9. How frequently do you experience sleeping problems due to studies? a) More often than not b) Always c) Never Q10. Are you a loner? a) Yes b) No

Q11. Do you have the responsibility to take care of your family financially? a) Not much b) Yes c) No

Stress Questionnaire for Teenagers Sample: Name: _______________________ Address: _____________________ Phone Number: ________________ Email id: _____________________________ Q1: Tick the right choice. a) I am a Student b) I am an Employee c) I am Self-employed d) I am looking out for a job e) None Q2: How often are you stressed out? a) Never b) Rarely c) Sometimes

d) Frequently e) Always Q3. If you are a student, why do you feel stressed out? a) Excessive coursework b) Examinations c) Placements d) Peer pressure e) Relationships f) Problems at home g) Others Q4. If you are an employee, please tick the reasons for stress. a) Career b) Job c) Problems at home d) Relationship e) High expectations f) No work-life balance g) Financial turmoil

h) Others If ‘Others’, please specify ________________ Q5: If you are self-employed, then why are you stressed? a) Business uncertainties b) Loss in business c) No work-life balance d) Others Q6. Do you allocate time for leisure activities? a) Yes b) No Q7. Are you suffering depression? a) Yes b) No c) Sometimes Q8. Are you confident of coming out of stressful situations? a) Yes b) No c) May be

Q9. What techniques do you use to come out of stress? a) Yoga or Exercise b) Meditation c) Pursue hobbies and interests d) Positive thinking e) Others If ‘Others’, please specify _____________ Q10. Are you friends supportive and helpful during stressful times? a) Yes b) No Q1. Pick the choice that demonstrates your current level of stress a) Enormously stressed b) Moderately stressed c) Least stressed d) Not stressed at all Q2. Did you ever consult a physician and received treatment for stress related problems? a) Yes b) No

Q3. Have you experienced any financial difficulty in the last couple of years? a) Yes b) No Q4. List down the ailments that you are suffering from (if any) __________________________________________________________________ Q5. Who among the following are you staying with? a) Spouse b) Parents c) Children d) Friends e) None f) Other _________________________ Q6. Do you look forward to the events of the day daily after waking up? a) Yes b) No Q7. How many cigarettes do you smoke per day? a) I do not smoke b) 1

c) 2 or 3 d) 4 to 6 e) More than 6 Q8. Are you confident of dealing with problems positively? a) Yes b) No c) Often d) Rarely Q9. Do you introspect too much about your conversation with others? a) Yes b) No Q10. Do you choose tasks according to your interests? a) Yes b) No c) Sometimes d) Mostly e) Rarely Name:




Phone Number: ____________________ Email id:




Please categorise the following into – ‘Almost never’, ‘Always’, or ‘Sometimes’ 1. The work in my office is hectic 2. Every work is appreciated and we are encouraged to aim higher 3. I have to deal with many worried and anxious customers 4. I miss my deadlines 5. The work environment is encouraging and incites learning 6. I can exercise control in my position 7. I have many responsibilities but no authority 8. I spend time with my family 9. My work leaves no time to contribute to the demands at home 10. I have enough resources in my team 11. I am expected to do more than I’m trained for 12. I have no time to pursue games or leisure activities with friends 13. I work for longer hours in office 14. I am satisfied with the pay offered

15. My job needs immense physical fitness that I lack 16. The potential impact of a job not well done is higher 17. My colleagues help me cope with work stress 18. My organization takes care of employee safety and security 19. I have to work in shifts 20. I suffer a low morale 21. I am happy with my relationship Name: Address:

____________________ ____________________

Phone Number: ____________________ Email id:




Q1. What is your stream of study? _____________________________________ Q2. Which of the following do you think is more stressful? a) Preparation for exams b) While writing exams c) After writing exams and waiting for results

d) None e) All Q3. What is the level of stress felt due to examination preparation? 1= least, 5 = maximum a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5 Q4. What is the level of stress felt while writing exams? 1= least, 5 = maximum a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4 e) 5 Q5. What is the level of stress after writing exams? a) Very much b) Moderate c) Minimum

d) None Q6. Who among the following have you consulted before for reducing stress due to exams? a) Tuition teacher b) Psychiatrist c) Student counsellor d) Parents e) None f) Others ______________________________ Q7. What kind of help have you obtained from the people you consulted? _____________________________________________________ Q8. Do you find it difficult to clear your doubts with teachers and tutors? a) Yes b) No Q1. What is the level of organizational hierarchy do you belong to? a) Top hierarchy b) Middle management c) Execution level Q2. If you belong to top or middle management, how many employees report to you?

___________________ Q3. Have you undergone any stress mitigation session in your organization? a) Yes b) No Q4. If yes, do you find them beneficial? a) Yes b) No Q5. Are you satisfied with your current position, job, and compensation? a) Yes b) No c) Not satisfied with at least one of the three Q6. Are you looking for a change of company? a) Yes b) No Q7. Do you feel restless during sleep and worry about the job? a) Yes b) No Q8. Have you experienced dizziness, headaches, and/or diarrhoea more often than not during work?

a) Yes b) No Q9. What is your general attitude while facing your boss? a) Nervous b) Confident c) Lazy d) Angry e) Other _________________________________ Q10. Do you experience Monday blues and often wait for weekend? a) Yes b) No Q11. Do you carry your troubles home and have a strained relationship with your family due to the same reason? a) Yes b) No c) Sometimes Q12. Which of the following trouble you the most? a) Work b) Family

c) Children d) Others _______________________________ e) Q1. How often have you experienced unanticipated circumstances? a) Rarely b) Sometimes c) Frequently d) Never Q2. Do you find yourself in a position to control unforeseen difficulties? a) Always b) Never c) Sometimes d) Rarely Q3. Are you frequently upset about things going out of your hand? a) Yes b) No Q4. Do you feel circumstances will get better in due course of time? a) Yes

b) No Q5. Do you think luck has a major role to play in life? a) Yes, mostly b) Never c) Sometimes Q6. Are you afraid of uncertainties? a) Yes b) No Q7. What do you do to deal with stressful situations? _____________________________________________________________ Q8. How to do approach problems? a) With optimism b) With pessimism c) With hope d) I leave everything on fate. Q9. Have you been good at managing personal issues? a) Mostly yes b) Mostly no

Q10. How do you feel when things get out of your control? a) Irritated b) Angry c) Hyper tensed d) None Q11. Which of the following aspects of life do you think get more on your nerves? a) Work life b) Personal life c) Society and friends d) Other _______________________ Q12. What approach do you follow to handle multiple tasks? a) Share them with family and friends b) Share them with colleagues c) Handle yourself d) Keep them pending e) Other ________________________ Q13. Do you take every change with caution? a) Yes

b) No Q1. What course in psychology are you pursuing? ________________________________________________________ Q2. Are you able to manage your time to complete your academic requirements? a) Yes b) No Q3. What is your approach to study? a) Studying at a stretch for long period of time b) Studying with frequent breaks c) Studying only before examinations d) Other ________________________________________________ Q4. Do you maintain a regular calendar of studies? a) Yes b) No Q5. Do you properly preserve your assignments, materials, textbooks, etc for handy access at all times? a) Yes b) No Q6. Do you delay the assignments till the end day submission?

a) Yes b) No c) Rarely d) Mostly Q7. Do you have the right environment to study? a) Yes b) No Q8. Tick the right choice applicable to you a) I study with the radio playing quietly in my ears b) I study without any kind of disturbance c) I study while watching television d) I study in groups with friends e) None

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