Strategy Inventory For Language Learning

September 12, 2022 | Author: Anonymous | Category: N/A
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Statements I think of rela elationshi ships between what I alread ady y

know and new things I learn in English. I use ne new English words iin n a sentence so I can remember them. I co connect th the so sound of a new en english word and an image or picture of the word to help me remember the word. I remember a new English word by making a mental picture of a situation in which the word might be used. I use rh rhymes tto o remember ne new English words. I use flash shca carrds to remem ememb ber new English word rds. s. I ph physically act ou out ne new En English wo words. II rree" lensgso s owfo ternd.s or mieew mbEenr gnleiswh E linsh or phrases by by remembering their location on the page$ on the  board$ or on a street sign I ssay ay or wri write te new new Eng Engli lish sh word wordss se" se"er eral al tim times es.. I try try to ttal alk k lliike nat natii"e En Engli glish sp spea eak kers rs.. I practice the sounds of English. I use use the the En Englis glish h wo words rds I kno now w in in dif diffe fere rent nt way ways. I start con"ersations iin n English. I wa watch En English language &' &' sh shows or or go go tto o mo"ies spoken in English. I read for pleasure in English. I wri write te no note tes$ s$ mes essa sage ges$ s$ lett letter ers$ s$ or rrep epor orts ts in English. I fir first st sk skim im an Eng English lish pass passag agee ((re read ad it )uick uickly ly** then go back and read carefully. I lo look ok for for word wordss iin n my own own lan langu guag agee tth hat ar aree similar to new words in English. I try to find patterns in English. I ffiind the mea mean ning of of an an En Englis lish word by by di"iding it into parts that I understand. I try not to tran ansl slaate word+for+word rd.. I mak makee ssum umm mar arie iess of of iin nform format atio ion n that that I hea hearr or or read in English &o unde unders rsta tand nd unf nfam amil ilia iarr En Englis glish h wor word ds$ I mak makee guesses. ,hen I can-t th think of a word during a







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3 35 6 3 3! 3# 4% 41 42 43 44 45 46 4 4! 4# 5%

con"ersation in English$ I use gestures. I mak makee up up ne new wo word rdss if if I do no not k kn now th the rriight ones in English. I read read Eng ngli lish sh witho ithout ut lo loo okin king up e"er e"ery y new new word. I try try to guess uess what what the the oth other er pers perso on wil willl ssay ay ne ett in English. If I can can-t -t th thin ink k of of an an En Englis glish h word word$$ I use a wo word or phrase that means the same thing. I ttry ry to fi find as as ma many way ayss as as I can to us use my my English. I no notice my my English mistakes and use use that information to help me do better I pay pay atten tention wh when so someo eon ne iiss sp speak akiing English. I try try to fin find out out ho how w to be a bet bette terr lea learn rner er of English. I pla plan n my sc sch hedul edulee so so I wil willl ha" ha"ee en enou ough gh tim time to to study English. II lo o k ffo orr op p peo eop al to din inas licsh. lllo oo ok fo o p ppolretuInciti itan iestalk tto okrea read aE s nmu mgulish h .as as  possible in English. I ha"e a"e clea clearr goal goalss fo forr imp impro"i ro"in ng my Englis glish h skills. I tth hink ink ab abo out my progr rogres esss iin n lear learni nin ng En Englis glish. h. I try try to rela rela  when whene" e"er er I fe feel el af afra raid id of usi sin ng English. I enc enco ourag uragee my myse self lf to sp spea eak k En Englis glish h e"e e"en n when when I am afraid of making a mistake. I gi" gi"ee my myse self lf a rew rewar ard d or tr trea eatt wh when I do do well well in English. I no notice if if I am tense or or ne ner" r"o ous wh when I am am studying or using English. I wri write te do down wn my fe feel elin ing gs in in a lang langua uag ge lea learn rnin ing g diary. I ta talk tto o so someone el else ab about h ho ow I fee eell wh when I am learning English. If I do do not not und nder erst stan and d som somet ethi hin ng in in En Englis glish$ h$ I aask  sk  the other person to slow down or to say it again. I ask ask Eng ngli lish sh sp spea eake kers rs to co corr rrec ectt me me wh when I ttal alk k. I pra pracctice ice En English wit with h other students. I ask for help from English speakers. I ask )uestions in English. I try try to llea earrn ab about th the cu culture of of En English speakers.

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